The Nana Project (2023) Movie Script

[jaunty string melody
playing off-key]
[Robert] Your last years should
be the most enjoyable ones.
That's exactly what
we strive for here
at Timeless Acres.
Quality of life is
what we give our main focus to,
but variety is right behind it.

Come, make this your new home,
and find your tribe
within our residence.
-[camera beeps]
-[Robert sighs]
-[Robert] Okay.
-[Joe] All right.
Well, here you go.
I got all the residents
to sign off.
Well, for the most part.
-[Joe] Thank you.
You can consider this
your personal film studio
while you're here.
[Joe] Great. Thank you.
Do I look directly
into the camera,
or, like, off to the side a bit?
[Joe] You can just look at me.
Do you tell me when to start?
[Joe] You can just start
whenever you're feeling ready.
Okay, great.
[clears throat]
Your final years should be
the most enjoyable ones.
That's exactly what
we strive for here
at Timeless Acres.
[Nurse Elliot]
Boss, we need you.
Can't you see
I'm in the middle of something?
[Joe] I just wanna make sure
-we don't see your mic.
[Joe] So, talk to me
about your feelings
-on the residents here.
-Oh, I love them.
I think of each of them
as my own Gigi and Bubba.
Well, my own grandparents
live across the country,
so, with work,
I hardly get to see them.
Being here, I feel like I get to
hang out with them every day.
It had babies.
What had babies?
Mrs. Sittler's hamster.
There's, like, ten of 'em.
There's, like, one in
every drawer of her dresser.
Who in the hell let her
have a hamster?
You did.
Uh, remember, two weeks ago,
when her grandkids
brought it to her?
I asked you.
Uh-- [chuckles]
Can we just cut for a second?
[Joe] Any favorite resident?
Oh, no,
they're all my favorites.
Though, I am a little bit
partial to Nana.
Are you comfortable there?
Because that chair is
like sitting on a rock.
[Joe] No, no, I'm-- I'm great.
-This is great.
when you can't take it anymore,
grab a pillow from the bed.
-[Joe laughs] I'm good.
Um, okay.
Well, let's just start with...
let's start with your name.
Oh, my name is Helen Lewis.
But everybody here
calls me Nana.
Which is kind of crazy
when you think about it,
because this place is
full of grandmothers
and great-grandmothers.
And we've even got two
but I'm still Nana.
Which, when you think about it,
it's sort of an honor,
I guess, you know?
And it carries with it
a-- a sort of responsibility
to, you know, lead the herd.
[hamster squeaking]
[Joe] Talk to me about chess.
When did your passion for it
come about?
My passion? [chuckles]
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
it is a passion now,
you're right.
Well, but I never used to play.
Uh, my husband, Rich,
he was the big chess player.
He used to love to play
my grandson, Andrew.
They had a lot of fun.
And then,
after Rich passed away,
I didn't look at a chessboard
for a long, long time.
And one day, I don't know why,
but I pulled one out
when, uh, Andrew came over,
and we played a game,
and I must have
picked up something
all those years of watching,
because... I clobbered him.
[cheering, applause]
Thank you! [laughs]
Oh, Nana.
-Winner, winner.
-Oh, thank you, darling.
And who is this handsome man?
Oh, this is my grandson.
This is Andrew.
-You've met him many times.
-Oh, never.
How could I forget
this-- this beautiful face?
Hi. Hi, Gladys.
Hi. Okay.
There's my beautiful
championship of a woman!
Oh! Darling, you know
I came in second place.
Oh, that don't matter to me.
You'll always be
my number one baby girl.
Oh, you're so sweet, Jack.
And you know what?
In 11 to 12 days,
my heart medicine
gonna kick on in.
Oh, Jack, darling,
contain yourself.
There are children present.
We're in an open relationship.
Andrew, Andrew, stop texting.
Your brother will
come when he comes.
I'd just like to know what
he thought was more important
than actually being there
for you today.
Well, it's hard to imagine what
could be more important to him
than his grandmother, but
apparently there was something.
Come on, come on.
Come into the cafeteria with me.
I'll sport you to a glass
of barely drinkable red wine.
-Come on, kid.
Hi, there. Is Abe ready for us?
I don't care.
It is creeping me out.
They are on the loose, and
they want me to look for them?
I mean, there is no way in hell!
No! Stop it. Are you serious?
Excuse me, do you know
if hamsters carry rabies?
[sighs] My man, how you doing?
I'm good, Jack. How are you?
I'm getting better every day.
Uh, are you getting
a little taller or something?
Nope. Same height.
Yeah, how are them bow-wow-wows
and them kitties doing?
-[Nana laughs]
-Vet school is fine.
Three more credits.
We got a doctor in the family.
Yeah, Nana, we should, uh,
we should get you to lie down.
It's been a long day.
I can take a long snooze
when I'm dead, kid.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna slip into
something more comfortable.
-Don't get any ideas, you.
At least, not yet.
[hamster squeaking]
-[Joe] Yeah.
-[Joe] The camera loves you.
-Oh, really?
-[Joe] Yeah.
Thank you! Thank you.
You know, um...
I actually was planning
on moving to Los Angeles.
Um, you know, try my hand
in TV and movies.
And... yeah.
I was actually planning on
going with my boyfriend.
His name is Steve.
We met in middle school.
Yeah. He's a great guy.
I haven't actually
seen him in a while. Um...
Well, he went out
one night to...
uh, to pick up
some Chinese takeout,
and, um,
I don't know, it was like,
four months ago. I...
I just paint my surroundings.
[man whistling jauntily]
I'm in my Blue Period, actually.
We try and allow the residents
to take part in the community
in many different ways.
Soup kitchens
and canned food drives
are an easy way for them
to give back.

Okay, hi, everyone.
Hi. Hi.
Okay, so, uh,
this is our dining hall.
And, uh, hi, Ed.
-[Ed] Afternoon.
-All right.
Where are the canned peaches?
But the Chinese place has,
like, amazing orange chicken.
You know what? Honestly, um...
do I have a bug on my face?
Honestly, it's his loss.
I mean, I'm a catch. [laughs]
one of the residents here,
um, she used to be
a Hollywood actress,
and she's like,
"You know what, Jennifer?
You need to use all of this
for your acting.
You know what I mean?
Like, like, use it, you know?"
She says I have
this really, like,
calming presence on screen.
I just, like...
[loud motor rumbles]
What did I say about
racing scooters?
[motor revs]
You know, sometimes I can't
remember my kids' names or...
where we are, exactly.
But the parts I've played,
I've got 'em all in here.
They're airtight.
Medea. Marta. [chuckles]
They're all still with me.
You know,
it all started on stage.
[Joe] Wow. Look at you.
[both laugh]
Well, then I moved on
to the studios, of course.
You know about the studio days,
don't you?
[Joe] Well, I--
Actually, I don't.
it's how the pictures got made.
[Joe] Oh.
But before that,
I was just a fresh-faced kid
when Flo Ziegfeld
put me up on that stage,
and he said, "Can you
show me some moves, kid?"
And I said, "Oh, you bet I can."
Can-can. [laughs]
-Do you get it?
-[Joe] Uh--
-Do you get it?
-[Joe] Sorta. Yeah.
Let's see if I can remember.
Can-can. Can-can.
Can-can-can. Can-can-can.
Can. That's it. Can-can-can.
[Joe] Oh, my gosh.
Um, you should stop.
[Esther] Kitty!
Kitty, wait a second. Stop!
[hamster squeaking]
[tranquil music playing]
Esther, where are you going,
None of your business.
Well, wait a minute.
Tone of voice, Esther.
Did you not volunteer to write
Congressman Carl with us today?
I'm going to the bathroom.
-Oh, that business.
All right, pardonne-moi.
Well, please come back.
Nana, I'm tired of writing.
My hands hurt.
Oh! Wait a minute.
I have just the thing for you.
This little baby
is a miracle worker.
-What is it?
-If you've got arthritis
in your fingers,
just give it a try.
-Work with it.
Work with it. Esther, listen.
Think about your sister,
Vera, over at that place
in Springfield.
The bathrooms are moldy.
The food is swill.
People are choosing death
over dinner there.
Come on.
We've gotta light a fire
under Congressman Carl's butt,
and keep it burning,
until we see some action.
I'm sorry, Nana.
You're right.
In Cuba, I was an accountant
with a degree,
and all the things.
But then, uh...
things happened,
and we had to leave.
Coming here, they told me
my degree no longer worked,
and I no longer
had an education.
But, uh, I got married soon,
and then three kids come,
and then the nietos come.
and then I'm an old lady.
Tu sabes. [laughs]
But the nice people here,
they talked to
the community college.
They set me up to
take classes again,
and... mira!
I have an education.
So, I just-- I'm losing
your eyes in the monitor here.
I just wanna raise that up
a little bit.
Yeah, that looks good.
-I just need this--
When I was 19,
I spent most of that year
in a torture camp.
I miss those days.
[hamster squeaking]
If one of these hamsters
crawls on me,
I'm walking, I'm telling you.
Are there any visitors
out here waiting for me?
No, Gladys. Maybe tomorrow.
What are you looking for
down here?
Nothing, Gladys. It's fine.
They're back, aren't they?
[screams] The rats are back!
-[resident] Oh!
-[Gladys screams]
I mean...
[suspenseful music]
[Cody] Um, hello.
I'm here to see Helen Lewis.
Uh... what's your name?
[Cody] Cody Lewis.
[laughs] Wait a minute.
You're the, um-- you're the--
the guy from the, um--
Gucci ad? [scoffs]
-[Jennifer] Yeah!
-[both laugh]
Um, I follow you on the 'gram.
Hmm. That's dope.
I'm Jennifer.
-It's nice to meet you.
Wait, do you follow me, too?
What? [chuckles]
Uh, there's a...
You got a little--
-You got a little critter.
[screams] Get it off!
Breathe, breathe, breathe,
breathe, breathe.
-Get it off! Get-- get it off!
-He's not gonna hurt you.
Oh, Marty.
He's a beautiful man,
whom I just adore.
Excuse me?
He doesn't know it yet,
but he will be mine.
I'll take care of that
little wench he's with now.
Something about him just
fills me with a fiery passion.
Oh, Marty!
Marty, how I yearn for you,
my love.
If I can't have him,
nobody will.
Mmm! And, scene.
-Oh! Oh, oh, thank you.
[Kitty chuckles]
Oh, dear, uh,
Kitty, why don't we put
some clothes on you now?
Come on. Let's go get dressed.
Oh, oh, oh.
-Come on.
Um, well, bye-bye.
[Esther] All right. Good girl.
Let's go.
Cody, where'd you leave
your appetite?
On the plane?
Not much room in your stomach
with all that tequila, huh?
[mumbling imitation]
Cody, you, uh, you got a girl
in your life right now?
Which one you wanna know about?
[laughs] My man.
Darling, darling.
How did that Gap shoot go?
Oh, uh, Gucci, Nana.
Nana, just check his Insta.
He posts about it on the hour,
every hour.
Oh, I'm sorry.
We can't all clean up cat piss.
Oh! Uh, gentlemen,
could we please not go there?
[both] Sorry, Nana.
[funky music]
Thank you.
What's up, guys? Uh...
Cody Lewis here.
If you follow me on social,
you probably know me as CoFlo.
Uh, I do some parties,
some private events,
and some DJing here and there.
[loud dance music playing]
Most of you all probably
know me from my...
runway work.
[backstage din]
All right, Tarantino, back up.
It's just an interview.
[Joe] Tell me about
your brother.
Oh, he-- he's just selfish.
But, like, I-- I think
most people are awful.
kinda hoped my brother
wouldn't also be awful.
I-- I don't know.
People give me anxiety, I guess,
which is kind of perfect
for what I do.
So, this is Ruby,
and she's going home today,
aren't we?
And someone's gonna
stay away from chocolate,
aren't ya?
Little kids and animals
are a bad mix.
Little kids and most things
are a bad mix.
Isn't that right? Hi!
Between classes
and clinical rotations,
there's basically
enough time to, uh,
study, eat,
and sleep when you can.
That's why I'm here
on the weekends.
Because I wanna give Nana
at least some of my time
every week.
She's always been there for me.
She's, uh-- she's all I got.
[TV reporter] We are here
with county chess champion,
-Rick Evans.
-Give me that, Ed.
[TV reporter] He will soon be
celebrating his big win today.
How do you feel?
I feel great.
I'd feel even better
if you wanted to come
do some celebrating
with me off-camera.
Nana, is that the guy
you played today?
-You'd know if you'd been there.
Don't, you guys, let's listen.
The only thing
I was worried about
was that old bat I was playing
would keel over on me.
-[TV clicks off]
-What the hell, Nana?
They were just about to show
the score of the Yankees game.
They lost, okay? They lost.
You want 'em to win?
Get your butt over
to the rosary circle.
We'll add them to
our list of prayers.
[Jack sighs]
No cameras!
[camera beeps]
-I'll see you next week, Nana.
-Oh, all right, baby.
-Stay solid, Jack.
Hey, man.
Give me back some
good stories, huh?
-You know it!
When am I gonna see you again?
Uh, well, uh, next week,
I-- I start shooting
this new campaign, but--
Yeah, that's code for he's not
gonna be around for a while.
But I'll be the bigger man.
Hop in. I'll give you a ride.
Uh, yeah, that's okay.
I'll take an Uber.
Come on, don't be stupid.
Save the money.
I'll drop you off
on my way home.
I don't want my clothes
smelling like dog shit.
Cody, will you take a ride
from your brother?
Nana, I'd rather die.
I don't know, I thought
you might want a ride
after your DUI.
-Oh, Cody.
No, he's...
You're such a dick.
They've been through a lot.
Their mother walked out on them
when they were seven and three.
And then their dad, my son,
died six years ago.
She loves those boys so much.
And I know she sees her son
inside of each one of them.
And that's gotta hurt, right?
And they just don't
get along anymore,
and I know that kills her.
And I don't know what
I can do to fix it.
[sighs heavily]
It's gotta be a miracle.
[siren wails]
[firefighters chatter]
[water spray hisses]
[tranquil music]
[sniffs] Oh,
this smells like feet.
No, it doesn't.
It smells like chamomile.
And it's very good for you,
that stuff.
[TV reporter] the death
of county chess champion--
Ooh! Ed! Ed! Ed!
Turn it up!
...recently obtained
video footage
from a nearby security camera
of the tragic moment.
Viewer discretion is advised.
[explosion booms]
A tragic day for sure,
leaving a community shaken,
and looking for answers.
Back to Peggy in the studio.
-You think?
Francesca, a mob boss.
No! No, that was her husband
who was the mob boss,
and he's in Sing Sing now
for the rest
of his natural life.
Oh, come on, what?
An old Italian woman
running a mob family
from a retirement home?
Um, I think maybe
you should wait out here.
She-- she-- she's not
comfortable with new people.
[Joe] Let's just see
what she says.
[knocking lightly]
No cameras!
[door creaks]
[Francesca] Nana,
please forgive me for yelling.
I-- I'm just
a very private person.
-Sit, please.
-Oh, thank you, thank you.
Oh, uh, no.
No, I-- I think not.
I-- I just took all my pills,
and it's not even 10 a.m. yet,
so... okay.
I'll, uh--
[Francesca] Ching ching.
Sing sing.
[Francesca] Mmm.
Mmm! It's very good.
It's very good.
[Francesca laughs]
Um, Francesca,
I don't know if you caught
the morning news today--
[Francesca] Nana, you know who
I was talking to yesterday?
My great-granddaughter, Sofia.
Oh, how is Sofia?
She is perfect,
thank you for asking.
And while I was talking to her,
I was thinking about
that very generous gift
you made for her last year,
for her birthday.
The blanket?
-Yes, the blanket.
[Francesca] The blanket that you
sat and stitched for weeks
to surprise me with,
to give to Sofia.
Oh, it was nothing.
[Francesca] Nana,
don't cheapen your labor.
It was something.
A beautiful creation,
made by a generosity you do not
see in most people anymore.
A generosity
I have not forgotten.
Thank you.
It was a labor of love.
[both chuckling]
Um, uh, Francesca, you know
the fellow I competed with?
[Francesca] Please, you know
as much as I would love
to continue this,
I really should take a nap.
I had a very late night
with my sons last night,
and I should rest.
Oh, okay. Yes, of course.
And with that
unfortunate tragedy,
we now have an opening for
a competitor from your county.
We would love
to have you compete.
Me? What? Me?
[chuckles] The competition
is gonna be on Saturday,
June 13th at the historic
Harrisburg Airfield.
Oh, my God, that's in two weeks.
It is a quick timeline,
but it's furry convention
and almost everything
is booked throughout June,
so availability
was pretty tight.
Uh, that being said,
will you join us?
Uh, yes. I will. Yes. Yes.
Fantastic! Great. I am sending
all the forms over now,
and we will be in touch.
How do you like them apples?
[epic music plays]
All right. Hey, guys. Okay.
-[Joe] Yeah.
It's gonna be great.
[Joe] To camera, if you...
Oh, it's-- We're-- Oh! Sure. Hi!
She texts me, and then
I tell you what she's thinking.
It's super fun. Ha! Love it.
My phone is-- A lot.
Yeah. Okay. Um...
"I love chess because
it involves one other person
and you don't
have to talk to them.
It's a perfect game."
She's kidding. I mean, Sarah,
she has so many friends.
[text message whooshes]
"Mom, shut the fu--"
I mean, really? Are you gonna
just pretend that we didn't have
like, a ton of sleepovers
with all those kids then
so we could watch The Wizard
of Oz, like, a billion times?
Somebody here was totally
obsessed with that movie.
-[text message whooshes]
-"My mom is right.
I did love that movie."
I mean,
you just can't even imagine.
We had every toy and backpack,
and every year from, like,
five to twelve years old,
she was a different character
from the movie for Halloween.
-[text message whooshes]
-Dorothy, Tin Man--
"I wish a house
would fall on you."
[laughing] What?
You're right, that's-- Oh, man.
Mmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
[text message whooshes]
Um, "I have nothing else to say,
so you can go."
[speaking Spanish]
Carmencita is easily the best
cook in all of Pennsylvania.
Aye, baby!
[speaking Spanish]
Gracias, amor.
My baby, he's been playing chess
for as long as I've known him.
Yeah, I started playing
when I was a kid.
I can't remember exactly
what got me started,
but it was never competitive,
This is the first time.
La primera.
!Si, la primera!
I saw a story about
the competition on the TV
and I said, "Mi amor,
you have to be in this."
She was right.
'Cause my baby is a winner.
[both speaking Spanish]
[Paul] Why do I love chess?
That's an easy question.
Every piece has
its own individual square,
and it never leaves that square
until I tell it to.
Each piece has
its own specific rules.
Oh, everything makes so much
sense on the chessboard.
[chuckles] I'm sorry.
There is a stain,
it looks like, on your collar
that appears to be some
sort of canola oil, actually.
Um, you're gonna wanna get
that taken care of real quick.
It's starting to set
into the fabric.
[Joe] Oh, yeah, I spilled some
food in the last place I was,
and couldn't
get it out right away.
Right. Um, so, you're in luck.
I actually have
a few extra shirts in my car.
I'd be happy to run out
and grab one for you.
You can pop that one off,
we'll treat that stain,
and it'll be good to go.
Ten minutes.
[Joe] Ah, it's okay.
It's an old shirt.
Uh, so talk to me
about advancing.
Oh, well...
I wasn't really surprised,
if I'm being honest with you.
I, um...
Okay, that stain is really
setting in right now,
and that shirt is gonna be
absolutely ruined,
if we don't
do something about it.
I've got some soda water
and some little bleach pens,
and so if you just
pop it off right now--
You can keep my spare shirt.

[Andrew] So what's the big news?
They have invited me
to go to States.
-What? Seriously?
-Nana, that's amazing! Let's go.
Yeah, well, you know, after
that poor, unfortunate man died,
uh, they had a spot,
and they asked me to fill it.
That, uh-- that reminds me.
There's this viral TikTok
going around
where they super slow-mo
the explosions,
and you can legit see
one of his arms fly off.
-Here, check it out.
Cody, Jesus. We're eating.
Put that away.
Anyway, after looking into the
registration fee and the hotels
and all the other fees attached
to this thing, I can't do it.
I just can't do it.
Wait, wait.
There's gotta be, like,
a cheaper hotel option
or something.
No, there's not,
because they're having
that damn furry convention
all through the town,
so every hotel
has jacked up its prices.
-What's a furry convention?
-It's a bunch of people
dressing up like furry animals
for the weekend.
Uh, Nana, I'd totally
help you out right now,
but my agent still hasn't
paid me from last month.
-[Cody] Oh, I'm sorry.
Why aren't you willing to pay?
Did you blow all your money
-on Pokmon cards again?
-No, I blew all my money on
putting myself through school.
And rent, and having a car,
and all the things adults
are supposed to pay for.
Not all of us can live rent-free
in their agent's apartment.
Guys, please!
I don't want your money.
I would not accept it
if you offered it.
I just can't go.
I cannot afford it.
That's it.
Oh, darling.
Let that poor man rest in peace.
Pieces, Nana. Pieces.
No, no, no. TikTok.
What-- what is TikTok?
It's a social media platform
where we can
make a video together,
which would be lit.
I'll put it on my account and we
can tie it to a GoFundMe page.
What's a GoFundMe page?
Oh, it's like a--
it's like a site
for people to give you money
for, like, whatever.
like if you have a brain tumor
and you need someone's help
paying your medical bills.
Oh, no, I can't take money
from people who really need it.
[Cody] No, no, it's--
Shut up, Andrew.
No, it's not. Okay? There's
all kinds of stuff on there.
[Andrew] Nana, how much
is the registration?
Well, it's $300 now,
because there's a late fee.
Okay. How many days will we need
to stay at the hotel down there?
The day we go,
and the day of the competition.
Okay, so between
the registration and the hotel
and a rental car, because
mine's not gonna make it,
we're looking at $2,000?
Okay. I'm gonna
handle the reservations,
and I'll let the Real Housewife
of Nobody Cares over here
make his little videos.
That was good.
You're getting better.
-Yeah, you like that one?
-I do.
I think that's enough, Kitty.
She looks real good.
Oh, no, there's no such thing.
You know, Mr. Ziegfeld
used to always say, "A goyle--"
That's how he talked.
He was such a character.
"A girl ought to be
all dressed up and dolled up
so the gentlemen can see her
from a mile away.
They need to be able to
see her from the balcony."
[Nana] All right,
thank you, Kitty.
I think-- I think maybe
you should put down the brush.
She's gonna love it.
Kitty, look,
you can go back to your place
and watch your programs now.
-[Nana] You're an artist.
-Thank you.
-Okay, well, bye-bye.
[Nana] Bye, sweetheart.
Give me the mirror.
Nana/Cody video, take one.
Okay, action.
Wait, wait, wait.
Uh, it's all blurry, and...
[Cody] It's your thumb, it's...
All right,
now do the twerk I showed you.
What's the twerk?
Show me the twerk.
Wait a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Something happened here.
Oh, my God,
who's this handsome guy?
Okay, here, look.
Flip it, flip it.
There you go. Hell, yeah.
Yeah, the residents,
most of 'em,
they don't really
have any family.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
to you
They kind of form
their own families here.
[Abe] Now these,
these are called the Prexies.
They're from 1938. They're
a series that paid tribute
-to America's former presidents.
-Oh, this is wonderful.
My God, I've never seen--
I can't take these.
Look, you need money for your
trip to that competition thing.
So here you go.
This is a very valuable stamp.
No, no, Abe, you should--
you wanna save these
for your children.
My children?
The hell with my children.
[grumbling] My children.
What was that about?
That was Abe being generous...
I think.
Oh, hello! Looks like
someone has a visitor.
Oh, hi, Gladys. How you doing?
Hello, my name's Gladys.
I think you've met my grandson
Andrew once or twice before.
Oh, Nana, stop teasing me.
How could I forget
a face like this?
It's-- it's nice
to see you again, Gladys.
Oh, and such manners.
I know.
Oh, Gladys, you know what?
I'm gonna have to ask you
not to sit down.
We're in the middle
of a game here,
and I need
all the practice I can get.
Absolutely. I was just
on my way to reception
to find out if
I had a visitor, so...
It was nice to meet you.
It was nice to meet you, too.
-[Nana] Bye, Gladys.
Ugh. I feel bad for her.
Yeah, me, too.
Oh, God, she breaks my heart.
She hasn't had a visitor
since she got here.
Her family just dropped her off,
never came back.
But, look at it this way.
She has the thrill of meeting
a handsome young gentleman
every time she meets you.
You're the gift
that keeps on giving.
-Humans are awful.
-Yeah, yeah.
Some of them. Not all of them.
Some people strive for the good.
Well, they do a pretty good job
at hiding that good, I guess.
[Nana] Yeah, I suppose so.
Like, uh, trying out
an illegal starting move
-on your grandson.
Oh! I thought you missed that.
-[Cody] Banana!
-You wretched child.
I got some good news for you.
-Check it.
-That's a joke, right?
[upbeat dance music]

[epic music plays]
Harrisburg will
make history this year,
as they see the youngest
and the oldest competitor
duking it out at this year's
Keystone Chess Championship.
We asked the two ladies
how they feel
about being part of this
"How do I feel?
Well, at 16 years old,
I know enough to know
this must be a slow news cycle
for this to be a story.
I think that the media is shit,
and I have nothing to say."
Um, "You can leave
our property now."
I'm sorry.
I'm thrilled. [laughs]
Are you kidding?
At my age?
Look, when you're young,
all doors open outward.
When you're older,
all doors open inward.
But the truth of the matter is,
both of those conditions are
for the playing of chess.
[Joe] How are you feeling?
You leave for the competition
in a few days.
Yeah, I feel good.
I'm excited.
I'm terrified.
chess is a hair-trigger game.
One bad move
negates 25 good ones,
you know what I mean?
I'm approaching this with awe.
With humility.
With terror.
Wake up, Nana.
Oh! Oh, Cody! [laughing]
Oh, darling,
it's good to see you.
Good to see you.
Okay, wait, you are blowing up.
-Read it to me. I can't read it.
Okay. "OMG, obsessed with Nana."
"I wish I had a Nana like this."
"Less Cody, more Nana."
You're literally taking over
the comments section on,
like, all my posts.
-We have to start a new page.
-No, no, no, no.
I can't get started on
that kind of thing right now.
It's so easy.
I'll handle it all, okay?
I'll take all the pictures, and
you just tell me what to write.
-Here are my terms.
-What, are we in negotiations?
No, we're not.
This is non-negotiable.
You have that DUI date
at court next week.
Your brother's
gonna take you there,
and he's gonna take you back.
No car service, no taxi, no bus.
Just one brother
helping another brother.
Come on, Nana.
It'll be weird, all right?
He's weird, and he smells weird.
Really? It's like that?
It's like that.
Fine. Fine.
[funky music plays]
Good luck.
Oh, boy.
[Joe] When did you
and your brother start to drift?
I don't know when it happened.
Or why it happened. It--
It was just like that one day.
I don't know. We just had
nothing in common anymore.
I mean, he's got
his fashion and parties,
and... I've got school.
So, I guess we're just
on different pages.
[Joe] Do you miss him?
He's my brother.
[Joe] Do you think
he misses you?
You'd have to ask him that.
But, uh...
he seems fine, though.
Life's always been easy for him.
I mean,
he's probably in there right now
just charming the hell
out of the judge,
and he'll walk away fine.
He never has to try.
[Cody] Nana, Nana.
Hey, say good morning
to all your followers.
Good morning, all my friends.
-Wait, wait, wait. Wait.
-[Cody] Huh? What?
-Wait a minute. Let me see.
I don't see anybody.
Shouldn't they be in there?
Yeah, no, no, no. This is just
a video for them to watch. Yeah.
You go on out there
and you kick some ass.
I got a big surprise
for you later. [chuckles]
Oh! Oh, Jack.
Speak low when you speak low.
-[Jack growls]
-[Nana giggles]
All right, all right,
Jack, take it easy, all right?
That's my grandmother.
-Hey, listen.
I've got some news
for the followers.
-Put me back on.
-[Cody] You're going back on?
All right, we're live.
People our age still make love,
And sometimes it's
the best love we've ever known.
[Esther] That's right!
Nana, I have a present for you.
Oh, darling, if this is that
naked picture of your husband,
it's so inspiring, but
I think it's a little too big
-to be in my place.
-No! I--
I made you something special.
Oh, my God!
Oh! Es, that is beautiful.
Oh, I'm gonna cry.
Oh, thank you.
We love you, Nana.
You're welcome.
-Love you. I love you.
-Love you!
-[woman] Break a leg!
-[Abe cheering] Nana!
All right, I have to go,
I have to go.
[chanting] Nana! Nana!
Nana! Nana! Nana!
[tranquil music plays]
So how long is this drive?
Well, it's supposed
to take five hours,
but Nana has some secret stop
she won't tell us about
that takes us
an hour out of the way.

You know, as you get older,
a very curious thing happens.
You become invisible.
People just don't
see you anymore.
The lithe and lovely
girl you were
striding down the street at 25?
Man, she has left the building.
And it hurts, you know?
You find yourself
longing to be seen again.
You know that word--
Well, of course you know
the word. "Respect."
It comes from a Latin root,
res picere.
Don't ask me how I know that.
Latin. Catholic girls' school.
And res picere means "to see."
Just simply "to see."
People need to see and be seen.
Everybody in that home that
I'm living in, that community,
they each have a unique
and insanely wonderful story.
Some of them had big careers.
Most of them were parents,
raised children,
sent 'em to college.
Mother of the bride,
father of the bride.
But then this moment happens,
and you realize it
when it happens.
You have reached the zenith
of your life in terms of time,
and now you are on
this gentle downward slope,
and suddenly,
nobody sees you anymore.
And that's not right.
I say fight that.
Say "no."
No, no, no, no, no.
Everybody deserves to be seen.
Darling, just pull over here.
We're all getting out.
[Cody] Are we visiting
a friend of yours?
[Nana] Hello!
Hello, Miss Lewis.
It's so nice
to finally meet you.
-Have a seat.
-It's lovely to meet you.
Nobody told me a supermodel
was working at this home.
Oh, thank you.
You're the one with
the cute entourage.
[Nana chuckles]
Wait, aren't you famous?
Not as famous as her.
-Oh! Okay.
-These are my two grandsons.
-This is Andrew,
and this is Cody, and
this is my esteemed cameraman
who's doing
a little documentary on me.
Oh! Okay!
Oh, so I should just get
your autograph now, then?
-[Nana chuckles]
-[Joe] You don't mind
-if we keep rolling, do you?
-Oh, by all means.
I say any chance that the public
gets to see the nothing
that their Congressmen
are doing, the better.
We do what we can
with quick fixes,
but the necessary attention
costs too much,
and there's not much left after
all the essential needs are met.
-[Nana] Hello.
-Miss Wright, how are you?
-Good to see you.
-[Cody] It smells in here.
-Cody, please.
-[Cody] What?
No, he's-- he's right.
It's the mildew in the walls.
There's unfortunately
not much we can do about it.
But don't the residents
get sick from the mildew?
Most of the residents here
don't have any family,
and this was their
only financial option, so...
who's gonna complain?
No one in Harrisburg
will take my calls anymore.
But I am not giving up hope.
These residents
need me and I need them.
This is outrageous.
This is outrageous.
-It's obscene.
People work their whole
lives to wind up--
-Hi, how are you?
To wind up in a dump like this.
Listen, Linda, my grandson here
has made me the most
unlikely social media sensation
and to my enormous surprise,
money has been pouring in.
-Wow. Okay.
-So darling,
you are gonna be
the first beneficiary
-of their generosity.
It's not a million dollars,
but it's 13 grand, kiddo,
and it'll go a long way to
getting some of this stuff
cleaned up.
Nana, that--
I-- I don't
know what to say. This is--
This, this, this, this is
just the beginning.
That's what this is.
So, darling...
you think I'm a mad old thing
giving all the money away?
I actually think that was, um...
It was pretty dope of you.
Oh, yeah?
-All right. [chuckles]
All right, Cody-poo.
[both chuckle]
I love you, my Nana.
I love you, my darling.
Lipstick all over you now.
Oh, that felt good.
That felt good.
-You ready for this ride?
-Yeah, you know what?
I think I'm gonna take a little
-siesta in the backseat, okay?
[car whooshing by]
-[sport commentators on radio]
-Hey, what are you doing?
-I'm pulling over.
-I don't know where we are.
You're supposed
to be navigating.
What do you mean I'm
supposed to be navigating?
-You're co-pilot.
-You have Google Maps, I mean,
-don't you have your phone?
Have you ever heard of,
like, sitting shotgun?
-That's exactly what I'm doing.
-Uh, yeah--
Sorry, I'm on the phone
talking to a girl. Oh, my God.
I know you don't know
what that's like, but...
I'll handle it, okay?
Thanks, Andrew.
Three hits, one run.
No men left on base.
After eight,
we're still tied at two.
More baseball after
these messages.
Take me out to the ball game

Take me out to the crowd
Buy me so--
Really, bro?
You're gonna leave
me hanging like that?
Like what?
Like that, dude. On our part.
Yup. Okay, that was our part
when we were, like, six.
What, you're too old
to sing in the car now?
-Okay, fine. You know what?
I'm just gonna keep
singing over and over
again until you join in.
Take me
out to the ball game
Okay, all right.
I-- I work in a building
where dogs never stop barking.
You think I can't
tune out an annoying noise?
All right, fine.
Pull my ace out.
What would Dad say?
What do you mean,
what would Dad say?
I mean, what would Dad say?
This was his favorite song.
No, it wasn't.
-Yes, it was.
-No, it wasn't.
It was just a-- a song
that he'd sing at the top of
his lungs when we started
fighting in the backseat.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Do you remember--
do you remember the voice?
You remember
the voice we did for it?
You know what the voice is.
-You're just
trying to get me to do it
No, dude. I-- It's been
a long time. I don't remember.
What was the voice?
It was, like, a big opera voice.
What? No, it wasn't that.
I don't remember that.
Yes, it absolutely was.
[smacks lips] All right, fine.
You know what?
[clears throat] Never mind.
-[car whooshing by]
[in high pitch voice]
Take me out to the ball game

-Take me out with the crowd
-Take me out to the--
Wait, wait,
what about the hand movements?
Remember the hand movements?
-Remember the hand movements?
-Wow, I walked into that one.
Somewhere out there,
Dad is laughing his ass off.
Take me out to the ball game

Take me out with he crowd
Buy me some peanuts
and cracker jacks
I don't care
if I ever get back
-Okay, I'm driving. I'm driving.
-Okay, all right. Calm down.
[patriotic music]
[indistinct chatter]
-[Joe] There you go.
Hey, man, do you mind
if I touch your hair?
Oh, no, no.
It's fine. It's fine.
Thank you.
It's going
to be a great 48 hours.
I can tell you that.
All the competitors
are coming in
and the whole league
is here
setting up the welcome party
and all that.
[chuckles] Oh, it's great.
-Sir, your drink.
-Oh. [nervously chuckles]
I didn't order that.
You ordered it.
[upbeat electronic music]
[dog whimpers]
It's okay, it's okay.
You're okay, you're okay,
you're okay.
It's okay. Here, you know what?
I'll go and take--
I got him, I got him.
You guys are okay. [cooing]
You're okay. You're okay.
Yes. [kisses]
-[woman] Hi.
-Oh! Yes.
-Yeah, you're fine.
You're fine. Yes.
Opie-- [screams]
["Stacks On Stacks" by
Digital Blizzard plays]
How my, how my, how my bills

How my bills, how my bills
How my, how my, how my bills

How my bills, how my bills
How my-- huh, dolla bills
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-You have a good day, right?
-You too.
Good luck tomorrow.
-[new message tone]
Uh, "laughing my ass off,"
in all caps.
Eye roll emoji.
Devil face emoji.
"Suck a fat eggplant emoji.
Let's go, Mother."
[dog whimpers]
-I'm Sorry.
-[Andrew] It's okay.
-[Cody chuckles sarcastically]
-What a sweet girl.
Look at this place.
Isn't it lovely?
Not as lovely
as where you're going.
Do you remember the spa
I told you about, the Meridian?
What? Yeah, yeah.
Oh, no, no, no, no, wait.
No, we can't do that, Cody.
I-- I just gave away
all the money
to that woman at the home.
I called them back.
They said they'll give
it to us for free as long
as we post about it, so...
shake your booty, sister.
Your car's waiting out front.
-Ooh la la.
-And, uh, you can
take our bags upstairs
and maybe plug in my Xbox?
Very decent of you, Cody.
-[Zen music]
-[Nana] Oh, yeah, okay.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
So does this
stay on the whole time, or...?
Yeah, that's the point.
It's here to grab
all the footage from
when you guys are all
together in the room here.
Okay, what if we're,
like, changing or something?
Oh, you just can't
change anymore.
That's a joke.
You can just change in
the bathroom or something.
All right. [blows]
-[Cody] Surprise, surprise.
Check out the glow-up on Nana.
-Oh, my God, Nana.
-You look amazing.
-I do, don't I?
Wait a minute, what's this?
Hm, I don't know.
Just got delivered,
like, 20 minutes ago.
-Maybe you should open it.
[chuckles] I'm going to,
you know I am.
Oh, my Go-- This is stunning.
This is stunning!
[chuckles] The people at my show
saw your popping account and
wanted to send you a little
something for your big night.
What sweet people.
-Let me just--
-Wait, wait, wait, Nana.
He just installed
a camera in the room.
[Joe] It's just there to
capture footage for when
we're not with you guys.
Darling, a camera in the bedroom
is not entirely
a novelty to your Nana.

-You still have this hair.
-Hold still.
-Oh. [chuckles]
Look at me. Vice President
of the Chess League.
[nervously chuckles]
And caterer, I guess.
Because there's no
sign of the President and
the catering staff are
doing shots in the break room.
[nervously laughs]
This is actually my
first time in Harrisburg.
-And, um... loving it.
-[Joe] Yeah.
It's such a-- a cute,
small little town.
Great for a chess tournament.
Hello, sir. Here for
the tournament? That's great.
Um, yeah.
The hotel has been wonderful.
All the staff
are always smiling.
That's pretty
close to your nose.
I could've smelled it from here.
But, um-- You--
Why don't we get you a plate?
You could put that on a...
On a plate.
It's not going
on my plate, though,
so it's not a big deal, I guess.
It's totally fine. Anyway,
here for-- That's a double dip.
We don't do that now
that we're grown-ups.
We don't-- we don't do that.
This is a chess tournament, sir,
not a-- not a field trip.
It's okay. Triple dip?
Okay, that's fine.
Are you guys excited?
-How are we feeling?
-Yeah, we're very excited.
Not only is tomorrow
the big day,
but we get to make a little
vacation out of it and
-leave the kids--
-[speaking Spanish]
Mami, we're in
the middle of an interview.
Perdn. [chuckles]
Em, sabor means flavor.
And this wiener have no flavor.
-Oh, yeah?
I-- I had to change my room
twice, but it's not a big deal--
There is a 0% chance
that's going in my mouth, sir.
Thank you.
[Joe] Well, what happened
with the hotel room?
Oh, uh, well, I am very
sensitive to cigarette smoke,
and the second
I walked into those rooms,
I could smell it,
let me tell you.
But, yeah, like I said,
it's fine.
It's not even a big deal.
I-- I-- [groans in horror]
Hi. Hi, guys. Um...
So, with the big
tournament tomorrow, um,
you must be feeling
all sorts of emotions.
-Uh, could you possibly...
-[new message tone]
You know, uh-- how about--
how about, like, later?
Probably later we could do this.
I'm good. Are you good?
Because I feel great.
Ready to-- ready to play chess.
Has no one heard of tongs?
Hey, uh, I'm gonna
go to the bar, Nana.
Do you want to grab a drink,
you little weirdo?
[scoffs] No, I'm, uh, I'm beat.
I'm gonna head upstairs.
I'm exhausted after our drive.
[Nana] All right, darling.
Well, I'm gonna head up, too.
I just have to do this quick
interview and then I'll be up.
-Okay, sweetie?
I'll leave the door unlocked.
What does tomorrow mean to you?
[sighs] Boy, what a question.
Well, something about--
something about
living on, you know?
When my husband and I were
very young, he gave me a gift.
He gave me
a passion for something.
Something that was gonna engage
me and entertain me
and baffle me
and humble me and delight me
for the rest of my life.
He taught me to play chess.
And look at--
look at where I am now.
It's sort of amazing.
So, I guess the message would
be to people my age and older,
damn it, live on.
Live on
because you have no idea
what life has in store for you.
While the game's afoot,
live on.
Will you excuse me for a minute?
Oh, yeah.
I'm just gonna go
to the ladies room.
I can take it from here.
[curious music]
-Oh-- Uh--
-[nervously chuckling]
-[Nana laughs]
-This is totally what it seems.
We're just very excited.
-Very good, very good.
-So sorry.
No problem, no problem.
Vivre l'amour.
[gentle rock music plays]
Every day, every way
Mind if I join you?
Sit down, crazy lady.
You want a drink?
I'll have what he's having.
Thought you'd be
in the room by now.
Oh, no, no. [chuckles]
I'm not tired.
-At all. Not yet.
Must get my night owl
nature from you.
Well, you certainly didn't
get it from your grandfather.
If I wanted him to
stay up after 8 o'clock,
I'd have to promise him
I'd make it worth his while.
-Know what I mean?
Can't take you anywhere.
-You can put that on my tab.
Which I can't really afford.
Yeah, but I like your style.
-Thanks, baby.
-Thank you, thank you.
Ah! [groans] Oh, my God.
You good? [chuckles]
I was wondering why you wanted
bourbon on the rocks.
Ooh. That's what that is,
it's bourbon?
-You want me
to get you something else?
-Oh, my God. No, no, no. No.
-You sure?
-I'll sip it, I'll sip it.
You know, Cody...
you have a couple of people
here with you now
who love you very, very much.
One is your fabulous nana.
And the other one is
a guy who's gonna be here
long after
your fabulous nana has
hit the road
for the happy hunting ground.
-Stop. Don't say that.
-I'm just saying.
-You know I hate it when you--
-I'm just-- I know.
I'm just saying.
He loves you deep.
-He's embarrassed by me.
-[Nana] No, he is not.
You, in fact,
each have something
that the other one needs.
Wha-- what do you mean?
Baby, I can't explain it to you.
This is actually
something you have to
figure out for yourself.

Better than sipping it.
-Oh, Cody.
There is a girl back
there at 6 o'clock,
please don't look now,
who has been studying
you ever since she walked in.
-Oh, yeah?
-Is she cute?
-Yeah, she's very cute.
Why don't you go over
and say hello?
Maybe I will, but, uh, I'm kind
of enjoying this right now.
My dear grandson,
hotels were made for romance.
Go over and say hello to her.
Go on.
-[smacks lips]
You know what? Check.

[Lisa] Jack,
you have the wrong room.
Can you please stop him?
[Joe] Are you looking for Nana?
She's actually just--
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby--
[gentle piano music]
I thought it was very romantic,
his surprising me that way.
-[gasping for air]
-One breath in. One breath out.
Well, this is annoying.
What is?
You're actually
getting pretty good at this.
Oh, see that? Oh.
Hi. How you doing?
How you feeling?
Good. I, uh, think I can
compartmentalize all
-the emotional scarring.
Oh, sorry, sorry.
I shouldn't laugh.
No. Laugh it up.
Helps with all the horror.
Here, why don't you replace me?
I've got an early morning.
Sweetheart, thank you so
much for coming out for me.
Oh, I wouldn't miss
it for the world, Nana.
Good night, sweetheart.
-Good night.
-[Nana] Good night.
Here's something strange.
-[door closes]
When I was down in the bar,
I heard a cry come down
from the second floor,
and it sounded a lot like you.
You know what
my scream sounds like?
Yeah, I do.
You remember
that last visit I paid
you and your dad about
a month before he died?
When you were sleeping
that night, I heard you scream.
-I did?
More than once.
Dad dying was a pretty
shitty hand to be dealt.
I miss him.
Me too.
Where's Cody?
He's down in the bar
with a couple of girls.
[scoffs] Yeah, that checks out.
He's like a magnet.
And you, darling,
are like the North Star.
Polaris sits
right above the North Pole.
It's fixed in the firmament.
All the other
stars revolve around it.
Polaris is
the one trustworthy star.
Love you, Nana.
Love you more, Snookums.
Well, tomorrow's
a big day, so...
Yes, I know. Don't say it again.
-I have to go to bed, I know.
-[Andrew] No.
No, I was just gonna
say you shouldn't make
-such rookie mistakes.
-Oh, you caught that!
I thought I'd put
that one over on you.
-Come on.
All right, all right.
Go to bed. Go to bed.
Before I send Jack down to give
you another goodnight kiss.
[electronic music plays]

Uh, no. We're all--
I think we're all set.
Thank you.
Andrew, will you please relax?
He probably just went
home with that girl he met
at the bar last night.
Oh, honey, where are you going?
-Gonna go look for him.
-Oh, God.
-Cody will be all right.
-[sighs] Listen,
it's not Cody I'm worried about.
Andrew! Andrew,
are you worried about Cody?
Not every moment is
about him and having people
wondering where
he is all the time.
[lock beeps]
[muffled TV sounds]
Damn it, Cody.
[coughs, clears throat]
Well, here we are.
It's a big day.
By the end of the day, today
we will have a chess champion.
Hey, man, I'm sorry.
Listen, is there any way
we could turn that light off?
It's-- It's just so bright.
There's two rounds.
Winners of each round go
for the final round.
Drew names out of a hat earlier
to figure out who plays first.
This is
a receipt from last night.
One second.
Aye, aye, aye.
All right, here we go.
Let's do this.
Jesus Christ.
First up is Helen Lewis,
if she ever shows up,
versus, uh, Paul Davis.
And then we got second
round, Luis Amarillo--
[imitates Spanish accent]
Versus Sarah Trublin.
Hey, did you happen to see
a bathroom when you came in?
Oh, what the hell is this?
Oh, no-- No!
No, no, no, stop it.
[Nana] You were attacked
by the furry people.
-Who does that?
-Oh, sweetheart.
Listen, we just talked to the
and he said nobody matching
Cody's description
has come in all day.
So, he's not here.
Baby, the match starts in,
like, five minutes.
-Oh, damn.
-You got to make a decision.
-What am I doing?
What am I doing?
Nana, come on, we got to get
you to this competition.
To hell with Cody.
I'm not gonna let him mess up
your chances of this.
-Okay, okay.
-Come on, let's go.
-Okay, we're going.
-Let's go, we don't need Cody.
Cody's fine.
Well, there's been
a change in programming,
as it seems now we only
have three competitors.
With the absence of Helen
she will be forfeiting
her match to Paul Davis,
who will automatically be
moving into
the third and final round.
Gosh, just saying that
has got me dizzy.
[whistling] All right.
What time do bars
open around here, noon?
Hi. Sorry we're late.
We had a little
family situation,
but we're all good
to go now, so...
I'm sorry, too, honey,
but it's done.
And you forfeit,
and we were about to call break
until the next match.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no,
don't call a break.
I'm ready to jump in right now.
Come on, no stress.
Except for the stress you
caused all of us
when we had no idea where
you were
and no idea
what to do about it.
Look here, man, she's been
ready for this as long
as I've known her
and we're here,
and we're ready,
so let's just get it started.
Listen, I don't need the entire
trying to persuade me on this.
Hey, I feel like shit today.
I'm barely holding it together.
This is a league.
There are rules.
Everyone else found a way to
honor them
and respect the competition.
-Hi, there.
Oh, no, I don't care
what your name is.
You know, I was just looking
at you and agreeing.
You do look like shit.
Well, I'm in patient care and
I'm also a very nice person,
so I'm gonna
assess your condition
and give you
a path toward healing, okay?
From the smell of unfulfillment
wafting off on you,
I'm gonna diagnose you
with a hangover.
An especially bad one,
as I'm taking it.
You stuck to the well drinks
that were provided
for free, yeah?
-[Steven sighing]
-Yeah. I figured.
Well, lucky for you,
there's a cure,
and it involves you letting
my friend, Nana, compete
because here's how much worse
this hangover's gonna get.
Every new station in the state
will be offered a sit-down with
a fragile,
heartbroken old woman
who was emotionally attacked
by a violently drunk
head of league.
That head of league will
swiftly be asked
to leave his position
and I imagine all other
employment suffering as well
from such bad press.
His wife,
usually there for him,
has filed for divorce due to
the news of his indiscretions.
Oh, by that,
I mean the stripper
that was seen leaving
your room this morning at five
when I was headed out
for a jog.
Your call, Steven.
Oh! Ha!
I even remembered his name.
Don't mess with us, kid.
Yeah, let me ask,
you know, I'll...
We can start in five minutes?
[mellow orchestral music]
Go, Nana! Woo!
[Nana] Oh, Cody!
-Thank God, you're here!
What happened? Did you--
Did you oversleep
the alarm time?
Oh, God.
Are you champion yet or what?
-Oh, well, well.
-Come on.
-I'm so sorry, Nana.
-Oh, no, no, it's really fine.
I'm so glad you guys
had a good time.
No one wants you here,
so just leave.
Andrew, no. Please, no.
It really is fine.
No, it's not fine.
We always make excuses for him.
We always find ways
to make him not responsible
for his own actions.
Hey, I'm right here, bro.
You can say it to my face.
Okay. You're a prick.
You're a selfish prick.
You don't care about anything
other than yourself.
You don't care if Nana wins
or loses today.
You don't care that
your bullshit
almost got her disqualified
this morning.
You don't care about Nana
and you don't care about me.
And you know all this
because what?
I'll see you later.
What, huh? Because you're
the smart brother?
You're the one that's gonna be
a doctor, an animal doctor,
though, because you hate
humans so much
because we're so awful,
right, Andrew?
Yeah, well, they don't kiss
my ass like they do for you
as you cruise through life
only caring about partying
and having a good time.
That's why people like you
the moment they meet you.
-[Nana] Could we--
-Because you don't think
or do anything serious in life.
Okay, guys,
let's shelve this
conversation for now.
No, no, no, you know what?
He needs to know that
he's not the only one
that dealt with Dad dying
and Mom ditching us.
Yeah, like any of that
phased you?
Oh, let me make it clear, okay?
Because you were too little,
but I wasn't.
-Cody, please don't do this.
-No, Nana, he needs to know
he's not
the only victim always.
Just after you were born,
Mom left, as you know.
You want to know why?
You want to know
what she told Dad?
Because-- because
I remember every word.
She said, I felt nothing after
having Cody
and I feel even less
after having this one.
[tense music]
[sighing] Come on.
Fix this, please.
Fine, I'll walk
back to the hotel.
Fine, I'm just gonna keep
following you.
[Nana] Do you see them?
I can see the car,
but I can't see them anywhere.
Don't be nervous.
They'll be fine.
I'm not so sure of that, babe.
[phone pinging]
Um, you're next.
Hope you're ready.
[Andrew] Why shouldn't
I get to walk away, huh?
Why shouldn't I be the
irresponsible one
who doesn't care and have
people make excuses for him?
Because you have to wake up in
the morning
and face yourself every day.
The difference is,
you can take
pride in what you see.
-I can't.
My model brother who walks
around daily
with people who kiss his ass
wants me to believe that
he doesn't love
his perfect life?
Your brother who wakes up
on his agent's futon every day
because he can't afford
his own place, let alone
help his grandmother out
with a few bucks
for a chess tournament?
Your brother
who has zero savings?
Oh, oh, and your brother who
got wasted
with a complete stranger,
blacked out and--
and ruined today?
You-- you mean
that perfect life?
You make those choices.
And I thought
you were changing.
The whole spa thing you did
for Nana?
Yeah, you know what?
For once, she looked at me
the way she looks at you.
What are you talking about?
She lights up the minute you
finally grace her
with your presence.
-Yeah, the same way Dad did.
You never have to try.
Everyone's obsessed with you.
[Cody] You know what, man?
You-- you don't get it, okay?
They give me attention
because I'm the one
they're worried about.
Because I'm always screwing up.
You do everything
the right way.
I mean,
you actually make them proud.
Dad died wondering what
I'd do with my life.
What I'd make of myself.
He doesn't have to worry
about any of that with you.
You make it all look so easy.
How do you?
You know, for once, I'd like to
be able to walk into a room
with the kind of confidence
that you just
put out there easily.
For once, I wish people thought
I had more to offer than looks
and some made-up personality.
Just because I'm your big
doesn't mean
I can't look up to you.
[Andrew chuckling]
You look up to me?
We good?
Yeah, we're good.
Okay, good.
Just gotta fix your tie.
You look like shit, bro.
Oh, I look like shit?
Dude, your eyes are so red.
When was the last time
you slept?
What do you mean? I was up.
Laying pipe all night.
[hushed] Sorry, sorry, sir.
Excuse me.
So sorry. So sorry.
Come on, Nana.
-[Cody mouthing words]
[Nana mouthing words]
[warm synth music]

[man] Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a new Keystone
State Trust champion,
-Sarah Trublin.
-Hey, Nana.
-[Nana] Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Yes, yes, yes!
I'm very proud of you.
[Joe] How do you feel, Nana?
I-- I, uh...
Well, I...
I feel great!
[Cody] Nana, you're a savage.
I mean, whoa, you're a legend.
-And a savage.
-Oh, you guys, you guys.
You made me
a very happy woman today.
-I love you.
-I love you both.

Take me out
to the ballgame
Take me out to the crowd
-Come on, Nana. Join in.
Take me out
to the ballgame
Take me out with the crowd
Take me out to the crowd!
[gentle acoustic music]
Things are kind of the same,
but different.
I'm still in school full-time,
but closer to being done,
which is great.
When I'm not there,
I'm doing my clinic hours.
I moved into a new place, which
is much nicer than the old one.
Oh, and I took in a stray.
That would be me.
He's got fleas. Ow.
It's funny how quickly things
can change
once you let go of
all the crap inside of you.
As you know,
I live with Andrew now,
and not on a futon or a couch.
I have my own room,
which I actually pay rent for.
And, uh, oh, RIP CoFlo.
It's back to just Cody now on
the Gram
and all my other socials.
And, um, I guess
life's pretty good.
Has it been six months already?
Time doesn't fly.
It evaporates.
Oh, did I tell you?
Cody took that video of me
throwing that poor little
girl's cell phone
over my shoulder
and he put it on the Internet.
And people went crazy.
It went virus.
[Joe] Uh, viral?
Viral? Viral.
That sounds worse somehow.
[Sarah screaming]
I got suddenly all
of these crazy requests.
But anyway, I did them all.
I do them all
because it doesn't hurt me any
and it gives them a lot of joy.
[Joe] How many followers
are you up to now?
Uh, 758,000.
And, uh, Cody and Andrew
came up with a great idea.
The Nana Project.
[man] The Nana Project is a
cross-generational mission.
A community of people who know
that the strongest
path forward
is the one in which we listen
and learn from one another.
Teaching the next generation
what we've learned
in this life,
while embracing the dreams
and ambitions that they
will set out to achieve.
A community who rolls up their
sleeves together
in hopes of leaving
the world a better place
than when they entered it.
You know,
I'm a very lucky dame.
I have my health, I have love,
I have my two gorgeous
I have a perfectly
lovely place to live.
Maya, don't be afraid to use
every color in your palette.
And Zion, remember,
draw the eye to the subject.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Red leather, yellow leather.
Red, leather, yellow, leather.
Very good, but it has to be
a little bit louder
because they need to hear you
all the way in the cheap seats.
How could we be a tree?
Would it be like this?
Or would it be like this?
Like a weeping willow tree?
Let's see. Let's go this way.
All right, everybody,
what do you think?
Oh, I think that's wonderful.
Oh, I think that's just great.
And we have our letter-writing
campaign to thank
because now we have
Congressman Carl on board.
Please accept this check on
the part
of the Nana Project.
[hamster squeaking]
Are there any visitors
waiting for me?
As a matter of fact,
Gladys, yes.
-[teen] Grandma.
[Gladys crying]
And that's what
The Nana Project is all about.
-[Joe] Nana.
-[Cody] It's upside-down.
Cody, you spelled
"project" wrong.
[Cody and Andrew chuckling]
All right, boys, how long is
this shoot going to go on
because I have appointments
later this afternoon.
Oh, she's fancy now.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.
[speaking Spanish] Amen.
Oh, and, Blessed Mother,
one more prayer.
let the goddamn Yankees
win tonight.
[upbeat funky music]
[Joe] Thank you so much
for finally doing
this interview with me.
Turn that thing off.
[Joe] But... okay. It's off.
I am to understand that the day
I explicitly asked you
not to use that camera with me,
you went against my wishes.
[Joe] No, ma'am, I didn't.
And now, you're calling me
a liar, too.
[Joe] I am not.
I never filmed you.
Not only do I have eyes and
ears everywhere,
I also have access
to all the security footage
for this entire home.
I do wish you would have chosen
the path of honesty.
-[footsteps approaching]
-[Joe] Wait. Wait. Who--
who-- who are they?
-No, no, no, help! Help!
[warm synth music]

[relaxing acoustic music]