The Modelizer (2023) Movie Script

[opening theme music]
[Alina moaning]
[Alina and Shawn moaning]
[both moaning]
ALINA: Babe. [moaning]
-Oh, hey.
So I've got a girlfriend.
Her name is Jana.
That's not Jana.
That's Alina.
We'll come back to her
in a second.
Now before you get all judgy,
let me explain a little bit
about myself and my lifestyle
here in Hong Kong.
My name is Shawn Koo.
I'm the managing director
at Centurion Properties.
It's my family's business.
Empire really.
Yachts, buildings,
supercars, fashion,
jewelry, women...
hell, you name it,
we own it.
See, we're one of
the five elite families
that became super wealthy,
and remained super wealthy,
over half a century
with a "build and sell"
business model,
acquiring, developing,
and selling the most coveted
commodity in Hong Kong...
Nearly 30 percent
of all real estate in Hong Kong
is owned by us.
I'm serious.
GABE: [voice-over]
Now this is Bucky,
a brother from a drunken mother
and the big boss of Icon,
one of the biggest property
developers in Thailand.
Now his wife, Maria,
and his son live in Thailand
while Bucky lives here
in Hong Kong for business.
He goes back to visit them
a couple times a year.
It's okay.
-Hey, Bucky.
Yo, comp cards.
-[Flavia moaning rapidly]
-Are you coming, baby?
-[Bucky moaning]
-[Shawn and Alina
moaning loudly]
SHAWN: Oh, I'm coming now!
So that's me on a typical
Friday night,
having a good time...
before everything changed.
[serene music playing]
[airplane engine revs]
[over PA]
Paging passenger [indistinct].
Please proceed to Gate 32.
SHAWN: [voice-over] Now, earlier
I mentioned comp cards.
Every month, models
from all over the world
come to Hong Kong
to try their luck
at various
high-end campaigns.
-That's me.
-Camila, you say?
SHAWN: [voice-over]
Now, these comp cards
are sent to all the agencies,
but some of them manage to land
in the hands of people
like Gabe.
Gabe Bourbon is my PR,
which stands for
Public Relations,
with an emphasis on Relations.
A former model himself,
Gabe is like the grease
in the wheels
between people like me
and well, all the new product
that comes into the city.
-Oh, my god. So pretty.
I love the buildings.
-[driver speaking
in foreign language]
-[speaking in foreign language]
-[driver speaking
in foreign language]
SHAWN: [voice-over]
So here's the deal.
Zanka, a big development
company in China,
offered us 1.8 billion
Hong Kong dollars
for our family building,
Phoenix Court.
Today's my once-a-month
luncheon with my mother.
She wants to discuss the deal.
Now my mother, Beatrice,
and I have a pretty direct
business kind of relationship.
You'll see.
-You're not dating
a Russian model, are you?
-How the fuck
does she knew about Alina?
Not really.
-We are in our final
with Zanka Properties.
Everything is on course,
except for one wrinkle.
-What's that?
-Zanka is a family-run
business, as is ours.
Their chairman,
Mr. Chen Bin, is saying
that the optics
of our family business
is not on par with theirs.
-The fuck does that mean?
-It means that he knows
you're fucking around
with a different
foreign model every week,
and he doesn't want
a wild man
potentially running
his company.
We need to deliver a package
that looks good to him.
-Okay. What does he
have in mind?
-He needs you to be
with someone of similar stature.
-The models I date
are usually taller than me.
-Let me spell it out
for you, Shawn.
He needs you to pair
with a Chinese woman
from a prominent family,
well-established in the
property development business
in Hong Kong
or in mainland China.
And he needs a public
announcement of the engagement
or he walks away from the deal.
-You're fucking with me, right?
-Shawn, no matter what happens,
we are not walking away
from the biggest merger
in Hong Kong's history
with the largest property
development company in China,
because if you marry
the wrong person,
it adversely affects
not only your life
but our family business,
and that is something
that neither you nor I
can allow to happen.
You understand that,
don't you?
-How could I not?
I've heard that many times.
-We need an offspring
to run the family business
that your father and I
have built.
You understand that,
don't you?
Mr. Chen will be coming
to Hong Kong in three days.
He's looking forward
to meeting you
and your Chinese counterpart.
-Now you know
why I see my mother
once a month for lunch.
You know what?
Next time I see her,
I'm not bringing flowers.
I'm bringing my lawyer.
See you next month, Mom.
-[Beatrice blows kisses]
Welcome to Hong Kong.
CAMILA: Thank you.
-[soft music playing]
-[car door slides]
[knocking on door]
[door opens]
[luggage wheels rolling]
-Yui move out tomorrow.
You take her bed.
Tonight, you go Club Boomerang.
Look for Maaike. Okay?
Good luck.
SHAWN: [voice-over]
Once they realize
they'll be sharing a dump
with four other models,
most of them decide
their life is better
outside your apartment
and inside a nightclub.
And what better reason
to be in a nightclub
than for your birthday?
Because here in Hong Kong,
if you have enough juice...
...every night
is your fucking birthday.
[upbeat music playing]
-Hey, baby.
-Hi, honey.
-How you doing?
-[Shawn clears throat]
[car beeping]
[phone ringing]
we've been together
how long now?
-About a year?
-No. Two years.
That's a long time.
Honey, don't you think
we should take the next step?
-[scoffs] Sweetie, do you know
what's the longest
I've ever been
in a relationship?
-Oh, stop it.
-Three months.
-No, I'm serious.
I've never been with anyone
longer than three months.
Do you know how many models
I meet every day
who are trying to
sit in your seat?
I mean, it's just nonstop,
yet I choose you
to be my queen bee, baby.
You know the shit
I have to deal with at work.
You know that.
Trying to keep Boomerang going,
dealing with my parents,
my mother.
I mean, okay?
I have a lot on my plate.
-I also have a lot
on my plate, Shawn.
-Are you unhappy?
-I mean,
if you're unhappy, I'm--
-I'm just saying
you're not the only one
who has admirers, you know?
-[Shawn sighs]
-But I chose to be with you
because I love you.
-Say that again.
-[chuckles] I love you.
-I know that.
-Give me a kiss. [chuckles]
[big band music playing]
SHAWN: [voice-over] Now we have
a game here in Hong Kong,
and every game has rules.
Rule number one:
no photos or videos
with your side squeeze ever.
Rule number two: Always
match correctly in public.
Wife with wife,
side squeeze with side squeeze.
-What is she doing here?
-I didn't know she was here.
I'll take care of her.
Don't worry, baby.
How you doing, brother man?
SHAWN: [voice-over]
And that brings us to
the most important rule of all,
rule number three.
Never betray your brother.
-Hey, babe. Hey.
How you feeling?
[lively chattering]
We're gonna go hard tonight.
Here we go.
-[glasses clinking]
-All right, everybody.
Let's play trivia.
[laughing and cheering]
-All right. Here we go.
-All right,
question number one.
How many foreign models
are in Hong Kong?
-Five hundred.
-Nine hundred.
Nine hundred.
-Ah, Alina wins.
-One thousand.
But how many foreign models
come in to Hong Kong
every month?
[overlapping chattering]
-One hundred.
-Ah, Jana.
-Here's another question.
What's the number one
requested city in Asia
for foreign models?
-Hong Kong.
-Hong Kong!
-Hong fucking Kong.
-All right, guys.
Guys, guys.
How many millionaires
are there in Hong Kong?
-Twenty thousand.
-Any guesses? Come on.
-Come on!
-Three hundred.-Guys, guys.
There's one million
millionaires in Hong Kong,
which means one out of
seven people in Hong Kong
is a fucking millionaire.
How about that?!
-The highest concentration
of rich motherfuckers like us
in the world, surpassing
New York, and Paris, and Tokyo.
-One of the tiniest
cities in the world.
-Which means,
on any given night of the week,
the chances of you
meeting a millionaire--
is the highest in the world.
-So, guys,
why is Hong Kong
the number one requested city
for foreign models in the world?
[drumroll around table, stops]
-Because Hong Kong is
the easiest city in the world
to meet super rich
motherfuckers like us!
[all cheering]
-Drink! Drink!
Drink! Drink!
-Hong fucking Kong!
[all cheering]
[rap music blasting on speaker]
-That's for me.
Lady, that's for me.
-Welcome to my club.
Club Boomerang.
Let's get some dim sum.
[blasting rap music continues]
BUCKY: Come on!
[all cheering]
-Hey, are you Camila?
-I'm Maaike. Maaike.
Apple at the agency.
-Apple, of course.
-Yes. She told me
to look out for you.
Look, it's really loud here.
Do you want to go outside
and have a drink?
A drink? Outside?
-Yes. Yes, yes.
-Yes. It's so loud.
I can't hear you.
-Yeah, that's right.
-Okay. Let's go.
[rap music blasting on speaker]
-You're beautiful.
-Thank you.
-Where you from?
-How long have you
been in Hong Kong?
-Um, just today.
-Just one day?
-Yes, one day. Uh--
-[Camila giggles]
-You know how long
I've been here?
Thirteen years.
[clicks tongue]
I...I'm sorry, my English
is not good. I--
-Oh, don't worry about it.
Neither was mine
when I first got here, so...
[distant car honking]
Well, welcome to Hong Kong.
-Thank you.
-The greatest city
on the planet.
Where you can party non-stop,
Monday to Sunday, every week--
-Well, ugh...
I need translator.
-That okay?
-Um... okay. [chuckles]
-All year round for free.
What's not free
are the choices you make.
Hong Kong is the most expensive
city in the world.
Where a 300-square-feet
shoebox apartment
will cost you eight grand
U.S. a month.
You'll need a VIP
to back you up.
-A very...
interested person.
In this town,
every model has one.
You're here to play a game.
Models versus VIPs.
They're using us.
We're using them.
The object of the game
is to get whatever you can
out of them,
whichever way you can.
There's no victims in this game.
We're all equal players.
Look, I came here to model.
I don't have to do that anymore.
My VIP, Julian,
he takes care of everything.
You know what I like
about this town?
It's transactional.
You get what you give.
Another question for you is,
what are you willing to give?
[rap music blasting on speaker]
ALL: Chug!
[lively chattering]
Shawn Koo!
SHAWN: [voice-over]
Three words.
Hong fucking Kong.
[melancholy music playing]
[models giggling]
SHAWN: Look, I gave you shares
of Phoenix Court to fuck you,
but now I need them back.
I'll give you
something else, okay?
ALINA: Yeah? Try 130 million.
SHAWN: A hundred thirty million?
[cash register pings]
Are you out of
your fucking mind?
That's almost-- that's almost
45 percent above market price.
-You want your 5 percent
shares of Phoenix Court back,
that's what it's gonna take.
Nothing less.
A gift is a gift, Shawnie.
-Gift my ass.
You fucking extorted me.
-Extort? Extort?
I didn't force you
to do anything.
-You knew my family
needed 80 percent shares
to sell the building.
That's why you wanted
part of my shares, right?
So we couldn't sell it
without you.
-I didn't force you.
-You roped me
into fucking you,
then used that against me.
That's extortion.
-You got what you paid for,
didn't you?
-'ll offer you 90 million.
That's fair--
-[Alina laughs mockingly]
-That's fair market price.
You'll get the money
after the sale goes through.
I don't have that kind of cash
at the moment.
-Hundred and thirty million.
Or no deal.
[phone vibrating]
-Oh, shit. Shit.
-Hey, it's just a game, Shawn.
Don't be such a sore loser.
-Maria. Why are we having
this conversation again?
I told you I'm busy
in Hong Kong.
BUCKY: You know I hate waking up
with you not by my side.
-I know everyone you work for
in Hong Kong, all right?
I make one call
and you're done.
Listen to me, okay? Um, I--
-I make one call,
and you're done.
-[scoffs] What's that
supposed to mean?
-You'll find out.
[music playing]
-Baby, listen to me, okay?
Um, I will try to come back
as soon as possible.
I'll let you know. Okay?
Smile for Bucky. S--
-[phone clicks, beeps]
Fuck, I'm sober now.
Fuck me.
What a fucking night.
Happy birthday, bro.
-Yeah. Thanks, bro.
-[chugs alcohol] Agh.
[soft music playing]
GABE: [voice-over] Hey Camila,
it's Gabe Bourbon.
I have a job offer for you.
Call me back.
[car honking]
- Ni hao .
[speaks in Cantonese]
-Uh, I--I'm sorry...I--
-[speaks Cantonese]
I forget. I have card.
-[speaks Cantonese]
-I--I--I will find my card.
I mean, please, please, please.
Okay. Okay.
-[speaks Cantonese]
[speaking in Cantonese]
-[speaks Cantonese]
-I have--
-From the party last night.
-I'm Shawn.
-You're not eating that,
are you?
That's at least a week old.
-Let me buy some lunch.
I'll get you some proper food.
-Yeah, now.
-You're not busy?
-Not anymore.
-[speaking in Cantonese]
-Okay. Okay.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
-[speaking in Cantonese]
-You had a good birthday.
-It wasn't my birthday.
-[chuckles] Why they sing
"Happy Birthday" to you?
-I have them do it.
Every week.
And Boomerang is my club.
I plan on opening
another one in Shanghai.
-Sorry, my English
is not good.
-All right. We'll...
-...we'll use Google Translate.
-Yeah? Okay.
-Is good for me. [chuckles]
-All right,
first question.
Um, first time to Hong Kong?
-[speaking in Portuguese]
-Mm-hm. How long
have you been modeling?
-[speaking in Portuguese]
-Oh, So Paulo.
-I love Brazil.
I have many Brazilian friends.
I go to Brazil for work
all the time.
-Yeah. Whoo!
[ladies giggling]
-[woman speaks in Portuguese]
-All the time?
[speaking in Portuguese]
-Oh, I know.
That 20-hour flight
feels like two hours to me.
-I'm there.
-[Camila laughs]
-I love the warmth and passion
of Brazilians.
[all wooing]
-I love Brazil!
-Just like you.
-Like me?
-Okay. [giggles]
-I'd like to get to
know you better.
Is that okay?
-Do you speak Portuguese?
-One line.
-Teach me a line
in Portuguese.
-[in Portuguese] Cala a boca
tira a roupa e me beija.
-What does it mean?
-It means, "I love you."
-Ooh. Cala a boca oh mo
goca e mi mi sha.
Yeah? How was it?
-[sighs] Fucking terrible.
-Hey, babies. Cala a boca
oh mo goca e mi mi sha. Oh.
-One line.
What is it?
-Not gonna tell you.
-'Cause I suck
at Portuguese. [laughs]
I've tried. I'm serious.
I can't say it.
Really bad.
-[Camila chuckles]
-No language skills.
-Okay. Okay. Okay.
-Another time.
-Another time.
Okay. [chuckles]
-Hey. So... Camila?
-Would you like to see
Hong Kong? [laughs]
-No. Okay. [laughs]
Okay, let's go.
-[Camila giggling]
-A little different
from Brazil, huh?
-Yeah, a little different.
-Look at that.
All these buildings, eh?
-[saleswoman and Camila
speaking in Portuguese]
-[indistinct] buildings.
-Oh. Voila. Thanks.
Oh, that's great. Okay.
-You like?
-Oh, my God.
So [speaks Portuguese].
It is flores.
-Flores, yeah.
Yes. Yes. Like my home.
-Oh. Okay, I tell you what,
I'll get you something
even nicer.
I'll show you where I shop.
-[Shawn and saleswoman
speak in Cantonese]
-Thank you.
[shrieks, giggling]
-I know Hong Kong
inside and out.
I'll show you around.
I'll make sure you're safe.
-Hey, look at this.
We're on Canton Road now.-Okay.
-Canton Road is like
the Rodeo Drive.
You know Rodeo in Beverly Hills?
-I'm gonna take you to this
special store right now.
Their clothes fit you perfect.
Young, hip, colorful, cute.
-For me?
-For you. Just for you.
-[laughs] Okay.
-You don't believe me?
-I believe. [laughs]
-[laughs] Special store.
-Special store.
-Just for you.
-I told them a VIP is coming.
-Thank you.
Okay. Thank you.
-All right, here we go.
-Yeah. Let's go.
Wait, this place
is closing, right?
-Not for us. Come.
-Hey, Diana.
-Good evening, sir.
-Thanks for closing the store
for us.
-Our pleasure.
-Yeah. So, I've got a really
special friend today.
I want you to bring out
the latest stuff.
-Of course. No problem.
-Yeah? All right,
I'll be right back.
["Wrap Me Up" by Albert Chiang
and Emily Morioka Meyer playing]
-Yeah, try it.
Try everything.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Looks great on you.
-Try it. Yeah.
Anything you like, try it.
-Look this.
-Tell me how
you like it, baby
Tell me it's me
Oh la la la
Oh la la la
Oh it feels so fine
-[curtains sliding]
-What do you think?
-Very, um, rich looking.
-Oh, it feels so right
-[high pitched]
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
-I love it.
Very Brazilian. Yeah.
-Cover me in flowers, baby
Show me your love
Oh la la la
Oh la la la
Oh, I'm feeling fine
-la Oh la la la
-Pam, pam, pam.
-Oh la la la
Oh la la la
Oh, it feels so right
-Love it.
Yeah, love it.
Hey, Diana.
Let's take everything.
-No. Is this for me?
-Yeah, everything.
-No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. Ple--
-Geez. No, no.
-It's my pleasure.
-I closed the store for you.
-I don't want.
-What's the problem?
-I'm through. No.
-Look, ugh...
Just for, um...
-Just for fun.
You just want to try
the clothes for fun?
-Yes. Um...
-Okay. Yeah?
It's okay. No problem.
-Okay. I will...
-No problem.
-...change it.
-Go. Go change. Yeah.
-The clothes.
-No problem.
[car engine revving]
[car door closes]
[car door slides]
-Thank you. [chuckles]
Oh. Thank you.
[car door sliding]
-You live here? Yeah?
-Yes. Yeah, here.
-Okay, um.... So.
Hey, I had a good time today.
-[chuckles] Me too.
-Cool. Oh, I--
I got something for you.
[soft romantic music playing]
-Small token of my
appreciation for you.
How will you...?
-Give me your hand. Okay.
It matches perfectly
with your--
-Thank you.
-You like?
-Yes, I like it so much.
-Listen, I'm going to
the Maldives this weekend.
I'd like you to come with me.
We'll leave Friday.
We'll come back Monday.
I'll...I'll take care
of everything.
Just bring your passport. Yeah?
-Sorry, I cannot.
-What? Come on.
It's the Maldives.
[phone beeps]
-[speaking in Portuguese]
I thought you wanted to get to
know each other better.
-I--I have to go. Okay.
-Well-- well, how about
a yacht trip this Sunday?
I've never not closed a model
with the Maldives.
[soft instrumental music
[phone beeps]
-Semi, let's go.
And call my lawyer.
My mother wants me to meet
Zanka Properties chairman
Mister Chen.
Apparently now we have 48 hours
to respond or they'll walk,
and Alina still legally
has my shares of the building.
-Wonderful wife.
SHAWN: [voice-over]
Now my mother asked
Yvonne Tsai,
a major socialite, to join.
Word around town is
that she's got so much work
done on her face,
her nickname's "Botox Tsai."
-Hi. What's the problem?
-There's no problem.
-You don't look happy.
Did I--did I offend you?
-That's just the way I look.
-A little...
strong look. Yeah.
-Let me introduce you
to my son, Shawn.
Mister Chen.
- Ni hao.
-[speaking Mandarin]
-Hey, darling.
-Fuck me.
[knocks on door]
[door opens]
-Hundred million cash.
Take it or leave it.
-Hundred and twenty million
cash. Take it or leave it.
-Oh, come on, baby.
You already made my balls blue.
Don't crush it.
Do it, and I'll make you
my queen bee.
-Queen bee?
-Oh, wow.
Queen bee. Mm.
-I don't crush balls, baby.
-[thuds against wall]
-[Shawn groans]
-I only caress them.
-This is your favorite,
isn't it, baby?
-I love you so much, baby.
-Tell me, baby.
Why do you want this so badly?
Hm? Hm?
A hundred and ten million.
Final offer.
-In that case,
it's still 130 million.
Now get the fuck out!
Beast! [slams door]
ANDY: Okay, so your parents
have signed,
and how are we with Alina?
-Man, anything is possible.
-What does that mean?
-Let me ask you this.
How bad do you want this, bro?
-Let me put it this way.
If I don't get
those shares back,
my mom's not only
going to cut me off,
she's going to sue my ass.
-Shut your shit. Really?
-She sued her own brother,
Uncle Lehmann,
over a land deal.
He went to jail for two years.
She even threatened
to cut me off
unless I marry Botox Tsai.
Listen, guys.
I need your help.
-You okay with her
cheating on you?
[rap music blasting on speaker]
[camera shutter clicking]
-Is she cheating on me?
SHAWN: Yeah.
JANA: It's very tight.
SHAWN: Yeah. Ow. Ow. Ow.
JANA: Yeah? That's it?
SHAWN: Yeah, harder. Harder.
-What are you laughing at?
-[laughing, sobbing]
Hey, honey. Look at me.
Hey, hey, hey.
Oh, my god.
What's the matter?
Did I press too hard?
-No. [muttering]
I'm just so stressed.
I don't know what to do.
-You're stressed about what?
-Work stuff.
-Property related, yeah?
-Yeah, totally.
-Oh, my god.
-Hey, baby. Hey.
-Now what?
-I love you so much.
Will you marry me?
-Yes? Is that a yes?
I need to hear you
say it, Shawn!
-[excited chuckle] My god.
[elevator beeps]
STAFF: Welcome to Sassy Lane
Jewelry Casting.
-Please sign up the form.
[soft music playing]
-You're late.
[elevator pings]
This is for you.
-Just dinner, right?
-You're gonna
meet Wellington.
He's one of my biggest VIPs.
One of the richest men
in Hong Kong.
-You take care of him,
he's gonna take care of you.
-Take... take care?
-[singing in foreign language]
-Ah, Wellington.
Please, meet Camila from Brazil.
-Camila. Please.
[wine pouring]
-How many days
you are in Hong Kong?
-Just two days.
[both laugh]
-How do you like
Hong Kong so far?
-Ah, yes.
-[Camila chuckles]
-I know.
Hong Kong is the most expensive
city in the world.
-Camila, I want to help.
Let me tell you a story.
You see that pretty girl
over there?
-Her name is Anu.
She is also a model,
from Estonia.
She came to Hong Kong
one year ago,
but she cannot make ends meet.
-Um, sorry.
Google Translate, um, yes.
-Okay. [chuckles]
-Every month, she has no money,
like you. [laughs]
So I introduce her
to my friend,
Dr. Arjun Daruwala.
The doctor has a wife,
but the wife understands.
So now they are together.
Look how happy they are.
Excuse me.
[clears throat]
-Hey, Camila.
Listen to me.
wants to set you up
at the Four Seasons
with a monthly allowance
of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars.
In return, all he wants is to
see you once or twice a week,
mainly to join him
on social gatherings like this.
You'd never have to work
another day in your life.
You are set.
Do you understand
what I'm saying to you?
-Yes. I'm not interested.
-Camila, listen.
He's 100 percent aboveboard.
Him and his wife,
they have an agreement.
-[clears throat]
This, they give to you.
-[sighs] Two days here, you,
second person tried buy me.
-Enjoy your cake.
-I understand.
You cannot accept the old
Hong Kong traditional way.
But we can be friend.
I can do it the Brazilian way.
You can help me.
So, how do you say
"okay" in Brazil?
-Just okay?
-Oh, okay.
Where would you
like to go in Hong Kong?
-Yes. Catholic mass.
[rosary jingles]
-Me, Catholic.
Very good Catholic.
-You-- [chuckles]
you are Catholic?
Can I take you to my church?
-You have a church?
Look, one wants to
take me to the Maldives
and the other wants to
take me to church.
-[chuckles] I don't know--
I don't know anyone
who's ever said no
to a trip to the Maldives
with Shawn Koo.
-Yeah. He's one of
the biggest VIPs here.
-Okay. Okay.
[sighs] I need to say
in Portuguese.
-[speaking in Portuguese]
[phone beeps]
-Oh, you--
you know what I mean?
You understand?
-Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yes.
I know what you mean.
I know what you mean. Yes.
-Yeah. When I first got here,
I felt exactly the same way.
But as I, you know,
got to know these VIPs,
I realized
that they're all like that.
A-are you cold?
-You wanna put this on?
-Yes, yes.
It's here for that reason.
-Oh, my god.
Thank you. So cold here.
-I know. I know it's cold,
but look how pretty it is.
-Yes, pretty, of course.
-You had to see it.
[both chuckle]
-But as I got to know
these VIPs,
I realized
they're all like that.
That's all they know.
That's how they were taught.
And also, just because
someone gives you a gift,
it doesn't mean
you have to sleep with him.
You know?
-How about you?
-How about me?
-[soft chuckle]
What about me?
-Let's just say
that I have received a lot of
gifts in my time here.
And let's just say
that many of them
have become
good friends of mine.
-Okay... I don't know.
-Well, maybe Shawn can also
become a good friend of yours.
Or maybe...
you can change him.
[upbeat music playing]
-[sighs] So what the fuck
are you gonna do about Jana?
-I don't want to marry her.
I also don't want her
to marry anyone else.
Is that fucked up?
-Look, I can
sugarcoat this 69 times
and it's still fucked up.
But how is she doing anyway?
-Oh, she's been out of
the modeling scene for a while.
Her mom's not doing well
and, you know,
she's got medical bills
to take care of.
-Why don't I go check up on her
and see if I could,
you know, lift her spirits
or, I don't know, tell her
how much you love her.
-Yeah, see if she's okay.
[upbeat music playing continues]
[motorboat engine revving]
[models cheering]
[yacht honking]
[lively chattering]
-[water splashes]
Let's get in the water.
-Hey. [laughs]
[lively chattering]
SHAWN: This is the third time
we've met.
Ready for the Maldives?
-[speaking in Portuguese]
-[scoffs] The Maldives
is one of the top ten
resorts in the world.
There's no finer place to
get to know each other better.
Come on.
-[speaking in Portuguese]
Come on. Look.
-[Shawn scoffs]
-[Camila chuckling]
-I don't think I've ever met
anyone quite like you.
Oh, I get it.
You have offers from other men.
I'll double whatever
they're offering you.
-[speaking in Portuguese]
-Okay... what do you
want to talk about?
-[speaking in Portuguese]
-Um... All right.
Um...I'm Shawn.
Why don't you lead the way.
[speaking in Portuguese]
Money is not part of this
in my life.
Do you know what I mean?
-Um...I'm from Hong Kong.
A city of 7.5 million people.
My parents, um,
they co-own one of the biggest
property development
companies in Asia.
They've been married
for 40 years
but they lead separate lives.
I'm a managing director
in their company
but really
it's just a facade
because, you know,
they control everything.
I'm a single child.
I see my parents separately
once a month.
I look at my parents,
and money is the only thing
that keeps them together.
So, money is a part of
my family my entire life.
-[speaking in Portuguese]
the only thing I know.
-[soft chuckle]
-[in Portuguese] Se voc quer
me comprar, me compre com amor.
-"If you want to buy me,
buy me with love."
-How? [laughs]
[romantic music playing]
-[speaking in Portuguese]
Comece pelo seu corao.
"Start with your heart."
Mm. Mm.
[romantic music continues]
-Hm? Hey.
-I said I can't marry you.
I'm sorry.
You disappear for a few days,
and you come back
and tell me this?
-I know.
When I was on my yacht,
I felt a cold chill come over me
right down to my spine.
It-- it felt like
I just killed somebody,
and nobody knows about it...
-[overlaps] What?
-...but somebody's
gonna find out.
-What are you talking about?
Kill who?
You want to kill me?!
-No, no.
What I meant was,
it felt like I had
just killed somebody,
and it scared me.
It scared me so much
I--I-- it made me feel ill.
In fact, I--I still
feel ill right now.
Like I want to vomit.
-Stop. [laughs]
You are telling me
that the thought of marrying me
makes you feel like
you just killed someone?
Makes you feel like
you want to vomit?
-Okay. Ah. Oh, my god.
[breathes heavily]
-Are you okay?
-No, no, no. [chuckles]
I don't feel so good.
-Uh, Jana, I--
I don't know how to say this,
but I--I don't think
I was ever in love with you.
[punches thrown]
-Get the fuck out!
[kicks thrown]
-If this were back in Warsaw,
I would have you killed.
[slams door]
-You can come up
to the mat if you want.
Lift, exhale.
[phone beeps]
Roll it to your toes.
Roll the shoulders back.
-You want it to be fixed, right?
-You guys are fucking rockstars.
[upbeat music playing]
[knocking on door]
-[speaking in
foreign language]
-[speaking in
foreign language]
-Oh La La La
Oh La La La
Oh La La La La La La La
Oh La La La
-Thank you.
You can go now.
Thank you.
Yeah, that's great.
[camera shutter clicking]
[phone beeps]
-Oh! [groans]
[camera shutter clicking]
-What do you think?
-Keep shooting.
-Keep shooting.
-[camera shutter clicking]
-Yeah. Cool. Pretty cool.
-Wellington, I can't.
-Ha-ha-ha. Hm.
You give me the courage
to go for confession.
I haven't done that
for many, many years.
And I'm now a new man. Happy...
-...from within. Very happy.
-I should have gotten
that Sassy Lane campaign,
but they gave it to a short
Brazilian model instead of me.
At my age, it's really hard
to get back into modeling.
-My mum's
radiation treatments
have exceeded
her insurance limit.
And my dad,
he passed away last year.
-Oh, I'm so sorry
to hear that.
-Yeah. [chuckles]
-So that's why you have
to take care of your family
all by yourself?
-Mm. Since I was 16. [chuckles]
-Now that's incredible.
-[chuckles] I know.
-Oh, my god.
-What's so funny?
-You know,
14 years later? Mm?
I feel like I'm still competing,
you know? [slurps]
[liquor pours]
-But don't worry about me.
I always find a way to win.
-Well, you don't
have to compete anymore.
I'll take care of you.
-No, no, no, no, no.
-No, no, no. Listen to me.
Stop. Stop.
I told you I'm here for you.
And I meant it. Really.
-That's actually sweet of you.
[chuckles] Thank you.
-Look, I love Shawn
like a brother.
-Shawn. [chuckles]
-He's never been
faithful to you.
-You think I don't know that?
-Well, do you know
who he slept with
while he's been with you?
-Who? Tell me.
-I knew that.
-I knew that too.
[bottle clanks]
-Okay. Kasia.
-My yoga partner.
-My hiking partner.
-She dirty.
You ready for the next one?
-Yeah, I think so.
-This is gonna be harsh.
-I can handle it.
-Karolina. Yeah.
-My best friend.
-Well, in all fairness,
she jumped him first.
-But how do you know that?
-I was there.
[kisses] Jana, you deserve
so much better than this,
and you know it.
I would never, ever let anything
like this happen to you.
[music playing]
I hate how you love me
I hate how you do
I hate how you love me
I'm so bad for you
I can't keep my hands off
I can't stay away
Over and over in every way
I hate how you love me
It's so good to feel
I hate how your touch is
The only thing real
One look at you
and I lose all control
-The only time I see my father
is our once-a-month appointment
to make a suit with
our favorite tailor, Arnold,
and when he has
bad news to tell me,
like he's cutting back
on my credit card limit
or something like that.
He didn't tell me
what this is for,
but trust me,
I'm bracing myself for it.
Hey, Dad.
-Good news.
-Club license
in Shanghai approved.
-Wow! Fantastic.
Just talked to the investors.
They're all in on
Boomerang's expansion.
We must move now.
-What do you mean?
-Hot crypto money.
They have to spend it quickly
or they're gonna lose it.
-Meaning what?
-Go to Shanghai,
start the process.
Hire architects,
interior designers,
managers, staff, PR,
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
-Oh! When?
Get on the plane,
latest tomorrow.
-Okay, I'll get going.
Nice dress, Macie.
Not what I expected.
[into phone] Hey, Camila.
I need to see you.
Yeah, now. In person.
Yeah. See ya. Bye.
[serene music playing]
I have a big surprise for you.
No, no, no, no.
You can go there.
-I don't understand.
We can go on my yacht.
-You want to know me better?
Start there.
-The tram?
-Yes. Let's go.
["Lost With You"
by Albert Chiang and Emily
Morioka Meyer playing]
SHAWN: What's so funny?
-[Camila giggles]
Your face inside here.
-I mean,
this is interesting.
I've never been
in a tram before.
-You've never been--?
-No, never.
Why would I be in a tram?
I've got five cars at home.
-No, that wasn't meant
to mean anything. I just--
-Where colors glow
Where hearts beat wildly
-Here, here. See.
-Oh, my god.
-You spin me around
-Look at this.
-You take me the long way
-Oh, my. Yeah.
-It's okay. You okay?
Yes, I'm okay. Yeah.
-All right. Yeah?
Yeah. Yeah.
-Wherever you're going
-Look at that.
-Because I want to
Stay right here by your side
I wanna stay right there
in your life
Oh, baby, baby tell me
how far
Whisper how high
Cause I just wanna
get lost with you
-For a while
-It's you.
You, look the picture.
[ ]
-Come on.
-What's this?
-It's a [indistinct].
-Where are we going?
-You never been before here?
-No. Never. Never.
Where are we going?
-Okay, we need to go.
Go, go, go.
-Where... where are we going?
-How good this life is
How sweet you are
-[indistinct] surprise for me?
-[laughing] Yes.
-See, I told you.
Hong Kong has more than
just buildings, right?
It has beaches.
-Mountains, water.
-It's not what
you expected, right?
Hey, Semi, we're going
on a surprise trip.
-[Camila giggles]
-SHAWN: Are you excited?
All right.
Okay, please take care here.
-Okay. Okay.
-You don't see.
-I don't see anything.
-Please. [chuckles]
-CAMILA: Okay.
-SHAWN: Wow.
Wow, this is amazing.
Look at that.
You're showing me
parts of Hong Kong
I've never even seen before.
You've only been here
less than a week.
Yeah. No kidding.
This is the best day
of my life, Camila.
So I got something to tell you.
-CAMILA: Okay.
-I'm moving to Shanghai.
I've been trying to open
Boomerang there for a year.
I finally got the license
and the financing this morning.
-My god. When--
when do you leave?
I want you to come with me.
-Yeah, listen.
I know-- I know
your agency owner, okay?
I'll get him to transfer you
to Shanghai.
Shanghai has
a much bigger market.
More jobs, bigger money.
I'll get you to be the models'
PR there once it opens.
What do you think?
-Shawn... [sighs]
Look, um... [chuckles]
[in Portuguese]
Oh, okay.
Yeah, you want to
think about it?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Take me a picture.
-A picture. [giggles]
Thank you.
[clears throat]
Hong Kong! [chuckles]
-Yeah. Beautiful.
-[phone vibrates]
-Thank you.
-[phone vibrates]
[phone vibrates]
-[camera shutter clicking]
-[Camila giggling] Whoo-hoo.
What? Did you like?
What's happened?
-Do you know
who Wellington is?
-He's my father.
Are you fucking my father?
-What? No.
-Why is he sending you
these fucking texts?
-He bring me to the--
-You're wearing--
you're wearing his bracelet
and not mine?
Because what? His-- his bracelet
costs more than mine?
You're like-- you're like
every gold-digging,
tycoon-fucking, serial
two-timing model in town.
[scoffs] For a moment,
I thought you were different.
-I am...I am different. I--
-All the others, at least
they're honest about it, right?
They play the game.
They fuck for money,
no shame in that. You?
You pretend to be pure.
You--you--you give me
this small-town speech
when you're fucking my father
behind my back?
For a two-time play?
Yeah, right.
You're not here
to talk about money.
Of course not.
You already know who's richer.
-You--you think
I--I--I... I....
Oh, my god.
[in Portuguese]
[phone beeps]
[emotional music playing]
[footsteps on sand receding]
SHAWN: I just can't believe
you got my shares
back from Alina.
BUCKY: Well, let's just say
that Alina's easily persuaded
by guys like Sarvar.
-No shit.
-How was Shanghai?
-I iced the Boomerang deal.
-My old man was fucking
Camila behind my back.
That's why
he fast-tracked everything
to try to get me
out of Hong Kong.
Uncle W got game.
-Can you believe
your own family smiling at you
while fucking you in the back?
I mean....
Hey, Semi, I left
my phone at home.
Can you go back
and get it for me?
[emotional music playing]
[lively chattering]
[emotional music continues]
[door opens]
[distant dog barking]
[door closes]
[keys jingling]
[distant dog barking]
-[Vadim speaking
in foreign language]
What did you do to Semi?
And who the fuck are you?
-[Vadim speaks foreign language]
-And where's my dog?
-How I got in here is not
as important as why I am here.
Please have a seat.
Make yourself at home.
I'm not asking.
[distant dog barking]
My name is Vadim Petrenkov.
Name rings a bell?
-What do you want?
-Do you have an idea about her?
She's my sister.
-We're just friends.
-Yeah. Just friends.
-Seems a bit more
than friends to me.
-Close friends.
-You give her 5 percent
of Phoenix Court.
-That's conditional upon us
being in a relationship,
which clearly we're not.
-My friend,
you stole Alina's shares
from her.
So now you should give her back
what you owe.
One hundred and thirty million
-This is just a game,
my friend.
Don't be a sore loser.
-[punch thrown]
-[Shawn grunts]
[smashing head]
-[Shawn grunts]
-[Vadim exhales]
-This is how
you get your nose broken.
Alina has already put down
a deposit, nonrefundable,
on an apartment in Moscow,
relying on her shares.
You cannot just take back
what you give.
This is our family business.
This is not a game.
-That's not
my fucking problem.
[smashing head]
-Yes, it is, my friend.
Yes, it is.
I'm sure we can
figure something out.
So, I will need 130 million
dollars in 36 hours.
That is Monday,
12:00 noon.
And every day
that I do not see my money,
I will hurt one of them.
One by one.
Do you understand?
Of course,
if you call the police,
I will know and I will
visit them much sooner.
[paper rustles]
You take care, my friend.
I am sure you will do
the right thing, yes?
[snaps fingers]
These are delicious.
[Vadim munching]
[footsteps receding]
[door opens, closes]
-Fuck. [sighs]
-When you want me,
I'll be long gone
Sorry but I moved on
I've been caught up
But it doesn't do wrong
A minute I'll be grown up
Away from what was going on
When you want me
I'll be, I'll be,
I'll be long gone
When you want me
I'll be long gone
Sorry but I moved on
I've been caught up
But it doesn't do wrong
A minute I'll be grown up
Away from what was going on
When you want me
I'll be, I'll be,
I'll be long gone
Sorry that I moved on
Sorry that we're no more
Sorry that I'm dying on
You try to say
it's not your fault
You conquer
what you want in life
Begging you can head it off
If it comes once more
of a [indistinct] cause
Told you I'll be gone
and on my way
I'll be moving on
to better things
Told you I'll be gone
and on my way
I gotta tell you
I gotta tell you
Told you I'll be gone
and on my way
I'll be moving on
to better things
BEATRICE: [voicemail] I see
that you're ignoring my advice
by continuing to
spend time with
your Brazilian model friend.
Every minute you're
spending time with her
is a minute more
that you're making a mockery
of your father and my efforts
to consummate the merger
with Zanka.
I will give you another day
to think about this.
[bottle thuds]
-When you want me,
I'll be long gone
Sorry but I moved on
Lately I've been caught up
But it doesn't do wrong
A minute I'll be grown up
Away from what was going on
When you want me
I'll be, I'll be,
I'll be long gone
Told you I'll be gone
and on my way
I'll be moving on
to better things
Told you I'll be gone
and on my way
-[over phone]
Hi, it's Maaike.
I'm not available right now
but please leave a message.
-Okay, okay, okay.
It's perfect. Okay.
Thank you.
-Lately I've been caught up
But it doesn't do wrong
A minute I'll be grown up
-Away from what
was going on
When you want me
I'll be, I'll be,
I'll be long gone
Long gone like Ooh
Like ooh
[distant siren wailing]
-It's too late.
what's too late?
[distant siren wailing]
-All my life savings.
All my friends' life savings.
All my parents' life savings.
I got them all to invest it
in Julian's fund,
and it wasn't a fund.
It was a scam.
He lost all of it.
I tried calling the police
this morning, but...
he fled Hong Kong.
I don't want to start
all over again.
-Maaike, please,
please, please.
-I...can't do it.
-Come down.
Please, please.
-[Maaike sobbing]
-I'm here, okay?
-[sobbing continues]
-[breathing heavily]
[door opens]
-Shawn, I've been calling
and texting you all day.
You didn't answer me.
I was worried, man.
[dog whimpers]
What the fuck
happened to your face?
-Alina's brother.
Probably Russian mafia.
-Oh, shit.
-Whatever you did
didn't matter to him.
He wants their money.
[door opens, closes]
-Look, um, Shawn,
there's another reason
why I came by.
I broke rule number three, man.
-You fucked Jana?
-Shit. Yeah.
-Shawn, listen.
Listen, okay.
Listen first.
It was after the yacht trip.
I went to see her like--
like we talked about.
She was distraught, man. Like--
-It's okay. Yes.
[lighter clicks]
[lighter thuds]
-You know, I've been
doing a lot of thinking.
-Me too.
-You know, my whole life,
I've been trying to one-up
the great Shawn Koo.
-You know, sleeping with Jana
was the ultimate one-up.
I feel terrible, man.
It fucking ate me up.
-Why'd you do it?
-I thought I had found
something good finally.
Stupid fucking Bucky, right?
-[inhales, chuckles]
You know what?
I'm done with models.
-Me too.
-I'm gonna fly back to Thailand.
I'm gonna do right
by Maria and my kid.
That's going to be
the story of my life.
I'm gonna sell
one of my buildings
and I'm going to use that money
to pay Alina the 130 mil.
-Don't worry
about a thing, Shawn.
I--I fucked up, man.
I'm sorry.
["Wash It All Away"
by Damon Criswell playing]
[cars honking]
["Wash It All Away"
by Damon Criswell playing]
-And the shadow
in the grave
The big
And the ghost beneath
[knocks on door]
I've had long enough
[door opens]
Co--co--come in.
-It's for you.
-[chuckles] What is...?
-It's not a lot.
-I will wash away
-[indistinct] for you.
-I won't feel anything
[knocks on door]
[door opens]
Um, can we talk?
-Are you okay?
-Oh, this?
-Oh, it's...
it's my new look. Yeah.
-Oh, yeah.
Um... peace offering.
-What is it?
-It's 50,000 U.S.
It's not much,
but it's for your mother's
medical expenses.
I just wanna... you know.
-Thank you.
-Okay, um...
[door opens]
[door closes]
-[Jana sighs]
[soft music playing]
-[laughs, speaks
in foreign language]
-[speaks in foreign language]
-[glasses clink]
[speaking in foreign language]
-Excuse me.
Can you give us a second?
[footsteps receding]
-Camila Oliveira.
Did you know I was dating her?
-Beginning to.
[groans] And do you know
I'm dating her too?
-Hong Kong has
a thousand foreign models.
You had to pick her?
-I was gonna ask you
the same question, actually.
-This isn't funny, Dad.
She meant something to me.
She... she could be
your granddaughter.
What the hell are you doing?
Shawn, you don't have the right
to own anybody in Hong Kong.
It's unfortunate this time
that both of our
object of conquest
happened to be the same person.
-Mom, did you know
about this?
-And all the hundreds
during the course
of our 40-year marriage.
-[Wellington laughs]
-We have an arrangement.
It works,
as long as whatever he does
brings no harm
to our family business.
That is the important thing.
What is dangerous is
if I don't know,
and that becomes
something potentially
that neither one of us
can control.
-[Wellington sighs]
This time, your association,
your affair,
or your deal, or whatever
with this Russian girl
resulted in our family losing
control over Phoenix Court
on 1.8-billion-dollar deal.
If that is not bad enough,
we know about Vadim.
-You know about Vadim?
And you didn't do anything?
The guy almost killed me.
-We wanted to
teach you a lesson.
-Whatever your father
does on the outside,
he never brings it back
into the family.
But what you are doing,
sleeping with foreign girls
with mafia ties...
that is like playing with
powder kegs every day.
-Okay. This isn't about
the family business.
-[Wellington clears throat]
-If it were,
you would have stepped in
the second you knew
about Alina's 5 percent.
This is about me.
You can't accept the fact
that I fuck around
with foreign models,
and that's because
you can't accept the fact
that Dad fucks around
with foreign models himself.
You're just using the family
business to control me.
The only thing in your life
you can't control.
-I assure you...
you are not the only thing
in my life that I can control.
Case in point:
I have submitted a proposal
to Centurion's board
to remove you as our successor,
and as beneficiary to
our company's trust account.
The board will meet tomorrow
at noon to discuss my proposal.
They tend to do
as I ask of them.
-I suggest
after the board meeting,
you start looking for a real job
for once in your life.
-All because
I won't marry Botox Tsai?
-All because you refuse to
give up Miss Brazil.
-You're forcing me to choose?
you are forcing me.
Tomorrow noon, Shawn.
I'm late for an appointment.
By the way, that thing on
your nose looks ridiculous.
[footsteps receding]
- For your information,
nothing happened
between me and Camila.
you didn't sleep with her?
-[laughs] I--
I went to church with her.
-She turned down
your Four Seasons offer?
-She turned down
your Maldives trip?
-[Shawn sighs]
how does she make you feel?
I am too old to change.
I hope you're not.
[soft guitar notes playing]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[room card key clatters]
[distant car engine revs]
[car engine revving]
[knocks on door]
[door opens]
-Hi, I'm Camila's friend, Shawn.
Uh, can I come in?
Hi, um, where's Camila's room?
-It is over there,
but she left for the airport.
-Wait, the airport?
-[speaks in foreign language]
[phone beeps]
[car doors closing]
It suits your jacket.
-Where to, sir?
-Four Seasons. [chuckles]
[car engine revs]
-Semi, step on it.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
[car door slides]
Excuse me. Excuse me.
[over PA]
[speaking in foreign language]
[male announcer over PA]
All passengers on Flight 257
to So Paulo, Brazil,
boarding now at Gate 64.
-Hey, excuse me.
Where's Gate 64?
Okay, thanks.
[male announcer over PA]
Last call for all passengers
on Flight 257
to So Paulo, Brazil.
-Excuse me, I need to see
this passenger, Camila Oliveira.
-Yes. Do you have
a boarding pass, sir?
-No, I don't have
a boarding pass.
Can you-- can you call her?
-Um, I can't--
-I just need--
I just need to talk to her.
-Sorry, sir. You cannot enter.
-You cannot enter.
-I just need to talk to her.
-Without boarding pass,
you cannot enter this area.
Sorry, sir.
SHAWN: I had to tell her
something. [sighs]
[emotional music playing]
[in Portuguese]
[phone beeps]
You wanted to find out
if there was someone
behind my designer clothes,
stupid security,
crazy girlfriends who would be
worthy of your time....
Well, you're right.
The answer is no,
because this person
behind all those things
thought he could buy love.
[chuckles softly]
Well, he doesn't anymore.
So, uh, I was wondering if--
if you ever want to
take a second look,
uh, this time...
he'd like to earn your love.
[phone beeps]
[in Portuguese]
-[grunting] Ow. Ow.
-There's something else
I want to tell you.
[in Portuguese]
-It means, "I love you," right?
-Oh, shit. No.
Oh, goodness.
Oh, no, no, sorry.
-Hold on. Hold on.
Okay, okay, here it is. Uh...
[phone beeps]
[in Portuguese]
[in Portuguese]
Finally. [giggles]
[romantic music playing]
[hotel door lock beeps]
[door opens]
["Dominatrix" by Brian Jackson
Harris blasting on speaker]
[door closes]
["Dominatrix" by Brian Jackson
Harris blasting on speaker]
-Mama's got a secret
-[Sarvar moaning]
-Daddy will find out
What's going on
behind closed doors
What's this all about?
-Two, [indistinct]...
-[Sarvar moaning] naughty boy.
-Oh, shit. Shit.
-Quite some powder kegs
you have here.
-Do everything she says
Don't step out of line
Make no mistake
Cause you're in trouble
Cause she can read
your mind
She's a dominatrix
She's got whips and chains
She is getting hook it
Gonna feel the pain
The lady is a master
And you're begging her
to teach
Call in a little best
Which has got you
on her knees
She moves you to submission
And you're playing
by her rules
In her little prison
She's playing cold
She's a dominatrix
She's got whips and chains
She is getting her kicks
You're gonna feel the pain
["Dominatrix" guitar chords
She's cracking her whips
She's licking her lips
She's moving her hips
She's a dominatrix
She's cracking her whips
She's licking her lips
She's moving her hips
She's a dominatrix
[ending theme music playing]
[music fades away]