The Meaning and Mystery of Life (2023) Movie Script

The bumblebee is an endangered species
thanks to humans.
It is said that
under all the known laws of aerodynamics,
the bumblebee should not be able to fly.
He beats his wings 120 times a second,
carrying as much pollen as he weighs.
But he doesn't think
about what is possible and what is not...
he just flies.
He believes in himself.
He doesn't mind the rain.
As the first pollinator of spring,
he visits up to 2,000 flowers a day.
He is a peaceful creature
and warns his enemy
several times before he retaliates.
It is just not about the conflict.
He has a heart
and warms his young with his own body.
Mankind without a bumblebee
and its bee relatives
will not survive.
But the bee will be just fine without man...
Every life can be changed.
You have different faces,
you live through other tales,
but it is still you.
Your one and only soul.
These ones belonged to Max.
Last time, he was a wealthy
and greedy miller
who loved to argue
and always had to be right.
The miller thought
his team of oxen, mill, and wife
were all his property.
He converted everything into money.
Even those books
the pastor used to pay for flour.
That's why his wife left him,
taking his stepdaughter with her.
He liked to show
that he could afford everything.
The oldest I have here.
How much?
He wanted the pastor to see life
as simply a substance with no soul.
Not the work of God.
He was too lazy to search
and didn't believe in anything.
There was only one line
in the pastor's rarest book
he could understand:
We are all One...
Well, actually he didn't understand.
His jealousy, amongst other things,
wouldn't allow it.
He could have been with his family,
rejoicing in existence.
But many things
have ruined his relationships.
Instead, he became
a collector of useless items.
It's time to show myself.
So, you wanted to see me?
You've always wondered
how I can fly with such a fat body.
You pinned me into a cabinet.
Well, now...
I'm going to be poking you.
What are you seeking?
Pride? Stinginess?
Well, for everybody, I think in general,
the meaning of life
is to fulfill a higher plan.
And what was yours?
I think that we should
learn to free ourselves
from material needs
to release the fears that we have.
So living is the journey
through the school we call life.
You have to be empty to experience life,
and when you're empty,
the light can come through.
Hey, look... life?!
The earth is a rehab center...
A loony bin.
And you keep coming back to it.
In order to be the king of flour?
Are you still angry at everyone?
In 8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2...
Well, that was sooner than I expected.
Now you can finally lay down,
put your feet up.
You'll be the richest man in the cemetery.
So much to be jealous about.
Now recap it all.
It's going to start all over again.
And in this reality, there is no time.
There is no time.
What about you?
You don't want me to get too close?
Are you afraid?
Or you just want to watch?!
So you died, so what?
That doesn't mean you'll never come back.
Because none of us
can truly die.
You are educated,
but are you wise?
Your best friend Robert
might have something
to say about that.
Yeah, hi.
Yeah, I'm with Max.
He says he hasn't eaten for 70 days.
He thinks he's adjusted and enlightened.
He's all...
"tuned in."
Sure of yourself?
I'm a doctor, but so is he.
What should I tell him?
So you're betting with him again?
Yeah, we're betting,
you know how we are.
But this time it's a sure thing, right?
Sure, sure, it is.
What did you need, by the way?
Darling, I'm having a massage,
so I'll be here for about two hours.
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye for now.
He's with Max.
We've got two hours.
Two hours are fine.
Sometimes a person realizes...
In the past I lived many lives
and I am here to join all of them
into a single life.
And maybe a better one.
Even if it looks like he's gone a little...
You know you're not Jesus, right?
He doesn't.
You've gotta have faith.
Once again,
in 8, 7, 6...
Maybe not yet.
But it's nice that you have faith.
- Hey there, Christ!
- Hi.
You really are crazy.
You belong in a padded cell.
Know that?
Shouldn't you worry
about your attestation instead?
Yeah, yeah.
Look, just picture
matter is mostly made up of empty space.
Which means, theoretically,
we're able to walk through walls.
She's pretty.
Interesting, right?
- You don't want to bet on it, do you?
- Not yet.
But I think
that I can go without food for 90 days.
Perhaps a hundred, I'm not sure yet.
As a doctor
I wouldn't really recommend it.
I know, you said already.
This time, Bangkok, plane tickets?
Okay, Bangkok.
Thanks for the tickets.
- You've gotta have faith.
- Yeah, yeah.
Watch this. Watch closely.
There is a probability that one can...
that, first of all,
an atom can go through walls.
- Cool.
- Right?
You know you can also find videos...
where penguins fly planes...
and dogs sing "Love Me Tender"?
I want to see those.
Love me, Max, love the world
Forever bee with me...
There is always a possibility
that something will happen.
And your wallet is... poof!
If one atom can go through the wall,
then it's theoretically possible
that all atoms of the body
can go through the wall.
Robert, just imagine
everything we think up,
that we agree on...
can happen.
Amazing, isn't it?
Individuals who are extremely
well-developed consciously
can perhaps orchestrate the construct
of their body to allow that to happen.
Radio waves and television waves
go through this wall.
Your physical body can be deconstructed,
go through the wall,
and then be reconstructed.
Something's about to happen here.
If you believe.
I need a vodka.
Let's go.
I'll pay.
Good luck with that.
I told you something would happen.
But what would've happened
if nothing had happened?
Would you like to fly too?
Slow down!
Smell the flowers.
That gives us a relief
from the constant barrage of thought...
Breathing definitely has an impact
upon how we feel.
If you are breathing, you are present...
Suddenly I was complete...
I was leaving my body,
and I felt how it is
when you have liberated yourself
from your body
and you're just,
with your whole essence,
connected to the whole universe.
I was reading out loud
everything I'd ever experienced
and everyone heard it.
Well, well...
Now you see every detail of your life.
But... I hadn't died.
I had just left my body.
But you don't just...
leave the body.
You emphatically
and directly feel the pain
that you have brought about
in that other person's life.
Chills you, doesn't it?
But over there,
everybody knows who you are.
Everybody knows.
You can't fool anybody
in the real world.
For the first time, I saw
that everything kept repeating itself.
So we're actually doing things over,
often with the same souls again.
So, you know, let's say I meet
Peter again and we have a conflict,
then we come back in another life,
now Peter's my son and I'm his father.
Who are you, anyway?
I am you, you are me.
You are me?
What should I do now?
The whole world is a theatre
and a set of actors.
And what we need to do is change the game...
The story is made by us
and we are like the producer,
the director, and the main actor.
Write yourself a better role.
And everyone that we know
is just a supporting character.
Every role is important, Max.
Do you hear me?
Do you know
the deepest meditation is life itself?
Changes are made faster there.
For example in Bangkok.
You lost the bet.
Guys. Look at me!
So listen, when you left your body,
did you really see me as a priest?
Sure did, buddy.
Me, a priest?
I couldn't believe it either.
Were you stoned?
I'll help you pay for the tickets.
I lost fair and square.
I don't want anything.
Where are we going next, huh?
Some people come here
to be a businessman.
Some people come here to kill.
Some people come here to wage war.
Some people come here to discover
what it is that's difficult to discover...
For instance,
who is the author of the universe.
Everybody learns something
about themselves.
Shall we sit there?
Max, you still haven't told me much
about that meditation of yours.
He who hasn't walked through walls
will never understand.
But it was big.
Did you really get a glimpse
of our past lives?
It seems like we keep
meeting each other...
- Three coffees, please.
- ...keep meeting over and over.
You, Robert, and I, time after time.
And what did I look like?
Well, you were different, but beautiful.
I don't know, it's all kind of foggy now.
Wait, let's do a little good.
but that's great.
I enjoy being different.
He wouldn't take the money.
He didn't want it.
Is he ill?
I don't know.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, Max, those who accept also decide.
Not only those who give.
Now you know that everything
depends on everything else.
Time is of no consequence
and everything repeats
until you resolve it.
Now you'll meet three people
who will influence your entire life.
And in your role, you are a beggar.
And all kinds of nasty things
are happening to the beggar.
If you identify with the character,
it is terrible.
You can exit every role.
You were just never brave enough to do it.
But if you realize that you're
the actor playing the character,
then it's wonderful.
Good evening.
It's a play.
Because in a game you win or you lose.
But in a play, you just play.
Okay, and you play many roles.
It's a play, it's not a win-or-lose game.
Let's do a little good.
Good evening, sir.
This is for you.
A clear conscience for a few coins, eh?
Sure, I'll take it. You look all right.
Thank you.
See, things work differently here, right?
The more miserable you are
and the more you can convey,
the more the audience
will engage, and who knows,
you may even get an award.
Hey, what are you knocking for?
Well, for you.
- What?!
- The lady won a prize.
My little sister lives here.
The award for best homeless man goes to...
Don't know your name, but congratulations.
For me, eh?
- Easy!
- It's slippery as hell here.
Enjoying yourselves, are you?
- Yeah.
- That's great.
I was an engineer, you know,
till they fired me.
My wife gave me the boot,
took everything I had.
What a bitch!
Yeah, I suppose.
Thank you, how do you say it...
I would like to thank everyone,
my parents, the police,
the people in the drunk tanks
far and wide,
but most of all, madam,
I thank those who sometimes...
leave something in the trash,
a bit of food, I mean.
We've had our fun, eh?
We feel great, eh?
Okay, then.
Take it easy.
- I'll get the car back to you tomorrow.
- Yeah, yeah.
Don't drive through walls
or on the water, okay?
- Good night, Max.
- Good night. Bye.
Flat of the year!
- Hey!
- Hey! Wait up!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
- Today's your lucky day.
- Yeah, that's mine!
- Thanks a lot.
- Dude, you're lucky!
Wait, I want to give you something.
You already did.
You're not just accidentally happy...
something made you happy.
You have to work at being happy
and hard!
- That guy looks just like you.
- Wow, he found my wallet!
Can I give you a ride?
Come, get in.
- I'll drop you somewhere, get in.
- No, no.
Now you have your wallet back,
it contains more than you think.
Whenever something bad is happening,
there is also always a good behind it,
which at the moment you don't see.
I think we should respect
every single person
because every person
is a wonderful individual.
How about trying it differently this time?
For every problem, it takes two.
Is it you?
It is me.
Let's cut to the chase.
Would you like to get a coffee?
And would you marry me?
Why not?
In Mexico?
In the shade of the Pyramid of the Sun?
I should crash into you more often.
So come visit me sometime.
You only have a winning chance
if you set up thousands of gears properly.
And that is...
what leads us to encounter karma.
That's the melting pot of our life.
I felt sorry for it in the garbage,
so I took it.
That's nice of you.
- Realtor of the year.
- Congratulations.
- Would you like a coffee?
- Gladly.
Pyramid of the Sun, Mexico.
I'll leave the dates up to you.
You must be crazy.
But over her!
Now cut to the chase.
Life is the most beautiful gift
of the ancestors.
And the meaning of life
is to discover what we are.
Whether we crash, or are crashed into,
to discover ourselves.
You've changed. You have a new role, Max.
In a brand-new play.
And therefore it is possible
to manifest in infinite numbers of ways.
You've let the anger go.
You're not gonna make me
walk through walls, are you?
No, but can we still try walking on water?
You're changing your values,
and you want to share.
So out of pure love, Wanda, Peter,
and the youngest, Hugo, were born.
However, the meaning of life
keeps changing as you get older.
For a while it could be in R & B,
for others it could be in table tennis.
Or also in a good vegan lunch.
The end result should be
that we stop looking for the end result.
Anyone who has a face is my friend
and I don't eat my friends.
What's Robert up to?
- Hey.
- Hi.
Hey there.
Have that money for me?
You're welcome.
Never came to terms
with his mother's bizarre death.
In past lives, however,
George lived the same way.
A favourite symphony and carbon monoxide
wrote the lovers' epitaph.
Now George is judging everyone.
Let him throw the first stone
if he's so innocent.
The same vehicle
took them to the cemetery.
Is this how you raise him?
You're part of this too.
Except he's not my son!
Oh, crap.
Karel, can you please help me?
She told Robert
that she fell off the massage table.
Damn it, listen to me.
I swear I didn't sleep with her that time.
Even though she had...
has a great pair, right?
Helena's betrayal hurt Robert a lot,
I'm only here to clean up my act,
so any anger, resentment,
annoyance, irritation,
whatever, that comes from me,
leaves me everything.
Or let God strike me down.
You bastard, what the fuck?!
It wasn't me.
- It was the rifle!
- You idiot!
Sorry, I'll make it up to you.
Oh, really?
Do you think anyone could ever
make up anything to Karl or Robert?
I wouldn't bet on it.
So, everything we are looking for
is inside us.
And Robert?
He has a million possibilities
and a million choices.
But the only thing
he got up the courage for was...
- Hello.
- Hi.
The most powerful place on earth
is the present moment.
But the goal is to live
in the present moment.
And now?
When we say that everything is possible,
we eliminate the prison in our head.
We have a responsibility to our children,
and we have to ask ourselves the question:
"What kind of world
are we leaving for them?"
You just invite her somewhere, that's it.
- Hey there.
- Hi, George.
Your son is getting
to be quite expensive, huh?
Listen, I would invite her out if...
If what? If she rang your doorbell?
If she said she's bored,
wants to do laundry...
You can't be scared.
Just ask her out.
But where?
Where does she work?
In a caf.
That's perfect.
You invite her to that caf.
That sounds good.
So you'll be my wingman?
Of course I will.
Max, this is what I'm afraid of.
Energy follows an idea...
and an idea leads to activity.
He's too... timid. Who's it?
- You're it!
- Who's it? Who's it?
He won't ask her out.
He's too shy, maybe he's afraid.
He's afraid he might bump into her.
Even I'm afraid of bumping
into some people. You're it!
Who are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of running
into my younger sister.
You have a sister?
Why didn't you tell me?
You're it!
I'm it!
You're it!
You thought you knew
everything about Eva, didn't you?
How much does she know about you?
We are all a funny mixture
of selfishness and generosity,
good and bad.
Don't you miss her even a bit?
We've nothing to talk about.
She took enough from me,
I don't want to talk to her.
What did she take?
Rare books from my great-grandfather.
That's why you don't talk?
That's absurd.
But I can't be loved
unless I get rid
of the crap in me, you know?
Why haven't you ever introduced us?
Because I love you.
She stole the first boy I ever loved
and wanted to marry him.
Then she gave him the boot.
She stole your boyfriend, huh?
She stole my boyfriend,
stole my books, stole my earrings.
She only hasn't stolen you
because she doesn't know you.
What's her name?
Where does she live?
Don't know.
- What does she do?
- Don't know.
- Do you never talk to each other?
- No.
Have you never called her?
Me! Why?
Thank you.
- What's new with you?
- Detox, detox.
- I feel like shit.
- I can see that.
Would you rather have some smack?
No, thanks.
I'll kill myself a different way.
What do you mean it doesn't happen?
It's happening now!
I'm not coming back to Bratislava, got it?
It's over.
Listen, darling.
You're not the first,
you won't be the last.
I'm deleting you.
And my wife will tell you,
when we have tense moments:
"I want you to treat me
like a customer."
Because I always treat customers well.
Lady luck is shining on you, Max.
Hi, what can I get you?
Is this also for sale?
Yeah. But it isn't cheap.
How much?
Five thousand.
I'll take it.
Can I pay by card?
I'm afraid not.
So I'll be back in a minute, okay?
- So ciao.
- Ciao.
On the divine level,
the past, future, and present are one.
And they unite all at once.
Here you go.
What kind of book is it?
Well, it's in Aramaic.
It's pretty rare.
Here, for example,
even though my Aramaic is a little weak,
it says, "We all are One."
one doesn't care.
I'm studying, so the money is handy.
I see.
I wish you luck.
If you find another rare book...
give me a call.
A great temptation.
But someone has it even harder.
Everything is going so fast in my head.
You have to be good, great, the best,
have a degree, a fuckin' house,
mortgage, money, career, everything.
You understand? Everything.
I don't want that.
Who do you think I am? Your old man?
Quite the imagination,
but who is he punishing?
But I can imagine it, you know?
I can imagine it.
Everything is possible.
You have a new car?
- A retro rocket.
- It's beautiful.
Everything is possible.
I inherited some cash.
You need to have courage,
just like what's his name?
Giordano Bruno!
...who was burned at the stake for saying
that the universe is infinite
and there's life on other worlds...
I wanted to change things, see?
I've been thinking
about what happened since his time.
What happened from the time
that Copernicus realized
that human beings
were not the centre of the universe
and in fact
the earth revolved around the sun?
For which he was threatened
with death, by the way.
To kill someone for an opinion?
So you think
you're the masters of all creation?
I expect more from you people.
The plan operates by changing
the consciousness of people
in a sort of rhythm...
It changes the minds of people.
When there are major changes in this plan,
a new kind of human being emerges.
Just like Copernicus, Bruno,
Tesla, Jesus, Buddha
were simply those
who possess a special gift
to see the world differently
and know how to open other people's eyes,
and it could be any one of you!
Life is great.
Yeah? Why all of a sudden?
I fell in love.
At least I think so, I hope so.
Who is she? Do I know her?
I know of one way to change the past.
And that is to behave constructively
and kindly in the present moment
because the present
will soon become our past.
- Hi, Eva!
- Hi, Mommy!
- Thanks for the ride, Robert.
- You're welcome.
Hi, Robert, what are you doing here?
Giving your wife a lift.
Found her on the road.
That's nice of you, thanks.
You know how it is
when people turn off their phone.
I'm sorry.
So you really want to sell this place?
Robert, ask whatever you want.
It's quiet and peaceful.
The birds sing free of charge.
But shouldn't you think it over?
Well, I wouldn't sell, but Eva insists.
Can you hold this for a second?
- It's too far into town for me.
- Wanda!
Well, I can see you two
still have to talk it over.
Call me after that.
I don't really have the best
childhood memories here.
I get it.
This looks familiar.
Where did you find it?
I bought it.
we are creating them now.
There's always something, man.
Wait till they're older.
Why can't you be more careful?
I'm so stupid, Mom.
Can't you two be friends?
At least for a while.
I guess so.
I love myself the way I love others.
The same should go for you, Max.
When you love yourself,
you can heal everybody with love.
To love yourself?
A difficult and an easy task.
If I don't love myself,
how can I give love?
But If you're not in love
with yourself... can't love anybody.
Hugo, I'm really sorry.
Please don't ask where you are.
Where am I?
It's your imagination, your mind,
your dream, your life.
Don't ask where you are,
ask what you want.
There's quite lot of things
I'd like to change.
You mean with Eva?
Yeah, but not only.
Then simply change your perception.
I would rather be a beautiful ballerina...
or a Formula One Driver...
...or I could have looked
pretty terrifying!
This is how you wanted me
when you were the miller.
Well, you turned out pretty good.
I think your marriage is going downhill.
Yeah, right.
Hey, Eva, what are you doing here?
That bumblebee of yours is right.
I think...
...we're going to break up anyway.
Hey, wait.
What about the temptation
from the caf? Vicky.
She's kinda sexy, huh?
Yeah. She is.
Your thoughts.
Your desires.
We'll see.
Vicky, I mean...
it isn't possible. This can't be possible.
It can't be.
Weren't you always on the pill?
That can't happen...
can it?
Can it?
It's not mine.
I just wanted to see what you would say.
If you like being with me.
I do.
I like it a lot...
even if I've complicated matters.
But gladly.
Ah, well... this is also a way.
You better get used to it.
It's not easy being with you either.
But, you know, sex done properly...
almost always ends in pregnancy.
Yeah, sure.
Keeping two fires burning, eh?
How about trying it again?
Differently this time.
And what about sex with a mistake?
How big a mistake?
I'm not exactly the family type.
Hey, that's really funny!
Whatever happens is okay.
We are here, in this material body,
just to experience.
Whatever it is you need...
accept it.
Do you love me?
Is something wrong?
What is it?
You know I love you.
"Love is the absence of all fear."
See, love and fear can't coexist.
Am I interrupting?
Hey, Robert.
Maybe just a little.
I really would like to buy this place.
I've fallen in love.
Can I take a few photos?
Of course you can.
Max, kiss whoever you want.
Robert can do whatever he wants.
You're free in everything.
Even so, even so,
some have it differently.
You cannot think that God is free
because God cannot choose to be bad.
The angels, they cannot choose to be bad.
We do not understand anything.
The danger is that we are conceited.
The danger is that we are too stubborn.
Maybe this is some kind of chilly hell.
But science demonstrates
that on our most fundamental level,
we are connected by energy.
Everything is alive. Even a rock is alive.
Maybe it holds information
about the time of dinosaurs,
about ancient civilizations.
Even about you,
Eva, Robert, Vicky...
all of us.
Or one could also say...
This is a prison planet
and we are kept here sort of as prisoners.
Or other civilizations
are watching you all, Max...
to make sure things
don't get out of hand.
Let's just say you're
dangerous for a lot of them
and you're simply here to be retrained.
You are capable of destroying everything.
They want to know
how the experiment is going,
if we are developing
in the right direction...
or if they will have to step in
and stop the experiment.
And that may be fine,
because, you know,
the human species could be
an interesting experiment.
Sometimes experiments don't work.
And start over?
Maybe that has already happened before.
And they wish us
to wake up and liberate ourselves
from our own self-imposed
suffering and limitations.
Because we are in great danger
of destruction.
So far, I'm not exactly certain
if civilization needs a doctor
or a gravedigger.
But it's already somewhere
on that threshold.
Max, even if I offered you
a thousand alternatives
to how things are here,
you wouldn't believe a single one.
Part of the play...
so far.
There are no bad choices, Max.
What's important is how close
you get to a perfect decision.
What if it all ends?
It would be...
up to you.
Listen, I'm not so sure anymore.
What if I can't change it?
Can't we speed this up a little bit?
Shall I?
What did I miss?
Into the ground or with fire, well?
Wait a second,
I think you sped it up a bit too much.
If you can change
what you believe you are,
just like magic,
everything around you starts changing.
But it's because you changed,
not because everything else changed.
So should I just change myself?
And who else?
Come on!
When we change ourselves,
we are also influencing others.
What is it, Vicky?
You know I love you.
Of course we're still together. Bye.
You want two families?
Still together?
I'm coming with the book.
Max, you have another chance!
You wanted to rewrite it,
or do you also want
to have kids with Vicky?
Vicky, I told you not to call me
when I'm at home, okay?
Listen, we need to take a break,
just for a while.
It can't go on like this.
Only a break?
I can't talk now, okay?
I'll call you later. Bye.
As I moved down the tunnel
and I emerged into this world
of awareness,
I began to see
that this life was a rare privilege.
Once you learn that
and you come back here,
you will love the opportunity to live.
Every second that you breathe
in this place is an adventure.
Vicky wasn't going to give up.
We're not here for the answers,
we are here for the growth that happens
in search of the answers.
After all, everything should be...
as it should be.
It can't be otherwise.
When you experience
anything like a mystical event,
which I've had the good fortune
to experience,
it makes everything else
sort of a detour
because it's actually home.
We recognize
that we are all interconnected.
There is one person on this planet
and we are all parts
of this greater life force
we call human existence.
Why am I here? To experience love.
For sure.
Oh, good afternoon.
Yeah. Good.
And goodbye.
Nothing ever ends.
Is this Dad?
It's Jesus...
rising from the dead.
Mom, is Dad alive or dead?
Suddenly we recognize
that there is a reason for everything.
And everything makes perfect sense.
We suddenly just understand.
When you leave your body,
you simply understand.
There are old souls and new souls,
and we cycle through our lifetimes
in various forms
to learn our various lessons.
Sometimes pretty damn hard.
Is there anything
you want me to tell Daddy?
What, then?
But encounters with death...
don't stop the big story.
When a person dies young
because of their hatred, wrong outlook
on the world, despondency,
then in their rebirth they might be born
with limited possibilities.
With poor health, capabilities,
even destiny.
Wouldn't have solved anything anyway.
Only made matters worse.
What I am astounded by
is that humanity
has created this fear
through what they have done,
scaring little kids with death.
Frightening us and branding us
with this word called death.
It is just nothing more
than us going to sleep
and then waking up.
- Are you afraid of death?
- Well, I'm not.
- Are you afraid?
- No.
I had this experience of how it feels
when you are no longer bound in your body
and it is the most liberating thing
that you can experience.
And the more you recognize that,
fear of death drops away by itself.
One day you wake up
and your body is gone.
Not so bad.
You already know that, Max.
- Mommy, I'm tired.
- Okay.
Your daddy says that sleep
is death's little brother.
Can you hear me? Listen.
You never really listen!
Just let me do whatever I want.
...but that's no solution.
There's so many trains here...
I must go to my son.
...they're not chicken like you.
Is something wrong?
- I don't want your money anymore.
- I don't know.
- You're such a coward!
- Robert, is everything okay?
But right now...
I was lucky enough to have what's called
a near-death experience in a car accident.
We all have a soul,
the good and the bad ones,
and when we die,
that soul goes back to heaven.
- We have to cut him out.
- Move it, guys.
Get the door off.
Literally, I was thrown out
of the box, out of my body,
I was not in my body anymore.
And suddenly I am
in this other place, a beautiful place
where everybody is loving,
everybody is in harmony,
everybody is at peace.
If he's stable,
we'll take him in the ambulance.
Come on, hurry...
Don't be afraid,
it'll make some noise, okay?
We've stopped the bleeding,
we'll get him to emergency.
One person in transit.
This is not the real reality.
The real reality is behind the curtain,
in truth we are not here.
This is the shadow.
Five-zero-one emergency.
- Okay, it's all empty.
- Battery disconnected!
Roger that.
There's a place where
you don't want to go back,
we call this home,
it is where we belong.
There are many doors you can go into.
You can go to the dragon world
where you'd discover dragons exist
and that they are here to help us.
You go to another door, you find fairies...
And beyond that,
there are even more levels
which are not necessarily human life.
Who are we to believe that we are
the only ones living in the universe?
There are some
very important dimensions of life
that are not normally perceptible...
We are just a microscopic speck
of a much larger picture
which we call the Creator,
or the Great Spirit.
We are also human beings.
Is anybody there?
What are you doing here?
Come in.
- Should I?
- Sure.
You can.
Don't worry.
- Are you scared?
- Yeah.
So was I.
Where are we?
You know, I've no idea.
Maybe it's some kinda game
or a dream of an ancient turtle
or a slide show
of our vacation, I don't know.
- Are you stoned?
- No weed here, come on.
Wait, I'll close the door.
Don't bother,
nobody closes doors here, let's go.
- Should I?
- Sure, come on.
You should stand up too.
Yeah, okay... coming.
If you're coming that way,
it's gonna take a while...
Come, my friend, don't be afraid.
- Where were you rushing to?
- I'm... dead, aren't I?
It'll pass in a moment.
Hey, I was hit by a ball of lightning
and I survived.
I was driving too fast to see my son.
He failed his exams yesterday and, well...
he feels like he's never good enough.
Such bullshit.
But we have to go through the constructs
that our western world has given us.
Because it has given us
an address, a cell phone,
a particular name, a passport,
a driver's licence,
and we believe it.
Are there any rules here?
rules, of course.
Hmm, well, maybe.
Either way, down there,
you'll forget almost everything.
What is that?
A sort of talking bumblebee,
don't mind him.
Vicky could have been yours. Change it.
Now she's going out with...
Look, I'm trying to fix it somehow.
It's taking time.
Like everything is run by certain rules,
but when you rise above that,
there are no rules.
I have to go.
Don't worry about anything.
Wait, hold on!
What are you looking at?
You'll be back in two weeks.
Do whatever you wish.
These are your rules...
...and your consequences.
- Hi.
- Hey there.
- You got something?
- Naturally.
What else is new?
Detox, detox.
- Vicky?
- Hi, what are you doing?
- I have a surprise for you.
- What surprise?
Vicky, I don't want to see you anymore.
- What's up?
- You're here!
My lover just called me.
Oh, please. Which one?
Once you discover the power of the truth,
you will never lie again
because the truth is so powerful.
Very important because, I mean,
we live in a world where nothing is true.
Or we tell half-truths
from the frying pan into the fire.
We can lie, of course, but then
you're completely disconnected
from your great "I am"...
If I'm getting experience,
there's lying going on,
but it's me, it's going on in me,
so I can correct it.
So when you are truthful with yourself,
it makes us resolve the conflict,
whatever it might be.
Yeah, if we have time. What time is it?
You're very attentive all of a sudden.
Nobody can lie to you
if you're pure of heart.
If you show up pure of heart,
it's not possible.
It's true, Max.
Thoughts are just as strong as words.
With our imagination,
we create our whole reality.
A car, faith, cell phone,
house... joy... hate... tension.
You can have whatever you think up, Max.
So if that's true - if we are
co-creators of our world,
then we are creating what we live.
And we have to take responsibility too.
You can be whoever and whatever.
You contain all the experience
of humanity, for all of its existence.
There's a universe of creativity
in each thought of everybody.
So create!
All of you!
Mother Earth sometimes
doesn't understand us
if they let us live
in this beautiful paradise.
But this is not how I want it!
Well, I think, like Jesus said,
it's a pure heart,
when you're pure of heart
you don't have any judgment,
any anger, resentment,
with Buddha it's a void,
with quantum physics it's zero,
as long as you're nothing,
you'll be fine.
Hey, concentrate on what you really want.
When you're certain, you can sit down.
I made it so complicated with Vicky.
That was a stupid idea.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's your choice.
So how do I fix it?
What you experience is...
What's important is how you experience it.
It can happen to you at any time
or any place in the world
especially when you least expect it.
The universe is just observing.
Observing how you manage...
how you experience it.
I'm not gonna stand for this.
The best medicine is to talk
completely and openly
about your life problems.
To embark on a spiritual journey,
during which you will conscientiously try
to learn to love others
and to appreciate the joy of knowledge.
You have a great husband.
And we have three children together.
I'm happy,
and I'd like to keep it that way.
How about we wipe the slate clean?
Straighten our affairs.
Vicky, I don't want to lose everything.
Your first love was good for nothing.
It wasn't my fault,
I just wanted to protect you.
Stop it.
Do you understand? Stop it.
Nice conflict.
Nice war.
Water is most unhappy
when people fight each other,
wage wars or conflicts.
In fact, people are mostly made of water.
Water is always happy
when it feels "seen,"
but when it isn't seen,
the water is suddenly sad.
Ladies, close your eyes.
When you close your eyes,
you no longer create...
a r-e-a-l-i-t-y.
When we close our eyes,
the world disappears.
The manifest world does not exist anymore.
They all become possibilities
as hard as it is to believe.
Quantum physicists tell us
that we are co-creating.
That we, as observers,
bring subatomic matter into being.
Not just you, Max,
but you all yearn to observe.
Otherwise reality
simply loses its meaning.
We're the same person, the same raindrops.
We're resonating on another level...
but there's you, there's no I...
because there's only water
and there's only the ocean.
Reality is always changed by the observer.
They are the one
who decides what will happen...
what will change.
When you are not observing...
Whatever future is right for me
is gonna come
if I give permission.
- Hello.
- Hi.
So, what's up?
Do you come here often?
I still enjoy studying.
People tell me
that after they recover from almost dying,
they go down to the local university
and sign up to take courses.
A paradox? No.
Just more searching
because what doesn't kill me
makes me...
You sure studied me pretty closely.
But the reality is...
cheating on your wife with her sister.
Bet they don't teach that
at university, do they?
No, not that.
Hell of a secret.
I love both of you. It just happened.
At least you reunited me with my sister.
Let's go through the flames.
Vicky has an idea!
I've organised a vacation for us.
With Eva.
What vacation?
It'll speed things up.
You'll have to choose.
God gives a message to everyone.
Be friendly to each other.
So that we are happy in this world
and understand each other.
God wants for all people
to live happily together.
The question is,
who does Vicky want to help?
I'm shooting a documentary about cells.
Would you take part?
You're a biochemist, aren't you?
Vicky, that's silly.
I'm not going on such a vacation,
I'm sorry.
It makes no sense.
Are you leaving already?
There are not only family memories,
but also cellular memories
influencing all of humanity.
What influences you, my friend?
Try to relax.
In your body and in mine
is at least one molecule
from Christ, Buddha, Gandhi,
Thomas Jefferson, etc.
And so, we are all one.
Water also has memory
and we definitely drink the same water
as our ancestors.
These atoms have been around forever.
There are atoms in my body,
every time I breathe in and out,
I've got some of Julius Caesar
or I've got some of Jesus
or even some of Buddha. I probably have
a little of Adolf Hitler, I don't know.
These atoms have been circulating forever.
The truth is that in our DNA
we all have encoded knowledge
of war and disputes.
And until we clear it out of our own DNA,
the external is always
going to reflect the internal.
I'm not saying that you should
be best buddies with Adolf Hitler,
but you should realize
that he didn't think he was a monster.
Mother Teresa once said:
"I had to get in touch
with my Hitler side before I could
get in touch with my Christ side."
Each year, 98 percent
of the atoms in my body change.
I'm essentially a different person
every single year.
Do you understand?
We are always changing.
I noticed.
Originally all life came from one source,
but in order to experience
that one source,
you have to transcend the mind.
Robert was close to death.
Yet you invited him
to help solve your problem.
Instabilities? Desires?
- Robert, hi.
- Hi.
This is Robert, my best friend
and brilliant oncologist.
He is also interested in cells.
- We know each other.
- Robert.
- So, you're a doctor?
- Oncologist.
More precisely a practitioner
with an appreciation
of alternative medicine.
Thank you.
Have you ever wanted someone
who could never make up his mind?
Shall we conduct an experiment?
You could accompany me...
on a vacation.
What do you think?
Now I don't know if you're joking or not.
And I'm nervous.
Me too.
Yet everything is as it should be.
Everything can be changed,
forwards and backwards.
What happened to him back then?
Apparently he left his body
during some kind of meditation.
Would he also leave Eva?
I wouldn't leave either...
Yeah, but...
he sees everything in perspective,
he's in no rush, he's very chill.
Faster! Robert!
It's beautiful here, isn't it?
I'm only sorry we didn't bring the kids.
I still can't figure out
why you two had such a big fight.
So when love between two people
becomes contracted,
there is no sense
in staying in that relationship
because love is aware of extending,
not contracting.
About your mother,
you know it wasn't my fault, right?
Feels like I'm losing you, George.
I don't understand,
is there more I can do?
When I ask for money, don't give me any.
Nah, I'm kidding...
but thanks for bringing me.
It helped.
When I fall in love with my children,
when I experience love from my children,
I know that, that love is in me.
You're not interested in Max, are you?
He really loves you.
He's a great father, you know.
I wish you could find someone like him.
Not bad for the first try.
When you forgive,
miracles start to happen.
We can make our lives better
by recognizing
first of all that we are not
in competition with each other.
What are you afraid of?
Loss... or illness.
I worry about the children
and then, maybe, financial hardship.
I'd like to fix it all.
You swim against the tide
and are consumed by fear.
Not only you, Max.
This is what it is to dive inside
and literally get to know thyself inside.
Vicky, I'm curious
about those pills you were taking.
Yeah, so am I.
Well, it's essentially a miracle.
If you were taking the pill
all that time, like you said,
then this is a miracle.
Why didn't you tell me?
Is there some way I can help you?
Help me, really?
Vitamin B, C, zinc.
Quite a vitamin bomb. You're shocked?
Are you scared?
All that time you were taking vitamins,
- telling me you were on the pill?
- Yeah.
- Why did you lie to me?
- Why?
You knew from the very beginning
I wanted to have a child with you.
What? Are you nuts?
Stick your help up your ass!
Screw you!
Go back to my sister!
Get lost, I said!
Can I at least give you some money?
Stick the money up your ass!
Well done, Max, well done.
I don't know what my sister
needing money has to do with you.
I just thought
we could help her out, you know?
The fear of not surviving
is the key controlling,
limiting mechanism in human society.
And it's not by chance
and it's not by accident. It's by design.
Here it is again. My sister.
She always knows
how to draw attention to herself.
And the greatest enemy is money.
The greed.
And what this greed makes us do.
Do you have something with her?
Are you two involved?
She's your sister.
Damn it, what about a new car?
You're not even considering
that I, that we want to move out.
Don't cry, Mommy.
Jesus. Sorry, sweetie.
You need to see your shadow
in order to accept that you are light!
Materialism is not everything.
You gave her something?
Is something wrong?
- No, nothing.
- No.
Do you think he says:
"This shot is going to be worth $100,000"?
No, he doesn't say that.
He says:
"Right now, I'm going to do
the best serve of my life."
And he does.
And then he makes $100,000.
Money, money, money...
has always been a problem,
so many times.
Do you remember what it got you
when you were the king of flour?
Do you desire more than you need?
Fine, have it, but then you should share.
What do you want to be controlled by?
Follow your intuition.
Am I going to spend the rest
of my life chasing money?
Wealth and power and fame
are great for people who are wise.
For people who are not wise,
they can be
very destructive elements in life.
This means that I can decide
whether I own my money
or if I'm obsessed with it.
If I said to you
I'll give you $1,000 a day,
but you're gonna have to live in jail
the rest of your life,
would a wise person take that?
So what should I do?
The idea is, if you put money first,
that means you've left God out.
So the idea is to put God first,
which is love,
and then out of love will come
whatever it is that you need.
Though sometimes that can be a lot.
When love doesn't come first,
the entertainment
will come from hell instead.
People cause destruction
because they desire a lot of money.
Max! Wake up!
Can you hear me? Wake up!
I would really like to know
how it works up there.
They don't have banks in heaven.
They don't measure things in paper.
They measure value
and courage and strength,
belief and conviction.
That's how I believe it.
Max, saving up
for your retirement in heaven, huh?
You can't take
any material thing with you,
and that's what you must remember.
You can only take what I would say to you,
you know, all the love
that's in your heart.
Proudly abandon material things.
One day you'll see it was all worthwhile.
The most important things in life
can't be bought.
They can't be bought.
That's nice,
but what about buying Eva a sports car?
Would that make your problems go away?
That's not a bad idea.
I think money
is a very interesting interface
to show us our limitations
and our challenges.
I never said I wanted one.
It was your idea.
If cars are your source of happiness,
it won't last long.
I thought you'd understand that.
You can buy a Ferrari
and be happy for a month, a year...
until you discover
it's too low for you, your back aches,
you're getting too old
to drive a Ferrari.
Then you don't drive a Ferrari anymore.
Then you take a truck,
whatever suits you.
Will you take me for a ride in this one?
I'll start saving.
Let's buy a bigger home now,
let's buy a newer car now,
and then I think I am never happy.
There's always going to be
a bigger home or a better car.
Will this make you happy?
It's like it was meant for us, isn't it?
I think you'll look good in it.
We also make the supreme mistake
of equating romantic love with possession.
Can you afford it?
The opposite of love is being possessive,
being jealous, controlling,
creating all those problems.
Well, now I'm curious
what you resolved with this, Max.
I once had a sports car,
but after a few years,
it fell apart, got rusty.
So I poured the rust into a glass
so I wouldn't lose my investment.
You could've driven around
with Vicky in that sports car.
For sure, he could.
I would've enjoyed driving with you.
Do you even know
who you want with you in the car?
Did you really think
a car would solve anything?
So the tragedy is that
we wouldn't have the misperception
that somehow being
in the owner's stateroom of a boat
named the Titanic would give us safety
when the opposite is true.
What about your own body, eh?
So I'll just put it in another glass.
If you think so.
Well, then insure those glasses, eh?
So what should I do, then?
Whatever you want.
My best teacher is myself and my heart.
Hey, do you know we chose you?
It works very simply, Max.
Even your children know.
I love you.
I love you too, Peter.
There are situations when...
...the guru can be
the little child.
Daddy, what's the highest level
of education in the world?
The highest?
Well, first there's preschool,
then elementary school,
high school, then university.
And that's it.
No, the highest education
in the world is to be a daddy.
What a smart boy you are.
And we're all teachers and learners.
You're not going to leave us, are you?
Of course not.
When you are a soul in heaven,
you have already chosen your parents.
You know who will be your mother,
who will be your father.
And you know how imperfect
your parents will be.
And everyone knows
what they will have to go through.
When you go to Disneyland
and there is some attraction
like a haunted house,
you make a kind of a bulk decision
to enter that world
without knowing
which specific role you would have.
One day you'll love your parents
for everything they gave you.
It was some kind of large space.
We were divided into boys and girls,
but I don't know why.
Were we really divided up? I don't know.
When we liked some parents,
we could go to them.
But I had to wait for a little bit.
Because it is true that...
You're going to choose your parents
according to what you think you deserve.
Then more parents appear
that you can choose from.
You can't all be in here at the same time
at the one moment.
It isn't possible!
We have to tell Eva somehow.
Have you lost your mind?
That would really be the end.
She'd never forgive me.
That great love of hers,
the reason we stopped talking...
he kicked me out after a year.
- Eva told me.
- What did she tell you?
I really loved him.
No matter what my sister thinks.
I've been lying to you.
I'm not pregnant.
I never was pregnant.
But it doesn't matter anymore.
Is it my fault I wanted you so badly?
How can that be? I mean, you're showing.
but it isn't pregnancy.
It's a tumor.
I didn't want anybody to know.
Have you been to see Robert?
Robert's an excellent oncologist.
Plus he also practices
alternative medicine.
There is always hope.
Suddenly those feelings are here.
I was terrified.
I had been diagnosed
with a basketball-sized tumor,
especially as I am
in the natural health field.
I just didn't even think
it could happen to me.
I've seen a lot of patients
with a tumor like yours.
Not the same, but the same size.
None of them could be cured
without an operation.
None at all. Not a single one.
Vicky, I know what my colleague told you,
and I agree with her a bit.
I begged her to give me a chance
to try to heal it naturally,
and she said:
"Okay, I give you one month..."
As a doctor I should push you
into having an operation,
but myself...
but I...
would advise you to try it.
Give it a month.
Thank you.
You're wonderful.
But why me?
I didn't want anybody to know.
Her mind was racing.
Listen, darling. You're not the first,
you won't be the last.
I have a surprise for you.
Slow down.
Shall we conduct an experiment?
Don't rush.
You have a great husband.
I'm not gonna stand for this.
I have a surprise for you.
Listen, darling.
You're not the first,
you won't be the last.
Shall we conduct an experiment?
It's happening now!
I knew that somehow I would be guided
to go on some journey inside
and find out what this tumor
had to teach me
and to let go of whatever was there
and to heal.
Vicky did everything
she felt was right in that moment.
Ate raw food.
Forgiveness for everybody.
She took her own path.
She probably spoke to every cell she had.
Why is she taking such a risk?
Sometimes a person
is sick inside a family,
so we bring the family together
to find out why the person is sick.
People with positive thinking,
with a positive attitude,
with an optimistic attitude
to their own illness,
have a much better survival rate
and live much longer.
I'm worried about her, Max.
I'm worried too.
Even if there are negative things
happening in life,
you always take them
as a learning process and move forward.
If you would hang onto them,
you would always cry.
I don't get why she didn't
have the operation immediately.
It takes six weeks
for your liver cells to replicate.
It takes three days for you
to have an all-new stomach lining.
I mean, this is even inconceivable
to our thinking mind.
The cells are extremely kind.
They do what we tell them to do.
If we tell them to be healthy,
they'll be healthy.
If we tell them to be sick,
they'll be sick.
Your cells will renew, but...
if you go back to your old ways...
Did you two fight a lot?
In these last ten years, not really.
I'm going to have the surgery...
...if this doesn't work out.
Can you hear me?
If you want to grow old...
you have to forgive everyone.
If you really want to grow old,
you have to ask everyone to forgive you.
Including your sister.
And if you want to grow old... have to forgive yourself too.
And start loving everything
about yourself,
everything that surrounds you
and everything that's coming.
You hear that?!
I want to change that.
I want to rewrite it.
Beautiful, right? The spruce...
Careful, kids,
are you trying to kill yourselves?
When people are in a grave state,
they can die just from despair.
They're just monkeying around.
You can't control them.
- Sure, a fine way to raise them.
- Worst case - they'll fall in.
At least I worry about them.
You're ill because you have
these nasty thoughts:
anger and resentment,
and so they leave your mind
and finally they end up in your body.
What is it?
Mom, chill out.
You'll get another headache.
Get back now!
See what I mean?
Fear starts to grow
little by little, little by little,
and we even start
to be afraid of ourselves.
Even afraid of our own mind.
It leads you nowhere.
It has already happened,
it's over.
Sooner or later...
the laughter comes.
What are you doing here?
You should have come
after four weeks, not seven.
I know, 50 days.
Well, tell me the news.
Maybe some people
need their illness to give love...
some people to get love.
All you need to get better, Max,
is to change your perception.
You have the perfect organism.
How can she play the piano,
simultaneously remove
toxins from her body,
kill germs in her body,
have thoughts and play Mozart
at the same time?
Six, yeah?
- Mommy.
- Yes, thank you, dear.
Oh, my god.
I'm so happy.
She pulled through. It disappeared.
The tumor disappeared!
It's also because of you.
You could have sent me
under the knife, you know?
Thank you for believing.
It was you I believed in.
I still don't understand how you beat it.
I can't believe it, or I do...
I don't know.
I was also thinking,
we should christen the tumor.
Now that it's gone.
Just kidding.
When people are afraid
about jokes, that means
that they have a great deal of fear
and doubt about themselves.
To act in a foolish way gives us
an independence of spirit.
I love laughter.
Let's not christen it.
Let's bury it as deep as possible.
Without a sense of humour
it's not possible to understand life.
There are a lot of things
I'd like to bury.
- Hey I'll catch up with you.
- Yeah, yeah.
Hello, could you come to this address
tomorrow at three?
Max, you are creating a story
with your own rules.
Don't forget that the world
is absolutely fair.
That's how it is.
That's how it is.
Vicky, if you ever need anything,
money, any kind of help,
just say the word.
It's taken care of.
You know for the longest time,
I didn't know
Max was your husband.
He came to the caf where I worked.
Max told me.
What's this?
So this fear, this struggling,
this suffering,
these disappointments,
we created out of...
our selfishness.
Vicky, this surprise is for you.
Because you almost didn't make it.
Luckily everything turned out okay.
It's also a celebration
because two beautiful sisters
finally made up.
Thank you.
To your health!
Forgiveness and plant food
are much closer to harmony.
It is impossible to separate
individuals from the whole,
everybody is just mirroring
what we need to see on our way.
Max, how about imagining
a world without mirrors
where you never see your own face
for your entire life?
Everyone and everything is a mirror
because we tend to project
our own values on the world.
Selfish people see selfish people,
happy people see happy people,
lovers see lovers,
soldiers see soldiers.
You always see yourselves.
Isn't that entertaining?
So basically I am you,
but you put me outside of you
and even believe
that I'm a different person.
The whole impetus of the universe
is to experience itself again,
to experience unity.
Vicky, about my first boyfriend...
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I was in love with him
and had no idea about the consequences.
I'd like us to forget about it, hmm?
Me too.
Compassion and forgiveness are core
for the healing process to facilitate,
first within oneself,
and then to help convey that healing
to others around you.
You know that word?
I see the divine in you.
You see the divine in me.
When we both see this, we are one.
Will he open his heart?
It's never too late.
Thanks for coming. Do you remember me?
Yeah, yeah.
I wanted to thank you again
for returning my wallet
- a few years back.
- Yeah.
There was a lottery ticket inside, it won,
and I feel half of it belongs to you.
And If you're gifted
with the ability to have money,
then you are also gifted
with the responsibility
to share that abundance with others.
You must be nuts.
Just be happy.
And good luck.
Now everything will be different, Max.
Well, I have signed it.
- The thing I sent you.
- Peter, give it back!
The negativity only keeps us limited.
We start being stuck on where we are,
we can't get ourselves out.
Daddy, Daddy...
- No, it's mine.
- I had it first.
Quiet, I'll keep it
until you both calm down.
- Well done.
- You calm down!
Damn it, can't you just get along?
- Never!
- Leave me alone.
Wanda, you should know better.
Love your enemy.
Our enemies can bring us
to a deeper truth.
You know what Buddha would tell you, Max?
Enemies are our greatest teachers.
As it happened with Jesus
when he was on the cross,
as he was being impaled,
he said: "Lord forgive them,
they don't know what they do."
If we don't forgive,
then we are in bondage
to those feelings of resentment.
A pure heart is an innocent heart,
is an unconditional heart,
is a child's heart.
Right, time to make up,
I don't like this anymore.
Make up!
If you used your head,
what would you tell him?
I'd knock his block off.
Thanks a lot!
But if you focus here?
On your heart.
We are more consciously
situated in our body
when we speak from the heart.
The beating of the heart
is the resonance of the information
that we have in the cosmos.
Forgiving other people,
we have forgiving natures.
I'd let him borrow it.
That's great.
Forgiving God, forgiving life,
we can forgive.
But forgiving yourself,
that's the big one.
When you think
you have resolved everything,
more tests come your way.
Nothing ever stops.
What's that you're taking?
You do know I want a child with you.
Even though you already have one.
Well, he's already pretty big.
What's up? Something wrong?
I don't know.
When you're dying
and are angry,
you won't go to a good place.
If they save him,
maybe he will be hit by a train someday.
Maybe he couldn't rewrite
his own story anymore.
I've died already, and I know
that after death, there is life.
So most people,
the suicides who come back,
are no longer suicidal.
Life can be heavy...
if you imagine it that way
and allow it to be so.
They have good reasons for living
because they accept themselves, then.
From what we know as well
from quantum physics,
energy doesn't die.
Please, Vicky, don't.
I need to be alone for a day or two.
I love you.
God is real. You will know
that when your time comes.
Just for your human body to die,
but you live forever.
I found that the soul,
the love that is here,
the peace that is here,
that is your own essence,
it was here
before you had a physical form.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, George.
How do I explain this...
I don't have it easy right now.
But I still... am.
And one day
the Great Architect...
...and he would ask: "What have you
done with the children I gave you,
with the animals, the plants,
the life I gave you?
The time?"
And then you suffer.
And the only thing you will say is:
"Oh, if I could go back...
I would do everything different."
And then he will say:
"Okay, go back,
repeat your lesson."
Hey, Dad,
when my time comes...
I will return to earth.
I screwed up,
so I have to do it all again.
We all screwed up.
It's not your fault.
If we're living in a game,
it's because the game exists.
You're not going
to have it easy next time.
So break a leg, George.
People who come back
from close calls with death
tell us that we better get busy
on trying to learn how to love people.
I have to wait some time...
but we'll meet again.
You usually...
choose your body
in reference to your last life.
I feel we are
in kindergarten, honestly.
If you call the cosmic
consciousness a teacher,
then what is happening here is a school.
This life is an opportunity to learn,
to grow and to be better.
But if you are at an advanced
level of consciousness,
then you could look at it
as a university.
Higher consciousness,
university of higher consciousness.
And consciousness creates the game,
and the higher consciouness
is awareness of the fact
that it is a game or school.
The path is the goal,
the goal is the path.
It is a university in all degrees, yes,
and for sure we have big teachers here.
We transform. We don't die.
We are here to learn and relearn.
I am very much looking forward
to my next incarnation.
Does that mean that I want to die? No.
When I end my mission of this life,
I gonna go to another place
where I can learn more
and make the world a perfect equilibrium.
He is still my son.
Even after what he told me.
Are you crying?
But a soul cannot be killed,
So why do you have that cross everywhere?
Vanquishing death,
that is transformation.
Not dying on a cross.
But that was the plan.
The most important thing is that...
he was dying in front of people
and coming back in front of people,
showing us that there is no death.
Instead of a comforting message
about everlasting life,
there is a final farewell
full of sadness and suffering.
From an esoteric perspective,
the term is transmutation.
He was preaching
about the primacy of love over fear.
To show this love.
To show that love is highest...
Jesus says, I don't pray for the world,
I pray for the people
who I am responsible for.
I guess this is how it was meant to be.
Maybe it's harder for me than for him.
You are part of everything.
I had another experience
which was, like,
Jesus with a flaming heart,
sending love into the world.
Christ and the Father are one.
And his Second Coming
is love coming to us.
Brothers and sisters.
Life is everlasting...
Is it cold?
I was afraid I would lose you, you know?
I know.
But I'm glad that you stayed with me.
A nice change, Max,
but you should keep searching.
The plants live the essence of true love.
And we have much to learn from them.
You people forget that without trees
you can't breathe.
We are nature.
And even though
we sometimes think we are not,
we are animals,
and we are totally, totally part of it.
We cannot do anything bad to nature
that would not actually damage us.
When you quiet yourself
and go into nature,
you can find the answers
to any question about life.
Everything continues,
nothing ends, even for George.
We are all vibrations.
The game is us trying to find
mutual harmony.
These vibrations are the same vibrations
that made it possible
for St. Francis and St. Anthony
to talk to animals
because the vibrations
are the same for everything.
Everything is vibration.
I mean, that is the nature of matter.
If we are killing our environment,
we are killing ourselves.
We are all connected,
so by killing any kind of living being,
we are commiting suicide.
I'm not interested in anything
other than being free
because then animals will be free.
If I'm free, the earth will be free.
To kill for pleasure?
For balance?
For any reason?
None of these bring harmony.
And we are coming and going
again and again
through different dimensions
learning this,
how to love, how to understand love.
Hey, this is quite a madhouse.
Thanks a lot.
It was your recap.
Your dream of a dream.
Tell me, what do you think about all this?
I only showed you
what you wanted to see and change.
Bumble, I was wondering,
what's your opinion on all this?
Now would be a good time...
to tell something,
something very long.
How long...
What's wrong?
- Don't be silly, what's wrong?
- you want to play...
- ...this game?
- Hey, buddy!
Are you okay?
You must be kidding me.
I think he's dead.
I only wanted to...
tell you.
You've got a nerve.
Eva, have you told Robert?
No, I haven't.
Robert, we're not going to sell, sorry.
I thought as much.
Love. Love. Love.
And unconditionally...
And everyone heard it.
and fish.
Mommy, Mommy.
The bumblebee can talk!
Really? And what did the bumblebee say?
Love. Love. Love.
And unconditionally.
Sure. Bumblebee talks.
Mommy, what does it mean, unconditionally?
I'll explain it to you later, okay?
What have you been putting in his head?
Hello, young man.
Did you tell them it was all a game?
A cosmic game?
Love, and unconditionally!
What exactly is love?
Well, let me explain it to you.
Try it...
Come here...
Carefully, Anabell!
Well... what will we do next?
What you want.
What you want.
Live in one with God.
Worship every form
of living existence.
That is enough.
What exactly is love?
Love is the pinnacle of harmony.
What exactly is love?
What exactly is love?