The Marine 3: Homefront (2013) Movie Script

In the summer of 2002, I was 19 years old.
Lived my whole life
in Bridgeton, Washington.
After high school, I did what everybody
did: worked at the lumber mill.
But unlike most people here
who never leave...
...I knew I wanted something more.
Something to get me out of Bridgeton
and also serve my country.
So I enlisted
in the United States Marine Corps.
It was the toughest training of my life.
We prepared for everything.
By land, sea or air.
Wherever combat may be,
Marines are prepared.
It wasn't just about
achieving your goals...
...but about believing in yourself.
Our motto: Semper Fi.
Always faithful. Always loyal.
To your comrades in arms.
To your country.
To your family.
I saw the world.
For more than 10 years,
I moved about the globe.
Missions. Deployments. War.
Every now and again, you get to take leave.
My folks passed away a few years back.
Family for me now is just my two sisters,
Lilly and Amanda.
It's been over 14 months
and today I'm going home.
Not a whole lot's changed
Since I've been gone
Same old band
Still plays the same old songs
Yeah, this hole-in-the-wall dive bar
Don't ever get old
Oh, they never did sell out
And I'm still sold
Hello, my friend
How long's it been?
Yesterdays are here again
Shoot the moon
Till that big old ball falls down
Small-town boys haven't changed their ways
Still livin' in the glory days
Same old stories
Just keep getting better somehow
It's time to put a fresh coat of new paint
On this old town
Well, I remember not so long ago
The newness of that old familiar glow
Yeah, these neon lights
Have got that same old buzz
This place is what it is
And what it was
Hello, my friend
How long's it been?
Yesterdays are here again
Shoot the moon
Till that big old ball falls down
Some folks still haven't changed their ways
Still livin' in the glory days
Same old stories
Just keep getting better somehow
It's time to put a fresh coat of new paint
On this old town
You lost, boy?
Your daddy know you're out playing cop?
Now you take a good look, smartass.
Of what? Mall security?
Marine or not, I will kick your ass.
Come here.
Well, how you doing, man?
Good. You?
I can't complain. I try not to.
Just look at you, pal. You're looking good.
Real good. A little heavy, but healthy.
You know.
You look as dumb as ever.
Yeah, well, what do you do?
So how long are you home for?
Two weeks.
More than enough time for you and me
to get in trouble. Come on. Car's this way.
What happened to Woody's?
Went to shit when his kid took over.
Let's head it up.
Jeez. This thing steers like
a nightmare. It's unbelievable.
Well, it is a piece of junk.
Can't get anything new?
Bridgeton can't afford a new truck?
You know that.
You seen my little sister running around?
Time to time.
How's she doing?
Lilly's Lilly. You know? She's having fun.
She's looking for a job right now.
For a job?
I thought you set her up at Creston's?
I did. Went pretty good
for a couple weeks there too, but...
Then she went and told old Cresty
to go fuck himself.
She told Cresty to go fuck himself?
That's so you know.
Lilly's Lilly.
Yeah, Lilly is Lilly.
Whoa. Amanda.
Cooking school has not paid off.
Soon the time is only hours
That we'll be going home again
There he is.
Oh, it's so good to see you in one piece.
You look great.
You look good.
I don't know about this. No.
You don't know about this?
Your hair's gotten longer.
Yours has too.
You staying out of trouble?
What do you need?
What can I get you?
A cold beer.
Here's to coming home in one piece.
Plenty more where that came from. They can't
wait to see the local celebrity down at the bar.
The ribs are done in, like, 10.
The burgers are pretty much ready now.
about 10 minutes ago.
I made potato salad. I've got pie.
I got pecan and...
Whoa, whoa. Trying to fatten me up already?
That's what I do. I gotta fatten you up.
Here, have more.
I'm good.
Mom and Dad been asking about you.
How's Bernie and Gernie?
Starting to think they love you
more than me.
Of course they do.
What's Bernie been up to?
Must be a quick learner.
He's about a 12 handicap.
Heh, heh, heh.
Bernie must be pissed.
Yeah. Dad's losing sleep over it too.
Speaking of losing sleep,
how are you sleeping?
I'm sleeping.
That is a complete lie.
What about you? Still crawling out
the window at midnight?
I'm still coming home at 4 a.m.
How's work?
You and Cresty getting along?
Swimmingly, huh?
I heard you told him to go fuck himself.
Um... Cresty's an asshole.
He's an asshole, but he gave you a job.
Later, Jake. It's not a big deal.
It's not a big deal?
You gonna find her another job?
I'll go check on that meat.
Welcome home.
You big buzz kill.
Mrs. Swanson.
I'm running a bit behind today. I told
Mr. Vidier I was gonna push him 12 minutes.
So that bumps everyone else down.
I had to drop off the kids today.
So can you push everyone down
See if she can get me in at 12:15.
I should be done by then.
I should be all caught up.
My wife called...
On the fucking ground or die!
Everyone remain calm and quiet.
If you move or make any sound,
you will die.
You. Up.
Brendon and Liam.
Grades three and five.
Centerville Elementary School.
Your wife, Lynn? She's at Pilates till 10
where she goes every Tuesday and Thursday.
Then she goes to her part-time gig
at Our Lady of Victory Church.
You have a beautiful family, Glen.
But they will all be dead by day's end
if you do not cooperate with me fully.
Do you understand?
Have your tellers open their drawers
and give the cash to my men now.
Ms. Swanson. Ms. Swanson?
Have your tellers give these men
anything that they want.
Right now.
Say it loud or she dies.
Ms. Swanson, have them open the drawers
and give the men the money. Now.
Now! Now!
Okay, okay!
I don't like bankers.
I'm a regional manager.
I don't make decisions. I follow orders.
How many houses
have you foreclosed on this year?
How many?
Too many.
Too many.
You know why?
It's greed, Glen.
Greed, people. It's a disease...
...that is eating away at our nation
from the top down.
Personal responsibility.
That's what builds a nation.
You take what you need.
No more. No less.
Let's go.
They'd be so proud of you.
Now me, not so much.
Divorced. No kids. Broke.
Property tax is killing me,
and I may have to sell the place.
It's just... It's too big for me and Lilly
and it doesn't make sense.
How much do you need?
No. You've done enough.
We live here. We'll pay the bills.
How much?
Mandy, have you seen my boots?
They're on the porch.
They were covered in mud.
That's why they're called
boots, not slippers.
You wear them outdoors.
Getting dressed around here
is like a frigging Easter egg hunt.
Has she thought about taking classes again?
You can have that chat tomorrow.
She'd love to give you her thoughts
on higher education.
Christ, Amanda.
She's gotta do something with herself.
Have you even talked to her about...?
Enough, Jake. I'm tired.
I just want to relax.
I'll see you guys later.
Where you going?
Darren's waiting.
Darren Carlyle. Miller's kid.
You remember him.
I remember not liking him.
Jake, relax. Please. He's a good guy.
He's not some idiot
like the rest of the losers around here.
Didn't he go to juvie for selling weed?
Years ago.
I... you.
So much.
You're real subtle.
It's a gift.
Hey, baby.
Hey, you.
Come here.
Wow. You look nice.
I noticed your brother's back.
He still got a stick up his ass?
He never liked me much anyways.
Let's just go.
Hey, Darren, come on in for a sec.
Have a beer or something.
Jake, you're not my dad. Okay?
Roger that?
Let's go. Now.
Go. Come on. Please. Drive.
Come on. Let's go. Whoa!
Be my virgin number 72
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Well, that's interesting. Yeah.
That's the kind of news
I could have used last week.
Summit's been moved up.
Tomorrow afternoon.
We can be ready.
The RDX?
I'll talk to Eckert.
His boys can make it by morning.
All right. Let's make it work.
You don't need it anyway.
Almost there.
Jackson, give them their bit.
A change of plans.
We move tomorrow.
Late afternoon.
Which means this car needs
to be ready by morning.
And the RDX rigged as soon
as possible.
How about you start telling us
what the actual game plan is?
Your lap dog over there
seems to know everything.
I know him. I trust him.
Well, that's just cute.
Congratulations to you.
But we've all put our ass on the line.
And don't forget:
They're my contacts
that are gonna score us the RDX.
Not yours.
Not his.
You ground us.
You take our phones away.
You put us in a little corner
and lock us up in here like convicts.
I'm getting sick of working
with blinders on.
Blinders on?
For the integrity of the mission, I haven't
done anything that we haven't agreed to.
"The integrity of the mission."
I like that. No, I do.
This coming from a guy
who gets all bent out of shape...
...when we take a step outside to get
a breath of fresh air from this shit-hole.
But it's all for the integrity
of the mission.
Yeah, I get it. Okay.
Oh, yeah. One more thing,
that's bullshit.
Christ, Eckert, I get it.
Pope don't trust us.
Hell, he don't trust no one.
Don't take it so personal.
No, I get it too.
I am all for the cause.
Things in this country are fucked up.
But I want you to know one thing.
I'm not some monkey that's gonna do
a dance every time the music plays.
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
What's the target?
By day's end tomorrow, you will know.
You ain't never home
All right, see you, man.
What'd I tell you?
Hey. Can I get a beer, man?
Jake. Hey, man.
How's it going?
Good. Just got back.
How you been?
Ah. Awful. Hey. Let me get you a drink.
No, I'm good. I'm just waiting on Hark.
Have you seen him?
No. No, I haven't.
Mm. I see Twig's here.
Twig's here?
Yeah, in the back.
What is it, like family night?
Man, seeing you again,
it reminds me of my little brother.
How's Petey doing?
Oh, terrible.
He married some ugly girl.
Sounds like Petey.
What is your problem?
Dude, I ain't got no problem.
You got a problem?
Just fucking beat it, man.
Back the fuck off.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down.
All right?
How about we call it a night?
You know, he's kind of drunk.
You know?
Jesus fucking Christ, Jake.
Before you say anything... If we weren't
pals, you'd be in jail right now.
So let me get this straight.
You come home.
You tell Amanda how to run the house.
You disapprove of Lilly's lifestyle.
Look at me, dude.
And the boyfriend.
You hate him too.
You know...
Don't talk.
So then what?
You come down for a cold one
and brutalize a redneck?
I've had better days.
If you are going to come home...'re gonna have to learn how
to assimilate to normal society.
Look, Lilly's dating a punk.
His name's Darren.
He's actually a pretty nice kid.
He's a loser.
You're a broken record.
Who do you want her dating?
A neurosurgeon?
Rocket scientist?
What do you want? This is Bridgeton.
Are you gonna take this guy home?
Do I have to?
For the sake of
the civilized world, yes.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go see
a gentleman about his missing teeth.
Call me later.
Call me later?
Hark and I have been
seeing each other a bit.
You've been seeing Hark.
You know what's funny? You don't
even approve of your own best friend.
You come home every time
like a bull in a china shop.
Me, Hark, Lilly,
we love you to death but...
You gotta let this go, Jake.
We don't need a protector.
We're all grown up here.
Do you want a ride or don't you?
I'll get you out of this junkyard.
Gotta find this connector.
Stand tall and proud
On your rusty bow
You all right?
The sight of land won't let you down
What's on your mind?
When the fog has cleared
I'm an island now
Do you want to stay here forever?
No, just gotta get this
battery connector off,
then we can get the hell
out of here.
No. I meant here in Bridgeton.
Oh. Heh.
No. Not really.
Why not?
Not sure where I'd go.
Yeah, me neither.
My brother wants
to get to know you better.
Wants to have you over
for dinner.
'Cause I fall sleep with dignity
And you're safe
Fuck that.
'Cause you filled that hole
Before it was empty
You know military guys
remind me of my stepdad.
I know.
You know,
it's that "do this, do that" attitude.
"Cut your hair. Go to school.
Get a job."
It's never good enough.
Even when I get a fucking job,
I gotta get a better one.
I thought I heard bells
But I confused the sound
Come on.
I'm an island now
All right, you two stay back.
Keep your eyes open. I don't
Surprise, surprise.
Do you trust him?
His stuff is legit.
I trust that.
We'll see.
Let's go.
Let's take a look.
He's all business. Ha.
I like that.
USDA prime cut.
Check it out.
Looks good.
What did I tell you?
You might want to hold on there.
Gentlemen, I think we have a problem.
I don't like problems.
Shit, neither do I.
The change in schedule
was a real pain in my ass.
What the fuck's going on up there?
I don't know.
Rush order comes with a price.
What you've got in your hands
is what you get.
We had a deal. Right?
That was the deal. Look, I understand,
y'all don't like a curve ball.
If you need time to think about it, we can
put this off to tomorrow or the next day.
Can't wait till tomorrow.
Holy shit.
It's okay, it's okay.
Eckert, you son of a bitch.
Get down.
Let's go. Get in the car.
Go, go, go.
Hey, what's up?
Amanda, it's me. I just saw a shooting.
Come on, baby. Come on!
Get it going! No, I'm with Darren.
It's three guys, and they
just shot him in the head.
Just calm down and tell me where you are.
We're at Grayson's junkyard.
Yeah, by the river.
Go, go, go. Fuck.
She was screaming, crying.
She said that she saw somebody get shot.
She... Something's wrong. Something's wrong.
I called Hark, but he didn't answer.
Grayson's junkyard.
Yeah, great.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the hell is this now?
When did that become part of the plan?
I say we kill them now and throw them
off the boat but no one listens to me.
Yeah, well, killing kids
is never part of the plan.
No, it's not. We'll split them up
and shut them up. Let's go.
Just hold... Hold him.
Boss man. Boss man.
She's got one of these.
Give it. No.
Can't have these on my boat.
Take her.
Let me go.
How much longer?
I'd say no longer than three hours.
Good. Let's go.
Cazel, enough.
Come on, man.
Fuck you, man.
You touch Lilly and I'll fucking kill you!
Hold it.
I got no trouble with you.
My sister is missing.
I got trouble with that.
Where is she?
She's in the old ferry.
But it really doesn't matter
to you now, does it?
Up, up, up.
Grayson's junkyard. No sign of Lilly.
I think she's on the old Cascadia.
Headed there now.
Talk to Hark?
I'm waiting for him out by Route 37.
Tell him he'll find some bodies
north of the junkyard into the trees.
Grown men, 30s. See if he can ID them.
He's gonna want some backup.
It's not safe out here. You understand?
Yes. No, I understand, Jake.
Just find her, okay. Just find her.
Talk to you in a bit.
Darren! Darren!
Drop your weapon.
Agent Wells, FBI. Drop your weapon.
Do it.
Hands on your head.
You okay?
What we got here is Jake Carter,
Local boy, huh?
Sergeant, USMC.
Active duty?
What are you doing?
My sister's been abducted.
Your sister?
get to the forest at Grayson's junkyard.
I got a Marine here telling me
there's three dead bodies out there.
Special Agent Thompson, FBI.
You must be Chief Harkin.
That's right.
We got three bodies here and two kids
missing. Possibly abducted.
Two kids missing?
One of them is my little sister.
All right, you two need to come
with me.
This way.
Amanda Carter.
Chief Harkin.
I'm Special Agent Wells.
We believe your sister and her friend
are being held on the old Cascadia.
I don't understand. What's going on?
It's complicated.
Look, I'm sorry we can't treat this
strictly as a kidnapping.
There's a lot more at play here.
Jonas Pope has been on our watch list for some time.
He is not your usual extremist.
He was raised by a loving middle-class
family in Spokane.
His father leveraged their home
to pay for his college education.
Pope earned his doctorate in philosophy
from Seattle Pacific.
Parents had all their savings wrapped up
in the market. It collapsed.
They got hit hard, lost their house.
His dad killed himself.
A year later, his sister was diagnosed
with ovarian cancer.
She was dropped from her insurance carrier
when she hit stage Ill.
Pope flew to Spokane to meet
with the insurance adjuster.
He pulled a .22, shot her in her face.
From there, he went into hiding
thanks to Galen Jackson.
Jackson's leader of a small militia group
out of Billings, Montana.
Anti-establishment radical, gun fanatic,
weapons expert.
They're preparing for some kind of attack
involving RDX. A very powerful explosive.
Okay, I get it.
I'd like to know how you plan to rescue
my sister and her boyfriend.
Infiltration-extraction. It's what I do.
Not here. My men, my men only.
You just storm in with our sister inside?
We're waiting for a signal.
From who?
A reliable source.
Last night, he told us of this
hideaway on the Cascadia.
But he still hadn't learned
the location of the attack.
We haven't heard from him since.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
- So how do I look?
- I'd shoot you.
Great work, boys.
Great work.
Everything that we have worked for
ends today.
Our target is an engine of greed...
...a cancer to our society.
By the end of this day...
...our voices will be heard.
As one.
As one.
What is it?
Somebody's making a call.
Yeah, I know.
Yeah. I know.
I'm doing my best, all right?
Yeah, I'm doing my best. It's impossible.
These guys aren't gonna...
Hang up.
Look, it's not what you think.
Who were you talking to?
My girlfriend down in Tacoma.
She's pregnant. All right?
I was just calling to check on her.
Four months in. Last time we spoke,
she had stomach pains.
It's all I was doing. I'm
not bullshitting you.
The rules are the rules.
Stop. Wait.
I'm with you on this, Pope. I'm all in.
I was just calling to check on my girl.
That's all I was doing.
All right.
I wanna hear it.
Yeah, I'm sorry. We had a bad connection.
I'm seeing my doctor in the morning.
Gonna run some tests. Another ultrasound.
Is this the number I can reach you at?
I'm gonna have to check back with you.
I'm gonna have to go now, babe. Okay?
I love you, babe.
I love you too.
Next time you want to contact her,
talk to me first.
Yeah, okay.
Come on! Let me out!
Let me out!
This can't be much fun for you.
I'm sorry.
You and your friend.
What were you doing
out there today?
Hoping for some privacy.
Seems like
we crashed your party.
Seems we crashed yours.
Do you like rich people?
Rich people. Do you like them?
I don't know.
Who is the richest person you know?
Come on, simple question.
Who is the richest person you know?
Um... My friend's dad.
He's a contractor.
He makes like $300,000 a year.
Okay. I don't mind that sort of rich guy.
He's doing something for society.
He builds houses.
People actually live in houses. Right?
There are others out there
that make 10 times, 50 times that... doing absolutely nothing.
Nothing for society.
They just move money around.
But here's the real kicker.
They'll buy companies.
Companies like companies that build houses.
They'll buy the company...
...strip it down, fire half the people,
and then sell that company for a profit.
That's not rich.
That's obscene.
What do you want?
I just wanna be heard.
One more question.
Are you happy with the world
that you live in?
Neither am I.
Yeah. All good.
Teddy, keep her company.
Alone at last.
Keep you company.
I like your jeans.
Don't touch me.
Why you gotta be like that? I ain't so bad.
When you know me...
Hey, hey, hey.
Be nice. Hey, hey, hey.
Don't make me hurt you.
I really don't want to hurt you.
Don't fucking touch me.
Stop touching... Help!
All right! All right!
What the fuck? What do you want?
My name is Alec Simms, I'm a federal agent.
I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay?
Are you all right? That's fine.
Give me your wrist. Come here.
I could've done that.
I'll get him,
but we need to get you out of here.
No, I'm coming with you. Please.
We need to get you off this boat.
Okay. Shh.
Teddy's dead.
The boy and the girl are gone.
Find them.
They'll compromise our location.
Somebody's already onto us.
Nine o'clock and 2 o'clock.
Somebody tipped them off.
and ammo to handle just about anybody.
We're gonna see this thing through, right?
Hell, yeah, we are.
You think that's a good idea?
Stay out of it.
Don't go in yet, not like that.
I got two men down.
They're just gonna let you walk in?
We got a plan. If you'll excuse me.
What's the plan?
Get your hand off of me.
My sister is in there.
I know that.
There are thousands of other lives at stake.
So if you'll excuse me, sergeant...
...fuck off and let me do my job.
Fuck off?
Whoa, whoa.
I got a lot more on my plate
than stupid kids.
Stupid kids?
Sarge, I don't know if you're some kind
of war hero, a tank mechanic, a cook.
And I don't give a shit. You just
touched a federal agent. Arrest him!
That's enough.
This is their call. That's the law.
Turn around and put your hands
behind your back.
Right now.
Thanks, chief.
Behind your back.
All agents, move in.
Let's go. Here we go. Come on.
Cazel, the bow.
Jackson, broadside. Let's go.
I want another 60 and the deuce on the bow.
Browder, stick with Cazel.
Let's go. In. Move, move.
Get in here. Stay here, stay quiet.
I'll be back, okay? Lock it.
Thank God.
Stay down, stay down.
Man down. Man down.
Oh, God.
Call it off. Call it off!
Where the fuck have you been?
With Pope.
Let me take a look.
Come on, it's clear. Let's go.
Let's go.
You're gonna take some heat for this.
Be smart.
Talk to me.
What the hell is going on?
I've got two innocents on board.
We know that.
What else you got?
He's moving this afternoon.
What's the target?
Still no word.
Delivery system?
He's packed every ounce of into RDX into...
Come on.
Okay, let's go.
Go, go, go.
Which way?
Go to the stairs. Go!
Here, Darren!
Go, go, go!
It's fucking locked.
Try the window.
Come on, Darren. Come on!
Get the fuck off of me!
Help me! Darren!
Your girlfriend's dead.
Lilly! Lilly!
What happened?
He was making a call.
Didn't get much out.
Are you sure?
Are you?
I'm sure.
All right, what's the plan?
Get us out of this clusterfuck if you ask me.
Nobody asked you.
All right, sit down. Sit.
Who is Amanda?
I'll ask you one last time.
Who is Amanda?
She's my sister.
Hi, Amanda.
You probably figured something
was up.
And I assume you've connected with the
feds, who apparently have found me.
So if you could be so kind, could you put
the man in charge on the phone?
This is Special Agent Wells.
Well, you did one hell of a job today.
You call me for a reason, asshole?
Well, after presiding over
so many pointless deaths... must be a big hit
amongst your colleagues.
So I was wondering...
...maybe you'd like to do something today
you'd be proud of.
That would be?
Saving the life of a young lady.
Put her on the phone.
Lilly, say hello.
Amanda, there are five guys...
Wells? I'm giving up.
But I am not surrendering.
You can't have it both ways.
Don't tell me what I can't have.
I want an escort out of here with the girl.
If I pass through without any trouble,
I will let Lilly go, unharmed.
We'll send a car right over.
There's a state police substation
I want a state trooper here
in 20 minutes.
Standard cruiser, clear windows.
No SUV. No vans. No surprises.
One trooper in a patrol car
and I want his name in advance.
If he's not driving up the bow of this
ferry in 20 minutes, the girl dies.
Call the state police.
Damn it.
I've been doing this my whole life.
Where are we going?
Are you gonna let me go?
If we get out of here alive and we make it
to our destination, I will let you go.
Okay, okay, okay.
Pretty good match, huh?
Switch the plates.
Darren, it's me.
Calm down. Calm down.
Fuck. Christ, man.
What are you doing here?
Oh, fuck.
You okay?
Yeah, man, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Where's Lilly?
Fuck, I don't know, man.
You know, I'm looking for her.
She told me to leave, but I'm not going
anywhere. I'm staying right here.
Hey, you did good, kid.
Hey, hey, you know how to use that thing?
Been hunting my whole life, man.
Any idea where they took Lilly?
I think they're in the carport. That's
where all the activity was going down.
Let's go.
Hey. Easy.
Hey, she's right there.
Hey, get out of here.
What about Lilly?
You heard me. Get out of here.
Wha...? Fuck that, man. She's right there.
I will get Lilly.
You just go.
Let me do what I do.
parking structure right here, off Helmsley.
Right? We come straight through here.
Park between these sections and blow the
entire support structure of the building.
Wha...? You're blowing up a building?
Did you not hear what I said
about the rich?
To make them listen!
You see...
...if you kill a couple of CEOs,
you make the local news.
If you knock off a dozen, you make
the CNN/Fox cycle for about three days.
You take down 20 fat cats...
...and 30 stories of glass and steel,
then you make history.
But what about the workers?
What about everybody else?
Show me the rig.
All right, so...
Check it out.
Right now it is on standby.
Plenty of time to get
the hell out of Dodge.
Once the car is in position,
we enter the code here.
Countdown begins.
Put your fucking hands up.
All right.
Uncuff the girl.
I'm sorry?
You think I'm playing?
No, I don't.
No! Stop it!
Eckert. Get her in the car.
Move. Come on.
Get in the car.
Jackson. Jackson, what happened?
He shot me.
Not good, pal.
Get out of here.
Get in the car and get the fuck out of here.
Pope, I can handle him.
Leave me the gun,
get the fuck out of here.
Pope, you gotta be in Seattle
in 40 minutes.
Go, brother.
Does he know anything?
I'll take care of him.
I'll take care of him!
Go, brother, I'll be fine.
Where are they?
Yes. This is Amanda.
Please can I just speak
with Lilly?
Let me talk to Lilly.
Put Wells on.
Please just let me talk...
Put Wells on the fucking phone!
No, no, no, stop.
Give him the phone.
Wells, you listen to me.
No tails, no choppers, no tracking...
...or I shoot the girl in the head.
You understand?
All right, ready the men,
he's on his way, just south of Route 23.
We're gonna follow shortly.
What are you doing?
Gonna nail this son of a bitch.
Thought I told you to leave.
Fuck that.
I'll thank you later.
This is downtown.
Medical building. Helmsley Avenue.
They took Lilly.
Yeah. They took Lilly.
Downtown Seattle.
That means
they're gonna pass through Bridgeton.
They're gonna go right through town.
I'll see you later.
Easy, easy.
Relax back there. Stop fucking fidgeting.
Come on, light's green.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Go, go, go!
Step out of the vehicle with your hands up.
They got us boxed in.
Fuck it.
It's not the statement I wanted to make,
but it'll make the headlines.
with your hands in clear view.
Let's do it.
Cover me!
Get out! Get out! Let's go! Go!
Hold it there.
Take your shot.
Go ahead. Take it.
Take it.
Take it!
Stop right there.
He can't take that shot.
But I can.
You're not hurt?
The car. It's a bomb.
The... It's a bomb, the car.
He triggered it.
I saw him do it.
How much time?
Not good.
Get out of here, kid. Go.
Go to the cedar mill by the river.
Alone I face the sun
The burning has begun
I live to find a way
A never-ending phase
My heart is on display
And I long to find my place
A light to shine right through
All of the shadows on my face
So shine for me as one
Cast a shadow on the sun
A light to find my way
I hope tomorrow comes today
And I will be the one
A shadow on the sun
A light to find a way
Because tomorrow comes today
And I have the strength to overcome
I have the will to carry on
And I'm not scared to face this world
On my own
On my own
All of the shadows on my face
So shine for me as one
Cast a shadow on the sun
A light to find my way
I hope tomorrow comes today
And I will be the one
A shadow on the sun
A light to find a way
Because tomorrow comes today
I hope tomorrow comes today
I hope tomorrow comes today
All my buddies that I grew up with
Got a wife, a job, a mortgage
And a couple of kids
Well on their way to that life uptown
And I'm trying like hell
Just to settle down
I wanna be a good man
I wanna do the right thing
I wanna do a damn good job
And earn my keep
But I slip sometimes
I trip sometimes
And the devil gets ahold of me
I don't blame you
If you can't stay
No woman ought to have to live this way
Wondering when the man will come around
While he's out there
Trying just to settle down
I wanna be a good man
I wanna do the right thing
I wanna do a damn good job
And earn my keep
But I slip sometimes
I trip sometimes
And the devil gets ahold of me
A wild river runs inside every man
And he does his very best
To try to build a dam
But something that he's looking for
And hasn't found
Makes it hard as hell
To ever settle down
Oh, I'm trying like hell
Just to settle down