The Midnight Story (1957) Movie Script

Father Tomasino.
Is the chief gonna see us or not?
- Not right now.
- Come on...
He'll give you a break,
he always does. Sit down.
Sit down. Sit...
Did you call in to report
that you were going off duty?
Uh, I was upstairs
when I heard Lieutenant Kilrain
is in with the chief.
I gotta talk to him.
Look, I know how you feel, kid.
And maybe you've got
a little more reason.
But there's not a man in this
department that don't wanna
help bring in the priest's killer.
You're not ready
for this sort of thing.
If you think I'm gonna ride
around on a bike...
- Now, look...
- Lieutenant.
What have you got for us, Kilrain?
Sommers will fill you in upstairs.
We'll talk about it upstairs.
Lieutenant Kilrain?
I'm Joe Martini.
I wanted to talk to you
about Father Tomasino.
You got something for me?
No, sir.
I just wanted to know what happened.
He was a close friend of the priest's.
The father got him his job here.
Well, there's not much to tell, son.
Someone phoned him
at the parish house last night
and said they had to see
Father Tomasino right away.
He went.
Whoever it was called him
wouldn't let him go back.
Have you got any leads working for you?
Would I be standing here?
No. So far we got big fat nothings.
I wanna help.
It's homicide's baby, now.
Nothing you can do
that we're not doing.
Well, you can use me.
Transfer me to homicide.
Look, Martini, my desk
is loaded with telegrams.
The switchboard's jammed with calls.
Everybody in North Beach wants to help
to find the guy who killed the priest.
He was more than just a priest to me.
That's why you'd be in the way.
Send him back to traffic
where he belongs.
Why don't you take
a couple of days off?
I'll square it with your captain.
Hey, that's Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
Hey, Joe, you ought a see
that inside curve you showed me.
Why don't you come down
and take a look?
Did you get off duty
to watch us practice, Joe?
What about Father Tomasino?
Is he coming too?
Not today, boys.
Hey, Joe. You wanna play baseball?
- Boys, boys. Boys!
- Listen to the sister.
Back to the field.
All of you play ball.
Go on, I'll see you later.
- Hello, Joe. Go on, now.
- Sister.
- See you later, Joe.
- So long, Joe.
- See ya.
- See you later.
I haven't told them, Joe.
How do I tell them?
Why did it happen?
How could God
let a thing like this happen?
Death is in the pattern of life, Joe.
As is birth, which no one questions.
I'm questioning it,
Mother Catherine. Why?
I know how much
Father Tomasino meant to you...
No, you don't. You couldn't.
Ever since I can remember he's been...
I was here when he brought you.
You were six years old.
A frightened little boy
who had just lost his parents
and was all alone.
Except for him. He was my family.
If he would have died in his
sleep or he'd been hit by a car
it would be hard enough.
But to be stabbed in the back
in an alley?
I don't understand, Mother Catherine.
I'm struggling with it too.
Come, let us pray for Father Tomasino.
The way he lived his life
he doesn't need my prayers.
Then pray for the one
who took his life.
Joe, don't leave this place
with hate in your soul.
Goodbye, mother.
Father, we've tried to keep out
of your hair up till now.
And we've appreciated it.
But we're up against a blank wall.
Until we come up with a motive
there's nothing much we can do.
Now, you were Father Tomasino's
closest friend,
his assistant pastor.
There must have been somebody
in the parish who hated him.
I don't know how you can
say that. Everybody loved him.
Let's skip the emotion
this time, father.
Whether you like it or not...
Father Tomasino did have an enemy.
Mm, I refuse to believe that.
Then who killed him? A friend?
- Yes, Gillen?
- It's the Martini kid.
I sent out a word, I haven't got
time. I can't see him now.
That's why he asked me to bring him up.
- Hello, father.
- Hello, Joe.
Shut the door.
Alright, son. What is it?
The other day when I wanted
a transfer to Homicide,
you asked me if I had anything.
Well, I think I've
come across something.
What is it?
It's a man.
It's nothing definite, you know.
You might even call it a hunch.
But at least it's something
to start with.
I've done some checking around already.
Get to the point.
I saw him at the funeral.
He was going through hell.
He used to be a member of the parish.
His name is Sylvio Ma latest a.
- Do you know him, father?
- Of course.
Everybody in North Beach knows him.
And likes him.
Joe, you made a terrible mistake.
Sylvio had a reverence
for Father Tomasino.
It was almost a childlike adoration.
I'm telling you, he was going
through the tortures of the damned.
He was bleeding inside.
He was tearing his hands.
Dozens of people are breaking up
over Father Tomasino.
We can't go around arresting people
just because of the expressions
on their faces.
Well, it was more
than just the expression.
Alright, he was suffering.
What would he have said
if he'd seen your face?
Well, I think it's worth checking.
We'll check hunches later.
Right now we're after facts.
Facts, the facts are you got nothing
and you're gettin' no place.
Get him out of here, Gillen.
I see him around here again,
I'll have his job.
Now, father, let's go over this again.
Give it up, will you, Joe?
You've been on a run since it happened.
Now, I covered you with your captain.
But the funeral is over.
I'm fresh out of excuses.
You won't need 'em any more.
- What are you doing?
- Look...
I just can't sit around doing nothing.
Joe, do you know what you're doing?
Reinstatement ain't easy.
I saw Malatesta's face.
You didn't.
Well, say something.
- Nice little crabs.
- Little crabs?
Eh, Grazzioli, tell him the only time
he has ever seen a bigger crab
is when one of mine
walks into his store.
He says the only time you seen...
I heard him, I heard him.
The trouble with you, Antonio,
is you won't
take your boat near the rocks.
The ones you catch
haven't learned to crawl yet.
Alright, big mouth,
I bet I got a bigger crab in my store
than you got right here.
Ten dollars. You'll take 'em?
No. I already saw your wife walk in.
Sylvio Ma latest a?
- Yeah.
- I'm Joe Martini.
What can I do for you?
- You don't know the name?
- Uh-uh, should I?
I guess he didn't get a chance
to talk to you about it before.
Well, forget it.
Who didn't get a chance to talk to me?
A friend of mine.
I'm lookin' for a job.
He said he was gonna talk to you.
Maybe you could find something for me.
Yeah? Who is it?
Father Tomasino.
You knew him, didn't you?
Father Tomasino? Oh, sure.
He was a true saint of a man.
His death left a big emptiness
inside of us.
Have you, uh,
you done any fishing before?
I worked a squid boat
out of, uh, Monterey.
But that was a couple of years ago.
I wish I could do something for you.
But things are pretty slow right now.
Maybe, maybe when the salmon
start to run again.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
How much do I owe you?
Not a thing. On the house.
Oh, no, no, I wanna pay for it...
Ah! Forget it.
Say, I'll check with
some of the other boys.
If there is something, where
can I get in touch with you?
Well, I haven't got a place yet.
It's the first time I've been in town
that Father Tomasino
didn't set things up for me.
You know, it's funny.
Not being able to get
together with him.
- Yeah.
- Kinda lonely.
- Thanks anyway.
- Hey!
Why don't you come to my house
for dinner tonight, huh?
Uh, I... I couldn't do that,
Sylvio. Thanks, but, uh...
Ah, come on. Meet the family.
Maybe we can talk about a job for you.
Uh... I don't want you to go
to any trouble.
It's no trouble. You be here at 5:00.
That's the time I leave.
I'll take you home.
Give you a nice dinner.
- You can use it.
- Okay, Sylvio.
Let's say I'm doing it for,
uh, Father Tomasino.
He would want me to do something
for one of his boys.
Okay, Sylvio.
I'll see you around 5:00, huh?
Here, here!
Don't you know stealing is a sin? Huh?
Don't you know stealing is a sin?
If you want anything, you ask for it.
Here. Wait a minute.
For you.
For your brother. Go on.
There is my house, Joe.
Come on, Joe. I'll show you.
You got a free hand. Give a whistle.
Mama! Look out, Joe.
- Don't slip on the pasta.
- Yeah.
Hey, mama!
I'm home.
Now, the whole neighborhood knows.
Put more water in the sauce.
I brought somebody for dinner.
Eh, one more, one less,
it makes no difference.
Hey, mama.
This is Joe. Joe Martini.
One of Father Tomasino's boys.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You're not the neighborhood boy?
I was up north. I just got into town.
Mama, I got a present for you.
- A present?
- Yeah, wait until you see it.
A new frame for papa's picture.
- We don't need it.
- But he hasn't got a frame.
Fix the old one. I don't want it.
What are you talking about?
You don't even know
how it's going to look.
Come on.
There's nothing wrong
with the old frame.
They can't fix it anymore, mama.
It's been mended too many times.
Come here. Look. Look at this, huh?
- Come on, Joe.
- There.
Isn't that nice? Stylish?
I know what's wrong with you.
You think the other one
is old-fashioned.
You think everything
in the house is old-fashioned.
Next thing I know, you'll be
taking off papa's moustache.
Hey, Joe. Who's more of a man?
Papa or me?
If you were half the man
it would be enough.
I settle for 25 percent, mama.
Oh. Ah.
Hey, Joe. Come on.
You gotta meet the rest of the family.
My brother, Peanuts.
He thinks slow is a dirty word.
In regard to your
letter of June 21st, comma,
our shipment of 70 dozen shirts,
comma, style C-136
thru F-420, comma,
was dispatched on May 9th
in accordance with your
your shipping instructions, period.
We're forwarding your letter
to Mr. Smith
for further action...
No, no, stop that!
Oh, you see what you did!
I was up to "Mr. Smith"
and now, I've lost it.
Why do you talk so fast? Why?
Every day you come...
My cousin, Anna.
She talks back to records.
Honey, this is Joe Martini.
I'm very pleased to meet you,
Mr. Martini.
Call him Joe. That's his name.
He's going to have dinner
with us tonight.
That's nice.
Look at these chicken scratchings, Joe.
That's the way she wastes her time.
I ask you which is more waste?
Studying to be a secretary
from the mail order school
or sitting around the house
doing nothing?
Did we bring you from Italy
to be a secretary?
When her parents died,
we said, "Cousin Anna",
you come over here, live with us.
We take good care of you.
"Find you a nice husband."
Find me a husband.
Like finding bait for your fish.
I don't want a husband. I want to work.
Work? For what?
No women in my family work.
They get married. Hey, Joe.
Joe, have you ever seen a
prettier girl in San Francisco?
Now, you say something nice about him.
Oh, stop it, Sylvio.
Well, at least say
that he hasn't got two heads.
Alright, Joe,
you haven't got two heads.
- Thank you.
- I hope not.
There's enough water in the sauce now.
- Go call your brother.
- Okay, mama. Okay. Okay.
I hope not...
Supper! Right now. Not next week.
Why do you keep askin' me
why I run the mile for, mama?
Because it's a mile race, that's why?
And I've got to win
for Galileo next week.
Now, if those knuckleheads from...
Ah! It's crazy.
If you go some place, okay.
But you end up where you start.
Next year, Joe,
I'm going off with a two-mile.
The grocery store is half a block away.
I can't even get him to walk.
Hey, you know something?
We broke a record tonight.
This is the first time we had
a young fellow to dinner
that Anna doesn't hurry away
from the table.
Hey, you're doing alright.
Say, remember that joker, Tony Malfi?
Sure. Hey, Joe.
This Tony Malfi,
he got a scholarship to college,
played football for Notre Dame,
but halfway through the soup,
Anna got a headache.
A real headache from his talk
of blocking
and tacking and throwing
to kick the football, oh!
How about Harry Boncelli?
His mama and papa
still don't talk to us.
She wouldn't even let him in the house.
That's the idiot who follows me
in his car
when I walk down the street.
And he blows his horn at me.
It's always the same.
She will rather stay home than
waste her time with an idiot.
I keep saying to her,
"How are you going to know an idiot
if you never give him
a chance to prove it?"
The minute they open
their mouths they prove it.
I just can't stand stupid talk.
Joe hasn't said a word
since he sat down.
I noticed.
Hey, Joe.
From her that's a compliment.
Hallelujah! You're in like a burglar.
How'd you like to take her
to the Vallejo Social Club?
A week from Saturday.
Um... I'd like to very much.
No, thank you. I'd rather not.
No, I... I really would.
Sorry Peanuts embarrassed you.
- No, he didn't embarrass...
- Anna!
I hope Sylvio won't.
I don't want to go to the dance.
She doesn't wanna go to the dance.
But mama insists she goes.
And who's stuck?
- Me. Always stuck.
- Oh, Pietro!
Oh, if she only quit
acting like a square.
Plenty of guys are willing
to take her off my hands.
But no, she won't dance
with anyone else.
Dance? Since when is dancing
this, this crazy jumping?
She won't even go to
a show without me taking her.
I got my own life, you know.
My own girlfriends.
They're just beggin' me
to take 'em out.
Now you see what you've done?
You, you are no better.
You take Anna to that dance
or you'll be
running that mile with a broken leg.
- Okay, okay.
- Alright, alright!
Oh, that girl, she's got such a temper.
Who did she get it from?
Well, it was the little things.
Like the time Father Tomasino
gave me a concertina.
Mother Catherine
said it was against the rules,
you know, for one kid to get a present
and the others don't, you understand.
He told her I had a gift for music.
What gift for music?
And he said that
if I got the concertina
and played it for the other kids,
this way they would get a present too.
He was a man loved by everyone.
Not everyone.
Someone didn't.
- Hey, Sylvio.
- Ah?
What did Joe hit in the best year?
Joe who?
- DiMaggio!
- Ah, Joe DiMaggio.
- Eh!
- Ha!
381, 1939.
Hey, Joe DiMaggio.
I got it, I got it, I got it. Whap.
What a man, DiMaggio.
Uh... who do you think did it?
Oh, I don't know, Joe.
- Could have been anybody.
- But why?
How can he live with it?
What does it do to his insides?
How does he eat, how does he sleep?
What kind of a man is he, Sylvio?
If the cops knew that, Joe,
they'd be able to catch him.
I could have been with him
that night, you know.
Instead, I was in Santa Rosa,
I could have been right here,
but I didn't wanna spend
the money for bus fare.
Do you ever find yourself thinking
about what you were doing that night?
Yeah. I was playing cards.
- At home?
- No, at the Vallejo Club.
We got a game there every Friday night.
I just can't get it out of my mind.
The way he died.
In an alley.
You got to stop thinking about it.
Maybe a job will help you.
Ah, but more than a job,
what you need is a home.
Mama likes you. Anna likes you.
I like you, Joe. We got an extra room.
- Oh, no Sylvio.
- You move in and stay with us.
- Sylvio. I can't do that.
- You come over. It's settled.
Tomorrow you pick me up.
Drop me off at the shop.
Take the car, get your stuff,
and you move in with us.
- Huh?
- Thanks, I'd like that.
I'm glad to be able to do it.
For Father Tomasino.
Hey, Joe!
Give him!
Oh, that's beautiful, Joe.
- Hey, hey, hey, wait!
- Hey, hey!
What's the matter with you guys?
Trying to kill me or something?
Ooh! I made it!
Sylvio, Sylvio, it's after 3 o'clock.
Would you like me to make you
a cup of chocolate?
I'm alright, honey.
Why don't you go back to bed?
Sometimes it helps you to sleep.
You're as bad as mama.
Why don't you leave me alone?
I'm up anyway.
It will only take a minute.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What are you doing up?
Can't you sleep either?
I, I heard Sylvio.
I don't know how he does it.
Works all day long and walks
the floor half the night.
I'm making him some chocolate.
- Do you want some?
- Yes, thanks.
How long has he been doing that?
Do you know what's bothering him?
He never talks about it.
But mama and I know.
He's never gotten over
Angelina Poletti,
a girl he met in Italy during the war.
They were very much in love
They were going to get married.
Then something happened
and they didn't.
Whatever it was
it hurt him very deeply.
This walking the floor,
it's been going on that long?
Mama says ever since
he came home from the war.
I need some more milk, Joe.
I live with the man,
I work with the man,
he treats me like a brother,
but I still haven't got a thing.
Kilrain is in the same boat.
He's no closer to the answer.
Boy, I thought I had him nailed though.
He doesn't sleep nights,
he walks the floor.
Then I find out
he's been doing it for years.
Was he walking the night
the priest was killed?
Well, according to the coroner,
Father Tomasino
was killed at 11 o'clock.
According to Ma latest a,
he was playing cards
at a place called the Vallejo Club.
It's a regular game,
every Friday night.
Well, that shouldn't be
too tough to check.
But I haven't had a chance.
Last couple of Friday nights
he's been taking me to the fights.
He says he doesn't want me
to blow my money
in a card game.
The more you tell me, the more
he sounds like a nice guy.
I'll tell you after I check his alibi.
- You wanna know something?
- Mm.
I hope it stands up.
You're gettin' a little
mixed up, aren't you, kid?
Maybe, but...
I never had a home before.
Not until now.
- Hey, Joe!
- Excuse me.
Hey, Joe, I should have told you.
No use getting dressed.
Anna's not going to the dance with you.
Since when?
Since I was a comedian this afternoon.
- Mm-hm.
- She bought a new dress.
I had to open my big mouth
and tease her
how excited she was about tonight.
Suddenly, she made up her mind.
She said the only reason
you are taking her
is because mama and me want you to.
Oh, Sylvio.
I'll handle it.
Don't try it, Joe.
She'll only get mad at you.
That was taken the day
Father Tomasino gave me
the concertina.
About the dance, Joe. Forget it.
Pietro will take her.
You know, you're a great
little fixer. Thanks a lot.
You're breaking my heart, Gillespie.
Five girls tonight and only you?
What? They've never been out
on a date before?
How old are they? 16?
Oh, I'm dying, I'm dying.
No, I told you I'm hooked
with my cousin tonight.
Can I help it if she's an
albatross around my neck?
I told you I'm not going
to go to the dance with you.
Or anyone else.
I heard you! You ought to be
ashamed! You rascal!
Hey, ma, what are you hitting me
for? I didn't do nothing.
Talking like that
about your cousin! Shame on you!
Oh, mama. Mama, it's alright.
What do you mean it's alright?
Nothing is alright.
What's happening? What's going on?
I talked to a friend, that's all.
Right away it's for the United Nations.
- What did he say?
- It's alright.
It doesn't make any difference
what he said.
I'm not going to go
to the dance, period.
I'll stay home and study shorthand.
Will somebody please tell me
what's going on?
I... if I can get
a word in here, edgewise,
maybe I could straighten it out.
It is straightened out.
Anna, Pietro will take you.
In a million years. In two million.
I wouldn't even go to the door
with him.
Oh, you shut up!
Big deal. Biggest deal in the world.
- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna eat a worm.
Pietro! Pietro, you come back here.
Joe, you are my friend.
Will you please tell me
what's going on in my own house?
Anna. I know how you feel.
It's none of your business.
Please go to the dance with me tonight.
- No!
- But we had a date tonight.
At least tell me
why you changed your mind.
Why are you sore at me for?
Because you are a jellyfish.
You don't want to take me
to this dance.
- But mama pushes you.
- No.
Pietro pushes you. Sylvio pushes you.
They push you over a cliff
if you don't say yes.
- Ah, well, nobody's pushing...
- Take your hands off me.
I don't want anyone
to have to be nice to me.
I'm... Oh, come on.
- Cut it out, ma.
- So, it's happening, eh?
I'm not asking you for Sylvio,
I'm not asking for Pietro
I'm not asking you for mama.
I'm asking for myself.
Will you please go
to the dance with me?
I told you no.
Anna, you made a date tonight with me.
Not with one of your idiots.
And you're not gonna stand me up.
Now, are you coming out
or do I come in after you?
Anna, a locked door
isn't gonna stop me.
Now, I'm not fooling around anymore.
Come out here this very minute.
You know what's wrong with you?
Everybody babies you in this house.
Well, I'm not about to.
Now come on out here!
Alright. Alright, you've had it.
Step back, lady,
cause I'm coming through.
Joe. Do you like
the new dress I bought?
You mean to tell me
you're gonna go to the dance with me?
Of course.
Then why did you make me
go through this big deal
of breaking through the door?
I wanted to make sure
that you wanted to take me.
Now, I'm sure. So, please go.
Let me finish, huh?
Um... Be downstairs in 10 minutes.
I'll be there in five.
- Excusi, mama.
- Joe, you're my boy.
- Oh, it's nothing.
- You're my boy.
- Joe. Here, take the car.
- Alright, good.
- Here's some money...
- No, no, no, I don't...
- Anything you want, Joe.
- Excusi, mama.
- Hi. With anyone?
- Mamma mia!
Joe. Joe!
- No dancing in there.
- I know, I was just stalling.
It's not that I don't like it,
but I'm a coward
when it comes to doing it.
I'm glad. So am I.
Let's grab a couple of chairs
while we can.
- Shall we?
- This I think I can manage.
I'd almost forgotten people
dance like this.
Every time I've been here with Pietro
I've limped home with a broken back.
You dance very well, Joe.
I usually have to apologize
to everybody in the floor.
I guess it's you.
- Joe, thanks.
- For what?
For making me come with you tonight.
It's a pleasure.
Well, they've just lost me again.
- How about some punch?
- You order it.
- I'll be right back.
- Fine.
Has Sylvio Ma latest a
been around tonight?
Friday's his night.
Last couple of Fridays nights
we've been going
to fights together. Keeps
beef in' about missing his game.
I thought maybe I'd find him here.
Are you a friend of Sylvio's?
You wouldn't be Charlie Cuneo,
would you?
- No.
- Good thing.
If you were, I think,
maybe we'd throw you out.
Well, then I'm glad
I'm not Charlie Cuneo.
You gonna be seeing Sylvio?
Oh, yeah. I see him all the time.
Tell him Vince De Paul wants
a chance to get his money back.
Cute fellow, Sylvio.
Last time he was here
he won six straight pots.
All of a sudden, he looks at his watch,
says it's nine o'clock
and he's gotta meet
Charlie Cuneo to play snooker.
When was that?
Uh, two weeks ago last night.
He hasn't been back since.
And he's walking around
with a pocketful of my money.
Come on, talk on your own time. Deal!
Most guys have their wives
call up when they're winning.
Sylvio has to invent a friend.
You tell him I don't think
there is a Charlie Cuneo.
Yeah. I'll tell him.
- Duty calls, baby. I'm yours.
- No, thank you.
Be grateful, I'm rescuing you
from a lifetime of loneliness.
- Get out of my way, please!
- Shove off!
Still want some punch?
I'd rather dance.
Anybody know where there's
an all-night monastery?
- Who's the chick?
- Anna Ma latest a.
Lives on my block.
A real, live livin' doll, huh?
That's her trouble, Frankie.
She's a snob.
She won't hardly talk to anybody.
Step down, pal. This is a tag dance.
We're not buying.
Sorry, friend. It's the rules.
This is one big, happy party.
Well, why don't we keep it
that way, huh?
Let's get out of here.
No, Joe. That's Frankie Pellatrini.
He's a prize fighter. He'll kill you.
Apologize to the lady, Frankie.
How about it, Frankie?
I'm sorry.
- She can't hear you.
- I apologize! I apologize!
Get out of here.
Uh, uh, how about another waltz,
How come the reception committee?
Oh! Anna not home yet.
Look, mama. It's almost 1 o'clock.
Good. I hope they don't come
home all night.
- Mama!
- Take your feet off the table!
- Oh, mama, I'm...
- You don't know, Pietro.
Your cousin, she is lonely.
Like Sylvio's lonely.
Enough there is one in the family.
Oh, leave me out of it, mama.
You are sick with it.
No wife, no bambini.
I don't want your cousin
she should be like that too.
- Anna!
- Mama!
- Did you have a good time?
- Oh, wonderful time.
Where's Joe, honey?
He's trying to find a place to park.
Pietro, I love you! Oh!
You should have been there tonight.
Hey, Joe.
What happened to you?
- It's nothing.
- Hey, somebody slug you?
Joe, tell them. Tell them what
you did to Frankie Pellatrini.
- Frankie Pellatrini?
- Forget it.
Oh, no! What happened,
huh? What happened?
Frankie started trouble,
so Joe made him
apologize to me
in front of the whole room.
He made him get right down on his knees
and apologize.
Frankie Pellatrini, wow!
I ran into Vince De Paul tonight.
He told me about you walking out
on the last poker game.
He says he's waitin' for you to
come around so he can get even.
Ah, that pigeon. He's lucky I left.
Another half an hour and I would
have owned his truck.
See you in the morning.
What's the matter with him?
I don't know. He suddenly got
quiet on the way home.
I thought it was on account
of the fight.
No, it, it wasn't the fight.
That boy's got trouble.
Big trouble.
Hey! What are you all dressed up for?
Something I've gotta do.
Is it okay if I take a couple
of hours off?
Sure. Anything wrong?
No, no. I just gotta see
a guy in Chinatown.
Okay. My turn to work tonight, anyway.
- See you home.
- Sure.
Alright, Joe. I'll check the name.
Frank? Gillen.
Give me a run on Charles Cuneo.
Wait a minute. Any description, Joe?
Hm. No, Frank.
Right. Who is Charles Cuneo, Joe?
I found out Ma latest a
wasn't playing cards
at the club like he said.
He left around 9 o'clock.
Said he was gonna meet a fellow
named Charlie Cuneo
and they were gonna shoot some snooker.
So far, I haven't been able
to find any Charlie Cuneo
and no one down here
seems to know who he is.
Now, wait a minute, Joe.
Yeah, Frank.
No... Alright, thanks.
Nothing on any Cuneo.
Did you check the phone book?
I did, and the city directories.
I found seven Cuneos but no Charlie.
Check the utility companies
and the motor vehicles.
If we don't come up
with a Charles Cuneo,
Malatesta's got no alibi.
Right, Gillen. Goodbye.
- You sure?
- Sure, I'm sure.
I don't know any Charlie Cuneo.
Well, that racks it, buddy.
The game was for only one fin.
The other fin's for what you
know about Charlie Cuneo.
What makes you think I know anything?
You missed the set-up
when I mentioned his name
the last time.
695 Clay Street, apartment 4-C.
Ask for Veda.
Why Veda?
Oh, I do a little collectin'
for the bookies once in a while.
- She likes the horses.
- So do a lot of people.
Yeah, but they don't pay off
with checks
signed by Charlie Cuneo.
Hey, buddy.
You didn't get it from me.
That's right, honey. What do you want?
I'm looking for a Charlie Cuneo.
I don't know any Charlie Cuneo.
You play the horses, don't you?
Not me, mister. It's against the law.
Now, get out of here.
Look, you gave one of our
runners a check
you got from Charlie Cuneo.
It's bounced three times.
Now I want to know
where I can find him.
Ask his bank.
I don't know who you are, and I
don't know any Charlie Cuneo.
I'm not askin' you for the money.
I'll willing to get that from Cuneo.
All I want to know from you
is where do I find him.
Veda, what's going on out there?
- Who're you talking to?
- Uh, a salesman, honey.
I'm just gettin' rid of him.
If you don't want a busted head,
mister, get outta here.
My husband works nights,
and he needs his sleep.
Where do I find Charlie Cuneo?
He's a married man
and I don't ask questions.
Now beat it before you get
the both of us killed.
- Hey, Joe! How's my boy?
- Fine.
What're you doing at home?
I thought you were working tonight.
Pietro is there with Julio.
Did you see your friend?
- Huh?
- The guy in Chinatown.
Oh, no, no. I couldn't find him.
I, uh, bought Mama some litchi nuts.
Litchi nuts and lotteries.
She's crazy about them.
Mama should have been Chinese.
Hey, Joe, how come you're
looking for Charlie Cuneo?
- How'd you know?
- A customer told me.
Well, uh,
Charlie's an old friend of mine.
- Yeah?
- Uh-huh.
- No kiddin'?
- Oh, yeah.
Come here.
They're always doing things like that.
How's this for a surprise?
Charlie Cuneo.
- What'd you do to your hair?
- I washed it.
Anna, go see that everything is ready.
Now that Joe's here, we can eat.
Here, Mama. Bag of litchi nuts.
Oh, Joe, litchi nuts...
Hey, hey,
what's the matter with you two?
You act as if you'd never seen
each other before.
The Charlie Cuneo I know
is a tall, skinny fellow.
But when I told you about Joe,
you said you knew him.
Good-time Charlie,
thinks he knows everybody.
After four beers,
nobody in a bar is a stranger.
There! You see, Rosa?
There's another Charlie Cuneo.
He's the one who's been
doin' all the things
she's blamin' me for.
- That'd take six men.
- Very funny.
Eh, so you didn't know
each other before.
Now you do. Well, what do you
think of him, huh?
This is Anna's Joe.
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Cuneo.
- Yeah! Call me Charlie.
The ball and chain here is Rosa.
Uh, everybody to the table, eh?
What's the matter with you?
Big surprise, Mama.
Nobody's surprised but me.
Come on, Joe.
I'm gonna go wash up.
Joe, what's wrong?
- Nothing. Why?
- I think there is.
Do you really know a Charlie Cuneo?
Oh, sure, sure. He, uh, he owes me $50.
That's why I was looking for him.
I watched your face when you came in.
I think you had more
on your mind than $50.
What're you talkin' about?
I just don't understand
the way you act sometimes.
Everything is fine, then all of
a sudden you change, like...
Like you were thinking of
something you wanted to forget.
Anna, Joe, dinner!
What is it? Can't you tell me?
Anna, there's nothing to tell.
Hi, everybody.
You're late!
Very well.
I have no right
to pry into your secrets.
They are waiting for us.
And they're still talkin' about
it in Petal um a.
Now get this picture.
I'm workin' off
five straight strikes, see?
I take the ball and whammo!
A perfect shot.
So what happens? A seven-ten split.
Ooh, I don't know whether to cry
or to get mad.
So I get mad.
I take the ball again. Oop!
Nobody ever threw a ball so hard.
The ten-pin hits the side of the alley,
bounces over to the seven-pin,
I get my spare and a 278 game.
Am I lyin', Rosa?
How do I know?
I never get out of the house.
Ehh! Hey, you bowl, Joe?
No. No, no. I shoot pool.
- Bowling's too expensive.
- So is pool.
If you play with me.
Here he goes again.
I don't know
why you always play with him.
All I ever hear is about how much money
he takes away from you.
Just once I'd like him
to come home a loser.
That'll be the day. You know, Joe?
Sylvio is my private pigeon.
Whenever business is, uh,
bad on Saturday nights,
I drive down from Petal um a
to play a little snooker with Sylvio.
Last time I come down, I had to
take him out of a poker game
to slaughter him.
So I heard.
The fellows at the Vallejo Club
are a little hacked at Sylvio.
But I thought that was Friday night.
Oh, sure. That's right.
Saturday Rosa's mother
was comin'. I had to stay home.
So what does he do? Sleeps all day.
And why? Because he doesn't get
to bed till 3 o'clock.
Mm. I was waitin' for you
to get to that.
Sylvio. Tell her.
What time did I leave you?
Oh, about 1 o'clock.
It was 1:20.
Took me an hour and thirty
minutes to drive home.
Ten minutes to get undressed.
Anna, you're a nice girl.
When you get married,
please trust your husband.
Don't keep track
of every minute of his time.
A lot of reasons I've got to trust you.
Please, Rosa, we're not home!
We are all finished.
Let's go to the other room.
Come on, Charlie. I got
a beautiful bottle of Galliano.
I want you to try it.
It's going to be a lovely evening.
I've seen those two
when they get started.
They are wonderful.
Everything is wonderful.
Joe, you feel alright?
I've never felt better in my life.
I gotta go uptown, keep the party going
and I'll be back as quickly as I can.
I've got something
to celebrate tonight.
You know better
than to bring me fried rice.
With my stomach it's got to be boiled.
Too much lousy whiskey, huh?
Too much lousy chow yuk.
And you did it to me.
You and your cooks.
You miserable excuse
for a Chinese restaurant owner.
Hey, Joe!
Well, what're you doin' here?
I've been looking all over for you.
I called the hall and they said
you always eat here.
I had the Chinatown beat for 20 years.
Now I'm a rice addict.
What's on your mind?
I want you to put me
on the reinstatement list.
I'm ready to go back to work.
Well, you're pretty hard
to keep up with, kid.
I've still got a couple of boys
trying to find
that Charlie Cuneo for you.
He found me.
And everything checks out
right down the line.
He was with Sylvio the night
Father Tomasino was killed.
They were playing snooker
until after 1 o'clock.
Sylvio is as clean as a bird.
Well, you sound mighty happy about it.
He loved Father Tomasino,
he was grieving for him
as much as we all were.
On him it looked different.
You know, Kilrain was right.
A man isn't guilty
by the look on his face.
And I spent an hour
with Kilrain this morning
trying to convince him
that he might be wrong.
Every lead we've had has gone sour.
Now this happens.
I don't know what I would have
done if it had been Ma latest a
as much as I want to do
something for Father Tomasino.
The way it worked out,
he's done something for you.
You said yourself
you've never had a home.
Maybe this was his way
of finding you one.
Well, I'll see what I can do
about speeding up
your reinstatement.
How about a cup of tea?
Oh, no, no, thanks,
I gotta do some shopping
before the stores close.
Listen, do you know any place
where I can go without being
treated like a tourist?
Sammy Yun. Right down the
street. Tell him I sent you.
You know what I'm gonna do
for you if this works out?
I'm gonna buy you a pair of chopsticks.
Hey, where have you been?
What's all that?
Where are the Cuneos?
Boy, you ducked out just in time.
It turned into a first-class battle.
Our house wasn't big enough
for them so they went home
where they could have
more room to fight.
Oh, that's fine.
And I got Charlie a couple
of bottles of champagne.
Why'd you buy wine for him?
He loused up the whole evening.
Not for me, he didn't.
I'll tell you what.
We'll save this for Charlie
and we'll have the other one.
- Mama!
- Oh.
Wait, I got something for you.
- A bag of litchi nuts.
- Ah!
I haven't touched the others yet.
Here, take it.
And another present for you.
Oh, my goodness.
What's in it?
Open it.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Chinese pajamas?
- Brocaded in solid gold thread.
The man at the store said the
dragons will never turn green.
What am I gonna do with it?
You wear them when you eat
the litchi nuts, silly.
Hey, don't I get something for it,
like a, like a little kiss?
Oh, sure, Joe.
- Peanuts! Is Peanuts home yet?
- Uh-uh.
Look what I got for Peanuts.
It's a body-building set, you know,
for the arms, the legs, the back
and everything else.
Where's Anna? Good. Upstairs.
- For Sylvio.
- Uh...
A fishing pole? Oh, no, Joe.
You sure you didn't pick up
the wrong package at the store?
You're a dope. It's a pool cue.
The best snooker player
in San Francisco
helped me pick it out for you.
If you can't beat Charlie with that,
you might as well give up the game.
Oh, Joe, it's beautiful.
I don't know what to say.
Just say you're my friend
and shake my hand.
- What for? We never fight.
- Just shake my hand.
I don't understand, Joe,
but you're my boy.
Excuse me.
Oh. Hey!
Open the wine. We'll be right down.
Whatever his trouble was,
it's over now.
Just a second.
For me? Why?
Because I love you
and I wanna marry you.
Don't play games with me, Joe.
I'm not playing any games with you.
I wanna marry you.
What about the things
that were bothering you?
The secrets you wouldn't talk about?
- They're gone.
- But you had them.
They're gone now.
How can I be sure?
No, Joe. It has to be for real.
Not half-ways.
I need you, Anna.
I need you very, very much.
Holy sweet Maria. Hey, Mama!
Mama, it's happened! My little Anna.
My little Anna.
- We're gonna get married.
- You're telling me?
Oh! I'm so happy I'm gonna cry.
Don't cry, Mama!
Joe, I'm going to throw you
the biggest wedding.
North Beach has ever seen.
When do you want it?
Now, wait a minute.
Don't... don't rush us.
We haven't even had a chance
to talk about it.
What is there to talk about?
I'll give you until next Sunday.
We have open house.
We tell everybody, huh?
Let's go downstairs. We drink
some champagne. Come on.
Hey, Sylvio. You only got two barrels.
You gonna run out pretty soon,
you know that?
The Pacific Ocean will run dry first.
Hey! Anybody with an empty
glass, sound off!
Hey, Teresa, you look good.
You want some wine?
- Ah, Mama.
- No, no, no.
Anything wrong with the wine?
No, I had two glasses already.
- That's enough. No.
- Ah, come on, have another one.
Then maybe you put on
your new Chinese pajamas.
Show everybody.
There, my Mama.
Well, now only your daughter
is left, Mrs. Braggiotto.
All she does is look at television.
The only men she sees are selling soap.
I keep telling her, you can win
money on television,
have vacation, a mink coat,
an automobile,
but a husband? No.
I guess she's going
to be with me forever.
Maybe you should break the television.
- Eh.
- Che sempre speranza.
- Hey, Joey. Jo... Jo... Joey.
- Yeah, yeah?
You and me gonna have a little talk.
I'm gonna teach you
how to handle your wife.
- Is that right?
- Sure.
First you get a whip, and then a chain.
And then you, you tell her
who's the boss.
And remember, it's gotta be
one boss to a house.
Hey! When are you gonna tell me
who's the boss in our house?
Of course, y... you gotta tell
them very slowly,
you know, nice and gentle.
You see, I've been married
22 years to my wife here.
But some of these days...
Quiet, everybody, quiet!
Quiet... Everybody, shut up.
I want to make a toast.
To Joe Martini.
- My future cousin and partner.
- Now, wait a minute, Sylvio.
Another glass of wine
and you'll give me the house.
What's the matter?
Don't you want to be my partner?
Okay, I'll give you the store.
And the boat. You be the boss.
I work for you. Okay?
To Joe and Anna.
And ten little bambini.
Noisy, isn't it?
I never thought we had so many friends.
There isn't a soul in the house.
Hold it, Joe. Hold it.
I want to get a picture.
There. Hey, Ralph.
- Yeah. You bet.
- Bring the camera.
You get out of there.
Joe! Hey, Joe!
Say, Joe, Joe, there's some guy
outside wants to see you.
Tell him I'll see him in a week.
- Tell him to come in.
- I can't. I'm on the phone.
Anyway, he says he's double parked.
- Uh, excuse me, boss.
- I am the boss.
- Yeah. You're the boss.
- Anna, Anna.
I'm telling you, Gillespie.
It's the Second Emancipation
- I'm free...
- It's true, Gillespie.
Why don't you come over
and bring some of those.
Sacred Heart girls? Why not?
Everyone else in the
neighborhood's here.
So you finally showed, huh?
Get parked and come on up.
- No, Joe.
- Ah, it's gonna be alright.
But don't mention I was a cop.
After we get upstairs, you and I
will find a nice quiet corner
and then we'll decide
how we're gonna break it.
- Get in, Joe.
- I gotta...
Alright, what's this all about, Gillen?
This is Frank Wilkins.
He heads up a detective agency.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Well, what did you wanna...
Hey, wait a minute.
I gotta get back to the party.
This is more important.
It'll only take a few minutes.
I brought Frank along, I thought
maybe you'd like to talk to him.
- About what?
- Take a look.
Filed yesterday.
- It's a beating report.
- Yeah.
Guy worked his wife over.
What's that got to do with me?
The guy's name is Albert Pinelli.
Wife, Veda Pinelli.
Oh, yeah. I met her.
She probably had it coming.
She did.
Pinelli knew she was holding
hands with somebody.
Hired me to find out who it was.
Took a trip to Petal um a
to get a name for him.
- Charlie Cuneo.
- You called it.
When I spotted his name
in Pinelli's statement,
I got in touch with Frank.
The priest was killed
Friday, May the 11th.
Want to read the report
yourself, or can I tell you?
- Which is quicker?
- It's a long report.
We gotta earn our fee.
Frank tailed Veda to the Horizon Club.
She got there at 9:17.
Charlie Cuneo and another guy
were sittin' at the table
waitin' for her. Frank checked.
The other guy was Ma latest a.
At 9:50, Veda and Cuneo left.
They visited a half a dozen bars,
they had drinks, they danced.
Cuneo made a couple of phone calls.
At 12:57, they got back
to the Horizon Club.
Ma latest a was waiting for them.
Well, then he was there all the time.
It could be, but we were paid
to tail the dame.
There's one thing for sure, Joe.
Malatesta's been lying.
First he lied about playing
cards at the Vallejo Club.
Then he lied about playing
snooker with Cuneo.
They both lied about that.
All that proves is that Cuneo
didn't want his wife
to know that he'd been running around
and he was using Ma latest a
to cover up for him.
Kilrain sees it the other way.
You ever been to the Horizon Club, Joe?
It's less than two blocks from where
the priest was killed.
The back door leads to the same alley.
Oh, come on, Gillen,
there must be a hundred doors
leading to the same alley.
And Kilrain talked about me
grabbing at air.
Nobody's grabbing at air, Joe.
We've got one thing to work on.
Malatesta's alibi is out the window.
We'll take it step by step from there.
Kilrain wants to see you tomorrow.
- Want us to take you back?
- No.
Let me off here.
I gotta do some thinking.
Hey, Joe!
Where have you been?
I've been looking for you
all over the neighborhood.
I thought I'd get some air.
The wine, huh?
Drunk on six little glasses of wine.
Ah, Joe, I gotta teach you
how to handle that stuff.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Smart fella, though.
You didn't let Anna see you drunk.
Plenty of time for that later.
Uh, you better not park there.
You'll get a ticket.
Hello, Anna, I'm...
I'm sorry I had to duck out,
but something came up.
What, Joe? What's wrong?
Uh, I got some bad news about a friend.
My head's comin' apart, Anna.
Why don't we talk about it
in the morning?
They're back, aren't they?
- What?
- The troubles.
You've got them again.
What is it? Can't you tell me?
It's something
I have to work out for myself.
Maybe if I knew, I could help.
Forget it.
We can call it all off, Joe.
- What are you talking about?
- I won't hold you to it.
You don't have to marry me.
You're right back the way you were.
I knew you would be
when you stayed away so long.
I've been going crazy
thinking about it.
Oh, Joe, would it make it easier
if we don't get married?
Anna, it's the one thing
I'm trying to hold on to.
Then you'll have to let me out.
I can't face life with you in
peaks and drops with no in-between.
- It's bad enough now.
- I can't talk about it.
- You've gotta understand.
- But how can I? How can I?
You don't even tell me
what I'm supposed to understand!
One way or another,
it'll straighten itself out
in the next couple of days.
I hope you understand that.
Joe! Joe!
- Let him alone, Anna.
- Oh, Sylvio.
Oh, something terrible
is gnawing at him.
I've got to know.
I've got to find out what it is.
Alright, honey. Ah, baby.
- Excuse me.
- Yes?
I would like some information
about a boy who was raised here.
Mother Catherine would be
the one to see.
She isn't in now.
Who is it you wanted to ask about?
His name is Martini. Joe Martini.
Are you a friend of Joe's?
We are planning to get married.
You are?
Mother Catherine is not only
going to be surprised,
she's going to be hurt
that Joe hasn't told her.
As a matter of fact,
we haven't seen him in weeks.
Before that, was he coming here often?
At least a couple of times a week.
He's a great favorite
with the children.
Especially when he's in uniform.
- Uniform?
- His police uniform.
When he walks through the door,
even the toughest little
monsters quiet down.
You have no idea how we've
missed him, oh, we have a...
How long has Joe been a policeman?
Ever since I've known him.
I've been here a year.
Joe is still on the
police force, isn't he?
I don't know.
Oh, about five minutes ago.
No. No, I can't locate him.
Will do. Right.
Yes, miss?
I'd like to see
the chief of police, please.
I'm sorry. He's gone to City Hall.
He won't be back this afternoon.
Can anyone else help you?
I'd like some information
about a police officer.
- His name?
- Joe Martini.
- May I ask who you are?
- Anna Ma latest a.
I'm sorry. I can't give you any
information about Martini.
Can you tell me if he's still
with the department?
We're not releasing anything about him.
He's in some kind of trouble, isn't he?
What is it? Why did he lose his job?
I have a right to know.
I'm engaged to marry him.
- I'm sorry, miss.
- Who can I see?
There must be somebody
with authority to tell me.
I'm afraid not. We have strict orders.
Thank you.
Lieutenant Kilrain? Gillen.
Martini get there? I'm comin' up.
Mrs. Pinelli, your husband isn't here,
but even if he was, he knows you
were with Cuneo that night.
Now, you got nothing to lose
and you can help us,
if you'll answer a few questions.
What's to answer? That
private eye wrote it all up.
I've got this to show for it.
Please try to remember,
exactly what happened after you met.
Cuneo and Ma latest a
at the Horizon Club?
Remember? I'll never forget it.
Some gag, collector for a book.
I should have pegged you for a cop.
Answer the question, Veda.
Well, the whole evening was a mess.
Always before Charlie came in
to the club on Saturday nights.
He'd tell his wife he was coming
in to play snooker
with Ma latest a.
They'd play until about 12:00.
Then Charlie'd come by to see me.
Who's watching the store?
If I'd known there was going
to be this big an audience,
I would have brought my bubbles.
Go on.
Well, I was a dope to see
Charlie on a Friday night.
My husband works a split shift
and gets home by 2:00.
But Charlie was stubborn,
so I said okay.
We made a date for 9 o'clock,
and when I walked in,
he was with his pal, Sylvio.
Not a bad-lookin' guy.
At first, I was kinda glad
Charlie brought him along.
What a clump he turned out to be.
He was beef in' when I walked in
and he kept on beef in'.
He didn't approve of Charlie
steppin' out on his wife,
and he was all teed-off
at bein' used as an alibi.
Is that why you and Cuneo left him?
Well, it was either that
or bust a chair over his head.
Hm! Did I tell that clump off.
I asked him if his life
was so pure and lily-white
that he could go around telling
other people what to do.
He sure took it big. I thought
he was gonna slug me.
So, I walked and Charlie went with me.
Did Cuneo leave you at all
any time during the evening?
No. Only when he went to use the phone.
Who'd he call?
He was tr yin' to reach Sylvio
back at the Horizon Club.
He was afraid the square would
get in touch with his wife.
- Did he talk to him?
- No. He wasn't there.
Exactly what time was that?
Well, I was in no mood for exact times.
Well, approximately.
Oh, the first time
about an hour after we left.
Maybe 10:30. Tried again an hour later.
Then around 1 o'clock
we went back to the club
and he was there.
Are you sure he wasn't there
all the time?
Maybe he just didn't
want to answer the phone?
Oh, Charlie jumped him
about that right away.
Sylvio said he went out
for about an hour.
He wanted some air.
And that's all he said
for the rest of the night.
Just sat there and stared at us.
Gave me the creeps.
Now I don't think the guy's
in his right mind.
Well, that'll be all,
Mrs. Pinelli. Thanks.
If there's anything more, we'll
get in touch with you later.
Before I go, I'd like to set one
thing straight.
Charlie's a clod,
but he's a good spender.
He likes to dance, hold hands,
have somebody around
to laugh at his lousy jokes.
But that's all there was between us.
I wouldn't want you thinking
there was anything
more than that.
If you can sell that to
your husband, I'll buy it too.
Well, I guess that locks it in, son.
- We'll take it from there.
- No.
Let him.
It'll be easier on you.
Anna Ma latest a just left my office.
Somehow she found out you were a cop.
She thinks you're up
to your neck in trouble
and that's how you lost your badge.
I couldn't tell her any different.
Look, I know this is rough on you, son,
I wish it didn't have to be.
Where do we pick up Ma latest a?
Lieutenant, you haven't got a motive.
A man doesn't kill without a reason.
Maybe he had one.
We just don't know it yet.
Look, Martini, for weeks
you've been on our hair
tr yin' to blow the whistle
on Ma latest a.
We wouldn't buy it, now we're ready to
and you're on our hair again.
Just where do you stand?
Lieutenant, if Ma latest a killed
Father Tomasino,
I'll walk him
to the gas chamber myself.
But all we've got so far
is the fact that he wasn't
at the Horizon Club for about an hour.
That still doesn't
put the knife in his hand.
He could have been out for some air,
he could have gone to the movies.
But you pick him up now
and the papers will get it.
I'm thinking of what it's gonna
do to his family.
H... his mother, the kid brother,
his cousin.
That's why I told you
to stay out of it.
I don't have to think
about his family. I can't.
That's one of the things about this job
that makes it stink sometimes.
You threw a lot of "Maybe's" at me.
Well, the only answer
to them is Ma latest a.
Pick him up, Sommers.
Lieutenant, unless you get a confession
you've got no case.
And you're not gonna get any.
I know him. I've talked to him
about Father Tomasino.
He doesn't turn a hair.
All he'll tell you
is that he loved the priest.
In 72 hours you're gonna
have to let him go again.
Well, isn't that what you want?
Maybe you can close the book
on this case.
I can't. I've gotta know.
I still have a chance with him.
You haven't.
All I ask for is a couple of days.
You've had almost a month.
But I've got different cards now.
And if I play 'em right,
Ma latest a will walk in here
by himself.
What can you lose?
It'll make it easier for all of us
if he can pull it off.
I haven't heard anything yet
to make me think he can.
Anna thinks I'm jammed up in something.
I'm gonna keep working this
angle until it gets to Sylvio.
I know him, if he thinks
I'm out on a limb
he's gonna try to get me off.
You still got your gun?
Yeah, but I got it packed away.
Well, get it and keep it on you.
I think Ma latest a is our man.
And to me he adds up a killer.
- And a violent one.
- You don't know him.
All I know is what you've told me.
He's kind and he's gentle
and he likes you.
Well, he loved Father Tomasino.
You carry that gun. That's an order.
Yes, sir.
- Hello, Joe.
- Hello, Mama.
Why are you home? Sylvio said
you were working tonight.
Uh, I'm on my way to the store now.
I forgot something
and I came to get it.
Maybe you can tell me.
What's the matter with Anna?
What's happening in this house?
What about Anna?
Oh, she's been in her room
for hours crying.
She won't tell me anything.
I phoned Sylvio.
She won't talk to him. She won't eat.
I took her up a tray,
she wouldn't even touch it.
What's wrong with Anna, Joe?
Does it have anything to do with you?
Uh, I don't know, Mama. I gotta
hurry. I gotta get to the store.
My house is full of unhappiness, Joe.
Joe, I've got to talk to you.
Not now, Anna. It has to be now.
It can't wait, Joe.
Joe, what are you doing with that gun?
You shouldn't have come in here, Anna.
- What's that for?
- It doesn't concern you.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to the store. I'm...
You don't need a gun in the store.
- Joe, listen.
- Let me go!
Whatever is wrong,
maybe we can work it out.
Please, don't make it worse.
If we have to, we can go away.
I'll do anything.
Oh, Joe.
Joe, I love you.
Nothing else matters.
I might have to ask you
to remember that, Anna.
Joe. Joe!
Come on in. I've been waiting for you.
Why are you closed?
I don't want anyone else around.
What are you doing to Anna?
I don't know what you're talkin' about.
She just called me.
She's almost out of her mind
worrying about you.
What did she say, Sylvio?
She told me you used to be a cop.
You got in some kind of trouble
now you're going to make it worse.
You're carrying a gun.
It's none of your business.
Anything that hurts Anna
is my business.
Give me that gun.
I'm gonna meet a man at 12:30.
I'm gonna need it.
I'm gonna kill him.
You're crazy, Joe.
If I don't kill him, he could
put me in the gas chamber.
I'm not gonna take any chances.
Come here, Joe.
Pull up a chair.
Sit down.
Now look, Joe.
Last night I told Anna
not to interfere.
To let you work out
your own problems by yourself.
I was wrong.
My family is being torn apart.
I can't let that happen, Joe.
You've gotta tell me what it is.
- What have you done?
- I haven't done anything.
I don't expect anybody to believe me.
- I'll believe you, Joe.
- It's not enough, Sylvio.
Everything is stacked against me.
It's my own fault, too.
You wanna know why?
Because I talk too much.
That's the reason the cops
dragged me in for questioning.
They got a motive. But they
can't prove I was in town.
The guy I'm gonna meet tonight
not only can put me in town
but at the parish
a half hour before it happened.
Before what happened?
They think I killed Father Tomasino.
They're crazy.
You said you were
in a hotel room in Santa Rosa.
Well, I wasn't, one of the bellhops
was driving into town
so he gave me a lift.
He left me off at the parish house.
Instead of going in I went for a walk.
Only I can't prove it.
Why should you have to?
Don't they know how much
Father Tomasino meant to you?
Oh, sure, sure, but the only
important thing to them is that
I had a big argument
with Father Tomasino
about being kicked off the force.
If that bellhop
goes to the cops, I'm through.
He wants a $1000
to keep his mouth shut.
He expects me to give it
to him tonight.
- Pay him, Joe. Pay him.
- No.
- I'll give you the money.
- No, Sylvio.
In a few more weeks, he'll want
another thousand, then another.
I'll be paying for the rest of my life.
I'm gonna meet him on the pier.
Nobody will be around that late.
The body will float out to sea.
Even if they do find it,
nobody can pin it on me.
You can't do it, Joe.
You can't do it.
Even if you get away with it,
you can't do it.
It will always be on your mind.
You can't get rid of it.
You can't sleep.
All night you wait for mornings
so you can stop being alone.
Sometimes you act like a clown.
You laugh when there's nothing
to laugh at.
You gotta have people around
so that you
don't get a chance to think.
But you can't stop thinking
because it's inside
of your brain
and you can't tear it out.
I know, Joe.
I know.
What do you know?
The only problem
you ever had is whether
the salmon are gonna run.
I killed somebody.
That's how I know.
Angelina Poletti.
A girl in Naples during the war.
She was going to run away
with another man.
I went crazy.
She was found dead
after a bombing raid.
They never knew how she died.
Nobody ever knew.
Nobody, Sylvio?
Didn't you confess to your priest?
Didn't you tell Father Tomasino?
What are you trying to make me say?
You just said it.
The only argument I had left was that
you had no reason
to kill Father Tomasino.
Well, you just gave it to me.
everything you said tonight
was a lie, huh?
Everything you ever said was a lie.
You're a cop.
That's why you came here.
Pretended to be my friend.
Moved into my house.
You made love to Anna,
even asked her to marry you
just so that you could
get at me, didn't you?
I have lived in hell for years to keep
my family from being hurt.
But you don't care
what happens to them, do you?
Damn you! I'll kill you!
I swear it in God's name.
I'd give my life to make them happy.
On my life.
On my life. My life.
Is that the knife you used
when you killed Father Tomasino?
- Aah!
- Sylvio!
It wasn't my fault.
He didn't look where he was going.
I didn't have a chance to stop.
You saw it. You know
it wasn't my fault.
Somebody get an ambulance.
Wait. He wanted to talk
to Anna and Joe alone.
I think you better go in now.
Father Giuseppe.
Anna, you trust him.
Don't make big things
out of nothing, Anna.
Joe has no more problems now.
We've straightened everything out.
Didn't we, Joe?
He's a good boy.
He's gonna take care of you...
and Mama...
and Pietro.
Hey, Joe.
If you have to wallop Pietro,
it's okay with me.
You're the boss now.
Okay, Joe?
Go, now.
My baby.
Joe will be right out.
Father Tomasino told me
to go to the police.
But I didn't.
I couldn't.
I couldn't hurt Mama and Anna, Joe.
You know,
wherever I went I saw his eyes.
They were gentle.
But they knew.
It kept getting worse and worse.
Then I saw his eyes all the time.
I couldn't stand it, Joe.
I had to do it, Joe.
I had to do it.
- Joe.
- Mm.
Can you find it in your heart
to forgive me?
Oh, sure, Sylvio, sure.
Thank you, Joe.
Thank you, Joe.
The accident beat me to it.
I didn't find out a thing.