The Longest Weekend (2022) Movie Script

- Hey. Hey.
- Hi.
Can I have
a vodka cranberry, please?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
I like your boots.
- Ah, thank you.
- They're really nice.
Oh, my God.
I think...
It's like a... this is just
raspberry lemonade, isn't it?
Oh, yeah I'm... I'm sorry.
Chug! Chug!
So funny.
Oh, my God.
You're here!
- You look amazing!
- Thank you.
Oh, Guys, guy guys,
this is my best friend, Sasha.
She's like my favorite person
in the entire world.
Oh, here.
- Cheers!
- You're amazing.
Hey, you didn't take anything,
did you?
Did you have something?
- Did you?
- No, doctor. Swear.
- Okay. Okay, babe, let's go.
- Aw, I don't wanna.
Yeah, come on,
we will get a taxi.
I don't have any money though,
I'm poor.
- I've got it.
- Thank you.
I love you.
- You're coming too, right?
- Yeah, I'm coming.
You're my best friend.
You know
that you're my best friend
in the whole world?
I know.
You'll wake everyone up!
Oh, fuck 'em.
Who fucking cares?
They all fucking hate me anyway.
Come on. Shh.
Oh, my feet hurt.
Take them off upstairs,
just come on.
No, no, no, no, no.
- Hi, Mum.
- Hi, sweetheart.
I can't really talk right now.
Well, have I caught you
at a bad time?
Yes, I'm incredibly busy.
Okay, um, I just wanted to say
that I will be home
in the afternoon on Monday.
And I was thinking
you could all come...
Mom, I've got to go.
You've reached Rio.
Leave a message.
- What happened to Overwatch?
- Got bored.
Got beaten by a girl.
There's girls playing?
Hope for you, then, eh?
Yeah, I don't get it.
Like, where do you put
a computer in the kitchen?
Okay, my turn, my turn.
Come on.
Why try old man?
I was gaming
long before you were kid.
You're going backwards.
I know I'm going backwards.
I'm just getting
warmed up until I get into it.
Just watch, okay?
Just shut your mouth
and just watch what I'm doing.
- Hello?
- Morning, sweetheart.
- You weren't up?
- No.
Are you okay?
You're not sick, are you?
What do you want mom?
I just want to talk about
- having a family dinner.
- What?
- What family dinner?
- On Monday night.
I found some things that
I really want to show you kids.
- Are you free?
- I don't know.
I don't think I can make it.
Can you make yourself free?
I mean, I don't know
why it's so impossible
to get you three in one place.
- I miss you guys.
- That's not my fault.
I'm not blaming you.
- Is that it?
- Lou, can you come?
It would be so nice.
I don't know.
I have to go.
Um, do you need anything?
- Before I go away.
- No, I don't.
- Okay. I love you.
- Yeah, okay, bye.
- Where's mom?
- What are you doing here?
- Where's mom?
- She went away.
Oh, yeah?
Where'd she go?
I don't know. Some house.
- Who with?
- I don't know.
Why don't you ask her?
Milk's off.
- What's this?
- I dunno, it was on.
So, why are you here?
Um, I came for the expired food
and the shit TV.
I moved back.
- I'm trying to save.
- Why?
Because renting in Sydney
is insane.
And I want to buy a house,
I can't save to buy
if I'm renting.
Can't you stay
somewhere else then?
Not for free.
You know, we're really lucky
to have a place in Sydney
that we can stay and save at.
You should be taking advantage.
I am.
Do you have a job yet?
- I'm working on it.
- Mm-hmm.
- So, how long are you staying?
- Oh, my God.
What is with all the questions?
Why do you even care?
Cuz I... it's my house.
- Our house.
- No, you moved out.
Yeah, and now I moved back in.
Give me the remote.
Give it here!
Give it here!
What are you...
What are you gonna put on?
Put something good on.
- What?
- Who is the teen dream?
- No one.
- She's pretty.
- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
I'm here to check on the house,
make sure you don't destroy it
while Mom's away.
You look like shit.
You always say
the sweetest things.
So why are you...
I'm moving back in.
Oh, she wants to buy a house.
Have you been watering
the plants?
- They don't need it.
- Um, plants need watering.
Yeah, like once a week.
Be my guest.
- What is that smell?
- I can't smell anything.
You never clean up this fridge.
You and Mom, neither of you.
Every time I come here
there's a smell.
There's no smell.
Yeah, you could maybe go
and eat some food
- from your own fridge.
- Why are you here again?
Um, do you still follow Kelsey?
I guess. Why?
Can I have a look
at her profile?
- Use your phone.
- I can't. She blocked me.
What'd you do?
Look, it'll only take a sec.
No, I'm using it.
Oh, my God,
just give me the bloody thing.
- No.
- Ow.
For fuck's sake.
- Hello.
- Hey, Lou.
Hi, Kara.
Hi, how are you?
Um, how... how's the fam?
How's the salon going?
Everyone's good.
Salon is doing well.
That's good. That's great.
Um, I was just wondering
you guys...
You guys don't need
any stylists at the moment,
do you?
I mean, even if it's just...
Even if it's just
something casual.
We're pretty well
covered at the moment.
Kara, I'm...
I'm really, really sorry
about the way things ended.
But you know, like, that was...
Well, that was,
like, three years ago.
And I was in a really bad place
back then
but I've... I've grown a lot.
You know, I... I swear.
What happened to your last gig?
You know not... not that.
Definitely not that, um...
things were just really slow,
so they had to...
They had to let go
of a few of us.
Is that what they'd say
if I asked for a reference?
How do you feel about...
About totally legit,
not at all forged references?
Lou, you're a great stylist
but I really need my team
to be reliable.
I just can't risk it.
I'm sorry. I just can't.
I hope you find something,
Do you... do you know
anyone else who's hiring?
no one I can think of,
but I can keep an ear out.
Okay. Thank you.
Take care of yourself, okay?
Yeah, you too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Where are you going?
- Out.
- What am I, Mom?
- I think you think you are.
- That's a good way to save.
Ah, what?
Sibling movie night?
How come I didn't get the memo?
You could always stay.
Hard pass.
- What's she' still doing here?
- Who is that?
Oh, my sister.
I don't wanna be hit.
I don't wanna be choked either.
That's a hard boundary.
- Okay.
- What about you?
- Whatever you want.
- Well, what do you want?
What do you want?
Stay with me long enough
to show me who you are
I don't have
to tell you anything,
I can sleep wherever I want,
I can do what I want.
I am an adult.
Don't say that to me.
And yet it keeps happening,
I can't deal with this,
I can't do this anymore.
- Thanks for having me.
- My pleasure.
- Sorry about that as well.
- Ah, don't worry about it.
It was fun.
- I'll text you.
- All right.
All right. Bye-bye.
Oh, really?
You're going to lecture me
about marriage?
No, you know exactly
what that means.
- I'm not an idiot...
- You're up early.
- It's not even mid-day.
- I got woken up.
- Nice.
- Who's she talking to?
- Daniel.
- I know what I heard.
I recognized the voice.
That's why she stayed over.
- You need a haircut.
- Don't touch me.
What? You always used to let
me cut your hair.
- It's fine.
- No, it's not.
Look at all these split ends.
- Don't they drive you crazy?
- No.
- What?
- Hair of the bird?
Hair of the dog, genius.
Well, you don't really
get to make that decision.
Ah, I hate this.
I hate that you don't trust me.
I'm going to go.
Wait, please.
Please don't go.
Keep talking to me, Avery.
For what? More lies?
Okay, look...
I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm...
I'm really sorry, I...
- It was nothing.
- So you're admitting it?
We haven't done anything.
We've just been talking.
We kissed once.
I don't believe that.
I don't believe you,
you're a liar.
I know.
But I love you so much.
- I love you so much.
- Don't say that to me.
I never want to hurt you, okay?
And yet, it keeps happening.
I can't deal with this, Daniel.
I can't.
Please, ple...
You're such an asshole
for doing this to me again.
You can't leave me,
you have to know
I would never leave you.
- No...
- I have to go.
Avery please...
- Everything okay?
- Couldn't give me some privacy?
you weren't exactly whispering.
It's my house.
- What is that on your neck?
- What is on your neck?
- What is it?
- It's just a rash.
It looks like Tinea Versicolor.
- Like what?
- Tinea Versicolor.
- It's a fungus.
- Oh, great.
- Okay, well, it's not a fungus.
- That's all good.
Sasha gets it on her back
in little white spots
all the time.
Well, this is very clearly red.
Tinea Versicolor
can be any color.
That's what the Versicolor part
of Tinea Versicolor means.
- Oh, stop saying Tinea...
- Stop moving your head.
Are you going to clean
all of this it up?
Oh, no.
No, we were just
going to weave it
into a nice little carpet.
- I want to keep it longish.
- Mm-hmm.
Why didn't you just
give me a buzz cut?
- It's still so long.
- I said an inch.
- Yeah, that's what I did.
- What is this?
- I look weird.
- No, you don't, you look good.
- Avery tell him he looks good.
- Rio, what is all this?
I don't know, she emptied
out the storage cage.
What is it?
Such a hoarder.
I'm going to get food.
Oh, hang on, I'll go get dressed
and then I'll come with you.
Did I invite you?
Okay, thanks for the heads up.
I didn't know.
- This is nice, isn't it?
- Can you not?
I just wanna be close to you,
Yeah, this is... this is nice.
- Got you a coffee.
- Almond latte?
Uh, no, regular latte.
I don't drink regular milk.
Well, I did not know that.
Haven't for years.
I'm sure the cows
really appreciate it.
Why are you cleaning the fridge?
Why don't you go home
and clean your own fridge?
You should be grateful.
It's disgusting.
How can you live like this?
Are you going to be here
all weekend?
Why are you being such a prat?
This house isn't big enough
for all of us.
It was big enough growing up.
This house ain't big enough
for the both of us.
Pew, pew.
- So, what are you up to today?
- This.
It's the same thing
you do every day.
- You're tragic.
- You can talk.
Why don't you go
to TAFE or something?
- There's an idea.
- And do what?
Just pick something.
See how you like it.
Oh, that's great advice.
I'm sure it will set me up
for a lifetime of happiness.
Well, nothing can set you up
for a lifetime of happiness.
You can at least set yourself up
for some financial security.
You should
at least be working to save.
Like Lou.
you need to be doing something.
Can you stop?
- Figuring it out.
- Are you?
Okay, yeah, Sasha's here
with my bookcase.
The bookcase is, like,
the only piece of furniture
I owned in that house.
Can you give us a hand?
Yeah, I'll do it.
Use those muscles, Avery.
- My God.
- My Cross-Fit queen
You're not helping.
- You should just get rid of it.
- No.
No, I paid $50 for this thing.
- Ah, fuck!
- What?
- Oh, shit.
- Ow.
All right, come with me.
That's better.
Thanks for bringing it.
Did she give you shit?
I'm fucking done with Bea.
You have a hickey.
I didn't give it to you.
Who did?
What, you jealous?
You want one?
Oh, come on.
When we started,
I explained to you,
and you agreed.
Let's... let's go
and do something, yeah?
We can get some weed.
We can get really fucking high.
We can go watch
some art house films.
I don't want to get high.
Are you drunk right now?
Lou, it's not even 12,
you can't keep doing this
to yourself.
Fucking great, well, um...
we'll just go
watch the movie then.
I need to say something.
We've always said
"I love you."
Before we even knew
what it meant.
And I do love you.
The you that's my best friend.
But now I love you
the other way, too.
And I tried not to,
but honestly,
I knew going in
that this would happen.
I just ignored it.
I just pretended
that it wasn't true because...
I wanted more.
And I want more again.
And I'm sorry.
I know that you don't want
a relationship.
I've heard everything
that you've ever said about
marriage and monogamy
and your parents and my parents
but I honestly think
if you could just get over
your bullshit,
we could be happy.
Two best friends
that also like having sex,
like, isn't that the dream?
I'm not getting out
of this unscathed either way.
I can deal with it if it fails,
but I can't not know, okay?
Not knowing...
is making me go fucking insane.
So, I'm asking
this stupid question.
I have to ask it.
Can we try this?
Can we just try it?
You already know the answer.
It kind of sucks
that you're making me say it.
- Oh, it's a no?
- Of course, it's a no.
Why "of course"?
Why is it so insane
that I love someone,
and I want them to love me back?
I'm not letting you force
your heteronormative
constructs on me.
- I'm not forcing...
- Yeah, you are!
Okay, look, non-monogamy
is a valid and beautiful choice,
and a far likelier recipe
for happiness
than the monogamy
that's forced upon us by
fu... Catholicism, mostly.
And it's not the result
of some bullshit
or something
that I have to get over.
I think you're the one
who needs to get over
your bullshit, not me.
Maybe I've been brainwashed...
but I...
I love you.
And I want to be with you.
And I'm not trying
to lock you down or force you
into some kind of
contract for forever.
I'm just saying
I want you and me
to just try and just have it,
just us for a while.
I can't deal
with the others, Lou.
I can't see that fucking
hickey on your neck
without wanting to die.
I hate it when you cry, Sasha.
I love you.
You know I do.
And you're still my best friend.
Can't we just pretend
that you never said anything?
God, let's just forget
that this ever happened.
All right, let's just
take some acid
and we'll erase
the whole thing, right?
Okay, that's what we need.
We... we... we'll shit
our fucking pants,
and we'll feel
so, so much better.
Yeah, there's always
a fucking joke.
No, we can't erase it.
We can't pretend.
- I've told you that I love you.
- All right, fine,
it was a mistake.
We never should have started
hooking up in the first place.
- We can just go back...
- We can't fucking go back, Lou,
- listen to me.
- I am listening!
What do you mean?
I don't know.
What do you mean,
"We can't go back"?
I don't know
how I can be friends with you,
and hang out like it's normal
while I feel like this.
Well, that's completely
fucked up and unfair.
You knew going into this,
that this is
what it would come to.
Why the fuck
did you start it then?
Wow, I'm going.
- Where the fuck are you going?
- I'm going.
Well, stay,
or we can go somewhere,
- and we can talk.
- I think I just need you
to leave me alone for a while.
- Are you... are you serious?
- Yes, Lou, I'm serious.
Leave me alone.
- Bye.
- Bye.
That was fucking crazy.
I can't believe
you're sleeping with her.
Not anymore.
- Why would you do that?
- Why not?
She's been
your best friend forever.
- We'll be fine.
- You can't just treat people
like garbage
over and over again.
And what the hell
do you know about?
Why are you
so okay with hurting her?
Oh, my God.
This is about Daniel.
What has he done now?
What, did he... did he
pack the dishwasher wrong?
Did he put
regular milk in your coffee?
You don't know
what you're talking about.
No, please, Avery, enlighten us.
What has Prince Charming done
- this time?
- He's cheating on me.
Because he's compulsive.
So, yeah, maybe I'm feeling
a little bit sensitive
about people just happily
destroying the people they love
over and over again
for no good reason.
It's fucked.
You're fucked!
- Where is your self-respect?
- Where's my self-respect?
Where's yours?
When you're opening your legs
for half the city?
I love a little slut shaming
on a Saturday.
That's real nice.
Hey, I'm not taking
your shit on top of hers.
- There's no fucking way.
- I try to tell you...
You know what,
everything that you just said
is so fucking disgusting,
- I wish I recorded it.
- Shut the fuck up.
Wait, what's your fucking deal?
You've been
acting weird all weekend.
'Cause I want you
to leave me the hell alone.
No, we come to stay
all the time,
and now,
it's a big fucking problem?
What are you hiding?
I'm not hiding anything.
You're full of shit.
Is there actually
something going on?
- No, she's full of shit.
- Obviously, hiding something.
- I'm not.
- You're practically sweating.
- Fuck off.
- Oh, what is it, Rio?
I'm meeting Dad tomorrow.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
I don't care what arguments
you have against it, okay?
I didn't give a shit
what you think.
- Rio, no.
- Did you hear what I just said?
I don't care what you said.
It's a terrible idea.
I'm not going to let you do it.
You can't stop him.
Why bother?
- Maybe because he's my dad.
- He's our dad.
He hasn't been anything to us
in like, ten years.
How did this happen?
He found me online.
- Of course he did.
- There's nothing you can say.
There's plenty that we can say.
Where are you going?
You got somewhere better to be?
I don't want to get into it...
but he was a crap dad,
and he was super shitty to Mom.
Yeah, you said.
Yeah... You don't understand.
He was a bad guy.
Not just because
he left his wife
and three kids,
he was plainly bad.
What if we have
other siblings out there?
What, don't you wanna know?
Aren't you curious?
No, I don't want to know.
Good idea. Awesome.
Maybe you two hate him,
and maybe Mom hates him,
but I don't know him.
It's not about hate, Rio.
What is it about?
This is...
Can I have some of that?
This is healthy?
Not a little ironic?
You know me.
Healthy, healthy.
Just say what you want to say.
He was a...
He was an asshole.
He was a violent,
alcoholic asshole.
What did he do?
In specifics?
Yeah, he'd...
grab us and...
shove us around.
You know, smack us till...
we couldn't sit down and...
just throw things.
Whatever bottle
was in his hand, usually.
The occasional chair.
Mom got the worst of it.
We used to put on
a show for you in the shed.
When things
got really bad, to hide.
We used to pull
your stuffed animals
out of a bucket hat.
I was the great
and powerful Lulu.
- What about me? Did he ever...
- No.
No one would let him.
You were too little.
Why didn't anyone tell me?
It's not exactly something
you reminisce about.
Yeah, but it's a thing
that happened to my family.
You knew it was bad.
I thought
he was a bit of a dick.
I thought he drank a bit.
Not a child and a wife beater.
Well, now you do know.
He doesn't deserve to see you.
Why did he leave?
Because he's a dick.
But he was fine being a dick
for all that time
before he left.
He didn't come
into it fully committed.
It just took him a while
to get the guts to bail,
I guess.
I think
it was probably around the time
that I started
minding being hit.
Did you fight back?
I don't really remember.
That's not...
That's not it.
What are you talking about?
He wasn't the reason you left.
One day Sasha was over.
And we were in...
We were in my room,
and we were playing.
We were naked.
We were hugging and just like...
pretending to have sex.
Well, kids do that sort of
thing all the time.
Dad came in and found us.
And called her mum
to come pick her up.
I... I just...
I knew it was coming.
I could feel it.
Absolutely thrashed me.

It was the worst beating
that I ever got.
With the shit that he said.
It was ju...
That's so fucked up.
Why didn't you
ever tell me that?
'Cause we don't
talk about things, right?
I feel
like I barely know you two.
Well, because you don't know
the worst things
that ever happened to us?
Because I don't know
anything that happened.
I'm hungry.
I'm starving.
So many options.
Not really.
- Should I get chips?
- Yes.
I'm not sitting
on a random wall.
Come and sit.
Why? It's clean.
Sit down, Avery.
- Yeah, sit down, you mole.
- Sit down.
Sit down.
Holy shit.
This is really good.
- This was a good idea.
- Fantastic.
It's the best I've ever eaten.
I love chicken salt.
Mm, best thing about Australia.
Yeah, but other places
have chicken salt too.
- No, no, they don't.
- Yeah, of course they do.
- We didn't invent chicken salt.
- Yeah, we did.
Like we invented pavlova?
We didn't...
We didn't invent pavlova?
Remember that time when Grandma
made that pavlova?
It was for Christmas one year.
But it tasted like an omelet.
I remember that.
And then you
threw it up afterwards
- when we were playing tip.
- What?
And then you cried.
Baby Rio.
That wasn't tip.
Everyone was just
chasing me around.
And you pushed me on the road.
You're a psycho.
I didn't... He ran onto the road.
You're a bad sister.
What, you tried to drown me
in the bath, you bitch.
- You slipped.
- No, I didn't.
Because I have very rough feet.
So it's impossible
for me to slip
on surfaces such as that.
So, you're still
going to go tomorrow?
I... I heard what you said.
I believe you.
It's just...
I want to see him.
I wanna talk to him.
It's not like...
I'm not going to
hug him or anything.
And it's not going to be
a regular thing.
It's just...
I don't know.
Morning, sunshine.
It's nine.
I wasn't sure
what time you're meeting him.
Not till 12.
Should I go?
If you need to go,
you need to go.
Maybe I'll go with you.
You don't have to
go for me or anything.
It's not just to do with you.
Maybe he'll be different.
- Maybe we could try.
- No, I doubt it.
I'm going with Rio.
Say again.
I'm going with Rio.
Maybe you should come too.
And get some closure.
Maybe save on therapy.
No, I'm not going.
But I can drive you.
- You ready?
- Mm-mm.
I don't know what to wear
for this sort of thing.
You two look nice.
He hasn't gone in yet.
Maybe he's late.
He could already be in there.
Maybe he's not coming.
Don't tell him I'm here, okay?
Um, can I get you guys a drink?
- No, thanks.
- No, thanks.
I didn't know you were coming.
Um, I mean, I'm glad.
It's a... it's a great surprise.
I didn't know
this was happening, so...
You're both so grown up.
- Your sister...
- Avery.
She didn't want to come?
Well, guess
I can understand that.
It's good to see you two.
Yeah, can't get over
how grown up you both are.
Did you think
we'd look the same?
No, no, I mean,
I've seen his photos online
since we've been talking,
but you look so different.
Look at your hair.
Sure I can't get you a drink?
You hungry?
My treat.
- No, thanks.
- I'm okay.
Oh, I was really glad
when you answered.
I mean, I wanted
to reach out earlier, you know,
but after the first time...
What... what first time?
Avery didn't tell you?
I tried to reach out to her
a few years ago.
You didn't reach out to her.
Some woman did.
She messaged Avery saying that
she wanted to chat, that...
He'd been looking for us
even though
we still live in the same house
where he left us.
Sky reached out back then
because I asked her to.
Why didn't you just
message Avery yourself?
Didn't know
what your mother had told you.
Didn't know,
what you thought of me.
Things aren't always
as they seem.
So, what do you both do now
that you're so grown up?
Lou's a hairdresser.
I... I'm not doing
anything right now.
Both still live at home?
Moved out a few years ago.
I saw Avery got married, yeah?
He seems nice.
She got any kids?
Ah, I'm sure
she'll be a good mother
when the time comes.
She was always good
with you younger kids.
Did your mother
ever meet anyone?
We're not going to
talk about Mom.
What do you want to talk about?
Where have you been?
What have you been doing?
Moved around a lot.
Moved where the work is.
Spent a bit of time
in Newcastle.
We... we used to holiday there.
I... I lived near that park
with the flying fox.
You remember that?
Avery fell off,
and cracked her head open,
screamed her lungs out.
- That was me.
- No, that was Avery.
It was me.
Anyway, moved back
to Sydney a few years ago.
Lived in Cronulla
for a while, and then... Yeah.
Moved to Kogarah
a few months back.
Do you have any other kids?
Nah. Not that I'm aware of.
But you never know.
You're a quiet kid, hey?
Guess that's what comes
from living
in a house full of women.
Never let you
get a word in edgewise, huh?
- You got a girlfriend?
- No.
Oh, well, it's no hurry.
Your mother and I
were in a hurry.
But, uh, you're still so young.
What about you, heh?
Bet the boys go crazy for you.
I'm gay.
I can't imagine that comes
as a surprise to you.
What do you mean?
I mean the time
that you caught Sasha and I.
- I don't...
- What, you don't remember?
Maybe you were drunk.
It was a really
special day for me.
- I wasn't drunk.
- Oh, what, so you do remember?
If you're talking
about what I think
you're talking about,
then yeah,
I was strict on you, kids.
My dad was strict on me.
I believe
discipline is important.
Your mother and I had
very different parenting styles.
Bet she let you get away
with murder after I left.
So, why did you finally leave?
Well, I didn't just leave.
Did she tell you
that I just left?
She told me to go.
I mean, she was telling me...
to go.
- She told you to go?
- Yeah.
Obviously, I didn't think
it'd be 15 years
until I saw you again.
Some of that...
probably my fault.
The longer something's left,
the harder it is to approach,
you know?
We all do things we believe
are right...
at the time.
I'm going to go get another.
You sure
I can't get you anything?
This is fucked.
He doesn't look like
his pictures.
Never looked like
his pictures to me.
Let's just go.
I don't know what I thought.
Yeah, look, you were curious.
You know, I was curious.
He's not sorry.
Barely even noticed
that we were gone.
Is there anything else
that you want to know?
There's no point.
- Got some chips for the table.
- Look, I have to go.
What, you have to go now?
I didn't know this was on.
So, I've got a thing.
Well, are y... you going to stay?
She's my ride.
Look, I'm sorry
if this hasn't gone the way...
How did you think
this was going to go?
What did you think
was going to happen?
I didn't know.
I'd love to see you guys again.
Give my love to Avery.
What happened?
Why couldn't you leave it?
Why couldn't you
just fucking leave it?
- Leave what?
- Leave this!
Leave all of this.
Why couldn't you just leave it
in the past?
Why did you have
to dredge it all up?
What? We were fine
before this happened.
We didn't need it, but you,
you had to fuck it up.
- Were you fucking bored?
- I didn't know.
What didn't you know?
We told you everything.
Did you think we were lying?
Didn't you believe us?
What did you...
Did you think there was
some big cover up
to keep you from a great
and loving father?
- I had to know for myself.
- Oh, well, now you do.
Now you know.
There was nothing...
- There.
- Lou, enough!
It would have been nice
to have a dad.
That's what you were thinking,
it would've been nice
to have a dad, right?
I know. I know.
It would have been nice.
It would have been nice, well,
can you fucking grow up now?
Fuck you.
This is my fucking house.
It's not yours anymore,
you can't...
You can't just come back
and... and yell at me like...
I'm not a kid.
I'm not... I'm not your kid.
I'm not s... I'm not some
fucking nuisance!
You treat me like...
I'm an adult.
- This is my house.
- It's not your house.
It's Mom's house
and you're a spoiled brat.
I'm the... I'm the brat?
I'm the one
that needs to grow up?
- Yeah.
- Have you looked
in the mirror lately, huh?
You are pathetic.
You are the most selfish
fucking fuck...
What am I? Spit it out, Rio!
Fucking say it.
We cannot speak
to each other like this.
How are we supposed
to talk to each other then?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, but this is...
This is the most we've spoken
to each other in years.
So, I'm... I think
I'm still getting used to it.
Yeah, but it's been good
though, hasn't it?
Being here together.
We're the only ones who know.
What the hell
are you talking about?
We are the only people
who know what it was like.
People talk
about found families.
I've never found
a family outside of this one.
You have Daniel.
I don't.
I have...
I have Mum and I have you two.
You know, when...
He was gone...
I felt like...
we didn't need to be as close.
So I didn't try.
I really regret all of
this distance between us.
I'm sorry.

I didn't mean it.
I know, me neither.
I've got to get out of here.
She told him to leave.
Did you know that?
Did he say that?
Well, do you believe him?
Why would she just tell him
to go after all that time?
I guess enough was enough.
Are you okay?
It's not your fault.
You weren't wrong
to want to know.
I have to get something to eat.
Hey, um, I'm going to be back.
- Where are you going?
- I'll just go to the shops.
Do you need anything?
I'm back here
just when I could win it all
I am losing again,
I can't fight here
Or hide it no more I guess
I'm back here again
It's been so long
since I felt like myself
Full of loss
I'm empty as a shell,
I can't fight it
Hey, it's Sasha.
Please leave a message.
Or hide it no more...
Hey, it's Sasha.
Please leave a message.
I'm back here
Hey, it's Sasha.
Please leave a message.
Hey, it's Sasha.
Please leave a message.
Oh, maybe in time
I'll wake up
And my heart
will feel like mine
But I'm only the same
I'm trying to believe
We never met
Hi, you've reached Daniel Walsh.
I can't take
your call right now,
but please leave a message.
I'm just letting you know
I've taken my things.
Just a friend
I thought
I didn't want to have kids.
But I'm not scared anymore.
About him so...
I just don't want kids with you.
I don't want anything with you.
Alone, uninvited
The silence
is deaf I guess
I'm back here again
So once more
I go around the bend
I try to talk it out
I've been taking my meds,
The silence is still
I guess
I'm back here again
Maybe in time
I'll wake up and my heart
will feel like mine
But I'm only the same
I'm trying to believe
we've never been
Too happy
More than just friends
I left Daniel.
Just then?
Went and took my stuff.
How did he take it?
Who cares?
You okay?
Yeah. You?
What do you want me to say?
I feel like an idiot.
I'm the idiot.
You were right.
You said I was feeling like
it would be nice to have a dad.
That's all it was.
I thought I could fix
what's broken in me.
You're not broken, Lou.
I met this girl
in the eye of a storm
Sometime in June
when the weather's not warm
She held my hand
and we went for a dance
And she said we should go
back to her place
I took off my shirt
and I showed her my heart
She undid her jacket...
Hey, what about this?
Yeah, let's just chuck it.
I don't need it.
The stage
lights are gone
Your head behind
Your body and silhouette
In the bedroom lights
- Good morning.
- Morning.
- I'm Rio.
- I'm Candice.
- Um, it's nice to meet you.
- You too.
You got a haircut.
- Yeah, I did.
- I like it.
See you around.
Oh, once,
but this time is different
I'm surviving...
So, her name is Candice.
"It was nice to meet you."
Did you hear that bit?
And the, "See you later."
But I heard the part where
she said she liked your hair.
- You're welcome.
- Okay, okay.
I think this is the beginning
of a beautiful relationship.
Oh, little baby's growing up.
Can I be best man
at the wedding?
I miss you already
You've moved on
Oh, my God.
She's so beautiful.
- I think I'm a shitty daughter.
- What?
I'm just mean.
It's like I blame her, but...
I don't.
She did the best she could.
Yeah, I know.
I'm all right.
Hey, Rio. Come look.
It's you.
What's that?
Maybe a wedding video.
Open your presents.
Roll her over, Avery.
That's it. Gently.
Hey, you came.
You found my video.
Where was it?
It was in the box
with the photos.
You know, I can digitize
Get rid of some of this stuff.
Where did everything go?
We didn't throw out
anything important though.
What did you get rid of?
Just things
that you won't even notice.
You have to get rid of
some things.
You still do.
It is so much lighter
in here already.
Oh, Rio! That's you.
You were such a cute baby.
Lou wasn't that cute.
- Hey!
- You had a massive head.
She grew into it.
Look at you.
What a pretty fairy.
- Are you staying?
- Yeah.
- You too.
- Yeah, I'm staying.
How was your weekend?
I had a lovely time.
I got fired.
What? When?
And I'm leaving Daniel.
Oh, Avery.
You go away
for one long weekend.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
It's okay.
I'm actually really fine.
I know what this is.
What about you, Rio?
Anything happen to you?
Nothing special.
We missed you.
I missed you guys too.
I'm sorry
I wasn't here for all this.
- Well, you didn't know.
- I should have known.
It's okay.
There's nothing better
than mud pie, is it?
How did it feel...
That's it, girl, off you go.
On your birthday
Lou, Sasha, look at me.
Ooh, Lou. What have you got
in your mouth, sweetie?
Sasha, don't pick that up!
So, how did it feel
to say good bye?
at someone moving on
Staring at someone
Moving on
An empty house
and the setting sun
I never wanna say goodbye
Take a look at that.
It came and went
Hooray, hooray, hooray!
Happy birthday dear...
Happy birthday to you!
Finds its own way
Like a dream
wants you to stay
Now awake
that someone is moving on
Knowing that
someone is moving on
An empty house
and the setting sun
I never wanna say good bye
to anyone
But time flies
and your friends are gone
It came and went
It makes no sense

Knowing that
someone is moving on
Knowing that
someone is moving on
An empty house
and the setting sun
I never wanna say good bye
to anyone
But time flies
and your friends are gone
It came and went
It makes no sense
It came and went