The Loneliest Boy in the World (2022) Movie Script

Everyone hides one desire
Outside no one would know
Danger close to the edge
Of the knife
Safer not to let go
And while we miss chances
You can almost hear
Time slipping away
A hundred bucks says
he'll be back inside
before the end of the month.
I don't know how you could be
so insensitive, Julius.
He has problems.
That need to be dealt with
within the framework
of an institution.
Well, that's
a psychiatrist's solution
to everything, isn't it?
Lock him up?
It's my professional opinion,
which I still can't believe
the court ignored.
Nobody ignored you, Julius.
They just didn't agree with you.
Look, Oliver needs our support.
His mother isolated him
from the outside world
from the time he was born.
So I find it hardly surprising
that he wouldn't feel
a little lost
when she had her accident.
I just hope he finds a friend.
Fifty bucks says
that's never gonna happen.
God, you are unbelievable,
you know that?
Ten bucks.
You are on.
We are burning
With the spark
And we can walk on water
We are tigers in the dark
We are burning
Hi, chief.
Read any good magazines
or anything?
Oh. Hello Mr. Carter,
Miss Seale.
May we come in?
Could you come back tomorrow?
My mother's favorite soap is on.
Looks like she's gonna miss it.
That's why I have to watch it.
Um, we were just coming by to...
check up on your goldfish.
Is he okay?
Bruce is resting right now.
Oliver, you like
living here, don't you?
In your old house?
And you don't wanna go back
to the psychiatric home?
Remember, next week
that becomes a reality.
So we're gonna have to prove
to the court that you fit in,
and the best way to do that...
and maybe the only way
to do that
in the next seven days...
is to make some friends.
How? What do I say?
Making friends is easy, Oliver.
Just be natural.
Be truthful.
Be you.
I'd say you just fucked up
his life forever.
I hope you
enjoy your flight, sir.
Thank you for flying with us.
Oliver, you like living here,
- don't you? In your old house?
- Yeah.
And you don't wanna go
back to the psychiatric home?
Remember, next week
that becomes a reality.
So we're gonna have to prove
to the court that you fit in,
and the best way to do that,
and maybe the only way...
to do that
in the next seven days,
is to make some friends.
Do you mind?
I was just about to leave, so...
You're a freak!
Thank you!
What a fucking asshole!
Why did he say that?
He was just being sociable.
You're... you're weird.
I'm... new here.
Um, I'll see you around.
Usually, I stay inside a lot.
I like to watch television.
My dad, yeah,
he works at the factory.
What does yours do?
Not much. He's dead
at the moment.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
What about your mom?
She had an accident... sort of.
Oh... that's terrible. Wow.
Can I ask what happened?
It was about a year ago.
It was a beautiful day
and we were in the back garden.
will you light me
another cigarette?
My hands are all wet.
Sure, Mom.
You're so sweet to me.
I was thinking maybe,
sometime next week
or next month,
we could go on a trip.
You've been doing so well
in your study, sweetie.
You deserve a special treat.
I was thinking
that maybe we could...
go some place
where they have other kids.
I don't think that's very...
We'll see, closer to the time.
Oh, would you grab my glasses?
I can't see the screen
very well.
Can I get the new camera?
I wanna take a picture.
Of course you can, sweetie.
Okay, okay, wait.
Ready? Smile.
So, how's your mother?
I gotta go.
She came into the house,
and they just kissed and kissed
and kissed, and then it ended.
It's off tonight, so...
tomorrow I'll bring you
up to date
with how he's getting along
on Earth.
I, uh...
I nearly made a friend today,
but she ran off.
I hope I can see her again
one day.
Isn't that
your next door neighbor?
Shame he can't find
the words for the gravestone.
He's a good kid.
Yeah, yeah.
He's our kind of people.
I mean, you know me,
pick and choose at this point.
You should have kissed her dude,
should've got her.
Hey, guys.
- What's up, buddy?
- How you doing?
Is he coming in here?
Uh, listen to me,
if he actually does...
Definitely coming in.
Guys, guys, guys, guys...
- Hi.
- Hi! Yay.
How's it going? You wanna
come sit with us? Oh!
Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.
Get that shit up.
What a loser, man.
Go cry to your mommy.
Look at him,
do you see his jeans?
He's a loser.
Fanna, fanna, fo, fesident,
me, my, mo, mesident...
I'm the president, yeah!
Eenie, meenie, miney...
Good boy.
Come on, Oliver,
just make it up.
Mom needs to know
what happened on the TV.
Alf was fantastic last night.
He makes Brian this model
of the solar system,
which he takes to school.
- Hiya.
- And...
We buried her, you know.
Thank you very much.
It's our job.
I haven't seen any dogs
around here.
Oh, yeah. We just got him.
- For security.
- Yeah.
But he was being a real
bad doggy this morning, so...
Yeah, had to leave him at home.
And Casey savaged the Warners.
You know, we don't just
dig graves.
We run tours of the place.
Yeah, that's right, yeah.
We tell the stories
of all the people
who, uh, you know, live here.
Well, that sounds
very interesting.
You should tag along one day,
free of charge.
Thank you, but I'm a little busy
at the moment.
You see...
I'm looking for a friend.
A noble quest.
Search near and far,
high and low.
You got this, man.
- Hey.
- Come on!
- Thanks.
- I'm sorry, I,
- I thought you...
- It's okay.
What am I saying?
Nope. No, I got you, all right.
See ya.
We are gathered here today
to witness
the passing of Mitch...
Oh, yeah, so,
the science teacher
obviously hadn't heard
about the two planets
that were past Pluto
called Dave and Alvin.
So I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death...
I will fear no evil
for you are with me.
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
I told him
going to school in America
was a bad idea.
He should have stayed
in England with me.
Everybody liked Mitch.
He had so many friends.
He was everybody's friend.
Nah-ah. You know what?
Let's go around the side.
Give him a little surprise.
We were just coming
to check up on you.
Everything's fine.
Any luck finding a friend?
Oh, yeah.
That's marvelous news.
His name's Mitch.
Have you brought him here yet?
Uh, no.
Oh, you must.
He'll love this place.
Where does he live?
Not that far away.
Well, you should just dig him on
out of there and drag him home.
You really think I should?
Of course, it's a must.
It'll be fun.
Oh, yeah.
All right, let's get outta here.
Come on.
Just as I suspected,
he is delusional.
You're being ridiculous.
Oliver is about to have
the first taste of life.
Hi, I'm Oliver.
You must be Mitch.
It's kinda cold out here.
Wanna come back to my house?
You'll love it.
I understand if you're
a little nervous about...
getting into the car again
after what happened
last time, but...
I'm a really careful driver.
I promise.
This is Mitch.
Hello, Mitch.
Mitch is my first friend.
It was good to meet both of you.
I think she liked you.
Home sweet home.
Can I get you anything?
You're so easy to have around.
I met your mother, by the way.
She seemed fine.
She misses you, I think.
Maybe my mother misses me, too.
She had an accident, you know.
It was a beautiful day...
and we were sitting
in the back garden.
Here to fix
the television set, sir.
That's great.
This may not be the best time.
Could you come back later?
Cool shades, man.
It just died, huh?
The TV? Yeah, it just died.
They both did.
Can I get you anything?
- Huh?
- Can I get you anything?
Oh, Cola. Chill.
There is no constellation
in visual distance.
No stellar explosion.
Huh, it works.
Put it there, man.
Thank you.
Gotta go. Nice to meet ya,
and your friend.
Take it easy, boys.
You want one?
Could you stop...
could you stop the car?
Oliver! Are you okay?
- Oh, hi.
- Hi.
Can I...
What you got?
Oh, that's uh, that's for Mitch.
He's getting cold.
Sure. Um...
I, I wanna apologize
about the other day.
Um, I didn't mean to run off,
it was just...
really intense for me.
I mean it, it must have been...
fucking horrible to see...
something like that...
Yeah, I'm just really,
I'm really sorry about your mom.
Nothing can replace family.
And then they bump
into this woman, Jody.
Brian's terrified
because he thinks
they're gonna give Alf away
to the alien task force.
Doug, what are you doing
over there?
We're taking a break.
But luckily Jody turns out
to be blind, so...
she just thinks that Alf is
a short and hairy human
and everything's fine.
I, uh...
I really wanted to tell you
about my new friend, Mitch.
He's just like you in some ways.
Uh, listen, I, I've got
a lot of things to do today.
Will you just... will you
just watch my things, okay?
Hi, Doug.
- How is everything?
- Never better.
People have been dropping
like flies.
I did not know that.
There's two big accidents
on the highway
and a botulism epidemic
at the hospital.
The morgue is full to bursting.
We've been working
around the clock
to deal with the backlog.
There's whole families
over there.
I'll show you.
Oh, before we get
to them, the plane crash...
Uh... Suzanne,
lovely lady. Dead now.
Little Mel, nine,
came from England on a holiday,
choked on a chicken wing.
Ah, Frank.
We're told he was
quite a character.
To being fu-
Well, that sounds bad.
Really does.
We've been told
that you got a big car.
Yeah, and a big house.
All to yourself.
That's right.
Halloween's my favorite holiday.
Blood, death, mutilation...
scaring people shitless.
We were gonna kick it up
the chicken shack like usual...
but this is
a special occasion, right?
So, we wanna switch it up.
We were thinking: big party,
everybody getting drunk,
wrecking things, throwing up,
that type of shit.
And we thought...
you wouldn't mind
if we used your place.
Would I be invited?
We'll think about it.
Well, that's fixed then.
Saturday, at your place.
I, I... I don't know.
- Maybe.
- Hey, we'll be your friends.
Yeah, we'll be his friend.
I don't need friends
like you any more.
Then, I'll be down on you
like a buzzard on a gut wagon.
I'll get it.
How's your new friend?
Mitch? He's fine, just fine.
Well, we are dying to meet him.
Yeah. And he would say
the same, but...
he's not very well right now.
I thought he was fine?
He's ill,
but our friendship is fine.
You owe me ten bucks.
No, I need proof.
Did you make a bet?
- What was it about?
- Nothing. Nothing important.
I'm so pleased for you, Oliver.
Friendship is a wonderful thing.
Yeah, almost like having family.
Well, it's everyone's dream,
To have the perfect family,
just like on TV.
I love TV.
I know you do.
I know what you're gonna say,
but this is nothing to do
with us being friends.
You gotta believe me.
Just by you being here,
you've saved my life.
I'm happier now that at any time
since my mother had
her accident.
You know, I've never had
a family, Mitch,
not a real one.
My dad, he was always going away
to work some place...
and one day
he just didn't come back.
You know, after that,
Mom got really sad.
All day, she'd sit at home
and watch the television
and drink Martinis and...
Every night I'd hear her crying
on her own in her bedroom.
Then she had her accident
and they took her away.
They even arrested Ron,
my garden gnome.
And the policeman said he was
gonna get the electric chair
and he thought that was funny,
but I didn't.
After that, they took me
to a psychiatric hospital.
Margot, the social worker, said
I was too old to be adopted,
so I stayed there
until my birthday last month.
That's when the judge said
I could come back home.
He said I'd be happy.
But I wasn't. I was just
all alone here.
You know,
ever since then, I tried to tell
all of this to somebody...
but nobody ever listened
except you.
And that's how I know
you're my friend.
Yeah. This is something
I really have to do, Mitch.
You understand, don't you?
Hi. I'm Oliver.
You're gonna be my new mother.
Get well soon.
You're a girl dog.
Hey, hey, you think
any of this stuff is
gonna scare the customers?
You kidding me? In a graveyard
in the dead of night?
All you gotta say is "boo"
and they piss themselves.
They see something like this.
That should give them
a heart attack.
Hey, you nearly gave me
a goddamn heart attack.
You were like "boo"?
And I was like "ah".
Hey Doug, check out
my evil laugh.
- Hi, Elliot.
- Hi, hi.
He looks like I feel, right?
- Hey, Doug! Wait up.
- Come on, buddy.
It's Halloween.
Well, not yet.
Saturday mornings
returning Robo-tastic,
The hit comedy Robo-defenders is
now an action-packed TV series
starring your favorite
action heroes...
I hope you don't mind.
It's supposed to be
very good for the skin.
You know, I wanted to take
a photo of you guys, but...
I know this one.
It's the one where they take
a family portrait,
so they have something
to talk about.
Oops, I'm sorry.
And ready? One, two, three.
Why don't we start
our own family photo album?
All right, come on
everybody, get together.
Don't move.
Come on, everyone. Settle down.
It'll just take a few minutes.
You're all gonna have
to get a little closer together.
Shake it, shake it
Shake your groove thing
Shake your groove thing
Yeah, yeah
Show 'em how we do it now
Shake your groove thing
Shake your groove thing
Yeah, yeah
Show 'em how we do it now
Show 'em how we do it now
This doesn't seem to be working.
Maybe the film's gone bad.
I'll go out tomorrow and get
some more and we can try again.
Good night, everybody.
Shake your groove thing
Shake your groove thing
Yeah, yeah
Show 'em how we do it now
Shake your groove thing
Shake your groove thing
Yeah, yeah
Show 'em how we do it now
Something tells me
Something's gonna happen
To you
The smile on my face
Is the smile you'll wear
In a moment or two
So get it together
You see it's gonna be alright
Young man,
what kind of time do you think
this is to get out of bed?
- Um...
- You've wasted
the best part of the day.
Now, I need you to go get
some things for me...
if you can fit that
into your busy schedule.
I made you up a list.
Oh, and you can go get them
as soon as your daddy's
finished working on the car.
- Dad's working on the car?
- Mm-hm.
And you should go
give him a hand.
Oh, and while you're there,
tell him
that his lunch is almost ready.
Oh. Hi, sis.
You look terrible.
I bet you slept
in your clothes again.
I'm going to have a shower.
Well, tell your friend, Mitch,
to have one, too.
He smells worse than Dad.
Now, now children, no arguments.
He was the one that was arguing.
No, I was not.
Well, you are now.
Come on, you gotta go.
Let's go. Thank you.
There he is.
What are you doing?
What's it look like?
I'm soaking up
these glorious rays.
You know, if you stay out here,
you're gonna catch pneumonia.
Yeah, yeah. And then,
and then I might die.
Aren't those my sunglasses?
Yeah. I'm, uh, I'm borrowing
them if that's alright?
Turns out I need them
more than you do.
Ninja loves an eyelid.
Here, good girl...
Ninja! Come on, it's Oliver,
your owner.
There's a good doggy.
Well trained, you see,
goes straight for the throat.
Come on, son. Help your father
find something.
Sure, Dad.
What are you looking for?
Now, don't tell your mother,
but I lost three fingers
in the transmission.
Well, look at you.
Mom told me to tell you
that lunch is ready.
Good, I'm starved.
Come on, honey, punch.
Come on.
There you go, sweetie-pie.
Oh, thanks honey.
Now, can I fix you
something to eat, Oliver?
No, thank you.
I'm not very hungry.
Darling, is something wrong?
I can't find it.
Oliver and I looked everywhere.
You silly Billy, did you check
behind the seat cushions?
Come on, do I look
like an idiot?
I'll check again, just in case.
Please do.
Don't lose your fingers.
You're gonna take her on a date?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Okay.
Who is that?
Hey baby,
where have you been
hiding all my life?
- I'm new.
- I'm Kurt.
- Hi.
- Captain of the soccer team.
Yeah, now that Mitch is dead.
So, what do you say
to us going on a date tonight?
What makes you think
that I wanna hang out with you?
- Well, everybody does, huh?
- Oh.
I'm the most popular guy
in Hubris.
Hi. Hey.
- Um...
- You know the weirdo?
- Hi.
- What are you,
what are you doing tonight?
Uh, um...
I thought maybe we could go out.
- Out?
- Yeah, on a date.
Hi, I'm home.
Huh, oh, can you please
wipe your feet?
I've just vacuumed in here.
- Sorry.
- I need a rest, darling.
Oh, come on sweetie-pie.
A little exercise never
killed anybody. Hmm, did it?
I don't know what you think
you're doing sitting there,
but you gotta go tidy
your room, make your bed
and take a shower before dinner.
- But Mom...
- Please, go.
Please go. Thank you very much.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Off we go. Can you believe that?
Are we switching? Count me in.
I look fucking sensational.
Do you have a comb?
I think we should go out
and party tonight.
What do you reckon?
I can't, Mitch. I'm sorry.
I've got a date tonight
with Chloe.
Chloe? Who's Chloe?
What's she like? Is she cute?
She's terrifying.
She got a sister?
Weak. That's boring.
Something else.
It's better.
Well, I've never been
on a date before, so...
- So?
- What do I do? What do I say?
- I just, I just...
- Chill out,
you're gonna be fine.
I'll talk you through it.
We'll start with the basics.
Boys! Dinner's ready!
Here we go.
Now, later on,
I thought that we should play
a game of charades.
Oh, no. I have to go out
after dinner.
Oh, well you can think again,
young man.
You're not going anywhere
until you wash those dishes...
- But Mom!
- No arguments.
Oh, guests first, darling.
You don't wanna set
a bad example to the children.
- Sorry.
- I'm actually all right.
Thank you though.
I haven't had much
of an appetite these days.
Why don't you
just have one piece?
You'll waste away.
I met this guy once
and the only thing
he ate was cheese.
Yeah, mostly, I think.
I like my cheeses runny.
Brie, ricotta,
cottage cheese,
Danish blue.
Sweetie, I think...
I think you ate your pizza
too fast.
You know how being a greedy guts
gives you indigestion.
I'm sorry.
Well, look at you.
Nice work, kid.
That deserves a drink. Cheers.
That's my girl.
So, who is she?
The girl that you're
going out with tonight?
How did you know?
I might be dead, Oliver,
but I'm not stupid.
She's just a girl
I met last week.
She's new in town.
Stop it! Ninja!
As long as you remember
to be home before twelve.
Come back here,
you fucking mutt...
Hey, hey, you do not use
profanities in this house.
I'm really sorry, Miss,
it's just... she's got my arm.
Oh my, oh my goodness.
Come here. Come here.
Bring it here.
Oh goodness,
I'm so sorry. Put that back on.
- Thank you.
- Come on.
Let's go. Let's go.
So, you, you were gonna tell me
what I should do and say on,
on this date.
Okay. Just gimme a minute,
'cause I...
I'm really worried, Mitch.
Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.
You have nothing
to be worried about, all right?
You're gonna have a great time.
There's like three things
that you need to remember.
take 'em somewhere
with a nice view.
Girls love a nice view.
Dunno why.
They just do.
My mom and dad are always busy.
They hardly ever talk.
They never have fun
together any more.
Sometimes I think
my family's going to pieces.
I know just what you mean.
Should we go somewhere else?
I'm happy just... sitting here,
sitting and talking.
I've never really just...
sat and talked before.
Not even with your friends?
No, I mean,
I've never really had
any real friends.
Until tonight.
I should be getting back.
I can, I can drive you.
You don't have to.
It's, it's far.
I can, I just call a cab
from your house.
Two. Always bring a wingman.
You never know
when you might need him.
How'd it go?
What are you doing?
Well, I'm Mitch.
Hi. Uh, I, I just need
to call a cab.
What? That'd be silly.
Ollie could drive you.
But I already offered.
What? We insist, come on.
You remember what happened
last time.
I do.
What happened last time?
And then the car's flipped over,
smashed into a tree
and the whole thing
burst into flames.
Wow. You're lucky
to be alive.
Yes. Yes, I am.
Three. Meet the parents.
How else you're gonna know
what she'll look like
in twenty years?
- Thank you.
- It's okay.
You stay here, okay?
Mom, this is Oliver,
and that's Mitch in the car.
Is he all right?
Oliver saved his life.
That was very nice of you.
And thank you for bringing
my daughter home.
The pleasure was all mine.
Thank you for a lovely evening.
What a polite young man.
Chloe, you should kiss him
good night.
It was nice to meet you, Oliver.
I had...
I had a great time tonight,
You did that.
You did that.
Thanks for all your help, Mitch.
I'm very grateful.
I made it all up.
Surprised it worked
if I'm honest.
Thank you.
That boy, Oliver, is definitely
up to something.
He's making us look like fools.
He's making you
look like a fool, Julius.
By the way, don't you owe me
ten bucks?
I didn't lose the bet yet.
Today, I'm gonna prove that
there's something very strange
happening in that house.
Where have you been?
Got some great stuff.
You're gonna love it.
Someone might've seen you.
So? It's Halloween.
You know this one?
Can you give us a hand?
I'm dying under here.
You know,
you could have been caught.
What would you have done?
Played dead.
Oh, my god.
It's Margot and Julius.
- Okay?
- I've forgotten all about them.
Oh, oh, oh,
you're messing my hair.
If you're my friend,
you're gonna help me. Now.
Ollie, when have I
ever let you down?
No jokes about being dead,
Hello, Oliver.
Hi, Miss Seale, Mr. Carter.
- Can we come in?
- Uh, sure.
This is Mitch, who I've been
telling you about.
Mitch, this is Miss Seale
and Mr. Carter.
Pleased to meet you, Mitch.
Are you all right?
Yeah. Oh, it's just
a little accident. I'm fine.
Uh, what happened?
It was a car crash, um...
the wheel of a plane hit my car
and it flipped
and the whole thing burst
into flames
and stuff was everywhere
and Oliver...
actually saved my life.
He's the best friend
I could ever ask for.
Uh, first degree burns
that I've got. That's so cool.
- You can like, touch them.
- Oh, no. I'm, I'm okay.
- Honestly, please...
- Would anyone like, uh,
tea, coffee?
I'll take a tea, Oliver.
- They smell so cool, and they...
- I'd rather not.
You could even touch them.
They're like...
Who are you?
And what do you think
you're doing in my bathroom?
I, I, I didn't know, um,
I didn't know
- anybody was here.
- Don't just stand there,
get out. Stupid little man.
Did you meet my mother?
Yeah, isn't it amazing?
Mitch's parents are staying here
while on vacation
and it seems like Oliver's
having a lot of fun.
Tea and coffee's ready.
We gotta go.
'Cause we got another meeting,
right? And, uh...
Yeah, sorry we didn't get
to stay longer. Um, bye.
I'll, I'll see you
next week, then?
You are very welcome.
The bird feeder is fixed.
you're not wearing any make-up.
You're letting
yourself go, baby.
Easiest money I've ever made.
I found something in the house,
Margot. Something horrible.
What was it?
Hey, baby. Frank, wake up.
You do make me laugh.
Right, breathe in deep.
That hit the spot.
I don't know, okay?
But I'm gonna figure it out,
and when I do,
that kid's gonna spend
the rest of his life...
Would you listen
to yourself, Julius?
You sound like a crazy person.
Two coffees.
I know what you wrote
in your report to the court...
and I realize that
your professional reputation...
has taken quite a knock.
But you have to accept the fact
that you lost the bet.
This is not about the bet.
Well, accept the fact
that Oliver...
is not gonna be
under your control
at any time
in the foreseeable future.
Double or nothing?
Oh, you're on.
Let's go.
I'm quitting tomorrow, I swear.
When I was about fourteen,
my father gave me a cigar...
told me to save it
until the day I became a man.
Of course I jumped the gun,
went straight outside,
smoked the whole thing.
I threw up
for two days straight.
I think Alf's about to start.
I can't miss that show.
Sure you can.
I'm gonna grab a beer.
Two spots.
Yeah, yeah.
But Dad...
what will I tell
my mother about?
Tell her about you.
Hey, Ollie, we're here.
It's tradition.
You give us a treat,
or we play a trick on you.
What kind of trick?
Well, think we'd have
to trash the house,
break some windows, and then...
guess, beat you up.
So, what kinda treat?
We want cash.
Say 300 bucks for starters.
So, what's it to be weirdo,
- Trick.
- What the...
I'm outta here, man.
You guys are crazy, man.
Who were those guys?
It doesn't matter any more.
You're not on your own, okay?
Thanks, I think.
- Hello?
- Hi.
Is that Chloe's mom?
It is, yes.
Please, call me Rachel.
Hi, Rachel. This is Suzanne
of Suzanne and Frank.
We're looking after Oliver.
Oh yes, the lovely young man
that took Chloe out
the other night.
Well, we're taking him
to a Halloween party tonight.
We would love for you all
to join us.
Halloween party?
We don't get out
as a family all too often,
perhaps you and I could visit
the hair salon in town together?
Oh, we won't be here
too much longer, I'm afraid.
So, it'd be great
if you could make it
- to the party.
- Sure. Why not?
Eight o'clock then.
No, that's, that's lovely, okay.
Bye, bye-bye, bye, bye, bye.
Chloe, honey?
- What?
- We're going out.
You better get yourself ready.
We're going out for dinner.
- Come on.
- We are?
Yes, we are.
The undead always go out
to eat on Halloween,
and I already bought costumes
for everyone.
Wake up, baby,
and put your arm back on.
We are going out.
Don't hurry,
we'll get you some chicken.
Watch out, life of the party
coming through.
I'm gonna have my work
cut out tonight.
- I like it here.
- Love me a witch.
Can I grab some food?
- Oh, yes. Thank you.
- Yeah.
Dude, that is the grossest mask
I've ever seen.
I see way worse
at home every day.
Can I get a, a large bucket
of chicken and fries, please?
Hey man, nice outfit.
Yeah? Check this out.
Two masks? That's so cool.
Dad, did you...
Sorry, son.
You met my mom before
and this is my dad.
Well, I'm just so glad
you could join us.
We're so glad
you telephoned to invite us.
Well, please.
Take a seat. Take a seat.
Come on, squeeze in.
Can I get the, um, flappy bird?
Flappy bird? Sure.
You look great.
- Leave it, Kurt.
- I can't believe
you left me.
What was that about?
I'm gonna go in there
and fuck them up.
I'll be right back.
Get out the way,
Kurt's coming through.
Move it. Come on, man,
where's your freak at?
You're a fucking freak.
Look at your fucking...
Where's your friend at?
Yeah, where is he?
- It's okay.
- This is me,
- I got this one.
- It's okay.
This is something I have to do.
Let's see what you got, Kurt.
She's just a girl, man.
You wanna kiss me? Go on.
Leave her alone.
What the fuck are you
gonna do about it?
Whatever I have to.
Oh yeah, that's a beauty.
Oliver, are you okay?
Ollie, Ollie.
He's got this.
What have you done, Kurt?
- I didn't do anything.
- What the fuck?
You killed him.
Hey, shut up.
I'm gonna get an ambulance.
He can't be dead,
I just tapped him.
What the...
Now, it's your turn.
It looks like you've had
a slight accident.
Oh, oh, no.
I think it's time
for you to leave, Kurt.
So do I.
Let's, let's get outta here.
- Thanks.
- Always happy to lend a hand.
Show me the way to go home
I'm tired
And I wanna go to bed
- Go to bed!
- There we go.
Had a little drink
About an hour ago
It's gone right to my head
Wherever I may roam
On land or sea or form
Show me the way to go home
Bradley, it's Julius Carter.
I need an ambulance here ASAP.
Yes, it's the kid, Oliver.
He's gone off the deep end.
Don't worry. I'm, I'm, I'm
at the house right now.
I know.
I'll get all the proof I need.
Mr. Carter.
What are you doing
creeping around my house?
I, uh, I...
I suggest you get outta here.
There's some strange
going on over here
and I'm, I'm gonna get
to the bottom of it, right now.
If you don't leave,
I'll call the police.
Oh, please do, be my guest.
Hello, Mr. Carter.
Meet Ninja.
Who's a good girl?
Yes, you are. Yes, you...
Would you like a cup of tea,
Mr. Carter?
Oi, what do you think
you're doing?
Oh, no,
don't be ridiculous honey,
this man needs a real drink.
You, you don't look very well,
Mr. Carter. Mitch?
- Yeah.
- Turn the lights on.
Are, are you running a fever?
Why are you putting it on me?
What are you doing?
Look back there!
Don't worry, sir. You'll be
perfectly all right with us.
Lazy bones, lazy bones.
Get out of bed, you sleepy head.
Lazy bones, lazy bones.
Leave me alone,
I need to get more sleep.
Oh, dear.
Why did you do that?
Uh, what happened here?
He hit me.
She just fell off my bed.
I want you two to make up.
Come on, Oliver.
- I'm sorry.
- Hmm, now you, young lady.
Now, put your sister's head
Now, we, we've left something
for you on our bed,
for your mother,
from us.
Hmm. Now, young lady,
now, do you think we should
put you back together again?
Bet you didn't think of that one
before you started fighting
with your brother.
Hi, Oliver!
I have some bad news
about Julius.
He was taken ill last night,
and... it may be a long time
before he gets better.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm filing a report today,
so you won't be seeing
much of us any more...
but I'm always here
if you need me, okay?
Come on, I'll give you a ride.
Take care of yourself, Oliver.
Thanks for everything.
I'm afraid there's
no more stories from TV, Mom.
I kinda stopped watching it.
A lot of crazy stuff's
been happening to me.
Weird stuff...
but good stuff.
I don't know what's gonna happen
in the end.
Anyway, I'm not gonna tell you
about any of that now.
Today, I just came
to say one thing.
I miss you, Mom.
I really miss you.
My baby's better than yours.
No, she's not.
Your baby can't do this.
Can she? Or this,
and her hair's not long enough.
Also, you can't spin it
as fast as I can, watch.
Need a hand, sweetie?
I have everything
under control, sugar-pie.
That's disappointing.
Oh, no. I'm coming, sweetie.
What have you done?
I followed the instructions.
I don't think you did
follow the instructions.
Everything written
on that piece of paper is
right here.
Hey, gimme a hand here.
You gotta get outta here, son.
This place is gonna fall apart
any second now.
Oliver! Mitch! You okay?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
We need to save Ollie.
- My leg!
- Oliver?
- Can you get out?
- It's stuck.
- Okay, okay.
- Don't worry, kid.
We'll get it off.
As soon as we lift it, you just
run out the front door, okay?
I just can't leave you here.
We're dead, Ollie.
And in a few minutes,
you're gonna be leaving us.
Oliver, Oliver, listen to me.
You don't need us any more.
I... I do.
Look at us. You can see
what's happening to us, but you,
you got your whole life
ahead of you.
And if you don't save
yourself now,
then it would've all been
for nothing.
So do it, Oliver.
Come on, Ollie.
Come on, Ollie.
Get the fuck
out of here. Go.
We all love you, Oliver.
Even me.
Love you, pal.
Will I ever see you again?
Not for a long time, I hope.
But we'll be
waiting for you, I promise.
It's okay.
Were you on your own?
Were you the only one in there?
I don't need
To fall at your feet
Just 'cause you cut me
To the bone
And I won't miss
The way that you kiss me
We were never
Carved in stone
Breathe, breathe.
If I don't listen
to the talk of the town
Then maybe I can fool myself
I'll get over you
I know I will
I'll pretend
My ship's not sinking
They went home, didn't they?
And then I'll tell myself
"I'm over you"
'Cause I'm the king
Of wishful thinking
Let's go.
I refuse to give
Into my blues
That's not how it's gonna be
And I deny
The tears in my eyes
I don't want let you see
Know that you have made
A hole in my heart
And now
I've got to fool myself
I'll get over you
I know I will
I'll pretend
My ship's not sinking
And then I'll tell myself
"I'm over you"
'Cause I'm the king
Of wishful thinking
I'll get over you
I know I will
And I'll pretend
My ship's not sinking
And then I'll tell myself
"I'm over you"
'Cause I'm the king
Of wishful thinking
I know
I'll shake this feeling, too
This heart won't have to be
For you
And my whole world won't break
In two
Each time I think of you
I know
I'll shake this feeling, too
This heart won't have to be
For you
And my whole world won't break
In two
And I'll get over you
I know I will
I'll pretend
My ship's not sinking
Then, I'll tell myself
"I'm over you"
'Cause I'm the king
Of wishful thinking
I'm over you, I'll pretend
My ship's not sinking
Then, I'll tell myself
"I'm over you"
'Cause I'm the king
Of wishful thinking
Smoke fills my mellow mind
Thick white dust wraps
Around my body, I'm blind
Sailing through the clouds
Trapped in motion
That just won't back down
Searching every back road
In my mind
Trying to find the reasons
Having to go deep to find
The way back to the start
When I was not so misaligned
Back when I had feelings
Back when I was running
Up a hill towards the sky
I'm chasing clouds
On my own
Call it moonshine
I'm on a cloud
On my own
Scream, why can't I get out?
Looking both ways
But the lights are out
Fight, crying
Burn this house
Down to the ground
Don't you put it out
Searching every back road
In my mind
Trying to find the reasons
Having to go deep to find
the way back to the start
When I was not so misaligned
Back when I had feelings
Back when I was running
Up a hill towards the sky
I'm chasing clouds
On my own
Call it moonshine
I'm on a cloud
On my own
I'm chasing clouds
On my own
Call it moonshine
I'm on a cloud
On my own
On my own
Instead of asking
"Will you hold my hair?"
Me, myself, and I
Will attend this dance alone
I'm about to play
Getting outta bed today
'Cause Imma probably do
what I did yesterday
Feelings get hurt
Bought myself out
In a stretcher
Thirty minutes later
I feel blessed
No stress, yeah
On a planet
Got no anaesthetic
Coulda blamed it on the shit
That's happened to me
That's life on Planet Lonely
Nobody's ever helped me
"Can you please save me?"
Never mind
Let me stay lonely
That's life on Planet Lonely
Nobody's ever helped me
"Can you please save me?"
Never mind
Let me stay lonely
No one's here, no one's here
No one's here, no one's here