The Marijuana Conspiracy (2020) Movie Script

There is a great debate
going on across this country
about the use
of cannabis.
Is it harmful,
or is it not?
Does it lead to heroin
or does it not?
I can tell you with certainty,
that in fact, it does.
It's been my own experience
that I've never known
a user who was
not also a pusher.
Pushers and suppliers
are meeting a demand,
be like prohibition days.
You can knock off
lots of bootleggers
but they kept springing up
over and over again.
There certainly is good
reason to believe
that marijuana is
habit forming.
Marijuana does damage to
the brain and intellect.
All kinds of
people use it.
I know a couple of
cabinet ministers,
other politicians,
executive assistants.
All kinds of professional
people, who use it,
or have used it.
We feel that marijuana
kills ambition,
kills the desire to work,
the desire to progress.
Where do you stand with
the law, if you're caught?
You can get up to seven
years for possession.
If you happen to give some to
a friend and it can be proved,
you can get up to life
in prison in Canada.
We will certainly wait
for the final report
of the LeDain
Commission before making
the final decision on that.
And there has been
no decision made yet
to legalize marijuana,
and the government still
has that decision ahead of it.
Hey I tried some
of this yesterday.
Did you have a good trip?
I saw God.
Cool, what's
she look like?
Haha. Funny.
Hey! You wanna go
for a ride, beautiful?
Hey! Giuseppe!
I wasn't talking
to you, sweetheart.
Nice car.
Everything cool
here, Mare?
Yeah, it's cool, Tony.
Giuseppe was just
about to leave.
Take care, Mary.
See ya, Tony.
No such thing.
Say what?
We take care
of each other.
Street karma.
Child, I've been doing this gig
since I was about your age.
It's been bent
from the get go.
So get lost.
Do yourself a solid
and go home.
I'm sure your parents
love you and want you back.
Sell out.
a Greyhound station
two blocks up on your right.
Go home, sunshine.
Tommy, what the fuck?
-Before you say anything...
-No, I'm gonna say it.
How dare you, give that dork
Randy the job in Victoria?
I have been working here
since my first year of college,
he failed his paralegal
exams, twice.
You know how bad
I wanted to move out there,
how bad I wanted that job.
It wasn't just up
to me to decide,
HR felt that you wouldn't be...
Based on what?
Look at you.
You're very smart,
very pretty young thing.
Oh, come on.
Don't start with that
women's lib crap of yours
where everything
I say is offensive
to you broads these days.
Well, no offence taken.
We just felt you'd be
a likely candidate to leave us.
Our past experience shows
that after about 4 years,
and after all the training
and resources...
Tommy, you know I don't
believe in marriage.
I don't want kids,
I never will, so what the fuck.
I tried, Jane.
You're just gonna
have to be patient,
"the times, they're changing".
More like, "won't get
fooled again", jerk.
Excuse me, hey!
I'm your boss.
Not anymore.
I quit.
Hi Jane.
So sorry I'm late,
I know I said it before,
but it won't happen
again, I swear.
I'm outta here.
I can no longer cover
for you, I'm sorry.
What happened?
It's a long story.
I'll tell you the next
time we have drinks.
You must be John.
Yes, have a seat,
Doctor Fincher.
I took the liberty
of ordering you a drink.
Oh, no, no, no.
I don't drink.
Then I hope you don't
mind that I also took
the liberty of ordering
us some food.
I assume you eat.
I'm diabetic and have to
eat at certain times,
and you are --
12 minutes late.
Yeah, I got lost.
You know that there's
two Danforth's
that run into each other?
Thank you.
So I've heard some
good things about you.
Right on.
You one of those
vegetarian types?
Why am I here exactly?
Well, as you know,
I'm one of the managers
of the Ontario Addiction
Research Foundation.
That's ironic.
I heard you
were a smartass,
but very good at what you do.
I am looking
for a young researcher
who can blend in with
the counter culture,
speak their lingo.
An insider.
You mean rat them out.
How did you find me?
A colleague
of mine told me
about a brilliant
young sociologist.
You tell Jimbo I say hi.
He told me about a fascinating
field study you did at Rochdale.
Communal living
at its best.
We'd like to do a similar
study on marijuana users
and the disastrous effects
they're having on our youth,
making them
counter productive,
turning them on to heroin.
You know that pansy Trudeau
has a secret agenda
to legalize the shit.
And I'm guessing
that's not your agenda.
This ain't how
I operate, brother.
I'm a behaviorist.
A what?
We observe and learn,
just let it happen.
If your fix is in,
don't waste your money
on any research or my time.
Fair enough.
The A R F needs to know
more about this pandemic
and we are very
so you might wanna
just "let it happen".
Think about it.
No harm
in thinking, brother.
How's it feel?
It's a wall toke AND a
super toke, at the same time,
I call it a ...
wall - super toke.
Wicked, that's the joint.
There'll be a lot of narcs
at the Temptations
concert tonight.
They never search me there,
afraid of the Fro
don't you know.
I can't believe
you're taking Jazmine.
You don't like soul
cause you don't got none.
My girlfriends
think you dance
like an old white man
with a hemorrhoid.
What do them birds know?
I got into Pennbrook.
Good for you.
I promise I'll be home
every other weekend
and next year...
A lot can happen
in a year.
I know,
you're right, Mooch.
Thank you.
I loved your
undergrad thesis
and your innovative use
of Behavior Modification.
Thank you professor,
your feedback was invaluable.
Appreciate that but
it was your crazy idea
to use mature male
rat urine high in MUPS
as a Positive Reinforcement
to attract the females.
Whatever turns them on.
Nothing, professor.
Adam. Here's the lowdown.
I'm snagging a staff
of doctors, nurses,
junior researchers.
Because ARF's throwing
a lot of green
to study the effects of green.
I don't follow.
Pot, skunk, ganj,
you catch my drift?
They're funding
studies on the social
and physical effects
of marijuana.
We are using
young women first.
Studying the effects
of weed on them
and how it alters their minds,
bodies and productivity.
It's never been
done before, which means...
You could get published.
Right on.
Before Premier Robarts
left office,
he caught wind of Trudeau
and his federal government's
plan to legalise the shit.
The Ontario government
loathes street drugs.
So they're dropping a pile of
dough to do studies like mine.
Okay. I follow.
Old people are already
freaking out over would happen.
Which is why my new boss,
John hired me.
Between you and me,
he's hoping for the worst.
It sounds like he wants
you to skew the results.
But as behaviorists,
you know...
We let the data
speak for itself.
Welcome to Project Venus.
Thank you.
Mountain man
watch him roam today
As you see him
in your mind
Look in the stain
in his dress and say
Harsh words, only silently
Janice, honey, do me
a favor and take out the trash?
Sure, Mom.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Oh, and I hope you don't mind,
I found a batch
of your brownies at
the back of the fridge
and I helped myself.
Yeah, no problem.
Your Nana can't wait
to see you tomorrow,
she loves to hear all
about your travels.
You know, she never left
Toronto in her whole life.
I mean ever.
Would you look at that.
My arthritis medication
must be kicking in.
My wrists feel great.
I feel great.
I feel grateful and those
brownies were so good.
They were delicious, and I
would really love to have --
well, I forget
what I was gonna say.
Oh, I love this.
Come on,
come on, baby. Yeah.
Mom, I think
you're stoned.
You're funny.
No, I just had,
well I had 2 glasses
of wine with dinner
but I'm fine, sweetheart.
I'm fine.
No. The brownies.
That's what I
was gonna say.
I want the recipe
for those brownies.
It's your recipe but
there's a special ingredient
that I brought
back from Morocco.
Oh shit. I'm stoned.
Oh blarney,
I'm stoned.
It's not funny,
don't tell your dad.
So you haven't said,
how are the girls?
The Missus is good,
and she misses you.
Becky is great,
she just placed second
in the nationals,
should have won, but next time.
Oh and she got offered
several track scholarships.
Good for her.
After her pre med,
I'm hoping
she follows
the old man's footsteps.
Heaven knows we could use
another shrink in the house
with the Missus
perimenopausal and all.
How is Joan otherwise?
Oh, she's fine.
I have some
good news for us.
Well, I like good news.
I have a
contract to consult
with a cannabis
research project
involving 18 to 25
year old females.
That sounds interesting.
And I'm bringing
you along.
I got you a spot on
the nurses' team.
Thank you.
It's mostly observing,
and assisting the G.P.
But the money is good,
and you were mentioning
that your cousin...
Mae, and you are saving
up for a house,
so the timing is good.
How is she, by the way?
No complaints.
It's good that you have
each other's company.
Yeah, it is.
Listen, thank you for
looking out for me.
Of course, we're a team.
Hi. Can I help you?
Do you have
the Chi Lites new album?
Ah, nope.
When are you
getting it in?
The man says
you have to order it
and pay for it in advance.
That's bogus.
Yeah, we don't carry a lot
of black type music here.
Supply and demand.
If you think us black
types are going to pinch it,
you could keep copies
behind the counter.
Tell that to the man.
Will do.
What a tool.
I'll order it for you.
My parents won't be back
from the movie
for another two hours.
You wanna come over?
You have parents?
I promise you'll meet them.
We've been hitchin for 3 months
and I've never met them,
you're embarrassed.
That's not true.
Besides, whenever I've
been at your joint,
your dad's always working.
I've never met him.
Take care.
The prick fired you,
didn't he?
I hate to pile on,
but Terry said you can't
use our place
as a crash pad anymore.
The timing sucks, I know.
Hey, don't worry.
You've done enough,
don't worry.
I do.
You need to get off
the street, Mary.
You're going to
run out of luck.
You know what I mean.
I could use some luck,
a change, a big change.
Wait, I have something.
I thought about it for myself,
but Terry would never go for it.
Basically you smoke weed
and get paid for it.
What's the catch?
There's always a catch.
Are you high, Jan?
No, don't answer that.
It's only 98 days, Mom.
I know.
But your dad and I
always worry about you
when you're on your adventures.
And now I guess we'll worry
about you when you're what,
a stoner in Toronto?
Well, I kind of am.
Why? Why this, why now?
I need money to pay off
my travel debts,
a clean slate.
Your dad and I can help.
I want to do
this on my own.
I promise, after this,
I'm gonna chill out.
Fine. Fine.
Just be careful.
Hey, I survived
the Moroccan coup.
Don't remind me.
So, how bad can this be?
Do you have any
pre-existing health issues?
Are you allergic
to anything?
Have you ever had or have
any mental health issues?
Have you ever taken,
or are you taking any
non-prescriptive drugs
for recreational purposes?
Street drugs.
A little bit of pot.
I'm pretty boring
so far, aren't I?
You realize part of this
study you will be required
to consume daily
doses of marijuana.
I'm aware.
This isn't on
the screening questionnaire,
I'm just curious,
what is your main
motive to do this?
I'm trying to save up enough
money to open my own company.
I design graphics
for this big firm
and now I want
to go it alone.
I just turned 25,
I feel like it's now or never.
Sounds neat.
I meant, cool.
Are you married?
All of our subjects
aren't allowed to be married.
The study involves several
months of isolation
from your friends and family.
We don't want to lose
anyone and compromise
the integrity
of the project.
The only correspondence allowed
is through posted mail,
we screen them
both in and out.
That's creepy.
No, not really,
it's just to protect
the secrecy of the project.
Still creepy.
Welcome, everyone,
I'm psyched to have you
on the team.
This will be our young ladies'
home for the next 98 days,
hence the family rec room vibe
for a more natural environment.
And we are their guests.
They're volunteers, not our
patients or prisoners but...
They're not allowed to
leave the building
for the next 98 days.
I went down to see
lonesome Mary
She was sitting
all alone
She was crying
for the contrariness
That made a desert
of her home
She was weeping
and a-wailing
You know she does
it every day
I said Mary,
Mary, Mary, Mary
How can you live that way?
She said I don't know
Must be in my soul
I guess I must be
the most contrary
Hard to get along with
Person in this world
Hey Mary.
Thanks for the tip.
This is going to be
the best job EVER.
I hope so.
As part of the Operant
their Positive Reinforcement
is moola.
Their Negative
Reinforcement is marijuana.
Our job is to
blend and observe,
hence the casual
dress code.
We are to have no
preconceived notions,
make no judgements.
We do not want to
influence their behavior,
or productivity
in any way.
So just blend.
Bye, Mom.
We are here to collect data,
and study the physiological
and sociological
effects of the cannabis
as well as
their spending habits
in this Token Economy.
No pun intended.
Hey, I'm Joanne.
Come here, I'm a hugger.
We're gonna have a blast.
Um, do you mind
if we switch beds,
I don't like being near windows,
cause of the traffic, you know,
it can be a bit noisy.
Maybe they can
find us a fan.
I brought extra ear plugs,
if you want them.
You will be
smoking marijuana,
twice a night
for the next 98 days.
The other girls
are in the control group,
no pot luck for them,
they get nothing and love it.
Your room is on the man
but you are responsible
for your own meals,
clothes and supplies.
Your expenses will be deducted
from your income making...
How you spend and how hard
you work will determine
how much bread you keep
getting out of here.
These works of art must
pass quality control
and you shall receive two
dollars and 50 cents for each.
The staff is
here to observe,
and compile data,
just ignore them,
soon you won't even
know they're there.
Alright ladies,
look what I got.
The sun will rise
as the bottle went unused
It's a long road down
It's a long
road down
So I figure I'll clear...
Keep your hands dry,
nothing much left to prove
Never will you ask them why
people in the mood
It's a long road down
You never smoked before.
You lied just to get in here
and make some bread.
No, no, no, no.
Hey, it's cool.
That's right, it's dope.
We roomies gotta
stick together.
Thanks, Mary.
Hold it like this.
Small inhale.
Then big exhale.
So where was I...
oh ya, so I figure
I'll clear 3200
and then I'm on
the first plane out of here.
Very cool,
where ya heading?
There's a co-op out there
I want to check out.
I feel like it's
the right vibe for me.
I'm planning to
go to university
for some higher learning.
Got jammed this year, so.
Hey, don't Bogart.
Right on, Mo.
Me, I got some travel
baggage I gotta unload,
if you know what I mean.
What about you, Mary?
I don't know.
I just came here
for some perspective,
to peace out,
you know, maybe make some...
Mary, sit down, please.
What's up?
I noticed, Mary, when I was
looking at your application,
that you don't
have a home address
and there's no one
listed under contacts.
Is that a deal?
You tell me.
Just so you know,
I volunteer at Youth Services
and spend a fair bit of time
counseling street teens.
I'm twenty one.
I'm aware,
I started working
at the center
after my second daughter
Becky was born.
Thank you.
I didn't realize when
I started working there
how bad it was.
Life out there,
the drugs, the predators.
Sure beats
the alternative.
I know a lot of them
come from abusive homes.
What's with the flashback?
If you don't mind me asking,
when is the last time you had
contact with your parents?
We done?
Listen, Mary,
one of the rewarding things
about working there
was reuniting families
as part of
the healing process.
Mighty righteous of you.
Okay, well, I'm here for
you if you want to talk,
about anything.
You can trust me.
I don't trust
anyone over thirty.
Abbie Hoffman.
Jack Weinberg, wrong Jew.
Oh, and if you
don't hear from me,
take it personally.
Hello Mary.
We decided to make
a little switcheroo.
We moved Joanne
to the control group,
kind of a bummer,
but it's for the best.
Marissa meet Mary,
Mary, Marissa.
Fuck this,
I can't do it, man.
At this rate I'll be lucky
to get one done today.
I'll go broke.
You'll get the hang,
don't sweat it, Mare.
Easy for you to say.
Okay, look.
You take these 4 cords,
make a four, go under, over,
pull, and then you do it
again on the other side.
Is this some square
hobby of yours?
When I taught English in Peru,
the home ec teacher showed me,
there wasn't a lot to do
up in the mountains.
Until I met Jorge, or
as I affectionately
referred to him, Hungay.
He digs you.
The boy.
He keeps checking out
your knockers.
Nice girls, by the way.
He's cute,
you should go for it.
I don't really know him.
Plenty of time for that,
we're gonna be here
for three months,
that is a long time
without shagging.
I'm just here
to make money.
Hubba hubba.
We may not like bearded
hippies but they are in fact,
a product
of our society.
We may not like too much
talk about drugs
but they are a fact
that has to be faced.
Good evening ladies,
it's eight o'clock,
also known as toke time.
Thank you.
No dice, Jane,
we need to quantify each
individual's intake.
Everyone inhale it
deep into your lungs,
hold for five seconds
and then exhale.
And repeat.
See you all in
fifteen for round two.
Pretty mello yello, man.
I can't believe we
get to smoke this shit
and not get busted.
When I woke up in
a warm bed this morning
I had to pinch myself.
Karma, Mary,
you're due sister, you're due.
How many times
you toked, Ma?
And now it's not so long ago
you said I love you too
Cause I have one solution left
and that's to start anew
For fuck's sakes,
just sit down, would ya.
I'm not supposed
to interact,
I'm supposed to blend in
the background and observe.
So sit here and blend.
So, who'd you
rather hang out with,
Franken Berry
or Count Chocula?
Franken Berry.
Social outcasts
make more loyal friends,
he's funny and he got a bad rep
on that pink stool deal.
I forgot about that.
Imagine, all those mothers
freaking out thinking their kids
got rectal bleeding,
it's hilarious.
And pink is my favorite color,
but please don't tell anyone.
You've thought about that
before, haven't you?
It can get pretty
boring around here.
Tell me about it.
It's just the nature
of behaviorism.
I much prefer the analytics
part cause I get to see
all that rad data.
It's fun.
Right on.
I prefer Count Chocula,
he is cute, rather "neat"
for a cartoon character.
Thank you so
much for asking.
And pink is
my favorite color too,
but you can tell
whoever you want.
Bitchin family
you got there.
Thank you, they are.
Becky here is going to
university in the fall.
Good for her.
I promised my dad that I
would be the first person
in our family
to go to university,
not as easy
as for some of us.
He was saving for me,
but then couldn't anymore.
So I didn't want to
give up on our dream,
so in my senior year
of high school,
I got a gig on
an assembly line.
Did you have to
drop out of school?
No, I took the four
to midnight shift.
That's very
admirable of you.
I had to quit
the track team,
give up on
seeing friends.
So one day this honkey
in a suit shows up at our work
and starts observing us,
"quality control".
The company was making
record sales
and my shift was number one,
don't you know.
So one day the goon
calls me into his office
and cans me,
says I was lazy.
I begged him for my job,
I told him
about university,
he could give a shit.
So that's why I'm here,
so I can make enough cash that I
don't have to miss another year.
I'm sorry to hear that.
You know, when patients
tell me these anecdotes,
I always ask them
to look at themselves
and ask themselves,
"What could
I have done differently,
what mistakes did I make
that I could learn from?"
The only other workers
that got fired at the plant
DeShawn and Jamal.
The loafs, Paul and Jeff
kept their jobs.
What can you
learn from that?
You wanna know
what's funny.
We made greeting cards
and their logo was
"We are all Heart".
Ironic, don't you know.
Come on, the gals
are ordering pizza tonight
and The Who's next
album just arrived.
I gotta chip in
for a change.
Hold up, Alice.
Can I get four
chips to go?
Thank you.
Oh no, it's okay,
I'm not that hungry.
What goes around
comes around.
I'm good for it.
I know.
You mean to tell me
the smoking group
is outperforming
the control group?
Crazy, I know.
Both sides have their over
and under achievers
but on average, the stoners
have made more bread
then the sober gals so far.
So far?
Is this turning into
a waste of taxpayers' money?
You can never waste taxpayers'
money in the name of science.
This is a ground breaking
social study
and we have a long ways to go.
As planned,
we're ready to introduce
the regressor variable.
Which is?
Amping up their THC levels
on a nightly basis
so that we can do
a quantitative analysis
of the girls' productivity
with their
enhanced impairment.
Are the girls
aware of this?
Yeah, yeah, they're cool
with it, and hey,
whatever floats
your boat, right?
Care for a drink?
It's another nice day,
I wish I could go for a walk.
Eighty-six more days,
but who's counting?
You know that's part
of the Clarke Institute, right?
The what?
They're forensic
psychology patients,
it's the criminally
insane wing.
What's he doing?
He's using sign language.
He says, "Hello fine ladies,
can I buy you a drink?"
"We have to go
back to work,
maybe next time"
What are you doing?
Are you crazy,
they're crazy.
I'm giving them hope.
What's with
the sign language, anyway?
I taught at a school
for the deaf in Kyoto.
Of course you did.
Move along, ladies.
You know you're not
supposed to have communication
with the outside
Lighten up, Nurse Ratched.
I read the book.
That's cute.
Now move along.
I've cried 10 million tears
10 million and two
Crying my heart out
For no one but you
What's with the country music?
Oh, it reminds
me of my mom.
My mom had me when
she was seventeen,
same age I was
when she died.
That's young.
You know, we lived in
a small town up North
and her parents were,
like, religious kooks.
They were horrified
and ashamed of her, and me.
And abortion is illegal.
Even if it weren't, her parents
would never allow it.
Instead Mom
moved to Toronto,
had me and we fended
for ourselves.
She made enough at her
two jobs that we could get by.
And your grandparents?
Disowned us.
Sounds like they need
to be born again.
I never even told them
about Mom's cancer.
Why would I?
I'd rather live on the street
then in their home.
Proud like your Mama.
Good on you, girl.
It hasn't been easy,
but I see this place
as a new chapter,
a fresh start.
I already see
a change in you.
You're not so closed.
You think?
Yeah. For sure.
Promise when I move out West,
you'll come see me,
check out
the mushrooms and hang?
Sounds like a plan,
hippie girl.
One toke over
the line sweet Jesus
One toke over the line
Sittin' downtown in
a railway station
One toke over the line
Awaitin' for the train
that goes home, sweet Mary
Hopin' that the train
is on time
Where do you think she
learned to play like that?
I stopped asking
her these things.
Who do you love?
I hope it's me
I've been a changin'
as you can plainly see,
I felt the joy
and I learned about the pain
that my momma said,
If I should choose
to make a part of me,
surely strike me dead,
Now I'm one toke over
the line, sweet Jesus,
One toke over the line.
Okay, it's been
fifteen already.
My, time flies
when you're high.
Play faster!
Whose idea was this
for movie night?
Not surprising.
I just wanna talk to you.
Not now.
Is there anybody in there?
Are you listening?
Come on, Nurse Ratched.
Crack a smile.
Yell at me,
something, anything.
God, you're
freaking me out.
Buzz off.
Who are you talking to?
The fly.
What fly?
You high?
What, what?
What are you looking at?
Stop looking at me.
You okay, Marissa?
Oh, you know.
I'm, like, new to this stuff,
so I think it kinda affects me
more then them, you know.
Why don't I walk you
back to your room?
Hi Mom, it's Janice.
What the fuck, Alice!
I shouldn't have to tell you,
you're not allowed
to be doing this.
Why'd you hang up on my mom,
she's going to freak.
I gotta call her back.
You can write a letter,
like everyone else.
Okay, so in
three days from now,
she's gonna know I'm okay.
You agreed to
the rules, Janice.
Outside contact is
strictly forbidden.
Thanks for the escort,
boy scout.
No problem.
Sweet dreams, Marissa.
What are you doing?
What do you
think I'm doing?
Don't get all
Clarke Kent on me.
Come on, man.
I can't.
It'd be unprofessional,
and you are in
no condition for us
to do anything.
You're turning me on
more, choir boy.
Sweet dreams, Marissa.
You ought to be ashamed
of yourself, said Alice,
a great girl like you,
she might well say this,
to go on crying in this way.
Stop this moment,
I tell you.
You ought to be ashamed
of yourself, said Alice,
a great girl like you,
she might well say this,
to go on...
You ought...
No matter how ugly
it got outside,
I could always
find inner peace.
How so?
The street is full
of the wicked
and the righteous.
Darkness and light.
I trusted almost
no one but a few,
I was drawn by
their unique aura.
We all shared
a cosmic connection.
And you call me
hippie girl.
We looked out
for each other.
Sounds like a community.
Why don't you come live
out West with me?
I would be miserable
in a hippie commune.
It's a co-op.
We share the land,
and our food, and our skills.
Share each other.
Well, if you dig
each other, why not?
Free love is naughty.
Sounds like a community?
I hear ya.
I guess I'm just
more old fashioned.
I want to find
a good job
and a good man.
Sounds cool,
but I'm never
going to get married
or have kids.
Why not?
My parents.
Every year they
grew further apart
and more resentful
of each other,
and instead of talking
or yelling or changing,
they just...
It was a bad vibe to
be around growing up.
Why didn't they
leave each other?
Well, I guess
they were more
"old fashioned".
I hear ya.
I don't know, I just still
believe in true love.
I'm going to get married,
and I'm gonna have lots
and lots of kids.
You want to give them
the good life you never had.
I never thought
about it that way,
but yeah.
You're gonna
make a great mom.
Good morning, ladies.
I'd like you to meet
our boss, John Bradow,
who is the reason we
are all here.
Hello everyone.
On behalf of The Addiction
Research Foundation,
I want to thank you
for your valuable time
and commitment to this
ground breaking project.
Your contributions are
immensely important
to our understanding of the
effects of marijuana
on your gender, and they will
be studied for years to come.
Do any of you have
questions for John?
Very well then,
keep on trucking.
"Keep on trucking",
what a goof.
A lively group in there.
They're weed wacked.
Cannabis usually remains in your
system for about eight days,
but because of
their regular dosing
and increased THC levels,
it stays with them much longer.
How long?
Well, the labsters estimate,
it could take about 45 days
to leave the blood
stream entirely.
So their effectively
stoned all the time.
Define "stoned".
Their acute "buzz",
lasts for about three hours,
so they sleep
most of that off.
I guess you could say,
in the day they have
"weed hangover".
So their productivity
must be going down.
Therein lies the rub.
What rub?
the physiological results
shows their motor dexterity
and neurotransmitters
are slowing down.
So they're becoming
less productive
than the control group.
It depends on the
individuals in both groups.
They are getting
better at their craft
and some are even
waking up earlier
to counter
the side effects of the ganj.
Sorry, cannabis.
They're more
motivated by the money
despite being handicapped.
Their workmanship
is impressive.
Far better then
when they started.
This is not what
the foundation expected.
That's why were doing this,
as behaviorists,
you never know how your
subjects will navigate the maze.
Well, your subjects are not
looking too good in there,
so let's not jump
to conclusions.
Right on, we aren't even
a third of the way through,
a lot can happen.
Yes, a lot can happen.
Bye, Doctor Fincher.
Later, John.
Oh. Pervs.
Janice, no!
Oh my god.
Dream on.
Let's make their day.
You mean their year.
Seriously, let's do it.
-Yes, come on!
-No, I can't do it!
-Yes, come on!
What in gods name
is going on here?
It's none of your business,
Nurse Ratched.
It most certainly
is my business,
the two of you teasing
those poor deranged men.
This is going on
both of your records
and I'm scheduling you both
appointments for Doctor Harlow.
I liked it better
when you didn't speak.
I have to put you on probation,
this is your second violation.
I just need some space.
Maybe a walk in
the daylight,
even prisoners get
an hour in the yard.
I can't do that.
You know what you
signed up for, Janice.
You have to exist in
the micro community,
no outside interaction.
But I need space,
everywhere I go people
are following me,
watching me, prodding me.
My only
escape is sleep
and then I have nightmares.
About what?
That people are following me,
watching me, prodding me.
Do you think
the marijuana has an impact
on your increasing
paranoia and anxiety?
No, I think it's because people
really are fucking with me.
And how does that
make you feel?
Like a rat in a cage.
You know what,
I don't need a shrink.
It's simple,
I miss my mom
and need a breath of fresh air.
Sitting 'neath
the shady tree,
Just wondering
how you are.
Are you missing me?
I don't know what
I'm gonna do.
And I wish I were
stronger, Babe,
I can take it no longer.
Mac and cheese and lasagna
which is way
too much pasta
What were you saying?
You spaced out
there a little.
I can take it
no longer
I need you,
and I wish you were here,
I want you,
I wish you were near
I'll take you in
my arms and hold you tight
I'll hold you baby
every day and night
Ah, I can feel it
Ah, I can
feel it
Ah, I can feel it
Mo, you okay?
Yeah, I just
hate this day.
What, Sunday?
Today is my
father's birthday.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't know.
It used to rag on me
not having a dad.
I'm over it,
you will be too, soon.
I have a dad but
don't see him much.
Did he take off
on you and your mom?
He's in jail.
Thanks for not
asking why.
He worked
as an auto mechanic
and then got a second gig
delivering pizza
evenings and weekends.
Hard working,
sounds like a good man.
He is...
but ironically he got
busted for selling weed.
Say what?
The guy who owned
the pizza joint peddled pot
to his preferred customers.
Pretty far out
when you think about it.
Dope and munchies,
one stop shopping.
At first my dad would
have nothing to do with it.
But he struggled
to make ends meet,
and was tempted.
He wanted us to get ahead,
I know he was thinking
about his promise
to send me to university.
He never
told me that,
but I still feel guilty.
Hey, you can't
think that way.
He meant well.
Shit happens.
The worst part is,
his boss narced him out,
said he didn't know my
dad was a drug dealer
and he had nothing
to do with it.
Seven years
with good behavior.
That's so bogus.
I'm sorry, Mo.
Here's the skinny.
My old man goes to jail
for selling dope
because he wanted to help
pay for my education.
I'm sitting here smoking dope
to pay for my education,
and we're both
Like rats in a cage.
You know.
My dad gets out on parole
a week before I leave here.
Can't wait
to hug him again.
You two make
a nice pair.
Sure, hippie girl.
Ma, it's been seven weeks.
Yeah, he is kinda cute.
And he obviously digs you,
so what's the problem?
I have a boyfriend.
On the outside.
Okay, that sounds like
we're in prison.
So what's his gig?
Sean manages
the Metroland Theater.
Oh! The porno place?
French erotica,
and it pays very well.
No judgement,
but he's a guy,
and he hasn't seen you
in two months.
Your point?
You can't expect him
to just sit around
amusing himself all day.
When the cats away...
He writes me every day.
And what's he doing
the other twenty three
and half hours a day?
No. I trust him.
If there's anything my miserably
married mother taught me,
it's that you regret
the things you don't do,
more then the things
you do, do.
That's a lot
of do's in there.
But I do think you dig Adam
and you have good vibes, so...
don't regret it.
Has anyone seen Janice?
She missed her weigh-in
and I can't find her.
I haven't seen since
our eight fifteen toke.
Same, she was acting weird,
I think she was high.
That girl is gonna
cost me my job.
Have you seen Janice?
I am aware that I am not
supposed to be judging
your deviant behavior
but you are all acting
like a bunch of stoned,
spoiled brats.
Doctor Harlow will be
hearing about this.
I know this has been
hard on you, Alice,
but it would be
ill-advised to interfere.
As Doctor Fincher said,
this is not a jail,
this is their home and they're
free to do as they may.
They hate me.
I know it's easy to take
things personally,
but many of these girls
have emotional baggage.
And I understand that.
And the cannabis seems to have
further exacerbated this.
Then tell him to stop or
at least slow down their dosing.
It's not my
place to do that.
Imagine if that was one
of your girls in there.
These women know
what they signed up for.
No one told them
and they're free to leave.
Without their money.
You're right.
We could all use
a little extra money.
By the way, how's
the house hunting coming along?
We're still saving,
can't get a loan
without a man to co-sign.
That's too bad.
I do have some good news.
What's that?
Becky has been chosen
for her graduation.
Oh, that is great, will you
please congratulate her for me.
You can do that yourself,
I've decided to throw her
a little party downtown
at the Brown Derby
next Saturday night
to celebrate.
You are invited and please
bring along your cousin...
Bring your cousin Mae along,
we'd love to meet her.
Thank you but we both have
plans for that night, sorry.
It sounds lovely.
That's okay.
I'll congratulate
her for you.
But the Missus
will miss you.
Dr. Fincher
is on his way.
Okay, ladies, what's up?
Dr. Harlow told me
a few of you have asked him
for a doctor's note
to bail on some sessions.
We need a break.
The weed's
too much.
So what,
you're on strike now?
As you know, if you don't
comply with our agreement,
you will be
asked to leave.
It'd be a shame
to not be able to cash out.
What a rip off.
It's called a Positive
Reinforcement, to motivate you.
We're not Guinea Pigs.
I hear you.
Hey, we're a team here,
we gotta stay the course,
we're learning so much.
Then we deserve answers.
Tell us what's happening
to our bodies.
It's too soon to tell.
This field work is
just the beginning,
then we analyze the social
and physiological data
and let the results
speak for themselves.
That's bogus.
C'mon, just hang
in there, girls,
we're past the half way point.
If I quit,
I lose my money.
If we all quit,
you lose everything.
Your funding,
your token economy will collapse
and YOU will get
nothin and love it.
Whoever's strong enough
to stay the next 46 days
will be given an additional
250 dollars as a bonus.
How's that for
a positive reinforcement?
Come in.
So how was Becky's
party on the weekend?
Huh, oh, fine.
It was actually
quite nice.
How was your
Saturday night?
It was relatively
I see.
You know, Alice,
I consider you much more
than a terrific nurse.
I consider you
a good friend.
Well, I feel
the same way about you.
Except for the nurse part.
So, as a friend,
is there something
you want to tell me?
No, why?
When we were driving back
from the party Saturday night,
we got stuck in
traffic downtown.
Not really.
There was some kind of event
blocking Yonge Street.
A protest,
by a bunch of queers.
I see.
We saw you
there, Alice,
holding hands with a woman.
We even saw
you kiss her.
That was Mae.
She's not my cousin.
Yes, I figured that out.
Why wouldn't you tell me,
as a friend?
Everett Klippert.
Who is that?
He's my friend.
He is also gay and he made
the mistake of admitting it.
He was incarcerated
indefinitely seven years ago,
when at the time
it was a capital crime.
He's lucky they
didn't hang him.
But homosexuality was
decriminalized three years ago.
We've come a long way,
you know that.
If you say so.
They just released
him a year ago.
I see.
So now you know
why I didn't tell you...
or anyone.
It's not something
I can be open about.
So if you no longer
wish to be my friend,
then I guess I'll
have to accept that.
I can help you.
How do you mean?
I have some colleagues
who are working
on an exciting
new treatment.
Homosexuality is
a mental disorder,
and is curable.
It's called
Aversion Therapy.
Basically, the patient
is exposed
to same-sex erotic imagery
while receiving
electroshock therapy on their...
their genitals.
That sounds horrific.
But it recircuits
the brain and orientates them
towards Heterosexuality.
I'm not interested.
Doctor Jones has shown
fifty-eight percent success rate
in his clinical
trials so far.
This is ground breaking,
you could be part of it.
I don't have a mental
disorder, Spencer.
I don't need to be cured.
But the science --
No, stop judging me!
My life was miserable
when I felt that shame.
And then I met Mae,
and I have never
been happier.
So if you really
are my friend,
I would appreciate it if you
would accept me for who I am.
If you ever have a
change of heart,
I'm here for you.
I won't.
You know I smoked
a lot of grass,
Oh lord I popped
a lot of pills,
but I never touched nothin'
That my spirit could kill,
you know I see
a lot of people
walking around with
tombstones in their eyes,
but the pusher don't care
If you live or if you die,
goddamn the pusher,
hey, I said,
the pusher
I said goddamn,
goddamn the pusher man
You know, the dealer,
the dealer is a man
with a lot of grass
in his hand,
Ah but the pusher
is a monster,
good god he's not
a natural man,
The dealer,
for a nickel lord
he'll sell you lots
of sweet dreams
Ah but the pusher'll
ruin your body, lord,
he'll leave your
mind to scream
I had it disconnected.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone!
Goddamn ahh the pusher
You can't go out there.
Janice, I want you to calm down
and go back to your room.
You can't keep me here.
Let me out.
Let me out, I'm allowed to
get the fuck out of here
if I want to!
You can't go now,
it's late
and you're in no state,
we would be liable if
anything should happen to you.
Now if you don't have a change
of heart in the morning,
you can see Dr. Fincher
and when you are of sound mind,
you can be discharged.
Sound mind.
You make me sound
like a freak.
Stop judging me!
I'm sorry.
You are not a freak.
None of this is fair.
You are a scared young
woman who misses her family
and just wants
to feel loved and safe.
You understand.
More than you know.
Now then, let's get you
back to your room.
I went to wake her this
morning and her bed was made,
her stuff
was all gone.
I knew she was
I just wish I'd
done more to help her.
I'm really going
to miss her.
When I get outta here I'm
giving her ten percent
of my money.
I'm in.
What's wrong, Mare?
Everyone I get close to
ends up leaving.
I tried not to
get close to her,
to all of you.
We aren't going anywhere.
You will,
you all will.
When this is over, I will
never see any of you again.
We'll all keep in
touch, I promise.
Says the girl moving away.
You know what
sucks the most?
As rank as it is in here,
it's the closest
that I've ever come
to having a family,
a home.
I'm afraid to leave
and be alone again.
Hey, remember what
we talked about?
Talk is cheap.
Marissa, may I?
How are you?
I was thinking about
that beautiful picture
you're painting
and how neat it is.
I'm no artist or anything
but I think you got talent,
I think your company
is going to be killer.
Hope so.
Last night was...
It was okay.
You seemed more than okay
when you were in the moment.
In the moment?
Yeah, yeah,
it was fucking "neato".
Let's not talk about it.
Look, it's a little
more than three weeks
til we're done here.
I was thinking we could go on
a real date when you're out.
Sounds like
you're in prison.
What are you most
looking forward to?
Getting away from anything
to do with this place.
I have a lot of work to
do today, see ya later.
It's two o'clock
in the afternoon,
you might wanna put that down.
Please, not now, Alice.
I need your help.
Last night the Missus and I
went out to see a movie,
but she wasn't feeling well,
she had stomach cramps,
so we turned around
and went home.
Oh dear, is she okay?
Yes, but that's
not the problem.
When we got home,
I went to get her some Pepto
from the upstairs bathroom.
Becky was in her room
but she didn't hear me,
so I opened the door to tell
her what happened and...
And what?
She was with someone.
That could be awkward.
But really, Spencer,
she's going to university.
At that age they get
curious, you remember.
It's more than that,
it's much more than that.
Becky has a...
She has a Cousin Mae.
Ah, so you're saying
she's gay then.
Don't say that.
It's like you said, right?
At this age they
just get curious.
It isn't a phase,
I need your help.
Could you talk to her?
Of course I will.
She's a lovely girl.
I'll do whatever
I can to help.
Thank you.
I'd like you to tell her
how awful it's been for you,
the shame you carried
as a young woman,
the loneliness,
the secrecy.
No. I won't.
It'll fuck her up.
I would be happy to offer her
my support, or hope,
if you'd like.
Alice, imagine if you
could have changed things
when you were young, if we
had aversion therapy back then,
how much better your
life could have been.
How dare you.
Use my life, my sexuality
as a yard stick of failure
to threaten Becky with.
You are going to confuse
and ruin that girl.
What does Joan say?
The Missus was shocked but
then she said she would
love her no matter what.
Then we had a huge fight,
and I slept on that
couch last night.
Well then, maybe you're
the one that needs therapy.
How dare you,
at a time like this.
Oh I dare, I dare.
And by the way,
her name is Joan,
not "the Missus".
I actually feel
sorry for you.
There you go, sweetie.
Only 13 more days of this.
Did you get the note?
Don't worry,
I spoke to Doctor Harlow
and he will be writing you
and the girls a note
that you were here, and that
you're not heroin addicts.
Those scars
should fade in time.
I hope so.
Do you have any
more orange juice?
Here you are.
We should talk.
I know I've been
avoiding you since...
Tell me about it.
It's kind of hard
to do my job,
I'm supposed to
be observing you.
I know.
That night
meant a lot to me,
and you mean a lot to me,
and I really loved all
the time we spent together.
I don't know
how to say this.
I'm married.
I'm so sorry.
I know that I've betrayed you
and I betrayed my husband.
I'll never forgive myself.
I was part of this, too.
But you didn't know.
I did and should
have stopped it.
I'm so sorry.
It's just being in here
and getting to know you,
it happened
and I can't change it.
I really like you, Adam.
But you know
what this means.
As a married woman
I was ineligible
to volunteer for the program.
And I lied to you because
I needed the money
to open my business.
And now I'm going to
lose all that money
and probably my husband.
I'm not gonna tell.
You can keep your money,
start your business
and the rest of your
lives together.
As far as your
husband is concerned,
it really is up to you
whether he finds out or not.
If things were different --
But they're not.
Psychology Now
was keen on my pitch
and are considering
a periodical run
as there's so much sociological
and physiological data
to analyze.
I'm psyched!
Pun intended.
So what's happening
with the smoking group?
some side effects.
Respiratory issues,
short term memory lapses,
lower blood pressure.
That's terrible.
I assume that will be
included in your report.
Yes, but we need to
analyze all the data
before we jump to
any conclusions
or this all becomes
pseudo science.
But you just said...
If an elephant was
given those doses,
it would have had
those side effects.
You know Prime Minister
Trudeau's Ledain Report
is leaning towards not
legalizing marijuana.
They're concerned it would get
in the hands of adolescents
and it could cause
permanent damage
to their short term memory.
That's bogus.
When you're high you sometimes
lose your train of thought,
that's why
they call it dope,
but it ain't permanent
at any age of brain.
That sounds like
first person experience.
The feds at least
are recommending
letting first time offenders
walk with a small fine
and lighter sentences
in general.
Big mistake.
Your study will
help prove that.
You can't dictate
that agenda.
We already know, no matter
how much marijuana
we plied into
those poor women,
some were still
waking up at the crack of dawn
to work on that gnarly macrame.
The economy
won't go to pot.
Pun intended. Right.
And you don't
have an agenda?
Come again?
Didn't you put your
ground-breaking experiment,
your token economy,
and your publishing ambitions,
ahead of those "poor women"?
They had 24 hour support,
some of the best doctors
and nurses in the city
at their disposal,
it was a safe study.
If you say so.
I look forward
to your proposal.
Say what?
We only have so many resources
and social policies
of the province
are always evolving.
I thought we were
fully funded.
For your field study yes,
for your analytics no.
You'll have to apply.
But what's the point of
all this without the follow up?
You tell me.
We owe it to those women.
So now you care.
I don't owe anyone,
Hold on.
I look forward
to your proposal.
That was really great
of your Dad to loan us the car.
Thanks so much for
the lift, Becky.
No worries,
I'm driving Dad home now,
so it all works out.
And listen.
Good luck in the fall at school
and with your running,
and I know you're
gonna do great.
Thanks and thanks
for the chat,
I really needed someone
to talk to who, you know...
knows what it's like.
I'm here, anytime.
How did it go?
Really well.
The Waldorf Salad
was fantastic,
thanks for treating.
What did you talk about?
The Waldorf Salad
was fantastic.
It's not up to me, she'll
talk to you when she's ready.
I guess you're right.
You do have a really
amazing girl there,
I sincerely hope that
you're proud of her.
I am.
Thank you.
We made it.
Don't jinx it, hippie girl,
we ain't out yet.
I miss Janice.
She's probably chillin'
in Chile with Hungay.
So girls, what's the first
thing you're going to do
when you get out of here?
Get laid.
I wore out my
electric toothbrush.
Oh my god.
Then I will get on
the first plane out of here.
Can't wait to go live
and work at the co-op.
First thing I'm going
to do is hug my dad
and then hopefully
I'm off to York, pre law.
You're so gonna
get in, Mo.
Don't worry about it.
I'm going straight
to the bank to deposit,
5352 dollars
eighty-five cents.
That's crazy.
Then open my graphics company,
courtesy of Mr. Owl.
Creepy bastard.
Never again.
I don't know.
I don't believe
in making plans.
I'll still be me,
same problems,
nothing's changed like I hoped.
I guess I just
don't want to leave
or know what
I'm going to do.
I'll miss you guys,
sorry to be depressing.
It's only been
a week of detox, Mare.
It's probably the dope
still bringing you down.
I'm sure you'll
feel better soon.
You're right...
I hope so.
My dad's waiting
for me outside.
Goodbye, foxy ladies.
See you soon, I hope.
Well, no point
keeping Sean waiting,
he's already been
waiting 98 days.
I missed him.
Bye Jane.
Bye Mary.
Hey, Leaf
is picking me up.
Maybe you could come with us,
we could grab a bite
of real food and then
we could drop you...
where are you headed?
I'm staying at a friend's
pad really close.
Thank you but I can walk,
get some fresh air
for a change.
See you out West.
You promised.
See you.
Hey Adam.
What's going on,
Doctor Fincher?
Those mother fucking
bureaucrats turned down
an extension grant
for Project Venus.
How can they do that?
The fix was in.
Bradow had concerns our data may
not have the desirable results.
But it's too soon.
I know all this,
man, and so do they.
No one is more
bummed than me.
What about the girls, everything
they were put through?
They got paid.
And I'm sure one day all that
data will be put to good use.
You want to know what
all this was about?
The millions Trudeau
spent on the LeDain report?
They were never going to
legalize weed,
they just wanted
a shift in policy.
I don't understand.
What kind of shift?
They wanted the law
to cool it on possession
for recreational purposes.
So they proved
the hysterics were bogus.
No kidding, six years in
the slammer is pretty harsh.
Yeah, but no one cared
when the blacks
and petty criminals
were being locked up,
but now that
it's gone prime time...
Everyone at my
school is doing it.
Even me.
You and millions
of other suburban white kids.
The politicians
and judges were freaking out
that it was their little Johnny
getting busted and locked up.
My friend couldn't even go
to university because of it.
Or get a job.
When you graduate,
look me up.
I got a good gig at
Rexdale Rehab in Guelph.
What are you researching?
There's a lot
of green for hooch.
Booze ruins more people's
lives and families
then pot ever will.
And it's legal.
I'll give you a call.
Barry, thanks again
for the opportunity.
Catch you
on the rebound.
Oh wait, one of the girls
wanted me to give you something.
I wonder who?
I made several inquiries
in the 80's and 90's.
I wanted to know.
I still want to know.
Nobody helped,
they still don't care about us.
The dosages.
What they found
I feel ripped off,
taken advantage of.
It's like it
didn't happen.
I feel like yeah, they put
us through hell, for what?
Were the results that horrible
that they didn't
give them to us?
You wonder.
I have hosted several reunions
of the group over the years,
we're still very close
and still mad as hell.
In 1982 I went to the
Addiction Research Foundation
to ask whether a report
or any information
had been written up
about our experiment.
I was told to write a note to
leave for one of the doctors
whose name she'd pulled
from another study.
I didn't get any response.
I think the study might have
supported legalizing marijuana.
That's why it
didn't come out.
I don't know.
It leaves you with
a lot of questions.
I guess we'll never know.
No one will ever know.
Parliament has now passed
Bill C45 which will legalize
and strictly regulate
access to cannabis.
We will soon
have a new system in place,
one that keeps cannabis out of
the hands of our kids
and keeps profits away
from organized crime.
Today I'm also
pleased to announce
that the new recreational...
It's about fucking time.