The Magic of Lemon Drops (2024) Movie Script

You been bad
Done me wrong
But I've been fretting since
you've been gone
- Here, Dad. Voila.
- What's this?
Eve's greenhouse experiment
is bearing avocados,
so I thought we could try
to expand the breakfast
items again.
With avocado toast?
On German dark bread.
I think that's a great
compromise between my desire
to have healthy, organic
food and your desire
to never, ever, ever
change the original menu.
- No, thank you.
- Dad, try it.
Lolly, we've been over this.
As long as I own the diner
and I'm the head cook,
we're sticking to the menu
your mom put together.
None of this foofy stuff.
Did I mention it's
on German dinkelbrot?
I don't care if it's
on a Bavarian pretzel.
We're not serving avocado toast!
I love avocado toast.
Well, then here
you are, Aunt Gert.
Ah. Mmm.
See? Aunt Gert likes it!
Yeah, well, she'll eat anything.
I'm a woman of
the world, Martin.
Oh and I guess women of the
world don't pay their own tab.
At my family's restaurant?
Ha! I think not.
This really is to die for.
Tell that to Grumpy
Cat over there.
He's still refusing to change
the menu even the slightest bit.
Ugh! I just wish...
I don't know.
I'll get the mail!
I got it! Stay to the griddle!
Here you go.

Is this what I think it is?
I'm taking care of it.
Not the IRS.
Lolly, I know he
doesn't say it much,
but he's really
lucky to have you.
You keep this place running.
Oh, we're running all right.
To where, I don't know.
Orders up!
That's a pretty sad face
for a kid who's going on
a grand European vacation.
Because I want you
to come with us.
I know, baby, but we talked
about this already, remember?
But I still don't understand.
The hockey season's over.
The Blue Jackets won't need
you until next season.
You're right, Sammy, but
your mom and I just decided
that it would
be better if it was
just the two of you that went.
And I'm going to see Grandma
and Grandpa in Minnesota,
and then when you get back,
you and I are going up to
the Boundary Waters.
We're going to go
hiking and fishing.
We're going to see
the new cabin.
I know that it's been
very hard on you
since your mom and I split up.
I get that,
but that does not
change the fact
that she and I
love you very much.
And it's okay to be sad that
I'm not going to be there,
but it's also okay
to have a lot of fun.
Can you try and do that for me?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
All right. Give me a hug.
I'm going to miss you every
second that you're gone, okay?
Okay. I love you.
Love you, too!
- Take a million pictures!
- I will!
What in the world?
Yes I know
He's the one
What are these suckers
doing in my freezer?
Oh. Eve's been giving me
her extra produce
from the market stand.
I've been experimenting.
Mm. Hmm.
You seem to be liking them.
Doesn't matter whether
I like them or not.
What matters is that
these are taking up space
in my deep freeze.
Well, maybe we'd have
more space in your deep freeze
if you didn't order so much
cod from Tommy's Seafood.
Yeah. It was supposed
to be a half order.
- You ordered double.
- He gave me a good price.
We have too much.
I'm sending it back.
He's had a real hard
couple of months, Lolly.
He needs the money.
So do we.
We can freeze the extra, right?
We'll have the room if you clear
out those ice pops in there.
You seem to be clearing
them out just fine.
Mm. Okay.
But don't eat them all!
I'll eat as many as I want!

You love your family. They
don't drive you up the wall.
You love your family.
You wouldn't change a thing.
You love your family.

Ah! Ah, Rory!
Hey, Ma.
- Oh, so good to see you!
- Oh, honey.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey!
Who's... uh... who's this?
- This is Kirby.
- Oh. He's... he's very...
he's very cute.
He's got a lot of energy.
We're fostering him
until he finds a place.
- Is that so?
- Your dad's already smitten
with him. We took him up
to Knutson's cabin
at the Boundary Waters,
and he just loved
exploring up there.
He should. He's a dog.
You might enjoy spending some
time with him while you're here.
Dogs have a way of making
everything better.
Maybe with a little
bit of, uh, training.
- Oh, come on in.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Come on in!
Come on, in.
Lolly still
lives there, you know.
- Yeah. I assumed as much.
- Yeah.
Maybe you two should catch
up while you're in town.
I'm sure I'll bump into
her here and there.
Now, these are
greenhouse-grown avocados,
my very first harvest.
- I hope you like them.
- Mm-hmm.
- Bye!
- Hi!
Hello! Ooh, what you got in the
cooler? Some cold brewskies?
You wish. No.
I made ice pops from
the extra produce you gave me.
Let me see!
Ooh! Can I try one?
All you can eat.
Strawberry and... lavender?
That's one flavor.
I got more in there.
Mmm. Well, it's heavenly.
Do you want to try to sell them?
If you think people
will buy them.
I was just going to
give them away at the diner,
but my dad made me clean
out the deep freeze.
Do I dare ask how the avocado
toast conversation went?
Nein, nein, fraulein.
Even on German bread?
Even on German bread!
Well, guess you're not
going to be ordering
any of my greenhouse
avocados, then.
I wish.
I'd have an avocado-palooza if
I had my own restaurant,
but at this rate,
I guess I never will.
You okay?
You seem a little...
not your sunshiny self today.
Ignore me. I'm doing some
While you're searching,
why don't you take
some more of that excess fruit
and keep these bad boys coming?
I can do that.
It's been fun to make.
It'll keep my mind off
the craziness for a bit.
Now, would any of this
craziness have to do
with a perennial return of
a certain neighbor?
I don't want to talk about it.
Okay. I will take
my foot out of my mouth
and replace it with this
delicious popsicle.
Join you.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey. Hey.
- How do you like the old room?
- Oh, it's nice.
I really love the country bed
and breakfast vibe
it's got going.
We could put up your old Kirby
Puckett posters if you want.
Yeah. We named
the dog after him.
I understand, Mom.
All right.
Well, we're headed off
to happy hour with the Gintzes.
Hey, do you want to come along?
You know, you guys go have fun.
I think after the long drive
I should probably get out
and stretch my legs and
go for a walk.
Uh-oh. You said W-A-L-K.
That means you're going
to have to take him with you.
I have to take him with me?
Please. It would
really help us out.
Just swing by Eve's Produce.
He loves to get
the treats there.

Hi! Hello! Hello!
Oh! Ah!
Oh, my goodness!
I am... I am so sorry.
He must have
slipped his harness.
He's just not very well trained.
- Lolly.
- Rory.
- Hey.
- Hi. You're here. You're back.
Unless you're a hologram.
Not a hologram.
I'm not a hologram.
Great. So, whew!
You, um, staying
at your parents' house?
Yeah. Yeah. I am.
Um, where I usually stay.
- Right.
- Um, but we were just talking
about... the... these
dog treats here.
I hear they're amazing.
Kirby loves them.
Are they good? I'm not
a dog person or a dog.
They look really good.
Great. Awesome. Uh, well, I
got to run, because I got to...
I have to take a nap,
but it was great seeing you.
Uh, okay. Uh, Rory?
Oh. Some things
never change, huh?

Ooh, I saw that.
Do you want to talk about it?
No. Yes. I don't know.
Are you okay?
No. I mean, he barely wanted
to talk to me.
He just recently got divorced.
He probably just feels awkward.
It definitely was awkward,
but of course it was.
I mean, the last time we
had an actual conversation
was this huge blowup and
then the breakup.
Then you didn't get closure.
I mean, how could I?
The only time I
actually run into him
is in the summer or during
Christmas holidays,
and he's always with
his wife and kid.
I'm sorry.
That's really tough.
Honestly, it wouldn't be
so bad if he hadn't become
some successful doctor for
a professional hockey team
and I'm stuck in the exact
same place I was when he left.
Rory Shaw, the one that got away
and somehow keeps coming
back to remind me.
You know what, it feels like
a box of wine and "Tortured
Poets" kind of night.
No. I got to go back to
the diner and do paperwork.
- On a Friday night?
- This is my life, Eve.
Well, what about tomorrow?
We can, uh, you know,
put on some sweatpants
and have a fun day.
Mm. My sister wants me
to help clean out the attic,
my mom's stuff, which has
been there, by the way,
since she passed,
but for some reason,
Daphne has to do it tomorrow.
Okay. I'm just going to
shut up and give you a hug.
Oh. It's okay, buddy.
It'll be okay.

There's nothing in here.
Uh, maybe we could find
your old tap shoes up here.
Oh, my gosh.
That would be awesome.
Oh, look who I found!
Oh, my gosh! Nibbles!
I haven't seen this guy in ages.
Probably because this place
is like the Witness Protection
Program for old memories.
Ergo our cleaning it out.
Yeah, but why now?
Uh, because it's got
to get done,
and you and I both know that Dad
is never going to do it.
That's true.
What secrets does this hold?
Oh, my God!
I made it seventh grade.
It's just talk about
NSYNC and Orlando Bloom.
Yeah. See, I was more
of a One Direction kind of girl.
That ages me.
You were a collage fiend.
It was life before Pinterest.
Aw, I remember Toast.
- Toast.
- Yes.
The restaurant I was just
positive I was going to open.
- Run it just how I wanted it.
- Mm.
It'd be chic enough, you
know, for celebrities
but also a fun place just to
hang with the girls for brunch.
Michelin star, of course.
- Yeah.
- Fun and elegant.
Basically the opposite of
my life right now.
Yeah. That basket lighting
is just so elegant.
Well, it was at the time.
It's all just a fantasy,
like me marrying Lance Bass.
So, um... here's the deal.
...the real reason
why I wanted us to
clean out the attic...
I knew there was a reason!
is because I wanted
to make sure the house
was all in order for Dad,
because I applied to work
at this yoga instructor academy
in Bali.
Daphne, that's halfway around
the world. Absolutely not.
Lolly, come on.
You're not Mom,
and I'm an adult.
An adult who jumps
from job to job
in every field
except for marketing.
Do you remember the one that you
actually got a degree in?
And now, you want to go to
Bali and teach yoga? No.
Maybe I don't want my diary
to be full of regrets.
That's real mature.

That went well.
How long have you
been standing there?
I just popped up
to check on your girls
and saw your sister
storming away.
I made her mad.
You having any regrets?
I'm having all the regrets.
My life hasn't turned out
exactly how I thought it would.
At all.
Wish I had known then
what I know now.
If you were given the chance
to peek at the life
you wish you had,
would you take it?
Yeah, of course. Who wouldn't?
But there's no sense in
wishing for the impossible.
Oh, I agree. There's
no sense to it per se,
but it is possible.
I've been holding on to
something for you
for quite a while,
but this is the first time
I thought you really needed it.
It's a little small to
be a hope chest.
It contains much
more than hope, my dear.
Ah. Lemon drops.
Okay. Well, thanks.
- Ah!
- Ah.
Not yet.
Okay. Aunt Gert,
I say this with love,
but you're acting weirder
than usual right now.
Weird doesn't even scratch
the surface with these.
These are not
merely confections.
Each of them has a purpose.
They can show you a life
you wish you had
and give you the
power to choose it.
Magic lemon drops.
As the great St. Augustine
once said,
miracles are not
contrary to nature,
only contrary to what
we know of nature.
Okay. I'm going to
go with you on this,
because you're honestly
giving me some ASMR tingles.
Okay. So...
how does it work?
Take one before you go to bed.
Then say aloud something
you wish you could change,
a regret, a path not taken.
When you wake up,
you will live one day
as it would have been
if you'd made that choice.
- And then what?
- When you wake up
the next morning, you're back
in your life here.
Will I remember what happened?
With the first three drops, yes,
but if you use the fourth drop
to return to one
of the other lives,
that reality will become
your permanent life
and those memories
the only ones you'll have.
Okay. Magic lemon drops,
of course.
Yes. Of course.
Doubt it all you want,
but if you don't give
this a try,
your doubt may turn to regret.

Well, this is crazy.
I just brushed my teeth.
I got to say it out loud.

Are you kidding me?
What is even happening?
Aunt Gert, what did you give me?
This is insane.
What's insane?
Who is this?
India, your restaurant manager.
Restaurant manager.
Are you all right?
Ask me tomorrow.
I know it's your day off,
but this is important.
You're not going to
believe this,
but the Michelin guy's here.
Ah! Oh.
Lolly, did you hear
what I said about
the Michelin guy?
Like, the cartoon guy
who looks like a marshmallow?
Okay. That was
a very solid joke,
but I'm too anxious to
joke right now.
We didn't know it
was him, of course,
but after he finished,
he introduced himself.
It was Ed Wainwright,
Michelin's number one inspector.
- He asked if he could meet you.
- Mm.
I think we might be
getting that second star.
- Did you say "second"?
- Yes!
Um, where do I meet you?
What do you mean
where? Are you okay?
Do I need to call a doctor?
No, I'm fine... ish.
Fine. Fine-ish.
I just had this weird dream.
Maybe it's just
sort of lingering.
That happens when I mix my
melatonin with my energy drinks,
but seriously, how
soon can you get here?
I... I
can come right away,
but seriously,
where do I meet you?
Uh, I don't know. Maybe
at a little establishment
that you've spent all of your
blood, sweat, and tears building
over the last seven years.
Just a thought.
Ah! Toast!

Cross them eyes my
whole crib talking big...

Oh, my gosh.
It's Lolly Blanchard.
Thank God you made it.
Ed's about to leave, but
he wants to shake your hand.
You must be India!
It's so nice to meet...
up with you, because
we work together.
Look. I'm sorry it's not
as busy as usual.
I hate for you to see
us when it's this slow.
- Slow?
- Look. I already
let the marketing team have it.
It won't happen again.
Okay. Okay. Great.
Uh, what else should I know?
Uh, you will be
very glad to know
that the Nets have chosen us
as their official
game day restaurant
for all game days next year.
- My dad's going to freak out.
- No kidding.
Maybe don't tell him until
after he's done his treatment.
- Treatment?
- Mr. Wainwright,
thank you so much for waiting.
This is our humble
captain, Lolly Blanchard.
- Lolly.
- Oh.
Your avocado toast is
truly titanic,
as if it were
made for Zeus himself.
We are literally called Toast,
so we better have the best.
Well, you truly are
the toast of the town.
- Oh.
- The toast of the town.
Now, I don't normally
do this in person,
but because we are both here,
I would like to award you your
second star.
Wow. Oh. Wow. This is...
It looks like I need to get our
Lolly back to Mount Olympus.
- Ah.
- Enjoy your meals.
I should mention, Nicola has
some proverbial ants
in her pantry right now.
Oh, no.
Hey. Excuse me.
We have to talk.
Our distributor messed up again.
One moment, please.
I need to talk to her now.
Okay. I understand that.
Hi. You've
reached Marty. Leave a message.
Hey, Dad. It's me.
Um, just calling to say hi.
Give me a call
when you get this.
Love you.
India laid into me already.
Do you really got to call
and chew me out personally?
Uh, what? No. I... I just called
to say hi. Hi. How are you?
Well, I'm at work on a Sunday,
uh, trying to fix the banner
ads for your restaurant,
so stressed.
Okay. Um, hey, do
you know how Dad is?
I tried to call him, but it just
went straight to voicemail.
Uh, he's at swim
therapy with Ramona.
His wife, our stepmom?
Okay. Okay.
Um, what... what's going on
with his treatment?
Um, she wanted him
to get into this new program.
It's supposed to be
really great for people
recovering from strokes.
Look, Lolly. I got to
get back to work here, okay?
Wait, wait, wait, Daphne.
I... I need to catch up more.
Please. You only ever
call about work.
I'll fix the banner
ads, all right? Bye-bye.
Wait. Daphne.

T Rex?
Hello, Cooper.

I'll go get her.
Okay. I'm sorry.
You're going to have
to deal with her.
But you're doing such
a great job already.
It's gotta be you.
I would love to have
a special dessert on the menu,
but that's really difficult
when the suppliers
don't deliver enough produce.
I'm sure we can
figure something out.
Who's going to deal with
the customers who come in
wanting white peach babkas for
dessert and can't have any?
Well, make a chef's special
dessert. I have so many ideas.
- For what?
- For the chef's special
but also for the menu overall.
Um, I know we just
got our second star,
but it would be even better
if we got our third.
You know, it's healthy
and organic, which, yay!
But it's also
a tad minimalistic.
Oh, you know what? Here.
You're the chef now.
No, no, no. You're the chef.
I didn't mean it like that,
I was just throwing out ideas,
which I thought I could do
in my own restaurant, but that's
fine. You know, you're...
What you are doing is great.
It's so good.
Please, not today. Please?
- Fine.
- Okay.
Boy, um, you really do
need a day off.
Tomorrow, though?

Lolly! Here she is.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, it's so good
to see you in person,
as much as I love our, you know,
memes and texts and all that.
It's really good to
see you, too.
Yeah. Oh. Oh.
Thank you for getting me
the hookup here
with this reservation.
I completely forgot
that you, uh, saved me.
Uh, that's what friends
are for, right?
Yes, and I'm happy we could...
we could be friends again.
Me, too.
Now, look. I know the last time
we talked, it was kind of...
I know it's not easy to
apologize to me,
so I... I hope you know how much
I appreciate that you did.
I do now.
There she is.

Oh, Lolly, you...
you remember Emma.
I sure would.
It is so good to see you again.
I've bragged to all our
New York friends
that we have the hookup here.
They're so jealous.
Yeah. No problem.
Yeah. It definitely scored
me some, uh,
boyfriend points with this.
So glad I could do that for you.
Well, um, your table's ready,
so I'm going to go
get the hostess.
You'll join us at some point?
I wouldn't miss it.
- She's great, right?
- Yeah.

Oh, this is lovely.
Well, some things never change.

Okay. I think
I'm going to head out,
if that's okay with you.
Okay. Yeah.
Just think, we get to do this
all over again tomorrow.
Living the dream.
- See you.
- See you.
I love my life.
This is my dream.
I love my life.
This is my restaurant.
I love my life.
This is my... dream.
- It's the vanilla.
- Okay.
- Dad?
- How many of these do you want?
- How are you feeling?
- Uh, squeezed at the moment.
I am so sorry for being crabby
with you the other day.
You're actually
apologizing to me.
Something I need
to get better at doing.
- Is Aunt Gert in her lair?
- I think so.
Somebody got up on
the right side of the bed.
- Good morning.
- I have so many questions.
So, where did you choose to go?
Brooklyn, New York.
You should have seen it.
I had my own
restaurant, you know,
the one that I've
been dreaming about.
- How was it?
- Oh, it was beautiful,
although I do have to say,
it was a little bit more fun
when it was a magazine cutout
and in my imagination,
because in reality,
I was just as stressed
as I am at the Eatery,
if not more so.
What about
the rest of your life?
The restaurant was my life.
I didn't do anything else.
My relationship
with Daphne was terrible.
Plus Dad had a stroke,
although he was married to
this woman named Ramona,
which, you know...
It's been a while.
Hasn't it? Was that all?
No. Rory was there,
which is really weird,
because the last time
I actually saw him,
he made it very clear
that he'd rather be
taking a nap.
Tell me, Lolly,
this place you went
to, this life...
- Yeah.
- if you could choose
this version, would you?
There's so many pluses
and... and minuses.
I mean, gosh.
The restaurant was amazing.
And I have to tell you, there
were a lot of very handsome men
in my DMs.
But Dad's health scared me,
and... and whatever
this was with Rory...
I mean, what are
these lemon drops?
I mean, is this my future?
Is this another reality?
I mean, how is this possible?
Perhaps the strong acidic
nature of the lemons
mixed with their
pleasurable appearance
allows them to alter
the mind's chemistry. Hmm?
That sounds so made up.
Honestly, I have no idea.
You don't know?
The woman who gave them to me
never explained the mechanics.
I only know
they allow us to view
the moments we regret or can't
reconcile with fresh eyes.
How they do that is a mystery.
Who is this woman?
Esmerelda, if that was
her real name.
That's definitely made up.
I met her at a carnival
when I was in my early 20s.
A carnival?
I had
just suffered a heartbreak,
and I wandered into her tent.
She took one look at
me, and she said...
"I have been waiting for you."
Which I thought was a line.
- But it wasn't.
- No.
She gave me the lemon drops and
told me how to use them,
and all of that came true.
But the most important part
is what you learn
from each experience
and then what you choose
to do next to find your bliss.
- Find my bliss.
- Mm.
Mm. What do you think, Mom?
Maybe you should ask her.
I kissed
the Blarney Stone today.
It was awesome
but kind of gross.
- I bet.
- It's supposed to give you
the gift of gab, but I
don't know if it worked.
I think it did, honey.
Ooh. Okay. Down.
To your bed.
Nana and Grandpa got a dog?
They did. He's very cute.
He's very poorly behaved,
and his name's Kirby.
He's so cute.
I wish we had a dog.
Yes. Well,
maybe someday we will.
Can we take him
to the new cabin?
My best friend Trent says
fishing is way
better with a dog.
Oh, did Trent
say that? Yeah.
If we can wrestle him away from
Grandpa, then sure. Why not?
We're going to catch
so many pike up there.
I can't wait, baby.
I got to go to bed now,
but I'll send you more
pictures tomorrow.
I'm counting on it.
I love you. I miss you.
Love you, Dad!

Lemon drops?
I know.
It's crazy, right?
Uh, crazy wouldn't be
the word that I would use.
It wasn't a dream, Eve.
No. It felt totally real,
and I had really cute hair.
Did Aunt Gert put
a little something
in your candies?
I don't know, but it made me
realize some things
that I need to take care of.
Like what?
Like apologizing to Rory.
See, in this... in this
Toast version of me,
I made things right with him.
I mean, we weren't...
we weren't together. He
had this really hot girlfriend.
- Hmm?
- It was terrible,
but anyway, he
was still in my life.
I'm not saying I believe
any of this, because...
I know.
But if it's helping you
get some things done
that you've been putting off,
I say lemon drop away.
So, when are you going
to talk to Rory?
I don't know, but first,
I have to have
a very un-fun conversation with
my dad about finances.
Yikes. Oh! Speaking of,
uh, this might not do
anything, but...
What is this?
Your portion
of the popsicle sales.
They flew out of the freezer.
- Seriously?
- Yes. People just love them,
so I know you're busy right now,
but if you can,
keep them coming.
This is making my head hurt.
Well, then don't eat it so fast.
It's not the popsicle.
It's the paperwork.
Dad, we got to figure this out.
It's property tax.
We'll pay it.
It's a very big increase.
What choice do we got, huh?
We can't sell this place.
Don't. This diner
was your mom's,
and I am not going to
be the one to lose that.
Then we have to come up
with an alternative.
Do you have any ideas?
I'm going to go pound
out some schnitzel.
I think better when I cook.
Dad, wait, wait, wait.
I know it's your birthday
tomorrow. Don't think I forgot.
- Yeah.
- What do you want to do?
Same thing we do every year.
I'm going to make you a pie.
Do you want to
do something special?
We could go to
the summer picnic.
Lemon drop pie is
special enough.
With each passing moment
Shattered hope
Within my heart
I'll never know
How long it was
I waited in despair
I stepped within
The chapel doors
Will he just keep running?
Or will he come back?
Oh, he's coming back. Aw.
Yeah. There you go.
And I didn't even
know you had a dog.
I... I don't, technically.
But my parents
are fostering him.
And I think
they're not-so-subtly trying
to get me to adopt him,
which, you know, given
the year I've had,
might be a good thing.
I heard.
People like to give
me your updates,
whether I ask them to or not.
I get yours as well.
Well, that's a short list.
Not really.
How's everything with the diner?
Hasn't changed.
Won't change.
Well, I bet old Papa
Martin's watching that thing
like a German hawk.
Yeah. It's his way of
keeping Mom's legacy alive.
It's his way of honoring her.
Seems like he's doing
a pretty good job.
Can't fault him for that.
Um, so, I'm... I'm pretty
surprised... with your text.
I'm surprised I sent it.
Everything okay?
I... want it to be.
Between us, I mean.
I'm sorry.
I don't follow.
I don't like how things
ended between us,
here on this log, which
feels like 100 years ago.
Oh. I got over that
a long time ago.
Well, I didn't.
It wasn't fair for me
to get so angry.
I mean, you were
just following your dreams.
I had no right to
get in the way.
Well, we were in a relationship.
I think that kind of gives
you the right to an opinion.
An opinion, sure,
but I was hard on you.
I knew Duke was
your dream program,
and the distance scared me.
And instead of supporting
you, I pushed you away.
I... I'm sorry.
Hey. Hey.
Come here.
I think because you were
the one that helped me
through everything with my mom,
I was afraid to tell you how
attached I'd become.
Instead of telling
you how I felt,
I just... I shut down
and... and I gave up on us.
Okay. Drop.
Lolly, I appreciate you
saying all that.
And yes, to be honest,
at the time, I was...
I was pretty hurt,
and I had to get over
it, but... I did.
And the point is, is that
I forgave you, Lolly,
and I forgave you
a long time ago,
so I want you to know that.
Thank you.
Do you want to throw it for him?
So, how you doing with
everything? How you holding up?
Oh. Uh, I don't know.
I think... I think I'm just
trying to be like Kirby here.
How's that?
If I just keep my eye on
the ball and just keep moving,
I'll be fine.
It's the sitting
still that's hard.
Oh, sorry. Uh, I need to run,
because my parents apparently
got a social life in retirement.
- Oh!
- And I managed
- to score an invite.
- Ah.
Okay. Drop it. Drop it.
Well, thanks for hearing me out,
meeting me here.
- Appreciate it.
- Of course.
What are old friends for?
Kirby, come on. Come on, boy.
- Hey, Rory.
- Yeah?
Stop by the Eatery
while you're in town.
I don't know.
Do you still serve sptzle?
Till the day we close.
Then I'll be there.
Come on. Come on.
No, no, no, no, no.
There you go.
Let's go to the car.
To the car. Kirby.


Jane Austen?

Good morning, sleepyhead.
Oh, honey.
Hi, Mom.
Want some tea?

Why are you
looking at me like that?
Do I have something on my face?
No. Just feeling
sentimental, I guess.
Mm. It's the move.
We've both been in
this house a long time.
It's natural to feel emotional.
I am still in shock
that you're able to move on
from so much history.
Well, history's only helpful
if it doesn't block you
from the future.
So, then what are the plans
for our future today?
Well, I really
should be packing.
The movers come in four days,
but I really don't want to
miss the summer picnic.
Of course! And it's
Dad's birthday.
Wait. What are we going to do?
Well, I suppose the same thing
we do every year.
Exactly. Packing can wait.
Let's make him a lemon drop pie.
Gather up your things
You don't need
them anymore
Throw them out to sea and
watch them wash upon the shore
The souvenirs we
save never really go away
You're better saving up your
memories for a rainy day
Do you remember
the three secret ingredients
that make this
the best lemon drop pie?
- Meyer lemons.
- Mm-hmm.
European butter and lemon balm.
In the language of flowers,
lemon balm means
sympathy or good cheer,
so every bite of this pie
can make someone's day
a little brighter, like magic.
Never knew that.
Batten down the hatches
A storm is on the way
Gather your belongings that
you want to save
Sentimental value
that money can't buy
Like a photo of a loved
one taken by the tide...
Where did you come
up with the idea
of garnishing
it with lemon drops?
Well, it's the name of the pie.
Without them, it would be
a boring old lemon meringue.
Well, sure, but I've never
seen it anywhere else.
Did you invent it?
Well, it was your Aunt Gert
who gave me the idea.
She's always had a very
odd obsession with lemon drops.
Yeah. That tracks.
Wait. Where is Aunt Gert,
by the way?
Oh, she's still
in Bali with Daphne.
- What? She's in Bali?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Daphne said her astavakrasana
put everyone's to shame.
I have no idea what it means.
And you're okay with that,
with Daphne being in Bali?
Well, it's her life, Lolly.
She's free to make her own way.
We don't have to understand
it as long as she does.
I'm... I'm surprised.
I could have sworn
you would have thought it
was a terrible idea.
Why would you think that?
I don't know. I... I...
I guess I assumed that
you would think it wasn't safe.
You can't make choices based on
what scares you the least.
Your sister was
very afraid to go to Bali.
That's how I knew
she had to go do it.
She did not let on
that she was scared.
Well, to me, she did,
but maybe not to her
older sister that she idolizes.
That's a strong word.
Mm. Maybe not strong enough.
Your sister loves you
more than you know.
I guess I could get better
at showing it back
a little bit more.
I think we all can.
Hmm. They're perfect.
Let's bring one to Dad.
I can't believe it!
I know. No matter
how many times I pass by,
it's a shock to me every time.
You know, I'm glad
your father never saw
the day I closed the place.
The Eatery was always so
much more important to him
than it ever was to me.
Poor guy ran himself into
the ground trying to save it.
Dad's gone.
He's never forgotten.
I keep this here
so he's always with me.
He's such a handsome fella.

Let's dig in.
Okay. (chuckling) Okay.
Happy birthday, Martin.
I love you, Dad.
I'm so happy we're doing this.
I never could drag
your father out here,
so I'm glad I have you.
I couldn't be
happier if I tried.
Uh-oh. Rory Shaw
alert at 11 o'clock.
Oh, shoot!
Sorry, Mom.
It's fine. Go.
Go say hi. I got this.
You're waving.
I don't see anybody waving.
It's been a while
since you connected.
Yes, Mother.
Hey, Rory!
Lolly. Lolly Blanchard -
your neighbor across the street
since we were, like, nine.
Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Hi.
Uh, how you doing?
I feel like I haven't seen you
since you were playing
tea party in your yard,
but, uh, you grew up.
That's the thing about time -
it just keeps going.
I wouldn't take it personally.
I'm a pretty, um,
forgetful person.
I remember.
Who are you looking for?
My parents.
They keep nagging me
about hanging out
because I'm just...
I'm so busy.
Yeah, right.
So, how's Columbus?
I'm not there anymore.
I took a job here, actually.
The, uh, Twins lured me away.
- You have twins?
- No, the Minnesota Twins.
- 1987, 1991...
- Oh. Yeah.
- ...World Champions.
- Oh!
You're their
team physician. See?
See how quickly
I put that together?
It's very...
it's very impressive. Very...
So, what do you do?
I am...
a sales rep for a company that
supplies food to restaurants.
Oh, nice.
Do you like doing that?
Probably not.
That's very funny.
I didn't know
that you were funny.
Oh, well, I guess
we never really connected,
so why would you?
Yeah, I guess that's true.
But I did almost
ask you out once.
Wait. Why didn't you?
We were neighbors,
and it's a little
too close to home.
Literally as close
as you can get.
And then, I think you
were on and off again
with some guy in college,
and I was heading off
to Duke for residency
I guess the timing wasn't right.
Oh. I guess.
Oh. One second.
I gotta take this 'cause this
is... Buxton calling.
He's counting on me to
get him off the IR ASAP, so...
It was great seeing you, though.
- Yeah, you...
- Bux! How you doing?
You, too.
I bet.
What were you and
Rory Shaw talking about?
Not a whole lot.
He's so different
than I remember.
No more unrequited
childhood crush, huh?
More unrequited than ever.
He barely remembered me.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
That's hard.
Mom, can I ask your advice?
Of course.
I've been feeling
really stuck lately,
like my life isn't what I
thought it could be or would be.
I just feel like
I'm at a crossroads
and I don't know what
the right direction is.
Well, it sounds to me
like you're caught up
in the 'shoulds' and 'woulds'.
You have to let
all that fall apart
in order to find your bliss.
What does that mean?
And how do I know what's
going to make me truly happy?
It all seems so fleeting.
Happiness is fickle,
often based on circumstances.
If you chase happiness,
you're more often than not going
to be disappointed.
But following your bliss, that's
something entirely different.
It means facing
your life with honesty
and pursuing each spark of joy.
It's always there somewhere -
in some small thing
to be grateful for,
something to celebrate,
a way to give joy to others,
a new way to grow.
That's what it means
to follow your bliss.
I love you so much, Mom.
I love you, Lolly.
Aunt Gert:
Morning Lolly.
You saw her, didn't you?
- Yeah.
- Oh!
How was my baby sister?
Beautiful. Even more
at peace than I remember.
Wonderful to be able
to see her again.
It was.
But why couldn't you?
I'm too old for all that.
Besides, I used up my share of
the lemon drops years ago.
What was it like
when you did it?
You gotta give me
more than that.
I mean is this
your original path
or did you choose
one of the lemon drops?
I chose what was best
for me and my loved ones,
and that, my dear,
is all I'll say about that.
Well, that's not helpful.
Ice pops!
Good! We've already been
getting calls about them.
Lemon spearmint is
my newest concoction.
In honor of your adventures
in lemon drop la la land?
Okay, let's put this
in the freezer,
and I want to hear all about it.
- So much to tell you.
- Oh, gosh! These are heavy!
All right, thanks a lot.
We'll see you again.
Rory Shaw.
Hey, how you doing?
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
Yeah, Lolly said that
I should stop by.
And so, I figured I'd maybe
grab a bite, get some work done.
You're welcome any time.
I mean, this place has really
not changed a bit, has it?
Unfortunately, we're not
as busy as we used to be.
Lolly might have said
something about that, as well.
- You two are talking.
- We are... a little bit.
Good, good.
I know she missed you.
Hey, hey, listen,
your old booth is open.
Grab a seat.
I'll bring you a menu.
Oh, no need.
You said the place
hasn't changed, right?
- Only due to inflation.
- Okay, well then,
I'll have the schweinshaxe
and a healthy side
of the sptzle, please.
Ah, well said.
So, you saw your mom;
that must have been so...
- It was.
- Wait.
Does this mean you believe me?
I believe that... you believe.
That's a cop-out.
So, how were things
with Rory this time around?
He barely recognized me.
What? How is that possible?
You lived across the street from
one another for, like, years.
I think he saw me as
this little neighborhood kid
who had a crush
on him or something.
You know,
it wasn't until we bonded
after my mom's accident,
but with her still alive...
Oh, you never
got the chance to. Right.
It was really sad to see a world
where we never connected.
What does that tell you, Lolly?
It highlights how pivotal
he was in my life,
even if he's not in it anymore.
Currently. I mean, there's a lot
of time on the clock still.
That's why I apologized.
In real life or Lemonland?
- In real life.
- And?
And he said he forgave me,
which was nice,
but I doubt
he could truly forget.
So, many things I wish
I had done differently,
but what's done is done.
Unless there was a world
where you never
did it in the first place.
Ha! You do believe!
I never said that.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
To you
Happy birthday
- Dear Marty
- Dear Dad
Happy birthday
- To you
- To me
Happy birthday, Dad.
Aww, thanks.
I am going to go stash this.
It's literally all
he wants for his birthday.
- It's adorable.
- What are you doing here?
I took you up on your offer.
Do you want to maybe
join me for a little bit?
Yeah. Glad you did.
So, what did you
get up to today?
Well, I made Dad that pie,
and I went to Eve's Produce,
and I dropped off a big batch of
these fruit pops that I made.
Like frozen fruit pops?
- Mm-hmm.
- So, what do you call them?
Like Lolly's Pops?
I love that.
It's kind of
a no-brainer, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
they're doing really well,
and Eve thinks
I'm on to something.
I think pretty much
anything that you do is
going to be pretty special.
It's a picture of my daughter.
So, she's in Europe
right now with her mother
on a little vacation.
She's got a great smile.
What is she like?
She's... a really happy kid.
She's obsessed with
history and the outdoors,
loves castles,
and that's actually why...
we'd originally planned
to do this trip together.
But life is a way of
upending your plans.
Yeah, I know about that.
How are you doing, by the way?
If you don't mind me asking.
No, no, it's okay.
I'm okay,
and I'm good with the divorce,
which, I know
that sounds terrible
that "good with the divorce",
but Beth and I were always
just better as friends.
And as of right now,
the co-parenting thing
is not as bad as I had feared.
- That's important.
- Just figuring out
the next steps,
that's kind of terrifying.
But it's good to talk about it.
You haven't?
A little bit, with my therapist,
but it's just
different talking to you.
Well, I am here to talk
all things Rory Shaw.
You sure about that?
One thing I'm pretty sure about.
Well... I'm running late
for Kirby's 40th walk of the day
or something like that.
Would you care to join me?
Hey, Dad, can you close?
You good?
Yeah, never better.
Do you need a hand with that?
No, no, no, no.
You two have fun.
I can lock up tonight, Lolly.
Why don't you go walk that dog?
How'd you know we were
talking about a dog?
- Just get out of here.
- Busted.
Go have fun.
Hockey season's
creeping up on us.
Come on, come on. I'm surprised
you remember when that starts.
Are you kidding me?
How could I not?
You used to drag me
to the Minnesota Wild's
opening game every September.
Which you liked, admit it.
Did I? Or was I just
being a good girlfriend?
You were a very good girlfriend.
Until I wasn't.
Lolly, we were young.
Come on.
Still, I should have
apologized sooner.
All right, why don't we say,
from here on out,
we don't talk about the past?
We only focus our conversations
on the here and now.
Does that sound good?
Are you sure you're
ready for that?
- Yeah, try me.
- Okay.
So, what's your
dating life like now?
Yeah, maybe you're right;
I'm not ready for that. Um...
You asked for it.
I did. I did.
It's my fault. Uh...
You know, honestly, I'm just
really focused on Sam right now,
making sure
that she's comfortable
with this next stage of life.
And I'm sure I'll get back in
the dating game at some point,
but I'm not gonna force it.
How about you?
Oh, there's nothing
to talk about there.
Oh, come on.
Oh, Kirby. Easy, easy.
You're beautiful, talented.
I don't believe it.
Nobody wants that in this town?
It's not like I haven't
had relationships.
I've tried, really.
It's just, no one compares to...
Oh, come on.
Can't leave me
hanging like that.
I thought we weren't
talking about the past.
That's fair.
I'm going to head in early.
I will see you later, I guess.
I'm sure you will.
All right, all right.
Will you... will you relax?
Come on, come on.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Marty? Hello?
Oh, Marty.
Thank goodness you're here.
I forgot my phone... again.
Okay, hang on one second.
One second.
Yes, I'm at The Eatery
on Woodman Ave.
I need an ambulance immediately.
Rory Shaw.
Happy anniversary.
Don't fall back asleep, okay?
The Eatery's
not going to open itself.
- Do I have to?
- Mm-hmm.
You're the one
that refuses to sell it.
Remind me why.
Because you, my dear,
are very sentimental.
Now, let's get up. Up, up.
Wait. Where are the girls?
I thought I'm supposed
to be the forgetful one.
The girls are at summer camp
for another 24 hours.
So, that means that
we have a day to ourselves
before the chaos descends.
Good chaos?
The best.
Oh, don't forget to
turn the coffee pot on.
Close your eyes and make
believe we can fly
Build a ship
from the debris we find
Pack your bags
We leave tonight
Somebody's stalling.
So, what are you doing today?
I'm going to work, as usual.
What do you say you take the day
off and we can just hang out?
I would love that,
but you have customers to serve.
- So...
- Okay.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Stars that fall
I love you.
- I...
- Each one you, too.
Is a distant sun
What is going on here?
You work here?
Don't start.
Coffee's not on.
What? Oh.
Yeah, that's because
Dad always does it,
but apparently,
he's playing pickleball.
Yeah, it's all the rage
for retirees.
Is he with Ramona?
Never mind.
Where's Aunt Gert?
I don't know.
Probably still in Bucharest.
Who knows with her.
You're not in Bali doing yoga?
And to have
my big sis give me grief
for abandoning Mom's legacy?
No thanks, I'm good.
I'm here for my Lolly's Pops.
Gotta get my supply
for market day.
Hi! I'm still making those.
Hi! Ooh! Ooh!
Well, you better be.
You know they're my
top seller at the market.
Just in the truck.
Thank you.
Oh, gosh, you two are so cute.
You know, you set the bar.
Okay, I'll see you later.
Ooh, happy anniversary.
It's your turn to
clean out the grease traps.
Have fun.
Yeah, he was in Kansas.
Right, just retired, but updated
all of his equipment,
so it's practically brand new,
so you're basically
getting a really good...
really good deal for it.
Right, um...
shipping - hey -
is not in the final breakdown,
but Kansas to Nebraska,
that's not really
going to break the bank.
Okay, well look at the price
breakdown and get back to me.
All right.
Hi, love of my life.
That call went a little
longer than expected.
Let me just change
my shirt and I'll be ready.
Who were you talking to?
That was a dentist in Lincoln
who needs new equipment.
We're still very much
in the negotiating phase,
but I think it might go through,
and if we get
this commission, might mean
that we could actually
pay for tonight's dinner.
I need to get dressed, too.
How long have we been married?
All right, uh...
Is this a test?
- Let's pretend it is.
- Okay.
We've been married ten years...
three hours
and 42...
minutes on the dot.
I remember every
second of that day. Do you?
I remember what's important.
When did you first
know that you loved me?
It wasn't just one moment.
It was all the moments.
Like when you found me on
the beach after my mom passed...
...and you just let me cry,
listened to me,
made me feel seen.
when I used to stare at you
and watch you from
my bedroom window.
I thought you were
the cutest guy I'd ever seen.
That's not creepy at all,
but that is my favorite part.
When you look at me,
I feel safe.
I'm so sorry.
I thought I turned that off.
Hey, do you ever think
about going into practice?
What do you mean?
You worked hard for your degree.
Do you ever think
about using it?
Online MBA?
I don't think a lot of people
call that working hard.
It's time-consuming, certainly.
And before you say anything, no.
I don't think
about Duke anymore.
I don't think
about being a doctor.
I... just don't.
I gave that up a long time ago.
But, I mean, sports medicine
was always your dream.
I think that
ship has sailed, though,
and I'm on an even better
ship with you and the girls.
If you'd gone to Duke...
Look, everyone makes
sacrifices in life,
and that was mine,
and I'm happy with it.
Are you happy?
Do you not believe me?
No, I do.
I mean... I want to.
But be honest.
If you could be a team doctor,
I mean, would you
want to do that? Be honest.
Aunt Gert
Lolly... Lolly.
Lolly, wake up!
Lolly! Lolly!
Lolly, you have to wake up now!
Aunt Gert?
I'm sorry to wake you up like
this, but it's your father.
- Hey, Daphne, I'm here.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- What's going on?
- Dad is in the ICU.
He's being treated by
Dr. Bishop.
They told me to wait here and
they'll send someone
to give me an update.
Do we have any more
information on his condition?
They said it was
some sort of stroke,
but I don't have
any more details.
He's going to be okay, right?
Yes, he is.
Hey. How did he get to
the hospital?
- Hi.
- Hey.
These are for you all.
- Oh, thank you, dear.
- What do you know?
Well, it's still very early.
- Okay.
- But I found him at The Eatery,
and I noticed that he was
in sort of a foggy state,
and that the left side of his
face was starting to droop.
- A stroke?
- Yes.
Most likely ischemic
is gonna be the diagnosis.
The good news is that we got him
into the ER under three hours
from the onset of symptoms,
which is kind of
the ideal window.
So, he's getting
treated right now.
Thank you.
I'm gonna go check
the nurse's station again.
I'll be right with you, sweetheart.
- Let me know what they say.
- Of course.
Okay, give it to me straight.
What are we looking at here?
Well, Marty is not gonna be back
to his old self anytime soon.
I think the stroke really
messed with his motor skills.
What about his language?
No, mainly just
balance and walking.
So, physical therapy is gonna be
a big part of his recovery.
Of course.
And Lolly, there's no way that
he's going back in the kitchen
at The Eatery anytime soon.
Oh, that's
the least of my concerns.
This feels like dj vu.
This is the hospital Mom was at.
Oh, I really don't want
to go through that again.
You're a lot stronger
than you think.
I sure hope you're right.
Wait. Why did you go back to
The Eatery after we walked home?
I left my phone on the table.
Oh. Are you kidding me?
Something so simple
could end up saving Dad.
Yeah. My forgetfulness
finally came in handy, huh?
Lolly, the doctor said that
we can see him now.
Come on.
I can't tell you how wonderful
it is to see my girls.
Oh, I'm so glad
you're okay, Dad.
Don't scare us
like that again, okay?
I'll do my best.
You're gonna have
to take it easy.
That's not my usual speed.
and look where that got you.
Things are gonna look a little
bit different for everyone.
I promise I'll do
what needs to be done.
It means we're gonna
have to close the diner,
at least temporarily.
Oh, gosh.
There's so much to do.
Okay, this is a folder
from the hospital.
It's going to outline
every step of the process.
There's so many steps.
I have to get the house ready.
I have to pick up his meds.
Oh, I've got to find him
a physical therapist ASAP.
Step one - breathe.
Step two -
and I know this is going
to be difficult for you -
you need to get some rest.
All right?
The next couple of days
are going to require
a lot of energy,
and you're not gonna do Marty
any good if you're wiped out.
I'll try.
I'm going to help you get
everything in order.
Thank you.
Hey, where's Daphne?
Can I interest you
in some chamomile tea?
Yeah, that'd be lovely.
So, I take it that last drop
took you to a life you
really didn't want to leave.
How'd you know?
It took me forever
to wake you up from it.
Where did you go?
To Rory,
if we'd never broken up,
if he'd never gone to Duke.
And how was it?
Well, at first,
it seemed perfect.
But then?
I could see that he wasn't
pursuing his dreams,
and I feel like
I took that from him.
His choices are his choices,
even in the other realities.
Are all of these possibilities,
do they come with trade-offs?
Like you can have this,
but you can't have that?
Oh, honey that's
not the drops; that's life.
I have one drop left.
Should I use it?
Choose one of those other paths?
I can't tell you what to do.
But remember, if you choose
to take the last drop,
that becomes
your permanent reality.
There are no more lemon drops.
Is it bad to choose
a path that's good for me,
but maybe not
the best for someone else?
How do you mean?
I mean just seeing
my life with Rory,
seeing the love that we had,
I mean, it wasn't perfect,
but it felt good to
have love like that.
I really missed him.
Well, that sounds like something
you should say to Rory.
I mean,
so much has changed, right?
We're different people now.
What if he doesn't
feel the same?
I mean, with a lemon drop,
it's guaranteed love,
it's guaranteed family.
How can I pass that up?
You have some
thinking to do, Lolly,
and a very important
decision to make.
What do you think of the name?
- Oh, my gosh! I love it!
- I have to admit,
Rory came up with it.
This is definitely
taking things to the next level.
I have a lot of fun
doing it and, you know,
got a lot of free time
while The Eatery's closed.
How long do you
think it'll be closed?
I don't know.
I keep racking my brain,
trying to figure out
how Daphne and I
can save this place
for Dad and I just...
I think I'm gonna
have to let it go.
I happen to have a friend
who's a commercial
real estate agent.
You can get an appraisal for
the property,
if you're interested.
Yeah. Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Okay.
Yeah, peach lilac,
definitely my favorite.
Well, I think that's your sixth.
That's seventh,
but who's counting?
I'll make you some more, okay?
No, please don't. You have too
much on your plate right now.
- I don't need any more.
- Are you kidding me?
It's the least I can do.
This has been such a huge help.
What's that?
That is the cabin
that I'm closing on
in the Boundary Waters.
My realtor keeps sending me
these random photos
just to make sure
that I don't back out.
Don't you dare.
It's beautiful.
You've always wanted
a house up there.
Sam's going to love it.
I mean, it's...
it's definitely our happy place.
I can't wait
to get her up there.
I just need to get it dialed in
before she comes
back from Europe.
When's that?
Three weeks.
So, I'll go up at
the end of the month
and then stay until
the hockey season starts.
That's really soon.
Time has a way of
flying by up here.
So, we were looking, uh,
next for a physical therapist.
Right. So, I compiled a list of
all the physical therapists
that are under your insurance,
and I think you have
a couple of good options here.
Is there anyone named Ramona?
Ramona. Um...
I don't know.
Oh. Yes.
Let's go with her.
I have a gut feeling.
Okay, we will go with Ramona.
How are you feeling, Dad?
Well, half of me feels like
the other half isn't
pulling his own weight.
Look at that.
Blanchard dark sense of humor
is still intact, I see.
Got me through the food in the
hospital and the rehab clinic.
I can't wait
to get into the kitchen
and cook up some real meals.
You know, the...
the kitchen's been closed
for two weeks now, Dad.
Which is longer than The Eatery
has ever been closed before.
And you have
a very long road of recovery
and physical therapy
ahead of you,
and we don't have the finances
to bring on another cook.
Look, I know you don't
want to hear this.
No, I don't.
But I already know
what you're gonna say...
...and you're right.
I've been
fighting it a long time.
I can't believe
I lost Irene's legacy.
Hey, no, Dad.
You didn't lose it.
You just need something
different now.
Mom would understand,
I'm sure of it.
How can you be so sure?
Mom was a wise woman.
She wouldn't want you
killing yourself to
keep it open just for her.
I mean, would you want her
to keep the diner
open just for you?
I'd want her to be happy.
We can let it go.
Okay, Dad.
And you know what?
We're gonna throw a huge
celebration for you and Mom -
champagne, cook up all that cod,
invite all your friends.
What do you think?
I'd like that.
I don't know what I'm gonna do
with all that free time, though.
Oh, I'll get it.
First, you're going
to have physical therapy.
- Oh...
- Just give it a chance.
You know, you might end up
liking it more than you think.
I tried it in the hospital,
I tried it in the rehab center.
Everyone, this is Ramona.
Which means you must be Martin.
Uh, Marty.
People call me Marty.
Very nice to meet you, Marty.
Are you ready to get started?
Looking forward to it.
So, what do you think?
You going to make it permanent?
I don't know. Adopting a dog
is like a pretty big decision.
It does feel kind of
meant to be, doesn't it?
Your parents had a hunch.
I don't want to give them the
satisfaction of knowing that,
but yes, they knew
exactly what it would take
to get me out of my shell.
It's gonna be weird not having
you at the farewell party.
Yeah, I know.
I wish I could be there.
So, what time you
hitting the road?
8 a.m. I wanna get up there
while it's still light.
Figure it's
first day in the cabin,
should probably
put a line in the water.
Well, catch
a big ol' walleye for me.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm going to miss you, too.
Being back here in Lakeville
has been very meaningful to me,
and that has to do almost
entirely because of you.
I just wish...
I wish you could come with me.
Yeah. I-I do, too.
But I can't,
and it's not
because I'm too scared. I...
The timing isn't right.
Well, what if
we make the timing right?
Doesn't it
feel like the universe
has kind of brought us
back together again?
Don't you want to see how
that's going to turn out?
I could see a future
with us together.
like you said, you have
to be there for Samantha.
She needs your
full attention right now.
Plus, I gotta get
my business going
and help Dad
get back on his feet.
This is for the best.
This kind of feels like
dj vu doesn't it?
Except... we're making
a mature decision.
Come on, buddy.
Hey, Rory.
Don't be a stranger, okay?
I won't.
Come on.
Gotta go.
It's good to see you.
This is for you, Lolly.
- Thank you, honey.
- You're welcome.
- Hey.
- Anyone else?
How are you?
Can I pour some
for you over here?
Did you get one? Okay, good.
There's more pie on the counter.
Speech. Speech.
Yeah, say something! Come on.
Well, thank you everyone
for being here with us
to celebrate The Eatery.
60 years ago, our grandparents
started this restaurant.
They came here
as immigrants with the hope
that they could bring people
together over good food,
and I think they succeeded.
Here, here!
We've had a lot of
really special moments
and good memories,
and I think that is the true
legacy of The Eatery.
So, let's raise our glass
to The Eatery and all that she's
done for us over the years.
Hey, you okay?
Yeah. Uh...
I just got some news,
and I don't exactly
know what to do.
Good news?
I was accepted into that yoga
instructor academy in Bali.
They just sent me
the registration.
It starts in October.
Wow! Congratulations!
Maybe I should decline.
- What? Why?
- Well, you know,
things are so different now
than when I first applied.
You know, with Dad's situation,
you're going to
need some help, right?
You should go.
You hated the idea.
I hate the idea of you
being so far away.
But it's your dream,
and take it from someone
who knows a thing or two
about putting your dreams
on the back burner,
and I'm telling you,
it's not worth it.
And what about Dad?
I think Dad's
going to be just fine.
Oh, is he flirting?
I sure hope so.
You sure you're
going to be okay?
Promise. Go...
find your bliss.
Find my bliss?
Ask Aunt Gert, she'll explain.
"Find my bliss"? Okay.
I'm really proud of you, Lolly.
You know,
it's a really scary thing
for anyone to
shift their career,
but if anyone can do it,
I know it's you.
I really do think Lolly's Pops
is the answer for me.
It fulfills everything
that I wanted from Toast
and everything my grandparents
wanted from The Eatery,
which is just to make
people happy through food.
Hey, girl.
It's from Rory.
Well? Open it.
Ooh. Intriguing.
Rory "Lolly, I saw this
and I thought of you.
"You have always made the best
of every situation you're in,
"and I admire you more
than you could know.
"I wish you the best
and so much more.
"Love always, Rory."
Excuse me, ladies.
Well, I'm gonna read the note.
Yeah, obviously.
Rory gave this to me.
It's beautiful.
This is my fourth lemon drop.
It's the only reality I want.
I don't need another one.
I mean,
I love the idea of Toast,
but not at the expense
of my relationships.
And as much as I know we would
love Mom to be here still...
I know she wouldn't want it
if it meant that we lost Dad.
I agree.
And Rory?
As tempting as that life was,
it'd be selfish of me to take
away his life's passion.
That's not real love.
Well, I can't say I'm surprised.
I didn't use the last drop.
Well, your mother
refused to even try them.
My Mom knew about the drops?
She was with me
the night I got them.
The four you had were hers.
She gave them back to
me because she said
this is the only life
she ever wanted,
with all its
perfect imperfections.
So, I held on to the drops,
in case either of you girls
should ever need them.
Daphne seemed to have a grip on
where she was headed but you,
my dear,
took after your Aunt Gert.
Thank you for helping me see.
You're not done yet.
What do you mean?
Your father's on his path.
Daphne's about to
embark on hers.
You know what you don't want.
Now, it's time for you...
to find your bliss.
Calling up late night and
asking if I'm all alone
We're not going
to throw the ball.
We're going fishing.
We're just going fishing today.
We're not going throw the ball.
All right, I'll tell you what.
You want to go?
There we go.
That should take a while.
I feel like I'm driving on
ice, no control...
Hey, stranger.
And I just
can't seem to leave
You're... you're here.
I am.
You're not a hologram.
I'm not a hologram,
and I don't have to take a nap.
Never going to
live that down, am I?
How did you find me?
I asked your parents.
- Okay.
- Wow, you weren't kidding.
This is incredible.
Yeah. Um...
I've got to say,
I am a little confused
because I thought
that we were maybe
taking this time
to focus on our own lives.
No, that hasn't changed.
And I know Sam's
gonna be here soon
and she is still your priority.
But I did just drive
seven hours to tell you this,
so let me just say
what I'm gonna say
and then I'll hit the road.
I've been doing
a lot of, um, thinking
about what I want
my life to look like,
and amongst a lot
of different possibilities,
one thing I am sure of
is I want you in it.
All of you -
your kindness, your generosity,
and even your forgetfulness.
I love you, Rory.
And you're worth the wait.
So, when you're ready, I would
like to give us a chance,
if that's something
that you also...
I never imagined
I'd feel something this close
To burning inside,
maybe we'd be
Is that a yes?
Good together
If you don't,
I won't give in
Maybe we'd be...
- Kirby!
- Good together

Treaded in words are you
Drowning in all of your
Perfect attention and I...