The Lost One (2022) Movie Script

(film reel clicking)
(slow dramatic music)
(slow music)
- Thanks for coming out.
Today I'm happy to inform you
that overnight Operation Red
took down a human trafficking
that resulted in eight arrests.
Now I can't go into any
more detail at the moment,
but I can assure you that
the operation was a success
and that we are committed to
decreasing crime in our city.
- Mayor Hamilton.
How do you respond to
reports that your office
wouldn't have become
aware of the trafficking
if not for the series of leaks?
- I can assure you that our
are well aware and on top of
Information being leaked to
the media does not do any good.
In fact, it can actually
jeopardize or harm a case.
- But Operation Red Foot wasn't
until after these files were
- Let me be clear.
All statistics show that crime
is down
under our new commissioner.
People should report crime to
the police
and not take the law into their
own hands.
- Are there any links to
the killing of two
gang members last week?
- Absolutely not.
Let me be very clear.
Anyone caught committing murder
or crime
will be hunted down and
to the full extent of the law.
Thank you.
And now I'll hand you over
to Commissioner Carlin.
Commissioner Carlin.
(slow dramatic music)
(chair rattling)
(men grunting)
- [Man] Fuck you.
Fuck you.
(men grunting)
(fire crackling)
(insects chirping)
(car engine rumbling)
(slow music)
(camera clicking)
(car engine rumbling)
- What are you doing here?
So what?
This is a gated community.
You need permission to be here.
- Fine.
(car engine rumbling)
- Let me take another look at
- I'm leaving.
(birds chirping)
(door knocking)
- Shae, come in, come in.
Would you like a drink?
- I'm good.
- What have you got for me?
Ah, I knew it.
Ran away, my ass.
You know, you invest time
and energy into something
and they run off with your best
What's the world coming to?
- Are you sure they're your
- Mm.
Okay then, here you go.
You're not curious?
- About?
- Anything.
- You asked me to find your
- I did.
And you did.
You know, occasionally I may
have a need
for security personnel.
Are you interested in any extra
- I just find people and dogs.
- Come on, with your skills
you could make some serious
- You lose another dog, let me
- (laughs) I will.
(slow music)
(buttons beeping)
(door knocking)
(door knocking)
- Dad.
- I've been trying to call.
Your phone, disconnected again?
- [Shae] It's just flat.
- Been keeping busy?
- [Shae] Uh-huh.
(bottles clinking)
- You know, if you need money,
you can always come and ask.
- [Shae] I said I'm good.
- I'm just saying, the offer
- I'm good.
- You know, you need to
start thinking of yourself.
You can't keep sending her all
your money.
You need to be smart.
- Is this really what
you came to talk about?
- No, I came to give you this.
- Thanks.
- Hey, what happened to you?
You had a good career.
You were going places.
This self-destructive attitude-
- Are we really doing this
- No, I've done what I came to
(birds chirping)
- [Woman] Excuse me, are you
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry to ambush you like
I'm wondering if I can speak
with you.
- Look, I'm in a rush, okay?
- It won't take long.
I need you to find my missing
- If she's missing, you
need to contact the police.
- We did. They won't help.
Look, she's run away before
and they think it's the same.
But she's never been gone this
- Look, if she has run away,
the police are your best option.
- A friend recommended you,
said that you tracked down his
said that you were with
the police and now-
- She's run away before?
Then I'm sure she'll come back,
Look, I'm sorry, I'm in a rush.
- Look, I can pay you.
My husband said, look,
money's not an issue.
In case you change your mind.
Amelia. I'm Amelia.
- Do you think you've gotten
value out of these sessions?
I know you're not paying for
but is there really nothing
you want to talk about?
This is our final meeting.
I met your father once, you
- I'm sorry.
- The classic old school cop.
(Shae scoffing)
- Old school.
People say that like it's
some kind of badge of honor.
- You don't think he was a good
He retired with full
and is well-respected.
How is your relationship with
your father?
I imagine it must have been
difficult for a tough cop
to see his daughter
dragged through the mud.
And after all that, these
assault charges.
- Why you asking about him?
- Just trying to start a
I'll need to submit a report.
And so far, all we've spoken
is what kinds of music you don't
- You know what, okay,
something for your report.
I have anger issues, which I'm
working on.
I drink, I don't look after
I have very few friends left.
And my greatest achievement to
is being the daughter
of an old school cop.
- Your father's never
done anything for you?
- He taught me to hunt.
- We're not all the enemy, you
- (sighs) See, this is why I
don't talk.
- Shae, you're here because
it's part of your conditions.
- Look, do I really need
to stay for the rest?
- You're free to go.
(slow music)
- Mum.
Mum, you okay?
- Shae, what are you doing here?
- I came to see how you are.
- I'm fine.
- I thought maybe
I could make you breakfast
or lunch.
- I don't want any breakfast.
- How's Aunt Emma?
- She's fine.
Don't know how she puts up
with those kids of hers.
No good money-grubbing little
- Mum, what are these?
- Oh, don't worry about them.
- I send you money.
- Oh, leave it.
You sound just like your father.
- Oh, just like Dad?
Mum, I send you money so
you can pay your bills,
not drink yourself to an early
- I'm doing all right.
I've got a roof over my head,
ain't I?
(door knocking)
(Janet coughing)
- Oh, is Janet in?
- Sorry, she's...
Can I help you?
- This is Jeremy.
He's from the Queensland Civil
and Administrative Tribunal.
- And?
- You're Janet's daughter.
- Miss Conway, this is an
eviction notice.
- What?
I transferred money yesterday.
This can't be right.
- Is Janet in?
I need to serve that to her.
- Listen, just, here, take it,
Just until I can get
it figured out, please.
- [Jeremy] You can take it up
with the real estate agent. I'm
just the messenger.
- What's going on?
You can't do that.
It says I'm behind on my rent.
- Ms. Conway, you have four
- [Janet] Oh, you bastards.
- Mum.
I'm sorry, I just...
- Oh, they can't do this.
- Yes they can, Mum.
It says it right fucking there.
- I thought you paid up.
What happened?
28 days, they can't do this.
Don't judge me.
You don't know what I went
through with your father.
(slow dramatic music)
He's a mean, hateful man
and he never did nothing for me.
(Shae screaming)
(phone ringing)
- [Man] Ball Realty.
- Hi, this is Shea Conway.
I'm calling about Janet Conway's
- Janet Conway?
- She's my mother.
- [Man] Conway.
Do you mind holding
while I put you through
to the property manager?
- Come on, guys.
(bird squawking)
- [Man] Hello, Miss Conway.
- Yeah, I'm here.
- [Man] Yeah, I'm sorry.
I tried your mother this morning
but I couldn't get ahold of her.
We've been notified by
the bank that she's behind
on her rent and the situation's
- Well, isn't there something
you can do?
I mean, this can't be normal.
- [Man] It is unusual, but
this isn't the first time
that we've issued a breach
The owner has a mortgage to pay
and the bank has made a ruling.
- Okay, well what if I spoke to
the owner?
- I'm sorry, I can't
give out their details.
(slow music)
- Look, she's going to lose her
- [Man] She needs to go before a
In the meantime, the real estate
will need to relist the
(footsteps thudding)
- So you said your daughter's
- She's been gone five days.
- And she's run away before?
- She's a teenager.
She's moody and she thinks
she's some sort of tortured
She's run away before,
but she's always come
back after a day or two.
But this time we got this.
- And you showed this to the
- They said it looked like
a teenage girl would make.
Too much bad television.
- Would she do this?
I mean, this is a pretty
serious prank to play.
- We don't know anymore.
She keeps acting out and
look, we're at our wits' end.
- What about her friends?
- [Amelia] Well, she doesn't
have many,
but we've called around and none
have seen or heard from her.
- Is there anywhere else she'd
Does she have a job?
- Well, she had one.
Lasted one shift.
We, I thought she needed
some independence,
you know, learn how
the world really works.
She stole a pack of
cigarettes and got fired.
- She's not a bad child.
I think she's just fallen
in with a bad crowd.
- Did the police say anything
- (scoffs) Useless.
They took some notes
and filled out a report
and said they'd look into it.
And you know what that means.
- Look, in all likelihood,
she's going to turn up by
herself in a day or two.
The police will follow it up.
There's not much I can do.
- But it couldn't hurt, right?
To have someone who is actually
Besides, there are people
who might open up to you
who won't to talk to the police?
- [Amelia] Yeah, I mean,
if it's money, we can-
- It's not that.
- Okay, this is Max.
They girl next to her is Danny.
Danny went missing a few months
and her parents still
haven't heard anything.
And I'm worried.
There was a fire near
where the kids hang out
and there's talk of an arsonist.
And some of us are really
worried this person's going-
- People are scared.
Plus there's this.
- Can I see her room?
- Sure.
- Yeah.
- Did you clean up?
- This is all her.
She's always been very neat.
- [Shae] Tell me about her
- Danny was her best friend.
They've known each other all
their lives.
Ian went to school with her
So we've always stayed close.
- Anyone else?
- Oh, she started hanging
out some other kids,
but we don't know them.
- After Danny, Max withdrew.
Her and Syd are still close,
but she won't open up to us.
- Syd?
- Sydney, her younger sister.
- Is she here?
- Ah no, she's out at a
- May I?
- Yes. It's password protected
- Look, I have to ask, why me?
I mean, there's plenty of
who specialize in this sort of
I just, I find missing
pets, cheating partners.
- You were recommended.
Barry Hall, he said you
tracked down his sister.
- Look, it's $5,000.
You'll get as much again
when we get her back.
- We just want her found.
We can pay you more if you need.
- No, no, it's, it's...
All right, I'll look into it.
Can I take this?
- Oh, yes.
- Thank you. Now please just
let us know
as soon as you find anything,
- I can't promise anything.
- Oh, we'll just be happy
we've done everything we can.
- [Amelia] Shae, do you think
that firebug is a threat?
- Why bring that up again?
- It's okay.
Honestly, that sounds like
insurance fraud to me.
But I'll look into it.
- [Ian] Thank you.
(slow music)
- Hey, um,
are you free?
(upbeat rock music)
(people talking)
- It's great to see ya.
It's been weeks.
What have you been doing?
- Oh, you know, a bit
of this, a bit of that.
Paying bills.
- Whose bills are you paying
Have you ordered?
Should we eat?
- Oh, nothing for me.
- Suit yourself.
- Ready to order?
- Yes, big breakfast, extra
bacon, thanks.
- The usual?
- I'm good.
- Great.
- Big breakfast?
It's four in the afternoon.
- Says the person drinking a
Besides, (sighs) I need my
So, what's up?
- I need you to get into this
It's for a case, missing girl.
Her parents don't know the
- Missing girl?
- Runaway, most likely,
but the parents want
to cover all the bases.
There was another thing.
There's this as well.
- "I have Max."
It's not exactly a ransom
- The thing is, I think even
Max's dad
thinks she made this.
Her mum, on the other hand,
she's got it in her head
that Max is going to
die in a building fire.
- There have been a few fires
but I haven't heard of
any fatalities though.
- There was another girl, Danny.
It's one of Max's friends.
And she went missing a few
months ago.
- Two missing girls?
You think there's a connection?
- I don't know, the
whole thing's just odd.
- Full name?
- Max Cartwright.
- Doesn't ring a bell.
Did they report it?
- She's run away before.
Apparently the police won't do
- Kids these days, right? Mm.
Okay, done.
- Geez, it's not much to go on.
- How are you, Kyle?
Yeah, I'm good.
Jess is great.
She's due in June.
Thanks for asking.
- Sorry.
- (sighs) It's fine.
You know, you should come
around for dinner one night.
Shae, you can't keep avoiding
She doesn't blame you for
- You almost lost your job
because of me.
- But I didn't.
I'm sergeant now.
We're expecting.
Things are good for us.
Missing persons though,
this is a good move for you.
- Yeah.
So what can you tell
me about this firebug?
- What's to tell?
Insurance job most likely.
You're leaving?
- Yeah, look, I've to um...
- It's all good.
- Thanks, man.
- Until next time.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Can I speak to someone
about Janet Conway's rental?
- Oh, yeah, I'll just go
see if Gary's in the back.
If you just want to
take a seat down there.
- Ms. Conway.
- Shae.
- You wanted to talk?
-'s $5,000.
That'll cover the rent,
the back pay, whatever.
- Look, I don't even know if
that's going to be enough to
cover it.
Look, there are multiple
infringements over years.
- Look, I have the money, okay?
Surely you can just take it.
Just don't kick her out, please.
- Lucy.
Look, what I can do is
I can hold onto this.
Look, I've got to call
the bank and the owner.
Now it is completely up to them.
Now, if they agree,
then we'll deposit this
first thing in the morning,
- All right, thank you.
- Look, Shae, I'm concerned
that in a couple of months
we're going to be doing
this all over again.
And I know the homeowner feels
the same.
- Look, I'm getting it sorted,
- [Gary] Mm.
- And I'll pay you directly from
now on.
(slow music)
(phone ringing)
- Kyle?
- Shea.
- What's up?
- Earlier on, you mentioned an
- [Shae] Yeah.
- Well, in the past three weeks,
two abandoned buildings
have been burnt down.
It's now a murder investigation.
- What, they only just found a
- That's all the information I
I just, I thought I would let
you know.
If this is connected to your
missing girl,
you may be looking for a
Be careful.
- Thanks.
(birds chirping)
Dominic Cooper?
- Yes. Can I help you?
- My name's Shae Conway.
I'm investigating the
disappearance of Max Cartwright.
- Max is missing?
- She's been to class?
- Ah, no.
She doesn't always attend.
She's here maybe once or
twice a week if you're lucky.
- [Shae] What can you tell me
about her?
- She's a teenage girl.
Doesn't really have a lot of
- And when was the last
time she came to class?
- Maybe last week.
I'd have to check.
To be honest though, I've
given up on keeping track.
- Was her friend Danny in your
- She was.
Before Danny went missing, the
two of them were inseparable.
- Any other friends?
- Not really.
It was usually just those two.
- Mm.
Do you know where this is?
- Actually, the girl in
the background, Sophie.
I've seen her and Max talk a few
- Is she in today?
- I saw her this morning,
but she usually ditches after
- (sighs) Does anyone
actually come to class?
- Most are from well-off
They don't think they need good
If you don't mind, who hired
- Max's parents.
What? You seem surprised.
- Well, I doubt they'll
win Parents of the Year.
I don't remember ever seeing
at a parent-teacher evening.
But they are donors to the
- Okay, well, thanks.
And if you think of anything
just, yeah.
- You don't think something's
actually happened to her, do
In case you need anything else.
These are good kids, but
many of them are lost.
I hope you find her.
- Hi, I was wondering if you
could tell me
if this girl's in today, Sophie?
- Oh, Sophie Taylor.
Oh, she checked in this morning.
She's in class right now.
If it's not urgent, you'll
have to wait till lunch.
- Yeah, that's fine.
(Shae sighing)
(birds chirping)
(bell ringing)
(slow music)
(people talking)
- You right?
- You're Sophie, right?
- Who are you?
- I'm Shae.
I'm looking for a girl you know,
- Are you some kind of perv?
- Max's parents hired me to find
- Yeah, right.
- (sighs) She's not in
trouble or anything.
Do you know where this is?
- That's just a hangout place
you go to get drunk, and high,
and stuff.
- [Shae] Does Max do drugs?
- Look, I haven't seen
Max in about a week.
She always talked about running
I guess I hope she finally did.
- What do you mean?
- Max isn't really the
type of person to open up.
The only reason stuck
around here for so long
is 'cause of her little sister.
- Who's your friend, Sophie?
- I'm Becky.
Nice board.
- Where are you doing here,
(slow dramatic music)
- I was just leaving.
- Don't go.
- Try it.
Beat it!
(phone ringing)
- [Janet] They're going to evict
- Yeah, Mum, I know.
- [Janet] They want to kick me
- I'm sorting it out, okay?
I'm fixing it.
- [Janet] You don't want
to come around anymore.
(mumbles) I don't know what to
- Yeah, Mum.
(slow music)
(traffic rumbling)
(dog barking)
(distant siren wailing)
- Are you following me?
Is that supposed to mean
- [Shae] What, you didn't
leave this on my car?
- No. Why would I?
- Shit.
- What does it say?
The warehouse.
It's a place you go if you're
- Desperate?
- Like if you really
need money or something,
I don't go there.
- Do you think Max could have
gone there?
- I wouldn't have thought so.
I hope not.
- Just tell me what happens
- I don't know.
I knew a girl who got taken
there once.
She didn't say what happened to
but she got beaten pretty bad.
- Where is it?
- Look, all I know is it's near
the river.
I've told you all I know.
- Shit.
- [Shae] Relax, I come in peace.
- What do you want?
- I'm looking for a girl. Max.
(slow dramatic music)
- What business have you got
with Max?
- Listen, I just want
to make sure she's okay.
What about here friend, Danny?
- And what do you care about
- Honestly, I don't.
But I've been paid to find
Max, so if she's here,
just let me talk to her, okay?
And then I'll be on my merry
- Look, she's not here, all
Danny's been gone for ages and
I haven't seen Max for days.
- Shit.
- So you're really just
trying to find Max?
- Yeah. Why?
- Look, I don't know.
I guess I thought you might've
one of those pervs or something.
I don't-
- Pervs?
- Hey, bro.
- Whoa.
- Shit.
- It's all good, bro.
She's just looking for Max.
- I'm not a perv.
- Could have fooled me.
- What can you tell me
about the warehouse?
- I mean, if things get real bad
you can make a bit extra
money there I guess.
- You got to eat, right?
You need money to eat.
Perverts come around thinking
they can take advantage.
But you go there if you really
need money.
- Anything else?
- I don't know.
Go check it out if you want.
Down by the river, a bunch of
You'd fit right in.
Fuckin' freak.
(people yelling)
(slow music)
- Shit.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay. I'm going to get you
out of here, okay?
You're okay.
- [Woman] Hold it.
Step away from her.
Hands up.
Don't turn around.
You're going to toss the gun
and tell me what the
hell you're doing here.
- I'm looking for someone.
- [Woman] Toss it.
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
(woman grunting)
(woman groaning)
- [Man] Don't do anything
(woman groaning)
- Freeze!
Drop it.
I said drop it.
- [Man] What did I just say?
(Shae screaming)
(both grunting)
(gun firing)
(Shae screaming)
(woman groaning)
- Shit.
(slow dramatic music)
Hey, you're okay.
You're all right.
Yeah, I need an ambulance.
(sirens wailing)
(traffic rumbling)
- You okay?
- It's not Max or Danny.
Geez, how many girls are fucking
- She's going to be all right.
We're working on her identity,
but for now you saved her life.
Now you said there were two
others here?
- Yeah, one was wearing a
Got the drop on me.
And then the other one showed
- Are you sure they're
not working together?
- If this is our arsonist, Shae,
there could be a chance
there's more than one.
- Look, I don't know, okay?
None of this makes sense.
- [Kyle] Are you sure you're all
- When did the arsonist case get
- What do you mean?
I only found out about it last
right before I called you.
- Right after I start looking
for Max?
- What's your point?
Shit. Just keep quiet.
- Quite the mess.
- Forensics are going
over the scene now, boss.
They should be able to
get DNA from the blood.
- What, you shot the suspect?
- No, they shot at each other.
- Each other?
I was told there's only one
- [Shae] Well, there's two.
- [Joe] And did you get
a look at either of them?
- One had a hoodie, the
other had a balaclava.
- Given your statement?
- She has, boss.
We're searching the area as we
- Mm-hm.
Are you still in therapy?
- Piece of shit.
- He's not worth it.
- He couldn't care less
about the other girls,
just as long as he can keep
claiming that crime is down.
- Shae, relax, you did good.
- What the fuck did I even do?
(slow music)
(birds chirping)
- Oh, you got my message.
- I did.
About last night.
I managed to track down one
girl, but it wasn't Max.
- What? No.
- Shae, Max is home.
She came back this morning.
- That's what I called you
- She's here?
- Yeah, had us pick her
up from the train station.
- Do you think I could talk to
- I'm not sure that's a good
She's sleeping now.
- We heard about last night.
It's all over the news.
Just didn't realize you were
- Oh, it's...
- Here.
- Well, I can't take this.
I didn't find her.
- Max is back.
- And you saved another girl.
You've earnt it.
- Please, we want you to have
- Thank you, really.
We just want to put this
as far behind us as we can.
(slow music)
- Ms. Conway.
Ms. Conway.
Ms. Conway.
I'm glad I caught you.
I was just on my way
up to see your mother.
- Why, what's happened?
- I've just had a call
from her real estate.
Her rent's all paid up.
Must have been an issue on
their side or something,
- Wait.
So the eviction notice, it's
- It is.
And she's all paid up for
the next three months.
So I thought you might
like to tell her yourself.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Say hi to her.
- [Janet] Sweetie.
- What's all this?
- I'm celebrating.
- Oh?
- I won $300 on keno. (laughs)
Would you like some?
- I'm good?
- Me and Anna were playing the
and then we decided to
do some keno and pow.
Technically we won $600, but we
split it.
Talk about good luck.
- I just passed your manager
- That bastard.
What does he want?
Toss me out in the street next
- Actually he said not to worry
about the eviction notice.
There was some kind of mix up
with the real estate.
It's all good.
- Mix up?
Those pieces of shit.
(phone ringing)
- Dad, what's up?
- [Dad] Hey, I just
called to say well done.
- For?
- [Dad] I spoke to one of my
buddies still on the force.
He said you saved some girl.
They've added kidnapping to
their arson investigation.
- Look, Dad, I really didn't do
I was in the right place, right
- [Dad] Shae, that's
not how you play this.
If I talk to some people,
there's a chance you could
get back on the force.
- I don't want to be
back on the force, Dad.
- [Dad] Sweetie, this is a good
- Dad, can you just listen
to me for one second?
- [Dad] Fine, it's always the
(phone dinging)
- Look, Dad, I've got to go.
(Shae sighing)
(slow music)
(insects chirping)
Oh, I'm good, thanks.
- Righty-o, get ready for
the best roast of your life.
(sighs) An old family recipe.
- I've had your roast before.
- Really?
Well you get to experience it
- So Shae, Kyle tells me
you're quite the hero.
- I wouldn't say that.
- Well, saving someone's
life, I'd call you a hero.
- Ladies, look, that is
enough shop talk at the table.
Besides, who wants chicken?
- Give me all the chicken.
I eating for two, remember?
- You always eat for two.
That's why I cook for
three on a regular night.
(laughs) Oh, snap.
Oh, delicious.
(sighs) She's out cold.
- This was good.
Thanks for the invite.
- Thanks for finally coming
- Yeah.
- What is it?
I know that look.
- It's the missing girl.
- I thought she returned home.
- No, not her.
The one from last night.
- [Kyle] (sighs) Let it go.
- I can't, it doesn't makes
- She's safe.
Soon we'll find out who she is
and hopefully she can return
I bet there's some
frantic parents out there.
- But it's weird though, right?
I mean, someone leaves a note on
my car
which leads me to some
and just happens to have a girl
in it.
Not to mention the two people
shooting at each other.
Come on.
- It is strange, I'll give you
But I dunno what to tell you.
- Well, what about the security
I mean, surely that picked up
I chased one of those
guys down to the street.
- There's no footage.
None of the security cameras
within two block radius
of that building work.
- Are you serious?
- Apparently city budget cuts.
(Shae sighing)
You're leaving?
- Yeah, thanks for dinner and
- Shae.
- Yeah?
- Don't do anything stupid.
- Who, me?
- Promise me.
- I won't do anything, stupid.
(slow dramatic music)
- Who the fuck are you?
- I'm an investigator.
I'm looking for a missing girl.
You should get that looked at.
- Ah!
(gun clicking)
Oh, bitch.
(woman groaning)
The girl, is she all right?
- Well that one is.
I was looking for somebody else.
All right, my turn.
Who are you?
- I'm an idiot.
- Fuck, you should really
get that looked at.
- [Woman] I can't
exactly go to a hospital.
- Fuck's sake.
Come on.
- Where are we going?
- I know a place.
- You really searching for a
missing girl?
- [Shae] I was until she
reappeared out of thin air
- Turn right up here.
- You need to get that arm
looked at.
- Turn.
- So where are we?
- Go and look over the edge,
the big house down to the right.
Take your camera.
- Don't touch my shit.
(camera clicking)
Hey, whose house is that?
What's going on?
- Get in, I'll tell you.
- You tell me now.
- Away from here.
(drone buzzing)
Get in.
- Get her to take these.
They should prevent infection.
What have you gotten yourself
- I don't know.
You should go.
I don't want to cause you any
- Take it.
I owe you.
I'll get rid of your car.
You don't have to worry.
- How's Kelly?
- Doing better.
She wakes sometimes and
doesn't know where she is.
But, uh... she made a friend at
school, that's a start.
- Thanks.
(slow music)
(people talking)
- Another?
- Oh, I can't.
It's a school night.
- I won't tell if you don't.
(woman laughing)
- [Bartender] Another round?
- Please.
- Batting a bit above your
average, eh?
- She's my personal psychic.
I take her everywhere.
- Psychic?
- Yeah, you won't believe
how useful they can be.
- How so?
- She once told me that I would
the woman of my dreams
hidden safely behind a marble
(phone buzzing)
This is Brian.
(slow dramatic music)
(phone buzzing)
(phone buzzing)
- Dad.
- [Brian] Shae, what the hell is
going on?
- Dad, just listen to me.
I don't know what's going on.
- Stop talking.
Good, you need to come in right
Look, whatever's going on,
we can get through this.
- [Shae] Dad, you have
to listen to me, okay?
I've found-
- I'm listening.
You need to come in right away.
You can tell us everything.
- Us? What do you mean, us?
Come in where?
- Shae, just come in.
- Hey.
- What?
- [Shae] We have to go.
- Shit.
You should toss that.
- I need to know what's going
Tell me!
- That house, they take girls
there, as young as five.
They auction them off.
Have parties.
They call it the mansion.
- The guy who hired me,
he was there last night.
Why would he hire me to
find his own daughter?
- My guess, they used you to
lure me out.
I got a call yesterday
that there was someone
snooping around the skate park.
I followed you to the warehouse.
I thought you were one of them.
- And who the hell are you?
- I'm Riley.
- Okay, Riley.
Why would they use me to get to
- Because I'm hunting them.
I should've known they'd hunt
- You're the arsonist?
- Arsonist?
I burnt down one of their
They were using it to drug
girls and transport them
to wherever the party's at.
- I'm Shae.
- Nice to meet you, Shae. We
should go.
- We need to find somewhere
- I know somewhere.
(car engine rumbling)
(slow music)
(birds chirping)
Wait here.
- Riley says you need a
place to lay low for awhile.
I'm Ray.
- Rescues.
Ray's team goes out and
finds vulnerable kids.
If they're willing, they
bring 'em back here.
- Does it help them move on?
- Sometimes.
Some have been through some
serious shit.
Takes time.
- Come with me.
I'll show you the cabins.
Make yourself at home.
Riley, we need to talk.
(slow music)
- Danny?
It's okay.
My name's Shae.
Can I sit?
- You know me?
- I was looking for your friend
- Did something happen to her?
- She's fine.
She went back home
before I could find her.
- She has a sister.
I tried to get her to come
with me,
but that's why she keeps going
- Well, her parents
hired me to find her and-
- They don't care about either
of them.
They're pieces of shit.
- Look, do you know about
a house in the hills,
has a lot of palm trees?
(slow dramatic music)
- The mansion.
That's one of the places
they used to take us.
They have parties.
Full moon's the worst.
It has a basement.
- We can stay.
Don't have another phone on you,
do you?
- [Shae] No.
- Good. Come on.
- (sighs) Look, we need
to contact the police.
We need to tell them what's
going on.
- What?
- Look, I know someone, someone
I trust.
- Even if you can trust them,
you'll only put them in danger.
- All right, we'll go to the
(Riley laughing)
- You don't know these people.
We go to the news, the story
gets buried, and we die.
And you put anyone close to you
at risk.
- All right, well then we'll
put it on the internet.
I mean, this shit will spread.
- [Riley] These people have
money, they have reach.
- Well, what do you suggest
You just want to hang about
- No. We hunt them down and we
kill them.
It's the only way.
- No, it makes us no better than
- Killing rapists and child
I'd say they don't deserve to
- I've got my camera.
I can-
- Look, you don't get it.
I was a reporter.
I spent over a year
investigating this.
I wrote the article.
I had sources and evidence.
They buried it.
When I posted it online
anyway, they fired me.
The best that came from it
was a brothel got closed down.
Then it just went back
to business as usual.
I couldn't push any harder.
My family were at risk.
- So you just kill them?
- Yep. One less piece
of shit to worry about.
I don't expect you to
(slow music)
(birds chirping)
- Have you settled in?
- Yeah, thanks.
How many girls are here?
- Right now maybe 15.
Sometimes there's more,
- And they've all been abused?
- Some have.
Some grew up on the street,
mixed up with drugs or worse.
- And how's Riley involved?
- Yeah, you'll have to ask her
about that.
- Well, what can you tell me?
- Oh, maybe a year ago
she was hanging out with some
street kids.
And one of our team found
her and brought her here.
- Anything else?
- Oh, anything else doesn't
really matter to us.
Hey, excuse me.
(slow music)
Just check out the back.
So, your friend left.
- Looks like it.
- You're not going after her?
That look she's got, same as
yours was.
She won't stop, man, even if it
kills her.
- She's not my problem.
She's old enough to make her own
- Do that yourself, did you?
(slow music)
(people talking)
(door creaking)
- [Shae] Max.
- What do you want?
You were at my house.
- Your parents hired me to find
you, okay?
- Find me?
They took me.
- Look, Max, I can help you,
Let me help you.
- You stay away from us.
- I spoke to Danny.
- What?
- I can take you to her. I can
get you out of here.
- I can't.
I can't leave Syd.
- Let's just tell the principal.
- The library's named after my
Here comes Max with another
crazy accusation again.
- Okay, I'll grab Syd
and I will come back here for
you, okay?
- You don't think I haven't
I've taken her before.
They don't care if I go,
but they'll come after Syd.
- You said your parents took
They told me you'd run away.
- I was at the mansion.
(door squeaking)
- Max.
Max. Max.
- Just stay away from us.
(dramatic music)
(fist thudding)
- Who are you?
(fist thudding)
(slow music)
(Shae breathing heavily)
- Check the area, make sure
she's alone.
Shae, isn't it?
I hear you were a good cop once.
Not a very smart one though.
I'm curious, why not just let it
We had big plans for you.
Tell me, who's the firebug?
Who's been causing all these
A lot of work's gone
into flushing them out.
- I don't know.
How would I?
- My people want to talk to her.
Plus I hold it personally
when I get shot at.
(gun firing)
(Shae screaming)
(Shae grunting)
Oh shush, it's barely a flesh
The next one, on the other hand.
- Oh, fuck you.
- Someone else then.
(gun firing)
(car engine rumbling)
(slow music)
He'll bleed out soon.
Someone you do care about then?
How about we pay a visit to
your mother or your father?
Or Kyle's pregnant wife?
(gun firing)
(dramatic music)
(fist thudding)
(Shae grunting)
(slow music)
- I'm sorry, oh my god,
I'm so sorry, okay?
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
You'll be all right, okay?
(Kyle grunting)
Come on, we have to go.
(Kyle groaning)
- [Riley] What the fuck were you
- I thought I-
- Thought what?
I told you that you can't
bring them to justice.
They're too powerful.
- Well I streamed it.
It's all online.
- [Riley] It's already been
taken down.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
He needs a hospital.
(Shae breathing heavily)
(Shae grunting)
- I couldn't get close.
There was at least two
cars down the street.
I'd say she'll be all right.
Your parents too, so long as we
stay away.
- I did this.
Put them all in danger.
Who are these people?
- The rich and powerful.
- Even the rich can't get away
with this.
- You're not that naive.
You were a cop, right?
And why aren't you a cop
- I was fired.
Found out one of my
superiors was on the take.
I reported him.
- And then what?
- Then he became commissioner.
They all told me, told me to be
and keep my mouth shut,
and I couldn't do that.
- And do you still think we
can bring them to justice?
For argument's sake, let's say
we managed
to get enough media attention
that no one can ignore.
At best one or two people
become the fall guys.
Nothing will change.
The public will be outraged for
a few days
and then they'll just find
the next story to follow.
Told you about my story.
(slow music)
Well, after it was buried,
I tracked down one of
them and made him confess.
I didn't know what I was
doing and...
went too far.
He died.
I made him confess.
I was so sure it would mean
Turns out he really committed
and the confession vanished.
You have to be clinical,
cover every angle.
These people won't expose
I was almost killed when I got
and it was just dumb
luck that Ray found me.
You can't go it alone.
- [Shae] Full moon.
- So?
- Something Danny said.
- The mansion's too well
- I can't sit by knowing what I
I'm going.
(slow suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(man grunting)
(Riley grunting)
(head thudding)
(Shae grunting)
(foot thudding)
- Hurry, there could be more.
(taser buzzing)
- What? I'm a PI.
(slow music)
(slow dramatic music)
(Amelia screaming)
- What are you doing?
Are you crazy?
- Stop talking.
- Go.
There's a car parked down the
There's instructions in the
envelope, go.
- What about them?
- They can't hurt you anymore.
- You are in big trouble.
- I said stop talking.
- Now if you two want even a
chance of living past tonight,
you will do exactly as I say.
- What do you want?
- We're going to a party.
- Do anything stupid
and I cover the windscreen
with your skull.
- Tonight's been canceled, sir.
The other guests have gone home.
- It's okay.
Look, I need to speak to Lucas.
- Can you just hang on a minute?
- There's cameras everywhere.
Whatever your plans are,
we'd be better off
turning around right now.
- Shut up.
- Okay, you're clear to head up.
(taser buzzing)
(man groaning)
- We should kill them.
- No.
- Get in.
(dramatic music)
(slow suspenseful music)
(gun firing)
(man grunting)
(suspenseful music)
(gun firing)
(woman gasping)
- Get out of here.
Shit, she's getting the guards.
Watch my back.
- Okay, you're about to have
some company.
They're coming up on the left.
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(slow music)
- That's woman's going to bring
- The basement.
There's a basement.
(man talking)
- It's good, I think it's a new
I think it's a great new
- [Shae] Don't move!
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
- It appears Ian and
Amelia won't be joining us.
- This one I recognize.
How are you, Mr. Mayor?
- I know this one.
I found his missing dog
and he didn't even care
his partner was cheating.
- I seem to recall you not
caring about much either.
- Let's cut to it.
What do you want?
- So this is where you do it?
This is where you bring them?
Don't want anyone to hear their
- Riley, check it out.
- It's okay.
- What is it?
(gun firing)
(Shea grunting)
(gun firing)
(men groaning)
- What the fuck happened?
- Fuck that hurt.
Are there any others?
- Answer her.
- No.
Tonight's cancelled
thanks to the two of you.
(gun firing)
- He's getting away.
(slow dramatic music)
(insects chirping)
(gun firing)
(engine rumbling)
- Get the fuck out of the car.
Come on, out.
Fucking idiot.
(partition thudding)
- [Shae] Don't fuckin' lose him.
(slow music)
(dogs barking)
(partition thudding)
- [Amelia] Let us out.
(partition thudding)
(dramatic music)
(Angelo grunting)
(Shae yelling)
- Couldn't let it go, could ya?
What a fuckin' mess.
(both grunting)
(Shae breathing heavily)
They told me to let you live.
I don't know, I think you're too
of a fighter to give up.
(Shae yelling)
You just wouldn't stop.
I had no choice but to kill you.
Pick it up.
(both grunting)
(fist thudding)
(Shae grunting)
I was just like you once,
wanted to make the world a
better place.
You haven't saved anyone.
There's 10 more places like
that in this city alone.
- Back the fuck away.
(Shae groaning)
(gun clicking)
Shae, get up.
Get up, Shae.
- [Angelo] Ladies, you're taking
everything so personally.
Why the hostility?
- Come and find out, fucker.
(Angelo laughing)
(slow dramatic music)
(all grunting)
(dramatic music)
(all grunting)
(fist thudding)
(both yelling)
(both groaning)
(both grunting)
(Angelo groaning)
(Shae grunting)
(Riley grunting)
(Angelo screaming)
(Angelo screaming)
(all grunting)
(Riley grunting)
(slow music)
- You think you can make a
This life-
(gun firing)
(slow music)
(engine rumbling)
- A brutal home invasion gone
A manhunt is underway for the
two women
accused of murdering the
city mayor and his gardener.
- If anyone has any information,
please contact the police.
I just want my husband's
killers brought to justice.
- Details are still emerging,
but the suspects have been
as Shea Conway and Riley
A reward has been offered.
(birds chirping)
- They're doing good.
How are you?
- Stiff. (sighs)
What is it?
- It's your friend, Kyle.
He's in an induced coma,
but he should pull through.
His wife is with him and she's
- Good.
How are my parents?
- All I can tell you
is that they're alive.
The pair of you, on the other
You're at the top of the most
wanted list.
You guys really started
some shit out there, eh?
Look, don't take this the wrong
but you can't stay here.
- [Shae] So where to?
- How about somewhere tropical?
Why, what are you thinking?
- Angelo said there were
more of those places.
- And?
- And I bet there's other
other cities, other towns.
- What are the chances Max's
parents might know something?
- Hm. Or that guard.
Or the mayor's wife.
- Every cop in the country is
going to be looking for us.
- Hm. Well then, we'll
be smart, take our time.
(slow music)
- It's been six months
since the brutal slaying
of Mayor Lucas Hamilton.
Despite numerous leads and over
$1 million in reward money,
the suspects have yet to be
- If I take off those gags,
you're not going to scream, are
We're here for information.
You tell us what we want
to know, we'll let you go.
- Are you crazy?
If we say anything, we're as
good as dead.
- You're as good as dead
if you don't say anything,
- We don't know anything.
(Ian grunting)
(Amelia gasping)
(Ian screaming)
(Amelia screaming)
(Ian screaming)
Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
- [Shae] Everything.
- Everything.
The people involved include
judges, and police officers.
I can only name the people that
I know,
but people fly between
cities to attend the parties.
- (laughs) What now?
You think you can change
You are nobodies.
Release the video.
You'll be hunted down and
- No, we're going to hold
onto it for a little bit.
- [Amelia] Are you going to let
us go?
- Just one thing bothers me.
You know, through your whole
you know what never came up?
- What? We've told you
- You never once asked
how your daughters are.
(slow dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(dramatic music)