The Man with the Answers (2021) Movie Script

The anniversaries are short lived
But they come back around
at a breakneck speed
My world spins so fast
The centrifugal force
keeps me stuck in the middle
We close our eyes, learn our pain
Nobody ever could explain
All the dead boys in our hometown
We close our eyes, learn our pain
Nobody ever could explain
All the dead boys in our hometown
All the dead boys in our hometown
We all tussle with the black dog
Some out loud and some in silence
Everybody round here just drinks
'Cause that's our culture
We close our eyes, learn our pain
Nobody ever could
How are you?
- Good.
- It's been a while.
Your grandmother? Better?
She's lucky to have you.
Your father would have been proud
that you are taking care of her.
I wanted to ask you,
what time will you be home tomorrow?
In the afternoon, after work. Why?
I have sent you something small.
It's different from the others.
We'll talk tomorrow. Good night.
Good night.
100, 200, 300, 400, 20...
And two euros.
This is the last of it.
I'll get in touch with you
if I need you again.
I didn't want to send
a German book again
but something to get familiar
with the area here.
I've written our address
on the first page.
She left us this morning.
Will you come?
I would have come for sure...
But I am alone with Patrick these days.
It's difficult for me to leave.
I can't leave him with Helga.
I don't trust her.
It's also his birthday this Sunday
and I have to organise a party.
I wish I could be there.
We offer a very economical package.
1050 euros for the entire ceremony.
We provide the hearse
and two people to transport the coffin.
We need two more.
One more person besides you.
The price doesn't include
the workers who dig the grave.
With the digging of the grave,
the price will be 1200 euros.
Shall I presume
that a family grave already exists?
Then we have coffee, rusk, and brandy.
Two euros per person.
If we expect around fifty people,
then the price will be 1500 euros.
Unless the deceased was popular. Hmm?
Was she popular?
Lesson one.
I live in Munich. Bayern is wonderful.
Lesson one.
I live in Munich.
Excuse me! You cannot sleep here!
Here you are!
Your sandwich.
It's ham and cheese.
Take it. You deserve it.
You stole it.
Travelling alone?
Are you Italian?
Not Italian.
You're Greek then.
Chances are almost 50-50.
The ship goes from Greece to Italy.
I'm the outsider.
I'm German.
I'm from Germany.
Good day.
You don't look German.
You don't look Greek.
I come to Greece every summer.
This time I went to Kefalonia.
What about you?
How was your summer?
So where are you going?
You have a car?
It's a lovely route by car.
Passengers travelling
without a vehicle,
are kindly requested to disembark
using the escalators.
We thank you for travelling
with SuperFast Ferries
and we look forward
to welcoming you again
on board of one of our vessels.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the port of Bari.
I thought you said
you don't have a car.
I knew you did.
I saw you yesterday in the garage.
But it's fine,
you don't have to feel bad about it.
I don't feel bad.
You want to be alone in the car.
I completely understand.
You do know how to get
out of town, right?
You see there?
That's the Molo Sud.
You go right, you pass the Lazaretto
and at the roundabout,
you take the second exit to the right,
via Eugene Luigi.
And at the next roundabout,
you take the third exit.
I've done it a hundred times by car
and it's amazing.
Especially if you know
which routes to take.
Alright then.
Safe trip.
I can drive you up until one point.
I'm going north.
But we share the gas money.
Of course.
What is your name?
My name is Mathias.
- Yours?
- Victoras.
You want to check
if I'm driving to the right direction?
There is no right direction.
Can we please not take the autostrada?
It's boring.
There's nothing to see there.
I know beautiful provincial roads.
- What's this?
- No, no, no. It's not music.
Hello, my name
is Ursula. Ursula Handtmann.
I'm twenty-six years old.
"Hello, my name is Ursula."
- Ursula Handtmann.
- "Ursula Handtmann."
I'm twenty-six years old.
I live in Munich. Bavaria is...
I can teach you some German.
Are you hungry?
You have money?
You can tell so much
by how long it takes someone to order.
And by what he's having.
Mainly by what he's having.
- What am I having?
- That's easy.
A club sandwich.
You can't go wrong
with a club sandwich, right?
And I'm sure you never get pickles or
mustard to the side to spice things up.
- You're a fast-food kid.
- What?
You don't eat pickles, do you?
Pickles? I eat. Sometimes.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What can I bring you?
I'll choose for you.
- Number 12 for me.
- Number 12.
- And 54 for my friend.
- Fifty-four.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
What did you order? I'm very hungry.
- Angry?
- Hungry.
Sorry. ..
And a saucer with pickles, please.
- Of course.
- Thanks.
What did you order?
I don't know,
I just said random numbers.
Tell me, what numbers did you order?
- Come on, don't spoil the surprise.
- Tell me the numbers.
If you don't like it, I'll pay.
You know, you can't steal
food from here.
I only steal food from places
that are irrationally expensive.
Five euros for an awful sandwich
and it tasted like shit.
So in this case,
who is really the thief?
So what's the reason for your trip?
No reason.
I'm going for a ride.
You are doing this entire trip
just for a ride?
No way.
Why are you going by car
and not by plane?
Why aren't you going by plane?
I'm going for a ride.
I got money in my pocket and
a month to spend before work starts.
What work?
I'm teaching snowboard and ski
at the Bavarian Alps.
It's fun.
Number 12.
Thank you.
Number 54.
You pay.
Have a nice meal.
Thank you.
Take the next exit
and get off the autostrada.
No, I don't want
to get off the autostrada.
- We've lost a lot of time.
- Why?
Is someone waiting for you?
Since we're doing this trip,
I don't understand
why you don't want to enjoy it.
Maybe I'm in danger.
- You're in danger?
- Yeah.
The way you drive,
if someone is in danger, it's me.
I have put a stranger in my car.
How do I know
you're not a serial killer?
How do I know you're not going
to cut me into pieces?
Maybe that's why you insist
to get off the autostrada.
I don't see any reason
to cut you into pieces.
What if I just killed you?
Let's try the provincial road
for a while.
If you don't like my route,
we will go back to the autostrada.
Let's go.
I know these routes very well.
Trust me.
Let's play a game.
You know the game 20 questions?
What? Everybody knows it.
Well, you put something in your mind
and I have 20 questions
to guess what it is.
I'll ask you questions,
and you answer with a yes or a no.
How will I learn things about you?
You can better judge a man
by his questions
than by his answers.
Where do you read all this?
Oh! I was always wondering
who buys all those stupid books.
You can start
your questions if you want.
Go ahead.
- OK, I'll start.
- OK.
First question.
Have you lived
your whole life in Greece?
- Come on.
- Yes.
Second question. Do you have a job?
Did you study anything?
I... started studying agriculture...
I could never imagine that.
But I didn't really finish that.
I need to pee.
What, here?
Not here. Keep driving down that road.
Why? Why drive down that road?
The time has come
to cut you into pieces.
- It's fine.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Since you're studying
agriculture or whatever,
you can name all these trees here
with their scientific names
while I'm peeing.
You said you wanted to pee.
I am.
Would you have stopped
if I told you I also wanted to swim?
What are you waiting for? Get in.
Oh, no.
Why? Can't you swim?
I am not getting in a lake
that you have pissed in.
Have you ever swum in a lake?
Come on, get in.
For the experience.
I'll save you if you drown. Promise.
Good boy.
Should I tell you how to jump?
Slightly bend the knees
and then throw your weight forward.
And push with the legs.
Otherwise you will fall on your belly.
I'm an excellent teacher.
- It's nice, huh?
- Yeah. Nice.
So where did you learn this?
I'm not gonna tell you that.
- You were improvising?
- Yeah.
What a talent.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we found the best talent of Greece.
I told you this route was nicer.
You need to start trusting
the stranger in your car.
So, where were we?
Are you going to Germany?
- Did you search my stuff?
- So that's a yes.
This game is stupid.
You can't answer everything
with a yes or no.
- Yes.
- No.
I guess the world has become
too complex for simple answers.
Fuck you, asshole!
Stronzo in your face, asshole!
I really can't tell
who drives the worst,
Greeks or Italians.
I don't think it's a good idea
to go so fast here.
Why? Am I getting outside
my comfort zone?
- Hello.
- Hello.
You know you were driving
over the limit?
I told you not to drive so fast.
Licence and registration, please.
Licence and car registration.
Calm down.
Who is Angeliki?
Who is Angeliki?
It's none of your business.
It's none of your business.
Have you been drinking?
- Yes.
- No.
Are you going to take our order, then?
Get out of the car.
Get out. Exit the car.
Let's go.
Come on.
- Thank you very much.
- Thanks. Goodbye.
Lesson of the day:
people here can't take a joke.
Why did I take you with me?
Because you like me.
I don't like you.
You're so cruel.
You think it's wise to drive without
a licence in front of the police station?
It's your fault.
I wasn't driving
and you were speeding.
Fuck you.
We're just two strangers sharing a car.
My car.
Your car.
If you want,
I can be your personal driver.
- You have a licence?
- You should not know.
Where are we going?
Somewhere to eat, drink and sleep.
But you must wear a shirt.
I don't think this is a good idea.
You got something better to do tonight?
Is this why we got off the autostrada?
Have fun.
What makes them believe
they can spend their whole life
with the same person?
We're happy now.
Come on.
Tommaso, hi.
Hi. You came!
I brought a friend, OK?
Tommaso this is Victoras.
Victoras this is Tommaso.
- Hi, Victoras.
- Hi.
Strong handshake.
Are you German?
- English?
- No.
- French?
- No.
- Bulgarian?
- No.
Ask him if he's Greek.
- Yes.
- But of course!
Now we drink.
Where did you and Mathias meet?
First time we met,
it was at the Greek Islands.
We had great time, the two of us.
Just the boys,
doing island hopping, drinking
and getting naked on the beach.
We then took the ferry to Italy.
And I gave him a ride in my car.
Did he pay for gas?
- Drink!
- Yes.
You don't drink?
Did I tell you?
This family makes the wine.
Where did you two meet?
In Greece.
We did island hopping. Naked.
You are very different
from his other friends.
- Really?
- Really.
Come on, dance. Come on.
Here I am. Turn right.
Bye, beautiful.
Thanks a lot.
You've forgotten something.
Remember her?
What happened to her?
She left her heart on the dance floor.
Here you go.
Your sandwich is ready.
Can you take me there?
What's there?
Is this it?
I won my first medal here.
Stay here.
That feeling when you're in the air
is incredible.
Your heart is pounding like crazy.
And the adrenaline
is rushing through you.
And in that one moment...
you're flying.
Light as a feather.
Until gravity pulls you down again,
just to remind you
that you can't escape.
Gravity will always
pull you down to the ground.
Who's Angeliki Ltz?
Well, who is she?
I told you, don't touch my stuff.
- We're not going there?
- No. I'm going home.
I made a big mistake.
Tell me where do you want me
to drop you off?
We're almost there.
Is she your girlfriend?
No, of course not, this I know.
Is she your mother?
And you're angry with her? Yes.
Does she know that you took her car?
Does she know
that you're going to see her?
Where do you
want me to drop you off?
You do know that you don't have
a driver's licence, right?
You should be fine.
Is your mother a serial killer?
And she kills mostly children?
And now you're going to punish her?
What will you do? Kill her?
And then I'll chop her head off
and cut her into pieces!
Yes or no? Concentrate.
And then set her car on fire?
And burn down the house as well?
So what is your mother doing
in Bavaria?
She met a German guy
in Greece six years ago.
She got pregnant
and went to stay with him.
Is it a brother or a sister?
A brother.
And you didn't keep any contact?
In the beginning,
she was visiting.
I met my brother when he was a baby.
Now she calls me every once in a while.
Every year she sends me
a German learning book with a CD.
This year she sent
a travel guide to Bavaria.
Why have you never visited them?
I think your 20 questions are over.
Are you tired?
- The one here is over.
- Hmm.
- Are you OK?
- Yeah.
These cost five euros.
Can you believe it?
Five euros for a packet of chips
just because
they're in the middle of nowhere.
Are you out of your mind?
Did you steal them?
No one saw me. Relax.
Are you stupid,
you stole from the gas station?
Did you pay for the gas?
Here's the receipt.
Stop shouting at me.
- Stop polluting Mother Nature!
- Shut up!
- You're the crazy one here, man.
- Shut up!
You keep putting me in danger
and then you ask me to trust you!
How the fuck can I trust you?
You know it's my car.
You know I don't have a licence.
And you keep on behaving
like a five-year-old!
"This costs five euros,
can you believe it? Let's steal it!"
Fucking child.
That's it.
Fuck off!
Have you...
Have you seen a young man?
- Um, brown hair? Brown eyes?
- No.
So where are we going now?
Are you nervous?
You wanna leave and come back later?
Let's have some fun.
Is that her?
No. No. No.
Come in. Come in.
Oh, look. She has a new Audi.
I'm sorry. This is my son.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
You are here!
I came with a friend.
Mathias, Angeliki. Angeliki, Mathias.
- Hello.
- Hello. Nice to meet you.
You already made a friend here?
We came together from Greece.
You came from Greece together?
Yes. We came with your car.
- Which car?
- The Audi.
That piece of crap is still working?
But don't worry,
your son is an amazing driver.
He only got us arrested once.
Your friend is funny.
He doesn't speak German.
So much for all the books I've sent.
Are you hungry?
Should Helga make you a plate?
Helga! Helga!
Can you bring two plates please?
This is Victoras...
My son.
- And...
- Mathias.
- Mathias.
- Hello.
Did you meet this handsome fellow?
This is our Bjarke.
Amazing breed.
And very expensive!
Patrick... Where is Patrick?
You have to see your brother.
You won't recognise him!
If I'd known you were coming,
we would have celebrated differently.
Where is my cake?
Look how much your brother grew up.
Patrick, you remember Victoras?
- No!
- You met him in Greece!
How could he remember you?
Helga, let's get the sweets now!
For the kids!
Be careful, Patrick!
Come outside and meet the others.
Too bad Sasha is not here!
Patrick! Come!
Nice cake.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Patrick!
Happy birthday to you!
Let's go.
What? Are you sure?
Shouldn't we at least burn her car?
Now what?
Victoras, what are you doing?
Stop! Quiet!
Life is very different here.
You get used to it over time.
I'm more responsible now.
You can count on me.
You drove us here drunk.
You hit my dog.
I wanted ...
It's not like this every day.
We have good days and bad.
Sasha is often away for work.
And I've had enough of being alone.
You have Helga.
And Patrick.
And Bjorke.
I took Patrick to try diving.
He didn't like it at all.
He was afraid.
He didn't jump.
Not even from one metre!
You, when you were little,
you always told me your dream was to fly.
You remember?
This was your dream.
I remember it well.
Your grandmother always said
you should become a pilot.
I said you should take diving lessons.
I wanted to make your dream come true.
You took me diving
because I was restless
and I was getting on your nerves.
I don't remember that.
But if that was the case,
something good came out of it.
Give me a drag.
Do you want to drive?
Will you help me take him inside?
You must be starving after all this.
I should get going probably.
Don't be silly.
You are part of the family.
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