The Midnight Man (2016) Movie Script

- Hello, my baby.
Hello, my honey
Hello, my Ragtime girl
Send me a kiss by wire
Baby, my heart's on fire
If you refuse me, honey,
you'll lose me
Then you'll be left alone
Baby, telephone, tell my I'm
your own.
La-la, la-la la la-lah,
la-la, la-la la la-lah
This is usually where the
frog goes back in the box.
La-la, la-la la la-lah,
la-la, la-la la la-lah
- Uh, use your words.
(smack and groan of pain)
Let me guess, public school?
- You're a funny guy.
- Really? I haven't heard you
laugh yet,
but hey, I get, I mean, if
Pearl doesn't get his case,
Pearl doesn't make his deal,
and, well,
Pearl cuts off your thumbs.
(smacking and groan of pain)
- I keep telling you, bring your
down here and I'll talk.
- For the last time,
Pearl's not talking to you.
You're dealing with me.
Where's the case?
- Rrrribit.
- Pauly, let's try the JC.
- What's the JC?
Ah, I get it, an attempt at
Get you.
- I'm going to count to three.
- Don't strain yourself.
- One.
- Is that Indian food?
(cellphone buzzing)
- I'd just let that go to
(pounding and clattering)
Dude! Brand new phone, two-year
Nailed it.
- We've got all night, Grady.
- No, you've had all night, big
Your boss is probably outside
that door
right now listening to you guys
all over the upholstery.
Now I hear that he doesn't deal
with disappointment very well.
Makes him a little knife happy.
- Last chance, Grady!
Where's the money?!
- La-la, la-la la, I'll only
tell Pearl.
I'll only tell Pearl.
So do what you've got to do.
Come on, your thumbs.
(scream of anger)
La-la, la-la la, la-la, la-la
la, la-la
- Yeah, it's me.
We need Pearl down here.
Yeah, I know.
Just do it.
(door opens)
This is Grady.
- Losing our touch?
- Shut up!
- So you're the joker who thinks
he can take all my stuff
and just make it disappear.
- Ta-da!
- Let me tell you something
about me
a lot of people down know.
I can be quite a nice man.
I do have a few layers.
Like, I'm a very keen cobbler.
You know what that is?
- A baked, fruity thing.
- It's a shoemaker.
I like making shoes.
I'm also a keen scrapbooker.
- Be sure to add that to
your online dating profile.
- But I am anal about one
thing and that is balance.
- You must make a good cobber.
- The way I see it, me and you
got a balance problem, Mr.
You took my stuff, which
gives you two options,
number one, you give it
back with a bit extra,
a finger, an ear, or you don't,
and I'll extract the rest of
your digits.
Now, you've been through a
lot today, a lot of pain.
Why don't you do yourself
a favor, give it back.
What you smiling at?
- Two things.
First it's just Grady.
- The second?
- You'd be amazed at how
much pain a man can take
when he can't feel it.
- What are you?
- Don't be a drama queen.
- We tortured you.
- And I'm sure that you and
Paulie are
usually very, very good
at your jobs but listen,
trust me, it's not you, it's me.
- You?
- Yeah, you with bow
tie, I'm talking to you.
I mean, really mad skills.
- Hey! Who the hell are you?
What the hell was that?
Stop! Talking!
- You're him.
You're the Midnight-
- Shh, don't say it.
Trust me, it's better this way.
What else do you know about me?
- You work for Ezekiel!
- What?
Do you know , Ezekiel
always says that there's bad
and then there's me.
You see, your boss over, there
Pearl, he was very, very bad.
I'm worse.
- You gonna kill us?
- Not this time.
You and the rest of your people
have one week to close up shop
go far, far away.
If you don't...
I'm sorry, I'm not very good at
- You've made your point.
- Wait! How were you able to do
- Good genes.
(door slamming)
- Too long.
It's taking too long.
It didn't work.
Pearl knows you wouldn't move on
unless you had all of us behind
If he figured your boy out,
we're talking war on the
- Well, I say bring it.
The man's out of control.
He's gotta go.
- He's crazy, frigging nuts.
Heard he whacked his own wife.
- I heard he fed her to dogs.
- It was wolves.
- I heard he ate her himself.
Did no one else hear that?
(phone ringing)
- Let's not start battening
down the hatches just yet.
- Grady?
- It's over.
Pearl's dead.
- You sure it's Pearl?
We can't afford any mistakes.
- He fit our description to the
- It was him.
- How did he die?
- Badly.
- Gentlemen, there will be no
war tonight.
Good work, Grady.
Now go have some fun.
(water running)
(water running)
- Addie.
- I guess you know already.
Hot water heater's busted.
We're all taking cold
showers this morning.
- Right, yes, freezing.
- Don't worry, I'll have
it fixed by this afternoon.
- You know it's rude to stare.
- Sorry, I never see you with no
shirt on.
- Car accident when I was a kid.
They had to use the Jaws
of Life to get me out.
It's a bit difficult to
talk about, actually, Eddie.
My mother, she was an artist.
We had just bought her an easel
when we were hit by a car.
Both legs when straight through
her chest, punctured her heart.
She bled out in front of me.
The last thing she ever said to
me was,
"Son, tell them I died for my
- You had me going there.
- Oh, please, I never even knew
my mom.
No, the bitch left me in an
alleyway to die as a baby.
Yeah, just around the corner
from the police station.
She couldn't even be bothered to
take the last few steps.
Anything else?
- No, sir,
have a good day.
(door slamming)
(clock chiming)
- Grady, welcome.
- Thank you, Dom.
- Breakfast?
- No.
- So I've been told you're
ready to go back to work.
All healed.
- Nothing clicks when I move it.
- You should be pleased to know,
Pearl's associates have
His businesses have
shuttered all their windows.
You made quite an impression
on them, it seems.
- They made a few on me.
I call us even.
- You know what this means?
- It means my hair looks good
on a telephoto lens.
And the FBI's intel on me
is alarmingly accurate.
- Right down to that nickname of
- How'd they get all this?
- You've been betrayed.
Four of my own have turned
Our people talking to the other
and as you can see,
they've been quite chatty.
This assignment is about our
survival, plain and simple.
No messages, no theatrics,
just make this right for me.
- Anything else?
- Do it tonight.
The U.S. Marshals Service is
them into protective custody
The first name will arrive by
When it's done, confirm the hit.
I'll give you the next name.
And use this phone only,
in case anything happens-
Given the gravity of the
you might want to consider
that arrogance of yours.
- These targets are your
friends, Grady.
- Nope, these targets are my
- I'm guesses that sounded
better in your head.
- Yes, it did.
I can handle anything.
- Then handle this.
(cellphone chiming)
(airplane engine roaring)
- Long night?
- Hot date.
- Protection?
- I'm covered.
- I hear this one doesn't
dull the sensation.
- You don't say?
- Okay, that was nice.
(door chiming)
- Dang it.
- Tuck that in better.
(door chiming)
(water running)
- Well, woo!
- Did you fall in?
- I was just giving the
plumbing a stress test.
Come on partner, relax, we've go
time, come on.
You seem tense.
- Do I?
- Are you tense?
- Am I?
- What do you got, first
night in the field jitters?
- I prefer the office.
- There's an easy trick
to handle the nerves.
I think it's called
associative or some shit.
See, like, with me, I'm a
So, like, whenever things get
I like to think about getting
this nice, flank steak
and mashed potatoes they serve
at this joint near my place.
- That's so not what a foodie
- Then what's a foodie?
- Not someone who goes to
the same joint over and over.
You're more of a chow hound.
- Look, all I'm saying
is that food is my thing.
And it helps calm my nerves.
So just think about something
that's important to you.
Think about Hayley.
Or kittens, cats, you like cats?
- I do like cats.
(video game playing)
- Not now, come back later!
Oh, my God, is that you Mr.
Is the TV too loud again?
How about I fix it for you?
(volume of games increases)
Oh, my God, Grady, you just
scared me half to death.
Close my fucking door, dude.
My neighbor's dog's gonna come
in here
and shit all over the floor
I swear to God, next time
that fucker comes in here,
I'm going to set it on fire.
What the hell are you going
here, man?
I didn't hear anything from Z.
What do you need a hack or
Oh, fuck yeah.
- You win?
- No, idiot.
I just spiked this motherfucker
was taking shit to me
online the other day.
(laughing) He's gonna be, like,
where'd all the money in
my checking account go?
Oh, shit, what are you doing
here, man?
Do you need a beverage or
- No.
You alone?
- You know me, doing
my thing, livin' large.
- [robotic voice] You're dead,
(dog barking)
(cellphone chiming)
- (muffled) Fuck you.
- [Robotic Female Voice] - The
locks have been administered.
- Wow, he is really hot.
- Okay, okay, you don't need
Who are you people?
Just let her go, we're
paramedics, see?
Look, see, look.
- See, see.
- Can you hear me?
What year is it?
- I know what fucking year it
What did you do to me?
- Just put the gun down and
we'll talk.
- I asked you a question!
(heavy breathing)
This is impossible.
You called the cops?
- No, no, we didn't.
No, we didn't.
You don't have to take me with
You can't just leave!
(sirens approaching)
- In the car.
(sirens approaching)
(tires squealing)
Hand over the belt.
- Yeah, how you doing?
- I'm having a lovely evening.
Thank you very much.
How about you?
- I'm good.
I'm a bit nervous, this
is my first night --
- Not a real question.
Let me explain to you how this
You put your hands on the
You take your hands off the
and I will shoot you in the
Do you understand?
(liquid dripping)
Please join me outside the
Look, I don't expect you to
but I think I might be
having a bit of freak out,
and I need to ask your medical
opinion on a few matters.
- Okay, but in exchange, may I
not be shot in the face?
- I will take that into
consideration, yes.
Now what the fuck is happening
to me!
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare
Let me rephrase that.
What the fuck is happening to
- Sir, heroin can be a
very disorienting drug.
- Lady, listen, I didn't do any
Miss, why are you in apartment
- Well, my partner and I, we
to an anonymous call
about a drug overdose.
Upon arrival, we found
the man on the couch dead
and you OD'd.
- Hey, I said I didn't do any
A ass load of caffeine pills.
- Well, unless you tripped and
into someone else's heroin
stash and then passed out.
I'm sorry, just tell me what
hurts, and I will help you.
- I have a extremely
rare genetic condition
where my body doesn't process
I can't feel anything.
- Well, you're talking about
insensitivity to pain, CIPA
- No, no, listen to me.
I'm talking about - yes, yes,
- I saw it on House once.
- Oh, great, yeah, it's a great
I'm sure it was a wonderful
Listen to me, I need to
know what you've done to me.
I need to know why I can
suddenly now feel everything.
- Wait? What?
You can feel everything right
I have no idea.
Oh, my God, the Naloxone.
- The what?
- It's this drug that we
use in emergency medicine.
It's an opiate inhibitor and it
starts your nervous system.
I think it may have reset yours.
- How the fuck to you
reset a genetic disorder?
- Naloxone must have a side
for people with your condition.
This is not my fault.
You should be wearing a medical
- Okay, so now you're worried
about being sued for
You fucking Americans.
- Not if you'll willing to sign
a waiver.
- Listen, that drug the --
- Naloxone.
- Yes, yes, yes, that
one, is it permanent?
- No.
- How long does it last?
- I don't know.
- Tell me!
- Until it wears off.
- Ballpark!
- A few hours, maybe.
- Was there anyone else in the
apartment when you got there?
- No.
- Well, someone set me up.
Somebody knocked me out,
staged the overdose, and then
called you
because they knew that you'd
pump me
full of your drug.
- Well, that sounds really
You must know some really shitty
- You have no idea.
The dead man in the
apartment, when you found me,
do you know what killed him?
Who's this?
- It's my sister's kid.
- Don't lie to me.
- What's her name?
- Fuck you.
- Oh, is that a family name?
Look Alexandra, I'm
going to make you a deal.
I have some errands I need to
and I am running out of time.
Now, the very nature of these
there's a certain risk
to my physical health.
I could use a doctor.
You're a doctor.
- EMT.
- Same thing.
- Huge difference.
- You come with me,
keep me in good health,
and at the end of the night,
I'll forget about you and her if
you forget about me.
What's it gonna be, Alexandra?
- People call me Zan.
- Zan?
- Zan.
- That's much better.
Alexandra was a bit of a
(keypad beeping)
(water splashing)
- Whoa, please don't do that,
- Yeah, I'll keep my fear for
my life under control for you.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
- Take your shirt off.
- Excuse me?
- You're going in.
- Going in where?
- You're going into the house.
You're going to scope it out for
- Why?
- There is a man inside
who's going to die.
So, I either go in and start
or you go in first and help
me help the death toll to one.
- Way to tie my hands.
- Mm-hm.
- What am I looking for?
I need to know the number
of security guards,
the number of witnesses,
and I need to know
the location of my
target inside the house.
- Care to describe your target?
- Trust me, you'll know
him when you see him.
Now, my Bluetooth synced with
your phone.
Okay, so you can talk me
through everything that you see.
- Bluetooth will go out of range
if I don't have my phone on me.
There's plenty of range.
Your phone stays in the car.
Nice try though.
You have six missed calls from
His Satanic Majesty.
- Oh, God, that's my boss.
Yeah, he sucks.
He was the one who put
me in the field tonight.
God, I hate him so much right
- Because everything that's
happening this evening
is his fault.
Put your hair down.
- Oh, come on.
I put it up wet, and
it's going to look stupid.
- I need you to hide this.
- I hope you're happy.
- Now you're going to have to
your way past the guard at the
front door.
- I don't know how to do that.
- Sure you do.
Come on.
Look, it's either your tits or
- Why don't you show him yours?
Maybe he's into that.
- Think slutty thoughts.
- Yeah, this is not happening.
- Yes it is, now go back there
and tell him you're
with Amber or Tiffany or
one of the Kardashians.
They sent you here, and
you're a dirty, little
tart here to get fucked up.
- Yeah, I want it on the
record I take offense to that.
- Consider it on the record.
- Private party.
- Oh, well, my friend
Amber told me about this
awesome, bad-ass party and said
I had to come check it out,
because, you know, hashtag YOLO.
- What does that mean?
- She totally put my name on the
- Not my list.
- Oh, she said she did.
- I'm sure she did.
- His name's Nomack.
Tell him Nomack wanted you to be
- Nomack wanted me to be here.
- Come on, sell it!
Just make something up.
Tell, him you do the balloon
- I do the balloon trick.
- What's a balloon trick?
- You know how some people
make balloon animals?
I can do that.
With a condom.
While it's still on.
- Interesting.
- Come on.
- Oh, my God.
I can't believe that worked.
I had no idea what I was doing.
- Zan, focus, tell me what you
- House is empty.
I'm pretty sure if you blow
up a condom, it turns round.
You can't really make a
balloon animal out of that.
Well, maybe a blowfish,
but that's about it.
What else is around?
- Zan, this is your kidnapper
Please get a hold of yourself.
- Okay, sorry.
- Hello?
- Come on, honey, on your
There you go.
- Zan.
Since you've now been
silent for about 30 seconds,
I'm going to go ahead and assume
you're looking for a cellphone.
Don't bother.
Nomack confiscates them.
Something about not wanting to
end up
in an internet video
committing multiple felonies.
- How thorough.
- Keep moving.
- Yep.
- How many people do you see?
- About a dozen, just one guy.
The rest are girls.
You're not going to kill him
in front of them, are you?
- Only if I have to.
Now what's he doing?
Zan, focus.
What's he doing?
- Cocaine off someone's ass.
- Is he armed?
Do you see a gun?
- No, I don't see one.
- All right, I need you to
go out there and blend in.
Make sure there are no other
or anything else that
can cause me a problem.
- I can't go out there!
- Why?
- Because everyone's wearing a
I will stand out.
- So take your clothes off!
What's the matter?
You're not wearing any panties?
- Okay, first of all,
please don't every say
panties ever again, and
Of course I am, but they're
- Well, avoid the pool!
- I haven't shaved my legs in
two days.
- He won't even notice you.
- Well, what is that supposed to
- It means he's drunk
and stoned and doing coke
off someone's ass.
Will you just shut up and do it
(laughter and chattering)
- Hey.
- What do you see?
- Just him and the girls.
Oh, my God.
(laughter and chattering)
Where are you?
- I'm here.
- Well, good job blending in.
- Holy fucking hell.
Grady, you're, like, the
last person I expected.
- Nomack.
Can I have a moment?
- Come here, I want to
introduce you to the girls.
This is Vanessa, Jennifer, Abby.
I don't even remember your
fucking name.
This is Grady, a good friend of
- It's important.
- Sit.
(startled scream)
- Hey, Midalo!
- Fuck that's cold!
- They are like the dolls,
but they do not float,
and they are slightly more
So we are not working now,
so what is the point of this,
You have to learn how
to laugh a little, huh?
You have to live a little.
How to drink and smoke and fuck.
- Clearly.
- Maybe I could help relax him?
- Oh, you would be wasting your
There is not much you can do for
- Oh, we'll see about that.
- She is studying to
be a lawyer, that one.
(background chatter)
- Tranquilo.
- The mean man didn't want me.
- Don't worry, V baby.
This is the one time I can
promise you it is not your
You see, this man, he has a
gift, huh?
- Do tell.
- You filthy whore.
I don't even know what to say to
You, I will deal with you later.
Filthy. Tell her about your
gift, Grady.
No, I know that you're enjoying
all sorts
of stimuli and your
usual cocktail tonight.
- See, Grady, here, he
cannot feel any pain.
It is a true story.
I could cut your fucking
ear off right now,
and you would not even blink.
- Really?
- Hand to Christ I swear it is
It is the freakiest
thing I have ever seen.
- Why don't we go inside, huh?
(background chatter)
- Don't be nervous.
He is not nervous, I am not
nervous, hm?
I believe these girls
deserve a demonstration.
- I'm sorry, Nomack, I didn't
we had that kind of relationship
where I just allow you to shoot
- No-no-no, you do it for them.
I mean, these girls, they work
They deserve some entertainment.
I mean, look at them.
Look at them.
Hello, T-shirt, come here.
- Nomack, let's go inside, aye?
- Menco, pappa, are those
panties you're wearing, huh?
- (Spanish spoken)
- (Spanish spoken).
- Si.
- Do I know you?
- No.
- No.
But you see, you have one of
those faces.
What is your name?
- Amber.
- Amber, I love that name.
I once knew a cocktail
waitress named Amber.
I wanted to fuck her so bad,
but I never did.
- Oh.
- Amber, this is 0.38 revolver.
When shot, it can reach
capable of scorching human
Would you like to see
something really cool?
- I think we've had enough fun
Come on, Amber let's go.
- You are not being cool, Grady.
Be cool.
Count it down, V.
(Spanish spoken)!
- One.
- Nomack, you don't need to do
- Let's have some fun, huh?
Vamos, continue!
- Two.
- (Spanish spoken) Do it !
(Spanish spoken)
- Three.
- I was not going to burn you,
I was not going to shoot you
At least not in the arm.
Now this is a private
party, and no offense,
but you were not invited,
so what the fuck are you doing
- I wouldn't be here if it
wasn't important, Nomack.
- You have AIDS?
- What the fuck did she just
Grady! Grady! Grady! Grady!
- What's the matter?
- I can't move.
- Where do you think you're
Who are you two working for?
Who are you working for?
- No, no please.
You don't have to --
- Zan, you really suck.
(water running)
You told those girls Nomack had
- I said Chlamydia.
I have no idea how that turned
into AIDS.
So, where are you from?
Kings Langley, Hertfordshire.
- Yeah, I don't know
what those words mean.
I'm an American, and we
know London and Hogwarts.
Try sticking your face in it.
- What did you find?
- Well.
I think they're kind of
(cellphone keypad beeping)
That got stepped on.
(cellphone keypad beeping)
So what now?
- This is the phone I get my
targets from.
I'm going to need to get it
before I get the next one.
- Copy.
(cellphone buzzing)
That's probably my boss again.
- Who's Hayley?
Oh, your kid.
Put it on speaker.
Tell her you're fine.
Keep it short.
If anyone else gets on
the phone, you hang up.
- [Hayley] Hello.
- Hi, baby, why are you still
- [Hayley] They said you're in
- No, sweetheart, I'm just fine.
Nothing for you to worry about.
- [Hayley] What are you doing?
- Just thinking about you.
Did you brush your teeth?
- [Hayley] Yes.
My nightlight burned out.
It's too dark in my room.
- Well, remember what we said
we'd do when we get scared?
We would say, "Go away, scary
"I'm not afraid of you."
- [Hayley] Yeah.
- Ready?
- [Hayley and Zan] Go away scary
I'm not afraid of you.
- And just like that, they're
- [Hayley] Didn't work.
- Well, then just tell Magda
to turn the hallway light on.
- [Hayley] I miss mommy.
- I know, I'll be right there.
I promise.
(cellphone beeps)
Just give me a minute.
Okay, I'm okay now.
- Fine, yeah, we should --
- Kill more people?
- Yeah.
- Yep.
- Hi, welcome to Electroids and
I'm Kurt.
- Hi, Kurt.
- How can I help you today?
Whoa, someone's having a rough
Hey little buddy.
I'm talking to your phone.
- I need my contacts off that
onto a new one, same number.
- Okay, and could I, perhaps,
interest you
in one of our new data plans --
- No, I assure you, you
- Okay, new phone, same
number, same contacts.
That could take a little while.
- Imagine I'm carrying a gun.
- Ten minutes?
We'll do this in 10,
gonna - Jim, can we --
Jim's not here.
I'll take care of it, yeah.
Let's get this thing open and,
yeah, this is a 10-minute job.
It's a little wet.
- Thank you, we'll just be over
You planning your next escape?
- Suppose I have to go to the
Are you going to hold my hand
there too?
- Yep.
- Well, what if you have to go?
- I think I already went in
Nomack's pool.
- Wow.
You know, I don't think
it's normal to go into shock
from falling in a pool.
As a matter of fact, I would
consider it
an indication of a major medical
Maybe you should take the
rest of the night off.
- No.
- See, I don't think you fully
the severity of your situation.
- I grasp it just fine, which is
just for tonight, you're my best
- Grady?
Do I really need to spell it out
for you?
You're compromised.
And that condition that
gave you the edge is gone.
- What made you think it was my
that gave me the edge in the
first place?
Maybe it was my, you
know, charm, good looks,
and wickedly smart brain.
- It's not your brain.
- Why don't you just go
back to being a hostage?
- Fine.
- Where are you going?
- I'll be in the car!
- Women, one minute they're
totally cool.
The next thing you know, you're,
fishing an XBox out of a
You know what I mean?
- Kurt?
- Hm?
- Don't talk.
- Okay.
(cellphone chiming)
Why don't you strip naked this
- So talk me through this.
What else do I need to know?
- What do you mean?
- Well, I know I don't like
Itches are annoying.
Punching people in the face
now that I can feel it.
Getting punched in the
face sucks even worse.
There's a funny tingling in my
when I move these fingers, too.
- Look, what do you want?
The world's a big, sharp,
shitty place, sorry.
- I'm so glad we get to share
these specials moments together.
- Really?
Nobody in there knows you're all
whiny now, right?
So use that.
It's your best chance.
This target, what's his deal?
- They call him The Gatekeeper.
He keeps my boss informed
of the other gangs in the
city and what they're up to.
He's ex-military intelligence.
He reads people.
He's tough and nasty.
And he boxes.
- So The Gatekeeper, huh?
What about Rapey McGee back
What'd you call him?
- Nomack?
The Playboy.
- Oh, that's fitting.
What about you?
What's your underworld moniker?
- The mind your own business.
- See, that's kind of a mouthful
- He's in there.
- You're just gonna --
- Yep, that's exactly
what I'm going to do, so be
ready to run.
- That's your plan?
- Yeah, you have a better one?
- On second thoughts,
please don't answer that.
- Appreciate the trust.
- Fellas.
- How you feeling Grady ?
- What's you up to?
- Here to see the man.
- [Television] Ladies and
welcome to World Series Chess.
One the white side of the board,
there we have relative
- Grady.
Always a pleasure.
To what do I owe the visit?
You here to kill me?
- Yeah.
- I always figured it would be
Takes a particular cold
kind of son-of-a-bitch
to kill people that he knows.
The question you want to be
yourself is who are they
going to send for you
when it's your turn?
- Not you.
- Believe me, kid, everybody
gets retired.
It's just that other people,
they're a lot smarter
about how they do it.
You won't find many guys like
retiring in Miami with
a pension and a nurse.
The crowd we associate with,
they're not that bright.
Now that's something I'm
going to have to live with.
What is it with you?
You don't seem like your
usual efficient self?
- Do you expect me just to walk
in here,
put a gun to your head,
and pull the trigger?
- Why sugar coat it?
- Ah, I figure that the man who
found me on the streets and
pulled me to Ezekiel
deserves a bit more dignity.
- I'm touched.
So how do you want to do this
Me, I was always figuring
on shooting you first.
Or at least taking you with
me when you came for me,
but that's not likely to happen
since I left my gun
over there on the desk.
- Gotta love that honesty.
- What was your plan?
- Originally, I thought that you
and I
could go for a walk.
- You think I want to bit on
- There's always plan B.
Shoot you and run.
- So that mentor dignity
thing only goes so far, huh?
Well, I would love to
say it's been a pleasure,
but that would be disingenuous.
The truth is, I never liked you
and always wished that somebody
done you a long time ago.
Do your deed.
I've had a good life.
(background chatter)
- I think this guy's really
Should we call an ambulance?
- Oh, bloody hell.
Don't do that!
You know, what?
Don't do that, I'm a
doctor or EMT or whatever.
I can help.
I can help.
Hey, hi.
Sir, can you hear me?
Are you okay?
- Zan?
- Oh, shit, hey Riggs.
- Hey.
I think somebody hit me.
- Pain.
That's something I never
expected to see.
First rule of our job,
look for the thing that's out of
Ever since you were old enough
take a shit on your own,
I never saw you once
scratch an itch.
Shoulder bothering you there?
(crying out in pain)
Yeah, dislocated shoulders
are real, real painful.
So what the hell's going on
- Pissed off a gypsy.
(crying out in pain)
It's a drug.
It's a drug.
Somebody drugged me.
- Somebody drugged you?
Well, if I were you, I'd look
into that.
- Trust me, it'll have my full
once you sons of bitches are
- What was that?
Sons of bitches?
Who besides me were you
supposed to kill tonight?
- Fuck you.
(crying out in pain)
- Marky, Nomack and you.
I don't know the last name.
I don't know.
Marky, Nomack, me, and somebody
else, huh?
- That's a bad touch, get off!
- Has it even entered into
that little brain of yours
that on the night you're
sent to kill a bunch
of your own guys, somebody drugs
and you end up feeling pain for
the first time in your life?
- Thanks for pointing that out.
I never would've figured it out
by myself.
- And here we go.
Your first message was Marky is
You never were much for
sentiment, were you, kid?
And Ezekiel replied back,
The clock is ticking.
Boy, that sounds ominous.
Then you said, "Nomack is done."
Then he said, "Fairbanks."
Let me see if my little
theory is correct then.
So how you making out with that
(cellphone chimes)
(chuckling) Just like I thought.
- Pray, do tell.
- You really got no idea what
the fuck
is going on tonight, do you?
- [Man] Hello?
- Yeah, it's Fairbanks.
Yeah, I'm here with Grady.
He came here to kill
me on Ezekiel's orders.
He's coming to you next.
Only he's going to be late.
Hang on a second.
Here, say hello.
(crying out in pain)
Nah, I just wanted to say thank
and to tell you that we'll
be there in a little while.
- Who was that?
- Who the fuck do you think it
- You were sent to kill
your friends tonight.
And who among your friends
inflicts pain for a living?
And who has had hard on for you
ever since the day he found
out about your condition?
To him, you are the ultimate
- Yeah, I think you're good.
Just keep an eye on it.
- Okay.
It's weird seeing you here.
- I know, this is your night
off, huh?
- Yep, turned the radio off.
Put the cellphone away.
No dead bodies for me tonight.
You either, huh?
- Here's hoping.
- What are you doing in a dump
like this?
- What are you doing in a dump
like this?
- Trying to avoid a concussion.
No, there it is.
- Yeah, but you look good up
- Okay, follow, yeah,
'cause you're a liar.
- But a good one?
- Better get going.
No time like the present.
You seen my keys?
- Well, I think I'm feeling
I mean, I only see one of you.
So that's positive.
- Oh, that is good.
Because you had me worried.
- Thanks, you're good people,
Come on, I'll drive you home.
- You know what?
I need to go use the little
girl's room.
I'll be right back.
You should drink more water.
Lots more water, you really
want to hydrate a concussion.
- Is that a thing?
- Yes, that's a thing, drink.
- We need to leave now.
- (cries out in pain) Shoulder.
- Sorry.
- Call somebody! It's Fairbanks!
- Shit, shit.
- We're being followed.
Must go faster.
- The car's too far.
(background chatter)
(cries out in pain)
- Easy buddy.
(background chatter)
- Okay, time to go.
- Just, just...
Just give me a minute.
- Grady, we don't have a minute.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
Come on!
Grady, Grady, Grady.
That guy back there,
I know him from work,
and if he catches up,
it's going to be really, really
So I need you to suck
it up and keep going.
- I can't.
Okay? I can't.
- Wait here.
I'm coming back.
Hey, hey, hey, that guy over
he grabbed my chest and he tore
my shirt.
Come on, we're going.
- Hey, what are you - hey!
- Go! Go!
(car ignition starting)
(emergency sirens in the
- Grady, how you doing with your
Just breathe, breathe.
It's dislocated.
What's funny?
That's the third time I've
popped my shoulder out.
- Well, it should pop right in
- So that man from work,
he's a cop.
- He was at the gym, and he saw
me there.
There's nothing I could've done.
- Yeah, he could've helped you.
Why didn't you run?
- I already did that once,
And since that was such
a positive experience,
I thought why ruin the memory.
I need to fix this.
Grady, this is what I do.
I've got you.
So do you have any family?
- Orphan.
- Count to three then.
- One, two, three.
- (cries out in pain) Aw! Shit!
Fuck, wank, tit, cock-sucking
- Well, it's a good thing
you don't have a mother
to kiss with that mouth.
- How long until I feel nothing
- I'm sorry, I don't know.
- Zan, I know who did this to
- You do?
- Even when I couldn't feel
I knew better than to cross him.
He's a sick man.
His whole house is booby
And his cellar, where he
does his work is -
He must've known I was coming
for him.
Knocked me out at Marky's.
Pumped me full of narcotics.
Then made an anonymous call to
knowing what you'd do.
He set me up.
And now he's waiting for me.
His name's Vick.
We call him The Interrogator.
- The Interrogator?
Now what is it they call you
Because if it's not worse
than The Interrogator,
now would be a really
good time to go back to
Hartford, whatever, Hogwarts.
- Not an option.
- Why not?
- Because I don't run.
- Zan, your services
are no longer required.
Thank you for flying with us
this evening.
We understand when choosing a
you have many options.
Thank you for your business.
- Wait, are you breaking up with
- Sorry, do you need cab fare?
- If I wanted to leave,
I just had the chance.
- Zan.
There is nothing more
that you can do for me.
- What does that mean?
- Mind your fingers.
- What does that mean?
Grady, please don't do this.
Grady, for the first time in
your life
you can feel something.
- Yeah, and what a barrel
of laughs that's been.
- Well, not everything
you feel will be bad.
- Anything else?
(moaning softly)
I'm sorry I got you into this.
You should go back to your life.
- What will you do?
I hope I never see you again.
(car rumbling)
- [Voicemail] Please leave
your message after the tone.
- Ezekiel, it's me.
I had to abort.
Get out.
Get out right now.
Well, it's a good job I'm not in
a hurry.
(cellphone chimes)
(cellphone chimes)
- Well, hello, Grady.
It's a pleasure to have you in
my home.
- Where is she, Vick?
- Would you like a sit?
- This is more of a quick visit.
- Oh, Grady, if we can't be
even in death, then what are we?
- Animals.
- Very well, then, if you're in
a hurry
do as you must.
- Oh, the mighty have fallen.
How the Grady of old would've
stormed right in here
and snatched up whatever he
Two unfeeling hands
clenched around my throat,
but now, the unbearable doubt.
It eats at him.
Why do I surrender, he wonders.
Is it because I'm caught?
Is it because, as he
fears, I'm booby trapped?
Or is it that if I were to
surprise you
and you end up in my chair,
you now know what awaits you.
Oh, let's not hurry this along.
Let's enjoy a few moments of
before we get to business.
- It doesn't have to be this
way, Vick.
Just tell me what I want to
- Cheese?
- It's a bochetto, a blend
of cow and sheep milk
with shavings of a rare, white
a particular favorite from
Have you ever been?
- Vick?
- Spent several summers there as
a boy.
I try to get back as often as I
- I will kill you and look for
her myself.
- Yes, well, I suppose
boschetto isn't for everyone.
- Tell me.
- Actually, I was hoping
you would tell me.
After all, I can't imagine what
tonight's been like for you.
Your mind, your body,
struggling constantly.
Attempting to process the sheer
of all the sensation
this world has to offer.
And I imagine, above all,
it's been frightening.
Has the touch of agony forced
you to rethink your ways?
Your motives?
When the god becomes man?
Does he crave the same diet?
- Jesus Christ, you talk a lot.
- And, as I'm sure you've
begun to understand,
pain is not what motivates.
No, when I interrogate a man
for information, for
punishment, for whatever,
it's not the suffering
that produces results.
Fear is what we share.
Fear is what makes
humans so easy to break.
That's why I make food and
comfort available to them first,
because when they feel safe,
and they know it's not meant to
the work's been done.
So, has it broken you?
- Let me tell you what you are,
You're a circus freak.
A sideshow.
A distraction that's all.
And all this bullshit you
use to scare your victims
doesn't work on me.
- Oh, I like this.
- You're not going to touch me.
- Oh?
- No, you're going to
tell me where she is.
- And then what?
- That depends on my mood.
Time's up, Vick.
Now tell me where is --
(taser buzzing)
- All your questions will
be answered in time, Grady.
Don't worry, the tension and
headache will pass momentarily.
And your diaphragm may still
be spasming from the taser,
so don't try too hard to speak.
You'll only make yourself vomit.
- What have done with Zan?
- Now, I know you've been
tortured before.
- Tales of your brilliant
ploy to reach the unreachable
Pearl are already legendary.
How I would have loved
to have him in my chair.
However, for you, I expect this
will be quite different this
Oh, don't look so down.
This is a gift.
The greatest gift you've ever
Now, you get to find out what
the rest of us already know.
Now, I find it always
helps to give my subject
the details of what I'm doing.
In your case, I'll start by
up the palm of your hand
and carving through the thenar
Then I'll tie off the ulnar
so you don't bleed excessively.
Once the the flexor tendons are
I'll make several incisions
that will have multiple effects.
Most relevant, it will make
moving your fingers impossible.
That way, you won't be able to
when I remove your fingernails
and, eventually, sever your
Now, I'll be stopping
to inject you with amphetamines
so you don't pass out from the
and the entire process should
take no more than an hour.
And then we'll move on.
- You really are a sick fuck,
Now where's Zan?
What have you done with Zan?
- Before we begin, I really must
who on God's green earth is this
you keep shouting about?
- She's the woman you kidnapped,
you assclown, you know exactly
who she is.
- Grady, dear, there's
no one here except us.
Surely, you've noticed.
- I received a text.
- Grady, do I look like I text?
- So you didn't do this?
You didn't drug me, did you?
- No, I'm afraid not.
- Did you even talk to the FBI?
- No, the only FBI man
I've ever spoken with
(chuckles) sat right
where you're sitting now.
Oh, the conversation was
compelling but brief.
Oh, Grady, perhaps you came here
under false pretenses?
- Why would Ezekiel think
that you, Marky, Nomack, and
we're all talking to the Feds?
- Ezekiel is a thorough man.
Whatever led him down
that line of thinking
must've been convincing.
Well, shall we begin?
- Don't you want to know
who's behind this, Vick?
Somebody is playing with us.
We've been set up.
- No, correction, you've been
set up.
- Vick, Vick, look, Vick, Vick.
You can't torture me, Vick.
- Oh, but I want to.
Oh, Grady, to have you, it's
it's like making love to a
And for that reason, I shall
do no permanent damage.
Just a sampling if you will.
Now, yep, up-up-up-up.
Now this might be a little
Oh, dear.
The drug wore off, didn't it?
I suppose I do talk too much.
Grady, please, try to see this
my way.
- Don't worry, Vick, I won't
do any permanent damage.
(car engine racing)
(clock chimes)
- Miss us?
- I wouldn't.
That wire has a tensile
strength of 380,000 pounds.
Struggle too hard, and you'll
sever your own beautiful head.
- You, you did all this
to avenge your boss.
- I guess introductions are in
- Hello, Grady, you know me,
but you probably don't know
that you do (laughing).
I'm so sorry.
I can't keep that going.
I think I sprained my tongue.
- It's impossible.
- Is it?
- We knew what Pearl looked
- Did you?
See, I think that's what pisses
me off most about this.
Here's a man who was sent to
kill me,
a man who managed to get closer
than anybody ever has, and
yet, this man is too stupid
to see decoy when one is
standing right in front of him.
- Oh, you're good.
You got my boss to go
after his own people.
- Oh, but I didn't stop there,
did I?
Say it, say it...
- You drugged me.
- Yes, yes, well, not me myself.
The more appropriate
thing would've been to say
I had you drugged.
I thought I made that totally
Because I want your heart,
I want to eat the fucking
thing right out of your chest.
No one has ever got that close
to me.
No one.
You know, when we had you
When my case was missing,
and the clock was ticking,
and my boys were giving you
everything that they had,
I thought, "Oh, he's a
special one, this one.
"I need to go down and
take a closer look."
But I had no idea.
Really, you don't feel that?
Wow, you don't know what your
Why don't you just shoot me?
A unique creature like you
deserves an exquisite death.
Something slow and luxurious.
I do hope you're doing enjoying
it so far,
although I must confess, I can't
all the credit for today.
I did have a little bit
of help figuring out
exactly what you are.
Aw, come on Grady!
Don't tell me you didn't see
this coming!
Alexandra and I go way back.
Now, I know you're probably
feeling a little bit sad
right now that she lied to you,
but in all fairness, you
weren't supposed to grab her,
and you certainly weren't
supposed to drag her around
all over town and then send her
to me looking like a piece of...
- What's an elegant word for
shit, lads?
- I didn't realize I was
playing with your things.
- You have to admit, she
did well, didn't she?
I mean, what would you have done
if she told you the truth?
That she's not a real paramedic?
- Six or seven hollow points
to the face, I should imagine.
- Oh, you're such a romantic.
You did really well, sweetheart,
and as a reward for a job well
I've got Riggs bringing Hayley
- Really?
- Yeah, trust me, you've earned
- I'll put this with the others.
- Congratulations, Pearl,
you've torn down Ezekiel
and his gang, you control the
city now.
- Ezekiel?
Ezekiel means nothing.
This is all for you.
Take away your gifts, watch you
writhe like a dying, gasping
For you see, Grady, I am worse.
Thank you.
This has been fun.
Unfortunately for you, your
journey doesn't end here.
There's a couple of my
who have been dying
for a second go around.
- How are you feeling, Grady?
- I've had days I liked better.
- You know, you really hurt
our feelings, Paulie and me.
We put all that effort into you,
and it didn't really mean much.
- No one's every faked it with
you before?
I find that very hard to
- But the doc, we're lucky
we have her, aren't we?
- Very.
- It's been a while since
she last juiced you.
The effects have worn off by
and I want you to feel
So just sit tight.
This'll take a sec.
- You want me to sign
that waiver for you now?
- I think we've got it from
Got anything funny to say now,
tough guy?
Nothing about what I had for
Come on!
Sing another annoying show tune.
Come on, Grady!
Make me laugh!
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- So happy we got to share these
- Nothing like a good torture
and brunch.
- You read my mind.
- We're in the splash zone.
- It's worth it.
- You ready for a visit
with an old friend?
- Tell me, why do you
look at him like that?
- Same reason you look at him
like that.
Because he's really, really hot.
- Jesus Zan.
- I may have overdosed him.
- You think?
- Well, now, that's a twist.
- No, it's not.
You just missed all the signs
you are completely up your own
Drop the knife.
And move away from him.
- Mind if I sit, bum knee.
You didn't give him
Naloxone just now, did you?
I'm thinking you let us
all believe that you did,
so that Grady would overpower us
and take us all out.
- Something like that.
- And then you two would what?
Run off into the sunset
- Sunrise.
- Out of curiosity, what
did you inject him with?
- Epinephrine.
- Look at you, that's my girl!
- Nothing like a little
adrenalin to rile that inner
Might've overshot your load
- Yes, I can see that.
- What's it going to be then,
Since you obviously have
something on your mind.
- When Hayley gets here,
I'm going to take her,
and then we're going to leave.
- I beg your pardon?
- Hayley, this is about Hayley?
- Don't say that name.
- I gave her that name!
- And I am giving her a
chance at a better life.
- A better life?
Better than me?
This life is her birthright.
What would you say to her?
No more story time.
No more homemade ice cream.
No more piggyback rides
because I shot your daddy in the
I'll tell you what.
You drop your firearm right now,
and I'll give you a five-second
head start
before I chase you.
- Oh, you're going to chase me,
- You've changed, Alexandra,
but not that much.
You never were a killer.
(cries out in pain)
Me on the other hand,
is like an old shoe.
It just fits.
Ask your sister.
(cries out in pain)
Those who can't shoot shouldn't
Well, that's properly fucked.
Are you going to kill me?
Too many other people deserve
that honor.
Come on, gorgeous, finish me
Don't make this weird.
(grunts in pain)
(car horn beeping)
(footsteps approaching)
- Hi, baby!
- [Hayley] I missed you, Aunt
- Hey!
Hey, listen, about last night.
- I missed you.
- Here let me look at you.
You got taller.
Come here, come here.
Guess what?
You and are going to
leave, just like I said.
So just wait right here for one
Don't go in there,
and then, I promise, we're gonna
I promise, okay?
- This is my dramatic pose.
- You asshole.
- When the cops get here,
it'll make a hell of a picture.
Don't ruin it.
She really is your sister's kid
isn't she?
- Yeah, I told you she was.
- So that was the only
thing you didn't lie about.
I have got to learn to read
people better.
You should go.
- No, Grady, I'm trying to help
- If they find you here,
you'll be an accessory.
They'll take away the kid.
She needs you, she needs
someone decent in her life.
And even though you're a total
you're still her best bet.
this is where you forget about
Fine, I'll tell you
they call me The Midnight
- (laughing) That doesn't sound
like you.
- Aunt Zan?
(engine rumbling)
- [Radio Announcer] The
scene of a brutal shootout
between Ezekiel Maiser,
head of one of the largest
crime syndicates in the city
and the gang of another man
known only to authorities as
The two had apparently
been engaged in a turf war
for some time, which
concluded in bloody fashion
at Maiser's Bel Air home.
The bodies of Maiser and an
associate were discovered,
while four arrests were made.
- Can we please listen to some
Anything, just not this.
- Don't you want to listen
to what they're saying?
- I don't need to, I was there.
So were you.
Music, now.
- He's rude.
I don't like him.
- Remember that puppy
we talked about getting?
Now we have him instead.
- I want it on the record,
I take offense to that.
- My, my, look what Santa Claus
brought Uncle Vick this year.