The Modern Way (2022) Movie Script

[ Thunder rumbles,
rain pattering ]
[ Thunder rumbles,
door creaking ]
[ Indistinct conversations,
clattering ]
[ Film reel whirring ]

The love bug done bit me
Leon: No, you've got it
all wrong, Frankie.
I know what a girl wants,
and it's a bloke to be confident
and to have something
about him.
Frankie: Mate, I think you've
got it all wrong.
Tell him, Millie.
What does a girl prefer --
a bloke who is arrogant
or a bloke whose got a bit
of sensitivity about him?
See, now I didn't say arrogant,
did I, Frankie?
I said confident.
Now there is a hell
of a difference
between a bloke
being confident and arrogant.
It's definitely border line.
Right, exactly.
You've got to tread
the line carefully.
Tell us, Millie,
what do you like?
I don't care about a bloke
being confident or arrogant.
Yes, a bit of confidence is
nice, but like Frankie says,
we also like
a bit of a sensitive side
to a bloke as well.
See? I fucking
told you, Leon!
Oh, come off it, Millie.
You just want a bloke
to show you a good time!
No! No, not at all!
Yes, we need to get along
and have a laugh together,
but importantly there needs
to be a connection there.
Yeah, a connection from his
front door to his bedroom door!
[ Laughter ]
Oh, piss off, Leon.
I can't have a serious
conversation with you, can I?
I'm just having a laugh.
And telling the truth.
Right, we all set for Brighton
this weekend then, or what?
I'm fucking buzzin'.
To hear the club play songs
from the likes of The Jam,
Secret Affair, Madness --
I can't fucking wait.
Hey, you!
Both: Don't watch that,
watch this.
This is the heavy,
heavy monster sound.
One step beyond!
[ Both vocalizing together ]
[ Laughs ]
You two are a right
pair, aren't ya?
Do you two want another?
It's my round, innit?
Yeah, go on then.
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Chuckles ]

You not told him yet
Come off it, Millie.
What do you want?
What you on about?
That you like him.
What you going on about,
Don't play the innocent
with me, Mill.
I see the way
you look at him.
He might be stupid enough
not to realize it,
but anyone else
can see it from a mile off.

You gonna tell him then
or what?
I don't know yet.

[ Door bells jangle ]
[ Indistinct conversation ]
[ Whistles ]
Keeps me sighing, ooh
Keeps me yearning,
keeps me burning
Keeps me tossing...
I'll be back in a minute.
Alright, alright.
Let's have a go on that then.
I've been bitten by
the love bug, and I need...
[ Door bells jangle ]
Are you sure you can handle
this amount?
'Course I can.
Remember --
if you can't deliver,
it's on your head.
[ Dog barking in distance ]
I don't know why Harvey
puts up with these little Mods,
I tell ya.
I haven't let him down yet,
have I?
[ Motorcycles revving ]
[ Motorcycles departing ]
[ Ska music plays ]
Give us a go on that

You ever think we are going
to be doing more with our lives
than just sitting on
street corners, sniffing glue?
What the fuck
do you wanna do? Some H?
No, I'm not one of your
junkie punters, Mason.
Well, shut up
and stop moaning then.
He's got a point though.
It's fucking boring
standing around here.
I want to do
something exciting.
For that we need money.
Well, go
and get a job then.
What, stacking shelves
at Safeway?
Do me a favor.
Why don't you move some H?
I'm making
plenty of money.
And end up in the knick like one
of your dodgy mates? Fuck off.
Well, shut the fuck up
complaining then
because the both of you
are doing my nut in.
Look who it is.
Hello, Danni.
You three,
come with me.
Tommy: Why?
Just come on.

It's the one
on the right
Okay. So what do you think
is in there then?
Money maybe?
It's got to be
something valuable.
I tell you what, Danni,
if we do this
and there is fuck all
in that scooter,
I'm not gonna be happy.
Trust me, there is something
in that scooter.
Alright, come on then.
[ Tense underscoring plays ]

[ Dog barking in distance ]
Go, go, go, go.
Come on,
move the fucking thing.
There better be something
fucking in there.
-[ Grunts ]
-Come on, come on!
Come on!
Seth, can you
pick that lock?
'Course I can.

Ah, fucking voil.

Tommy: Jesus.
[ Laughs ] Fuck me.
We've hit the fucking jackpot!
We sure have.
Good work, Danni.
Told ya.
We split that fairly, yeah?
We've got enough gear there
to put down a rhino.
You're not wrong,
Tommy boy.
I think it's time for a little
party, don't you?
[ Laughter ]
No, I'm gonna pass.
You what?
My mum's
cooking me dinner,
so I'm gonna go home
and have that.
Are you sure?
I'll get my share tomorrow.
See you's later.
Not a word to anyone.

What are we gonna do
with this scooter, eh?
What are we going to do
with this scooter?
[ Laughter ]

Leon, give us
a lighter, mate.
Where's your Zippo?
The one your grandad gave ya?
[ Chuckles ]
It must be in my...
The fuck?
What's the matter?
My scooters gone.
Someone's nicked it?
Well, it fucking looks like
it, don't it!
Oh, no, no. Fuck.
Are you sure
you parked it there?
I'm fucking sure!
What's that?
Is that a fire?
[ Tense underscoring plays ]

Frankie: No, no, no!
Millie: Try and put it out.
Mate, that's gone.
Why the fuck would
someone do this?
It's a Lambretta, mate.
I told you, you should
have bought a Vespa.
Fuck off, Leon.
Do you think this is funny?
Harvey Grey's drugs
were in there.
In your seat?

Mate, by the looks of things,
they were taken
before your scooter
was burnt.
My grandad's silver Zippo
as well.
He had that
all through the war.
Shit, mate.
Whose Harvey Grey?
Not someone that you want to be
in debt to, that's for sure.
How much do you owe him?
Fuck me, Frankie.
What did you get off him?
Speed, blues, puff,
purple hearts...
Yeah, but 500 quids worth?
Mate, we are only going to
Brighton for the weekend mate.
That's enough gear
to put down a rhino!
It wasn't all for us,
was it?
I was gonna sell most of it
when we were down there.
I'm fucked.
I'm totally fucked.
Now just calm down.
There must be a way around this.
A way around this?
My scooter is burned
to a crisp.
My grandad's silver Zippo
is gone.
I owe Harvey Grey 500,
and I've got no idea
who has taken the drugs.
I wish
I'd have got mugged.
At least then
I'd have a face to go on.
I'd have half a chance
of getting the gear back then.
I'm sorry, mate.
This is a shit situation.

I'm going to have to go
and speak to Harvey tomorrow.
And say what?
He'll kill you before you get
a chance to get your word in.
I'm gonna have to tell him
the truth.
That I was robbed.
What else can I do?
Try and raise the money?
Try and raise the money?
This is a 500
we are talking about, Millie!
Alright, Frankie.
It's not her fault, is it?

I'm just going to have
to go there
and see if I can
work off the debt off.
That's the only thing
I can do.
[ Sighs ]
Alright, well,
let's just all go home,
get some rest, and then tomorrow
I'll take you to his bar.
[ Exhales sharply ]

If I find out
who did this...
It will be alright,

[ Television playing
indistinctly ]
[ Snoring softly ]
[ Indistinct singing
on television ]

[ Door opens ]
[ Door slams ]
...questions of mistreatment
in Britain's hospitals.
Following the news headlines
at 11:15,
international show jumping,
highlights from
the day's activities,
plus all the news on
who will move on
to the world championships.
At 11:50, entertainment
from Barbara Mandrell
and the Mandrell Sisters.
[ Music playing indistinctly
on television ]
Programs for this evening...
[ Television playing
indistinctly in distance ]
The two-year-long search
to find the new Agent 007
finally came to an end
in Hollywood this week.
James Bond made his screen
debut in 1962,
Scottish actor Sean Connery
was the first
to bring author Ian Flemings's
popular agent to life
in the film "Dr. No."
Woman: I admire your luck,
Bond, James Bond.
"Dr. No" wasn't
a big moneymaker,
but it set the formula
for success.
The combination of sex...
[ Motorcycle revs ]
You reckon it will be
alright there?
The scooter!
Oh, yeah.
You okay?
And you definitely don't want me
to come in with you?
No, wait here.
If I don't come back out
in 20 minutes...
call the police.
Are you sure?
Yeah, don't come in
after me, mate.
Then we're both fucked.
Alright. Cool.
Good luck.
[ Rock music
playing indistinctly ]

Uh, Jerry?
Is, um, is Harvey around?
I'm surprised to see you
so soon.
You sold the lot
already, have ya?
Blimey, that was quick work,
wasn't it, Brad?
Harvey's not here.
Do you know where
I can find him?
He's down at his bar
in Brighton.
Why? What's up?
I've had a little trouble.
A little trouble?
With what?
the gear you gave me.

What are you
talking about?
Last night after you
left the pub...
I was robbed.
You was robbed?
What do you mean
you was robbed?
You look alright to me,
Well, they knicked my scooter,
and the gear was inside.
And I just wanted
to let Harvey know
that even though
the gear is gone
I still intend
to pay him on time.
Oh, good.
I don't really think is
was necessary for you
to drive all the way
down here
to tell Harvey
that though, do you?
Well, I just thought it was
important to let him know.
But...also for whatever reason,
say [chuckles]
worse case scenario
and I couldn't get
the money in time,
I'd be happy
to work off the debt,
any way possible.
Oh, good, we are looking
for new rent boys
to put on the payroll.
Relax, Frankie.
It was just a joke, mate.
[ Chuckles nervously ]
Oh, right! Yeah, right.
don't worry about it.
I'll Talk to Harvey for ya,
and as you say,
if worst comes to worst and you
can't make the payment on time,
we'll think of something
else for you to do.
Thanks, Jerry.
I really appreciate it.
No problem.
Now go on.
You've probably
got a lot to sort out.
Big do in Brighton
on the weekend?
Am I right?
Might see you down there then.
We'll be at Harvey's bar.
Pop in for a drink.
Yeah, will do.
Thanks, guys.
Appreciate it!

[ Motorcycle revving ]
He sorted it, mate.
Fuck off.
For real, mate.
I'm off the hook.
Listen, you want
to go back down to the manor?
Come on, mate.
I'm dying for a beer.
[ Blues music playing ]

[ Inhaling deeply ]
That's some fucking good bit
of puff, that.
I know.
We hit the Jackpot
with this lot.
[ Blues music approaching ]
No, I'm good.

What's going on
with you lately?
You've changed.
A week ago, you would of been
all over that.
Just don't feel like it,
that's all.
That's true actually,
isn't it?
What's going on with you?
You're not getting soft on us,
are you, Danni?
Of course not.
Don't be stupid.
Prove it.
Go and grab us
all a can a cider each.
I haven't got money.
Who said anything about money?
What do you want me to do?
Go on in there and rob you
all a can of cider each?
I'm thirsty.
Fuck off!
I'm not doing that.
Get your own
fucking Cider.
I think you was right, Mason.
About what?
About you going soft.
What's the problem?
You go in there,
boost a couple ciders.
What's the big deal?
The Paki won't even
notice 'em gone.
You've got a wad load of cash
in your pocket.
Why don't you go in there
and get one yourself?
Smallest I got on me
is a five.
I don't want to break
into a five
for a couple cans
of cider now, do I?
How's your mum doing,
by the way?
[ Exhales sharply ]
I can't believe it.
How cool Jerry was about
the whole situation.
He's a nice guy, mate.
He's a top bloke.
See, I told you everything
would be okay, didn't I?
Yeah, you were right, Mill.
And I'm sorry
I snapped at ya last night.
[ Chuckles ]
I was just panicking a little.
No worries, Frankie.
It's fine.
Now we can all get fully excited
for Brighton on the weekend!
I'm fucking buzzing.
I don't know what we re
gonna about gear though.
It's alright.
I've sorted it.
My brother is gonna link us
with some blues before we go.
Your joking?
Come on!
Nice one, Leon!
[ Laughter ]
[ Indistinct conversation ]
Okay, alright. Let me deal
with it from here, okay?
[ Blues music playing ]

[ Music stops ]
Alright, Reg?
Alright, Tel.
What's going on here then?
This ones been caught
knicking cider.
I'm gonna have to take her
in this time.
Listen, I mean,
I know this kid.
If you don't mind,
I'll take care of it.
Here look.
That should cover the cider,
I'll get it sorted.
Go get in the car.
Take you home.
[ Tense underscoring plays ]
[ Car door slams ]

[ Sighs ]
What's going on, Danni?
First I see you huffing glue
on street corners.
Now you're getting arrested
for shop lifting?
What's going on?
How's things at home?

how's your mum doing?
You mean when she's not
constantly out of her mind on
Yeah, not too bad
I suppose.
What? How longs this
been going on for?
Ever since Jack died.
She just hasn't been able
to cope with it.
Plus she's always with that
fucking junkie boyfriend
whose always
got it on him.
He's the one that got her
into it in the first place.
Told her it would take
her mind off of Jack.
Where did she meet him
Some group therapy class.
I don't even think she knows
what day of the week it is.
She's a totally
different person,
and it's so difficult
to get through to her now.
And before, she would be up
in the mornings.
She'd have the radio on,
and I'd smell toast
as I came down the stairs.
She'd have a smile on her face
as soon as she saw me.
And she'd give me
a kiss on the cheek
I made my way to school.
And when I'd come home,
she'd ask me how my day's been,
you know,
make sure I was okay.
And we'd sit down,
and we'd eat dinner together.
She took care of me.
But now it's me who has to
take care of her.
And when I come home,
I'm just praying to see her
awake with a smile on her face.
I just...I just want to have
a conversation with her
and I can't and it's been
so hard to deal with
and it's been like this
for so long.

[ Sighs ]

How's things at school?
I haven't been going.
How comes?
I haven't
felt like going.
Look, I'm going to get
something to eat.
You hungry?

[ Sniffles ]
[ Engine starts ]

[ Cheerful music plays in
background ]
Terry: Not bad, ay?
Still, you can't beat
the fish and chips down
in Brighton
on the sea front.
Straight out the sea
and into your basket.
Fresh as they come.
You ever been
to Brighton?
Ever been down the coast?
What, never?
I've never been
to the coast.
I've never been
to the beach.
I've never even
seen the sea.

Listen, I'm going down
to Brighton
on the weekend for a Mod do
they got up there.
You you can join me
if you like.
We can get some proper fish
and chips down on the seafront.
What do you reckon?
Are you up for it?
I'd like that.
So, who are these lads you've
been knocking about with then?
The Skinheads?
They're just some friends.
Last time I checked,
friends don't ask you
to steal them alcohol
from the shop
and get you arrested,
They didn't ask me.
I chose to do that.
they are my friends.
At the moment, they seem to be
the only people that care
about me.
They look after me.
Look, I know you are going
through a tough time right now.
I know it's hard.
But hanging around street
corners huffing glue...
that's not gonna
solve anything.

Thanks, Terry.
I'll see you Friday,
[ Indistinct ]
Mason: What was you doing
with him?
Nothing. He gave me
a lift home. That's all.
A lift home?
We've been waiting for you
for over an hour.
Listen, you don't want to be
mixing with the likes of him.
His kind and our kind
don't mix, Danni.
And why's that?
'Cause he's a Mod.
Skinheads and Mods
don't go together.
It's like football fans. You
know? Like Arsenal and Spurs.
You never see them together
and you never will,
because they don't mix.
He's just an old friend
of my brother's. That's all.
An old friend?
Yeah. Look. Get off of my back,
will you?
What is your problem?
I almost got arrested
because of you.
He happened to
get me out of it.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door slams ]
You know who that was,
don't ya?
That was Terry Harrison.
Terry Harrison?
What, the fucking Mod
who took out Nathan Finnigan
and his group of casuals
a few years ago?
him and Danni's brother.
[ Light rock music plays in
background ]
Whose that by the bar
with the Fred Perry on, Mill?
I don't know.
Are you sure?
He's had is eye
on you all night.
Yeah, I know he has.
Is he a bit of you
or what then?
He's alright.
You gonna go over there?
Chat him up?
Why not?
Leave it out, Leon.
Millie can do better
than him.
Oh, you think so,
do ya, Frankie?
Don't be stupid.
Look at him.
He looks like he's been dragged
through a hedge backwards!
Barber's pretty halfcut,
isn't he?
It's not that bad.
Not that bad?
You got your beer goggles on
or what?
He looks like a fucking
French poodle.
Still, if you want to go
chat him up, go ahead.
But I guarantee ya,
you'll be back at this table
within 30 seconds
of interacting with him
because he looks like
a right boring cunt, doesn't he?
Do I sense a tad bit
of jealousy there, Frankie?
Me jealous of him?
Don't be silly, Leon.
What, just because he's got
a good sense of style?
Style? Leave it out.
Next you're gonna be telling me
Leon's jokes are funny.
Hang about, hang about.
Is he walking over here?
Fuck me. He's got
some bollocks, ain't he?
How does he know one of us
isn't with her?
Mark: Hello.
Both: Hello, mate.
How you lot doing?
Yeah, good mate, good.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Not bad.
Listen, could I borrow you
for a moment?
Who, me?
Yeah. Sure.

Fucking hell.
He's got some bollocks
on him, hasn't he?
He didn't even ask us
if she was with one of us.
I know.
How do you feel?
you've been robbed twice
in two days now.
It's your round,
isn't it?
Go on, piss off.
[ Laughs ]

Are you talking to me?
You dropped Danni off home
yesterday, didn't ya?
Who are you then?
Brother? Cousin?
Long-lost relative?
It's just...I've known Danni
for a long time,
but I've never seen you
with her before,
or around at the house?
[ Dog barking in distance ]
I'm an old friend.
So you're not family
to her then?
Well, that's just it.
But us,
we are her family.
We look out for her.
[ Tense underscoring plays ]
And your point is?
My point is, she doesn't need
anyone else looking out for her.
If she's got a problem,
she'll come to us.
We'll sort it out.

Oh, by the way,
Danni mentioned you were going
to take her to Brighton
on the weekend.
She forgot to mention
she's already going away.
She had other plans,
you see.
Poor kid forgot, though.
Maybe another time, ay?

[ Engine starts ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]
[ Soft rock plays in
background ]
You two, alright?
Yeah. You?
Yeah. Mark has offered
to walk me home,
so we are going
to make a move.
Are you sure?
You've only just met him?
Yeah, I'm sure.
He's a nice guy.
Just make sure you don't walk
down any back alleys, alright?
Why's that?
You think he might try
something on with me?
No, but I think a stray dog
might try something on with him.
Oh, shut up, you idiot.
[ Laughs ]
I'll see you two tomorrow.
See you later, Mill.
See ya later, Mill.
[ Door bells jangle ]
Ooh. Mark.
You are jealous,
aren't ya?
I knew it.
I'm not jealous.
I just know she can do
a lot better.
That's all.
She's a good friend.
A good friend?
Come off it, Frankie.
You like her don't ya?
Even at that gig
in Clapham Junction,
the night we met her,
and her idiot boyfriend
was wrapped around her
like a fly on shit.
What was his name?
Danny Miles.
What a knobhead he was.
You remember the way
he treated her?
Wouldn't let her walk off
by herself
anywhere that night --
followed her to bar,
followed her
to the toilet.
He might as well
have had a collar
and lead on her,
it was that bad.
It was proper
obsessive, mate.
I've never seen
anything like it.
She looked miserable.
But you,
you managed to get her
on her own for a few minutes
while he was
in the pisser.
And in those few minutes
you managed to convince her
to leave him,
and she did.
And I think
a big part of that
was because she felt
something with you.
That was a year ago,
Frankie, a year.
And you still
haven't made your move.
Why? Come on, mate!
Grow some balls!
Tell her how you feel.
I don't like
rejection, mate.
I've been rejected
I don't think I could
handle it again.
Then it would fuck the three
of us up, wouldn't it?
Ruin the friendship
that we have now.
You need to tell her
how you feel, and tell her soon.
Otherwise you get geezers
with bad haircuts
trying it on with her...
like Mark.

[ Door bells jangle ]
You want a lift home then
or what?
No, I'm gonna take
a stroll.
Might stop by the chippy's.
I'm hungry.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'll see ya
tomorrow, mate.
Alright, mate, no worries.
I'll catch you tomorrow.
[ Engine revving ]
[ Dog barking in distance ]
[ Chuckles ]
Oh, piss off.
[ Tense underscoring plays ]
[ Thudding ]
[ Groaning ]

This is a warning.
Get Harvey's money on time,
or next time...
we'll break
your fucking legs.

[ Knocking ]
What you doing?
You getting up or what?
It's gone midday.
It stinks in here.
Open a window.
Mum, leave it out, will ya!
You can't go to the pub
all night, get drunk
and lay in bed
all day.
What do you think this is,
a hotel?
Mum, please!
Come on now. Get up.
Jesus Christ.
What happened
to your face?
It don't
look like nothing.
What happened,
and don't lie to me.
I had one too many
last night
and I fell over
when I was leaving the pub.
And it done all that, did it?
[ Scoffs ]
You must think
I was born yesterday.
It's the truth, Mum,
I fell over.
Yeah, right.
Look I just opened my eyes.
Could you leave me alone?
I don't need all this.
Alright, but put all this
washing away
before you come down stairs.
Yeah, fine.
Oh, by the way, we got
a leaflet through the door.
I don't know if it's anything
you'll be interested in.
Some promotional offer for...
Blake's bar or something?
Looks like some sort
of Biker bar,
not your cup of tea
I'm sure being a Mod and all.
Alright, Mum.
Shut the door, would ya?
[ Indistinct conversations ]
What the fuck
happened to you?
What happened?
Jerry and Brad
is what happened.
Jesus, Frankie.
Look at you.
The Bikers? Why?
I thought it was all sorted.
So did I.
But obviously not.
Jerry and Brad beat me up
last night on my home
after I left
the chippy's.
They told me, if I don't get
Harvey's money on time,
they are gonna come back
and they are gonna
break both my legs.
Last night
was a warning.
What you gonna do
now then?
I don't know.
I honestly,
I have no idea.
I'm fucked.
I knew it was too good
to be true.
To let me off that easy.
How fucking stupid am I?!
Well, I had a feeling.
A feeling about what?
A feeling they wasn't gonna
let him off that easy.
Well, why didn't you say
something then?
Because you strolled out
of that bar
looking like a Cheshire cat with
that big, stupid, grin of yours.
You convinced yourself
everything was alright
and I believed you.
I wasn't gonna question you,
even if I had my doubts.
Fine. Whatever.
What's the plan, Frankie?
'Cause you need to
get that money.
I know, but that's easier said
then done, isn't it?
I need a drink.
I'll get you one. What do want?
A whiskey?
You look like you need it.
Yeah, straight.
A double yeah?
So, seriously...
any ideas?
Let's be real.
There is no way I'm gonna
earn 500
In the next 10 days,
is there?
Even if I worked my bollocks
off 24 hours a day.
10 days?
I didn't know it was that soon.
Why the fuck did you agree
to 10 days?
Because it's normally
a problem for me
to move
that kind of weight.
Especially in Brighton.
Look, the only way around this
that I can see
is to take out a loan
from somewhere.
A loan? For 500...?
who in their right mind
is going to give you a loan
for that sort of money, ay?
Even the bank will take one
look at you
and stamp
your application as reject.
Well, I got to get that money
from somewhere, don't I?
To pay off Harvey and to
get them animals
Brad and Jerry
off of my back.
I'm scared, mate.
Harvey Grey is not
the type of person
that you want
to be in debt to.
Have you heard about what
happens to people in his debt,
who don't pay him back on time
or don't pay him back at all
for that matter?
No. What?
People's houses get
burned down, Leon.
People disappear.
Come off it, Frankie!
Who the fuck
are we dealing with here, ay?
The Mafia?
Come on, mate,
it's not that bad.
Oh, no?
You remember Argie Stevens?
He used to work
at his dad's bakers,
down Paramount Road
on the holiday's?
Stumpy kid, always come
to school
with a bag full of cakes?
Well, you remember why
he had to move schools?
His dad died.
Mr. Philips said
his dad's shop caught fire.
Electrical fault
or something?
He had to go live
with his mum in Dorset.
Now, you remember that time
when Argie came to the school
and told us he had been
in a really cool
Biker bar with his dad,
playing "Space Invaders"?
That was Blake's Bar.
Now, we all know Argie's dad
had a bad gambling problem.
Argie even told us
the bakers was gonna go under
then suddenly it's back
in business, just like that.
His dad took out a loan
from Harvey Grey.
He didn't pay him back,
and they burned the bakers down
with him still in it,
I'm telling ya.
Whoa, Frankie, come on.
That's a bit of a stretch.
Is it?
Tell that to Argie Stevens's
dad then.
Poor fucker.
[ Grace coughing ]
[ Grace gagging ]
[ Toilet flushing ]
Mum, are you okay?
I'm fine love.
I'm fine.
No, you're not fine.
Look at you.
Where's Simon?
He's not here.
He's gone out.
Gone out where?
And he leaves you like this?
[ Vomits, coughs ]
[ Sniffles ]
There you are.
I'm fine.
You're not fine.
[ Clattering in distance ]
[ Vomits ]
Simon, come here.
[ Coins clattering ]
Simon, come here.
What? I'm here.
Come here.
Mum needs you.
[ Toilet flushes ]
What were you doing
down there?
Just looking for something.
Well, look at
the state of her.
I thought you were meant
to be her boyfriend.
I thought you were meant
to be looking after her.
I am! I was just heading to the
shop to pick up a few things.
Danni, I'm fine.
No, you're not fine, Mum.
I'm gonna phone
an ambulance.
No, Danni, don't be silly.
No! No ambulance.
You're mum's, well, she probably
just eaten something funny.
Do you think I was born
yesterday, Simon?
Look, don't treat me like
I'm a little kid,
'cause I can tell you now
I'm not a little kid!
No, okay, 'course not,
'course not.
[ Vomiting ]
I don't know why you won't
let me help you, Mum.
Danni? Danni!
[ Emotional underscoring plays ]
You haven't seen, uh,
Mason around have you?

[ Door slams ]
[ Exhales sharply ]

Whoa, what's the matter
with you?
Nothing. I'm fine.
You don't look fine.
It's nothing.
Are you sure?
Right, okay.
Is Simon in?
Where you going?
What's the matter
with her?
I don't know.
Where's Grace?
She's in bed.
She don't feel too good.
We just saw Danni run out
of here. Everything alright?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything's
fine. Just, uh, kid stuff,
you know?
You got my money then?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah. Of course.
Here you are.
Good man.
We didn't want a repeat of what
happened last time, did we, ay?
Nah, nah, 'course not.
Alright, Tommy,
clear all that shit off
the table, would ya?
Here, I'm not touching
the rest of that shit.
Sorry, let me do that.
Seth, get the other stuff
out as well.
You don't mind if we
sort all this stuff out here,
do ya, Simon?
No, no. You go ahead.
'Course not.
You got enough there
to put down a rhino, ain't ya?
[ Chuckles, snorts ]
Simon, could you go and grab us
a beer or something, could ya?
I'm a little bit
parched over here.
Yeah, sure.
Me too.
Yeah, and me, mate.
And scales as well.
Scales. Go get me
some fucking scales.
Fucking hell.
[ Clattering in distance ]
He is a fucking donut,
that bloke.
[ Dog barking in distance ]
You okay?
Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
Where you off to?
No, not just yet.
I'm sick of it there.
So what you doing then?
You meeting your mates?
The Skins?
Well, listen, I'm...gonna pop
in there for something to eat.
You hungry?
Come on then.
[ Soft rock plays in
background ]
Come on, Leon, think.
You know people, don't ya?
People who could help me out?
Yeah, I know people,
Frankie, just not people
who are gonna hand over
that sort of money.
Looking forward
to Brighton on the weekend?
It should take your mind off
of everything
that's going on at home.
What's it like
down there?
It's good, you know?
Mods, scooters, music,
fresh air.
Can't beat it.
So does this happen
a lot then?
The event that's on tomorrow
for the mods?
Yeah, but it's not just
for the Mods.
I mean, all sorts
go down there --
Bikers, Skins, Punks.
It's for everyone,
Why did you
become a Mod?
Mason says I shouldn't
hang around with Mods.
Oh, he does, does he?
He says
it's like football fans,
like Arsenal and Spurs.
They just don't mix.
Well, I've got friends
who are Skinheads.
I'm looking at one
right now.
Well, don't look at me.
I wouldn't even know
where to start.
Come on!
The answer has got
to be out there somewhere!
So, why'd you become
a Skinhead then?
I don't know.
When I met Mason and the
others, they were already Skins.
Since my mum changed,
I felt like
I didn't belong there
So I felt like I needed
to become one of them.
A new start, to feel like
I was a part of a family again.
And do you?
I guess.
I mean, they take care of me,
they look after me.
don't confuse care
with control, Danni, alright?
I mean, people can pretend
to care about you,
pretend to be your friend,
but all they are really doing
is using you
for their own needs.
I mean you're young, so...
you might not understand it,
one day you will.
Fucking hell.
Now if there is anyone
that can help you out, Frankie,
it's that man there.
At the bar!
That's Terry Harrison.
My brother's boss
at Steve's Wheels.
Down the
Truck Warehouse?
Now he's got money.
I'm thinking...he might be able
to help you out.
Because he's a good friend
of my brother's.
And he's a business man.
He loans out money all the time.
Yeah, but what's Frankie
gonna give him in return?
I don't know.
He's a good friend of my
brother's. It might be a favor.
how tight are they?
I mean,
is this realistic?
Or is he gonna laugh
in my face?
It's worth a shot.
And he's a Mod!
So, so are we.
There's your foundation.

[ Sighs ]
Good, right?
Here's your next lot.
Make sure you pay me
on time, Simon.
I will.
I will. Of course I will.
[ Lighter strikes ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Solid silver, right?
Where'd you get this?
Leon: [ Clears throat ]
Excuse me, Terry.
I'm so sorry
to bother ya.
I'm Leon, Marvin Shillingford's
Alright, yeah.
How you doing mate,
you alright?
Yeah, good. Real good.
Um, I just wondered
if it would be possible
to have a quick chat
with you for a minute?
Sure, what about?
A little problem I have.
Well, not me exactly,
a friend of mine over there.
Yeah, alright,
let me tell you what.
Let me finish up here,
and I'll be over there.
Great, thanks, Tel.
What was that about?
No idea.
Who was he?
His brother
is a friend of mine.
Listen, do you want
anything else?
Some ice cream
or some cake or anything?
No. I'm good. Thanks, Terry.
I'm going to head home.
You sure?
Yeah. My mum's
not feeling too good.
I'm gonna
go check on her.
Do you need a lift?
No, no.
It's not that far.
I'll be alright.
Alright, tell you what now.
I'll see you tomorrow
at midday, yeah?
Look forward to it.
And, uh, be safe.
I will.
Five hundred pounds worth?
What the fuck was you
planning to do,
put down a rhino
or something?
It wasn't all for me.
I was gonna move it all
in Brighton.
And you've moved this amount
of weight before then, have ya?
In such a short space
of time?
Not this amount, no,
but 200, 300 quids worth.
Give or take.
So this, uh, this Harvey Grey,
who is he?
He's a Biker.
I think he was a rocker
back in the day, you know,
one of the originals.
He's part owner of Blake's Bar
over in Bethnal Green.
He owns another one
in Brighton.
What, a Biker bar?
I think the bar caters
to all sorts.
I picked up from him there
and I saw a couple of Mods
having a drink in there.
So this -- this Jerry and this
Brad, they do that to you?
Yeah, um, they told me
this was a warning.

Mason: Here you go, Simon.
Get that down ya.
What's going on?
Hey, here she is.
Where you been?
Where's Mum, Simon?
She's in bed,
She doesn't feel too good.
And you thought
you would have a party?
What is wrong with you?
Whoa, Danni, chill out.
Don't tell me what to do,
what's the problem here?
There is no harm
being done.
Look at this place.
Speaking of that,
you want to take your cut?
You earned it.
No, I don't want my cut.
I want you all to leave.
Oh, relax, Danni.
You didn't answer my question.
Where you been?
With Terry.
You was with that Mod again?
What have I told you about him?
And don't think you are going
to Brighton with him, Danni,
because we've
already discussed this.
Mason, you don't get to decide
what I can and can't do.
Now everyone get out my house.
Look, maybe she's right.
You know, after all,
her mum is in bed. Maybe --
So what? She's in bed.
She's been in bed for hours.
What difference
is it gonna make?
You lot shouldn't have been
partying in here
in the first place.
I don't know
what you were thinking.
Oh, I think I do.
You see, Simon here,
he let us all in
'cause in the back of his mind
he thought he was gonna get
a free high tonight,
and he has.
I've supplied him with gear
all night long,
even ticked him again,
done him a favor.
Now he's had enough, he wants
to kick us out on the streets?
No, no, no, no.
It's not like that.
What is it like,
Simon, eh?
Tell me.
Mason, go home.
Shut your mouth, Danni!
I told you once before not
to go near that
Terry Harrison
and what do you do?
You disobey me
and you go behind my back.
Now, what kind of person does
that make you out to be, ay?
Treating someone
who looks out for ya,
and cares for ya, and you
disrespect them like that?
I don't think
that's on now, do you?
I told you he is just
an old friend.
I don't give a fuck
who he is!
He's a Mod!
Skins and Mods don't mix!
I fucking told you!
Please, please, just calm down,
you know, she's just a --
I don't give a fuck!
Shut your fucking mouth, Simon,
this doesn't concern you.
Now...we are all
gonna sit down...
listen to some music
and have a good time.
No one
is going anywhere.
Simon, go and grab us
a beer, mate?
if I do this for you,
Frankie, you know,
pay this Harvey off...
it's not gonna be for free.
You're gonna have to come down
the yard
and work the debt off,
you know.
Clean the lorry wheels,
or something.
That's fine,
that's absolutely fine,
I've got no problem
with that.
I just...I need to get
these animals off of my back.
I'm going
out of my mind.
I'm worried about my home,
about my mum
in case they come
to my house.
So where is this Harvey now?
Do you know?
He's --
He's in Brighton.
Alright, now you three,
you are going to
Brighton tomorrow anyway, right?
Yeah, for the Mod do.
Route 23 Diner,
do you know it?
Where the Mods are meeting up,
I know it.
Alright, well, tomorrow,
I'll meet you all there at 12:45
and then we'll go to this
Harvey Grey's bar.
Thanks, Terry. Honestly,
I can't thank you enough, lad.
I know I don't know you
and everything,
but seriously
thank you.
Just be thankful
you've got
Leon as a friend here,
and I know his brother.
Yeah, I am.

Thanks, Terry.
[ Laughter ]
[ Upbeat music playing
on record player ]

Come on.
Why's everyone so tense?
Simon, have another hit.
I don't think I should
do anything right now.
I can't feel my face.
Come on,
'course you can.
We all know you can't say no
to a bit of powder, Simon.
What are you trying
to do to him?
He said no.
Relax, have a puff
of this joint.
I don't want it.
I want you all to leave.
I told you,
we ain't going anywhere.
This is my house,
and I want you to go now.
Tell them, Simon.
it's fine, yeah?
It's fine.

He's enjoying himself.
[ Groans ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Tense underscoring plays ]
That's it.
What are you doing?
Get off me!
If you can't behave like
a good little girl,
then you'll go
to your room!
In this case,
the garden shed.
Let me out!
Let me out!
[ Thudding ]
You can scream
all you want, Danni.
No one's gonna hear you.
I know your neighbor's
away, you see.
This will give you some time
to reflect on what you've done.
disobeying me.
You can spend the rest
of the night in here...
while we enjoy the party.
No! No!
See you later.
[ Upbeat music playing on
record player ]
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ]

[ Music ends, clock ticking ]
[ Knocking ]
[ Knocking ]
[ Sighs ]
What is it?
It's that Mod.
Well, don't answer it.
It's too fucking late now.
He's seen me.
Well, what about Danni?
She's in the fucking
garden shed, Mason.
Shut up!
[ Sniffles,
clears throat ]
Danni in?
I told you, she's not coming
with you today.
Go and get her.
I want to speak with her.
She's busy.
Go and fucking get her...
or I'm coming in there.
I told you...
she's busy.
What's going on?
Who are you?
Where's Danni?
She's here, ain't she?
Well, where is her mother?
Look, mate, sorry.
I'm a bit worse for wear.
Um, I think
she's in bed.
Maybe Danni's in bed.
I'll go check, yeah?
She's, uh...
She's not in there up there.
Um, maybe she went out.
Hey, did she go out?
I don't know.
I've just woken up myself.
[ Tense underscoring plays ]
Oi, don't go out there.

[ Danni coughing ]

What's going on?
What's she doing in the shed?
You alright?
What did they do to you, eh?
Go and get your stuff
and go get in the car. Go on.
Look, I had no idea
she was in there.
[ Blues music playing ]
That's probably because
you were out of your head
on that shit, weren't you,
you fucking junkie, eh?
Oi --
Who the fuck do you
think you are, ay?!
You think you can control her?
You think she belongs to you?
Well, guess what.
She fucking don't! Alright?!
So, when I get back here,
all three of ya best be out
this fucking house,
you understand me?
Do I make myself
fucking clear?
Well, my mama didn't 'low me
[ Coughing ]
Just to stay out
all night long

Well, my mama didn't 'low me
Just to stay out
all night long

I didn't care
she didn't 'low
I was boogein' anyhow
[ Engine revving ]
So what happened
back there?
Mason, he found out
that I saw you again,
and he got angry about it.
He wouldn't leave my house
when I asked him too, and...
when I got up to turn
the music off, he grabbed me
and put me in the shed...
locked me in.
What, all night?
When I got there
I say, "Yes, people,"
[ Exhales sharply ]
Listen, when I heard your
brother had took his own life...
I was heartbroken too.
You know what?
I lost a good friend.

I mean, he was tough,
your brother, you know?
No one
fucked with him.
I mean, When he saw red,
he saw red, believe me.
But he always looked out
for you, if you can remember.
And he wouldn't want to see you
hanging around
with the likes of them.
They're no-hopers, Danni.
I've seen their kind before,
and I will see their kind again.
You're better than that.
Am I?
Yeah, of course you are,
and don't ever
forget it either.
I mean, you want to
look after yourself, you know,
have some self pride,
some self respect.
be different.
Is that
what being a Mod is?
To be different?
Yeah, you want
to be different,
I mean, why would you want
to be the same as everyone else?
There is nothing unique
about that, is there?
Do you want to be a sheep or do
you want to be your own person?
Ask yourself
that question.
it means something.
It gives you
an identity.
Without respect, people,
they tend to walk all over you.
They think
you don't matter.
It takes a lot to earn,
but just like trust
it can be lost
in an instant.
I mean, it depends on
who you want to be,
who you need to be.
It's a way of thinking.
See, now for you, you think you
need these people around you,
but you don't.
You think
they care for you...
but they don't.
They just use you
for their own needs.
That's what it
comes down to.
See, I met that Mason
for all of about five minutes
and straight away
I read him like a newspaper.
You get good news,
and you get bad news,
and him,
he's bad news, Danni.
You hear that cat
On the harmonica?
Tommy: Come on, mate.
Seth: Oh, fuck. Come on.
What are we doing, Mason?
Come on.
You, get in the driver's side.
Hang on, this is
your brother's car, innit?
Yes, but he's not going to need
it whilst he's inside, is he?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck
are you doing with a gun, Mason?
I'm going to put a bullet
in that Mod's head.
You what? Why?
Who the fuck
does he think he is,
barging in the house like that,
gripping me up by my neck
against the wall and taking
Danni away from us, ay?
You locked Danni
in the garden shed, Mason!
How the fuck do you think
he was gonna react?
Don't you think you should
slow down a bit, Mason?
Let's not be hasty here.
Let's not be hasty?
The cunt just walked
into Danni's house
like he owned the place!
You think I'm gonna sit back
and let that fucking Mod
walk all over me, eh?
Just stop, stop!
Now just think about this!
Now you think about this
Now, if you do this, you're
gonna end up doing 20 years
in prison
just like your brother.
I wouldn't have
to do anything
if you two had
some bollocks between ya...
...and helped me batter the cunt
when he laid his hands on me!
But no! You two
did fuck all, didn't ya?!
So now...
we go to Brighton,
we put a fucking bullet
in the Mod's head,
and we bring Danni back.
[ Coughs ]
Get in
the fucking car now!
Get in!
[ Blues music
playing on radio ]

I think
it would be difficult.
Terry: What would?
To stop seeing the boys.
I don't think Mason
would like it.
Listen, you let me worry
about Mason, alright?
You just need to focus
on yourself.
Figure out how to make
yourself feel better.
I mean, your mum,
bless her,
I know she's going through
a difficult time
with the loss
of your brother, but...
people go through tragedy
all the time...
and eventually
they learn to deal with it.
But I tell you now, she's got
to get short of her boyfriend,
because having him around
isn't helping her at all.
If he goes, the better the
chance the drug addiction goes.
[ Blues music fades ]
I mean,
you need to have a think
about what's missing
in your life.
How can you make yourself
feel better?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, do you have
any interests or hobbies?
[ Emotional underscoring plays ]
What? Nothing at all?
I don't know.
Are you telling me there
is nothing
in this world
that you enjoy?
I like music.
Right, there you go then.
I'd like to learn to play
the guitar one day.
See! There you go. That right
there can be your new hobby.
You can get lost in it,
let the creative part
of your brain takeover.
you could start writing songs
when you get the hang of it.
I don't have a guitar,
though, Terry.
What do you mean?
Where's --
What happened
to your brother's guitar?
My mum gave it to Simon,
and he sold it.

[ Blues music playing ]

Oh, before I forget.
There you go.
Thanks, Terry.
What are we
doing here?
Someone else is joining us
for the trip.
He's over there.

Alright, Tel?
How you doing?
Yeah, not too bad.
This is Danni.
She's coming with us.
How you doing, Danni?
I'm Leon.
Alright, Danni?
No Millie, then?
No, she's making
her own way.
We did try to get
the three of us on there.
Fair enough.
Should we hit
the road then?
Lets do it.
Let's go!
Come on, then!

When you hear this sound
Hear the drummers drumming
Won't you join together
with the band
We don't move in any
'ticular direction
And we don't make
no collections
Won't you join together
with the band

Frankie: So, what brings you
to Brighton then, Danni?
I'm interested to see
what it's like to be a Mod.
Well, I can shed some light
on that subject.
I reckon
Terry here can, too.
Terry's already told me
a little about it.
About the self-pride and
respect part of being a Mod.
What about
the sense of style
and keeping yourself
clean and tidy?
You know,
fresh and crisp.
Even if you
ain't got a lot,
you still keep yourself
looking on point
and you dress smart.
Now, me, I like a Fred Perry
polo and a Parker jacket.
Terry here, I can see he likes
a suit, tailored to measure.
I do like
your suit, Terry.
What, this?
You've definitely got style,
and I like it.
Well, clothes maketh the man,
as they say.
See, where we
are going, right, Brighton?
In 1964, you had the infamous
Battle of Brighton.
You know, it was
The Mods against the Rockers.
It was the Scooters
against the Motorbikes.
It was
It was youngsters,
working class youngsters
adopting a foreign style
and bringing it over to the UK.
See, it was fresh,
it was vibrant, you know?
It was --
it was the modern way.
But then in the '70s,
you got other subcultures,
and the Mod popularity
dwindled a little bit.
You know you got Northern Soul,
you got Punk, you got Skinheads.
But then a couple years back,
"Quadrophenia" came out.
You seen "Quadrophenia"?
See, with that
come the Mod revival.
See the style
somewhat changed,
but the attitude
remained the same.
Being a Mod,
it's a way of life, Danni.
It really is.

Why have we stopped?
Seth: Hang on.
Why -- Why are
we stopped here?
We should have gone
left there.
Oh, fucking --
Did you see that
sign that said...?
I'm so fucking --
Hang on, hang on, I'll remember.
Hang on two seconds.
Go left
over the bridge.
Who put you in
the driver side, eh?
Who put me in
the fucking driver side?
You put me in
the fucking driver side.
Well, I wish I didn't now.
I wish I didn't now.
We went into
that fucking garage --
And you went,
"Get in the fucking car."
So I did! So I did!
And you're --
you're stupid as fuck.
All I want you to do
is get me to Brighton --
I didn't say I knew where
I was going!
You had one fucking job!
One fucking job!
You said get in the car,
so I got in the fucking car.
And you said
drive to Brighton.
Why are you
so fucking stupid?
Why am I so --
Don't touch my fucking head!
You have got
You've got nothing
in the fucking brain.
Alright, Mill?
I've been
waiting ages.
Alright, well,
I'm here now.
Where's Frankie?
Dunno, thought he would
be here by now.
Well, wasn't he following
right behind you?
In the mean time,
while we're waiting...
[ Blues music in background ]
[ Chuckles ]
Go on.
[ Both laugh ]
What a prick.

Barman, give us
another beer, would you?
Listen, I think you had a bit
too much to drink, don't you?
I need you to leave,
You fucking what?
Shut up, mate.
I'm not gonna tell you
again, get out.
[ Glass shatters ]
Listen here, you prick,
when my staff ask you to leave,
then you fucking leave.
If you insult my staff,
then you're insulting me,
and I don't take kindly
to that sort of thing.
I think
it's disrespectful,
and if there's one thing
I really, really don't like,
it's someone being
Do you understand?
[ Breathing shakily ]
[ Body thuds ]
Go on, fuck off.
[ Door closes ]
Do you think
that was Harvey Grey?
Bartender: Yes, mate?
What can I get ya?
Can I get
three pints of lager,
a vodka lemonade,
and a Coke, please.
So is he here,
Yeah, he's here.
Where is he?
Over there,
in the corner.
2.50, please, mate.
Thank you.
Here, there's a table
over there.
Go get the others
and bring them in.
Alright, mate.
Is he here then,
or what?
He's over there in the corner
with Jerry and Brad.
A couple of other Bikers
as well, by the looks of it.
[ Chair leg thumping ]
Are you alright?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm fine.
I took a blue
before you got here, didn't I?
It's starting to kick in.
[ Chuckles ]
Is the situation
gonna be messy?
Well, we'll find out,
won't we?
[ Acoustic guitar music plays ]
I'll be back
in a minute.
I'm looking for Harvey Grey.
I'm sorry, I didn't
get your name.
It's Terry.
So, Terry,
what can I do you for?
I'm here on behalf
of someone.
Oh, yeah?
And who might that be?
Frankie Haywood.
Ah, young Frankie.
I've heard he's had a bit of
bother with the gear I gave him.
He's into me
for a few hundred.
A monkey, right?
That's right, and I'm here
to pay it for him.
Your here to pay off
his debt?
That's right.
[ Envelope rustles ]
I'm impressed.
I didn't think young Frankie
had that sort of friends.
You must like him
a lot.
You got to look after
your own, haven't ya?
You see, normally when someone
gets into debt with us,
we like to nip it
in the bud swiftly and quickly.
We don't like to
let debts linger.
Fortunately, for Frankie,
he come to us straight away,
and that has worked
in his favor.
I'll accept this
without interest.
Well, with all due
respect, Harvey,
if I'm paying you
on time,
before the agreed date
you made with Frankie
and without you having
to go looking for him,
I don't think there should be
any interest, should there?
[ Chuckles ]
I'm not talking about
I'm talking about not beating
the kid's head in
with a baseball bat,
not just to remind him,
but to remind everyone else
what happens
when you don't
pay up on time.
If my information
is correct,
you've never had a problem
with payment before.
That's right, Terry.
And to be fair, he's already
had a good kicking
from Brad and Jerry here
as a reminder.
It's nothing personal.
But back in the day
I wouldn't have even spoken to
a Mod,
never mind sold him gear.
But to me,
all this Mods and Rockers
business is in the past.
I'm a people person now,
A real all-rounder.
That's why I opened this bar
and I invite all kinds in
to have a drink
and enjoy themselves.
Mods, Punks,
I'll sell my gear to anyone
for the right price.
We hold
no grudges here.
Well, maybe Jerry might,
but he's got his reasons.
I've got a lot of respect
for you, young Terry,
walking in here,
straight into the unknown,
sitting here with me.
You had no idea
what might happen,
you being a Mod,
me being an old Rocker.
But I bet that from what
you heard about me,
it didn't paint
a pretty picture.
But here you are.
What you drinking?
Bottle of whiskey,
two glasses.
I know it's a really
tense situation right now...
But I really need to
get up and dance.
Me too. [ Laughing ]
Oi, give me one of those.
[ Cars passing in background ]
This is pointless.
We've been walking
around for hours.
We're never
gonna find them.
We'll find them.
You can't be walking around
all night with a gun, Mason.
Do you want to say
that any louder?
I don't think the bloke over
there quite fucking heard you.
I'm just saying.
don't fucking say!
[ Glasses clink ]
[ Music playing in background ]
I get the impression you are
a well-respected man
in your manner,
I like that.
Respect goes a long way.
Indeed it does.
Young Frankie must have
a lot of respect
for you,
asking you to come in here.
He must really
rely on you.
Well, what are you
gonna do, eh?
What line of work
are you in, Terry?
I'm in
the truck business.
Cleaning the wheels,
renting trucks out to clients,
that sort of thing.
Does it pay well?
It pays the bills.
Do you know why I got
into the business
of moving weight,
I see people, especially
the British youth,
they get bored
so very easily.
They work
all week long,
they get paid at the end
of the week
what do they spend
their money on?
Booze and drugs.
That is what 80%
of the British youth
spend their money on.
Booze and drugs.
But then, after
the weekend is over,
they feel like shit
for the next few days,
and they vow
to never do it again
because it ain't
worth the money
and it's giving them
anxiety attacks
and blah, blah,
But then Friday comes
round again,
and guess what?
Boredom kicks in
with full force.
So I says to myself,
"Harvey, if you could sell
to the British youth
and get idiots like young
Frankie over there
to buy
or take large amounts,
there's a fortune
to be made."
You see, the thing
about boredom is,
it never goes away.
It will
always be there.
[ Hand thumps ]
And that is what feeds
my business.
Anyway, it's been nice
talking to you, Terry.
Stay and enjoy
the bar.
I've got some places
I need to be.
Thank you, Harvey.
[ Rock music playing in
background ]

[ Lighter clicks ]

[ Glass thumps ]

It's all sorted.
Fucking hell.
Thank you so much, Terry.
I-- Oh.
I feel like a weight has
been lifted off of my shoulders.
Where is he?
He said he had
to leave.
But he said to enjoy the bar,
so I'm gonna get another drink.
You want a drink?
What about them two?

Don't think
they need it.

He sorted it, mate!
Harvey's officially
off of my back.
And Jerry and Brad!
Fucking hell, mate!
That's brilliant!
That's great news!
Now, I think I could use
a smoke after all that.
Oh, hang on.
Have you got
a lighter, mate?
I think I left mine
in Terry's car.
I've got one.
[ Music fades ]
Where did you get this?
A gift from
last year, when...
There was a friend
and I --
A friend?
You're a liar.
Where did you
really get this?
This is my lighter.
This lighter
was with my grandad
through the Second World War,
and he left it to me.
This lighter was
in my scooter,
which was nicked outside
the pub a few days ago.
Was it you?
Was it you that nicked
my scooter?
[ Rock music in
What's going on?
She had this.
This is my grandads lighter.
It was in the seat of my scooter
along with the gear
that was nicked outside
the pub a few days ago.
I think it was her.
Alright, just calm down
a minute, Frankie.
There might be
a misunderstanding here.
She lied, Terry. She said
she had it for years.
She said a friend
gave it to her.
Alright, just do me a favor.
Just calm down. Relax.
Let me go after her.

[ Traffic humming ]
[ Ominous underscoring plays ]
Mason: Well, well, well.
Look who it is, lads.
Where's your new mate,
Danni: I'm not fucking
telling you.
Oh, you fucking will!
[ Screams ]
Or I'll put a bullet in you
right here, right now.
[ Rock music playing ]
The fuck do you want?
Harvey might have taken
a shine to ya,
but I fucking haven't.
You and that unreliable
fucking kid you're protecting.
That's your
fucking problem.
Now there's one thing I really,
really can't stand --
it's a fucking Mod
coming in our bar,
thinking he
owns the place.
I ain't got fucking time
for this.
Get your fucking hand
off me.
Or what?
You lay your hand on me again,
you'll fucking wish you didn't.
Is that right?
Yeah, that's right.
Who the fuck do you
think you are, eh?
Walking into my bar,
giving orders?
This is Harvey's bar.
Harvey's bar, my bar,
it's the same fucking thing.
You know, you Mods have always
been full of yourselves.
I can't fucking stand
the sight of ya.
Well, what the fuck do you want
to do about it, then, eh?
[ Blows thudding ]
[ Screaming ]

You fucking --
No, I'm --
[ Grunts ]
[ Scuffling ]

Get the fuck off me!
Get off me, you cunt!

[ Body thumps ]
[ Groans ]
[ Scuffling ]

[ Grunts ]



Get down.
Lay down.
Don't try anything.
[ Breathing hard ]
[ Handcuffs jingle ]
Lay down.
When I say to get up,
get up.
Fuck you!
Come on.
[ Shouting ]
Come on, come on.

[ Bell jingles ]
Where's your new scooter,
Terry's fixing it up.
He said I could
pick it up tomorrow.
What a result.
I know, right?
You can start picking me up for
our date nights now, can't you?
How is the whole dating
thing going between you two?
It's going good,
apart from the fact
Frankie's mum walked in
on us the other night.
She wasn't best pleased,
to say the least.
No way.
Jenny caught you two,
did she?
I would have loved to have seen
the look on her face.
I don't think she knew
where to look.
You didn't think
of locking the door, then?
I thought she was at work
for a few more hours,
but sod's law,
she came home early.
Oh, dear.
It was
well embarrassing.
Has she taken a liking
to you yet, Mill?
Well, after that whole
experience, I'm not sure.
And to be honest, Frankie
hasn't fully introduced me
as his girlfriend
Girlfriend? You're pushing it
a bit, ain't ya?
Alright. [ Chuckles ]
Leon, how's the classes
going, mate?
Oh, right, yeah,
They're going good, mate,
really good.
What classes
are they, then?
Well, that night at Harvey's,
on the dance floor,
I felt something.
Probably the amphetamines
and adrenaline
running through
your veins?
No, something
much, much deeper.
Something woke up inside
of me, like a calling.
It was a rush
I've never felt before.
Changed me as a man,
so now I'm
taking dance classes.
Dance classes?
And not just
any dance classes.
I'm learning
the tango.
The tango?
Best in the class I am,
a natural.
Got my eye on this
little foreign sort.
Latina she is,
absolute beauty.
Me and her,
when we dance together,
it's like a fire
that can never put out.
Like a volcano
about to erupt.
Pure passion.
She's special, mate.
Well, good luck
with her, mate.
Thank you.
Listen, I'm off.
Behave now, you two,
won't ya?
And Frankie, keep that door
locked in future.
Yeah, I will do.
Thanks, mate.
See you later.
[ Engine starts ]
Bye, Leon.
Bye, Leon.
It's just
me and you.
Me and you.
Should we go in
and get another?
Yeah, why not?
Alright, Terry?
Yeah, you,
birthday girl?
Happy birthday.
Your hair looks nice.
Suits you.
Do you want to come inside?
Mum's just cooking breakfast.
Oh, yeah?
How's she doing?
Yeah, good.
really helped her.
She's back to
her old self again
now that --
Simon's out the picture.
Well, good.
I'm glad to hear it.
Danni, breakfast is ready!
Are you
coming inside?
Nah, I think I'll let you
and your mum
enjoy your
birthday breakfast.
I just wanted to pop by and
wish you a happy birthday,
that was all.
And also...
[ Car door closes ]
I just wanted to,
give you this
as well.
For me?
Oh, wow.
Thanks, Terry!
It's alright.
Now you can learn to start
playing now, can't you?
Are you sure you don't want
to come inside?
Mum would
like to see you.
Hey, Terry.
Maybe I could use
a cup of tea, then.
Come on.
Mum, look!

Cleaning my gun doesn't make
me feel right anymore
That burning feeling
always brought my mind
Somewhere never explored
Gunpowder, falling bullet
Cleaning my soul,
I couldn't ignore
Cold trigger, empty bottle
This is my life,
won't change anymore
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Sitting all day
waiting for that call
They knew it all I was
the best in my job
Seekin' evils
and they'll get lost
That was me
with the power of God
I might be a sinner
Corrupt but blessed
This world needs me to find
a way from out of dark
You know it's true
Corrupted sinners hidden
under the truth of fools
Careless judgement always
hitting pure souls' lives
I'll be there to
get the job done
And stop this unfair fight
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Now you give me a reason to
stop to call this right
Thinking loud,
don't know how
You justify,
they're gonna make us drown
Right changer, broken minded
Fully committed
as no one before
Hot trigger, lone hunter
This is my life,
won't change anymore
This world needs me to
find a way from out of dark
Corrupted sinners, hidden
under the truth of fools
Careless judgement always
hitting pure souls' lives
I'll be there to
get the job done
And to stop this
unfair fight
I might be a sinner
Corrupt but blessed
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh