The Mulligan (2022) Movie Script

(light instrumental music)
(ball clanking)
(spectators clapping)
- With a birdie of one,
(spectators clapping)
the amateur Paul McAllister
is off to a big start.
- And that's the number
four handicap hold Jim.
Now let's see if
he can keep it up.
(ball clanking)
(spectators clapping)
- How about this?
He's just gone back-to-back
at the start of this round.
- I don't know who this guy is,
but this is starting
to get a little bit
interesting isn't it?
(spectators clapping)
- Who else has come on
to the scene like this
out of nowhere and
played, just lights out?
- That's a great question,
Brandon Grace maybe,
at the 2017 Open,
kind of comes to mind.
Johnny Miller, Bobby Jones?
- All right, Szoke,
let's go out to the course
and follow our unlikely leader.
Gloria Ruben is
out there with him.
- Well, gentlemen,
when a golfer is having
a round like this,
we say he's playing unconscious.
McAllister, I don't
think he has a pulse.
- Jim, how is it that we
have never heard of this guy?
- No idea, to our viewers,
we have frantically searched
everywhere for his resume.
He owns a large corporation,
but we can't find
where he plays,
what country club, his
pro, anything about him.
I mean, this is a
phenom from nowhere.
- We all know this is a Pro-Am,
but I'll bet there are
some pros out there
that wouldn't wanna
play against this guy.
- Well, amen to that.
(spectators clapping)
- [Jim] And now the final
hole from, Mr. McAllister,
can he do it?
Can he complete the
perfect round of golf?
- I mean, Jim, good
Lord, all birdies.
This should be just a tap in.
- Gloria, you're down there,
what do you see with this putt?
- Just has to get
it to the hole.
Jim, my two-year old can make
this with her Lego putter.
(crowd humming)
- Szoke, Gloria, what is that
humming sound I'm hearing?
It sounds like a...
(phone buzzing)
It sounds like a-
(fast instrumental music)
(elevator dinging)
- Have a good day
Mr. McAllister.
- This is all your fault.
(car revving)
- How come you
didn't wake me up?
- Sir, your phone was
set on do not disturb.
- Well, you could
have called the hotel,
and where's the map program?
This car does not
have a map program.
I don't know where
I'm going, Harriet.
I mean, how much are
we paying for this car?
- Harriet-
- It doesn't have a map program?
Come on, and I can't find
my sunglasses either.
- [Harriet] Have you tried
looking on your head?
- Paul, Ted here,
we're tracking you.
All right, at the next
intersection make a left.
- [Paul] Left?
- [Ted] Left now, left now.
(tires screeching)
- Did you say left?
(crowd cheering)
- Cue video, roll video.
(audience clapping)
- You forgot to eat lunch again?
- No, I remember quite well
choosing not to eat lunch.
Thank you.
Anything else?
- Oh, your son, Jake,
won his regional motocross
tournament today.
- That's great, put it in
the company newsletter.
- I sent him your
- Oh good.
- [Announcer] And now,
welcome to the stage,
the man behind it
all, Paul McAllister.
- Showtime.
- Go get 'em.
(audience clapping)
- Thank you, thank you.
So are you pumped?
(audience cheering Yeah)
Come on, you can do
better than that.
I said, are you pumped?
(audience cheering)
That's more like it, that
is the McAllister spirit.
So, no.
This is not the latest picture
from my, my last vacation.
This is the next phase of growth
at McAllister international.
The big Kahuna,
where 80% of all the world's
e-commerce takes place.
This is where stronger
distribution relationships
are going to be built
for McAllister to become
a dominant e-commerce
force worldwide.
So how do we accomplish this?
We must remember
our core values.
Which are:
- Performance,
That's how we win.
- That's how we win.
(audience clapping)
- Cut to the motocross video.
- Are you sure?
I thought Paul and his son
were a little, estranged?
- Nah, he'll love it.
Roll video.
(motorbikes buzzing)
- [Announcer] Ooh, what a
move McAllister just made,
Jake's taking the lead.
(all chanting Jake)
- [Announcer] And he pulls
past the pack, McAllister wins!
(crowd cheering)
- Yes, that's my son.
(phone dinging)
Thank you, very
proud, very proud.
That just goes to show that
we're still a family company.
All right, please sit, sit.
You know, it's hard to
believe that just 9 years ago,
we were working out of a tiny
storefront in a strip mall.
- South Park, representing.
(all laughing)
- George was there, so
was Bob, and Harriet.
(audience clapping)
Many of the quality producers
that we are gonna
be targeting in Asia
have well established
supply chains,
and deep relationships with
some of our competitors.
But not to worry,
because we have the
right team player
on board to get us there.
Please help me
welcome to the stage,
our new Chief Operating
Officer, Ted Styron.
(audience clapping)
Ted here, he has extensive
e-commerce experience
throughout Southeast Asia,
great relationships,
and a ridiculous track
record of success.
- Thanks, Paul.
And I am truly humbled
to be in this position
and getting to work alongside
each and every one of you.
You've accomplished so much,
but I expect even more
from the McAllister team.
I think with the right
moves and the right deals,
we can be serious competitors
in these new markets
in the very near future.
- I don't know, those are
some pretty lofty goals, Ted.
- Isn't that what you
guys are all about?
(crowd cheering yeah)
- I've been around, and
I've heard your mantra.
It's only worth it...
(all cheering)
- If you earn it.
(audience clapping)
- Welcome aboard, Ted.
Now everybody, thank
you for being brilliant.
Now go enjoy the
rest of the program
because you earned it, but
tomorrow go make some money.
(audience clapping)
(upbeat music)
- By the way,
I set you up in a Pro-Am
charity golf tournament.
- You did?
What's the upside?
- Heavy hitter coming in
from Asia, Chaos Wong.
- Wong's Manufi right?
- Right, one of the largest
producers in the region,
you get to meet a tour player,
play a round of golf
on national television,
and connect us to Chao.
The $20 billion man.
- Not bad, Ted, you're
off to a good start.
(pan flute music)
(airplane whooshing)
(speaking foreign language)
- Woo.
- I can't believe you won.
- Oh, come on, mom.
You can't?
I mean, if, if I hadn't hit
that double, just right,
going into that rut, I
never would've made it.
Like, that was a crazy finish.
- Oh honey, I am
so proud of you.
(Jake laughing)
- Thanks.
- Get up here.
- Ooh, yeah.
Is that Meatloaf?
- You know it is.
- Yes, I'm starving.
- Good.
Because I made plenty.
So, did you hear from your dad?
- No, but Harriet sent a great
e-card pretending to be him.
We got any ketchup?
- Yeah.
Heads up.
I heard they played
your race at his event.
- Oh,
I bet that went over big.
- Actually, I heard it did.
- I mean with Paul.
- He's still your father.
(water splashing)
My small group is
meeting here tonight.
If you're here, you're
welcome to drop by.
- Your women's group?
- Yeah.
- And you guys pray
for, dad or me?
- Mm, Hmm.
- Yeah, no thanks, Mom.
Mom, it's, it's been what,
4 or 5 years,
something like that?
God's warranty on dad
coming back has expired.
I'm just, I'm just sick of
seeing you get let down.
- Jake, look, your dad is just,
he's complicated.
- No, he's not.
He's married to his business.
I'm, I'm moving on,
just like he did.
You should too.
Love you, Mom.
- Oh, I love you too.
- Yeah?
- Cookies.
Definitely want those.
- Hey?
What would it take for
you to forgive him?
- If he made these
as good as you.
(men chattering)
- Right, here we go.
Here we go, here we go.
(ice cube clicking)
(all cheering)
- I can't believe this.
- Someone give this man
a single malt, geez.
- You guys want to know what
the sweetest sound of golf is?
It's this.
(money flicking)
The sound of cash
going in my pocket.
- Unreal.
(phone dinging)
- I just got my pairing
for the Pro-Am tournament.
- Yeah, who is it?
- Tom Lehman.
- Tom Lehman, are you serious?
- That's gonna be tough for
you Paul, playing with a pro.
You sure you know
how to handle it?
- I don't care, it's business.
Plus it's a charity event.
- What's the charity?
- Me, I'm the charity.
- Here, here.
(glasses clanking)
- [Ted] Left now, left now.
(tires screeching)
- Did you say left?
(motor revving)
- Okay, in 2 miles,
you're gonna make a right,
and there should be some signs.
- Okay, I got it, thanks.
- Hit 'em straight partner.
Most importantly, connect
us with Chao Wong.
That's your entire
purpose for being there.
- Will do.
- [Announcer] Ladies
and gentlemen,
welcome to the Currahee Club,
the host of this years exciting
Currahee Pro-Am
Charity Golf Classic,
benefiting College
Golf Fellowship
and the Payne
Stewart Golf Camps.
In honor of the
legacy of Mr. Stewart,
we ask that you-
- Hey, where do I check in?
- All remove your hats.
- Come on, come on, man.
I got a tee time. Let's go.
- Mr. McAllister,
thank goodness,
we've been looking for you.
Your start time is in
less than 10 minutes.
- 10 Minutes, no, no,
no, that's impossible.
You're gonna have to
make some accommodations.
My alarm, look, look
it doesn't matter,
but I gotta hit balls,
I gotta warm up-
- No Sir, I'm sorry.
Unless you wanna
forfeit the tournament,
you have to go to the
first tee right now.
- Are you kidding me?
Let's go, come on.
- [Announcer] Ladies
and gentlemen,
welcome to the Currahee Club.
- [Tom] How you guys feeling?
- Eh.
- [Tom] You'll be fine, but
don't forget to breathe, okay?
- Hey Tom, Paul
McAllister, it's an honor.
- Hey Paul, good to see you.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hey everyone, we're
gonna have a great day.
Before we start though,
I wanna say that we're
playing golf today
for two great causes.
One is College Golf fellowship,
which has been a part of my
life for a long, long time.
The other is the Payne
Stewart Golf Camps,
and we have some kids
who take part here today.
They use golf to
teach kids about life.
So everything we're doing is
to support kids like this,
so keep that in mind.
Let's have a great time today.
Thanks for being here.
(all clapping)
- Beautiful day for golf, Tom.
- [Announcer] Please
welcome to the tee,
former number 1 rank
golfer in the world,
winner of the 1996
Open Championship-
- Yeah, we got lucky
with the weather.
- [Announcer] The only
golfer in history-
- You ever play one
of these things?
- Hold on, hold it.
- [Announcer] The
player of the year honor
on all 3 PGA tours,
ladies and gentlemen,
Tom Lehman.
(all clapping)
(ball clanking)
(Paul whistling)
- Good shot.
(all clapping)
- [Announcer] Next on
the team, Keith Beckman.
- This whole TV crew
thing makes me nervous.
- Yeah, just get
through the first hole,
you won't even think about it.
(ball clanking)
(spectators clapping)
- [Paul] Good shot.
- [Announcer] Rusty Williams.
(spectators clapping)
- Welp, here goes nothing.
(ball clanking)
- [Paul] Beauty.
(spectators clapping)
- [Rusty] Aw, hold
on, hold on, hold on.
- [Tom] Great shot.
- Bunch of hacks.
- [Announcer] Paul McAllister.
- Paul, the best
spot to hit today
is right center of the fairway.
The wind will help you get
you set up for the dogleg.
- You know what?
I don't need your advice.
Just carry my bag and hand
me the club that I ask for,
and we'll get along just fine.
- Whatever you say, Sir.
- Didn't give me
any time to warm up.
(ball clanking)
(upbeat music)
Day comes, do you
walk on through
I'm taking it all away
Their taking it all away
Time to relive all
you thought you knew
'Cause their
taking it all away
Their taking it all away
Head is spinning
Legs all start to shake
Your left wondering
How did it get this way
- No worries, Paul, don't
think about the cameras.
There's a man right
in front of me
Takin' it all away
He's takin' it all away
- Be right, be right,
please be right.
- Money.
(spectators clapping)
- Finally.
(spectators clapping)
- [Announcer] After
what one could only call
an abysmal 8 holes,
McAllister finally has a
good look at a birdie here.
With his handicap,
it would mean a much
needed eagle for his team.
(suspenseful music)
(crowd groaning)
- What's wrong with you,
you're better than this,
this is not what you came for.
Get yourself together, Paul.
(club cracking)
(crowd gasping)
- [Announcer 1] Well, for
those of you watching at home,
we'd like to show
you the technique
behind amateur Paul
McAllister's club break.
- [Announcer 2] First you
grasp the end solidly.
- [Announcer 1]
Grip is everything.
- [Announcer 2] Then
apply the pressure
at just the right moment.
- [Announcer 1] There,
perfect separation.
- [Announcer 2] I'm
not sure his sponsors
will enjoy this notoriety.
- [Announcer 1] Yeah, but hey,
they spell your
name right, right?
- [Announcer 2] His follow
up toss, also merits mention.
- [Announcer 1] Oh, high
marks for that throw, yes.
- [Announcer 2] Indeed.
- [Announcer 1] Let's
get back to our leaders,
the Wong family.
(spectators clapping)
(pan flute music)
- [Spectator] Get in the hole.
Oh, yeah.
(spectators clapping)
- Hey Rusty, why don't
you guys go ahead and hit,
we'll catch up with you.
- Okay.
- All right?
Hey there, Paul,
you know, we haven't even
talked this whole front 9.
- Sorry Tom, I'm a little
preoccupied not doing so well.
- Yeah, well we
all have bad days.
- I'm sure we have.
- Yeah, yeah, but you know,
that thing about the putter,
you're just not good
enough to get that mad.
Let's talk after the round.
(soft music)
You know,
my dad always told me that
the game of golf and life
have a lot in common.
That the way you
act on a golf course
often reflects the way
that you live your life.
- Well, I always heard
the game was called golf
because all the other four
letter words were taken.
- Whoa.
- That's true.
Hey Paul,
there is somebody here who
I'd love for you to meet.
He was a friend of my dad's.
He's had a huge influence
on me, my entire life,
both on and off the golf
course, his name is Will Dunn.
He's a member here.
Most folks, they just
call him the old pro.
So do me a favor,
have a chat with him.
- Yeah, I guess I can do that.
- Tell him I sent ya.
- I will, thanks Tom.
- Yep.
- Anybody have an extra
putter I can borrow?
- I do.
(all laughing)
- Hey, I'm looking for a
man they call, the old pro.
- That'd be Mr.
Dunn, Sir, Will Dunn.
He's in his usual
spot on the veranda.
(light instrumental music)
- Are you the old pro?
- Well,
I am old.
- Paul McAllister from
Atlanta, Tom Lehman sent me.
- Oh, help me up.
Ah, good.
Got time for a Mint Julep?
- No, thanks.
- How about a nice
Arnold Palmer?
- Uh,
yeah, sure.
- [Waiter] Yes, sir.
- Let's sit down.
Well, what can I
do for you, Paul?
- Not sure, exactly.
Although I did just play
the worst round of golf
I've played in
years, maybe ever.
I even lost 2 balls
on the putting green.
(Will laughing)
- Well, if you're
here for golf lessons,
there's a lot better pros
to learn from than me.
- Tom was pretty
specific I find you.
- What did you do
out there Paul,
that caused Mr. Lehman
to send you my way?
- Oh, I, sort of, had
an equipment failure,
then things got worse.
- Oh, well, where
do you see yourself?
- Excuse me?
- Not just in golf, but you
know your whole existence,
your life, who you are.
- What are you?
Some sort of all-knowing
enigmatic guru type guy?
- Well, I like that,
but I don't think it would
fit my business card.
- Hey, I'm sorry, I, I
gotta go business calls.
Nice meeting you.
- Oh, okay.
Call me.
When you decide to get serious.
- Mr. Wong, Paul McAllister.
- See you at the club.
- Okay.
- Mr. McAllister, I'm aware
of you and your company.
This is my daughter
Shin, and my son Lijung.
- It's a pleasure.
- Your family, are
they here with you?
- No, unfortunately
they couldn't make it.
- I'd like to meet them someday.
- Sure, we can
all hope for that.
Would you have
time to talk about
some business ideas I have?
- Sure,
after I meet your family.
(motor revving)
- Hey Harriet, I'm gonna
stay in Currahee another day.
So change my flight,
and I need you to set
an appointment for me,
a man named Will Dunn.
(light instrumental music)
(door thumping)
- Hey, have you guys seen Will?
(engine revving)
Forget it.
(horn honking)
- Hey Paul, come on,
we're burning daylight.
(engine revving)
Let's go.
- I guess you're driving-
(tires squealing)
- Fortunate people we are Paul.
Not everyone gets to
golf in places like this.
Ooh, this car has
remarkable handling.
- I'm glad you're enjoying it,
it rents for 500 a day.
- Woo, hoo, does that
include insurance?
I hear they really
get you for insurance.
- When was the last time
you drove like this?
- Ah, 20 years ago, I guess.
Back when I still
had my license.
Smoke on the water
Fire in the sky
- Ah, a muni?
- Yeah, my Dads
best buddy Donald,
designed this course, 1927.
Yeah, I think you'll like it.
- Uh, I got a rash the
last time I played a muni.
- Ah.
No, no, no, no, no, no,
put those clubs back.
You're not gonna
need 'em right now.
I watched the highlights
of you on the 9th green,
and we got a few other
things to cover today.
(golf cart puttering)
So how do you see yourself?
- You know guru, you
already asked me that.
What do you mean see yourself?
- Well, when you
look in the mirror,
when you're shaving,
brushing your teeth,
doing your morning
ritual, what do you see?
- I see the man I've
always wanted to be.
- Any regrets?
- Can't afford to
spend time on things
that create a weak mental state.
- What about your personal life?
- Business is good.
- Business?
- Mm, hmm.
- Tell me about your family.
- Wow, you know, you're
the second person this week
who's hit me with
this family stuff.
I mean, what is with you guys?
- Ouch.
- Okay.
I have a son who hates me,
and my wife and I have been
separated for about 5 years.
- Sounds like your game
could use a mulligan.
- A mulligan?
You mean like a golf mulligan?
- A mulligan, yeah.
The mulligan was first
used sometime in the 1930s,
during a round at the Wing
Foot Golf Club in New York.
Dave Mulligan had
arrived by automobile
for a round of
golf with friends,
and had traversed a
very rickety bridge.
He was quite literally rattled,
subsequently he completely
muffed his tee shot.
He begged his friends
for a do-over,
and although,
this was probably not the
first mulligan ever granted,
a practice completely contrary
to the rules of golf of course,
it was memorialized,
and would forever be
associated with his namesake.
- Thanks for the history lesson
but I never liked mulligans.
- Fair enough.
With all the things
you could do,
why do you play golf?
- I've always enjoyed the game.
- Hmm, play a lot as a kid?
- Yes,
My father introduced
me to the game.
- You have a good
relationship with your father?
- [Announcer] Bottom
of the 8th inning,
and so far it's been
a very tough game.
(liquid splashing)
- Move, move, move.
- Um, can you help-
- Hold on, hold on, hold on.
- [Announcer] A double play.
- Ah, dang it.
- What, what is it?
- It's long division.
- All right,
here's our answer, right?
You're gonna write
that answer down
and make sure it's
barely legible, okay?
Now, now this is the most
important part right here,
you paying attention?
Two smaller numbers,
you put 'em right there.
And you get, like, a minus
sign, you gotta remember,
they can't be able
to read it at all.
And that, is a
guaranteed pass, my boy.
- But I really wanna
learn how to do it.
- I'm teaching you
how to survive, son.
- But, but you can't cheat.
You have to follow the rules.
- Well, fine then.
Do whatever you gotta do.
Good luck with it,
good luck with life.
- I'm gonna be better than you.
- What's that?
- Taking a mulligan is cheating.
That's why I've always
hated mulligans.
- Does that look like
a chariot to you?
- What, in the clouds?
- I've always thought
it'd be so cool.
If God would take me
home in a flaming chariot
like the prophet Elijah.
These days, I seem to be taking
a closer look than usual.
- Are you sure you don't
wanna, just hit a few putts?
- Oh, I think we've
accomplished quite a bit today,
don't you?
- Ah, I see,
well, it certainly
was a beautiful day
- Hey, would you take me by
my office on the way back?
- As long as I'm driving.
- Okay.
Paul, I give these to
people who might, emphasis,
might have a chance at getting
their game back in shape.
- A journal?
- You can call it
that if you'd like,
I even started it for you.
List your solid
shots on the left,
and your mulligans on the right.
Keep asking yourself
where you see yourself,
not just in golf, but in life.
In fact,
make an assessment of
your life every day,
and acknowledge the
errors you may be making
and then correct them.
- And you think this might help.
- Come back and see
me in a few weeks,
and bring that fancy pants
car with you, I like it.
- What do you mean it
hit the target price
but we didn't buy?
Automate it if you have to
Gary, it's not a suggestion.
How do you think our
company grows exponentially?
Correct, through mergers
and acquisitions,
that's where you come in.
So when I tell you
to set a target price
for a significant portion
of a competitor stock,
what do you do?
Right answer, now buy the
shares and no mulligans allowed.
Of course I'm gonna wait.
- Mr. Freeman's on line 2.
- I'll have to get back to him.
Talk to me, Gary.
- Paul?
- Now watch it, if it
drops in the next 5 days,
I want you to
double our position.
Yeah, I hope she gets well soon,
but Gary don't ever
second guess me again,
are we clear on that?
- So how'd you play?
- Well, I guess you didn't
see the highlight reel.
- Chao and his kid
won the tournament,
yeah, I saw that, and yes
I heard about the hole.
You made ESPN,
which is why I thought you
might need one of these.
Reinforced carbon graphite,
nearly unbreakable.
- Wow.
- Should eliminate
some temptations.
- So, Chao.
Did you meet him, how'd it go?
- Yeah, briefly.
- He seemed more interested
in my family than our company.
- Think it'll pay off?
- It might, but he's definitely
gonna need some courting.
- [Ted] Gotcha.
- I'll tell you what,
why don't you go ahead and
prepare some projections.
- Done.
Oh, Hey.
How about you and I
get some drinks soon?
My girlfriend Beth has
a smoking hot friend.
- Eh, that's the last
thing I need right now.
My life's complicated enough.
- Just drinks?
All right, don't
make a decision now,
but don't make plans
for Friday at 6.
- Food, right.
Ah, where would
I be without you?
- Ah, skinny or dead?
How was your golf lesson?
- Enlightening.
- Oh, good.
- Harriet, um, have you
seen Rebecca this week?
- Every Monday.
- Oh, that's right.
What do you,
what do you ladies talk
about when you're together?
- Well, it's a life group,
so we, we talk and we pray.
We even pray for you.
- How's she doing?
- She's your wife, Paul, maybe
you should ask her sometime.
(instrumental music)
It's, it's no secret that
she misses you terribly.
Question is, do you miss her?
(slow instrumental music)
(water splashing)
Let me guess, book a
flight to Currahee?
(ball clanking)
- Paul,
this is not finished.
Did you, did you forget to
write in the solid shot side?
This reads like an obituary.
- Look, Will, I'm
picking it up at my pace,
so either meet me where I'm
at or we shouldn't be meeting.
- Fair enough.
But if you're
expecting a cakewalk
the bakery's down the street.
(ball clanking)
- Woo.
Are you kidding me?
You're not even watching,
that was an amazing shot.
- I don't have to see a
good shot, I can hear it.
- Oh, so what do you
hear about my game?
- Oh, your game,
I think your game of life
is in the bigger mess.
Stop glaring at me.
Look, here's what you gotta do.
You've got to start your day
visualizing a perfect outcome.
Stretch back, meditate
in the morning,
and then see the scenery,
enjoy the scenery,
to create a perfect mental state
before you ever get
to the golf course.
See you start with the
little things, get 'em right,
before you get to the big ones.
- Well, at least we're
finally talking about golf.
- Oh, think so?
- Oh, so now you're
gonna tell me
that the reason I'm
separated from my wife
is actually a result
of the little things
I wasn't paying
attention to, hmm?
- Just trying to hell help
you with your warmups.
- What time is our tee time?
- Tomorrow morning,
10:00 AM, at the muni.
- Tomorrow?
What am I even warming up for?
- Well, I think we made
some real progress today,
don't you?
See you tomorrow at
10, Lord willing.
- You know, I've got better
things to do with my life.
- Oh, I know, you're a big shot.
- [Rebecca] This was a
good lesson, wasn't it?
- [Harriet] It was excellent.
(ladies all chatting)
- And just go on to lesson 12-
- Hey, Jake.
- Hey, Jake.
Come on in here, you girls
all remember Jake, right?
- Of course, how's it going.
- Hello, yeah, hi ladies,
I'm just, I'm just
passing through.
I'm gonna get some-
- Oh, well we're just getting
to the most important stuff.
What do we need to
be praying about?
- I'm, I'm good,
really, like, thank you-
- I mean, everyone
has to have one thing.
- Oh, well I, I, I do have this.
I mean, I have this
big race coming up.
- Uh, it's a huge race.
If he wins, he gets
us to nationals.
- Wow, okay,
- Thanks.
- Get in here, this is
very exciting, come on,
I wanna hear all about
it, it's very exciting,
I wanna hear about it.
- There's chocolate.
- Come on, baby boy, come on.
- Yeah, there's
chocolate, come on.
(Will laughing)
- And then, uh, okay now,
let me check this grip,
yeah, that's good, good.
Bend, just a little bit, okay?
(Will laughing)
All right.
Okay golfers, swing away.
Good, Dianna, don't
worry about it,
just tee it up and hit it again.
Eddie, loosen the grip
on your club, son.
You're not strangling a chicken.
Hey, glad to see you,
Paul, ready to play?
- We're gonna finally play
a round of golf today, huh?
- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, oh guys,
keep your heads
still, all of you.
Marcus, can you
come over Marcus?
- Yes, sir.
- I want you to
meet Marcus, he's a,
he's a student of mine here at
the Payne Stewart Golf Camp,
and a fine young golfer.
We've been together
about what, 2, 3 years?
- 4, Sir.
- 4 years?
Time flies when
you're having fun,
and you and he are gonna
play a round today.
And, hey, try it,
I'll be your caddie.
- Marcus, get ready to have
your butt handed to you.
- Pleasure to meet
you too then, Sir.
- Have fun guys.
- Tees all yours Marcus.
- Oh, Sir, age before beauty.
- No, I insist.
- All right.
(ball slamming)
(upbeat music)
- Not bad.
(ball clanking)
My, mama always said
I was born for this
And some people wouldn't
like that I was different
- Ah, this is gonna be fun.
How hard it would be
'Cause she filled me with
love and the strength to lead
She said, ooh
That kids a flame, said ooh
That kids a flame
He's gonna burn something
down if you get in his way
I came to light it up
- Uh, oh.
Uh, oh.
If I was born to be a flame
Then I wanna light a bonfire
Light it up
Light it up
Light it up
If I was born to be a flame
Then I wanna light a bonfire
- Nice, all right.
- Good putt.
Let it burn, let it burn
Let it burn, let it burn
- Oh, come on.
I'm gonna burn something
down if you get in my way
(scorecard ripping)
- Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul,
Paul, Paul, oh, Paul.
You were losing before you
even got to the course today.
- You know, no fault
of yours Marcus,
you played exceptionally well,
but I can't do this anymore.
So I'm not perfect.
- What was that?
- You heard me, I'm not even
in the same league as you guys.
- Well, maybe we should
just give him a break.
- We got a lovely
set of pings here.
- Give them to charity.
- What about this card
you tore up on the green?
(slow instrumental music)
Now can we talk a second?
- There's nothing
left to say, Will.
- Oh, oh yes there is.
Let's just play
a different game.
- Well I'm sure he is an
expert at that too, no thanks.
- Well that may be,
but hear me out.
Let's play the back 9
holes with NATO golf.
- NATO golf?
- NATO, N-A-T-O, not
attached to outcome.
That means you can forget
about the scorecard,
which I remind you, you
just tore up anyway.
And then you and Marcus
can just set your own pars
for each hole on the back 9.
- Okay, let me
get this straight,
if I want to eagle a par 3,
I should make it a par 5?
- If you want to you,
you just visualize each hole
the way you'd like to play it,
then set your own par for
ways when you're playing it
naturally or your,
your best game.
- So lower my expectations.
Will, I fire people for
having low expectations.
- Do you think he has a chance?
- Welp, I mean he's teachable.
- Teachable?
- A, a 7?
- Shut up kid.
(upbeat music)
- Hey, let's have fun.
I came to light it up
- Beauty, beautiful, beautiful.
- Let me see if I
can get a birdie now.
Light it up
Light it up
- All right, parred it well.
Well, well, well, well,
was it fun after all?
- I wouldn't say fun,
sometimes enjoyable.
(all laughing)
- I think you both
show great promise.
You know, Paul,
that's the first time I saw
you smile on the golf course.
- Yes, thank you for that.
I had to laugh to
hold the tears back.
I was 2-over, even on my par.
(Will laughing)
- You know, the game of
golf was meant to be fun.
And the more fun you have,
the more successful you are.
- Ah.
Thank you.
- You know, you mentioned
being successful.
I've accomplished a lot in
my life, but it's not enough.
- Mm.
- I flip to that mulligan's
page every morning,
and I write the same thing.
Have you ever needed a
mulligan on something big
but you knew you
couldn't get it?
- Oh yeah.
I had a son.
We had him for 2 years.
My wife, Emily and I
went out on a date.
We left our little boy
with the babysitter,
and I was eating my
favorite dessert, a custard,
when I stopped in mid-bite,
and I,
I felt deep sadness
just sweep over me.
Like my soul was crying out,
I, I knew something was wrong.
So, Emily drove us home.
We found that our little boy
had somehow slipped
out of the house
and the babysitter
was looking for him.
I found him
in the neighbors pool,
I can't describe
the feeling of loss
when I pulled my little
boy outta the water.
Paramedics came,
they couldn't help.
I put his cold little cheek
next to mine,
wanting so to hear
him breathing,
like I always could when
he was in the room with us,
I could not believe it was real.
And I felt
the love of God
surround me
as if to say it's not my fault.
My son,
and now recently, my wife.
(slow instrumental music)
- And I'm supposed
to believe in you?
How can you even be real?
What kind of God allows his
people to suffer so much pain?
I don't get it.
(angry instrumental music)
(engine revving)
(tires screeching)
- Americano?
(phone ringing)
- What's up?
- Duty calls.
- Do you have to get that?
- You have no idea.
- Ted, I got one
question for you.
Are you making progress?
- I received the
preliminary contract today.
- And McAllister has no clue?
- That we're only using Chao's
company as bait, no clue.
Besides, he's involved in some
golf self-help thing anyway,
just need to really move
to get the deal done
before Chao signs the contract.
- Your sure we covered
all our tracks?
Chao's notoriously thorough,
if he notices Beyonsun's
even in the mix,
he will back out.
- Leave it to me.
I'll let you know when
everything's in place.
- [Announcer] Hey, everybody,
welcome to the motocross
regional semifinals
in the Mercedes-Benz stadium,
all racers scheduled
for the first race,
please make your way inside.
- Hey, your bike's looking
really good there, Jake.
You nervous?
- Mom, don't, don't
do that, okay I...
- You're gonna do great.
- Thanks Mom.
- So your dad's not gonna be
able to make it, he's not-
- Mom, I okay, I know he
is not gonna come right,
please just,
I love you, but none of
this helps me right now,
you're just stressing me out.
- Okay.
- So I'll just, I'll be in the
stands if you need me, okay?
- Yeah.
- Go team Jake.
- [Announcer]
Racers are lined up,
and ready to go.
(motors buzzing)
(spectators clapping)
- Go Jake!
- We're ready for you, Paul.
- Okay.
- Mr. Wong, you remember
Paul McAllister,
from the Charity
Pro-Am Tournament.
- Hello, Paul, we
did meet briefly.
You made quite the
highlight reel on 9.
- Yeah, it's not
my finest moment,
but congratulations on your win.
- We were honored
to be a part of it.
It's an annual event
for my kids and me.
- Excellent.
So how can we do
business together?
- Your COO, has made an
interesting proposal.
I trust you share
his enthusiasm?
- Absolutely, Ted has our
best interest at heart,
or should I say our
mutual interest.
- Based on my own calculations,
those numbers seem a little
broad and overzealous,
but I do see that
the relationship
could be mutually beneficial.
- We aren't
overestimating Mr. Wong.
You can have a larger
footprint in North America,
and we would love to
partner with you in Asia.
As a matter of fact,
we see even more
potential in the future.
- Go ahead and send
us your projections
and we can adjust
them as needed.
I'll have my lawyers
draft up terms for you
by the end of the week
if you're ready to move.
- You know, Paul,
I know just about
everything there is to know
about your company.
Everything checks out,
but for some reason,
it just doesn't feel right yet.
- This isn't about
the putter, is it?
(all laughing)
(speaking foreign language)
(all laughing)
- Send the terms, and
we'll see what happens.
- Okay, thank you everybody.
- I think that went well.
He's ready to come on board.
- That's not what I heard.
- Men like Chao
need cultivating.
They're never a one-call close.
Ready to go to the Manchester?
- Yeah, I suppose,
I'll meet you there.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- [Announcer] McAllister's
fighting to regain the lead.
Oh, oh, oh, (indistinct)
and McAllister collide.
and McAllister is down.
- No.
- [Announcer] McAllister is hit.
Pile up on the track, and
the EMT's are on their way.
- [EMT] Sir, can you hear me?
You're okay buddy,
you're gonna be fine.
- Just so you know, Paul is
technically my boss, for now.
- Is he wearing any jewelry?
- I don't know.
He's been separated for
something like, 5 years.
So I'd say he's fair game.
- Hey.
- There's the man of the
hour, Paul McAllister.
Paul this is Beth,
she's with me.
- Hello.
- And this is, Carla.
- Hey, nice to meet you both.
- You too.
- Oh, Atlanta traffic was,
you know, pretty rough.
- We killed the whole
bottle of champagne,
would you like something?
- Oh.
- I like the
it's really complex,
but it's so smooth.
- That's, that's a good choice,
I was thinking the same thing.
Yeah, put that degree to use.
- Oh, I haven't worked this
hard since I was in North Korea.
- Sir, I'm so
sorry to interrupt,
but your phone keeps going
off in your coat pocket.
I thought it might be important.
- Oh, no, thank you, I didn't
even realize I left it.
(phone buzzing)
I, I'm sorry, it
must be an emergency.
- What do you mean?
Can't, can't it wait?
- I gotta go.
- He never even
touched his wine.
- I never said he was normal.
More wine for us?
- What's wrong?
- [Rebecca] Weren't
you watching the race?
- Yeah, I caught the
first half, did he win?
- [Rebecca] Jake is
at Samaritan hospital.
He's in the ER.
- What, what happened?
- [Rebecca] He flipped his bike.
They're still doing tests, I
don't know how serious it is.
- Okay, I'm on my way.
- [Rebecca] Paul,
I am so scared.
- I know, I know, I, I'll
get there as soon as I can.
- Thank you.
- Yes, Sir.
- Becca, Have you seen him?
(Rebecca crying)
I'm so sorry it took
me so long to get here.
- McAllister?
- Yes, over here.
- I'm Dr. Allen, would
you come with me please?
- Sure.
- The surgery went very well.
- Surgery?
- Jake's right ankle joint
was completely shattered
and dislocated.
We were able to fuse the ankle
into a functional position.
His clavicle, here, the collar
bone, although not broken,
still suffered severe trauma,
but will heal with rest
and immobilization.
Those are the fixable
things we can do now.
- Fixable?
- He's also had a concussion,
we don't know how severe,
and we'll test for that
over the next few days.
I'm estimating your
son's physical injuries
will take 6 to 8
weeks to fully heal.
But with modern concussion
protocols, well,
you don't wanna have
too many of those.
- But he's gonna be okay, right,
I mean, he's gonna recover?
- The neurologist
will have more to say
in the next few days.
He'll need some hands on care
for the next couple of months,
the nurse will give you
instructions on discharge.
- When can we see him?
- We'll I'll come and
get you when he is ready.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, doctor.
- Who are you texting right now?
- My small group, I'm
just giving them updates.
They've been praying
for the past few hours.
- Mr. And Mrs. McAllister.
- Yes?
- You can see him now.
And although he's coming too,
he'll still be sedated
to some extent.
- There's my boy.
- Did you see that Mom?
I was going to win.
- Yeah, I know.
I am so glad you're okay.
- If this is okay, I
would hate to be not okay.
- You terrified me?
- I'm still here.
- [Hospital PA] Code blue, 602.
- Oh,
why are you hear?
I hate you, why are you...
- I know.
- Now I'm crying.
- I love you, Jake.
- You know that time
I had drugs in my room
and, and you caught me
with them, remember that?
- No.
- Of course not, because,
because you weren't there.
- Hey, Jake.
- These drugs are better.
I'm just gonna go to sleep.
- Okay, hey,
I Love you.
- I love you too, Mom.
- Oh, that didn't go too well.
- You just have to give it time.
- I'm willing to do
that more than anything.
- That's good then, now
you'll have your chance.
- What do you mean,
I don't get it?
- He's staying with you.
- He's staying with,
staying with me?
No, no way Rebecca.
How am I gonna look
after someone who
clearly hates my guts?
- You'll find a way
Paul, you always seem to.
- But he already lives with you
in our big, beautiful house.
- I have to work, and the house,
that was your arrangement
if you recall.
- Okay, but this means
I'm gonna have to spend
a lot of time with him.
- Exactly.
- You're serious?
- I'll drop in and check in
on you two every now and then,
and if you need any help
at all, don't hesitate.
And I mean you, not Harriet.
- Thanks.
Good to see you too.
Wait, I only have a
1 bedroom apartment.
How's this gonna work?
- Okay, we've got
everything known to man,
and that man could ever want.
Chips, salsa, guacamole,
beer, Gatorade, cheese,
garlic summer sausage,
5 kinds of pizza,
orange chicken, and
lots of ice cream.
And none of that
nonfat kind of stuff.
Just had the TV
installed yesterday.
All the sports channels
are programmed in.
You got gaming,
streaming, the works.
and in here is your room.
- Wow, nice, nice.
It's a early Bed Bath
and Beyond decor, right?
Right it, isn't this,
isn't this your room, Dad?
- It is, but it's yours for now.
Couch will be fine for me.
Man, there's so much I
want to talk to you about,
I almost don't know
where to start.
- Well, I know where to start.
I'm crashing here
until I get better,
and then I'm outta here.
- Jake, look.
- You're in my room.
- Dad?
- Yep?
- Can you come in here please?
I need, I need your help.
- Dad?
- What's up?
- I can't look down.
- What?
- I just, I need you to spot me.
- Spot you?
- Yeah,
can you come in here and
grab me by the waist, please?
- Yeah.
- Okay, so sound of water, good,
no sound, bad.
- Okay, don't, don't
worry, I got you.
(phone ringing)
- Not now.
- [Rebecca] Jake?
- Hey Becca, it's Paul,
we're, uh-
- Not a good time now, Mom.
- [Rebecca] Are, are you
two still hanging in there?
- Not a good choice
of words, Mom.
(phone ringing)
- Hey Harriet.
- [Harriet] Hello, Paul.
Just to confirm I
moved everything
- Yes, did you talk
to Ted about it?
- [Harriet] He seems
very willing to fill in.
- Why do you keep
answering phones?
- I don't know, it's a reflex.
- [Rebecca] Hey Harriet.
- [Harriet] Hey Rebecca.
- Dad, I think I got this.
- Sounds good, holler
if you need me.
- [Harriet] Oh,
you're with Jake,
well, okay, that was all.
- [Rebecca] Well, wait, Harriet,
can you pick up some drinks?
I'm out.
- [Harriet] Sure
thing, see your later.
- Guys, can you shop
another time please?
- [Harriet] Okay, bye.
- [Rebecca] Bye, Harriet.
Jake, I'll be coming
by on Wednesday
to pick you up for
your doctor's visit.
- I'll check my calendar, Mom.
- [Rebecca] Jake, is Paul there?
- No.
- [Rebecca] Okay,
I'll see you then.
(upbeat instrumental music)
- Cage match?
- Oh yeah.
- Can I, can I,
um, can I join you?
- Sure, please.
- Dad, got it.
- Oof.
- Oh, that was brutal.
- Yeah, that was almost
as bad as my wreck.
- [TV Announcer] Mysterio has
been locked in a jail cell,
and an animal is his cell mate.
- Hey, Dad?
- Yeah?
- Why did you leave mom?
- That's, that's complicated.
I remember one night
during an argument
looking at your mom and it just,
it just felt like
we were strangers.
I mean,
certainly not the same people
we were when we got married.
I mean, you remember how
much we were fighting.
- No Dad.
That's BS, and you know it,
if you put nearly as much
effort into us as you-
- Now, you're starting
to sound like...
Look you have no idea,
how much I sacrificed to
provide for our family.
- Yeah, well,
some things aren't
worth sacrificing.
I think I'm finally seein'
all that I've been missing
I've got a lot to say
but I wouldn't blame you
If you didn't want to listen
Because love is easy
Until it gets hard
It'd be nice to start
again, wouldn't it
Hi, what's your name
Do you come here a lot
I know I
Don't deserve
a second chance
I'll try anyway
And in time you might
find that I've changed
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Is that the Graycern deal?
- Mm, hmm, 3 Million
up front to the vendor.
4.5 million to
us, upon delivery.
FedEx guarantees
24-hour turnaround,
no to low risk, 50% ROI.
- I can't tell you how
much I appreciate you.
- Well, if words are inadequate,
there's always Louis Vuitton.
- Noted.
Anything else?
- Dinner with the rep from
Caram Pharmaceuticals tonight,
and lunch with Lindel
Plastics tomorrow.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
What's next?
- Yes.
A very attractive young lady
dropped by earlier with that.
- I can explain.
- I'm sure you can.
- Oh, Harriet, push the rest
of my week to next week.
I'm going to Currahee
tomorrow morning.
- This isn't about golf, is it?
- Said every woman to every
man throughout history.
- I heard that.
And for good reason.
- Hey, this is not
what you think.
- Whatever you say,
you're the boss.
(door thumping)
- Paul, there he is,
good to have you back.
- Hey Ted.
- How's Jake?
- He's doing well,
it's just a pit stop,
but thank you for
holding down the fort.
- This place
practically runs itself.
I have a new idea for us though.
- What's this?
- I was contacted by a
company in Korea, Beyonsun.
I knew 'em from my time in Asia.
They're small to mid-size,
but they're significant
players in the east.
I think we should seriously
consider buying them out
to gain access to
their relationships.
- All right, I'm listening.
- Well, they wanna merge,
but we will retain
primary ownership.
This is an acquisition.
- And they know that?
Have legal look into it.
- I wouldn't have
brought this to you
if I hadn't already done that.
I presented them
in favorable terms,
favorable to us, and
favorable to Beyonsun.
I thought they would counter,
but they didn't, they agreed.
Just waiting for you approval.
- How long have I been gone?
And this,
this is not gonna
jeopardize our relationship
with Chao Wong in any way?
- I don't see how
strengthening our position
can do anything but help.
- Okay, I'll get back to you.
All right,
your mom should be here soon
to take you to the doctor,
and she'll be looking in on
you for the rest of the week.
So no cage fighting.
- You should, you should
hang and say hi to her.
- Nah, I don't think
she's expecting to see me.
- All right, see you
in a couple days, bud.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm sorry, I thought
you were gone.
- I'm about to be.
Oh, what do you have there?
- Chocolate chip cookies.
- Yes.
- Do you want one for your trip?
- Love one.
- Okay.
- [Jake] Those,
those are mine, Dad.
- So is this a work trip or?
- Mm, kinda, sorta,
I mean, not exactly.
- Oh, okay.
- No, no Becca,
it's not like that.
- Awkward.
- What am I supposed
to think Paul?
- You may think this has
been easy for me, it hasn't.
I can't even think
about moving on.
Truth is, at the moment
all I can think about is
- What?
- [Jake] What?
- Thanks for the help.
- Those are my cookies,
Dad, no, don't let him take-
- I'll make you more.
- [Jake] Okay.
- Starting slowly, huh, Paul?
- You gotta take care
of the little things.
Get the big things right.
- Now you got it.
Hey, can I invoke the most
sacred words in any language?
- Which are?
- Tee time.
Let's go play a
perfect round, okay?
- Now you're talking.
Where are your clubs, old pro?
- Ah, you noticed?
You know, golf was not
meant to be played alone.
I'll explain, hop in.
Back in the day, every
golfer had a companion.
Someone who knew the course,
and could advise you
in each situation,
maybe not get you
out of trouble, but
Today that person is
called the caddie.
And that's how the game of
golf was meant to be played.
Paul, today I am your caddie.
Okay, friend, one new
rule for today's round.
Anytime you want to take
a mulligan, take it.
- Say that again?
- Take a mulligan for any shot
you want driver, chip, put-
- I'm sorry, old pro,
but that's not my style.
We've been over this.
I play by the rules
or I don't play.
- Well, if you insist.
- Oh, any other advice on
this first hole, caddie?
- Yes, hole number
1, long par 5,
into the wind,
everything plays to the right,
so first shot
placement is essential.
I think I'd use my 3-iron
because the driver's a
little too risky for this.
- Okay, okay, did
you not see how well
I was hitting this
bad boy on the range?
- Yes, I did.
- Well, good.
Watch and learn.
(ball clanking)
- Awful shot, terrible,
absolutely terrible,
the wind took it, who knew?
- Okay.
(light music)
Stupid mulligan.
(ball clanking)
- Well, which one
you want to use?
- Oh, like that's a question.
You made the rules, I'm
gonna take advantage of them.
(Will laughing)
- You know, I re-watched
the video of your game,
and you hit a lot of sand shots.
- Mulligan?
(ball clanking)
- [Will] Not bad.
- [Paul] Oh, I'm
pretty good, aren't I?
- [Will] Well, that
mulligan guy sure is.
- [Paul] Well, I
like him right now,
but they're still
against the rules.
- [Will] Well, you gotta ask
yourself who wrote those rules?
(highland music)
The sport of golf was invented
sometime in the middle ages
when fortified Scottish people
took to turns hitting a small
object into a rabbit warren.
The game soon developed
into a worldwide obsession
with certain strict rules,
governed by an austere group
known as the Royal and ancients.
And if anything has remained
exactly the same about the
game from time immemorial,
it is this,
every stroke counts.
You know,
you've been especially
chipper since I saw you last,
how have you been?
- A lot's happened, My son-
- Jake?
- Good memory,
yeah Jake was in a motorcycle
crash during a race.
He's moved in with
me to recover.
- Yes, God is good.
- Well, I'm not sure
how Jake's near death,
career-ending crash is good.
- Look, last time
we were together.
You asked me how you could
get life mulligans, right?
So I asked God to give you one.
And now you're telling me
your son has miraculously
moved in with you.
- Oh, so it's your fault?
- Well, sometimes God uses
seemingly bad things for good.
I'm living proof of that.
- No, I'm not sure
I like his methods.
- I'm sure the feeling's mutual.
I like it, Paul, I like it.
Oh, boy.
- There it is.
- Am I a great coach or not?
- You?
Did you not see who
just made that putt?
- I tip my Tam to you, Sir.
You have the honor of going
to retrieve your birdie putt.
- Thank you sir.
- Way to go.
- Thank you.
It's been a hard
couple of weeks,
but now I'm talking to
him, I'm in his life,
and I wouldn't have
it any other way.
Old pro?
- We gotta take
time to thank God
for the good things
he does for us.
- Look, Will, I know a
lot of religious people,
they attribute seemingly
unexplained coincidences to God,
and I'm not convinced
there is a God,
much less one who cares.
- Listen,
you may not know him,
he knows you.
He created you, and he
very deeply loves you.
- Now you're starting
to sound like my wife.
I mean, my soon to be ex, Becca.
What is this church?
- No, this is not church,
a cathedral.
- I have to admit, you are
a master at reading putts.
- Well, that's why they
call me the old pro.
You know,
I offered you those unlimited
mulligans out there for fun,
and, and it was
fun, don't ya think?
But I also had another purpose.
I, I just wanted to let you know
that the word mulligan
has another meaning.
Grace, the Bible calls
an unmerited favor,
which is just forgiveness,
forgiveness of your own
and others' mistakes
and imperfections.
What if you could have a
mulligan anytime you wanted
in life when you've
made a serious mistake.
- Yeah, of course who wouldn't?
It sounds amazing,
but it's impossible.
Life's not a game,
Will you can't do that.
And besides I've
already told you,
I'm not good at asking
people for do-overs.
- Oh, it's not about doing,
it's about believing.
- Believing in what?
- God.
- Okay, why are we back to
this God malarkey again?
- Paul, please don't use that
word one more time about God.
He's my father, he
wants to be yours.
Let me ask you, do you
think you're as good as God?
- What kind of question is that?
I mean, yeah I guess
if there's a God,
then he's better than me.
- Well, that's for sure,
because God created
all of us in his image
to play his course.
I call it the
course less played.
- The course less played?
- Simply means that life is
God's course, God's game,
and he made all the rules,
just like the Royal and
ancients made theirs.
Now of course it's difficult
because not one of us
can play a perfect round.
Not one of us can live a
perfect life to get to heaven.
In fact, the game of life,
if you miss one putt in an
otherwise perfect round,
you miss the cut.
- That sounds pretty harsh.
- It is
because God requires
a perfect round,
and he knows not one of
us can measure up to that.
So he sent his only son, Jesus,
to die on a cross, for
our sins, our mistakes,
and to give us a
chance at a new life.
Then he takes our scorecard.
He signs his own name to it.
He erases our mistakes.
All we have to do is attest
to it, turn it in as our own.
Paul, aren't you
ready to sign up?
To accept Jesus as
your divine teammate?
- Not quite yet, but thanks.
- Well, toughest test
of a man's self-esteem
is when he can
just bow his head,
say, "Lord, I want to thank you,
for this new chance
you've offered me,
and I'm ready to walk with
you as my life long guide."
- I'll, uh, I'll think about it.
- When you decide to tee
it up on God's course,
will you give me a call?
I'll be waiting.
- You'll be the first to know.
- Actually the second.
- Right.
I'll be seeing you around, Will.
- Okay, Paul.
- What's up.
- So Chao's people
reached out this morning
and they're ready to
iron out the details.
I'm headed to Singapore,
and so are you, get packed.
- Perfect, I've been working
on the Beyonsun deal as well.
- Yeah, let's talk about that.
I reached out to some
of my contacts in Korea,
and apparently Beyonsun is
aligned with some producers
with some pretty
poor reputations.
- We're buying
their relationships,
which would otherwise
take us decades,
to pry away from them.
What matters most is the bottom
line, performance, profit.
You built your company on this.
We can examine 'em more closely
once we have a
contract in place,
weed out all the bad
eggs if necessary.
- No, that makes sense.
- Let's buy this
pony and ride it.
- I just, I'm not thrilled
about the 2 million
dollar due diligence fee.
- On a deal like this,
that's a rounding error.
You've got plenty of cash.
- I suppose.
Why the paper?
- Old school company, no
electronic signatures.
- Okay, see you on the plane.
- You're gonna love me, Kim.
- [Kim] Seriously, you did it?
- He signed, he's in, just now.
- Brilliant Ted,
you pulled it off.
- Well done, my friend.
- Now all we have to do is
get the deal done with Chao,
make the split from McAllister
during the grace period,
our numbers are gonna skyrocket.
- Once Chao figures out what
happened, it'll be too late.
- So I'm going to Asia
next week, Singapore.
I'd love to have
you come with me.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I've just been thinking
about your injuries,
especially this
one, and, you know,
maybe it's time to
think about the future.
- Dad, I, I, I made over, like,
$50,000 in racing last year.
- Jake, come on.
I mean your success with
racing, it's phenomenal,
I'm proud out of you,
but I don't know.
Maybe you should think about
taking a job with my company.
I mean, look, you,
you majored in finance
and marketing at Emory.
You had solid grades.
Maybe it's time to
put that to use.
- Thanks Dad, but,
I just don't think I'd meet your
- Standards.
You know, this, this might
not make sense to you, Jake,
but I, I believe things
are gonna change with me,
with us.
- Really?
How so?
- There's a standard that I
sure haven't measured up to.
It's an impossible one, but
boy have I missed the mark.
I mean, life was meant to
be lived a certain way,
I haven't even come close.
But I think the time for
me to face it is right now.
- Mom's been praying for
you for such a long time.
- Yeah.
- Me too, actually.
- You too?
- Yeah, yeah.
- God, I,
I haven't led the best life,
but for the first time you're
starting to make sense to me.
And I've never
realized up until now
how much I need you in my life.
And even though I
don't deserve it,
please forgive me.
I do believe.
And Jesus,
thank you.
Thank you for dying for me
and being willing to walk
beside me from now on.
I need your help.
Help me to change
and become the man
that you've always
wanted me to be.
And please help Becca And Jake
see me as a new man.
I really need this mulligan.
- [Jake] Amen?
- Amen.
- Mom's so totally
going to freak.
(both laughing)
I love you, Dad.
- I love you, son.
I'm tired from
all I've held onto
Weighed down by
all that isn't true
I'm bound, by my failure
I'm weak from all
I've tried to be
So far forever being worthy
I'm going under
But you say
Let go
You buried my shame
You carried the weight
of all my burdens
And all I'm
holding now is you
You broke every chain
You lifted the weight
of all my burdens
And all I holding now is you
- Amen.
What was lost has been found.
Oh, my brother.
It's been so long coming,
and I don't mean just here,
I mean here, this is the best
decision you'll ever make.
- Thank you Will, thank you.
I feel more at peace than
I have my entire life.
- Thank you Lord.
Hey, let's get our golf clubs,
let's go play some golf today.
- You're gonna play golf?
- Of course I am.
- All right, I'm excited.
This doesn't mean I have to
give you mulligans, does it?
- Oh, have mercy on
an old pro, will you?
(instrumental music)
- Things with Jake
are pretty good.
I think he's seeing me
differently, and with Rebecca,
I'm just praying for a mulligan.
- Well, I'm gonna be praying
that Rebecca will see
God working in you.
- This never was
about golf, was it?
- I think my work here is done.
(instrumental music)
(plane whooshing)
(keyboards ticking)
- So, shall we get
the show on the road?
- I had wished to be able
to celebrate with you today,
however, there's a matter
I need to do discuss
with Mr. McAllister in private.
Give us the room for
a moment, please.
Just Mr. McAllister.
I'm a blessed man, with a
blessed family, blessed company.
What I have learned
over the years,
not all money is good money.
We do not do
business with people
that we cannot fully trust.
- Have I done something
or said anything
that's led you to believe
I can't be trusted?
- There's no delicate way to
say this, but your COO Ted,
he's hiding something from
you, from the both of us.
- With all due respect,
how do you know this?
- My sources connected
Ted to Beyonsun,
a company that
almost exclusively
- Correct?
He presented the deal
and we pursued it.
Our research indicated it
was a great acquisition,
and yes, I'm sure he's
consulted for them.
- He works for them.
Beyonsun has been after my
business for many years.
- Unbelievable.
- I don't work with companies
that allow exploitation of
their workers for their gain.
- Chao, I have no words.
- Put your house in
order, then come back.
- Thank you for the mulligan.
- What was that all about,
some ancient honor thing?
- Nope, it's a new honor thing.
Who do you think I am, Ted?
- The old man's
notoriously paranoid,
what did he tell you?
- What I should have
seen long before now,
that I can't trust anything
that comes outta your mouth.
Find a new way home,
you're not flying with us,
figure it out.
You know, maybe your
employer Beyonsun,
can spring for your ticket.
Come on Jake, let's go home.
- Hey Paul, how's your trip?
- Harriet, you recall the
Beyonsun contract I signed
and we sent out last week?
I need you to call legal
and see if we can
rescind the agreement.
Then check to see if accounting
has already initiated
the funds transfer.
- You mean this contract?
- What?
- Well, I could tell you
weren't really feeling it,
so I never sent it.
- Thank you, thank
you, shred it.
And Harriet, I love you.
- Yes, Sir.
- Solid shots,
Chao, for his wisdom and
boldness to inform me
and still stand by me
despite my stupidity.
Someday hopefully, an
honorable business partner.
Thank you God for
your protection.
Harriet is a champion.
Thank you for surrounding
me with the right people.
Jake handled himself well,
and I'm so glad he's with me.
Mulligans, I still can't
believe I didn't see it.
I'm gonna need you to help
me going forward Lord,
especially with Rebecca.
(phone ringing)
- [Answering Machine]
Hello neighbor,
you've reached Will
Dunn, the old pro.
Sorry I missed your call,
remember, God loves you,
and so do I, please
leave a friendly message.
- Hey Will, it's
Paul, how you doing?
I, I've been trying to reach
you the last several days
where are you old pro?
Call me back.
- [Recording] You've reached
the Currahee Country Club,
your call is very
important to us.
(phone ringing)
- [Recording] Hello golfers,
you've reached the Pines
Municipal Golf Course,
if you'd like to
book a tee time.
- Harriet?
- There are three flights
to Currahee tomorrow,
sending you the options.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
(plane whooshing)
(phone ringing)
- We gather here today
on this 18th hole
to remember a great man.
He was known to most of
us simply as the old pro,
William Forsithe Dunn,
was a wonderful person.
I'll never forget
when he told me
about how he longed in his heart
to enter into the gates of
heaven with thanksgiving,
and into God's
courts with praise
for all that he
had done for him.
And he said that the seven
words that he was living for
and he wanted to hear,
was well done,
thou good,
and faithful servant.
And I expect by now he's
heard those exact words
and those of us who remain,
we will never forget
and forever be grateful
for this man's
witness in our lives.
Never forget folks.
The words of the old pro,
life is a very special occasion,
don't miss it.
Can I get an Amen?
(all speaking)
- Amen.
- Instead of a reception,
the old pro had a
special request.
He wanted everyone to play
for free this weekend.
(all laughing)
Ladies and gentlemen,
make your tee time.
(bagpipes playing Amazing Grace)
- It's a cathedral.
- I miss him.
I could talk to him
about anything and,
and he made sense of everything.
- I know I'll never be
able to take his place,
I mean, nobody could,
but I want you to feel free
to call me anytime you
would've called old pro,
talk about anything,
good, bad, in between,
but I'll be there for you.
And maybe we can tee it
up together sometime.
- Absolutely.
You know, I think he knew his
score card was all filled out.
He hadn't heard
from you in awhile,
and almost his last day
we talked about you and
the new life you found.
The ultimate mulligan.
He, uh,
he wanted you,
he wanted you to have this.
- Wow.
Because I live, you
shall live also.
Thank you, Marcus.
The course less played.
- Yes, Sir.
- I'll tell you what.
When you get to college, I
want you to learn Mandarin.
If you do that,
I'll pay your tuition
and your room and board.
I'm serious, deal?
- Deal.
Hey, I'm gonna need that
one in writing, all right?
- You got it.
(instrumental music)
Becca, hey it's Paul,
I've got a company
event coming up
that I'd like you to attend.
Harriet's got all the details,
so I hope you can make it.
Some of you may have noticed
that I've been acting
a little different
around the office lately.
Hopefully for the better.
(all laughing)
I'm sorry to say that
not too long ago,
I took a bad direction
that could have harmed
our company in a big way,
but thankfully, I got a
big mulligan on that one.
(all laughing)
I've, I've also made some
mistakes in my relationships.
A good friend had recently
opened my eyes to this,
and I want you to know
that there's gonna be
some significant changes.
Starting with our core values.
People first, with
purpose, then progress.
Above all, McAllister
is going to be a
purpose driven company.
And I also realized that
I haven't been giving you,
my incredible team, enough
credit for our success.
- We love you, Paul.
- I love you too, George.
You know, I, I heard a really
troubling statistic last week.
Our workforce is using less
than 30% of their vacation time.
I want that to change.
Spend time with your
families, your friends,
your loved ones, however you
wanna spend it, but spend it.
So on that note,
I would like to take a moment
to introduce the newest member
of our team, Jake McAllister.
(audience clapping)
(all chanting)
- Jake, Jake, Jake.
thanks in part to Jake,
we are now the sole North
American representative
of Minufy Manufacturing
located throughout Asia.
(audience clapping)
- You wanna say a few words?
- Yeah, um, I just want to
thank all of you so much,
from the bottom of my heart,
and I, I'm going
to need your help.
You know, maybe I just
better ask you guys,
where is the mail room?
(all laughing)
- Yeah, oh yeah, no,
no I'm not forgetting.
- Okay, all right.
- Thanks for the reminder.
You know, when I think back
on this company and how we,
we started in a
little storefront,
there's someone who has been
with us since the beginning.
Someone who has stood by me and
my family through everything
and has always had our
best interests at heart,
yet she hasn't been properly
recognized, nor rewarded.
as of today,
I have authorized the immediate
deposit into your account,
1000 shares of McAllister stock,
with options to purchase more.
Yes, you are now an
owner of the company,
and by latest accounting,
let's just say this,
I'll be bringing you lunch.
- Thank you.
(audience clapping)
- It's, uh, you earned it,
and it's long overdue I just
took too long to realize it.
I love you friend.
- I love you too.
- Is she here?
- Yeah, he's matured
since he, you know.
- Yeah, lots of changes.
- Yeah, a lot.
- Becca, take a walk with me?
- What's this all about Paul?
- Almost there.
- The coffee shop?
Aw, that's been there forever.
You know that used to be
a malt shop.
- A malt shop.
- Mm, hmm.
- Here you go, ma'am.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Sir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Is this a date?
- Close.
So, so this place
you remember it?
- Yeah, sure.
I, but we've never been
here, I don't, I don't think.
- No, no, not
together, not with me.
I never told you this,
but this is where I saw
you for the first time.
- Yeah?
- With, who was that
guy you were dating?
- Dating?
I, I don't know, oh,
that's been so long now.
- Walter.
Yeah, see, you do remember.
- Uh, Walter Irkman.
- Mm, hmm, you were
sitting right there
at that table across from him,
and you were having malts.
- Paul-
- I know,
I know it was in the
10th grade, but still.
I was,
I was walking from
practice to oh,
to Gary Pew's house.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
And I looked over,
and I stopped dead in my tracks.
And there you
were, so beautiful.
And, for a moment it felt
like nothing else mattered.
And I knew it was gonna
be you, I just knew.
- What do you want me to say?
- I've been learning a lot
lately about second chances.
I wanna be that guy
that you deserve,
the man that God always
had in mind for you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
- Uh.
What were you saying?
- Well, what I was
trying to say is that
you really should
have married Walter.
- Oh, okay.
- Nice guy, really stable.
- Boring.
- Boring.
I bet he works 9 to
5, drives a minivan,
plays pickle ball
on the weekends.
- See what you're doing, yeah,
you wanna talk girlfriends,
I can talk girlfriends.
- Yeah?
What if there is
more to this life
Than your eyes can fully see
What if your prayers
reach farther
Than your heart
knows to believe
And what if the plan he has
Is far beyond what
you could dream
I promise you there
is much more to come
And this is just
the beginning
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
I believe every word he said
Greater things
are still ahead
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
We haven't even
scratched the surface
Of all the ways he can move
We have only
seen a glimpse of
What's in store
for me and you
So cling to hope
When life gets tough
'Cause there is a
purpose for everything
I promise there is
much more to come
And this is just
the beginning
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
I believe every word he said
Greater things
are still ahead
Oh, you haven't
seen anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
We have just begun to taste
The glory, the glory
He has just begun to tell
The story, the story
We have just begun to taste
The glory, the glory
He has just begun to tell
The story, the story
You haven't seen
anything yet
You haven't seen
anything yet
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
I believe every word he said
Greater things
are still ahead
You haven't seen
anything yet
Anything yet
Anything yet
I think I'm finally seeing
all that I've been missing
I've got a lot to say
But I wouldn't blame you
if you didn't wanna listen
This love easy
until it gets hard
It'd be nice to start
again wouldn't it
Hi, what's your name
Do you come here a lot
I know I don't deserve
a second chance
I'll try anyway
And in time you might
find that I've changed
Apology's are underrated
I will apologize
to you tonight
Till I can see the
pain leave your eyes
It'd be nice to start
again wouldn't it
Tell me your fears
What do you dream of
I know I don't deserve
a second chance
I'll try anyway
And in time you might
find that I've changed
Love is easy
until it gets hard
It'd be nice to start again
To start again
And I need your grace
more than anything
Start again
Can we start again
I need your grace
more than anything
I think I'm finally seeing
all that I've been missing
I've got a lot to say
but I wouldn't blame you
if you didn't wanna listen
(light instrumental music)
(swoosh dinging)