The Marine 4: Moving Target (2015) Movie Script

We need a medic!
Standing by for airdrop.
In the garden the spirit is crushed
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Ask what you can do for your country.
Just two hours ago,
allied air forces began an attack
on military targets in Iraq.
I have seen war on land and sea.
I have seen blood running
from the wounded. fear is... fear itself.
Your sins
You watched me die
In front of your eyes
You watched me die
Again I will rise
Beaten and mocked
Spat on and disgraced
I suffocate for days
You stare as I hang
Blood drips from my crown
Disfigured and lifeless
I've laid my life down
You watched me die
In front of your eyes
You watched me die
Again I will rise
You can try
I'm comin' to getcha
Oh, no
There's nowhere left to go
Go ahead and run,
but there's nowhere left to hide
I'm comin' to getcha
Turning now to the weather
for your Thursday morning...
here in Bristol Falls.
We have mostly cloudy skies at the moment,
variable light winds...
You can field strip an M4 in the dark.
You still can't tie a damn tie.
...the upper 50s,
which will give way to clouds.
Tomorrow's weather looks like
a carbon copy of today...
with rain likely hitting
our area all weekend.
Showers likely hitting around evening,
then cloudy with a chance of showers
after midnight, with lows in the 50s.
...with your updated
weather forecast here for Bristol Falls.
New guy.
Jake Carter. Ex-jarhead.
Hometown hero last year.
That's him.
I'll call you when we have the package.
I'm Robert Daniels, team leader.
When did you get in?
Last night, sir.
I studied your file, Sergeant.
Two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star.
Hawthorne Global Security
is the cream of the crop.
Our agents are held to
the highest standard.
Yes, sir.
This is your fresh start, Carter.
Make it count.
Department of Justice
is flying in a high-value package.
We've been hired
to protect said package...
until DOJ takes official custody.
All right, look alive, gentlemen.
Plane's on final approach.
Carter, you're with me.
Nathan Miller,
Department of Justice.
Robert Daniels,
Global Hawthorne Security.
I'll be damned. Jake Carter.
Morning, Lieutenant.
Don't you salute me. I'll kick your ass.
I'm just a lowly civil servant now.
Never thought I'd see you
in a monkey suit, Jake.
- But I got to tell you, it looks ridiculous.
- Thank you, sir.
Let's go, Miss Tanis.
Where the hell are we?
You are back in the United States of
America. That's all that matters.
She still pissed?
She told us to keep our distance.
She's a little high-strung.
Took a swing at one of my guys
for telling her to relax.
Who is she?
Olivia Tanis, 24 years old.
She's smart. IQ, 135.
She's also a whistle-blower.
She's been
on the run overseas for weeks.
We caught up with her in Hong Kong.
Flew her into Vancouver this morning
and then hopped out here.
She's got intel on traitors
inside Genesis Defense Corporation,
where she used to work.
It's also one of the largest
defense contractors in the US.
Tanis worked as an IT engineer.
Says she has files to back up her claims.
That's the info she's
trading for protection.
Locked away in some
encrypted cloud file only she knows.
That's why we have to keep Tanis off-book,
which is where you come in.
We take her into official custody,
she's in the system.
She's agreed to surrender the files
directly to the attorney general.
So your job is to babysit her
until we can set that up.
We'll tag along until her drop.
- Then she's all yours.
- Okay. Done.
What's the problem now?
You call these guys inconspicuous? You
might as well paint a target on my back.
Hawthorne Global is the best
in private security, Liv.
Yeah? This guy looks like he bought
his suit from Men's Wearhouse.
I'm trusting my life in people...
who can't even protect themselves
from lousy fashion choices?
Look, here's what I want, all right?
You're gonna give me
a burner phone and the AG's number.
In three days, I'll give you
a where and a when. Until then, I'm gone.
That's not gonna happen.
These guys will protect you.
Come on, Liv.
Protect her. Even from herself.
Yep. She's just a ray of sunshine
on a cloudy day.
Yeah, I can see that.
Well, beats chugging up
those Afghan mountain roads in the MRAPs,
don't you think, Jake?
- You ever settle down?
- Couldn't find a woman to put up with me yet.
Well, I'm not surprised.
You always were a pain in the ass.
So, how's Susan and the girls?
What are they, four and five now?
- Try seven and eight.
- Where does the time go, huh?
Hopefully they take after their mother.
Oh. Yeah, no, they did, luckily.
So no one, huh?
What a surprise, with everything
that you clearly have to offer.
Let me guess.
You were a big deal in high school.
What was it?
Quarterback dating a prom queen?
Running back, actually.
Of course it was. What was I thinking?
I can see it now.
Jakey boy's gonna go off, win the Heisman,
go pro and become a big, big star.
Oops. Along came this
little thing called the SATs.
That's when you realize not all fairy tales
have happy endings, do they?
Am I wrong?
Fast-forward a couple years, and you're just
another rent-a-cop playing taxi driver.
Not bad, but I hate to break it to you.
SATs weren't really my problem.
Yeah? What was it then? Astonish me.
A little thing called 9/11.
- Permission to speak freely?
- By all means.
This is the most entertained
I've been in days.
I think we're both just really impressed to
see you putting together full sentences here.
And I'm just trying
to put together what your story is.
While we're on the subject of clichs here,
I heard your bio.
Ivy League and all.
That means you come from money.
Right? So, what, you're the sweet,
little prep school princess...
that no one really understood?
The type that always got herself into one
fine mess after the other for attention.
Good thing you always had Daddy's
money to count on to bail you out.
At least until now, that is.
Yeah. This time it looks like you
finally found yourself...
in a situation you can't
buy your way out of.
But what do I know? I'm just a taxi driver.
That's enough, Carter.
- You know what?
- Yes, ma'am?
You can kiss-
- Jesus Christ!
- Reverse!
Back up! Back up!
Stay down!
Bail out! Bail out!
Stay down!
- Numbers?
- I got eight plus in the tree line!
They're moving!
We need to move!
They're flanking! Watch your 3:00 and 9:00!
Oh, shit.
- Johnson. I got the girl coming your way.
- Roger that. We're on it.
Could use a little help here, Dawes.
Go on. Get it done.
They're moving!
I'll draw their fire. Peel around
in the forest and secure the package.
All clear!
Then what are you waiting for?
Get moving!
I've got her.
His keys. Gotta have keys.
Come on.
Come on.
We need to move. Come with me.
Stay behind me.
Come on, okay?
Let's go! Let's go!
Daniels, come in.
I repeat: Do you copy?
Daniels, do you copy? Anyone?
Get in!
Get down!
Get down!
- Are you hit?
- It's not my blood.
- Jesus Christ! Who were those guys?
- I don't know.
- Drop me off somewhere. I'm better off on my own.
- You wouldn't last five minutes.
Six weeks in Hong Kong, I was just fine.
Twenty minutes here,
I'm running in a forest getting shot at.
Did you call anyone from a plane?
Boyfriend? A girlfriend?
Seriously? No.
No boyfriend or girlfriend. I'm on my own.
All I have are the clothes on my back.
And now you.
They knew where to hit us.
Someone tipped them off.
Then let's go to the police.
No. We can't risk it.
For now, we'll go to the safe house.
With any luck, we got a head start.
Luck? That's encouraging.
We'll go to the safe house,
figure out our next move there.
Your boss said you were new.
How new?
This is my first day.
Oh, gosh.
- What are you doing?
- Planning for the worst.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
I'll get you some water.
Don't move.
What are you doing?
Give me the keys.
Bad idea.
Out there on your own, you're too exposed.
- No, I'm going to the cops.
- Whoever ambushed us will have that covered.
I appreciate you saving my life,
but I don't know you.
I don't know anyone. In fact, you
guys have a rat in your company,
which means there's really
only one person that I can trust... me.
Give me the damn car keys.
I can't do that.
You think I won't blow
your head off right here?
My job is to protect you.
I give you the keys, I'm not doing my job.
You ever hear the term semper fi?
"Always faithful"?
So what, you're a marine?
Is that supposed to put my mind at ease?
Yeah, it should.
But I don't give a shit if it does or not.
We don't have time for this. So either
shoot me or let me do my damn job.
I won't let them get to you.
So you trust me now?
This is our boy. Jake Carter.
Force recon marine. Just back from
Afghanistan. Been here a few weeks.
He still has war in his blood.
But he's alone. No chain of command.
He'll follow the plan.
You okay in there?
Yeah. Just one sec, please.
- You sure you're okay?
- Yeah. I said give me a sec, all right?
Sorry. It's just-
We gotta get moving.
Is there anything to eat? I'm starved.
Eat up.
Yeah, that's not food. I'm not eating that.
Is there anything organic?
Organic? There you go.
Get your stuff. We're leaving.
Get back in one of the rooms.
Don't come out unless I say so.
If anything happens,
get out of here and don't look back.
Drop it.
I said drop it now.
- Jake, what the hell is this?
- That's what I wanna know.
- Didn't think anyone made it out.
- No one else did.
Except you two.
After you and Tanis broke free, we found
an opportunity to get away, and we took it.
Yeah, we saw you drive away with the girl.
Good man.
Where'd you get the car?
We borrowed it from a very patriotic
redneck we stumbled across.
Look, Jake, I get it.
You don't know who to trust.
But if I was dirty, I wouldn't come
back here with just one more gun.
I'd hit you hard.
I know who these guys are, okay?
Jake, it's me.
Can I put my hands down, please?
All right.
Who are they?
His name is Simon Vogel.
Former South African Special Forces.
We used to use him for odd jobs
when we couldn't afford the visibility.
Then he went... became unstable.
There was a job in Beirut. Things got
real messy, and we had to cut him loose.
I didn't even know he was still alive.
His team?
If it's the same crew he used to run with,
they're all former tier-one operators...
best money can buy.
How did he know our route?
Just like you suspect.
Someone tipped him off from the inside.
Toss it.
And the sidearm.
Where is she?
Not here.
Keep moving.
Stand right there like a good boy.
I figured whoever was dirty
was gonna show up here.
So I stashed her.
Oh, is that so?
Into the kitchen.
Back there.
Okay. I'll play. What do you want?
I don't negotiate against myself.
Give me a number.
You'd sell her out?
Just like that?
So I'll ask you again. What's she worth?
Here's your number.
Five, four,
three, two... Go on.
Call my bluff, bitch.
Meantime, I'm gonna have breakfast.
Go, go! Get inside!
Kill him!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Through there a path leads to the boat.
Get it started. Go! Go!
Flank around! Flank around!
Stay down!
Why is Carter still alive?
I didn't have eyes on the girl.
This should have been easy.
You had the element of surprise.
Well, maybe if you did your job and killed Tanis
at the ambush, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Let's go.
You okay?
Liv, you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Good. Should be a road up ahead,
probably less than a mile away.
Should be. Oh, great. Then what?
I'm working on the "then what."
Of course you are.
You know what would be really nice?
If you were just certain of something here.
Okay. Here's what I'm certain of.
The research they put
into making you disappear...
is an all-or-nothing type of move.
They don't send this much heat unless
what you have on these guys is legit.
I'm also certain that...
they're not gonna stop until you're dead.
I can bury them all.
What the hell you have on them?
You remember a couple of years back...
a bunch of troops in Afghanistan died
due to faulty body armor?
Remember? I was there.
Witnessed it firsthand.
You're saying that Genesis Defense
Corporation was behind that?
That's just the beginning.
That makes this all the more worth it.
- Come on. We gotta keep moving.
- Carter.
You know I heard everything
you said back there about selling me out.
Come on, Liv.
I was lying to buy time. Maybe.
Or maybe you're just keeping me alive
till a better offer comes along.
Jesus. How many times do I have
to save your life before you trust me?
- Vogel, you copy?
- Go for Vogel.
The boat's empty.
Got no idea what direction they went in.
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! What are you doing?
That's my car!
Hey! Stop!
Can I help you, miss?
I need your help.
There are people out there
trying to kill me.
All right.
Why don't you start at the beginning?
I need to know
you can guarantee my protection.
Well, you're surrounded by cops.
What's going on?
Did you find a dozen bodies and blown-up
SUVs on a back road this morning?
The guys who did that,
they're the ones that are after me.
Excuse me?
Hey, Officer. I'm looking for a girl.
Brown hair, blue eyes, pretty.
Did she come in here,
maybe talking about being in trouble?
How about you just calm down?
Who are we talking about?
Wife? Girlfriend?
You two have an argument?
She's in here, isn't she?
Where is she? I need to talk to her.
No, what you're gonna do...
is you're gonna wait here.
Okay, let's see some ID.
Thank you. Grab a seat.
You're telling me
you can't identify any of these men?
No, I can't identify...
I've never seen these guys in my life...
They were shooting at me.
What was I supposed to do?
Turn around and look?
Okay, relax. Hey, relax!
I'll be right back.
Mr. Carter.
I got a woman back there
who claims people are trying to kill her.
She's right. I'm part of a
detail assigned to protect her.
No offense.
She's with us now. We've got that covered.
No, look, she's my responsibility.
And I got a crime scene that looks like
a war zone. So you just sit tight.
Give these people a call.
I wanna verify this guy's story.
You know what? I think I've changed
my mind. I'm just gonna go.
Have a seat, please.
Seriously, I'm fine.
I just need to go.
Take a seat.
This is Detective Redman,
Ashton PD.
I've got a Jake Carter here.
Claims to be part of a security team.
Hold, please. Let me patch you through.
Detective Redman, my name is Ethan Smith.
I'm with the Justice Department.
- I need you to listen very closely.
- Okay.
Jake Carter was involved in an attack
on our DOJ motorcade this morning.
Barely made it out myself.
He's ex-military, well trained...
and should be considered
extremely dangerous.
His accomplice is a young woman
named Olivia Tanis.
Is she there as well?
Yeah, that's right.
Good. Hold and secure them both.
Take no chances.
Myself and my DOJ team are en route.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
- We're good?
- We're good.
On your knees.
Hands behind your head. Cuff him.
Down now!
- What the hell is going on?
- Shut up.
- You're making a mistake.
- I said shut up.
What are you doing?
You're making a mistake.
What are you doing? No. Stop.
Let's go. Get him up.
Let's go. Come on.
- Whoever you talked to is lying.
- Move it. Walk.
This is bullshit.
You son of a bitch. What did you say
to them? Why am I getting arrested?
- You should have trusted me.
- That's enough.
I don't know what the real story is
with you, but I'm gonna find out.
You want the real story?
Call the Department of Justice yourself.
- Confirm what they told you.
- We'll sort this out when they get here.
Watch them.
Wait. Who's coming?
Who'd you talk to? Hey! Who'd you talk to?
- What are you doing?
- My job.
No. We do this my way.
I'll go in, talk to whoever's in charge...
there's a novelty...
get them to give me the girl,
and we're done, clean.
Go right ahead.
- Can I help you?
- I sure do hope so.
Uh, my name is Ethan Smith.
I'm with the Department of Justice.
I need to speak to Detective Redman.
I believe he's expecting me.
I'll get him for you.
Oh, thank you very much.
Lovely town you have here.
Let's go.
I do things my way.
Stay on my hip.
Come on. Come on.
Run. Go to ground somewhere.
Hide. Anything.
Contact the attorney general's office
directly. No one else. Got it?
Wha... No...
Get your wounded. I'll cover you. Go.
- Let's go! Move it!
- Get out the back.
Come on.
Move it! Move it! Let's go! Come on!
That's Carter.
So much for doing things your way.
Perimeter? Check 6:00.
Dawes. Bring it.
Jake Carter! My name's Simon Vogel!
It's nice to meet you.
I can't say the same.
I have to admit, I respect your skills.
But you died the moment
you put that suit on.
- Where's Olivia Tanis, Carter?
- Why don't you come take a look?
Oh, yeah, that's cute.
Only if you promise
not to run away this time.
Examine your situation.
You're pinned down and outgunned.
Tell us where she is, Carter,
and you can walk away from this.
You got maybe 10 minutes.
Backup's on the way.
You should think about your next move.
I just murdered a whole police station.
What's a few more?
Be smart, Carter. Give us the girl.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
We don't know if she's with Carter.
You're either in front of the gun
or behind it.
You choose.
Get in!
Go, go, go, go!
Let's go! Let's go!
- So now what are we gonna do?
- Drive! Just drive!
Shit. Shit.
Get off the main road!
Here they come!
Move! Let's go! Move it!
Run him down! Faster!
- Faster! Move it!
- Are you crazy? I can't-
Jesus Christ! I want this guy!
- Faster!
- Christ!
- You're losing him.
- Come on, Grant!
Are you okay?
Move! Just go!
Let's go. Time to clean it up.
Here, take that. Take it.
We gotta move.
We gotta move. Let's go.
Grab your gear.
They've gone to ground.
We'll hunt them on foot.
Wait. Are you sure
that's the wisest move?
Carter's just turned the
tables in his favor.
He knows what he's doing.
That's why he went into the woods.
What options do we have, huh?
If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.
Hey, listen. We are dwindling numbers,
in case you haven't noticed.
We've got to regroup,
call in more muscle and go in at sunrise.
They are on foot
and will be blind when it gets dark.
They're not gonna get far.
You'll wanna lose this.
Hayes. Call Marcus.
We're going in first thing in the morning.
No, no. Let me help you.
Sorry. I'm not a nurse.
Told you to run back there.
Something you should know about me by now.
I don't listen too well.
Can you pass me
one of the clips?
You would have done the same.
Hey. I found this.
See if you can get a signal on it.
No, there's no signal,
but I'll keep trying.
I should have trusted you. I should
have just trusted you from the start.
Hey. I walked into
that police station.
- Don't.
- They're dead.
That's on me.
It's on the people
who sent those bastards after you.
None of this is your fault.
What are you doing?
This is an encrypted Web address
with my password.
It's everything that I know on Genesis.
It implicates half the board of directors.
You're the only one that I've told.
You know,
just in case.
We're gonna be fine.
When this is over,
you're gonna get to watch them all burn.
So what now?
We keep moving
until we get a signal on that phone.
Our only play is contacting the
attorney general directly somehow.
How the hell do we do that?
I haven't figured that part out yet.
So what, we're just supposed
to die out here in the woods?
Did I say that?
We stop running.
Come on. Let's keep going.
We'll find a signal.
Still nothing.
So we've got the river in front of us
and the ridgeline all around us.
There's... five hours till sunrise.
That's when they're gonna come for us.
But then we're trapped,
and they know exactly where to find us.
That's what I'm hoping for.
Come on. We got a lot of work to do.
All right, Liv.
This is where we part ways.
Head that way towards the river
and follow it.
Eventually you'll hit a road.
No way. I'm safer with you.
- I don't wanna argue with you.
- Good. Then don't. Let's go.
Got more blood here.
They definitely came this way.
Dawes, you got anything?
Cops got nothing so far.
The whole area
is still locked down.
Roadblocks, checkpoints, everything.
Everyone take a deep breath.
Let's take our time. Do this right.
- Is that Genesis?
- Yep.
What do they want?
For you to do your job.
Hayes, pick up the pace.
Hayes, which way?
I lost it.
Trail's gone.
Find it.
It's him. Channel two.
Vogel. Simon Vogel. Are you there?
Can you track him? Yeah.
Carter. It's good to hear your voice.
Did you miss me?
Very much.
To think we were just
getting to know each other.
Is the girl with you?
Here's the thing, Simon.
She's not your problem anymore. I am.
I've noticed.
If I were you,
I'd actually keep an eye on Smith.
He's the sort that likes to shoot people
in the head when they're not looking.
Listen, Jake. We both know you're
not gonna make it out of this canyon.
So let's be frank with each other.
It's just a matter
of what the attrition rate will be.
Oh, you're good. I'll give you that.
And, ironically, you've opened up new
opportunities for recruitment on my team.
You're offering me a job?
Bring me the girl.
You get to live and get rich.
What do you say?
Thanks, but no, thanks.
It's not why I called.
Why did you call?
With me!
Circle around! Cut him off!
Go, go, go!
Spread out!
Don't lose her.
I've got Tanis.
Blake's down.
Hayes, do you have anything?
Any sign of them at all?
I can't find Marcus.
- Are you ready?
- Of course not.
Hug the shadows. Only move when
you have to. Hit and run. Got it?
Where are they?
Are you kidding me?
They slipped past all of you.
Shut your mouth! Or I'll shut it for you!
Gotta hold it together. We'll find them.
What if that's what he wants?
I told you, Carter's not stupid.
He is sucking us in
so he can pick us off one by one.
- Forget him. Let's move on.
- Hey.
What makes you think Carter doesn't
have the rest of this valley rigged?
He's one man.
Yeah, well, that logic seems to have
worked out well for you so far, hmm?
Go that way! I'll draw them away!
Holy shit.
Vogel. Vogel, you copy?
Ramirez is down.
So, what's the plan, Vogel?
Or are you just gonna let us all die
while you figure it out?
You wanna lead?
Dawes. I'm driving them your way.
Drop it!
Both of 'em.
Hayes, over here!
Where's the girl?
Whoo! Oorah!
Not bad, marine.
That's not bad.
Not bad at all.
But you just don't get the girl this time.
What a shame.
You know,
I don't always like to shoot people
in the back of the head...
when they're not looking.
Sometimes I want them
to see it coming.
Put your gun down.
I said put it down.
Where's Vogel?
I don't know.
Jake! Oh!
Get up.
Come on, princess.
We're going for a little walk.
Keep moving.
What makes you think
that when I'm dead you're not next?
Genesis has a way
of tying up loose ends.
That's why you're gonna
give me all the dirt you have on them.
That information is my insurance policy.
You're too late.
I just forwarded everything that I have
on Genesis to a dozen news sites.
You're gonna have to kill me.
- You little bitch.
- Vogel!
I got you. I got you.
On our broadcast tonight...
A national disgrace.
A stunning re velation...
...the testing of bulletproof plating... idea of the extent
of the illegal activity...
Police are continuing
their investigations into the...
...and other soldiers
have been involved in...
...endangers the lives of American troops.
...breaking another story tonight...
Several board members
of Genesis Defense Corporation...
Genesis Defense Corporation's
stock plummeted today...
...has cooperated
with the federal government,
and her name is listed in an action...
The Department of Justice
will re view the criminal...
Wow, Carter. You look like hell.
Good to see you too. How you doing?
Well, seeing as how in the last three days six
members of Genesis Defense Corporation...
are now being indicted
for treason and conspiracy,
pretty damn good.
- So, what's next?
- What's the plan?
I don't know.
New identity, new life.
They won't tell me where I'm going.
Probably Boise or some god-awful
town with a population of 100.
Small towns aren't so bad.
I'm sure you'll do great wherever you land.
I got you something.
Seeing as I made you ruin your last one.
There you go.
No, no. Thank you.
See you later, marine.
Have faith in me
'Cause there are things
that I've seen I don't believe
So cling to what you know
And never let go
You should know things
aren't always what they seem
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall
and I always meant it
If you didn't have a chance,
then I never did
You'll always find me
right there again
I've gone crazy
'Cause there are things
in the streets I don't believe
So we'll pretend it's all right
and stay for the night
What a world
I'll keep you safe here with me
With me
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall
and I always meant it
If you didn't have a chance,
then I never did
You'll always find me
right there again
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall
and I always meant it
If you didn't have a chance,
then I never did
You'll always find me
right there again
They've got me on the outside
looking in
But I can't see at all
With the weight of the world
on my shoulders
They just wanna see me fall
They've got me on the outside
looking in
But I can't see at all
With the weight of the world
on my shoulders
They just wanna see me fall
Have faith in me
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall
and I always meant it
If you didn't have a chance,
then I never did
You'll always find me
right there again
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall
and I always meant it
If you didn't have a chance,
then I never did
You'll always find me
right there again
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did
I said I'd never let you go
and I never did