The Nest (2016) Movie Script

Nature has a memory
that constantly moves and changes.
Spiders, birds, humans.
Memory captures them all.
It observes them, nurtures them.
The Nest
Let's go. Follow me.
I could have been someone different.
Mingle among the wild beasts,
and gently domesticate my peers.
The first appearance was in 1926,
on October 13th.
Two years later again, in 1928.
- Here? - No, not here, up the hill.
Follow me.
I could have had different ancestors.
And I could have taken
flight from another nest.
But I am who I am.
A coincidence no less
inconceivable than any other.
Hello, Gianni.
Hello, Cora.
This is the site of the appearance.
The Virgin Mary gave a
10-year-old girl her sight back.
Her name was Benedetta.
A devilish wolf had tore her eyes off.
Two years later, the
Virgin appeared to her again
asking her to worship this place,
in order to give people hope and faith.
Since that day, many people
have been miraculously cured.
Does the church
- recognize the miracles? - Not yet.
It would be better to keep him on a leash.
is this holy water?
It's blessed water.
On the 13th, we'll celebrate
the appearance of the Madonna di Bucco.
Which will mark the 90 years
since her first appearance.
The entire community will participate.
There will be a conference
called "Healing and miracles",
given by the theology
professor Felix De Terra.
You are welcome to come.
Bring your friends and family too.
It's an opportunity not to be missed.
How much money do you make
each year with this faith tourism?
I don't know.
But you'll find more useful information
in the brochure you can get in town.
We can go now.
It must be special to live in a holy place.
Here everything is wonderful, I
feel the Virgin Mary everywhere.
Very good, Cora.
Michele, you still have a lot to learn!
Shut up, I can still shoot.
Looking at you shoot, I
can see you're getting older.
Sure you want to run again?
- Do you need a ride? - In town?
- Where else? - Yes, I'm coming.
Cora, once I finish this set I'm done.
See you at home.
She just got here and
already she runs away from me.
Let's hang out at the party,
the others will be there too.
- In the forest? - Yes.
- You'll pick me up? - Sure!
How many pilgrims today?
13, tomorrow there'll be 20.
Very good.
Give me a small picture, Mrs. Margherita.
Enough charity for today.
Hey! Are you a pilgrim?
No, I live here.
I just got here.
What are you doing here?
There's not much to
do if you're not a pilgrim.
Family matters to resolve.
Your family is here?
I just came back too.
See you.
- What's your name? - Cora.
Filippo can you lower the heating?
- It's too hot upstairs.
- Two brothers and storytellers...
- G. - Grimm
Come up then. And hurry!
Bless this food, our Lord.
Give bread to the hungry.
Bless us, Hail Mary, full of grace,
Madonna di Bucco, mother of Jesus,
your mercy accompanies us every day
in this holy place you have chosen,
we will always be faithful to you,
let it be so, amen. - Amen.
did you decide how long you are staying?
A year.
But didn't you
just start university?
You're wasting a year.
She'll work with me.
- Is that right, Cora? - Yes.
She'll get bored here, like her mother did.
No, grandma. I'm fine.
And I need the money.
And I thought you missed me!
We don't talk about money
and don't think about ourselves
when we work for the Virgin Mary.
Come on.
That man with the dog, you know him?
We just talked before.
Who are you talking about?
What did he tell you?
Nothing, why?
No reason.
So, you will play the Virgin this year?
I'm not 15 any more.
It's not a play for children!
You were born here and
this is your community too.
- She never lets me do it.
- Have some respect!
What's the name of that girl? Petra.
Yes, she's sweet but Cora is perfect.
What happened?
Michele? What's going on?
- No, stay here. - I'll be right back.
Go back to your grandmother, go.
- So? - A broken window.
Pass the bread...
Thank you.
The end of the world
is coming, I can feel it...
They say other people have been healed.
They come here because it's a sacred place.
Sometimes they go home cured.
But not always, sometimes
they leave the same as they came.
But they don't say anything.
And sometimes, they go
back home with a miracle.
But not always.
Your mother is calling you.
She wants you to go home, right away!
Ask her.
Bye, Olmo.
He came to sell his house.
It's in a terrible state,
nobody took care of it.
Which means that he
won't be staying for long.
Well, for the time being he's living there.
- I think he threw that stone.
- No, it's not said.
Can I pay with a credit card?
Only from 20 and up. Ten, please.
Thank you.
- Good bye. - But that stone,
someone threw it!
What do you want me to do?
Your job as a mayor.
I have to go.
You know that the man with the dog
lives in town.
So, you know him?
It's an old story.
His brother was attacked by a dog.
His mother lost her mind.
She blamed the entire community.
Then they were gone, I
never saw them again.
Did he tell you about it?
I wouldn't get so close to him.
Pass the ball!
Pass it! Fast!
The visit will last about 50 minutes,
you'll be able to eat your
pick-nick when we get there.
- How did the trip go?
- Very well, thank you.
Matteo, Pietro, let's go home!
Let's go!
- So? I said home! - No!
- I don't want to. - Come on! Hurry!
Thank you, Margherita.
Where's Brigitte?
I'm filling in for her today.
Thank you for your generosity, Margherita.
That foreigner with the dog,
I think he's up to no good.
Would you like me to talk to him?
I would rather notify the authorities.
He could speak to them directly.
He lives here? He isn't a tourist.
The fact he lives in that wreck
doesn't make him a member of our community.
We are in a holy place, Margherita.
Anyone who comes here
can benefit from this place.
- We must focus on doing good.
- His dog is never on a leash.
It could attack the
children, or the elderly.
Don't forget that God is watching over us.
I pray everyday for those
things never to happen.
Absolutely, father.
And the window?
- Who did it? - You tell me.
Many people who come here
tell me they feel better after their visit.
Absolutely, yes.
This is where the apparition happened.
- Hello. - Hello.
Here is our Virgin.
- Here. - Thank you.
We can start. Your turn,
Lisa. Play Benedetta.
My eyes! I don't see anything! I'm scared!
Her eyes don't see anything!
Help us! Oh, Madonna di Bucco.
Let's find the wolf.
Let's hunt the wolf!
Let's hunt the wolf!
Let's hunt the wolf!
- Let's... - Matteo!
Flesh of my flesh, light of my eyes,
Satan has entered the wolf!
It's cursed!
Are you sleeping with her?
What are you saying, are you insane?
Let's stay and dance.
Have you seen Sam?
- Sam. - Who?
What are you doing here at this hour?
Do you have a cigarette?
Something to drink?
Things are being said about you.
People talk.
What do they say?
Tell me.
They talk about what
happened with your family
back then.
What exactly?
About your brother being attacked by a dog.
But it's none of my business.
Are you cold?
Why are you here?
I grew up here.
And it wasn't enough?
And you?
What do you do here?
A bit of everything.
Will you stay for the celebrations?
I'll see.
See what?
- What's wrong? - What do you care?
Leave me alone!
Your daughter was with
the stranger last night.
In the name of the father,
the son and the holy spirit.
May the Lord be with you...
And with your soul.
Before I go on,
you are all welcome
in the house of the Lord,
but we would like some
order and respect.
Brother, could you please
leave your dog outside and on his leash?
We let him do what he wants?
- Filippo! - Let's go on.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
Go away.
- Go away! - Brother...
Go away!
- Filippo... - Stop it! Filippo!
Let's pray.
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
who takes away the sin of
the world, have mercy on us.
You who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
You who take away the sins
of the world, Hear our prayer...
You who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
For you only are holy,
only you are the Lord...
You who sit at the right hand of the Father
have mercy on us. - Enough!
let's go on.
To celebrate the sacred mysteries...
Have mercy on us. You
who sit at the right hand...
Let us confess our sins.
I confess to almighty God,
and to all the Saints, that
I have sinned in thought,
in speech, in work, in the
purity of mind and of the body.
Therefore, I ask that you pray for me.
I confess to almighty God,
to the Blessed Virgin Mary,
to the Saints and unto you brothers.
I told you not to go near him.
It's none of your business.
In this house there are rules
and you have to respect them, understood?
Don't talk to me like that.
Where are you going?
Matteo has disappeared.
I think it's the foreigner.
Why would he do such
a thing? He lives here.
Where is he right now?
We never know where he is.
Always with that dog without a leash.
- Then, call the police. - No.
Let's go find him.
So he gets how things work here.
What makes you think it's him?
He went up to
the children a few times.
Everyone approaches everyone here.
Enough with this nonsense.
Matteo could be anywhere.
what do you think?
What do you want me to say?
Here, something like this
hasn't happened before.
We are going. Are you coming?
Thank you for coming.
Souvenirs, postcards, brochures
and books on the Madonna di Bucco
can be found at the
kiosk which is open all day.
I'll leave the brochures
with the program for the celebration
which takes place on the 13th of October.
There was snow.
I saw them. The boy was...
They'll come back, you'll see.
To look for him. They'll look for him.
They'll look for whom?
The foreigner.
The foreigner.
They will scare him.
Where are you going?
What do you care?
To be the stranger's whore!
Fuck you!
Go, run away!
Yes, I'm going!
I'm sorry.
What the hell are you
doing? You feel stronger now?
They're looking for you.
Why do you act like this?
Good boy.
What did you do before?
I was taking care of my brother.
He died two months ago.
He suffered for many years.
I'm sorry.
How did he die?
He was attacked by kids.
They left him on the snow,
they beat him up,
they strangled him, until
he lost consciousness.
There were three.
Your father was one of them,
your uncle another one.
My father would never
do anything like that.
I was there.
I saw everything.
He was going to jump on me.
What do we do now?
Put it in the car!
All witnesses say that the family dog
was wild and dangerous.
They are sure that the dog
was involved in the attack.
The whole village says
that the dog did it.
The testimony of the ski instructor...
He says that day we were not in town.
Cora, I have nothing to do with this case.
But it's absurd that a dog
took off a child's clothes...
I know, but he said it himself back then
that it was the dog. What does he want now?
I see the tragedy here,
but that man is crazy and dangerous.
Did you see my father?
Did I put enough lotion on the back?
That story of the attack, 40 years ago,
does it involve my father?
What are you saying?
I didn't say anything, Saverio did.
I don't know who that is.
You know very well who it is.
Yes, the crazy stranger
hanging around here.
Did you know his family?
To know them is a big word.
They lived here, immigrants.
They never got used to it.
I don't even know if they were Christian.
All I know is what everyone knows.
The child went out to play
and the dog attacked him.
The mother found him in the snow, hurt.
Saverio was with his brother.
He claims it wasn't the
dog but kids from the town.
Dad was one of them, and
Uncle Filippo and a third.
Your father and Filippo
weren't in Bucco that day.
And I remember the young brother
telling the police it was the dog's fault.
He was there, he saw it.
For God's sake, Cora,
forget about this story.
Don't listen to this mad man
who you don't even know.
I confess to almighty God,
and to thee, brother, that you have sinned
in thought, in speech, in work,
in the purity of mind.
For your sin, your sin, your great sin.
We'll see later.
Wait! Cora!
Try it.
Olmo, go check what's wrong with the light.
I won't play the Virgin Mary.
- But you promised. - Why should she
play the Virgin Mary?
Like father, like daughter.
What do you mean?
That Michele's actions are
not appropriate for someone
who is the mayor of a town.
- Unbelievable. - You are like your father,
and grandmother,
nothing like the Virgin Mary.
You can all go to hell!
The light doesn't work anywhere.
There is no electricity.
What about your place?
I don't know.
Are you playing me for a fool?
You are the mayor, right?
You have to find a way to calm things down.
Do you realize what's happening here?
We cannot lose
what we have established here.
We are expecting hundreds of pilgrims!
Is that clear?
Michele di Marpi and
Filippo di Marpi from Bucco,
and Tobias Leagger from Tisa,
were in Tisa for skiing lessons.
The three boys were
present at the ski club.
Go away!
Go away!
Go away!
Enough! Go away!
Enough! Enough!
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among
women, and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners...
Cora, wake up.
Leave me alone.
Wake up!
At what time did you come home?
I asked you what time you came home?
Leave me alone.
Get up.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee...
What are you doing down there?
Pull yourself together, come on!
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
Look at yourself!
Get out there! Get out.
You're an idiot. Get up.
Get out!
Grandma, what the hell are you doing?
Don't tell me what to do in my own house.
- Filippo, stand up. - Let me do it.
Go away.
- Uncle. - Go away.
Stop following me.
I didn't start it.
Start what?
The kid.
The foreigner's kid.
He was yelling his head off.
Tobias and Michele had to suffocate him
to make him stop.
We took his clothes off.
We grabbed branches and hit him
to make him stop screaming.
And then he stopped.
We left him there.
We left him there.
We're having slight technical problems.
Dear brothers and sisters,
welcome in the name of the Lord.
After the play, a religious
service will be held on the hill.
All visitors can follow us.
But first of all let me
introduce the mayor,
Mister Michele de Marpi, whom we have
to thank for organizing this.
Thank you, everyone.
Thanks to all of you
for taking part in our great feast here.
And so...
a little bit of practical advice.
- There's nothing hot. - Precisely, Madam.
At this restaurant
you'll find hot beverages.
This is for now.
But as soon as we solve the problem
we will hand them out near the church too.
- The toilets are out of service! - I know.
Just give us 10 minutes
and the toilets will be working again.
About the Mass on the hill...
It was you.
Excuse me.
- About the Mass on the hill...
- Father! Father!
Excuse me.
Tell me the truth.
Can you stop? What's going on?
You're a coward!
Why didn't you tell the truth?
What are you saying? Are you crazy?
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
You make me sick!
Let her go, she'll calm down.
I was just a kid, mother.
Did you want everybody
to know about your cruelty?
And everyone pointing at us.
Would you rather have grown up knowing
people thought of you as a monster?
- I protected you as much as I could. - No!
You did it only for yourself.
You did it only for yourself.
Everything is fine.
Everything is fine.