The Man with My Husband's Face (2023) Movie Script

I always knew.
I always knew my parents were
keeping something from me.
I can tell this is very
upsetting for you.
That should have been my life.
My house. My wife.
This is something very big
to learn about yourself.
It's understandable
that you would feel...
I can see you're feeling
very betrayed right now.
You don't see a damned thing.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna get
what should be mine.
Kat. Is the coffee ready?
Babe? Is the coffee ready?
Uh, sweetie,
I don't drink coffee.
I know. I asked you
to put some on for me.
Like twenty minutes ago.
I called from downstairs...
Can you at least look at me?
I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.
I'm trying to focus
in just getting some writing
done before work.
Try to take another stab
at this book. Right.
Don't worry about it. I can get
some on my way to work.
Right. I really am sorry.
It's fine.
- Love you.
- Yes.
I thought you were a writer.
I said, I thought you were
working on a book.
Yeah. Yeah, I am. It's, um...
it's set in the early days of
women's pro baseball.
It's like if Virginia Woolf
wrote A League of Their Own?
But my day job is at Zoink.
Like the video chat thing?
Yes. Yeah.
You know the Zoinkbot pops up
with all those annoying tips
when you first download the app?
I write what the Zoinkbot says.
- I see.
- Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
It was just supposed to be until
I finished the book,
but now it's been...
uh... 11 years.
That's why I have those stock
options from the early start up days.
Page five should cover those.
Yeah. So...
so we have to...
revise anything?
Are you sure?
Having second thoughts?
No. I just...
I just wish there was something I
could point to, you know, that was...
big and clear
and obviously broken.
So it'd feel a little bit
Divorce is like jumping out
of a plane.
Yes or no.
If you need to be sure,
give things one last try.
Give me a call
when you're ready to jump.
Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Ligotti.
I'll walk you out.
Hi. Yeah, I would like to make
a reservation.
Katrina. Tomorrow, for two.
Thank you so much.
Nuh-huh-huh! Not another step.
I have a surprise for you.
- Seriously?
- Seriously. Close your eyes.
Don't peek! Come with me.
- What are you doing?
- Okay.
You have been working so much
so hard recently,
so I thought I'd make you
your favorite:
steak with mashed potatoes
and salsa verde.
- With no cilantro?
- No! Of course not.
I know you think
it tastes like soap.
Oh, my God! This is...
Kat, thank you.
You're welcome.
You're welcome, baby.
Okay. Let's eat
before it gets cold.
- Yeah. After you.
- Thank you.
Wow! It's amazing.
Yeah, not so bad.
- Good surprise?
- Yeah. A great surprise.
Well, it's not over yet.
- No?
- Mm-hmm!
Not by a long shot.
I got us a reservation to go kayaking
tomorrow morning, first thing.
Yeah, they had two spots open.
I can't. I can't tomorrow.
- What?
- I've gotta work.
It's Saturday.
Yeah, no, I've got that call on
that project with the Tillmans.
You've been working every
weekend for two months.
You said you were finally gonna
take one day off.
Yeah, I just... I can't.
I mean, we are so close to a
deal and they're counting on me.
Heath, please.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Just listen!
I thought it all through.
Okay? I, I...
Trust me. It's gonna work,
Look, all we're doing is
changing the time.
Okay, look. I can go tomorrow,
and it'll all be fine.
Trust me.
Good. Okay. I'll see you then.
- I got the meeting pushed back.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- So we're on for tomorrow?
First thing, bright and early.
Thank you so much!
Let's go to bed.
Grab your water bottle, Heath!
- You ready to go?
- Uh...
Yeah. Definitely.
Just let me...
- You good?
- Yeah. Let's go.
Okay, let's go.
Yeah? Let's go!
- What are you doing?
- Come on.
Heath, do you remember
which size paddle I use?
Why aren't you ready yet?
I don't know if I did a
two-twenty or a two-thirty.
Does it really matter?
- Maybe I should ask someone.
- Just pick one.
- What's gotten into you?
- Nothing. We gotta go.
Okay. I'm just gonna ask someone.
It'll take me two seconds.
What's going on?
I have to be back by 2:30.
For the call
with the Tillmans.
I thought you pushed it.
I did. To 2:30.
Okay. So you lied to me.
No, I told you that...
Heath, I ask you to do
one tiny thing so we can...
Look, Katrina!
We don't all get to sit home in our pajamas
and write cute little tech tips all day.
Some of us actually have
to go to work.
Some of us actually have
to still make money.
You know, because if we don't...
What? If we don't, then what?
I'll meet you on the dock.
Excuse me?
What's up?
Did you see a guy come on in a
red t-shirt and black glasses?
Yeah, he came and grabbed
a boat and took off.
Dude seemed... motivated.
Wow. Really?
Help me get her
in this red one.
Oh! Sorry!
Thank you.
There you go.
Thank you.
Heath, it's me. Um...
I'm really sorry I got mad.
Okay? Please call me back.
I'm getting worried.
Yeah, got him.
Heath Grierson, kayak 865.
All of his gear's still out.
Are you sure that no one saw
him out on the water?
I'm sure.
Could I just take a kayak out
and go look for him?
I'm sorry. We're closing.
Okay... what am I
supposed to do?
I mean, I'm always loath to
involve the boys in blue but...
Okay. Thank you.
Hi, I need to report
a missing person.
So after you two argued,
he left.
He just went down
to the boat launch.
Did anyone see him launch?
Uh, yeah. Over there.
Z saw him.
Okay. Well, is there anyone
you haven't called?
Could he be with his family?
No. He's an only child.
Adopted. And both his parents
died a couple years ago.
What about friends?
I've called everyone.
Any co-workers?
Nope. Heath is self-employed.
Uh, commercial real estate.
Though he has been working
with, um...
some local contractor
on a big project.
Got a name for them?
something Tillman?
- Alright.
- I could see if I have an email.
This is Brand.
Alright, I'll be right there.
Looks like they've found something.
You need to come with me.
865. It's his alright.
- So where is he?
- Let's check it out.
I need you to call canine, get a
perimetre set up out front.
Ms. Grierson, I need you to stay
outside with the officer.
I'm gonna go inside
and search the house.
Why don't we all search?
We'll find him faster.
It's not safe.
- He's my husband!
- Look...
You can either stay outside
with the officer,
or sit
in the back of a squad car.
Do you have any water?
Wait here.
Thank you.
What the hell?
Oh, my God.
I know I told you
to stay outside.
- Well, I didn't agree to that, did I?
- Come on, let's go!
I just wanna help find him.
Are you a trained scuba diver?
Or a wilderness search
and rescue officer?
Then you can't help!
We've got a lot of woods and a
lot of water to search out here,
and the last thing I'm trying to add
is another missing person to this mess.
That was harsh.
I apologize.
I just wanna find my husband.
I know.
Me too.
So, please,
trust me when I say
the best thing you can do
is get some rest
and keep your phone on.
I'm gonna have an officer
drive you back to your car.
- Fine.
- Come on.
How can there be
no sign of him?
It's been five days!
I know... I know that.
Yeah, okay,
I'll let you do your job.
Do you know
what kinda car it was?
It was black.
You said that.
Did you get a plate number?
It just happened so fast.
How many hours of sleep
are you running on?
Please don't start with that.
How many?
But I saw him.
- I know you think you did.
- No, I did.
Okay. I'm gonna relay this
to my guys but...
I don't want you
to get your hopes up.
We have to be realistic here.
The longer a search and rescue
goes on,
the more likely it is to turn
into a body recovery.
I saw him.
As clear as I see you right now.
Katrina, I don't mean to be
blunt, but what's more likely?
That Heath's been running around
town for a week,
and the only person
who's seen him is his wife?
Or that under a tremendous
amount of stress, trauma,
and sleep deprivation,
you made a mistake?
I know what I saw.
It's Crampton Ligotti.
Uh, yeah, hi.
How are you holdin' up?
Uh, hard to say.
'Course, no news, then?
I'm sorry, Mr. Ligotti,
but what is this about?
I've realized that there's
a loophole in your will,
specifically in the case
that you're incapacitated.
I've drawn up an addendum
that handles that.
Are you free to come in later
this morning to sign it?
It can't wait?
I'm afraid not.
Yeah, okay.
It's like he just vanished
into thin air.
And did anyone else see him?
- I don't know.
- Did you ask anyone?
No, I just came straight here because
you weren't answering your phone.
No, this is not a daydream,
or stress, or whatever
you're thinking.
What alley was it?
Uh, off Boll Street.
Right by Solomon's.
All right.
Anything else?
Why aren't you taking this
seriously? This is a lead!
A lead?
This isn't a lead.
Well, it's the best we've got!
There is no we.
There's just me trying to do my
job and you getting in my way.
It's been a long week.
For us both.
I'm sorry I didn't take you
I'm gonna send some guys down to
this alley but at this point...
No, he is alive, okay?
I know it!
Are you sure?
What is it?
You were right.
He's alive.
Come on!
I'll explain on the way.
I spoke
to the admitting nurse.
Apparently, he just wandered
into the ER.
They said he didn't even know
his name.
Did the doc have anything
else to say?
Do you have anything to say?
Katrina, it wasn't him.
How could a delirious
and severely dehydrated man,
with no car or phone,
travel this far, that quickly?
I know what I saw.
Let's just drop it.
What did the doc say?
The initial diagnosis is
a temporary dissociative state.
It's a mental break brought on by a
combination of stress and repressed trauma.
You lose your memory
and all sense of who you are.
Sometimes you can just
wander off.
It could be permanent.
But not always.
And in this case?
They're not sure yet.
Hey, hey, sweetie.
What's he doing?
It's the needle.
He has a phobia.
- Katrina.
- Hi.
You're okay, just relax.
I'm right here, okay?
I'm right here.
- Hi.
- Katrina.
Am I, am I in a hospital?
You're okay.
You just got lost and
disoriented, but you're okay.
Just breathe.
You're all right.
At the kayak shop...
what I said to you.
I was wrong.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Glad you're here.
I'm so happy you're okay.
- Ow.
- Hey.
- I know.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I have, I have a needle in my arm.
- Oh.
- I know.
- Oh boy.
- It's okay.
Okay, it's okay.
Just-just remind me
not to look down.
Don't look down.
Oh boy.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Be careful.
You're still recovering.
I know.
I'm okay.
Do you want a hand?
- Nope.
- Okay.
Actually, you know,
I think I might need a hand.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
It's all right just...
you'll feel completely normal,
in no time.
Oh, I'm sure with you
helping me, I will.
I will do what I can.
You know, without you,
the doc said I wouldn't have been
back on my feet for another month.
So, take the compliment.
If you promise to take it easy
today, for real.
Here you are.
- Hey.
- I made you some coffee.
- Oh, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
What are you doin' out here?
No, I'm just um...
just remembering things.
Well, no, not-not like that.
I mean, I still don't remember
seeing you downtown or anything.
That whole...
that whole time's just a blank.
So, what were you remembering?
Just lots of things.
Things about us.
Like what?
The early days.
- Hmm.
- When we first got married.
Those were good times.
Yeah, they were.
I'm also... been remembering
you know, the bad times.
Don't... let me just...
let me finish.
I know recently we've had a lot more bad
times than we've had good times, right?
And a lot of that is
because of me.
No, it's not only you.
No, but a lot of it is.
I ruined our kayak trip.
You were lost in the woods.
I ruined it before
I got lost in the woods.
I'm done acting like that.
I'm gonna change and I'm gonna
start by planning another trip,
to make up
for the one that I ruined.
That sounds great.
I promise I'm gonna try
to be better.
Thank you.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Thank you for the coffee.
You're welcome.
Katrina, I'm sorry
to bother you.
I have left several messages.
Oh, sorry. Uh, things have
just been a little hectic.
You thought anymore
about the divorce?
Yeah, I think I wanna put
a hold on that.
Come by and close up the power
of attorney loophole I mentioned.
Yeah, I think we can wait
on that, too.
I really would not
advise that.
I'm really sorry, I gotta go.
Is now not a good time?
Uh, no, it's fine.
It was just Wally from work.
- Ah.
- What's all this?
Well, this is me thinking it was a
good time for our surprise outing.
You just got home.
I feel like, with you nursing me
back to health, I can run a marathon.
Okay, well then, let's go!
Let me just get changed.
Look at you!
- After you.
- Thank you.
- How beautiful is this?
- Mm-hmm.
I love it.
Okay, we got the...
What did you bring us
for lunch?
Um... I forgot.
Think you're so funny!
I am certain I am, actually.
This woman is like,
staring right at us.
- Who?
- Over...
She's gone.
Come on.
Let's go find a spot.
What's on your mind?
Hmm... nothing.
I'm just thoroughly
enjoying myself.
Well, good.
We should do this more often.
Like, picnic?
No, just like, go on dates.
That sounds good.
Do you remember
our first date?
How can I forget?
You were so beautiful.
- Well...
- Okay.
Heath, I had emergency dental
surgery the day of our first date.
I wouldn't say beautiful.
I... I know, but you were
beautiful to me.
Okay, that's very sweet.
- Well, I mean.
- You tried.
You were like, in a cute,
sexy, chipmunk kinda way.
Uh-huh. All right.
That's enough, thank you.
- Big old cheeks.
- Okay, that's good.
That was nice.
- Where're you goin'?
- Bathroom.
Hey... I love you.
I love you, too.
What are you doing here?
To what do I owe the pleasure?
I just needed
to drop this off.
For me?
It's my way of saying
thank you for all of your help
and for putting up
with all of my crazy.
I was just doing my job.
Even so, it's signed
by Nomar Garciaparra.
I wasn't sure if you were
for Georgia or Georgia Tech
but I guess I was hoping you
were on the side of the Angels?
What's the good word?
To hell with Georgia!
I love it.
I'll put him on the shelf,
right next to Coach Hall.
So, how are things?
Ah, a little weird, I guess.
You guess?
I mean, so there was
this woman
outside of my house today
staring at me,
and I think I saw her
at the park, too.
Ah, it's probably just a
neighbor who saw you on the news.
Happens all the time.
So, how's Heath?
He's... good.
Why the pause?
I don't know.
I... ever since he's been back,
things have just been
a little... um...
A little...
I-I don't know.
Hey, you both have been
through a traumatic ordeal.
I'd be surprised if things
weren't a little weird.
He hasn't hurt you, has he?
Uh, no.
No, nothing like that.
He's just...
he's just not quite himself.
That's all.
Trust me.
Just give it some time.
Things will be back to normal.
Hey, I really appreciate this.
This is a great gift.
I'm glad you like it.
I'll let you get back to work.
- All right.
- Thanks.
Damn it!
Hey, hon.
What's goin' on?
What are you doin'?
Oh, uh... sorry, I...
I changed my password
the day before we went kayaking
and I just...
I cannot remember it.
So, I just, I got frustrated.
Yeah, I mean, understandable.
Any progress?
You goin' somewhere?
Yeah, Wally wants me to come
to the office
to go over the new Zoink bot
dialogue in person.
Good luck.
Thank you.
You too.
Tell Willy I said hello.
You mean, Wally?
- Yeah, I...
- I don't know.
I just... this thing's just got
me going crazy, um...
I love you.
I love you, too.
Katrina, I really need
to speak to you.
You-you're the one
that's been following me.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Your life is in danger.
I really have to talk to you
about Heath.
- Who are you?
- He's not the same, is he?
He's different
since he's been back?
And maybe not in a way you can
name but in a way you can feel.
He forgets things,
he gets things wrong,
little things,
but things he should know.
And he's angrier, right?
But-but most of all,
it's a feeling, right?
This feeling that beyond all rationale,
your husband is now somehow a stranger?
Does your husband have
any tattoos?
No, he-he hates needles.
Then you need to check his ankle,
his right ankle, and then call me.
Wh-what's on his ankle?
Proof of what
you already know.
Just call me when you see it.
- Hey.
- How was Wally?
Uh, fine.
Look uh... about earlier,
I wanted to apologize.
I uh, I got frustrated.
You know, since this whole
dissociation thing I keep...
just keep forgetting things.
It's okay.
It's not your fault.
I know.
I can't control it but I can
control how I react to it.
And that's what I wanted
to apologize for.
Well, apology accepted.
To make it up to you,
I made dinner.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And the special
on tonight's menu...
grilled chicken
with a marmalade glaze
and a side of vegetables.
My compliments to the chef.
- I'll be sure to let him know.
- Please do.
Before we start, a toast.
To us.
'Til death do us part.
Mm-hmm, hear, hear.
All right, let's dig in.
Wow, this looks amazing.
I'm gonna turn in.
I'll just be a sec.
I'm trying to figure out
this 1-6, 1-5 double play.
Well, good night and good luck.
Thank you.
Good night.
Hey, I'm just coming to bed.
Go back to sleep.
Good night.
- You're up early.
- Yeah.
Couldn't go back to sleep so I thought
I would make us a little breakfast.
Southwestern omelet sound good?
- That sounds perfect.
- Good.
Thank you.
Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Wow, look at this.
Yeah, I can cook.
This is great.
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
Not too much cilantro?
It's perfect.
You've reached
Detective Felix Brand.
Leave a message.
Hi, Brand, it's Katrina.
I think...
could you just call me back
when you get this, please?
Yes, I-I...
Don't say anything more than
you have to.
Did you see the proof?
My address is
824 Hansmore Place.
Come here, now.
- Right now?
- Yes.
I'll be waiting.
Who was that?
On the phone.
Uh, Wally, of course.
He wants me to come back in
for more Zoink bot talk.
- Oh, what a freaking headache.
- I know.
You gotta go right now?
Or do we got time to...
Come on, we'll be quick.
We'll be super quick.
Wally can wait.
I got my period this morning.
That's why I couldn't sleep.
I have really bad cramps.
I gotcha.
It's all right,
it's all right.
Okay, well, have a good day
at work.
You too.
His name is Jacob Vance.
I've been his court-appointed
psychiatrist for the last seven years.
Until he vanished.
Just before Heath disappeared.
- I...
- Let me finish.
To do this job,
you have to see the humanity
beneath a person's disorders.
And despite seven years
of trying,
I never saw that in Vance.
I've come to believe it's
because there's nothing there.
There's no disorder to diagnose
and no humanity underneath.
I'm breaching every ethical
guideline of my profession
by speaking to you but I can't
let him do this to you.
There's something I have
to show you.
I always knew.
I always knew my parents
were keeping something from me.
Huh, bastards.
I can tell this is very
upsetting for you.
That should've been my life.
My house.
My wife.
This is something very big
to learn about yourself.
It's-it's understandable
that you would feel...
I can see you're feeling
very betrayed right now.
You don't see a damn thing.
Where are you going?
I'm going to get
what should be mine.
I'm sorry, but that is
my hus... that-that's Heath.
Check the last page
in that file.
It's an adoption record.
Jacob and Heath were twins
adopted to different families.
Jacob learned the truth a few
months ago and he was furious.
Jacob struggled throughout
his entire life for...
for reasons in
and out of his control.
But when he saw Heath's life,
he was consumed
with rage and envy.
I tried my best,
but what you saw,
that was our last session.
So, you're saying that...
Jacob saw the life
that he wanted
and he took it.
By replacing Heath.
Thank God.
I was worried
you wouldn't believe me.
I... didn't...
at first, but now I've...
Now you've accepted
what you already know.
As much as I don't want to.
We need to go to the police.
We can't, not yet.
- Why not?
- Because we can't prove anything.
What, we have the file
and the tapes.
But what does that prove?
That-that Heath had a twin,
that I treated him? Maybe.
But it doesn't prove a thing about
the man living in your house.
- But it's the truth.
- It is.
You know it and I know it.
But we can't prove it.
We can't even prove a
crime has taken place.
Uh, Detective Brand
will believe me.
I-I've seen Jacob, and he knows.
He might believe you but he can't
charge him or put him behind bars,
and the only thing that'll do is
let Jacob know that we know.
So, what do we do?
There's only one thing
we can do.
We find Heath.
He is the only thing that can
help us prove what we know.
So, we find Heath
and we get that son of a bitch.
I'm back here.
- Going somewhere?
- Yeah, duty calls.
Travis has got the drywall up
so I'm gonna go take a look. Ah.
How was uh... how's Wally?
Wa... , oh uh... good.
He was good on the new copy.
Glad to hear it.
- Mm-hmm.
- All right.
See ya in a bit.
- Bye.
- See ya later.
Prisca, he just left.
Got it.
Hey, where are you?
He just went down an alley
off Broom Street.
You come around the far side,
I'll watch from this end.
Okay, be right there.
Do you really think...
I mean what is...
- Jacob, let go!
- Get over here.
Get over!
Shut up!
Don't touch me.
Shut up. If I ever catch you...
If I ever catch you...
If I ever catch you
following me again,
I will gut you like a fish.
Don't forget,
I know where you live.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
- No, no, it's okay.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
- I didn't know what to do.
We can't let him see
you, okay?
What are you thinking about?
I was... thinking
about divorce
before he disappeared.
I mean...
I thought that I felt so alone
for the past few years.
But now I...
now I know what alone
really feels like.
Hey... you are not alone.
Thank you.
Let me know if he goes
out again.
I'll be parked nearby.
And make sure you have an excuse
when you get home.
- Where have you been?
- Oh, my God, you scared me.
I'm sorry.
I'm just wondering
where you were.
I was about to be worried.
I was just out
running some errands.
I was thinking salmon
for dinner.
Sounds good.
Oh, shoot, I left a uh,
fizzy water out in the car.
- You want me to get it?
- No, it's fine.
I'll be right back.
You ready for bed?
You go on ahead.
I'm just trying to get
a little work done.
What are you workin' on?
You know what?
You're right, let's go to bed.
You know I have trouble
sleeping without you.
I'll be right in.
- Hey, you okay?
- Yeah.
It's Wally.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm just going to bed.
Okay, take it away.
Uh... it can't wait?
Yeah, okay. I'm on it.
- Good luck.
- What's going on?
one of the servers crashed
and I have to redo
everything I did today.
Right now?
Don't wait up.
I just spent the whole night
clutching my blanket.
Thank God you put that chair
against the knob.
Hold on, I think he's coming.
Do... uh, stay on the line.
Who're you talking to?
Uh, no one.
I was just trying
to talk out a scene.
Big day?
Yeah, actually.
I'm heading to another work site
that Tillman's got goin'.
- Oh.
- I might be late for dinner.
You never came back to bed
last night.
No, I, uh, fell asleep
halfway through the upload.
Well, how'd you sleep?
Uh, fine, considering.
Yeah. I was out like a light
until this morning.
Well, I'm glad you were able
to get some rest
despite Wally's best efforts.
I should get going.
- Have a good day.
- You too.
I heard everything.
Do you think he bought it?
I don't know I... oh, he's
coming out of the driveway now.
Uh, should I help you
tell him?
No, uh, search the house.
Uh, I'm in here, hon.
Hi, your contacts look great.
What're you doin'?
Uh, just cleaning up
a little bit.
How was uh... work?
Any uh, headway on the book?
Uh, not really.
Little bit.
I'm just gonna take
a quick shower.
Okay, enjoy.
I don't even know
what I'm looking for.
I'm just searching types of keys
and hoping I get lucky.
Is that like, a car key?
No, it's smaller.
And it's got numbers on it, 407.
It's like a unit.
I don't know, has he gone to
like, a motel or an apartment?
Wait, there is one place.
- Hey.
- Hey!
Where are you going?
Uh, batting cages.
I just gotta clear my head
a little bit.
Oh, what about dinner?
Oh, I'll be back
before dinner. Definitely.
You forgot your purse.
Oh, geez.
Thank you.
When I was tailing Heath,
I lost him at a light.
Maybe he went in here.
Let's try that key.
Here we go.
What the hell?
Are you ready?
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
He's dead.
- You don't know that!
- Yes, I do!
- Let me... let me go!
- He's dead and you know it.
- This is a crime scene.
- We need the police.
Katrina, you did it.
This is the proof.
Come on.
Come on.
I'll go get the documents.
The police will handle this.
Katrina, what you're
telling me sounds...
- What?
- Unlikely.
Right, I know that.
Okay, I barely believe it myself but
Prisca can corroborate everything.
No, no, no, no, no.
He was just here!
Brand, he was just here.
I swear to you,
he was just here. I saw him!
- Katrina, come on.
- Prisca will tell you.
She was here.
She saw it too!
- Katrina, let's go.
- He was just in here!
- Let's go.
- Jacob Vance did this!
Jacob Vance did this.
I don't know how, but he did it,
I swear to you.
She's not answering.
- So, do you wanna...
- Oh, my God.
We have to go there.
We-we have to go to her.
Jacob could be there.
He probably went to her house
after he took the body.
- Look, let's just...
- Brand, Brand, please.
Okay, let's go.
Stay right here.
Let me do the talking.
Jesus, do you know
what time it is?
Dr. Prisca Geddings?
I'm Detective Felix Brand.
I'm here because Katrina... Prisca,
just tell him about the body.
The what?
Heath's body
that we just found.
Detective, I've never seen
this woman before in my life.
It's okay.
What did she say?
Well, for one,
she says she's not Prisca.
- What?
- She says she's Ivy Kurzik,
a massage therapist.
And her ID checks out.
She also says she doesn't know
Prisca Geddings, Jacob Vance, or you.
No, that's not true.
She knows me.
I've been in her house.
I have her card with... with her
address, and all of it.
- Katrina.
- Just give me two seconds.
I know that I have it.
She-she gave it to me.
- Katrina.
- Okay.
Okay, just forget it.
There-there is a file
inside of her house
with all of the evidence in it.
If we just go...
Look, let's just go back to the
station, let's... we can talk there.
- It...
- Heath can meet us there.
No, you-you can't call him.
I already did.
Are-are you not
listening to me?
- Heath can meet us there.
- He's dangerous!
And she's helping him
and I can prove it!
It-it wasn't like this
before, I swear.
There's... it was her office.
There's two chairs and...
- Why don't we go back to the station?
- I'm not lying.
- Let's go back to the station.
- You need to believe me.
Let me just...
Okay. It's okay. Okay.
File in there with everything in it.
I swear to God, you have to believe me.
- Okay. Katrina, okay!
- You have to believe me.
- Come on, let's go back to the station.
- She knows me. She's... no.
- Okay.
- She knows everything that's going on!
- It's okay.
- Please, Detective, I'm begging you.
I am not lying.
He was there.
She knows me.
Prisca, tell him you know me!
Let me see it.
Let me see your ankle.
Let me see the left.
Have a seat.
I'll be back.
- Did you see it?
- There's nothing to see.
Did you look, though?
I just saw it.
I check both ankles
just like you said.
Well, then, it has to be makeup
or something. I don't know.
Look, Katrina,
you've spent hours telling me about
missing bodies, and secret tattoos,
and evil twins,
but all I'm asking for is one
thing you can actually prove!
I can't prove it, okay?
But that does not mean
it isn't true.
I'm gonna go talk to Heath.
Detective, please.
You have to believe me.
Have a seat and I'll be back.
Just have a seat.
I'm afraid we're looking
at temporary psychiatric hold.
Is that really necessary?
We're out of options.
- Can I just talk to her?
- No.
she's really scaring me.
I'll do the psychiatric hold.
But just temporarily.
Of course.
There's some paperwork you
need to fill out. I'll get it.
All right.
Is Katrina taking
any medications?
Uh, yeah, she-she takes something
for her stomach, I think.
I'm gonna need you to run home
and grab them.
The docs will wanna review them
before they start the treatment.
All right.
I'll stay here with her
until you get back.
All right, I'll-I'll go now.
This is enough to get me started but I'm gonna
need you to fill out these at some point.
Okay, are these to establish
the conservatorship?
That's a little premature.
Well, I wasn't sure
how it worked.
I just... I guess I got ahead
of myself.
Yeah. Hopefully, we won't get
to that point.
I mean, God forbid.
Uh, I'll be right back
with her meds.
All right, I'll be right here.
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Get off of me!
Get off me!
Get off of me!
Let me go!
Somebody help me! No!
Get off of me!
Thought you might like
some tea.
Son of a...
What's she doing here?
Just let me think
for a second.
But Heath, she saw everything!
All right, shut up!
Let me... look... look.
They already think
she's crazy, right?
Okay, so... so nothing changes.
We just need to get you
out of here
and I need to get the cops here
so... go grab my phone.
- Okay.
- It's in the kitchen. Give me the knife.
So, you're Heath again?
You're not Jacob Vance?
Shut up!
Ivy, hurry up!
I'm looking!
She seems like a real catch.
Is this, is this for her?
Is this all for...
Sit down, Katrina.
Sit down.
What is this f-for money?
No. I have student loans,
you-you own this house, the cars.
I do.
So, it's something...
what-what does that leave?
My... my stock options?
You're having me committed
over a glorified IOU?
Th-those are worthless,
Unless Zoink goes public.
You really had no idea, did you?
Yeah, you should talk to Wally
a little more often.
After he's had a few drinks.
He let it slip.
Zoink is going public.
In a few months,
you are gonna be
a multi-millionaire.
Well, actually, I am,
and you're gonna be
in a padded cell with...
without friggin' shoelaces,
all right?
So, Ivy, would you friggin'...
I got it. I got it.
- Oh!
- Ah!
Money's nice, but all I really
want is to be rid of you!
Come here!
Where are you?!
- Ah!
- What did you make me do?
What have you done?
- What?
- Where is she? - Heath!
- Where is she?
- Behind you!
Heath, help me.
Ah, thank you, officer.
I just heard
from the hospital.
Ivy's willing to testify.
Hmm, I guess getting stabbed
will really sour a relationship.
Hmm. Yeah, well, you cracked
his head pretty damn good
with that baseball bat.
Whenever he wakes up,
he's going away
for a very long time.
I still can't believe everything
you were saying was true.
I mean, it was and it wasn't.
Well, why don't we start
from the top?
And this time, I promise
to hear you out.
Thank you.
Come on, let's go.
So, it was Heath and not a twin?
Hi, Brand.
What brings you here?
Big day.
I officially sold
all of my Zoink shares
and quit an hour later.
Thank you! But that's not even
the good news.
You finished your book.
You even signed it.
"To the second-biggest
baseball fan in town."
- I mean.
- Hmm, nice.
Please let me know
what you think.
Oh, I will.
Good, because I definitely
need your help on the next one.
Oh yeah?
It's called
"My Husband's Two Faces"
and it has a plot twist
that you will not believe.