The Midnight Gag (2024) Movie Script

[dramatic music]
[electronic music]
[sinister music]
A monster...born or made.
Some say
that psychopaths are born,
others say
they are made over time.
I say it's a choice.
They are
a natural force of nature.
When killing becomes
a necessity,
they become...unstoppable.
[keyboard clicking]
Hey. It's me. Guess what?
You know
the antique copper tower
that you've been looking for?
I found it.
And it's in perfect condition.
Check this out.
[clears throat]
One of a kind
antique copper tower
from the 19th century.
Its unique baroque design
captivates your eyes.
It comes with incense sandalwood
sticks wrapped in a wooden box.
And a mix of black and white
eagle feathers for the smoke.
Dreams you could only imagine.
You should see this guy's ad.
He really knows how to sell.
I mean...the way he is
describing it is incredible.
Anyway, I'm still
at the Library. I'm just going
to go and pick it up.
It's kind of a weird place
to meet, actually.
But I guess
that's what he wants.
Then I'll head straight home,
promise. Bye.
[sinister music]
[woman over PA]
Next stop...Granville street.
[birds squawking]
[birds squawking]
[phone chimes]
[birds squawking]
[phone chimes]
[waves crashing]
[tense music]
[electronic music]
Who are you?
[Sinister music]
No! No!
[growling continues]
[flesh tears]
[radio statics]
[sinister music]
[electronic music]
[kettle whistling]
[bathroom fan]
[electronic music]
[traffic noise]
Frank, tell me what you got.
The suspect. Male, in his 50's,
disguised as a policeman,
It started late on Saturday
a long 12-hour manhunt.
It ended with a car chase.
He shot
at least 18 people
at different locations.
They were all random.
One of them was a female Police
Our guys were able to take him
down after a confrontation.
It is also reported that
he was driving what looked like
a police car.
What about the victims?
Haven't heard anything.
Call me
if you hear anything else.
-Alright, Frank. Talk later.
-See ya.
[soft electronic music]
[music fades]
[crow cawing]
[sinister music]
[elevator bell sound]
[elevator door closes]
[sinister music continues]
[radio static]
[indistinct female voice
over radio]
[radio static]
[keyboard clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[cellphone ringing]
Hey Frank.
I just got some information
about a missing person's case.
Kevin, a male in his 30s.
He was reported missing by
his wife last night at
approximately 1.30 am.
He was last seen at the public
No one has seen him ever since.
That's the third person gone
missing in a week.
Has anyone talked to his wife?
[clicks tongue]
He never told his wife
about the location or
who he was meeting with.
The only thing we know is that
he was picking up a present
that he'd ordered online
from a seller.
Okay. Great job, Frank.
Please send me the information
as soon as possible.
I'll send it right away
when I get back.
[sinister music]
[indistinct female voice over
[keyboard clicking]
["Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2"
by Frederic Chopin playing]
My name is
Detective Travis Jackson.
I've been a detective since
I have seen things
you can't imagine.
You have no clue
what people would do
for a little attention...
-fame and money.
-[heavy breathing]
As we keep living
in an ignorant
and blindfolded society ...
-[siren wailing]
-...things keep getting worse.
We had over a thousand suspect
serial killers last year.
One hundred and nine people
gone missing.
Over twenty-five thousand
reported crimes.
What's left is a struggle
between good and evil.
The good spirit is dying.
In the dark city
where thieves and outcasts
are roaming the streets,
politicians and corporation
are becoming more corrupted
than ever.
Crime and homelessness is
More than four thousand people
are currently living on the
in their cars,
in homeless camps, and parks.
[music continues]
[siren wailing]
[phone chimes]
[music fades]
[waves crashing]
[birds squawking]
[sinister music]
-[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[metal gate opens]
[metal clanking]
[steady tapping sound]
[sinister music]
["Gone Gypsy" by La chinga
Cheers to our girl Sofia!
[all] Cheers, cheers!
[music continues in background]
I can't believe I got the
New job, new apartment.
Moving to L.A!
Girl, what's next?
I know, it's crazy.
I'm gonna miss you guys.
Let's take one last photo
[camera shutter clicks]
Awesome! that one, right?
[music stops]
[sinister music]
[clicking sound]
[chair squeaks]
[glass clinks]
Hey. What do you guys think
is gonna happen?
It's getting quite serious out
there. Don't you think?
I know.
I'm so done with social media.
It has gotten out of control.
-Did you hear about the cat
How can anyone murder innocent
kittens just to become famous?
I can't believe anyone can do
something like that!
I heard this story about a man
who died of a heart attack.
A true story.
There was a man called
Charlie Newman. A plumber.
Charlie was headed to
the east side
to meet with some coworkers,
you know, to play pool and
have some brewskis.
Shortly after he is walking
suddenly a "killer clown"
popped out of nowhere.
Deep down in his subconscious,
being beaten to death
was one of Charlie's
biggest worries.
The clown just stood there
with a hatchet in his hand
staring at him.
The poor man just collapsed and
died of a heart attack
right there.
-That's sick.
I would have been so scared.
Me too. Imagine waking up
in the middle of the night
a killer clown just standing
over you face to face?
Oh my god!
Okay, let's talk about
something else, please.
[electronic music]
Are you sure you're gonna be
alright by yourself?
It's barely 10.30.
I'll be home in five.
Call us when you get home?
Will do.
[traffic noise]
[music continues]
They won't take shit
from nobody
and if you attack them,
they will fight back hard.
Only when it's provoked,
that their aggressive side
comes out.
It's your duty to be kind.
It's your destiny to be
helpful, friendly and humble.
There's no cure,
only a pure and genuine life.
[street din]
Detective Jackson?
Travis Jackson?
What do you want?
I'm Sofia.
I called you earlier.
Go to the police.
Yeah, but they're not
Yeah, well...
No one is listening nowadays.
Look, you have to help me.
How did you find me?
People know who you are
around here.
Please. Just listen to
what I have to say.
Are you gonna fuck up my life?
You have ten minutes.
Let's go to my office.
Please, have a seat.
Want some tea? Coffee?
No, thank you.
[siren wailing]
So why did you come to me?
Why didn't you go to the police?
No, I went to the police.
But they're not taking me
-I don't know who else
to talk to.
A man broke in to my
drugged me and--
and assaulted me.
[Travis] Do you have proof
that he assaulted you?
He recorded it.
I can't watch this.
After my wife's death...
I went into a dark depression.
I was drinking...
eating junk food.
Everything just went to shit.
She was killed by a truck.
Hit and run.
That motherfucker just left her
there to die.
I'm so sorry.
Then I met Jane.
She saved my life.
There are things
we can't control.
Everything happens for a reason.
You have to be strong,
you have to keep fighting.
Please, you have to help me.
I will.
I will help you.
[electronic music]
-[cellphone ringing]
Yeah, yeah.
[phone continues ringing]
[breathing sound]
[man's voice] Do you wanna die?
[man laughs]
[music stops]
[music resumes]
[cellphone ringing]
[heavy breathing over phone]
You think it's funny?
[man growling over phone]
[growling continues]
[music stops]
[cellphone ringing]
[cellphone ringing]
You're not gonna break me,
[ringing stops]
[phone chiming]
[cellphone ringing]
[electronic music]
[music continues]
[music stops]
-[faint scream]
[tense music]
[radio statics]
[indistinct female voice
over radio]
[indistinct mumbling]
-[radio statics]
-[indistinct female voice
over radio]
[indistinct distorted
man's voice]
Fucking bitch.
[indistinct distorted
man's voice]
[tense music continues]
[phone ringing]
[indistinct female voice]
Oh, hi Miss Martinez.
My name is Josh. I...
went to acting school
together with
your daughter Sofia.
-[sinister music]
-[distorted man's voice]
I hope you're doing well.
I would like to say a few
things to Sofia. Is she home?
[Sofia] Hello?
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia.
You remember me, right?
Is it you Josh?
No, it's--it's me.
You fucking bitch!
I told you not to contact
any authority.
Not the police
and especially not detective
Travis Jackson.
What do you want?
You'd better keep your windows
and your doors locked
'cause I'm coming to visit you.
[Sofia hangs up]
[engine revs]
[phone chimes]
[electronic music]
Time: 1:15 PM.
Case: Sofia Martinez Campbell.
drugged and raped by a male...
six to seven feet tall.
[phone ringing]
[woman] Your call has been
forwarded to an automatic voice
message system.
-Please record your
Hi Sofia.
This is Detective Jackson.
I'm just calling to see that
everything is okay.
There is a lot of shit going on
out there.
Ah... give me a call...
or text me.
Alright. Ciao!
[Jane] My name is Jane.
I'm writing a novel about
Did you know that
you are not in control
of what's going to happen
to you in the future?
Destiny is.
["Serenade" by
Franz Schubert playing]
You could get hit by a car
crossing the street.
You could die tomorrow
of a heart attack.
You could even get eaten
by a lion.
[music continues]
[traffic noise]
[music continues]
[phone chimes]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[footsteps approaching]
[music fades out]
[waves crashing]
[machine noise]
[water trickling]
[sinister music]
[Travis] Tell me what you see?
Something is coming.
I can feel it.
Eyes everywhere.
[water trickling]
you think I'm scared?
Kill to protect.
Kill for pleasure.
When is it gonna stop!
[faint indistinct chatter]
Someone's been following me.
Shh... Shh...
[faint indistinct chatter]
[sinister music]
Tell me what you feel.
Is it real?
Is it real?
Tell me what you feel.
You can't stop--
can't stop me .
You can't stop me.
You can't stop me .
[faint indistinct chatter]
[sinister music]
[electronic music]
[electronic music]
[tense music]
[tense electronic music]
[music fades]
[music resumes]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[woman] Your call has been
forwarded to an automatic
[woman] Your call has been
forwarded to an automatic voice
message --
[music continues]
[cellphone ringing]
Hello detective.
-Who is this?
I know where she is.
What are you talking about?
I know where Jane is.
I know who you are.
You are the psycho who broke
into Sofia's apartment.
So tell me where she is.
It doesn't work like that,
I have your video.
You think that you're not gonna
get caught, but you will.
What do you want?
Just to let you know,
the smell of your girl,
Detective Jackson...
So sweet.
Shut up! You sick fuck.
You think it's funny?
So emotional... so weak.
See, this is the problem.
People are never...listening.
Now you listen to me,
you piece of shit!
You think you own the whole
fucking world, huh?
Well, guess what.
You're just a weak, lonely
little boy who is looking for
[Woman crying]
When I find you,
and I will find you,
I'm gonna break every fucking
bone in your body.
Yeah. I'm coming to get you.
Yes... yes... You will hurt
me, you will make me suffer.
Now please,
do not interrupt me again.
Concerning that beautiful
little girl of yours...
her smell... her hair...
Oh my god.
She was without a doubt...
the best fuck I've ever had.
[Josh laughs]
You piece of shit.
I'm gonna kill you.
The human being is nothing but
a living disease.
Greedy, blood sucking vampires.
No one has ever helped me
with anything, so...why should I
help you?
You should see it
as a compliment.
I hope she's still alive,
-What have you done to her?
[music continues]
Shut up!
What kind of a sick mind
are you?
You're a monster!
No, I--I'm not...
I'm not a monster.
I'm a good citizen.
I act on my instincts.
You all will suffer
like I have suffered.
[melancholic music]
I gave her a choice. Life is
not always what you expect.
Now... do you know
the united church?
Isn't that the same graveyard
where your late wife is buried?
It's not your business.
Oh, I know a lot more
than you think, Detective.
Meet me there in 15 minutes.
I will call you.
[Josh hangs up]
Hello? Hello?
["Sarabande" by
George Frederic Handel playing]
[cellp hone ringing]
I thought you said you were
going to meet me here.
Yes, but I changed my mind.
So Why am I here?
We all have a destiny,
Detective Jackson.
[Josh hangs up]
[music continues]
[music descendos]
[music crescendos]
[music continues]
[music fades to end]
[electronic music]
[music continues]
[music fades to end]