The Minute You Wake Up Dead (2022) Movie Script

[engines revving]
[tense music playing]
Hey, hey, it's okay.
Shh... Listen, everything's
gonna be okay, all right?
[man] Some folks say,
life is an open book.
You're born, you live, you die,
and not much changes
in between.
Me, I've had a front row seat
of human nature
long enough to know
that sin corrupts.
And that species of sin
known as greed
corrupts absolutely.
Some people
just like rolling the dice.
And if you get snake eyes,
well, you just deal with it.
That's life in Mississippi
Even the Magnolia State.
What goes down
in the heat of passion,
or just plain stupidity,
can haunt a body forever.
No matter where you go.
Some things just have a way
of sticking to your soul...
and staining it for eternity.
[static buzzing]
[man on radio]
Hell is real, my friends.
It was prepared
for the devil and his angels,
but sinners who follow after
the devil's wicked ways
will be thrown into
the unquenchable lake of fire.
For sinners, they're not
covered in the blood of Jesus.
Be aware, God is not...
You can't go around drinkin',
gamblin', stealin'
killin', whorin' around
and think God'll just
turn a blind eye to it all.
Friend, you need to repent.
You need to accept Jesus
and let him pay the price
for your sins.
[static buzzing]
What will you choose:
heaven or hell?
Don't be fooled,
God is comin', death is comin'.
It's coming for us all.
It's right around the corner
for some of you.
And where will you be
when it finds you?
Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
[foreboding music playing]
[man spits]
- [country music playing]
- [people chattering]
Thank you.
[foreboding music playing]
- I ordered you pancakes.
- To go I hope.
Is this true?
You know, you need to
take it easy, Cecil.
Tell me the paper got it wrong.
the Gazette is right.
Well, I see that you gentlemen
have lots to talk about.
I'll see you at the office.
Excuse me.
You said it was a done deal.
A sure thing.
Okay, Cecil, sometimes
it doesn't go as planned,
all right.
- I want my money back.
- Cecil, that's not possible.
- Okay?
- I want it back!
You know,
I didn't hear you complaining
when I made you
a bundle of cash
on that tech stock
a few months ago.
No, but then you made
Roland sound so good,
I put in all I had to buy it.
That's your decision,
Cecil, not mine.
So, that's it?
I'm sorry,
there's nothing I can do.
Oh, there's nothing you can do?
But there's something I can do.
You just wait.
What's deserving's
coming for you.
- Coffee, Russ?
- Yes, please.
- Mm.
- This ain't over.
Not even close.
- Thanks for saving me.
- Huh. Yeah.
What's got his dander up?
There were
a couple of companies
that were supposed to merge,
and if they did the stock
would've skyrocketed and...
- And they didn't?
- No, ma'am, they didn't.
Hm. And you persuaded him
to buy some
a lot of people, yeah.
I wouldn't want to be you today.
Well, why don't you
come over for supper tonight?
I'm making beef stew
for me and Daddy,
and I expect you
might want a little company.
You would expect to be right.
You know, I won't forget,
I never forget.
And he will call you back.
We both know you, it's fine.
Yes. You can--
Oh, hold on.
Phone won't stop ringing.
Got more than a dozen
messages here so far.
Well, I guess
I'm the town pariah, Pernie.
Seems so.
- You got a visitor.
- Hm?
The sheriff.
Oh, shit.
[dramatic music playing]
What do I owe the pleasure?
I told my brother to be
careful about investing.
He wanted to build himself
a nest egg.
Retire. He trusted you.
Little Russ Potter.
Gone off to the big city
and made some money.
Or so they say.
Now he's coming back
to share his Midas touch.
My brother taught you
in eighth grade, I believe.
Yep. He was a good man.
He is a good man.
But he's a lot poorer today
than he was yesterday.
Now I'm not blaming you
for all of it.
He chose to roll the dice,
nobody made him do it.
But he was led to believe
that the odds were more
in his favor than they were.
- I gave your brother...
- Really?
...and all the investors,
the most up to date information
that's available to me.
You understand that?
So much for the Midas touch.
All right,
what are you accusing me of?
If I'm not accusing you
of anything.
Yeah, well, shit,
you could fooled me.
- Fooling?
- Yeah.
Now, there's a word I bet
you know a thing or two about.
[phone ringing]
You might want to get that.
I imagine there are
a lot of people around town
that want to talk to you.
And, Russ, I wouldn't
go jaywalking,
or speeding at 26 or 27
miles an hour through a 25 zone.
There's been a little
uptick in crime.
We're trying to control it.
You understand?
This is Russ Potter.
[man on phone]
Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
Excuse me?
What the hell?
[tense music playing]
- [phone ringing]
- Hello?
[man on phone]
Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
Who is this,
and how'd you get my number?
That ain't an answer.
Who the hell is this?
You'll soon find out.
[phone beeps off]
- You okay?
- Yes, I, just zoned out
for a second.
Yeah. Happens to me
all the time. [chuckles]
Hey, Delaine said you're
coming up for supper tonight?
Yeah, yeah. Yes, sir.
See you at 6:30.
[crickets chirping]
That is delicious beef stew.
Compliments to the chef.
Nobody makes it like Delaine.
Well, I can't take the credit.
I did get the recipe
from the diner.
You did the cooking though.
[Delaine chuckles]
Well, I appreciate
you all having me.
Uh, Delaine tells me
you had a rough day today.
Yeah, you could say that.
[Delaine] Oh, yeah.
Cecil Hammett threatened him.
Cecil's an idiot.
- Well--
- But he gets it natural.
His old man was probably
the dumbest person I ever met.
It's a wonder Cecil's
as bright as he is.
- It was still scary.
- Mm.
I hope other folks
took the news better.
You know, a lot of people
don't know this,
but, you know,
I lost a lot of money, as well.
You know,
I'm hurtin' just like, uh,
you know, everybody.
Maybe even more.
And you're sure
Cecil's not a threat?
No way. No.
But, I mean...
So, I got a, uh, call today,
sort of threatening.
- I guess.
- Sort of?
Hm. I got a call from a fellow
and he asked me,
"Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?"
- [exhales] That's eerie.
- Mm.
You call the law?
Well, why not?
Well, I just felt like
he's trying to rattle me.
You know?
Russ... [scoffs]
Don't mess around with this.
You should call them.
Delaine's right.
You can't be
too careful nowadays,
people are crazy.
Maybe the police
can trace the call.
No, I don't think so,
I mean, it came up
as an unknown caller.
You gotta call the sheriff.
Anyways, I don't wanna take up
any more your time.
I appreciate the dinner.
Thanks again.
Uh, hey,
let me walk you home.
- Oh, yeah? Okay.
- Yeah.
[Delaine sighs]
[Russ] I-I thought I'd be
just honest with you--
the stew had just a little
too much salt in it for me.
- [chuckles]
- Nice.
Listen, I wanna
thank you for supper.
- Oh.
- It was delicious.
Any time.
You feel like, uh, coming in?
I'd love to.
- [clears throat]
- [Russ] Come on in.
[Delaine] Thank you.
- Can I interest you in beer?
- Yeah, sure.
- I could go for one.
- Nice.
- [clears throat]
- [phone ringing]
Yeah, I got them
in the garage.
Let me go grab 'em.
Oh, it's just Pernie.
Hey, Pernie, what's up?
[Pernie on phone]
Sorry to bother, Russ,
Horace's medical report
came back.
- Yeah?
- Not looking good
for the poor fella.
- [Russ] Okay.
- Is it okay if I stay
with Horace for a bit?
Pernie, listen, just take
as much time as you want.
- All right?
- Sure.
If you want to take
two, three days off,
that's totally fine. Okay?
I just hate to
leave you right now.
No, I want you just to relax.
- You sure?
- Yep. [chuckles]
Pernie, just take care
of Horace. All right?
Thank you, Russ.
- Okay.
- Thank you, thank you.
I'm sorry, honey.
Good night.
I so appreciate it. Bye.
[call hangs up]
Everything all right?
Pernie's, uh, afraid her
husband's cancer came back.
Well, speaking of which,
how's your dad doing?
Mm. He's fine.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Been cancer free
for about a year now.
You know,
I-I wanted to ask him,
but I just kind of
felt odd about it.
You can ask him, he don't mind.
There's something
that I'm curious about.
What's that?
Why haven't you been married?
So you feel odd
asking about my daddy's health,
but you're just fine
asking my love life?
Uh, well, uh, hm...
Let's just say the pickens
in Bare Hollow are kinda slim,
if you hadn't noticed.
So why have you stayed?
Daddy, mostly.
Besides, I've been here
my whole life.
I don't know where I'm go
or what I'd do when I got there.
You know,
I'm gonna tell you something...
I've had a crush on you
since high school.
- You never let on.
- Mm-mm.
How come?
Well, I mean, you know,
you were kinda part of
the popular crew
and I just-- shit,
I didn't think you were
that interested in me.
So... would that be
the reason that you
rented this house?
No, no, no, no, no.
So-so the price was right,
- Mm-hm.
- As you know,
and then, you know,
I thought, well, you know...
It ain't so bad to be next to
the prettiest girl in town.
[phone ringing]
- All right. [mutters]
- You don't--
[phone ringing]
- Yeah?
- [man on phone] Where will you
be the minute you wake up dead?
Hey, I want you
to listen to me.
Fuck you.
You hear me?
You'll find out.
Son of a bitch.
- Wait, was that the caller?
- Yeah.
Okay, Russ,
you gotta promise me
that you'll see Sheriff Fowler
in the morning.
I promise.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
You got any plans
this weekend?
I might.
- [door opens]
- [chuckles]
What's going on Tillman?
Hey, good morning, Russ.
- Thurmond in?
- Yep.
Thank you.
May I?
Well, I've been getting
some threatening phone calls
I wanted to talk to you about.
Threatening phone calls.
Well, I don't know.
From more than one person?
I mean, it seems like
the same person
How old?
Well, if I had to guess,
I'd probably say
he's younger than older.
How many calls?
Three so far.
So, what exactly
did he say to you?
Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
That's it?
What do you mean, that's it?
Yeah, that's it.
- You get a number?
- No, it's coming from
an unknown number.
Eh, it's likely somebody
upset with you over the merger.
Or the, uh... non-merger.
I wouldn't worry
too much about it.
- Hm.
- I mean, if he wanted to
kill you, you'd be dead by now.
You know what, Sheriff,
that's-that's really
But what happens
if the calls continue?
- What do you do?
- Ah.
They'll probably get tired of it
when they find out
that they can't
get you flustered.
So that's it?
All I can do.
- Yeah.
- For now.
You're right.
[door closes]
- Mm.
- There you go.
Thank you.
So, did you go?
To the sheriff?
Yeah, I went.
Delaine, he don't give a shit.
Come on, now.
Well, that's the last time
I'm gonna vote for him.
what are you gonna do?
I don't know, I mean,
I'll probably just
ignore the calls.
- Hm.
- More importantly though,
last night was perfect.
I know.
I would love to
hit the rewind switch,
if you know what I mean.
Well, I'm working
the supper shift tonight,
but, uh, tomorrow night?
Nah, I can't do it tomorrow,
I'm busy.
You ain't got no plans,
nobody likes you right now.
All right, I'll be there.
- All right, then.
- Mm-hm.
[phone ringing]
This is Russ Potter here.
[man on phone] Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
Listen to me,
if you're trying to scare me,
it's not working.
You hear me? It's not working.
[crickets chirping]
[TV shuts off]
[tense music playing]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[dramatic music playing]
Delaine, honey.
I'm sorry.
I just heard, I'm sorry.
I don't understand it.
Who'd wanna kill Daddy?
Okay, let's go inside.
Come on.
- [muttering]
- [crying]
I know this is difficult,
but I have to ask
some questions.
When did you find your daddy?
Uh, after I come home
from the breakfast shift
at the diner.
What time was that?
Around ten o'clock.
Thurmond, can't this wait?
No. No, it cannot.
According to the coroner,
Carl was killed
sometime before midnight.
When did you last see him?
Uh, just before I left
for the supper shift.
Did your daddy have any enemies?
Anybody he had recently
had a quarrel or...
a disagreement with?
- No.
- Did he owe money to anybody?
Anything missing?
Not that I know of.
Don't understand.
Somebody wanted
your father dead.
- [Russ] Thurmond.
- What?
What if Carl wasn't the target?
What do you mean?
Well, I've been telling you
that I've been getting
threatening phone calls, right?
Well, maybe I was the target.
- You? How?
- Yeah.
I mean, it could've been wrong.
Shit, I live right next door.
- Wrong house?
- Mm-hm.
Well, I suppose it's possible,
but I would think
that anybody who
wanted to kill you
would know where you live.
It's a small town.
Who lost the most?
I mean,
I don't know that off hand,
I would have to check but...
I mean, people lost...
thousands and thousands
of dollars.
Might be.
I heard of it happening
a few years back
down in Jones County.
A man hired a hit man
to kill his wife's lover,
but gave him the wrong address.
Wound up splitting the throat
of a local preacher.
- It's all your fault, Thurmond.
- Hm?
If you had just listened to Russ
when he come you,
my daddy might not be dead.
Come on, now.
We don't know what happened.
Let's not go pointing fingers
just yet.
Russ, I'm gonna need the names,
phone numbers and addresses
of all the people
who lost money.
I'll get it to you
tomorrow morning.
Ah, it's gonna take some time.
Ah, again,
I'm-I'm sorry for your loss.
But we'll find out
who did this.
I promise you.
Yeah, well, I hold you to that.
Please do.
I'll get back to you
when I know more.
Hey, what can I do for you?
Can I just
stay with you for a while?
Of course.
'Cause I can't stand
the thought of being here
with Dad gone.
Of course.
Stay as long as you want.
Hey, come here.
Can't believe
somebody's so mad at you,
they'd want to kill you.
Well, it can be
a wicked world, can't it?
Are you still religious?
Why not?
I've rode the-the devil's back
way too many times.
I might burn up if I walk into
a church at this point.
Is that why you come home?
Yeah. I mean,
I needed to plug in.
I mean, why not here at home?
You're still going to church.
My mama was strict about it,
after she died
from taking ammonia
we never went back.
- Hm.
- Daddy blamed God
for taking her from him.
Just... couldn't forgive Him.
You know what I've never
understood about religion?
Well, are we sinners
because we sin,
or do we sin
because we're born sinners?
And if it's the latter,
then what right
does God have to judge us?
If you ever figure it out,
let me know.
[soft chuckle]
I got all the information
that you asked for:
names, addresses,
phone numbers,
and exactly
what they invested.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry for not taking you
more seriously about
these phone calls.
You got anymore?
No, no,
not since Carl was killed.
You really think
it's the wrong house?
And you knew Carl pretty well,
didn't you?
No, I mean, I moved in
two months ago
and met him there.
Ever see any
suspicious people over?
No. I mean, he didn't seem like
the kinda person
that got in trouble.
I mean, if you ask me,
he was a gentle soul.
So, wrong house is still
the best theory then.
Let me know if you
need anything else.
Uh, Russ.
Be careful.
Any of this theory is correct,
this guy may not be done.
[clears throat]
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing?
I'm, uh, getting rid of
some of Daddy's things.
I thought you weren't ready
to go back in the house yet.
I'm not, really.
Just didn't want to
put it off for too long.
What about these?
Where do you want 'em?
You can set him right there.
I'll get him in a sec.
- Who's that Delaine?
- That's Lucius.
You might have seen him work in
the kitchen at the diner.
No, no.
Well, I thought he could use
a little extra money,
so I asked him to help me
pack up the house.
So you're moving, huh?
That's it.
Yeah, I'm gonna sell it.
I can't live here no more
after what happened.
- You understand.
- Of course, yeah.
Just, uh...
seems a bit sudden is all.
I know.
It's not like I'm-I'm moving
today or tomorrow.
Yeah, all right.
Well, shit, let me know
if you need anything.
- Ru-- Hey, Russ.
- I think I may have lost
one of my gold hoop earrings
at your house,
so if you come across it,
let me know.
Daddy gave them to me, so...
All right, will do.
[door closes]
You shouldn't have come out
when he was there,
he might have
recognized your voice.
I didn't know he was there
until I stepped out.
Hey, you said
he wouldn't be home.
He wasn't supposed to be.
Well, now my fault then.
- When do I get my money?
- Soon enough.
- Well, when?
- When the check comes in.
We have been through this.
Yeah, easy for you to say.
I owe people money.
I told you that.
And they won't wait,
so I can't wait.
It's just a few more days.
Money will be here any day now.
You'll see.
- Well, it better be.
- Mm-hm.
[knocking on door]
- [door opens]
- I found your earring.
Where on Earth did you find it?
Under the couch.
Soon as you walk in.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
I gotta get back to the office.
I'll see you soon.
Okay. Bye.
Did you threaten Russ Potter?
[soft chuckle]
Well, what?
Sorta, yeah.
But not really.
Well, which is it?
You did, or you didn't?
Well, I did.
But-but I didn't mean it.
I mean, I-I meant it at the time
but-but not now.
I wouldn't hurt nobody.
How much did you invest?
Oh, well, I--
I'd rather not say.
sound about right?
Oh, gosh all mighty, darn.
If you knew then why'd you ask?
Awful lot of money to lose.
You sure you didn't mean it?
No. Oh, no.
Like I said,
I meant it at the time.
I was mad.
Hell, I was more than mad.
I wanted to hurt him.
- But now...
- Now what?
I decided to forgive Russ.
It's the Christian thing to do.
- Let me ask you a question.
- Shoot.
Where will you be
the minute to wake up dead?
Where will you be,
the minute you wake up dead?
I don't understand.
No, I don't think you do, Cecil.
All right. You can go.
What kind of question is that?
I said you can go, Cecil.
You ask crazy questions.
I'll just carry my ass
outta here.
And the insurance company
you wanted,
it's on line one.
[engine stops]
Evening, Lucius.
- Look, I know I'm behind.
- Yeah, you're way behind.
But I'm about to
come into a lot of money.
- You know, I just need--
- I just need you
to give me my money.
Look, and you're gonna get it.
But that's what you
said last week.
Oh, but I did a job.
It's gonna pay everything.
What kind of job did you do,
that's gonna pay you 5k?
I killed a man.
- You killed a man?
- Yeah.
Who'd you kill, Lucius?
Carl Moore.
Oh, anyhow.
Yeah, I work with his daughter
Delaine at the diner.
And she wanted him killed
to collect a shit load
of insurance money.
- So, I just need--
- I just need!
I mean, there you go again
with the I just needs.
And so what I need you to know,
is I just need
my motherfucking money.
Just a couple more days.
Just a couple more days.
- [groaning]
- Couple more days!
Just a couple more days!
You sound like
a 12-year-old child!
- I swear!
- Oh, you swear, huh?
Really shouldn't swear.
Says so in the bible.
You know what else
is in the bible?
He who beareth false witness,
that man shall perish.
Yeah, faith in youth.
Hey-- [mutters]
- There's no need!
- Mace!
What are you doing?
Man's a fry cook.
He needs his hands
to make a living!
Use your brain!
How's he supposed to pay us,
if he ain't got no hands?
Take off your shoe.
Take off your shoe.
- Jody, please.
- Take off your shoe
and your goddamn sock.
Take off your shoe!
Jody, no, please!
Come on, now!
Guys, we're all friends here!
Stay still.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
not the pinky toe.
Pink toe's important.
Next to the big toe
it's probably
the most important.
You need it for balance.
Now that third and fourth toe,
they ain't so important.
Well, which one?
Three or four?
You know what,
I'm feeling sporting.
Why don't you pick, Lucius.
No, no, I can't pick.
Well, you're gonna pick,
or we're gonna take them both.
Why'd you pick four?
It's smaller.
So it is.
Don't do this.
- [grunts]
- [screaming]
[Mace laughs]
Oh, my toe!
Ah, you gonna give me
my money by tomorrow.
Or you're gonna have
matching feet.
[yelling continues]
...took my toe!
[Lucius] Look, I ain't foolin'!
I just got my toe cut off!
- What?
- With a bolt cutter!
Now give me some damn money!
Okay. Okay.
I'll get you some money.
Okay, here, here.
Now that's all I got.
What is this?
One... three...
20... 40...
Sixty-three dollars!
I told you,
that's all I got.
Tips were short tonight.
Well, then go to an ATM.
[chuckles] I don't got
nothing in the bank.
Oh, you owe me five grand.
And you'll get it.
I'm broke, too. Why do you think
I'm doing all this, huh?
I need the money
just as bad as you do.
I doubt that!
You still got all your toes.
Now, you need to give me
some serious money or I'll--
Or you'll what? Hm?
You're the murderer here.
Well, I'll do you
what I did to your daddy.
Oh, are you threatening me?
Now, how would you
get your money then, genius?
[Thurmond] What can you tell me
about Lucius McFalls?
Your cook.
Well, he seems like
a decent enough guy.
Good cook.
Well, not great
but good enough.
He gets a little hot-headed
every now and then,
but other than that
I got no complaints.
Is he in trouble?
[Thurmond] Not sure yet.
What about Delaine?
She cause you any trouble?
She is a good waitress.
Real personable,
people like her,
especially with men...
...she's a little flirty.
But she's a hard worker.
She been doing a lot
of extra shifts lately.
Because she owes me some money.
Oh, come on, Thurmond.
You know, I don't like to
speak ill of the dead,
but her and her old man, they...
they liked to gamble,
mostly on the internet,
I think.
[door opens]
She and Lucius friends?
I see 'em talking
from time to time,
but she talks to everybody.
What's this all about, Thurmond?
I wish I knew, Dewey.
I wish I knew.
Can I have a piece
of cherry pie to go?
[tense music playing]
[truck door closes]
[engine starts]
[siren chirps]
License and registration,
I wasn't doin' nothing.
License and registration.
What did I do?
You were blocking
two parking spaces.
Were straddling the line.
There's a town ordinance
against that.
There's no one in the lot.
Law's the law, son.
It's called a gateway crime.
You got to be shittin', me, man.
Sorry, sir.
You ever get over to
the west part of town?
Ah, I haven't been over
that way in a while,
You know,
probably a month or longer.
A month or longer?
- You're sure about that?
- Mm-hm.
Don't go over there
to see Delaine Moore, maybe?
I wouldn't blame you
if you did.
Mighty good looking woman?
Hell, if I was younger,
I'd try to see her myself.
I work with her.
And that's it.
Hm. Then you're dumber
than I thought.
Are we done?
For now.
Take this is as a warning.
Next time I write you a ticket.
[engine starts]
[phone ringing]
Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
Lucius, that ain't funny.
You'll soon find out.
[call hangs up]
[number dialing]
[clears throat]
[phone ringing]
Hey, sweetheart.
Hey, Russ.
Yeah, what's going on?
Um... [clears throat]
Could I maybe
stay at your place tonight,
or well, for a couple of nights?
Delaine, I've told you before,
you can stay
as long as you want.
Thank you.
You're good man,
Charlie Brown.
I look forward to it.
See you tonight.
[dramatic music playing]
[phone ringing]
You gonna get that, Delaine?
Mm. No.
It's probably just somebody
trying to sell me something.
Been gettin' a lot
of them calls lately.
Ah, it could be the sheriff.
Might have some news
about the investigation.
- [clears throat]
- [phone continues ringing]
[Lucius] Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
Sorry, I'm not interested.
So, please don't call
this number no more.
Mm, that's annoying.
Maybe you ought to
block the caller.
Good idea.
[door opens]
I got your money.
About time.
No, it's too risky
to give it to you here.
Oh, so I'll come
to your place later.
No, Russ might see you.
We got to meet somewhere else.
How about I come
to your place tonight?
Fine with me.
I can bring us some wine.
We can celebrate.
You got all of it?
Oh, you'll get
everything that's coming to you.
I promise.
Honest to God.
[foreboding music playing]
[Delaine sighs]
Knock, knock.
Well, hi, over there.
I, uh, love what you've, uh,
done with your place.
Brought the wine,
as promised.
You'd better have
more than wine in there.
Oh, I do.
I ain't got no wine glasses.
Well, I didn't expect you did,
I told you, I ain't
much of a wine drinker.
Look, I'll just have a beer.
I think you're gonna like this.
It's French.
And I've been saving it
for a very special occasion.
- Hm.
- Come on, just try it.
Might find yourself surprised.
To us, to a perfect plan
and getting rich.
You first.
What, you don't trust me?
Why would I?
Ain't it good?
Eh, it's a little sour.
Lucius, you gotta
broaden your horizons.
You're about to become
a very rich man.
No, not after I pay out
all the money I owe.
Well, I think you
should keep some of the money
for yourself and enjoy it.
- Treat yourself to some...
- [burps]
...imported beer
or some good whiskey or bourbon.
Just give me the money.
Patience is a virtue, you know.
[Lucius choking]
It's all gonna be all right.
Gonna be over soon.
[chokes] How?
Well, poison was in the glass
before I poured the wine.
It's amazing what you can learn
on the internet.
Well, if you
had just been patient,
none of this
would have been necessary.
'Cause everything
was going so well.
But then you had to go
and make those phone calls
and threaten me.
[coughs] I didn't...
I didn't, I swear.
Now you only have
yourself to blame, Lucius.
Look at it this way.
You're about to uncover
the great enduring mystery.
You're gonna find out
where we're all gonna be
when we wake up dead.
Well, at least
us sinners anyway.
It's so good.
You seen Lucius?
Jada, Lucius?
Anybody seen Lucius?
We open in ten minutes.
- Hey, you seen Lucius?
- No. He ain't here yet?
Well, no he ain't here yet.
And that ain't like him.
- All right, well,
you try calling him?
- Yeah, I tried to call him,
- but he didn't answer.
- Well, maybe he's
just running late.
He'll probably be here soon.
Yeah, well, he better.
[phone ringing]
[Lucius] Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
[phone beeps off]
- [Dewey] Hey...
- [knocks on counter]
Let's get a move on.
We gotta open.
Uh, Dewey, uh,
I'm not feeling so good.
I'm sorry. I gotta go home.
Hey, you can't go.
I already ain't got no cook!
And Penny called,
said she's gonna be late.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
You better be back
for the lunch shift.
[tense music playing]
[tense music continues]
[line trilling]
- [Russ] Hello.
- Russ.
- Hey there.
- Hey, uh, hey, listen,
I'm just-- I'm just calling
to let you know
I'm going to stay at your house
again tonight,
- if that's all right.
- You know it is.
- You okay?
- No.
What's wrong?
[stutters] I'll tell you
when I get home from my shift,
okay, just please be there.
No problem.
- Bye.
- [phone beeps off]
[vehicle approaching]
[tires screeching]
[door closes]
[door opens]
Get out of my car.
Who are you?
Easy now, wildcat.
We're friends of Lucius.
Or rather we was.
What do you mean?
Seems our friend Lucius is dead,
which is a shame.
'Cause he owed me
a shit load of money.
But silver lining,
you just came into a shit load.
So seeing as Lucius is dead
and you're the one
who killed him,
his debt rolls over to you.
I didn't kill Lucius.
He's alive.
He just called me.
Yeah, well, I doubt that,
'cause we just seen him.
He's dead as a doornail.
- But--
- But, but, but, but, but...
Save your buts, Princess.
We saw you driving away.
How you think we found you?
How much you gettin'?
Fifty thousand.
Fifty thousand dollars.
Well, Lucius, he owed me ten.
What, with interest and all,
carry the one divided by two...
20k should do it.
Twenty thousand?
By tomorrow.
That's impossible.
[knife unsheathes]
See, Mace, the wicked
are stubborn and selfish.
Do your thing.
- No, no, no--
- Mace!
What are you doing?
She's a waitress, dummy.
She's on her feet
all day long.
You cut off her toe,
she's going be hobbling around
like a three-legged dog.
You right or left-handed?
None of your damn business.
Well, it's a known fact
that 90 percent of human beings
are right-handed, so...
No! No, no, no, no!
Please, please, please.
No, no, no!
Please, please, stop--
I have the money.
I'll get you the money.
Stop, please. Stop him!
Okay, all right.
I'm not a man completely
devoid of compassion.
You can keep your finger.
For now.
But if I don't get my money
in two days,
that little piggy right there,
it's gonna go "Wee, wee, wee,"
all the way to the butcher shop.
Time's up.
[phone beeps]
This is Russ.
What you doing for supper?
I don't have any plans.
Why don't you
come out to the house?
I'll throw a couple of steaks
on the grill.
Thurmond, is there something
you want to talk to me about?
I got some information
you might be interested in.
And I haven't been the kindest
person to you lately.
Okay, what time?
I eat early. Five?
I'll be there.
[knocking on door]
Come in.
I just came by
to pick up a few things.
Well, shit, come in and sit down
and we'll have a drink.
- [chuckles]
- Come on.
How is, uh, Horace doing?
- He is hanging in.
- Yeah?
Just the medical bills
that are killing us.
[Russ] Well, I want to know that
I've been thinking about you.
And I'm gonna come up
with something, okay.
Oh, I appreciate that.
It was a damn good steak,
- Not much of a cook.
- Mm.
But I can grill
with the best of 'em.
So how long have you
been here now?
Um, going on seven years.
After my wife died,
I decided to build
my dream home.
I don't know why the hell
I waited so long.
What about you?
How come you never married?
Shit, I got close once.
What about Delaine?
I mean, she's fine.
We're friends.
And you're telling me
that you two never...
I mean,
being neighbors and all.
We're not that neighborly.
Okay, okay.
Excuse me for prying.
Just habit of the job.
So what's the, uh, information
you wanted to talk to me about?
Oh, yeah.
Take a look at this.
[Russ clears throat]
Lucius McFalls.
Bad dude.
You know that guy?
No, I don't know him,
but I saw him the other day.
Over at Delaine's house,
he was helping her
move her Daddy's shit out.
I mean, he's got
a hell of a rap sheet.
- Well--
- Petty stuff, but...
still, it's just
not the kind of person
I would think Delaine
would be hanging around.
Well, obviously, I'll tell her.
No, don't... tell her about it.
Why not?
Well, I shouldn't be
telling you this, but...
What the hell, I think
you have a right to know.
You're being used.
Whenever there's a murder,
we ask,
"Who stands to gain from it?"
Who stands to gain
from Carl's death?
I don't know.
Delaine, of course.
Life insurance.
Delaine stands to get
over $500,000.
So... I don't--
I'm not following.
What are you saying, Thurmond?
I'm saying I believe
that Delaine and hired Lucius
to kill Carl,
make it look like you were
the original target.
The old wrong house,
wrong victim thing.
Yeah, that's-that's crazy.
I'm the one that brought it up.
Played right into their hands.
I bet Lucius
is the one calling you.
Lucius was seen
driving on your street at 10:13.
It puts him right there.
Some shit.
To top it off,
Delaine and Carl
are in a shit load of debt.
Online betting.
They were about to
lose the house.
So she's been
borrowing money from Dewey
and then working extra shifts
to pay him off.
Thurmond, who else
knows about this?
Like I told you,
I shouldn't be telling you.
But I wanted to confirm
a couple of things.
And I... I think you
have a right to know.
Well, I appreciate it.
I really do.
Thank you.
Now, not a word to Delaine.
Not a word.
I promise.
[dramatic music playing]
[engine starts]
[tense music playing]
Hey, sorry I'm late.
- [sighs]
- You okay?
Yeah, I'm just glad you're home.
I'm here now.
What's going on?
Russ, I can't thank you enough
for how you've taken care of me
since Daddy died.
Well, listen,
I'm happy to help.
I would've done
anything for you.
Okay, Russ, there's something
I gotta tell you.
Okay, I'm listening.
I just... I don't know
how you're going to take this.
I think I could
use a beer first.
Cool, you know where
the fridge is, right?
- Grab me one, too,
while you're at it.
- Okay.
[tense music playing]
[bottles clinking]
You get lost?
[soft chuckle]
[clears throat]
So, there's something
you wanted to tell me.
Tell me about your day first.
I mean, it was good.
I went over to Thurmond's,
we had steaks,
and he updated me
about the investigation, so...
You? I'm the one
he should be updating.
Well, I think he was
gonna fill you in tomorrow,
but, uh, he won't be
doing that anymore.
Why not?
Well, I shot him.
Yeah, he's dead, Delaine.
I shot him.
Old Thurmond
was a little smarter
than I gave him credit for.
He knew everything, Delaine.
Well, not everything.
I, mean he didn't know that I...
I knew everything, too.
[Lucius] I owe people money.
And they won't wait,
so I can't wait.
Look, the insurance company
will pay out
as soon as the sheriff
wraps up his investigation.
The money'll be here any day.
Aren't I the fool?
And to think that I suggested
the wrong house,
the wrong victim theory
to Thurmond.
You don't know
the whole story.
Oh, yeah?
What don't I know, Delaine?
Tell me.
First, why don't you tell me
what Lucius
is doing in your trunk?
Well, he's protecting us.
No body, no crime.
- Us?
- Yeah, us.
You see, you and I,
we're going to split
the insurance money.
What people don't understand
is I lost a lot of money
when the merger
didn't go through.
I'm about to
lose my business.
I don't understand.
I was with you
when I got one of them calls
from Lucius.
- Yeah.
- How do you explain that?
Yeah. I gave her the recording.
And you did exactly
what I thought you would do.
You see, Pernie,
she's broke, too.
So when I told her
about my little plan,
she, you know,
was eager to help out
for a...
a small cut, of course.
Lord have mercy.
So, Delaine,
once again, what don't I know?
This wasn't my idea.
It was Daddy's, his-his cancer
came back stage four.
So that's why you killed him?
He was gonna commit suicide,
but then I wouldn't get
any insurance money.
We're in debt
from his gambling habit.
About to lose the house.
Russ... I didn't know you then
like I know you now.
If I did, I never would've
gone through with this.
I never meant you no harm.
Do you expect me
to believe that shit?
It's the God to honest truth.
Delaine, you killed your--
[tense music playing]
We could have made
a go of this.
I was falling in love
with you, Russ.
I really was.
If you woulda only
minded your own business.
But money is money.
And if you interfere again,
I will kill you.
I'm leaving now.
- [door closes]
- [groans]
[tense music playing]
[engine starts]
[tires screeching]
[tense music continues]
Hey, hey, it's okay.
Hey, shh.
Listen, everything's gonna be
okay, all right.
We'll just split the money.
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
- [gunshot]
- [groaning]
[Delanie grunting]
[crickets chirping]
I'm sorry, I can't lie.
[man on radio]
Try as you might,
you can't escape His
all-seeing gaze.
Do you think He who
made the eye, doesn't see?
Do you think He who
made the ear, doesn't hear?
Do you think He who
judges the nations,
doesn't punish?
He knows all
and will reward the righteous
according to
their good deeds.
But the wicked, oh, the wicked.
He will punish
in eternal hellfire
that was created for
the devil and his angels.
So, beware my friends,
your sins will find you out.
Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow, but soon.
[Delaine] Oh, shut the hell up.
[dramatic music playing]
Hard to believe, ain't it?
[Delaine] Surely is.
Sheriff filed a murder
and another body
dragged from the reservoir.
Sure is some meanness
in this world.
Amen to that.
Tillman, what'll you have?
You got a minute?
Just about.
That is one heck of a shiner
you got on your head.
You know the last time there was
a murder in this county?
- Nearly 30 years ago.
- Okay.
Okay, so now there's been
three murders in just a few
[phone ringing]
Hold on. Gotta take this.
Is that right?
When was this?
I'll be there directly.
Make that four murders.
Russ Potter's body
was just found in the reservoir.
Not far from Lucius McFalls.
No, that's not--
That's not possible.
I just saw him the other night.
You know what all four
have in common?
What are you saying?
Oh, see, there's your daddy.
Russ Potter
was-was your neighbor.
You worked with Lucius McFalls.
And Sheriff Fowler,
he was investigating
your daddy's killing
at the same time
as his murder.
Don't that strike you odd?
Kane, your mind is perverted.
I'm not gonna sit here
and take the slanderous attacks
on my character.
If you'll excuse me,
Miss Betty over at table seven
needs her check.
Hey, hey, just one more thing.
Now, how come you drove
Russ Potter's car
to work this morning?
He let me borrow it.
And where's your car?
It got stolen.
Did you report it missing?
I'm reporting it now.
Excuse me.
[phone ringing]
Miss Betty.
Here you go.
- [Dewey] Delaine!
- Comin'.
[Dewey] It's for you.
Now, you know I don't
like personal calls.
Make it quick, please.
[clears throat]
[Pernie] Where will you be
the minute you wake up dead?
- Who is this?
- Oh, who do you think?
- What do you want?
- You're a bright girl,
figure it out.
- How much?
- Well, half sounds good.
I wasn't gonna be so greedy,
but since you put me
out of work
and jobs for women my age
aren't all that plentiful,
I think I deserve to be greedy.
Yeah, well,
I ain't got the money yet.
Oh, I know that.
But when you do,
don't forget about old Pernie.
Old Pernie knows everything.
And don't think you
can get rid of me
like you did the others.
The minute you
step foot on my property,
you'll be dead before
the other foot hits the ground.
And turn your cell phone on.
Pernie don't like being ignored.
[phone beeps off]
[clears throat]
You sure work a lot.
Yeah, well,
I got bills to pay.
Well, I would pray that
I'm on the top of that list,
We got a problem.
We got a problem, huh?
What is our problem?
What's a Pernie?
Oh, Pernie's not a what,
she's a who.
And so why is she our problem?
Because she knows everything.
And she wants a big cut,
and if she don't get it,
she's gonna go to the police.
And if she does, I go to jail,
which means no insurance money.
Well, I still don't see
how she's our problem.
She's your problem.
She wants a cut,
give her a cut of your cut.
Nice upgrade, by the way.
When I say she wants a cut,
she wants all of it.
She's blackmailing me.
What'd you have in mind?
[foreboding music playing]
Ain't nobody here.
Maybe we got the wrong house.
No, we got the right house.
This is the address
Delaine gave me.
Maybe they're out for supper.
At midnight?
Use your goddamn brain.
Something ain't right.
[car buzzing]
What... the...?
You remember to get gas?
- Well, yeah.
- Well, then why
ain't she starting?
Uh, I don't know.
Go check under the hood.
What for?
'Cause that's where
the engine is, dumbass.
Battery ain't connected.
[engine revving]
[tense music playing]
Get out of the car!
[man] Hey, you.
Nice work.
Cancer ain't got me yet.
- [phone ringing]
- Yeah.
- [Pernie] It's done.
- Are you sure?
I said it's done.
And thanks for the tip.
Even if it was you
who sent 'em my way
in the first place. [chuckles]
And how do I know it's done?
Oh, trust me.
Those boys won't be
seeing their mamas no more.
Now, it's just the two of us.
You be sure to let me know
when that check comes in.
old Pernie knows everything.
So you keep sayin'.
Just don't want you to forget.
I gotta go.
Customers are waiting.
[phone beeps off]
[foreboding music playing]
What the devil?
Oh, girl,
you should know better
than to mess with old Pernie!
[tense music playing]
How do you like that,
you old bitch?
[tires screeching]
[engine starts]
[man on radio]
We got a 10-50
on Davis Crossing Road
at the entrance of...
Got a 10-79 female.
Ten-four, en route.
[siren blaring]
[siren chirps]
[tense music playing]
What's going on?
Ah, shit.
[tense music playing]
[no audible dialogue]
[Dewey] Where are you?
Dewey, Dew--
Dewey, I'll be there
in a few minutes.
Well, you just
need to get here.
Okay, the lunch rush
don't even start
for another good half hour,
And I'm gonna need you
to work double shift, too.
Okay. Yes, I will work
the supper shift, too.
Okay. Bye.
[phone beeps off]
Bleeding Christ.
- Tillman.
- We have a warrant
for your arrest.
[chuckles] Arrest?
What charge?
You're under arrest for
the murders of Carl Moore,
Russ Potter, Lucius McFalls,
and Pernie Cannon.
Now, you have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be used against you
in the court of law.
You have the right to attorney.
If you cannot
afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you.
Do you understand
these rights I've said to you?
Thank you.
Y'all don't understand.
Understand what?
Well, I was only doing
what come natural.
Ain't greed natural?
How can you or God blame me?
You broke the law.
The law.
Oh, okay. So I'm a sinner
because I broke the law?
Mm. Or did I break the law
because I'm a sinner?
What does it matter?
Well, it matters
'cause if I knew the answer,
I'd be free.
Yeah, I don't... I don't know
about any of that, but...
I suggest you stop talking.
All right. Let's go.
[dramatic music playing]
It's a funny question to ask.
"Where are you after you die?"
For me, it's not
an altogether unpleasant place,
but I can't speak for
other souls.
And I do sense that if
the totality of your actions
are more good than bad,
you end up on the right side
of your maker.
For those who tip the scales
the other way,
as the radio preacher says,
"Hell is hell."
[country music playing]