The Lords of Discipline (1983) Movie Script

Sir! Mr. Alexander,
sir! Permission to cross your quad, sir!
Rack that chin in, scumbag.
You look like a piece of shit.
Eyes front, maggot.
Eyes front!
What's your name, screw?
Pop off.
Sir, my...
Shut up!
Tell me your name.
Sir, my... Can't you hear, scum?
He told you to shut up.
Sir, no excuse...
Shut up!
We're gonna break you, boy.
We love to break Knobs.
Mr. Macabbee.
Ya'll have a religious belief
against washing this car?
No, but my mama told me,
never talk to a man in uniform.
Halt, Bubba!
Pop to, you bum!
What are you
doing here so early?
I'm spendin' the day
in Charleston, sir.
Tell me, Bubba,
where does a faggot
English major, like you,
spend his summer vacation?
The Kremlin, sir.
Me and Nikita Khrushchev
have been plotting
the overthrow of the fiercest
fighting man in the United States Army.
A man with the soul of a lion,
the heart of an elephant,
brains of a gnat,
and the sexual organs
of a girl scout, sir.
And whom might that be, Bubba?
Why, Colonel Berrineau, sir.
Bubba, you get your ass
back here by 1700.
There's something
I want ya to do for me.
Is that an order, Bear? Bubba!
It's good to see ya.
It's good to see you too, Bear.
Park your car,
you go to the left...
Hey, what's your problem,
Got a date?
Yeah, with Tradd.
I always knew
you were cornholin'
your roommate,
you little pissant.
We're very much
in love, Macabbee.
Got ya!
Hello, Will.
Henry, be careful
of the azalea roots!
Will! Oh, Will!
Welcome back.
Oh, we all missed you so much!
But I missed you the most.
You did?
Oh, Will, so much
happened this summer.
But it was all so boring
I'm not even gonna tell ya.
Oh, you are a spectacle.
If I wasn't married to Commerce,
I'd teach you a trick or two.
Abigail. Oh,
don't think I wouldn't.
Hey, Will, you get
your butt in here.
Oh, go on in, honey,
I'll be right back.
Hey, thank God you're back, boy.
Now, I can talk to somebody.
Tradd and Abigail
think the Yankees
is who whupped us in the war.
Sit down. Sit down.
Oh, the Giants will kill 'em. Yeah,
I know it.
Senior year?
Yes, sir.
I'll tell ya, Will...
In my last year
at the Institute,
I had Charleston women
buzzin' around me like...
Like flies on a mule.
That's right.
You two.
Well, look at him, Abigail.
Now, that boy
looks like a soldier,
even if he don't act like it.
Yeah, he is somethin'.
You could put
a suit of armor on Tradd,
he's still gonna look
like a hair dresser.
that's perfectly horrible.
Well, will you listen to that?
That's Mozart.
You ever hear such a racket?
Nice. Come here.
Hey, come on. Watch the sacred bod,
will ya.
How are ya?
I'm fine.
Good. Good.
Hey, is your side of the room
gonna look like
the city dump this year?
Am I gonna be able
to breathe in there?
Boston won.
Oh, they play
a game called baseball.
Will, would you,
explain it to him, please?
I don't have to ask
how your summer went.
No, it was fine.
I was in Europe,
and he was locked in his study, as usual.
Doing what?
Writing in his journal.
Probably about the great
disappointment in his life.
Like his son.
This is the key to the house.
You know you don't need it.
You can knock on the door
here anytime of the day or night.
But we all...
My parents and I
wanted you to have it.
Worms, drop out here!
Get the hell out of here!
What are you looking at?
Look at this ugly slat, here.
Boy! You're supposed
to salute, boy.
Delta! Delta! Delta!
One, two! One, two! One, two!
Say goodbye to mommy and daddy.
Right over there.
Thank you, boy.
Here's Pignetti's kitty.
Hey, Will,
put in five for me?
Oh, sure.
Oh, God.
Oh, Mark, you scared the
livin' hell out of me, you wop!
You know, it hurts me,
when a very ugly person,
like yourself,
casts aspersions on my heritage.
Oh, no, no, no,
we love all things Italian,
oil slicks, lube jobs,
that kind of thing.
We got nothin'
against that kind of...
Excuse me!
Over there, toe cheese.
I can't talk now, paisans.
Toe cheese, here,
just insulted my girl.
I didn't know
you had a girl, Pig!
Mr. Pignetti
to you, wormhead!
Now watch as I show you
the woman you insulted.
Get your eyes off her!
If you only knew
how good she was,
how humble,
and quiet, and smart.
You'd be so ashamed,
you'd beg me to kill you.
What'd Gooch say, Pig?
Go on, tell Mr. McClean
what you said.
I asked him if he got
any pussy this summer.
Oh, no.
You heard it,
he said that in front of Teresa.
But Pig, this is not Teresa!
It's just
a photograph of Teresa.
Listen, you kiss
the statue of the Virgin,
you kiss the Mother of God,
herself, okay?
Excuse me.
It's Mark, Gooch.
Gooch, apologize
to the photo of Teresa,
Mr. Pignetti'll
let you go. Come on.
I'm sorry, Teresa.
I'm really...
What'd I say wrong?
Ya know, it's all I can do to keep from
tearing your tongue outta your head.
Call her Miss DeVito.
I'm sorry, Miss DeVito!
I'm really sorry!
Get outta here! Run,
Gooch! Get out of here!
you know what I learned this summer? What?
How to kill
just using my thumbs.
Oh, Pig, you're an animal!
What's the name of your company
commander? You pansy! You pantywaist!
What's the name of your
company commander?
I don't know, sir.
You what?
I don't know, sir!
You what?
What are you lookin' for?
Fly shit in the sugar.
There. Over there.
Jesus Christ, he showed up.
I'm an ugly,
black boy. You say it!
I'm an ugly, black boy,
sir! That's it!
I'm an ugly,
shoe shine! You say it, boy!
I'm an ugly, shoe shine, sir!
God almighty, damn.
He ain't here to fry
chicken or mow the lawn.
That nigra's joinin'
the Long Grey Line.
Yeah, for about one night,
'til the Corps of Cadets finds out a...
Yeah, a pickaninny.
A jigaboo. A coon.
Why not plain old nigger?
He's gonna hear 'em all.
And worse by tomorrow.
What do you want with me?
A little upper class teeth.
Now, Bear, you're
the Commandant of Cadets,
I mean, it's your job to... It's
not my job to play favorites.
Nah, it's gonna
have to be a cadet
that runs interference
for Mr. Pearce.
Yeah, but interference
against the whole Corps?
If that's what it takes.
Are you a racist?
Yeah, I'm a racist.
I'd like nothing better
than to see Mr. Pearce
move his black ass
right outta here!
Well, then, why not
let him get pushed?
Because from now on,
Pearce is one of my lambs,
and all of my lambs
get an even break.
Yeah, but...
Putting my neck out for a...
Who looked after you when
you were a screw-up Knob?
Well, you did but... Who saw
somethin' in you besides arrogance?
Who made you into a cadet?
Bear, you did.
I'm callin' my marker due.
They let him in?
I can't believe it!
This is gonna be the
greatest Hell Night on record.
Christ, a goddamn nigger.
They're gonna rip him to shreds.
So, what's the matter with you?
What do you mean,
"nothing"? I mean, nothing like...
No thing is wrong. Nothing.
Hey, listen, you got a problem,
you come to your paisans, okay?
Come on, Will,
there's nothing you can't come to us about.
I mean, you want me to hand
somebody their head or somethin', Will?
Lights out! Lights out!
Lights out! Lights out!
Hey, Will...
Hey, listen, any time
you wanna talk, okay?
It's really good
to see you guys.
Let's make this a
good year. Yeah.
I was just wonderin'.
You get any pussy this summer?
Any poontang?
Hey, what ya doing?
Sir, would you or any other fine,
kind, refined
Northern or Southern
gentleman at this mess
care to partake of any
food off my plate, sir?
Well, I don't know,
the meatloaf looks pretty good.
You hungry, Will?
Go ahead and eat your food.
Come on, what are you,
a goddamn ballerina?
Give me some of these peas, boy.
Maybe I'll take some
of your carrots.
Eat up, boy,
that's gonna get cold on ya.
You too, Poteete.
Hey, boy,
your face is dirty, boy.
You got my arm all wet, Gilbert.
Looks like a water monkey
or somethin'.
Members of the Honor Court.
The Institute's Code of
Honor is a simple one.
A cadet will not lie,
cheat, or steal,
or tolerate those who do.
It is a simple code,
but it is a stern code.
There are no
second chances here.
One is either an honorable man,
or one is not.
And the Institute
does not forgive.
Make no mistake, gentlemen.
Life here is hard.
But the rigors of this system
produce a superior breed of man.
Something this country
needs now more than ever.
Because America is fat.
America is fat, sloppy, immoral,
and she needs men of iron to
set her on the right path again.
She needs Institute men!
The men you are not now.
But for those of you who
have the courage to remain...
The men you shall become.
Geez, I love Hell Night!
I don't know.
I'm... I'm sentimental, okay?
All right,
fat boys, skinny boys,
all you little boys down here.
Come on, we want you boys now!
You boys are in
for a treat tonight!
It's gonna be a lot of fun!
We're gonna break you, boy.
the Fourth Year System is now in effect.
Come on, Will!
Get up now, boy. Come on!
Get up, get up.
You know what this is,
boy? Pop-off!
It's a quarter, sir!
Shut up!
Open your mouth and
stick out your tongue!
All right, move it now,
let's see those knees
on those chins!
Swallow it!
That's good, boy.
That's real good.
You're gonna be
my little piggy bank.
Come on, Ken,
we're gonna miss the sweat party!
Come on, let's go!
Come on, let's go!
Mark! Mark! Mark,
where's Pearce?
Hey, find your own victims?
Come on, fat boy!
Let's go, let's go. Come on!
I hope you said your prayers!
'Cause we're gonna kill you tonight!
What do ya think of that?
Nothing, sir.
Shut up!
I want you to stick your dick
in the asshole in front of ya!
You hear me, you vultures?
You pantywaists!
You pussys! I'm gonna
rip your balls off, now!
Come on! You hear
me? You pussys!
I hate you!
I'm gonna kill all of you!
You hear me?
nigger! Don't take another goddamn step!
What's the matter with you, boy?
Didn't you understand
what I just said?
He's gonna die, sir! What?
He's gonna die!
He's not gonna die,
Mr. Pearce.
He's gonna be just fine.
Thirteen, 14...
You better get it up,
nigger boy.
We're gonna send you home
in a box to your mammy.
Let's shish kebab this coon.
Come on, John!
Let me hold the sword.
You just keep on,
boy. Nobody told you to stop.
You know the rules, Alexander.
You can have any fun you
want but you touch one hair
on any of my lambs,
and you'll pay the Bear.
Yes, sir!
All right, Pearce, pull-ups!
Move it!
Get up there, you nigger!
Bubba, don't make me
do your job again.
Yes! Pull-ups!
Get up, boy!
You're dead meat, now, boy!
Get up! What are
you doing lying down?
Oh, God, get up! I want you on your feet,
right now!
Get up at attention! I
don't care if you die or not!
get up! You want to become a man?
Yes, sir. Well,
you better start workin' on it right now!
Ya know, I mean,
get rid of that stomach!
You can't be
a scumbag in this school!
We only have men here!
You wanna stay around? Shut up,
I don't want to hear you anymore!
I want you to either become
a person or nothing, okay?
You can get out of here tonight,
or else you can become a man!
You hear me, a man!
Pig! Pig! Stop it!
Pig, stop it!
I'll take care of Poteete.
I'll take care of it!
Oh, yes! Come on,
big boy! Come on home to Daddy! Go!
Can't make me leave here.
I don't care what they do to me.
They can't make me leave here!
They can't make me leave here!
They can't make me leave here!
Well, then, Poteete,
you can't cry.
You've got to stop crying,
or they're gonna run you out.
You can't cry,
or piss in your pants, or nothin'.
I've never pissed in my pants.
Yeah? Neither did a
friend of mine 'til Hell Night.
Then he couldn't stop
pissin' in his pants.
But they'll run
ya out if ya cry.
I won't cry.
Morning mess formation
in two hours.
Want everybody sleepin' soundly.
Morning mess formation
in two hours.
Get some sleep in there!
Pearce. Pearce?
Shut up, and go to sleep, man.
I can't.
Look down, Mister!
Pop to, Mister.
So you know who is behind you? No,
The Ten!
The Ten is behind you.
You'd be better off steppin' forward,
than steppin' back
into the hands of The Ten.
You face us, boy,
you're goin' on the ride.
You're goin' down the hole.
Don't move!
Don't turn around.
Fall in!
Come on, maggots!
What are you lookin' at?
Lock that chin in!
Lock it in! Lock it in!
I'm gonna have
your ass for breakfast!
I'm gonna have
your ass on toast!
What are you lookin' at?
You want to look up my butt?
I'll stick your head up my butt!
What are you lookin' at?
Shut up!
- Who... Who is that?
- That's Poteete.
Poteete! Goddamn it,
you fat faggot, get down here!
Come on!
Eyes straight ahead.
You stay in formation!
Poteete, get down from here.
I can't, sir.
Why not?
They won't let me.
Poteete, there's nobody up here.
I don't wanna face The Ten.
If I face The Ten,
I'm goin' on a ride.
I'm goin' down the hole.
Who told you that?
But, sir, I...
I'm tired, sir.
Come on, Poteete,
we'll get you in the cooler. No!
It's the infirmary, Poteete!
The infirmary
is to get some sleep.
Get some sleep...
Get some sleep.
Come on.
Oh, shit.
What do you mean? Come on,
what do you mean?
I mean,
the Bear's ordered me to look after Pearce,
and that's exactly
what I'm gonna do.
Some people don't belong here.
Is that the way you feel?
I don't want us to fight
over the system.
No! Let's fight about it,
if that's what he wants.
Okay, Will, you're
against the system.
You're against patriotism.
We all know what you're against.
Now, tell us what you're for.
Here in this room.
And Pearce.
He doesn't belong here.
Why the hell are you doin' this?
Well, how about
'cause it's right?
Oh, I get it.
I understand now.
Will is a candidate
for sainthood.
That's it! We gotta
wire the Pope.
Saint Will,
protector of niggers,
and all other forms
of alligator bait!
Forgive us, Will,
for we have sinned.
Oh, pray for us, Will, now,
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Oh, please help me
pass biology, Will.
Make us nice to niggers.
Intercede for us,
Will. We're just the dirt on your shoes.
So good. So right.
So clean.
Kick me in the teeth,
Saint Willy.
The General wants to see you.
I haven't even got
any demerits yet!
The great man waiteth, Bubba.
Sir, Cadet McClean
reporting as ordered, sir.
You have lint on your blouse,
Mr. McClean.
I sent for you because I noticed
that you didn't
participate in Hell Night.
No, sir.
Well, sir,
as I didn't like it very much
when it was done to me,
and I didn't want
to do it to anybody else.
There's a statement
here in your record
that you applied for
admission to the Institute
at the request
of your dying father.
Yes, sir.
He figured it'd make
a man of me, sir.
But your record
during your Knob year,
indicates anything but
manly behavior. It's childish.
sir. If it hadn't been for the Be...
If it hadn't been
for Colonel Berrineau,
I don't think
I would have made it.
let's be glad that the Colonel could help.
Let's see, it's, Will, isn't it?
Yes, sir.
At ease, Will.
How do you think
I feel about Hell Night?
Well, I don't know, sir.
I hate it.
I loathe deliberate cruelty
because I'm a soldier, not a sadist.
But, Will,
you have to understand
the purpose of the Institute.
We are called to produce
something special,
almost unique
in this day and age.
The whole man.
The system is hard,
but it's fair.
And more importantly, it works!
Yes, sir. It's just...
Well, sir, will it work
for Mr. Pearce?
What's your interest
in Mr. Pearce?
Oh, well, the whole school's
interested in Cadet Pearce, sir.
Let me tell you something, Will.
I've seen combat in two wars.
And I've seen heroism.
But I have never seen
greater courage
than that displayed
by Mr. Pearce,
when he walked
through our gates.
The system will work,
even for Mr. Pearce.
Yes, sir.
But for it to work, Will...
It needs... It must have
your active participation.
Even in the hazing
of Knobs, sir?
Certainly hazing of Knobs.
That's part of your duty, Will.
The Institute is
asking for your help.
So am I.
Yes, sir.
Now, that's all I have to say.
Thank you for coming in, Will.
Bear, what's The Ten?
The what?
The Ten.
That's a funny question, Bubba.
Is it? Why?
Well, when I was a cadet here,
back before
the beginning of time...
When dinosaurs ruled the earth.
That's right, Bubba.
Well, back then,
they used to say that the cadre sleeps,
Corps of cadets sleeps.
But The Ten...
They don't never sleep.
I guess everything comes
back around sooner or later.
Don't ya know, Bubba,
nothin' ever changes around here.
sir. And that's the way I like it.
Except for Pearce.
Except for Pearce.
What's the "hole", Bear?
The hole is where The Ten will
take you if you cross the Institute
in thought, word or deed,
even in your dreams.
Into the bowels of the earth,
into hellfire.
Even if you come out alive,
you wish you were dead.
Is the hole a real place?
Is hell a real place?
I don't know.
I don't know either, Bubba.
But I know one thing,
I sure as hell don't want to go there.
You know what I mean?
Will. Poteete.
Come on, boy, get down! Poteete!
What the hell's goin' on?
If I do this...
They'll leave me alone!
They'll let me be a cadet
and they'll let me
wear the ring!
Who, Poteete? Who?
Oh, God!
You know, I think
the General's at fault
for letting somebody
like Poteete in.
Or Poteete's father.
Now, he should've known
that the guy was unbalanced.
You and I, we're not
the toughest guys
to ever walk in Durrell Gate.
We went through Hell Night,
and we didn't go crazy.
Yeah, but it was somethin' else.
It was somebody else.
Somebody else, what?
Somebody didn't want Poteete in.
Got scared.
Thought he might stick it out.
Who is this?
I don't know.
Just something Poteete said.
Was this after he cracked up?
Tell me somethin',
you wouldn't let Pearce in here, would you?
Not unless he came
to cut the grass.
Will, I don't have
anything against Pearce.
It's just the way it is.
It's just the way
it's always been.
Get your knees up
this high, boy.
Why don't you just get
the hell out of here
and make it easier on everybody?
Don't worry about me, sir!
Dumb ass.
They won't run me out, sir!
Well, if they try,
I wanna know about it.
Come to me, just me.
You understand?
If anything happens,
anything weird,
anything at all,
you tell me.
This is gonna be
the last time we talk.
if you've got something you wanna say,
leave a note for me
in the library.
In a book called The Decline of the West,
by Oswald Spengler.
Hasn't been checked out
in the history of the Institute.
get down and give me some push-ups,
impress the white trash.
Goddamn these
fuckin' logarithms.
I say, fuck English Lit.
Fuck it in the nose!
Fuck it in the ear!
Hey, hey, look.
You guys,
I was just kiddin' with Gooch
about Teresa's picture,
you know that.
But I'll tell ya,
it makes me feel kinda funny to hear
that kinda language
goin' on when
I can see her face
right in front of me.
That's ridiculous, Pig. I know it is,
but I can't help it.
Turn her picture to the wall.
I couldn't do that.
She inspires me
to study this shit.
Now, you said it, shit.
Ya see what I mean?
It's always fuck, shit, piss,
all the time around here.
I mean, if she could hear this,
it would embarrass her!
Now, Pig,
this is a photograph.
I know that!
It can't see, smell,
hear, taste, right?
Now, Mr. Santoro,
would you please address
a few obscene remarks
to this totally
inanimate photograph?
would you look at the tits on that bitch!
Pig, how we doin'?
My, but I would dearly love
to play a little hide the sausage
with that spectacular
piece of wop ass.
She can't hear ya!
She can't hear ya!
Atta boy!
Hi, baby,
how would you like
a hot flesh injection
with the old pork sword?
Nine inches of steamin'
cong up that tight little...
I'm gonna kill ya for that!
How's Mr. Pearce
makin' out?
He's okay, I guess.
You guess?
Yeah, no notes in
The Decline of the West.
Well, what did ya hear?
He's takin' a lot of shit.
He's tough.
He's one tough nigger.
That's good?
Makes your job
a whole lot easier.
Yeah, lucky me.
Carolina keep us faithful
True to duty
True to thee
God of battle
Guard our homeland
Keep us steadfast, ever brave
And bound to freedom
Pride and glory
Fabled still in song and story
By the ties of ring and line
Keep us strong
Gentlemen of the fourth year,
be seated.
Tonight, it is my privilege
to welcome you to the
brotherhood of the ring.
The fellowship of the line.
The ring is a sacred symbol
of the Institute and its ideals.
Those of you who wear it,
will for the rest of your lives.
Gentlemen, I had
a rather long speech
prepared to deliver
to you this evening.
But less than one hour ago
I received a message
which I believe expresses
the ideals of the ring.
Far better than any words
which I can command.
With your permission,
I would like to read it to you.
"To General Bentley Durrell,"
Carolina Military Institute."
"It is my sad duty
to report to you"
"the death of your son, Jack."
"He was killed while
practicing parachute descents."
"It may help you to know"
"that it was a simple accident."
"That no one was at fault."
"And that your boy
suffered no pain."
"He was a fine soldier."
"and always attentive
to his duty."
- to the ring.
- The ring.
- To the line.
- The line.
I wish I was
in the land of cotton
Old times there
are not forgotten
Look away
Look away
Look away
In Dixieland
Where I was born in
Early on one frosty mornin'
Look away
Look away
Look away
And I wish I was in Dixie
In Dixieland...
What's the matter, boy,
you forget the words?
No. I know the words.
These are the finest
young men in the world, Will.
And you're one of 'em.
That ring on your finger says so
and I say so.
Then I wish I was in Dixie
In Dixieland
I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away
Away down south in Dixie
Away, away
Away down south in Dixie
You gonna leave
my school, Mister?
No, sir!
Face right!
Ready! Hut!
All present, and accounted for,
Mr. McClean.
Thanks, Mr. Macabbee.
All right, turdbrains,
I told you we never talk. Never!
Why don't you answer
the notes, then?
What? Why don't
you answer the notes?
Move out, Pearce.
What the hell
are you talking about?
I left four notes.
I told ya, I was scared.
I said...
That's bullshit, Pearce.
I check The Decline
of the West every day.
What'd the notes say?
What are you doing?
Oh, goddamn!
Who did this to you?
It was in the dark.
Like with Poteete.
And he said...
Who was it?
I don't know.
But he said if I don't get out in
two weeks, I'll be going on a ride.
I'll be going down the hole.
And even if I get out alive,
I'll wish I was dead.
I swear to God,
I'm gonna find out who did this to ya.
I've earned the right
to be here!
Whatever it takes.
If I could just see it coming. All right,
all right. Okay.
Now, we gotta find out who's
been intercepting the notes.
Who's your roommate?
I don't talk to him.
I don't talk to anybody.
What about yours?
Shit, no.
No one knows, but you and me.
Somebody else knows.
Somebody else knows.
Forward, march!
Left. Left.
Left. Left. Left.
Squad halt!
Ready, face!
Draw swords!
Oh, excuse me.
Here we go!
Oh, be careful.
Why, Teresa, what is that?
It's a miniature ring.
It's supposed to mean,
we're engaged to be engaged.
What it really means,
we're just plain engaged.
To be married.
Let me just show you something.
My daddy thinks he's gonna
be the next General Patton.
Old Blood and Guts Pignetti.
Santoro. That's what we
call him around the dorm.
Don't you listen to them,
now. All right.
Congratulations, my dear,
to the both of ya. Thank you.
They're happy.
Sure, they better be happy.
Mr. St. Croix.
Good evening, Colonel.
Hi, Mrs. Bear.
That's Mrs. Berrineau
to you, Pignetti.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me, dear.
Evening, Santoro.
Pretty lady you got with ya.
Charlotte, this is the Colonel.
Some punch?
Here ya are.
What the hell's going on, Bubba?
I don't know, Colonel.
Are you gonna tell me
what this is all about,
or you just gonna go on
acting like a goddamn asshole?
Yeah, I'll talk,
if ya want, but not here.
Come on, then.
I wanna hear this.
Will you excuse me,
for just a minute?-
All right, Bubba, shoot.
Why didn't you tell me
The Ten was real?
I never said
The Ten wasn't real.
You said...
I said, it was a legend.
Look, Bubba, back where I grew up,
back in Greenville,
they used to say that
the Klan night riders
was ghosts of Confederate
soldiers killed in the war.
Now, that was a legend.
The Klan was real.
You're trying to put me
off the track, Bear.
What happened, Bubba?
Tell me what else
you know about The Ten.
They used to say it was made up of the
10 outstanding cadets of each senior class.
All of 'em sworn to uphold the honor of
the Institute against anyone, or anything.
And all of 'em sworn
on their lives to secrecy.
You wouldn't know
who any of The Ten was,
unless you was one of The Ten.
But the officials knew about it?
Nobody knew about it
for sure. Except The Ten.
Why didn't you
tell me this before?
Because what the hell
does it matter?
Ten, nine, or 29,
it's all just cadets,
just like yourself,
just like all the rest of 'em.
Unless the Institute's
behind it.
What are you talking about, boy?
Well, you want Pearce
outta here as bad as anybody.
I never said I didn't!
But ya had to keep
appearances up,
so ya appointed somebody
to look after him.
Somebody like me, a screw-up,
wouldn't get in anybody's way.
What happened, Bubba?
Why in the hell did you
take Pearce's notes?
I never took anybody's notes.
I'm scared of you, Bear.
Why? Why're you
scared of me, boy?
I'm scared you lied to me!
'Cause if you lied to me, then
everything you told me about being a cadet
and everything
I've been through,
and everything Mark and Pig and
Tradd's been through has been a joke.
Now, listen, Bubba...
If 10 guys can
go around in the dark,
can change the rules anytime
they want and get away with it,
if that's the honor
of this Institute,
then that ring is a piece
of crap! It's a piece of shit!
You get out of my sight, boy.
You're making me sick!
Mr. McClean,
you gotta lot of
growing up to do.
The whole thing seems
a little silly to me, Will.
The Ten, the Cracker Jacks,
the Milwaukee Braves, who the hell cares?
It's still just a bunch of
assholes beating up a nigger.
So what else is new? It's
not just beating up a nigger.
It's running a cadet outta here
because somebody doesn't like his face!
Pearce took everything
this place had to dish out.
And that's the system, buddy.
Right. And Pearce beat it.
He made it.
And that pissed somebody off,
and now they wanna change the rules.
They wanna change the system.
Hey, listen, you guys, I spent
everything I had on Teresa's gardenia.
Now, how 'bout a little
contribution to even up the kitty?
All even.
Just a loan, guys, okay?
Will, look, this Ten stuff
is probably just some crap
they made up to spook Pearce.
Well, I'm gonna find out.
And I want you guys to help me.
Whatever you say,
paisan. Let's go.
You don't even know
what I'm talking about.
I don't gotta know. See,
I love to rack ass, white ass, black ass,
yellow ass, I don't care.
Forget it, Will. We only got
a little while 'til graduation.
I say we sit tight.
Well, I'm not gonna sit tight.
You know what
you're doing, Will?
You're putting our friendship on the
line for somebody you don't even know!
Yeah, that's what I'm doing! I'm
putting our friendship on the line!
Now, how about it?
Okay, Will, I'm in.
What the hell?
I'd rather get my teeth kicked in than
memorize a periodic table any day.
How's it going, Will?
How ya doing, guys?
Good to see ya.
How are ya?
Come on, Bobby, sit down.
Yeah, sit down, Bentley.
Tell me, ya still pissing in your pants,
or did that clear up?
Well, Mark, since I left the Institute,
just cleared right up.
Hey, to Frank Sinatra, okay?
To the Institute.
Don't be an asshole.
I'll be glad to drink to the Institute,
if that's what you want, Mark.
Whatever it means to ya.
So, what do ya
want to know, Will?
I wanna know
about our Hell Night.
- When you disappeared.
- I didn't disappear.
The hell you didn't.
I was taken.
Taken my ass.
Taken by who?
you don't see much when you're blindfolded
and thrown
in the trunk of a car.
They said,
"You're going on the ride."
"You're going down the hole."
"And even if you
come out alive..."
"You'll wish you were dead."
That's right.
It started out like a regular
sweat party. Then it got worse.
How worse?
What'd they do to ya?
I'll never say what
they did to me.
Well, Bobby, I mean,
why didn't you say anything to the Bear,
or some TAC officer?
Why don't you go to hell?
While I was riding back
in the trunk of that car,
I thought nobody wanted to
wear that ring as much as me.
But now...
I decided then that I didn't
want any part of that school.
And I still don't.
You got dealt some bad cards,
paisan? That's all.
Listen, Bentley, did you hear any names,
or any nicknames?
Not until about a year ago.
I was in this bar when I
heard a voice from that house.
How do you know?
Because I nearly pissed
my pants when I heard it!
Well, who was it?
Who was the bastard?
Come on!
I didn't know him then,
but I had my girlfriend ask around.
His name is Dan McIntyre.
He's in first year law here.
He was our battalion
commander our knob year.
First class prick!
Drink up, Bobby.
You swear he said
that about Teresa?
I swear! If I was you,
I'd... Here he is.
He's dead.
Shut up, shut up.
Let go of me!
That train is coming.
Who are you?
I'm a professional lawyer.
Yeah, well, counselor,
you just answer a couple of questions,
we'll let you go.
Otherwise, you can try being a
professional lawyer without any legs!
What the hell is this?
All right! All right!
What do you wanna know?
Are you a member of an
organization known as The Ten?
- Never heard of it!
- He never heard of it.
Oh, well.
You little shit!
You wear the ring! You'd do
this to one of your brothers?
Bye-bye, brother.
All right! All right! I'm in The Ten! Now,
let me go!
Where's the hole?
Where is the hole?
McIntyre, I'm a nice guy,
don't make me leave you here.
McIntyre, where is the house?
Come on!
The house is General Durrell's
plantation on Pritchard Island!
Now, cut me loose!
Sorry, McIntyre,
you didn't give us enough time!
There just ain't
enough time, buddy!
Oh, Jesus! Jesus!
You bastards!
Where's Pearce?
They took him.
Who took him?
They took him in the dark! Shit!
I'm going! I think it's too late,
It's way too late.
Well, it doesn't matter,
I'm going.
The barracks are closed, Will.
You'll never get past the guard.
Hey, what do you mean?
He wants to go, he goes!
Will, hey.
What the hell's going on here?
Let's waste him right now.
You gonna leave my school,
you goddamn nigger?
No, sir!
We're gonna kill us
a nigger tonight!
You're gonna die.
Do it again.
Let's juice him!
Juice him. Juice him.
Do that again.
Let's set this coon on fire.
All right, you want fire?
Sir, I'll leave.
Please, sir! I'll leave, sir!
Please, sir! I'll leave, sir!
Please! I'll leave, sir!
I'll leave, sir!
I've got you, you bastards!
Goddamn it! I've seen your cars!
I know your names!
Come on! Get him!
Get him! Come on!
Better run, you faggot!
I want that son-of-a-bitch!
Don't let him get away!
Pig, cut 'em off!
Get him!
We got him!
Get him!
Cut him off!
Let's go!
Saving your ass again,
McClean. Let's go!
Come on, hurry up!
Right now!
Come on!
You deserve this pain.
I should pickle your head.
Hey, paisan,
you missed the big one.
Yeah, somebody had to let
you fools back into the barracks.
Oh, we got their names too,
Alexander, Gilbreath,
Braselton, Collins.
Yes, and they've
got the General.
Which leaves us up shit creek.
Will, I'm ready to stomp
anybody, anytime.
It won't help.
I say we're lucky
if we graduate, now.
I say we make peace with them.
I say we kick ass!
Pearce. How ya doing?
Fine, sir.
Last time I saw ya,
you smelled like a gasoline station.
Hey, at ease, Pearce. I'm talking
about them throwing gasoline on ya.
No one throwing gas
on me, Mr. McClean.
What are you talking about? Hey,
How'd ya sleep last night?
I slept fine, sir.
I don't think
Mr. McClean slept so well.
He's been talking like he's
been having some nightmares.
Yes, sir.
You bastard!
Take it easy, McClean.
The nigger's safe as long
as he keeps his mouth shut,
so are you.
Now, you got what you wanted.
This is a truce.
What I want are your
balls on a plate.
I'm gonna get them.
What are you gonna do?
Go tell the Bear?
No, I'm not gonna tell the Bear.
But I'm gonna tell some people.
Maybe newspapers.
I got ten friends who'll swear I
was studying in barracks last night,
and I'll swear
the same about them.
Only because it's true,
McClean! Oh, go to hell.
On the other hand,
I don't like aggravation.
Now you start spreading
fairytales about this Institute,
and you'll be out on
your ass, McClean.
And you can take
your roommates with ya.
It can be arranged.
You leave my roommates
outta this.
It's too late for that, McClean.
I'm gonna stop this. I don't know how,
but I'm gonna stop it!
Okay, if that's the way
you wanna play it.
Oh, by the way, you hear what
happened to poor Bobby Bentley?
What about Bobby Bentley?
He fell down a stairwell
at Columbia this morning.
Broke his arm.
Real klutz?
Just goes to show ya, McClean.
You gotta be careful. Smart!
Room, attention!
It's a set-up, Will.
They were watching me.
Shut up, Mr. Pignetti!
Mr. McClean,
I'm remanding this cadet to your custody,
until 2400 hours,
when you will see that
he reports promptly
to a special convention
of the Honor Court.
This cadet has been
accused of stealing
and informed of his rights and obligations
under the Institute's Honor Code.
Do you understand
my report, Mr. McClean?
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Pig, what happened?
It's ridiculous.
They saw me taking
some gas outta Will's car.
Oh, Jesus.
I knew you wouldn't mind.
They said I was stealing!
How could... How could
I steal from you?
You couldn't.
You and Tradd gotta defend me.
You guys gotta
explain how it is.
Your Honor, I would like to call
Senior Private McClean to the floor.
Mr. McClean,
will you tell us how you felt
when you heard Mr. Pignetti had been
accused of stealing gas from your car?
I was relieved.
Why would you be relieved?
Your Honor, this is ridiculous.
Why would you be relieved?
Well, if had it been
any other car,
then Mr. Pignetti might well
have been guilty of stealing.
But in our room, we share.
We borrow from each other.
There's no way
he could've been stealing.
Then, as far
as you're concerned,
Mr. Pignetti had
a kind of implicit permission
to take gas from your car.
To take anything.
It was understood.
Then you, as a so-called
victim in this case,
state that nothing
was stolen from you.
Thank you,
Mr. McClean. You may sit down.
I just have one or two
questions for Mr. McClean.
Now, Mr. McClean,
I'm sure that we're all
touched by the communal arrangements
between yourself and your roommates.
But they're not really
pertinent to this case.
What we want to know is did you,
or did you not give Mr. Pignetti
specific permission to take gas
from your car on this specific night?
Well, not specific permission,
but we had a...
- Thank you, Mr. McClean.
- Yeah, but we had an ongoing...
Thank you, Mr. McClean,
you may sit down.
Yeah, but...
You may sit down,
Mr. McClean.
Your Honor, I would like to call
Cadet Dante Pignetti to the stand.
Why, Mr. Rowland, you're aware and
I'm sure the defense counsel is aware,
that no cadet is compelled to bear
witness in a case against himself.
I don't mind talking.
Mr. Pignetti,
you understand?
I understand!
Mr. Pignetti, you must be very
impressed by the loyalty of your friends.
I am.
I think we all are.
I think all of us are willing to forgive a
friend who's transgressed against us.
It's human nature.
But the Institute's
Code of Honor
embodies an ideal that
transcends human nature.
Not all of us can live up to
it. But all of us have to try.
Your Honor, I object,
the prosecution is making a speech.
I'm merely trying
to point out, Your Honor,
that what Mr. McClean
feels now,
about Mr. Pignetti's action
is not pertinent here.
The Honor Manual defines stealing
as taking property without due authority.
Now, good will between roommates
does not constitute due authority.
Your Honor...
What is your question,
Mr. Rowland?
I will simply ask Mr. Pignetti the
question that I asked Mr. McClean.
Mr. Pignetti, did you,
or did you not receive
specific permission to take
gas from Mr. McClean's car?
Well, I... It's a very simple question,
Mr. Pignetti.
Yes or no will suffice.
Gentlemen, we'll adjourn.
At 0200 hours,
this court delivered to General Durrell
a verdict of guilty in the
case of Cadet Dante Pignetti.
Accompanying the verdict was a
strong recommendation for leniency.
The recommendation
for leniency, was denied.
This court will reconvene
on the parade ground
in two hours, for final action.
Mr. St. Croix,
as defense counsel,
you will confiscate
Institute property.
What does he mean
"Institute property"?
You gotta give
him your ring. No!
Pig, give him the ring.
No! It's mine, okay?
Give him the goddamn ring.
The Honor Court has met and found Pignetti,
D.A., guilty of stealing.
His name will never be mentioned
again by a member of the Institute.
Let him go from us forever!
Let him begin The Walk of Shame!
Come on, turn.
Get laid, asshole.
Come on, turn around,
that's the way it's played.
Platoon, attention!
Dust on the press.
Four demerits.
Lint on the cover!
Four demos.
You gotta be...
Shut up, Mr. McClean.
Shoes not polished to Institute
standards. Three demos.
Fingerprints on the brass.
Three demos.
This place is a goddamn pig sty.
One of you boys been
pissing in this sink? Five demos.
All right you suckers,
move it! Move it! Move it!
So, at least we know
how they're gonna do it.
Yeah, they're gonna run
us out on excess demerits.
It's foolproof. All they got to
do is keep hitting us with 'em.
Everything from stains on our
underwear to dirty light bulbs.
How many you got now?
Will and I got 35 each. I figure
we'll be out in about three days.
Hey, was it worth it, Will?
Four years down the drain
for a nigger?
It wasn't for the nigger!
- It was never for the nigger.
- No! It was for you!
- So you could be a hero!
- Shut up, Tradd!
We went along with him.
We didn't have to.
I'm sorry, Will.
So, what're we gonna do?
Just sit here and take it?
Nope. No, there's
something I can do.
What, Will?
Just me. It doesn't
involve you guys.
I got a deal for ya.
No deals.
You had your chances.
I think you're gonna
like this one.
I'll resign today if you
lay off Mark and Tradd.
Now, that might be acceptable.
But you deliver your
resignation to me in writing.
All right.
You forgot to say thank you.
Thank you.
Down easy. All right,
right in the water.
I don't know, paisan.
It's not right.
Of course it's right.
I got ya into this,
I gotta get ya out.
What do you make of that?
It's Commerce...
And McIntyre!
I think we'll go down and check out
the water, make sure it's still there.
Jesus Christ, I hope
your car's out there.
Don't worry.
Well, I hope it starts.
This is our last shot, Will.
You got the key?
Yeah, I got the key.
When Commerce was in France,
he brought himself a whore.
Don't read the personal stuff.
Oh, right, we don't want to pry.
Jesus Christ.
Mark, what?
It's from his junior year.
"Later on that evening,
after Corps Day,"
"I was inducted into a secret
organization known as The Ten."
He has a list of The Ten,
it goes way back. Here's Durrell.
God, almighty.
But Bear's not in here.
Well, he's probably got a list of The
Ten for every year since he's graduated.
Let's get 'em, buddy.
Take a look at our year.
Shit, somebody's here.
Son of a bitch.
Come on, let's get outta here.
Oh, that son of a bitch.
Come on, Wilkes!
Come on! Come on!
Forget it! Let's hurry!
How long did you know?
Since last night.
I read Commerce's journals.
You bastard. That key...
You remember
our roommate's name?
Do ya?
I do.
But I'm not allowed to say it!
Help me say it, Tradd.
Help me say our
roommate's name, Tradd!
Will, stop!
You don't understand
about The Ten.
It isn't about what
they did to Pearce.
It's the 10 finest cadets
of the senior class.
Oh, please.
Look, it's people
like my father!
It's the only thing I ever
earned in my whole life.
And it meant something to him!
You earned our friendship.
All right, then give it
to me, now, Will.
I didn't like what
The Ten was doing.
I was trying to make them stop.
I was working from the inside.
Will, I'm sorry about Poteete.
I'm sorry about our roommate.
Were you sorry when
you informed on him?
Were you sorry when you sat around
collecting demerits with me and Mark,
when you knew you
weren't gonna get kicked out?
You called the plantation when
I was out there with Pearce.
You took Pearce's notes!
And you blew it
for Bobby Bentley!
Will, will you just listen?
When The Ten ruled that you guys had to go,
I argued for ya!
I pleaded!
I told them that I could use
our friendship to keep you quiet.
Tell Commerce I only
read what I had to.
Will, wait.
Get outta here, Mister!
Go back outside and knock!
No, sir! I've come here
to give you my terms.
If you think I'm going to be
impressed by the insolence
of a goddamned impertinent schoolboy,
you're very much mistaken.
Your papers of expulsion
are right on this desk.
Don't you sign that.
Give me your ring, Mister.
Are you out of your mind?
The power of The Ten is secrecy.
I'd call it cowardice,
but that's not important.
What is important,
is that I know the secret.
Good morning, General.
Mr. McClean here tells me that
you're running him outta the school.
I'm not running him
out of school.
I'm expelling him
for excess demerits.
I wonder, sir,
if I could take this opportunity
to accuse you of being
a goddamn liar.
Mr. McClean has given me a list
of The Ten over the past 30 years,
and of the boys they've
run out of the school.
I've contacted 12 of those boys.
They've all volunteered to swear in court,
if necessary,
that they were taken to your plantation
house their last night as cadets.
Do you understand
what you're doing?
Now, you may recall on
numerous occasions you told me
that the activities of The Ten were as
mysterious to yourself as they were to me.
That wasn't exactly true,
now was it, General?
What do you want, Colonel?
It's your hand now,
Bubba, you play it.
I got three demands, General.
I'm waiting, Mr. McClean.
First, we graduate.
All of us!
That means, that our roommate,
Cadet Dante Pignetti,
be enrolled in the fall
so he can complete his term.
Second, that The Ten
be dissolved.
Dissolved and acknowledged
before a general assembly of cadets.
And your resignation.
My resignation!
You want my resignation?
Hell, yes!
You know what those boys
went through down the hole!
I hold you personally
responsible for it!
Now, if you'll have
a look out the window,
you'll see Mark Santoro
holding 50 letters
addressed to reporters
throughout the state!
In them is a brief
description of The Ten,
a list of their names,
including your own, General.
And their activities. Words like
kidnapping and torture are used.
If I walk outta here
without my ring,
Mark's gonna mail
every damn one of them!
I order you to stop this!
No sir, it's too late for that.
Because you'd do it,
wouldn't ya?
You bet your ass, General.
I think it'd be best
for the school and for you
if you were to retire quietly
after the end of the school year.
Mr. McClean,
your terms are acceptable.
Mr. McClean.
I know how you
must feel about me.
You saved my life,
and I turned my back on you.
You did what you had to do,
I guess. Yes, sir.
See, I'm the first,
and if I don't make it,
the next nigger has my record
around his neck like a rock!
You'll make it.
I'm counting on ya to make it.
Yes, sir, I will!
Now, move your ass, Pearce.
Yes, sir!
Thank you, sir.
So long, Bubba.
So long, Bear.
I'll be seeing ya.
You forgot something.
Go on, take it.
You earned it.