The Magician of Lublin (1979) Movie Script

Piask, Poland
Wait for me!
There he is!
Yasha Mazur!
How marvellously, look!
Yasha! Yasha!
Don't push me!
Who do you think you are!
Don't shove me like a...
Magician, damn you!
I'm here!
Yasha! You gets better
every year, Yasha!
How a wonderful show!
Everybody made the money.
Thank you, thank you.
This is my manager.
He's come here all the way
from Warsaw
with the contract for me to sign,
which one of you, for some reason,
has decided to steal.
Would you please return it along with
everything else you've taken from him.
Listen, my friend,
I don't know what you are talking about.
Don't get smart, Mechl.
Everything on the table.
Empty your pockets!
If it was anyone else
Id'd break his bones.
Not for you, Yasha.
Everybody, on the table!
Empty your pockets.
- Come on, Leibl.
- I wasn't anywhere near him.
- Let's see.
- That's everything.
It's not here.
None of this is mine.
why don't you ask Bolek?
When did you get out of prison?
It's good to see you.
Let me see what they did to you.
You look beautiful, Bolek, beautiful.
Let me buy you a drink to celebrate your return.
I don't drink with Jews.
Go, play with my sister!
To Bolek and his new life!
- I'm really sorry.
- You got me all wet!
- Let me help you clean it up.
- Get away from me!
My contract!
And my purse too.
Son of a bitch!
All my hard work.
Thank you, Yasha.
- Bastard, give it back to me!
- Drinks for everybody!
- Bravo!
- On my manager!
Look the other way.
Every time we come to this goddamn town
she's waiting for him. Hanging on him.
Don't be jealous, Magda.
Zeftel does mean a damn thing to him.
Oh, you think you know everything, eh?
Yasha loves you.
He needs you,
he can't live without you.
For sure he loves me.
Like he loves his monkey,
and his parrott.
And you.
But with me he doesn't sleep.
I hate him!
I hate him.
Say something.
Do you like it?
It's not the Alhambra.
Listen to him.
I shlep myself
all the way from Warsaw
on this stinking train to bring him
the biggest contract of his career,
and he tells me
it's not the Alhambra.
- The Cafe de Paris is good enough...
- Don't make such a big thing out of that.
I should have been there
ten years ago.
It is a big thing.
From there it's only one step
to the Alhambra.
All Warsaw will be at your feet.
After that, Petersburgh, London, Paris...
Maybe even New York.
Did you get her address?
Did you tell her I'm coming?
- Tell who?
- Emilia, damn you. You know who I mean.
I'm your manager,
not your pimp.
I have better things to do
than run around after your women.
So then why did you tell me
you're gonna do it for me?
Yasha, keep to your own kind.
You'll be better off.
Where did you dig up
this contraption?
I had it made just for you.
Can you open it or can't you?
I don't know.
I think you got me this time, Mechl.
10 to 1 you can't open it.
10 to 1.
10 to 1?
Ladies and gentlemen, quiet!
Thank you.
The bet is 10 to 1 is to whether
I can open up these two locks.
10 to 1!
Somebody lend me 10 roubles.
Zef... Oh!
10 roubles from Zeftel's
warm treasure.
That makes it a hundred to you, Mechl,
so put your money where your mouth is.
Zeftel, I pay you back in two minutes.
And how? With interest.
Shut your mouth!
I'll shut my mouth
when you'll shut your hole.
Zeftel will never shut her hole
when Yasha's in town.
Quiet everyone!
here are my one hundred roubles.
All your tricks are not going to
help you this time.
Open it!
Let's keep it honest.
blindfold me.
A lock, my friends,
is like a woman.
Soon or later a man comes along,
and he can open her up.
And you think you can open them all, eh?
We're not all the same, you know.
Oh yes, you are.
- So, you don't giving in, eh?
- Well...
Maybe he's right.
Don't rush him, my pretty face.
He's an artist.
Kiss here, touch there...
Now, where is the belly button?
Oh, that touch...
with fingers like that we could
clean out the pockets of the world.
Yasha is not a thief, Leibl.
He's a liar.
He's a liar!
He is a liar!
Are you crazy, Mechl? Didn't I
open the lock? I already opened it!
You are liar and the cheat!
I never cheat, Mechl!
Stop it!
Here, take your money back!
No! The money is mine.
Yasha, I beg you!
Give him the money
and let's get out of here!
Get out of the way, Wolsky.
Where is my knife?
Yasha... please!
The neighbours, Yasha.
Let me get the door...
Yasha, wait...
Yasha, no!
Yasha, please, not in the window.
The neighbours're gonna see.
Yasha, please.
Yasha, please...
Oh, Yasha...
Please, the whole town
can see us now, Yasha...
- No, Yasha.
- Take it, you need it.
- You make me feel like a whore.
- You have to eat.
Then take me to Warsaw with you.
And when your husband
gets out of jail?
He's out of jail. He escaped.
Where is he?
Gone like a stone in the sea.
I heard he ran off to America.
- Please, take me to Warsaw with you.
- I can't do that.
Why not?
I ain't do anything that
polack of yours can doing better?
Can you turn a somersault?
I will learn.
Zeftel, my zaftig one,
you're beautiful woman,
but you're not exactly built
like an acrobat.
- You don't like the way I look?
- I love the way you look.
And feel.
I'm coming to Warsaw.
I'm gonna show up on your doorstep.
You better knock first.
I may have somebody else in bed with me.
You can't stop me.
I'm coming even if I have to walk.
Who's gonna take care of you
in Warsaw?
You will.
Don't start, Zeftel. My life
is complicated enough as it is.
- I was olny joking.
- No, you weren't!
Yasha, stop!
Alright, Yasha.
I see you in Lublin.
Come with me, Schmul,
I'm gonna be in Lublin in two days.
Do I have to remind you
that in two days it'll be Passover?
I've never missed the Seder
with my family.
I never miss the Seder with Esther either.
I'm just taking Magda home.
You'll never make it
to Lublin in time.
So we'll celebrate a day late.
You think God cares?
Don't start with me.
I'll see you in Lublin,
on a Holidays.
Good bye, Magda.
Take care of yourself.
And you, Schmul.
What is it?
How does he do what he does?
I thought you didn't believe in God.
I do. He doesn't believe in me.
How does he make the grass grow?
And the trees?
How does he make the sun shine?
You ever think about that?
How do you do what you do?!
Show me how?!
Show me your magic!
Another ace of spades.
Something bad is gonna happen.
I'm sick of waiting.
I'm going to eat now.
You're going to sit down
and you're going to shut up!
Why should I wait for your Jew?
You... You watch you tongue!
You understand?
You remember!
You remember who takes care
of this! You...
You remember who puts bread
in your mouth!
At least I... I... I make myself look
nice for him. You... You look like a pig!
You took his dirty money
and you sold him your own daughter!
I'd like to kill the bastard,
to cut his stomach open,
watch him begging, begging for his life!
And then, then what,
after you kill him? What?
What do we do?
Who takes care of us? You?
You never brought a rouble
into this house.
You're not even smart enough
to be a good thief, are you?
Who'll take care of me
in my dying years, you? Well you!
You wouldn't even know
how to dig my grave.
You dig your own grave
by giving Magda to this... dog!
Maybe you would like it better
I send her to work in the match factory, huh?
- So her genuine teeth fall out?
- Yes!
And maybe even you would like it better
I send her to the brothel, huh?
They're coming!
They're coming!
The Holy Mother of God!
They're coming!
Yasha is tired, mama.
He didn't get any sleep.
Here they are, finally.
My beautiful blintzes I made for you.
The tzar's officers used to love them.
We used to dance all night.
Well they were crazy for me.
I tell you a secret.
The tzar himself came one night to see me.
That's right, mama.
keep lying, keep lying.
What do you know about life?
You're 19 years old and you're still
as skinny as a gooseling.
I swear, I don't know how you get
any pleasure from her in bed.
What do you hold on to there?
You were out your teeth
from all this stupid talk, mama.
Now, every time you insult me,
your father twirls in his grave.
I swear, magician.
What men did to get me?
There, I show you, I show you.
A young lieutenant,
he did this to me.
He did it with a knife
and his teeth.
I was bleeding,
and they had to sent for a priest.
You remember? A priest came.
A priest came
to measure me for a coffin.
You sat on the priest's lap,
don't you remember?
Last time you said you fell from a horse
and I sat on prince Potocky's lap.
How dare you?
How dare you disgrace me like this?
I may be a poor widow,
with not a penny in a house. Not a penny.
But a liar? Never.
Right, magician? Right?
Right, Lizavieta.
Your stories are good, your heart is good
and your food is wonderful.
See? You see how he talks to me?
You see?
Oh, Yasha, do you have to go?
Couldn't you stay a few more days?
I'll wait on you,
- No, no, no.
- hand and foot.
I have to go in the morning, Lizavieta.
Here, here is something
to keep you through this summer.
And now...
good night.
Oh, Magda, I'm so glad
you never cut your hair.
Men love, they love women
with long hair.
A Gypsy gave me this amulet.
I want you...
I want you to to wear it tonight.
You understand?
You get yourself pregnant.
You stay on top.
Then, it'll be a son.
It'll be a son,
and he's ours forever.
Go, go, go.
He's waiting for you.
You're so light you could fly.
Some day I'll put wings on you.
I'm flying now, my love.
I'm flying!
Happy holidays, Esther.
Oh, how I missed you.
I missed you too.
Yasha, I was so afraid.
You'd never missed the Seder before.
It's alright, we can have it now.
- But the Seder night is over.
- No, a morning Seder.
I'm on very good terms with Elias the prophet.
He's gonna make our house the last stop.
Come on, let's eat.
Oh, Yasha, you're crazy.
It's true, it's true.
So, what's new out there
in a great big world?
- I have an engagement in Warsaw.
- Finally.
We'll make a lot of money, come back here
and build my own theater,
so if anybody wants to see Yasha Mazur,
then come to Lublin.
- And you will work for me too.
- Me? What can I do?
You? You will sell the tickets.
Schmul will play, Wolsky will manage
and I'll fly.
Ah, Yasha.
And your women?
- Will they be coming too?
- What women? I don't have any women.
I wish I had a twenty silver pieces
for every woman you've had.
Yeah? What would you do
with so much money?
I'm joking.
Those who fool around with women
don't walk on tightropes, you know that.
They have enough trouble
walking around the ground.
How can I know that?
When you're on the road
I don't stand at the foot of your bed.
Yasha, I spoke to the rabbi today.
- Esther, please.
- No, please, Yasha, listen to me.
He told me about
this holy man and he...
Esther, why do you torture yourself.
We tried everything. Nothing works.
Yasha, we must keep trying.
Yasha, I want the child so badly.
I sometimes even envy those mothers
whose children lay in the cemetery.
We have each other.
Why isn't that enough for you?
I'm lonely.
And I see less and less of you.
Well, that's got it's good aspects.
We're still hungry for each other
like newlyweds.
You are a child.
My only child.
Please, let's start the service.
Please, Yasha.
Let's eat.
Yasha, you should show yourself
in a synagog at least once a year.
Please. Come for the prayers.
God is everywhere, Esther,
I say my prayers wherever I choose.
Yasha, don't!
You're alright?
Are you alright, Yasha?
Where did you come from?
You suppose to be in that synagoge.
The services are over.
Oh, Yasha, Yasha, look at yourself.
When will you stop
making a fool of yourself?
God did not intend all men to fly. He created
physical laws you're trying to defy.
You're defying God.
How do you know so much?
Did you have an interview with God recently?
He gave you all this information personally?
Did you see, Schmul?
I was up for about a half a minute.
You didn't fly, Yasha.
Stop deceiving yourself. You just fell.
I flow, I flow!
Who was up there? You or me?
What is it up there?
Where are you trying to go?
I have to thank God personally,
because he lets me steal his magic.
Yes, better thank him
for not striking you dead.
Oh, Yasha, Yasha, you're over 40. How many
more years can you keep fooling around like this?
Don't push your luck too far.
There won't always be a river to fall into.
- What do you suggest I do?
- I suggest you stay home.
Stay in Lublin with Esther
and live like the rest of us.
And suppose to bury myself alive
in this stinking hole?
There's a big world out there, Schmul,
and I want it! All of it!
Yasha, so here you are.
The service was so beautiful.
And my cousin Rachel,
do you remember her?
She's been blessed with another child.
What's troubleing you, Yasha?
What would you do if I told you I was
leaving Lublin and never coming back?
Don't say such things.
Suppose I... fell off the tightrope
and got killed.
What would you do then?
I don't know.
Without you I'd die.
Suppose I fell in love
with another woman.
Have you fallen in love
with someone else?
No. Suppose.
Tell me the truth, Yasha.
That's the truth.
Just suppose.
I'd follow you to the end of the earth,
and bring you home again.
What if I told you...
that I was gonna run away to the woods
to become a holy man to repent for my sins?
That's foolish talk, Yasha.
What sins have you got?
I've killed many men,
and I once ate pork.
I'd fallow you to the woods.
It would be very cold.
And I built us a house out of snow,
and we'd have each other forever.
There he is, mama.
Are you sure you want to go in?
It doesn't befit you, especially with the child.
Oh, mama, are you going
to change your mind again?
Well, Panie [Mr.] Kuzarski,
isn't he fantastic?
Sign him up for your Alhambra,
and he'll break all your housewreckers.
Well, we've had this act at the Alhambra before.
I'm looking for something special.
With enter the 20th century, Wolsky,
I need new exciting acts.
What about that flying trick
you told me about?
When can I see it?
Oh, we can't do it here.
He needs more space,
he needs a...
a theater the size of
the Alhambra, maybe.
I'm a busy man, Wolsky. Come to see me
when your Jew is ready with his new act.
Busy man.
Where is my blindfold?
What did you do with my blindfold?
- Gave it to you.
- You did not give it to me.
- What's the matter with you today?
- Nothing.
What did you do with your hair?
I have done anything with it.
Are you going to go out
on stage like that?
It's always been like this.
This is Warsaw. It's too long!
You look like a wild animal!
- Are you ready?
- Give me a minute to breath, goddamn it!
I hate this place.
The dressroom winds a toilet, tha stage
is too small, and I perform to idiots.
- She is here, isn't she?
- Shut your mouth, peasant.
What happened? Where is he?
He's crazy today.
Magda? What's wrong?
You better go out there
and finish your act.
- Is Kuzarski out there?
- He left already.
Did he say anything?
He was not impressed.
What can I tell you?
Warsaw is full of magicians, Yasha,
and very few of them make it to the Alhambra.
They all are a bunch
of mindless amateurs!
None of them can do what I can do!
I don't run the Alhambra, Yasha.
Pan [Mr.] Kuzarski did me
a very great personal favour
just by coming down here
to look at you.
He can kiss my ass!
He didn't do you a favour! You did him
a favour! Get that through your head.
You have one problem,
the other magicians, don't have.
I'm sick on that problem.
You can be sick from now
until doomsday.
You're still a Jew.
Did you tell him I can fly?
Can you?
Did you ever doubt me?
- You're not answering my question.
- You get me to the Alhambra, I'll fly.
Then they might forget
that you're a Jew.
Thank you very much.
I would like to proceed now
with an experiment
in the ancient and mysterious art
of magnetic thought transfers.
If you'll be so kind just to relax
I will attempt to pierce
the veils of your consciousness.
Why doesn't he look our way, mama?
Doesn't he know we're here?
There is an elegant presence among us.
It is a woman.
She is accompanied by her daughter,
a young lady, whose beauty
in just a few years will rival
that of her mother's.
The young lady seems fully recovered
from the recent illness.
A mother, however,
is in conflict.
She's an arictocrat
and this little cafe is beneath her.
She would like to run, but
she remains glue to her chair.
Perhaps it's because she feels
she must maintain her composure
in front of the noble man,
who brought her here.
I feel you're afraid, madam,
about how much of your mind I can read.
You are in torment trying to
disguise your true feelings.
And yet I read them.
You've been waiting patiently
for someone to return from a long journey.
You know this person
can change your life,
that he can free you from boredom,
from loneliness.
Even the wealth of your noble man
can not do that for you.
The man of mystery you've been looking for
has never stopped thinking about you.
Aching to see you!
Take me out of here.
- Why, mama?
- Now!
Halina, where are you going?
I'll get her.
The secred messengers of my soul
will follow you all the way home!
Five zloty, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Holy Maria, who are you?
It's me, Yadwiga.
You remember me?
- The magician!
- Yes!
Oh, I should have known.
My God, my heart is pounding.
You know, you could kill an old woman
with tricks like that.
- Let me massage your heartbeat.
- No, no, no, loose that tricks.
Save them for the women
whose bed you want to warm.
What? A such talk?
And after I brought you...
...French cognac?
You wasted your money.
- I can't let you in.
- Why not?
Orders from my lady.
It's what she wants.
Wait a minute.
Just tell me this: who's the old man
she was with tonight?
You mean, Zarusky?
Don't worry. He's no rival.
My lady knows when there is juice in a bone,
and when it's dried out juice.
Sometimes the money is
the only juice you need.
Well, he's got plenty of that,
but try to prize it out of him.
There is the old miser,
out there, in his little castle,
asleep by his safe, so no one
can take a single rouble.
- That's his apartment over there?
- His apartment?
- He owns the whole building.
- The whole building?
My God, he must be worth a fortune.
They say 100.000 in cash,
right there, in that room.
Hey, magician,
don't give up.
It's you she needs.
And next time...
don't be so fancy.
Bring vodka!
Why do you torture yourself, mama?
You know you're mad about him.
Can't you just see him?
Halina, it was a summertime diversion.
He has no place in our lives.
It's the happiest you've ever been
since papa died.
He makes you laugh, mama.
He makes us both feel alive.
Last summer you made us leave
without even saying goodbye to him.
Why are you so afraid of him?
But I'm not afraid of him.
I'm afraid of you,
and your lack of responsibility.
How could you have given him our address
without consulting me?
What if the count had seen?
I have to think of our future now.
He's a street performer.
He's penniless.
He's married.
And he's a Jew.
And yet you love him.
I won't deny it.
I think he is wonderful...
but he's not for us.
Go to bed, Halina.
No wall too high, no lock too strong
to staying me from the keepers of my heart!
Halina! How healthy well and strong you look.
Let me look at you.
- You are as beautiful as ever.
- Oh, such a perceptive child.
Here, hold your hands up.
Eh! Voila.
Thank you.
How are you, Emilia?
Very well, thank you.
We have a front entrance, you know.
And the bell for guest to ring.
Yes, those are for ordinary mortals.
And what are you?
What would you like me to be.
I'm suddenly exhausted.
Good night, mama.
Good night, Yasha.
Good night, Halina.
You can't stay here.
Let me look at you.
I could't get you out of my mind.
All winter long I've missed you terribly.
Why are your hands trembling?
Is it because you're angry or because
you have longed to this moment as much as I have?
I don't long for moments, Yasha.
I want a lifetime.
And you can't give it to me.
I can give you anything you want.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
You have a wife,
and, God knows, how many other women.
Emilia, I have nothing without you,
with you I have everything.
Very nicely put.
I have a daughter who's very ill,
and who needs the best medical care.
And her condition is not suited
to riding around the countryside in a wagon.
Do you think mine is?
Do you think that that's what I was made for?
I have powers and abilities
you can only dream of.
You know that. Why do you think
you care about me the way you do?
I know what you're capable of, Yasha.
I don't deny the fascination,
but Halina and I can't live
on hopes and dreams and magic.
Please, go now.
If you love me as you say you do,
stand me this kindness.
Please, Yasha.
I'm coming back, Emilia.
You are my life,
and everything will be as I promissed.
Good bye.
Thank you, sir.
What are you doing?
Go, get dressed.
Go, get dressed, Magda.
I'm afraid, Yasha.
- Why don't you want me now?
- Go do what you're told.
Patrzy mi, Bella.
[Look at me, Bella]
Patrzy mi. Patrzy mi, patrzy mi.
[Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.]
You have a good day, Bella?
You have a good day?
Feed the animals.
I'm going to bed.
Mother, please,
don't loose your temper.
Yasha, where are you?
Tada! Hello, lovely ladies.
Please, come in, make yourself at home.
I knew you come again.
- Is this for me?
- Yes, it is. And the other for mama.
Oh, mama, look!
It's even the right size.
Oh, Yasha, you're so wonderful.
You see?
You'le like Santa Claus to us.
And look at all this food.
Aren't you gonna say something?
Thank you, Yasha.
It was a nice gesture.
Thank you very much. Well, shall we dine
or shall I make it all disappear?
No, let's eat!
Good idea.
My dear.
Thank you.
It looks beautiful,
doesn't it, mama?
And expensive.
It's a long time since I saw
caviar in this house.
It must have cost you a fortune.
Yadwiga is right, it did cost a fortune,
but there is more where I came from.
I would like now to propose a toast,
with this...
- But it's water.
- My God, girl, you're right, it is water.
Well, perhaps we can
remedy that situation.
La donna e mobile ...
- May I have wine too, please?
- I think you're a little too young.
Special occasion?
- Please.
- Shall we allow it?
Just this once.
What do I really know about you?
You're a puzzle to me.
The more you tell me about yourself,
the less I understand you.
You act like a noble man,
and yet...
you... drag yourself around the countryside
in a wagon, like a Gypsy.
It's really quite amusing.
But a man with your talent
and knowledge...
and yet so unadvanced.
And what do you really know about me?
I know you're lonely.
I know you're trapped
by your surroundings,
I know you love me
and that you're afraid
to reveal yourself to me.
I meant everything I said
this afternoon, Emilia.
Your perceptions about me
are true.
But you have to understand, that...
you... make me feel things
I don't want to feel.
If I abandon myself to you,
I'm afraid I'll be lost.
It's where you're wrong.
You're lost now.
I love you, Emilia, give yourself to me
and I'll make you happy, I swear it.
Oh, Yasha, you have to leave.
It's getting late.
Talk to me. Tell me something.
- But what?
- Tell me what you feel.
No, please,
it's too soon for all that.
You love me, I know you love me.
- Tell me that you love me.
- No.
No. No...
What are you doing?
My God, what have you done
to yourself?
Don't touch me!
Give me that, Magda.
Give me the razor.
My brother said you would kill me one day.
Why don't you do it now?
What are you talking about?
I never laid a hand on you.
Well, come on and do it!
Why don't you tell me
you want to get rid of me, eh?
You sleep with every goddamn whore
that's willing to spread her legs!
You don't even talk to me anymore.
What is it?
What's the matter with you?
Don't touch me!
I'm not one of your goddamn whores!
No! No!
Kuzarski, he is great.
Wolsky, please.
- Have you seen his act in the Cafee de Paris?
- No, but he is very good.
Is he?
He's really drowned.
God, it's been more than two minutes!
Mr. Mazur, I congratulate you.
That's a very impressive opening.
You're really up me there for a minute.
And now I'd like to see you fly.
Not until the opening night.
- Well, gentlemen, what do you think?
- Fantastic, colossal, great...
After this morning I believe
this man can do anything, eh?
We love to meet him in my office, gentlemen.
Let's go, girls.
- Shall I come too?
- Later.
Thank you, Panie [Mr.] Kuzarski.
You nearly killed me.
You changed the lock.
Didn't you?
Look at me.
Champagne! Champagne!
Real French champagne!
- Did they like me?
- Liked you. I signed the contract.
Mazel tov.
You should have seen him.
I thought he was gonna faint with excitement.
- How much money?
- It's not important.
Don't you understand he wants you
for the summer and the fall,
and the Christmas show.
A six mouth contract!
How much money?
He said you'd be the highest paid magician
in the history of Poland. Maybe 10.000 roubles.
It's not enough, I want more.
More... more...
Alright, more. Listen, Yasha.
After he sees the lines
the people wait to see you fly
we can name our own price.
Come, we'll celebrate.
I'll buy you lunch.
When can I see you fly?
Opening night.
- Can I watch your rehearsals?
- No.
- I'm your manager, why can't I watch?
- Because I said so.
What's going on here?
He can do it, can't he?
Can you do it?
Wolsky, when I say I can do,
I can do.
Now lend me 200 roubles.
Queen of diamonds...
- queen of hearts.
- Okay...
Two clubs...
one diamond and three hearts.
What are you doing?
What is this?
What's going on here?
You people cheat.
You people cheat. This deck is marked.
I'm telling you this deck is marked.
Yadwiga, give me the medicine.
I'm frightened.
I'm terribly frightened.
If we don't go away with her immediately,
I don't know what's going to happen.
I spoke to the bishop this morning,
and he told me that he would perform
a ceremony quick and private.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
- What's bothering you?
- Nothing's bothering me.
I said I go through of it,
I'll go through it.
- Then, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
It's just the...
the Alhambra would like me to stay there
through Christmas, that's all.
But that's six months.
You told me we'd leave immediately.
Well, six months isn't very long.
Not long?
You're talking about my child's life.
I trusted you.
You said you loved me.
You said we'd start a new life
together in Italy.
What is it about the Alhambra?
Do you enjoy throwing yourself
from a balcony at your age?
What are you holding on to?
You have the money.
That's what you told me.
Yes, I have the money.
The money is not an issue.
Then what is the issue?
It's a ... No, it's a contractual
misunderstanding, that's all.
I'll about to find a loophole somewhere, somehow.
It's not a problem.
I could have been in Italy month ago,
if I hadn't waited for you.
How could you've been in Italy
with all your debts?
Did you get a better offer
from across the street?
Tell me, damn it! I want to know!
I owe you no explanation.
And please,
keep your voice down in my house.
We leave readily
right after my opening.
A week from now?
A week from now.
Had you settle it with your wife?
Yes, of course.
And she's not standing in your way?
I made things
very comfortable for her.
- And so there are no problems?
- None whatsoever.
Oh, Yasha.
I'm so relieved.
Thank God you came into my life.
Bella, damn you!
I'll kill you! Stop that!
Don't eat Yasha's food!
I swear I'll kill you! No!
Where the hell he is?
- He's sleeping.
- Sleeping?
Yasha, wake up!
Yasha, I've had it.
Yasha, I don't care how much money I'm gonna loose,
I swear in God I'm gonna leave you.
Up! I'm up!
Two o'clock in the afternoon.
How much can a man sleep?
He's tired out on chasing
his duchess all night.
We're all waiting two hours at the Alhambra,
with the orchestra's conductor cursing me out,
his posters are all over Warsaw,
his name up in gigantic letters,
the opening is just a week away,
and he hasn't begun the rehearse!
The whole world is waiting to see him fly,
and he sleeps!
Did you see this famous exhibition?
Fly! Have you seen him fly?
Why get so excited, Panie [Mr.] Wolsky?
Sit down and have some tea.
Mysteries. Everyone is full of mysteries.
Get away! Get away!
Get this filthy beast away from me!
- Bella.
- How can you live with a man like that?
He needs me and I belong here.
Our great magician can't even
sew a button on his shirt.
Morning, good morning.
Good morning, you said.
That's good evening, your highness.
It looks I've got nothing in my life
but love for you, Wolsky,
so, don't ruin my mood
with your kvetching.
Why shouldn't I kvetch?
You wanted the Alhambra?
I gave you the Alhambra.
You were supposed to be there
at your rehearse with the orchestra.
You have to give the performance
of your career in a week, and look at you.
- You want to ruin me?
- Alright, alright, I'll start rehearsing tomorrow.
- You said that yesterday.
- Lend me 100 roubles.
What do you do with all this money?
I've already advanced you a thousand roubles this week.
- You wanna clean me out?
- More presents for the royal whore?
Go, get my bath ready, Magda.
Leave the money on the table, Wolsky.
I'm going to take a bath now,
then I'll see you in town in an hour.
I'm putting it back.
I'm putting it back.
I'm putting it back!
I'm putting it back!
- Do they need magicians in Italy?
- Yes, Magda, they need magicians everywhere.
- Then they need magician's assistance.
- Yes, they need magician's assistance.
And I'm your assistance.
- Yeah, I mean...
- Nobody else can be your assistance.
- No, no...
- I'm the only one who knows all of your tricks.
- Yes, well I know.
- She couldn't do all the tricks.
No, she couldn't. Listen.
I want you to get it out of your head,
that you're gonna be left.
You with me. You understand that?
We'll always be together.
Yes. You know what I think?
Yasha! No! No!
I wanted to quit this business
a thousand times, but I can't.
Because once in a while
someone comes along with that spark,
and makes everything worthwhile.
You, Yasha.
You have that spark of genius.
That's why I love you.
You're crazy, but I love you.
I really believe that the two of us together
could get somewhere in this rotten world.
But to tell you the truth,
I can't figure you out.
You're like a jigsaw puzzle, where
the half of the pieces are in your own pocket.
Tell me what goes on
with that head of yours?
- You're asking a wrong person.
- Be serious for a minute.
What do you wanna know?
How do you survive all your women?
That's what I want to know.
I't very easy.
A little lying, a litte juggling, that's all.
Are you in love with the Countess?
I'm in love with...
all of them.
- But you plan on marrying this one.
- I think so, yes.
- In a church?
- She wants me to convert a little.
Convert a little?
Nothing you can excited about. I cross myself a couple
of times, I sprinkle the water myself and I'm a catholic.
Who knows, maybe it will do me some good.
You're out of your mind, Yasha.
Jews don't convert.
Oh, really?
Since when the Jews have a monopoly on the truth?
You've been in heaven recently? Had an interview with God?
And what about your wife?
She won't live through the shock.
- She'll flicker out like a candle.
- What do you want from my life?
You want me to stay the little
Jew magician from Lublin forever?
I want Paris, Wolsky! I want London!
I'm gonna fly over the great rooftops of the world!
I won't be held back!
Who knows, maybe it will do us just some good.
I'll give a 10.000 roubles, that'll soften the blow.
Where on the hell are you going to get
all this money?
Lend me some.
- How much?
- 50.000 roubles.
You're out of your mind.
I'm not a millionaire.
I need it, Wolsky,
I have to have it.
- Go rob a bank.
- Alright, but first lend me some money.
Lend it from Rothschild.
You can't be so excited.
I'm gonna... I'm gonna get you a coffee!
Where are you going?
I'm going to the Alhambra
to tell some more lies for you.
Down! Slide the wings down
and out!
And forward! Bring it forward!
The audience must see it!
Forward, forward.
Is that alright, Mr. Wolsky?
Fantastic sight,
isn't it, Panie [Mr.] Kuzarski?
Wings are wings.
Show me the magician.
He's supposed to fly tonight, and
he hadn't shown up for even one rehersal.
Panie [Mr.] Kuzarski, take my word for it.
He'll give the best performance
the Alhambra's ever seen.
Take my word for it,
if he doesn't,
your magician and you
are finished!
Tell me, Wolsky, have you ever
seen him fly with this thing?
Have I ever seen him fly?
Of course.
- Many times.
- How exactly does he do it?
Actually it's very simple.
He goes like this...
Get dressed, Yasha,
it's getting late.
What are you doing?
Preparing the feast.
Everybody's coming back here
after the show tonight to celebrate.
Even Pan [Mr.] Kuzarski is coming.
Yadwiga, could you please
button my dress?
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Mother, aren't you ready yet?
It's getting late.
Don't get excited. The performance
doesn't start till eight o'clock.
- Who is the other guest?
- He's bringing Pan [Mr.] Wolsky, his impresario.
And you will have all coming back here
to celebrate after the theater.
Mama, it'll be a midnight engagement party.
Hurry up!
She's very excited.
Kurier Warszawski!
[Warsaw Journal]
Come in.
There is a lady
waiting for you downstairs.
What lady?
I don't know, she wants him.
Well tell her to come up.
Wait a minute.
- Oh God.
- What is it?
Who is it?
Who's down there?
- Why is she here?
- I don't know.
What did you tell her to come here?
I didn't say anything.
I told her not to come here!
I swear to you! Don't I have enough troubles
as it is? What I need that for?
- Where are you going?
- Find out what she wants.
Don't go down there!
I got to go down there.
She's gonna hanging around all day.
- Yasha, no, please!
- I gotta see what she wants.
You know what she wants!
You know why she is here!
Goddamn it! Get away from me!
I'm going to go downstairs
for two minutes,
I'm going to get rid of her,
and I'm coming right back.
Oh, Yasha, I was so afraid
you wouldn't come down.
I couldn't go upstairs cause
I knew the other woman was there.
What are you doing here?
I told you I'd come one day.
I sold everything I owned
and left Piask for good.
Where are you going to stay?
I don't want to burden you,
I have my pride.
But, Yasha,
I couldn't get you out of my heart.
Yasha, are you listening to me?
It's me, Zeftel! Your Zeftel!
You haven't even kissed me yet.
Come on.
So, come with me back to America,
he says,
that he'll help me
find my husband for me.
He talks so big, Yasha,
he throws his money around,
and he treats everybody
to chocolate and halvah.
He says he'll advance me
my ship's fare back to America,
I don't know, somehow I don't trust him.
He's from America
like I'm from China.
- You know him?
- I don't have to know him.
You know what a pimp is?
He will drag you away somewhere
and put you in a whore house.
He knows your husband in America
like I know the tzar's father.
What can I do, Yasha?
I can find a job.
He says he'll put me up
in his sister's house.
She is his sister like I'm your uncle.
She is a madam.
They will split the profits.
They'll sell you somewhere,
God knows where.
Maybe Buenos Aires,
then you rot there.
Buenos Aires is the city
they mentioned of America.
Buenos Aires is not in America, stupid.
These people prey
young women like you.
They are dealers
in human flesh, in women.
They're white slavers.
The newspapers are full of it.
Get out of them quick!
Or you end up a whore in Buenos Aires.
Where am I to go, Yasha?
I don't know anybody here.
I have no money.
Tell me what to do.
Come on, damn it.
Show me where they live.
I'll see what I can do.
So, you are the magician.
You don't look like one.
Really? What do I look like?
Shall I tell you
what you look like?
- Tell me.
- A pimp.
No, my friend, I'm not a pimp.
Come on, sit down.
- Please.
- Come on.
Zeftel, go on in.
- What is she to you, a sister?
- No, she's not a sister.
You wouldn't care
if she was your mother.
What do you want with her?
Nothing. You can
take her away right now.
You like... vodka?
Then, let's have a drink.
Rachel! Give us some vodka.
Alright. Let's put our cards
on the table.
Well, I work sometimes in Buenos Aires.
We've got nothing but men.
A woman is worth a weight of gold.
You know, I don't mean that
in a bad sense.
They got married and that's the end of it.
I don't want to get married.
I want Yasha.
Herman, my dear fellow, she's married.
She already has a husband.
- And if you can't find him?
- So, who's gonna give them divorce, you?
Schmuck! What's a divorce?
A piece of paper!
Everything is paper, even money.
So, for 10 pesos she'll get a divorce!
Nobody can force me to do anything.
I don't want to go to Buenos Aires.
I don't want to marry a rich man.
I want him.
I was going to advance her fare
to Buenos Aires and what do I get in return?
I guess I have a soft heart.
What are you gonna do?
There, mama, look! His wings!
There are his wings!
Look, mama.
Great! Great!
And now, for the creation of life
out of divine fire.
Give me a glass.
- A big one!
- Yeah, here is a bigger.
Hold it, please.
Name a card.
- A Joker.
- The Joker.
The Joker.
Concentrate on the joker now.
I'll bring him here right away.
It's not far.
Well, hurry up! Get him!
Quick, Freta Street!
Get up there!
Come on, Emily.
Wolsky! For heaven's sake,
get the magician here immediately,
or we both be ruined!
The door is open.
Magda, where is he?
Where is he?
Tell me where Yasha is?
What's the matter with you?
Did sometning happen?
For God sake, you know what time it is?
You should be in the theater.
Magda, please,
get hold of yourself.
Please, tell me.
Did something happen to Yasha?
Where is he?
The theater is full of people.
They're waiting.
He'll never come.
- Yasha's gone.
- I don't understand.
What are you trying to tell me
he's gone? Gone where?
He's supposed to be on the stage
in a few minutes. He's supposed to fly!
- Yasha cannot fly.
- Don't say that!
Don't say that!
It was all a big lie.
He lied to us all.
Where is he?
Magda, where is he?
Yasha cannot fly.
Yasha's gone.
He's gone.
Oh, my God...
Oh, my God...
Hello, sweetheart.
I'm a little bit late...
whereas the magnificence of my performance
will soon make you...
forget whatever minor discomfort
that you have been through.
Excuse me.
Where... Where are the wings?
Oh, there they are!
You seem fit to destroy my wings.
And I seem fit to destroy you!
I am Yasha the Magnificent!
I'm like a God!
And I don't need wings to fly!
I can read your minds,
so, be caredul!
I can hypnotize...
and I'm fluent in four languages.
Take your card.
Wait a minute.
I'm good at this.
I demand that this theater come down!
I told you I wasn't there!
- Maria! Maria! Is that you?
- No.
It must be somebody upstairs.
Who is it?
- Help! Help!
- What is it?
A thief! A thief!
A thief has been in here!
- Boena! Maria!
- Yes, yes, we're coming!
- Janek!
- What's happening, master?
- There's been a thief in here.
- Where has he gone?
Get the police! Oh, get the police!
Don't stand around here...
Call the police ...
Come on, you down there!
Hot chesnuts!
Zeftel? Zeftel...
Oh, my God!
Take her down.
Please, you must be patient.
He'll see everyone of you. Be patient.
- Don't you recognise me?
- Wolsky?
The Warsaw papers are filled with stories
about a holy man of Lublin,
who's livin in a grave.
- I came to see for myself.
- Come. He'll be happy to see you.
- Are you sure it's alright?
- Of course.
- Is it... is it really you?
- Jacob, Jacob, let me look at you.
Of course, it is.
What a stupid question.
I haven't changed. But you...
- You're saint now.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
Ah, Yasha, let's face it.
I'm an old sinner,
whose life is almost over.
I can hardly breath.
Oh, I put together
show here, an act there...
Tired comedians with no laughts,
second rate magicians with...
no magic, I...
I can't go on like this much longer.
I'm lonely, and I'm frightened.
Can you help me?
I can try.
You are now a believer...
in God.
Are you sure about him now?
he exists, I mean.
I think he does, yes.
But if he doesn't, Jacob,
you must still behave
as if he does.
Ah, thank you, Yasha.
Thank you for those beautiful words,
but then
you were always very good with words.
Hey, Yasha...
We had some good times together, eh?
I got carried away.
I have someone here with me.
She wants to see you and
talk to you, but she's afraid.
She thinks you don't want to see her.
Will you?
Yes, I will see her.
Yasha, you must stop
what you're doing.
I accept all the blame.
I drow you to it.
How I cried for you.
The short time I knew you, Yasha.
It was the happiest time of my life.
Can you forgive me?
There is nothing to forgive.
I'm married now.
I'm the countess Zaruski.
After you left me,
I was alone.
I had to take care of Halina.
She's in a sanatorium now,
in Italy.
I had to tell her
what has happened to you.
It was her idea
that I come and see you.
She wanted to come...
but the doctors said...
Pray for me, Yasha.
And you for me.
Schmul, take care of him.
I lost my daughter.
God has taken your daugter
from you?
No, you.
You took my daughter away.
Magician, they say now
you are saint.
Yes, they say you're saint.
You can bring the dead back to live.
Bring me back my child.
God can do that, Lizaveta.
I can not.
No, I want...
I want Magda back.
I need her.
I need the income
that she gave me. We're starving.
Lizaveta, I gave you
everything I had.
I gave you my wagon,
I gave you my horses,
I have nothing left.
You are liar.
You're not holy man!
You are liar!
You killed my daughter and then
you've robbed her money!
And you got it in there
some place you're hiding,
but you're not gonna hide
in there no more!
I want my child back!
I want Magda back!
You'll give me Magda!
- You bring my Magda back!
- Get away from him!
No! Don't touch my mother!
Take your hands off her, you dirty Jew!
Damn you!
Stay right there ...!
Give me the hammer!
Come on! Come on!
Come on, let's do it!
He's got it! He's got my money!
Please, help me save my husband.
Damn your husband!
Your husband is a murderer!
- No!
- Yes!
He murdered my daughter!
Yes, he murdered her,
and he took my money!
- No!
- Yes!
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