The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988) Movie Script

Freedom calls and Pippi runs.
The girl who never heard
she couldn't do something.
Watch out, world
'cause here she comes.
And she's bound to teach you
more than one thing.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Whoa, whoa.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your world.
A freckled-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
She dreams
dreams like me and you.
And, yes, it seems she always
makes her dreams come true.
She loves trees and roaring seas.
And the mountains please her
more than toys do.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Whoa, whoa.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your world.
A freckled-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your world.
A freckled-faced red-haired girl.
You ought to know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Pippi Longstocking is coming.
If I decide to
go 'round the world.
Just to kiss some sweet
Oriental girl.
Ain't got nobody stopping me
I lift the anchor and go
I run a one-man show Life is a breeze.
We live it for fun.
No apologies to anyone.
We live on the seas We do as
we please.
From stem to stern
each moment is now.
Life without concern
from aft until bow.
We live on the seas
We do as we please.
Aye, aye, Pippi!
Why do we want all these
necklaces and stuff?
Gifts for the Kurrekurre
islanders, of course.
And I suppose these are to buy
me a dress fit for a queen!
There you're
wrong, me little darlin'.
They're to keep you
out of the pot.
Little girl stew is a delicacy if they're
still cannibals like the good old days.
Papa... save me!
I'll show you!
Right! Onto Alfonso!
No! Hey!
Are we gonna take Alfonso
ashore, Papa?
Of course. Aren't I the
"Terror of the South Seas"?
We'll ride ashore in style. Maybe
they'll think I'm King Neptune.
King Neptune?
Never heard of him.
It's time you went back to school.
Fridolf. Yes, sir?
Take five and learn the
princess some history stuff...
that'll come in handy
when she's a boss like me.
Count on me, sir.
All right, Pippi, history.
Take notes.
Okay, Mr. Neilson, if I have to learn
this rotten old history stuff, so do you.
All right,
in the beginning,
there were... apples,
oranges... and bananas!
And Mr. Neilson loves bananas!
Into the rigging,
and down with the mainsail!
It's plain as Pippi's nose,
there's foul weather ahead!
Sorry, Fridolf, I can't study anymore.
They need me in the crow's nest.
- Help! Papa!
- What is it, Pippi?
A big wave...
coming towards the ship!
- Come down now!
- No way n!
Take over, Fridolf. I've got to get
Pippi down. Aye, aye, Captain.
Papa, I'm scared!
Lash yourself to the mast, girl!
I'm comin' up for ya!
Hang on!
Papa, I'm slipping!
Hang on! If I lose you,
remember the Villa Villekulla.
The Gulf Stream
will take you there.
We'll come out on top
like we always do.
Papa! Papa, where are you?
I'm drifting away toward the island.
The current's taking me.
Papa, it's taking me
the other way.
Grab hold of the raft.
Make for the Villa Villekulla.
Papa! Papa!
I'll find you somehow.
I love ya, Pippi.
I wish some kids lived there.
It would be fun to have best
friends living right next door.
Hello. You kids live here?
No. We live in that house over there.
The nice white one.
Well, who lives in this dump? Nobody.
It's been empty practically forever.
What did I tell ya? Absentee ownership.
Probably dead.
We'll pull it down
and the whole plot'll develop.
You can't do that! We play in
that tree over there sometimes.
Not anymore you don't! Come on. Take
pictures of it. Lot of pictures.
I'll knock it down, and we pour cement as far as
you can see. Everything living gets cut down.
It's another gold mine, boss!
We're drifting in the right direction,
and we're not gonna starve.
Keep reeling 'em in,
Mr. Neilson.
Mr. Neilson and I are very
grateful to you for saving us.
But you've got to eat.
That's all there is!
Mmm, not bad.
Well done, Mr. Neilson.
You might not be the prettiest monkey at
sea, but you're the cleverest and thdearest.
- What about me?
- Okay, okay, I love you too.
And now we must stick together, like
the time when we were in Timbuktu.
So when Papa finds his way back,
he'll say, "Well done, guys."
Wake up, Mr. Neilson.
Another lovely day.
I hope Papa made it.
Don't worry, Alfonso, the Gulf Stream
will take us home, just like Papa said.
But, Dad, why would anyone
wanna tear down Villa Villekulla?
Progress, Tommy.
Mr. Blackhart has plans...
to build all sorts of houses and a
golf course and a swimming pool.
- Sounds nice. Maybe we should move.
- No!
I don't wanna move! And
what about our tree?
Aah. There's plenty
of other trees, Tommy.
You and I'll go out
and find another one together.
Besides, this town
could use some changes.
Now, it's getting late. Oh, come on.
Time to bed. Come on. Off you go.
Couple more minutes?
Five minutes. Nope, lights
out in half an hour.
How 'bout an hour? No. Sorry.
Time for bed.
Time for bed.
Now, you know where we are
if you need us, right?
Yes, good night.
You'll be all right? Yeah.
Love you. Love you.
Mom says the Villa
is over a hundred years old.
They can't tear it down just like that.
Just won't be the same anymore.
I don't wanna leave here...
You know, Annika, there's
something strange going on in there.
You mean somebody's in there?
Or maybe even... ghosts?
Yeah! Could be even a ghost.
Let's go check it out.
See anything? No.
Besides, you can't see ghosts.
Well, if you can't see ghosts,
then what are we looking for?
What was that?
The step creaked.
Don't follow so close.
Look. It's up there.
If I say run, run!
Okay. Where?
Just run.
Look. Do ghosts have big shoes?
Give me the bat.
Can you hit a ghost? Shh. Stop
asking so many questions.
You see? It's nothing.
Probably just...
Hi. Who are you?
You're not a ghost? 'Course not.
The ghosts live up in the attic.
We know. We just saw one.
It was big and white
and had spots all over it.
That's my horse, Alfonso.
What's a horse doing
in the attic?
Beats me. I keep telling him not to
go up there, but he doesn't listen.
Alfonso, get down on the
porch, where you belong.
No way!
You see? He won't listen.
My name's Pippi.
Pippi Longstocking.
I'm Tommy, and this is my sister Annika.
What are you doing here?
I live here, of course. Are you
gonna stay here all by yourself?
I'm not all by myself. Mr. Neilson
and Alfonso live with me too.
Oh, is Mr. Neilson your father?
This is Mr. Neilson.
My father is a sea captain who
was washed overboard in a storm.
Did he drown? Of course not.
He lives on the Kurrekurre Island.
He's the king of the cannibals.
Cannibals? Real cannibals?
- There's no such thing today.
- How do you know?
You've never been there,
have you?
And do they really... eat you?
Which reminds me. I'm hungry.
You guys hungry?
- We're always hungry.
- Great.
What the heck's that ruckus
over there?
What could it be?
You don't suppose Tommy and
Annika... No, I'll go see.
Hey, Pippi!
Hey, Annika!
Pancakes, Alfonso?
Pancakes. Something new.
Tommy! Annika!
Just what in blazes
do you think you're doing?
We're just having
a midnight snack.
Care to join us? I have never seen
such a mess in my entire life!
You two are going to march
right home this very instant...
and go to bed!
And as for you, I don't know who you think
you are or what you think you're doing here,
but I'm going to get to the bottom
of this first thing in the morning.
Nice meeting you.
Thank goodness I only have you
and Alfonso to worry about.
Her name is Pippi Longstocking.
And she's come to live here.
I don't know what got into you two.
How could you do something like this?
Here, darling.
Oh, thank you.
I'm-I'm so confused.
That house stands empty
for heaven knows how many years.
Suddenly in the middle of the night,
some 11-year-old terror moves in.
I know. Our kids
seem to love it.
You should've seen them.
Uh, uh, a flying horse.
How do we even know that
it's her father's house?
You can be sure I'm going to
get to the bottom of this.
I'm tired.
Keep your head still, Alfonso.
Hi. We're running
a little late this morning.
Oh, those are for you, Annika and Tommy.
Thanks. A real sword.
Did you wash behind your ears?
You can't expect a horse
to do for himself.
Shh. He thinks
he's just like us.
Okay, you can go out
and play now.
But don't tease Mr. Neilson, or
you'll have to come right back in.
All right. Next on the list.
Ahh, nothing
like a morning bath.
But, Pippi, you've got
all your clothes on!
That's because it's laundry day.
Well, that's enough of that. There
is such a thing as being too clean.
You'll catch your death of cold
if you stand around like that.
Since when do people die
from being wet?
That's what my mom always says.
Well, now that you mention it,
I do remember one time at the North
Pole when I was so frozen...
after swimming with some seals and some Eskimo
kids that I had to dry myself off like this.
That was easy.
Now we're ready for a game.
Game of what? Rub-a-dub-dub scrubbing day.
It's my favorite day.
Everything's soapy, so we might
as well scrub the floor.
Scrub the floor?
That's not a game.
You wanna bet?
Oh, Pippi, what a mess!
Here, put these on
and follow me.
I put my scrubbing shoes on.
And I never get the blues
on Monday morning.
Yeah, yeah.
This dust'll be a goner.
As I hit each dirty corner
without warning.
Yeah, yeah.
Throwing soapsuds everywhere We're
being careful very careful.
To enjoy ourselves
each step of the way.
Scrubbing day is a holiday.
And the game we play
is as wild as it can get.
Scrubbing day is my favorite day.
'Cause on scrubbing day
we make everything get wet.
The greater the confusion I have come
to the conclusion things get cleaner.
Oh, yeah.
The white is whiter Red
is redder Blue is bluer.
And the green gets greener.
Yeah, yeah.
Throwing water everywhere There
is a feeling in the air.
That any minute
we could all float away.
Everybody Scrubbing
day is a holiday.
And the game we play
is as wild as it can get.
Scrubbing day is my favorite day.
'Cause on scrubbing day
we make everything get wet.
Whoa! It was lucky
I was here to catch you!
What a great way to clean up.
I must try it someday.
This is my mom, Pippi.
Nice mom. My mom is... She's not
here right now. She's, uh...
I don't mean to be rude, Pippi,
but we're terribly late.
They've got to go
to the dentist.
Bye, Pippi. Bye, Pippi.
Wait! Here. Take these.
My father got them off of an old
sailor who didn't need them anymore.
I don't think we can use them just now.
But do come and visit.
That'll be fun. Bye, Pippi.
Bye, Pippi.
And when was your last checkup?
Get back!
Watch your step, boss.
Good morning!
Nice of you to call.
I'm Pippilotta Delicatessa
Windowshade Longstocking,
daughter of
Captain Efraim Longstocking.
Pippi for short. Pippi.
Good morning.
What can I do for you? Selling vacuums?
I'll take a dozen.
Wrap them up. No, I'm not selling.
I'm buying. Oh, this is me.
Dan Blackhart. Blackhart's Ideal Homes.
If you need it, we've got it.
Well, to be very honest with you, I don't
think I need anything this morning.
you can have this wonderfully spectacular
sewing machine for a dollar.
I don't want your filthy
sewing machine.
I would like to look inside.
Will there be anything else?
Oh! I wonder if you'd be
interested in selling this house?
My home? Selling?
How can you sell a home?
You can't wrap it up.
You can't carry it away.
And you certainly can't
fit it in your car.
Obviously you can't
make much of a living...
if you're trying to buy houses
other people are living in.
Here's a gold coin for your troubles.
Where did you get that?
No big deal. I have a whole mess
of them down in the basement.
I just help myself whenever I need to.
How did they get there?
It's a long story.
But I can tell you this much.
It's part of the treasure
from King Solomon's mines.
I'm afraid you'll have to go now.
It's Friday. Wash day.
I'm sure you'll understand.
Who is that girl?
What is she doing on a horse?
Watch out,
world 'cause here she comes.
And she's bound to teach you
more than one thing.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your town.
What is going on here? The
one no one can keep down.
No, no, no, no.
Get them in the bus. Get in there.
In the bus.
Get in the bus. Get
in the bus. Get in the bus.
That's no way to treat kids.
Is that where you go to school?
No. That's the home for children who
have no parents. Nobody wants them.
Well, all kids
should be wanted and loved.
Maybe their moms and dads
just lost them.
Whoa, whoa.
Pippi Longstocking is coming
into your world.
A freckled-faced red-haired girl.
You ought to know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
Everybody out.
Unhitch the horse, my man.
What are we going to buy today, Pippi?
A grand piano.
They don't sell pianos in there.
They might today.
Can you play the piano? How
do I know until I've tried?
To play the piano without a piano takes
a lot of practice, I can tell you.
But how are we gonna pay?
Spanish gold. Pirates' money.
Pippi says you can find your own way home.
Do you want to go with him? No, not me.
Uh-uh, no way.
He really is going home.
They missed a good sale there.
Hi, freckle-face. Don't
you just love freckles?
Not much! Well, I do.
What's going on over there?
Children's home kids. Come for
their haircut and teeth pulling.
Don't they ever have any fun
when they come to town?
Let's go play with them.
What's wrong?
Orphans. Dad says we shouldn't.
Why not? They're just kids like us.
Let's go.
Quick, quick, quick. Come along.
Next two, please.
Come on. You two next.
Hi! What flavor ice cream
do you like best?
Chocolate! Vanilla!
Back off!
It's against the rules.
Listen, I want you to go to the ice cream
truck and get lots of ice cream...
and every kind of candy
that they have.
Here's some gold coins. Okay.
Now, go. Come on, Annika.
You won't get away with this.
I'm telling Miss Bannister, and
she'll soon settle your hash.
Miss Bannister?
That settles it.
Now we're gonna have a ball.
Miss Bannister?
There's this girl.
She's creating havoc. There's this girl.
She... She went up there.
I don't see anyone.
You silly, stupid girl.
Now, you mean you want
64 ice cream cones?
And Nestle's Crunch.
And bubble gum.
And can we have
265 Oh Henry! Bars?
You just help yourselves.
It's all yours!
Come on, kids!
It's Pippi Longstocking Day!
The ice cream!
Let's get the ice cream.
That's really something, eh? Those
poor kids never had such a treat.
Here comes the ice cream.
Come on, kids! Come and get it!
Free ice cream!
There's always been a lot of talk about Villa
Villekulla being an old pirate hangout.
But I...
I never heard anything
about a buried treasure inside.
There must be records. Deeds?
A bill of sale? Anything!
Look, I want that place.
And I'm willing to pay any legal costs
to get it, if you know what I mean.
- Ohhh!
- Tommy, throw some more. Hurry!
Well, go and get 'em!
Yes, Miss Bannister.
I think 've done enough shopping for today.
I'll be right back.
Hey, get some
more pistachio, strawberry!
Keep your eyes peeled.
Annika! Tom...
You... dirty rat!
- Okay, Mr. Neilson, time to do your stuff.
- Here we go. Here we go.
You do something!
Arrest somebody!
Yes, ma'am.
Tommy! Eh, watch it! Tommy!
Would you get out of my... Get...
All aboard! Come on, Annika.
Go! Come on!
- Tommy, Annika, come down this minute!
- Hold on!
No, no! Stay up!
- Bye, Dad! See you at dinner!
- You'll pay for this!
I know who's responsible
for this!
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one...
Riding on a motorcycle!
Flying through the air!
I don't know what I would have
done if they had crashed.
Honey, Pippi got them home
safely as she always does.
That's what's important.
I've got a feeling Pippi would never
put those kids' lives in danger.
Do you know, she told me...
that she used to ride with her father
on the Wall of Death in Bangkok?
And you believe that?
That Pippi is the biggest darned
liar that I have ever seen.
And I'll tell you what.
There's going to be trouble.
That Miss Bannister is on the warpath.
She's gonna have her way with Pippi yet.
What a shame.
Have you seen the splunk yet?
I don't want him to get me.
I'll protect you if it does.
Be careful,
and don't touch the floor.
The splunk will get you.
And when he does,
he'll tear your legs off...
and stick 'em in your ears.
Do you know,
since Pippi has arrived,
I've never seen
Tommy and Annika so happy.
I never even see them anymore.
I just miss our happy,
little family dinners.
Look at you.
Come on! Then let me go first.
I can't.
Don't touch the floor.
Come on! Get onto the couch!
Now you've got to
get onto the couch, Annika.
Come on!
I did it!
What are you kids doing?
Watch out, Mom. There's
a splunk on the loose!
I got it!
Get out while the going's good.
Well, come along before
your father sees this mess.
We've been having fun, Mom.
Pippi, would you like
to come to dinner?
No, thanks, Mrs. "S." I promised
this fabulous swami in Chittagong...
that I'd never eat out
on Tuesdays,
and there's nothing worse
than lying to a swami.
Bye-bye. Bye, Pippi.
Let me give you a hand, ma'am.
Oh, no.
What are you doing up there?
Looking out for a storm.
Well, come down at once, please.
Why? Do you have
a new game for us to play?
I'm afraid this will be no game.
I am the welfare worker
from the county.
And there is a place for you
in our children's home.
I have come to take you there. But I
already have a place in a children's home.
Where? Well, look.
I am a child, and this is my home.
Therefore I live in a children's home.
And a very comfortable one
at that.
But no child can live alone.
No, no, no. It's unheard of.
Every child needs adult supervision
and has to go to school.
School! Why?
To learn things, of course.
What kinds of things?
Reading, writing, arithmetic,
history, geography,
all those things
that a person has to know.
Fridolf taught me how to count,
enough to count my gold.
And as for the other stuff, I've gotten
along fine without it for ten years.
So, I'm afraid you'll have
to find children...
for your children's home
someplace else.
Well, if you would just
take ahold of that beast,
I want to see
what's going on inside.
But if I were you, I'd wait
and come back on Friday,
'cause today's splunk day and
they're all over the place.
I tried to warn her... sort of.
That was a trap
to catch a splunk.
They're such a pain, always trying
to steal my gold. Get away! Bug off!
If I let them stay, they'd eat
me out of house and home.
And that wouldn't do, 'cause then I'd have
to go to the children's home with you.
Don't, don't, don't, don't!
I don't know how to thank you and those kind
people in the town for thinking so much of me.
But take this and give those poor
children in the home a nice holiday...
with lots of ice cream
and marshmallows.
Oh, give it here! Wretch! Hey!
She took my hat!
She took my hat!
Okay, okay, I'll tell you what. Maybe
I'll visit Tommy and Annika's school.
Who knows? Might even be fun.
I love drawing and painting.
Good morning.
Mr. Neilson, you sure
are the cleverest monkey...
for painting all these beautiful pictures.
Thank you very much.
And the dearest. Ohh!
What about me?
That's enough.
Oh, hello, Alfonso.
I love you too, Alfonso. I'm
so lucky to have you guys.
Got her, boss! Outta there!
Ah, there she is. Turning
my property into a pigsty.
Ain't yours yet, boss.
No, but it soon will be if you
two idiots do your stuff.
Listen. She loves those two
stinking animals, doesn't she?
Right, right.
Hello. I'm coming. Come on, Pippi.
There's rocks ahead.
Don't worry.
Catch! Oh! Oh, my gosh!
They don't make china
like they used to.
Don't miss these!
What a bozo! I work my fingers
to the bone cooking for you,
and you mess it all up!
Here's yours.
Oh, thank you.
Isn't it great to be alive? What in the
world did we do before Pippi came?
Practically nothing. Fished,
read comics, played ball.
But now every day is fantastic.
It's one of those
"perodactyl" things.
That's Jake and
his new flying machine.
Gee, I've never seen
anything like that before.
- He invented it himself.
- You mean he actually made that thing?
He calls it his autogiro.
He even promised me and Annika he'd take
us up sometime. Except Dad says no way.
He thinks it's too dangerous.
There it is, boss.
Look, I can fly.
Pippi, don't! You'll fall!
You can't really fly!
My papa always says that if you believe
in yourself, you can do anything.
Shoot. That's Mom.
- We gotta go now. We promised.
- Bye!
Leave it to us, boss. Come on.
Let's go. Okay.
Pippi, there are two
official-looking guys...
coming through the gate
with white jackets on.
I just love men in uniform.
But policemen are the best.
Ouch! Shh!
Anyone home?
County Animal Control.
Come to fix your livestock.
Hey. What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Wow! Oh!
Watch it!
That's pirates' gold. And anyone
who touches it will turn to dust.
Look, kid, we got an order to take
your animals for their shots.
Nobody shoots my animals.
Whoa, whoa.
We're not gonna shoot 'em.
We're just gonna give
'em a few jabs. Yeah.
Hey, that's my rope!
That's it, kid! Aaaah!
Okay, kid, if
that's the way you want it!
- Whoa!
- Ohhhh!
And that's the bully tree. You should be
ashamed, picking on a poor little girl.
No sense wasting
such a nice day.
You little monster, you!
- Let's play "find the hat."
- Come here, you!
Come and get it!
Let's get the gold
and get out of here.
What? With her yelling her head
off in full view of everyone?
Get that ladder!
That's the idea.
The view's lovely up here.
I'm gonna get that strong-armed little
freak if it's the last thing I do.
Then what? They've seen our faces.
Here's what we'll do.
We'll put her in the sack, and when
it gets dark, we'll get rid of her.
Here. Don't want you to get sunstroke.
Get up there! Go on!
Bravo! Well done. Isn't this fun?
I do it every day.
You little brat! I'm going to pull
those pigtails clear to China.
Come on, kid!
Get off me! Get off me! Let go!
Let go! You've had your fun.
What's wrong? I thought
it was just a game.
When we're finished, we can have
a feast of Coke and cookies.
Put the ladder here, kid,
and we'll call it a day.
Hurry! Come on! Move it!
Get out of my way!
You idiot! Why, you little...
You go for her.
Get her off that horse.
I'll get you now!
I'll get you.
Let's get outta here. This is more
trouble than a truckload of baboons!
Oh! Oh-oh!
They're never gonna separate us.
Uh-uh. Never, never, never!
All you had to do was grab
the horse and the monkey!
We would've been rid
of her forever!
D all that money
just lying there!
Be back in a couple hours.
Get, get down!
Come on. Get out of there!
It's not safe now. Come on.
What are you doing up here?
I just wanted to see
what it was like to fly.
Careful, careful, careful.
It's dangerous.
They could take your head off.
Who cares?
I once ran into a headless pirate in
Istanbul. He never knew which way was up.
Well, I'm afraid you're gonna have to
wait a few years to fly an autogiro.
Yeah, you know, I risk my
life every time I go up.
Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!
That's it. That's the idea.
Vroom! Vroom!
Is that all there is to it?
No, no, of course not!
Uh, see, you need these
to keep you up...
and the prop
to take you forward.
But it's really a lot more
complicated than that.
Well, I bet I could do it.
Can I watch you take off? Sure!
And feel free
to come around any time.
I always feel free. Thanks. Bye.
My pop and I have been
shipwrecked so many times...
that there are only eight or nine islands
we haven't been to in the whole world.
Weren't you afraid?
Well, there was this hurricane, and
the peas flew out of the soup.
And the ship's cat
flew past me stark naked,
and his fur landed on my fork.
Excu... What do you think
you're doing?
The sugar feels sensational
between your toes.
I'm sorry, but we just don't
behave that way in this household.
Now, tell me,
what makes you think that
your father is still alive?
I know he is. He'll be back soon.
You can rely on that.
I can't see a thing!
Pippi, come in the kitchen. We'll wipe
off your face. It'll be all right.
I think I went a little too far.
That wasn't funny, Pippi. Your
table manners are atrocious.
Listen, if I promise
to practice one hour each day,
will you teach me all
that table manners and stuff?
I'll try.
Now I want the real truth.
Your mother...
She is dead, isn't she?
Oh, no!
You see that cloud?
Well, there's a little hole
in it right above my house.
Whenever I'm in trouble
or I need advice,
I see her face
right about there.
She always helps me
one way or another.
You okay, Pippi?
You want to play upstairs?
I can't. Alfonso's dying
for a hay souffl,
and Mr. Neilson wants
a banana split.
Good night.
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Oh, wait, oh. Hold it, kids.
You hold on right there.
I wanna talk to you.
Just hang on there.
Just hang on.
Honey, I'm really worried
about Pippi.
She's all alone in that house.
There's no one to take care of her.
Look, don't get yourself all upset.
Pippi is not our responsibility.
This Miss Bannister, she has a
lot of support in this town.
I can see why.
The county created the children's home for
kids who are lost or have no parents.
And it...
It just seems to me that Pippi
fits the bill perfectly.
Poor Pippi. No mother or
father to look after her.
We've gotta do something.
Something drastic.
The boxes are finished.
Where do we put them?
Be careful how you mount them.
They gotta be fixed real firm.
Oh, this is too much.
This is just too much!
What the heck could she be
doing at 3:00 in the morning?
Can we... I say,
can we possibly have
a little peace and quiet here?
Go to bed!
Don't fuss. You're getting rid
of her tomorrow, aren't you?
I wouldn't exactly say
that I'm getting rid of her.
But, eh, eh...
What, you don't approve?
You know I don't. Not at all.
Twelve times sixteen...
equals 192.
Children, eyes to
the blackboard, please. Tommy.
Twelve times twelve equals one
hundred and forty-four. Annika?
Pippi, how can I teach arithmetic with
you sitting there? Please come inside.
Well, I don't want to upset you.
I'm just curious.
I've never been
to school before.
Except in Wagga Wagga.
That's in Australia.
They chased wallabies
all day long.
And we had koala bears sitting
in on... Enough, Pippi.
I'm afraid you can't stay there. It's disrupting
the class. Children, back to your seats.
I was just hoping all that learning
floating around in there...
might fly out here and stick to me...
and Mr. Neilson.
He's very bad with his numbers.
I'd like to help you,
but you make that impossible.
Whenever you're ready, come to school
like everyone else, and I'll teach you.
But now we must press on. Bye.
Well, I guess we'll
just have to stay stupid.
Oh, dear.
Thank you. Will you wait here
for five minutes, please?
You have the order?
Yes, yes, yes.
Good. Then everything
is absolutely legal.
Excuse me. Is all this really necessary?
I mean, she's just a child.
A child? I've seen this child in action.
She's totally irresponsible.
But a fire engine?
Now, why do we need that?
Because the brat climbs up on roofs and
in trees. And I've seen her up there.
She is more slippery than that
filthy monkey she lives with,
not to mention that stinking horse of hers.
Why the police?
Oh, she's very strong. You
should see what she did.
She threw my men up in a tree. Then
she lifted me like I was a baby.
That's some baby, I'll tell ya.
I think you'll agree we have to be prepared
for anything this girl may come up with.
We are agreed. Now, nobody wants
to be unfair or unkind to Pippi.
But I think that once
she is safe in the van,
then the whole town can just
breathe a sigh of relief.
Tommy, Annika!
Pippi, they're comin' for you!
The police, the fire engine, Miss
Bannister! Just about everyone.
I bet my father's with them too.
They can't take you, Pippi.
We're going to run away.
Please come with us.
Yeah, come with us. Mom and Dad are
trying ruin everything for us.
Well, I've never run away
from anything.
But I can't let you guys
go off on your own.
So I guess I'll have to come with ya.
Let's go.
Good luck! Thanks, freckle-face.
How we gonna run away?
It just so happens I might have
exactly what we need.
Good God! Look at that!
- All right! - Get-Get out! Get out!
- We'll go after her!
If I could fly,
I could catch them!
Oh, my God!
Keep pedaling. I'll bring it up.
- Up, up, up!
- Up! Up!
Up! Up!
Flying off to who knows where.
The very air we breathe is sweet.
Up above the treetops there is
not a challenge we can't meet.
If it takes all day
or maybe longer.
If it takes all night.
We will make our way
We're gettin' stronger.
Freedom is worth the fight.
Running away.
Up! Running away.
Up! Up!
Running away.
We're running away.
What the heck is she doing now?
You want us to take her, boss?
Can we, boss? Please, boss?
Oh, Pippi.
How could you have done this
to us?
I always thought the kids would
be perfectly safe with you.
That you'd look
after them... somehow.
Here, boy. Come on. Come on.
Stop this thing now.
Make it... Come on.
Will you please stop
this dang-dong bell? Stop it!
Did you find them? Not a trace.
Boy, that Pippi
has really done it this time.
Are you sure they were flying?
- Looked like a flying bed to me.
- A bicycle. She was definitely pedaling.
No! When it passed my place, it looked
li that autogiro thing Jake built.
Then let's go see
that crazy flying goon!
- Come on. Let's get outta here.
- Stick around. Don't leave in case they come back.
Watch out! Don't hit the horses!
I'm starving!
What are you doing, Pippi?
I learned this from a native in Borneo.
Don't worry. It'll work.
It'll work fine.
See? It works!
- Wow! It really did work.
- No sweat.
What are we gonna eat, Pippi?
What have you got in there?
Catch. I don't feel
like hunting tonight.
What would you hunt here
anyway, Pippi?
Oh, lions, tigers...
and cannibals.
I'm very good with cannibals.
Cannibals? Here?
Just in case.
It's very quiet. You don't
think it's too quiet, do you?
I promise you, with this old
gun, I'll be able to defend us.
Even if we should
be attacked by a splunk!
Oh, I'm gonna go take a nap.
Wake me if you need me.
And keep your eyes peeled.
There. What did I tell you? It
could be a cannibal snooping.
You can never be too careful.
Wouldn't be much use running away if
we're just to be served up for dinner...
with carrots and parsley.
I'll bet they're looking through
their cookbooks right now,
learning how to make us
in a special stew.
But I'll tell you this:
If they ever put me...
on the same plate as spinach...
I will never, ever forgive them.
Oh, Pippi, don't talk like that.
Jeepers! What was that?
- She shot it!
- Three of them just bit the dust.
Pippi, when I grow up, I'm gonna
be a pirate, just like you.
Swell. And we'll be the
terrors of the Caribbean.
We'll plunder gold and jewels and
hide our treasures in a cave...
with three skeletons
guarding it!
And we'll sing... Life
is a breeze We live it for fun.
No apologies to anyone.
We live on the seas
We do as we please.
You've got it! And everyone would turn
pale and throw themselves into the sea...
to escape our bloody,
bloody revenge!
What about me? I don't
dare become a pirate.
Well, you can come along
for the ride and dust the piano.
- Dust the piano?
- Look what I found.
- From a shipwrecked sailor's secret stash.
- Thanks.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Darn it! We forgot
to brush our teeth.
Go to sleep.
Without your help, darn it, Pippi never
would've been able to build that contraption.
I know. And I'm willing to help, but
it's night. We'll use searchlights.
Even if I could get the autogiro up
in the dark, I could never land it.
- We gotta find those kids somehow.
- It's all your fault.
Listen, guys... You gotta help,
Jake, or we'll run you out of town.
If you're not too scared to fly,
I'll take you up at first light,
and we'll look in places these
guys could never go, okay? Okay.
What's for breakfast?
Dinosaur eggs, sunny-side up.
Pippi! The plane! It's sinking!
How will we ever get back? We're
supposed to be running away, aren't we?
We're lost. I want my mom.
- We can't stay gone forever.
- Robinson Crusoe did. He stayed for seven years.
- Seven years?
- I don't wanna stay that long.
Three years, okay? Whew.
It's getting hot. Wanna go
for a swim before breakfast?
Come on!
Pippi, you still
got all your clothes on!
I know. It's more fun this way.
They can't have gone this far!
Hey! Don't forget! They have
one of my flying machines!
Hey, listen. I'm the killer whale,
and you're the shipwrecked kids!
Race you to shore.
- These stones hurt my feet.
- Always complaining.
Come on.
Oh, no! Our clothes!
They're gone!
Somebody's taken them. They
have to be here somewhere.
The dinosaur, I guess. A
fair exchange for the eggs.
Now you know why I swim with my clothes on.
What are we gonna do?
Sit down!
You'll either lose your
head or make us crash.
There's no sign of them!
Go back to the lake!
If I know Pippi, she'll be
finding some way back home!
If it takes all
day or maybe longer.
If it takes all night.
We will make our way
We're gettin' stronger.
Freedom is worth the fight.
Runnin' away.
Runnin' away.
We're saved!
What do you mean, we're
saved, Pippi? You'll see.
Never gonna find 'em.
I'm gonna follow that river!
This is as safe
as taking a Sunday stroll.
I once knew a guy who went down
the Niagara Falls in a barrel.
He said it was fantastic.
Tiny people on the ground.
We're too high up
to hear them scream.
Tryin' hard to pull us down.
They have forgotten how to dream.
Runnin' until we drop
or maybe longer.
Runnin' until we win.
We'll end up on top
There's no one stronger.
That's the mood we're in.
Runnin' away.
Runnin' away.
Hey, there! Turn around!
Turn around!
- You okay, Pippi?
- I'm fantastic.
Is this safe? Pippi, I'm scared.
Hold on. Don't worry. What's
that big noise up there?
It must be a waterfall,
but it can't be as big as Niagara.
Grab hold of the paddle! Hurry!
I'm trying! Help, Pippi!
Get it! Hurry! We'll come out
on top like we always do!
We're gonna go over the falls!
My barrel's leaking.
There they are... down there!
I'll drop the ladder!
I think we'll make it! Help!
- Look! It's Jake! Help! Help!
- Go lower!
Help! Help! I'll go as low as I can.
- We're down here!
- Hold it steady!
- Yeah. Okay. I will.
- Help! Help!
Kids, kids, grab hold of it!
Grab hold of the ladder!
- Grab hold of it! - I've got it!
- That's good! Stay there!
Come on! Get it, Tommy!
Hold it steady!
Don't move around so much!
Get ahold of it! Hang on!
- Then Dad dropped the rope!
- And Pippi grabbed ahold of it.
Then we got ahold of Pippi. We all went
swinging over the treetops and fire engines.
And now you're making it up
just like...
And everybody
lived happily ever after.
You know, when I grow up, maybe
I'm not gonna be a pirate.
I'm seriously thinking
of changing it to a pilot.
Pippi, I don't think
you understand.
You really
went too far this time.
But there's good old Villa
Villekulla still there.
Nobody's been hurt, and we all did things
we've never done before, and we had a ball.
Bye, Pippi!
Sleep tight! See you!
Bye! See you tomorrow!
You got a neat fire engine.
Well, I hope you're
satisfied, young lady.
All those poor people out of their
beds and out of their minds...
because of your stupidity...
Psst, psst, psst...
And your irresponsibili...
Hi, Alfonso. You okay?
You know, quite often, people
go to bed too early anyway...
just because they haven't had
anything exciting to do.
I do wish I'd asked that nice man
for a ride on his fire engine.
Do you realize
all those people...
have lost time and money
searching for you?
Well, if that's the only problem,
I've got tons of gold inside.
Come on in.
I don't want anybody
to be unhappy,
so they can each have two gold
coins from the Spanish Main...
to remind them
of this fantastic day.
This place. It's still a pigsty.
- It's worse than ever.
- When you've been on an expedition like we were,
you expect things
to get a little dusty.
You see?
What day is it? It's Friday.
I can start spring cleaning.
You can help too. Hmm?
Don't you realize
that it's 2:00 in the morning?
All normal children are in bed.
Pippi, dear,
you can't go on like this.
You're worn out. You're dirty.
And you have no sense of values.
Now, I want you to listen
just once... just once.
We have this home...
where children like you are looked after
when they have no mothers or fathers.
Now, I have the power
to force you...
I urge you
to come along peacefully.
This is for your own good.
Now, please.
Just try.
Just, say, till Christmas?
Can I ride the fire engine?
If that's what it takes.
Just till Christmas.
Don't worry, Counselor.
I'll keep my eye on her.
Boy, I hope we've done the right thing.
My children are just gonna hate me.
They'll adjust, like well must eventually.
Thank you for your help. Thank you.
Yeah, and thank you.
Mr. Settigren, excuse me.
Any luck with the search?
No. No. I can't seem to
find any record of a sea captain...
with the name of "Efraim"
or "Longstocking."
And the Coast Guard registry doesn't have
any ship listed under the name of Hoptoad.
However, I am going to have a guard
posted at the Villa Villekulla...
just in case anybody gets any
ideas about any empty property,
just until we get
to the bottom of this.
Get off my car!
Class, I want you to go to work
on the 12 problems I've given you...
while I go to work
on another little problem.
Yes, Miss Messerschmidt.
Pippilotta... If that really
is your ridiculous name...
I want to know:
How much is 12 and 15?
If you don't know something as simple
as that, you shouldn't be teaching.
- I won't stand for rudeness in this class.
- Then please sit down.
I'm warning you, young lady. We have ways
of dealing with rude, unruly children.
- Haven't we, class?
- Yes, Miss Messerschmidt.
For your information,
12 and 15 are 27.
But if you knew,
why did you ask me?
Thirteen plus fourteen?
Oh, about 67.
No. It's 27.
But you just said 12 and 15 was 27.
I do wish you'd make up your mind.
Ouch! That hurt!
That was my intention.
You've asked for it.
Now, go over there, and don't speak
another word till I give you permission.
It's no good. They won't even
let her come to the window.
- She's being disciplined.
- Poor Pippi.
Do you think we'll ever see her again?
Oh, I'm sure we will.
Jennifer! Away!
Thank you.
What'd you do that for?
You know very well.
Hey, Pippi, you'll make
the pillow all dirty.
In Australia,
everybody sleeps upside down.
I think it's time
someone told you that in Australia...
it's strictly against the law
to have lessons.
It may happen that one Aussie kid might
sneak into his closet to study a lesson,
but it's too bad
if his mother finds him.
Whoa! How did you do that?
Arithmetic... They don't
have at all in China.
If any kid knows
what 12 and 15 is,
he'll have to stand
in the corner all day.
If that's true, what do
they do all day in school?
Eat caramels.
There's a long pipe...
that goes from the caramel factory
right into the classroom.
And it shoots candies
out of it all day long.
- What does the teacher do?
- Takes the paper off the caramels for the kids.
You don't think
they do it themselves!
You're nothing but a great, big
liar, like Miss Messerschmidt says.
And who said you could
braid your hair again?
Why are you so bossy all the time? Don't
you ever do anything you wanna do?
We were okay until you came.
But why would you want
to stay here?
They give us food and shelter,
and they take care of us.
Sometimes they're nice to us, if
we're good and do as we're told.
What are you doing in here?
Get out of my dormitory, you naughty boys.
I don't understand.
Well done, Pippi.
I really don't understand.
Pippi! How can you
make all this mess?
Wait till Miss Messerschmidt
sees what you've done.
Just think. How am I supposed to draw a
real horse on a tiny piece of paper?
Miss Messerschmidt! Miss Messerschmidt!
- Come quick! Come and see what Pippi has done.
- Whoa!
You. What do you think
you're doing?
I can't leave you alone for five minutes
without your disrupting the class...
and defacing
the school premises.
Back to your desks, class,
and carry on with your work.
You see that little hut?
That's called the sweat box,
where really bad children
are put.
Mom, I hope
you're not too busy up there,
you know,
playing the harp and all.
But you know what your
Pippilotta's been going through.
Why do they ask so many questions
when they already know the answers?
I mean, a horse is a horse.
I'm so confused.
If only Papa were here. Then
we'd know the right thing to do.
I wish he was.
What? I didn't quite hear you.
Get a message to him? But how?
In a bottle? Oh, thanks, Mom.
My problem's solved.
Oh. You can go back
to playing your harp now.
Once, I had four jacks
and lost to four queens.
It'll never happen again,
This little hand right here
should be enough to win.
Yeah. Two bucks says
you ain't got... Flush.
Where'd you get that, huh?
Where'd you get them cards?
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
You're not a ghost.
I'm Greg, of Gregory's Gripping Glue.
And I'm very sleepy.
Well, there'plenty
of beds downstairs.
How did you get up here? You certainly
didn't come through the front door.
- I climbed up.
- On a ladder?
No. Up the wall.
Up a drainpipe, I guess.
I walked up.
Now you're telling whoppers worse than me.
Only flies can walk up walls.
And spiders and lizards and me!
How did you do it?
I'll show you.
Give me your shoe.
What is that stuff?
This is a very special glue.
Now the other one.
It sticks when you want it to, and
it leaves go when you're through.
I invented it, and someday
I'm going to be very rich.
What do we do now? Now you're
going to climb up the wall.
There. Go on. You can do it.
Well, go on.
I can't do it.
Of course you can. You can do
almost anything you want to...
if you believe you can!
That's what
I always used to say.
Okay. Why not?
Sticky situation.
My departure has to be a
fast one You're doing it!
Sticky situation
You're walking up the wall.
Every step is harder
than the last one.
Been in a lot of spots.
And had to use my ingenuity Terrific!
I'm walking on the ceiling!
The going gets too hot.
And soon the going
sees the last of me.
You see? No sweat!
And it was fun!
Anyone up there? I don't know.
Those rats get bigger every week.
Can you write? Of course I can.
But right now, I'm going
to take my little snooze.
Listen, Mr. Gregory. They
don't know I have this.
But you can buy just
about anything with it.
If you'll stay awake long enough
to write me an S.O.S., it's yours.
It's gold!
I don't want your money.
What kind of an S.O.S.?
To my papa.
Please write:
"Pippilotta in the jam pot.
Come quick. Villa Villekulla."
It's a little bit
more difficult going down.
Well, I can try.
All right. I'll put the
note in the bottle.
Throw it down to me when I
get down to the ground.
All right. All right.
Give me your hands.
Just for the start.
Turn me around.
Now, Gregory's Glue
won't let you down.
Now, just trust it.
Remember: You must believe.
I'll try. Have a nice nap.
And thanks.
You're doing it, Pippi.
This is great.
Pippi, you're doing it!
I told you... if you would just believe.
I can't move. I'm stuck.
Oh. Well, just jump.
Papa always says to leave
room for your toes to wiggle.
Here we go!
Thanks, Gregory.
Now, I want you to swim straight to
my papa, and no stops on the way.
Well, that's that.
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my God! Fire!
Help! Fire!
All right! Get the hose
off and get that ladder over there!
Get the children out of there!
Hurry up!
- Please let me through! Let me through! Gregory!
- Help! I'm trapped!
Don't worry, Gregory!
Pippi's back!
The whole place is on fire!
Please help!
Hey, shoes, where are you? I
can't climb without my shoes.
How many more inside?
Oh, there are ten.
Oh, that Longstocking child!
Pippi, how did you get down there?
My mom lent me her
wings, and I flew. Oh!
Can't you ever stop telling those
stories, even at a time like this?
There's a man up there, and
he surely doesn't have wings.
Come on, kids!
Hurry, hurry! Don't be frightened.
Move those hoses!
Volunteers to hold the net.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
The ladder won't reach. Don't
worry, Gregory. I'll save you.
- We're trapped!
- You can jump as soon as they open the net.
- Tell the Glue Man to jump first.
- Glue Man? What's a Glue Man?
My friend up there. Gregory,
you'll have to jump first.
Don't worry. I'll save them.
- Now, it's perfectly safe.
- He's gonna jump.
- It's all right. I'll get them down!
- Help! Help!
It's much easier than walking
down a wall. What wall?
You got a rope? Yeah.
Right there in the back.
Don't worry! It's all right!
I'll get them out!
Bravo, Gregory!
Hi, Tommy and Annika.
Oh, Pippi, I'm so glad you're okay.
We came to rescue you.
You'll be safe. Whoa-oa-oa!
- Come on! Don't be afraid! Jump!
- Help!
It's Chrissy and Billy! Mr. Neilson,
you're exactly what I need.
You've gotta jump!
Close your eyes and jump!
The boy first!
Now, listen, kid:
Close your eyes and jump.
- - Come on! Come on! It's fun!
- I did it, and I'm all right!
- Pippi! Help!
- Pippi! Pippi!
- What's she doing?
Now, you're gonna take this rope over
there. Just jump. It's not gonna hurt you.
- Get some water on that cable!
- Well done, Mr. Neilson.
- Tie the rope to something.
- We need more pressure.
Help! Pippi! Save us!
We're gonna burn!
Help! Don't worry.
I'm coming for you.
Careful. Careful.
Come on, Pippi! You can do it!
Help! Hurry!
Hold on, Billy, Chrissy. Be careful, Pippi!
- Careful.
- Pippi! Help!
Pippi, it's hot! Help!
I'm coming.
You're doing it!
You're doing it!
Help! Help, Pippi! Well done!
She did it!
She did it! She did...
Put your head under my arm.
Okay. There.
- Let them jump. We'll catch them.
- No.
Here we go.
What's she trying to do?
She'll never make it.
You okay? Uh-huh.
Three cheers for Pippi!
Careful. Mr.
Neilson, where are you?
Mr. Neilson, come over. Run along the
ropes. You're a monkey, aren't you?
Mr. Neilson, I don't want
roast monkey for dinner.
- - Come on. Right now.
Stop fooling around.
Very well.
- - Come on,
you silly boy. Okay?
The rope! It's starting to burn!
- Ow! You're hurting me!
- - Mr. Neilson,
you're the best monkey in the world.
- I'm so proud of you! You were terrific!
- You were great!
Oh, I'm afraid I misjudged you.
- How can I make it up to you?
- I'd really like to go back to Villa Villekulla.
Mr. Neilson and Alfonso
must be pretty mad at me.
Oh, Pippi.
In my mind I hear
your voice is callin'.
Come on Be happy somehow.
the halls with lots of holly.
Shine your lights for the
world to see.
You know, guys,
Christmas is family.
You'll just have to wait till
tomorrow to open your presents.
Presents. I love presents.
- Is the turkey in the oven?
- Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Tommy!
Merry Christmas, Annika!
Not forgetting you too, Pippi.
Merry Christmas.
And, Papa, I hope you're eating
lots of lovely cakes and things...
on your South Sea island.
I really hope you are.
I love you.
Mom, you sure
he's not up there with you?
I mean, you would tell
me, wouldn't you?
I miss you both... terribly.
The first Noel.
The angels did say.
Was to certain poor shepherds.
In fields where they lay
Where they lay.
In fields where they.
Lay keeping their sheep.
- On a cold winter's night
- Hi! Annika! Tommy!
That was so deep.
Noel, Noel.
Noel, Noel.
Happy Christmas, Pippi, dear.
We just want you to know
that we love ya...
and that we're thinkin'
about ya.
Miss Bannister
found it in the pet shop.
It's very small. It'll grow.
But we hope you like it.
Oh, I do! I do! I adore it!
Merry Christmas, Pippi!
Happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Pippi.
Merry Christmas, honey.
Good luck, Pippi!
Hip, hip for Rocksby... the
greatest town in the whole world.
- Can we give 'em to her now?
- Yes, can we?
Well, boss,
what are we gonna do now?
Find someone else to rip off?
Nope. We're gonna
keep on trying.
Haven't you two bimbos learned
anything from that brat yet?
When you believe in something, you
never give up! Dummies, both of ya!
- Oh, neat. She's so pretty.
- Now I can go hunting.
I got an ostrich!
Alfonso and Mr. Neilson have presents too.
Help me with them.
This one's Alfonso's.
And this is for you, Mr. Neilson.
Life is a breeze
We live it for fun.
No apologies to anyone.
We live on the seas We do as we please
I don't believe it! Papa! Papa!
From stem to stern
each moment is now.
- Papa, Papa! You've come back!
- Ah-ha!
Would I ever let you
spend Christmas without me?
Well, I'll be darned.
I made it myself
especially for you.
Now, I may be king
of the Kurrekurre islanders,
but they never gave me baubles
as beautiful as these.
Thank you, me darlin' daughter.
I knew all along you hadn't drowned.
What? Me, drown?
I could no more drown
than a camel thread a needle.
What happened
when you floated ashore?
Ah, you'd never
believe what happened.
Well, now.
At first, the islanders wanted to eat me.
- Are you really a cannibal king?
- Aye, but there's no danger now.
I converted them
to vegetarian cannibals.
You don't look like a king.
- Where are all your robes and things?
- They're in me duffle.
What's that? Put 'em on.
We won't peek.
Anything for you, girl.
Okay. Come on.
Tell us when we can look.
What does that mean, Papa?
It means tremble, my enemies.
When I sailed away
from the island,
they only let me leave when I told them
that soon I'd bring them back a princess...
Named Pippilotta.
I'm gonna be a princess!
Whee! I'm gonna be a princess!
Princess of the Kurrekurre Islands.
Ah, me princess! You really are the
bestest pop in the whole world.
Bye! See you in 50 years!
Maybe you'll come out and visit!
No apologies to anyone.
- We live on the seas - At least
she'll be taken care of by her father.
We forget that she's just a little girl.
Helpless, really.
Helpless? Pippi?
May I borrow that, please, Papa?
You know, Papa, there was a lot of nice
people I forgot to say good-bye to.
Well, then, open up
your lungs and shout.
It's not as simple as that.
I wanted to try
a couple new things.
Maybe even go to school.
School, eh?
Well, now. It's your decision.
I wanna be with you more
than just about anything.
And I'd really like
to be a princess.
But I can't bear to see
people crying because of me.
I'll miss you lots.
But in my heart, I know it's best for
a child to have an orderly life.
Especially if that child
can order it herself.
And I'll come back from time to
time to see how you're doing.
- I love you.
- Fridolf, come about!
- Aye, aye, Captain.
- Don't bother. I can take care of myself.
- Aye, aye, Princess.
- You don't mind going for a little swim, do you?
It's kinda cold.
Come on. Up you go.
You can leave Mr.
Neilson with me if you like.
You all right, Alfonso?
Life is a breeze Bye, guys.
Bye, Pippi! Bye, Pippi!
I'll miss you, Pippi!
Look! She's coming back!
You okay, Mr. Neilson?
Pippi! Keep on being just
yourself, Pippilotta.
I will. And remember: Pippi
will always come out on top.
Maybe next time,
Pippi, I'll come back to stay.
But whenever you need me,
you know how to reach me.
Come on. Let's go home.
Freedom calls and Pippi runs.
The girl who never heard
she couldn't do something.
Watch out, world
'cause here she comes.
And she's bound to teach
you more than one thing.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Whoa, whoa.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your world.
A freckle-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
She dreams dreams
like me and you.
And, yes, it seems she always
makes her dreams come true.
She loves trees and roaring seas.
And the mountains please her
more than toys do.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Whoa, whoa.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your world.
A freckle-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
She dreams dreams
like me and you.
And, yes, it seems she always
makes her dreams come true.
She loves trees and roaring seas.
And the mountains please her
more than toys do.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be around.
Whoa, whoa.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your world.
A freckle-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be
around Pippi Longstocking.
Is coming into your world.
A freckle-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl.
Pippi Longstocking
is coming into your town.
The one no one can keep down
No, no, no, no.
The one who's fun to be
around Pippi Longstocking.
Is coming into your world.
A freckle-faced red-haired girl.
You oughta know she'll throw
your life into a whirl