The Magic Pudding (2000) Movie Script

[dramatic music]
- Hold her hard to
starboard, my lad!
Point her around the horn,
and then it's rolling home!
- Aye-aye, Bill!
She's rolling, Bill.
We're losing steam!
- Buncle, what are
you doing down there,
baking a cake?
I thought I... [Bill gasps]
[Buncle yells]
[water splashes]
[all whimper]
- I can't take it anymore.
I need my greens,
a simple shrub.
That's just like
veggie pie, right?
[Buncle laughs maniacally]
- Get your mitts off me!
I'm pure poultry!
- I need food!
Penguin pie!
- Get a hold of
yourself, Buncle.
He's our mate!
- I'll eat anything!
[thunder rumbles]
[gentle music]
- Well, if this isn't a mystery
more than words can utter.
It looks like a phantom
pot, packing hot.
[dish clatters]
- Well, pickle me in brine.
It's a never ending...
- Pudding!
[Buncle laughs]
It's mine!
All mine, I tell you!
- Well, if that doesn't douse
your faith in human nature.
- Pudding for the
rest of my life!
[Buncle screams]
- The pudding!
- The pudding!
[water splashes]
[dramatic music]
Well, this is the most
fun food in occurrence.
[Buncle grunts]
[ice crumbles]
[Buncle screams]
- [Sam] There's
more at work here
than simple flower
and water, eh Bill?
- I propose that
on this here day,
we two humble travelers form
the Noble Society
of Pudding Owners,
dedicated to the protection
of the aforementioned pudding
which I henceforth
name... Pudding.
[both scream]
- What are you two staring it?
Haven't you ever seen a steak
and kidney pudding before?
By the way, the name's
Albert, thank you very much!
Now, shut up and eat me!
[gentle music]
[Buncle gasps]
- I want that pudding.
[ominous music]
- [Wattleberry] Bunyip!
- Not more whiskers.
- [Wattleberry] Bunyip!
Bunyip, where's me soup?
- Coming, Uncle Wattleberry.
[Bunyip yelps]
- I've got it!
- [Wattleberry] Bunyip!
- Hey Bunyip, you
forgot the candles.
- Thanks, fellas'.
- What do you call that?
I thought I asked for soup.
- I just thought this
might be more appropriate,
considering what day it is.
It's my birthday.
- What, whose birthday is it?
Happy birthday, lad!
Here's your present.
I didn't have time to
wrap it, I'm afraid.
It's a... an empty punch bowl.
- Thanks.
Uncle, this isn't
just my birthday.
Today I'm officially grown up.
[Wattleberry gasps]
- Greetings, dear boy,
from the humble news.
[Wattleberry gasps]
On ode to Bunyip on
his coming of age.
Greetings, young friend,
on this auspicious day.
Greetings for I have
something important to say.
As a baby, you came
to me and my brother.
An orphan you were,
no father, no mother.
Go forth, young koala.
The time has come at last.
Go forth, and discover
the secret of your past.
- But, what are these?
- Your father's
walking stick and hat.
He'd have wanted
you to have them.
[Wattleberry gasps]
[Wattleberry screams]
- Oh my.
[Wattleberry groans]
- I thought we agreed I'd
tell him about you know what
on his birthday.
- It is his birthday.
- On his 50th birthday!
By then he won't care if
he's an orphan or not!
- You mean... I'm not
an orphan after all?
- The truth is we don't know.
When you were a child your
parents traveled to a town
over the mountains and
were never to return.
Maybe it's time you
found out for certain.
- I'm going to find my parents.
Starting today I'm on my way
Nothing to lose
Isn't life grand
Stick in my hand
Two walking shoes
I'll never be
bothered or blue
Out on the road
Goodbye toodle-doo
- What about my dinner?
Don't hold me back
I'm on the track
It's a wonderful day
- Good luck, Bunyip.
Don't talk to any
strange kangaroos.
- I won't.
- And, never trust a pelican.
- Don't forget to write.
The sky is blue
As blue can be
The air is as fresh as air
The sun is warm and
my heart is free
There's magic everywhere
Worries today give them away
Life is a breeze
This beats the
glum life up a gum
Sitting in trees
I'll never be
bothered or blue
Out on the road
Goodbye toodle-doo
Don't hold me back
I'm on the track
Farewell to this
Hello to that
Bring on the fray
I'll be okay
It's a wonderful day
- Who would have thought
there was so much
to see in the world?
Dandelions and ants.
- G'day!
- Traction engines...
[steam horn blows]
and bolting horses.
[horse whinnies]
[Bunyip yelps]
- Traffic's getting
worse everyday!
- Shut up!
[Bunyip sighs]
- That was most unexpected.
Perhaps someone at that
store might help me.
[both screaming]
- Oh, I knew her when
she was a chicken.
- Oh, yes.
[chickens clucking]
- Excuse me, I'm looking
for someone who...
- Puddings.
They're asking about puddings.
- Who cares about puddings?
Get out of my store!
- I see the price of
eggs has gone up again.
- Could you help me?
- Go, go, go!
- I'm looking for my...
How very odd.
Oh, hey.
You there.
- What's that?
- I wondered if
you could help me.
I'm looking for my parents,
Mr. And Mrs. Bluegum.
[Bandicoot babbles]
I'm not going to hurt you.
You see, my parents went
over some mountains
and disappeared.
- I don't know nothing
about no mountains
and nothing about no Bluegums,
and if you see Mr. Buncle you
can tell him I said so myself.
- Wait!
What do you know
about my mom and dad?
I need to know, that's all.
[Bunyip groans]
This is becoming
rather more dangerous.
[Bunyip yelps]
[water splashes]
Well, if that doesn't blow
the dust from your whiskers.
It smells like a pudding.
- Hey, it's not
self-service, big nose!
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize.
- Aye, pudding thief!
- What?
- Steal our pudding, will you?
- I think there's some mistake.
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
- That's what all
pudding thieves say!
- That get-up is a typically
weak pudding thief disguise.
- Ow, would you leave my...
I'm not a pudding thief.
I'm looking for my parents.
- Hit him again, Bill!
[Albert yelps]
- Now, that's the most
"bun-foodlin'" idea I've ever
- Bill, could we be mistaken?
- My mom and dad
disappeared 10 years ago.
I just want to find out
what happened to them.
- Chasing after parents.
Why'd a fellow want to
do a thing like that?
[dramatic music]
- Six inches too short
for a pudding thief.
Bill Barnacle's the name.
- Bunyip Bluegum.
- And, this is my first
mate, Sam Sawnoff.
- Can't be too
careful, you know?
- What are you talking about?
He's a pudding thief!
I'll kick a
confession out of him.
- Steady, Albert.
A bloke's got to
admit when he's wrong.
- How remarkable.
Am I right in
supposing that this
is a steak and kidney pudding?
- And, the gold medal goes
to the talking doormat.
Well, take a slice.
I don't bite.
- What an extraordinary pudding.
- Yeah, you don't
know the half of it.
He's a never ending
source of inspiration
No recipe on earth
he doesn't know
He'll never make you
croak with indigestion
You'll never starve
You'll never thirst
You'll stuff yourself
until you burst
I'm what you want
He's what we want
I'm what you need
He's what we need
There's always enough
for a darn good feed
- I'm strictly a gum
leaf pudding eater.
- Gum leaf?
Oh, not good enough am I?
Too la-di-da for
steak and kidney?
- He's off again!
His gastronomic
repertoire's enormous
You can cut and come
again 'til kingdom come
He never ever
ceases to amaze us
Just whistle twice
And in a trice
He'll change from
steak and eggs to rice
I'm what you want
He's what we want
I'm what you need
He's what we need
There's always enough
for a darn good feed
[both gasp]
- Quick, we need to
wear our disguises!
He's what we want
I'm what you want
He's what we need
I'm what you need
And everybody
wants a piece of me
Adorable affordable
I'm Albert the magic pudding
- Thank you, thank you.
- Pleased to make your
acquaintance, Albert.
- So, you should
be a stuck up, git.
- Oh, don't take no
nose to him, mate.
All this pudding requires is
politeness and constant eating.
- Neither of which
I get from you lot.
I need to be challenged!
Come on, come on out of there.
I can see you.
Roll up, roll up
for one day only
I'll take on all
comers for a test
of gastronomic ingenuity!
Right, you?
What'll it be?
Come on, you.
- Steak and kidney?
- How original.
- Lemon and meringue?
- Give me a hard
one, lizard lips.
- Oh, pineapple
upside down cake!
- On my head, numb bat.
- Spotted dick!
- Oh, there's one in every
crowd isn't there, missus?
The pudding is the
principle in clovers
He'd love to feed
enormous appetites
We'll steal him from the
rightful pudding owners
And by surprise
and in disguise
We'll carry off
their noble prize
He's what we want
He's what we want
He's what we need
He's what we need
There's always enough
for another feeding
He's what we want
He's what we want
He's what we need
He's what we need
And everybody
wants a piece of me
- I've been run over, knocked
down, danced my paws to stumps
all in the course
of just one morning.
I'm still no closer
to finding my parents.
[Bunyip sighs]
[suspenseful music]
It's you again.
- I didn't see nothing.
I didn't hear nothing.
Tell Mr. Buncle I don't know
nothing at all about nothing.
All right?
- All I asked you was
whether you knew my parents.
And, who's this Mr. Buncle?
- Stop saying those names!
Now, do you want to be
getting us all killed?
- Why?
- All I can tell you is this.
Find the frog who
sits on the log.
She's the only one who
dares speak the truth,
but I didn't tell you nothing,
nothing at all, nothing at all.
- Thank you, thank
you very much.
[Bunyip sighs]
I'm what you want
I'm what you need
And every
- You're not chasing me, right?
- No, I've got to
find my parents.
- In which case, keep
your mouth shut, fur face.
- Hot dogs!
Hot dogs!
[Bunyip yells]
Hot dogs?
- Oh, what do you
call that disguise?
We're supposed to be...
Monsieur, we happen to
be famous French chefs!
- Oh, famous French
hot dog chefs!
- In fact famous
French hot dog chefs
searching the world for
the perfect pudding.
- Quick Bill, catch!
[Bill yells]
- Hey, I'm not a football!
[dramatic music]
[both scream]
- You know, I'm
beginning to suspect
they weren't French
chefs at all.
[Albert groans]
[gentle music]
[campfire crackles]
[Bill clears throat]
- For his part in
confounding the thieves,
saving the pudding,
I'd like to propose
that young Bunyip
here become a member
of the Noble Society
of Pudding Owners.
- The Noble Society
of Pudding Owners?
And, who are they?
- Them's us.
It's a long and noble history.
Oi, quit shoving!
A long time ago in
the Garden of Eden,
Adam met Eve and they
did a bit of wedding.
There was nothing much to eat
except vegetables and porridge
'til this pudding
dropped off the forbidden
Tree of Knowledge.
Since that time in
all the world's events
The pudding was a piling
In history's back fence
How did the pharaohs
build the pyramids
What did the mummies
feed the kids
How did Moses
part the Red Sea
To escape his enemy
What did the wise men
carry from the East
A pudding made from
frankincense and yeast
Throughout the
sweep of history
Whenever there's a mystery
A secretive society and
friendship is aligned
Sworn to eat and
sworn to fight
Sworn to protect
with all our might
Sworn to protect the pudding
For that of all mankind
What did Napoleon
keep inside his shirt
That impressed the
Empress Josephine to flirt
The mutiny on the
bounty was because
Captan Bligh was stingy
with the second course
And why did Marie
Antoinette say
Let them eat cake
She thought she
had the pudding
But she made a big mistake
Well, but we all make mistakes.
A maritime disaster made
the pudding owners panic
When crossing the Atlantic
on a ship they called Titanic
An iceberg hit the ship
Gouging out a
great big crater
And carried off the pudding
Trapped in nature's
And that's where
me and Bill came in
We were shipwrecked
on that very 'berg
Starving on the ice
With our evil
shipmate Buncle
Who wasn't very nice
There was nothing
else to eat
So he turned on us to munch
When the pudding burst
right through the ice
And kindly offered lunch
Throughout the
sweep of history
Whenever there's a mystery
A secretive society and
friendship is aligned
Sworn to eat and
sworn to fight
Sworn to protect
with all our might
Sworn to protect the pudding
Sworn to protect the pudding
Sworn to protect the pudding
For the good of all mankind
[Bunyip sighs]
- There's only one thing
I don't understand.
It's about this Buncle.
What ever became of him?
- Why, he perished in the ice.
We saw it with
our own four eyes.
No creature could
have escaped that,
not even that monster.
[ominous music]
[whip cracks]
[Buncle grunts]
- Did anyone ever tell you
it's rude to chew
with your mouth open?
[Buncle belches]
Yeah, guess not.
- Nothing left.
Someone's going to pay for this!
- Could we have some
service here please?
I meant now!
[Ginger giggles]
- The thing is, miss,
there is nothing left.
- What do you mean nothing?
You know the penalty
for failing to deliver.
- No more food?
- Not a bean sprout.
You've eaten a lot.
- Where's my pudding thieves?
- Call the pudding thieves!
- Call the pudding thieves!
- Call the pudding thieves!
- Call the pudding thieves!
- We are the pudding thieves.
[both yell]
- Your pudding thieves, sir.
- G'day uncle.
You're looking trim.
[Watkin giggles]
- Shut up!
Just hand it over.
What's this?
- The magic gum nut?
- No pudding?
- The thing is, and I know
you'll get a kick out of this,
we don't actually have
the actual pudding as yet
if you follow what I mean.
- Bring me that pudding,
or I'll send you down
to the food mines!
[Possum gasps]
- Not the food mines!
- Spare me for the
sake of my mother,
your own dear sister!
- Where do you think Deirdre's
been for the last five years?
- Oh.
- Now get out!
- Yes, uncle.
Certainly, uncle.
Whatever you say, uncle.
- And, don't you dare come
back until you've got it!
[frenzied music]
- If this goes on much longer
while I'll have to
[shudders] eat meat!
[crowd gasps]
Whip those builders!
I know you're out there
somewhere, pudding.
[gentle music]
- There's nothing finer
than strolling along
with your mates in the
early morning when the air
is smelling like bath soap.
- I wish I could say
the same about you.
- I do appreciate you
joining me on my quest.
- Well, that's what
pudding owners do,
stick together.
- Well said, Mr. Sawnoff,
and on such a fine day,
three stout mates and
a spirited pudding
can achieve anything,
certainly find something as
simple as a frog on the log.
- Excuse me, kind sirs.
Could you help a Highland lassie
and her poor wee starving bairn?
[Watkin cries]
- Rest easy, ma'am.
No tiny tot will go starving
while Bill Barnacle has a
pudding to share around.
- Wait a minute, Bill.
Now it's become a
fruit and nut cake.
- With lots of
chocolate sprinkles.
- Ya wee scallywag.
- And, a cherry on top!
- This is so humiliating.
- That's not Highland
lassie and poor wee bairn.
- Possum!
You're giving us away.
- I can't help it.
I forgot to eat breakfast.
- Treachery!
Nothing gives a
pudding thief away
like a fruit and nut cake
with chocolate sprinkles
and a cherry on top!
- Pudding thieves?
[air blows]
- We'll thump your heads.
- And, bend your snaps.
- I shan't be able to
fight this afternoon
as I've got a sore foot.
- And, I've got a stiff flipper.
- Come back and fight,
you simpering thief lugs.
- And, they take no
shame to fight the lame
when they deserve to cup it,
so do not try to pipe your eye,
or with my flip I'll flop it.
[Sam claps]
- And, tell anyone
else who's thinking
of swiping our Albert
they'll get the same.
- Oh, my hero.
- Oi Albert, come back.
- Oi!
Come back here!
- I wish everyone
wouldn't keep running away.
[frenzied music]
[Bunyip yells]
[birds chirp]
[gentle music]
[water splashes]
[Bunyip gasps]
["My Heart Beats"
by Toni Collette]
Where's the boy
I left behind
And tried so hard to find
Whatever else the
world may take away
I'm never far from you
I live inside of you love
Can you hear me
Can you feel me
I am near
Here in the dark
I'm a part of you
And I love you
My heart beats
And your heart beats
And our hearts beat as one
'Til the day that all
my dreams come true
And I hold you
in my arms again
We will be together then
Until that day remember when
I held you close
and we both knew
That you loved me
And I
Loved you
[Bunyip gasps]
- Hello, Bunyip.
- How do you know my name?
- I know many things.
[fly buzzes]
And, I have been
waiting for you.
- Wait.
Wait a minute, you're
the frog on a log.
I've been searching
everywhere for you.
- It is not I you search for.
It is your parents, Bunyip.
[Bunyip sniffles]
And, if you want to find them
you must listen very carefully
to what I have to say.
Where two gums meet
but stand alone
there's plenty of water,
but it's dry as a bone.
[dishes clatter]
- Poor little beggar.
- Gone just like that
without even a chance
for a last goodbye.
- And, just as we were
getting on so well.
So, who gets the hat?
- Albert.
[Albert sneezes]
Some respect for a fellow
dear departed pudding owner
if you don't mind.
[Bunyip grunts]
[Bunyips yelps]
We're under attack!
- Has Bigfoot come for a
slice of steak and kid?
- I found the frog.
- It's Bunyip!
- Well, I'll be "sop dungled."
- And, she told me exactly
where to find my parents.
- Did she?
And, where's that?
- Where two gums
meet but stand alone
there's plenty of water,
but it's dry as a bone.
- This fall you had,
you didn't happen to land
on your head did you?
- I'm not crazy, Albert.
It's a clue!
- Whatever you say.
- This calls for a celebration!
One clue solved, one more to go.
[both whistle]
Gum leaf turnover!
- Gum leaf turnover!
- Oh, for crying out loud.
[Bunyip sighs]
- To Mr. And Mrs. Bluegum,
wherever you may be.
[ominous music]
[whip cracks]
[Meg sighs]
- I want food.
The slaves are smelling
good enough to eat.
[Buncle laughs maniacally]
- Where two gums
meet yet stand alone
there's plenty of water,
but it's dry as a bone.
[Bill giggles]
- Can't think of anywhere
fitting that description,
and Bill and me
have been around.
[Albert whistles]
- Some are berry pudding
going to waste over here.
- Pudding owners,
all we have to do
is approach this
problem logically.
- Why do I even bother?
[Sam sniffs]
- Can anyone smell smoke?
- Fire!
Fire out of control!
[dramatic music]
Volunteers needed!
Volunteers needed!
- Volunteers present
and accounted for.
Starboard Sam, Bunyip, take
on the stack on the tops,
and bring in the
weather earring.
- What?
- Best if you just nod.
Aye-aye, Bill.
- To the fire!
[dramatic music]
This ain't so bad.
I've seen worse
configurations aboard ship.
- Bush fire brigade procedure
requires a securing of
puddings in a fireproof sack!
- You can't put me in there!
- Get in.
- Get in yourself.
- Excuse me, we
pudding owners prefer
to manage our own security,
if you don't mind.
- I'll take care of him.
[Albert blows raspberry]
[dramatic music]
- Brigade procedure
says I'm in charge.
I says I'm charge.
Are you listening to me?
Is anyone?
[water splashes]
- Where two gums
meet, but stand alone?
- Oh lord, can we give
the family thing a rest?
It's hopeless.
- But, everyone needs to
know who their family is.
- Families is
nothing but trouble.
You're always having
to look out for them.
- Bill!
- Not too close, Bill.
Wouldn't want to burn a towel.
- Look out!
- What are you?
Brave work, fellow
pudding owner.
[Albert gasps]
- [Albert] Careful,
I bruise easily!
[Watkins laughs]
- It's the pudding thieves!
- Well, if it ain't
the starvin' tot.
- Where am I?
[Bill groans]
[Possum screams]
- Them low pudding thieves.
This is one of the
most frightful things
that's ever happened.
It's worse than weevils
It's worse than warts
It's worse than
corns to bear
It's worse than
having several courses
Of treacle in your hair
- That's enough my friends.
It's worse than
beetles in the soup
It's worse than crows to eat
It's worse than wearing
small sized boots
Upon your large sized feet!
Stop singing!
It's worse than
having an uncle called
It's worse than
having an uncle called
[Bunyip coughs]
This isn't the time for singing.
This is a doing time,
and what we should be doing
is saving our pudding.
[triumphant music]
[all yelling]
- This pudding pinching hurts!
- [Albert] Tell me about it.
[all scream]
[Watkin gags]
- Here's the plan.
[both groan]
I say we take this
pudding inside
to test if he's the real one
before we take him
to uncle Buncle.
[Watkin laughs maniacally]
[Possum laughs]
[sign squeaks]
[harmonica music]
- [Bill] Where are ya?
- What?
- Albert?
[Sam chirping]
- Excuse me, sir.
I was wondering if you'd seen
a singed possum pass this way.
- A singed possum, eh?
- That's right.
- Well now...
First things first,
fellas, you got any tea?
[Bill grunts]
- There you go.
- What about sugar?
[Bill grunts]
- Okay, okay, you got
your tea and your sugar.
- Any bread?
- Blasted poultry.
- Easy, Bill.
- Let's not lose our tempers.
Right, you've got your tea,
your sugar, and your bread.
Now, have you seen
a singed possum?
- No.
[Bill groans]
- You may now lose your temper.
- I'll land you a sock
down there on the muzzle,
you low down, hook
nosed, sugar grabber!
- Singed possum.
Why didn't you say so
in the first place?
All the hollering and shaking?
How's a parrot
supposed to think?
- Hold on.
That hill has an aroma
most dangerously suggestive
of beef gravy.
Forward, pudding rescuers!
[all cheer]
- You could get gravy, you say?
You wouldn't have
any beef and spuds
to go with it, would you?
- They're torturing him
with small helpings.
- Right.
- No, wait.
If it's locked it'll just
mean they know we're here,
and then they'll never come out.
Even total idiots aren't
completely stupid.
- [Albert] Help!
- Superbly reasoned.
- Why, the poor little fella.
- Never give way to despair
while whiskers can be
made from dry grass.
- [Albert] How can you abuse
a kidnapped pudding like this?
Anyone listening?
Help! [door thuds]
[both gasp]
- Keep an eye on that pudding.
- Poodles, Petting, Pudding
enlarger at your service.
- What?
- Pudding enarger.
You didn't book a
pudding enlarger?
[both laugh]
- No.
- You sure you haven't got
a pudding I can enlarge?
- [Possum] Oh, pudding
enlarger wouldn't that be good?
He'd make a bigger
pudding, yeah.
- Is it... expensive?
- No.
[Bill groans]
[all yell]
[Albert blows raspberry]
- Arrivederci, big nose!
- Albert, come back here.
[dramatic music]
Albert, what are you doing?
- It's a touchdown
from a plucky koala.
Back with you, am I?
- Where would you be
without your family
to look out for you, Albert?
You should be more grateful.
It's a very noble
- Do you always talk with
a stick up your bottom?
- Albert.
[Bunyip sighs]
I've got to find
those two gum trees.
- Hey, where's he off to.
- Two gums, parents, the usual.
[cooky music]
- It's a terrible thing
when a young fellow's hopes
get raised for naught.
- [Sam] Come on.
- Hello?
We just have to go
about this logically.
It can't be too hard to find.
Look at me!
Mister logical fancy
pants, stick up the bum...
[Albert yelps]
- I'm terribly sorry.
I don't know what came over me.
- Yeah, he'll do that
to you all right.
Don't worry yourself about it.
Right-o Albert, you
had that one coming.
Pull on your mantle,
and get down here!
- Well, I'll be rolled in
flour and baked as a strudel.
Oi, one of you fellas
mention something
about two gums meeting?
- That's enough lip
from you, sonny Jim.
- That's it!
Where two gums meet
yet stand alone.
[triumphant music]
- [Bill] Plenty of
water, but dry as a bone.
- This is the place!
[lively music]
[ominous music]
- Doesn't want the skink.
Plump, juicy parrots
can be very, very tasty.
Even better than rat they say.
- Blah!
Tastes like bristle, and
smells like a bear cage.
- What if we sauteed
them in a tree snake oil
and serve with a garnish
of Withcetty grubs?
- The thing's will
get stuck in my teeth.
- Or, Freekah seed au natural
with a Hollandaise sauce.
- How many times do
I have to tell ya?
I want something
plump and tender!
[ominous music]
[chain rattles]
- Too stringy.
Too flabby.
To [groans] utterly repulsive.
- Stop!
If you have to take one
of us, then take me.
- And, me.
Leave them alone.
[Ginger growls]
- Bingo.
Plump and tender.
My lord, may I present
Mr. And Mrs. Bluegum!
[Meg whimpers]
- Courage, Meg.
We're not his dinner yet.
- You soon will be if my
boys don't find that pudding.
- All right, all
right, I was wrong,
so dip me in batter
and deep fry me,
but for heaven's
sake stop and eat.
- Found him right
where we want him.
[Watkin laughs]
Let's do it.
- Do what?
[Watkin groans]
Oh, that.
Aye-aye, skipper!
[both groan]
[water rushes]
- Hello, is anyone listening?
I mean, what about a
bit of variety, eh?
I mean, think of the penguin.
I could do something with fish.
I could do Shepherd's pie!
I could do Tapioca pudding.
I can do cream and chocolate
pudding with almonds,
but oh no.
- You just don't know when
you're on a good thing,
do you Albert?
- Oh, hurrah, yippee.
I'm inside a hat that
smells of fish, lucky me.
- He's an excitable chap, but
his heart's in the right spot.
[Sam shushes]
- What's that sound?
[all scream]
- Typical.
[dramatic music]
[chicken clucks]
[both laugh]
- Now nobody's gonna
get that pudding!
- I thought the idea
was we get the pudding.
- Oh.
- Can you swim?
- Is this a trick question?
[both scream]
- You swim on right up, jump
cross grandsons of tinkers.
Serves you right!
[all laugh]
[dramatic music]
- You fellas couldn't spare
a rasher of bacon, I suppose?
- You're safe.
[gentle music]
- Don't, don't, don't, don't.
Citizens, don't you
worry about that dam.
Mork, I mean, Mayor
Dorking is here!
[Mayor yelps]
- Come on, Albert.
We've got to do something.
- Yeah, run away.
Oh, about time.
- Good people of Tooraloo,
we come with a pudding,
and we can save your town.
Get those bags over here, and
form a line at the river bank.
We're going to build a wall!
Sam, utensils.
- Oi, you're not
thinking of doing
what I think you're
thinking of doing.
- Albert, listen to me.
Sometimes Albert...
You've got to lend
a hand to your mate
Put your shoulder
to the wheel
Take your hand off the break
And keep an even keel
So pull your finger out
And turn the ship around
There's an awful
lot of work to do
If we're gonna save the town
- Oh, all right.
Hands us a fork then.
Yes put your back into it
Give some elbow grease
If song and
dance don't do it
Put your back
before the crease
So get a riddle on
Don't stand there
like a mound
There's an awful
lot of work to do
If we're gonna save the town
Work like mad we've
got a job to do
We'll celebrate together
when our work is through
Work like mad keep
the pressure on
We'll celebrate
together when our work
When the work is done
- Albert, are you okay?
- Keep going.
The job ain't done yet.
- Your worries in a bag, don't
stand there like a goose.
- Show them all around, and
move your great caboose.
- Shift your lazy bones, and
shake a leg, you're dull.
There's an awful
lot of work to do
If we're gonna save
Save the town
Hardy har and
tonight will bring
We'll celebrate together
'til the break of day
Praise the lord come
and save the town
We'll celebrate together
'til the break of dawn
We'll celebrate
together 'til the break
'Til the break of dawn
[crowd cheers]
- Speak?
Well, I don't even
know where to begin.
I'd like to start by
thanking the bacon academy
and self-raising flour for...
- Oi.
Bunyip's got something to say.
- Well, go on.
Now's your chance.
[Bunyip clears throat]
- Good citizens of
Tooraloo, we're not heroes.
We were just doing what anyone
with a pudding would do.
For me, the most important
thing about today
was getting one step
closer to tracking down
my mom and dad.
Meg and Tom Bluegum.
They were taken from
me 10 years ago,
and I believe they
came to this town.
So, if anyone has seen them...
If anyone knows anything at all.
- Excuse me, excuse me.
I'll tell you!
- No, you shut up.
- Or, what?
You'll tell Buncle?
Well, I don't care.
The time has come
to tell the truth.
This lad saved both our
homes and our lives.
You ask yourself how
we can repay them?
Well, I say the least we can do
is tell the fella the fate
of his poor mom and dad.
- What?
What happened to my parents?
- They were taken, all right.
- Taken where?
[dramatic music]
- I don't like this
one little bit.
There's gonna be
tears before bedtime,
you mark my words.
[Bandicoot yelps]
- Oh, boy goodness.
Me poor faithful melon.
This be the place,
and that be where your
mother and father were taken.
- So, uncle was right.
I really am an orphan.
- An orphan?
Geez, that's worse than
being stood on by cows.
- Poor little beggar.
- Get a grip, you
sentimental sack of flour.
- At least you've
got your memories.
- I don't even have that.
- What have you got fluid
in your vein, milk or gravy?
Now, show some guts.
- Albert, what are you doing?
- Doing my job, you
yellow bellied poultries.
Let's go and find them!
- Oh boy, oh boy.
That's the last
you've seen of him.
- If Albert isn't afraid
then neither am I.
Who's with me?
- What?
Looks like the only mate
a fellow can rely on
is a pudding owner.
Now, forward mateys!
[dramatic music]
- Food.
[Buncle groans]
- Guards!
Prepare the koalas.
Chop, chop.
Move it, one, two,
three, one, two, three.
- My hat.
- Could it be?
[both cough]
- Silence!
[lizard growls]
[Possum whimpers]
- Shut up!
It'll be all right.
Now, we'll just tell uncle
that there's no such thing
as a magic pudding.
It was just a dream.
- Yeah, yeah.
No such thing as
a magic pudding.
[both scream]
- Stand back!
Pudding on a mission!
[dramatic music]
Move it, you
reptilian riff raff!
- Stop that pudding!
[Buncle groans]
- I can still smell koala.
- Toss 'em on the grill!
[frenzied music]
- Ow!
Dinner is served!
- Where do I start?
How will I even know
what they look like?
[Meg and Tom scream]
- Pudding.
Long time no see, eh Buncy?
[Buncle laughs]
[Bill gasps]
- It's that great
guzzling lump of a wombat
who swiped that pudding
in the seven seas.
[Sam growls]
- So, here's your pudding uncle.
Is now a good time to
discuss our reward?
- How do you like this reward?
[both yell]
[Buncle laughs]
- Come on, save yourselves.
- Bunyip, hurry up.
Hurry up and eat me.
[Buncle grunts]
Oi, wash your hands first.
[Buncle belches]
- [Ginger] Let's party!
[crowd cheers]
It's a wonderful time in
the underground tonight
Hey hey
How good can it get in
the underground tonight
There's Samp
bean French beans
An endless supply
of luscious beans
It's the answer
it's Mardi Gras
In the underground tonight
[Bunyip yelps]
It's a wonderful time in
the underground tonight
How good can it get in
the underground tonight
They're all so
good I can't say no
I'll double in size
just watch me go
It's the answer
It's Mardi Gras
In the underground tonight
- That pastry headed ole galoot.
Just wait 'til I
get my hands on him.
- How're we gonna
get him out of there?
There's guards all
over the place.
- If we're to save the pudding,
then a little deception
may be called for.
Good times are back again
The gravy train's
on track again
It's a wonderful time in
the underground tonight
How good can it get
In the underground tonight
With champagne and caviar
An endless supply
of pudding devoir
It's the answer
The answer
It's Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
In the underground tonight
[Sam giggles]
- I'll be back as soon as
I've powdered my beak... nose.
- Albert, Albert.
We've got to get
you out of here.
- Just a minute.
I'm getting the hang of this.
- Listen, you daft pudding,
we've come to rescue you.
[lively music]
[Sam gasps]
- Watch it, you reptile.
- Leave Albert, look down there.
We've no time to lose.
Everyone, as fast as you can.
[Buncle grumbles]
[Sam giggles]
- Come on everyone,
get crackin'.
- Trying to escape, eh?
We'll see about that.
They is escaping.
[Ginger yelps]
[Sam giggles]
[dramatic music]
- Terribly sorry
for all the fuss.
We're actually quite nice
when you get to know us.
- Free at last!
- Pots and pans.
If there weren't so many
of them pudding snatchers
I would have thumped and
punched the lot of them.
A pudding owner needs
his hat, eh Bunyip?
- Oh, thanks.
- If we can ever
return the favor.
- Not unless you
can find my parents.
- Oh.
- Well, bye.
We've got a pudding to catch.
- Come on, Meg.
[Bunyip gasps]
- Meg?
Mom and dad?
I do remember.
I remember!
I remember!
[Meg gasps]
[triumphant music]
- Bunyip!
- Well, what do you know?
- He did it.
- Right, right, that's it.
[lively music]
I said stop, please!
[Buncle grumbles]
- You've had your fun.
I said party's over!
[rock crumbles]
[Ginger groans]
This pudding is all mine!
[Buncle growls]
- At last.
I thought I was gonna
end up a soup that time.
I mean, some people
have no manners.
- And, only mine.
- Now, where's that
lovely smile gone?
[Albert laughs]
There we are.
[Buncle laughs]
- I knew if I kept going
I'd find you in the end.
I just knew it.
- Our Bunyip.
- You've done us proud, son.
[Bill sniffles]
- It's bloomin'
dust, that's all.
- Of course, Bill.
- Right-o, right-o, you
can all stop getting mushy.
The job ain't done yet.
- Mom, dad, we've got
to save our friend.
- Of course.
- And, when we do I'm gonna
tan his sorry backed hide.
- Loyal pudding owners, we
have a pudding to rescue.
- [Sam] Clear away!
[triumphant music]
- This is an outrage.
I mean, I demand to
be released at once.
And, would a little
mouthwash kill you?
- Is it true, Sam,
that this pudding
will turn into anything one
might choose to think of?
- It's part in parcel
of being a pudding.
- Then I might
just have an idea.
- Let go of our pudding, you
lead bellied beached whale!
- Pudding, do your stuff.
Anything without meat.
Vegetable pie.
[both whistle]
- Meat pie!
- Meat pie!
[Buncle whistles]
- I said veggie pie!
- Oh, make your mind up.
[both whistle]
- You call yourself
a magic pudding?
He said he wants
veggie pie, Albert.
In fact, give him a double
serve of veggie pie.
- Well, of all the bung foolin'
cross-eyed things to say.
- Did you say double?
- That's your job, pudding.
We'll grab Albert and leave
Buncle with the double.
- But, of course.
Why didn't I think of that?
- [All] A double
serve of veggie pie,
a double serve of veggie pie.
- No, don't!
You're tearing me in two!
- [All] A double
serve of veggie pie.
- Don't do it.
You musn't use your
magic for greed.
- [All] A double
serve of veggie pie.
- Oh, shove a dink it in
you self centered bowl
of treacle, he's hungry.
- [All] A double
serve of veggie pie.
- Don't listen to
that giant flea bag.
Follow your heart!
- Aren't smart, you
rancid cream puff.
- [Albert] How'd you like
a kick on the gizzards?
- [Pudding] I dare ya.
- [Albert] I double dare ya!
- A million serves
of veggie pie!
- Run!
Run for your lives!
You're meddling with
the forces of nature.
It'll destroy the whole
fabric of the universe.
[suspenseful music]
- If it's more pudding you want.
Then that's what you'll get.
- Blustering blimps!
- Give me all the
puddings in the world!
[Buncle laughs]
[dish rattles]
- [Albert] My crust hurts.
[gentle music]
- Leaping lizards!
It's Albert.
Well done, matey.
You dispatched the biggest
pudding thief of all.
- Albert.
You don't think that...
- Come on, you lazy loaf.
Get up.
Albert, stop mucking
around right now.
[Bill sniffles]
- We're too late.
- Now, why do he have to go
and do a dour thing
like that for?
[Bill cries]
[Sam cries]
- Come back for more, you
turnip munching sack of sap.
- Albert, you little roper.
You did it.
- You've saved us all!
- Piece of cake.
[cheery music]
[Sam cheers]
- Ahoy, mateys!
Prepare to cast off
for the maiden voyage
of the Saucy Soup Tureen.
[both cheer]
- Crew on deck and
ready to sail, Bill!
- The world is an
adventure, as you will find,
so fly my little doves,
expand your minds.
- Oh, shut up, Rumpus.
- Would you like
seconds, old timer?
- With my indigestion?
Are you mad?
- Listen, my little cupcake,
I'm a universal force for good.
Now, eat me!
- And, on winter nights
we always have pudding
and hot coffee for supper.
And, I've heard many
other tales of ships
and far away lands and magic
sitting around the
fire with all my mates.
So, now that you
know where we are,
why not drop in for
a slice of pudding?
- Hey.
[Bill whistles]
- Unless of course,
you're a pudding thief.
[lively music]
He's a never ending
source of inspiration
No recipe on earth
he doesn't know
He'll never make you
croak with indigestion
You'll never starve
You'll never thirst
You'll stuff yourself
until you burst
I'm what you want
He's what we want
I'm what you need
He's what we need
There's always enough
for a darn good feed
His gastronomic
repertoire's enormous
You can cut and come
again 'til kingdom come
He never ever
ceases to amaze us
Just whistle twice
And in a trice
He'll change from
steak and eggs to rice
He's what we want
He's what we need
He's what we need
He's what we need
There's always enough
for a darn good feed
He's what we want
He's what we want
He's what we need
[Buncle groans]
["Friends" by Merril Bainbridge]
There may come a time
When you leave
this life behind
To discover one that seems
so very new and exciting
Like a dream it
carries you away
Getting closer day by day
All at once I see
you everywhere
And even though
it takes so long
All my troubles are
so far behind me
Because I know
that we belong
You were there to remind me
Once you find your
friends don't let them go
Hold on tight and if
they run you should
Follow them and
all their dreams
That is what true
friendship means
And when it's time they'll
do the same for you
Never let you down
but if they do
Know that you
can work it out
That is what true
friendship's all about
Trembling inside
So afraid of what I'd find
You always knew
the courage I had
Deep inside me
Now I know no
matter where we are
Through the dark
I see a star
All at once
Suddenly you were there
And even though
it seems so hard
All my troubles are
so far behind me
I know we'll never be apart
You'll be there to remind me
Once you find your
friends don't let them go
Hold on tight and if
they run you should
Follow them and
all their dreams
That is what true
friendship means
And when it's time they'll
do the same for you
Never let you down
but if they do
Know that you
can work it out
That is what true
friendship's all about
Even though it takes so long
My troubles are
far behind me
I know that we belong
You'll be there to remind me
Once you find your
friends don't let them go
Hold on tight and if
they run you should
Follow them and
all their dreams
That is what true
friendship means
And when it's time they'll
do the same for you
Never let you down
but if they do
Know that you
can work it out
That is what it's all about
And when you find your
friends don't let them go
Hold on tight and if
they run you should
Follow them and
all their dreams
That is what true
friendship means
And when it's time they'll
do the same for you
Never let you down
but if they do
Know that you
can work it out
That is what true
friendship's all about