The Night Clerk (2020) Movie Script

Honey, why don't you
make us some coffee?
I will be right there.
I will be right there.
I will be right there.
Jamie, you be careful.
Jamie, you be careful.
You be careful.
Hey, how you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
How you doin'?
That's fine.
I'll take a cab.
Okay. Okay, then.
I'll see you later.
Okay, then.
Hey, how you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
How you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
Boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
What did you do?
What did you do?
Boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
What did you do?
Boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
What did you do?
What did you do?
Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
What did you do?
Dinner's ready, honey.
You hear me, honey?
I will be right there.
- Hello, Bart.
- Hey, how you doin'?
Well, I'm fine.
How are you doin'?
Well, that's
a very complicated question.
- Right.
- Could take a while to answer.
Yeah, let it go.
Yeah, good choice.
Well, you take it easy.
It should be pretty quiet.
We're pretty empty.
But things are improving.
- Are they?
- Yes.
The summer travel season's here.
Wow. That's certainly
good news, Bart.
Yes, it is.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You have a good night.
You have a good night.
Boo! How you doin'?
Oh, my God!
You scared me.
What were you doing under the...
Oh, there was
a connection that I...
I wasn't expecting...
It's very late.
Yes. Is that a problem?
Oh, no, no.
So, can I help you?
Um, yeah, thanks.
You have a reservation
for, uh, Perretti?
I think that's the name
it's under.
Yes. King suite,
non-smoking, garden view.
One night, $219 with tax.
That sounds right.
Is it a nice room?
"The king suite is a modern,
light, and spacious room
with a view of
the green surroundings
and a luxurious rain shower.
Read more. This four-star room
is characterized
by its modern and spacious feel.
An eye for design
goes hand-in-hand
with its light and bright
elegant effect.
Air conditioning,
a safe, telephone,
a flat screen TV,
and wireless Internet connection
are provided
as standard in the room.
Read less."
Well, sounds perfect.
Thank you.
Room 109.
One key or two?
One. Uh, two.
Wait. Uh, wrong room.
Room 124. Nicer.
French doors provide
access to the pool area.
Straight down the hall
to the right.
Checkout is at noon, so...
Thank you.
You be careful.
You are surprised,
aren't you?
A little disappointed,
I would imagine.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
You left your cell phone.
That isn't mine.
Yes, it is.
Your other phone.
Don't lie. It's insulting.
Hey, Bart.
What is that? Porn?
No. No, no, no. Just...
Looked like one of our rooms.
They shooting porn here now?
- You're early.
- Yeah.
You can take off if you want.
How are you, Bart?
That's a very complicated
and it could take me a long...
Take a long time
to answer, right.
So unless
you really wanna know...
Yeah, forget it.
I'll see you around.
Yes, okay, then.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
That's what I said.
Go on, get out of here.
See you tomorrow.
That shirt is really annoying.
The colors are very bright,
and the stripes are
making me really dizzy.
Okay, well...
fuck you.
Thank you.
I sent her a text from you.
She isn't coming.
She isn't?
Told her you couldn't make it.
Had to cancel.
This is our date.
This is our date.
We could pretend that...
that you love me.
That I love you too.
Okay. We're not in love.
We could pretend
like I'm just some...
easy piece of ass
that you meet in a hotel.
Regularly. Secretly.
A fuck buddy,
whatever they call it.
- Is that what she is?
- Shut up!
Shut up.
Mercer Hotel.
Can I help you?
Uh, uh...
I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Come on. come on.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
I think this person
might be dead.
All right.
All right, uh...
Don't touch anything.
I'll call 911.
Bart was a good
candidate for the job.
The company has
a policy of hiring,
well, whenever they can.
He's not Mr. Personality,
I mean, he has kind of
an odd way about him,
you know, with people, but...
So how long has he been here?
Uh, two, three years.
Almost three now.
Any trouble?
No, no, he's very smart
and very capable.
You're welcome.
I forgot my wallet.
Excuse me?
I finished my shift.
It was 4:00 a.m.
Well, actually around 3:45 a.m.
because Jack was early.
My shift is eight to four.
Jack is my relief.
But this morning he was early.
I don't really know why.
You'd have to ask him about that
because I didn't ask him,
so I don't really know
the reason why he was early,
but he was.
And so I left 15 minutes
before my shift was over,
and I drove home by way
of Reynolds Boulevard
and Arena Drive,
and I took a right
on Eighth Avenue
and then a left
on Jay Street to number 433,
which is where I live.
Bart, right? Bart?
And I stopped and got
some ice cream on the way home.
And when I got there,
I ate the ice cream,
and I watched...
I watched...
I watched TV.
And I realized
I didn't have my wallet,
that I must have left it
here at the hotel,
so I had to come back
and get my wallet
because a wallet
is a very important thing
that you should never lose
or leave or forget.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
So I did.
So did you find it?
Near the vending machines,
right where I left it.
Such a terrible thing, huh?
This is a terrible thing.
How old are you?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Ever had a girlfriend?
Do you think about sex?
That is also
a very complicated question.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I know, believe me.
And it could take me
a long time to answer it,
but in case you are inquiring
for your own personal reasons,
you should know that
I am not interested.
In what?
In any sexual activities
that involve older men like you.
Got it, got it.
What about older women?
Does that get you going, huh?
Okay so, um...
So you went home, and you
came back for the wallet.
That's the story?
Well, your coworker says
that he never saw you leave.
- Jack?
- Yeah.
As a matter of fact,
he even said
your car was
still in the parking lot
before he heard the gunshot,
and that it's possible
that you never left.
I went home early,
around 3:45 a.m.,
and then I came back
through the side entrance.
But why, Bart, why?
Why not just come in
through the front door?
Because the side entrance is
closer to the vending machines.
Okay. Okay, I buy that.
Hey, Bart, you know you got
blood on your hands, right?
Yes, I was interested
in the blood, so I touched it.
Her blood? The blood
is interesting to you?
Look, I know you got issues.
Yes. Yes, I do.
I know you do, I know it,
and it's called...
Asperger's. I'm an Aspie.
That's a psychological condition
that is normally
or abnormally characterized
by abnormalities of social
communication and interaction.
An Aspie tends to
approach others awkwardly
and may engage in frequent
one-sided long-winded speeches,
such as this one,
about a specific topic,
while misunderstanding
and not recognizing
the listener's
feelings or reactions.
- Hey, Bart.
- Thinks the person will stop talking.
Bart. Bart, please.
Can you just take a breath?
Can you take a breath for me?
And then...
Bart, you're a very smart guy,
and yet what you're saying
to me doesn't make sense.
Why not?
Why not? Because...
Because why would you
leave your wallet
near the vending machine,
and if you didn't
have your wallet,
how did you pay
for the ice cream?
I'm gonna need you to come
down and identify your wife.
Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
It's routine.
But, you know, it's important.
Maybe it's not her.
No, no, no, no, look.
I don't...
I don't wanna give you
any false hope.
It is her.
It's your wife.
And, uh...
And then I'm gonna have
to ask you some questions.
That kid...
Does he know something?
Well, you know, it's...
She owned a gun.
Karen owned a gun.
A handgun for protection.
The hell is she doing at a hotel
in the middle of the night?
The next time
you speak with him,
it will be with a lawyer.
All right? You understand?
Ma'am, we just asked him
a few questions.
No, no, no.
You don't ask him anything!
You cannot keep him here,
and you cannot bother him
with questions
because this is a fragile boy,
and you need to understand that
and respect that.
Ma'am, look,
we do understand that,
but you need to...
No, no, no. No buts.
You stay away from my boy!
You know you can
tell me anything, honey.
You can tell me
anything in the world,
and I will always
be on your side.
I love you.
Okay, we're not in lov.
We could pretend
like I'm just some...
easy piece of ass
that you meet in a hotel.
Regularly. Secretly.
A fuck buddy,
whatever they call it.
- Is that what she is?
- Shut up!
Shut up.
- The rough stuff, huh?
- Is that what you wan?
Is that what she liked?
Did she like it rough?
Shut up!
I don't wanna let you go.
You know, fire you.
That wouldn't be right.
So I think moving you
to a different location...
It's a similar layout,
a little smaller.
Not so busy.
Same shift for you.
Um, same routine.
Pretty much same everything.
Three, two, one.
There you are.
Hey, how you doin'?
I'm good. Uh, checking in.
Can I have your name, please?
Andrea Rivera.
Thank you.
You're new here, right?
Have you stayed with us
before, Miss Rivera?
So what's your name?
My name?
Oh. Bartholomew Bromley.
My name is Bart.
Well, it's very nice
meeting you, Bart.
It's nice to meet you.
Oh. Yes, it is.
So, room 107.
Just down towards the elevators.
Turn left, and it's
the seventh door on your right.
Yeah, I'll find it. Thanks.
Hey, how you doin'?
Good. Just checking i.
Can I have your name?
Uh, can I have your name?
Rivera. Andrea Rivera.
That's a very nice name.
I don't think
I've ever met an Andrea.
Seven nights?
Yeah, a week, maybe longer.
I'm not sure yet.
Well, that's great.
The room's available,
and you can stay
as long as you like,
and we'd love to have you here.
So you're new here, right?
Yes, I am. Well, I was working
at the Mercer location,
which is also part of
the Suites hotel chain.
And I transferred
to Hamelton last week.
And I work the night shift,
8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.
And I'm usually here alone,
unless we have
a large party checking in.
In that case, we put on
an extra person to help out.
But usually it's just me here,
so unless...
Well, if you need anything...
So, if you need anything...
Talk too much.
Never mind.
So you're new here, right?
Yes, I am.
And if there's anything
I can help you out with,
please let me know.
See? That's it.
That's all you have to say.
That's better, see?
So now you say...
Would you like one key or two?
Just one.
Okay, perfect.
It's room 107.
Would you like me to show you
where that is?
I'll find it.
Thanks, Bart.
Andrea, Andrea, Andrea, Andrea.
Dinner's ready, honey.
I made rice and beans.
Shredded pork.
Very tasty.
Hi. How you doin'?
Good. I'm just picking up
some things for the room.
- Coffee and milk...
- Coffee's supplied
Free of charge
in the queen suites,
as well as sweeteners
and nondairy creamer.
But it's not
the best coffee, is it?
And God knows what's
in those nondairy things.
Vegetable fats replicate
the feel of milk fats.
Other common ingredients
include corn syrup, sweeteners,
flavorings such as
French vanilla and hazelnut,
and sodium caseinate,
a milk protein
that is derivative from casein
that does not contain lactose.
Well, now I know.
I talk too much.
No, you don't.
And then I don't talk.
Hey, it's okay, really.
I'm socially awkward.
Yes, you are.
My brother had it.
Yeah, only his was worse.
He couldn't really
function at all.
He couldn't hold a job.
You do pretty well.
I have to practice.
I have to prepare
what to say, how to behave.
I watch people, and I imitate.
You watch people?
Well, I study them.
Yeah, well, I guess you have
a lot of people to watch.
At the hotel.
Because otherwise I just
feel like I don't belong.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
He had it? You said
your brother, he had it?
What happened to him?
He was institutionalized
for a long time.
I used to visit him.
And every time he would beg me
to get him out of there.
But we just couldn't.
And then he passed away.
Yes. People die.
And that's the end.
Okay, bye.
I sent her a text
from you. She isn't coming.
She isn't?
Told her you couldn't make it.
Had to cancel like that.
So guess you'll have to
settle for me.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three.
Is this anything?
What does this mean?
That there was a camera
in the room?
Look, I can't even tell
if it's her.
It's okay.
Look, turn it off, please.
It's that kid.
It's that kid, isn't it?
Possibly. You know,
he's very savvy
with this technological shit.
You know, and these kids,
these kids on the spectrum,
you know, they could also be
very violent.
What are you waiting for?
Arrest him!
For what? For what?
For what, for spying?
Come on. That's all I have,
and I barely have that.
Well, he might have
seen something.
Yeah? Yeah, you know what?
He could have seen everything.
But you know, that doesn't
mean he did anything, does it?
Look, I don't wanna
cause him any trouble.
Yeah, well, he's already
in a lot of trouble.
Well, more trouble.
He's a nice enough guy.
Little weird.
So, um, what did you see?
What I think I saw.
It looked like one of our rooms.
From the hotel.
Yeah, on his iPad.
I thought it was a movie,
maybe some porn.
I don't know
how someone like that gets off,
but it seems like
porn would be the answer.
And why would you say that?
Because it was creepy.
The way he was
just sitting there
when I found him in the room
that night.
Just sitting.
Like he was waiting for a bus.
It's fucking weird, you know?
Hi there.
I haven't seen you for a while.
How are you?
Well, that's a very
complicated question.
Yeah, I bet it is.
Anyway, it's good
to see you now.
Nice to see you too.
Oh, they did some work in
your room today on the A/C unit,
so if anything has moved...
Sure. Okay.
You got a light?
Excuse me?
A match.
Cigarette? A light?
Smoking's not permitted
on the premises.
Yeah, I know that.
Yeah, due largely to studies
that have shown
that when you have smoking
and nonsmoking rooms,
nicotine residues
and other chemical traces
end up in hallways
and other rooms,
nonsmoking rooms, so...
Bart, I know that.
I'm going outside by the pool.
I just need a match.
I couldn't sleep.
That's too bad.
Yeah, it happens
when I drink too much.
People drink too much.
Yeah, they do.
I'll be outside
if you want some company.
This is a towel.
What are you doing?
You can't just... Turn around!
We don't have a lifeguard.
A what?
A lifeguard.
Right. You don't have one.
You should.
Yes, in the water.
Come here. Sit.
Keep me company.
You scared the hell out of me.
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
You were kissing a man
in that car.
Yeah, well...
Okay, you saw us.
Yeah. Who was that?
And why were you kissing him?
That's a very
complicated question.
I guess so.
You don't have someone?
A girlfriend...
like that?
It's difficult, huh?
I bet.
And there's the problem
of being perceived as odd
or unsophisticated.
Naive, clueless.
Or just plain stupid.
Which you're not.
You're not stupid, are you?
But that's the perception.
So it's very difficult
for people to know
what's going on
inside that head.
Yes, that's correct.
Well, I wanna know.
What is going on inside, Bart?
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
What did you do?
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
- Bart, it's okay.
- Bart, what did you do?
What did you do, Bart?
Bart, it's okay.
I'm sorry.
Was that wrong to do that
like that?
Because if that was wrong
to do that like that,
I apologize,
and I'll never do anything
like that ever again.
Bart, it's okay.
Come here.
Why don't you come here
and sit with me?
It's loneliness, Bart.
Loneliness makes us do things.
He's married.
The man I was with.
He's a married man.
We've been seeing each other
for a very long time.
things have got
confusing between us.
So I don't know.
I knew what we were doing.
But now...
I have no idea
what you're trying to say.
Neither do I.
"A Nerkle, a Nerd,
and a Seersucker too."
A what?
First documentation of the word.
1950. Dr. Seuss.
If I Ran a Zoo.
Used to label persons as odd
or who are thought of
as sexually unattractive.
But more recently,
technological proficiency
is highly prized,
so the nerd is often celebrated
as a technosexual
or even a sexy love god.
Now I don't know
what you're trying to say.
Oh, boy.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Are we talking about you?
And what are you
trying to say about you,
besides being
that you're a love god?
I could be your lifeguard.
Yeah, maybe you could.
I don't know.
I've never had one.
Maybe you could.
I need to get some sleep.
I need to sleep, okay?
Okay, good night.
These are very close
to the picture.
And very well-made.
Nice fit.
Would you wear those?
Why, yes, I would.
I don't want something
you would wear.
Why not?
Because you're old.
Insurance looks okay.
Registration, pink slip.
Try this one. This has been
a very popular scent.
Are you okay?
I mean, this is
a really good deal.
You know, if there's something...
What's the matter?
You need to lose weight.
I'm sorry?
Please don't touch my skin.
I wanna smell like this.
- Well, that's a picture.
- Yes.
Obesity is not just
a cosmetic problem.
It's a health hazard.
You can touch my hair,
but please just don't
touch my skin.
My skin is mine.
Also, you're at a very high risk
of heart disease,
diabetes, stroke,
high blood pressure,
cancer, gallstones,
osteoarthritis and gout.
It doesn't smell.
Pictures don't smell.
Why not?
Because it's a picture.
I'm not obese.
Well, you are very, very fat.
Okay, bye.
Hello, Hamelton Hotel.
How can I help you?
Yes, Andrea Rivera, 107, please?
Thank you.
Okay, hold on.
Who does that?
Easy with that.
Honey, I couldn't stop them.
They have a search warrant.
There was nothing I could do.
Hey, Bart. How you doin'?
You don't have to talk to him.
Quite the setup
you got here, my man.
- You don't have to say anything to him.
- Well, hello.
He has no right to ask you
anything, do you understand?
Mrs. Bromley, I could either
talk to him here
or take him downtown.
Look, it's up to you.
All right, talk, talk.
Thank you.
So, Bart, this is where
you spend your time, huh?
- Yes.
- Kind of dark.
You see, that's what you
don't understand, you see?
This is his way
of seeing the world.
No, no, no!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Hey, Bart, um,
your hard drive's empty.
Yes. I wiped it.
They were on
your computer, honey.
There was nothing I could do.
And you wiped everything?
And you didn't think
of backing it up
or maybe putting it on
an external hard drive, maybe?
Well, see, Bart,
I don't believe that.
I don't believe you.
Well, that's too bad.
Belief systems
can be very tricky.
Yeah, they can be, Bart.
But you're hiding something.
That's what
I really believe, Bart.
So what are you hiding?
He's not hiding anything.
Bart, you get a lot of sympathy
for being like this,
don't you, huh?
You get a little free pass.
And what happens when
your mom's not around?
What happens when she's
not there to fix it for you?
How bad does it get when
you get that lonely, Bart?
What happens when you
get that frustrated, Bart?
Does it just explode, Bart?
All right, that's enough!
- Stop it!
- Please, Mrs. Bromley.
Please sit down!
Now, I'm done fucking around
with you, Bart.
You know why? Because
we found your fingerprints
all over the room.
So what happened, Bart?
What happened?
Did she invite you up?
Well, maybe she was lonely.
Maybe you were lonely.
Maybe you went up.
Maybe you thought
you could have sex with her
and maybe things got
a little frustrating for you.
Maybe got a little out of hand.
Maybe you hit her, Bart.
And then what, hmm?
And then what happened?
Well, Bart, you tell me.
Then I guess I just pulled
a gun from my pocket
because I always have
a gun in my pocket,
- and I shot her.
- Bart.
But where did I get the gun?
That's what I
would like to know.
- Bart.
- Did I buy it?
Did I steal it?
Maybe I purchased it online,
and then when I went
to have sex with her,
I brought the gun
because, you know,
it's always a good idea
to take a gun
when you go to have sex
with someone because...
Just in case you suffer
from impotence
or performance anxiety,
and you get frustrated,
and you can't do it,
then you have a gun
in your pocket,
and, by golly,
you just take it out
and shoot that person!
Bang, bang!
And then the problem is solved.
So where's that gun now, Bart?
That was a joke.
What's the matter with you?
He doesn't have a gun.
He was making a joke.
Yeah, that was a good one, Bart.
That was real good.
But you know what, ma'am?
We have a dead woman here,
and I think Bart knows
something about it.
That's why I'm not laughing.
Is he sick?
No, I don't think so.
I have Jack
covering for him.
He's not answering his cell.
Thank you for your concern,
I'm sure he's okay.
I'm sure he's fine.
Bart, honey, are you down there?
Bartholomew, I'm coming down.
Okay, here I come.
Oh, honey, there you are.
You didn't touch your supper.
Aren't you hungry?
I'm fine.
Mr. Benson called.
He was worried about you.
I worry too, Bart.
I worry all the time.
Life is hard, honey.
Even for the best of us,
life is very hard.
When your father passed,
that was very hard.
I know it was hard for you.
It was hard for me too.
And never mind the pain.
I know there was a lot of pain.
And how much it hurt.
That was bad, very bad,
but not the worst part.
The worst part was
waking up in the morning
and forgetting he was gone.
Did you do that?
You forget,
and then you remember.
You remember, and the world ends
all over again.
But you still have
to get out of bed
and make the coffee
and the toast,
'cause the world
doesn't really end.
It just seems that way
The world is still there.
It doesn't go away.
It's still waiting for you.
It's waiting for you too, honey.
That's all.
I'm going.
I've thought this through
so many times.
It's the only way. It's...
It's the only way.
Do you love me?
Do you care what happens to me?
I do.
You know I do.
We deserve this.
I'm looking for Bart.
It's Bart, um...
Yes. Sorry.
I'm his mother.
And who are you?
I'm a friend of his.
You're his friend?
Well, I know him from the hotel.
He doesn't work there anymore.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought...
I thought he was out sick
or something.
That's what they told me.
Is he home?
Hi, Bart.
I'm fine.
I've missed you.
At the hotel.
I was wondering where you were.
How are you?
That's a...
Complicated question.
Yeah, I know.
I have a broken heart.
You do?
Yes, it's very painful.
I bet.
In a 1993 study,
individuals who said
that they were in love
had their brains scanned
to show neural activity.
The map showed vivid colors
over the gray matter,
indicating clearly that this
romantic love phenomenon
activates a flood of dopamine
in the caudate nucleus
in exactly the same way
that cocaine and nicotine
affect the brain,
meaning that love
is not an emotion,
as is usually thought.
Rather, it's an addiction.
When these chemicals
are released in our brains,
we feel giddy and euphoric,
so much to the point
that we can be so in love
that we don't have the desire
to eat or to sleep.
So it feels good
when you have...
the drug or the love,
but when it's taken away,
you hurt.
I'm sorry.
Addiction is
a very dangerous thing.
Yeah, I know.
Believe me.
People die from it.
People die from love.
And then that's the end.
They die, and that's the end.
Fuck this.
Bart, I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry for everything.
Because you're a nice person.
You're very special.
And if things were different,
you know, I...
But they aren't.
They just...
They just aren't, so...
I'm just very happy
to have met you.
And I won't bother you anymore.
I promise.
No more.
Take care.
I don't understand.
So you're in love with me,
but you don't love me enough?
Oh, my God. Just...
You don't understand.
That's not what I mea.
What do you mea?
- Just don't!
- What?
Don't what?
Don't be mad?
Don't be upset? Don't...
Let go of me.
Just fucking let go of me!
Do you think that I'm stupid?
You think I'm fucking stupid?
Where are you fucking going?
I can't do this!
I need to go!
- No!
- I have to go.
I can't do this!
Damn, Nick, you're crazy.
I have to go.
- Don't, don't.
- I can't do this!
Don't be a fucking...
Just leaving, huh?
I'm okay! I'm okay!
I'm okay! I'm okay!
I'm okay! I'm okay!
I'm okay!
I'm okay! I'm okay!
I'm okay.
Andrea, it's Bart.
It's just me.
Bart, what are you doing here?
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Okay. Okay, first...
First, there's...
There's blood on that towel.
It's okay.
He hit you. I saw him.
You saw what?
Boy. Oh, boy, Oh, boy. Oh...
- Okay, just...
- What did you do?
Calm down!
I can show you.
You can see.
See what? Show me what?
What are you talking about?
I saw him.
Oh, my God.
I can show you.
You can see.
You saw him with me?
Yes. I'm sorry.
What are you saying?
What is this?
- Bart!
- I can show you.
You fucking recorded this?
I'm sorry.
What is the matter with you?
Oh, my God.
Please, you need to see.
Come with me. Come with me.
You need to see,
and you'll be safe.
You need to see.
I'll go with you.
I'll go with you!
We can pretend
like I'm just some...
easy piece of ass
that you meet in a hotel.
I'm leaving.
Regularly. Secretl.
A fuck buddy,
whatever they call it.
- Is that what she is?
- Shut up!
Shut up.
The rough stuff, huh?
- Is that what you want?
- Is that what she liked?
- Did she like it rough?
- I said shut up!
She like it...
Bastard! You bastard!
I can't... I can't watch this.
- See?
- I can't.
See? I didn't mean to...
- I just watch to learn what people do.
- I can't think.
But I didn't mean
to do anything bad.
Stop, Bart. Stop, stop!
Oh, my God.
Did you show this to the police?
Has anybody seen this?
No, just you.
It's all here.
And they don't know I have it.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Bart.
Wait, wait.
This is a very bad man,
and he could hurt you.
He did hurt you.
He already hurt you.
I can't.
we could go
to the police together.
I would do that
if you were with me.
I would do anything for you.
You don't even know me.
Yes, I do.
I do.
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
Fix my heart.
I can't.
I can't.
Good morning,
I was just going to wake you up.
What are you...
I'm ready to go.
Come here.
It's so easy.
It's so easy.
I was thinking...
that maybe we could
go to the city.
Spend some time together.
It's so easy to touch you.
To talk to you.
To look at you.
Kiss me.
All done?
- Sleep, my child
- It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
And peace attend thee
All through the night
How did you pay...
Maybe she was...
Bang, bang!
Guardian angels
God will send
All through the night
Wait, wait, wait.
Let me go in, let me go in.
Look, I need to know.
Is he here or not?
- Hold her.
- Let me go in first!
Hold her, please.
There was a gun.
I don't wanna know!
I don't wanna know!
- I don't wanna know.
- Bart?
I don't wanna know.
Hey, look,
it's Detective Espada here.
We just came down
to ask you a few questions.
We're not in love.
We can pretend
like I'm just some...
easy piece of ass
that you meet in a hotel.
Regularly. Secretly.
A fuck buddy...
I think this person
might be dead.
We're not in love.
Dear Detective,
I'm sorry I didn't
give these to you sooner
because it would show you
that I'm not the person
you're looking for.
Oh, son of a bitch.
- Whatever they call it.
- Shut up!
Shut up.
Oh, Bart.
What did you do?
What did you do?
How you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Hey, how you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
Hey, how you doin'?
Wanna tell you
What I'm feelin' now
What I'm feelin' now
Wanna go and scream
Right out loud
Scream it right out loud
What I wanna say just
Stays locked deep inside
Wanna go and get
Up close to you
Get up close to you
But when I try
My tongue gets tied
And my feet won't move
Wanna pull you into me
But I, but I
I stand there
Like a statue
And I can't breathe
I try to move
But I just
I just freeze
I stand there
Like a statue
A statue
And I keep trying
To get up the nerve
To talk to you
To talk to you
But all the words get stuck
So all I do
All I do
Is stand there
Like a statue, a statue
How am I gonna find out
Who you are?
Find out who you are
How am I ever gonna
Make a move
When I can't even start
Maybe I'm afraid
You'll just turn me
So I wait
I stand there
Like a statue
And I can't breathe
I try to move
But I just
I just freeze
I stand there
Like a statue
A statue
And I keep trying
To get up the nerve
To talk to you
To talk to you
But all the words
Get stuck
So all I do
All I do
Is stand there
Like a statue
A statue
Never felt, never felt
Never felt like this
But you don't even know
I exist
When will you
When will you
I stand there
Like a statue
I keep trying to get up
The nerve to talk to you
To talk to you
But all the words
Get stuck
So all I do
All I do
Is stand there
Like a statue
But I am going to
Get up the nerve
To talk to you
To talk to you
And all the words
Will come
But till they do
Till they do
I'll stand here
Like a statue
A statue
Oh, oh