The Mick and the Trick (2024) Movie Script

(logo chimes)
(upbeat music)
(gun fires)
(upbeat music continues)
- Shit.
- Hey, lemme talk to Donovan.
Who the fuck do you think it is?
Put him on the phone, all right?
I ain't got time for your-
Just put him on the fucking phone.
(distant police siren wailing)
Hey, listen, I gotta come see
you for five minutes, okay?
Listen, it'll take five
minutes to get there,
5 minutes to talk to you, all right?
I'll see you.
- [Cruz] You're back.
I thought you were gone for the day.
- I was. I went to the
Bodega and shot someone.
- Damn. Why? Did they run outta Myodol?
- Armed robbery.
- Shit.
- Looks like you have paperwork
to do. Want some coffee?
- Yes, please.
- I got you. Be right back.
- Rojo, get in here!
- Yes, Captain!
- Why?
- Why? Why, why? What?
- Why do you always find
ways to complicate my life?
- I'm not following.
- How many times do I have to tell you?
I've got 90 days, 90 days till retirement.
- Ah, you told me once.
- Excuse me?
- You told me once. Today's
90 days, yesterday was 91.
So technically you-
- Al right, okay, don't get smart with me.
I don't need any more
aggravations, all right.
- What, what did I do?
- What's the matter?
- We don't give you enough work to do
when you're on the clock.
You have to go out looking
for trouble off duty.
- Oh, come on, captain, I
wasn't looking for trouble.
That's not fair.
- I don't wanna hear it.
- Look, Rojo I was just
like you once, okay?
Full of piss and vinegar,
itching to find bad guys.
But you gotta take it in moderation.
- So what was I supposed to do?
- Get a life. There's
more to it than this. Hmm?
- But it's my job, you
know, to serve and protect.
- This job will consume you if you let it.
You're a good cop, Rojo,
all right? Take it from me.
Ease up a bit or before you know it,
you're gonna find life has passed you by.
See that? Santa Monica, California.
That's where I'm going when I retire.
Walk on the beach, watch
the sunset, feel the breeze.
Smell the ocean air.
Every year I would plan a
vacation, I was gonna go there.
And every year I say,
"Eh, maybe next year."
Eh, it looks like next
year has finally arrived.
And I don't need any more aggravation.
So please, please don't
be a hot shot, all right?
I'm outta here in 90 days, 90 days.
- All right, I get it. I'll put
the word out in the streets.
No crime for 90 days, 90 days!
- That's hilarious.
Finish your report and
get the hell outta here.
- Yes, Captain, I'm on it.
- Hey, what's up, Tree?
- Same old, same old.
- Short one.
- You mind?
- No
- Thank you, brother.
He upstairs?
- Yep.
- Darling, you got a
sixth sense show, no one.
I need a new one.
- Boy, of course, Patrick's outside.
- Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
what is this? A seance.
I don't want to talk to a dead man.
- He's walking this way, he is.
- You know, he's crazy
as a shithouse monkey,
he would gun down the entire holy family.
Pat! Pat! Sight for sore eyes you are.
Oh, ever cheerful I see.
Well, sorry for your troubles
how many hacks we have.
Sit down, Pat. We'll have
a, we'll have a pint.
We'll talk a little treason-
- Look, I don't need much
of your time, all right?
But after 20 years, I'm done.
I need you and the boys to cross the pond
to get me outta here.
Set me up some place and then
I'll figure it out after that.
- Paddy? Not every day is Paddy's day.
Times change. And we must
change with the times.
Change is hard. Things have
become complicated, my son.
- Complicated? See, I don't
know complicated, okay?
So don't tell me that. I've
given you my fucking blood.
So, look at me. Get me out.
And you, back the fuck off.
- Yeah, he's fine.
Patrick, you need to relax.
I think you're forgetting who
the fuck you're talking to.
- Oh, I know exactly who
the fuck I'm talking to.
- Listen, Pat,
I remember, I remember
that you are a good and a loyal soldier.
I don't want you to feel
that we are ungrateful
for everything that you have done,
but times have changed, you know?
It's all political, Pat.
It's a damn shame, but it's all political.
I'll tell you what? I'll
give you my word of honor.
The word of Finn Donovan,
sent into Irish Kings County Court,
I will pick up that phone
and I will stay on that phone
until you get exactly what you need.
- You never shut up, do you?
- Oh well-
- See, you word means shit to
me, Mr. Gaelic fucking king.
I'm done. Make it fucking happen.
- You don't have to
worry about that thing.
- All right.
- I'll be in touch.
- Where can I find you?
- Actually none of your
fucking business, okay?
I'll be in touch.
Good imitation of King
Kong. You stupid ass.
- Be seeing you, Paddy.
- Kiss my pimply Irish ass
you miserable son of a bitch.
Don't you worry about a thing.
He is just as fucking crazy
as a stray cat.
- Yeah?
- Patty was just here.
- And it seems that he wants
to fly in the proverbial coup.
- We're not gonna have a problem, are we?
- Oh, no. No, I don't think that.
I have a mental reservation.
He's been a good and loyal soldier.
- You know how I feel about loose ends?
Loose ends are bad for business,
which means it's very fucking bad for you.
- When you're right, you're right.
I've already got somebody on it.
- Get it done.
- All right.
- God damn it. Mother...
(easy mood music)
(upbeat Cuban music)
- Looks like we're gonna
need another extraction.
Yes, yes, I know. It's unfortunate.
So it looks like our mick is going soft.
No, no. Just put a plan in place.
I know better where we stand
once we have our meeting.
Don't want to jump the gun here, huh?
He is after all our best asset.
Okay, good.
- [Secretary] Mr. Aragon?
- Yes, what is it?
- [Secretary] Mr. Shannon
is here to see you.
- Send him in.
(laughs) Patrick, how's
my favorite mick, huh?
- I seriously don't know.
But how's my favorite spick?
- Touch, my friend, touch.
So tell me, how was your flight?
You got any rest? You look like shit.
- I look like shit?
You know, you actually should thank me
every time I come in here, I
class the fucking joint up.
- Well, thank you, my
friend. Something to drink?
- Jesus Christ. It's 10
o'clock in the morning, Carlos.
- Really? Since when has
that ever stopped a mick?
Come on, drink with me.
We have lots to celebrate
and lots to talk about.
Rom Viejo?
- What, you don't have any Cuban rum?
- What can I say? I like
the finer things in life.
And you really cannot argue
with perfection, my friend.
Mixer or straight up?
- Straight, please.
- Now we're talking, huh?
You did really good on that
last job. Worth every penny.
- Yeah, it was just like every other job
you ever sent me, brother.
They all become a blur, actually.
I can't tell one from the other,
when one begins, when one
ends, one ends, one begin.
- Well, I can tell you exactly
where the next one begins.
I have another big job for you.
- Yeah, well, that's actually
why I asked to see you.
- Come on, sit down.
- So listen, I...
I was gonna rehearse this,
but I just need you to hear
me right now, okay, brother.
I'm spent.
I'm empty. I, I can't do
this shit anymore, okay?
So I'm, I'm bowing out.
- Come on, Patrick, you're
just tired, that's all.
A little rest and recuperation
and you'll be just fine.
- No, no, you're not hearing me, brother.
I thought about this long and
hard and my mind's made up.
I'm, I'm out.
- You made up your mind? Your mind?
What about my mind, huh? Who
made up my mind for me? You?
You forget who the fuck you work for.
- How the fuck would I
forget who I work for, huh?
I've been working for you for 20 years,
doing everything you ask.
The only way I can put it
is the war's over, bro.
I'm done.
- Over? Over for who?
That war's not my war.
Do I look like a fucking
Leprechaun to you?
I don't give a rats ass about
the IRA, the revolution,
your war, your fucking conscience.
Care about my business.
And this is my business.
- Yeah, I know It's your business.
You've never let me forget
that. I'm just your dan, right?
I, I do the things
that you don't have the
fucking balls to do.
We call a spade a spade here.
So all I'm asking you
is to go find some other
motherfucker to do this.
I mean, just 'cause I
didn't know this was coming.
(tense music)
Carlos, don't.
- Look, Pat...
Here's a bonus for your last job.
Tell you what?
Let me have some time to just
digest all this shit, huh?
I mean, you can't just up and quit on me.
Need some time to find a replacement.
And guys like you don't just
pop outta the yellow pages,
you know?
Got another big job for you.
- So what are you saying? Like
one time for all time's sake?
- You could say something like that.
I don't trust anybody else with it.
Pay you double, huh?
Yes, for all time sakes.
- Yeah, sure, why not?
But I get paid up front
and then you don't see my
face after the job is done
ever again.
I'm ghost
- Sure.
- You find the details in the envelope.
- So no hard feelings, right?
- No hard feelings.
- Yes, go ahead, do it.
- I got this, man, don't worry.
(keys rattling)
(ominous music)
(distant dog barking)
(ominous music continues)
(upbeat jazz music)
(tense music)
(upbeat jazz music continues)
- You have interrupted my fucking dinner.
Relax, okay?
Relax. Have a drink with me, okay?
There's nobody else here.
- [Vega] You got a beer?
- No. I got rum and I got whiskey.
- Take some rum.
- Fine.
- All right, you know, easy, okay?
Nothing but ice, all right?
So you're here because
I'm a loose end, right?
I am 20 years loyal to somebody
and they send you over to take care of me.
- I know nothing about that, Papa.
I get a name, address and my
money. You know how this goes.
Your number just came up,
that's all. It's just business.
- Yeah. Business, huh? Just business.
You know,
I... I've heard of you actually.
- Yeah?
- You a loose cannon, right?
You, you'll kill anybody for a price.
Something like that, right?
- Aye?
- Boss, we're in position.
- No loose ends. Everything nice and tidy.
He is very dangerous.
So you know what to do. Don't miss.
- Sure this is the ride
you wanna take, boss?
- Put him down like the
mad dog he is. Get it done.
(Irish music playing through the headset)
- You and I are the same breed.
There's no difference between us.
- No, I beg the differ
with you, my friend.
We nothing alike. See, you are a...
Well, to be blunt, you're
a fucking sewer rat.
Okay? You'll kill a kid,
you'll kill a woman.
You'll kill a puppy
as long as they put money
in your pocket, right?
That makes you nothing like me.
- And you? How about you what?
Your fucking hands are clean.
- I didn't say that, did I?
- I said anybody I've ever
whacked, he deserved it, alright?
I don't kill innocent
people, children, women.
That's you, bro. We different, that's all.
- That's debatable.
In any case, it is an honor
having a drink with a legend
before his retirement.
You call me "money mad,
sewer rat" whatever, man.
You're the one that's
getting put down tonight.
- No, I would never call you
an animal. You wanna know why?
Because I have too fucking
much respect for animals.
Lemme ask you a question.
You get paid before you
came over here to kill me.
(speaking Spanish)
- I kill you first, then they pay.
- Well, that's a shame actually.
- [Vega] Why is that?
- Well, because what you're
drinking in that rum,
that's worth more than your
whole life right now, actually.
- Come on, Pat. Where are you hiding?
- You know, I'm too fast for you, right?
It don't matter what the
fuck you think about me.
That part you can't shake.
- You're not actually as
fast as you think, brother.
Don't feel too good, did you?
You see, because of the ice I used,
I used that two or three jobs ago
and I didn't get to see
actually what it did.
So I'm really fucking curious
if you wanna know the truth.
How you feeling, huh?
Stomach, kind of whatever.
Maybe some projectile diarrhea. Maybe.
You wanna use my bathroom?
Not on my floor, dog, don't do it.
Jesus Christ.
(Vega vomits)
That's where the fuck I eat, dog.
- Fuck you.
- Bull shit.
- Damn, on my floor, dog.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
(tense music)
- You see all that?
There you are. And here I
am. All that for nothing.
- Fuck you.
Adios, Amigo.
(Rifle fires)
(gun fires)
- I got you, you fucker.
(tense music)
(Irish music)
- Hey, Travolta!
- Jesus fuck!
- What the fuck were you
doing? Quick question, huh?
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is that shit? Seriously?
(gun fires)
(tense music)
- Fine, you win.
- Oh.
- But you better do that thing for me.
And then when I do that,
you better gimme a little bit of this.
- Fuck. Help.
(tense music continues)
Holy shit.
- [Jones] Any IDs on them?
- No. We're getting prints and DNA now.
Shit knows who they are.
- I want to know who owns
that fucking building.
Let's take a look inside.
Son of a bitch.
- Looks like they shot from the rooftop.
- Keep an eye on him.
- Sure.
- Your guy fucked up.
Oh yeah, I'm sure.
Looks like he got away.
Yeah, it also looks like
you're not the only one
trying to tie up loose ends.
Donovan's guy took a fucking nose dive
right into the pavement.
Sure, sure. It's gonna
cost you, all right?
These things don't come cheap.
Okay? All right. I'll put the word out.
Soon you'll have every low
life and gutter rat in the city
trying to claim their pot of gold.
- Yeah, so I rolled up in that
motherfucker like Scarface.
I'm talking about, say hello
to my little friend. (laughing)
What's wrong with you, man?
(tense music)
Hey yo, yo man,
you can't be coming in here
being all disrespectful
in front of my peoples, man.
- He always this fucking sensitive?
- Sensitive? Look man, I'm
just trying to protect my shit.
There's too many motherfuckers
that want my place
and wanna be where I'm at.
- And where exactly is that?
Nickel and diming your
way through the gutter.
- Well, these gutters
is mine and I own them.
And I damn sure ain't
about to lose to somebody
who think they could come
in here and just take it.
Besides, if it was such nickel and dime,
you wouldn't be here, right?
So what can this gutter
rat do for you, Detective?
- Need to get the word
out ASAP on the target.
Needs to be handled immediately.
- What's the pay?
- 100K First come, first serve.
- What, 100K?
Look, I'll kill his motherfucker for 100K.
Who the target?
- It's the Mick.
He's gotta go down right
away. Get everyone on it.
There's an extra 10K in it for you
if it's done in the next 48 hours.
- Hey, well look, just
have my money ready.
Thanks for visiting the five and dime.
Be sure to come back anytime, Detective.
- Thanks for the smoke.
- Yeah, fucker.
- Gentlemen, read 'em and weep.
(laughing) Oh, it's my
night, I tell you boys.
(phone ringing)
Oh, Carlos, my dearest and closest friend.
What do I have the honor
of this call? Deal me out.
- [Carlos] It looks like
we have a mutual problem
that needs to be resolved.
- [Finn] A problem? I don't
know what you're talking about.
The only problem I have is you
interrupted my winning streak
of my poker game tonight.
- The problem is the Mick.
- Oh no, don't you concern
yourself about that.
My guy is putting that
situation on ice right now.
- [Carlos] The only thing
being put on ice is your guy.
- What are you telling me?
- Your guy's on his way to
the morgue. He's fucking dead.
- What now?
- [Carlos] Pat took
down one of my guys too.
- Oh, this is getting outta hand.
- I have all my people
out looking for him.
- Yeah, mine too. What
about, what about Jonesie?
- He's on it.
I put the word out on the streets.
I'm keeping an eye on
things from the inside.
- Yeah. Well good.
You know this fish is
too big to just let go.
He knows everything.
- Don't worry about it.
We have eyes everywhere.
We'll get him.
- Well, I have five grand
that says my guys will get him first.
- I wouldn't make that bet if I were you?
- Well, I'm feeling lucky tonight.
- Alright, you're on.
But listen, let's make it
10,000, huh? I need new shoes.
- Good. (laughing)
All right, deal me back in.
(easy mood heavy beat music)
- Who the fuck are you?
- Hey, good morning.
Just a second. It's good.
- Where the fuck am I?
- Okay. I don't know who
the hell you pissed off,
but you need to get some
food in you, sweetheart.
- Where the fuck am I?
- You are at Sugar's
garden and honey. You know?
But don't worry, you are safe here.
You've been out for a while. So...
This is the breakfast.
Can you stand? Let me.
- Can you back the fuck off, please?
Just, just and take this shit away.
- It is just food, man.
- Get the food away for me
'cause I'm gonna fucking puke.
- Okay, but you need eat something.
(Cutlery clattering)
Oh, Jesus.
- [Patrick] Get it the fuck away from me.
- Jesus Christ. Okay. Okay.
Don't be so rude because
you are at my home, okay?
Come on. Stand up. Go to
the bathroom and wash up.
- I think so. Yes.
- I'm not your wife or something-
- Just give me a hand, please.
- Huh? Huh? Okay.
Last time I almost broke a
heel and twist my ankles.
Look, you fucking on my sheets.
- What'd you do to me?
- What?
- Why my pants undone?
- I didn't touch you.
- Then why are my pants undone?
- Oh my God. Look, okay?
If any other fluid aside from your body
would've touched my bed,
would've fucked you up, okay?
So go to the bathroom and wash up.
It's just to the right.
Just to the right, man.
- Don't move.
- Look at you. Huh? Look at you.
Okay. Oh my God. You will destroyed my...
(door slams)
- Appreciate everything.
So you are Sugar, right?
- [Sugar] Sugar, honey, Sugar.
- Alright, sorry. Sugar.
So please, Sugar, why the
fuck did you help me out?
What's the deal with this shit?
What the fuck you want from me?
- My deal? Hmm, honey, my deal is,
Sugar wants whatever sugar wants.
And besides, you threw a man's
body right next to a client
I was working on.
So obviously, he takes off
before we can get to the money part.
- Brother, I'm sorry I fucked up
one of your magnificent blow jobs.
But I didn't throw anybody
off a fucking roof.
- You are right.
You two love birds decide to
tell Mount Louise yourself
off the damn building
And only one of you, you
gets to see the end credit.
You know, the way I remember it.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no. (Speaks Spanish)
You know the deal.
I can't give you a discount again.
What? You do this to me
every time you come here.
- Oh, come on. Don't be
like that. Don't be so loud.
- Hey, don't tell Sugar
how loud to be, Huh?
I'm loud and I'm proud.
- Look, I wouldn't need a discount
if I wasn't here once a week
giving you my hard earned money.
- No, baby, that sounds
like your personal problem.
You won't be here if your
wife was doing my job.
- Fine, fine. You win.
- Oh.
- But you better do that thing for me,
and then when I do that,
you better give me a little bit of this.
(loud thump)
- Anyhoo, I had to get my ass out of there
and you look like you needed saving.
- Lemme tell you something, okay?
I don't need anybody to save me.
Especially someone that... like you.
- Honey, sell that shit to someone else
'cause I ain't buying.
You know, we all need someone sometimes.
You can hide yourself
behind all that anger.
But you can't fool me,
'cause I know, I told
you I was lost once too.
But now I'm happy. You know, fantastic.
And all the things.
And besides, when you all are catching up
on much needed beauty sleep,
I went outside and I heard
from all the little birds
about the mess you made and
how people want you dead.
- Little birds, huh?
- Yeah.
- You need a friend like
Sugar right about now.
word is, one of the guy who
wants you dead is Carlos.
- I know.
- Yeah.
- And he was responsible for
killing a good friend of mine
many years ago.
Jamie, the only girl that took me in
when the rest of the world
treated me like the trash
your lily ass fell into.
He abused her.
And one day she never came
back from the date with him.
All I know is they found her
body overdosed in the gutter.
And you know what?
That girl never did
drugs a day in her life.
Never. I know what happened. Sugar knows.
- I hate to be the one to
tell you this. People die.
They OD, they get hot
shots, they get killed.
So I, I'm sorry,
but I don't know what the fuck
you're trying to say to me.
You want me to kill 'em for you?
- I don't give a shit what
you do, man. You know?
But if he wants you dead,
I want to give you a better chance
than my friends ever got, that's all.
Because you know, killing
him would be sweet of you.
- Oh, I see, I see. You
want me to kill him for you?
This is what, it's simple, right?
Oh, he's gonna die anyway, all right?
You want to be there? Is that what it is?
I mean, I don't understand this.
He's dead anyway,
so why am I still here, Sugar.
So get to the fucking point.
- The point is that Carlos and Donovans,
they got every low life, crack head,
gangster in town, maliante,
looking for you right about now, man.
And this is my point.
- Come well prepared, don't you?
You use some of these on your tricks?
- Yes.
- And these work?
- Of course, they work.
- Alright, so let me get this straight.
You wanna be my partner?
You want to be Bonnie? And
you want me to be Clyde?
Is that what you're saying?
How fucking romantic.
Yeah, sure, why not? I
suppose I could use some help.
But if you fuck me, Sugar,
in any way shape or form,
this is some sort of fucking con
where you're not being honest,
I will slit that pretty
throat from ear to ear.
- Deal.
- Yeah, why not, huh?
It's definitely unusual.
All right.
I got an idea that I'll
tell you about here.
You go and put whatever you
put on at night, all right?
I don't need to see this shit.
Do me a favor, don't take forever.
All right, listen, first of
all, you're gonna stop shaking.
Don't put your finger,
put it down until you
ready to shoot, all right?
Now when you fire, okay?
Look down the barrel, please.
Stop. Stop. Relax, okay?
- Are you sure this is going to work?
'Cause, 'cause I'm not like
you, okay? What if I fuck up?
Why can't we wait to prepare better?
I mean, I, I'm not the
right person for this.
Definitely not.
- You're not the right person, okay?
But you're the only one.
Now listen, put the gun back up like this.
And when you, all you do
is you don't jerk the gun,
you squeeze gently, okay?
And you center mass, okay?
That's what you aim for.
- Oh.
this is a death sentence.
I mean what?
We're just gonna walk in
the front door like that.
- We really don't have a choice.
You wanna look over your shoulder
for the rest of your life
seeing that fat fuck Donovan outside?
- Look, two words. Why there? I mean-
- Because that's where the money is, okay?
And then we get to kill two bird-
We get to kill a bird with two-
Whatever the fucking expression is,
you know, when you kill the bird with...
Look, we'll practice this
until you get it, all right?
- I will help you. But
what is the plan? Eh?
- What's is the plan?
- Well, we get-
- We get there, if
there's two or three guys,
that means the restaurant
collections, all right?
And we wing it.
I'll watch you back, all right?
one of those three guys
or two guys or whatever,
could actually be the one
that gave Jamie the hot shot.
Killed her. So put the gun back up.
Now you're looking in the eyes
at the guy who killed Jamie.
Different, huh? Stop shaking.
- Yeah.
- I look pretty, actually.
Yeah? You know?
- What?
- Lessons over.
- What?
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
- Fucking bitch hit me
in the fucking head.
- Here, just take this. Go. Go over there.
Get him in the back. I'll distract him.
That was a lot of commotion.
Hold on just one minute, Pat.
Take a moment. Take a breath.
You know, just, please, listen to me.
(gun fires)
Who the fuck is that, bitch?
- No, that's my friend, mothetrfucker.
(gun firing)
Let's get outta here, huh?
That's one of Donovan's guys.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(Delanty groaning)
- [Delanty] Oh shit.
- A lot of shooting back
there. Who you shooting at?
- What the fuck? You're a cop!
Why the fuck are you using a car on me?
- Donovan? Where is he?
I need to talk to him
about a certain mick.
- Oh fuck, man, I don't
know, I just got here.
We got ambushed. God damn it.
- Fuck.
- Ambushed?
- Fuck, well, that
changes things, don't it?
- It does. Come on, man, my
leg is shattered. Do something.
- What's your name?
- Fuck, man, you don't
need my fucking name.
Just call the God damn ambulance.
- What's your name?
- Delanty. Fuck.
- Mother fuck, help.
- So you're Delanty?
- [Delanty] Yeah, God damn
it. Just help me. Fuck.
- Wow.
It's always nice to put the
face to the name, you know?
- Get me a fucking
ambulance you fucking prick.
- You in a lot of pain, huh?
- Yeah man, come on, my leg
is shattered. Call someone.
- I got something for that.
- Oh, come on, asshole.
- Wow. That's a nice piece.
- Thanks, man.
(gun firing)
- [Patrick] So this is the
guy who moves Carlos's money.
Simple. Go in and distract
the son of a bitch
and open the back door, all right?
- Okay. But how the hell
I am going to do that?
I mean...
- You'll think of something.
Yeah, but maybe won't he knows?
He's a psychic, right? I mean...
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
- Do me a favor, okay?
Stop fucking around.
Just distract him and I'll be around back.
- Yes madam, I believe I can help you.
- Oh.
- Woo, woo, woo.
- Psychic, huh?
What kind of psychic doesn't
see that coming, huh?
- Let go.
- Fuck you.
- Silent! Pat!
- Let me go.
- Do you want help me?
- Stop, stop, stop,
you're hurting him, man.
Do me a favor, okay?
Go wait down the hall for me, all right?
- Can you give me my belt?
- Absolutely.
- You can talk?
- Yeah.
- I am not a patient man. It's
not one of my virtues, okay?
So I'm gonna need you to tell me
where Carlos keeps his money, all of it.
- Are you crazy? He'll kill us both.
- Pay attention.
I'm gonna stick this in you
from your solar plexus all the way down
and open you up like a fucking pig.
And this is the choice you got.
You tell me where his money is,
you live tonight or you take
your chances with Carlos.
You got, no, you got a
better chance with Carlos
'cause you I'm gonna kill you.
- Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
- Talk.
- I'll tell you.
He keeps it all in the back,
in the back of a, of a...
- What?
of a car shop in Brooklyn near East-
- Brooklyn East, New York?
- Yeah, it Humberto's wrecker services.
But he's got the place down locked.
- Sh.
- You won't be able to get in. But you-
- Don't, don't talk.
I'm gonna take you with me.
And if you're lying to me,
I'm gonna make you suffer,
because I like to make people suffer.
Especially lying pieces of
shit, okay? Do you believe me?
- Si.
- Relax, relax, relax.
- As long as you tell me the
truth, you're gonna be okay.
You want a coat outside?
It's cold. Come with me.
Say it one more time. Where is it?
- Humberto's Wrecker Services.
It's in East, East, East,
- East New York.
East New York.
- That's all right.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
- Good. Let me get you coat, all right?
Put this away, all right?
(psychic groaning)
I asked you to wake
down the hall, didn't I?
Didn't I?
Walk. Yeah, don't faint surprise.
- What the fuck are we gonna do now?
- Well, you can't do anything anyway.
I gotta get a few more
slugs, I'm almost out.
- So...
- I got an idea.
- What?
- Yeah.
- You need a miracle,
and Sister Sugar might
just have one for you.
Come on.
- gimme a miracle. Let's go.
- Hello, honey.
- Well, what y'all doing here now?
You don't belong here, girls.
The hooker convention beyond
down the street aways.
- Oh no honey, you are
a comedian or something?
- No, I don't know what you want lady.
And I don't know what you're here for,
but I ain't no interested, okay?
So you are gonna have to go move on now.
- Okay? We all leave.
But I just have to tell Carlos Aragon
that you refuse his gift.
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute now.
- [Girl] There you go.
- Carlos Aragon?
- Yes, Carlos sent us as a gift
for all your hard work and loyalty.
It's a shame that you
refuse his gift. I mean...
- And how am I supposed to
know this here is all for real?
- Real?
- Yeah.
- Come on. Pecker head. It's prime time.
You think we are missed
our precious time here?
No. Hell no.
We are here 'cause we were
paid, I mean. You know?
- Well, it's paid for?
- Of course.
- Well, this here is what you call
a genuine discombobulation now, ain't it?
But it is a gift
and it would be rude of me to deny a gift.
- You are a smart guy, big boy.
- I, I tell you what?
- Okay.
- Yeah. Why don't you
go out in front there
and meet me at the overhead garage door
and I'm gonna let you in, okay?
- The big entrance?
- Oh yeah, yeah.
- Papito, okay. Come on
ladies. One, two, one, two.
All right.
(upbeat music)
- Hey boys!
Carlos got us a little,
a little something,
something for ourselves, huh?
Oh, look at my boys. Look at their chops.
Now, Bowman, I see ya. I see
ya looking at the cheetah.
She's too fast for you, I hope not.
Now let's get on over there to
Bowman. Who else we got here?
Oh, Antwone, already know
by your eyes and hers
and you belong together.
Get on over there honey bun. Oh yeah.
Hey, Grizzly, you still
got that shrimp boat?
- [Grizzly] Yes sir.
- Oh yeah. Them fishnet's gonna
be high and dry for you now.
Come on over there for her.
Oh, little bunny honey, you
know what bunnies like to do,
don't you, Castro?
Well, why don't you do
what bunnies do? (laughing)
Oh, dee do.
Last time I seen a
piece of meat like this,
my daddy had it in a big
brown pot with some paprika
and glazed onions.
Okay, boys, I don't have
to tell you what to do.
Just go do what you do.
Come on darling. (laughing)
First time I laid eyes on you,
I knew that nice tall, tall,
beautiful girl like yourself
but just what Cajun man
like myself be looking for.
You know that?
- Hot duck time, honey.
(speaking French)
(tense music)
- They maizes! They're all maizes!
- Oh, Jesus.
- Finally, you sleep on my balls.
- Let's get 'em all feet. Fucking pig.
- Okay, open.
- No, no, you're lucky for me. Open it up.
Come on. You're the lucky...
- First child.
No, no, no, no. You're
lucky. You're blessed.
A miracle. Remember?
Go first.
- Yeah.
- [Sugar] Oh my God.
- Let's go.
- Finders keepers, sweetheart.
(upbeat music)
All this money. (laughing)
- You keep surprised me
all the fucking time.
- Yeah.
- Bye ladies. To the
right, right turn. Come on.
Ladies, come on, come on.
Get the fuck outta here.
Right, right, right, right.
- Okay. Right.
- You are a fucking miracle
worker. You really are.
I got a stash up here. Extra max gone.
- [Sugar] Hey, I'm tired.
- [Patrick] I know you're tired.
- You got passports?
- Bag is heavy, I mean
- What? You don't have a back up bag.
- What do you mean back up bag?
- These the motherfuckers right there!
- [Patrick] Go, go, go, go.
(guns firing)
Yo, get the motherfuckers!
(tense music)
(guns firing)
- [Sugar] Jesus Christ.
(guns firing)
(tense music continues)
Come on, baby, I know you
have to have a room available.
This place can't be all sold out.
- Listen lady, you're
not the only entrepreneur
working this area, all right?
Like I said, we're all filled up
and you take your business somewhere else.
- You know how much money
I made you people here?
I practically funded your retirement.
- Ooh, wow. I guess now I can go fishing.
- Come on. You gotta have something.
- Sorry.
- Sorry doesn't help me.
- You take it up with your congressman.
I'm sure you know a few.
- There has to be something
I can do to change your mind.
- Well, maybe, perhaps
we can work a trade?
- Trade? Trade is my middle name, honey.
You know, like the New York suck exchange.
(mischievous music)
I don't do overtime.
Yeah, come on. Come on.
- Why we whispering?
You get hurt at all?
- Well, can I ask you something?
- What?
- Why do you want to
quit after all this time?
I mean, quit, quit. Why?
I mean, you know, my language is...
- You mean why I want to quit
and get out of this town?
- Yeah.
- 'Cause I...
Because for lack of a better word,
I made a really big mistake.
Not too far back, there was this guy,
a low life piece of shit.
(rain pattering)
(gun fires)
I wacked him in his car,
except I didn't see his
daughter was sitting there.
She took one to the head and...
I don't want that to happen again.
Question, answer?
- I'm sorry, Pat.
- Yeah, well, so am I.
- We all made some mistakes sometimes.
I mean...
But this, it is our job,
forgive ourselves for
the unforgivable, I mean.
- Sugar...
Can't forgive yourself for killing a kid.
I ain't going to heaven.
God doesn't forgive that
kind of shit, all right?
That's okay. I don't mind meeting Satan.
I'll give him a run for his money.
And could you please
just turn the light off.
Let's go to sleep.
- Yeah. Right.
(easy mood music)
Can I tell you something about me?
- If you must.
- I love Judy Garland.
(both laughing)
- I love Toto..
- Every time she sing, she
die a little. I mean, like us.
- You're romantic. Got you.
- Yeah.
- I have a romantic for a partner.
So my romantic partner,
will you please turn the
fucking light off. Let's just...
Really, I...
- You are a real motherfucker.
You know, take a rest, man.
- Yeah, let's...
Let's take a rest, huh?
Goodnight, Sugar.
(ominous music)
- Ah shit.
Hey y'all, what the fuck happened?
How you let them get away?
- Me? Oh my fuck.
- Don't even fucking come
with that, All right.
God damn, you're in my way the whole time.
- Hey man, whatever.
Alright, come on, let's
go get some breakfast.
- What? Are you fucking serious?
Can't believe you're such a fucking idiot.
(gun fires)
- All right, all right, I appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
It's a beautiful cake, but
time to get back to work.
Let's go. What's this?
Don't think this is gonna get
you any perks around here.
Okay? Back to work.
- Come on, Captain, you
know you're gonna miss us.
- Are you kidding? What's your name again?
- Ha ha. Very funny.
- What's happening with Bug?
Is he still in interrogation?
- Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about it.
- [Captain] All right. So what
do you doing standing here?
Come on, let's go.
Chop. Chop.
- I'm on it, Captain.
- Terence "T-Bug" Bergos.
How the hell are you, huh?
Hey, do you mind if I call you "Bug?"
I feel like that's what
friends would call you.
I'm Detective Rojo,
but you can just go ahead
and call me "Detective."
- Fuck you, puta.
- What the fuck, dude?
Come on, I thought we were
gonna try and be friends.
- Fuck you. I want my lawyer.
- Oh, again with the profanity.
Listen, lawyer's not here, T-Bug.
You got me. So let's talk, okay?
- Bug.
- What?
- My name. It's not fucking T-Bug.
It's bug, alright, get it right.
- Okay, Bug. Just chill, all right.
Look, let's start this
all over again, all right?
Can I get you something to
drink while we wait and chat?
Like a water, a soda?
Think maybe a little bit of that Rom Viejo
everyone keeps going
crazy about, huh? Yeah?
- Hell yeah. All right,
now you're talking, puta.
I mean, Miss. Detective. Hell yeah.
- I was joking, Bug,
but I like that smile.
Let's keep those teeth
nice and healthy, okay?
And I'll make sure I'll go get
you that nice cup of water.
How's that?
- Whatever, man. Can I just
go? You know it wasn't mine.
- What wasn't yours?
- The gun. It wasn't mine.
- You know, this is a mistake.
- You mean a misunderstanding?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. That.
- So the illegal handgun
you were arrested with
concealed under your tight
ass shirt, that wasn't yours?
- Yeah.
- And the extra magazine from said gun
found inside your, your
tight snake skin pants,
that wasn't yours?
- Fuck you, puta, I want a fucking lawyer.
All right, you're lucky I'm cuffed, okay?
I'm tougher than you think.
I could take on any of
you pigs, fucking micks,
you nosy motherfuckers in drag, all right?
The fuck, punk?
- Yes, good choice of words.
Is that who you were chasing?
- I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about, okay?
I just said it as an example.
- Oh, an example, huh?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm
just making it clear.
You know, I'm innocent, but I know punk.
- Hmm, well that's good to know.
because punks don't do so
well where you're going,
and with what we got on you,
you'll be going in there
for a really long time.
- Alright. Wait a minute.
How about we deal? Huh?
You know, maybe I might know
something, maybe I don't.
What can do you do for me?
- Well, it all depends
on what you got for me.
You know the saying? The
truth shall set you free.
- Yeah, if that's the case,
then maybe we can deal.
But you get me that water.
- That's what I wanna hear,
T-Bug. You stay put, alright?
And I'll go get you the nice cup of water.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- It was great to see you.
- You too. All right.
- Detective Rojo.
Oh man, I heard you got some action.
- Jones, what are you doing here?
- Hey, you know, I was
in the neighborhood,
figured I could pop in
and show you a real
detective gets things done.
- No thanks. I know how you operate.
And we don't do things
like that in this precinct,
all right?
- Really? What exactly
is that supposed to mean?
- Let's just say we'd like
to keep it clean over here.
- Who you got in there?
- Just wanted TJ's minions.
He, he got caught with the
possession of a firearm.
And we think it has something
to do with the shooting spree
that left several dead
and including Donovan.
- Right. Right. I heard about that. Yeah.
He talking?
- No, not yet. But he's about to crack.
We're running ballistics on his gun now.
And he'll be singing like
a canary soon enough.
- I'm sure he will.
(ominous music)
How are things with Jesse?
- What? How you know my daughter?
- Listen very carefully.
Decisions you make can have a
huge impact on how things go.
- Hey, Captain.
- Well, is he talking?
- No, not yet, but he's about to.
I'm just getting him
some water. He's thirsty.
- Oh, he thirsty?
Why don't you order him some
lobster while you're at it?
- Right about now,
they're running ballistics
on the gun you had.
And it's only be a matter of time
before they get what they need
and put you away for a long
time or to get you to talk.
Now, we can't have you talking again.
So you got some choices to make.
Save your own ass
or hers.
You know, I'm really glad
we understand each other.
take care, all right?
- Don't worry, Captain.
He's about to crack.
- Well, he better. I want
this wrapped up tight, huh?
And I don't want any more
aggravations, you hear me?
- Yeah. Am I not not always on it?
- [Captain] Get outta here.
- All right, Bug, let's start talking.
- I ain't got nothing to say, bitch.
- Bug, I thought we had an understanding.
- Nah, bitch. Just wanted
to see your tight ass
get me some water.
- So you like my daughter, huh?
I can appreciate that.
But as the father of a daughter,
I have certain responsibilities
and obligations to protect her,
to provide for her, to ensure
her safety and wellbeing.
I'm sure you can appreciate that.
Now there are two ways that this can go.
One, you respect my daughter
and treat her right,
and all will be great in the universe.
Or two, if you hurt my daughter
or disrespect her in any
way, I will go to jail.
The only question is whether I go to jail
for sending someone to the
hospital or to their grave.
Do you understand?
(intercom beeps)
Yes, what is it?
- [Secretary] Detective
Jones is here to see you.
- Send him in.
- Okay, my daughter can go to your court.
But remember what I said, eh?
Good talk. You can go.
- Carlos.
Let me guess, Rom Viejo de Caldas, right?
- Did you expect anything else, huh?
- You know, you got a real
big mess on your hands.
- Me?
- Yeah.
- No, no, no, this is not
my mess. This is your mess.
You and your people.
- My people? My people?
Just what the hell is
that supposed to mean?
- What I mean is that you have
a bunch of big capa de idiots
blowing up the fucking town
and the Mick is still on the loose.
- The fuck are you talking about?
We're out there trying
to clean this shit up.
You got your people on one end
and Donovan's on the other.
Both doing more dying than killing.
- I don't give a rat ass about-
It's okay. It's okay. Come on.
I don't give a rats ass
about the Donovan's people.
I need your help, okay?
- Listen, I told you, I'm handling it.
You just gotta let me do my fucking job.
- Okay, all right, but.
This is important, I'm
counting on you, okay?
I need the Mick gone. I need him dead.
I need this to be ending tonight, okay?
(intercom beeps)
What is it now?
- [Secretary] Mr. Aragon,
you have an urgent call?
- Yes, what is it?
- Yeah. Yeah, we got hit.
- The fuck you talking about?
- Some hookers came in here
and took the whole drop.
- Hookers? Did you say hookers?
- They said they was a gift from you,
that we should appreciate
what you trying to do for us
for doing a good job.
- Who?
She said her name was Sugar.
She was with the Mick.
- The Mick?
- Jesus.
- We have a hit out on the Mick!
And you let him walk right in!
- Oh no, I didn't let him in here.
He was, he was hiding, I
don't know where he was,
but he come on from behind and he hit me.
I thought everything was for real.
- I don't give a fuck what you thought.
Now you listen to me,
you listen to me really
fucking good, okay?
You get me my money back.
Every fucking penny.
You get my money back
or I'm gonna hang you
by your fucking balls.
You understand me?
- Yes sir. Yes sir. Yes sir.
Well boys, we did be in
a whole lot of mess now.
A whole lot of mess
(speaking Spanish)
- [Jones] Sounds like more trouble.
- It's the Mick and some
fucking hooker named Sugar.
Took everything.
- Sugar? That bitch still around?
- You know her?
- Yeah. Yeah. You remember.
She was that drag hooker that
was making all that noise
about that one broad.
What was her name? Jamie.
- The one that was dropped in the alley?
- [Jones] Yeah, that's the one.
- I want that bitch. She's got my money.
You get this done for me, you
name your fucking price, okay?
- It's a deal.
(police officers chattering)
- Rojo, we got something
on the shootout here.
- Oh, what is it?
- We got some images from a
nearby surveillance camera.
Not too good.
But we got these two leaving
the area with two big bags.
Any idea who they are?
- I don't know this one,
but this one looks familiar.
Oh shit, this is her.
- Wait, you know her?
- Yeah, I, I, I worked
the case a few years back,
an overdose.
This young street hooker,
she kept insisting it was foul play
but we had nothing to go on.
This is her.
- Okay, well you need
anything else from me?
- Yeah, coffee.
- Of course, coffee. I'm
here for coffee. Coffee.
(mischievous music)
- Sugar?
(mischievous music continues)
Love the words
(phone ringing)
- Yes?
- Where the fuck are you?
- Hello to you too, honey.
Got out of the wrong side
of the bed or what? Huh?
- Are you outta your fucking mind?
They're gonna be looking for
you too. Why did you leave?
- Oh, you are worried about me.
Is it that special?
I mean like-
(tense music)
- You got something I need.
- Who is this?
- That doesn't really matter now, does it?
You got something I need
and I got your bitch.
- You made a really big mistake.
I don't give a shit about that bitch.
- Well, that's just a shame now, isn't it?
Ah, well just in case
you change your mind,
I'll be at the old
abandoned recycling plant
in half an hour.
And if you're not there in half an hour,
well, then I'm gonna kill
your fucking girlfriend.
- What the fuck did you do, Sugar?
Stupid fucking bitch.
(tense music)
- [Jones] Get in the car.
(tense music continues)
- Hey, I'm at the old recycling plant.
Yeah, that's the one.
Send me some back up
but could keep it off the wire, all right?
Have them come in quiet.
I don't know. I'm not sure
yet but I'm to find out.
All right.
- You better hope your boyfriend shows up.
- You better hope he doesn't
'cause he's gonna fuck you up.
- Oh yeah.
- Ai papi.
Is that all you got? My
grandmother hit harder than that.
You must have some serious
performance issues,
you know, down there.
- Shut up.
- It's nothing to be ashamed of.
It's happened to a lot of big boys.
- Shut the fuck up, I said!
- Struck a nerve, did I?
- Hey, sh.
- I know you're there.
Come out nice and slow.
All right. And the hardware.
All of it. Come on. All of it.
That's all you got that?
- Told you. My boyfriend's back.
And you gonna be in trouble.
I said shut the fuck up.
Pissed off a lot of folks.
Donovan's people want you
dead. Aragon wants you dead.
Me, I got no personal issues with you.
It's all business for me.
But I do want to thank you.
Business has been real
good because of you.
Yeah, yeah, sure I've made
a lot of money with Aragon
and Donovan over the years,
but I hit the fucking jackpot with you.
Hey, if I kill you, I
make 100K from Aragon
plus another 10K bonus.
And you just handed me
all of Aragon's drop.
Shit, I'm going to fucking Disney World.
And now all I gotta do is finish you off
and this little bitch over here.
- All right, Jones, it's over.
Put the fucking gun down!
(gun fires)
- Oh shit. See what you made me do?
You know, what a shame.
I always thought there might be something
between us at some-
- Fuck you, Jones. You are
not gonna get away with this.
I have backup coming.
- Eh, that's what they all say.
But yeah, I will get away with it.
It's just too easy. I mean,
she shot you and I shot her.
Simple as that. It's
all gonna be my report.
(guns fire)
- No!
- Stop!
- I'm not gonna kill you.
Let me see. Let me see.
- Oh, you'll be fine. It's a scratch.
- Freeze motherfucker! Put
the gun down! Put it down!
We have officer down! Call an ambulance!
- Are you outta your mind?
- Please, Captain, it's her only chance.
- There is no way in hell
I'm letting you do this.
You should be home recuperating.
What the fuck were you
thinking going in there alone?
You, you know what? I'm
gonna get Miles on this.
- Miles?
Listen, Captain, I've
been wanting to nab Aragon
for a really long time.
- Not as long as I have.
And now we have a real chance here.
- Yeah, well, what the is going on here?
You've just been shot.
- This is nothing.
- You should be home resting.
- Oh yeah, because I'm a woman, right?
- Oh, come on. Don't
gimme that sexist crap.
- Oh, would you have said the
same thing to Miles or you?
What would you have done
if you had the chance to grab Aragon?
Would you have just gone home?
- All right. All right, Jesus Christ.
Okay, but please just be
careful there. You hear me?
- Yes, Captain. I'm on it.
So if we can get Aragon
talking about all the things
that Detective Jones admitted to,
then we can take 'em down, you know?
All right, gimme a five count.
- What?
- A five count.
- One, two, three, four five.
- Uno, dos, tres, cuatro,
cinco, sies, siete.
- Loud and clear.
- Mind if I join the party?
- Captain, what are you doing here?
- Someone has to make sure
this doesn't turn into a gangbang.
- Ooh, I like this one.
- All right, remember, all you
gotta do is get him to talk.
Once we get what we need, bang. We go in.
All right? All right?
- Yes. Yes. Alright, I got
it the first 20 times, okay?
- All right, listen.
I still think it's a risk
going in there with Sugar.
- Oh, please, Sugar can
take care of herself.
Trust me, all right?
And if I don't go in there with Sugar,
use your head, you know?
- Don't worry, sweetheart. You
don't have to tell me twice.
Careful is my middle name. C-A-R-F-U-L-L.
- Hilarious. Can we get
this party started, please?
Ladies and gentlemen, come on.
- You know, I think there's an E
actually somewhere in there.
- Doesn't matter.
(intercom beeps)
- Yes, what is it?
- Hello?
- Hey cocksucker, you didn't
expect to see me again,
did you?
Fucking cock sucking motherfucker.
- This is quite a surprise. Yes.
You got some balls.
- Yeah. Two sets actually here.
- What?
- I'll tell you later.
We got a deal for you.
- A deal?
- Yes, a deal. What? Don't
you listen so good, huh?
- You know,
things got off of the wrong foot, okay?
And, and it's, it's my fault, right?
Things got out hand.
- It's a bit of an
understatement, don't you think?
- You sent the fucking
Dominican to kill me.
- Me? Why will I... come on.
- You didn't do that?
- Come on, relax. Come on.
- See what I mean.
- Hey.
- What?
- Calm. Calm, man.
- Tranquilo. Tranquilo. We are friend now.
- We all friend now?
- Yeah.
- Shut the fuck up.
You see what I mean, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
We're all, we're all, we're
all, we're all friends now.
- So what do you propose, huh?
- [Patrick] What do I propose?
Can you please take this?
'Cause I can't look at this piece of shit.
- [Sugar] Okay. Well thing
is you piece of shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
- What's going on? What's the problem?
- I don't know.
This has never happened.
- Well, fix it. Come on!
- So you're just gonna gimme
my money back and then what?
Just walk away. Is that it?
- Yeah, exactly.
We give you your money back
and then we don't wanna look
over our shoulders, okay?
We don't wanna see you. It's simple.
- It is like an offer I can't refuse.
- So, so we got a deal?
- Sure, sure, sure. Listen,
let's drink on it, huh?
Rom Viejo?
- Three glasses.
- That's what I wanna
hear, huh? My mick is back.
Yes, we have a deal. (laughing)
- What the fuck is going on with this?
I can't make anything out.
- We are having serious issues here.
We are not getting anything.
- Fuck it. Let's move
out. Come on, let's go.
- Fucking die.
Are you sure that virus you
got is gonna work, right?
- Told you my best client
teaches computer at NYU.
So he got that shit on
the net. It's gonna work.
- He's dead, huh?
- Finally.
- I'm getting old.
- I can't believe you kept a journal
of every sad son of a bitch you killed.
- I kept a journal because
for this exact reason.
The cops are gonna find that, I'm clear.
- You sure your name is not on that shit?
- Why would I put my
name in that shit, okay?
Let's get outta here.
(tense music)
- Where the hell are they?
Son of a bitch.
- (laughing) You wanna hear the good news?
The good news is, with Carlos
and Donovan in the ground,
Jones is off the payroll,
we've expanded our
territory exponentially,
and blow it on (indistinct)
and all in one shot.
We didn't even have to do anything.
The bad news is...
I gotta deal with the Irish
John Wayne running around
because you can't handle him.
Whoa, whoa. Hey, Whoa, whoa.
Take it easy there cowboy. I
can handle him plenty, right?
What you don't understand,
well, maybe you do understand is,
I have to operate within
the, how shall I say,
navigational beacons of the law, right?
I can't just plug a guy
like you, all right?
- You're not as irredeemable as me?
- No, I guess I'm not.
- Listen to me.
I don't want this fucking leprechaun
making any more problems.
You got it?
- Mick is running around
with some drag queen hooker,
probably spent all the cash.
He's probably strung out in
some crack den in Cleveland
or God knows where.
Or dead. Yeah.
- Dead?
- He fucking better be.
- Don't worry about it.
- I worry.
- [Police Officer] Police!
- Fucking knew it. You motherfucker.
This is what you do,
cocksucker. You set me up.
- No, no, no.
(gun fires)
- You did good, kid. Real good.
- Well...
- Well...
- I'm heading up here.
- This my way.
- Listen, before you go,
what's your real name?
- Really?
- Yeah. Come on.
Gimme that.
- Jesus.
- David.
- Come on, man, seriously.
- Come on.
- Joseph.
- Yeah, really. King of dreams.
- King of dreams. Well...
- Well...
- I guess this is goodbye.
- Yeah. Where are you headed?
- Well, I don't know, honey.
But you know, this is
the story of my life.
- Listen, I'll tell you
what, why don't we...
We've been doing so good so far.
Why don't we just hang together
until we figure out what
we're both gonna go do.
- I knew it.
Jesus, I thought you never asked me.
I was wondering how
you survive without me.
- So was I. Come here.
Where are we headed?
- Well, not that way,
not that way. This way.
- You know what I think we need?
- We need to buy a car.
- And go where?
- [Sugar] Route 66.
- [Patrick] Oh shit, you know,
something I've always
wanted to do, honestly.
- Route 66.
- Route 66. Yeah.
- [Patrick] Well, we get a convertible.
- [Sugar] Oh my gosh. This
one's sparkling. Amazing.
Look at the moon.
Full moon.
- I think we friends for life.
- I think so.
(Sugar Honey Ice Tea by
Lydia Britton playing)
I wake up with the sun
spinning in my orbit
I shine bright like the stars
You know you can't ignore it
I am making history in every moment
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
You don't wanna play with me
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
You don't know I'm a...
You don't know I'm a...
You don't know I'm a
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
You don't know I'm a...
You don't know I'm a...
You don't know I'm a
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
You don't know I'm a...
You don't know I'm a...
You don't know I'm a
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
You don't wanna play with me
Sugar Honey Ice Tea
I'm a Sugar Honey Ice Tea
Sugar Honey Ice Tea