The Love Club: Nicole's Story (2023) Movie Script

We want some life magic
we want to take control
Cause when the lights go out
that's where the dreamers go
Guys happy New Year.
Seriously Nic?
What was I thinking?
Hey guys. Happy New Year.
I'll see you in there.
- See you.
- Yeah.
What were you thinking?
Well, you just said,
"What was I thinking?"
Oh um, yeah, it's just,
you know, guy stuff.
Well it's New Year's.
There's a lot of pressure.
What happened? You get stood up?
Yeah. Something like that.
I mean, it can't be
that complicated, right?
To find that one person
who like, completes you?
Isn't that a line from a movie?
Yes. One of the greatest.
I mean, when Renee
rose up and joined him,
it was just, wow.
You know what? That's
what I'm going to do.
I am going to rise up and I'm
gonna ring in this new year.
Hey, d'you wanna come with me?
My IN-2-U date totally just
found someone else
to ring all this in with, so...
Are you serious?
Okay, that's it. We're
definitely doing this thing.
I'm Nic, by the way.
- Tara.
- Nice to meet you!
Oh Nic! There you are!
- Oh, Happy New Year.
- Mmm. Champagne?
Oh, I'm good. I'll wait
until the countdown.
I will take some.
Tara, right? We have
visual arts class.
I am Lauren, your
hostess with the mostest.
Hey Laur, are you okay?
You usually take it easy
at your own parties.
Oh, well, your
boyfriend didn't just
change the plans on you which,
clearly didn't take what
I want into account.
So there's that.
Whoa, whoa.
- You wanna sit down?
- Yeah.
You guys should sit down.
Hold on. You're Sydney,
that track star?
That's me.
I made pakoras. They're inside.
She made pakoras.
You see? Now that's
a proper guest.
Thank you.
Hey, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
My boyfriend dumped me.
Dump number four.
Well join the club because
Nic here just got stood up,
Lauren just had the
goal posts changed.
I'd say we are part
of the broken heart club.
Well, okay, maybe we are
right now, but,
the one we're meant to be with
has gotta be out there
somewhere, right?
We just have to be the smart,
strong women that we are
and start making good choices.
Like no more IN-2-U.
You're not gonna find
your soulmate on there.
I have to agree with that.
I was looking, but
done and done.
Well, I guess that
means I'm dumping Peter.
Laur, you two love each other.
If that's true, then I'd
give him another chance
and talk it out.
Yeah, but remind him of
what you want.
And then maybe I should
talk to Byron
and give him another shot?
No, no, no, no.
- Mmm-mm.
Four dumps
is not a charm.
Ladies, look at us.
We're solving each other's
romantic crises right now.
So we are not a
broken hearts club.
We're the Love Club.
I like it.
And I really wasn't
having any fun until now.
- Wow.
- Okay.
Let's take a vow then.
- Seven!
- To always have each other's
backs when our heart's a mess
- Five!
- Yeah?
To the Love Club.
The love club.
Happy New Year!
Things springing
up from the ground
Sun shining all around us
when this was dust
And ashes
Raise my eyes to the light
peaking through the night
Waking up found the
strength that's been inside
Hey do you think your
mom's gonna know
that this cranberry sauce
is from a can?
You know what? It's fine.
It's fine. I'll just dress it up
by putting it in a fancy bowl.
Ooh, speaking of which,
I can't wait to show you these
new lampshades I designed.
They're whimsical with
this soft, dim lighting.
Dim lampshades? I don't
see the point.
Well, it's supposed to
be ambient lighting,
like, romantic ambience.
Oh, my parents are gonna be
here any minute for the game.
We gotta get that
bird in the oven.
Here we go.
- Clean all this.
- Alright.
I really wish we could
just order pizza. You know,
I bet you they have some
sort of Thanksgiving spe--
What is this?
What do you think?
Nicole Everett. Will
you marry me?
Oh, that's them.
My parents are gonna
be so thrilled.
So, what d'you say?
Yeah, of course.
I knew it. Wow,
best Thanksgiving ever.
I think the potatoes
were just there for the gravy.
And your mom knew that the
cranberry sauce was from a can.
Why else would she have
given me a recipe?
Oh no!
The ring is in the gravy!
Warren. The ring is too big.
- Huh?
- The ring.
It keeps slipping off.
Hey, we'll get it sized
when I get back from
the conference.
Speaking of, there might
be some buyers
that are interested in
your company.
And I told you Everett
Interiors is my baby
and it's finally
getting recognized.
Yeah, and that's why you
need to strike
when the iron's getting hot.
We can discuss it.
My future spouse.
How's that for
being romantic? Huh?
Look, I should go.
I'll text you tomorrow
when I land, okay?
- Okay.
- I love you.
Yeah, love you too.
Hi ladies.
It's been a while. I
actually don't know how long.
Life gets busy.
It doesn't change
that I miss you,
and not just because I
need your help,
which I do because I'm a
bit of a romantic mess.
and there's no one else
I'd rather turn to
than my fabulous friends
of the Love Club.
So here's the link.
You know what to do.
Hugs and kisses, Nic.
Now you see it as just
a powder room, but I see it
as something that could be
a statement piece, you know,
with textured wallpaper,
maybe even a chandelier.
Okay, great.
I'll bring the samples
by later today.
Sounds good. See you then.
Hi. You showed.
Of course we did.
Where's Tara? Did you get
a hold of her?
Oh, sorry ladies.
- Just a bit of a late night.
- Oh.
There she is.
Laur, those cupcakes look
delicious. From scratch?
Of course it is.
Unless I want the class
parents all up in my face.
So Nic, what's the 911?
Uh well, I'm engaged, so, yay.
- I'm sorry Is that a good thing?
- Uh
I don't know, which is
why I need your help,
because Warren is a
really great guy, but
I'm getting that
feeling again.
The one I get before I
end things and,
I can't keep bailing on
my relationships.
True. Because I've actually
lost track of them.
And it's not like there's
anything really wrong.
It's just I haven't been sure.
Like with Warren, if
they're the one.
So, will you guys help me?
Hey, I could use a mommy break.
And we did take a vow.
Are we saying what I
think we're saying?
Love Club here we come!
Oh! Yes!
You guys are the best.
I'll see you soon, okay?
Let me know when
you're on your way.
Okay. Bye.
Hey, you're here!
This woman offered
to pick me up
and I didn't realize we
were driving the Indy.
We made it here in less
than three hours.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Kids car pooling. It's like
driving the track every time.
Oh! And look who it is
our jet setter!
Mmm, hi.
Okay, so, what can I
get everyone?
Excellent. Come on in.
So here I am, his parents
are at the front door.
And what do I pull out?
- A ring box.
- Oh!
Not exactly the romantic
proposal I was hoping.
No, you want it to be like all
of those rom-coms you watch.
- Exactly.
- Hey,
What about you Syd?
'Cause I'm a little worried
that you still haven't
given up that mug.
Well, don't be because
I have not been in contact
with Byron. But,
I can't give this up.
No, this is from the New Years
that we cheers to all this.
Well, I'm happy to report
that I'm still single.
Not that you should be, Nic.
Well, and I, I love Warren.
I have no reason not to.
You know, he's kind.
He's attentive.
It's just, this always happens.
Do you know why?
It's, it's because I think about
this crush I had
from time to time.
That last year of college,
I think my English Lit
prof was trying to
revive the written
word or something
because we all got partnered
up with a secret pen pal
from this other school
that she partnered with.
And, these are the letters
that I got from mine.
I mean, they're amazing.
His words and his
stories are just-
Oh, okay, listen to this.
"People always think
they know who you are,
but only I know in my
heart and you know in yours
what we are."
and what about this?
"I've gotta believe there's
something great waiting for us.
Something to make us
feel complete."
- Wow, deep stuff.
- Right?
I mean, nothing has
ever made me feel
the way that these letters do.
So in my final letter of
the assignment,
I asked him to meet me
that New Year's.
- Oh!
- Yeah.
I just, I had to meet the guy
that I really felt could
be the one, you know?
But then when he didn't show up,
I just took that as a sign
that I should just move on.
Except, um, I can't, so.
Well, have you tried
tracking him down?
I would, but for
security reasons,
we were only ever allowed
to use our initials, so.
Other than the initial J,
I have nothing to go on.
And my prof was no help.
Look, I know that this
sounds crazy, okay, I know,
but guys, I'm just really scared
of ending up like my parents.
You know, just stuck in a
marriage with no true love,
and no romance and
no connection.
I want those things.
I want true love. I
want a real connection.
I want...
I just want my
happily ever after.
Then we'll find it for you.
Okay, here we go.
Paradine University.
That's the school your
prof partnered with, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
And, here is the class list.
How on earth did you do that?
Let's see. I'm a member
of the Parents Association
volunteer teacher
at the Arts College,
and I sit on the education
advisory committee
for my writing, so yeah,
I run on fumes.
Hey, there's two names here
that start with the letter J,
Jill Cohen and Josh Nolan.
Well, that's gotta be
him then, right? Josh?
Josh Nolan.
Nic Nolan!
Totally has a ring to it.
- Right!
- Okay, before you two
start planning the wedding,
let's confirm his status.
It's single.
He's adorable.
Hey, it says
he's manager at Kenworthy Inn.
Kenworthy Inn. Let's see.
Hey, that's only a
few hours drive.
Oh, so I could be there tonight?
Whoa! You're not gonna
just show up like,
"Hey, I've been thinking
about you for 10 years."
Not that crazy.
Wait, look at what it
says on their website.
"Please be patient
while we remodel
to offer you a better
That's it.
That's my in!
Yeah, we're just waiting
on the contractors. Mm-hmm.
Yeah, that's it, Becky.
Okay. Okay, great.
Well, we'll see you then.
Okay. Bye!
Okay, so the designer that
was hired for the remodel
has just been put off for a
week, so now we can step in.
- We?
- Well, yeah, I was, um,
I was kind of hoping
maybe you guys,
you know, come with me
for moral support.
Plus it would be so much fun.
I mean, it would be like going
on grad trip all over again.
- Oh!
- Well, you know,
the class parents do go
bananas this time of year.
So I'm good to bail out.
And I could totally review
the inn for my blog,
- so...
- That's a yes. Tara?
- I don't think I have a choice.
- Yee!
I'll take it.
So, what happens
when this Josh finds out
you're not the designer
hired for the inn?
Uh, we will cross that
bridge when we come to it.
Wow. Look at this place.
I mean, it's straight
out of a holiday classic.
Oh, I can feel my happily
ever after already.
You think this is a good idea?
Let's just get it over with.
Thank you so much.
Oh wow!
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Lots of flowers.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hey.
I'm Nic Everett and I'm
here with Everett, uh-uh,
Refined by Design, and
this is my design team.
We're just checking in.
Do you know when
I'd be able to meet
with the manager, Josh Nolan?
He's already left for the night,
but he's looking forward to
meeting you in the morning.
- Oh.
- In the meantime,
here are your keys.
Your rooms are in the
Clarington wing.
Yeah, right?
- It's so cute down there.
Honestly, I love the
blue chairs too.
Yeah, they were so pretty.
- Oh.
- Oh man.
These stairs are no joke.
No joke.
Oh my gosh, guys!
It's so cute up here.
It's perfect.
- Oh,
- Ah except maybe the doilies.
Oh yeah. I mean it could
use a little bit of work.
You know what?
I'm so down for this
designer cover.
- Oh.
- You are so not!
Because that lying thing
that you do with the accents.
- It's true.
- Okay, you know what?
- Fine. C'est la vie.
- Thank you.
You're welcome
All right, I'll see you
two tomorrow.
Okay. Sleep tight.
- You all good?
- Yeah. Yeah, all good.
- Hey.
- Oh.
Syd's all finished her hike,
we're gonna go meet her.
- You wanna join?
- Uhh, actually
The front desk just called,
and Josh is coming up
to meet me, so.
Okay, so, d'you want us to
stay as your design team?
- We could help you with some--
- Okay, no, no, no, no, no.
- She's good. She's good.
- Okay, fine.
Let's go.
- Bye.
- I'll see you later.
This would look better here.
There. Grab these.
Maybe put these
just in the middle here.
That's a bit better.
Still getting tea at
Grandma's vibes.
Is it the doilies?
Oh, it's you.
Oh my gosh, it's you.
Oh, you being, sorry,
who are you?
Josh. Josh Nolan, the
inn manager.
- Hi.
- And you are from
Refined by Design.
Yeah. I'm Nic.
Nic Everett.
I'm the designer that you
hired, or the owners hired,
whoever hired, to spruce
this place up.
- Yeah.
- Right.
Well, it's a pleasure, Nic.
I'd love to give you a tour,
show you what needs to get done,
maybe see what else you think
maybe needs some
work around here
seeing as this area was
not on my radar.
Oh no, no. I mean it's,
it's really not that bad.
I, I love the, the
cardinal lamp.
I'm just thinking maybe
a little less crochet.
Unless your grandmother made it,
in which case it's beautiful.
She did not. Happy
to change it up.
Shall we?
We shall.
Oh. Oh wow.
Okay. So this is an event space?
Uh, yeah. Well
it's supposed to be.
Right now it could
be anything really.
A games room or
maybe a common room.
- Yeah.
- Not like any university dorm.
Oh, no. I mean it would
be way more sophisticated
- than that.
- Right.
Though I, I did love the
one at my old dorm at UTLC.
- TLC, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
I was at the, the
neighboring campus, Paradine.
Oh wow. Really?
- Yeah.
- Huh.
Yeah, I mean, university.
Crazy times, huh?
Yeah. Not sure
how I survived it.
- Not sure I'd wanna do it again.
- I mean, who would really?
Though, there were some,
some classes and professors
that were pretty memorable.
I had this one professor,
a Miss Delaney,
her class was amazing.
All of her assignments
were always so creative.
Do you have any
classes or assignments,
professors you remember?
Uh, to be honest,
I haven't thought about
university in a long time.
I found it a bit challenging.
Yeah, I got that.
The whole game rooms vibe
that you're thinking of in here.
- Right.
- Let's put a pin in this room
and keep going with the tour?
- Great.
- Okay.
So this is the lounge.
Where you can grab
a coffee or a light bite.
Oh, I see you've got pizza.
So I might be here for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Ah, you were preaching the choir
because I am totally that
guy who would be like,
"How come you didn't bring more
- cheese pizzas?"
- Cheese pizzas!
Home Alone!
It's a classic, right?
It is. Second only to
Pretty Woman.
But that is because I
am partial to rom-coms,
but still one of the best.
Oh, uh.
- Ah. Duty calls.
- Mm.
But I know we have more to cover
so maybe we can pick this up
later, say around dinner?
- Okay.
- Great.
Because we actually
have the best
takeout pizza right
here in town.
And admittedly
it's not that one.
- That sounds great.
- Perfect.
I'll order the pizza and we can
continue the tour around 8:00?
- Perfect.
- Great.
- I'll see you then.
- Okay.
Alright, baby.
Sending you big kisses.
Daddy too?
Yeah, yeah. And daddy too.
Say bye to your Aunties.
Bye mom!
- Bye.
- Love you, bye bye.
Hey, would you
guys be up for doing
some yoga at the inn after?
I wanna get some
action shots for my blog.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I still get how you started
doing the whole blog thing.
It was after I blew
out my ankle,
I couldn't compete anymore.
So, I got bored and
started exploring the city.
And that's how Briden's
bucket list was born.
- Hey.
- Guys!
I just met Josh and
he's amazing.
He gave me a tour and we're
gonna go have dinner tonight.
I mean, it's just
for work, but still.
Okay, so you told him about
the whole pen pal thing?
Uh, no, not yet.
But I am laying the groundwork.
I just wanna make sure
it's actually him.
But I am definitely
getting those vibes.
So I'm gonna head in and get
some design ideas together.
Are you guys good?
Yeah. As long as this one
doesn't make me do any yoga.
Okay. Bye!
You see,
sometimes it's a good
idea to just hold out
because you never know,
this Josh guy really
could be the one.
Well, let's hope,
'cause the fall from the cloud
she's on would really hurt.
- Hey!
- Hi.
- Usual?
- Uh, just an espresso tonight.
I've got a meeting.
Oh. That must
be the pizza. Nope.
It's a ski lodge on
the West Coast.
They want an answer by
the end of the week.
You know, I've skied
those hills.
It's pretty sweet out there.
Yeah. So is the job
offer, but I don't know.
Just not sure it's what I
want right now.
Sounds to me like you
need a sign.
Mm. Whatever that is.
Ready to go?
- Yeah.
- Great.
- See you later.
- See ya.
There it is.
Ah. Thank you sir.
Have a good one.
- Thanks. I brought some wine.
- Oh. Good thinking.
You know, usually they
don't deliver,
but I've got the in with
my buddy Luigi.
Oh, well I get it.
Me and my pizza delivery
guy are tight.
Uh, so, where
d'you wanna eat?
Uh, well, I was
thinking outside
that way you get a bit
of the outdoor feel.
- Fine sounds good.
- Great.
So is it just you here
or do you have some help?
You know, an assistant
or girlfriend, partner?
Ah, no, just, just me
checked in at the inn.
How do you like it so far?
Oh, it's great.
I'm really glad I
made the trip up,
which of course I had to
because I'm the designer,
- but still.
- Right.
Speaking of,
is there a vision you have
for the inn once I'm done?
Oh, well, I mean it's not
really my vision that counts.
It's the owners.
See, they kind of wanna fix
up the place so they can sell.
- Sell? Really?
- Yeah, I know.
I don't really
get it either.
I mean, if this place were
my own, I'd never give it up.
I feel like that
about my company.
I mean, I've just
worked so hard.
I can't imagine just
selling it off to someone.
- Not when it feels like home.
- Yeah.
All right. Are you ready
to try some of the best
pizza that you will ever have?
Ta da.
Oh, oh.
How'd Luigi do?
I'm seriously having a
relationship with this pizza.
Eat Pray Love.
Okay, now I'm impressed.
I'm a bit of a movie buff.
What's your favorite rom-com?
- Oh, hands down Jerry Maguire.
- Oh.
- I love Jerry Maguire.
- Right?
- Mm-hmm.
- I mean it's the kind of movie
a guy could watch but
with the whole love story.
And one of the
greatest endings of all time.
And really, I mean who
doesn't love a happy ending?
Speaking of endings, what would
happen if this place sells?
Would you stay on or?
I don't know.
Kind of trying to
figure that out.
I guess that's one of the things
I wouldn't mind going
back to university for,
that feeling of having all this
time to figure your life out.
Just knowing there's gotta
be something great out there.
Something that
makes you feel complete?
You know what I'm wondering?
What Luigi puts in this pizza.
- Mystic pizza.
- Mystic pizza.
Thank you for giving me
a feel for this place.
I think it's important that
client and designer connect.
Then I think this is
gonna work out.
Here. I got glasses.
I brought the classy ones.
Very classy.
Do-do-do-do, do-do-doo.
Da-da-da-da-da, da-day
Food's not bad. Menu could
use a bit of a shakeup.
Oh my gosh, guys!
That was so romantic.
Okay. Okay.
So we had the best pizza
by the fire
underneath the stars.
And he even quoted one of
the lines from his letters
about how there's something
great waiting out there for us.
He really quoted that?
Well, nope,
but, but he,
it's what he meant, it's
what he meant.
I mean, we're just so in sync.
Okay, so what happens now?
Well, tomorrow I think I'm gonna
tell him that he's my pen pal.
I mean, guys, I just know
it in my heart. It's him.
So this sign you
mentioned last night,
what kind of things could it be?
Anything really.
Your car breaking
down in a place
you never thought
you'd visit,
or a rainbow when
you're feeling low.
What about like,
I don't know,
meeting a woman?
Sure. Why?
D'you get the sign last night?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
- Could be.
- Could be?
Could be.
Feels like you know.
Feels like that could be
could be a definitely.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Do you know where Syd
and Laur are?
Yeah, they went to find
us an activity
- Syd can use for her blog.
- Oh.
Okay. Then it is up to you.
Should I take these
letters to show Josh?
Or does it make it seem like
the only reason I came
here was to meet him?
- Well, it was.
- Yeah I know but,
he doesn't need to
know that right away.
Except he'll know
when he finds out
you're not the
designer he hired.
Well, yeah, but I can
tell him that once--
Once you're so blinded
by love, it won't matter?
You think this is
really crazy, don't you?
No, I think whoever
you end up with,
happily ever after is
not guaranteed.
Yeah, but it could help my odds.
Okay. I'll leave the
letters here.
Hey Nic.
- Yeah.
- Good luck.
Thank you.
Oh, cool.
They have pottery classes here.
What do you think?
Should we sign up?
- Lauren?
- Hmm?
Pottery. Do you wanna-
Yeah, okay Syd, come on.
No, what do you, no,
we didn't sign up for the
pottery class.
Let's find out a little
bit more about Josh.
What? What are you doing?
Just, look around.
Aw. He's a kids coach.
Which probably means he's a
control freak. I've seen it.
Little League can get ugly.
Mm. Based on what
Nic said, I doubt it.
Nic wants a life like
the movie she quotes from.
So let's do our own reconnaissance.
Oh. Looks like he's leaving.
What are you doing? What-
You can't make it seem
like we were in here.
- Can I help you?
- I, uh-
No, Josh was saying
that there were
samples in here for us, so.
Of paint and other
odds and sods,
because we are the designers.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Sorry. I'm, late I had a
wine inventory.
Oh, that's okay.
Hope you are all stocked up
for me and my girlfriends.
Oh, uh. Sorry. Design team.
Right. Yeah, of course.
Oh, you know what? That
actually reminds me.
We have this wing that's in
a bit of a transition phase.
I was wondering if you
might be able to work
- some of your magic?
- Oh yeah, I'd be happy to.
But, before we get into that,
I actually had something I
wanted to talk to you about.
- Yeah, sure.
- Okay. Okay.
So coming here,
I never thought that something
like this would be possible,
that I could ever meet you.
Um but then yesterday
when we were talking,
you, you said something
from one of your letters
and then I realized that
it had to be you.
I mean, it ha- it has to be you.
That, that you're my
university pen pal, J.
I'm so sorry. Am I wrong?
If I'm wrong this is so embarrassing.
Please just forget I
said anything.
No, you're not wrong.
I've wanted to meet
you for so long.
I mean, the way that your words
in those letters made me feel.
Well, it's kind of the
way I've been feeling
since I got here.
Yeah, yeah I know what you mean.
I never forgot your letters.
I mean,
when you wrote about
planning a renewal
of your parents' wedding vows
and the disappointment you felt
when they fought at the altar,
I really felt your pain.
I loved your first story
about the cardinals.
About how the female died
but every spring
the male called out for her.
I mean, it was so sad, but
his devotion was so beautiful.
Yeah, it was.
In fact, you know, I've seen a
male cardinal around the inn.
I'm kinda like his wing man,
hoping he finds his mate.
- This is amazing.
- Yeah.
It kind of feels like, I
don't know, like a sign.
Yeah, it does.
Do you wanna get outta here?
Go play a little hooky?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Yes.
Why? Why the accent?
Hey, you said the whole
extraordinaire thing.
Because you started it.
Oh, please.
Whoa. What are you doing?
I'm studying the letters
Nic and Josh exchanged
and there's something
not right here.
Look, see this?
This first letter she got has
slightly different handwriting
than the rest of them.
They all just look messy to me.
Yeah. Like, you know, boys.
Guys, I'm an expert at forgery,
and I'm telling you
these are not the same.
Okay look...
Okay, slow down, speedy.
Oh my gosh, this is so much fun.
I haven't been on a
bike in forever.
You were a trooper after
veering up into those bushes.
- Thank you.
- Oh, you've got uh, oh.
you can wear it like a
badge of honor
for staying in the seat.
Thank you. I will.
Hey, um, can I
ask you something?
How come you didn't
come to meet me
at that New Year's party
when I asked you to
in the last letter?
I didn't get the last letter
until after the Christmas break.
I went home early
for the holidays.
I mean, if I'd gotten it, I
definitely would've been there.
It's okay.
I'm just glad I know
what happened.
and who knows,
maybe we were
meant to meet like this, now.
I agree.
Ah! Hmm.
Duty's always calling.
Yeah, it's okay.
Josh Nolan.
Josh. This is Becky
Addison from Refined By Design.
I understand the job's
been pushed a week,
but we still haven't
received our retainer.
I'm sorry, who is this?
Becky, from Refined by Design.
The design company
the inn hired.
And, and you said that
we pushed the job?
Uh, okay. We will have
that retainer transferred
to you by the end of the day.
Thank you so much.
Have a great day.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, yeah.
But I should probably
get back to work.
Oh yeah. No, of course.
Hey, listen, maybe if
you're free later,
we could go get some of that
hot chocolate you've
been raving about?
Sure. Yeah, sure.
Eight o'clock?
Yeah, that sounds great.
Right, okay. Ready?
- No.
- Here it comes.
- Take that, boom!
- Guys.
- Two.
- Guys, I was right.
Josh is the one. I have
to call Warren.
- I have to end the engagement.
- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't you think that's
a bit premature?
I mean, we have a few more
days left here,
so why don't you just
take your time?
Well. That's part of the point.
I mean, this is so
incredibly unfair to Warren.
I mean, think about it, the
sooner I break up with him,
the sooner he has an
opportunity to find someone
who makes him as giddy as
Josh makes me.
Nic, don't.
reached Warren Eisner.
Got his voicemail.
I can't take your call,
but if you leave me a message,
I'll get right back to you.
Hey Warren, uh,
it's me, Nic.
Listen, if you
wanna give me a call,
if you have a break from
some of your meetings,
that would be great. Okay?
Okay. Bye.
Look, I know you're on a
high right now,
but there's something
you need to see.
See, this first letter you got,
the handwriting is slightly
different than the rest of them.
I don't see it.
Neither did I.
Well, I do. These
don't match up.
Tar, I so appreciate that
you're looking out for me.
I really, really do.
But Josh is the one.
And what if he's not?
So maybe just take a breath.
Laur, for the first
time in 10 years
I feel like I'm breathing.
I've gotta go get ready.
Thanks for not backing me up.
She is obviously
head over heels for him.
So does it really matter that
the writing doesn't match?
Maybe it doesn't.
Well, I think it does.
Oh, you gotta come back
in the summer
when there's kayaking.
- I mean that's that's the time.
- Oh.
- Wow. Okay.
- Yeah.
This hot chocolate
really is the best.
You have the best of
everything here.
Best pizza, best hot
chocolate, best everything.
Oh yeah. We got it all going on.
- So listen, this-
- Hey, listen-
- Uh, sorry.
- No, no, sorry.
You go first.
I just, I just wanted
to say that
your letters,
they really got me through
some pretty bumpy times
and I just always appreciated
that you encouraged me to
follow my heart.
Those letters they
showed me that you...
that you're special.
Are you kidding me?
This, all of this and
meeting you.
That's what's special. And
the way we've connected?
You know, kind of feels like
it happened for a reason.
Yeah, I agree.
Good. Because look,
there's something
I've been meaning to tell
you about the letters.
Oh wow.
- You all right?
- Wow.
Should we get you cleaned up?
- I'm gonna need to do that.
- Yeah, let's go.
How long have I been
trying to decide to stay,
or take that job with
the ski lodge?
Weeks, right?
And then suddenly this
woman shows up
and we're so alike
it's ridiculous.
I mean, we both love pizza,
we both quote from movies,
we practically finish
each other's sentences.
And so really, I
shouldn't overthink it,
if not all the pieces fit
together, right?
Well, it depends.
What pieces are we
talking about here?
Well. She's not really
the designer we hired.
But that just means that she
did what she had to do
to get to know me. So,
I mean, who am I to
call her on it?
Hmm. Any other pieces?
You see, I didn't really
like, in a literal sense,
write these letters she
thinks I did,
because this guy just
can't write.
But hey, she's not being
totally honest either.
And I don't care!
Because the point is
that she came here
looking for something and
she found it. And so did I.
So it shouldn't be a
big deal when I tell her
I'm not the guy who
penned the letters.
You didn't?
Nic! Um.
Is that true?
You didn't write the letters?
Well, no. I mean, I did.
It's just, it's complicated.
- Oh my God.
- Nic, wait!
Nic, wait, Nic come
on, I was gonna tell you!
Nic, come on, I was
gonna tell you!
What, that you lied?
No, not
completely, okay?
I-I did get the
assignment and you,
or your initial, was
assigned to me.
I just didn't do the
actual writing.
I mean, I tried, I did
the first one, but it just
it took forever,
okay? Because,
because I'm a
lousy writer.
And so I just passed the rest
off for someone else to do.
But that doesn't matter
because I am your pen pal.
No, you're not.
Well, you're not the
real designer.
And so I guess we're both
guilty of fudging the truth.
- But if I don't--
- No. You know what?
- It's not the same.
- How?
Because I haven't been
your designer for 10 years.
Nic, who cares if it
wasn't my handwriting?
I'm still your pen pal.
So, what are you gonna do now?
I don't know,
but I need to figure out a way
to fix this before she leaves.
Well, just a thought.
If she's stuck on the guy who
actually penned the letters,
maybe find him.
Hope he's not the one.
Roy, you're a genius.
Oh. Whoa.
Guys. I'm such a fool.
No, you are not.
- I tried to tell her.
- Hey, no.
Nic, you just
followed your heart.
Which was completely wrong.
Well was it?
You almost called off
your engagement.
I'm not feeling good
about any of it right now.
The letters did lead
you to something special.
It's just not what you expected.
Personally, I think that you
tried and now you walk away
because how could you trust him?
Well, she should still
hear him out.
Well, we don't want her to
get hurt like Byron hurt you.
That's not fair.
Okay, you know what?
Syd is right.
Listen, 10 years ago
when you all told me
to give Pete another
chance, I did.
- And now we're married.
- Hmm.
But you still don't have
your art gallery.
Okay. No, no, I don't.
But I am still collecting art.
I know, listen,
I know this has nothing
much to do with you
because you are happily single,
headlining on a cruise ship,
singing for, who was it
the other day you posted?
Oh. It was just a cousin
of a reality star.
Oh. Just a cousin of
reality star.
Very cool.
No. You know what's cool?
The fact that all three
of you are here with me.
Of course we would be.
It's Warren.
Well pick it up. Maybe
you'll have your answer.
Hey Warren.
So how's the
job going at that inn?
Uh yeah, it's going great.
That's good. So
when do you get back?
I got a few offers I
wanna run by ya.
Uh yeah, it's, it's
probably gonna be
a couple more days or so.
Hey, uh random question.
What do you think about birds?
I was thinking about
putting some feeders out
and encouraging them to
nest on my porch.
You know what a mess
that would make?
We'd have bird crap all
over the place.
Hey, look, I gotta go
hit a seminar,
but I'll see you when we
both get back.
I love ya.
Yeah. Bye.
Maybe I should hear Josh out.
Yeah, that's great.
Really great. Thanks.
I'll do my best to get
it there today.
I was so happy you
wanted to meet
because I have
something to tell you.
Well, I figured I should
at least hear you out. So,
why don't we sit down?
Have a seat.
Josh. These are my friends.
you mean design team, no?
No, he knows we're not
doing that anymore.
Oh, got it.
Uh, this is Tara,
Sydney and Lauren,
I figured they should be
here in case I miss anything.
Yeah, of course. Yeah.
So spill.
Well um, as you know, I
did get that assignment.
But you see, back then I was
still struggling with uh...
uh, dyslexia.
- Go on.
- Um...
And so naturally English was
my worst subject, of course--
So why'd you take it?
Just to challenge myself.
I mean, which kind of
just backfired
because I would just ask whoever
is willing to do the work
to write it and that's what I
did with the pen pal assignment.
And your profs never
figured this out?
I just told whoever was doing
the work to write it sloppy.
And I guess to them
sloppy was sloppy.
That's what I said. Boys.
So, who
wrote the letters?
Do you still know him?
Ah, no, not really.
He was just this guy
in final year.
Uh well, then I guess
we don't really have
anything else to discuss.
Wait, wait, wait.
I-, I,
I don't know him. But I,
I found him.
He's in a town not far from
here, and I got ahold of him.
And if you wanna
meet him today, you can.
You do wanna meet him, right?
I guess so.
Nic, maybe it's time you
call it a day.
Please. I really wanna fix this.
And really, I mean, what
do you have to lose?
He's right.
What's his name?
Darian Spedding.
Okay. I'll meet him.
Okay, great.
Okay. We will leave in an hour.
Just so you know. I'm
watching you.
You can't con a conner.
Darian Spedding.
Nic Spedding.
Nicole Spedding.
Yeah, I think I'll
stick with Everett.
All right, that's it,
you got it. You got it.
There's the brake. Now just
go straight, all right?
All right. You got it.
Don't get fancy!
What happens if he
needs to turn?
Oh, he'll figure it out.
I think.
Ready to go?
All right.
What is this place?
It's a wellness spot.
Where Darian works.
Come on.
Thank you.
Apparently he's having a steam.
Oh, okay.
Oh, uh there he is.
- Josh?
- Yeah.
Yeah, it's me.
Wow. It's been 10 years.
That's right.
That's right.
Uh, Darian, I'd like
you to meet Nic,
the one you penned all
those letters to.
Oh. Namaste.
Darian, Nic has been wanting
to meet you for a long time.
Oh, well it seems the karma
wheel has spun in our favor.
Yes. Yes it has.
Perhaps you'd like to have
dinner tonight?
Oh, um... sure, sure. Yeah.
I could make you two a
reservation at Luigi's.
Actually, I'm on a low
FODMAP diet, so I--
Right, in that case, um
maybe my friend Syd
could help us
come up with a menu at the inn?
Perfect. Yeah. I can reserve
you two a table,
say six o'clock?
I'm looking forward to it.
Myself as well.
Yeah. You know what,
he did seem a little bit stiff.
but he is attractive and
he did seem pretty chill.
Can't be love at
first sight with everyone.
Like you and Josh?
Nope, that was not real.
But that's okay. I've got
my eyes wide open now, so.
Hey, a delivery
arrived in your name.
That's probably
everything I ordered
to decorate the wing that
needs some work.
- Um are you guys good?
- Mm-hm
- Yeah, we're good.
- Yeah.
She knows she's not the
actual hired designer, right?
Wow. There is a lot
of stuff here.
Yep. Well, I have a vision.
- Right.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
So, what's the vision?
Uh, well, I want to turn this
into the honeymoon wing.
Not just a place for newlyweds,
but for anyone who wants to
have a nice romantic getaway.
Okay, well look,
I know you have dinner plans,
so why don't I help
you get set up?
Oh, you don't have to do that.
I'll be just fine.
I know.
What's the plan with this stuff?
This is for the honeymoon
welcome basket.
So, we got a
charcuterie board for two,
some champagne glasses.
Uh, truffles, and
of course, bubbles.
Ahh. And the uh...
s'mores kit?
Uh yeah, that's for
by the bonfire.
Actually, you know what,
I've got an idea for it.
What is it?
You'll see.
Okay, there we go.
Like that.
Ah, now that is
some mood lighting.
Perfect for...
Ahem. Da, da, da-da!
S'mores in bed?
I don't think so.
- Alright.
- Okay.
- There we go.
- Alright.
This feels more
like a cozy escape.
Truffle darling?
You know? So we get the
whole experience.
Oh, but of course.
What are you doing?
Well, we already broke
into the truffles
and I figured this
deserved a toast.
So, you know, for a
decorator we never hired
done an incredible job.
Thank you.
You know, it's not like I
didn't wanna do the assignment.
I was just worried that
it would be obvious
to whoever got my letter that,
well, you know, I struggled.
And so after the first one,
I just did what I always did
I passed it out for
someone else to write.
So in your first letter, the
story about the cardinal,
that was true?
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
I mean, as sad as it was,
it was kind of beautiful
to watch them.
That's why I'm hoping
that that male cardinal
or some other bird nests here.
You know, it's obvious
you're pretty settled here,
so why don't you offer to
buy the place?
I don't know.
I guess some of my old
insecurities are at play.
I don't really think I could
take on something like that,
to be honest.
I believe you could.
Um, I should probably
go get ready for dinner.
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Have fun.
Oh, thank you.
Well, that's him.
- That's Darian.
- Curtain's up.
Here we go.
You, you look resplendent!
Oh, and thank you. So do you.
Thank you.
Oh, thanks.
Wh- Why is he
acting like this is a date?
It's not a date. It's
just a- a meet and greet.
You're really into her,
aren't you?
Well, yeah, yeah, of course.
I mean, she's
into me too.
She just needs to get past
this whole pen pal thing.
Oh, thank you so much.
Wow. Look at those oysters--
Yeah, uh, I don't eat
bottom feeders.
There- there's too many toxins.
Oh, oh, of course.
Yeah. We can just pass on those.
Uh maybe we could start with
some drinks, maybe some wine?
Actually, I don't like to
drink. It poisons the body.
But I'll have a virgin mai tai.
If you hold the luau.
Hi, sorry.
Could I, um, get a
glass of Pinot, please?
The biggest one you have.
And a virgin mai tai please.
Thank you so much.
So, I know it's been a
really long time,
but I'm just curious,
what made you agree to
write Josh's assignment?
Does the why really matter?
I mean, look at us.
The letters opened up
the universe and,
brought us together. Right?
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
How do they look to
you? Do they look happy?
Uh, it's hard to say.
Although she is
doing that hair thing.
- Yeah.
- What is that?
Is that good? Is that bad, what?
It's flirting 101.
- Well, cheers.
- Cheers.
So um, what do you do?
- I'm a healer.
- Hmm.
- You see these hands?
- Mm-hm.
I discovered they have
a very powerful energy.
It's the reason why I eat
clean and of course...
give thanks and love my body
so that my hands can
love my clients.
Hmm. Eat Pray Love.
Yes. The movie.
Yeah. Right.
Does that mean you're
a movie buff?
Uh not anymore. The blue light
really disrupts my inner energy.
Uh but I do love a good book.
my guilty pleasures are
romance novels.
Oh yeah. I-I love romance.
The universe has spoken.
Well, this has been lovely.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
Actually, if you would let me,
I'd like to treat you to a
day at the spa.
That way I can show you
what I'm really about.
Oh! Sure, yeah okay.
Wonderful. We can begin
our day at 10 o'clock
in the morning and until then...
So it was um, yeah, it was nice.
Nice is what you call
your neighbor
who waters the garden for
you while you're away.
Wouldn't you call Peter nice?
Honey, after 10 years
of marriage,
if you could call your husband
nice, he deserves an award.
So, what about a connection?
Yeah, or a vibe?
I mean, he loves romance novels.
Nobody loves romance
more than I do.
You got that right.
So yeah, I guess I should um...
give him a chance.
Oh man. Thank you
for that dinner, man.
Nic is truly a beautiful
woman inside and out.
I mean, I look forward to
getting to know her better.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! There is no
"getting to know her better".
Okay, the plan was you meet,
you play along, and then you
send her back to me, all right?
But I can't help if our
energies align.
See, you don't have energy.
We have energy. She and I.
So use that energy to show
her how wrong you are for her,
no offense, and how
right I am. Got it?
And I'll make good on my promise
to send the clients in the
inn to your... healing hands.
Whatever you say.
I see you have enlisted
the local yoga instructor
to conspire with you?
He's all I could find,
because I don't have time
to track down the guy
who actually helped me
write the letters,
and I can't even remember
his last name.
It was like Douglas or
Donald or something.
Well, as long as you're sure.
Well, I'm not sure Roy, okay?
But I mean, if I can
just show Nic
that I'm the one she
should be with,
then it'll all be worth it.
I hope.
Think it was a good idea
to use the best
looking guy in town?
No, it was not. No it was not.
Better luck next time.
How was uh, dinner last night?
Uh yeah, it was um, fine.
Darian seems really in
tune with everything.
Well, I hope it's
everything you imagined.
I just wanna be sure,
that's all.
Nic, listen, there's
- something I need to tell you.
- Oh, sorry.
My ride's here, so I'll
see you later?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Hey, listen, uh
tell the front desk I'll be
tied up a little bit, all right?
Thank you.
So um, what's your specialty?
Is it meditation or reiki?
Yoga and massage.
Oh yeah. I- I love yoga.
I, I actually do it at home.
I follow this one woman
online. She's great.
She's all about the burn
and the power.
Mm. My kind of yoga is
a bit more mindful
and without the
interference of blue light.
Oh, [chuckles] right.
The blue light, yeah.
Hey, you two.
Josh? What are you doing here?
Just thought I'd come by and
check this place out again.
Make sure it's worthy of
a referral to my guests.
So what are you two up to?
I was thinking I was
going to give Nicole
a deep tissue massage.
- A massage?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, you know,
I just thought maybe a
yoga class was more in line
with what, what we, I mean
what you, you had planned.
Don't worry, she'll be
in good hands.
Now if you'll just step in here.
Yeah, of course. Of course.
Please, make yourself
comfortable on the bed.
Oh. Oh, okay, yeah, um.
You know, you could probably
really spruce up this room
if you just added a
couple of plants.
Like a eucalyptus or an
aloe vera or...
Oh yeah, that feels really nice.
Take this time to
surrender the senses
to what you're feeling right now
in the present.
We're going to
clear the pathways.
That's it.
Just breathe.
Feel the energy of my hands
as it flows from me to you.
Okay, that's it!
Josh, Josh!
What are you doing?
Yes, what
are you doing?
This is a place of healing--
Healing? Really?
Because that didn't
look like healing.
And the rules of healing
were very clearly explained.
Well I can't help it if
the universe has spoken
and has brought us together.
It wasn't the universe that
brought you together, it was--
I knew nothing good would
come of this charade!
Charade? What charade?
Nic, I was gonna tell
you this morning, okay?
Tell me what?
That I only know Darian from
hosting yoga at the inn.
So you two didn't meet
in university?
The only school I went to
was the school of life.
- I can't believe this.
- Nic, come on, Nic.
I can explain, okay.
Listen, I'm sorry.
Nic, Nic, come on.
I was only doing it so
you could get this whole,
"who actually wrote the
letters?" thing
out of your system, okay?
So you could see that it
doesn't matter
because I'm the one
you should be with.
Says the person who
manipulated this situation
not once, but twice?
Okay, okay I get it,
it was a stupid idea.
And if I knew where
this guy Mark is,
who actually wrote the
assignment, I'd find him.
But I didn't have time to
figure it out.
And I had to do something
because you were leaving.
Mark. That's his name now?
Excuse me.
The woman at the front desk
told me you were the manager?
I'm Becky,
the designer.
Oh, well look at that.
Looks like someone else might be
guilty of a little manipulation.
You know what, Becky?
Don't wait until next
week to start,
I'm sorry. Who was that?
Just the woman I
should be spending
the rest of my life with.
I'm so sorry for dragging
you all out here for my
- stupid romanticized ideas.
- Hey, no.
Nobody dragged
anyone anywhere, okay?
And despite everything,
this is the most fun
I've had in a while.
I agree.
But, we didn't solve your dilemm
Well, yeah, but that's
all my own doing.
I've been trying so hard
to find the perfect person
that I've just been
sabotaging everything.
I know why you're
trying so hard.
My dad left my mom
when I was 12.
It wasn't ideal.
I'm sorry.
It was hard too.
I mean, my parents didn't
even like each other.
You know what, from here on out,
no more sappy, happy
movie endings
because I've already
got so much.
You know, I've got you guys.
I've got my business.
So what about Warren?
I don't know.
Hey, it's okay if you don't.
Right guys?
- Absolutely.
- Yep.
And we're gonna be right
here until you figure it out.
All right.
We gotta get packing, 'cause
this bus leaves in an hour.
So I know it feels
like right now
the best thing to do is give up.
But just be sure. Okay?
Because to be honest, even
after 10 years,
sometimes I'm still not sure
I shouldn't have given
Byron another shot.
And I know he had
commitment issues.
- Mm-hmm.
- I know.
But sometimes I just
wonder, you know, what if?
Would we be together?
So just don't give up too soon.
- Thanks, Syd.
- Yeah.
Josh, I'm really not interested
in any more of your shenanigans.
- I'm leaving.
- I know, I know.
And this isn't about that.
It's about the honeymoon wing
we decorated together.
I sent some photos of it to
the owners and they loved it.
Which is why they wanna
hire you officially
to do this whole place.
Wow, um, that's great.
Don't worry, I um-
I won't be here.
I accepted a job out
west, so I leave tomorrow.
One more thing.
What is that?
I hope you find what
you're looking for.
You ready?
Uh yeah. Ready as ever.
Do you think you could
drop me off at Warren's?
I think I need to see him.
Yeah, of course. Come on.
I still believe
But not for me
I still believe
What d'you think she's
decided to do?
I don't know.
- Oh.
- Hey, how'd it go?
Um, I broke it off.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Sorry.
- Oh no, it's okay.
You know, Warren's a great guy,
but he's not the one for
me and I can't settle.
At least, not yet.
Nor should you.
Do you guys want to watch
No, you guys go ahead.
I've got a client to meet
first thing in the morning,
so I think I'm just
gonna head to bed.
But we'll have a last brunch
before you guys go?
- Okay?
- Of course.
- Yeah.
- Love you guys.
- Love you.
- Good night.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
"Dear Nic,
I hope my writing's not
too hard to read,
but here's my best effort,
which if I'd made in university,
would've made me your
true pen pal.
But I can't undo any of
what's happened.
So I did some digging, to
maybe help you in the future,
because who doesn't love
a happy ending?"
Guys, is Nic still here?
She just left.
Well, I was checking to
see if I left
my slippers in her room
and I saw this.
Wait, the name of the
bottom is that...?
Yeah, that's him.
That's who wrote the letters.
- Hey!
- Oh hi.
Wow, I can see you're
ready for brunch.
Actually, we wanna tell
you something before we go.
We found him. Mark Duggan,
you're pen pal.
- Oh no, guys, it's fine.
- No, no, no, don't worry.
We called just to make
sure it's really him
and he's only 30 minutes away.
- 20.
- Guys, I don't know.
Look, if you don't want to,
we get it.
But he said he'd like to
meet you, so I say go for it.
Okay, fine, I'll do it,
but only so that I can
put this thing for rest
- for good, okay?
- Okay.
So you took the job, huh?
Yep. I am leaving the roost.
Well, I am gonna miss you,
my friend.
I'll miss you too.
Well, I should do my
final rounds.
Until we meet again.
No doubt.
Keep looking for those signs.
I'll try.
Okay, here we are.
You want us to
go with you?
Uh, no, I think I'll be okay.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- Nic?
- Hi.
You must be Mark.
I am. It's a pleasure
to meet you.
You too.
When your friends called,
they explained you were the
recipient of the letters I wrote
for Josh for the pen
pal assignment.
I am. Yeah.
I, I hope this doesn't
seem too odd.
I've just-
I've just always really
wanted to meet the person
who wrote those letters.
Your words, they, they
really stayed with me.
So did yours.
- Really?
- Of course.
I know the letters weren't
exactly meant for me,
but I read them all.
I was horribly insecure
and having a hard time
accepting who I was.
But your words, they, they
helped me to love myself.
- Oh.
- Everything okay?
Collin, this is Nic.
Nic, this is my husband.
- Hi.
- It's a pleasure.
Yeah, it is.
What about you? I hope the
letters helped you in some way?
Uh, yeah, that's actually
kind of a funny story.
Or uh, maybe it
will be one day.
Uh I actually met Josh
thinking he was you,
thinking he was the one
that wrote the letters.
So they all just kind of took
me on a wild goose chase.
But knowing that they
helped you, I mean,
that makes it all worthwhile.
Right. Except you're wrong.
Wh-what do you mean?
Well, Josh read all
your letters too.
And he told me his thoughts
on them and what he felt.
So the sentiment in the
words, that was all him.
I was just the one who
put it on paper.
So the letters did lead
me to the one.
I've gotta go. I-I'm so sorry.
Collin, Mark, it was
so lovely to meet you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, we'll, we'll do
brunch or wine or both!
Um, but I have to go,
thank you so much.
Josh was right. He was right.
He's the one.
Who, who's the one?
Josh, except he's leaving.
I have to stop him!
Ah, the line at the end
just kicked into voicemail.
It's okay. So we're
hitting the Indy.
Whoo, whoo!
Roy, is Josh still here?
I really need
to talk to him.
I'm sorry, but he's already
left for the mountains.
Oh. Okay, thanks.
It's obvious
you're pretty settled here.
So why don't you offer to
buy the place?
I don't really
think I could take on
something like that.
I believe you could.
Josh, I-I came back
to stop you.
Or, or at least to tell you that
your letters did lead
me to the one,
to the one who makes me feel,
to the one who I connected with.
It's you.
And I know that I am
probably too late, but--
No, no, no, no, no.
You're not too late.
Because I'm not leaving.
I mean, I was,
but then I remembered
how you believed in me
and so I figured maybe that
was the sign that I needed
to show me I should stay
and make an offer on this place.
Especially now that I
have the best designer.
I hope?
Does that mean...?
It means that you had
me at, "I came back."
Where would I be if I cannot
Find me, yeah
Oh, my Gosh!
We're traveling in
dreams without you
I'm so lost without you...
I'm feeling light
As a feather
When I'm with you
Yeah, yeah