The Love Witch (2016) Movie Script

- I'm starting a new life.
Up here where it's quiet and
clean among the redwoods.
And almost no one knows me.
Poor Jerry.
I had a nervous breakdown
after he left me.
They say I'm cured now.
But I still have
intrusive thoughts.
My therapist told me that
I'm not unusual at all.
People are abused
all over the world
every day
much worse than me
and they do fine.
- Your tail light's out, miss.
- Oh, thank you for
letting me know.
Are you gonna write me a ticket?
- I'll let ya go this time,
but make sure you get it fixed.
- Thank you, officer.
- You drive safely.
- When Jerry left
me, I devoured everything
I could about how to
get your man back.
According to the experts,
men are very fragile.
They can get crushed down if
you assert yourself in any way.
You have to be very tricky.
- Elaine?
Hi, I'm Trish.
- Hi, Trish, it's
nice to meet you.
- Oh, you're so pretty.
Oh, um, I didn't mean anything.
I'm married and everything.
- No, I didn't think anything.
- Well, let me help
you with your bags.
Is this all you've got?
- For now.
My art supplies are
being shipped over later.
- So you're an artist?
- Yes, I am.
- I'm an interior decorator.
- Oh, really?
- Yes.
That's how I met Barbara.
I decorated this apartment.
It was lucky I
still had the keys.
Barbara didn't exactly
know when she'd be back.
How do you know Barbara?
- We used to dance
together in San Francisco.
- Oh, really?
Well, I hope you
like the apartment.
It's a bit garish but
Barbara wanted it that way.
She had me take all of the
colors from the Thoth tarot deck
and she and her students did
a bunch of occult paintings
for me to hang.
She's into all that Wicca stuff.
Well, this is it.
- Oh, Trish, I love it.
It's just beautiful.
- Really?
Oh, I'm so glad.
I thought I may
have overdone it.
- Oh no, it's exactly my taste.
- You must be exhausted.
I'm sure you want to lie down.
- Actually, I was thinking
about getting a bite to eat.
Do you know of a
place around here?
- There's the
Victorian tea room.
We could go together, if
you don't mind the company.
- Oh, how fantastic.
Where can I freshen up?
- The bedroom is through there.
- I'll only be a moment.
- What a lovely room.
- Yes, isn't it?
I love Victoriana.
- Being here is like being
a Princess in a fairy tale.
- Do you have fairy
Princess fantasies, Elaine?
- Of course.
We may be grown
women, but underneath
we're just little girls
dreaming about being carried off
by a prince on a white horse.
- Yes, I suppose so.
It's ridiculous, isn't it?
- I don't think I've found
my prince charming yet,
but I think I found the formula.
You know, I've been
studying parapsychology
and I understand men so
much better than I used to.
If only I would have known
before what I know now.
Then Jerry would
have never left me.
- Who's Jerry?
- My ex-husband.
The day he left me was
the day that I died.
But then I was
reborn as a witch.
Barbara and Dan brought
me back to life.
They taught me everything I
know about magic and about men.
Men are like children.
They're very easy to please
as long as we give
them what they want.
- Where were we?
Oh, men, you said we need
to give them what they want.
Well, what do men want?
- Just a pretty woman to
love and to take care of them
and to make them feel like a man
and to give them total freedom
in whatever they wanna do or be.
- But what about what we want?
How are we going to
be equals with men
if we keep catering
to all of their needs?
- I think that if you want
love, you have to give love.
Giving men sex is a way of
unlocking their love potential.
- You sound as if you'd been
brainwashed by the patriarchy.
Your whole self-worth is
wrapped up in pleasing a man.
I'll admit, I used
sex to get this,
but I'm not proud of it.
A whole world doesn't
revolve around a man's needs.
If I gave Richard sex
every time he wanted it,
I'd be a wreck.
- Poor Richard.
He loves you and he wants
you and you torture him.
You have to give
a man his fantasy.
- His fantasy?
- Yes, his fantasy.
But what I'm really
interested in
is love.
You might say I'm
addicted to love.
I wonder if all
women feel that way?
- Well, it depends on
what you mean by love.
A husband isn't
a prince, Elaine,
and life isn't a fairy tale.
We have to face that fact.
- Why?
Maybe life could be a fairy tale
if you pleased
your husband more.
- I don't
need to please Richard.
Richard loves me for myself.
- Of course.
Maybe you did find
your prince charming.
- Perhaps I did.
- Guess who.
- Richard, what
are you doing here?
This tea room is
for ladies only.
- Oh, I went to
visit you at work
and Julie said you were here.
I thought we could
have lunch together.
- Well, that's very sweet,
but I've already had my lunch.
Oh, uh, Richard, this is Elaine.
Elaine, this is my
husband, Richard.
- I've heard so much
about you, Richard.
- Nothing too horrible, I hope.
- On the contrary.
- Goddess, please,
send me a beautiful, sweet man
to love me as I love him.
To love me, love me,
love me,
love me,
love me,
love me,
love me,
love me.
Hi, are you Wendy?
- Yes, what can I do for you?
- I'm Elaine.
We spoke on the phone.
I make natural soaps
and candles and things.
- Elaine, right.
Thanks for coming by.
Mind if I have a look?
- Please do.
- These are nice.
Really nice.
I think these will
do well in the store.
- Then you'll take them?
- Let's start with these
and see how they do.
If these sell in the next
week or two, I'll order more.
Sound good?
- Yes, fantastic.
Thank you, Wendy.
- Sure, Elaine.
Bright blessings.
- People always
ask me why I'm a witch.
I tell them it's because I
wanna have magical powers.
But it's not like it sounds.
All it is is using your
will to get what you want.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- It's a beautiful day.
- Yes, it is.
I love to be out in
nature on days like this.
- Oh, you like nature?
- Very much.
You seem like a nature type too.
I'll bet you like to
spend time in the woods.
- That's right.
How'd you know?
- I can just tell.
Nature is where your heart is.
City and people can get
to be too much for you.
- Whuh, that is a lot to get
from someone in a few seconds.
- I'm talented that way.
- Well, you're right
about the city.
In fact, I have a
house out in the woods
about an hour from here.
I like to go there whenever
I can to, you know,
just think and read.
- Do you take your
wife up there?
- No.
I'm not married.
- Well, you might at
least take a girl up there
once in a while.
- I do.
I do, once in a while.
- You wanna take a
girl up there now?
What do you mean?
- Well, I'm new in town
and I haven't seen much
of the nature around here.
I'll make you a nice dinner.
- Yes, yes, okay, sure.
Uh, my car is right over there.
- Okay.
Let's go.
You know what I'd
like to do right now?
I'd like to make love
right here in the car
just like we were kids.
- Wait, wait.
You want some?
- What is it?
- Something I made.
- Mm.
Oh, wo, ho, ho, ho,
that is, that is strong.
- Finish it.
- Oh.
- No, Wayne, Wayne, stop.
Not here.
Let's go inside.
This is beautiful.
I'll start the dinner.
- Wow.
This looks delicious.
- To nature.
- This is really nice, isn't it?
I like to come up here a lot
at the end of the
semester to unwind.
- Are you a teacher?
- Yeah, I teach
at the university.
- Oh, what do you teach?
- English and French literature
with a focus on
the 18th century.
- So, you must be
quite a libertine.
- A libertine?
Why would you say that?
- Oh, you know.
All of the dangerous
liaisons, Benny hill stuff.
Not to mention Casanova.
- Well, there
were a lot of books written
in the 18th century.
- Well, is it true?
Are you a libertine?
- Yes I am.
I love women.
Does that bother you?
- On the contrary.
Oh, hmm,
I feel strange, dizzy.
What was in that
drink you gave me?
- Organic berries, vodka,
hallucinogenic herbs.
- Hallucinogenic herbs?
Oh, baby.
You are really wild.
- Would you mind if I made
myself more comfortable?
- Not at all.
- What the hell?
Your coat.
It's so bright.
- I always line my clothing.
- You have two selves.
Dark and quiet that
you show the world.
Who do you give that to?
The rainbow?
- I give the rainbow to you.
Right now.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Huh!
Oh god.
Oh, Elaine.
Look at you.
- You can make love to me now.
- Aw, okay.
- What is it, Wayne?
What is it, baby?
- Oh, Elaine, I feel so strange.
- It's all right,
you're with me, shhh.
- Elaine.
No woman has ever given
herself like that to me before.
- Life has been tough, huh?
- Yeah, in a way.
You're not like any
other woman I've met.
No games, no agendas.
You just seem to
take life as it is.
- Is there any other
way to take life?
- Well, the women
I've been with,
they all want you to make
a bunch of promises to 'em
as soon as you sleep with 'em.
But, how can you commit to someone
that you don't even know?
It's crazy.
- I know, baby.
I know.
- I never thought I wanted
to be tied down to anybody.
But it's just 'cause no
one was ever quite right.
All the women that I'm
attracted to physically
they're never bright enough.
And all the bright ones are
homely and don't arouse me.
- That seems like
quite a problem.
- It is.
I feel my whole life as a loner,
thinkin' I didn't need anybody.
But now I'm not so sure.
Oh, Elaine,
I have never felt real
love like this before.
- You're just having a
lot of emotions right now.
- Oh.
Elaine, I'm scared.
I'm not used to feeling
things so strongly.
I can't take it,
I can't take it.
Elaine, I'm sick.
I'm sick.
- Hey, it's all right.
I've got you.
I love you.
And I'll always be here for you.
Try to get some sleep.
- Elaine.
Elaine, where are you?
Elaine, where are you?
- What a pussy.
What a baby.
I thought I'd found a real man,
but he's just like
a little girl.
- Elaine!
- No one was ever there for me
when I was crying my heart out.
No one ever comforted me.
No one.
- Good morning, Wayne.
- Hi, Elaine.
- Here, drink this.
- I had such horrible
dreams last night.
- What did you
dream about, baby.
- I dreamt that I
was calling your name
and you didn't answer.
I kept calling and calling,
but I couldn't find you.
Oh, Elaine, you
love me, don't you?
- Of course, I love you.
- Oh god, oh god, Elaine.
- Are you hungry?
- I don't know what I am.
- Well, try to get some sleep.
- Elaine.
Don't leave me.
- I'm not going anywhere, baby.
I'll be right here.
Wayne, wake up.
It's late.
Wayne, baby, wake up.
Wake up.
Tampons aren't gross.
Women bleed and that's
a beautiful thing.
Do you know that most men have
ever even seen a used tampon?
Part of me can be
with Wayne now.
I don't really mind death.
I've buried people before.
People I really cared about.
In the end we're all
just compost anyway.
Everything regenerates.
I'd like to come back as a cat.
I've been so depressed
since my cat died.
His name was Greymalkin,
but he was black and white.
He was my best friend.
- I give the rainbow to you.
Right now.
Just a minute.
Oh hi Trish.
Come on in.
- Hey, Elaine.
You look gorgeous.
I love what you've
done with your hair.
- Thank you.
What's up, honey?
- Well, I haven't been
able to reach you,
so I thought I'd come over
to see if everything
was all right.
- I'm fine.
Can I offer you something?
I just made some tea and cake.
- Just tea, thank you.
- Cream and sugar?
- No, I'm fine, thank you.
So, what have you
been so busy with?
A man, I hope.
- Yes, it was a man.
But, it didn't work out.
- I'm sorry.
- Yes, it's a shame
and I really liked him.
I thought that he was the one.
- Well, maybe next time.
- Are you sure you
won't have some cake?
- Oh, no, thank you.
I just came over to check up
on you and to say good bye.
- Good bye?
Why, where are you going?
- Oh, just to Dallas for
a furniture convention.
- Is Richard going with you?
- No, it's just a business trip.
Richard will have to fend
for himself for awhile.
- Sam, give me two
whiskeys on the rocks.
- Sure thing, Jane.
You see the papers today?
- No, why?
- They found a body
in the eel river.
- A murder?
- Maybe.
They found a symbol
carved in his chest.
- It's a pentagram.
- It's them witches again.
- That's what I was
thinking too, Lyle.
- So yeah, Barbara,
that's everything.
After Jerry died, the cops
wouldn't stop harassing me.
They couldn't prove anything.
They actually thought
that I killed him.
Can you believe it?
Anyways, San Francisco got
to be a really bad trip
after you left.
That's when I remembered you
had that extra apartment.
- Well, it was perfect timing.
I'm just sorry I wasn't
here to greet you.
That's all right.
Trish has been lovely.
And I've been getting
a lot of artwork done.
But I had this
experience last weekend
that really shook me up.
- Why, what happened?
- Well, I met this
great-looking guy.
And I used love magic on him.
Then he got really weird on me.
All these emotions started
flowing out of him.
Then he got really
- Well, guys can't handle
their emotions too well.
That's why they don't
like heavy conversations.
It was probably just
too much for him.
All the love and the great
sex that you were giving him.
- I guess that's what it was.
But, I don't know.
- Honey, you have
to be more careful.
Maybe you shouldn't be
messing with love spells
in the first place, you know.
- Merry meet, Elaine.
- Bright blessings Gahan.
- I heard you
discussing love spells.
You do have to be
careful, Elaine.
Love spells never work the
way you think they will.
But on a lighter note, it's
wonderful to see you, Elaine.
What's it been now, a year?
We must celebrate this
reunion of dear friends.
Thank you goddess everywhere
for the blessings that we share.
- Blessed be, Variah.
- Go home, witches.
Go home.
- Just ignore them.
They're always
giving us trouble.
- I didn't know this town
was hostile to witches.
- Well, it's certainly
not San Francisco.
But it's not bad
for a small town.
Not all of them
embrace our methods
of practicing witchcraft.
But, I don't see why we
ought to be so uptight now.
Back in the day, we
all made love freely
and put up Baphomet posters
and no one was dogmatic
about whether they were a witch
or a satanist or thelemites,
or a druid or a
wiccan or whatever.
And it was fun.
But our classes and circles
have been very popular.
- What have you been teaching?
- Let's see, I've got a
new class on Sidral magic
and Barbara's got a new
class on organite alchemy.
Otherwise, we're still
teaching the staples,
energy grounding,
earth-based spirituality,
pagan arts and crafts,
candle work, the spellcraft
master class, ancient mysticism,
herbs and spices, and
sex magic, of course.
- Oh, are you still
teaching that?
- Yes, in fact, we've invited
some girls here tonight
for a seminar about the
power of sexual dancing.
Dancing is such a powerful
thing for women and girls.
- Are you still dancing?
- Yeah, some of us dance
here on amateur night.
You should come.
- Hi, Barbara.
Hi, Gahan.
Sorry we're late.
- Hello lovely ladies,
please have a seat.
Elaine, this is star
and her sister moon.
They're our students
for tonight.
Girls, this is our
dear friend Elaine.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I was just pointing
out that dancing
is a powerful thing
for women and girls.
We asked you to
meet us here tonight
so you could learn about that.
Do you see how
powerful that girl is?
These men would do
anything for her.
Wouldn't you like to have
that power yourselves?
Then let us begin.
All witches need to figure
out where their power lies.
And we feel that a
woman's greatest power
lies in her sexuality.
We don't view this power as
satanic or anti-feminist,
but as a celebration of
woman as a natural creature.
An earthly body, a spiritual
essence, and a womb.
- The whole history of
witchcraft is interwoven
with the fear of
female sexuality.
They burned us at the
stake because they feared
the erotic feelings
we illicited in them.
Later, they used marriage
to hold us in bondage
and made us into servants,
whores, and fantasy dolls
never asking us what we wanted.
- They teach us that a
normative human being
is a hyper-rationalist,
stoic male
and that women's emotions
and intuitions are illnesses
that need to be cured.
And they believe that men
and women are different
and that true equality
lies in that difference.
- We strive for male/female
polarity and to regain
our primal power as goddesses.
We need to teach
men how to love us
using ways they can understand.
So goddesses, use perfume,
wear high heels and makeup,
learn to dress your
hair in attractive ways,
display flesh artfully,
and know what to conceal.
Be a mother and a lover.
Stand your ground, but always
let the man feel like a man.
- Use sex magic to
destroy his fear of you
and to open his heart to
the floodgates of love.
Only then will he begin to
see you as a human being
with all of your inner beauty.
Then, when his heart
is open to love,
you may do with
him what you will.
- I love you, Elaine.
You know that, don't you?
I love you very much.
But you need to be more careful.
Dinner was late three
times this week.
And that house is
a total pigsty.
Do you know that I
found an old hot dog
under the bed this morning?
And why don't you
ever brush your hair?
You need to take better care
of yourself and of the house.
I'm embarrassed to
have people over.
I've been really
patient up until now,
but you need to
step up your game.
- I have a
crazy bitch for a daughter.
You're not crazy.
Well, if you're not
crazy then you're stupid.
Which is it?
Are you crazy or are you stupid?
And you could lose a few pounds.
You're looking a little fatty.
- Oh my god, Elaine,
you've lost so much weight.
You have such a hot body now.
Do you like it when I
touch you like this?
Or like this?
I wanna make you come.
- Don't be frightened, Elaine.
I would never hurt you.
I'm not the big, bad wolf.
You need to have perfect
love and perfect trust.
- Hast thou the courage
to make the assay?
- I have two words, perfect
love and perfect trust.
- Assist me to erect
the ancient altar
at which in days
past all worshiped.
From the old times, a
woman was the altar.
And the sacred place was
the point within the center
of the circle, the
origin of all things.
Therefore, should we adore it.
- Good morning, sergeant Griff.
on your promotion.
- Thanks, Connie.
Is there any coffee.
- Yeah, I just made some.
I made it just the
way you like it.
- Is there anything
you don't do well?
- Why don't you try me
sometime and find out?
- How's the coffee, Steve?
- Uh, too strong.
- Well, I like it strong.
Man's gotta stay awake
on the job after all.
- Why, have you been
keeping late nights?
- Maybe so.
- But, now that
you've been promoted,
maybe you ought to start
thinking about settling down.
- Me, you kidding?
- Sergeant meadows, a
lady's here to see you.
- I'm Shelly Curtis.
I phoned about Wayne Peters,
the teacher who disappeared.
- Yes, of course.
Have a seat, miss Curtis.
You say you think Mr. Peters
might have been kidnapped?
- Yes, no one's seen
him for two weeks.
I went by his house and
the mail's piled up.
We had lunch the
day he disappeared.
I saw him drive away with a
strange woman near the Plaza.
- Do you have any idea where
he might have gone with her?
- Wayne used to spend weekends
up in a cabin he
had in the woods.
He used to take dates there.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Hey Griff, look.
- Good lord.
- What the hell is this?
- I don't know.
We're going to
have to dig, Steve.
- I know.
I think you should go
back to the house, Shelly.
- Mmm, mmm,
this cake is
absolutely fantastic.
And what a great dinner.
- Thank you.
I enjoy cooking.
Hope you don't mind
my calling you.
Sometimes it's so
hard to be alone.
- Not at all.
I get a little lonely, too,
when Trisha is out of town.
- How long have you
and Trish been married?
- 10 years this September.
- 10 years?
It's really amazing.
No one has ever loved me the
way you love Trish, no one.
- What about your husband?
- My husband never loved me.
He couldn't wait to
get away from me.
- I'm sorry.
Sometimes I think Trish would
like to get away from me, too.
- Poor baby.
Poor, poor baby.
So, tell me, what turns you on?
- What turns me on?
Wow, no one's ever
asked me that before.
Let me think.
You know what
really turns me on?
- Flying?
- Yeah, flying a plane.
You don't know what
kinda high it is.
You're soarin' up
there above everything.
You're in control.
- Oh, how fantastic.
- It really is.
It's the only time I feel
really clear about things.
Sometimes I look at my life
and I wonder how I got here.
I feel like my life
is slipping away
and there's so many
things I haven't done.
- Like what?
- I've never had any
sort of love affairs
or gotten into any mischief.
I used to watch those
old Steve McQueen movies,
you know, the ones where
they'd rob a bank or something,
and I'd fantasize that
I was one of those
crazy kinda gangsters with a
sexy, messed up girl on my arm.
Or those westerns, when
they'd shoot up a town
and then go visit the
local prostitutes.
It's sounds stupid, I know.
- No, it doesn't.
It's very sweet.
- Really?
Trish doesn't think so.
She just rolls her eyes
when I talk like this.
- That's because she
doesn't understand you.
I understand you perfectly.
- You do?
- Of course.
You wanna have a
sordid love affair.
You wanna get into
some mischief.
- Uh.
- Ho!
Who are you?
What are you doing to me?
- I'm the love witch.
I'm your ultimate fantasy.
- That's right.
That's right.
- Steve, I'm going out
to see that witch doctor.
- Who?
- Professor king.
He specializes in black
magic and witchcraft.
He might be able to help me
identify some of
the items we found.
- It's great.
Did you get the lab report?
- Yeah, yeah, it looks
like heart failure.
But the toxicology report
showed traces of jimsonweed
also known as devil's weed, a
highly toxic hallucinogenic.
- It's unbelievable.
You want me to come with you?
- No, this will only
take a few minutes.
Can you order me a Turkey
and avocado on whole wheat?
- Mustard, Mayo?
- Yeah and Cole slaw.
- Done.
- Ah, sergeant meadows, sorry
to have kept you waiting.
- Glad to meet you, professor.
Professor, this is the
bottle we found in a grave
of Wayne Peters, the one
you read about in the paper.
- Interesting, yes.
Just as I thought.
The contents indicate
that it's a witch bottle.
- A witch bottle?
- Yes, witches used to make them
for protection against curses.
They'd take something personal
like bodily fluids or hair
along with herbs
and something sharp
like pins or broken glass
to scare away evil spirits.
Witch bottles have often been
found buried in the hearse
of very old houses.
- Would it be safe to assume
that the person who made this
was a witch?
- It's very likely.
Witchcraft, long dormant
in civilized places,
has taken root again in cities.
There have several
rituals per year.
One of them, Samhain,
corresponds of our Halloween.
Other rituals celebrate
summer solstice, Litha,
or the winter solstice,
which they call Imolg.
Here the members of a coven
kiss the devil's behind
in a mockery of
Christian rituals.
Here, a satanic cult
sacrifices a child.
- Does this stuff
really go on today?
- Yes, indeed.
Those who practice human
sacrifice are the black witches
who perform blood rituals
to gain demonic powers
and to bind their members
together in secrecy.
Law has been trying to root
out these cults for decades
but they've been unsuccessful.
Then there are the
white witches or Wiccans
who commune in nature
in the healing spirit
and who have a strict law
that forbids harming others.
Every city and rural
village today has pockets
of both black and white witches
who practice the ancient rites.
- I invoke and call upon
thee, mighty mother of us all.
I invoke thee to descend upon
the body of this thy servant
and priestess.
- Of the mother
darksome and divine
here I charge you in this sign.
- Listen to the words
of the great mother.
She, who of old, who
was also called Artemis,
Aphrodite, Ceridwyn,
Diana, Isis,
and by many other names.
- Whenever ye have
need of anything,
then ye shall assemble in some
secret place and adore me,
who am queen of all witches.
There shall ye assemble,
ye who are fain to learn
all sorcery.
Behold all acts of love and
pleasure are my rituals.
Behold I have been with
thee from the beginning
and I am that which is
attained at the end of desire.
- Arise.
- You're looking a little
tense tonight, love.
What's the matter?
- Oh nothing, just my usual
roller coaster love life.
- Well, have a drink and relax.
Nothing's that dire,
at least not for you.
It's an entirely different
story for your victims.
- What victims?
- There's no need to play
miss innocent with me, dearie.
- Please, don't touch me.
- Bright blessings, Barbara.
- Merry meet, Elaine.
How's it going?
- I'm back in the
dating pool again.
- What happened?
I thought you were crazy about
that new guy you were seeing,
the married man.
- No, I broke it off.
He just became really
obsessive, morose,
and his aura became
really murky.
He didn't even wanna
make love anymore.
He became just like a woman,
crying at every little thing.
There was no polarity.
But, I should have known.
He's a Pisces.
- Richard.
- I thought I told you
never to interrupt me
when I'm working.
What do you want?
- I just wanted to let you
know that I'm going to bed
and I'm taking a pill.
Are you coming to bed?
- No.
I have some more work to do.
- All right, see
you tomorrow, then.
- Sergeant Griff meadows
of the police department.
I'd like to ask you
a few questions.
- Okay.
- Does this look
familiar to you?
- It's a witch bottle.
- Do you have any idea
who could have made it?
- No, no I don't.
- Ever seen any of
these in here before?
- Yeah, we have
some witch bottles.
I'll show you one.
Here's one.
- How common are these bottles?
- I've never seen 'em
in here before until
a girl started
supplying 'em to us.
- Who is this girl?
- Her name is
Elaine, Elaine parks.
- Who is it?
- Sergeant meadows,
police department.
Sorry to bother you, ma'am,
but I'm investigating a case
and I just wanted to
ask you a few questions.
- About what?
- Well, it's a
potential homicide case.
Just a routine check.
I thought you might
be able to help us.
- Of course.
Please come in, sergeant.
So you say there was a homicide.
How horrible.
Who was killed?
- A man named Wayne Peters.
Did you know Wayne Peters?
- No.
- Here's a picture of him.
Ever seen him before?
- No.
I guess I can't
help you, sergeant.
Good bye.
- Ms. parks, wait.
Have you ever seen
anything like this before?
- It's a magic bottle.
I made it myself.
- Have you ever seen
one containing urine?
- Urine?
- We found this bottle containing
urine and a used tampon
on the grave of Wayne Peters.
- Will you excuse me
for a moment, sergeant?
- Ms. parks, are you a witch?
- Yes, I am.
Is there a law against that?
- I guess not, not unless
you do something wrong.
- Do you think that being
a witch makes me evil,
capable of murder even?
- No, I wasn't
trying to imply...
- Sergeant meadows, do
you know what it's like
to really suffer?
You have to fight and fight
until you're too
exhausted to go on.
Witchcraft is my
religion, sergeant.
And this religion, which is
older than your Christianity,
saved my life.
- Ms. parks, I'm sorry
if I've offended you.
I didn't realize.
- That's all right,
sergeant Meadow.
- You can call me Griff.
- Griff?
I know I've seen you before.
I just don't know where.
- I have that same feeling.
- I know.
You're the man in the cards.
You're my fate.
- What do you mean,
I'm your fate?
- I did a Celtic cross reading.
For my future card I
got knight of wands.
Always felt that if that card
showed up in a future reading,
soon meet the man that
I'm going to marry.
But, the man that I marry
has to love animals.
Do you like animals, Griff?
- Why yes, I love animals.
In fact, a friend of
mine has a couple horses
I'm very fond of.
You know, tomorrow is my day off
and it's supposed to
be quite nice out.
Maybe I'll get away from
the city and do some riding.
Do you like to ride, Elaine?
- Oh patchouli, you're
such a sweetheart.
- How's my girl?
- Am I your girl?
- For today you are.
You're my girl and
there's nobody around
to tell me otherwise.
- Except me.
- And what's that
supposed to mean?
- Nothing.
- What's that sound?
- I don't know.
Let's go see.
- Now is the time of
the summer solstice.
The strength of the
oak king is waning.
And the Holly king stands
ready to challenge him
for the hand of
the green maiden.
- Let the battle begin.
- Your season is over old man.
- Oh never.
- I will have her.
- Never have her.
- Never.
- Holly king, I
name you the Victor.
The green maiden is yours.
- M'lady.
Come on.
- Elaine.
- You know these people?
- Well yes, in a way.
- All hail, fair lord and lady.
Welcome to our little gathering.
- All hail.
- We are the good people
of the renaissance
and medieval players and we
are celebrating the mid-summer.
Won't you join us?
- To be sure, fair consort.
- They are charming,
are they not?
- Yes, quite charming.
- I see two people in love.
This calls for a wedding.
- A wedding?
- Yes, a mock
wedding, if you will.
To honor the gods of love.
- Okay.
- Now, ye are wed.
- I'm so happy for you,
Elaine, he's adorable.
- I'm not in love.
It's not that I
don't have sentiment,
it's just that love is soft.
You need guts in this business.
I've seen guys get shot to
death because they fell in love
and got soft inside.
I want an heir some day
and then I would
need to have a wife,
but love is something else.
A man can get destroyed
by things like that.
It's like he's not
even a man anymore.
I never wanna get that way.
- When you really love him,
it's like fireworks and
nothing else matters.
You love all the little
quirks about him.
The way he slurps his cereal.
The way his mouth
is a little crooked.
Those details about him
become your whole life.
Something inside you
opens up like a flower
and you realize that you
have more love to give
than you ever
thought was possible.
'Cause the more you know him,
the more you love him.
- The more
you get to know a woman,
the less you can feel about her.
At first, she's this
incredible object of mystery
who fulfills all you're
wildest fantasies.
Then she starts to
reveal little flaws
and after a while, just
gets pretty hard to care.
Feminine ideal only
exists in a man's mind.
No woman could ever fulfill it.
And sometimes, when she
tries to love you more,
give you more, you feel
like you're suffocating,
drowning in estrogen.
The most awful feeling.
- Dinner tonight, Griff?
- Um, can't tonight, Connie.
Some other time.
- Hey Griff, I got
more information
on that Elaine parks girl.
- You leave it on my desk.
- Don't you wanna hear it?
- Steve, captain wants
us to lay off the case.
- Are you serious?
- He says we have a policy
of leaving the witches alone.
He says they've lived
in this town a long time
and he doesn't like
to mess with them.
- Even if they murder.
- He says he's satisfied
that Wayne's death
was a heart attack.
I think so too.
- Has everyone gone
crazy around here?
Let me at least tell
you what I found.
Now, Elaine used to run
an organic beauty store
in Berkeley with
her husband, Jerry.
Two years later
they were divorced
and Elaine moved
to San Francisco
to start dancing
at a burlesque club
where she got involved
with a witch coven.
The coven broke up
after police questioning
when some of it's members
died mysteriously.
Soon after, Elaine's ex-husband
died of a drug overdose
shortly before he was
planning to remarry.
The police questioned Elaine
but they couldn't find
enough to hold her.
- Well, if the San Francisco
police couldn't find anything,
what happened there is
none of our business.
- Are you serious?
- I'd say this woman is
a dangerous character
and you better watch her.
- You mean because
she's a witch?
That doesn't mean anything.
- No, her husband died of a
drug he'd never taken before.
And did you ever find
where Wayne Peters
got the devil's weed?
- I questioned Ms.
Curtis about that.
There was devil's weed
growing near his cabin.
Apparently, he experimented
often with drugs.
- Come on Griff, can't
you connect the dots?
We have a possible murder here
and Elaine is our only suspect.
- I told you, we're
laying off her.
- Because of orders or because
you're in love with her?
- Who says I'm in love with her?
Get the hell off my back.
- You're out of line,
Griff, way out of line.
- Richard.
- Thank you for
meeting me, Elaine.
It's not good for me
to be alone too much.
I know you're busy.
- Of course.
I wanted to come.
- I can't help but blaming
myself for what happened.
- You can't blame yourself.
You were a good wife to Richard.
- I tried to be.
I tried so hard to please him,
but I should have tried harder.
He wanted a certain type of
woman, someone I could never be.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe you should give
a man his fantasy.
I thought that was so
awful when you said that.
Maybe I was being naive,
but I really thought
he loved me for me.
But now, now I wish...
- You have to stop
torturing yourself.
You have to let go.
Remember how he changed
after my Dallas trip?
I think that's when he
started having that affair.
Whoever she was she
drove him crazy.
I hated him so much for that.
I wanted to kill them both.
If I ever found out who she
was, I would rip her to pieces.
But now I see I should
have helped him.
I didn't know that he was
going to take his own life.
- Hey,
- Enough about me.
What's going on with you?
- Trish, I'm in love.
- Who is he?
- He's a detective
and he's everything
a woman could ever want.
He's strong and
handsome, smart and kind.
I just know that he's the one.
He even gave me this ring.
I call it my magic ring.
It's not an engagement ring
but I just know that he's
gonna pop the question soon.
- When we first came here
I showed you my
engagement ring, remember?
I can barely stand to
look at it anymore.
It's too painful.
I'm sure he's going
to ask you soon.
You're going to make
a beautiful bride.
The first day we met,
you were envious of
me because I had a man
and you were all alone.
Now it's the reverse.
Life is funny, isn't it?
- Trish, I'm sorry,
I've gotta go.
Would you like to
walk out with me?
- No, I'd like to stay
and finish my tea.
- All right.
Take care, love.
- Hi Elaine, it's me.
Yeah, you left your ring here.
You're probably driving but
I'll drop it by on my way home.
See you in a minute.
- You bitch.
You killed my husband.
Bitch, skank, whore.
You'll burn for this.
- Crash, crash, crash.
Die, die, die.
- Oh Habondia, bind these two
with a heady lovers' brew.
Even should they strive to flee
they'll cling for all eternity.
- Scotch.
- Bottle o' beer, Sam.
Who are those new girls?
They can't dance at all.
And they're weird.
- I don't know, but the
customers really like 'em.
- They're friends
of the witches.
I seen them come
in together before.
- Yeah, the witches.
They're everywhere.
- One gin and tonic, Sam.
- Gin and tonic coming up.
- Did you read about the teacher
buried in the back
yard of his cabin?
They said it was
dug by the witches.
- Oh yeah, I read about that.
They found all kinds of
witchcraft things on the grave.
- Yeah, I heard about that, too.
- Sit down, Elaine.
Elaine, the DNA came
back from the lab.
It connects you
with Wayne Peters.
Patricia Manning
came by the station.
Some things of yours.
Including this.
She said you drove her
husband to suicide.
- So, I was a bad girl.
Are you going to punish me?
- What sort of person
are you, Elaine?
What sort of sick mind
would do such things?
- Why are you so negative?
I didn't kill anyone.
Wayne died of heart failure
after a beautiful
night of lovemaking.
And Richard died because
he loved me too much.
These men weren't used to
the deep feelings of love
that they were
experiencing with me.
- Are you saying these
men died of love?
That's insane.
What about the
spells and the drugs?
Are you saying witchcraft
had nothing to do with it?
- Witchcraft is just a way
of concentrating energy.
It can only work with
what's already there.
I just use sex magic
to create love magic.
I didn't know how strong
the spells would be.
Sometimes it's almost scary
how strong the love gets.
- Love?
What do you know about love?
What you call love is a
borderline personality disorder
or worse.
- Don't diagnose me.
Maybe you're a narcissist
who can't love.
You think that I'm sick
because you've never
loved like I have.
Well, I would do
anything for love.
- That's right, you'll
never get enough love.
Even when a man loves
you so much it kills him,
it's not enough for you.
You're like a bottomless hole.
You doll yourself up and
do the Stepford wife thing
thinking every man is
going to fall at your feet.
But your creepy little sexy
act doesn't work with me.
I don't love you.
- How can you stand
there and boast
about being immune to love?
Why does the genuine love of
a woman scare you so much?
You think that your way
is a superior way to live?
I know a lot of women who
feel the way that I do.
Only men make us work
so hard for your love.
If you would just
love us for ourselves,
but you won't.
My ex-husband was just like you.
He used to punish me by
withholding his love from me.
All my life I've been
tossed in the garbage
except when men
wanted to use my body.
So, I decided to
find my own power.
And I found that power
through witchcraft.
That means that I take
what I need from men
and not the other way around.
- I'm sorry, Elaine.
It won't work this time.
I'm afraid I'm going
to have to arrest you.
- What for?
Marrying a lover
according to my religion?
Seducing a married man?
I know 400 years ago
you could be burned
for a thing like
that, but not today.
- No, not burned,
but you'll be booked for
burying Wayne Peters illegally
and we'll find out more.
- Oh, that's the witch
who killed the teacher.
- Thou shalt not
suffer a witch to live.
- Burn the witch.
- Burn the witch.
- Burn the witch.
- Burn the witch, burn
the witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch.,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch,
burn the witch, burn the
witch, burn the witch.
- Burn!
- Burn her.
- Burn.
- Poor baby.
Poor, poor baby.
Don't worry,
everything will be okay
because I love you so much.
- I love you, Elaine.
- I love you, Elaine.
- I love you, Elaine.
- I love you, Elaine.
I've never loved anyone but you.
I want to marry you.