The Movie Emperor (2023) Movie Script

Delivering oxygen.
You're surrounded by the forest.
Please do not open the door.
Please do not open the door.
Can you tell me...
what that tree did to offend you?
I've told you...
it gives the kids hay fever.
And I did ask you, Mr Lau.
Anyway, we're divorced.
I have rights over half our property.
You can keep the other tree.
They're not allergic to that one?
When are you moving out?
You kept our marriage secret.
Our divorce too.
You always think you know best.
It must be great being a superstar.
We were talking about the environment.
Why launch into a personal attack?
Whenever I ask you a question...
you put on this clean-up act.
When can we ever really talk, Mr Big Star?
I work for Brother Chi.
Why can't I go in?
Sorry, this area is for the press.
I'm his PA.
I don't need a pass.
Sorry, rules are rules.
Let him in!
Without me, how can he get changed?
Sorry, I do have to get changed.
Leave us for a bit?
Okay, Mr Lau.
Can't communicate with security guards.
Among people in general...
it's so hard to communicate.
Differences in social status...
or age...
or gender...
make communication so hard...
The only solution...
is to stop trying.
Where should I change?
Back there?
Jacky Chen played a peasant.
They put his poster off to the side.
No way will he win.
A Hongkonger playing a peasant...
is like a yam farmer from Causeway Bay.
If playing a peasant wins awards...
then Best Actor could be anyone.
Yup. Even me.
Shall we put you in a film next year?
Why not. I've done some theatre.
Didn't we say red?
I have both.
The celebrity-whisperer,
Chow, says blue's luckier.
This way.
All the stars are out tonight!
On the red carpet now...
our film industry superstar
Mr Lau Wai-Chi!
He's been acting since he was 17.
This is his 39th appearance...
at the Hong Kong Film Awards.
He's witnessed this industry grow...
along with the awards' prestige.
Affectionately known to all as...
Brother Chi!
Please, sign our wall.
To your right.
Thank you, Brother Chi!
Brother Chi, over here!
Brother Chi!
Brother Chi!
It's clear Brother Chi has many fans
Brother Chi!
I love you, Lau Wai-Chi!
The fans are so excited!
Best Actress in a Leading Role.
You were all pretty tense, yeah?
Not me.
After thinking about it all night long...
I realised I deserved it the most.
Don't laugh so loud, Brother Kin-Fai.
This is one award you'll never win.
In this day and age...
you never know!
Tell you what...
let's make a pact.
We'll both go for it next year.
Next year?
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Let's focus on tonight, yeah?
You're not exactly a shoo-in.
Just take it and scram.
Go celebrate!
Anyway, I'll keep at it!
Thank you!
Next up is Best Actor in a Leading Role.
To present it, director Wong Kam!
Maybe they're worried about the ratings.
This year there are five nominees!
But some might be a bit over-confident.
Take Jacky Chen...
he didn't even show up!
It's true.
Don't laugh, Leung Kin-Fai
There's no point.
It's all about who laughs last.
Now, let's do this.
Let's see...
Lau Wai-Chi.
Lau Wai-Chi...
I didn't say you won.
I just want to ask if you're nervous.
I am!
Now this time,
is for real.
Fair and square.
Best Actor goes to...
Jacky Chen!
So confidence does pay after all!
But the way Lau Wai-Chi
shot out of his seat...
says he's eager to get up on stage.
It was just nerves.
So let's give him a hand...
and ask him to accept
on Jacky Chen's behalf.
Brother Chi!
What's this?
To do this, I have to rise to
Jacky Chen's artistic level.
If it were me, kneeling would work.
Here's the award.
I think the speech I prepared...
will work fine for Jacky Chen.
Sitting comfortably?
First, I thank the jury.
I thank the organizing committee.
I thank the director.
I thank the whole film crew.
Also, please applaud my wife.
Without her,
this trophy of mine would be meaningless.
While I'm here,
I also need to apologize to someone.
That person is...
Lau Wai-Chi.
You worked so hard.
You achieved perfection.
You gave a superb performance.
But to no avail.
Luck is always on my Jacky Chen's side.
Brother Chi, they're ready.
Not a bad re-enactment, Mr Icon.
But you have to start
with "Wassup, homies"...
and end with "you rock 666".
This is the director D-site
has assigned to make the videos.
That thing you said...
"Wassup, ho..."
"Wassup, homies?"
Homies means friends.
Brother, Sister, Honey, everything.
So homies are friends...
brothers, sisters, fans, whatever.
Wass... up, homies?
Let's try again.
Can you repeat that?
Remind me.
Wassup, homies?
Wassup, homies?
That's it.
Wassup, homies?
Why is it so wet?
What'd you do to it?
I sanitized it with ethanol.
You sprayed it?
Ask me first next time.
Rolling. Action!
In life you can lose...
but you can't hide.
Wassup, homies?
I'm Lau Wai-Chi.
Please give me a you rocksixy sixy sixy!
What's this 'sixy'?
Is it like six?
It is six, but your 'sixy' is so cute,
Brother Chi.
No, wait...
'Sixy' is great. Listen.
An actor has to get it right.
Let's do it again.
Why can't an actor say 'sixy'?
Not a film actor.
Sixy' is 'Sixy'...
six is six.
I'm serious about my work.
We're all serious, Brother Chi.
Look around, see this set-up?
Young people don't care
about pronunciation.
It's pass.
Bo, when Brother Chi says sixy...
add a bling-bling effect.
Like when Jacky Chen said...
"Sixy! Duang!"
What do you mean by "pass"?
"Six" is for hicks, "Sixy" is cool.
"Duang!" is even better.
Brother Chi.
This is that Jacky Chen video.
One foot.
Now, again.
No feet.
How can that be?
Look any feet?
They're in the car.
In the car?
I'll get you with my onigai!
He's in the back.
Can you find him?
I'll get you with my onigai!
What did you say?
What's an onigai?
It means "go for it".
Daddy, he says onigai means poopoo.
No, in video games, it means go for it...
Daddy, he also says your weewee went bang.
Shut up. Don't listen to her.
I said that Daddy rocks!
Daddy busts ass!
How many times have I said...
I don't like snitching.
Write one thousand times...
"I won't use bad words again."
Where's Tiger?
Early on the 15th...
missiles struck the capital of...
numerous buildings were hit.
Initial reports...
My brother's company offered me a job.
I'd like to take it.
Your brother's a lawyer.
What can you do there?
I can help look after our mom.
Take the pressure off him.
I know it's been hard for you,
dealing with D-Site isn't easy.
I can't handle all that "sixy" stuff.
We're in the metaverse now, boss.
Keep up or you're out.
Don't tell me you're ready to pack it in?
I could retire...
so long as it was with dignity.
You still dwelling on that award?
Choose health, start moving.
Mr Lau...
what's on your mind?
What do you think of Lin Hao's script?
One word.
But it could win awards.
Boss, it's about a village.
Who'd invest in such a thing?
If funding isn't locked in, forget it.
You're better off doing D-site videos.
Plenty of benefits there.
I helped him find investors before.
I could do it again.
Why knock yourself out?
This way
Dear guests
thanks for your cooperation.
On Wu Sheng's three-wheel cart...
is his daughter and her luggage.
Wu says, "Come home for the holidays."
His daughter asks, "Why?"
I'm finally going
to school in the city."
It's okay.
No need to go on.
I've read it.
The part about fatherly
love is very moving.
I teared up... Go.
Brother Chi, that's not the main theme.
The focus is on communication and bias.
I see that too.
Bias, communication, right?
Thank you!
does it have to be about peasants?
Think about international film festivals.
When we see American films...
we like watching...
cowboys, westerns, right?
When we watch French films...
we expect red wine and romance.
But with Chinese films...
it's all about cotton-padded jackets.
That's how we roll, right?
I don't know anything about film festivals.
But have you considered...
the appeal of fatherly love?
Got a minute to discuss the budget?
With us on board, the money will come in.
I'll go think it over.
Okay. Thank you.
E-Wisdom cars' 3-lines logo stands for...
technology, revolution, and ideals.
A tech company...
Your industry needs a revolution.
It's stupid to rely on box office.
You know what films should be?
Car commercials.
Make 'em into ads...
and the funding will flow.
I'll save on advertising, too. Perfect!
An industrial revolution. Win-win!
Your car's still in the design stage.
How would product placement work?
No probs. Internet logic.
We've got a logo. Use that.
The director might not agree.
He'd say no to money? Replace him!
You film types are hilarious.
What's in those brains?
You're asking for a punch in the nose.
Mr Lau, you punching me would be a story...
that'd boost my stock.
But there's no story.
Didn't I just tell you a story?
I don't care about your film's story.
And I don't get it.
To me, a film's story means nothing.
Get my drift?
A good story brings in the dough.
Money's the judge of what's good.
So are you investing?
Wai-Chi, that's not the question.
You gonna let me hit this?
Actually, you go.
If you get a hole-in-one...
you get the money.
Iron Palm!
I'll match you.
Violent Palm!
Having fun?
Never seen sugar-glass before?
Clean it up.
Don't make us angry.
I did my best.
This is all I have.
pay back the rest later.
I'll definitely pay you back.
Whichever you think is worth most...
take it.
What age are we living in?
Rule by law. You think I don't get it?
I ate your noodles.
Now have a beer on me.
What are you doing?
I borrowed the money.
Let my dad go!
You won't get away with this!
Tail slate!
Tail slate!
Brother Chi, are you alright?
Shot 1, take 32.
You alright, Brother Chi.
Let me help.
Brother Chi, are you okay?
Props! Another bottle.
I'll take a look at the monitor.
I felt it went well.
Clean this up.
Brother Chi is checking the monitor.
Have a rinse, Brother Chi.
I've got this.
Thank you!
You won't get away with this!
How was it?
You won't get away with this!
You wrote that line?
"You won't get away with this"?
You ever been in a village?
The script you wrote for Director Jia...
were the farmers in it such pussies?
Maybe it was my acting, let's try again.
Find the right angle, the sweet spot.
Director, we're down to one bottle.
This has to be the final take.
If that's the case, why
are they rehearsing?
If they break the last one, we're screwed.
That was excellent!
I think you've nailed it.
Hold on to that feeling.
It's about muscle memory.
I think...
if you do that...
this next take will be the last.
Man up, you pussy!
Son-of-a-bitch! Go to hell!
I dare you, say that again!
Son-of-a-bitch! Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Son-of-a-bitch! Go to hell!
What's wrong with you?
Son-of-a-bitch! Go to hell!
You son of a bitch! Go to hell!
Screw you to hell and back!
Come, sit down, Brother Chi.
Brother Chi, I think...
you just need to remember...
this state of mind.
You're playing a peasant.
They're quite vulgar.
I can't do that.
"Vulgar" sounds a bit bad.
Let's say rough.
Anyway, you get my drift.
It's just... But when...
Go away.
Don't film them swearing.
You're kind of like this sachet of herbs.
What do you mean?
Your environment is too warm...
for the bitter flavor to emerge.
QQ, book me a three-star hotel.
I want to experience ordinary life.
Speak to me in Mandarin more.
Open WeChat.
This I know.
Like this.
This one?
No, not add friends. Go back.
It says "payment".
Right, got it.
OK, you try.
Great, done.
Wechat receipt: 10,000 yuan.
I just paid you that?
Yeah, you said to teach you.
Don't you dare try that one again.
Miss, this plant is dead.
Brother Chi, we checked, no cameras.
What happened?
In the past 30 years...
have you ever lived alone?
Yu, get Tiger a room here.
No need, Yu.
I'm here to experience real life...
not to be a sachet of herbs.
I'm a farmer.
What farmer has such an entourage?
Thanks, but you can go now.
Yu, we're done!
We'll get to the village first
and set things up.
Drive carefully.
Remember, in the mainland,
you drive on the right.
Good kid.
Stay away from the car.
Stay safe!
What's going on?
Am I here to experience real life...
or is it here to experience me?
Hey, no filming.
Hi Brother Chi.
I'm Xai, nice to meet you.
Hey you, no filming!
Can you stop them?
We hoped you'd say a few words.
But no problem.
Li, let's go to the first site.
Mr Wang, on our way. Over!
Bike escort go!
Let's go!
Brother Chi, see how enthusiastic we are.
This is our village's Cultural Tourism Hero
the Fruit Sculptor.
He carves portraits on melons.
You should try it.
That's great...
but I'm here to learn about real life.
Can we see a less touristy place?
OK, Li, next spot.
Mr Li, on our way. Over.
This house is typical.
Ordinary villagers here all live like this.
How about even more "ordinary" rural life?
By "ordinary" you mean "poor"?
Or, say... "rough".
Our village hasn't been poor for years.
There's no poverty in the whole county.
Yes, the county eliminated
poverty long ago.
Very good.
We can't let you leave hungry.
Lunch is ready.
We're fine, really.
Next time.
At least...
take some skewers with you.
Pass me that.
Go easy on the chili.
Wrap 'em up.
Brother Chi, eat on the go...
Lam sir, eat on the go.
Thanks for coming.
Hope you'll visit again.
It's OK, want some?
Your mouth works.
How about your brain?
You let him be our guide?
He's a better actor than me.
How can I see anything real?
Turn around!
I want to look in here.
I say let's call it a day.
If anything strikes you...
I'll get Tiger to take photos...
for you to study back at the hotel.
No, I can't just give up.
I have to stick it out.
A few more photos, and we'll go.
That's the secret to 40 years of fame.
How's this one?
Hey. Buying pigs?
We're just looking around.
At what?
Just seeing if there's pigs for sale.
Hu Changjie!
We got buyers!
Come in.
What's going on?
C'mon, quick!
He's over here.
Hey! Shut your trap.
What for?
He'll get away.
Get Li to block that side.
Lock the doors.
What's this all about?
Brother Chi
you know?
I grew up watching your films.
And here you are sneaking all around.
I figured it was some
undercover inspection.
So sorry, this is embarrassing.
We were just researching real life.
It's not Brother Chi's fault.
I didn't think things through.
Geng, usual restaurant.
Book a private room.
Really, there's no need.
The Lucky Crown. Invite Chief Xia too.
Please don't invite Chief Xia.
In this place.
I call the shots.
Love ya!
Geng, get the car.
I think he kissed me.
I saw.
Let's welcome the superstar!
You're always welcome here.
Brother Chi.
Brother Chi, a photo!
This knife I'm giving you...
is no ordinary knife.
This knife put me on the road to riches.
It's precious.
It's yours!
Cut it out. Let's go.
Give me that.
So Chief Xia was a
perfect choice after all.
He's a jack of all trades.
That describes our pig farmer.
Of all things...
he gives me this butcher's knife.
Now that's rough.
How many pig souls...
has this knife dispatched?
Don't haunt us.
Find a new happy home.
And the other gift?
Grant it freedom.
Or what, take it home
and find it a girlfriend?
You alright?
Don't you find this view...
very poetic?
You're drunk.
Just go get some sleep.
Let go of me.
You're filming tomorrow.
That way, put the big items here.
Watch your hand.
Coming through.
Wong, give me a hand.
Hold on.
Bit to the left.
Don't drag it.
Won't fit.
Keep moving.
We've installed the things you requested.
You can go back to the room and rest.
If you want to come to the set.
Don't drive yourself, let Yu take you.
Also, the director said...
You even sold your breeding pig.
You done with this life?
You moving overseas?
When my dad moved here...
all he had was two knives.
They're no use to me now.
Your dad was escaping a famine.
What's next for you?
I'll cover my daughter's debt, then see.
Good, really good.
It even raised the
director's blood pressure!
That expression, first-rate.
Your idea for the pig is great.
How'd you think of that?
I remember...
Kusturica loved putting pigs in films.
Bong Joon-ho too.
Get the line producer to make some calls.
One's not enough. Get more.
I know a pig farmer.
This vest is from him.
The farmer takes his son everywhere.
A farmer with fatherly love.
Let's strengthen the fatherly love bit.
I like it.
You inspire me.
You're the expert.
I need to learn more about
a pig farmer's life.
Yes, do that.
Learn more about pigs.
Come, let's watch the rushes again.
Do I have to tell you again?
That pig is our pet.
Why allow dogs but not pigs?
Such a stupid rule.
I can't catch up!
Wait for me at the next station!
What'd you say?
I can't hear you.
Good! Stop!
that fan needs to blow hard enough...
to make the horse's mane fly...
like it's racing.
Then we cut to a shot like this...
with you in it.
Then a quick cut to a wide shot...
with the stunt double.
The double throws the whip...
and falls off the horse.
Then Brother Chi stands up.
We switch to a close-up...
with Brother Chi in frame.
Sounds good.
But my idea...
is to use a real horse.
Not a fake one.
And no stunt double. I'll do it.
Also, the horse and I fall together.
One shot, no cuts, super-authentic.
That's crazy, it's too dangerous!
It's fine.
Trust me, I can do it.
I know films need stories...
but so do film festivals.
All these padded jackets count.
But so does the actors' attitude.
We need to move the jury.
Remember The Revenant?
Classic. Yeah.
Leonardo rides the horse, falls...
and crawls into its belly.
It was real.
The jury saw that,
and he got the prize.
Did he?
He did.
His only Oscar.
The jury was so moved.
Let me check it out.
I want the feeling of it.
Actor on set!
Be careful!
Continuity, check and see...
if Brother Chi's
insurance covers riding.
Roger that, Director.
Do it again.
Why not?
His hand's still not better.
Don't encourage him.
We're done here.
Mr Lau, time to return
to the hotel and rest.
I'm a pig farmer.
I'm experiencing life.
Brother Chi they've delivered the pigs.
Lam Wai-Kwok.
Lam Wai-Kwok, have another. Here.
That's right.
Listen to your daddy.
There's more! Here.
Don't worry.
However many you give us...
we'll return them all.
Y'know, Brother Chi is
like a brother to me.
We counted 35, boss.
Take 'em to Props.
What's wrong?
My car is blocked.
You lost your car?
It's been blocked.
So it's still there, good.
So it's still there, good.
The E-Wisdom logo's 3 lines stand for...
technology, revolution, and ideals.
A tech company...
needs a strong revolutionary spirit...
I thanked him for his praise
for the acting...
and said we're making...
a great film about fatherly love.
The theme of fatherly love
lets us explore...
the vital issue of communication.
This movie is all about communications.
The director wants to show the world...
the love between
a Chinese farmer and his daughter.
We've watched the scenes you sent.
We really love what we've seen.
We definitely want the
film in the festival.
We cannot comfirm which section
the film's in right now.
Fix the WiFi!
Try my laptop.
It can't be the WiFi.
Our WiFi is a racehorse,
Europe's is a donkey...
stuck at the Aegean Sea.
What was he saying?
That we've got a shot at the competition.
I'm not surprised.
It's years since a festival
has seen a Chinese padded jacket.
And Bong Joon-ho has nothing this year.
Well-directed, well-acted.
Of course you'll get in.
My foundation did a
huge sponsorship deal...
with the festival chairman.
You're kidding.
Today's films are turds.
This is their dream come true.
Wait, Mr Zhuo, what's this about turds?
You're a film director.
You don't need to ask me that.
Enough, enough!
I could punch you for that!
He means our film could win...
Not "turds".
Is it fixed?
We didn't thank him.
What if we win an award?
My hometown...
is this village.
What's that?
A village.
A village?
It's just cardboard.
How's this?
Hi, everyone!
"I'm the workout monster!" Look
It lacks seriousness.
We're serious about not being serious.
Try this one.
More cardboard! Look at this.
It's different!
It's exactly what I'm talking about.
Then... what's serious?
This is what a serious actor does.
Sometimes it carries a price.
Wait for me!
If you're going to broadcast...
put out something serious.
Wait, wait
Let me ask you.
If I throw this golf ball in the water...
will it sink?
Of course it will.
It's made of polyethylene.
But it changes if you say I love youto it.
Why would I say "I love you"
to a little ball?
So don't. You do it.
Summer, I'll teach you a spell.
Little Ball...
Sarang Hae Yo.
Do I have to say "Little Ball"?
No need.
Just Sarang Hae Yo.
Sarang Hae Yo.
It's floating.
It's a prop.
A prop?
Here's to me.
Cheers, Brother Chi!
Turn off the music!
I'm very happy today!
It's a very important day!
My good friend Lau Wai-Chi
is now officially...
a shareholder in E-Wisdom!
Think about it
with Wai-Chi on our
side, the world is ours!
Our two industries will walk alone no more.
Our board will become
part of the film world!
Get my meaning?
No big parts, just small roles.
Does the director agree?
The director's gone.
Can anyone else decide for him?
Wai-Chi, your call?
Can we be actors too?
Brother Chi?
"OK"! The film world is so open, so easy.
A little gesture from the board. Here!
Can I borrow your phone?
Your phone.
Little cellphone
Sarang Hae Yo!
The leaders of the two countries
have agreed to a short-term ceasefire...
following an emergency meeting.
Both sides will immediately
cease hostilities...
to prevent the situation worsening.
The leaders will resume talks...
in the coming days...
to resolve territorial claims.
The UN Crisis Coordinator for the region...
informed the Security Council...
that the ceasefire remains fragile.
Frontline troops have yet to be recalled.
There is still the
potential for escalation.
She urged both sides to keep
their commitments...
and international law and covenants...
by quickly recalling
their frontline troops.
During the meeting,
several countries expressed
willingness to assist
with peace talks...
and help to resolve the conflict.
Solutions will be based
on the border situation...
and cooperation for
regional peace and stability.
In other international news...
a number of places...
saw further strikes and protests.
As protesters and police clashed
in the capital...
471 security officers were injured...
and there were 524 arrests.
What do you think?
Isn't my pet Kitty cute?
Very. I think it likes my feet.
And there's this.
Why not sit over here?
Very cozy!
It seems to recognize people.
It's not a camera, is it?
Sure, I bought it to film you.
Filming me is expensive.
Can I turn it off?
Don't tell me how
I'll figure it out.
I've an idea.
Let's lock it up for a few hours.
You ought to star in a comedy.
I have.
Which one?
It was before you were born.
Later I did maybe two more...
I think that thing is calling me.
It ate your stocking!
I'll sort it out.
What are you doing?
My laptop has a camera.
It's off.
Now it's on!
Why are you doing this?
Why did you come here?
To check out your pet?
Are you more scared of it or me?
What are you saying?
Is it my youth that scares you,
or my lower social status?
What do you mean?
You're scared that I'll use you, right?
Sorry to have disturbed you.
May I have this?
You really think I'd film you?
Choose health, start moving.
Posh cars just get to bang up other ones?
Brother Chi
there's trouble!
It's about the security guards.
What happened?
The pigs got taken.
The security guards did nothing.
Why were they taken?
And the director got beat up!
The security guys should've protected him.
Forget the security guards for a sec
why was the director beaten up?
The farmers wanted their pigs back.
But he wanted to film them...
and the security guys didn't stop them.
What farmers?
The ones that lent us the pigs.
They came for them, and the director
It's the security guards' fault!
Stop talking about the guards
just tell me, calmly, what happened?
It's a mess!
The guards messed up!
Lau Wai-Chi!
Brother Chi isn't here.
Hu Changjie
he says he's not here.
The farmers...
found that knife we threw away.
Such bad luck.
Why didn't you tell me?
It just occurred to me.
Lau Wai-Chi!
I saw you!
Come out and talk.
Stop hiding!
It's no good hiding.
What can I do to you anyway?
You give your ancestors red faces.
Stop hiding!
Brother Chi isn't here.
This some new act of yours?
I told you he's not here.
You playing a turtle?
I saw him!
Come out and act in my face
play that role of blood brother again.
I'm going to call security...
Come here!
Hey, you
Let me go!
What the hell
Mr Big Shot looks down on me.
So I decided to take my pigs back.
They say continuity-
I'm just asking for my pigs back.
Nothing wrong with taking back
what's mine, yeah?
I'm not afraid of you!
Wreck the joint!
Lock the door!
Lock the door!
You trying to scare me?
So what if I am?
Let me see you try!
So what?
Just try!
So what?
So what?
A friend of yours?
So he gave you a knife.
You threw it away...
But he found it.
So you didn't throw it very far.
didn't know the area.
According to WHO blood
pressure standards...
your test result shows...
Please consult a medical professional.
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's the farmers who were out of line
So unreasonable. You can't talk to them.
The director, too.
So he disrespects me whatever.
But how can he talk to you like that?
No room card?
Problem solved.
What problem did you solve?
What problem did you solve?
You solve small problems.
How 'bout solving a big one?
Like the problem of the pig farmer?
Mr Lam, how 'bout solving
that one right now?
Bless Brother Chi and
the rest of the filming.
May the pigs go home soon.
What's going on?
Another blackout?
Damn you!
Delete the selected video?
Get out!
Understand the words get out?
You looking for trouble?
You think you're tough?
Hit him!
Kick him!
It's ok.
Mommy! Daddy hit me!
What happened?
You're okay.
Why not tell me you were coming?
Ok ok.
You forgot, whatever.
Don't cry!
I'll fix it for you.
It's so late.
isn't he in bed?
Ryan wanted to wait for you...
to show you his letter of apology.
Let's see it.
What's this?
An apology is a question of attitude...
writing characters correctly
one of ability.
Why are you crying? Mommy!
Daddy's scolding me.
You never made such mistakes as a kid?
Queenie, get them to bed.
Mr Lau...
If you got kicked out of
someone's bedroom...
don't take it out on a child.
It's not what you're thinking.
It doesn't matter, Mr Lau.
We're already divorced.
It's really not that, Mrs Lau.
It's so rough out there...
When will you make it public?
What are you talking about?
A farmer... doesn't wear a ring.
A farmer with no ring,
and in his pyjamas.
We leave tomorrow.
Sure it's at her place?
How many times do I have to say it?
So did the two of you
"No" is good.
So you really only left your ring there?
I really only left my ring there.
that's all, very good.
Got to get the ring back though.
I'll call her for you.
This is between you and her.
If I'm suddenly in the middle of it...
it could mean more trouble.
You do it.
Send a voicemail.
So sorry...
but I wanted to ask...
if I left anything at your place?
Just be honest.
What's that?
A band-aid.
No. What did you two get up to?
Don't worry about it!
I only left my ring there.
I don't need to know.
You don't believe me?
It's not that.
Mr Lau...
I'm not interested in your private life.
But it's clear that this Summer...
has her own interpretation.
So I'll ask her.
Don't do it!
More messages mean more trouble...
and proof.
She's not like that.
Don't be naive!
Lau Wai-Chi is a superstar.
Summer is a little director.
Even that's a stretch.
She's just an uploader.
She's close to you now.
Why wouldn't she want to tell the world?
That Mr Zhuo is such a pain.
It's all because of his party.
No point in talking about it.
Brother Chi, the director needs you on set.
I know.
I'm busy right now.
How much longer till you get here?
The director is so mad
he's yelling at everyone.
He almost ripped up the script.
Director is calling for you every minute.
Come back soon.
Brother Chi, are you listening?
Brother Chi? You there?
Mr Lam, no need to rush.
The director's sick of waiting.
He called it a day.
Roger that.
Why'd you have to go this way?
The sat-nav told me to.
He knows it's rush hour.
Would it have killed him to wait?
Choose health, start moving.
Bonjour, je suis le directeur.
Bonjour, je suis le directeur.
Check the replay on the monitor.
Prepare the next shot.
Grab a stool...
for the teacher.
Quick, mop the floor.
This time the logo is very visible.
Check it out.
Aren't we filmmakers?
How did we come to be making an ad?
An ad has to sell a product.
There's not even a car, just a logo.
We're making a conceptual ad.
Isn't that what the boss wants?
I think it's working.
Then you direct it.
Ready... Action!
Our condolences.
This is a token of our goodwill.
I'm not after money.
I want an apology!
It's your fault my daughter's dead.
I want you to admit it.
We came today...
out of the kindness of our hearts.
Don't take it the wrong way, Mr Wu.
If that's how you want to put it...
I fear you're going to upset me.
Are you a human being?
Apologize for what
happened to his daughter.
I won't say it again.
Is that right?
Hold on.
Which side are you on?
I pay you
you mouthy bastard.
Where do you stand, really?
OK, cut!
Back to your positions.
Prop check, take back the money.
You really an actor?
The director's on set!
What are you doing?
And you
why'd you kneel mid-shot?
I lost my contacts. I couldn't see.
This is a film set.
We're shooting a film.
You can't just kneel down...
or show up when it suits you.
Xiao Zhao...
Stop messing around.
Put your heart into it.
Listen to the Director.
Director, I'm sorry.
I should've introduced her.
She's the niece of the dean of
our Business School.
She's one of us.
One of us.
Sorry, Director.
It's their first time.
Forgive them.
Go on.
Brother Chi.
I've an idea for this scene.
Why do I have lines but not Mr Zhuo?
I don't mind, really.
But, Director
this is the dean of our Business School.
A majority shareholder.
He has to have lines and a central role!
No need.
Same shares, same rights.
I've a suggestion
three lines of dialogue.
One apiece.
Let's try it, okay, director?
Brother Chi, give us our cue.
I'm not after money.
I want an apology.
We're here today...
out of the kindness of our hearts.
Two separate issues, Mr Wu.
How's that?
Not bad.
Maybe a little more relaxed.
Also, Wai-Chi, Director
I've another idea. Maybe it's sill...
but I have to say it.
This guy's a thug.
But he talks and talks...
like a lobbyist or something.
Your lines are boring.
You have muscles, use them!
Why not beat us up?
That'll make it lively.
These days good movies...
don't have much dialogue.
Audiences love action films.
Less dialogue is good.
The key is fighting, action, yeah?
What a good idea.
That was our original idea for the scene.
Brother Chi worried you'd get hurt, right?
That first version was good.
We're ready to suffer for art!
We're here to make sacrifices, right?
Sure, bro.
So professional!
We'll do it your way then.
Director, if we do that,
things will get rough.
Who's more of a pro than an investor?
Do what they said.
OK, let's go.
take your positions.
Shooting live action.
Final checks.
Positions! Hurry!
Our condolences.
This is a token of our goodwill.
I'm not after money!
I want an apology!
It's your fault my daughter's dead.
I want you to admit it.
We're here today...
out of the kindness of our hearts.
Don't take it the wrong way, Mr Wu.
You push us around!
They're fighting for real!
Don't fight for real!
Stop fighting!
Stop, don't fight!
I paid for this...
and now I get beat up?
Don't fight for real!
Stop fighting!
Who told you to stop?
Stop all this!
Brother Chi is still in costume.
How can he change with the cops everywhere?
Are you crazy?
Make-up needs the wig.
And the moustache.
This just came.
Remember, the ring never went missing.
I consulted the Celebrity Whisperer.
He says this won't hold you back.
Just rest a few days, then get back on set.
It's so loose.
All this worry you've lost weight.
Big problem, Mr Lam!
The clip of Brother Chi has gone viral.
It's trending online.
I don't know what to do.
Don't tell him yet.
It might be too much for him.
What should I do?
We need to find a solution, quickly.
Get out of show business!
How'd he not fall to death?
Add your say online.
What's wrong with him?
You think you're a star.
You tortured an animal.
Do you deserve your fame?
Negative comments are off the scale.
We can't delete them fast enough.
Luckily, no calls for a film boycott yet.
We have to say something.
What's this about?
Brother Chi, you're being trolled.
They saw you fall off the horse.
Why would they troll me for that?
That was just me giving my all, right?
No stunt double, taking risks
isn't that how you judge a good actor?
Tom Cruise, Leonardo they all did that.
Jacky Chen too.
It's unfair.
The netizens are all for equality
for people, women, and animals.
where's the inequality?
No stunt double...
it was me that fell. What inequality?
They say it wasn't fair to the horse.
Not fair to the horse?
I fell together with the horse.
I'm the one that got hurt, missy.
Brother Chi, it's not about who's right.
We just need to fix this.
If we stay silent, it'll just get bigger.
It could affect the film and your career.
In other countries...
they're stricter about
animal welfare on set.
Animal rights has become a sensitive issue.
What are you saying?
It could affect our chances
with film festivals.
Director, if you don't mind my asking.
How'd the footage end up online?
How's that possible?
It was me.
Me. I uploaded it.
Is that not allowed?
You guys make one mess after another.
Don't you care about this film?
What about you?
If you care so much,
why beat up the investors?
That's the viral clip that
sparked the controversy.
Brother Chi, if I were
a netizen I'd also ask...
why a present-day drama...
even needs a horse?
It was a romantic idea.
Can you picture...
that green backdrop...
as a speeding train in the film.
The daughter is on the train.
The father is racing after it.
It's a story of fatherly love.
Can you picture that?
I can, yes.
Can I ask
will it be a bullet train?
Probably not.
That's okay.
For how it turns out...
we'll have to wait
for the film's release!
That's right.
Still, the clip has drawn
a lot of criticism online.
About this footage
what would you like to
say to those netizens?
I just want to say...
that maybe...
I was too committed to my character.
Sometimes I go too far for my craft.
I've upset people who care about animals...
and hurt that little horse.
I hope...
I can be forgiven...
for taking things too far...
I really understand Brother Chi.
He's so devoted to his craft.
But I also get those netizens...
the ones who show animals...
such kindness and care.
That's why I think...
a sincere apology...
from Brother Chi is called for.
I sincerely...
I sincerely...
wish to donate 2 million yuan...
to the Horse Lovers' Foundation.
I hope no more horses will be harmed.
This is a compassionate gesture.
isn't there something else
you'd like to say?
I can...
I can... apologize.
I can say I'm sorry.
I can donate money.
I can do whatever it takes.
But what I want to say...
is that as an actor...
who performs his own stunts...
and immerses himself in real life...
who brings in investors...
when a film's budget runs dry...
what's my crime?
What's my crime?
Brother Chi is speaking from the heart.
I know, I really do...
that people won't understand
what I'm saying.
But why can't you all...
respect my hard work?
It's not a bad thing to work hard.
Thank Brother Chi for being so
Am I right?
Wow, time flies when you're streaming!
Our livestream is timing out.
So, thanks...
to all our viewers and friends.
Especially Brother Chi's many fans.
We look forward...
to the release of his new film.
OK, thanks, everyone!
Thanks for watching today's show!
Till next time!
Thank you!
Please take your room card.
A successful delivery.
I will be praised.
Where's my power bank?
An interesting question.
Please call reception.
Where's my power bank?
I'm asking you, where's my power bank?
An interesting question.
Please call reception.
I'm Lau Wai-Chi! Don't you know who I am?
Lift your game, okay?
If you don't lift yours
how can I lift mine?
Brother Chi, why don't you injure me?
I'd love a little apology of 2 million.
Don't be so uncompromising.
It's not easy to be a good actor.
Money exempts you from apologizing?
I can feel my blood pressure rise.
Such arrogance!
I love you, Dany Lau.
I'll always love you.
Dany Lau is a true professional.
He put in an effort not
using a stunt double.
Like 2 mil is a mini-apology.
Lau Wai-chi, you the man!
If you act cool, you can do anything.
Let's take a tour
of his "400 mini-apologies" mansion
in Hong Kong's Mid-Levels
A video of Lau abusing a horse went viral.
But he wouldn't apologize...
and ignited an online firestorm.
The film's rep has taken a hit.
There's a big push to boycott it.
We contacted Lau Wai-Chi's team...
but up to now no response.
This is Ongoing News.
Soon after the cease-fire agreement...
hostilities re-commenced.
Border skirmishes...
have led to heavy casualties.
Dear guest,
may I help you?
Who told you to open the door?
I just wanted to clean the room.
I don't know either.
Tiger, check the cameras.
See if you can find it.
We have a deep respect for human
and animal lives and dignity.
We do not believe that art should be
conducted in this manner.
I just killed this one,
how come it's back up?
Dear shareholders, please be assured...
E-Wisdom is no longer
investing in this film.
How many brands are still endorsing me?
Only one.
What's it like in Hong Kong?
Mrs Lau and the kids should stay home.
You can't let them get papped.
I'm on it, don't worry.
Brother Chi
Come hear what the PR team proposes.
Brother Chi, we have a great plan.
We'll shoot a video...
of you cuddling the pig.
Then you buy that horse...
and adopt it. Slow down.
OK, no probs.
As for upsetting the rabble...
we'll make a joke of it.
In time...
the outrage train will move on.
The concrete plan involves...
We shoot a clip showing
your love for horses...
and soothe the rabble.
Young lady...
you think I like animals?
Yes, of course.
So why'd I fall off that horse?
You did it to
It doesn't matter now.
You don't think the truth matters?
The truth doesn't matter.
Would you mind looking over our plan?
If the truth doesn't matter...
why waste time discussing it?
Mr Lau, we're talking about the plan.
Even if it was animal abuse, it's OK.
We're internet pros.
Soon no one will care if it's true.
You don't think truth matters.
Netizens don't think truth matters.
I want to prove my innocence.
You want to prove your skill.
Netizens want to feel important.
No one wants to understand the others.
Look at you staring at me like that
Why are you doing this?
Brother Chi, cool it.
Shut up!
You're like them, you don't listen.
You keep saying it can be "fixed".
Calm down.
Get out!
You all just want to "fix" me?
What's all this yelling?
You're a star, so what?
That means you can bully people?
When you finish abusing animals...
you come here to act the tyrant?
What a joke.
I'm out, boss.
I quit.
I have a cat.
I can't stand people like you.
What kind of man are you?
How can you hit him?
What the hell?
Why is this happening?
Don't go!
Ok, everyone back to work, calm down.
Be the pros you are, sit down!
Back to work, ok?
Brother Chi, let's just deal with this.
Please sit down.
The pig got out.
Brother Chi, let's go to the room.
C'mon, let's go.
Excuse us, 'scuse us.
Pull! Pull!
Brother Chi
Brother Chi
It jumped off.
Pull slowly.
Pull, pull!
Tiger, come help.
It's stuck!
Take it slow!
It's stuck!
Hold still!
Dude, not cool!
Stop recording!
Why should I?
What's Lau Wai-Chi still
got to be afraid of?
You still shouldn't be filming.
Stop shouting!
Brother Chi!
Brother Chi!
Brother Chi...
Brother Chi...
Mr Lam said...
he's busy.
He'll return to Hong Kong later
some loose ends to tidy up.
Also, that sweeping robot found this.
Forget it. I can't blame you.
You've never considered
other people's perspectives.
But I'm used to considering yours.
Give me time to cool down.
I'll be back next week.
Forget it. I can't blame you.
You've never considered
other people's perspectives.
But I'm used to considering yours.
Stop the car.
You'll hurt your hand like that.
Use this.
You want to take them down?
The posters on Ice House Street are old.
Lau sir doesn't like them.
We'll get them changed.
No need.
It's not that they're old.
Then what?
I shouldn't be smiling.
It's so fake.
Let me.
Summer, are you there?
Can you help me post a video?
Hi everyone, I'm Lau Wai-Chi.
With D-Site's help, I'd like to...
find the owner of the car 'Jin-A 222QC'.
My homie...
I'm very sorry I damaged your car.
I'd like to formally apologize to you.
Because in life, you can lose...
but you can't hide.
May your life be awesome 666.
Come on, it took us ages!
I don't get it, what's the point?
This is the entrance, the exit is upstairs.
You're joking. It's right here,
just let us through.
Sorry, rules are rules.
Be reasonable, just let us through.
We came all the way down,
just let us through.
Can't do. Rules are rules!
The exit is upstairs.
This is how you write "apology".
why did Mommy divorce you?
I'm arrogant.
What's arrogant?
I'm self-important.
I always think I'm right
and others are wrong.
Oh yeah
Mommy said this was a gift from you.
I don't like it, you can have it.
Don't touch my things!
Come and get it!
Give it back!
Give it back!
Give it back!
Welcome to the 720 dashcam.
Sorry, I've already left D-site.
Please leave me alone.