The Master Chief: Part One (2023) Movie Script

You sure we're going
the right way?
I think so.
Why don't we use
our cell phones?
He said no cell phones.
How will we know
we're going the right way?
Let's just keep
going straight, man.
Maybe it's around
the corner or something.
What are you doing?
Buying us insurance.
Have a seat.
If you don't mind me asking...
how much do they pay you?
Not much.
Well, let's say
they pay you 30K,
40K tops.
You think
America cares about you?
Do you think
you mean a thing to the Navy?
They don't give
a shit about you.
You're not even an American.
You're Filipino.
You're a pawn.
You have the hard drive?
Top secret military technology,
advanced radar detectors,
submarine technology, I've...
I've got it.
Alright. Good.
Hand it over.
So, um...
what kinda partnership
are we talking about here?
How much are you looking to get?
I'm just looking for
a good win-win.
Whatever you think is fair.
I like the way
you do business.
You don't come off
as a greedy guy.
See, if more sailors
were like you...
they live happy lives.
Hey, boss, we got a problem.
Yeah. What is it?
There's nothing
on this hard drive.
Seems like we've got
a slight problem here, Gabe.
Whoa, whoa. Hold up, hold up.
I joined the Navy
to live a better life.
I never thought
my life would end so soon.
It was an accident, all right?
I-I brought two just in case.
I just, you know,
I hid it somewhere.
All right.
Keep the other guy here.
No funny business.
You mess up,
I blow his brains out.
Oh, shit!
Where the fuck is it? Fuck!
Usually when
you hear that sound,
it's nighty-night.
It ends with a bullet
straight through your skull
and no one survives that.
Growing up I'd hear it
in hip hop songs
and thought it was a badass.
It's a different story
when the gun is pointed at you.
They say your
life flashes before you
right before you die.
Not true.
The only thing
going through my mind was,
where the hell did I put
that damn hard drive?
-Permission to come aboard.
-Permission granted.
Welcome aboard.
You're assigned
to logistics department.
LS3 Madden
will take you there now.
Welcome aboard. Follow me.
LS1 Abalos,
I'd like to introduce you
to LSSN Rosario.
He'll be your new apprentice.
-Thanks so much.
-I'll be right back.
-Uh, yes.
An ugly coconut.
Brown on the outside.
White on the inside.
Just pay attention
to everything I say
so that you're brown
all the way around.
Now, grab a clipboard
and learn fast.
You see all this stuff in here?
We're in charge of it all.
Someone needs a gear, we got it.
Someone needs their mail,
we got it.
Remember this.
No one messes with us
'cause we're the supply guys.
They mess with the supply,
they may just get a delay
on their care packages.
Why would somebody mess with us?
You'll see why.
This isn't anything you learn
in school or the real world.
This is survival.
You'll see
what I mean when we get ready
to go on your deployment.
It's all happening so fast.
Well, get used to it because
we're only as strong
as our weakest team member.
And trust me, you don't wanna
be the weakest team member.
Madden is always making sure
to have our bags.
People do some shady things
around the ship
and it is in our best interest
to protect this inventory.
If something ends up missing
and it's in your area,
that's your ass on the line.
Roger that.
So, where are you from?
I'm from Stockton.
Where the hell is that?
It's like a small city/town
right outside of Sacramento.
Kinda like a farm town.
-You're a farm boy.
-Not really.
You married? Single?
Hey, we better
watch out for this guy.
We don't want him
going head over heels
for every woman
he meets overseas.
Set your things there
in the locker and let's begin.
Boat boo?
Fan room. 13:30.
Be there.
Hey, what's up
with this new guy?
Get outta here.
You never brought back
those extra sponges.
And no, this guy's off limits.
He's a good kid.
What'd she say?
Something about a boat boo.
Oh, no. You don't want that.
What's that?
Did she tell you a time?
The fan room.
And lemme tell you your first
lesson here on the ship.
What happens here, stays here.
You got it?
Now get back to work.
Coconut coming through, guys.
Nice to meet you, Coconut.
I'm Romi.
I take care
of all the cooks here.
Although you're a coconut,
you're still family.
Thank you.
Hey, you gonna hook me up too?
Uh, if you pass me your plate
I'll take care of you
right away.
Nah, it's cool.
I know how you Filipinos
are helping each other out.
That's Filipino mafia.
That's the first time
I heard the term
"Filipino mafia."
I thought
we were nerds in the Navy.
Growing up,
I never saw a badass Filipino
in all those Navy commercials.
So I just thought, you know,
we were the ones
in the back programming
computers or something.
So, hearing Filipino and mafia
in the same sentence,
now that was different.
I guess it just made the Navy
a little more interesting to
Filipino mafia?
That's what they call
all Filipinos in the Navy.
'Cause we're organized
and resourceful.
- Really.
- Exactly.
Other people in this ship
have differentiations
and they all have their value.
But when it comes
to food and supplies,
we pretty much run the ship.
You the new guy, right?
Rosario, yeah.
Everything good?
Yeah, everything's good.
Oh, where's the fan?
Oh, it's about that time, huh?
Is this some sort of hazing?
Am I gonna get jumped?
I don't wanna say much,
but I can't promise
you won't get hurt.
I mean...
do I gotta go?
You don't have to go,
but you do have to
keep it a secret.
This is a trust exercise.
Why is this all so secretive?
You'll see what I mean
when you get there.
How do I get there?
I can't believe
that just happened.
You better get yourself checked.
You think you're the only one?
Boat boos
aren't supposed to be serious,
so don't go falling in love.
What you and your boat boo do
is between the both of you.
Don't let it affect your work.
Okay, make sure
to finish this inventory list.
Hey, how was your first day,
Pretty good.
I learned what a "boat boo" was.
It's safe to say he is getting
seasoned pretty quickly.
Is he coming to the meetings?
No, he's not ready yet.
All right,
I'll see you tomorrow.
I've gotta handle a few things.
Attention to all sailors.
This is your Captain.
Wanna congratulate you...
-Two hundred dollars...
-The plug is messed up, bro.
Oh, man, you gotta fix this.
It's gotta go through the top.
-What's up, man?
-What's going on, bro?
How you doing, man?
Everything good, man?
-Pretty good.
-Glad you made the trip.
How was the trip?
It was pretty good, man.
I just-- This Navy life,
you know, getting used to it.
If you need anything,
we got you.
This is my roommate,
Mark, right here.
-Thanks. What's up, dog?
-Yeah, bro.
-Um, your room's upstairs.
Everything is all set up.
We set it up for you earlier.
Oh. Thank you.
Make yourself feel at home,
-Appreciate it, bro. Thank you.
Sounds good.
Okay, let's go.
That ain't close enough.
Let's go.
-Be nice, bro. Come on, bro.
-It's Amazon Prime. $20.
-Okay, well, shit.
Hey, Mom.
How are you?
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks, Mom.
You are a big sailor now.
You are going
to travel the world
and make a lot of money.
I hope so.
When are you going to
find a girlfriend
and settle down?
I think I met someone.
She's a coworker.
Don't date anyone from work.
It might be too late, Mom.
I-- I think she kinda likes me.
whatever you feel is best.
Don't be too serious.
You pull too easily.
I'll be all right.
I'll be there next week
to pick up my boxing gloves.
Will you be bringing
your new girlfriend?
I hope so.
Make sure you bring her!
I want to meet this
future daughter-in-Law.
We'll see.
-Take care.
-Sounds good.
Love you.
Love you too.
All right.
Here are those
wine glasses for you.
I hope you're
enjoying everything
-at Tara's this evening.
-Thank you.
Okay, is there anything else
I can get for you?
Everything is great.
Good. All right. Enjoy.
Now this is better
than the fan room.
What's wrong with the fan room?
I love the fan room.
Don't get me wrong.
I just-- I wanna set some rules.
are we boyfriend-girlfriend?
Are we exclusive?
I don't know.
I want a serious
relationship here.
You know, wifey material.
Wifey material? You're funny.
How am I funny?
How about this?
What do you wanna do?
Because most men want one thing.
And some woman too.
So we use the term
"boat boo" to...
create that bond.
No emotional ties,
just business.
But you want something
more serious...
I can be serious.
Is that a trick question?
You want a tricky answer?
Then what do you want?
I want it to just be me and you.
You know,
candlelight dinners, sunsets.
So are you asking me
to be your girlfriend?
All right.
So you're down
to meet my mom, right?
Sure. I'd love to meet her.
Now let's go back to your place.
Come on! Come on.
We're winning money today, baby.
-We're winning money today.
-I don't know.
Hey, uh, you-- you guys
wanna watch TV with us?
Oh, actually, we're good.
We're gonna go upstairs.
Thanks, though.
-Let's go.
Oh, hold on. Hold on.
Can-- can we just take a second
to get to know each other
a little better?
Like, I feel like
I barely know you.
I don't know.
I just wanna get to know
your goals, your dreams.
You sound like my parents.
I don't know.
I just-- I mean it.
I wanna get to know you.
Don't you wanna do it?
Of course. I mean, I-- I do.
Can we do it later?
Like, I just--
I wanna know who you are inside,
that's all.
Do you wanna play
a-- a board game?
Attention on deck.
At ease.
This is my daughter Kate.
I'm trying to convince her
to join the Navy.
But as you could tell,
she's not very convinced.
I'm sure you'd make
a great officer,
or perhaps even
a captain like your dad.
Oh, thanks.
Um, you know, your dad makes
sure to always look out for us,
and I'm really blessed
to be a part of a good team.
If y'all wouldn't mind,
I have to handle
something real quick.
Yes, Captain.
We're getting closer
to our deployment.
How's everything looking?
Everything's on track, Captain.
The biggest concern
we have right now
is this illegal arms dealer.
Which one are
we talking about here?
Tony Bancroft.
He's responsible
for brainwashing our sailors
at every port that we enter.
They still
haven't caught this guy yet.
No, unfortunately,
we haven't yet.
He's out there somewhere
trying to lure in our sailors
with prostitutes,
drugs, and money.
Do we know his exact location?
We're still working on that,
Last we heard, he was in
the jungle region of Vietnam
trying to get intel
in exchange for money.
How much money we talking here?
Hundreds of thousands.
And maybe he's luring them in
with other things.
Drugs, BANs, Zumals, Nars.
-You name it.
we better catch
this son of a bitch
before things get worse.
Yes, Captain.
You finished cleaning it all up?
Almost done.
Doing that for
the last five hours.
It's a lot to clean up.
Listen, Fernandez,
I don't know how you got stuff
done in the Philippines,
but if you wanna make it
here in America,
you gotta work like an American.
Or even a Mexican.
You can't keep doing stuff
on Filipino time.
Showing up to work late,
getting the job done late.
This is military time.
Now get outta here before I send
you back to the Philippines.
You don't have to
talk to me that way!
What'd you say?
-What'd you say?
Say it again.
You're not higher than me.
We're the same rank,
the same job.
It's your responsibility--
You're talking? Huh?
All right, guys, that's enough.
We're at war here!
Hey, ease up on him.
All right, guys, that's enough.
Hey, ease up on him!
He's had enough!
Let him go!
Get up, Fernandez.
Yo, he-- he-- he's dead.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Yo, check his pulse!
Oh, man.
Here comes trouble.
Did you guys hear what happened?
Fernandez is dead.
What happened?
He-- he got to a fight
with Gibbs and Tate.
Tate choked him to death.
That's crazy.
Fernandez was a quiet guy
who never gets into trouble.
I know, that's
why everyone's tripping out.
What does this mean, then?
I don't know.
But we'll find out later.
God rest his soul.
He was such a good guy.
Master Chief's gonna talk
about this evil at the meeting.
All right, I'll see you later.
He's coming, right?
No, he's not ready.
Okay. Be careful around here.
You can never be too safe.
What's he talking about?
About Fernandez?
What about the meeting
and if I'm ready.
No, that was nothing.
Didn't sound like nothing.
Relax, Coconut.
You're still a rookie now you
wanna know everything going on.
If I feel like you're ready,
that's when I let you know.
Where's my stuff?
Oh, sorry.
I am gonna head out now.
Good work today.
Finish up here
and I'll see you tomorrow.
-All right, see you tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.
I am gonna be
heading out as well.
-I'll see you tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow.
Master Chief.
Good to see you.
Who invited you?
Abalos is a good sailor.
Keep in mind that
anyone can attend our meetings,
but not everyone does.
Why not?
Most sailors
want to get drunk and party.
Many are called,
but if you have
the visions of true mastery.
When you enter that door,
just know you are here to help
your fellow sailor rise.
So we're only as strong
as our weakest sailor.
because I keep ripping it.
How do you compare this
to Red Bull and Monsters?
-Full house.
Full house, on me.
Uh, all right, all right.
I got money all day.
All right,
everybody settle down.
We're going to begin
this meeting.
Today's a tragic day for us.
We lost a good sailor.
A man of God.
A brother.
Jay Fernandez showed us
what meant to live
the American dream.
He came from the Philippines...
and work really hard to send
paychecks back to his family.
we pay our respect
to our fellow brother...
and honor him.
And so I ask you all
to bow your head.
Say-- say a little prayer.
Dear Lord.
Please take care of our fellow
brother, Jay Fernandez.
Please welcome him
into your kingdom.
And please
watch over his family.
We pray that
you bring the people
responsible for this to justice.
And now I would like
to call and welcome
Master Chief Tabalon
on the floor.
Thank you for that prayer.
I appreciate
the last word you said.
It burns inside of me
and inside of all of us today.
The two sailors responsible
for Fernandez's death...
will have to
deal with what they did.
Who would've thought
a simple argument would lead
to the death of one
of our Filipino brothers?
I know for sure
that if one of us was standing
beside him
at the time of the incident...
we've had made sure he would
still be alive here today.
But what this means now
is that we must set the example.
And how do we do that?
We rise in rank.
But remember...
if a fellow sailor spits at you
or provoke you,
the best revenge is success.
We are where we are today
not because we fought back,
but because we rose in power.
You can lose the battle
and still win the war.
We are all examples
of winning that war.
by example.
Sorry, I-- I'll clean it up.
Who invited you, shipmate?
I invited myself.
You're the new
sailor from the stock team.
Rule number one.
I'm sorry I lied.
I just wanted to see
what was going on.
Now you see it. Now you'll go.
I'm so sorry, Master Chief.
Don't you ever lie
to me again, Coconut.
Trust is something earned,
not given.
Hey, Dad. Doing okay?
We lost a good sailor today.
Wait. Wait, what?
It happened on my ship.
I'm responsible
for the lives of my men.
If I can't even
protect us now...
imagine out there.
No, it's--
it's not your fault, Dad, okay?
You can't keep blaming yourself
for other people's problems.
You blamed yourself for...
for Mom's death and--
and now these men,
but people have choices.
But we influence those choices.
I should have done more.
In the end,
their problems are my problems.
Okay, well, for one,
you should start
by not drinking
those problems away.
You got this.
I love you.
Hey, Gibbs,
You're gonna pay
for what you did.
-Oh, yeah? How so?
-With this.
Stop, Abalos!
What's going on?
Was this your plan?
To beat them up one by one?
Someone has to stand up to them.
Stand up for what?
It wasn't him
who killed Fernandez.
-But he was there.
And he chose to do nothing.
I heard he was the one
who started it.
I think we should
stay out of it.
What do you think?
I-- I don't know.
Well, you better redeem yourself
and earn your spot
in the meetings.
You know
what's going on around here.
And if you choose
to just stand there,
you'll never be in.
Remember, these are the people
you'll be living with...
eating with...
sleeping with.
And if you're not too careful,
you might just end up
like Fernandez.
We look out
for each other in here.
I need to know
you've got my back,
because that was me standing up
for Fernandez back there.
I need to know
you'll stand up for us too
when it's time.
What you men have displayed...
is not a reflection
of the core values of the Navy.
The end result
is a fellow sailor dying.
It's an embarrassment.
It's a tragedy.
There will be punishment
and justice to be served.
Gibbs, you have been demoted
and will be serving six months
of restrictions without pay.
you have been terminated
and will be serving
your sentence in federal prison
for killing Jay Fernandez.
Can you believe
they got me working with no pay?
This is my fault.
It is what it is.
Just finish your time
and you good.
At least you didn't go to jail.
I tried to save him.
Just let it go.
Do your time and then everything
will be back to normal.
It ain't fair.
Life ain't fair. Just ask Tate.
Do you think
I should have done something?
No, you did the right thing.
Why the hell
is he pissed off then?
I don't know.
There's so much going on
in the ship right now.
He's probably just stressed.
He wants me to prove myself.
This isn't prison.
Like, what
does he want me to do?
Shank somebody?
That's not how you earn respect.
You get respect by making deals,
or-- or finding a good win-win.
So make a deal.
I'm so proud of Gabe.
He's serving on
the USS Leo Port Albea.
Gabe! Oh!
Look at you!
Oh, who is this
beautiful woman here?
Mom, this is Celeste.
Celeste Reyes.
We met on the ship.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, ma'am.
Nice to meet you.
Come in. Come in.
Thanks, Mom.
- Sorry.
- Oh, she's asking if
you know how to speak Tagalog.
Oh, um, sorry, I don't.
At least, uh, Gabe understands.
But he doesn't speak as well.
Why don't you speak Tagalog?
my-- my family never taught me.
Then you must learn.
What kind of Filipino
doesn't speak our native tongue?
Mom, I'll teach her Tagalog.
Yes, Gabe will teach me.
Everything okay?
Yeah. It's fine.
Can you cook?
Uh, no.
We go mostly to restaurants.
Is everything okay?
What is she saying?
Yeah, she's just saying
how she appreciates you so much.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
How do you say
"thank you" in Tagalog?
Oh, uh, salamat.
-I guess it's time to go.
What did I say?
Did I offend her?
It's not your fault.
It's just that
you didn't know Tagalog.
She's mad at me
because I don't speak Tagalog?
She's very traditional.
How could I make it better?
Just don't worry about it. Okay?
We gotta focus
on this upcoming deployment.
-Attention on deck!
-Carry on.
Sure it goes without saying,
this Fernandez situation,
it's not a good look.
We need to address it.
Today I'll be going
to every department...
to make sure these sailors...
they understand that
we are all in this together.
Respect for your fellow sailor.
That's top priority.
If we don't do that
when we go on deployment...
we're gonna have
some serious problems.
Yes, sir.
I'll relay the message.
Attention on deck!
Carry on.
I'm sure you've heard about the
passing of our fellow sailor.
I wanted to go around
every department today...
ensuring that
the safety and trust...
is always top priority.
If you have any questions
or need someone to talk to,
just know we have the resources
to provide that to you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, Captain.
I need to meet
with the Chow Boss.
Yeah, let me go get him.
-You want some food?
-I'm good, thank you.
What's going on, Abalos?
Gilly gilly. Gotcha.
-You sure you can get all that?
-Yeah, I'll take care of it.
Once you assemble it all,
let us know.
Hey. Is it true?
Y'all get to do
whatever you want down there?
Nah, those are just rumors.
We're having serious meetings
about making improvements
on the ship.
Sure. Whatever you say.
It's open to everyone.
Then why doesn't anybody
ever wanna go down there?
Made everything
you asked for on the list.
Hope you like it.
It's perfect.
You sure you not half Filipino?
Just from the waist down.
So you're saying it's big,
Big like the barrel, man.
Make sure they can
eat this in the galley.
Sure. Easy thing. I got you.
Just repurpose a few ingredients
here and there and bam!
-Gilly gilly.
-Thank you.
What do you want, Coconut?
Got a gift for Master Chief.
If there's anything I know
Filipinos like it's boxing.
I'll take on any of your guys.
If I win, I earn my respect.
If I lose, you guys
never have to see me again.
You really did it now.
Everybody will be talking
about you tomorrow for sure.
I hope
you can really fight, man.
'Cause I'm sure they're gonna
put you up against a killer.
I got this.
Let's go.
We have
a true spectacle here tonight.
Rosario is challenging Alagar...
to a fight.
If Gabe wins...
he gains his respect.
If he loses...
he'll be the laughingstock
of the ship.
- Get him!
- Fight!
Yeah, you got this!
Come on, come on.
Get him. Get him. Get him.
-Come on, let's go!
-Get him. Get him.
That's right.
All right, all right,
come on, come on.
Go, go, get him,
get him, get him.
Hey, right there, right there.
Yes, yes.
Come on, come on.
You don't earn respect
using your fist.
You get it by showing integrity.
Sure, you won tonight.
But one thing
you still lack is wisdom.
I'll allow you to enter
the meetings just like anyone.
But to earn a spot...
that's different.
Hey, Gibbs, you have been
properly relieved
from your restrictions.
Your pay has been restored.
Thank you.
Relax, I just wanna talk.
I don't really
talk with your people,
but I wanna
set the record straight.
What happened with Fernandez
was an accident.
Why are you
telling me this, man?
So you can tell your people.
I don't want
the wrong information
going around out there.
Why don't you
just tell them yourself?
What do you mean?
I'll invite you
to one of the meetings,
you go up there,
and you set the record straight.
And if everyone decides
to jump me right then and there?
I'll make sure nobody jumps you.
How you gonna make sure?
You ain't got no power in there.
I will after this meeting.
You gotta put in your dues.
It will take forever.
-You learned anything yet?
-Yes, Master Chief.
I'm learning every day
about the Navy life.
Like what?
Here's your next lesson.
There's always opportunities
for advancement around you.
All you have to do is
be willing to do more.
Yes, Master Chief.
Most of the supplies
are already being taken care of.
All the people
in my area are doing their job.
There's no one
I have to replace.
How's everything
in your division?
We could use a little help
with additional resources.
Resources? How much do you need?
Same shipment as last time.
-All right.
-Permission to speak, Chief.
Food supplies are good,
but there's a guy in the kitchen
giving us trouble.
We're suffering through
the workload already, Chief.
Don't worry,
just give me his name,
and I'll make sure he's gone.
By the way,
where's your ranks, shipmate?
Sorry, Chief.
Now, the most
important part of the day,
the news about
the illegal arms dealer.
We received information
about Tony Bancroft.
The arms dealer
that has been bribing sailors
in exchange for information.
Turns out he may be somewhere
in the jungles of Thailand.
Do we know which part
of the jungle, Master Chief?
They don't know where.
There's a lot of jungle though.
He could be anywhere,
Master Chief.
If anyone
has information on this guy
or his specific whereabouts,
make sure to let one of us know.
Now, if there's anything
left to discuss,
I'd like
to open it to the floor.
All right, that will conclude--
I have something to say,
Master Chief.
This better be good.
Well, Master Chief, I believe
that by having
a more diversified circle here,
we could strengthen
our relationships,
and get our jobs done
more efficiently.
With the recent incident
with Jay Fernandez's death,
I wanted to shine
some light on the overall story.
We lost
a good sailor, Fernandez.
And the other sailor
that took his life,
he's serving his sentence.
So, that leaves us
with the only sailor
that was there
during the incident.
I wanted to bring him here
to set the record straight.
Thank you.
First of all, I wanna apologize
for what happened that day.
I worked with Fernandez.
He was a good sailor.
Sure, we got into it
here and there,
but that's what
the life of a sailor
consists of sometimes.
Working through challenges
when they present themselves.
What happened that day started
off as a simple argument,
which led
to Tate losing control,
and attacking Fernandez
who was just defending himself.
It wasn't two against one.
They went at it.
I've been in fights before
where we remove our ranks,
and get after it
to settle it one on one.
And then,
after that, we squash it.
I never would've thought
Fernandez would die that day.
Otherwise, I would've
done more to prevent it.
I'll make sure to relate that
to the Fernandez family.
Is there anything else
you would like to share?
No, Master Chief.
With that, we will conclude
our meeting for tonight.
-Thank you.
-Yes, Master Chief.
Oh, okay, okay.
You see this one?
Royal ,
hot tub, luxury pool.
Oh, man, they got
the spa, the massages.
-It has the happy endings.
-Yes, sir.
What are you guys doing?
Booking a hotel room.
Is that what
everyone else is doing?
- Yeah, most likely.
- What for?
We're pulling into Thailand.
It's time to party.
- Oh, liberty.
- Yes, sir.
We've been cooped up
on this boat for too damn long.
Time to see the world.
That's the
main reason we signed up.
Yo, check
this one out right here.
Ooh, look
at these baddies, two for one.
-Happy ending.
-Oh, yeah, yeah.
We gonna
use your card on that one.
Okay, that's fine.
The thing about deployment
is that you constantly
live, breathe, sleep and eat
with other sailors on the ship.
There's no,
"I'm calling in sick today."
It's all about the mission.
If we were at war,
you can't just go,
"All right, guys,
it's 5:00 p.m.,
I'm gonna go grab a drink."
We're all in this together,
and we're only as strong
as our weakest link.
I signed up for this job
to change my life,
and so far, it's changing.
I hope one day,
I'll be a good leader.
But in order to be
a good leader,
you've gotta be a good
Thanks, come by anytime.
What the fuck is going on?
- We were just--
- Just what?
Doing inventory? That's my girl.
I didn't know.
-I wasn't just your girl, okay?
We were boat boos
until you wanted
to get all serious,
and take me to meet your mom.
I thought
you wanted to be my girl.
I did-- I mean, I do.
You know what? We're done.
You should know better.
I don't go to your wife's house
and start banging her.
I'm single.
You know what I'm trying to say.
You know what? I'm out of here.
Fuck both of y'all.
Rosario, hold up.
Look, I'm sorry man.
I didn't know
she was your boat boo.
It's none of our fault.
She wasn't yours
and she wasn't mine, right?
So, it is what it is.
If you still
wanna be upset, that's on you.
All I know is a whole bunch
of single women in this country.
We don't got time
to be mad over this.
So, what are we gonna do?
Man up, drink some whiskey
or be butthurt all day?
It's our first night here
after a long deployment.
Any good bars you can recommend?
Plenty here,
plenty of good vibes
and beautiful women.
All right,
take us to the closest spot.
You good?
Yeah, I'm good, just still
thinking about it, is all.
Think about it all you want.
I know what I'm thinking about.
That's who I'm gonna be
taking home with me tonight.
-I wanted to thank you.
-For what?
If it wasn't for you,
I'd be still
be clean bathroom floors,
and not get my full pay.
It was your guys
that helped reinstate my pay?
Not sure.
I'm sure it was your guys.
I guess we'll never know.
So, you gonna get
some ladies tonight or what?
Actually, I'll let you
stay here and do your thing.
I'm gonna go
next door to Kin Len.
I'll catch you later.
Hi, welcome to Kin Len.
Is this your first time here?
-Uh, yes.
-What are we celebrating?
Oh, getting cheated on.
Oh, well, I guess,
that's gonna require a drink.
-What are we having?
-I'll take the house special.
Coming right up.
-Here you go.
-What are you celebrating, man?
-Oh, uh, nothing really.
I just-- I work on a ship.
Hey, I worked with sailors
as a defense contractor.
Oh, really?
Yeah, I'm in the Navy.
-That's crazy.
-Oh, I've done business
-with the Navy too.
-What do you do?
You probably
make a lot of good money.
Enough for another
round of drinks.
-Thanks. Okay. I'm-- I'm Gabe.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you, man.
Is this, uh--
is this your woman?
No, this is my friend Mikayla.
She moved here a few years ago
to help expand our company.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you as well.
How are you liking Thailand?
I'm liking it now.
-Where are you from?
-I've never heard of Stockton.
-It's near San Francisco.
Like a farmer's town.
Bunch of Filipinos out there.
led to the creation of me.
-You're Filipino?
My roommate in college
was Filipino
and she would always cook
good food.
Sisig, lumpia, kare kare.
Well, um,
if you guys show me around town,
I can make you
some really good Filipino food.
All right, Gabe.
Well, it was nice meeting you.
-But, uh--
-Me too.
Better get going.
Uh, you're heading out?
But you're coming with me,
You said you could cook
good Filipino food.
Good morning.
Good morning.
How do you say it in Filipino?
In Tagalog we say,
"magandang umaga."
Magandang umaga?
See, I told you
I'd teach you Tagalog.
Well, I hope you'll teach me
a lot more than that
because I've got front row seats
to a cooking show.
We're definitely
not doing that today.
No, you said.
All right.
All right.
Based on these ingredients...
I think we can make
something good.
And you clean
your fridge very nicely.
-I love it.
-Thank you.
All right.
Oh, God.
Ms. Mikayla,
I give you the world-famous...
kare kare.
Hm. Wow.
It's really good.
-You did a good job.
So, is the saying true?
Now, go get changed.
I wanna show you
around the city.
All right.
-I wanted to ask you something.
I don't know
how dating's like here, but...
I believe in dating
one person at a time.
I don't know
if you wanted to be exclusive,
or if you--
You think that
I would ever date someone else
after being with you?
Some people are crazy like that.
Well, you don't have
to worry about me.
I'm different.
And if you want this
to be exclusive,
you have to ask me first.
Ask what?
will you be my girlfriend?
Mikayla was different
from any girl I'd ever met.
There was a way
she would just smile at me
that would send
chills through my body.
I know I just got out
of a relationship,
but after meeting Mikayla,
it was like no other woman
existed before her.
I wish I didn't have to go
to work tomorrow.
Well, maybe you don't have to.
She gave me
that warm feeling that
I could go to war
and come back to a woman
who would take good care of me.
Well, then, let me enjoy
this time with you while I can.
I'm sorry.
I messed up, okay?
I'm not seeing him anymore.
You should have thought
about that
-before you hooked up with him.
I said I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry too.
Because I found someone else.
What? You--
Yeah, right. That fast?
No, he's not lying.
Here's a photo that I took
of him and his girl at the bar.
You were there?
Yeah, I was in the back.
Well, I hope you two
live a happy life together.
-Gibbs was there too.
-What the hell?
Well, I hope you all have
one happy threesome.
-Thanks, bro.
-Got your back.
I see that
everyone's well-rested
from their weekend
here in Thailand.
We have new faces
in the room and, uh...
that's always a good thing.
I only have
one item to discuss today.
The location of Tony Bancroft
has now been narrowed down
to the southern jungle region
of Thailand.
If any one of you
have connections
or resources there...
now's the time to tap in and
figure out
where this criminal is.
Chances are...
you might know someone
that knows someone
tied to this criminal.
Let's take this guy down.
Meeting adjoined.
can you help me with the chairs?
The Tony guy
is something else, huh?
I wonder if it's really
that hard to bring down.
I bet we could
probably take him.
I bet we could.
That was a joke.
No, it's the truth.
It's not like
anyone in these meetings
is doing
something about it anyway.
Gabe, relax.
We're logistics specialist,
not Navy Seals.
Who says you gotta be a Seal?
I mean, it's--
it's time someone
grew some balls around here
and went on a real mission
to take down a real bad guy.
You and I are gonna always be
in the store room.
We're not trained for combat.
You're home. Oh.
I thought you'd be in uniform.
I could put it on if you want.
You worked with Caleb
on cybersecurity, right?
Well, I mostly did
all the logistics
and he onboarded the clients.
Why? What's going on?
Do you think you'd hit him up?
I think
I gotta ask him for a favor.
Gabe, so good
to see you again, buddy.
-Hey. Good to see you too.
-Look at you two.
Wow, that was fast.
When you know, you know.
Glad I said something
at the bar then.
So, what's up?
Remember when you told me
at the bar
that you had access
to defense contractors?
You also said you had
connections in cybersecurity.
I'm trying to track down
a guy named Tony Bancroft.
He's an illegal arms dealer.
You ever heard of him?
I've heard of that name before.
I believe
he's super secretive, though.
Operates in the underworld.
Reason why I ask
is because I got a proposal.
I've got access to top secret
military technology
and I could place it
on a hard drive
-and I wanna give it to him.
Gabe, that's illegal.
Are you sure you wanna do this?
You could go to jail
for a really long time.
these are some serious people
you do not wanna mess with.
Hi, can I get you anything
while you're waiting?
-Oh, I'm good, thank you.
-All right.
Well, just let me know
if you need anything.
Oh, thanks for meeting with me,
Master Chief.
This better be good.
Would you like
something to drink?
Uh, two old fashioneds, please.
Coming right up.
So, what's going on?
I have a connection
to Tony Bancroft.
First of all,
how credible is your source?
Very credible.
-I know who manages--
-You know this for sure?
And I even came up
with a plan to give him--
Why are you so driven
to do this?
Because I wanna be
where you are.
And I know
that in order to get there,
it takes a bold move.
You are not
a special forces operator.
You are not a Navy Seal.
And I'm willing
to go through that sacrifice
for the sake of the mission.
I have nothing to lose.
One thing
about you young sailors
is that you don't ever think.
You think the captain would
approve of a mission like this?
That's a risk
I'm willing to take.
You're being a smartass?
I shouldn't even be here
discussing this matter, okay?
Pick and choose your moves
Because when you deal with these
criminals the wrong way...
they don't just come after you.
They come after
your entire family.
the little girlfriend of yours.
How'd it go?
He's not gonna help me out.
What? So, what are you gonna do?
I don't know.
So, I guess it's over then.
No, I'm still gonna do it.
That's crazy.
Can't you get arrested?
If I pull this off,
-I won't get arrested.
-Pull it off?
You're gonna
get yourself killed.
You're not going
on this mission, this is crazy.
What's that?
It's from Caleb.
Well, if it ain't the guy
who stole my girl.
What's going on?
You can keep painting that wall
if you want to.
Or you could join me
on a secret mission.
Secret mission?
What is it?
There's a catch.
We're gonna have to go AWOL.
And there's a slight chance
that if we fail,
we could get killed.
We're gonna be each other's eyes
and ears out there.
So, we gotta look out
for each other.
Where is Rosario?
No idea, Master Chief.
Think we can pull this off?
Not sure, but we're here.
You're not scared?
I'm scared shitless.
But courage is moving
even when you're scared.
Shaping up to be a good sailor.
Have a seat.
If you don't mind me asking...
how much do they pay you?
Not much.
Let's say
they pay you 30K, 40K tops.
You think
America cares about you?
Do you think
you mean a thing to the Navy?
They don't give a shit
about you.
You're not even American.
You're Filipino.
You're a pawn.
You have the hard drive?
Top secret military technology,
advanced radar detectors,
submarine technology,
I've-- I've got it.
All right, good.
Hand it over.
So, um...
what kind of partnership
we're talking about here?
How much you're looking to get?
I'm just looking
for a good win-win.
Whatever you think is fair.
I like
the way you do business.
You don't come off as a...
greedy guy.
See, if more sailors
were like you,
they'd live happy lives.
Hey, boss, we got a problem.
Yeah? What is it?
There's nothing
on this hard drive.
Seems like we've got
a slight problem here, Gabe.
Whoa, whoa. Hold up, hold up.
It was an accident, all right?
I-- I brought two just in case.
I just, you know,
I hid it somewhere.
All right.
Keep the other guy here.
No funny business.
You mess up,
I'll blow his brains out.
How about that chair?
Oh, shit! Where the fuck is it?
Special message
from the boss.
You really messed up, Coconut.
My team and I are here
to extract Gibbs.
We're gonna secure the area.
Take out Tony.
Wait for extraction.
Two click south.
You know
we were on our way to the desert
when we had
to come save your ass.
How are you holding up?
I'm doing all right.
We managed
to secure this laptop.
Gibbs is safe.
Captain O'Neill
wants to see you up top.
What happened to Tony?
He got away.
If it wasn't for
Master Chief Tabalon
providing us the coordinates...
we wouldn't be able
to rescue you out there.
What you displayed...
is a mixture
of stupidity and bravery.
Going AWOL
has major consequences.
But obtaining
a laptop with intel...
on Tony Bancroft's
trade routes and associates
is extremely valuable.
For now,
you have a close watch on you.
And if it happens again,
which I'm sure it won't,
I may not be as lenient.
we honor one of our own.
A sailor who stood up
in the face of danger
by risking his life.
A sailor...
who started as a storekeeper...
and now, a warrior.
We're only as strong
as our weakest link.
And tonight...
our weakest link has proven...
to be stronger.
Attention on deck!
At ease.
Please, have a seat.
As a captain for many years,
you tend to know
every part of your ship...
and what's happening
at all times.
I came down here tonight to pay
respect to a brave sailor
who decided to take matters
into his own hands.
I'll leave you all
to continue discussing matters
that will empower the Navy here
for the years to come.
Captain, uh, before you go.
A gift from us.
Please, come by anytime.
Thank you.
I'll make sure to stop by
from time to time.
It's Tony Bancroft.
This is Captain O'Neill.
Nice try, Captain,
but you failed.
We have a laptop
filled with information
and I'm sure
your business associates
will be very upset.
Well, then
I'll just get new clients.
I'm not concerned about money.
I'll just keep making
more of it.
Because there's always
gonna be a need for what I do.
And there's always
gonna be a need for what I do.
I'll tell you what,
how about you turn yourself in,
so that you can get
that reduced sentence?
All right.
I'll turn myself in,
on one condition.
Bring back my laptop
and send over that same sailor
that brought over
the fake hard drives.
I want the real ones this time.
Just know
that as long as your sailors
are out there getting wasted,
I will personally make sure
they wind up back
at the ship in body bags.
And all that blood
will be on your hands.
So between here and here
is where we tracked them mostly.
Right over here is heavy jungle.
It would not surprise us
if we can find him in the south.
Did we track where the SAT phone
was coming from?
No, not yet, Captain.
We're still working on it.
I want you to find this guy.
Do whatever it takes
to take him down.
Nobody threatens
the life of my sailors.
Yes, sir.
I'll go.
What? Are you crazy?
If it wasn't for Abalos
tracking you, you'd be dead.
You are not a Seal.
You are just a storekeeper.
What do we do then?
Let him start
killing our sailors?
You want to make real change?
Rise in rank, sailor.
Right now,
you don't have the power
to make these decisions.
Well, at least
I have the power to fight.
I'm not all talk like
the rest of the Filipino mafia.
Easy, sailor.
You are walking a very fine line
between disrespect and demotion.
Unless you want to spend
the rest of this deployment
in Captain's masts,
you will get yourself in check.
The only mission
you'll be focused on
is making sure that storeroom
is fully supplied.
If we don't do anything,
more sailors' lives
will be lost.
Enough, Coconut!
You're a low-ranking sailor.
A rookie.
You see this?
It means respect!
I need a favor.
Mikayla? Mikayla!
Oh, shit.
-Are you okay?
-Oh, thank God you're here.
-I'm sorry.
-For what?
Sorry, Gabe.
I thought you were smart enough
to put the pieces together,
but, um...
I guess
you're like every other sailor
that meets a girl at a bar...
fall head over heels.
And out of all the women
out there, my daughter.
Oh, well.
Shame on me this time
for falling for it twice
but, uh...
put him out of his misery.
Mikayla, wait.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, please, wait.
Hold up, okay?
Come on, hurry up.
We got a flight to catch.
Shoot him, you've done this
plenty of times.
I can't.
Oh, Mikayla.
We've really gotta work
on being ruthless.
Here. We'll do it together.
This really is very simple.
You-- No need to think about it.
Just point the gun at his head,
like-- like this.
Just take a deep breath
and pull the trigger.
Oh, shit!
Special message from the boss.
You messed up again, Coconut.
How'd you guys find me?
We've been tracking Mikayla
ever since your first
interaction at the bar.
Gibbs gave us the tip.
She could have killed me.
She was really into you.
Hey, man.
I apologize for what happened--
Don't worry about it.
Now that you're here,
we're gonna have to poison you
with this stuff.
I see how you guys do it.
Act like we're buddies and bam,
throw me overboard.
This is pancit.
You won't find it
anywhere else on the ship.
-That's good stuff.
-Glad you like it.
Good move today.
But you're still a rookie,
so you head over there.
Things were pretty normal.
Eventually, the Filipinos
stopped calling me Coconut.
One time,
I was at a retirement ceremony
and one of the Filipinos
called out to the other
and said, "Hey, Master Chief."
They both
weren't even Master Chiefs.
They were retired storekeepers.
And so I asked them
why they called each other
And he said...
"It was out of respect."
They used it
as a playful greeting.
It was like
calling someone "Boss."
I told him,
"That doesn't make sense.
I mean, why-- why Master Chief?
Why not Captain?"
And he said,
"Master Chief
is one of the highest ranks
for Filipino enlisted sailors
to get to.
If you're an immigrant,
you couldn't go higher
than a Master Chief."
Then he leaned in and said,
"You're different.
You were born here in America.
You have the ability
to take us straight to the
I took that challenge
and said...
"I like the sound of that."
The USS Gabe Rosario.
One day.