The Magic Flute (2022) Movie Script

(orchestral music begins)
(music intensifies)
(Overture from "The Magic Flute")
(pompous orchestra fanfare)
He's awake now.
And ready to see you.
-Here, brought you music.
-(weakly) Ah.
Mum told me.
Dad, I appreciate you writing
that letter to the headmaster.
But I can't leave Mum here alone.
With everything going on.
You've always dreamed
of going to that school.
Mum and I have talked.
And when I'm gone...
you go.
Promise me.
And another promise.
In exchange for me writing
to old Longbow.
There's a bag under the bed.
There's a book inside.
(boy laughs softly)
It's incredible. Where did you get it?
I kept it as a souvenir,
from my time at Mozart's.
You nicked it.
(they chuckle)
You need to put it back
where it belongs.
Excuse me. He needs his rest now.
(peaceful orchestral music)
You promise me, you'll go.
It will change your life.
(children laugh)
-Ticket, please.
I must have left that
in my dinner jacket.
Quite all right, sir.
We'll just have to charge you again.
Thank you. I'm Sophie, by the way.
Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you.
I'm Tim.
Going to Auer, I take it?
I can spot a Mozart's man a mile away.
So you go to the same?
I'm across the way
in the girl's building, but yeah.
Um, it's my first day tomorrow.
It's very late in the term.
They don't usually let anyone in
after the year starts.
The reason you're so special?
Is a long story for another time.
-What's your instrument?
-I play the piano.
-But I'm a singer.
Oh, a singer.
What? It's a good place to go
for singers.
Do you know Enrico Milanesi?
-He got his start there.
-Look at him now.
-He's not really my taste.
A bit too flashy for me.
-All performance and no soul.
What are you listening to then?
Let me guess.
Is it something Avant Garde?
Or Mongolian throat singers?
More like Jackson Five.
I talk big but give me
a good old love song any day.
("I'll Be There"
by The Jackson Five plays)
(shrill alarm)
CONDUCTOR: Attention all passengers.
The train has reached
its destination.
Please disembark and collect any luggage
from the baggage car.
TIM: Oh.
(dynamic violin playing)
(violin playing intensifies)
(man clears throat)
Dr Longbow.
"We may regard the present state
of the universe
as the effect of its past,
and the cause of its future."
Pierre-Simon Marquis de Laplace.
Father of determinism.
He believed that if we were to know
the precise location
and momentum of every atom
in the universe today,
we could predict where those atoms
would be tomorrow.
And what's true for the atom,
is true for the man.
Am I boring you, Mr. Walker?
Sit down.
Here at Mozart's,
we refrain from bestowing
special privileges upon any student.
In fact, we typically would not
accept students this late in the term,
but considering the circumstances,
we decided that in your case,
an exception was in order.
My condolences, Mr. Walker.
Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Actually, I had occasion to hear
your father sing several times.
Right here in these hallowed halls,
where we both got our start.
He was a few years behind me,
but I remember his powerful
yet nuanced Figaro.
Your father was quite the singer.
But in order to achieve greatness,
one must have discipline.
And, one must have rules.
In any case,
our Christmas recital fast approaches.
(Tim) "The Magic Flute".
That was actually my dad's favourite.
He always felt this connection
with the Prince, Prince Tamino.
Ah... Mr. Baumgartner.
Would you be so kind as to show
our late arrival to his quarters.
Sure. I'm your new teacher.
You've got a fine sense of timing,
my young friend.
Late enough to make a stir
but not so late to miss auditions.
-So, the roles?
-Have not been cast yet.
Mark my words.
For a young man passionate about music,
there is no greater place to be
than Mozart's.
(school bell)
There is a real magic in these walls.
(softly) Let's go.
(distant piano playing)
(Baumgartner) Hello? Paolo.
Allow me to introduce your new roommate.
Tim Walker.
-Excuse me?
-I'll leave you lads to it.
Books go there
and you can hang your clothes there.
That's not for touching.
So... which one's mine?
Take the one in the corner
if you must.
How did you get so lucky
not to have a roommate until now?
He left the school.
What's your story then,
showing up so late?
My dad... was sick.
So now it's just me and mum.
At first, I didn't want to leave London.
I didn't even
really want to leave my bed.
But she insisted.
She told me it wouldn't do either of
us any good to miss an entire year.
Especially considering the scholarship.
So here I am.
I'm sorry.
So I take it you play the xylophone?
So, here's "the young person's guide
to the orchestra".
You've got your preppies.
Your cool kids... And the nerds.
I always had you down as more of a geek.
Lot of people make that mistake.
So which are you?
Hard nerd.
Paolo, who is this? A friend?
-Try keeping him around this time.
-Leave us alone, Anton.
You're new. Im Anton.
Its your first day,
Ill give you some advice.
Dont hang around with him.
He'll bring you down.
(Paolo gasps)
Enjoy assembly.
What a doughnut.
Yeah, he's a doughnut
whose dad is Enrico Milanesi.
-You mean?
-The son of Enrico Milanesi.
Opera singer extraordinaire.
-Wow. Are you okay?
Although we've all had the term to
become acquainted with one another,
Mr. Walker arrived just this morning.
If you would give us the pleasure?
(whispers) Good luck.
Presenting your voice, son.
I'm sorry... I... I'm not...
(quietly) Yeah.
The act of crossing the threshold
into this school
is an announcement
of one's preparation.
The question is,
with that announcement,
has one been true to oneself?
(sings "Con Te Partir"
by Andrea Bocelli)
And what, pray tell, was that?
It was "Con Te Partir".
It's a classic.
I'm quite sure we all know that song,
Mr. Walker.
I'm not a fan of sentimental drivel.
-My concern is with your comportment.
Your bearing, son! What... was this?
I did...
-Ich don't know.
-Exactly, you don't know.
And frankly, I'm surprised that anyone
with designs on the Price Tamino role
wouldn't have a greater understanding
of the level at which we function here.
If one wishes to become
a world-class singer,
one does not copy.
One embodies.
(wind in trees and call of animal)
(sombre simmering music)
(paper rustles)
(music becomes gentler)
(high-pitched ghostly chuckle)
(Lead Spirit) Come.
(expectant music)
(music continues)
-(they shout loudly)
-(Anton) Where is he?
(foreign opera music plays)
(Anton) Get out.
What the hell, Paolo? You warned him?
-I didn't know you guys still did this.
-Yeah? Well, we do.
He was here when I fell asleep.
(door shuts)
(clock ticks)
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music swells)
(clock chimes)
(Tim) Who are you?
(Spirit) We're the ones who will
help you get exactly what you need.
What I need?
Like some help to get the part
in the play?
What do I have to do?
(Spirit) There are three things
to keep in mind.
(Second Spirit) One: you cannot tell
anyone about the journey you will take.
(Spirit) Two: you must become
a part of the story.
Story? What story?
(Third Spirit) And most importantly,
You better remember it
and follow it precisely.
(Second Spirit) You must complete
your quest as Prince Tamino
before eternal night
engulfs the land.
Eternal night?
(Spirit) If you fail,
your greatest wish will be denied.
(Third Spirit) And you will share
the fate of this world.
(All Spirits) Do you understand?
No, not really. Sorry.
-Could you be a bit more...
-(All Spirits) Enough.
(Third Spirit) Your decision, please.
(wind rustles)
(oppressive music)
(dynamic string music begins)
(dynamic music continues)
(sings) Have mercy, have mercy,
ah, heaven protect me.
Have mercy! Have mercy!
Ah do not refuse me.
A terrible nightmare,
a monster pursues me,
have mercy, I beg you!
I cannot escape,
I cannot escape,
ah rescue me!
Have mercy oh I beg of you,
have mercy and protect me.
Hear me heaven help me!
(powerful orchestral music)
(calm orchestral music begins)
(sings) Observe his face,
so fine and fair.
So young and chaste, such lovely hair.
It seems a waste to leave him there.
(in harmony)
If I were free to love and kiss,
I'd choose a youth who looked like this.
I'd choose a youth who looked like this.
You two hurry off and tell the Queen.
I'll stay with him.
-To make sure he's okay.
-Why should you be the one to stay?
Precisely! It should be me
who stays with the boy.
(in round)
This lovely boy who could refuse him?
It would be lunacy to lose him!
That's why I have to stay.
That's why I have to stay.
But duty calls!
We must away.
The Queen commands and we obey.
And we obey.
(crashing thunder)
(playful flute music starts)
I'm sure that there could never be
a more contended man than me.
I earn my living as I please,
I charm the birds from out the trees.
I set my nets against the sky,
I call the birds and down they fly
(lively flute music)
So when you hear my music play,
you'll know that I'm not far away.
If only I could cast a spell,
to capture pretty girls as well.
I'd choose the girl I liked the best,
and take her home to share my nest
We bill and coo, we hug and kiss
and every night I play her this.
(Tim grunts)
What are you doing back there?
Show yourself.
Please, you have to help me.
I have no idea where I am.
-Very well, let's start with the basics.
-Who are you?
-I am...
-Egad. Are you a prince?
-A prince?
-Your royal crest.
No, sorry, I hate to break it to you...
(spirits chuckle)
But yes, I am a prince.
Prince... Prince Tamino.
Your Highness.
Allow me to introduce myself.
I am Papageno,
personal bird-catcher
to the Queen of the Night.
Well, I'm lucky you came when you did.
You saved me, didn't you?
Who saved what now?
(he shrieks)
(he exhales)
Why yes, I did, Your Highness.
I saved you from a snake.
I hypnotized it, mesmerized it,
killed it.
And as I'm sure you'd agree,
that any reward bestowed upon me
for this heroic act
need not be ostentatious, or vulgar...
I'm thinking a title...
A castle?
-(he shrieks)
What timing.
Oh, behold! Are these not the finest
specimens you've ever laid eyes upon?
-I'm sure the Queen would...
-(Hazel) Enough.
Although I'm sure the Queen will quite
appreciate the day's catch.
-The lies you've spun?
-Not so much.
But what about my wages?
My bread and wine?
Just the wine?
(he strains)
(he mumbles incoherently)
And who are you?
I'm Prince Tamino.
You're just the nobleman
we're looking for.
There's something the Queen
would like you to see.
(he mumbles incoherently)
(gentle string music begins)
I've never seen a face so fair,
such loveliness beyond compare.
It fills me,
it fills me,
with such happiness.
My heart beats faster in my chest,
my heart beats faster
in my chest,
(gentle orchestral music)
In vain I fight with this desire,
this pain, this unfamiliar fire.
What is this fire consuming me?
What is this fire consuming me?
I know
I feel the pain of love.
-I'm just a little lost for words.
I see.
Maybe we should find someone else.
No, no I'm okay.
I'm all good.
Come now, Prince Tamino.
The Queen of the Night awaits.
(reverent string music)
(thunder rumbles)
(reverent music turns sombre)
(ominous music)
Your Majesty.
The young prince.
Clearly, you stand for honour.
For valour, for truth.
Which is why I turn to you
in these dire times.
And ask that you bring back
my beloved daughter
from the cruel, cunning man
who took her from my side.
You want me to rescue a princess?
Is that a problem?
Well, it...
It certainly sounds important.
I accept your request.
With honour.
(expansive orchestral music starts)
You, you, you
are chosen to defend her,
soon you must hasten to her side.
Yes, soon you must hasten to her side.
And when success
is crowned in splendour,
then you may take her for your bride.
She'll be your bride.
(she sings ornamentally)
Yes, your bride.
She'll be your bride.
She'll be your bride.
(expansive orchestral music continues)
(Papageno hums muffled)
Poor Papageno I can see you have been
commanded not to speak
(Papageno hums muffled)
Alas I'm powerless to free you.
The spell is strong, and I am weak.
-(Papageno hums muffled)
-I cannot tell how I can help you.
-(Papageno hums muffled)
-The spell is strong, and I am weak.
Oh Prince, receive this gift I bear,
the Queen consigns it to your care.
Whatever dangers fate might send you,
its magic music will defend you.
Though it's sad to leave such beauty,
ladies, I'll be going now.
(in harmony)
No true man can shirk his duties
and there's work for you to do.
To Sarastro we must send you
Papageno will attend you.
Thank you very much indeed,
that's the last thing that I need.
I've heard this pagan priest,
is as fierce as any beast.
He's a savage, he's a sinner,
and he'll have me for his dinner,
guest of honour at his feast.
(playful violin music)
It's fine Papageno, go on.
I... I think maybe I can do this
on my own.
On your own?
(Papageno) You see? He's got this.
These magic bells we have to give you
To me? Let's have a look at them.
They will protect you on your mission.
Can they be played without tuition?
Of course they can, you foolish man!
Magic music, mystic powers,
will be ours when danger lowers.
Fare you well, we'll meet again.
So farewell, farewell till then.
So farewell, farewell till then.
Stay mystic ladies, fair and wise.
And say which way the fortress lies.
Yes, tell us pray.
Yes, tell us pray,
which way Sarastro's fortress lies.
(tentative orchestral music)
Three sprites will soon be here
to guide you,
through doubt and fear
they'll stay beside you.
To keep you safe and lead the way,
when they command, you must obey.
Three sprites will soon be here
to guide us,
through doubt and fear,
they'll stay beside us.
To keep you safe and lead the way,
when they command, you must obey.
And so farewell,
farewell till then.
And so farewell, we'll meet again.
We'll meet again.
We'll meet again.
We'll meet again.
We'll meet again.
(orchestral music ends)
I didn't kill the snake.
(spirits chuckle)
(distant ticking)
Do you... Do you hear that noise?
Yeah. Sparrows.
No, it's not birds,
it's like a ticking noise.
Never travelled with a companion
who's losing his mind before.
(clock chimes)
(clock ticks)
(he grunts)
(powerful string music)
Hey, Bocelli.
-How are you holding up?
What do you call it when everyone
you see actively dislikes you?
Where did you go last night, anyway?
Couldn't sleep. First night jitters.
So I went for a wander.
Lucky timing anyway.
You missed Anton and his mates'
welcoming party.
-Don't worry.
Just meet me out front
after your last class.
(sombre music)
This is where they cut
granite blocks for the school.
It's between us and the girl's school.
-(Tim) It's amazing.
-I know.
I was like, "Who are you?"
I looked at you and you were asleep
so I was really confused and then...
Oh my gosh. This is major.
So you're the mysterious stranger.
Sophie's told me everything about you.
I just said you were a singer
and we met on the train.
And that he snores!
She's the one who said it.
I'm Olivia. Or Liv. Or Olive.
I haven't decided yet.
It's nice to meet you.
You, um, disappeared on the train.
I woke up and you were gone.
I was hoping I'd get to see you again.
I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry
and I couldn't bring myself to wake you.
You looked so peaceful.
When you weren't snoring.
-I don't snore.
-You do snore.
Okay, this is officially
the worst flirting I've ever heard.
So, um, I'm bored.
-What was your name again?
Nice to meet you, Paolo.
(Paolo chuckles)
(Sophie) That's awful.
Poor comportment.
And you sang Bocelli?
It always killed back home.
At this school,
Bocelli's basically pop music.
Well, I guess old Longbow won't like
the Adele I was planning
for next week, is he?
They say you have a beautiful voice.
I wasn't asking around or anything.
You know, it's two buildings,
one school. People talk.
-Shut up.
I'm saying, apparently,
you have a nice voice.
Thank you.
And as far as starting points go,
it's a good one.
But if I can offer you
some unsolicited advice,
you should take a chance.
You have to take a risk if you're gonna
figure out what it is you're missing.
What makes you think
I'm missing something?
(clock ticks)
(expectant music)
(clock ticks)
(he plays the flute out of tune)
(expectant music continues)
And we see similar Masonic symbolism
throughout the Magic Flute.
-Do we know why?
-Because Mozart was a Mason.
-Indeed he was. As am I.
-No, you're not.
(Baumgartner) No, I'm not.
I'd love to join but I wasn't able to
find the sign-up page on their website.
But I'll tell you who was a Mason.
Here, at your chest. The architects
who designed this building.
And just like old Mozart,
they couldn't help but throw in
a few Easter eggs.
Alright, guys. See you tomorrow.
And guys, does anyone know
how to get to Carnegie Hall?
Practice, practice, practice.
Yes, practice, practice, practice.
-Can I ask you something?
All these Masonic symbols.
What do they all mean exactly?
Well, it's all in here.
May I?
This is a beautiful edition.
Let's start right at the beginning.
Not only the phrase itself
composed of three chords,
but it's in E-flat major.
-Which means?
-It's three flats.
That's right. But that's not all.
The Masons are all about truth
over ignorance.
The temples represent nature,
reason and wisdom.
Three. Three temples.
That's right. The symbolism is found
throughout the opera.
Three spirits, three ladies,
three trials.
It's the time.
(sinister music)
You're welcome.
(alarm beeps)
What are you doing up?
I couldn't sleep. What's with the alarm?
I must have just set it by accident.
-What are you doing?
-Writing a letter.
In the middle of the night?
That's when the best letters
are written.
It's when the mind's the clearest.
Word's the gentlest.
Emotions the deepest.
-That's brilliant.
-You're taking the piss.
No, no. You should write that
in your letter.
Maybe I will.
-Who are you writing to?
-A friend?
-My old roommate.
And you don't just email him?
Or, I don't know, give him a call?
Yeah, I'd love to call him, but...
Sorry. Sorry, mate. I've got to run.
-Where are you going?
I'll, um, tell you later.
See you then.
Say "hi" to your mate for me.
(clock ticks)
(clock chimes)
(mechanical sounds)
(thunder rumbles)
(Tim) Hello?
-(spirits chuckle)
-(Spirit) Since you weren't here.
-(Second Spirit) He went on ahead.
Follow me.
So he must be on his way
to Sarastro's palace.
(spirits chuckle)
That is what you were talking about,
isn't it?
Eternal night is coming.
(awe-inspiring music)
Get off me, get off me.
We found her in the wine cellar
this time, sir.
You are a spirited one.
-Aren't you?
-(she groans)
Hold onto this.
Did you at least bring me up
a nice Chablis?
(he gasps in mock dismay)
I don't know
why you insist on trying to escape.
Where is it you think you'll go?
The sewers would be preferable
to this rodent's den.
You will not dare escape again.
How can I bear such cruel pain?
I'll force you to obey me.
Your threats do not dismay me.
I suffer for my mother's sake.
While we're apart, her heart will break.
Come slaves and bind her tightly now,
so tight her wrists are bleeding.
You will not hear my pleading,
I see your heart is made of stone.
Maybe, we'll see.
Leave her alone with me.
(she struggles)
Allow me to freshen up.
(he hums to himself)
(lively string music)
What place is this?
Where can I be?
A-ha! Who are these people?
I'd better go and see.
A maiden young and fair,
her face so kind and graceful.
(he gasps)
(tense music)
What's this?
Wait a second.
(Papageno shouts out)
(they scream)
Go, you.
That was lucky.
(loud knocking)
-Princess Pamina?
-Why yes, and who are you?
Allow me to introduce myself.
I am Papageno.
Personal birdcatcher to your mother.
I was sent here with Prince Tamino
to rescue you.
I don't understand, Papageno.
You say you were sent here
with a prince?
Prince Tamino. Nice lad.
Not from round here. Bizarre threads.
-And where is this Prince Tamino?
Hurry up.
Vanished into thin air.
Which is surprising,
considering how taken he was.
Taken? With me?
While alas,
I am yet to find the one for me.
I chose my calling over love.
No responsibilities
and an expertise on wine.
A man in search of truth and beauty,
will find the love his heart desires.
Trust me, there will be plenty of time
for singing later.
We're going to have to climb down.
-Or we could just...
-Let's do that.
Go, away.
(sombre music)
(thunder rumbles)
(dynamic music)
This way.
(cheerful music)
(muffled) Your Highness.
(together) How did you find me?
You're Prince Tamino?
Yeah. At your service.
You there! Freeze!
-That must be Mono...
(Guard) Get them!
(merchant gasps)
(crashing sounds, dynamic music)
(dynamic orchestral music)
Ha! Two little birds have flown.
Didn't take me long to find you.
I was never far behind you.
I was never far behind you.
Learn to treat me more politely,
and we will chain you
nice and tightly.
Yes, so tight you'll fight for breath.
Hurry, Prince Tamino!
Think of something.
I'm trying.
Let me watch while they are chained!
-The music box.
The magic bells!
The ones the Three Ladies gave you.
-What am I supposed to do?
-Play them, Papageno!
Very hell, what the hell,
nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Time to try these magic bells,
time to set their music singing,
so their wicked ears are ringing.
(sweet music)
Oh no!
Enough, stop!
This music is ringing
with magic so strong.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
I cannot stop smiling and singing along!
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
I cannot...
La, la, la.
(music becomes distorted)
Um, high five?
(Choir) We worship Sarastro,
we bow down before him!
(regal music)
Bow down before him,
we must praise and adore him.
And when he commands us,
we answer his call.
And when he commands us,
we answer his call.
Our guardian, our father,
the lord of us all.
Our guardian, our father,
the lord of us all.
The lord of us all,
the lord of us all.
Arise, my child.
-My Lord.
-Your suffering has come to an end.
Now tell me, what is the matter?
It's your servant, Monostatos.
He's insane. A lunatic.
I've never encountered someone
who takes such
pleasure from the pain of others.
And he smells of salted meats.
-What is this?
-She lies, My Lord.
He speaks the truth.
My dear, you will not be subjected
to this type of suffering.
-Not under my care.
-Thank you, My Lord.
-I beg you to return me to my mother.
-Queen of the Night?
I'm afraid,
this request I cannot grant.
-But My Lord.
-And who might you be?
-I'm Prince Tamino.
-He came to rescue me.
Are you hearing this, my lord?
This traitor and his feathered friend
considered to steal the princess
right out from under your eyes.
Your eye, Monostatos. Your eye.
She was under your watch.
Seventy lashes.
No. Please. No.
touch me.
As for you two...
Your courage will be tested
by a series of trials.
The trials.
You may have noticed
the darkening sky.
It indicates that a plague is upon us.
It has been foretold
that the only one to hold back the dark
is the one who can pass these trials.
-(Papageno) Your Highness?
-(Tim) I'm here.
-(Papageno) I'm scared of the dark.
-(Tim) Oh no.
-(clock ticks)
(Papageno) Oh no? What's oh no?
(Tim) I'll be back, I swear.
(clock ticks)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle trumpet music)
Of course, the Middle Low German
"Hanswurst" archetype
was the primary inspiration
for the character of Papageno.
Indulgent and merry,
with an insatiable appetite
for food and wine.
But most importantly
his deep and abiding love
for his other half, his Papagena.
Alright, gents. Let's hear it.
What's so funny?
-Oh, where are you going, Paolo?
-Anton, enough.
-Who is this?
-Don't you know?
-Benjamin, Paolo's old roommate.
-The one who left the school?
That's one way to put it.
(gentle sobbing)
Benjamin, hm.
All I've ever wanted
was to be a musician.
So when I found out
I had been accepted to this school,
I thought my dreams had come true.
But so far, it's been a nightmare.
Every day is another thing,
"Paolo, you're too fat."
"You're too different."
And it's not just Anton and that lot.
It's all of them.
I just don't fit in.
Then one day I met Benjamin.
He was like me.
The teasing didn't stop,
but at least we were in it together.
Brothers in arms.
Then one day...
everything just pushed him too far.
At first, I used to blame this place
and these people,
thinking they drove him to it.
But lately, I've been scared, Tim.
I've been really scared.
Because now I think maybe
it's not just this place, these people,
maybe it's this world.
-I'm so sorry.
-You don't have to say that.
I know, but I mean it.
Do you?
Because the other night,
I was going to tell you about Benjamin.
Tell you the most important thing
in my life.
And you just walked out the door.
We're not friends, Tim.
We're roommates.
(door shuts)
(dynamic drum music)
Dr. Longbow would like...
Mr. Milanesi.
Dr. Longbow would like to see you.
(Anton) What are you looking at?
(he sighs)
Look, I'm sorry about passing the notes
I won't do it again.
I didn't call you in here
to discuss note-passing Mr. Milanesi.
Tell me, why are you at Mozart's?
You know, the...
-The future.
I can see it all now.
You have the whole world
laid out before you.
Not only are you talented,
but you've been gifted with
a certain advantage the rest
of the boys here would kill to have.
-My name.
Keep working.
The Milanesi name
will clear a path for you as a singer.
And what if that's not what I want?
I thought you brought me here
to blame me for Benjamin's death.
This one's easy.
I don't want to be a singer.
You're joking.
It is your life to lead, Mr. Milanesi.
But your father is a singer
and so are you.
If you try anything else,
I'm afraid all I can see for you is
a potentially mediocre existence.
(Anton) I'm so sick
of this godforsaken place.
So sick.
(thunder rumbles)
Anton, where are you?
-(trees crack)
-(Anton screams)
(Anton) Help!
(Anton groans)
(he groans)
I'm coming, hold on.
You? Why you?
(expectant music)
I knew you'd come.
I love this room.
You brought your book?
-You just take that everywhere with you?
Yeah, pretty much at the moment.
What are you doing here?
-I mean, if anyone sees us, we'll be...
-In trouble.
-How exciting.
Come on. Show me what you got.
Don't. Don't even think about
singing Bocelli.
I don't know.
It just helps me, I think.
No, no, no.
You need to sing something else.
(gentle music)
(Anton) I didn't see this stupid hole,
now I'm stuck.
We must get you
to the medical station.
-Well, here is your chance, right.
Laugh at the bully.
Kick him while he's down.
-I don't know.
-(Anton grunts)
Will you come down and help me
or what?
(timid piano playing)
(confident piano playing)
(plays "I'll Be There"
by The Jackson Five)
You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there.
And I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do.
Just call my name,
and I'll be there.
(distant piano playing)
Do you want one?
Let me fill your heart
with joy and laughter.
Togetherness is all that matters.
Whenever you need me,
I'll be there.
I'll be there to protect you
With an unselfish love
I'll respect you.
Just call my name,
and I'll be there.
I'll be there to comfort you.
Fill my world with dreams around you,
I am so glad that I found you.
I'll be there
with a love that's strong.
I'll be your strength.
I'll keep holding on.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for passing
your letters around.
Will found them in your bag
and gave them to me.
I guess I just thought
that's what's expected of me.
Do you always do
what's expected of you?
Like becoming a singer?
I guess I thought that,
if I'm able to make a joke about it,
then maybe what happened to Benjamin
isn't my fault.
(Paolo exhales deeply)
Just forget about the singing thing.
It wasn't your fault.
It'd be easy if it was. I' have
finished you at the bottom of the ridge.
You didn't... help.
But Benjamin had a lot going on.
It was more complicated
than just getting pushed around.
The expectations
that this place puts on you.
It's a lot of pressure.
(uneasy music)
(Anton groans)
You're gonna be okay.
Music is amazing, sure, but it's...
It's not everything.
I do want a life
outside of this bubble.
Then what?
I don't know. But I'll...
I'll know when I see it,
because I'll feel it.
You know?
Yeah, I know.
Because for me,
it's all about...
It's all about perfecting that moment.
You spend all that time rehearsing
and then on stage,
it all comes down to one moment.
There is no time to think.
You have to just... be.
-Like you're totally in the moment.
-Except I'm not.
And if I'm being honest,
if I'm feeling anything,
it's fear.
That everyone is just going to be
seeing me pretend to be someone else.
I get it.
-And the first bit you did? The Bocelli?
That's exactly what it looked like.
But you found your way.
When you
crossed the stage to the piano,
to me,
it felt like the real Tim.
It was.
And I gotta say, it was pretty cute.
I'm sorry I've been so flaky.
You have been pretty flaky.
Thank you for listening to me talk.
I've probably been talking for hours.
-Yeah, hours and hours.
-Hours and hours.
-(clock chimes in distance)
-What time is it?
It's nearly three.
I'm sorry, I've got to go.
Now? Why?
I'm sorry, I can't...
(mechanical noises)
(clock chimes)
(dark spiritual chanting starts)
Your Highness, is that you?
(Tim) Hold still, hold still.
-You came back.
And you have no idea
what I gave up to do so.
(stately trumpet fanfare)
(pounding footsteps)
(chains rattle)
(Sarastro) Prince Tamino.
Are you ready to face the trials?
I am.
Even at the peril of death?
Oh, um. Yeah.
And what about you, birdcatcher?
Do you echo your companion's words?
I'm not sure about
the whole "peril of death" part.
I just want to find
the right woman for me.
Your perfect match
has already been chosen.
Ideal for you in every way.
And, uh...
Does this mystery woman have a name?
Her name is Papagena!
(lively music begins)
And meet her you shall.
Provided you pass the first trial,
a vow of silence.
When next you see the princess,
you must not utter a word.
(expectant music begins)
What say you, Sarastro?
Will Tamino survive the ordeal?
That's for the gods to decide.
-He is a prince.
-He is more than that.
He is a human being.
(lively orchestral music starts)
All the world is always lusting,
always thrust in tight embrace.
Do they find me so disgusting
that they cannot stand my face?
That they cannot stand my face?
I'm a man; I'm not a eunuch,
I have appetites as well.
I have appetites as well.
Can I quell them?
No, I'd sooner cut my throat
and fry in hell.
Cut my throat and fry in hell.
Cut my throat and fry in hell.
(lively music becomes threatening)
Tell me, my child.
What has become of the young man
I sent?
Prince Tamino and Papageno
were captured by Sarastro.
It serves me right.
Sending boys to do work
best suited to a man.
Or better yet...
a woman.
(dark chanting)
Here you will remain without a word.
Until the trumpet sound you've heard.
(gong chimes)
(gong chimes)
(gong chimes)
(he exhales)
(whispers) What do we do now?
Oh, understood. Starting now.
Vow of Sil-
(Pamina) Mother, what is that?
What else?
It's what you will use
to finish the devil Sarastro
once and for all.
I grow weary of life in the shadows.
Sarastro is the only thing
standing between us
and the freedom of Eternal Night.
Eternal Night?
So it's you who's causing the darkness?
(energetic orchestral music starts)
The wrath of hell is burning
in my bosom,
death and destruction,
death and destruction
blaze about my head.
If you refuse,
refuse to kill Sarastro,
if you refuse to kill Sarastro,
then all your mother's love for you
is dead.
So, all my love,
my love for you is dead.
(sings ornamentally)
All my love for you is dead
(sings ornamentally)
All your mother's love for you
is dead.
My curse will reign forever,
all nature ties I'll sever,
you'll wish that you had never,
that you never had been born.
I'll curse you,
despise you,
and reject you.
Fear my anger and my scorn.
Fear my anger and my scorn.
(sings ornamentally)
Fear my anger and my scorn.
If you refuse,
if you refuse
to slay him!
Hear, hear,
gods of vengeance,
hear what I have sworn!
(orchestral music becomes intense)
(door opens)
(Sarastro) Pamina?
May I enter?
You may.
I spoke with Monostatos.
He tells me you had a visitor.
Does this belong to you?
It was the Queen of the Night.
She was plotting to kill you, my lord.
Is this true, Pamina?
Your servant speaks the truth.
There's a first time for everything.
You must understand, My Lord,
my mother's desires are not my own.
I look into your eyes, my child,
and I see the honesty
of your pure heart.
-Now your mother...
My Lord, I beg your mercy
in dealing with her.
(orchestral music starts)
Before our holy altar
revenge can hold no sway.
So if a man
should falter,
we'll help him on his way.
He will go forth from our embrace,
to make the world a better place.
He will go forth
from our embrace,
to make the world a better place.
He will go forth
from our embrace,
to make the world a better place.
A better,
better place.
(sweet flute music starts)
Prince Tamino?
(flute playing continues)
Prince Tamino, is it you?
Thank God, I found you!
Everything is upside down.
My mother would have me perform
a horrible deed
upon a man who has never
been anything but kind to me.
You are acting strangely, my prince.
Won't you come to me?
Why won't you help me?
Can't you see the pain I'm in?
I cannot bear your silence.
Is it...
Could it be...
Have you misplaced your feelings for me?
Now I know
that love can vanish,
now I know
that love brings pain.
Now I know
that love brings pain.
Now all joy,
all hope is banished;
I have loved
and loved in vain.
I have loved and loved
(trilling) in vain.
Have loved in vain.
See, Tamino
(string music ends)
(trumpet fanfare)
Well done, Prince Tamino.
You have passed the first trial.
-Did you find it difficult?
-I did.
And I fear that Princess Pamina
might never speak to me again.
Oh, I wouldn't give up hope just yet.
As for you, please rise.
(gong chimes)
You have failed the vow of silence
quite miserably.
However, the gods have seen fit
to pardon you.
And I...
(ominous music)
-No. No, wait.
(clock chimes)
No. No, I could have saved her.
(distant orchestra sounds)
Mr. Walker?
Dr. Longbow requests that
you wait for him in his office.
-But the auditions.
-Chop chop.
(Tim) I don't even get a chance, do I?
At the Prince Tamino role? No.
You have a wonderful voice, Mr. Walker,
and I'm sure you use it well
when you're singing in the bathroom.
But just like your father
you seem unable to focus.
Do I remember the advice I gave you
about distractions?
-Of course I remember.
-And yet you fail to heed it.
Last night, I saw you with her.
She's just a friend.
(laughing) Just a friend.
Mark my words, Mr. Walker.
There is nothing more distracting
in a young man's life
than "just a friend".
But don't worry, I'm not blaming you.
You're merely
the implement of her defiance.
But for her...
to pull
this act of rebellion in my school?
She is...
Yes, Mr. Walker.
Prince Tamino.
(excited chatter)
(melancholic string music)
I'll visit all the time. Promise.
-Thanks, Liv.
-And then we'll go clubbing and dancing.
Oh, I just remembered that
I need to do a thing in the place,
so I'm just going now to there.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-Who my dad is?
-Yeah, who your dad is.
-I guess it never came up.
But I told you how he didn't like me.
Now he's not going to let us audition
because he saw us together.
I mean, this was my chance.
It had nothing to do
with you getting a stupid part.
If you thought this was your chance,
I'd feel sorry for you.
-It was never going to happen.
-Why are you so...
I guess it's hard to care
because I won't be here for you
to walk out on.
I'm leaving.
Is he sending you away because of me?
I'm going to London to my mother's.
My father might be ridiculous
but he's not sending me away because
I'm hanging out with an immature boy
who doesn't have the guts
to tell me what's going on.
I... I don't get it.
I'm done. This place is crazy.
It turns people into
over-ambitious bores.
Now I have to pack, so...
-You alright?
-(Tim) Yeah.
You were right.
I haven't been a great friend.
I know what it's like
to lose someone.
And I know how it feels
to want to just run away.
Paolo, can I show you something?
Do you know what kind of flute this is?
-It's a magic flute.
A prop for the recital?
No... It's a magic flute.
(he plays out of tune)
This is gonna sound mad.
But just stay with me, okay?
The thing is, over the past few nights,
I have been...
visiting the...
the land of the Magic Flute.
Go on.
(energetic orchestral music
overlays scene)
-Tim? Are you okay?
No, yeah, I'm fine.
I know it sounds mad.
But if I don't beat these trials...
-The trials of fire and water.
Well, in the opera, Tamino got
through them with true love.
-What do you mean?
-Well, his love for Pamina allowed him-
So you believe me?
Do I believe that a clock
in the school library
is a portal into Mozart's
beloved masterpiece?
But you seem to be
going through something real,
and maybe that's enough to give someone
the benefit of the doubt.
All I need is just to get back there
and stop the Queen of the Night.
You say the thing only works
at three o'clock, right?
That's right.
Well, is there not a three o'clock
in the afternoon as well?
Come with me.
(Longbow) Mr. Walker?
-(Longbow) Mr. Walker!
-I got this.
-Thank you.
Mr. Walker. Is he here?
Uh, I couldn't say, exactly.
Yes, I thought so.
I do everything I can,
yet he continues to defy my every word.
(distant) Mr. Walker!
(clock ticks)
(ominous music)
Is it too late?
It may well be.
But where there is courage and strength,
there is hope.
This will give you
a different perspective.
(thunder rumbles)
(frightening music)
(Spirit) We are with you.
I desire no assistance.
Everyone I care about has let me down.
Even Prince Tamino.
(Second Spirit) We wouldn't give up hope
just yet.
(Spirit) Come.
(sombre music)
Did your mother give you that?
But it's now mine.
And I guess it's a part of who I am.
So, what now?
I'm not sure, exactly.
(sombre music intensifies)
The all-seeing eye.
It's just started the fire trial.
It's okay.
I think I know how we beat this.
Well, how do we beat it?
It's by driving back the darkness.
And you do that with true love.
And with music.
(plays flute)
(rhythmic drum beat starts)
So what now?
I don't know. Yet.
But you have to do someth-
(they scream)
(gentle music starts)
(Pamina) Tim.
It's too late. I'm dying.
My world is dying.
(Tim) But it has to work.
What's missing?
(Pamina) True love.
Isn't love the simplest,
purest thing of all?
(Tim) In this world, maybe.
But in my world, it isn't.
Love is confusing,
complex, it's overwhelming.
(Pamina) Please help me.
Tell me what is in your heart.
-(Tim) This world.
- Please.
Tell me who is in your heart.
(Tim) Sophie.
(uplifting music)
We did it.
You did it.
I don't understand.
Love can only save the day...
...when it is true.
And now, I believe
a coronation is in order.
(rousing music)
(joyful chatter)
(squeals) Caught you staring, did I?
At you? No.
Well? Will you ask my hand in marriage?
You've got to be joking.
Do you have so many young maidens
begging for your hand?
Not as such.
Clamouring to share
their lives with you?
Why must you mock me?
(joyful music starts)
(stately orchestral music)
(ticking starts)
(ticking stops abruptly)
-You stopped it.
-I know all about your world.
I also know that
you told your friend about ours.
I'm sure that this secret
is more than safe with you.
The reason I stopped it is because
I knew you wouldn't want to miss this.
I proclaim you Queen of the Sun.
(stately orchestral music)
(crowd cheer and applaud)
Pa, pa, pa
Pa, pa, pa
Pa, pa, pa, pa
Pa, pa, pa, pa
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
-Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
-Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Will you stay with me forever?
Yes, I'll stay with you forever.
Now at least we'll be together!
Two little lovebirds of one feather!
Now at last we'll be together.
(in a round)
But the one thing that we need,
if the Gods do not ignore us,
is a tiny little chorus,
yes, a tiny little chorus,
of lots of hungry mouths to feed.
Mouths to feed, mouths to feed,
mouths to feed,
yes lots of hungry mouths to feed,
yes, lots of hungry mouths to feed.
First there is a little Papageno.
Then there is a little Papagena.
Then theres a little Papageno,
Then there is a little Papagena,
Papageno, Papagena, Papageno.
There is no more that we can pray for,
than lots of papa-Papagenos,
papa-Papagenos, papa-Papagenos,
What greater gift can God provide?
There is no more that we can pray for
than lots of papa-Papagenos,
papa-Papagenos, papa-Papagenos.
You'll see their parents
burst with pride.
Papageno, Papageno, papa-papa-Papageno,
what greater gift can God provide?
Papageno, Papageno, papa-papa-Papageno,
you'll see their parents
burst with pride,
you'll see their parents
burst with pride.
you'll see their parents
burst with pride.
Farewell, my friend.
You're not disappointed
that I'm not staying?
Things are going to be
hectic around here.
I'm not sure I have time
to teach someone how to be royalty.
I kind of suspected
you weren't from here anyway.
It's strange.
With all the almost dying
we've been doing,
I almost didn't realize
how easy things are here.
Yeah, well...
Everything just seems to
fall into place so easily.
Papageno sings a couple of songs
and his dream woman appears.
It's like a fairy tale, isn't it?
It's just pretend.
(crowd cheers)
-Um, I mean...
-It's pretend.
Of all the trials you've passed,
silence, fire and water,
it was the third trial, choice,
that was the most important.
(clock chimes)
(Tim pants)
It's true. It's really true.
Cheers mate. Thank you.
(mysterious music)
(decisive music)
(knocks) Sophie?
(Olivia) Dont ask me where she went.
-Train station.
I'm really not allowed
to tell you anything.
Train station.
Good luck.
No. Wait. Wait.
(decisive music continues)
(gentle music)
I saw you come flying into the station
with your arms like this,
so I got off at the last second.
I mean, I assume I was the reason.
Yeah, you were.
I came to say I'm sorry.
You were right, I was missing something.
With all the noise, I forgot that
the whole point of all of this
is just to feel something truthfully
and share it.
Yeah, to escape,
but to let you escape with me.
Sophie, meeting you has felt...
so scary.
-I'm scary?
Because you challenge me.
And you excite me.
You make me,
you make me feel everything.
You are music.
And that is all I need.
(rousing music)
I might be able
to overlook that one other thing.
-What other thing?
-(she imitates snoring)
(gentle music)
(softly) Hi.
Come here.
I better go see what he wants.
-Come here.
(calm orchestral music)
(excited chatter)
(crowd clamour)
-(Man) Maestro, please sing for us.
-You know what.
(sings Mozarts Arie "Se all'impero")
Thank you so much. Thank you.
Someone wants to talk to you.
(excited chatter)
I need you do to me a favour.
I need you to wear the costume tonight.
-Oh, Anton, no, it's your part.
-We both know you want it more.
-You know the part, right?
Look, everyone expects me
to be a singer like my dad.
But I don't even like singing.
I'm a drummer.
Good luck.
(excited chatter)
-Is that?
-Yes, Anton's father.
(Paolo) Haven't you forgotten something?
You've got this.
And friends who believe in you.
Dear guests, it is my great pleasure
to welcome you all
to the Mozart School Academy of Music
Oh, so many wonderful memories
from this place,
and tonight, believe me,
dreams will come true.
Yes, the students will be performing
a very special and beloved piece,
Wolfgang Amad Mozart' "Magic Flute".
I would like to thank Dr. Longbow
for envisioning this jubilee concert
and I will be now just a proud father
like every parent here tonight.
(speaks Italian)
Thank you very much.
(Longbow) Mr. Walker.
Performing cast only backstage.
What are you doing with that?
-Where's Anton?
If you just put everything
to the side for a moment
and forget about me
and your daughter.
I think you'll see that tonight...
I mean...
Well, I am Price Tamino.
I think.
(overture begins)
Look, I don't know,
I don't know exactly what's going to
happen when I get on that stage.
Lately, the only times
I've been able to sing
and I mean really sing from the heart
is when I'm with Sophie
or when I'm being chased by a snake.
Sophie, you didn't leave.
I stayed for Tim.
You need to let things happen, okay.
He deserves this.
I'm ready.
(dynamic orchestral music)
(crowd cheer)
("Outweigh Your Love"
by Madeleine & Wankelmut)