The Manny (2022) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[suspenseful music]
[Morgan] Well, I guess
you weren't the one.
Mom is home. Let's get you
cleaned up. Shall we?
- Rebecca? What-what's wrong?
- You can't work here anymore.
- Wait. What?
- You're fired!
Fi-fired? No, no, no, no.
What're you talking about?
I'm his nanny. He needs me.
You-you need me.
[Rebecca]You can't be trusted.
You need help.
Get off my property
or I'll call the police.
Rebecca, it's all
a misunderstanding.
[dramatic music]
On to the next.
Maybe somebody else
will appreciate me.
Lani. Profession, chef.
Looks like
you're quite the cook, Lani.
And you're gorgeous.
This looks like
the perfect family for me.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hey, Mercedes.
- Hey. How was school?
You know, the usual.
No games until
you finish your homework!
So, a couple things.
Your publisher called.
They want the cookbook
manuscript one week early.
Great. Okay.
Let's reschedule our next shoot.
- Already did.
- Thank you.
Good thing Darren's taking
Jaylen for spring break.
There's no way
I'd make this deadline.
Oh, and the network called.
They wanna talk contracts.
- This is huge.
- Mm-hmm.
All our hard work paying off.
No more shooting in my kitchen.
We'll have a real studio,
with professional lights.
And I won't have to lug camera
equipment around anymore...
If this deal goes through,
I'm making you my producer.
Well, I like the sound of that!
But let's not pop champagne yet.
We have to get strategic.
How's the search
for the nanny going?
Well, so far, five applicants.
Ah, do you prefer
a man or a woman?
A woman. Definitely.
[Lani]Hey y'all, it's your girl,
Lani McCall here,
aka the Kitchen Rebel.
Welcome to my home,
where I show you
how to make delicious dishes
that look difficult,
but are actually super easy.
Now if you're like me,
and chocolate
gives you migraines,
you can always use carob.
It has a rich, nutty flavor
that can be substituted
for chocolate chips.
This is carob from Italy...
Okay, moms, if you wanna make
your kiddo super happy
click the link below for recipe.
And don't forget to subscribe.
Hey, that's my line.
I know.
[phone chimes]
- Mm.
- [inhales]
So, for the pastry show
next week
- I already ordered the flour.
- Thank you.
And cue Darren being late.
Wasn't that his excuse
last time?
You know what he used to say
when we were married?
"I was born late."
911, I've got
a fashion emergency!
- Hey, girl.
- [Shannon] Hey.
And I'm sorry in advance.
But that dress you wore
to my holiday party...
- The red one with the low cut?
- Girl, I need that.
Tonight. I've got a date.
I'll dry clean
before I return it.
- I know where it is.
- I need a Mercedes in my life.
I'd be lost without her.
So, Darren's taking
Jaylen hiking?
For six days. Hallelujah.
All that time to yourself.
You gonna see that fine TV exec
who's been coming by
when you shoot.
- Zack? He's my boss.
- Mm.
Please, I see the way
you light up
when you talk about him.
I'm keeping it professional.
Besides, I'm not ready to date.
I just finalized my divorce.
- My advice?
- I didn't ask.
Date as much as
humanly possible.
It's so much fun.
And Zack is a catch.
- Here it is.
- [gasps]
You're a saint, Mercedes.
Ciao, love. See you man an a.
- Bye.
- Bye, Shannon.
[instrumental music]
Oh. Hello. A friend of Mercedes?
Hi, uh, no.
I'm actually here to interview
for the nanny position.
Are you? I'm Lani's bestie.
And neighbor.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.
That's my house,
in case you ever
moonlight as a gardener.
Mm, what?
- I'm kidding. Shannon.
- Morgan.
Strong handshake. Come on in.
Who are you?
Jaylen, this handsome man
is Morgan.
He's here to maybe
be your nanny.
Go get your mom.
Good luck.
- You like basketball?
- Oh, yeah.
- Who's your favorite team?
- The Sharks. You?
- Sharks all the way.
- Cool.
You play video games?
On "Raiders of Infinity,"
I'm level ten.
Mom, there's a guy here
you need to talk to!
Ah, hi. Can I help you?
Hi, I'm-I'm Morgan Washington.
I'm here about
the nanny position.
- Your, your neighbor let me in.
- [Lani] That was fast...
And I thought we were
interviewing women.
Um, we are.
Ah, people always hear
the name Morgan
and assume I'm a girl.
I don't, I don't know
what my mom was thinking.
Well, it's fine.
You passed the Jaylen test.
Why don't you come
to the kitchen?
Mercedes, can you get Jaylen
focused on his homework?
Ah, sure.
[Morgan] Ross were great.
As with the Smiths, um,
and then I worked with
the Higgins family
up until they moved to Paris.
I, um, printed
my references out for you.
Three families?
And you're only 23.
I worked summers in college,
but now that I've graduated,
I'm looking for
something more permanent.
I'm onto you.
Did you finish your homework?
He clearly likes you.
Ah, do you? For the job, I mean.
To be honest, Morgan,
I wanna hire a woman.
There's a lot going on
in my life right now,
maybe more than I can handle,
and I'm just more
comfortable with the idea.
Well, at least take a look at
my references.
I mean, all the kids
I worked with have been boys.
I'm still a kid at heart,
so I-I guess we have
a lot in common.
That just made me sound
mad childish.
But I promise you,
I'm very, very responsible.
I'm sure you are.
Judging by your credentials,
you seem too good to be true.
- No, don't worry. I'm-I'm not.
- Cider?
Anything but hot chocolate.
It gives me headaches.
- I have that issue, too.
- Mm.
I cook with chocolate,
but I can't eat it.
And I miss it so much.
Have you tried peppermint oil?
- For cooking?
- For headaches.
I've had a headache all day.
I can show you if you want.
Um, sure.
So, like the peppermint oil
has a calming effect
on the nervous system.
May I?
Oh. Wow.
Slows everything down.
[Lani] Oh, wow.
And it's also helps
relieve tension.
Yeah, you are pretty tight.
How's your headache now?
Much better actually. Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Am I interrupting?
Darren. Nice of you to show up.
You were supposed to be here
an hour ago.
Come on, Lani.
You know I was born late.
- Who's this?
- [Lani] This is Morgan.
He's applying to be
Jaylen's nanny,
and it turns out, he has a
great way to relieve headaches.
That's handy.
So do you model on the side?
- Or nanny on the side?
- Darren. Don't be rude.
I'm just saying. Look at him.
Mom, I need help.
Math is too hard.
Can we go to the cabin now?
Yeah, um,
about that, little man,
listen, I'm-I'm sorry, but
we're gonna have to postpone.
- But, dad, you promised.
- I'll make it up to you.
Hey, Jaylen, how about
I help you with your math?
That's a great idea. Thank you.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
You're not really
hiring that kid.
Why wouldn't I?
A, he's too young
to watch my son.
And B, his looks
are distracting.
- To who?
- You. Obviously.
The hell did I just walk in on?
You mean when you walked in late
to cancel on our son? Again?
The investors want to meet
in person tomorrow.
You know how hard
I've been working on this deal.
- I'll take him next week.
- Spring Break is this week.
He's been looking forward
to this for months.
You have to cancel your meeting.
Or do it over the phone.
I got a lot going on right now.
So do I. So does everyone.
But I need you to make time
to be his father.
- Darren. When we were married...
- Oh, you remember that?
I covered for you.
Jaylen had no idea
how absent you were.
But I can't cover for you
You're making this into
a bigger deal than it is.
Excuse me?
I'm the one
interviewing strangers
to help me with our son.
[Darren] Why are you in
that situation, Lani?
Excuse me. What are you doing?
Oh. Uh, just helping Jaylen
with his homework.
Lani said it was okay.
Well, I'll do it.
You can go now.
[Lani] Give me the keys
to the cabin.
But we haven't finished
my interview.
- We'll reschedule.
- That's what we promised him.
And another thing,
stop walking in
like you still pay bills here.
I'll see you next week.
Love you, daddy.
- Nice to meet you. Morgan.
- You, too.
I apologize.
As you can see, things can get
a bit chaotic around here.
[chuckles] It's not a problem.
You see, creating calm and
order, that's my specialty.
I would love to finish
our interview.
You know, now's not a good time.
We have to pack.
Mercedes, I'm sorry to ask,
but can you come
to the cabin tomorrow?
- Oh, uh...
- I could.
Not to speak out of turn,
but I'm available.
Uh, no. We've got it.
I will follow up
with your references
and we will go from there.
Thanks for understanding,
Mm-hmm. Thank you, ladies.
- Have a beautiful day.
- Mm-hmm.
[suspenseful music]
- I so appreciate you coming.
- No problem.
I'll take Jaylen hiking,
while you work on the cookbook.
At night,
we can go over the edits.
Great. Thank you.
Oh, Mercedes.
What did you think?
About Morgan.
I thought you wanted a woman.
I did. I mean, I do.
But with Darren
being so unreliable,
I thought having a man around
would be good for Jaylen.
I mean, I guess.
But I still don't even know
how he got your address.
I swear I denied his
I hate that we even have to
find a nanny at all.
Why? Things are going
so great for you.
I know.
But I blew up Jaylen's life
when I left Darren.
And now things
are moving so fast,
with the book and the show...
[doorbell rings]
That's Zack.
Ah, can you keep
an eye on Jaylen
while I talk to him out front?
I'm not ready for them to meet.
[music continues]
- Hey.
- Hey.
We have reservations
at Le Lis De Paume.
They're huge fans
and cannot wait to cook for you.
Zack, I'm sorry,
but my ex canceled,
so Jaylen's still here.
Oh. Um, how about
I order pizzas?
I think we should
just go over the contract
on the phone tomorrow.
I understand. Um, no problem.
- I'll call you. Tomorrow.
- Thanks.
I didn't do anything to make
you uncomfortable, did I?
No, not at all.
Okay, good.
Because it's just a dinner.
Zack, I'm really not ready
for a relationship.
My divorce was just
finalized and
I get it. And I'm here for you.
My lawyers are working
on your deal as we speak.
I just wanna see you happy,
I'm flattered. And you're right.
Maybe somewhere down the line,
we could go for that dinner.
[Zack] Good to know.
When you're ready,
if you're ready, I'm here.
[Lani] Sounds great.
[bed creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[music continues]
[intense music]
[doorbell rings]
[door lock clicks]
- [screams]
- [thuds]
[Shannon] So Mercedes
broke her leg?
Apparently, someone spilled oil
all over her stairs.
But you know what she was upset
about when she called?
That she couldn't
go to the cabin.
That girl doesn't stop working.
But you should call off
your trip.
- Go another time.
- I can't do that to Jaylen.
He doesn't show it,
but the divorce
has been hard on him.
So hire that cute boy already.
Boy is right.
But I need to make sure
he's not a...
Crazed psycho killer?
I'm being paranoid, aren't I?
You're being a good mom.
Maybe. I never know.
I had to go to therapy for
a year before I left Darren.
I just had so much guilt
about what I did to Jaylen.
I still do.
You didn't do
anything to anyone.
You did something for yourself.
I know.
But I still worry about Jaylen.
Things are about to get
insanely busy.
And it's going to affect him.
You should celebrate being busy.
Having a career
that makes you happy.
Makes you a better mom.
Let's check out
one more reference of Morgan.
[line ringing]
- [Dr. Roth on phone]Hello?
- Yes, hi.
- Is this Dr. Roth?
- [Dr. Roth]How may I help?
I'm sorry to call so late.
My name is Lani McCall
and I'm considering
hiring Morgan Washington.
[Dr. Roth on phone]You mean
he's available?
I'm surprised. He's remarkable.
So I take it you recommend him?
[Dr. Roth on phone]Absolutely.
He's dependable.
Educated. A great athlete.
Our boys absolutely loved him.
Hey, listen, if you hire him,
please tell him
Derek made
the cross country team.
- Derek?
- [Dr. Roth]My youngest.
Morgan coached him.
Will do. Thank you.
You need to hire that boy.
Or else someone else
is gonna grab him.
[phone vibrates]
Hi, Ms. McCall.
Broke her leg, really?
I-I'm sorry to hear that.
Yes. Yes, I am still available.
[instrumental music]
- This is it.
- Wow.
Come on, Morgan.
Let's play hide and seek.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
All right. Okay.
Well, we gotta be careful, okay?
Listen, I tell you what,
how about you go outside
and you start exploring?
I'll be right behind you.
Be careful, Jay.
Ah, is everything okay,
Ms. McCall?
He's just been
a bit of a handful lately.
- Right.
- But he respects you.
It's good.
And please call me Lani.
Lani. O-okay.
Um, please let me,
let-let me take your bags.
- Oh. Thanks.
- Yeah. Of course.
Is there anywhere specific
you'd like these?
Ah, the first room on the right.
First room on the right. Okay.
[indistinct chatter]
Whoa, whoa, hold on. Let's see
if we can get a selfie.
- That's right.
- Ready, Jay?
Let's just...
Let's do it right.
One, two, three.
Just in case you get hungry.
[indistinct chatter]
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?
I couldn't sleep.
So you're making cinnamon rolls?
Yeah. My mom's recipe.
She was a baker.
Excuse me, I just gotta
shove these in.
- Sorry.
- Yeah.
[groans] But...
Um, I promised Jaylen
I'd get him up early for a hike.
So, if you don't mind,
could you get these out
whenever they're finished?
- No problem.
- Perfect. Thank you.
[phone vibrates]
What's the emergency?
[Shannon] Girl, you'll never
guess who I saw
coming home this morning
wearing same clothes
she had on yesterday.
No shame, been there, but...
Shan, I'm a little busy.
How's it going with Mr. Manny?
Well, he made lunch.
He made dinner.
He made cinnamon rolls.
He took Jaylen hiking.
Sounds like
he's the perfect package.
I'll keep that in mind next time
I see him in his boxers.
[gasps] You didn't.
- Oh, I did.
- [squeals]
What does he look
like half-naked?
Mm-hmm. That right there
answers my question.
The boy is fine!
[Lani] I gotta go, they're back.
Mom, it was so much fun
out there.
He is so strong.
We hiked six miles.
Maybe by the time you're done,
he'll make cross country,
like Derek.
One of the kids
you used to watch.
Oh, right, yeah. Derek!
Mom, can I have
some hot chocolate?
Morgan said to ask you. Please?
- Your call.
- Yeah. Go.
One hot chocolate coming up!
What are you making? Cookies?
Oh, yeah. Not just any cookies.
My mom's secret recipe.
[Lani] Ooh. Spill the tea.
You know, I would,
then I'd have to kill you.
[both laugh]
- More wine?
- Oh. No. I've had enough.
What? After all the hard work
you've been putting in?
As a matter of fact,
I'll join you.
- Jaylen really loves you.
- Yeah?
He's all right.
No, um, seriously,
uh... he's a great kid.
It's a, it's a testament
to how you raise him.
You're loving.
And a great listener.
You remind me of my mom.
Well, I don't know about me,
but your mom sounds wonderful.
Yeah, she, she was.
I'm so sorry.
[Morgan] This was, um,
this was hers.
Yeah, you know,
I wear it to keep her close.
It's all I have left.
She ended up with this...
this boyfriend.
A real jerk.
Guy kind of took over her life.
Stole her away.
Made her put me in second place.
I understand.
I came second to Darren's career
for a long time.
It hurts.
Do you ever worry about that,
with Jaylen?
Of course. It's my biggest fear.
I want him
to always be my number one.
No matter what.
See, that, that is what
I like about you.
You're so clear on that.
And, listen, I wanna help
however I can.
Thank you, Morgan.
You know I feel like?
Maybe this will sound
a little out there...
Like my mom's watching over me,
you know.
Making sure I find good people.
The right people.
[mellow music]
Hey, it's okay.
- It's not.
- Because you're seeing someone?
- No.
- Oh, it's-it's fine, you know.
Shannon told me about Zack.
Morgan... I-I'm your boss.
It was entirely
inappropriate of me to,
to do this, and I apologize.
There's no need for you
to apologize, okay?
We-we can keep it between us.
I mean, it was nice.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I think we should leave
in the morning.
What? Wait. I thought
we were here till Sunday.
- I changed my mind.
- Wait, Lani, Lani, listen.
What just happened,
okay, I promise you,
it'll-it'll never happen again.
Oh, I know it won't.
Because tomorrow
is your last day.
I have to think about Jaylen
and do what's right for him.
I think you should, too.
Jaylen is always number one.
I swear.
Okay, try again.
[engine cranking]
- Is it the battery?
- I'm not sure.
I'm hungry.
We'll get breakfast on the road.
- But I'm starving now, mom.
- Okay.
Why don't I take care of him
while you call Triple A?
- Okay. Thanks.
- All right. Come on.
How did you learn
to cook so good?
My mom.
They can't send a mechanic
until tonight.
[Morgan] I'm sorry to hear that.
Um, but this should
cheer you up.
Mom, can Morgan make us
breakfast every morning?
- Well...
- You know, I doubt
your mom's boyfriend wants me
around that much, buddy.
My mom doesn't have a boyfriend.
Right, mom?
Oh. Lani, sorry. I thought that
Jaylen knew about Zack.
Who's Zack?
He's a friend from work.
- Are you keeping secrets?
- No, honey.
You said we would always tell
each other everything!
Jaylen. Honey.
Lani, seriously, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to, to upset him.
Jaylen, let me in.
You know the rules,
no locked doors.
[Jaylen] You broke the rules!
You lied!
[Lani] Jay, I didn't...
[Jaylen] Yes, you did.
Just like dad.
He said he was taking me
hiking this weekend!
[Lani] Dad had to work, sweetie.
- Why would you say that?
- It slipped out. Honest.
And, for what it's worth,
when I was his age,
my parents got divorced.
And I kinda remember taking
my anger out on my mom too.
You just made a very
difficult situation worse.
Maybe I can talk to him?
Hey, Jay. It's Morgan.
Can I come in?
- [Jaylen] No!
- Please?
I just heard about a hiking spot
where there are caves.
[Morgan sighs]
You mad at me?
Are you keeping secrets, too?
Secrets? Mm.
You mean like... this secret?
I know your mom doesn't
let you chew gum.
I guess it'll be
our little secret, huh?
Hey, see?
Secrets aren't all that bad.
I'll tell you what.
You go and apologize
to your mom for yelling,
and then you and I, we can make
our own special club.
Where we promise to tell
each other the truth.
Always. No secrets. Ever. Deal?
Morgan, will you be
my best friend?
What? I'm already
your best friend, bro.
Bring it in here. Okay?
Look. Listen.
I promise to always make you
my number one, okay?
Let's go apologize to mom,
shall we?
- Come on.
- Mom?
I'm sorry. Zack's just a friend.
If he ever becomes
anything more,
you'll be the first to know.
I'm sorry for yelling.
Can me and Morgan go hiking
while you wait for the mechanic?
I was thinking we'd stay here
and play games.
- Really? Yes!
- Great.
- We made cookies last night.
- Morgan made them, actually.
These are good!
Mom, where's your camera?
- We're taking a picture.
- In the den.
So, this is what you wanna do?
Be a baker, like your mom?
I mean, you can't be
a nanny forever.
Why not? I love it.
Nothing is more important
than family.
It took losing my own
to figure that out.
- Say cheese!
- Cheese!
- Mom, who's this?
- This is Zack.
The man we were
talking about earlier.
You mean your work friend?
That's me. Mom's work friend.
I've been hoping to meet you.
I've seen you
on your mom's show.
Hey. What's this?
Lani, you didn't tell me
Jaylen's made of money.
- How'd you do that?
- Magic.
Morgan Washington.
Pleasure to meet you.
Ah, the nanny.
It's quite a handshake.
Huh. So, uh, did you drive
all the way up to the cabin
just to meet Jaylen or
I didn't wanna
wait till tonight,
so I asked Zack to pick us up.
Huh. What about your car?
[Lani] The service will
tow it once it's fixed.
- The lease covers it.
- Mm.
It's gonna be quite a squeeze.
Ah, barely fits three.
But we'll make it happen.
You men and your sports cars.
A sports car!
Does the top go down?
Wanna check it out?
Someone should really be here
when the mechanic arrives.
Let me wait.
Okay, I-I'll clean up the cabin.
And I'll bring
your car back tomorrow.
Look, you're a good kid.
If you wanna bring the car back,
I'll pay you extra.
But you should find a job
with another family.
A good kid?
Thanks again for rescuing us.
Anytime. Jaylen's great.
You had him laughing so much.
Glad someone gets
my sense of humor.
Can I get you
something to drink?
Yeah. That'd be great. Thanks.
Um, I, I guess I should
get going.
The more I try to pretend
there's nothing between us,
the more I make stupid choices.
What does that mean?
Ugh. Let's not even go there.
But you're a great guy.
And I like you, too.
[mellow music]
But I need you to understand,
I have to take things slow.
As slow as you want.
Is dinner tomorrow too fast,
[Lani] If I can find
a babysitter.
What about Morgan?
I don't think
I'm keeping him on.
He's not the right fit.
That's too bad.
Well, just let me know.
Okay. Thanks again for the ride.
It's my pleasure.
[Lani] Do we have prosciutto?
[Mercedes]Um, I think there's
some in the fridge.
Oh. It's gone bad.
What is that noise?
My Murphy Bed won't close
and my repairman flaked.
- I'm having a day.
- [doorbell rings]
I'll pick up some prosciutto
on the way over.
Great. Thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, I'm just here
to pick up my check.
Oh. And I-I made this
for you and Jaylen.
My mom's favorite recipe.
It's an apology
for what happened.
I know I messed up, Lani.
Come on in.
So, I've been thinking about
what you said at the cabin.
A-about my future.
And, um, I've decided
I'm going to apply
to a culinary school.
That's a great idea, Morgan.
Clearly you have a gift.
If you need a recommendation,
I'm happy to write one.
That's... Wow.
Lani, you-you're so generous.
Thank you.
Look, listen, as soon as
I save up, I'm enrolling.
I guess it kinda depends on
where my next job
is coming from, but...
You know what?
I've been too hard on you.
Let's-let's try again.
While you save up
for culinary school.
As long as nothing like that
happens again.
It won't. I promise.
E-ever again.
Wow. Thank you.
I'm-I'm so happy right now!
Is it okay to ask for a hug?
Thank you again.
What did I miss?
Oh. Morgan's our Manny.
Again? Great.
Do you still need me to
babysit Jaylen tonight?
Um, yes. If you can.
- Ah, I could do it.
- It's no trouble, I got it.
Is that pie?
Someone cut me a tiny slice.
Love him.
So, I'm on a special diet
that's smoothies only.
- And pie.
- And pie.
And this is the day
my blender decides to die.
Which is why
I need to borrow yours.
Help yourself.
Morgan, I'll text you
Jaylen's school address.
- He'll be done in an hour.
- No problem.
Great. We're shooting today.
So I'm gonna go get ready.
Could you toss that meat out?
It's expired.
So you're watching
Jaylen tonight?
Lani's got a date with her boss.
I thought they were
just friends.
Oh. Well, I shouldn't
talk out of turn.
What do I know anyway?
[Morgan] You know what?
Let me make you a smoothie.
If it's as good
as your pie, sure.
[suspenseful music]
So, I've been reading up on you.
On me?
People in their 20s,
how you date,
how it's all about hook-ups
and nothing about love.
I wouldn't know.
Sure you don't.
You're a unicorn.
There's this one app,
what's it called, BondMe!
You know it?
It's exclusively for hook-ups
and kinky sex.
Fetishes, too.
At-at least that's what I read.
I'm not on any apps
nor am I dating or hooking up.
Boring. I'm kidding.
[Morgan chuckles]
[mixer whirring]
[instrumental music]
I thought you were fired.
I'm still here. Need help?
- Thanks.
- Of course.
Mercedes. Great. You're here.
- And everything's set up.
- Morgan did it all.
Turns out, he's been
keeping secrets from us.
- You could call me a handyman.
- Don't you need a handyman?
- For your Murphy Bed?
- Oh, no, that's okay.
- I'd be happy to help.
- I'm fine, thanks.
Okay. Let's get to it.
Morgan, Jaylen needs to be
picked up in 30.
Can y'all play outside
when you get back,
just give us some time
to finish?
- Yup, no problem.
- Okay, the prosciutto is there.
And the burrata. And the bread.
- Let's make some crostini.
- Perfect.
Thanks, team. Ready to roll?
Hey, y'all, it's your girl,
Lani McCall, here
aka the Kitchen Rebel.
Today we're taking a quick
and easy trip over to Italy.
All you need is
a few ingredients
to make your family say
This is zombie guts.
Magic zombie guts.
[Morgan] Cool.
- Hi, mom.
- Oh. That's a wrap?
Yes. If you could help Mercedes.
[Morgan] I would be happy to.
And, um, would you mind staying
later tonight?
- Sure. What-what's up?
- I have plans.
And Shannon suddenly has
the stomach flu or something.
Oh. Well, I hope
it's not contagious.
Me, too. Come on, Jay.
Let's get you cleaned up.
I made crostini.
So, uh, where's Zack
taking you tonight?
How did you know
I'm going out with Zack?
Oh. Shannon told me.
I'm sorry. W-was it a secret?
No. It's fine.
Oh, well, I'm sure you guys
will have a great time.
I hope so.
[suspenseful music]
[doorbell rings]
Jaylen, I told you
to clean this up.
Come in.
- Stunning.
- Thank you.
Someone wants to say hi.
[Zack] What's up, little man?
How's it going?
Can you teach me
more magic tricks?
I can't give all
my secrets away.
- Please?
- Hey, Jaylen.
It's still light out. You wanna
go toss the football around?
I promised my friends
I'd learn a new trick.
Well, we still have time.
You wanna learn how to bend
a spoon with your mind?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Go grab one of your
mom's old ones
from the kitchen.
I'll go get my purse.
Can I get you a drink?
- A nanny and a bartender?
- Mm.
Whatever Lani needs.
[suspenseful music]
Mom, look what I did!
Wow. That's amazing, honey.
Zack taught me.
Come and give me
a hug goodnight.
Promise you'll be back
before bedtime?
It'll be a little later,
You work too much, mommy.
Magic spoon!
Thank you.
You're great with him.
Ah, he's a great kid.
Ah, excuse me. Sorry.
I gotta get this pot soaked
or it's gonna be a nightmare.
We should probably get going.
[water running]
Quite the handsome fella.
[Zack] What is this?
I just had this tailor made.
I didn't do it.
You know how I feel about
telling stories.
- I'm not telling a story!
- Go to your room.
- You're in time out.
- But it's not my fault!
- Now!
- [sighs]
Oh, wow.
Hey, I, uh, I know
a really good dry cleaner.
I could take it in the morning.
I can clean my jacket on my own,
Let's go.
We're running late as it is.
Hey, Lani. Ah, have a good time.
Thank you.
No brownies for Jaylen.
- He has to learn his lesson.
- You got it.
Maybe brownies for dinner
isn't a good idea.
I thought that's what
you wanted.
But what if my mom finds out?
Who's gonna tell your mom? Huh?
Not me.
Rules of the club, remember?
Come on.
Can Zack be in our club?
I swear
I didn't ruin his jacket.
I know you didn't, Jay.
I think, I think Zack did it
and then blamed you.
So your mom would
get mad at you.
Listen, when I was little,
my mom had a boyfriend
like Zack.
He was jealous
because my mom loved me
more than she loved him.
So he hurt her.
Real bad.
Wh-what did he do?
[young Morgan]Mommy, no!
No! I can save you!
We just have to make sure that
Zack doesn't hurt your mom.
- But I like Zack.
- No, no. No, you don't.
Zack lied.
He said you ruined his jacket.
But don't worry. Okay?
I'm here to protect you.
And your mom.
Because... that's what
best friends do.
Right? There you go.
[crickets chirping]
Thank you, Morgan.
[gasps] Oh.
What are you doing?
I thought you said that
if you got home late ju...
In the guest room.
I got them mixed up.
It's fine. Sleep here.
I'll take the guest room
How was, how was, uh,
how'd the dinner go?
It was really great.
I haven't felt like that
in a long time.
Mm, is there,
is there anything else
I can do for you tonight?
Goodnight, Morgan.
Oh, Lani, I, I don't wanna
freak you out,
but there was a home invasion
down the street tonight.
Which house?
I think it was the yellow house
on the corner.
- The Olsen's. Are they okay?
- Yeah, no, they're fine.
They were out of town,
so no one was hurt.
Um, Shannon actually
told me about it
whenever she got home
from her date.
Wait. She was out?
She said she was sick.
Ah, Lani, listen, uh,
I think I should move in.
To-to keep you and Jaylen safe.
Um, no. We're fine. Thank you.
It's been a long evening.
And-and, hey.
You're doing a good job
keeping it professional
with Zack.
He got really mad
about that jacket.
It's not really the type of,
type of energy
we want around here, right?
I'll see you in the morning.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
Contract looks in order.
And the lawyer gave
the thumbs up.
Well, nothing more to do then.
I can't believe it.
Everything's about to change.
[drill whirring]
What the hell is that?
What is that? A security camera?
I put a bunch outside, too.
There was a break-in
down the road.
Now Morgan's worried.
[Mercedes] Oh.
Morgan, this is my house.
You need to check with me first.
You're right. It's my bad.
Um, you want me
to take them down?
No. But in the future,
you need to ask.
Will do.
Uh, if you check your phone,
I sent you a link
to access the cameras.
At night, if anyone someone
comes on the property,
you'll get an alert.
I have two more to put up,
if that's okay with you.
- Go for it.
- [Morgan] Okay.
- Who's house got broken into?
- The Olsen's.
[Mercedes] That's weird.
They helped me carry in
some boxes today.
They didn't say anything
about it.
Are you sure it was the
yellow house?
- Um, I don't remember.
- I'll ask Shannon.
[Morgan] Oh. Shannon,
she won't remember either.
She, she was so drunk,
she even invited me over.
Does she have a little bit of a
drinking problem?
Oh, Morgan, by the way.
I'm gonna need
your social security number.
- What for?
- [Mercedes] Payroll.
Now that we signed the contract,
you'll be
paid through the network,
as well as insurance.
Oh, well, I mean, I don't need
any health insurance.
- I'm in great shape.
- Mm-hm. Sure.
But it's liability insurance.
And the network even wants
to do background checks.
- Background checks?
- Mm-hm.
Uh, what's your number?
I'll send you all my info.
- 555-20-09.
- Mm-hm.
Hi. Zach?
[chuckles] Yes, definitely need
to celebrate.
Great, thanks. I'll let you know
if there's any problems.
[dramatic music]
Uh, Jaylen's all ready for bed.
Thank you.
I'll be right back.
Yeah. Have a good night.
Be safe.
- [Lani] Thank you.
- Mm-hm.
- Good to see you, Morgan.
- Yeah. You, too.
Have a good night.
[suspenseful music]
[Lani] Sorry about that.
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music]
[phone chimes]
What the...
[door closes]
[door opens]
What're you doing here?
- Handyman to the rescue.
- Thanks, but no thanks.
Oh, ah, Lani asked me to help.
And I, I really wouldn't want to
disappoint her.
Well, I guess
if Lani sent you...
I, ah, did I catch you
at a bad time?
Just in the middle of doing
these background checks.
Find anything interesting?
No, uh, just the usual old,
What is it?
I just remembered, uh,
actually, uh...
I-I have to be somewhere,
so, maybe we can do this
at another time?
I'm sure it's just a mistake.
You know, I don't like...
[breathes deeply]
People looking into my past.
They have no idea
what I've been through.
What he did to her.
What're you doing?
Fixing the problem.
Please, no! Please, don't! No!
No! What're you doing?
No, don't! Stop! Stop!
Stop! [Sobbing]
[dramatic music]
[pensive music]
[music continues]
[keys clacking]
[phone chimes]
[phone vibrates]
[phone ringing]
Hey, Darren?
What's goin' on, superstar?
Please don't tell me you're
cancelling this weekend.
[Darren]Hah! No.
Uh, I wanted to say that
I heard the good news, congrats.
And if there's anything I can
do to make your life easier.
- Wow. This is unexpected.
- [Darren]I cleared my plate.
So, I have some time,
is all I'm saying.
Let's just stick to the
regular days for now.
[Darren]For the record,
this is me trying.
I know and I appreciate it,
Darren. I really do. Thank you.
[door opens]
Girl! You scared me.
- Lock your door then.
- What's up?
- You look like hell.
- You know I had the flu?
I heard you went on a date.
I haven't left my bed
in two days.
Who said I was on a date?
Oh, and I'd appreciate
if you'd stop telling
Morgan all of my business.
What are you talking about?
Maybe you should start focusing
on what you have going on
instead of gossiping
about everyone else.
Wow. You are so hostile.
I just thought I could trust you
with Jaylen, with my life.
But, clearly, I can't.
Okay. Well, I just came over
to tell you
that boyfriend
is on a hook-up app
and I'm here trying to save you
the embarrassment.
Hm. Here.
Trust that.
But I'll mind my business
from now on, neighbor.
[soft dramatic music]
[phone ringing]
Miss me already?
Zack, I knew dating you
was a bad idea.
Whoa! What's-what's goin' on?
[Lani]I saw your profile online.
[Zack]What profile?
That hook-up app.
Lani, I'm not on
any hook-up apps.
I saw it with my own eyes.
[Zack]Then I don't know
what to tell you.
Somebody must've made
a fake profile.
It's not that hard to do.
[Lani]I should've trusted
my gut.
We work together.
Let's just be adults
and keep it professional.
I'll always put you first,
from now on.
I promise.
[ominous music]
[phone chimes]
[female dispatcher]911.
What's your emergency?
[police siren wails]
Hey. It's okay. You're safe.
[sighs] Can you stay here
Of course.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
Ah, does Jaylen know?
No. He slept through
the whole thing.
Okay, good. Good.
Look, I'm glad you called me.
Okay? I'm here for you.
Hey, come here.
Okay, let's get you inside, huh?
Okay. Come on.
[Lani] I've never had Swedish
pancakes turn out so perfect.
- And they look amazing.
- Take a picture, mom.
Ooh. Let me. That way, you guys
are all in it.
You've got long arms.
Get in with us.
- Yeah. A groupie.
- Ah, I-I shouldn't be in it.
My fans need to know that
this was a team effort.
Okay. Okay.
Cheese on three.
One, two, three.
[both] Cheese!
[Morgan] Good. Good.
Okay, Jaylen. Hurry up
and finish your food, okay?
I want to get to the zoo early,
that way we can beat the crowd.
Mercedes usually does her thing
with my social media,
but since she's running late,
I'll post this one.
Oh, is she coming today?
It's the weekend.
We're working on the budget,
that's why
you're looking after Jaylen.
Give me some.
[doorbell rings]
Oh. Dad's here.
Ah! Sit, sit, sit.
Finish your food.
You sit, too.
You sit, too. I'll get it.
I'll get it.
Oh, hey, Darren.
- Morgan.
- Thanks for ringing the bell.
- We really appreciate that.
- Well, thank you very much.
[Darren imitates chuckling]
[Jaylen] Dad! [Darren] Ahh!
[Darren sighs]
- Dad, you stink.
- Whoa.
- Are you smoking again?
- Well, hello to you, too, Lani.
You know how sensitive
we are to that.
Come on, dad. Eat with us.
Let me hang that up for you.
Gee, a nanny, doorman
and a coat check. Huh!
He cures headaches too, right?
[Jaylen] I gotta eat fast before
the zoo gets crowded,
Morgan's taking me.
[Darren] Oh, well, he's gonna
take you another time
because it's my weekend
per our agreement.
[Lani] I wish you had told us.
Morgan planned a whole day
at the zoo.
[Darren] Oh, my bad. I didn't
realize I had to check in
with concierge
before taking my son
to the Sharks game!
[Jaylen] The Sharks? Really?
[Darren] Yeah.
[Lani] You better get going.
Mercedes is coming to help
with this budget, and
she's late, like you, Darren.
Very funny. I was on time today,
by the way.
You know, I can take a look
at the budget.
I used to do it
for my mom's bakery.
- Your mom had a bakery?
- Hm.
You never mentioned that.
Aren't you just a
jack of all trades?
Oh, Jay! Oh, Jay!
Got to save some things
for later, man,
or she'll get bored of you.
[Darren smirks]
Have fun, Jay.
Call me to say goodnight.
[pensive music]
[keys clacking]
[phone chimes]
Like I said,
let's keep it professional.
Zack, it's not up
for discussion.
I've been down this road
with Darren before
and I don't want to do it again.
Please don't call unless
it's about work.
Hey. So, I figured out
the problem with your budget.
You had the formulas
mixed in with the, ah...
What happened?
Didn't you hear me arguing
with Zack?
No, I-I had earbuds in.
And I respect your privacy.
This is your house, not mine.
Why can't...
[sighs] N-never mind.
[Morgan] What?
Tell me.
Why can't the other men
in my life be more like you?
I shouldn't have said that.
What I meant
I understood.
Whatever you need.
This looks great.
Mercedes will be impressed.
I was hoping to shoot today.
This is probably
my last episode here.
I guess I'm feeling nostalgic.
We can make that happen.
It's okay. Enjoy your weekend.
You've probably got
better places to be.
I like being here.
We like having you here.
Then, let's shoot an episode.
Shall we?
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
It's Lani.
[knocking on door]
[door clanks]
[music continues]
I thought the bed
wouldn't go up.
[dramatic music]
[muffled cry]
It's me!
[sighs] Zack!
Let-let me say something.
I swear that wasn't my profile.
I-I-I have proof
someone else made it.
I-I don't know who, but Sam,
my assistant, did some checking.
All photos are from my
social media.
Look. Somebody else made it.
You have to go.
I can't do this right now.
I just got back from the
police station.
Mercedes, she-she's dead, Zack.
[Lani sighs]
- What happened?
- They don't know.
I-it must've been an accident.
[sighs] I'm tired.
I need to lay down.
I need a drink. I...
[suspenseful music]
[door opens]
Hey. Good mornin'.
I made us eggs Benedict.
Any word from Mercedes?
Lani, hey, what is it?
Mercedes, she's
she's gone.
Uh, she quit?
No, she's
she's dead.
Oh, Lani. Come here. Come here.
[music continues]
Eggs Benedict, huh?
- Fancy.
- Yeah.
Sorry, I didn't know
you were here
otherwise I would've made more.
I'm not much of
a breakfast person.
Saw all the cameras
you put everywhere.
Yeah, well, Lani had a break-in.
Thought the break in was
down the street.
Yeah. First.
Put the cameras up,
and they worked.
She called the cops, and me,
when she saw an intruder
on her property.
She called you?
Of course, I'm her nanny.
And you're really good at it.
You come from a big family?
Sorry. Didn't mean to bring up
bad memories.
Bad memories? Of what?
Your mom.
Lani told me she died.
No, that was a long time ago.
Lani said it was last year.
What else has she told you?
No need to get defensive.
I'm trying to get to know you.
Seeing as I'll be around
more often
now that Lani and I are dating.
She was murdered.
My mother.
I'm sorry. I had no idea.
I was Jaylen's age.
Her boyfriend killed her
right in front of me.
And I couldn't do anything
to save her.
[Lani] Morgan!
I found this lighter
on Jaylen's bed.
How did this get here?
Maybe Darren accidentally
dropped it?
[Morgan sighs]
Hey, what's Morgan's last name?
Jaylen was playing with one
of your lighters.
Hey, Sam. Can we do
a background check
on a Morgan Washington?
987, South Oak Street.
I'm aware it's not your job,
but it involves Lani
and we need to make sure this
guy is not a liability.
All right.
[suspenseful music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[door clanks]
Can I help you find something?
- You mother?
- Don't you dare.
Morgan, or whatever
your name is.
I found your little
notebook collection.
Bet Lani will find
those interesting.
They help me do my job well.
The devil's in the details.
"Tonight I watched Lani sleep.
One day, I'll be next to her."
Stop! Stop!
- Stop!
- You're sick, boy.
You need help.
- I'm protecting Lani.
- From who?
From people like you!
[both grunting]
You'll get between Lani
and Jaylen.
Because you want her to be
your number one. Hey!
Just like the piece of shit
who killed my mother.
So, it's my job to make sure
Jaylen comes first always.
And guess what, Zack?
I do my job so
[Morgan sighs]
[breathes heavily]
[ominous music]
[Morgan]"Hey, Lani. It's Zack.
Listen, I should've come clean
about the dating app.
I don't know why I lied to you.
It's clear I'll always come
second to Jaylen,
"and that's not good
enough for me."
[phone buzzing]
[footsteps approaching]
Well? Jaylen's in bed.
Seems like he had
a fun weekend with his dad.
[Morgan sighs]
Hey. Everything's going
to be fine.
[Lani sighs]
There's too much
going on right now.
I'm heartbroken over Mercedes.
Jaylen and I keep bumping heads.
And now the network wants
to start shooting this week.
But, at a location
that's different from my house.
I have no idea
what the hell I'm doing.
Let me help you.
- You do enough.
- I'm serious.
You know a place to shoot
when all the studios
in town are booked?
How about the cabin?
I don't know if Darren
would be okay with that.
[sighs] Okay. Lani,
you gotta stop letting
controlling men into your life.
Okay? My mom did that, and-and
it didn't turn out
well for her, or for me.
Any man that comes
into your life
should be there to serve you.
I don't need a lecture
right now.
You're right. I'm sorry.
I just, I-I don't want you
to make the same mistakes
that she did.
On second thought
Darren would let me use
the cabin if I asked.
You sure?
Of course.
It's just not the right
look for the show.
But there is a resort nearby
that probably love
the publicity.
[chuckles] Oh! Okay.
I'll get in touch with them
first thing.
Look at you. Secret producer.
[both chuckle]
The only reason I've been able
to hold it together
these past few days
is because of you, Morgan.
I will do anything for you.
[phone chimes]
[suspenseful music]
[lock clicks]
[phone buzzing]
This is Lani McCall.
You reached
out to me about Morgan.
[Rebecca]Yes. I saw your post
on social media and...
Wait. Is he there with you now?
- He is, but...
- I shouldn't have messaged you.
Please. Don't tell him I did.
Sorry, I can't get involved
with this.
[dramatic music]
Hey, where're you headed?
- I'm picking up Jaylen.
- Oh, no.
Jaylen's school's not out
for another hour.
[music continues]
[car door closes]
[car approaching]
Rebecca Higgins?
How did you find me?
Is Morgan with you?
Are you afraid of him?
You don't know him like I do.
If there's something
I should know,
now is the time to tell me.
- I have a son.
- So do I.
Was he your nanny?
I fired him.
I don't want to sound crazy.
Sound crazy, I can handle it.
I was in the middle
of a messy divorce.
Well, my ex disappeared and
when the police began to suspect
I had something to do with it...
- Did you?
- No.
After I fired Morgan
they found my husband's body.
He'd been murdered.
When I saw your post,
it just all clicked.
Wait a minute, you think
Morgan killed your husband?
You have a son, like me.
You're divorced, like me.
You even have similar features.
- And?
- Were you with him? Like me?
I was seduced by him and then
bad things started happening.
I told you it would sound crazy.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Honey, over here.
[car door opens]
- [Darren]Hello?
- Darren?
I need you to drop whatever
you're doing
and come to the house.
[Darren]What's going on?
I'll explain when I see you.
Can I count on you?
[suspenseful music]
I need you to stay in the car.
[music continues]
[music continues]
[door opens]
Okay, honey. Come on.
[music continues]
[phone chimes]
[door opens]
- Hi, gorgeous.
- I need you to leave.
- Wh-what's going on?
- It's not working out.
Are you firing me,
or you breakin' up with me?
I'll send you a final paycheck.
Lani. Hon, I-I don't
want your money, okay?
Look, whatever's wrong,
we can work it out.
I don't owe you an explanation.
Just, take your things
and leave.
But I belong here. Okay?
We're a family.
Get the hell out. Now!
I'm here to protect you.
You heard what she said.
Will you tell Jaylen
that I love him?
I should have listened to you.
Hey, all I said was he was
too handsome to be a nanny.
But I kind of put you
in the position to need him.
That's going to change.
I want Jaylen with you or me
as much as possible. Okay?
[footsteps approaching]
Is he asleep?
It took five stories and ten
knock-knock jokes, but he's out.
Hm. Thanks for coming up here.
What's the plan tomorrow?
Hair and makeup is at 8:00.
Then I power through
ten episodes.
That's a lot.
- Hm.
- I had no idea.
What's your plan tomorrow?
Hah! Set up a tent,
drink hot chocolate, hike.
- Make dinner.
- Oh, that would be amazing.
Or you bring leftovers from set.
[chuckles] That could also work.
[chuckles softly]
I have to crash.
And I'll get friendly
with the old couch.
Just like being
married again, huh?
Uh, hey. Um...
Thanks for giving me
the chance to do better.
[mellow music]
[chuckles softly]
[door opens]
[door squeaks]
[suspenseful music]
[Sam] Okay,
checking on the talent.
- Sam Wolf.
- Hi. Lani.
[chuckles] I know who you are.
- It's great to finally meet.
- Where is Zack?
Uh, well, we think he's taking
some personal time.
He hasn't been in the office
for a couple days.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Ah, almost forgot.
Zack asked for this.
I think it was for you.
Yeah. I'll be back in five
to walk you to set.
[suspenseful music]
[Lani] Oh. Ah!
Oh, my God!
[line ringing]
- [Dr. Roth]Hello?
- Hi.
This is Lani McCall.
I called about a reference
for a Morgan Washington.
[Dr. Roth]Hm.
What can I do for you?
It's a strange request,
but could you
describe what Morgan looks like?
[Dr. Roth]Sure.
Brown hair, medium build.
Sorry, but is Morgan white?
[Dr. Roth] [chuckles]
Last time I checked.
Thank you very much, Dr. Roth.
[suspenseful music]
You remind me of my mom.
"Nathaniel Cross."
Ready to go to set?
It's right this way.
Sam, I have to go.
Lani, what's going on?
[phone buzzes]
I'm on my way back.
What happened?
[Lani]I want you to grab Jaylen
and get as far away
from the cabin as possible.
- Why?
- [Lani]It's Morgan.
He's not who he says he is.
Go down the side road
and I'll meet you there.
- [Darren] Okay.
- [thuds]
[birds chirping]
Just like that. Yeah?
Hi, mom. Morgan's teaching me
how to make spaghetti sauce.
What are you doing here?
My job.
Okay, now, hold the knife like
this way and cut away from you.
Okay? It's all you.
Guess what? I think
it's about time we, uh,
start our pasta, big dog.
- Where's Darren?
- [Jaylen] Taking a nap.
- Dad was sleepy.
- Knocked right out.
- Jaylen, come outside with me.
- But I'm helping.
Jaylen, now.
You know, Lani
I think you should let Jaylen
do what he wants
Please, don't!
Nathaniel, I can help you.
Why did you call me that?
I know about your mother.
And Rebecca.
- How many others are there?
- Lani, I think
I think you're confusing me
with someone else.
What happened to
Morgan Washington?
Morgan's right here.
Ow! [Groans]
Jaylen, let me see.
Okay, come on. Come on.
I told you to be careful.
Did I not?
Jaylen, go! Run!
[Lani grunts]
[Morgan grunts]
[Lani groans]
[dramatic music]
- Lani!
- Darren!
- My-my leg's broken!
- Darren, call the police!
Come on, Jaylen.
[intense music]
Stay away from him!
Don't you touch my son!
[music continues]
[Morgan groans]
[Lani] Oh, no, no!
- Don't do this, Nathaniel!
- Stop calling me that!
[Lani grunts]
[Lani grunts]
There was, there was
one time my mom put me,
put me first.
She stood up for me.
And he killed her for it.
All I wanted
was to have a happy family
with you!
[Lani grunts]
[breathing heavy]
[somber music]
It's safe. Where are you?
[Gabby] And I babysat nights
and weekends
three years for my neighbors,
that was during high school.
And after I graduated,
I did one year for a celebrity.
But I can't say who.
Okay, well, I'll tell you
if you really want to know.
It's okay.
Okay. So, if you hire me,
I promise to be the best
Jaylen's ever had.
I know you're super busy.
My mom and I watch
your show religiously.
[Morgan]You're amazing.
And I'll make sure Jaylen
comes first.
What did you just say?
Which part?
It was great to meet you, Gabby.
Um, okay. [Chuckles]
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Of course, please,
call me if you need me.
Have a good day.
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]