The Lost (2022) Movie Script

Hi, Hayley.
Unfortunately Kevin's not back til later.
Are you okay to wait or can I
make you another appointment?
That's fine.
Come on.
Hayley, hi.
Hope you don't mind.
I'm not really supposed to,
but no one's complained yet.
I'm trying to quit, but there
are so many different flavors.
This one's cinnamon and apple.
You sure you don't mind?
What happened to Kevin?
Oh, he had to be in court
this morning with a client.
I'm taking over his caseload.
For how long?
I have no idea, to be honest.
But for you I will
probably be the last person
you'll be seeing here.
You only have two weeks left, right?
I bet you'll be glad to see
the back of us.
Don't worry, I am up to speed.
This all looks quite straightforward.
Yeah, I'm a proper menace to society.
To be honest, looking at your case,
this seems rather harsh
for a first offense.
This really should've
been a slap on the wrist
and a fine, community service at most.
I probably deserve it.
I don't know about that.
It looks like the magistrate
was making an example of you.
Why didn't you mention in court
what had happened with your son?
It didn't come up.
It was unrelated.
It was hardly unrelated.
You were under incredible
emotional distress.
If the magistrate or your solicitor
had known what you were going through,
you would absolutely have
been treated differently.
You never thought to tell your brief?
It had nothing to do with what I did.
It wasn't relevant.
I'm sorry about what happened.
It wasn't your fault.
Do you want to talk about it?
Tell me what happened.
It's been over a year now, right?
There's nothing to tell.
He got hit by a car.
It didn't stop.
He died.
That's all there is to tell.
Did they ever find who was responsible?
They never found the car.
They stopped looking after a while.
And the driver?
Could have been anyone.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
No, I suppose not,
but it's good that you're
not holding on to that.
That's a big step forward,
a big part of letting go,
especially in the case of an accident.
I think no one's really
responsible, are they?
It's fate, which I know
isn't comforting at all,
but holding onto blame can
keep you in a very dark place,
and that's not a healthy way to live.
There's always someone to blame.
What do you mean?
You can't blame yourself either.
I wish I had been there.
Even if I knew there was
nothing I could've done.
Just to hold his hand.
I wish I could talk to him again.
Just once.
Sometimes, I think I can hear his voice
trying to talk to me.
And I drop everything
and try really hard to listen
and hear what he's saying.
But I can't...
I can't quite hear him.
It's like a whisper, then it's gone.
And then I realize it's not him.
I know it's
It's just me.
It's just
wishful thinking.
You sold me a piece of shit, old man.
You pick up your fucking phone.
Do you want me to have
a look at it for you?
- Fuck off.
- I can probably fix it
if you just let me
drive the fucking thing.
You're going to fix
it, you fucking prick.
I'll just fucking walk then!
Fucking prick.
I don't want to drive it anyway.
Fucks sake.
Fuck off!
- Hey, how you doing?
- All right.
- Did Jake go?
- No.
Fucking A.
What's that you got there?
Why did you bother, you
prick, I just walked.
He told me to pick up
the Jeep when it's ready.
Give it up, dickheads.
Touch my car, and I'll
break your fucking legs.
There's some
fucking banging shite here.
You bloody cunt!
You look even more beautiful today.
Thank you.
You're my favorite animal.
For now.
There are others?
Many, but none as glorious as you.
Why, thank you.
You're quite a special animal too.
Yeah, what kind of animal am I?
A hyena.
They're survivors, you know.
Scavengers, savages.
Despised by all others.
Yes, they are.
They spend their lives sniffing around
the victories of others,
claiming their prey as their own.
It never was, and it never will be.
Your cruelty is sublime.
- Hey, how you doing?
- All right.
- Did Jake go?
- No.
What is that you got there?
I just walked.
Ya prick.
He told me to pick up
the Jeep when it's ready.
Give it up, dickheads.
Touch my car, and I'll
break your fucking legs.
- Can I try on that one?
- Sure.
- It suits you.
- Yeah?
Yeah, definitely
better than this one.
Can we swap?
- With this?
- Mm-hmm.
You know this is like
proper vintage, right?
Like 500 quids vintage.
That's like 40.
But this looks better though.
Well, yeah.
You keep that vintage,
and I'll have this one.
- If you're okay with that.
- Of course.
How much do you want for these?
- Nothing, take them.
- For free?
Yeah, for free.
Thank you so much.
I just got a new jacket.
What do you think of these?
Very cool.
Very cool.
Shut the fuck up!
- Shut the fuck up!
- Fucking hell.
It's over, okay?
- We're done!
- Dude, calm down.
Yeah, and put some
fucking clothes on, mate.
No one needs to see that in the morning.
You're changing, man.
Sort your shit out!
Turn the music back on, mate.
Fuck off.
No, Daisy, it's Karl.
Barney's gone.
Hayley, I'm sorry, okay?
Why are you being like this?
I don't know what you want.
You have to let it go, Hayley.
For fucks sake, man.
This is like eight times
already this month,
eight times you've been pissed.
So stay in bed then.
Why don't you stay in bed
for the rest of your
miserable fucking life?
- All right?
- No.
No, what?
No, Brian.
Well, I haven't said anything.
You were just about to.
What are you,
a fucking mind reader?
The answer's no, mate.
Look, I'm sorry about your band,
but now that you haven't
got any distractions,
I thought you could give
me a hand round here.
I don't have the time.
You never got
anything else going on.
I'm busy.
But you're not fucking about
with your band anymore.
I'm busy with other stuff.
You've literally got nothing going on.
Well, okay, mate.
Think about it.
It's not like you're going anywhere.
Oh, and you can start with this.
Come in this morning.
Yeah, so look, I'm
setting up these dates.
I'm trying to work on
a few more in London.
- Okay.
- And then maybe one on the...
As many in London as we can squeeze in
- would be good, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, we'll try.
Elephant Castle maybe, I don't know.
Maybe we should fuck off.
Hey, Ferdie.
You got a minute?
About a minute's about all I've got.
Listen, Ferdie,
I was just thinking,
there's gotta be something
we can do to save this.
You back?
Is Barney back?
Then we've got nothing to talk about.
But we had a contract.
That contract ended
the moment your singer
decided to disappear.
And that contract was for the band, yeah?
All of the band.
I don't have anything else, Ferdie.
And I know we only get one shot at this.
And who's fault is that?
I don't know what personal shit
you've got going on right now,
know what madness is
going on inside your head,
but I want nothing to do with it.
I've had enough.
If you want to move on, move on,
like your friends in there.
They're living in the real world.
It's been nice talking to you.
But get some help, yeah.
You can't just turn
your back on me, Ferdie.
There's got to be something, man.
Your band doesn't have a
singer anymore, remember?
You know, rock 'n' roll burnouts do sell,
but only when you've actually
got something to sell.
You had your chance, you blew it.
Is that a band?
- That's right.
- Where'd you get it from?
Fuck it.
That was really enough for us.
It really, really did help.
Thank you so much today
for listening, everyone.
It's been really useful and helpful for me
- so thanks.
- Brilliant, thank you, Sarah.
Right, guys, um, that's it for this week.
It's been excellent today.
What we'll try and do is reconvene
at the same time next week, all right?
And if you can remember to
bring your journals as well,
and we'll go through those together.
All right, well done, guys.
Hayley, wait!
Hayley, are you gonna talk to me?
Hayley, just talk to me.
- I need you!
- No, you don't, Summer!
Hayley, I've got no one else.
And nor do you!
When did you start?
Haven't really.
Just something I picked up in America.
Oh, I've got this for you.
What's this?
It's a thing.
An event.
Like a concert?
No, no like...
It's like an experience.
It's different for everybody.
It might help.
Help with what?
It's been over a year, Hayley.
You need to get over this.
I'm fine.
I don't need any new age bullshit.
This is as far away from new
age bullshit as you can get.
I know you were okay when Mum died.
You got over that.
I don't know how.
Probably because you were so much alike.
Both so strong.
Here's something weird.
Did you know she could speak French?
But not to me, to
someone else, like
there was someone else in the room.
Weird, right?
I don't know, Summer.
I wasn't there.
That's not my fault.
She wouldn't accept my help anymore.
You were the only one
left to look after her.
You got that job by default.
But I was there, wasn't I?
Why are you being like this?
I don't know, Summer.
Maybe 'cause you bring this up every time
you're on the back foot.
I get it, you were Mum's hero.
That's it.
Isn't it?
That's why you hate me so much.
I don't hate you for that, Summer.
You do one worthy thing in your
life, you think it makes up
for all the other irresponsible behavior?
What irresponsible behavior?
What are you talking about?
My son.
How can you think of that?
I've been hurting too, you know.
For you.
For Evan.
I lost someone too.
I've had to live with
that for over a year.
It hurts me you can think that, even now.
Oh, poor little Summer,
always the victim.
Fuck you.
Why are you shutting me out?
It wasn't my fault, Hayley, you know that.
How many times do I have to explain it?
It was one moment in time.
One fucking moment, Hayley.
Turned my back for one second.
It was one moment, Hayley.
One moment in time.
If I could take it back, I would.
If I could have taken
his place, I would have!
If that car had hit me then...
Yeah, maybe it should have.
You might never forgive me.
Maybe that doesn't matter.
But you need to forgive yourself.
- You owe me a teddy bear.
- You owe me a drink.
I don't owe you shit.
You on the other hand, owe
me a fucking teddy bear.
Well, I'm sorry about your teddy bear,
but you owe me a drink.
How did you work that out?
You spilled my drink
in the club earlier.
I spilled your drink
in the club earlier?
Yep, I was in the club with
a drink and you bumped into me
and spilled that drink.
And so what?
You followed me here and
made me lose my teddy bear.
- Are you following me?
- No.
And the teddy bear wasn't yours to lose.
- I was about to win it.
- But you didn't.
Because of you.
Well, are you gonna get me that drink?
I'll have a coffee.
Can we get two coffees please?
No, no, no.
No, I'm not gonna buy you a drink.
I spilled your drink in the club,
you lost me my teddy bear,
so technically we're quids.
But the teddy bear wasn't yours.
I paid for that drink
so technically you owe me that coffee.
I don't have time for this shit.
Do you have a band rehearsal?
Well, you were in the club earlier
and you kind of looked like
you might be in a band.
Well, I'm not.
How about we split the
bill for the coffees
then we can be technically quids again.
- So you're not in a band?
- No.
- What do you do?
- I'm a racing driver.
Oh, wow.
What kind of cars do you drive?
Racing ones.
- That sounds dangerous.
- It is.
And what do you do when
you're not stalking people?
- I take care of animals.
- What kind of animals?
All of them.
- All animals?
- Mm-hmm, I don't specialize.
All animals, all over the planet?
Well, not all at the same
time, obviously, but yeah.
All animals, like lions and
sharks and fucking gorillas?
- Sometimes.
- Wow, that's impressive.
An international jet setting vet,
yet you have the time to be hanging about
at shitty fun fairs hustling
people for free coffee.
And here you are at
a fun fair on your own
getting upset over a child's toy,
when really you should be
practicing for your next race.
Fuck you.
Stop following me.
Now there's a new female,
we need to put out a small track.
Just gives it that extra click
to kind of soften it off, man.
We can try to put it out
there as a single, man,
but be so much easier to perform it live
now he's gone as well.
Coke baby's gonna make us famous.
Telling you, it's gonna make us big.
No Daisy, it's me, Karl.
Look at me.
Why won't you look at me?
You're gonna have to
get out of bed sometime.
Can you imagine?
You'd be livid.
I don't think I'd get
away with that somehow.
Ah, just fuck it.
Just do what I want.
I think I should probably compromise.
Assert my authority.
Do you know what, he would...
He'd noticed if I painted it magnolia
without asking him.
I mean, yeah, you're probably right.
Well, then.
I don't want anything.
Thank you.
Which one do you like best?
Jesus, can you imagine?
Richard would absolutely flip.
I honestly don't know
if I could bring myself
to do that to him.
We're two very different people.
I don't think that means
that it doesn't work.
I just think
it requires a bit more work, you know?
He's sensitive.
He's very sensitive, and that's why
he's built all these walls and
he's so rigid and he's so...
Like, nobody else knows him like I do.
No one else understands
how, how closed off he is.
You're really good at painting and stuff.
I miss you.
Hey, fellow human.
What do you think?
I think I'm gonna throw it away.
Of course you do.
Is this all you've done today?
- I'm working actually.
- Doing what?
Uh, my job.
I thought you weren't
doing that anymore.
Whatever you think about
it, it's still a job.
I enjoy it, isn't that all that matters?
It's not the job I don't
like, Rosie, it's the people.
You just don't understand them.
I don't trust them.
They're harmless.
They're just expressing themselves.
They might seem dangerous,
but it's all just an act.
By all outward appearances,
they're scumbags.
They is me.
What have you done all day?
Spoke to Mum again today.
I've been busy all day actually.
I built your table,
since you're so shit at
anything remotely practical.
I need some color back
in our lives, Richard.
- Hi, can I get you a coffee?
- Yeah, with sugar.
Ooh, sugar's bad for you.
It's fine, I'll bring some over.
- Hey, you!
- Hey.
Hey, are you shouting at my staff?
None of your business, oy!
Are you following me?
If you come to my place,
shout at my waitress,
it is my business.
Now out.
Hey, it's fine.
Don't worry, I know him.
Is this your car?
Does it look like my car?
Well, it could be a
racing driver's car, is it?
Rescued any animals today?
Hmm, it's early.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Do you always answer a
question with a question?
Do you?
I'm not a racing driver.
That's a shame.
Who are you then?
I don't know who I am.
I'm nobody.
Well, everybody is somebody.
I'm Alice.
I spy with my little eye
something beginning with B.
Oh, hi.
Hello, I didn't see you come in.
Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.
No, it's fine.
I was just uh...
So what can I do for you?
I saw this in the window.
I just wondered do you
know anything about it?
Is it a show or?
Oh, yeah.
I guess it is.
It's a...
It's a kind of show, I suppose.
But it looks like a really
old flyer, right, it must be...
No, no, no.
It's kind of an ongoing thing.
You should go.
There's no real set date.
You can go anytime.
you're ready.
Good luck.
What's wrong with it?
Some idiot at the garage
just botched it all up.
Can you fix it?
It's flooded.
We have to wait awhile.
Hey, look at this.
She's beautiful, isn't she?
I guess.
Have you got a girlfriend?
- Not really.
- Why not?
I don't know how to do relationships.
No one never taught me.
What about your parents?
They're dead.
I'm sorry.
They died before I was four-years old,
so I never really knew them.
And you don't remember them at all?
Just glimpses.
Why are you so interested anyway?
Hey, I told you, I look after animals.
You're calling me an animal?
Well, you're a grease monkey, right?
- Do you believe in anything?
- Like what?
- God and shit?
- Anything.
I don't believe in anything.
Do you believe in ghosts?
- Ghosts?
- Yeah.
No, I don't believe in ghosts.
I'm not a fucking child.
You just said that you catch
glimpses of your parents.
Yeah, their memories,
not fucking ghosts.
Maybe they're not just memories.
Maybe they're trying
to tell you something.
You think my dead
parents are haunting me?
Not like that, just...
Maybe they're trying to
communicate with you.
I knew you were full of shit.
Why not?
We're all just balls of energy
flying around the universe.
The TV might be switched off,
but the signal's still there.
Who the fuck are you?
Are you Jake?
Do I fucking look like Jake?
I don't know.
Well, I don't and I'm not.
Are you the fucking filth?
No, I'm not.
Well, you look like the filth.
I'm sorry, I just want to talk to Jake.
Well, he's not here, sunshine, is he?
Do you know where I can find him?
Do I look like a fucking diary, now?
He's probably out fixing
that shady Jeep of his.
Oh, okay, okay.
I'm a good fucking driver, you know?
Excellent fucking driver, in fact.
I can easily drive that shite.
I'm not a cunt!
I'm sure you're not.
Down the road, about a half mile.
Left out of the tunnel, you can't miss it.
What is?
The fucking garage, you moron!
Where's he fixing the car!
Right, okay.
Thank you.
Are you sure you're not the filth?
I mean, no, I'm not.
You better not fucking
come back here with a corpse.
I'll smash your fucking head in!
All you fucks!
Where we going, aye?
I see you!
No, you fuck off.
I know you, I know you!
I said fuck off!
I got something for you.
I don't want anything you have.
It's great, it's good stuff!
We'll share.
I don't want that.
Yes, you do.
Yes, you do.
All right.
Are you fucking joking?
It's good shit, right?
- That is fucked.
- This is good shit.
That is nothing at all, man.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Jesus Christ.
What the fuck?
The fuck!
That is humor.
You fucking cunt.
What's in it?
is a recording.
Of what?
When I was in college,
I was told never to put these
on the floor of a tube train.
Why not?
Because of the giant magnets
under the floor of the train.
They fuck up the iron filings
and mess up the recording patterns.
I didn't know that.
He also told me this story about ghosts.
He said that,
back in the day,
bricks used in old buildings were made
using the same iron filings,
and when a person died in that building
their electrical energy was released
and rearranged the pattern of
the particles in the bricks.
So, years later,
when another person was in the building,
their living electrical
energy acts as a sort of
playback head
and they see a recording
of the person that died,
a recording that's stored
in the bricks forever.
So you do believe in ghosts.
No, I told you, I don't.
I think he was full of shit.
So the recording's on
the tape are your soul.
No, they're not mine.
They're somebody else's.
I've had a particularly
shitty day today.
Some old fucker sells me a knackered car.
Another wanker ODs on me.
And now this.
Another fuckhead.
They come in threes, right?
Other people fucking your life up.
Then there's little old me
just stuck in the middle,
just trying to live in the moment.
What are you gonna do with that?
You gonna lay your judgment on me?
Why won't you just
stay away from my wife?
So you can fuck her life up too?
I need you to leave her alone.
I get this a lot.
Jealous husbands, angry boyfriends.
It's boring.
I'm just doing my job and so is she,
but you fucks always want
to point the finger at me.
Why is that?
There's just someone to blame
for your own fucked up life.
I've done some dodgy things in my life.
You want to question that?
Do you want to judge me and how I live?
You can fuck off.
Question your moral judgment right now.
That's where we're all heading.
All the knowledge in the universe.
All the happiness, all the
comfort, all the peace of mind.
It's that one moment in time
where everything aligns.
Some people achieve that day-to-day.
Others take a lifetime
and never get close.
You might call that nirvana.
A state of grace,
an understanding of your God.
That, my friend, is you
heading in the wrong direction.
And that's me,
just doing my thing, minding
my own fucking business.
And that, that's your wife.
You see, she's way ahead of both of us.
I don't know how she
does it, but she does it.
You want me to stop that?
Stop her progress?
That's not something I'd
want to do even if I could.
You're crediting me with
a skill I don't have.
The only thing you need
to be worried about
is catching up with her
before she gets further away from you.
You've got money, right?
Now get the fuck out of my studio.
Oh, I've done a terrible thing.
No, you haven't.
been here before, remember?
No, Barney was.
What are you looking for?
Can't remember.
Let me help you.
Look what I found.
Do you remember now?
You were here and then you went back.
What were you thinking of?
I don't wanna do this on my own.
You're not on your own.
You have someone who loves you, remember?
That's pretty amazing.
- I don't know who I am.
- I know who you are.
I'm not a racing driver.
I know.
You're the lead singer in a band.
That's way cooler.
She's waiting for you, Barney.
We're all waiting for you.
It's time to go home.
Is that my fucking...
Geez, my fucking car.
Fucking wanker!
Fucking hell.
You're dead!
You shouldn't
point guns at people.
It's not real, idiot!
Even so, you shouldn't point
them at people, it's rude.
You ain't my mum!
- I'm looking for Lucky.
- All right.
- Is he here?
- Yeah.
You're Lucky?
Oh, right.
What can I do for you?
I honestly don't know, well.
Where have you come from?
I got the bus here from town.
You came all that way to find me,
but you don't know what for?
No idea.
Stupid, right?
No, it's not stupid.
Something brought you here.
Someone gave me this.
Oh, yeah.
Well, that was a disaster.
We put on a show there a few years ago,
bit like a mini festival.
Sold loads of tickets,
hundreds of people turned up,
and the heavens decided to open.
Worst electrical storm
in years apparently.
Had to cancel the whole thing.
So that's it?
That's it.
Never did it again.
So you don't know anything else?
You don't
help people?
No, I don't know shit.
But you're welcome to stick around.
No, it's okay.
I better be getting back.
I saw your boy.
The kid playing out in the
field, he's yours, right?
Well, like I said, you're
welcome to hang around.
I guess you may just find something.
There's nothing to tell.
He got hit by a car.
It didn't stop.
He died.
That's all there is to tell.
They never found the car.
They stopped looking after a while.
It could have been anyone.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
Do you mind
if I have a look at that?
Oh, sure.
Aw yeah, this is fucking awesome.
I'll drive it back, eh?
This better not be
a piece of shit, mate.
Why is it so cheap?
It should be fine.
It's just been sitting here for a year.
It was great when I was driving it.
No problems.
So what happened then,
you lose your license?
Hey, you look like a drunk old cunt.
No, I just don't use it anymore.
I want to get rid of it.
All right.
Here we are.
Everything's in there.
Keys in the ignition.
You know if it fucks up,
I'll be back here, right?
Man, he know.
- I'll drive it back, mate.
- No, get out.
- Come on.
- Get out!