The Long Dark Trail (2022) Movie Script

(eerie music)
(birds chirping)
(insects chirping)
(birds chirping)
(Henry sighs)
(suspenseful music)
(weight thuds)
(ties clicking)
(ties zipping)
(Duane gasping)
- Uh, you little fucking
- Go, go!
- dickheads!
(intense music)
(bikes clattering)
You think you're stronger than
I'll eat your fucking face off!
Where's your brother? Where's
that shit?
- Come on, come on, come on.
(suspenseful music)
- Fucking shit! You little shit,
(knife stabs)
(Duane screams)
(insects chirping)
(intense music)
(soft country music)
(haunting vocalization)
(puddle splashing)
(bikes clattering)
(eerie music)
(birds calling)
(water running)
- Woo!
(water splashing)
(crows cawing)
(machinery rumbling)
(dirt pattering)
- You wanna hurry up?
You've been throwing half
shovel fulls all goddamn day!
Sick of it!
(shovel scraping)
(dirt pattering)
(ambient music)
(water splashing)
(birds chirping)
(mower buzzing)
(birds and insects chirping)
(birds chirping)
(water flowing)
(lighter clicking)
- Dad's?
- Probably looking for it now.
(insect buzzing)
(intense music)
(electronic flash and buzzing)
(Jacob gasps)
(distorted grunting)
(liquid sloshing)
(creepy music)
(Jacob screams)
(birds chirping)
(water flowing)
(ambient music)
(ambient music continues)
- Where are we gonna go, Henry?
- Far away from here.
How much money you got?
- Not much.
I still gotta stop at Mr.
and get my pay.
- (sighs) We're gonna need all
we can get.
(soft country music)
(haunting vocalization)
- Hey. Mr. Barrow, it's me.
- Jacob, how are you, son?
- I'm good.
I was just wondering if I
could get my pay for last week.
- Yes, of course. Come on up.
(chair creaking)
I wanna tell you boys a little
about the Battle of Khe Sanh.
One of the most important
of the entire Vietnam war,
if not in fact, the longest and
6,000 Marines and their
garrison were held under siege
by the North Vietnamese Army.
And on January 21st, 1968,
- I, I'm Sorry, Mr. Barrow,
- and...
- but we really need to be
Can I please get my pay?
- Sure can. My wallet's
on the kitchen table.
- Thank you.
(cash crinkling)
Thank you, Mr. Barrow.
- Say boys, did you happen to
the military transport up on the
(suspenseful music)
(chair creaking)
I haven't heard one
like that in these parts
for some while, you know.
Peculiar sound, that vehicle.
And Miss Sally told me
it's heading way out north
to Pithole, I suppose.
- Pithole, you said. Are you
sure about that, Mr. Barrow?
(chair creaking)
(crows cawing)
(eerie music)
(transport rumbling)
(gears creaking)
(door closes)
(creepy music)
(distorted whispering)
- I just wanted to enjoy the
Hang by the Creek.
- We're finally free.
This is more important.
- Come on, Henry.
He's an old blind man.
Who even knows if it's true.
- It's worth looking. It's Mom.
- I know that, but we
don't even know where.
- You heard Mr. Barrow. She's
We're going.
- She left us.
She didn't want us, so I don't
want her.
- So what would you
rather, go back to Daddy?
Get beat so bad this time it
don't heal?
Keep mowing grass, picking
weeds and shoveling asphalt?
I'm done with all that.
This is our only shot.
Weren't things better when mom
was around?
She just didn't see it.
She'll come back.
- And what if she doesn't?
- She will.
This is no time to be scared,
- I'm not scared.
- Well good.
Listen, we need a better life.
We deserve a better life
with Mom. That can happen.
We know where she is for the
first time.
And we've got no one else.
(Jacob sighs)
(suspenseful music)
- Okay, if we're gonna do
this, we've got to be prepared.
We've got our backpacks,
but we've got to get creative
and find more supplies.
I have some ideas.
- Yeah, I don't now. He
didn't show up for work today.
I don't know what we're gonna
(door opens)
(chainsaw buzzing)
(lighter clicks)
(fuse sizzling)
(firecrackers popping)
- So there I was in
the middle of the camp.
The helicopter camp just outside
A little after midnight,
February 7th, 1964.
(suspenseful music continues)
- Sorry, but, uh, thanks.
I always love hearing those war
- No problem, boys.
Enjoy the soup and beans.
- Okay.
So we're here and Mom
is all the way up here.
It's a hard journey, but
it's definitely doable.
So we'll enter at the viaduct,
then move on to the boulders,
then the lake, then the
pines, and then Mom.
We should get there in a
few days if we're lucky.
(suspenseful music)
(soft bluegrass music)
(birds chirping)
(branches rustling)
(crows cawing)
(insects chirping)
- W-what is it?
- Dead people.
Looks like sacred land,
so don't touch or step on
(suspenseful music)
Hey! Let's go.
- Hey, wait up.
(suspenseful music)
(soft bluegrass music)
(water flowing)
(birds chirping)
(eerie music)
(ax whacking)
(birds chirping)
(crows cawing)
(rope stretching)
(wood clattering)
(blanket rustling)
(ax whacking)
(lighter clicking)
(fire crackling)
(crickets chirping)
Whatever happened to Becky
- (scoffs) What do you
mean, what happened to her?
I dumped her.
She was hooking up with Tommy
- The hockey player?
- (sighs) Yeah, the hockey
(water sloshes)
- Did you guys, you know, do it?
(hand taps)
- You're an idiot.
- What?
(ambient music)
(insects chirping)
(birds cooing)
(fingers scratching)
(animal calling in distance)
(branch snaps)
(intense music)
(Henry breathes heavily)
(Henry sighs)
(creepy music)
(crickets chirping)
(footsteps thudding)
(nails scratching)
(woman screams)
(birds chirping)
(tarp rustling)
(Jacob sighs)
(suspenseful music)
Henry. Hey.
- Mm.
- What,
what's with your neck?
- What do you mean, what's with
my neck?
- It's not right.
- Ah! Shit!
(groans) Hand me the gauze.
(intense music)
(birds and insects chirping)
(crows cawing)
(creepy voice)
(crows cawing)
(insects and birds chirping)
(water rushing)
(birds shrieking)
(suspenseful music)
(Jacob gasping)
(substance sizzling)
- Yeah, you're just like
your fucking whore brother.
(Henry screaming)
(substance sizzling)
(Henry gasping)
Look at me!
(haunting vocalization)
(water rushing)
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
(creepy music)
(birds chirping)
(branches cracking)
(water sloshing)
(branches rustling)
- You ever see that before?
- It's probably just
some kids messing around.
(waves lapping)
(fire crackling)
(eerie music)
(insects chirping)
(utensil scraping)
- You want some?
(crows cawing)
(Henry sighs)
(Henry groans)
Are you okay?
I can help with that bandage, if
you want.
- Mm-mm.
(crows cawing)
(birds cooing)
(crickets chirping)
(static buzzing)
(intense music)
(distorted whispering)
(water sloshing)
(suspenseful music)
(birds and insects chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(crickets chirping)
(branches rustling)
(birds cooing)
(footsteps pattering)
(Henry breathes heavily)
(static buzzing)
Wait. Wait.
(distorted voice)
(leaves pattering)
(suspenseful music)
(static buzzing)
(distorted voices)
No, no! (screaming)
- Henry? Henry!
Come on. Let's go.
(Henry panting)
Come on.
(Henry screams)
Henry, hey, its gonna be, it's
You're okay. Come on.
Easy, come on.
(Henry continues panting)
(Henry groans)
(intense music)
(tense music)
(water running)
(birds shrieking)
(Henry breathes uneasily)
(Henry gasping)
Hey, your neck looks pretty bad.
Maybe we should go get it
checked out.
We can always take a road to
(Henry wheezing)
(birds chirping)
Hey Henry, you doing all right?
(Henry wheezing)
Henry? Hello?
If you wanna ignore me, fine.
This is your stupid
idea. Just remember that.
(Henry continues wheezing)
I just wanted to hang by
the creek this summer.
Is that too much to ask for?
Hey, are you gonna answer me?
What's your problem, man?
(intense music)
(flies buzzing)
(Henry snarling)
(Jacob panting)
(suspenseful music)
(Henry snarling)
(body thuds)
(Jacob convulsing)
(Henry snarling)
- Jacob!
Are you okay?
(Jacob choking)
(distorted buzzing)
I told you not to mess with
(groans) What did you do?
(Henry mutters)
(stone clattering)
Come on.
Come on, buddy. Come on.
You can make it. You can make
it, Jacob.
Come on. You're gonna walk.
Come on, Jacob.
(suspenseful music)
It's gonna be okay, Jacob.
It's gonna be okay. I've got
I've got you. You're gonna be
You're gonna be okay. It's
Henry, buddy.
It's Henry. Henry's got you.
I've got you. You're gonna be
Come here. You're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be okay. I got ya.
(eerie music)
(crows cawing)
(wind whistling)
(distorted voice)
- [Zeke] The blood of the male.
The blood of the male.
(man whimpering)
The blood of the male.
The blood of the male.
The blood of the male.
The blood of the male.
(ax scraping)
(man continues whimpering)
The blood of the male.
(ax whacks)
(fingers slice)
(man groaning)
The blood of the male.
(ax whacking)
(blood spurting)
(ax whacks)
(blood spurts)
(creepy music continues)
(Zeke breathes heavily)
(ax clinking)
The blood of the young man.
(creepy breathing)
(intense music)
(eerie music)
(birds chirping)
(lid opening)
- (sighs) Hey, you, ah...
You doing all right?
- Yeah, I think so.
- I think my neck is almost
- That's good.
- We don't have to keep going.
Given all that's happened.
It might be time to head back.
- Really?
- Yeah, sure.
I just thought...
- What?
- Nah, forget it.
- What?
- I just thought that if Mom saw
it would make a difference.
Maybe she would miss us or
remember us
or something, I don't know.
- Let's keep going.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- We don't have to, you know.
- I want to.
(Henry chuckles)
(haunting vocalization)
(soft bluegrass music)
(birds chirping)
(intense music)
(distorted voices)
(doors closing)
(engine revving)
(metal clinking)
(truck rumbling)
(heavy breathing)
(eerie music)
(engine revving)
(crows cawing)
(birds chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(insects chirping)
- Mom?
- Mom?
- Come with me.
What are you doing
here? You can't be here.
It's not safe.
- We came for you, Mom.
- We want you to come home.
- Oh, my boys. I can't come
I'm sorry.
- Why not? Why don't you love
(distorted whirring)
- What did we do?
- Listen to me. He can't see
You have no idea the danger
you're in.
You need to go.
- What are you
talking about, Mom?
- Go, go.
- Mom, wait a minute.
- No, listen.
- Mom, slow down.
- Go, go.
- Mom, there's something...
- Go and don't look back.
Just go.
- No, Mom-
- Go!
(suspenseful music continues)
- Hey, they didn't take
your knife, did they?
- No, it, it's in this pocket.
- Got it. Got it.
(blade clicks)
(knife scraping)
We can't just leave.
We've come all this way.
- I know. We have to get her
- I know, but how?
(knife scraping)
- We can wait until they're
(tie snaps)
(Henry sighs)
(insects chirping)
(intense music)
(crickets chirping)
(suspenseful music)
(distorted whispering)
(flies buzzing)
(intense music)
(distorted voices)
- Welcome.
(distorted whirring)
(Zeke breathes heavily)
(distorted whirring)
(lift creaking)
(crickets chirping)
(distorted whirring)
(distorted voices)
(lift clattering)
(Zeke panting)
(intense music)
(distorted voices)
(fire crackling)
(crickets chirping)
The blood of the young male is
It has special rehabilitative
We lust for youth,
and youth we shall receive.
And you could give it to me.
Some people, well,
they would say that I'm
But I'm not.
It's not personal.
No. It's just necessary.
(distorted whispering)
(chains jangling)
(Hannah groaning)
These are made out of wood.
Very strong wood.
I'm gonna take this
and I'm gonna pierce it
into your heart.
You won't feel anything.
Don't be afraid.
You're not the first
and you certainly won't be the
(intense music)
(distorted whispering)
(sighs) Ah.
I sacrifice onto the!
(knife stabbing)
(body thuds)
(Hannah panting)
(dramatic choral music)
(Hannah breathes heavily)
(dramatic choral music
(crows cawing)
(metal clinks)
(dirt thudding)
(dramatic choral music
(haunting vocalization)
(eerie music)
(birds chirping)
(metal clinks)
(match scraping)
(fire crackling)
(stones scraping)
(birds chirping)
(distorted voices)
(intense music)
(fire crackling)
(ambient music)
(birds chirping)
- You boys may not know
it, but you saved me.
You saved us.
- We want you to come with us,
- I will, in time.
These people need me. I
recruited them.
I need to make this right
with them and with you.
- Mom, please.
- I love you boys.
I love you very much.
And I promise, I will explain
everything to you in time,
but for now I need you
to go and make me proud.
And I will see you again
when our paths cross.
I love you, Henry.
I love you, Jacob.
(soft dramatic music)
(engine rumbling)
(birds chirping)
(branches rustling)
- [Jacob] You know, I'm glad we
- [Henry] I'm not so sure.
- [Jacob] Why?
- [Henry] Well, maybe you were
Maybe we should have let it be.
I'm sorry I pushed you so hard.
- [Jacob] No, I'm glad we found
- [Henry] Found out what?
- [Jacob] That moms still loves
- Yeah. Yeah, me too.
- Hey, Henry?
- Yeah.
- [Jacob] You think we can
hang out by the creek now?
- [Henry] Yeah, I think
that's a great idea.
(gentle guitar music)
(bikes clattering)
- [Jacob] You know, maybe I can
get you
a job with Mr. Barrow.
He ain't so bad.
- Yeah, maybe.
(birds chirping)
(gentle guitar music)
(water flowing)
(bikes clattering)
It's a long way home
Ooh my brother, we
ain't got nowhere to go
(booze sloshing)
(engine starting)
Winding road
(engine revving)
I ain't got much done before
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
The hollow screams
It echoes clean
Fire was burning slowly
Muddy river's down in a stream

I see my reflection and it
ain't me
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
(soft country music)
There was no chance, she
wasn't found
Walking the earth or in the
Love has grown so cold
In the dark, the
smoke of burning pyres
They took our fears right
from our eyes on fire
Go away soon
It's a long way home
Oh, my brother, we
ain't got nowhere to go
(distorted whispering)
(eerie music)
(haunting vocalization)