The Matchmaker (2023) Movie Script

(cockerel crows)
(old woman) Once upon a time,
there was a girl called Aliaa.
A man fell in love with her
and they got married.
But as time went by, he caused her pain.
He hurt her. He broke her.
May God never let a young girl
suffer as she did.
Or a grown one.
She was desperate
for anyone to believe her,
but no one did.
She went looking for a solution,
but no one would listen to her.
Not even her own family.
(tense music plays)
(old woman) She sought
a solution to her problem.
For someone to listen.
Suddenly, there was an ear
in the middle of the desert
that heard her.
An ear with strange features.
An ear that could understand her problem,
and solve it.
(man screams)
(unsettling music plays)
(goat bleats)
(old woman) That ear promised
to give her a servant who would obey her.
So it gave her Siba.
The one we used to hear about
from our grandmothers.
Siba The Hidden One.
She cleansed the sins of her man,
and he came back a new person.
From that day on, she was content,
and started thinking
about others like her.
(unsettling music plays)
(old woman) The hidden ring
belonged to Siba.
She revealed herself,
and punished all men
for her and for every other woman.
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music fades)
(door shuts)
(man) Reema!
(cellphone rings)
(man) Reema?
(cellphone continues ringing)
(cellphone continues ringing)
(tense music plays)
- You blinked! You blinked!
- I didn't! A fly flew into my eye.
- I saw you blink!
- (woman) Something flew into my eye.
(girl) I saw you blink!
You always beat me at this game.
Hello, Tarek.
- Hi.
- I left your dinner on the stove.
Sorry. We ate without you,
'cause you're late.
- That's all right.
- Why does Daddy work so late all the time?
He has a lot of work, sweetie.
More than you do?
Not more than your mom.
But I work in IT, baby.
I'm always the last one out.
Mama, what's IT?
Well, it's
You know when the system at school
won't let you log in?
The people you call are IT.
But who said "IT"? Was it me or her?
Hey, it's all right. It's just a question.
(Tarek) And I'm trying to answer her.
Mama knows everything.
Sweetie, your dad knows everything.
He can tell you.
(soft music plays)
- Did you do your homework?
- (girl) Yes.
Good. Come on, put away your things.
It's bedtime.
(footsteps thud)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
(music fades)
Come on in.
Which floor?
Second floor.
(tense music plays)
(elevator dings)
(man on YouTube) There's a difference
between a male and a man.
There's a lot of males out there
these days, but men? Not a lot.
(woman on YouTube) So what do you mean
when you say "a man"?
(man) Being in charge.
(woman) Being in charge
is a woman's job as well.
She's in charge. She comes back home
and she feeds the kids.
On top of that, she has to work...
(man) Different kinds of responsibilities.
- (woman) She has to do all this.
- (man) No, no, no.
(cellphone buzzes)
- (Reem) Hello?
- Hello?
(Reem) Hi, Tarek.
(Reem) Where are you?
Will you be home soon?
- I'm at work.
- (Reem) It's already so late.
I know it is,
but I still have stuff to do.
(Reem) We ate without you.
Want me to leave you a plate?
- Sure.
- (Reem) When will you be home?
I'll finish up and head home.
- (Reem) Okay, bye.
- Bye.
(man on YouTube) Is it his job to
take care of the kids? Or stay at home?
Throughout history...
(woman on YouTube) He has
to help raise the kids.
(high heels clunk)
(tense music plays)
(man) Okay, but, Salma,
use a smaller font and fewer words.
And as a rule of thumb,
whenever you're addressing
one of our subsidiaries,
never use the words "would you kindly."
Your tone has to be direct.
- "You are required to."
- (Salma) Okay.
(man) That's it.
Good job. Excellent work.
(tense music continues)
(door shuts)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(lighter clicks)
(tense music fades)
I don't even smoke.
I heard a noise, so I came down.
It sounded like a seagull.
Have you ever heard one?
So how's work?
Watch out for Abu Mouath.
How come?
He's a harasser.
I know.
That he's a harasser?
(Salma) Mm-hm.
I'll be all right.
(tense music plays)
(footsteps slowly fade)
(cellphone chimes)
(man) Tarek, how's Abu Mouath's request
coming along?
I'm printing out the invoices.
I'll give them to Salma.
(man) But Salma resigned today.
(high-pitched tone drones)
(high-pitched tone stops)
(tense music plays)
(tense music continues)
(tense music fades)
(upbeat music plays)
(female voice) Do you feel lonely?
That no one cares about you,
and you haven't yet found your calling?
(upbeat music continues)
(female voice) Well, I have the answer
to your problem. I have what you need.
A magical place,
an amazing landscape,
with a partner
who can appreciate and transform you.
Your marriage will be finalized
within 24 hours,
with total protection of your privacy.
Register now. No one will ever know.
(upbeat music stops)
You haven't booked a hotel yet?
(male voice) So, dear listener,
you've got to take a different direction.
We've been talking for years
about changing and taking a new direction.
I think, basically,
that it's about making the decision.
To every man listening right now, be bold.
Get out. Go.
If an idea scares you,
you need to go for it.
As a man, you need to seek adventure
and take risks.
You can stay at home
when you're an old man with gray hair.
Put yourself where you wanna be.
(unsettling music plays)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music fades)
Hello there. Uh, I have a reservation...
First of all,
I'd like to inform you, sir,
that you will receive a new outfit
for you to wear while you're here.
once the activities are over, guests must
stay in their rooms, no matter what.
For your safety, of course.
And lastly, if you need anything at all,
just dial the number zero
from your room's telephone
and we're more than glad to help.
Who are those men there?
Like you,
they're guests.
Uh, how do I get to my room?
A bellboy will be here soon
to escort you there. Have a pleasant stay.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
(unsettling music plays)
(unsettling music fades)
(knocking on door)
(knocking on door)
This is a special outfit for you.
There's also a headscarf
so that guests may hide their faces.
Why hide them?
To protect privacy.
(door opens)
(unsettling music plays)
Good evening, dear guest.
If you would please come with me.
Where are we going?
You'll find out soon.
If you would please come with me.
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
(door slams)
(lock clicks)
(unsettling music continues)
Hello there. We're so glad you came.
So how was your trip?
A bit exhausting.
And what do you think
about our little place?
I just got here, so I don't know.
But, uh, I can already say that this place
is, uh, impressive, genuine.
I love that word.
Our tradition is very genuine.
And because you're genuine,
we accepted your application.
And hopefully, you'll be pleased.
How's your family doing?
They're just fine.
You didn't bring your kids along?
I'm kidding.
(sighs) I could see you were tense
and I thought I'd try a joke.
Okay, so you visited our website,
looked at our services,
and most importantly, you saw
the complete secrecy we operate with.
The marriage ceremonies that we do here
are done with a sense of community.
So you'll be attending other weddings,
and therefore, other guests
will attend yours.
Unless, of course, you have a problem
with that. We would completely understand.
Mm, I have no problem with that.
(tense music plays)
Open it. Go on.
(tense music continues)
(woman) Put it on.
(tense music continues)
It looks great on you.
Thank you for the ring.
Could I at least
see the girl that was selected?
You will. Later.
Just get some rest for now,
and everything will come in time.
Saad, see that he's well rested.
He's come such a long way.
(tense music plays)
(tense percussive music plays)
(tense percussive music continues)
- Is this your first time?
- Huh?
Is it your first time here?
Yes, it is.
You're lucky, you know?
And you? Your first time?
Yeah. You'll have a great time.
- How do you know?
- Be patient. Just wait.
- You know how it works around here?
- No one knows how things work around here.
That's exactly what you want.
- What do you mean?
- It's a different world.
It's not like back at home. I regret
that I never knew about it before.
Don't you have an image in your head
of your own ideal woman?
Hm, I never thought about it.
Never crossed my mind.
Come on now.
Hm, I guess you just have something
you won't admit.
What does that have to do with it?
It has to do with you wanting to stay here
for the rest of your life.
What makes you so sure about that?
Because all my friends who got in,
well, not one ever came back.
(percussive music plays)
Did you see how happy the groom was,
pulling the camel? (chuckles)
Here's hoping.
You're right.
It was our pleasure.
- Thank you for the lovely evening.
- It was our pleasure.
(tense music plays)
(man screams)
(man continues screaming)
(eerie whooshing)
(man screams)
- (eerie whooshing)
- (man screams)
(screaming fades)
(dialing tone beeps)
(door rattles)
(door rattles)
(suspenseful music plays)
(suspenseful music continues)
(man) You're forbidden
from leaving your room.
I thought I heard something.
(man) Everything is under control.
Please return to your room now.
(tense music plays)
(old man) Salma!
(tense music plays)
Tell me, son,
have you seen Salma?
Do you know where she is?
Where'd they take her?
- I'll ask someone.
- No, don't bother. I already did.
I couldn't find her.
Gone for two days now.
How do you know Salma?
Salma's my daughter.
I came here for her.
I believe she'd never leave me that long.
You're her father?
(old man) Yes. I'm her father.
She said someone had proposed to her.
Someone from her work.
And she wanted us to meet.
You see, son, we want her to marry.
Please, son. I'm begging you.
Go find her. If you do, bring her back.
I'll take your glass. Get some rest.
Where'd you get that?
- They gave it to me when I got here.
- (old man coughs)
Listen to me, son.
I'll tell you where to go.
Where to look for her.
I beg you, son. You have to.
Swear to me.
I swear.
Listen to me, son.
Don't let anyone see you going out.
You can't trust anybody in here.
Just head to the main gate,
and don't flinch.
Just show your ring.
Then, keep going straight
until you get out of this place.
(tense music plays)
(tense music fades)
(tense music plays)
(old man) You'll have the hotel
to the south,
and the farmlands to the north.
To the right, you'll have the desert,
and to your left will be your way out.
(tense music continues)
(old man) Keep going straight ahead
until you reach the farmlands.
(tense music continues)
(old man) Once you get past the farmlands,
you'll see a long passage ahead.
To the left and to the right,
you'll see mud houses.
Once you get there, keep going right
into the first farm you see.
You'll find a well to the left.
Once you reach the well,
that's it, you're there.
Behind the well,
you'll see the wilderness.
Go there, and you'll see the lights
of the house from that point.
(tense music continues)
(eerie whooshing)
(tense music continues)
(Tarek breathes heavily)
(tense music continues)
(old man) Please, son, I'm begging you.
Bring Salma back to me.
(tense music crescendos)
Who are you, and why are you here?
Are you looking for Salma?
Do you know her?
Yeah. But I'm thirsty.
I really want some water first.
Why don't you get it?
You know everything.
(eerie whooshing)
(unsettling music plays)
(man) Now everyone goes to live there.
They say
it's a land of riches and abundance.
She's way too far from home.
(woman) Poor Aliaa.
She was left all alone out there.
(man) Now everyone goes to live there.
They say
it's a land of riches and abundance.
She's way too far from home.
(woman) Poor Aliaa.
She was left all alone out there.
(man) Now everyone goes to live there.
They say
it's a land of riches and abundance.
She's way too far from home.
(woman) Poor Aliaa.
She was left all alone out there.
Now everyone goes to live there.
They say it's a land
of riches and abundance.
She's way too far from home.
(woman) Poor Aliaa.
She was left all alone out there.
(man) Now everyone goes to live there.
It's a land of riches and abundance.
She's way too far from home.
(woman) Poor Aliaa.
She was left all alone out there.
(unsettling music plays)
(creatures shriek)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music crescendos)
(Tarek) No!
(Tarek groans)
(static electric crescendos)
(static stops)
(panicked breathing)
(eerie whooshing)
(hotel guest) This place is strange.
Everything about it is.
I don't know.
Maybe I saw something
I wasn't supposed to see.
What do you mean?
I went out last night. I heard a noise.
I went out there
thinking it was a fight or something.
There was nothing at all.
It was quiet.
Then I saw that woman.
You know her.
She was with her assistant.
The creepy one.
They were standing outside a room,
but I couldn't see inside.
Then the matchmaker gave me that look.
That scary look, you know?
So I ran back to my room.
I had nightmares.
Each one stranger than the one before.
I couldn't sleep.
But it's almost done.
My flight is tomorrow.
I am leaving this place for good.
Tomorrow? What do you mean, man?
We have to leave today.
Tomorrow might never come.
I've been seeing strange things.
Nightmares and weird dreams.
I don't even know if I'm actually
talking to you for real. I don't.
So what are you thinking?
I think we should get out of this
whatever it is we've gotten into
and just go home.
No! Did you forget about my wedding?
That's right. Tonight's my wedding.
Besides, what goes on here, stays here.
You won't find your Mona.
I'll never find Salma.
Let's leave before it gets even worse.
But Mona?
Did you see her?
Are you sure she even exists?
(tense music plays)
Listen to me. This place is dangerous.
There's a million Monas out there.
(tense music continues)
Fine. Let's meet in the lobby in an hour.
Hold on. What happened to your hand?
Like I said,
strange things keep happening.
I'll see you in the lobby.
(clock ticks)
(tense music continues)
(suitcase button clicks)
(clock continues ticking)
(tense music continues)
(door opens)
(door closes)
(tense music continues)
- (hotel guest) I hope you work that day.
- (woman giggles)
(hotel guest) But I know
you can't handle it.
(woman) Thank God you're okay.
(hotel guest) Hey, hey!
Oh, man, it's great to see you.
Really. Seriously. How are you?
(Tarek) Hi. What's taking so long?
- I've been waiting.
- (hotel guest) Waiting for me?
We agreed to go.
You misunderstood. (chuckles)
You totally misunderstood.
I was trying to scare the ones who run
this place so I could get what I want.
And I did. I threatened them.
"Unless you give me
what I came for, I'm gone."
So they did!
They brought me Mona.
Yeah, that's her in there. Mona!
Wait a second. Hold on.
(gentle music plays)
Here's your invitation.
The wedding is tonight.
Take it!
(door closes)
(tense drumbeat echoes)
(tense beat echoes)
(loud whooshing)
(tense drumbeat)
(breathes deeply)
(unsettling music plays)
(birds caw)
(unsettling music continues)
Well, hi there, sir.
Are you leaving?
Am I leaving?
Yeah, I'm getting out of here.
May I ask how come?
Is that all right?
Is this a hotel or a prison?
I'd like to leave now, all right?
As you wish.
(tense music plays)
A car will be here shortly.
(tense music continues)
- (taser buzzes)
- (Tarek yells)
(tense music continues)
(hotel guest) This place is strange.
Everything about it is.
And the nightmares
(percussive music plays)
(percussive music continues)
(percussive music continues)
(grunts sleepily)
(percussive music continues)
(music fades)
(unsettling music plays)
(car engine revs)
(drumbeats echo)
(unsettling music plays)
- (tense music plays)
- (Tarek grunts)
(tense percussive music plays)
(tense percussive music continues)
(hotel guest grunts)
(tense percussive music continues)
(hotel guest yells)
(hotel guest screams)
(unsettling music plays)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
- (taser buzzes)
- (Tarek yells)
(old man) Please, son, I'm begging you.
Bring Salma back to me.
(tense percussive music plays)
(music fades)
(breathes deeply)
(breathes heavily)
What is it? Are you okay?
I want to go home.
I just want to go.
(woman) What did I tell you
when you first got here?
But you wanted to rush everything,
you fool.
Just wait.
You'll get what you want.
(door closes)
- (door closes)
- (tense music plays)
Curse you to hell!
Are you stupid?
Why are you even here?
(tense music continues)
(Salma) Answer me!
I came for you.
I curse the day I first saw you.
How dare you?
You ruined everything.
You ruined my life.
(Salma) I ruined your life?
(laughs) Oh, really?
Did you even have one?
(Salma sighs)
(Tarek sighs)
(unsettling music plays)
(unsettling music continues)
Why have you been so different lately?
Your silence is suspicious.
(unsettling music continues)
(Salma) I feel pain.
Pain that I've never felt before.
I don't know what it is.
But I do know that I'm not happy at all.
(unsettling music continues)
Many years back
Many. In another lifetime.
When I was your age.
The only thing I ever did
was pretend I was someone I was not.
I mean, can you imagine?
Every day, you're you, but you're not.
And all of that for what?
To please everyone else.
I used to watch my glow fade away
day after day.
So don't talk to me about pain.
(Salma) What's the purpose?
(unsettling music continues)
None of the women here
chose this position for herself.
I know that you have suffered.
But we can choose happiness.
(woman laughs)
What is that?
Really, what is that?
That is just a fairy tale. You know that.
(unsettling music continues)
I believe in your concept.
But there is no mercy
in this place anymore.
Look at your arms.
Is that the mercy you're talking about?
Do you see mercy?
Where was mercy
when they were doing that to us?
(Salma) So what's the plan now?
Will they stay here as slaves?
What about the wife
who awaits her husband's return?
(woman) A husband who would
just make the same mistake?
(Salma) You never know.
We could change them. We could...
(woman) No pain, no gain.
I really feel sorry for you.
(unsettling music continues)
(Salma) An ear in the middle of the desert
offered a different solution.
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
(breathes deeply)
(unsettling music continues)
(unsettling music continues)
(Tarek yells)
(unsettling music crescendos)
(melancholy music plays)
(melancholy music continues)
(melancholy music continues)
(Salma) I hope you'll understand
why I did what I did.
And I hope you won't be mad at me.
Your wise teachings are still there,
and your lessons are still being learned,
but with a different approach.
An approach I had to adopt
to see your dream become a reality.
Don't hate me.
I'm still the same girl who came to you
completely lost and disoriented.
That girl who became strong
because of you, and only you.
I know that you'll thank me in time.
(melancholy music continues)
(melancholy music continues)
(melancholy music continues)
(melancholy music fades)
- (Reem) You blinked!
- (Reema) I didn't!
(Reem) Reema, I saw you with my own eyes!
What do you mean, you didn't?
(Reema) You blinked before I did anyway.
You're the loser, not me.
(Reem) I'm not. I might have lost
last time, but this time...
I want to play too.
(eerie music plays)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(gentle music plays)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music fades)