The Lost City of Z (2016) Movie Script

Look at him on his horse.
Wave to your father.
The deer will be delivered
to the archduke Ferdinand
at the gala.
I expect you to behave
with distinction on this hunt.
Good luck...
And godspeed.
Could they not fit
your rocking chair
on that horse, granddad?
You'll all be
my gun bearers by evening.
Have no doubt of that.
On your left!
Come on!
Major, there's no path there!
Good boy.
He got him.
- Superb horsemanship, major.
- Excellent shot, sir.
These woods have been
deadly to horses.
To death...
The best sauce to life.
You'll be the toast of the gala.
Here they come.
Oh, it's my husband.
- Daddy did it.
- Come here, you.
- Ah!
- Daddy!
Well done, daddy.
Someday you and I
will go hunting together.
We're going to be late.
Oh, god, this damned thing.
You must be so pleased
with yourselves, you men...
Making us wear
these awful things.
At least you're not
wearing trousers.
Oh, I would if I could.
I know.
Rather lovely.
"Rather lovely."
What is it?
What's amiss?
You got the deer.
All eyes will be on you
this evening.
Well, my darling,
I will be the only man there
tonight of my rank
whose uniform is unadorned.
Oh, how can that matter now?
The great secretary Bryce
will be at the gala.
"Oh, major Fawcett."
"You've no medals?"
"Oh, no, Mr. Bryce.
You see, I've been terribly busy
teaching ancient militiamen
to point their rifles
at tree stumps.
So, no, no.
No medals for me, sir."
Tell me...
Who is this secretary Bryce
when he's at home?
The last man here
upon whom we might possibly rely
for advancement.
I see.
I'm getting older, cheeky...
And very impatient
of lost years.
I know the medals
are ridiculous.
I do.
But this may be
our final chance.
Lord Bernard.
Secretary Bryce,
this is major Fawcett.
- Major.
- It's an honor, sir.
Honor's mine, sir.
May I introduce secretary Bryce.
Secretary Bryce, Mrs. Bellamy.
Major and Mrs. Percy Fawcett.
They're toasting the kill
without you.
May I present
this magnificent animal,
a gift from our government
to yours.
Well, I am dancing with you,
so I've got the better
of the bargain.
May I, major?
Spoken too soon.
By the way, who got the kill?
Oh, that would be major Fawcett,
Mr. secretary.
Well, we should invite him
to supper.
Well, may I say,
he's been rather unfortunate
in his choice of ancestors.
I see.
Well, then...
Do tell me, how is lady Bernard?
Oh, she's...
No more than 20 cases, Clive.
Hurry along, men.
Come on.
Come on, put your backs into it.
Put your backs into it.
Hurry it along.
Come on, men.
- Sir?
- You're off to London tomorrow.
To the royal geographical
The royal geographical, sir?
There's a major
exploration afoot.
Sounds like a grand adventure.
Thank you, sir.
Come on.
Come along.
Oh, thank you.
Major Fawcett, sir.
Oh, yes, yes.
Come in.
I am sir George Goldie,
President of the RGs.
This is Mr. John Scott Keltie,
our secretary.
How do you do, major?
How do you do, sir?
Our paths did not cross
during your work here
several years back, did they?
They did not, sir.
I was likely consumed
with my studies at the time.
Of course.
Please, sit down.
Thank you.
Ah, the army
seems to have posted you
in many places in the past.
Yes. I've served in Ceylon
and in Hong Kong before that...
Most recently in Ireland.
As you can see, I've been
transferred a fair bit
around the empire.
Major, what do you know
about Bolivia?
- In south America, sir?
- That's right.
Only what I've read.
Then you can't know very much.
This is as good a map
of Bolivia as we have.
Most of it's blank,
as you can see.
Nothing's really known
about it at all.
A land of primitives.
But there are rubber plantations
all over Amazonia.
Very profitable.
There is now
considerable argument
between Bolivia and Brazil
as to what constitutes
their border.
So fantastically high
is the price of rubber
that war could arise.
Do you follow?
- I do, sir.
- Mm-hmm.
Although I'm not sure what this
has to do with me.
I'm getting to that.
Neither country will accept
mapping done by the other,
so they've requested us to act
as referee.
As you completed your mapping
here with distinction,
you came under
our consideration.
- I see.
- Mm-hmm.
- Sirs, may I speak candidly?
- Please.
My survey work was long ago,
and to be quite honest,
I was rather hoping
for a position where I might see
a fair bit of action.
Major, this is far more
than just survey work.
This is exploration
in the jungle.
The environment's
brutally difficult...
Terrible disease,
murderous savages.
The journey may well mean
your life.
At the very least, you will
be gone for several years.
But were you to succeed,
such an undertaking could
earn you soldierly decoration
and even reclaim
your family name.
You know, we knew your father.
Did you?
I did not.
A terrible thing,
man's love of drink and gaming.
But as I say,
success in this venture
could change your lot...
I've never seen
the brain change color.
Like that.
Doesn't it look big?
Like a big brain.
It looks round.
It looks round in that,
doesn't it?
It does.
Jack, will you go and play?
I want to talk to your father
for a minute.
Do you want to pick me a flower?
Shall I throw the ball for her?
Ready, steady.
Oh, I knew it!
It's all wet.
He'll not know you
when you return.
But you must go. I know that.
I have something to tell you.
Aw, I can't find it.
I believe I'm going
to have another child.
I know I'm having another child.
I can't see anything.
Don't be sad.
I'm an independent woman.
I had noticed.
I know this is a sacrifice
for all of us.
But it will be worth it.
I have no doubt.
Come here.
Listen to me!
You've been cheating me?
You're a dead man!
I'll bloody kill ya!
I'll cut your bloody throat!
You cheat at cards again,
and you're a dead man!
Who are you?
What do you want?
Henry Costin.
I replied to your advert
in the times.
I'm your aide-De-camp.
Mr. Costin?
Reporting for duty, sir.
We've been at sea a week.
Why are you just
presenting yourself now?
I wanted to make sure
you were up to the task, sir.
Are you drunk, Mr. Costin?
- No.
- You could have fooled me.
I might have had a little.
I've got, uh, a recommendation.
You'll see I'm skilled
at rifle and pistols.
A medal for bravery.
It's very impressive.
You have a family?
No, none at all.
I see.
So nothing to shed.
I take it you do, then?
Mr. Costin,
I would like to be clear.
My reputation as a man
rests entirely on our success.
I think you shall find me
capable of every sacrifice.
Therefore, I must insist.
Oh, right you are, sir.
You'll need all the fortitude
you've got.
We are explorers now.
We just received a cable.
We have new orders...
To map the Verde river.
Find its source.
It forms a critical part
of the border
between Bolivia and Brazil.
Our survey route is to begin
at a place called
Fazenda Jacobina,
which does not appear to be
on this map.
I know Fazenda Jacobina.
It's an old rubber town.
It's meant to be
quite enchanting.
You may not be completely
useless after all.
Time is of the essence now.
War is at stake.
So you and I
and a couple of mules
are going to stop a war?
You and I are going to have
to depend on each other.
Neither of us
will survive this alone.
Right you are.
What's that you're reading?
A poem, from my wife,
by Kipling.
It's called the explorer.
Would you like to hear it?
It will be a long way
until we reach Amazonia.
Be my guest.
"'There's no sense
in going further...
It's the edge of cultivation'
so they said,
and I believed it...
Broke my land
and sowed my crop...
Built my barns
and strung my fences..."
In the little border station
tucked away below the foothills
where the trails
run out and stop
till a voice,
as bad as conscience,
rang interminable changes
on one everlasting whisper
day and night repeated... So?
"Something hidden.
Go and find it.
Go and look behind the ranges...
Something lost
behind the ranges.
Lost and waiting for you.
Twenty-nine degrees,
16 minutes south of the equator.
Rather deadly looking
snake here.
We might be a little bit
too English for this jungle.
Strangers in a strange land.
Major Fawcett?
Is that you?
- Yes.
- Welcome to Fazenda Jacobina.
Lance corporal Manley, sir.
Liaison to the governor general.
No need to stand on ceremony.
A simple handshake will suffice.
This is Mr. Costin.
I hate to be the bearer
of bad news,
but I have received a telegram
from the border commission.
Go on.
They strongly advise you to...
Abort the mission.
It's become
far too dangerous, sir.
They're already fighting...
Where are
the government offices?
Government, sir?
I'm afraid you've left
"government" behind
a long time ago.
In that case, you had better
send them a telegram
informing them that
we will not stand down
and we shall proceed as planned.
How quickly can you find us
an Indian guide?
Well, I...
I had an Indian guide,
sir, but...
Well, what happened to him?
What, was he afraid
of a little hard work?
Not quite, sir.
It's out of my hands now.
You need to speak
to baron De Gondoriz.
He runs the rubber company here.
Good evening, baron.
Thank you for seeing us.
We're from the British army.
We are to be venturing
up the Rio Verde
and find ourselves in need
of some of your men.
In exchange, I promise
very favorable treatment
from my country.
Keep him chained up.
He can't be trusted.
He needs a good beating
every now and again.
Por favor.
You're goin' upriver, are ya?
For surveying.
Ain't nobody comes back
from up there.
Is this slave
good enough for you?
- Do you speak English?
- He understands.
We taught him.
What will you take for him
and any four men
of his choosing?
It offends you
to negotiate with me.
- No, not at all.
- Please.
Do not embarrass yourself.
You come here to make maps.
Why is that?
So that there may be peace.
What is peace?
Peace means my business
will flourish.
I will flourish.
Peace means only
that nothing will change.
I will help you
because you will make sure
that nothing will change.
I forgot
to give you this, major.
Came directly here
while you were surveying.
Can you show me how far
the river goes?
Muy bien.
We need three
full rafts and four horses.
Is this our party?
Bloody desperate lot
you've got us.
They're as dependable as any
can be found here, Mr. Costin.
We're the only ones
who'll pay them.
We'll do 12 hours a day.
No less.
The river will be our home
for the next two years.
We shall not fail.
Mankind awaits our discoveries.
Shoving off!
I can see the fish,
but... But I can't catch them.
Nothing again.
I don't understand.
The river is deep here.
There is plenty of fish.
It's a desert.
A green desert.
All right, pull it in.
We'll try again further up.
Major Fawcett?
What on earth is she doing
all the way out here?
Come to load rubber, no doubt.
Or maybe she's looking
for the gold of El Dorado.
It's German.
Trunk says "Hamburg".
There's someone aboard.
Hey, are you German?
Bist Du Deutsche...
Stand your ground!
Get out of the water!
Stay down!
Where's Fawcett? Fawcett!
It's nothing.
Are we close?
Even the Indian's gone mad now.
He was talking to me
about gold cities today...
Like a little child.
He thinks we're conquistadors
to be led to our death.
Those Indians seemed a bit mad
to begin with.
I'd like you to read this to me
if you can.
If we are to meet our end here,
what difference does it make?
I'm afraid it would be
quite unbearable
for me to read it myself.
Feel free to summarize.
Right you are, sir.
Your wife has moved the family
to Devon.
She's given birth to a boy
named Brian.
Your oldest boy, Jack,
is excelling in all ways,
she says.
I see my son's face
in my dreams now.
What kind of fool am I
to leave my family
for this place?
What did you hope to achieve
out here?
I don't know.
All we have left now
is to get to the source
of the river.
Mr. Costin?
Food gone.
Jesus Christ,
we are dead from hungry.
One piece.
Jesus Christ.
Give me that!
Control yourselves!
We are not savages.
We're leaving
our bones here, major.
And for what?
A map?
Even if we get there,
we're not making it back
without any food.
Have you ever thought
about that?
We're here starving to death.
We're not even looking for gold.
Let's have at him.
My ear!
My ear!
My ear!
Next one will be up your ass.
Thank you, Mr. Costin.
No one's ever been here
before, chief!
No one!
We made it!
The first!
What a find!
Major, we've lost the Indian.
He's run off.
He got us here.
Our last reading.
Am I dreaming this?
I see it, too.
It's our only chance.
We'll starve.
Thank god.
Couldn't have done that better
myself, sir.
What is it, chief?
It's pottery...
In the ground.
Look, it's all over.
Look at this.
They're ancient.
Christ, he was right.
The Indian was right.
You said no one
had been here before.
I think you meant
no white man, Mr. Costin.
I think you meant no white man.
We thought the Indian mad.
There must have been
dwellings here.
Thank god that boar
has more meat on it than we do.
All right, easy, easy, easy.
The exit from hell is always
difficult, Mr. Costin.
And we will get back.
The world will know
what we have found here.
- Let us keep going.
- Vmonos.
Come on, let's go.
Can you see him?
Thank you, thank you.
Major Fawcett, you are
England's bravest explorer!
Thank you, sir.
Your son.
This must be Brian.
And here's Jack.
Are you my father?
I am indeed, son.
Come, give me a hug.
Let's go home.
Thank you all.
Percy, come.
Meet our host, Mr. James Murray.
He's very anxious to meet you.
A person of considerable
He certainly has
a beautiful home.
And, of course,
a reputation to match.
Ah, Mr. Murray.
Major Fawcett,
I see you down there.
Welcome to the inner circle.
Thank you, Mr. Murray.
- Mrs. Fawcett.
- Evening.
Percy, we're all so excited
to hear your speech to the RGs.
Listen to them, will you?
They're all talking
about your mission.
I'm just honored
to be here, sir.
I read your article
in the times this morning
about the slave trade
in the Americas.
It's, uh...
You're an enlightened man.
Poor savages.
The native does deserve
our sympathy.
I think we have only just
scratched the surface
of Amazonia.
Most certainly.
I was, um...
Well, I'm a biologist,
but I'm also somewhat
of an explorer.
I was second-in-command
under Shackleton
in the Antarctica.
Did you know that?
I don't think
there's anyone here
who's not well aware of your
accomplishments, Mr. Murray.
Hear, hear.
You have distinguished
yourself with great bravery.
I know what
these expeditions require.
Well, it's been
my lifelong ambition
to go to the Amazon, you know.
Well, I must say, I...
I hope that the RGs continues
its pursuits, but I...
I have come to believe
that mapmaking
should be a secondary interest.
I witnessed several
archaeological discoveries
that I believe may have
enormous significance.
Such as?
Pottery in the jungle...
Where no white man
has ever been before.
My friend, a word
in your ear, please.
Um, your... Your exploits
have opened every door for you,
but I would suggest keeping
such findings to yourself, hmm?
It is one thing to defend
the primitive jungle men.
It is quite another to elevate
their capacity beyond reason.
I mean, no one here
would dispute
that you believed
what you saw, but, uh...
Such a trip is very hard
on the mind.
Very hard indeed.
Mr. Keltie...
I think you should find
my mind perfectly fit...
and still open, thank heavens.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I would like to introduce
one of our brothers
whose achievements
are now known to you
and not inconsiderable...
Major Percy Fawcett.
Thank you, sir.
By rights,
I should be with my husband.
It's... It's men only,
I'm afraid, madam.
My esteemed colleagues,
it is now my firm belief
that Amazonia is far more
than the green desert
which many of us had supposed.
I am proposing that Amazonia
contain a hidden civilization.
One that may well
predate our own.
Major Fawcett,
I am Mr. William Barclay,
of Bedford.
And I have been
to south America.
Please, Mr. Barclay,
I'm sure we'd all be thrilled
to hear about your holiday.
But we are currently discussing
Now, to be clear,
are you insisting
on mythical kingdoms of gold?
Now... Now, those fantasies
lured the conquistadors
to their destruction.
Sir, it was
the conquistadors and we
who have been destroying
I have seen with my own eyes
evidence of their civilization,
and I assure you, sir,
it is real.
Perhaps it is too difficult
for some of you to admit.
We, who have been steeped
in the bigotry of the church
for so long
cannot give much credence
to an older civilization,
particularly one created
by a race the white man
has so brutally condemned
to slavery and death.
Are... Are you insisting
that these savages...
They're our equals?
I do not know, Mr. Barclay,
but I intend to find out.
What, savages
in Westminster Abbey?
Hence your disrespect, sir.
But what is at stake?
If we may find a city
where one was considered
impossible to exist,
it may well write
a whole new chapter
in human history.
- Yes!
- Consider my evidence.
I have archeological finds!
Antiquities as sophisticated
as any in Asia or Europe...
In the middle of the jungle!
Pots and pans!
Pots and pans!
Pots and pans!
Pots and pans!
Pots and pans!
Settle down, children.
Settle down!
After my return from the jungle,
I have examined
a signal document
dating from the conquistadors,
Mr. Barclay.
It states explicitly
the discovery of a lost city.
Uncovered in Trinity college,
Dublin, this week,
by my lovely wife.
Written by a Portuguese soldier
in 1753.
And I quote,
"we came upon the ruins
of an ancient city,
bedecked with gold.
Roads, temples,
ancient symbols."
What, El Dorado?
No, gentlemen!
- I call it Z.
- Z?
The ultimate piece
of the human puzzle!
It is there,
and we must find it!
Mr. Fawcett!
Mr. Fawcett, I say we return!
I say we go and find the glory!
What say you?
What I say, Mr. Murray...
Is I accept that challenge!
Mr. Costin!
I see you seated there!
Will you return with us?
Mr. Fawcett,
that jungle is hell,
but one kind of likes it.
We shall return!
And we shall find the glory!
I have such high hopes, cheeky.
With this journey,
we may be able to tear down
their narrow-minded
I do believe I am quite ready
to accompany you
on your next journey.
What do you mean?
The children will be back
in school by then.
And I've learned to read
the stars and navigate...
and become very well-versed
in the history of the region.
After all, it is I
who found the document.
I know, darling.
But that would be impossible.
It's not a place at all
for a woman.
Not a place for a woman?
We believe firmly
in the equality between us.
In equality, yes,
but in mind, not in body.
The rigors of such a trip
would be beyond
your imagination.
I believe it is generally
acknowledged that the pain
a woman experiences
during childbirth
far exceeds anything
a man must endure.
This is not about childbirth.
Oh, what do you know
of childbirth?
Have you witnessed
two minutes of it,
let alone endured it?
The jungle is about
years of practice...
Training, the art of soldiering.
I have that.
It is about maggots
in your skin.
It is about deadly snakes
and disease
that make you vomit blood.
You could not bear it.
And I could not bear
that either.
Somehow I managed to bear
the dangers you faced,
the years you were gone.
This way at least
we might be able
to be together
for some of our lives.
You are my wife.
I need you here.
Not as a tent mate
in need of constant care.
And in this fantasy of yours,
what happens to the children?
Please, try to be reasonable.
You will throw "reasonable"
in my face?
Was it reasonable to stay here
and struggle to provide
for the children
while you wandered the jungle?
Now, you have given no thought,
not one thought
to my aspirations as a woman.
Have you thought about that?
Men and women
have performed their roles
since the beginning of time!
It is the cornerstone
of our civilization.
I must say, I did expect
more understanding from you,
and I am disgraced
by your ignorant posture.
- Mother!
- It's all right, darling.
I'm sorry we were shouting.
Run along, I'll come in...
Mother, please don't fight.
It's all right, Jack.
One hundred twenty-one miles
to Oviedo's last marking!
You should put some grease
on that.
Will do.
Where's Mr. Murray?
He's bringing up the rear,
Mr. Murray!
How are you managing?
I am managing well, thank you.
My pack is just
a little heavy, it seems.
Perhaps I shall rid myself
of the unnecessary
accouterments, yes?
I wouldn't do that
if I were you.
You don't want
to be ill-equipped
for the journey ahead.
Well, yes. However...
An awful lot
of this scientific equipment
seems to be slowing us down.
When we reach the river, then.
But you must keep
one spare set of clothing
and, of course, your mattress.
I believe I shall
go naked as Adam
in this infernal heat.
What a sight that would be.
Let's keep going.
That bugger wishes he was back
on the south pole.
He'll pull his weight
soon enough.
Don't worry.
Shall we treat ourselves
to the mail, gentlemen?
We've still got the sacks
from San Carlos.
You got two from your wife
and son, major.
There's been a major discovery
in Peru.
Go on, then.
An American, Hiram Bingham,
he's found a...
A lost city in the Andes...
Machu Picchu.
He says that Dr. Hamilton rice
is hot on his trail.
Seems we're in a race
with the Americans now.
They're after a bit
of our prestige.
- He's too far north.
- Mm.
Still, proves
there's much to be found.
We've lost the other boat.
Arm yourselves!
Hold your fire.
Everyone out of the boat.
Take cover.
Mr. Manley!
Get your concertina!
- My concertina, sir?
- Yes, do it now!
Play "soldiers of the queen."
Come on!
Mr. Costin,
come and sing with me.
Are you ready?
Amigo! Amigo!
Boys, boys.
If the red man attacks,
you rally to me at all costs.
Rally to me at all costs.
Oh, good god.
His hat.
We're safe.
The chief has invited us
to be his guest.
Are you all right?
This is a tribe of cannibals.
I know. I know.
The chief explained
it's a dead member
of their tribe.
His spirit will enter them
if they eat it.
We must attempt to engage.
They may have
critical information...
- Oh.
- About our destination.
I'm... I refuse this madness.
I refuse it.
Men, come with me.
Boys, we have to get
back to that boat.
He's heard rumors of a city,
but he's not sure.
He said further up the river,
he thinks there will be
people who can help us.
All right, then.
Gracias, amigo.
- Food?
- comida?
Comida. S, gracias.
That is remarkable.
That substance
only stuns the fish.
They don't kill
more than what they have to.
These so-called "savages"
have cultivated the jungle...
where no one thought
it could be done.
We've been so arrogant
and contemptuous...
I no less than others.
Look how it's all laid out.
It's mathematical
in its precision.
Well, it's what
you've been saying.
Imagine what Z must be like.
Well, the canoes
are useless now.
We'll have to use the raft.
We leave at sunrise.
I think I found him.
Hello, old sport.
I appear to have
gotten myself lost.
Thank god you're all alive.
I had assumed that you
had been cannibalized
by those savages.
It's my leg.
I have a nasty wound.
It'll be looked after.
- Come.
- No.
We must keep moving.
I think I have
a bit of a fever coming on.
Mr. Manley,
help me clean all of this up.
This was in my bag.
It was a gift
from my wife and children
for all of us to share.
I know, I was just very...
I'm feeling a bit tired.
If you don't mind,
I'm going to rest for...
A while longer.
You have no right to be tired.
My own children,
at their tender ages,
could be counted on
more than you.
And I could be home with them,
and yet I am here with you
to attempt great things.
Have you water, please?
You'll get water
when we get to the raft.
Mr. Manley,
help me get him on his feet.
Stay where you are,
Mr. Murray.
It's essential
we keep the balance.
- Stay down!
- Ah!
Stay down, god damn you!
Murray, stay on the ground!
Swim to shore.
We'll bank further down.
Swim to shore.
Let go!
Swim to shore!
- Please.
- Let go!
- No!
- You're tipping the raft!
We're losing supplies!
God damn you!
I said let go,
you pink-eyed weakling!
Let go!
Mr. Manley, help me!
Help me get to shore!
I'll grab him.
Shut up.
Chief, we've lost a third
of our rations.
I was drowning.
There was no chance of that!
And this,
after you stole our food!
I suppose I should have
starved myself.
That would have been
the honorable course of action,
wouldn't it?
Is that what you want?
You want me to die?
Please slow down.
Give a dying man a chance.
I just want to be dead.
The effrontery
of that young upstart,
his vulgar quest for glory...
like a Judas,
he has delivered me...
into this jungle.
Well, we're two weeks behind,
according to the sextant
and the charts.
This leg wound of his
is becoming more infected.
You delivered me...
Mr. Murray's got
blood poisoning now.
From many evils.
I noticed.
The fierce cold in Antarctica...
You think he'll make it?
There's a slim chance.
Was I weak then?
He is not worth kissing
the hem of your garment,
as I am not worthy of yours.
Give me strength to survive.
He is not worthy.
No. No.
Yes, what is it?
There are mining encampments
south of us on the river.
In the morning, you will be
on your way to them.
I'm going to give you
our last horse
with what supplies I can spare
and an Indian to guide you.
I have a family at home.
I cannot allow you to jeopardize
the welfare of the entire crew.
You don't give a whit about me
or about any of the party.
You don't even care
about going home.
You only care...
About your lost city.
I'm going to see
if there's a path through!
I saw it!
We're getting close.
Keep going.
You need to come back.
Gave the bloody bastard
our last horse,
and this is how he repays us.
Rations ruined.
Murray's covered them in oil!
Look at it!
We must turn back.
There is no turning back.
We are right here!
We've nothing to show
for our efforts.
No evidence.
What do we go on with?
With what we have on our backs?
It would last a week at most!
It's over, Percy.
To be sent to the RGs.
Mr. James Murray was forced
to separate from our expedition
to seek medical attention.
His location
is currently unknown,
and he has most likely perished.
The rest of the group
shall arrive back in England
as soon as is possible.
Looks like a war with Fritz.
We'd better all get home,
or we'll miss our chance
to fight.
Please send that immediately.
Yes, sir.
Chase it!
Go on!
Go on, Brian.
That is Joan,
as you might have guessed.
Ugh, Jack!
Your daughter.
I didn't mean to do that.
Beautiful child.
Hello, Joan.
I'll fetch the boys.
Let them finish.
When they're done, send them in.
It should be I who tells them
what has happened.
You're real.
Three, two, one, go!
How much they've grown.
You've done beautifully
with them.
My ball!
Hey, hey, come on!
welcome to our new home.
Thank you for coming
at such short notice.
- Sir John.
- Hello.
Please, will you step this way.
on your knighthood.
Ah, thank you. I think
that you know everybody here.
Mr. James Murray arrived
in London just this morning.
We felt it critical to assemble
as soon as possible.
on your safe return.
It's a remarkable effort.
Mr. Murray contends
that you abandoned him.
Is this correct?
No, it is not.
He was given money and food.
It was an unfortunate
but necessary maneuver
in order to save lives.
Sir George,
we spent all our time...
Playing around in the mud
with the savages.
And I never saw any evidence
of a lost city.
You were the reason
we did not reach
our destination, Mr. Murray.
You poured paraffin
on our last supplies.
I reject that accusation,
sir John.
I cannot tolerate any further
insult from this young man.
I have retained counsel,
and I will proceed accordingly.
And as for his lackeys,
they are swine
and not to be trusted.
You should have been beaten
in the jungle
like the dog that you are.
Please, gentlemen,
our nation is now at war.
It ill becomes us to indulge
personal conflicts.
I earnestly beseech you
to come to an understanding.
Very well.
I most generously offer
that if you are willing
to apologize to me here
in front of this entire society,
I will consider withdrawing
my claims against the RGs
and yourself,
with certain conditions,
of course.
Well, major...
Will you apologize?
For the general good,
I am prepared to reconcile.
Thank you.
I will, of course,
need to hear
Mr. Murray's conditions.
On the day that I agreed
to join you on your mission
and allowed your star
to enter my sphere,
your wife was present
to witness your ascent.
My only condition
is that she again be present
to witness
your acknowledgment...
Of the wrongs...
That you have done to me.
Mr. Murray,
the last time I saw you,
I was putting you on the only
remaining horse,
giving you far more
than your share of our food.
The men begged me
to leave you where you lay.
But I could not do that,
and as a consequence,
I saved your life.
You saved my life?
You saved my...
I demand an apology right now.
You will apologize to me.
I will apologize...
Thank you.
To my men.
I'm sorry I ever considered
Mr. Murray
worthy of your company...
And that I ever mistook
a man's rank for his mettle.
But I shall not
make that mistake again.
What your purpose is
in this ambush I cannot say.
But you need fear
no more embarrassment from me.
I hereby resign
from this institution,
and I shall proceed on my own.
No, please, major.
This is outrageous.
Please, you must reconsider!
I shall teach him.
What's wrong?
You've received a letter.
All former officers
not currently posted
must send their names
to the war office.
Let us hope it is
a brief conflict.
Talk to the boys.
Don't be concerned, my love.
I've spent a whole life
training for this.
Hello, boy.
Jack. Brian.
Has Harvey been walked?
Uh, no, not yet.
I'll do it.
Father, you will not have
to leave again, will you?
To fight?
If the reports are true,
I'm afraid I must.
Father, you've only just
It's... It's hardly fair.
I'm obligated to serve.
What of your obligation
to mother...
And... And to us...
Your family...
The family that you've chosen
to abandon for so many years?
How dare you talk to me
like that?
How dare...
How dare you, father?
You do not think of us.
You think of Indians or Germans,
or any other path to glory
that you can find.
Jack, stop it.
That's enough.
Mother, I will not stop!
You have returned a failure.
The papers are full of it!
And you want
to abandon us again?
- It's contemptible.
- Enough!
I hate him.
Oh, Jack.
Everything your father has done
since the day
you came into this world
has been to better your life.
And for your own sake,
I hope one day
you will come to regret
the things you just said to him.
Please just go.
Please, please just go.
Well, what do you know, chief?
It appears our old friend
Mr. James Murray
is not so powerful after all.
Why do you say that?
The bastard's gone off
on an arctic expedition
with Canadians
and mutinied.
He's not been heard from since.
Take a look.
I'm sure his
"magnificent skills"
will bring him back safely.
Someone should warn the Eskimos
that Mr. Murray
is on the prowl.
- All right, major?
- Mr. Costin!
We swiped a medium
of fine spiritualistic skills
off the Russians.
She'll read your fortune.
Can't believe
we smuggled her in here.
Welcome to the world beyond.
Time's up.
Come on.
- It's the major's turn.
- Go on.
Let's hear the major's fortune!
We will be
in battle soon, madam.
Any spiritual aid
would be greatly appreciated.
You are the explorer?
I was...
As were these fine men,
who have transferred here
so we could all be together.
Give me your hand.
Feel my hand.
Listen to my voice.
Is it a forest?
You dream to be in a forest.
I wish to find a lost city.
Can you see yourself there now?
Try to picture it in your mind.
I can see it.
You cannot
blind yourself to this vision.
What you seek
is far greater
than you ever imagined.
A vast land
bejeweled with peoples.
Your soul will never be quiet
until you find this new place.
It is your destiny.
With it, you will
illuminate the world.
Our world has set itself afire.
I must look elsewhere
to quench the Blaze.
Good morning, gentlemen.
- Sir.
- Good morning, sir.
When I was younger,
I ventured all
for king and country,
for place and rank.
I believed that to be
the makings of a man.
But my travels have taught me
such ambitions
are mere phantoms.
I know in our hearts...
We fight for our loved ones,
as we should.
But they are not here.
So, instead,
let us fight for each other!
Good luck.
And may god be with all of you.
And fuck the bloody boche!
Well said, Mr. Costin!
All right, then!
Into positions.
Come on, lads.
Come on!
Come on, boys!
Take out their gunner!
Take out their gunner
on the hill!
Move! Move!
Come on!
Keep going!
Come on!
Come on!
Push forward!
Gas! Gas!
Manley, gas!
Darling, it is I.
We are here.
The children are here.
Yes, my darling.
That is Joan.
Let him feel your face.
Come along.
Where is Jack?
Father, I'm here.
I thought I had died.
Oh, no.
You were exposed
to chlorine gas,
and your eyes were affected,
but they are very confident
that your sight shall return.
The rest of the men?
- Costin?
- Mr. Costin was unharmed.
Your brigade suffered
many losses,
but it was the only one
that did not retreat.
Thanks to your bravery,
they are raising your rank
to lieutenant colonel.
Lieutenant colonel?
After all that he has done?
I think I was dreaming...
About Amazonia.
I... I'm afraid
you may never be able
to return to your jungle.
I am sorry.
Shh. Rest.
All will be well.
- I must go back.
- My love...
You cannot think
of these things right now.
I'm going to take the children
for some air.
Come along.
America has quite
a fascination with you.
Our readers have been asking
where you've been since the war.
I'm grateful for their interest.
You may tell your readers
I've recovered from my wounds
and have been adapting
to home life.
Your pursuits in south America
have led to a tremendous
interest in exploration
in the United States.
There have been
many new voyages planned.
- Have there?
- Yes.
Dr. Hamilton rice
leaves for Brazil soon
with radio and airplanes.
He's taking a large
and very well armed party.
Well, let us hope that Dr. rice,
with all his arms,
does not destroy
what he wishes to discover.
Allow me to ask you a question.
Yes, sir.
How did you find us here?
Your son, colonel.
He wrote us a letter.
Didn't he tell you?
Good shot, Jack.
Thank you, father.
Getting quite expert
with that rifle.
Practice makes perfect,
you know.
I have something for you.
This was given to me
by a guarani Indian chief.
A great man.
It's yours now.
Thank you.
It must have been
a glorious day.
You still believe in Z,
do you not?
That we underestimated
the Indian?
That is why we should go back.
You and I together.
We could find the city
once and for all.
I'm an old bastard now.
Father, you and I...
We both know it.
You easily outmatch
my strengths.
And now you can see
as clear as day again.
There is nothing stopping us.
The Americans will venture there
with their guns.
And then we must pray that
they do not destroy the Indian.
We must find it before they do.
I want nothing more than
to go with you, father.
It's everything
you've always wanted.
We would have to consult
a higher authority.
I understand
that it's dangerous,
but you've said so yourself,
with everything
that's happened in Europe,
it's not possible
to choose a safe passage
through life.
So many men near my own age
did not return from the war,
and... And who is to say
it will not happen again?
It could, mother.
It could happen again.
By all accounts,
I should be furious
because you've just...
You've just used
my very own words against me.
And how can I refute them?
They are my own.
Joan's being so annoying.
Bloody slapped me!
All right.
Joan, don't slap him.
Thank you.
Off. Go on.
She hit me on the face!
Brian, I am in the middle
of a conversation.
Go and help your sister
get some wood, please,
from the log pile now.
Fight your own battles.
Mother, please.
There is little doubt
that I would worry night and day
about my boys in the jungle.
But we have never let fear
determine our future.
That's all.
Mother, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Father, listen, I...
- Jack, Jack, Jack.
- We are not there yet.
- I know...
We will have to raise
a great deal of money.
Of course.
I understand. Yes.
Go, go.
Let me talk to your mother.
And training.
Well, of course.
I shall begin right away.
You and I
and Mr. Costin.
I'm sure he'd love to join us.
Thank you, mother.
Thank you.
I'm just surprised
you agreed so quickly.
What choice did I have?
It's his essential nature.
It would be wrong
to betray that.
Besides, you will be there
to guide him.
Here they are, chief.
These are the last
of my notebooks.
I hope they'll be helpful.
Can I truly not persuade you
to come?
We came so close, Henry.
Think of what it would mean...
To finally find it together.
Chief, I have a wife
and child now.
My own children were younger
than yours is now
when we went on our first trip.
I can't say
it was not a sacrifice.
But if you could see my boy now,
his vim and vigor...
I guarantee, it would tear down
your resistance in an instant.
Would you like
some more Brandy, sir?
No, thank you, Nigel.
For yourself, sir?
- No, thank you.
Chief, please,
don't misunderstand me.
Best sympathy for...
This search for Z.
I can no longer bear the cost.
You've come to doubt
its existence?
I only doubt that Z can provide
all the answers
you seek from it.
I wish you success,
my dear friend.
This will be
no pampered expedition.
Top-heavy missions get nowhere.
They linger on the fringe
of civilization
and bask in publicity.
We will not.
We will be in the field
for three years...
standing on our own two feet,
surviving by our wits.
Tribesmen shall take
our dispatches
to be delivered for publication
as often as possible.
But who's going to finance
this latest journey of yours?
The money is
generously being supplied
by a consortium
of American newspapers
and Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Are you aware
the royal geographical society
has just offered to help
with the financing?
I am glad to see our nation
is not to be left behind.
I would like now to introduce
my companion
for this historic expedition...
My own son,
Mr. Jack Fawcett.
He is a man of great discipline
and keen as mustard.
Well, we couldn't
very well be shamed
by the Americans, now, could we?
No, but I am proud to say
that we did finally
manage to meet them halfway.
Sir George, god rest his soul,
always bore you great affection.
But I admit my error in not
accepting your beliefs long ago.
All that matters now
is the future.
I have carried this
for the last 20 years.
When we reach Z,
I shall send it to you
as a sign...
Just in case I decide
not to come back.
Oh, nonsense, nonsense.
Oh, now, we... We...
We have something for you.
Mr. Barclay, please.
The society's highest honor...
The founder's gold medal.
You are truly
deserving, colonel.
All the arrangements are made.
We leave for Portugal
on the 7th,
and then we meet again
in Brazil.
No one can best us now.
Remember, the code with
the coordinates is in my desk,
and Mr. Costin has a copy
in safekeeping.
Yes, you've told me
a thousand times.
Now run along,
or you'll miss your boat.
You're a man now,
responsible for your mother
and sister's care.
It's a fine calling,
no less and perhaps even more
virtuous than ours.
All right?
Good-bye, father.
I shall indeed miss you,
as I always have.
- Look after your father for me.
- Of course I will. Of course.
- And have fun.
- Yes.
And be bold.
Good-bye, Joan.
Good-bye, father.
I love you.
On to Z, then.
And a new history.
Good-bye, dear boys!
Forty million, father.
The paper says 40 million people
are following our journey.
It's incredible.
It's wonderful.
How are you faring?
I've never felt better.
Neither have I.
We'll be on the river soon,
and if we're lucky,
to see an opera.
This is where they sang?
It's astonishing.
It's just a pity
you couldn't see it intact.
The jungle is restoring
the balance.
Dearest cheeky,
this is the last letter
you shall receive
until we reach Z.
The rest of our party
is returning home.
Jack is acquitting himself
Today we reached
a tribe of Indians
who told us of a cave
entirely unknown
to anyone outside of their clan.
They tell
of an enormous rock there,
covered with painted pictures
of men and horses.
Its location is perhaps
the gateway to Z.
The chief has been
very generous to us here,
and he reminds me yet again
that we are all made
of the same Clay.
I expect we will be in touch
with the old civilization
within a month.
Thereafter, our fate
is in the lap of the gods.
You need have no fear
of any failure.
Stop, stop, stop.
Stay calm.
I know the approach.
Just keep going.
Right, go back the way we came.
Slowly, don't rush.
Into the brush.
No, Jack!
Keep going!
Keep going!
Be brave.
Nothing will happen to us.
That is not our destiny.
We're going to die.
We're going to die here today.
So much of life
is a mystery, my boy.
We know so little of this world.
But you and I
have made a journey
that other men
cannot even imagine.
And this has given understanding
to our hearts.
I love you, father.
I love you, son.
A toast, shall we?
Actually, lord Bernard,
I wanted...
I wanted to read something,
if I could.
Now I'm in for it.
Stop it.
It's something I wrote
in the event
that I did not survive
the birth.
"My Percy, I know your first
instinct will be to grieve,
but I adjure you rather
to consider our son
and the love
you must show him."
I knew it would be a boy.
"Always teach him to dream.
To seek the unknown.
To look for what is beautiful
is its own reward.
And I beg you to remember
those words so easy to forget:
'A man's reach
should exceed his grasp,
or what's a heaven for?'
my dearest love forever."
A man came to see me yesterday.
He was from Brazil.
He has seen Jack and Percy...
Living with the Indians.
He says they claim
to have reached Z.
My dear, it's... It's...
It's been years.
We've sent almost 100 men
to look for your husband
and son, and...
I fear we have to accept
the inevitable.
Sir John, I confess
that the brutal wear
and tear is great.
And I suffer
with heart and soul.
It has taken...
All my strength of will
to push horrors from my mind,
but I beg you...
Not to lose confidence.
I cannot doubt...
After so many years
of sacrifice.
It has become
my own life's work.
The Brazilian gave me this
to give to you.
He said Percy told him
you would understand.
I have trained myself
to be impartial to evidence,
but surely...
surely this is a sign.
I will have it examined.
Thank you.
That is all I can ask.