The Machinery of Dreams (2021) Movie Script

There was a car wreck last night.
Your mom's in the hospital.
Do you understand, Lily?
Did you get a nap?
Well, should we get you cleaned up
and in some fresh clothes?
I'm fine.
Was Grandma Beth still napping?
Can we go to the hospital?
I want to see her.
I know but we can't right now.
I want to stay with her.
You can't.
Why not?
Because hospitals have rules.
This is gonna take patience, okay?
You can help with Grandma Beth.
I don't want to help with Grandma,
I wanna stay with Mom.
A routine is gonna
be good for all of us.
You're leaving?
Yeah, I gotta go to work.
I'm sorry that you have
to stay here all day
but I haven't been able to figure out
any of the arrangements.
If you have any issues,
you just call me, okay?
The number's on the fridge.
There's plenty of sandwich
stuff if you get hungry
and we'll talk when I get home, okay?
We should go to the hospital anyway.
I don't know.
Hitch hick?
Of course I don't wanna be kidnapped.
Why would you even ask that?
Little bird.
Well hello, sweetheart!
Why don't you guys have a TV?
We have books.
You aren't going to tell me
that you prefer TV to books, are you?
TV is fun.
If fun is having someone just
zap things into your brain.
There's nothing real about TV.
It's not like the stories in books.
There's nothing real about stories.
Nothing real?
Come on.
I have trouble remembering
things, did you know that?
Aunt Martha told me.
Just little things, really.
Ah, here it is.
These are some sketches
from the last thing I was working on,
"The Farmer and the Fire Elf."
The Fire Elf isn't a real thing.
So you say.
Do you wanna hear it?
Where are the words?
All up here.
Once there was a goodly farmer
who lives with his lovely wife
right on this land, in fact.
One day, when he was tending his field,
there was an earthquake that
shook the ground under his feet
and rattled him to his bones.
The earth split and a great
hole opened next to the farmer,
who walked to the edge and peered inside.
What was inside?
I'm note sure you're
ready for this story yet.
As the farmer was looking into the hole,
a small man, caked in ash and
cinders, was crawling out.
The farmer was scared something fierce
as he watched the small man
shake the cinders from his coat.
Was the man magic?
There was magic in
him but it was a dark magic,
for it was not a man who
crawled out of the hole
but a fire elf.
The elf told the farmer that
he had come to grant him
whatever he wished if only
the farmer would allow him
passage across his land
and out into the world.
Well, the farmer quickly surmised
that there was evil in this creature.
So he told the elf that
he wanted nothing from him
and that he would not allow
him to pass across his land
but that rather he should go back down
the hole from which he came.
Well the elf was furious
that the farmer would not
let him pass across his land.
He vowed to do whatever he
could to hurt the farmer.
So one night, he stole
into the farmer's house...
and took the very heart from his world.
All those things we
love and hold most dear.
In this case, it was the
health of the farmer's wife,
who soon became ill and
was confined to her bed.
The elf took the heart and
broke it into three pieces
which he placed with
three bewitched subjects
in three other worlds.
He gave one piece to a maiden
and cast a spell of vanity on her.
He gave a second piece to a writer,
and cast a spell of melancholy on him.
The third piece he gave to an astronomer,
then cast him out, lost
into a starless void.
The farmer was heartbroken.
The next evening,
he left his wife in the care of a neighbor
and set out to seek
the pieces of the heart
and save his wife.
How did the farmer go traveling?
To the other worlds, I mean.
Just after sundown, when the
worlds are closest together,
that's when you can travel.
You must close your eyes and
picture where you want to go
because you want the place you are seeking
to also be seeking you.
When you open your eyes,
you must be very quiet
and keep a keen eye.
Have you gone?
Oh no, it takes a lot
of courage to travel
and he waits out there, bitter as ever,
looking for a way out into our world.
What happened to the farmer?
Oh, he went looking for the pieces.
Perhaps the Fire Elf captured him.
I thought it was true.
It is true.
I just have to remember all the parts.
Can the heart make people better?
If you know where to look for the pieces.
And if you have the right
things to go traveling with.
What things?
A whole bag of tricks.
The farmer took a sewing bag?
Oh, I doubt it.
But all travelers must
have their own things.
That's not a true story.
I don't tell tall tales.
What happened next?
I'll give it some thought
and see if I can remember.
You can hang on to them if you like.
Little bird.
Little bird.
Little bird.
Little bird.
Little bird.
What do we have here?
A little traveler?
Let me out.
Perhaps we can be of some...
use to each other.
You're searching for a
way to save someone, yes?
Your poor mother.
very sorry, indeed.
I could help her if you like.
You can?
Oh yes.
I could heal her.
Good as new.
But in turn,
must do one simple thing...
for me.
All you need to do...
is invite me...
to pass out of this land.
I can't.
Of course you can.
I know what you are.
You place your hopes in the heart.
You shall never find it.
Maybe I will.
No, child.
I'm your only hope.
Your mother may not live much longer.
That's not true.
I know death,
little one.
I know grief and misery
and I doubt you're brave
enough, little bird.
Good luck.
Mom will get better.
We don't need him.
I don't want to
wear this dress, it's old.
It's just a nightgown, Mother.
I told the little
girl we need to leave,
that he won't stop until she's dead.
That woman, the sick one.
He'll come for her soon
too, mark my words.
I told the child all about it.
Sleep well, mother.
You know she confuses things, right?
Why don't you go ahead
and get ready for bed?
I'll start you a bath.
I can do it.
She doesn't tell tall tales.
They're only stores, Lily.
Just after sundown,
when the worlds are closest together,
that's when you can travel.
What in God's...
Have you been in the bath this whole time?
Look at this mess.
It just happened.
Get to bed.
Don't worry, I won't try that again.
It's got some cracks in the paint
but I'll take care of it.
How much
more is that gonna cost?
Ah, it's easy,
don't worry about it.
Sam, bring me a paint scraper.
You living here?
Just visiting my aunt and grandma.
Your aunt used to babysit me.
When I was younger, I mean.
I bet that was fun.
How'd the tub flood?
I did it.
I fell asleep.
My dad said your grandma's
having memory things.
She still remembers a lot though.
She used to tell me all kinds
of stories about traveling
in other worlds and stuff.
That's what I was dreaming about,
a story she told me when
I fell asleep in the tub.
It's stupid.
I love her stories,
there were cool.
Yeah, like almost real.
I mean, they aren't but,
well, you never know.
Sam, paint scraper!
Here you go.
If you go traveling.
My dad said to check it
but it still kinda works.
No problem.
I'll be back as soon as I'm off.
What's wrong, Grandma?
Mom is in the hospital.
I don't understand how.
We're going to find the
pieces of the heart for Mom.
That's what we're going to do.
Stop being such a worry wart.
Yes, I know I almost drowned.
You have to picture where you want to go.
I didn't do that.
Yes, I do know where to picture going.
Well, how am I supposed to know
what all this stuff is for?
Well, are you coming or not?
The Maiden.
Well, it's better than ending
up underwater, I guess.
That was close.
Did he look familiar to you?
One moment while I get ready.
No, this won't do.
No, this won't do at all.
I think it's lovely.
Yes, it is.
But what would a little girl know?
Those birds sound beautiful.
Be a good girl and stop distracting me.
I won't be long.
Can you help me?
Ah, I may have something
that will fit you.
No, I'm looking for...
for a heart.
Let's try this one.
It's very pretty.
A few more touches.
It's nice but...
How beautiful that looks on you.
It looks pretty?
Oh, indeed, and there is
no substitute for beauty.
Beauty is the outward shine
of a happy and righteous soul.
I don't know.
There's no injury too
deep and no pain too great
that beauty cannot reconcile.
Oh, yes.
To be beautiful is to have
the sun shining upon you
for all others to see.
What about someone who
is pretty but isn't nice?
Simply impossible, dear.
How we look is who we are.
Do you not feel happy?
Nicole said I was ugly.
Of course you're not ugly.
Nicole must be blind as a bat.
You are very pretty.
Nicole is prettier.
That's not true.
And that's not what's important.
It's not about what's on the surface.
I mean, that's all that mirror shows,
not what's underneath and
that's where the real beauty is,
the kind of person you are.
So don't you go getting stuck in there.
What have you done?
What is that sweet sound?
The birds outside.
Maybe a short moment to listen?
Perhaps more feathers.
I've forgotten how lovely
the nights are here.
Can you help me?
Of course, child.
I'm looking for a heart or part of one.
A heart.
Oh, yes.
I knew that man in rags looked familiar.
The Fire Elf must've trapped him.
What in the world?
Why didn't you come get me?
Well, it's just a small
cut, thank goodness.
How did you cut yourself?
I don't know.
All right, well come on.
All right.
Is there anything you wanna
tell me, to talk about?
Why don't you go ahead and get dressed?
I'll go make breakfast.
Lily, I need you to
come down here, please!
You may not wanna talk about things
but I need you to explain this.
I'm just trying to help Mom.
I went through there, into a mansion,
and there was a man in rags
and there was a maiden too.
She was trying on al these dresses
and there were tons of mirrors.
Please stop.
I know that you're confused
but lying to me will only
make this entire thing worse.
Why do you hate me?
I don't.
Not at all.
you know that there is a chance
that your mom won't wake up, right?
She will!
It was a very back
wreck and you know that...
You're horrible!
I wish you never brought me here!
Lily, come back!
Can you tell me more of the story?
You mean the story about the rabbit
who accidentally learned to speak French?
I'd like to hear that one day but...
How about a snack?
Talked to the doctors today.
Your mom's still in a coma
but they say the pressure
on her brain's reduced.
So that's good news.
Can we go see her, please?
We can go on Saturday.
It's the next time I'm off.
You're just so
sweet to an old lady.
Thank you, Mom.
I do hope they
give you a raise soon.
We can't sissy out now.
You heard, we're helping Mom.
I know Aunt Martha's mad.
You'd think for a bird that
could fly away anytime,
you'd be a little bit more bold.
The Writer.
Yes, I know that's Aunt Martha's room.
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.
No, nope.
Nope, no, no, no.
I'm looking for a piece of a wooden heart.
Have you seen one lying around?
You sure?
What's that?
Are you the writer?
Well, I don't know about "the" writer
but I am a writer.
At least, that's what I believed I was.
What're you writing about?
Well that's the thing, isn't it?
That's the very thing.
Well, see, it's supposed
to be something light,
something guaranteed to bring smiles
to the faces of the guests
but I can't seem to
strike the right chord.
They start light enough and
then devolve into gloom,
People like sad stories sometimes.
Well, yes,
but this request comes
from the King, himself,
for the Princess' birthday.
Want some help?
You know, that might be just the thing.
Perhaps you could help me,
being as how you are a child
with innocent intentions.
You do have innocent intentions, correct?
What I mean to say is you're
not a wild phantom beast
with a transmorphing spell
cast upon you, are you?
That would be just my luck.
Uh, no.
It would be extremely
inconvenient to be eaten alive
at this particular juncture.
Here, come.
Come, sit.
Give me a subject.
How about...
a unicorn?
I had a pet unicorn once.
Glorious magical beasts.
No one mentions the flatulence, however.
Okay, go on.
What if it was ridden by a prince?
And he's on a quest.
Quest, yes.
To save his entire kingdom
from an army that wants
to take over his people.
All right!
The prince gathers an army of his own.
The army is proud
and determined.
The prince leads them
forth to a glorious battle.
During which,
the prince is knocked from his steed.
As the battle rages around him,
the prince struggles to
get his feet under him.
Just as he stands, a giant
stone from a cannonball
smashes him flat.
The army flees in terror.
Another stone smashes
his one-horned steed.
You can't kill the prince, he's the hero.
Did I just kill the hero?
Yes, and a unicorn.
Oh no!
Could you imagine what
the children would think?
They probably wouldn't
like it very much.
The King would probably
separate me from my head.
Sounds like you'd pretty much hate it.
They should live forever.
No one lives forever.
They can in a story, can't they?
But will that be true to life?
We'll just have to start over.
What's the use?
They all end the same way.
I should've been a mason
or a baker.
One is unlikely to lose one's
head over yeast and rolls.
I am worthless!
What a drama queen.
Well, there's no time
for wallowing in sorrow.
You need to think about something
else or do something fun.
What's the use?
My mom and I dance in
the kitchen sometimes.
I bet it would make you feel better.
I wrote a story about
a dancer earlier today.
It ended in a gruesome house fire.
Come on.
Oh well, I suppose
there's nothing to lose.
That's the spirit.
I'll probably get a cramp.
Well, you were certainly
right about the dancing.
Thank you for your help.
You know, this place is awfully dramatic.
I think I'll find a more suitable place
to write this lighthearted fare.
Be sure to write me whenever you wish.
I would love to hear from you.
Can you tell me where to
find the wooden heart?
You mean that one?
We have to be quiet.
Aunt Martha's house.
Aunt Martha's house.
Aunt Martha's house.
How clever you must feel.
Two pieces.
Well done.
I know a secret.
I know you're not brave
enough to save her!
Not when you can't even admit the truth!
I'll have her soon!
Very soon!
Ha, we're too quick for him.
Oh no.
Come here.
Why would you do this?
I didn't do it.
Lily, why would you tear up my books?
I told you, it wasn't me!
Then who?
You don't know everything.
You think that Mom's going
to die but she's not!
I don't think that.
Yes you do!
You just want me to forget about her.
Of course I don't
want you to forget her.
I want you to talk about...
Then why won't you let me see her?
That is not what I'm doing.
You have to understand
that things are really tight right now.
We will go see your mom as soon as we can.
I do think it would help if we could talk.
If we could talk about, if
we could talk about people,
if we could talk about people dying.
She's going to get better.
Lily, that's not what I...
That's not what I meant.
No, extra hours are fine next week.
Yeah, thank you again.
Let's go see your mom.
We have to be quick, okay,
I only have half a day.
Come on, Mom.
It's Jane.
That's not...
do you wanna sit down?
I'm gonna fix it all.
I told you, that's why.
That's why we...
It's okay.
It's okay.
You know,
sometimes we want things to be real
or things not to have happened.
We can want them so much
that we ignore the truth.
We have to find the last piece tonight.
We have to.
How does the story end?
The story?
The Farmer and the Fire Elf.
A twist.
The story has a twist.
They all do.
The farmer searched and searched
but the Fire Elf had one more
trick up his dark sleeve.
What happened?
Did the farmer win against the Fire Elf?
I don't quite remember.
But if he did win,
one thing is certain,
the solution came from a
place we didn't expect.
Usually from right here.
You should
eat some dinner, Mom.
I don't like this.
You like pasta.
What else do they have here?
I think that's all
that's on the menu tonight.
What kind of a place
only serves one thing?
They were so busy that
they ran out of everything.
Can I be excused?
If you don't wanna
come, you don't have to.
Of course you do.
The Astronomer.
You gotta see this place.
What do you mean, which way?
There's nothing.
Hold on tight.
Excuse me?
I was hoping you could help me.
How have you come here?
There was a rope.
You speak English?
I speak many languages.
You've been imprisoned as well?
No, I asked to come here.
So you can take us away.
I can try.
Aunt Martha's house.
Aunt Martha's house.
It's easier to go than to get back.
I'm sorry.
What are you looking at?
I'm looking for a point of reference.
A what?
Something that can
show me where here is.
You don't know where we are?
And there's nothing out there?
See for yourself.
No stars.
If there's nothing up there,
why do you keep looking?
Does your kind like
the company of others?
We like being with our families.
The same is true for my kind.
If we're separated or alone,
we're very unhappy.
So everyone is gone?
Most likely, we're just
beyond the edge of the stars,
very far away.
Same thing, I guess.
Existing and not existing
are very different things.
Everything came from the same speck.
The stars, the planets,
the atoms in your skin,
and everything can feel
the pull of everything else
and one day all those things
will pull each other together again,
back to the same bright point.
Eventually, we will all be one again.
How many are there?
More than grains of sand on the beach.
And they are very far away?
Yes but they all came
from the same place.
We just need something else out there.
That's precisely what
I've been looking for.
What are those?
They're stars.
I've seen many stars
but none like those.
Everything came from
the same place, right?
Very curious!
What have you done?
I don't know.
Will you join us?
I have to get back home,
to my people.
Thank you, little traveler.
I told you, I am
not ready to go to bed yet!
This is my house and you work here
and I'd like you to remember that!
- Can you please?
- Will, don't touch!
Get your filthy hands off me.
- You can't just go around
touching people like that!
I just...
And you can't bring people
into my house without my permission.
I won't allow it!
Shoo, get!
Who is that?
Who is this child that you
have brought into my house
without even asking me about it?
You've never asked for my permission,
you never even told me
it was going to happen.
Mom, please, just calm...
Oh, just leave me alone!
Did you misplace something, little bird?
Give it back.
Why would I give back
something that belongs to me?
It's not yours.
Do you think the true heart
would be made of simple wood?
You think a heart can be mended
by simply putting the
pieces back together?
I told you you're not strong
enough to find what you seek!
allow me into this
world and I'll save her.
I don't believe you.
Come now, child.
You can believe me.
So be it.
Your mother...
will soon drift...
What're you up to?
Where are you going?
None of your business.
I'm going to the hospital to see my mom.
Isn't that a long way away?
Hey, that flashlight come in handy?
My dad told me about
the wreck, about your mom.
I don't wanna talk about it.
My mom died like two
years ago from cancer.
I'm sorry.
It was like so unfair.
I bet you miss her a lot.
I mean, I'm sure you do.
Your grandma watched me
when my dad had to work.
She kinda always knew what to
say when I was feeling bad.
Do you think about your mom a lot?
I mean, I would've done anything
to save her but, you know.
You want me to come with you?
It's probably too far away.
No problem.
Where are you?
Where are you?
Over here.
I'll do it.
I'll let you pass into this world
but I want more time to find the heart.
No more time, little bird.
Then I won't let you in.
Because this is so very fun,
I'll give you one more night.
That's not enough time.
That is my offer.
I bet the Fire Elf
has the heart with him.
That's what Grandma meant by a twist.
We have to go if we're
going to find the real one.
And he waits out
there, bitter as ever,
looking for a way out into our world.
The Fire Elf.
Holy Moly.
There's that man in rags.
What do we have here?
Run, run, run.
Aunt Martha's house!
Aunt Martha's house!
You like your cage?
I have it and now she'll get better.
What did you find, little bird?
The real heart, I found it.
Silly little bird.
Trapped in a cage.
You found nothing!
I did, I...
The only lies are those
you've been telling yourself!
There's one thing that remains true.
Across all worlds.
Everyone is eager
to bury their pain.
They're not strong enough to face it.
The sun will soon rise in your world
and your mother will
die while you're here.
Here in your cage.
Grandma, finish the
story, please, Grandma!
Little bird?
Grandma, finish the
story, please, Grandma!
Only you can do that.
But I don't know
where to find the heart.
You do but you must be oh so brave.
I'll try.
Sometimes we must face things
that are full of pain and sorrow.
That is the way of the world.
I can't!
You can.
Be a brave little bird.
No, don't go!
The man in rags.
The man in rags.
Your mom's in the hospital.
Your dad was driving
and the other car hit the driver's side.
He didn't make it.
Do you understand, Lily?
Your dad died.
I am so sorry, honey.
Everything came from one point,
so we're all one thing.
All the memories, even the bad ones.
Give that to me!
Aunt Martha's...
That belongs to me!
No it doesn't.
I'll have you all in cages!
one of you.
Come on then.
You're the one who's scared and weak.
You live on people's
fears but I'm not scared.
should be...
Aunt Martha.
Aunt Martha.
Aunt Martha.
Aunt Martha.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It'll be.
No one lives forever.
Not even in stories.
But if you remember them,
maybe they're still kinda there.
I think so.
You missing her?
Me too.
Do you guys wanna hear a story?
- Sure.
- Yeah.
You know, your Grandma,
she could tell great stories.
The best.
I know.
Once upon a time, there
was a happy little family.
They loved to dance in the kitchen
and go watch the stars
outside at night together.
There was a mom, a dad, their kid,
an aunt,
and a grandma.
One day, the little girl went
traveling to three worlds.
In the first world, there was a maiden
and she had a spell of vanity on her.
The second world, in the second world,
there was a writer.
He had a spell...