The Most Colorful Time of the Year (2022) Movie Script

Okay, Bailey,
I want to get myself set up,
but I'll see you
a little bit later, okay?
Okay, Mommy. Love you.
Okay. Love you too, sweetie.
Good morning, Dr. Stevens.
Good morning, Alice.
If I could get you
all to sign in?
Oh, yeah. Of course.
Is it true they're also
giving eye exams to staff?
Yeah. We will be.
I think I might
need new contacts.
Oh, yeah. We can totally
set you up with that.
Just make sure you
come by and see me, okay?
You are a savior.
- Oh, hi, Paul.
- Hey.
How are those new
readers working for ya?
They're getting a little
fuzzy, actually.
Really? You're at a 1.75, right?
Good memory.
Why don't you try out these...
These twos I have here?
I think they'll be
a lot sharper for you.
But I do need you to stop by
for an exam before
I leave today, okay?
I will. Thanks so much,
Dr. Stevens.
You're welcome.
Okay, we're gonna go
get set up now, yeah?
I'll see you later.
Now, watch this.
I'm gonna stick it
right through the middle.
It's gonna pop.
You think so, Bailey?
Let's see.
- Would you look at that?
- Class: Ooh!
How... is this possible?
Is it magic?
No, it's science.
That's right!
Woman on P.A.: Mr. Tanner,
they're ready for
your students in the gym.
Okay, everyone, follow me,
and remember,
no silly stuff in the halls!
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
- Hey.
- In a one horse open sleigh
- Hey
- Shhh-shhh-shhh.
No singing Christmas
songs in the hallway.
Why are you such a bah-humbug
about Christmas, Mr. Tanner?
It's complicated.
You know, when I was in school,
we had to walk in
a single file line.
Come on, let's try it.
Everyone line up, single file.
Yeah, just like that. All right.
Left, left, left-right-left.
Oh, I'm loving this.
Left, left, left-right-left.
No singing, just marching.
It's perfect. All right. Great.
Your left, your left,
your left-right-left.
All right,
line up just along here.
Fourth grade reporting
for eye exams.
Welcome, students.
I'm so happy to
have you all here.
Don't let the word
"exam" scare you off.
This is the best kind of exam
you could possibly take.
You don't need to study
for this exam.
So, why don't you all get a seat
and we'll be with you shortly?
Nice job.
Beautiful work.
Here, I'll take that from you.
You're all set. Good job.
You can go have your seat.
Thank you.
Hi, Mr. Tanner.
I wanted to
introduce myself again.
I'm Bailey's mom,
Michelle Stevens.
Oh, yeah, I remember you and
your husband
from our video conference
earlier this year.
Uh, my...
My husband actually, uh,
passed away a few years ago.
Oh, I'm... I'm really sorry.
I didn't...
No, it's okay.
That was my boyfriend..
At the time.
Ex-boyfriend now.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I wanted to see if you wanted
to get an exam real quick
before you go back to class.
Nah, that's okay.
My vision's fine.
I'm sure it is,
but we can just
check it out really quick.
Save you a trip
to the optometrist.
Yeah, I don't actually
go to the optometrist.
- You never go?
- No need.
Huh. So, I, uh...
I assume you, uh,
check your own
eye muscle strength,
and conduct your own
fraction assessments, and...
exam your own visual acuity
at home or something?
No? You don't do those things?
Come on!
It's important to
get these check-ups
and it's free right now.
When is healthcare ever
free in America?
Okay, fine.
Okay, great. I promise it'll
be super fast and easy.
Take a seat.
Mr. Tanner.
Can... can you just move in
a little bit closer to me?
Thank you.
Okay, it's gonna be bright in
your eye for just a second.
- Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Perfect. Other eye.
Beautiful. Perfect.
Now, if you could just cover
your right eye with this
and read line number four.
Great. Okay.
That same eye covered, just read
the line below the green line.
- The green line?
- Yep.
Below the green line, yeah.
And then the line just above
that red one right there.
And cover the other eye
and read that same line
above the red one again.
Great. Wow.
You have excellent
visual acuity.
20-20, actually.
It's quite impressive.
See? Nothing wrong with my
In fact, if you can tell me
the color of my shirt,
I'd say it's perfect.
Can you?
Of course I can.
Then, what color is it?
Yep. You got it.
Look at you.
Uh, well, I better get the
students back to class.
Thanks for coming in today,
Dr. Stevens.
This is a great service you
provide for the kids.
Thanks for coming by.
Okay, kids, come on.
We got work to do.
Aunt Heidi will be
so glad that we're here.
Your Christmas helpers are here.
Thank goodness!
The Christmas season
is well underway
and we are as busy as ever.
I'm sure you are. Just let us
know how we can help.
I do have an order of Christmas
bouquets that I'm behind on.
- I love doing bouquets.
- Perfect.
Let's get to work.
What help me set up?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
These are looking so beautiful.
Oh, job well done.
I would have never caught up
without your guys' help.
All these flowers just gave me
an idea for my science project.
I could explain
why we see colors.
It's something we
never really think about,
but there's a scientific
reason for it, right?
Yeah, there sure is.
And that is actually
a science project
I can finally help you with.
And for my demonstration,
I could light up
a little Christmas tree.
That's a great idea, Bailey.
Is this for Mr. Tanner's class?
But I don't think it's going to
be too happy about the tree.
Why not?
He doesn't want any Christmas
decorations in his classroom.
Really? Like none at all?
Nope. But I'm going
to do it anyway.
Every other teacher
decorated their classroom.
So, I'm going to show him how
little Christmas cheer
can brighten up his
plain old science lab.
Hey, you know what
I just remembered?
There are Christmas
cookies in the back.
If it's okay with your mom.
Hmm. Let me think.
You can have one.
Just one?
Okay, you can
have more than one,
but please don't
go overboard and...
I won't have more than
three or four, I promise.
I feel like we don't
have much time.
Probably not.
I wanted to ask
how things are going,
now that you broke it off
with Mark. You're single again.
- How does it feel?
- Honestly?
- Not really a big fan.
- No?
No. It's just
different these days,
with all the app and everything.
I just don't really know how to
navigate the whole dating scene.
And I don't know, maybe
I'm just old-fashioned,
but would really like
to just meet someone, you know,
in person, naturally.
People have been meeting
the old-fashioned way
since the beginning
of human history.
It's how mom met dad,
and you met Jonathan,
I met Dan.
I know. It's just...
It's still hard.
- Yeah.
- I'm working all the time.
And when I'm not working,
I wanna spend all
my time with Bailey.
And then, on top of that,
Mark is trying
to get back together
and it's just
confusing everything.
How do you feel about that?
You mean would I ever get
back together with him?
I just don't see how I could.
You can't.
That guy is an obnoxious jerk.
Not always.
I was so relieved when you told
me you broke it off with him.
Wow, Heidi, tell me how you
really feel about it.
I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
And you know, a good way to
resolve that whole situation
is to start dating again.
What better time than Christmas?
It's the season of love.
I just don't
really see the point.
I mean...
I'm never going to find
anyone as great as Jonathan.
He was such a good father
and husband.
Yeah, he set the bar high, huh?
Yeah, he really did.
You know, he'd just want you
and Bailey to be happy.
All I'm saying is just keep
your heart open to love.
The universe will find a way to
make the right connection.
I love your mystical little way
of thinking of everything.
Ehh, it worked for me.
Who knows? It could
work for you too.
Morning, Mr. Tanner.
I have a little request for you.
I know that Bailey
presents first today
and I just wanted to
see if it'd be all right
if I stood in
the back and watched.
Of course. I welcome parents.
Thank you.
Okay, everyone,
please take your seats.
It's time to get started.
Miss Bailey Stevens
is going to kick things
off this morning.
Bailey, the floor is yours.
Hello, everyone.
My name is Bailey Stevens,
and today, I'm going to
explain why we see colors.
I happen to think colors
are what make
our world so beautiful.
They seem to appear
almost like magic.
But colors don't
actually appear by magic.
There's a scientific
reason we see them.
Light is made up of
different wavelengths
that are absorbed
or reflected off objects.
The reflective wavelength
is the color we see.
The waves hit the retinas
in the back of our eyes,
where there are millions of
cells called rods and cones.
Mr. Tanner, can I turn it on?
Kids: Wow!
Right now, your rods and cones
are working together,
so you can see all
these beautiful colors.
What do you think Mr. Tanner?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
What do you think, class?
Is it beautiful?
Kids: Yeah!
Okay, then,
well researched
and clearly presented.
Great job, Bailey.
Mr. Taylor,
do you think it'd be okay
if we kept the Christmas tree
in the classroom?
You know I discourage Christmas
decorations in the classroom.
They distract the children
from learning, that's why.
Okay. Um...
Well... with all due respect,
um, I think your classroom
could use a little bit
of Christmas cheer.
They get plenty of Christmas
outside of the classroom.
Kids: Aww...
But since such a big
production was made of it...
I guess the tree can stay.
- Kids: Yes!
- Yes!
Kids: Yeah!
Thank you.
Yep. Perfect,
a flashing plastic tree
to drive everyone's
attention away from learning.
Well, Merry Christmas,
Mr. Tanner.
Yep. Goodbye, Dr. Stevens.
Hey, buddy.
How do you always know
the worst time to visit?
What can I say? It's a gift.
Speaking of gifts,
boy, do I have a Christmas
present for you.
Don't expect one in return.
- You know I don't do Christmas.
- How can I forget?
Your place looks like it was
decorated by the design team
of Einstein and Scrooge.
I was just about to have
something to eat.
- Do you want a plate?
- Maybe. What do we have?
Pasta and marinara.
The favorite meal
of bachelors everywhere?
I happen to like it.
Yeah, well, I'm watching
my carb intake, so I'll pass.
Anyway, that's why
I stopped by today:
to address your
chronic bacheloritis.
Is that even a word?
It is now.
You've got a bad case of it.
But don't worry. Your good pal
Shawn has just the cure.
I do not need to be cured.
Actually, you do.
You'll be happy to know, though,
that the cure is a date
with a beautiful woman.
I don't think so.
Come on, man. Hear me out.
She's a friend of a friend.
She is beautiful,
funny, super successful...
The whole package.
She just climbed
Mount Kilimanjaro.
Then, do her a favor
and keep her away from me.
Ah, too late.
It's already set up.
I'm sorry, man,
I just couldn't help it.
Well, cancel it.
Come on, man. Look at you,
just standing here all by
yourself during the holidays.
No offense,
but it's a little depressing.
I don't remember
inviting you over.
I came over because I care.
If you're lucky enough to have
people in your life
willing to help you out when you
need it, be grateful, man.
That's how the
world should work,
people looking out
for one another.
And at this stage
in your life, believe me,
a little romance
is just what you need.
There you go. Great.
This is my absolute favorite
event of the entire year.
Mine, too.
And like this...
Make sure it doesn't fall.
Yep. Perfect.
What do you think?
Should we add,
like, a little color?
Is that a Christmas bunny?
Mr. Tanner! Hi!
Do you want to join us?
Oh, I...
Please, Mr. Tanner?
You can help us
finish decorating
our gingerbread house.
Looks more like a
gingerbread chalet to me.
All right.
So... how can I help?
Uh, well,
I was thinking
that maybe we should start
adding a little bit of color.
Uh, let's start with red.
Can you pass me the red dots?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You know what?
On second thought,
I think it might look a little
bit better with a mix of colors.
- Yeah.
- Oh. You do?
I do. Yeah.
Uh, can you hand me
the green ones, please?
Of course I can. Yeah.
Thank you again.
- Mr. Tanner: Quite welcome.
- Okay.
This one, I think.
What if we added yellow
and blue, as well?
I think that would
look really pretty, right?
Yeah, I think that
would be great.
Oh. You do?
I do.
So, can you hand us one of each?
Yellow and... blue?
Yellow and blue, yep.
Uh... coming right up.
Thank you.
Yellow and blue. Are...
Are you sure?
I, uh... I hadn't
realized the time.
I actually have to get going.
Where are you off to?
I have a, uh...
A what?
So, yeah, I'll, uh,
see you tomorrow, Bailey.
Bye, Mr. Tanner.
Dr. Stevens,
it's really
nice to see you again.
It's nice to see you too.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
Do you think
you can help him, Mom?
I do. Yeah.
It's kind of like what your aunt
Heidi always says:
sometimes, in life,
two people cross paths
for a certain reason.
So, let's add that
blue and yellow.
Hi. I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you.
Well, Shawn said
I wouldn't regret this date
and looks like he was right.
You should wait
until you get to know me.
Should we get a table?
- I would love to.
- All right. Allow me.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Be right back
with some waters, guys.
So, Ryan, I hear
you work in the sciences.
Is that right?
Yeah. I'm a science teacher.
At which university?
Oh, no. I'm... I teach
at an elementary school.
Oh. But Shawn said
you have a PhD.
I do.
And that you graduated
top of your class.
So, what is it you do, Debbie?
I'm a serial entrepreneur.
I build businesses, take them
from idea to acquisition.
Must keep you busy.
That's an understatement.
So, uh...
how do you make time
for relationships?
Well, up to this point,
I haven't.
But I want children
and you know that
biological clock...
- Right.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I figure it's just a
matter of rescheduling my week
to make time for a mate.
A... a mate?
Mate, significant other,
partner, whatever
you want to call it.
So, sweetie,
when we get to school,
I'm going to run in really quick
and talk to Mr. Tanner.
Well, there's a new set
of color corrective lenses
that I want to tell him about.
He'll probably
be at the front door.
Okay, good.
The moms really like it
when he's out there.
I'm sure they do.
He's keeping all the kids safe.
That's not why.
It isn't?
They like it because
they think he's handsome.
Look at that.
We're here.
Okay. Get to class.
I don't want you being late.
- Okay. Love you, Mom.
- Love you too, sweetie.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Hi.
Dr. Stevens.
Good morning, Mr. Tanner.
- Morning, Miss Underhill.
- Have a lovely day.
You too.
Uh, so, Mr. Tanner, I...
Please, call me Ryan.
Okay, Ryan.
Um... so, I just was hoping
I could speak
with you for a moment. I, um...
I'm an optometrist...
- Yeah.
- As you know.
And I was just reading
about this clinical trial
for patients who are colorblind.
There are these brand new
state-of-the-art lenses
that are showing
great promise, and it...
It made me think of you.
Why is that?
Well, um...
I mean, I've seen some signs.
Signs that have led me to
believe that you may be
or actually probably
are... colorblind.
And just so you know,
I have worked with many patients
who suffer from this
exact same condition.
I'm not suffering.
No, no. Of course.
What I met, Ryan, is that I have
studied this extensively,
and these lenses
are so exciting.
They have the potential to
really change people's lives.
I guess I was assuming
you would react differently
to this information.
And I was hoping I could
maybe get you into my office
for a full evaluation,
and then submit you
for the clinical trial.
Why don't you just
forget that I said it.
I, uh... Seems to be pretty
clear that I've offended you
and I am so sorry if I did so.
Dr. Stevens, wait.
Hey, there.
Are we still on for basketball
practice after school?
- You bet.
- Okay, great.
Well, I'd love
for you to show me
a few of those
plays you mentioned.
Of course.
And, um, after,
maybe you want to play
a little one-on-one.
Sounds like fun.
Okay, then,
see you later.
Girls' basketball coach.
I gathered.
Yeah, I used to play in college,
so she wants to be me
to show her a few moves.
I'm sure she does.
I better get to class.
I appreciate your concern,
Dr. Stevens, but...
I don't need any help.
- Hey.
- Hey, Professor.
I was gonna stop by later to see
how it went with Debbie.
Tell me there's
a second date in the works.
We didn't even get
through the first.
No. What happened?
I don't think I fit her
definition of a worthy mate.
- Worthy mate?
- Yeah.
Okay. Well, forget about Debbie.
I'm gonna make it up to you.
I know this woman...
I'm not doing this again.
No, no, on. Hear me out, man.
She is sweet as a teddy bear.
She teaches yoga
and is a nutritionist.
So, right off the bat,
you've got that science thing
going on for you, right?
Listen, I'm going into
hibernation for the holidays.
Unless I randomly bump
into my soulmate,
I'm perfectly fine
being alone for a while.
Okay, suit yourself.
Hey, let's grab a
drink soon, all right?
Still love you, buddy.
Oh! Sorry.
I didn't, uh...
I didn't see you there.
I'd make a joke
about not seeing you,
but you'd probably
drag me to the ER.
Funny. Um...
I'm actually glad
I ran into you.
- Really?
- Yeah, I am.
I wanted to ask,
why did you take Bailey's
Christmas tree down?
Oh. Well, it's just,
all those blinking lights,
you know, they just
command your attention.
It is a Christmas tree.
I know.
But I was very upfront
with you about it.
I don't allow Christmas
decorations in my classroom.
And being honest, you sort of...
forced me into it.
Well, the kids wanted
it to stay.
I mean, you saw how
their faces lit up.
Yeah, but kids don't always know
what's most conducive
to their learning.
As they say, teacher knows best.
I'm gonna let the whole
Christmas tree thing go, okay?
It is your classroom
and shouldn't have forced my
opinion on you. So, I'm sorry.
But... I'm not gonna
give up on you.
I'm determined to help,
I really am.
I just hope you
decide to let me.
Have a good rest of your day
Hey. What's this?
Just some peppermint bark
for your customers.
That looks amazing.
Did you make it?
I, uh... I made a trip to the
store and I bought it.
It's still delicious, though.
I tried some on the way over.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.
- No problem.
- What's the latest?
You know, it's so weird,
I keep bumping into
Bailey's science teacher.
The hottie teacher all the
moms have a thing for?
Not all the moms, but yes,
that is the one.
You know, randomly
bumping into each other,
this could be a sign.
Did he make a pass at you?
Maybe you should
make a pass at him.
No. Stop.
He, um...
You know, he's colorblind.
Yeah. I had a hunch about it,
and it turns out I was right.
And there's great clinical
trial going on right now
that could really help him out.
And the application deadline
for the trial is tomorrow,
but when I brought it up to him,
he just wanted
nothing to do with it.
That's weird.
Maybe it's a pride thing.
But... I don't know. I'm...
I'm kind of thinking I want to
just submit him anyway.
Is that bad?
Like, without his permission?
It could change his life, Heidi.
Isn't there some kind of ethical
optometrist code
you'd be breaking?
It's just...
It's just an application.
You don't need consent
for an application.
And, you know, if he got in,
he doesn't have
to agree to do it.
Why don't you just call him up?
See if you can convince him.
But he's my daughter's teacher.
Heidi, I can just call him up.
It'll seem like I'm
coming on to him or something.
Doesn't seem to bother
all the other moms.
Besides, you're his doctor,
so it's strictly professional,
and you did just say
you don't have a thing for him.
That's... that's
not exactly what I said.
Well, then,
the answer is obvious.
Call him.
Ryan Hello.
You've reached Ryan Tanner.
Please leave a message
and I'll call you back.
Ryan. Hi.
Uh, it's... it's Dr. Stevens.
See? I told you
I wouldn't give up on you.
Still, though, I hope you
don't find this too forward,
although, you probably will,
because it kind of is.
Anyway, uh,
the more I read about these
new color corrective lenses,
the more I'm convinced that you
really should give them a try.
I'm willing to fill out
the paperwork for you
and submit you as a candidate.
I just...
I just thought it
would be overstepping
if I did all that
without your permission.
So, just let me know if you
happen to change
your mind about it.
I really hope you do.
And that's... that's it.
So, I hope... you're
having a good night.
And... okay, bye.
Worst voicemail ever.
Good morning.
Have a good day, sweetheart.
- Hey.
- Hey!
How's it going?
Good. You?
This is a really nice jacket.
- Oh. Thank you.
- Is this new?
No, I think I've
had it for a while.
Coach: I really like it.
Oh, thanks.
Why haven't you called me back?
Running out of time on this.
I'm just gonna do it.
I'm just gonna do it.
I don't want this
opportunity to pass.
I'm just was gonna...
Hey, Stacy?
Can you hold all my calls?
I have something I have to do
that's really time sensitive.
Yep. You got it,
holding all calls.
Thank you.
Okay. Okay.
Let's do it.
Okay. Well, I'm heading
out for the day.
I'm gonna go pick up Bailey.
Is there anything else?
Oh, let's see.
Tomorrow's appointments
are all confirmed.
Great. Is that all?
There is one message,
and the caller asked
that I flag it urgent.
Look, I'm happy to act as the
middleman between you
and your ex on this
one-sided dialogue
for as long as you'd like.
But eventually, you're
gonna have to talk to him.
You know, it might help bring
the closure you both need.
So young, yet so wise.
I read a lot of self-help books.
Well, thank you, Stacey.
Okay, well, I'll see you
tomorrow, all right?
Just leave me alone, please.
Jeez, Mark!
You scared the life out of me.
I'm sorry.
I was just in the neighborhood,
wondering if you wanted to
grab a coffee or something.
I have a proposal
I want to run by you.
I really can't right now.
I'm late already
and I have to pick up Bailey.
Michelle, it's not fair to
ignore me like this.
I just want to talk.
I know. I'm sorry.
It's just things have been
really busy lately and...
I promise I'll make
some time soon, okay?
Just, I really...
I really have to go right now.
Okay. I'm sorry I scared you.
It's okay.
I miss him too, Bailey.
Tell me something
you remember about your dad.
I remember our last
Christmas together.
You do?
I remember us going to the
Christmas tree lot that year.
Dad found the perfect tree.
He always did.
It was really cold
that night, remember?
I do.
And you were shivering,
and when Dad noticed,
he took off his jacket
and put it over your shoulders.
Mom, I just have one
big Christmas wish
for Santa this year.
It's not something they
can make in a toy shop,
But I said that, if
Santa can make it happen,
then I didn't need
any other presents.
What is it?
I can't tell you, you know that.
Well, one thing
I do know is that,
whether Santa makes
that wish come true or not,
we are going to have
the best Christmas ever.
I promise. Okay?
- Okay.
- I promise.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Hello.
- Ryan. Hi.
It's Dr. Stevens.
Hi, Dr. Stevens.
Sorry, I haven't got
back to you yet.
Oh, it's okay.
It's a busy time of year.
So, what's up?
Uh, well, I, uh...
I actually have some...
Some exciting news.
Yeah? What's that?
Do you remember that clinical
trial I told you about?
I do.
Well, I submitted an
application, and it turns out...
Wait. You
submitted an application...
for me?
Sort of. I mean, um, yes.
Yes. Yes, I did.
To the trial.
Without my consent.
I tried reaching out to you,
but the deadline was approaching
and I hadn't heard back.
So, I thought that
maybe it was just...
I can't believe it.
Well, um, you were accepted
and they've already sent the
glasses to my office.
Listen, Ryan, I don't mean to
pressure you
into doing anything you
don't want to do.
Could have fooled me.
I'm sorry.
You don't have to commit.
I just wanted to be able to at
least have the option for you.
And if you don't want them,
I can...
I can send them back or
I can find another patient
that might be able to use them.
And if you don't ever
want to hear from me again
or talk to me,
I completely understand.
Ryan? Are you still there?
when should I come in?
Okay, great.
I'm free now,
if you if you want to come in.
Ryan, hi.
Dr. Stevens.
Call me Michelle, please.
I'm glad you decided to
come in and do this.
I got the feeling you wouldn't
give up until I did.
You're probably right.
When I think I can help someone,
I tend to be
a little bit unyielding.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, I got that.
Well, why don't we get started?
Take a seat.
So, before we get
into the actual lenses,
I'm gonna give you something
called the Ishihara test.
Are you familiar with it?
I took it once before.
Okay, great. How long ago?
a few years maybe.
Never as a child.
Uh, my mom and dad both worked.
So, we always lived
paycheck to paycheck,
and there wasn't any extra money
for things like eye exams.
I mean, I did well in school,
and I played a couple of sports,
so they never had
any reason to be concerned.
Wait, so are you saying
that your parents
didn't know about this?
Still don't.
Why didn't you ever tell them?
Took me a while to figure out
that the way I saw the world
was different
than the way others saw it.
Once I did, I kept it to myself.
Part of it was the feeling
that something
was wrong with me.
I was ashamed, I guess.
And my parents' life
wasn't exactly easy,
and I didn't want to burden
them with anything else.
And, you know, years went by,
and the longer
you keep a secret,
harder it is
to reveal the truth.
Well, when I was
reviewing your file,
I didn't see any record of you
actually ever taking the test.
Yeah, it was classified,
part of a government screening.
Okay, well, now,
that's interesting.
Oh, you're too busy for me
to bore you with all that.
No, no, I have a policy
that I never rush my patients.
So, please don't
worry about that.
I like that policy.
But sometimes, after
a long day teaching kids,
I can't stand hear myself speak.
Fair enough.
Well, you should
know that your class
is Bailey's favorite at school,
even though you are
a little bit of a Scrooge.
Well, your daughter
is one bright girl.
And more importantly,
she's kind to her classmates.
That's really nice to hear that.
And I know that she really
respects you as a teacher.
Even though I think she does
like to push your buttons
every now and then.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, she and her friends
get a real kick out of that.
Okay, so, why don't
we just dive in then?
Do you remember
how any of this works?
I do.
Okay. So...
start right here.
What number do you see here?
I don't... I don't see a number.
What about on this page?
What number do you see here?
Still don't see one.
And this one right here?
I knew I shouldn't
have done this.
Wait, what...
How did you know that my shirt
was blue that day at the school?
Got lucky.
I could tell it
wasn't black or white,
so I just played the odds.
Your condition is
rather acute, Ryan.
But like I said, these...
These new lenses are
showing a lot of promise...
Yeah, forget the lenses, okay?
I've tried everything there is,
red contacts,
holistic remedies, those drops,
and just about every pair of
glasses on the market.
Nothing's worked, and
I'm tired of getting my hopes up
only to be let down again.
I understand that,
but these glasses are being
delivered today to my office,
so why not just give them a shot
and see what happens?
Look, I...
I've come to accept that my life
will always be in
black and white
and I've figured out
how to be okay with that.
So, if that's all, I have end of
semester reports to finish.
I'm really sorry you
feel that way, Ryan.
Yeah, I'm sorry, too.
I just finished
cleaning my room, Mom.
Did you put away all your
clothes like I asked?
Okay, good.
Well, dinner's in the oven.
It should be ready soon.
What's this?
Oh, those are the
color corrective lenses
I told you about.
Are they for Mr. Tanner?
Well, they were,
but I wasn't able to
convince him to try them.
I think I was being
a little bit too pushy.
That's okay, Mom. You know why?
Because you're just
trying to help
and helping others is
always the right thing to do.
You're right
Bailey, hurry up.
We're gonna be late.
Coming, Mom.
Okay, come on. Coat on.
There we go.
Make observations,
reflect on your results,
and draw conclusions.
All right, everyone,
I'll see you all tomorrow.
Great work today.
Boy: I still have to
do my experiment.
Make sure you're all buttoned
up; it's cold out there.
"Dear Mr. Tanner, these glasses
aren't magic; they are science,
"and you taught me that science
should give us hope.
"Sincerely, Bailey Stevens."
Hey, sweetie.
How was your day at school?
Bailey Stevens, what did you do?
Sorry, Mom.
I guess I'm as pushy as you are.
Oh. O-okay.
Um, why don't you go play with
your friends for a moment?
I'll be right back out.
My goodness, Michelle...
Tell me what you see.
Something so beautiful,
it's... beyond description.
Sorry. I'm just, um...
I'm a little overwhelmed
by all this.
Yeah. I can only imagine.
It must feel like
a whole new world.
It is.
So, what do you
want to see next?
Everything. Yeah, I want to...
I wanna see everything.
Okay. We'll start there.
We'll start with everything.
I have a few ideas. Come on.
Okay, that's another
step right here.
Right here. Yep.
Are you ever gonna let me see
where you're taking me?
Yes, I will.
Just give me one second.
Got the door. Okay, in.
Okay. Almost there.
- Yes.
- Okay.
Wow, this is incredible.
My sister and her husband put on
this toy drive every year.
Hey there, Michelle.
Hey, you two. Ryan,
this is my sister Heidi
and her husband Dan.
Nice to meet you. Ryan Tanner.
Hi, Ryan.
Ryan is Bailey's
favorite teacher.
- Is that right?
- Mm-hmm.
He's also Brighton Elementary's
infamous Scrooge.
Heidi, don't say that.
No, no. This is true.
It's true.
I mean, you've
witnessed it yourself.
I guess I kind of have. Yeah.
You know, I know one way
you can repair your reputation.
I'm all ears.
Decorate your
classroom for Christmas.
We really appreciate you
coming by to lend a hand.
I mean, look at all this.
The response this year,
it's been incredible.
Yeah. Wow.
It's even more than last year.
Yeah. So, should we get to it?
Let's do it.
You ready to wrap some presents?
- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.
I don't know how, though.
All right, ready for you.
- Hmm?
- Ooh, very nice.
You're getting better.
What do you call this color?
That is turquoise.
The sky can be turquoise, right?
Yeah, the sky can be turquoise.
You know what else is turquoise?
The waters of the Caribbean.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
The water of the Caribbean
is this color?
Well, I have to get down
and go swimming in that water.
Book this trip for sure.
Oh, there is one
more thing I want to show you.
But we have to leave now, if
we're going to make it.
Ready when you are.
I think you're going
to fall in love
with this next thing you see.
I believe you.
- Hey, nice job, Ryan.
- Thank you.
If you guys are all set,
we're going to head out.
Yeah, looks like we're just
about finished here.
Hey, do you want me to pick up
Bailey from play rehearsal,
if that helps?
Oh. Then... yeah,
that would be great.
I'll just pick
her up at your house
in a couple hours,
if that's okay?
Take your time.
Thank you.
It was nice meeting you both.
See you later.
Thank you.
Not yet. No.
You are about to see
something so special.
Can I put them on yet?
Not yet. Be patient.
We're almost there.
I think right here is perfect.
Okay, you can put them on now.
Sorry. I don't normally get
choked up like this, promise.
I don't know if I believe that.
I think, deep down,
you're just a big softy.
It's like...
I've been living
my whole life in the shadows
and, suddenly,
someone came along
and flicked on a light.
Just like that, I'm seeing
the extraordinary beauty
of the world for the first time.
I have a question.
Why are red and green
considered Christmas colors?
Well, Santa wears a red suit,
so does Mrs. Claus.
Ribbons, bows and stockings
are all usually red,
and then Christmas
trees and wreaths are green.
So, is mistletoe.
Parasitic plant?
What does mistletoe
have to do with Christmas?
Are you being serious?
You've never heard of the
tradition of hanging mistletoe?
Oh, come on.
You haven't seen it in a
Christmas movie or something?
I don't watch Christmas movies.
Oh, wow.
You're even more of a Scrooge
than I thought you were.
My mom used to take me here
every year when I was a kid.
Yeah, I remember her saying,
"Grab your coat, Ryan.
"We're going to the
Christmas tree lighting."
I didn't want to
give away my secret.
So, I'd bundle up
and off we'd go.
Then, the lights would come on
and everyone was ooh and ahh,
and I couldn't share
in that feeling.
That's one of the reasons
I've harbored this resentment
toward Christmas.
The magic was lost on me,
you know?
Since I moved out of my parents'
house after high school,
I never once had a Christmas
tree in my own home.
No, there's no point.
Hello, everyone,
and welcome to Centerville's
annual Christmas tree lighting.
We love you, Mayor!
Thank you, I appreciate it.
And I love you all, too.
This is one of the city's
longest-running traditions,
dating back to 1930, when,
during the Great Depression,
a few of the townsfolk
trekked into the forest
and brought back a beautiful
spruce, which they erected
right here in this very spot.
The purpose was to
bring people together,
to lift everyone's spirits
with a little Christmas cheer,
and inspire people
to remember and recognize the
true blessings in life
even in difficult times.
So, as we celebrate
another holiday season,
I want you all to remember
that Christmas
is as much about gratitude as it
is about giving and receiving.
I want to thank each
and every one of you
for coming out tonight,
and for putting your faith
in me to help govern this town
that we all love so dearly.
Thank you. Thank you.
So, what do you say we see
what this beautiful tree
looks like all lit up?
All right, let's
count it down from five...
Four, three, two, one!
Merry Christmas, everyone.
So, this is Christmas.
The most colorful time of year.
You know, for the first time in
my life, I actually get it.
So, did you and Mr. Tanner
have fun together?
We did, yeah.
Do you think you'll go on
more dates with him?
Oh, sweetie, it wasn't a date.
I'm just helping Mr. Tanner
adjust to his new life
with the glasses.
Anyway, it wouldn't be
for me to date Mr. Tanner.
Oh, because he's
your teacher, sweetie.
Not after Christmas.
I have Mrs. Johansson for
earth science next semester.
Oh. That's right, isn't it?
So, technically,
he won't be my teacher anymore.
Just saying.
Well, I am seeing him tomorrow,
but it's strictly
professional, okay?
Whatever you say, Mom.
Saved the best for last.
Is this all real?
No, it's not, actually.
It's all a world of illusion,
created by an enchantress.
Nice to see you again, Ryan.
Yeah, nice to see
you, too, Heidi.
Hey, if you guys need anything,
just give me a shout.
Can I offer either of
you a hot chocolate?
Ooh, I would love one.
Yeah, that sounds amazing.
Thank you.
All right.
Feel free to take a look around
and I'll bring it out.
So, roses are red.
are blue.
Really? That little jingle is
actually misleading.
If you count all the shades,
roses come in dozens of colors.
And while violets
are mostly purple or blue,
they can also be white, red,
pink, coral,
even yellow and green.
Flower nerd over here.
Very educational.
I'm gonna go help my customers.
But if you need a refill,
just give me a shout.
- Thank you, Heidi.
- Thanks.
Oh, this might be
one of the best
hot chocolates that I've tried.
- Easily.
- Yeah.
You wanna...
Yeah, let's sit.
Thank you.
You know what's interesting?
Flowers have always been white
or shades of grey to me,
and they've never had a scent.
You know, people would always
say, "Here, smell the flowers,"
and I would, but I got nothing.
I don't know if it's some
kind of sensory effect
or maybe something's firing now
that wasn't firing before,
or it could be seeing colors
for the first time
opened pathways in my brain
that were closed off.
Yeah. It's probably a
combination of all of that.
One thing's for sure,
these lenses are amazing.
Yeah. I'm just happy you
finally agreed to try them.
I'd just become convinced that
nothing was ever going to work.
You and Bailey changed that.
ceaseless connectivity.
Oh shoot, I completely forgot.
It's Gabby.
I told her I'd help with
practice this afternoon.
I'm sorry. I just have
to take this real quick.
Yeah. Go ahead.
Hey, Gabby.
Yeah, yeah, I'll be there.
No, I told you I'd be happy to.
It's been fun working
with the team. Okay.
See you then.
So sorry to cut this short.
It's just I promised and I...
You don't need to explain.
I get it,
and I know that Gabby seems
really excited to have you help.
Well, I...
I better get going.
Thanks again, Michelle.
And please thank your
sister for me.
I will.
Okay, keep your eyes open, guys.
Eyes on the ball.
Keep your head up, guys.
Keep watching.
Guys, keep your
eyes on the ball.
Don't forget.
That was good.
Good job, Zoey.
Hey there.
Hey, Gabby.
I didn't know you wore glasses.
Oh, yeah. They're new.
They're for this...
Anyway, doesn't matter.
Well, whatever they're for,
I like them.
Um, anyways, so, I was wondering
if you were free after practice.
Oh. Uh, I'm not actually...
Because I'd love
to take you out to dinner,
just a quick bite as a thank
you for all your hard work.
You don't have to do that.
Are you kidding me?
It's the least I can do.
You got these girls
playing like all-stars.
Great. It'll be fun, I promise.
Okay, girls, line up at
the baseline. Let's go.
Take it away.
What are you doing here?
I told you we would talk soon.
Sorry. I was just in the area.
Again, really?
That's a coincidence.
Please, I just want to
talk for a minute.
Can I come in?
Sure, come on in.
I know I made some mistakes,
but when you broke it off,
I realized just
how much you meant to me.
Mark, I really don't want to
be doing this right now.
Okay, fine.
But can I just
make one simple request?
Kind of depends what it is.
I'd really like to come to
Bailey's Christmas concert,
just like last year.
I had such
a good time that night.
You have to admit, you did, too.
Shh! Mark, Bailey is asleep and
I don't want her to know
you're here.
Michelle, please...
We were together
for over a year.
I just don't
want you to completely
shut me out of your life.
Just consider it.
Good night, Mark.
Okay, goodnight.
So, just adjust it here
and you'll be able to make
all those colors pop.
Just... wow.
It's officially Christmas break!
You know what? Just leave
everything, all right?
I'll clean it up. Get going.
Parents are waiting.
I'll see you all
at the concert tonight.
- Are you excited?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
There's my lead singer.
All dressed and ready to go.
You look great, Bailey.
You know your song?
I know it all by heart.
Curtain's in ten minutes.
Okay, great.
Come with me, I'll get you
all set to take the stage.
Good luck, sweetie!
- Thanks, Mom.
- You're gonna do so good!
You look as beautiful as ever.
Thank you. Um...
Please don't make
me regret this.
I don't want to upset you.
Can we just enjoy the evening?
Yeah, of course. I'm sorry.
Would it be okay
if I sat with you?
Okay, great.
We should get some seats, before
all the good ones are taken.
Just got to squeeze through.
Sorry. Excuse us.
What's wrong?
Hi. Kids all set?
All right, let's take a seat.
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Would you like one?
No thanks.
Hi, sweetie.
What's he doing here?
Oh, it's a long story.
I'll explain later.
You were so good, though.
Bailey, how you been?
You were great up there tonight.
Thank you.
- Mr. Tanner!
- Hey!
Look what we have here,
one of the stars of the show.
You have real talent.
You were awesome up there.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Mom, can I go
eat candy with my friend?
Sure, as long as you leave
some for everyone else.
- Promise.
- Okay.
Uh, Ryan, you remember Mark.
Yeah, video conference
beginning of the year.
Good to meet you in person.
Ryan, huh? You two are
on a first-name basis?
Ryan is a patient of mine...
Or was,
but we're just friends.
Oh, that's nice.
So, Ryan, how did you get into
the teaching profession?
Oh, it's a long story.
I work in the stock market.
I'm a dollars
and cents kind of guy.
If you don't mind my asking,
what does a job like yours pay?
Are you seriously
asking him that?
Come on.
It's okay.
Uh, if you ask,
a lot of teachers will tell you
they feel called
to the profession.
They know the pay,
but they do it anyway.
They do it because
they understand
educating our children is one of
the most important
things we can do.
What I get paid
is an afterthought.
The real reward comes
from seeing kids develop
a passion for science,
kids who might carry that
passion through life,
might make a career of it, might
even discover something
that could make
all of our lives better.
That's my compensation
and, frankly,
that's worth more than
any amount of money.
Now, if you'll excuse me...
Merry Christmas, Michelle.
Merry Christmas.
I feel so stupid right now.
What for?
For ever believing that you
could actually be right for me.
What are you talking about?
I am right for you.
Goodbye, Mark,
for good this time.
Honey, let's go.
Uh, Dr. Stevens, your next
appointment is here.
Okay, great.
Um, you can
put him in exam room two,
and I'll be there in a moment.
- Will do.
- Thank you, Susan.
Mr. Tanner?
Hey, Heidi.
You can call me Ryan.
What can I do for you?
I would like to order a
Christmas bouquet for my mom.
That's very sweet.
What were you thinking?
I don't really know.
I just arranged
these this morning.
Something like this?
It's very Christmassy.
That's perfect.
Okay. I'll go ring it up.
I'd like to get one more...
for Michele,
just as a thank you
for literally
changing my life...
as a friend, of course.
I know she got back together
with her ex-boyfriend.
Who told you that?
I saw them at
the Christmas concert,
looked like they were,
you know, kind of,
you know, back together.
Eww. First of all, no.
Second of all, never.
Look, I won't get into Mark's
sordid history as a boyfriend,
but let me assure you,
they are over
and will remain that way
for the rest of their lives.
What about you?
What about me?
You and the basketball coach?
Michelle saw her kiss you
before the concert.
No. Really?
No, that...
She saw that?
That was just a friendly thing.
Mm-hmm. And all the flirting,
that was just her
being friendly, too?
Gabby thought there might be
something between us,
but I made it clear that
I just wanted to be friends,
and to her credit, she actually
was very civil about it.
She said she
appreciated my honesty
and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
That's it, I swear.
Hmm. Well, it's a shame Michelle
didn't know about this,
She'd really fallen for you.
She had?
Oh, wow.
Oh, okay. Uh... I need to
explain everything...
right away. Um...
Do you happen to
know where she is?
At work, I would imagine.
Heidi, I have an idea.
Any chance you can help me?
Okay, hold this for a second.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, Shawn.
I'm so glad you answered.
- Dr. Stevens?
- Mm-hmm?
There is
someone here to see you.
Who is it?
A walk-in. I know we're
technically closed for the day,
but he said it's important.
Okay. Well, I'll see
what I can have them with.
What can I do for...
Who brought this?
I did.
What are they for?
Because, uh...
you are one of the most caring
woman I've ever met,
you're a loving
and devoted mother
to an incredible daughter,
because you changed my life.
Most importantly, Dr. Stevens...
I'm smitten by you.
What about Gabby?
We're just friends
and that's all we'll ever be.
What you saw was Gabby thanking
me for being honest about that,
that's all.
I know that Bailey's
with Heidi tonight,
and I was thinking maybe...
you could go on a date.
What do you have in mind?
Well, you'll just have to
come with me to find out.
Where are we?
My house.
No, it...
It's not like that, though.
I have a surprise for you.
I think...
I think you're going to love it.
Such a gentleman.
Cover your eyes.
Cover my... Okay.
This way.
Watch your step.
Thank you.
- Can I look yet?
- Hold on. Hold on.
Okay, you ready?
Yes, I'm so ready.
Oh my gosh.
But I thought you were against
Christmas decorations.
I was. Um...
I had a friend help me out.
But I thought we could finish
decorating the tree together.
I would love that.
- Here, let me get your coat.
- Oh, thank you.
Look outside,
the weather's awful
Cold enough to
make everything freeze
But here inside,
it's so delightful
So, what do you think?
I think it looks perfect.
I think we're done.
You know, I, uh...
looked into that other
Christmas tradition
you mentioned.
Which one?
It had something to do
with a parasitic plant.
Oh, you are sly,
aren't you?
I have my moments.
Just what I thought,
with or without the glasses,
you are absolutely beautiful.
Do you want to spend
Christmas morning with us?
You and Bailey?
I can't think of
anything I'd rather do.
Okay, good.
I'm so happy
That Santa's on his way
Merry Christmas, Mom.
Can I open my gifts?
I feel alive when
I look up to the sky
Knowing I might
see him on his sleigh
This is beautiful, isn't it?
Almost as beautiful as you.
Santa really outdid himself
this year, huh?
He sure did.
He bought me presents and made
my big Christmas wish come true.
What was your wish?
That you'd find someone who
treats you as good as Dad did.
How did I get so lucky with a
daughter like you?
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
Merry Christmas.