The Man for the Job (2022) Movie Script

Ivie, finish your breakfast...
you're going to be late for school.
Mummy, Chijidem is not
eating his breakfast.
Chiji, eat your breakfast
Mummy, see I have finished my breakfast...
I'm a good girl.
That's my girl... yes!
- Mummy...
- Ivie!
Chiji is a naughty boy, he is.
Chiji you had better finish your food...
don't make me come out there.
- Mummy!
- What? Ivie!
Chiji is on the floor like a big baby...
He's crying like a big baby.
Ivie call your father... call your father!
- Chiji!
- Daddy!
Baby what is it, stop jumping on the bed.
Daddy, mummy is holding Chiji
Yeah I know baby that you're a big girl
Come, let me carry you.
Chiji is on the floor like a big baby...
He is crying like a big baby.
Daddy, I'm a big girl.
Yes baby, you're a big girl.
- Did you say he is crying?
- Yes
- On the floor?
- Yes.
Baby, let's go.
- Babe, come out!
- Yes, baby.
I'm out, how is he?
- Please help me pick up her bag
It's okay baby
Yes, that's what I am saying...
So I'd drop the keys
with the security guards.
Come and pick it up.
I need the car tonight...
it has lots of issues.
Yes... just come and pick it up please.
I'd send it...
Bianca, the files please.
You know what they say
about Ijebu people...
that we are very stingy...
what they don't know is
that it is cost management.
So Nadine, that is what we mean
Just give us the money, then
you will see the response.
Because nobody wants to
make use of atm anymore.
- True... very true
- Exactly...
Bernard... okay he's still on.
It's actually amazing what you have
done with your local engineers.
You really know how to spot great talents.
And nice work... Tega!
Thank you... thank you very much.
You know that our engineers are
known everywhere in the world.
They are even better than the Indians...
and they are mostly self taught.
and Tega here... is one of
the finest across the country.
And he's been with me for the longest...
- Tegalicious Tega!
- Yes boss.
But have you been able to sort out the
problems of the automated interchange please?
If we are planning to start
running serious campaign...
and launch in three months...
We're expected to have up to
10billion transactions each day
You're just not ready...
Well Nadine I can assure you that
we are working on it. Don't worry.
Don't bother Nadine, Nigerians are
the best in fintech across the world.
We have some innovations that the
Americans don't know about yet.
- Like App...?
- Appzone.
Yes Mr Lai is right, so my company Appzone
We have a product called Zoom which
is Africa's first payment platform.
Powered by block chain technology
So we partner with fintechs like Inteltech
to ensure cheaper and more reliable
digital payments across Africa.
That's all...
But would you be ready in time?
No offense Mr Lai... but we Indians
are really experienced at this.
Well Nadine...
I guarantee...
that in one month...
We'll have a demo that is
ready for testing... trust us.
- It won't be ready in a month sir.
- I know...
The problem is these
Indians we are working with.
They should give us the money instead...
and let us do the job...
Your team can handle the job, can't you?
Yes we can...
Come in...
Meet Zainab.
Zina sir.
It's the same...
Good afternoon sir, nice to meet you...
I'm a very big fan.
Oh! thank you...
Do you remember the Fintech
conference I was invited as a speaker?
- Yes I remember...
- Good.
She facilitated the fintech session...
Oh! nice...
I hired her.
- Good to meet you...
- Hi!
Zina that you see...
She studied in the UK.
Masters in product design.
And backend computing.
She also has...
- Machine learning sir.
- Machine learning, right!
So I decided she should
join in on your project.
Sir I don't see how that's
necessary, I have a team
You should focus on...
product launch.
So you can leave these children
to work on the dirty work
and do all sorts so
they can earn their pay.
You have bigger responsibilities,
let them work for their money
Don't worry Tega, you can go now Zainab.
Zainab... come.
You know not to disappoint me.
- I won't sir.
- Alright.
Thank you... a good Nigerian child.
You needed to see what this girl
did at the fintech conference.
Blood of God!
Everyone was talking about her.
Like, she was the...
Come Tega...
Tegalicious Tega.
See Tega...
You should not be bothered
about these people.
This company needs fire.
We need that fire as a startup.
Stop competing with these people.
Sir that's the point, this is
my team that I put together
We have a plan, we do not need a new hand.
Tegalistic Tega.
You see, I have a knack...
for spotting talents.
Just like...
Few years ago when I picked
you to come join me...
Do you remember when I spotted you...
- and your colleague, what's his name?
- Joseph
Yes... Joseph
I knew there was something in that boy...
Both of you, so when I
say I spot talents...
I'm not joking, I have a knack.
For discovering talents.
And by the way...
What is he up to now?
I don't know... he and I don't
keep in touch as we should
but at the conference he was
with the seed assurance bank team
So he's probably still with them.
Seed assurance... they
are lucky to have him.
I'm sure he is doing big
IT things there right now
He must be doing big things
This is Mr Barnabas.
- I ordered your ride 10minutes ago, where are you?
- Yes ma
Yes so I'm supposed to take a right turn
Yes so why are you not taking the trun?
- Yes ma, but there's traffic on the way.
- So?
So even if I want to use a
shorter route via the left turn...
I can't due to the traffic jam.
- Are you saying there is no other route?
- Yes ma.
What is wrong with all these drivers?
- Everywhere is blocked ma.
- You know what?
She... she just cancelled the ride.
Ohh! this car is overheating again...
But I thought this guy fixed this car.
Welcome Mr Joseph.
Blessing, how are you?
How are you baby?
Welcome baby
- How was your day?
- Fine.
I'd be on my way now aunty.
Thank you Blessing.
How are you?
I'm sorry we got in late, should I go
ahead and prepare some food for you?
What did you say?
I said it's fine.
Okay, thank God.
I already made a cup of tea for myself
So what did they say
was the cause this time?
I don't understand.
They said that...
Cold from rain water triggers
their crisis sometimes.
Yes I know that, but that
has never occured before.
Means we have to start planning for this.
So how did the deliveries go?
Slowly, but it's moving gradually.
What about you?
Were you able to fix the car?
Long story... but I
managed to get it fixed.
That's why I came back late.
Babe can you believe that Taju
didn't touch anything in that car?
I had to get a roadside
mechanic to help me move it out
Then I ended up paying 30 thousand naira.
Do you think I should...
give Blessing something to say thank you?
There is something I've
thought about doing since...
- Do you know this...?
- When did this come in?
Oh... that...
Usman gave me this morning that it
was brought in our absence yesterday.
This is the IELTS report sheet...
8.5 points... Oh my gosh
My brilliant husband...
- Baby come on, it's just english
- What do you mean?
- So does it mean all our Canadian plans might work out?
- Yes
I just need to present proof of
funds and raise 6million naira.
So they can approve the application
for the start up business
I'm sure they will, you know
you are very intelligent.
- Baby, I've raised about
1.5million hoping to get the balance
You will...
I see...
all that you're doing for us...
for this family
For me...
Sometimes I feel your life would
have been better without me in it.
Look, I promise...
- I'd do whatever I can.
- Baby, it's fine.
Come sit...
I didn't make a mistake
with you, alright...
and I know Chiji will be
fine, we will survive this.
And when we get to Canada...
He'd be given the best treatment there is.
- I like it when you say
"When we get to Canada" - Yes
because at the very end, we will
ask someone to lend us the money
- after all you work in a bank
- which bank?
Same bank we've been applying
for salary increase for a while.
They don't give these benefits...
- What's wrong with them?
- I don't know.
If only they knew your
worth in that bank...
It's not that deep baby...
It is...
- Baby, I need to go to work.
We're not done here...
See, well it's just...
It's hard to get jobs these days
and even harder for people my age...
- Well you're right, it could have been worse...
- Yes.
There are so many graduates out there
as uber drivers and other menial jobs...
Look at that...
That's our country Nigeria...
You were about saying something...?
What was I about to say?
- I don't know, I interrupted you earlier...
- Oh, I can't remember.
I'd just buy more electricity
units and send to you...
- I have to go now, I'd see you later...
- It's okay.
- Do have a good day...
- Thank you
- and call me...
- Alright, I will.
Don't be late...
Love you...
So how did your first ride go?
Let's just say it's a long story bro...
The passenger cancelled.
- That's normal...
- Yes
- You just have to keep trying...
- I guess...
You know what can be done?
You can add more apps...
Let me tell you...
That's what most people around
here do after close of work.
To earn extra cash, you
know times are hard!
But the truth is...
They just don't use their names...
Look, I had always thought to say this
Thank you
Thank you for hooking me up, I need
all the extra cash I can lay hands on.
I will try again tonight.
No problem.
I suggested the city riders app
Yes... why?
They just dropped their commission to 15%.
Oh okay...
That's good.
- I'd see you later... thank you
- It's okay.
No progress?
Good evening sir...
I've just started to debug the code...
But it looks like we need to
rewrite most of the base modules.
No there's no time for that.
There's nothing wrong with the modules.
This is the same thing that
has been running the app, so...
Okay, but we need...
I understand.
I'd find a way around it.
Are you the driver?
Yes... I'm Barnabas.
I just dropped someone
around this vicinity...
So I just want to buy some
fuel, I hope you don't mind?
No, it's fine.
Can I start the trip?
No problem.
Sorry ma, is the volume okay?
It's fine, thanks.
- Is the air conditioner okay ma?
- It's fine
Thank you.
I'm tired, I've been
trying it since morning.
No, I have tried method
it starts out well...
but once the input goes beyond
a certain point, it just...
slows to a crawl...
I think this new company
wants me to do magic...
I don't even know why I accepted the job
So? Please I deserve the payment.
My new boss always has high demands...
and you can't say because
he is mostly always right.
And don't get me started on the CTO...
Ma, I think they need to see
your face to let us in...
As I was saying, I told...
the CTO I didn't need to
rewrite the whole thing...
But he is too proud.
It's failed again...
I'm tired.
- It's the red gate to the left
- Okay ma.
Try exponential function.
Sorry who, me?
You're working on a growth model right?
Kind of... yes!
So you wouldn't get anything fast on high volume
if you don't use an exponential function.
It worked right?
So that would be 3200naira.
- Cool uhm... thanks
- Sure
- Can I do a transfer?
- Yes, of course!
- Okay, so if you don't mind, Mr...
- Barnabas.
Mr. Barnabas...
Can I call you just incase I run into any
issues while testing it tomorrow at work?
Definately, you can send a
message if I'm too busy...
But... and also I will check a
reference for you when I get home.
Your account number?
2464... Seed Assurance Bank
And please don't forget the 5stars...
Of course not...
Wow, it's 20thousand!
Oh okay, I'd buy it...
When did you get back?
I got back at 11pm.
What happened?
You should at least called me...
Baby please don't be angry.
How are you doing?
I'm okay, I was just worried.
I'm fine...
Thanks for the food.
This is really good... this is awesome!
It's okay...
It's very good... you are doing very well.
Don't worry, you'd be okay.
- Okay?
- Thank you sir
The road to 10billion is not far away.
Do you think we can finalize on this in...
- One month?
- Yes I believe so sir.
You believe so... that's okay
What do you think Tega?
Fine... even Tega agrees.
Weldone... you'd be okay!
By the way if you're not too busy...
Come with me, I need to show
you to one of our partners.
Tega! Weldone, great work everybody.
We still have a lot of work to do...
My supervisor is on my neck.
Are you paying me for it?
Give me my money...
- In fact, I will close the account...
- Give me a second to call you back...
- I will close it and no more...
- Sorry...
- Please come and help me check
this, I don't know what's wrong
- Have you called Kola?
- I've called him, I don't know why he's not here.
I'm so sorry ma...
Beacuse he doesn't know what he's
doing, that's why he is not here.
They had better get a
better IT personnel...
cos I'd be leaving this bank soon...
- Thank you.
- You're welcome
Yeah, hello!
Barnabas... sorry, Mr Barnabas...
As I was saying...
I have a proposition for you...
Yes, I'm listening...
Actually let me send a text message
to you my boss just called...
You love money too much...
Oh yes, I'm sure your
company is filled with...
young champs who talk much due to the
amount they are paid.
Actually, no... do you know the mybank app?
Yes, it's an ewallet, savings
and an investment app all in one.
How can you not know the app?
I'm sorry, you know I can't
keep up with these new trends...
There are too many, but you know that
ewallet doesn't have money in it.
It's all still connected to a bank
Yes but banks are slow and old school.
Just like you...
Oh okay...
But we still have real assets
Yes and we have the customers.
So what new problems are you encountering
as the app is already working?
Yes well the founder just
expanded into the POS business
and now we want to scale, this means billions of
transactions a day at the rate our users are growing.
Why hasn't your company employed expatraites
just like other Nigerian companies?
The locals that build the companies are
abandoned when they request for assistance.
Is that what happened to you?
It's all good... it was
a good call by your CEO.
Yes... he is a genius.
- And for your information he's in his 50s so we are in serious business.
- Interesting.
Yes he believes a lot in local talents
You'll probably know him.
Really, do I?
Who doesn't know Lai Babalola?
You know him right?
This is your number one urban jam radio
We're close to my house and I've
forgotten the real purpose of this ride.
Yes you mentioned that the app
crashes after a million iteration.
This man keeps streesing me out.
What kind of problem is
this, time is far spent.
And he is not picking up his calls.
You are disturbing yourself aunty.
If it's not a traffic jam...
It might be that he has
been promoted at work...
You are aware Mr Joseph loves to work,
with a promotion comes more workload.
It's nothing... relax, Mr Joseph is coming.
So sorry about what
happened to Aquatic bank...
I warned them...
When I say things, they don't listen...
I told them they would go bankrupt
if they continue with their actions.
Eventually, they was what happened
It's none of my business, by the way...
How are your wife and son?
- Esohe?
- That's her name right?
- Esohe, yes!
- My son is fine and we just had a daughter.
- Hope she doesn't have the same...
- No...
Okay, because...
- Hi Joseph...
- What's up?
I saw you earlier but I thought
you had left without saying hi
- No, there's no way I'd leave without saying hi...
- Right!
The Ascential bank wants to have a
coversation with you for 5minutes...
Look, I'm tired of people
just talking too much.
They should just release the money...
You can continue the discussion
with them, I'd join you later.
- Alright
- Go join them.
- Good to see you, please say me well to Esohe.
- Sure
- Is that why you refused to come work with me?
- Mr. Lai!
Tega is like a brother to me besides
he is very good at his job...
Why do you even need two CTOs?
I don't understand...
I'd lay him off then...
You can't lay him off...
I own the company and you're
saying I can't lay him off?
I recruit... I lay off.
Okay, see. Let me tell you.
You are the one we need in our company.
You are the real engineer.
But if you insist, I've
asked you three times
Third time I'm asking...
But in any case, if you don't want...
Let's go!
By the way, he is not your brother...
And in business,
passiveness is not kindness.
Keep playing with your career...
Be fast, let's start going.
Babe, you have to stop this attitude.
When you won't call even when you
know you won't be coming home early.
I don't even know what I will do
if something goes wrong with you...
Babe, come on...
I said I was sorry...
I just got carried away with work...
What kind of work keeps
you late till midnight...
Or is there another work somewhere else?
Well, let's just say it's a new work
A new work?
Like a promotion?
Well yes, sort of...
You're just casually saying it?
- Oh my God, are you serious?
- Yes
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I just...
He was actually looking at my work...
- It's like he wanted to sabotage me.
- It's okay.
Well Tega is not a monster.
I'm sure he was just curious...
Do you know him?
He is an old friend...
So does that mean you worked with
Mr Lai and Tega at Inteltech?
Inteltech, no...
But Lai and Tega, yes.
So why aren't you working with them now?
It's a long story...
Don't worry about Tega,
focus on your work instead.
There is somethig new I want us to try...
Come, let me show you.
Thank you...
Thank you so much
Welcome babe.
Thank you. How are you?
So I have good and bad news...
Oh okay...
So it's hitting close to 10billion
transactions, but then...
it just starts misbehaving almost like
the system goes unstable at that point.
Yes it has to be the modules,
you just need to tweak them.
Tega says the modules are fine...
He write them himself so
who am I to question him?
Okay talk to him about it then.
No please, I'd find a way around it.
Today is our last day Mr
Barnabas and for that...
- I'm so grateful.
- It's my pleasure.
Just let me know how it goes okay?
Mr Lai just called me to his office, maybe I would
get a promotion and then send you something.
Zina sir
Don't ever interrupt me when I'm talking...
Sorry sir, is there a problem?
I don't understand.
You've been working with Joseph.
Do you have any idea what the
implications of what you have done are?
No and please why have
you been following me?
This driver of yours...
Do you know he has the ability to
steal very valuable company property?
That could turn him into a very
formdibable competition for us?
And he's the one who's been helping
you with this work, isn't he?
- You have no proof of that, Mr Barnabas...
- His name is Joseph.
His name is Joseph and we go way back.
Tell me, is he the one
that has been helping you?
Sir, I can explain...
How much have you told Joseph?
Do you have any idea how much damage
you can cause to this company?
We could loose everything we've worked on for the past
decade simply because you couldn't do your job...
and you had to outsource, how dare you?
What were you thinking?
Simply because you were just...
It's okay
Tega! I will handle it from here.
Wait, so he didn't have
any problems with it?
No, he was like you're the
luckiest girl in the world...
How did you find Joseph?
Mr Lai actually thinks
very highly of you...
You should have accepted that job offer.
That Tega is dumb...
That's my friend you're talking about...
If you keep being soft like this...
You'll never make money...
and you will never be taken seriously...
Keep the abuses coming...
Anyway, how am I supposed
to trust you... Joseph?
Aka Mr Barnabas...
Why would you even lie about your name?
- Guess what?
- What?
I have the modules...
- Wait, Tega gave you access to his codes?
- Of course not.
Mr Lai did.
Let's take a look at them then...
We need to use the computer...
So I don't understand, what
have you been making use of?
I'm referring to my work station at home.
All I have is this tablet and
it won't be useful for it.
Mr Lai didn't want any friction with Tega.
Men supporting men.
How many hours in?
Two hours, 11 billion transactions
and it's still stable.
That means it's working,
I'd log in right away.
When was the last time
you did something similar?
You are shocked at how
good I am with python...
Old school people like you
are probably still stuck on
C sharp or Fortran...
Very funny...
Please how do I get access
to the base modules?
Tega's code?
- That's it.
- That's fine.
Guess what?
If I crack this tonight...
I'd give you a little something extra.
Like what?
How about 500,000?
How much is your salary?
- It's not my salary, it's Inteltech's money.
- Oh!
Mr Lai says to give you a
little extra for your hardwork.
But, it has to be through
your mybank wallet okay?
It's okay, let's do it.
- Okay.
- Yes.
Let me sign you up...
with my phone, okay.
Full name?
Alright so you are Mr Joseph...
You can put whatever you want...
How about Barnabas2022
with 'B' in capital letter.
You can send it to me
when you want... later!
- Is something wrong?
- I'm good.
I'd go make you some tea and
warm up rice, I'd be right back.
Wow! Bro.
I planned on selling this to Aquatic Bank
There's no way they can resist this...
The procedure is very
sophisticated and scalable...
No one can hack into this easily.
I'm speechless... look!
Customers will love this product.
Are you joking? Of course.
I don't trust Mr Lai.
I don't trust Mr Lai.
So instead of being insecure about him
stealing it, sell it off to him then...
Are you crazy? Why would I
want to sell it to Mr Lai?
- Aquatic bank will pay me in millions.
- Okay.
You know what?
Put it in a flash for me...
Let me take it home and debug it...
Tega are you crazy? How can there
be bugs, I wrote these codes well.
- You are too proud.
- Bro this is machine learning
- How many people can do this in this country?
- Keep insulting me, as I can't do it.
Stick with me bro, I'll show you...
Okay, so compile it and let
me know what you think...
You should be my partner
instead of Mr Lai's.
One more thing...
Don't tell him what I'm working on...
I'm only giving you this
because you are close to me.
My guy!
- Weldone... this is mad.
- Thanks bro.
Put some respect on my name.
Mr. Joseph...
Sorry, I had to leave...
You can copy the code and tweak it.
It will work fine.
The issue was with some symbols you used.
No need to touch the modules...
It's perfect.
- Mr Joseph.
- Ma.
I think your son had his crisis again.
She went to the hospital.
Thank you.
I told him, I said...
Do you know you are one that
has been driving like a mad man?
Truth is that half of
Lagosians are suicidal.
Babe that's not even the worst part, do you
know that area boys came out in the rain...
Come on Esohe, you aren't listening
to what I've been saying...
I almost died today.
I'm sorry.
Yes I know, I should have called.
But something criminal happened to me yesterday
and it's not even about the accident...
Babe I need a favour, can you just...?
Lend your phone to me,
I need to sort something out.
Mr Joseph...
Your wife says to give you
the bill from the phamarcy.
Where did she go?
I don't know.
She only informed us to bring it to you.
- Thank you. I'd sort it out.
- Okay.
Daddy where are you going?
How are you?
I see that you've finished your snacks.
I'd try and get you some more.
Chiji is a good boy.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
You sure?
You're going to feel better soon.
I'd see you soon, I just
need to sort out things...
- I'd be back
- Okay.
Mr Joseph, didn't you go to work today?
Do you have the housekeys with you?
No, it's with your wife.
Wow, Its 8:15 already.
- Tell the matron I'd make the transfer.
- Okay.
Look, it's not what you think Esohe...
I know who sent this and why...
It's not... It's not what you think...
I didn't want to touch our savings... okay?
Ben at the office...
He introduced me to this cab service.
I figured it wouldn't hurt
to make some extra cash...
especially because of Chiji...
I found a customer...
Her name is Zina...
She is a developer.
I helped her with some work.
And she paid me well...
I didn't even have to use the app anymore.
She works for Mr Lai and Tega...
They stole my work.
The same...
code I shared with Tega at
Aquatic bank before it folded up.
They stole my work...
and I...
ended up helping them make a
successful product out of it.
- Joseph.
- Yes.
Has Mr Lai spoken to you today?
What did he say?
That he's leaving and wants me to come
start up a new company with him as CTO.
Okay, so...?
What do you mean by so...?
Of course I'm not taking it.
Besides, how much is he willing to pay?
And then banks won't let these
fintechs happen, it's all a bubble.
The world is changing...
Bro if you've never heeded to any
of my advices, take this in...
Don't let this opportunity pass you by...
Is this what you want to be stuck
with for the rest of your life?
But at least it pays the bills
You are aware of my setback.
I understand...
But bro the fact that you have a child with
sicke cell doesn't mean you will just...
throw away living your dreams forever.
I've told you this earlier but...
You got married early
you're just 30, you and Esohe are stubborn.
Don't ever talk about Esohe in that manner.
She is my wife.
Listen to me...
Mr Lai is a visionary...
If there's anyone I will
follow to the end, it's him.
Follow him then... it's all good.
- Joseph... seriously.
- Seriously.
It's a risk I'm not willing to take
- Besides I know what he wants... and I'm not giving him my work.
- Why Joseph?
Mr Lai over-promises.
And he's too optimistic in my opinion.
I have responsibilities, I'm not
single anmd reckless like you.
- Okay, nice!
- Come on Tega.
- It's not that.
- Nice!
That's the thing right?
You need to be more careful.
Stop that please else you'd
pay for it with your money.
HR wants to see you.
- What happened?
- I don't know.
Meet Bolaji from HR
So don't worry, she will be with us soon.
And she's a wonderful presenter.
I know what you want to say sir.
I know I should have informed you,
I just had a family emergency.
Just a moment please, it's not a bother...
To avoid any problems, I need to go.
Where could this girl be?
She closes really late... in Lagos?
- I think there's a bigger problem to solve
- What is the problem again?
It's nothing to worry about Joseph...
I actually called you
to discuss somethings...
Young man, leave here.
You'd be heading the new branch at Ikota...
Full time senior staff
It comes with a new car and paid rent.
You've worked very hard in this branch...
and I had no choice but to recommend you.
Thank you so much sir,
I really appreciate this sir.
I honestly do sir. Thank you.
If we force the system to shut
down, everything else will crash.
But where are all these money going to?
It's going to a new mybank user's accoiunt
Chiji, it's okay... sorry.
You'd have to be very watchful of him...
The crisis will become a regular thing...
and someone must always be there
whenever there's an emergency.
What are the things that triggers them?
Not all sickle cell
children react the same way
They don't all react to
the same kind of triggers.
So we'll have to keep watching.
And make sure he stays hydrated
and avoids lots of stress.
Don't worry.
I'd quit my work...
Start a business from home...
You will be fine...
Chiji will be fine...
I'd do...
Don't take...
These kinds of risks...
You're not a cab driver...
I don't want to loose you.
I cannot afford to loose you.
I got a promotion.
It's a new branch in Ikota...
New car, new house...
So you can call me Mr Branch Manager.
Oh my god, what?
Mr Branch Manager, are you kidding me?
Oh my god.
- It's about time!
- Oh yes baby, it's about time.
Oh my god, I'm so...
You know what, just wait
for me right here, okay?
I'd be right back, juts wait for me. x
You know this calls for
a celebration baby...
This is the best news
I've received this year.
So I think we have to celebrate.
There you go...
To the latest...
Mr Bank Manager...
Experts say almost 300million
naira was stolen...
from mybank users...
Everyone registered on
that app was debited.
That's over 2million users...
Now whoever did this is clearly a genius.
Because not everyone was
debited the same amount...
People who saved a lot
of money were debited...
larger chunks than those
who saved less, but...
it was still not enough to riase alarm.
- We're talking about those chunks from so many people,
that's a lot of money - Cheers to Mr bank manager.
Well the founder Lai Babalola clearly isn't
laughing at what seems to be a case...
of corporate looting by
someone in the company...
- Just days before the possible second investment
of 10million naira - Is it the same company?
Babe is that the same company?
Have you thought about it,
that inside the same...
Oh my god!
EFCC! Open this door now!
Joseph, what's going on?
How credible are start ups in Niegria?
- Remeber that company that was posing as an...
- Open this door...
What have you done?
Tell them that it was a hack...
What do you mean from where,
I don't know tell them...
China, Russia, wherever...
Just make sure that no one thinks the
hack came from inside because it did not.
It's okay...
Face here let's deal with
this elephant in the room.
Just get it done, sorry sir.
I already told you in the car...
Your girl signed me up,
I don't even know the username.
The username is Joseph Ejiofor
Fine, I don't know the password.
Block the account and
then look for your girl.
You know I will never do this right?
You know what this really is about...
How did I ever offend you?
I asked you to come work
for me, you said no.
Three times, you turned them down...
You have the audacity...
Take my best staff...
and take advantage of her...
and then you hacked our servers...
You then went further to
destroy the beautiful work
that this young man,
this intelligent man...
who designed the entire
thing from the scratch.
And built the finest
fintech product that...
Why is he laughing? Is this jealousy?
So you didn't even have
the decency to tell him?
What is he referring to?
I don't know sir...
What is it?
You are a bastard.
I thought you were my
friend, I trusted you.
That app you have...
The reason silicon valley wants to invest
10million dollars...
The reason he is wearing this fancy
suits as if he can threaten me
That app exists only because of me...
My hardwork...
then this guy wants to
give it to you for free...
You are a bastard
I am very happy...
that Zina will run that company down...
and if you try to hold me to ransom,
I'd tell the world you stole my work.
- Bastards.
- Tegalicious Tega.
You earlier mentioned that you designed
the mybank app while you were in university
Proof him wrong...
You're wrong though...
Mybank is one hundred percent...
my idea, my code.
But bro your...
Your software is worth ten times more...
Which is exactly why I hid it in
what we were testing at the time...
Your software is so complicated that we
can only test it on big company servers
You know this... but you are
just too stubborn to admit it.
When Lai came to me and said we are
scaling up to POS services and...
looking at hitting a billion transactions
daily, I knew I couldn't do it...
You know... I couldn't do it.
So I looked through the codes
you had shared with me...
because I felt the solution to
that problem was in there...
I wanted to come to you for help but I knew
that you would never agree to help me...
Joseph the world is changing.
You cannot build a Boeing
737 in a house garage.
Big ideas need big opportunites
and this was a massive opportunity.
So I told Lai I was working on it...
The plan was just to continue testing
it until I was sure that it worked...
then I was to come and show you...
Just so we could buy it off you as soon
as that transaction came through...
and we were to buy it from
you for millions of dollars.
I've heard you...
So when exactly would you have
told me about this big plan?
You must take me for a fool...
Joseph, what was the point?
When was the last time we communicated?
When last did you pick my
calls or reply my messages?
For whatever reasons, you
just seemed to hate me.
I got married...
You didn't show up despite the fact
that I sent you two invitations.
We had twins, you didn't come for their naming ceremony
and I know you got my invitation but backed out...
my hands were tied, how would you feel
if you were me, would you reach out?
You were right about one thing though...
Lai is too optimistic about young people...
and his passion, desire and how much he loves being
in the limelight just completely blinds him...
I did everything that I could
Joseph, everything to...
make sure Zina didn't have access to the
module that had your code hidden in it...
But then Lai went ahead and foolishly gave her
access to the back end and here we are...
There's something else you
were wrong about by the way...
Remember when you said your
software didn't have any bugs?
You were wrong...
That's what Zina found when
you left the system running...
But being the smart girl that she is, she
saw an opportunity and she seized it...
Your original software found a way to...
reward customers and users and offer
loans by tracking their savings and usage.
It also found a way to
react and respond quickly...
- She saw that and... - reversed it so it debits
everyone according to rate of their savings...
- and how well it is.
- Exactly...
and we can't block the account because she has
full administrative access to the backend.
How am I sure that all
of this isn't just a lie?
How sure am I that if this hadn't happened you
wouldn't have taken anything for yourself?
Because brother...
A few weeks ago I told the only
person outside this room...
who knows about the beauty of your work.
- Oh wow!
- I know...
Joseph will make a lot of money...
I'd just time so that it will coincide
with when the new funding comes in...
then I'd tell Mr Lai that the only way
we can meet up with the deadline...
is if we buy the product from
someone who already has it...
that person is Joseph, so
yes we will be fine but...
I just need to make sure that it
is stable, it still has some bugs
But I can work on that...
Why don't you tell him all these yourself?
You know your husband Esohe...
You know it won't be possible,
Joseph won't listen to me...
This thing has the potential to just change
your entire financial situation forever...
Joseph is the most brilliant mind
that I have ever come across...
But the man is too proud and stubborn to
see that this is the ticket he needs...
What if something goes wrong?
What if someone in this big office sees it?
I'd never let that happen.
Besides the only person that has access to the
back end is Mr Lai and if I'm being truthful...
That man has no idea about coding.
But you didn't have to trick me into coming
here to buy these boxes of small chops...
You could have just come to the house...
What happened between you two?
Seriously, I don't know.
I guess Joseph and I aren't
the men we used to be.
Well, for your information...
He doesn't hate you...
I think life just happened to you two...
and that's why I want this to pull
through for him because he deserves it.
It should pull through.
Please pay my money quickly.
You are to even pay double for
the stress of bringing me out here
You are wrong though...
Wrong about what?
I never hated you...
The reason I didn't
attend your wedding and...
the naming of your twins
was because I was...
You saw the future and
you had become successful.
I was a living disappointment.
I tried to get a tech job continuously
buit the world had moved on...
Bro I saw you launch a successful
product and I couldn't face that.
And it's not just you...
I avoided all the friends I made at
Aquatic bank after it shut down...
I wasn't just one of your friends...
I was your personal person...
He knows...
He'd be fine.
We'll find the girl somehow.
What is this place?
Honey, have you had any sleep?
You should have told me...
- I know, I just wanted to...
- You should have told me, I am your husband.
I'm sorry...
Thank you for trusting me...
babe, of course, I trust you...
I trust you with every fibre in me, I do...
- Baby, I love you... I just...
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry...
- I love you
I love you.
The worst thing would be if she's...
- left the country already.
- She hasn't.
- How do you know that?
- The wallet she created for me...
the money is still there
and she can't use it abroad.
Foolish girl, she's not even that smart...
How can she expect to move
300million naira from a bank...
Without being caught...
Oh my goodness...
- What?
- POS.
Inteltech has expanded to
POS services which means...
she can use the wallet to withdraw from
different POS points and collect raw cash...
Wait... I don't get it.
What do you mean by POS when the
limit to withdraw is 500,000 naira.
That's because she has access
to that part of the system.
And she can increase the
limits if she wants...
Lots of agents walk around
with lots of raw cash...
all she needs is about 3-5days
and she can get it all...
So she would have 200-300million
cash in her possession.
No one tracks raw cash...
Wow, she is so smart.
Where's your phone?
- It's with the security
- You need to call Tega right now...
You also need to inform Mr Lai,
they can track POS units...
- I got that...
- She's still in the country and I'm sure she has started withdrawing the cash
He was right...
She withdrew 50million already
as your husband predicted...
Mr Lai is not talking to me,
he's not taking my calls.
I will send his house address to you...
I want you to go over there and talk
to him, he will listen to you...
Look at what your sons are doing...
They are useless both home and abroad.
Smoking weed and all sorts... look at them.
- Don't talk to us in that manner, we're not kids...
- Would you shut your mouth up...
We're not kids...
You have spoken your mind, it's okay
Go upstairs now!
Go upstairs, don't be silly.
- You will go to jail...
- Go upstairs...
They are going to jail...
Don't slack...
So where will she be tonight?
Alright, so the only POS agent
whose limits she has changed...
that can move billions now...
are one Mr... hold on a second.
Mr Gbadamosi in Gbagada and
Alhaja Kudirat in Omole...
You and your team should
step on it immediately.
Let people be on it... don't slack.
This girl must not get away with it...
Thank you
Let me quickly make another call...
with regards to your husband.
Hello commisioner...
How are you?
Not to worry, we will
fix another game of golf.
With regards to that matter,
we've caught the criminal...
so the guy in custody needs to be released.
Oh it's Friday?
The officials don't work on weekends...
So it'll be till Monday?
That's not bad...
No problem, thank you.
He should just be released on Monday.
- Thank you very much sir.
- It's not a problem.
You're welcome. Your husband...
He wronged me badly...
When I expected him to
come through for me...
- He left...
- Sir, I...
I'm really sorry on his behalf...
Let's just be thankful that foolish girl
isn't as smart as she thinks she is...
You have no idea who
you are referring to...
She is a special girl.
What will I do with these
brillaint people around me?
Was I wrong to have employed someone...
who is so brilliant that...
she designed an app...
A cab hailing service from scratch...
A cab hailing service?
Which of them?
Don't worry, I need to make a call.
I'd be with you shortly...
Hold on for a while.
Get my clothes ready quickly,
I'm going for an event tonight.
She's very pretty...
Oh yes, very pretty...
I'm sorry, thank you sir
I'd be on my way now.
Monday... he'd be out on Monday.
They are sleeping together...
- Who?
- Who else?
Your boss and the girl.
- Do you know Bluetech?
- Yes.
She built the cityrides app...
Oh yes...
But their numbers have been dropping
since they started having problems.
Exactly, that is the service
Joseph signed up to...
They knew this all along,
connived and lured him into it...
knowing fully well that
he needed the money...
- Esohe...
- Mr Lai is a big thief...
This is a coincendence... of all the rides
and clients Joseph could have picked up...
Why Zina?
Have you not been listening to me?
She built the app.
Leave these children to do the dirty
work, so they can earn their pay.
Come with me I need to show
you to one of our partners.
Weldone Tega...
You can go Tega, I'd take it from here.
I don't understand...
Why does she have access to the modules
and why is she working on them from home?
Joseph? I'm just using him to
solve these problems we have...
Sir how can you give valuable
company property to a total stranger?
Not to worry, it's my company.
Welcome aunty... mummy!
Hey baby, how are you?
- How are you love?
- Where is daddy?
Daddy is at work, he is fine.
Mummy please can we go to the playground?
Yes you can... please take
them to the playground.
You can continue playing, okay?
Okay, let's pack up!
Pack it all...
You look so good.
Please, there is somewhere I need to be...
Look after the children for me please.
I am now an entrepreneur...
This is what I do now...
But Esohe, you wronged me then...
Don't be angry, you knew
how things could get.
What did I know, after
you left me for a banker.
I'm not angry anymore because
I am doing well for myself now.
God has blessed me.
I am the CEO of Toptech limited.
As you can see around... It's all evident.
Guys, do you know who this is?
Due to your reactions... come.
Can you remember a story I
told you of a black barbie...
that anytime a client sees or hears her
voice, they make payments immediately.
- Oh she's the one...
- Welcome her well...
- They are saying hello to you.
- Thank you.
Take me to your office, I have
something to discuss with you.
- I just wanted to show you what I have... it's evident.
- I can see it all.
Meanwhile, come along with a snack for her.
Yes, we've got things here.
Let's go in.
It's not like it's not possible...
But like I said earlier...
I don't involve in that anymore.
Are you not aware I went to jail?
I was jailed.
As I got out, I changed my mindset.
I started looking out for books
on how to start a business.
What's the title of the
first book I read...
Tipping point... by Malcolm Gladwell.
I also read another one...
Rich dad, Poor dad by...
What's with this information
you've been telling me?
Can you still do this or not?
I think you've not been listening
to all what I've been saying.
Come to think of it, I have a question...
Why do you want to clone someone's phone?
It seems like your
husband is misbehaving...?
It seems he is not thinking straight.
I know...
For your information, all men are scum.
All are scum except me.
I have changed... I'm saying the truth.
Do you know I am married?
With two beautiful daughters, take a look.
Here they are...
To your right is Chinagom
and to your left is Chinomso.
Beautiful girls...
You understand how things are...
- Emeka...
- Yes...
Would you agree to do this for me or not?
Why all these much talk?
- Or did I come here in vein?
- Calm down.
What I am insinuating is that you shouldn't go
through a phone and see things you are not meant to.
Confirmed! It is here.
My guy...
This is strong.
You see what he has brought here...
It's a mixture from Canada and Ghana...
I'm serious, if you take
this you'd be on cloud9
Check it out...
You recall how we enjoyed it years back...
What's with you?
Seems like my baby is not happy...
The way out is that I'd
do what you've said.
I will do it for you...
- Please just do it.
- I'm only doing it for you.
I've stopped it.
Wait, I'd be back.
Hold on for me here.
Yes, this is it.
This device...
should be kept very close to the person...
Then you'd be with this phone...
in your bag...
Immediately you do that, there won't be any
network connection on the phone anymore.
The only thing that would
be seen on the phone...
is Toptech's network.
But you can choose to do
this at your discretion...
Just make sure you find a way to
click connect on the other phone...
Everything will be copied into this...
What if the owner of the
phone clicks on cancel?
That's why I am called Top Boy...
I've got all the loopholes covered
and I knew you would ask...
If she chooses to click
on connect or cancel...
Everything will still be connected.
That's how I created it.
Do you understand?
- You don't need to be bothered.
- How close do I need to be with this person?
For that... the closer the better.
Within 2-3 metres, you're covered.
Are you sure this credible?
This sin't a joke, are you
sure it would work out?
Are you joking with me?
I am TopBoy... CEO TopTech Ltd...
Stop joking around and take this...
You can pick your call...
You're right... she didn't
bother with Gbagada and Magodo.
Her next place where she's enabled high limit
of cash transfer is quite far from you...
Somewhere in VI...
You should be heading there because I
doubt my teammates will get there on time.
And she might recognize them...
I'm sure she will make
a transaction soon...
I'd buzz you immediately she does it...
Esohe, I'm really grateful for this...
I'm not doing this for you and your team...
I'm doing this for my husband...
- Esohe, don't destroy or loose my gagdet...
- Please give it to me.
Am I a child?
I know you're not a child...
Back to the earlier conversation, I've made
you happy it's your turn to reciprocate.
So when are we seeing again?
How's your wife Emeka?
Where are you now?
Somewhere in VI.
A transaction just happened
inside Eko Hotel...
Madam, do you have a passcode?
- Passcode?
- You know you aren't appropriately dressed...
Please drop the mask and step aside...
No, please...
This actually makes no sense...
as none of our POS points
are in Eko Hotel...
- Except - except the POS and the
money was brought to her at Eko Hotel
Tega... I know what to do.
Not to worry...
Absolutely gorgeous...
- This outfit will be everything on you...
- I know...
Are you for the event ma?
Yes I am...
Would you like a quick glam?
So you really aren't coming?
I will miss you...
How are you sure these
people aren't following me?
Not to worry, I've taken care of
everything... no one is after you.
Just go to the hotel room
and drop the money...
I need to sort some security
agencies out, right?
There's a car waiting to take you to
the airport... I'd meet you there.
- I have taken care of everything...
I've asked the guy to bring
the money to the hotel room...
Hopefully, no one can find him there...
Hi, hello!
Zina right?
- I'm sorry, do I know you?
- Yes
Do you remember me?
From Bluetech...
We were recruiting a lot at the time...
sorry, I don't know everybody
That's nothing...
Please have you heard from Esohe?
Yes... but I've also been trying
to reach her for a while now...
the last time I spoke with
her, she was at Eko Hotel.
And that she has seen Zina...
Oh my god.
Be calm and relax...
Esohe is a lot stronger than you know...
What has happened in the past two hours?
Apparently your wife is
posing this theory that...
Zina and Mr Lai are dating...
Ah... okay I know that look.
So there's some boyfriend
you are running off to see.
A sugar daddy?
I'm sorry, no I don't judge trust me...
I mean who am I to judge?
She never gave off the vibes that
suggested both of them were dating...
Well, you know women
always know these things.
Yes, to be honest she was also
very fond of him so who knows...
Oh, this annoying pop up...
Oh this one?
It's the hotel's wifi, it's bad...
But it's better than your net...
What network do you make use of?
There's now no network...
Has it?
What's Esohe's business in this, I just want
to inform her that I'm free and back home.
Well, she thinks she can prove
that they are dating but...
I don't know...
Don't be scared... I'm fully vaccinated.
Covid free... no covid zone.
Meanwhile, weren't you supposed
to be out in the morning?
I have no idea, I was just
told I could go home...
I should tell my wife to go home
too and they dropped me in my house.
Mr Lai...
That has Mr Lai written all over it...
Esohe is hardly wrong
about things like this...
Yes... it all doesn't add up
I'm also turning around,
heading back to the office.
The network is back...
I have to go now...
- It was nice to meet you...
- Bianca!
Wait... Zee!
Leave me alone...
the number you are
calling is switched off
Sorry ma we've closed, my boss says to
give you your receipt and belongings.
Oh... thank you.
Thank you ma...
Oh my god.
What the fk?
Emeka, I'm sorry.
Don't be angry...
It's not my fault, the girl
pushed me into the pool.
Stop frowning please...
It doesn't look good on
you as a handsome man...
Stop frowning please...
Is it working?
Thank you...
Take the phone and charge...
Thank you...
Are you still frowning?
Stop please...
I've told you it doesn't suit
you, it'll make you look old.
My guy... you know you are dear to me.
My number 1 in the world...
What did you just say?
I just said you are my
one and only 'Top Boy'...
I like how you're moving
closer to my nipples...
How is this close to your nipples?
It's very close...
You like bad things...
- You know where it is...
- I don't know...
Prove what you've said so
I'd believe, kiss me...
- Kiss?
- Yes...
Okay, take it.
No, let's have a french kiss...
We will have that later.
Only thing is it hasn't finished
downloading, but you can go.
While you're on your way, you'd
receive the old and new messages.
- You are a genius...
- Yes.
Meanwhile, I'd be back...
You are a genius...
- Thank you.
- You're welcome
What kind of phone is this?
These voicenotes are yet to fully download.
Be calm Esohe, it's because we
are in transit... it fluctuates.
But why would they choose
to meet at arrival?
He isn't travelling...
Is that the girl?
The girl is beautiful.
Little wonder your husband is after her...
This crazy woman was following me...
She said she worked at Bluetech but
I'm sure she's part of the government.
I don't know how she found me,
I blended in at the event as you said.
I'm really scared but...
I know I'd be fine.
What's the plan at the airport?
What is this, this is the men's toilet.
I'm sorry.
Where is she?
- She was just here...
- What is wrong with you?
Can't you just concentrate,
you will die over a woman.
Please go away.
So I've sorted it out, we just have
to act a little drama at the airport.
I'd get into the airport first
and head to the ladies' room.
I left instructions with the security
guard, he will let only you in.
I have your new passport and
travel documents with me intact.
We just need to be fast about it, okay?
Where are you going to?
I want to pee.
It's out of use.
- What do you mean by that?
- Don't you understand, I said It's out of use...
Regarding the woman following you about...
Not to worry...
She'll be home with her husband...
I think that's all.
Make sure you get there quickly...
I'd be waiting for you...
Hurry up.
Oh you know her?
You really thought this through...
I'm thankful you're not
the real criminal...
You'd have been really good at it...
You'd have been really good at it...
My Zainab...
- My baby...
- Dad...
and her name will be Zainab...
Daddy, I keep telling
you my name is Zina...
Nobody has called me Zainab
since I was like 5years old...
Did I not name you Zainab
before your mum took you...
to go and...
before your mother changed it to Zina...
Thank you daddy...
It's a shame your mum and I aren't
together, she was troublesome...
and it's also a big shame that
Bluetech company didn't work out.
You and I should have been
running Inteltech now...
and doing great things with
the brilliance you've got.
My two sons would be the death of me...
Those boys are drug addicts.
Tega will help you with everything...
and he loves working for you...
I'm sorry I couldn't help
you test the app in scale...
Why don't you call Joseph
to help you with it?
He can help you finish
what he helped me start...
He really is the man for the job...
Anyways, what was the challenge
with the airport securities?
sent your pictures...
to the security operatives...
then when he couldn't reach me...
sent pictures and messages to the
board and other security officers...
saying you were the criminal
who robbed us off our money...
Daddy, how can he?
- Oh my god!
- Not to worry...
They are on their way now, so...
I just need to create
some extra time for you...
by faking a heart attack, so
you can run out screaming...
- Daddy what would happen to you?
- I'd be okay...
Good thing is they don't
know you are my daughter...
All they know is that you're the criminal
staff that hacked into our servers...
stole our money and ran to Dominica...
Is this a joke daddy?
What did you do?
You'd be okay... you need to go now!
What did you do?
You need to go now! Go!
They refused to release
your passport to me...
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
I shouldn't have come to this country...
- I should have listened to mum...
- No!
Don't beat yourself up for this...
Me too...
I had no idea they would take a cab hailing
service and turn it to a ponzi scheme...
Now they have everybody
running helter skelter...
I hear even the CEO of Cityriders...
has some investigations going on...
They would later on arrest
and charge you to court...
So what do we do daddy?
I need to leave this country...
I know...
But the only option we have now is...
is this citizenship by investment...
- Like Dominica...
- Yes, like Dominica.
But that needs about
100,000 - 250,000 dollars...
Daddy please...
I beg you daddy, please...
I can't ask mum for that amount...
She warned me...
I will think about it...
That amount is a lot... 250,000 dollars.
I will be back.
What's the name of the app you
built sometime ago, City...
City Riders
Can you still make your
way around the back end?
Of course daddy...
- So can you set it up in my office...?
- Yes
Okay, that's good. I'd just need to get
you an apartment close to the office...
So you can just shuttle between
the office and the apartment.
Don't go anywhere... lay low!
Beacuse these law enforcement agents
can be very efficient sometimes.
But in 2weeks, it'll be cleared and
you can leave the country but...
Resume at the office on Monday...
- Okay daddy...
- Alright?
Let all these be sorted out,
you need to travel okay?
Yes daddy...
Come, you'll be okay...
Thank you so much.
It's okay...
Don't cry...
I brought your cap Mr Lai...
Esohe, I've told you I
don't do this anymore...
I'm here because of you...
Look at this cash!
I don't understand this...
If the girl is innocent...
why would she transfer all that money
and then go withdraw it herself?
- She knows this money was stolen.
- Actually, she doesn't.
Isn't that right, Mr Lai?
I don't understand...
So Mr Lai hired Zina...
just so she could get Joseph to
sort out the transfer issues...
Yes, hello sir.
Oh yes sir...
He just signed up...
I got the alert sir.
Thank you sir.
It worked, he should be
on his way to pick me...
So daddy, what do you need from him?
I just want him to help
me out with an app...
Joseph is the man to fix all
these loopholes we are facing...
But daddy you have such a big team here...
Or you can just call him
up and offer him money...
Joesph, there's nothing
I've not offered him...
money, job, promotion and all sorts...
but he's too stubborn to accept.
- But what if I tell him I'm your daughter...
- God forbid...
No... don't say that, did you hear me?
If you tell him about it...
he will log off...
So let's leave him...
Meanwhile I heard...
The CityRiders CEO was arrested...
and I hear they are on the
look out for their key staff
to arrest them...
Not to worry... come.
I'm working on your passport
and all, once you get it...
You can travel...
Did you hear me? not to worry.
I can't be here and you'd go through that
Have you heard me?
Don't worry, you'll be okay...
I just need you to help me
sort these problems out.
With Joseph...
Did you hear?
You are safe in Lagos...
Then as soon she was done, he went ahead
and activated the transactions himself...
But you said he couldn't
work on programs...
Well, he can't...
But Joseph had done all the hardwork...
and when he was done...
all Mr Lai had to do was reverse it...
and bounced all the funds
to another account...
Apparently he has been...
monitoring everything Zina
and Joseph were doing...
while working on it in our
apartment, from our office
Which is why...
He made sure Zina got Joseph...
to open a mybank account
just so that he could test
it and make sure it works...
So who was going to the POS stations?
The POS agents themselves...
Different people...
So what Mr Lai did...
was credit their wallet,
using your account...
and then all they needed to do was pick
up the cash and bring it to the same spot
The withdrawal Zina made...
was just a distraction to keep us busy...
while the actual cash
was moved right here...
to this hotel...
Babygirl thought she was running
an honest errand for daddy...
and you took advantage of
your daughter's desperation...
to steal money...
You couldn't even get her a passport,
you had to make her work for it...
My God...
You are such...
a despicable and...
a shameless Ijebu man.
Don't be angry, but something
doesn't add up for me here...
How can someone steal from his own company?
I mean, look at this much cash...
Would you keep that back!
It hasn't to that...
- Well he did that because there's a lot of money coming in...
- The...
- Ten million dollars funding...
- Exactly...
He knew it will significantly reduce
his stake in the company, so...
he decided to steal as much as he could...
before the deal was completed...
and then put the blame on the
hacker so when the investors come...
they'll clean up the mess. You
planned out the hacker to be me...
so you can spin the story
around my jealousy for him...
This is why I don't like you...
You claim to groom talents,
whereas you're just an opportunist.
The worst kind...
who would take advantage of
his own child to steal...
- Jesus.
- Mr Lai...
Make them do all the hard work...
Make them do the dirty work,
let them earn their money
Look at you...
So you caught me...
But you see...
This is 200million here...
and there is another
200million coming in...
We can just cut the cheese and stop these
investigations you've been carrying out...
We can settle down and share this money...
Who wants some money?
Who wants some money?