The Match-Stick Flame 2: Lunada Bay (2023) Movie Script

- Hello, Agent Prasad.
- Dade, how are you?
- I'm good, how about you?
- Oh, I'm doing pretty good.
- That was a lovely dance.
What were you doing?
- Oh, I was practicing my
dance for my brother's wedding.
- Cool.
- So what article are you
working on for the LA Times?
- I'm now a journalist
for the Hollywood Reporter
with a little informant
work on the side.
- Well, that sounds interesting.
- Thank you, and I
thought you should know
that Dalton is back in town.
- Really, when did he come back?
- Just about
a couple days ago.
- Ah, well, this
is very interesting
and very intriguing.
Thanks for the information, Dade
- No problem.
- Bye.
- Hey, pop, how you doing?
Sorry I haven't been
around for a while.
Just had to get away
after Mr. Tang shot
and killed you a year ago.
Now, I'm back.
I remember the first
time you told me
you were a robotics engineer.
My first thought was you
operated those Johnny five robots
from the movie, Short Circuit.
Pretty close, right?
I thought that was
the coolest thing
when you took me to
the automobile plant,
and I would watch you
operate robots welding car
and truck parts.
You know, I wanted to
be just like you, pop.
You were my hero.
I wanted to be a
robotics engineer.
I wanted to be a
welder like you,
until the automobile
plant shut down,
you lost your job, mom went
crazy and killed herself.
You know, I ask myself all
the time, just what if?
What if you would've just stayed
in the unemployment line, pop?
What if you didn't meet
Mob Boss Johnny Nero
or accept his bloody money?
We would've been okay.
You would've gotten
another job eventually,
and I think you and I would
be fishing right now together,
but I guess that'll
never happen,
not in this lifetime, anyway,
but on that note, at least
you accepted Jesus Christ
as your personal savior, and
you asked for forgiveness.
So that being said, I'll see
you in heaven someday, pop.
See you around.
- Dalton, what are you doing?
- Agent Prasad?
- Yeah.
- As I live and breathe.
- Why are you trying to
throw away your dog tags?
You earned them.
- I don't want 'em anymore.
I thought if I get
rid of these dog tags,
just maybe I can
move on with my life.
- Are you still
having nightmares
and flashbacks about the war?
- Can't stop having them.
I keep seeing the Taliban
and Al-Qaeda chasing me,
trying to kill me, and I keep
seeing my best friend getting
killed on the battlefield.
These images haunt
me every single day.
- Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Please don't give up.
You're making progress.
So I have something that
could maybe take your mind off
of your flashbacks and the
nightmares that you're having.
I have a new case.
- Do I have to pass another
one of your field tests?
- No, Dalton, you already
passed my field tests.
So have you ever heard
of the Lunada Bay Gang?
- Yeah, I heard of them.
- Okay, yeah, so what they're
doing is they're distributing
this crystallized
cocaine called Galaxy,
and they're distributing
it through the surfers
all over Southern California,
and a lot of them are dying.
- I thought Galaxy's
the new big high
with less side effects, and
besides, I killed Mr. Tang.
He was the only Triad leader
who had access to the drug,
who brought it
here to the States.
- I don't know, but somehow
it is being distributed here,
and surfers are ending up dead.
- So when does this
fairy tale begin?
- It's effective immediately.
I need you to find out
who are the distributors,
to get the evidence so that
I can have enough information
to get a warrant so that I can
put these people behind bars
who are killing so
many of these surfers.
- Okay.
- And by the way,
this surfer gang,
they hate undercover agents.
We're still missing
five narcotics agents.
They won't hesitate to
kill you if you're made.
So you have to be careful.
- Yeah, I know how it works.
I understand.
- Well, all of the
information is in the packet.
- Okay.
- And by the way, Dalton,
thank you so much
for your service.
I know you brought down a lot
of those Middle East terrorists
that were responsible
for 3,000 deaths during 9/11.
- Of course.
It's my duty to fight
for those who can't fight
for themselves.
- Well, you're never
out of the fight.
- No, I'm never
out of the fight.
- Mother.
- Tiger, what are
you doing here?
You're supposed to be in Mumbai.
- I'm here to take
over father's business.
- What are you gonna do?
- The first thing I'm gonna
do is avenge my father's death
by killing Dalton.
The last time I spoke to father,
he told me, join me or die.
I chose to join him, but Dalton,
he chose to go against him.
Now father is dead
because of Dalton.
- Tiger, I beg you
to let this go.
Let Match-Stick's flame die out.
Dalton took down the
syndicate and father
because he did his job.
Match-Stick chose his path
and it killed him, not Dalton.
Dalton will come after you too.
- I must fulfill father's
wishes and kill Dalton.
I must leave now.
- Tiger, no, please.
No more death.
I wanted a better life for
you, not a life of crime.
- Hey man, what do you think
you're doing around here?
No outsiders are
aloud here, dude.
- Yeah, well last I checked
this is a free country.
- Get outta here, you turd.
- How about, no,
I stay and you go.
- I gotta go.
Let me call you back, bye.
Dalton, we need to talk.
- About what?
- Why'd you kick that
surfer in the face?
- You gave me
permission to play rough
on the streets, Remember?
- OMG.
- It's time for breakfast.
Let's get a bite to eat.
- All right.
- Let the case begin.
- Are you crazy?
These coves have her
experienced surfers.
You almost got yourself
killed out there.
- I have a death wish.
These coves are
open to everybody.
- No, they're not.
Locals run things here.
You have to earn your spot
here, especially at Lunada Bay.
- Okay, so why aren't you
surfing at Lunada Bay?
- I'm not that good, but this
isn't my first rodeo either,
and even I have to earn my spot.
- What is so special
about surfing at Lunada Bay?
- It's a locals thing, really.
It all started
back in the 1930s,
and this group of young
surfers got together,
and they created what's
called the Palos Verde Surfers
Club, and it was all just for
fun and surf and friendship,
and then this group of young
trust fund babies came along,
and they started what's
called the Lunada Bay Gang,
then they began bullying
the non-locals away,
and now anyone who attempts
to surf here that's not part
of the gang either winds
up missing or ends up dead.
- Why do you want to
join the Bay Gang anyway?
- Well, my grandfather
and my father surfed
this spot before me.
It's a family tradition,
and I want to be able
to surf this spot too,
and I want to find
the man responsible
for murdering my father,
and I know it's someone
in that gang.
- I know the feeling.
- So why do you wanna
surf here anyway?
- Well, I have nothing to lose.
Both my parents are now dead.
My fiance was
murdered a year ago.
So I figured why not
try something different,
something to free my spirit.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Thanks.
- Well, I see
you're a vet also.
- Oh yeah, oh,
Special Ops Forces.
- Wow,
you're a Navy Seal?
- Yeah.
- You really are crazy
then, huh?
- Well, maybe just a little.
- I have to get going now.
- Yeah, thanks for this.
- You're welcome.
- Hey, what's your name anyway?
- Kiley, Kiley Hall.
What's your last name?
- Billy Bob, Billy Bob Peters.
- Bob Peters, I don't picture
that as last name for you.
I think more of
a Bale or a Cage.
- Yeah, I like that.
- Well, later.
- Yeah.
- Hey.
- Might have first contact.
I need you to run a background
check on the name Kiley Hall.
She's a local here in
the Palos Verdes estates
and run a background
check on her father too.
I think his murder may
have something to do
with the Lunada Bay Gang.
- Why do you think that?
- Because Kiley Hall told me
that she wants to join the gang
because she believes somebody
in that gang killed her father.
- Oh, okay, that makes sense.
All right, I'll get
on it right away.
- Great, thanks.
We'll be in touch.
Sorry I'm late.
The 110 was backed
up with traffic.
- Oh, no problem.
No worries.
So I got the information that
you wanted about Kiley Hall.
Inside this file, you
will find that Kiley Hall
is the daughter of Patrick Hall,
and her grandfather's
name is Warren Doc Hall.
- So what did these
people have to do
with the Lunada Bay Gang?
- So it's the newer
generations of the Bay Boys.
They're the ones
that grew up corrupt,
and they were very
unfriendly to anyone
that didn't belong
there who would come
into their territory, and
if you didn't pay a tax
or listen to what they
were saying to do,
they would end up dead.
So in 2019, surfers
started ending up dead.
- So what happened
to Kiley's father?
- Kiley's father ended
up dying in 2010.
The case file says
that it was a suicide.
However, there's really
no reason for him
to jump off Pelican Cove Cliff.
So this is the suicide
note that he wrote.
- Okay.
Okay, I get it.
Sounds like a case of
rich, over-privileged,
trust fund pieces of garbage
who took a family clubhouse
pass-down and turned it
into a big drug operation.
- Exactly, the police here,
they don't think that
there's anything wrong
with the Bay Boys.
They think that it's
just a dumb click,
But that's not the facts.
- Right.
- So what I need you to
do is collect evidence.
I need you to find out
who the distributors are,
and I need you to get
me back this information
so we can take down these
scumbags, and remember,
you cannot commit any felonies.
If you do, this
operation gets shut down.
- Oh, okay, I understand.
Do my best.
- Okay.
- Kiley, you ready to
join our gang or what?
- I am.
- Let's see what you got.
Excellent surfing
out there, Kiley.
Your father would be proud.
- You know I'm still looking
for my father's killer.
- Sounds like
somebody has daddy issues.
- Happy hunting, Kiley.
- So am I part of
your bay gang or what?
- No, you're not in
the gang, Mickey.
- What the, you respect
my board on this beach.
- Nobody surfs with a
leash on in the bay.
- There's one more test.
- I thought this was
a locals-only test?
- We run the business
a lot differently
than your grandfather
and father did,
the stakes are higher.
We like to be sketchy!
- Wooh!
- What exactly do I have to do?
- The real test is
just beginning, Kiley.
- Lex.
- Kiley.
- Yeah.
- I'm surprised you showed up.
- I'm here.
- You ready for your final test?
- What is this test?
- Wolf.
- Here it is, boss.
- What is this?
- Mickey.
- You ready for your
final test, Kiley?
- I don't understand.
- Are you in or are you out?
- I don't understand.
I don't, no, no, my family
didn't start the bay gang
in the 1930s to kill
innocent people.
- Do it!
- No, I'm not killing anyone!
- You're not gonna get
away with this, Lex,
20 years to life.
I have a wife.
I have a kid.
- No, don't kill him!
- Which one
of you killed my father?
- I did it!
I killed him!
- Why?
- Because he didn't have
the balls or the brains.
He wasn't going in the
same direction, Kiley.
We run the bay a little
bit differently now.
There's nothing more
powerful than killing a man!
Take him away!
- Give me your arm.
- No.
- Give it up!
- Please don't do this.
Guys, please don't do this.
- You don't want
to make my arm slip.
- Please don't do this.
- Welcome to the gang.
- I gotta go.
I'll call you back.
Dalton, are you okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
It's Kiley Hall.
I just met this woman a few
days ago at Malcolm Cove.
She was the only lead we had
so far, and now she's dead.
- Are you kidding?
- No, I'm not kidding.
- I'm sorry she's dead.
Did she drown?
- No, she didn't drown.
Here, come here, look.
See the needle marks on her arm?
- Yes, I do see
the needle marks.
- We need to get an autopsy
report on her right away.
- Yeah, I agree.
- She was a good
swimmer and surfer, too.
All she wanted to do was find
out who murdered her father.
She knew it was someone
in that Lunada Bay Gang
but just didn't know
exactly who did it.
- Yeah, we really need to get
cracking on this case as soon
as possible, 'cause we're
running out of time.
- Yeah.
- Gentlemen, I'm
glad you could make it.
- Here you go, clear cut
Galaxy straight from China.
You must have some strong
connections to be doing business
with me, my man.
I don't recognize you.
You with the Hollywood mob?
You a new runner?
- I'm not a runner.
The name is Tiger,
Tiger Match-Stick.
- You just say Match-Stick?
- Did I stutter?
- But you're Indian, bro.
- Yeah, I'm half Indian.
Match-Stick had an
affair with my mother
while he was making his run
with Mob Boss Johnny Nero
in the late eighties.
So I am Match-Stick.
- I heard he got killed
by the Triads a year ago.
I do know that one of
his sons is a detective,
but all I could find
were pictures of him
when he was a young boy
before his disappearance
after the FBI took
Match-Stick away.
- I run Bollywood and
now I run Hollywood.
- I hate to burst your bubble,
but we were on Hollywood.
I respect the name
Match-Stick and all,
but that name's of the past.
- The fact that I'm
Match-Stick's son,
and it's in his will
that I take over.
I claim power over
Hollywood now.
Is that understood?
- Okay, okay, no problem.
Well, can we negotiate?
- I don't think you're in any
position to negotiate with me.
- Let's just talk, man.
I got a plan, help you out.
Listen, we have
all the contacts,
and we have the power
for all the distribution.
Let us keep that power over
all the Southern California
beaches and coves.
We can partner up, my man.
You run the Hollywood
streets, we do the coastlines.
It'd be good business
for everybody.
- You do make a valid point.
- But Lex?
- Trust me, Mickey.
This will be good.
- Dude, where'd you
get that board, man?
I want to know where
did you get this board?
- Hands off me, man.
What're you talking about?
I bought this board
with my own money.
- You're a nark, nark!
- What's going on, bro?
Who are you?
- This guy's a nark, man.
This is my brother's board.
He was pinched for narcotics
and was confiscated
two months ago.
- That's his brother's board!
All right, all
right, that's enough.
- I hate narks, man, hate
these undercover narks!
- Hate cops.
Let's get outta here, man.
Let's go, let's go.
Hey, man, you want to go
grab something to eat?
- Have you completely
lost your mind?
You almost killed
one of my agents.
- Hey, if I haven't stepped
in and kicked the crap
out of that undercover agent,
the Bay Boys
would've killed him.
I saved that man's life.
You have no idea,
and on top of that,
he went in with a confiscated
surfboard that belonged
to one of the Lunada Bay
Gang member's brother,
real smooth agent Prasad.
We're off to a great start!
- Well, I was just trying
to help with this case.
- Like I told you before,
I like to work alone.
This way, if I screw up,
it's just me who gets killed.
You know the one thing that
kept me alive during my tours
in the Middle East was
that I didn't think
about the world back home.
I didn't think about mommy and
daddy having relationships,
getting married, having
kids, living in a big house
with a white, picket fence.
I didn't think about any of
that, because if I would have,
I would've gotten
distracted and killed,
and I've seen it happen.
What I'm saying to
you, Agent Prasad,
is that I'm 100% involved
and committed to this case.
- Okay, that sounds good.
That's what I want to hear.
- Don't worry about it.
I'm going back to work.
- Get off my wave, man.
- Is this the punk?
- That's the dude who tried
to cut me off my wave.
- I get it.
This is a whole
local thing, right?
I'm surfing on your territory.
I'm sorry, man.
I don't want any problems, okay?
It's not like I
went to your house
and took a crap on
your lawn or something.
- It's close enough, bro.
- Listen, bullhead, the land
and the ocean is
open to everybody.
So why don't you
guys just walk away
so none of you get hurt?
I haven't had my
breakfast this morning.
You know what happens when
I don't get my breakfast
in the morning?
- What?
- I get real grumpy, like this.
- Back off, Leo!
He's with me!
- Leave it, Lex.
You know if this was your turf,
you'd be doing the same thing.
- Say goodnight!
- Let's get outta here, man,
before the cops get here.
- Okay, Detective,
you're all set.
I'm gonna leave
you some medicine
for your pain.
- Thanks.
- Take that every
four hours, okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You gotta watch your limits.
You gotta know what
your limits are.
You gotta limit what you're
doing out in the field, okay?
- I have no limits.
- That's gonna be your downfall.
- The mind could subjugate
anything, even real pain.
- Detective, take
your medication.
You're absolutely insane.
- Yeah, well, I left my sanity
back at the war on terror.
- Call me when you need me.
You know I'm there for you.
- Great, thanks, Doc.
- Dalton, two surfers are in
the hospital because of you.
One is in intensive
care with broken ribs
and multiple contusions.
Are you still fighting the war?
- Yeah, I believe I was
back in the war on terror.
- All right, well, you gotta
get a handle on your PTSD,
because you're gonna
end up killing somebody.
- Thanks for the advice.
I'll try.
- All right, you're welcome.
- You guys ready to ride?
Ready to ride with the Bay Boys?
- Which gang are you from?
- I'm alone.
- Where are you from?
- I was originally born
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
but my parents moved
me out to Los Angeles
when I was real little.
- Sounds like we got ourselves
of cheese head over here, huh?
- Sounds like someone's
running from something, Bob.
- Why do you wanna
surf all of a sudden?
- I just wanted to try
something different, you know?
Find my window to enlightenment.
- Stick with us, bro,
and we will show you
to the window of enlightenment.
Let's ride.
- You got the stud, man.
- Yeah.
- Can I trust you, man?
- Of course you can trust me.
You saw I took out
that undercover agent.
Stupid nark, those
people make me sick.
- That was inspiring, that
beating you gave that man.
To new friends.
To new friends, to standing
on the board, trying.
I'm gonna hit the
head, finish our beers,
and we'll head out, man.
- All right.
- Hey, Giovanni,
where's the bathrooms?
- Just go straight
through the kitchen,
first door on the right,
- All right.
- You're all set.
- Back in a few minutes.
I knew I could hear
you sniffing out there.
- Dalton, what are
you doing here?
- I was looking for the bathroom
and then I hear all this.
You still doing this stuff, man?
- Man, this is my
business here, all right?
I got a lot of businesses.
This business, this business,
they're all businesses.
The shitter is over there
if you need to use it.
Snorting all that cocaine, I
thought you'd be dead by now.
- Look, I can see I
got a little fatter,
but you got a little uglier.
- What happened to Godmothers?
- I own multiple businesses.
See, I'm a businessman.
Look, look carefully.
This is what a businessman
looks like, okay?
I know that's not what you do.
- I see.
- You run around
and like to punch
and shoot people,
but I'm a businessman here.
Your father still
owes me that money,
and that means you
owe me that money,
'cause you're related to him.
You are his kid.
- I don't owe you jack squat!
- Well, you do now, and I
want my jack and my squat,
and you can go take a squat
in the shitter over there,
and when you're done,
bring me my money!
- Listen, pee stain, I fought
for this country, okay?
I've fought for this freedom.
Get a life.
- I got one, baby.
It's gonna take a lot
to take me down, huh?
You wanna get into
a tumble again?
Let's go.
Yeah, run away.
Now, feel my power
The bells ring,
crowd gets louder
Roll the dice,
don't think twice
Now it's time to rise, yeah
Rise, first, my
heart, then my soul
- There's the punk
from Manhattan Beach.
You remember me, punk?
- I've gotta forget
your stupid rotten face.
- You think you're so cool and
classy and clever, don't you?
How about I come over
there and make you scream?
- Sorry, pal, not without
getting your knee replaced.
- And you, back up.
This cat's with me.
- See, I got a problem, Lex.
Your boy over here
disrespected my boy
and beat up some of
our guys on our turf.
- Okay, I'll make it up
to you guys with some
of that smooth Galaxy.
I promise.
You got my word.
Now split, gooks
- No!
- Kill this punk!
- No problem.
This is what we do when
you step on our turf.
- Pleasant dreams,
- Watch your back.
Feel my power,
the bells ring
- Lex,
- Never, bro.
Bros for life, my man.
Darn it!
- What?
- I didn't get to finish
my beer before breaking it
on the owners head.
- Come on, man.
Let's get outta here.
- I see one of your
candle's not lit.
Allow me.
- As our guest of honor, go
ahead and take the first dip.
- What is that, meth?
- No, bro.
That's the purest
form of cocaine.
It's called Galaxy.
- A fresh shipment
just came in today.
- So what kind of
painting is that?
Ooh, wooh!
- You like that, big guy?
- Wow.
- You're elite.
You're one of us now.
- I don't know, Lex.
I kind of got my
own thing going on.
Besides, I thought you only
hang out with the best surfers
in the west.
- Join us or die like the rest.
- Oh, I heard that line before.
The answer is no, Lex.
- What's your real name, man?
- Billy Bob Peters.
So go ahead.
Come on, Lex, shoot me.
Let me help you, right there
in the middle of my forehead.
Pull it!
- Bang, bang, bang.
- I'm dead.
- This guy's crazy, man.
- He could be.
You might be on to something,
man, a really crazy guy.
- It's a party, huh?
We're gonna have
some good times.
Let's party.
- It's a party, man.
- Yeah, it is.
- Hey, how's it going?
- Just peachy.
- So excellent work.
I was able to buy us some
more time on the case,
you know, before the
feds have to take over.
- It's Mr. Tang's son, Bolo.
He took over the
family business.
- Really?
- Mm hmm.
- Well, at least we know
that Galaxy has stayed
within the family.
So now that we know who
the distributors are,
how are they getting this
stuff through US Customs?
- Lex has contacts
there and he's paying
off the US Custom agents.
- Oh, so do you think
that Bolo recognizes you?
Does he know who you are?
- So far, the only
thing he knows is
that a detective
shot his father.
- Well, if he makes
you, you are a dead man.
- Yeah.
- So tell me about
the other Triad.
- Zang?
Zang is Bolo's younger brother.
If they told me that Galaxy
is more organic compared
to ordinary cocaine mixed
with other harmful chemicals,
then why are all these
surfers turning up dead
from this drug?
And it's not even considered
the amount of an overdose.
What I'm saying is it's
either the Bay Gang
or the Triads mixing this stuff
with other harmful chemicals.
- I do not think
it's the Triads.
It's definitely the
Lunada Bay Gang.
There's fentanyl involved,
and we're investigating this.
Do the Triads distribute
to other surfer gangs?
- No, just the Bay Boys.
Listen, I need more money.
There's a big deal coming
up, and I want a piece of it.
- All right, Dalton,
here's $50,000.
- Great, well listen,
I better get going.
Don't wanna blow my cover.
- Hey, be careful
and just remember,
I gave you permission to perform
misdemeanors, not felonies.
- Such a party pooper.
Take care, see you later.
- All right, yeah, whatever.
Hey, bro, glad I caught you.
I'm ready to join your gang.
I wanna work with you,
not just buy it for me.
- Once you're a Bay Boy,
you're a Bay Boy for life.
- I understand.
I have some high-powered,
high-paying clientele,
and they wanna do
business with us.
- Can I trust you?
- Yeah, you can trust me.
- Give me a sec.
- All right.
- Sell this, but I got
one question for you.
- Yeah, go ahead.
- Why the sudden transformation?
What'd you used to do for work?
- I was a criminal
defense attorney.
I kept people like
you outta jail.
- Shady characters,
I bet you won a
lot of settlements.
That's how you have
that extra green, huh?
- That, plus I'm
a trust fund kid.
- That makes sense,
and one more thing.
- Yeah.
- Teach me those moves?
- Yeah, I could teach
you some kung fu moves,
if you can teach me how to
stay on that board better.
I'm in.
- I guess it's a fair trade.
- Yeah, bro.
All right.
- Let's do this.
- I'm gonna go sell this.
- Hey.
- Listen, I need you to
put in my personal file
that I'm a criminal
defense attorney.
I need fabricated certificates,
news clippings, wins.
- And why do I need to do that?
- Because Lex is gonna do
a background check on me.
- Okay, makes sense, all right.
- We're on to the
next step in our case.
- Sounds good.
- Talk to you later.
- Coming.
Prasad, what are you doing here?
Did you come here to
bring me coffee or donuts
or did you come here
to blow my cover?
So what's going on?
- Another surfer ended
up dead along the shores.
- I'm really getting
sick of tired
of all these surfers
turning up dead.
- Yes, it was at Malaga Cove.
- What happened?
- It's the Bay Boys.
They're mixing up the
crystals from the Triads.
- What are they mixing it with?
- They're mixing
it with 25I-NBOMe.
Another surfer ended up dead,
and the surfer's name was Wang.
The toxicology report states
that it was the combination
of the 25I-NBOMe
mixed with fentanyl.
- What exactly is 25I-NBOMe?
- It's a very dangerous drug.
19 deaths have happened
so far in 10 months.
It started in
Rancho Palos Verdes,
and it's spreading
all along the beaches
of Los Angeles County.
- Okay, if the Triads
find out what Lex
and his gang is doing with
their Galaxy crystals,
he's dead where he stands.
- It's getting too
dangerous, Dalton.
I think we should
call in the feds.
- Just do me a favor, all right?
Don't call in the feds.
- I can put an APB out on
Lex, and I think that you need
to go into the witness
protection program.
I have a very bad
feeling about this.
- If you do that, Lex will
pull out and disappear forever.
We almost have enough evidence
of this case to put him
and his gang away
for a lifetime.
If the feds take over now,
they're gonna ruin months
of hard work and put
fingerprints all over our evidence.
I just need one more day.
After tomorrow, after tomorrow
when Lex introduces me
to his high end clientele,
everyone's gonna be there,
the investors, the Triads
are gonna be going there,
a new Hollywood
crime boss is going.
After tomorrow, we'll
have our full case
against the Lunada Bay Gang.
The judge will issue
us the warrants.
We'll get the green light and
then it's open season on them,
but just gimme
that one more day.
- Okay, Dalton, you have
one more day and that's it.
- You gotta trust me.
Hey, it's me.
- Hello, Dalton.
- Listen, I'm on my way to
the brake and tire shop now.
- Why are you going
there, Dalton?
- Because Lex is starting
the meeting with the high-end
clientele business investors
early, and I have to go.
- Okay, wait for me to
come with Agent Mao.
You need some backup.
You need to listen to me.
Follow my orders.
- Listen, we're so close.
We can finish this case today.
Before the feds take
over and ruin everything.
- I have a very bad
feeling about this.
Just wait for me.
I'm calling Agent Mao now.
- I'm going.
I'm going.
- Welcome, gentlemen.
Put this on.
The fumes get pretty strong.
We wouldn't want our
highest paying customer
to get addicted to
drugs, would we?
Right this way.
All of our crystals dissolve
overnight in gasoline,
rendering them
completely undetectable.
Here, we have a coffee
bean filled with cocaine.
Section one is cocaine right
over here, Columbia's finest.
Section two, Galaxy, the new
crystal direct from China.
In three, heroin.
If you thought all of
these quiet, suburban teens
were living quiet and easy
lives, well, think again.
These young teens
and mothers, fathers,
some of our highest
paying clientele.
We're start in
Ranchos Palos Verdes,
swamped Southern California.
Now we are selling
Galaxy all over the US,
which is why we've developed
a new product, Red Dragon.
- What is Red Dragon?
- Red dragon is a
highly addictive,
pleasurable narcotic.
- Which is?
- Well, I'd tell you, but
then I'd have to kill each
and every last one of you.
- Starting with Tiger back here.
- And the Triads are okay with
you distributing their Galaxy
with your own narcotics.
- Let's just say
it's a surprise.
- I don't think the
Triads like surprises.
They already killed
Mob Boss Johnny Nero
and my father, Match-Stick.
- Whoa, Tiger, that's why you
were invited to this party.
Make sure none of
us cross the line.
- Of course, we'd make you
an offer you will not want
to refuse.
- We have two new
delivery methods,
pure Galaxy and
self-inject able needles.
This is liquified Galaxy in
a bag with a needle attached.
One squeeze of the bag,
pure Galaxy directly
into the bloodstream.
- The first shipment
of Red Dragon is ready.
Waiting your call, my friend.
- We are ready to
make a purchase.
- Of course, of course.
- I knew I'd you
here, you traitor.
- Excuse me, who are you?
Do I know you?
- I am the worst nightmare.
- Yeah, and I'm Mary Poppins!
- Haha, funny man,
I have news for you.
Your cover's compromised now.
- Yeah, so is your face.
- Hey, what's the
problem here, fellas?
- This guy is a nark,
Dalton Match-Stick,
son of Match-Stick, the big,
crime fighting detective.
- Who recruited you?
- Mr. Rogers.
- Lex, our investor's leaving.
- Man, I gave you
everything, most importantly,
I gave you my trust,
the shirt off my back.
You stepped on
your own nuts, pal.
- I'm not your pal, dick face!
Hey, Lex, I'm sure the
Triads will love to hear
how you're mixing your
pure Galaxy crystals
with other harmful
drugs and chemicals,
not to mention that
locals are dying from it.
- It is what it is.
- Well then.
- What do you want
me to do with him?
- Take him to the boat.
- You failed your mission.
- Back off big red.
- I got this.
- We'll see about that.
- This is Agent Prasad at
14160 Crenshaw Boulevard
at the brake and tire
Shop in.
I need backup immediately.
Send the feds now.
- Come on!
- Stand him up!
- Get up.
- Father wanted me to kill you
if something happened to him
and if you didn't join us.
- You're wrong, Tiger.
Father changed before he died,
became a born again Christian.
- You lie!
Throw his ass over!
- Sure thing, boss!
- This is 1L90 requesting an RA
at the Royal Palms State Beach.
An officer is down suffering
from head injuries,
unconscious at this time, and
it looks like he's gonna need
some immediate
medical attention.
Please respond, code three.
Get that ambulance out
here as soon as possible.
This is an emergency, out.
- Okay.
Let's see what we got.
There's a lot of
insurgents down there.
We're gonna get fubared now.
General, hey,
we're on the clock.
- I'm ready.
- What did I tell you about
thinking about the world
back home, man.
Thinking about the
world back home,
you're gonna get distracted,
all caught up in emotions
and killed.
- I don't think we're gonna
make it outta here alive, man.
There are a hundred insurgents,
and we're the last
two of our unit.
- We're gonna get you back
home to your wife and daughter.
We just gotta take
care of this one thing
and then get back to
the rendezvous point.
Do you remember Mr.
Shuffle's history class
back in middle school?
Remember when he told us
how 300 Spartans could hold
off 100,000 to 150,000
Persians during the Battle
of Thermopylae?
Even though it's just you
and me left in our unit,
we have a fighting chance.
- If I die today, I'm
glad I'm with you.
- Hey, I got Rossi in sight.
- Good, take the shot and
let's get out of here.
- I don't have the shot.
This is Lionheart
to Fox Trot Alpha.
Be advised, I have
the package in sight
but no shot, no shot.
There's too many innocent
people down there.
- Take them all out.
- Yeah, we do that, we're
gonna get Court Marshaled
for murdering innocent people.
We're gonna have to wait.
We're too close.
We gotta fall back.
Fall back.
- Dalton, I need
your help, help!
- You're gonna die!
- You're gonna die!
No, no, no, no!
- You bastards killed nearly
3,000 innocent people on 9/11.
On behalf of the United
States of America,
I pledge allegiance
to the flag.
Chandler, Chandler,
stay with me, breathe.
Come on, Dalton.
You have to pull through.
I need you.
I can't lose you too.
You can do it, Dalton.
I know you can do it.
You have to get better.
Come on, Dalton.
Dr. Connor, may I
please speak with you?
- Yes, would you
step outside, please?
- Hello?
- Hey, can I help you?
- My name is
Detective Jim Myers,
and I'm looking for a
Match-Stick, first name, Dalton.
- Right down the hall, room six.
- That way?
- Yeah.
- Dr. Connor, what
is your prognosis?
How do you think
Dalton is really doing?
- Agent, it's too early
to tell right now.
Based on the trauma to his body,
it's about a 50/50
at this moment.
- Like I said in the front
of the police station,
partners until the end.
Well, this is the end.
- What do you think
you're doing, Jake?
- Eventually my part
doesn't matter what I say,
I was going do it.
- Well, that makes you no
better than Match-Stick.
- I know, but it makes
me feel so much better.
- L90, show me code six at
2421 Pacific Coast Highway
on a shooting investigation,
requesting two additional units.
Responding code three.
I got you covered!
Go to the car right now!
You guys okay?
Anybody get injured?
- I'm okay.
That's one heck
of a wake up call.
I guess Jake's still out to
avenge his parents' murders.
- I can't believe this guy
won't let it go all this time.
- Jake has gone section eight.
I've never seen him so deranged.
- Let me get you
guys outta here.
I got a safe house for
you up in Big Bear Lake.
- Sounds good, Chief.
Take us there now.
- Let's get the hell outta here.
So how are you feeling?
Tiger dumped you in the ocean.
You were in a coma.
Have you healed spiritually,
emotionally, physically?
- Yeah, I've been meaning
to talk to you about that.
After weeks of training,
re-centering myself,
building my body back
up, my mind and spirit,
I think we're ready
to go back to LA,
take down the Hollywood
mob, the Lunada Bay Gang,
and the Triads.
- So how do you wanna
accomplish this mission?
- The shotgun approach,
we go in, take 'em out.
It's either us or the feds.
If the feds take over,
they're gonna destroy
all of our hard
work, Lex will walk,
and Tiger will just continue
to run the syndicate.
It's you and me.
- Do you think
that we're enough?
Don't you think we
should have some backup?
- I'm a trained Navy Seal.
I fought against
terrorists in Afghanistan.
I fought against the
Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
I'm fully trained.
I'm angry, I'm hungry,
and I'm trained to
complete my mission.
They will rule the day they
messed with this Navy Seal.
- Okay, well, I'm gonna
trust your judgment on this
when we go tomorrow
like you said.
- You should.
- Great.
- Great.
You look very
pretty, by the way.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Knock, knock.
- Dalton, you should be at
the bottom of the ocean, dead,
locals only.
- I was trained not to die
and to complete my mission.
Kiley Hall was a young,
beautiful woman who just wanted
to preserve the historic surf
club her grandfather started
in the 1930s, until a
trust fund piece of garbage
like you took over
and corrupted it.
You took her life from her.
Now I'm gonna take your life.
- Gonna arrest me, bro, or what?
- I take it you're not
gonna come in quietly.
- Not a chance.
- I'm the ghost
of Christmas past,
and your past just
caught up with you.
Hey, Bolo, your days of
selling Galaxy is over.
- Oh yeah?
So you're the detective
who killed my father?
- Yeah, that's right.
You should'a heard him squeal
when I shot him in the head.
- Now I'm gonna
avenge his death.
- Love to see you try.
You're done, Tang.
Hey, I know that guy.
We're old friends.
I'm gonna take care of
this guy real quick.
Hey, Misfit, long time, no see.
- You again.
- Yep, I see your
face is still ugly,
but your forehead
healed up nicely.
- Welcome to my playground.
- Now you swing with
your invisible friends.
- Dalton.
- KV, I see you're walking
around with a cane now.
- Yeah, thanks to you
and physical therapy,
I get a cane now.
- You're welcome.
- Well, shall we do this?
- Why not?
Make sure he stays down.
I'm going up.
- There he is.
- Stay down.
- What are you doing here?
I thought we dumped
you in the ocean?
- I'm back from the dead.
Miss me?
- I'll tell you what, I'm gonna
give you a fighting chance.
Weapon up.
- It's your a funeral, pal.
This will work.
I don't like your ponytail.
You look too much like,
I don't know, a horse.
I'm gonna cut it off,
and I'm gonna slap you
in your face with him.
- All right, let's
see how good you are.
- Come on, get him.
- Time for a bedtime story.
- You scumbag.
- You're coming with me!
- No I'm not!
- Akeem.
- Are you ready
for this, playboy?
Is that all you got?
- Yeah, I'm ready, but then
I have to go get breakfast.
- Let's see what you got.
Bring it.
- All right, let's go.
That's how you want to play?
Let's end this.
- Let me go.
- This fight just ended, Prasad!
- Come with me, Barbie.
- Dalton, help me!
- Careful, Dalton.
You're getting way too close,
and you don't want anything
to happen to her, do you?
- Let her go, Tiger.
It's me you want.
Come on, Tiger.
Get father's revenge.
- Suck my balls!
- Suck what?
It's called a drop kicking.
I learned that in second grade.
- Dalton, I need your help.
- Dalton, snap out of it!
I gotta stop freezing at
with these flashbacks.
- Even if you kill me,
there's more of our
family to come after you!
- Yeah, and I'm
the Easter bunny.
What's father's saying, try
me or die like the rest?
Well, you're not with
me, so you die!
Now I'm the only child.
- This time, I will
avenge my parents' death.
- Not on my watch.
- I finish what I start too.
I told them which
one of those stations
that they were parked
at over the years.
Manage a guess, and they was
killed by me like I wanted,
but I can still avenge my
parents murder by killing you.
- Oh, yeah?
If all you care about
is getting a revenge,
then you're no better than my
father or his syndicate was.
At least my father had
redemption in the end.
- You're right, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry.
- Let it go, Jake!
Let it go.
Let it die.
I said let it go!
Shouldn't you get in
on the passenger side?
- You're cute.
Get in.
So where do you wanna go next?
Do you wanna go to the hospital?
- Yeah, hospital, and then
we go on our first date.
- Sounds like a plan.
- You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and
will be held against you
in a court of law.
You have the right
to an attorney.
If you can't afford an attorney,
one will be appointed for you.
Do you understand?
- Hey, pop, how you doing?
- Well, I did it.
I completed my mission.
I took down the
Hollywood mob once again,
and this time, a bunch
of surfing gang members.
I did good.
I just want to stop by and
pay my respects to you,
tell you how much I love you,
tell you how much
I think about you.
I miss you.
The coroner found
this in your pocket.
It's your gambling chips.
I see you went to
Vegas before you died,
and I found some beer chips.
I know you liked your
Miller Light beer.
I thought you'd like 'em back.
I love you, pop.
I miss you.
Pop, what are you doing here?
- I came back to tell you I'm
proud of you, and I love you,
and I'm doing okay.
- I been waiting a
long time to hear that.
You look great.
Just you look just
like when I was a kid.
- You're a good kid,
and you're a good man.
- This is my favorite
memory of us playing,
kicking the orange
soccer ball around.
- Mine too.
- I'm glad to see
you again, pop.
I miss you.
- I wanted a little
more time with you.
- I'll keep making
you proud, pop.
- Stay on the right track.
Do it for yourself.
- I love you, pop.
- I love you, son.