The Notorious Finster (2024) Movie Script

[soft squeaking]
[electricity crackling]
-[fire whooshing]
[crickets chirping]
[engine rumbling]
[hip-hop music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
-[man] ...fucking get out.
-Oh, shit! God damn it!
[men talking indistinctly]
[engine revving]
[heavily breathing]
[ominous music]
-[echoing breathing]
-[high-pitched ringing]
[keys jingling]
[door opens and creaks]
[soft splashing]
[crickets chirping]
[door creaks]
[soft buzzing]
[door creaks shut]
[light ominous music]
[gasps and sighs]
[soft clicks]
[soft creaking]
[man sighs]
[footsteps approaching]
[music increases]
[soft clicks]
-[sharp ringing]
[dramatic music]
[engine rumbling]
-[crickets chirping]
-[dog barking]
[engine revving]
-[lock clicks]
-[door creaks]
[keys jingling]
[light suspenseful music]
Fucking-- [shouts] Billie!
God damn it! Billie!
Get up! God damn it,
get the fuck up--
[gasps] What-- Oh, my God!
[screaming] Oh, my God!
No! No! No way! No!
What the fuck!
Dear Jesus, no!
Oh, my God, oh, my God!
What in the heaven--
in the fuck is this?
[suspenseful music]
-[phone ringing]
Conrad say sorry
it took so long.
Man, your shit is not
the only shit he's working on.
Well, play it.
-Just this little button here...
...that says "play."
Hello, Detective Brady.
Did you miss me?
I realize you can't
respond honestly.
But I know that my hiatus
left you with a void.
A void you could not fill.
-I was your focus, wasn't I?
-[thunder rumbling]
And then I went away
and you had nothing.
I believe, for both of us,
the notorious Finster is back.
[ominous music]
-[indistinct chatter on radio]
-[officer] Ma'am,
you need to leave now.
Not yet, not yet!
-[officer] Grab her.
-[woman] What are you doing?
-[shouting] No!
-[officer] Stop fighting!
-[woman crying] Please, no!
-[Finster] Billie Miles was
a drugged up whore
wasting space.
-[woman] No! God damn! No! No!
-Ma'am-- ma'am, you don't
need to fight us.
No! My girl!
-[yelling] No, my girl!
-[officer] Stop resisting.
So I simply helped her
to end her misery
-and brought her
her ultimate peace.
-[woman] God damn it!
Let go of me!
God damn it! Billie!
[woman screams]
[engines rumbling]
[horn honks]
[birds chirping]
Read your book.
I hope that it helped.
Not really.
Why you think he stopped
killing before?
I don't know. A lot of people
thought he was arrested
-for something else.
-You didn't think that, did you?
No, I didn't.
Is that why you're writing
about him again?
I like to think that I'm writing
more about his victims.
[sighing] Yeah.
He's worse this time, isn't he?
I don't know how one murder
can be worse than another.
It is when it's your daughter.
[dog distantly barking]
Right. You're right.
I missed a call from her
that night.
I didn't miss it.
I ignored it.
Just figured she was wasted.
She's always wasted.
Hate talking to her
when she's like that.
Words mean nothing.
[sighs] I think that she had
something important to tell me.
Or she needed a ride.
Maybe this would've
never happened.
There's no way of knowing that.
[deeply exhales]
It's unbearable.
[shakily breathing]
The hell did she go through
with that monster?
It's all I think about.
I can't sleep.
I don't understand any of it.
I just want them to find him.
I promise you
that they are doing
-everything that they can.
No, not the fucking cops!
I'm not talking about the cops,
I'm talking about
some other fucker
finding him first!
And everything he did
to my girl,
I want done
to that piece of shit.
I want him to feel
the same pain,
same fear.
[ominous music]
All of it.
And then I want
his fucking head blown off!
Put that in your book.
[birds chirping]
[cow mooing]
[crickets chirping]
[engine rumbling]
Looks smaller than before.
[door creaking]
[crickets chirping]
-There she is.
-How was the nap?
-Why'd you let me sleep so long?
-You needed it.
-No, I slept too much.
-I should be helping you
with dinner.
Actually, you can. You mind
watching this for a minute?
I need to run to town.
I forgot the stupid noodles.
Oh, I can just go.
I mean, you just woke up.
I actually feel like
getting out.
Or we can both go.
No, that's silly. I can just go.
You think I'm gonna stop
and get something.
No, that's not it.
-I can't believe this.
-I said that's not it.
Egg noodles if they have 'em.
[suspenseful music]
[crickets chirping]
[blinkers clicking]
[car door closes]
[birds chirping]
-[car unlocks]
[shouts] Oh, my God!
[tense music]
What are you doing?
I just wanna apologize
for taking your spot before.
-[chuckling] I didn't see
you waiting there.
-Get out of my car.
Get out! What are you doing?
Get out of my car!
-I'm trying to apologize.
-What are you doing?
-Get out of my car!
You're, uh... [chuckles]'re not
from around here, are you?
-Get out of my car!
I'm sure, uh, we'll
be seeing each other around.
You really should keep
your doors locked.
Bit dangerous world out here.
Get out of my car, now.
[music increases]
-[Roger] He got in your car?
-Yes, it was terrifying.
Okay, let's go. I want you
to show me this bastard.
No, that's not what I want,
just leave it alone.
Hell, no! I'm not gonna let
this son of a bitch
-get away.
-Please, Roger,
just leave it alone.
All right, fine.
I still want to find out
who this guy is.
I don't think that's gonna be
hard to figure out.
Hmm. Maybe you can ask around
at your meeting tomorrow.
[light suspenseful music]
[all chanting]
God grant me the serenity
to stop beating myself up
for not doing things perfectly,
the courage to forgive myself
because I am working
on doing better
and the wisdom to know
that you already love me
just the way I am.
I have a couple of things
I wanted to go over real quick.
[indistinct whispering]
Okay, everyone, quiet down.
I see that we don't have
everyone signed up.
to bring something
for Saturday's potluck.
I don't see Greg's name.
I don't see Chuck's name.
[whispering continues]
-[man clears throat]
-There's a bunch of you missing.
This isn't
a soup kitchen, folks.
I'll leave this out
and I want everyone
to put their name down
for something
before we leave here tonight.
[indistinct chatter]
Eyes over here.
Sorry, Miss Ava.
We were just talking about
how pretty you look tonight.
Come on, folks,
let's get it together.
We've had
a couple of good weeks,
let's keep it going.
Especially since,
in case you haven't noticed,
we have a new face here tonight.
Oh, we noticed.
Welcome to our home
away from home.
As you can see,
we're kind of an informal group.
So, we just ask
that you say a few words,
you don't have to deep dive
unless you want to.
I'm Annie Sullivan
and I'm an alcoholic.
Hi, Annie.
Well, my story is not so unique.
I just moved here from the city,
me and my husband.
We were looking
for a quieter place
to refocus ourselves and...
...this looked like a good fit.
[light melancholic music]
I've been sober for 42 days.
That's wonderful, Annie.
Sounds like you're heading
in the right direction.
Hopefully, we can be here
to help you on this journey.
[deeply sighs]
But I, um, I do struggle.
I struggle every day
with the urge.
I thought that it was gonna
get easier after a month,
but it hasn't,
at least not yet. [chuckles]
But, um,
I'm hopeful.
No, I'm, I'm, I'm confident
that moving here,
things are gonna change.
Okay. Thank you, Annie.
[indistinct chatter]
Hold up there, pretty lady.
[chuckles] Don't run off.
Hey, I just wanna say
it's really nice having you
in the group tonight.
Hope we didn't scare you off.
No, it was interesting.
Look, since you're new to town,
if you need to know anything,
where to go, where not to go,
I'm your guy.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
And I just so happen to be
a really good host.
-What are you doing? Mm.
-Just talking
to our new friend here.
-Just talking?
Offering my services.
Didn't you hear
she's married, Frank?
[birds chirping]
She didn't say happily.
Come on, ladies,
it's a joke. Lighten up.
Don't you have to get home
to your mother, Frank?
Doesn't she freak out
when you're late?
Yes, I do take care
of my invalid mother,
and yes, she does worry
about me when I'm late.
Thank you, Reyna.
Sorry about him. [laughs]
He's harmless,
don't let him scare you away.
Uh, I'm Reyna.
-Annie. Thanks for that.
-Of course.
Um, I really connected
with what you said
in there tonight.
I was all over the place,
you know?
No. [laughs]
I know the struggle.
I mean, I guess,
technically, we all do,
but I, uh,
could really hear it
in your voice.
I, uh, I was clean for 62 days.
That's great, really.
Yeah, "was." I'm...
...back to two. [laughs]
-Oh. That's-- well, uh, I guess
I'll see you on Saturday.
-Uh, yeah, sorry.
Um, could I get a ride
to my house?
Um, okay, sure.
Where do you live?
Oh, I'm in your direction.
[laughing] Yeah.
You guys bought
the Owens house, right?
Yeah, I'm just up the hill.
[melancholic music]
[crickets chirping]
[birds hooting]
[footsteps approaching]
-Hey, babe.
I'm heading out.
You're back Wednesday, right?
Yeah, should be.
If everything goes well.
How do I look?
-Oh, good one.
-[Annie chuckles]
I'll take it.
Enjoy your fortress of solitude.
-Call me if you get bored.
-Actually, I'm heading out later
to meet Brady.
Oh, yeah? Anything new?
Not really,
just exchanging information.
I'll be glad when you're done
with that damn book.
Roger, please.
Enjoy your meeting.
[foreboding music]
[horns honking]
[engines rumbling]
Just plain savage.
After 20 fucking years.
I still can't figure out
how someone can do this
to another human being.
Better yet,
how does a person do it
time after time
and leave nothing behind?
No trace, no DNA,
no witnesses, no fucking shit.
He's the perfect killer.
Nobody is perfect.
Can I hear the message?
Oh, yeah.
That's yours.
I had them burn you a copy.
I remember when you wouldn't
even confirm you received
a message.
[laughing] Yeah, well,
I remember when you were
a bratty know-it-all
-just trying
to make us look bad.
-You didn't need my help.
Anything new here?
No. Same MO.
He knows who they are,
where they came from,
who they're fucking with
or not fucking.
We know shit.
Oh, I interviewed Billie's mom.
Very intense. I made you a copy.
Jesus, what the hell is this?
It's a flash drive,
just plug it into your computer.
I hate this shit.
[thunder rumbling]
-Well, thanks for the ride.
-[soft clinking]
You sure you don't want one?
I can't believe you.
I really was just going
in there to get tampons.
-[chuckles] These were
an impulse buy!
Stopping on the way home
from AA to get alcohol.
That's just freaking beautiful.
Actually, do you mind if I drink
a couple before I go in?
Helps me deal
with the roommates.
Sure, why not?
-Do you need something
to chase that with?
Oh, okay. I guess not.
-Oh, Jimmy fucking crickets!
-[sighs] Right.
Whoo! [sharply exhales]
Sorry. Is this hard for you?
No, not at all.
[chuckles] You're awesome.
To the head!
You don't mess around, do you?
Oh! [sharply exhales]
So you're still coming to see
my horses this weekend, right?
Do you think
you're gonna be up to that?
Oh, please!
This is a tiny relapse.
-I'll be back on it tomorrow.
-No, I'm serious.
I told you I'm already nervous,
I've never been riding before.
I promise.
I promise I will be
completely clean.
Hand to God.
-[burps and chuckles]
-I, I don't know.
You're gonna be fine.
Yeah, you're gonna be fine.
Okay, all right.
[suspenseful music]
[crickets chirping]
[phone ringing]
-[phone ringing]
Stop calling!
-[car unlocks]
-[phone ringing]
[banging on car]
[dramatic music]
[cable tightening]
[blood spilling]
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
[ringing continues]
Hello, Detective Brady.
There's been a little
albeit inevitable tragedy.
-[indistinct chatter]
-I'm relieved to inform you
that Sonja Johnson
is no longer struggling
with the consequences
of her double life.
-In one...
-[phone ringing]
...a good mother, a good wife.
In the other, she chose
to walk with the devil.
-'Sup, Cleo?
-[man on phone]
Man, who the fuck's this?
What the fuck?
Now the world knows
who she really was...
-[woman shouting] Oh, my God!
-...a lying whore.
[woman screams]
[birds chirping]
[light eerie music]
[Annie laughs]
That was awesome!
I told you.
Good boy, Ringo.
Good boy! [chuckles]
-He really seems to like you.
-Really? You think so?
-Uh, how do you know?
-Well, for one thing,
-you're still on the saddle,
so... [laughs]
Wait, I, I thought you said
that he was a good horse.
And he is! He's a great horse...
...if he likes you.
And if he doesn't?
But he does.
-[horse neighs]
Look, I wouldn't have
put you on him
if I thought he wouldn't
be good with you, okay?
now I'm freaking out again.
[laughing] Oh, my God. Look,
I shouldn't have said
anything, okay?
You're fine.
He mostly just hates men, so--
I don't like to be tested,
He was abused, Annie.
Oh, my God! Really?
Yeah, I rescued him
from his previous owner.
Just a complete asshole.
I mean, what kind of a monster
abuses a beautiful animal
like that?
[horse neighs]
Does he live here?
[ominous music]
So then, he goes to prison
for attempted kidnapping.
He tried to take a girl
right over in Rockhill.
I mean, she escaped
and they nailed him,
like, right away.
But they let him out
after only five years.
I mean, how stupid is that?
He should've never seen
the light of day again.
Uh-- he gets life
if he's successful
at kidnapping her.
But because he fucks it up,
he gets out?
I mean, tell me
how that makes any sense.
Did you grow up with him?
I knew him,
he's a little bit older.
He's kinda like
your typical girl-chasing,
beer-drinking douchebag.
But his parents had money,
so he thought he was
something special.
I thought he was an ass
even back then.
It's a big jump
from being an ass
to kidnapping women
and abusing animals.
Yeah, I know, right.
So he went to the army
after high school
and the rumor is,
is that he shot
some local villager
in Afghanistan.
Should've been court-martialed.
Instead, he gets
a dishonorable discharge
and slips
through the cracks again.
He just comes back here
and is just being
a hateful prick to everybody.
[light tense music]
[crickets chirping]
Uh, let me get this straight.
So, she, she put you
on a wild animal and d--
-didn't even tell you about it?
Just stuck you up there?
-You're missing the point.
-Ringo was abused
by the same guy that--
-No, I'm not missing
the point, Annie.
This guy's a prick
and I'm not at all surprised
that he's been to prison.
It's the number one reason
to avoid him at all cost.
And I'mma be honest,
I don't like this girl
you're hanging out with either.
-She's wild and crazy.
-No she's not, she's really not.
She made you stop for alcohol
after an AA meeting.
You said so yourself,
that's messed up.
Well, I, I know,
but she is struggling.
I'm struggling.
We're all struggling.
Annie... [exhales sharply]
...just do it for me.
-Stop seeing her, please.
-I can't.
-Why not?
-Because I'm kind of her ride.
-I thought you said
she's 28 years old.
-[phone ringing]
Doesn't she have
a vehicle or some--
-It's Sam. I gotta take this.
-[phone ringing]
Hey, Sam, give me a second.
-What's up?
-[Brady] Did you see the news?
[ominous music]
[keyboard clacking]
[keyboard clacking]
[keyboard clacking]
[keyboard clacking]
[engines rumbling]
Carlock was caught and jailed
at exactly the same time period
that Finster stopped killing.
He was arrested July 23rd, 2010,
just two months after
the Jordan Reeves murder.
And he was released
August 23rd, 2014,
just two months before
the Emma Harrison murder.
-Yeah. And then,
h-- he was
dishonorably discharged
from the Army in 2002.
Finster's first murder
was in 2003.
He lives in a nearby town
to all the murderers,
he's violent, he abuses animals,
he's a loner.
You know, we actually talked
to this Carlock character
back in 2010.
I mean, not me personally,
but someone on the task force.
There just wasn't anything else
tying him to any of the victims.
But that doesn't mean
it's not possible, right?
Yeah, of course,
but he didn't come back
on our radar after his release.
But what about now,
with all this information?
You really think there's
something here, don't you?
-I do.
-[deeply inhales and exhales]
You know how many
two-bit sex offenders
are dotting our hillsides?
I do.
But you think
this little prick is special.
[laughs] I really do.
[suspenseful music]
[sighs] Okay.
We'll check him out.
[birds chirping]
-[door opens]
-[Reyna grunts]
Welcome to my humble abode.
Well, the roommate's
humble abode.
-It's nice.
-Yeah, sorry about the smell.
We had a little rat problem
and had to put out some poison.
Killed the rat,
now I just can't find the body.
Okay, well, I think I know
where the body is.
but now I just can't get to it
without digging a hole
through the wall.
[Reyna sighs]
-You okay, honey?
Uh, you know, you just haven't
really seemed yourself.
-You've been really quiet.
Yeah, sorry. Just got
some stuff going on at work.
Well, if you need to talk,
I'm right here.
And believe it or not,
I'm actually
a pretty good listener.
Go ahead, you know,
make yourself at home.
-[pouring drink]
...where were we?
Well, I was just wondering
if you knew of anything else
with Carlock's past.
You know, like,
any other violence
or did he have fascination
with unusual weapons?
Like a garrot?
You think he's Finster,
don't you?
-How did you--
-Oh, come on girl,
I googled you.
Oh, okay, yeah. I think
that there's a possibility.
I know, I know.
What are the odds? But--
-What does your husband think?
I mean, he trusts me,
but I don't think
he believes it's really him.
Are you guys good or--
Yeah, no. [laughs]
Why do you even ask that?
I don't know, I mean,
nothing, you're jus--
-you're in AA.
I wasn't sure if--
-Yeah, no, no, no.
-I mean, if anything,
he's my rock...
...and he keeps me sane.
[grunts] Well,
I know he doesn't like me.
He hasn't even met you yet.
And I'm working on him.
Just give me some time.
That stuff doesn't help.
Mm. That went fast.
-Well, I don't really have
anything else on Carlock.
But... [sighs] my mom
still talks to his mom.
I mean, maybe if she's
in a good mood, I could get her
to tell me something.
I would love that.
I'd love to speak
with her myself
if that's possible.
Sure you're good?
[crickets chirping]
[soft pouring]
[ominous music]
[birds chirping]
[engine rumbling]
[crickets chirping]
You wanna get your head
out of that piece of shit
so we can get this over with?
You know, I'm just getting
more background, Sarge.
-I gave you his background.
Yes. Yes, no, you said he was...
...a bad guy.
He is.
The rest is just noise.
All right. Let's roll!
[suspenseful music]
Starting to think this guy
doesn't like visitors.
We are in the city
no more, rook.
These people don't like us,
trust us. Be ready.
I was born ready.
Just check around back,
will you?
[cans rattling]
[dog barking]
-[barking continues]
-[Brady] Anything?
-Those dogs, damn dogs,
just scared the hell out of me.
-I did see
a back door open, though.
-[dogs barking and snarling]
-I swear I heard
the fucking key.
-[door opens]
Detective Brady,
Detective Price.
You're wasting your time
coming out here, boss.
I don't talk to cops.
Speak to my lawyer.
Enjoy the ride back.
[door creaks shut]
[country music playing]
[cows mooing]
Oh, country road
-Mm, mm [laughs]
-There's nowhere
I want to go home
-My mama is scared that
I wanted to roam [laughs]
-[Annie humming]
-[indistinctly singing]
-Oh, country road, oh--
-Yeah, country road.
Oh, country road
-[indistinctly singing]
-Is that the words? [laughs]
-Hey, you can really sing.
-Mm, shut up.
No, I'm serious,
you can really sing.
Oh, God. No, I told you
I can't take compliments--
I know, I know,
but you should, you shou--
hey, you should sing
around here.
-No, I don't think so.
-Mm, I don't like,
I don't like--
-No, no, no, no! But--
-I don't like these people.
-I, I don't care,
it doesn't matter,
it doesn't matter.
Here's what you should do, okay?
-You should get a band
and sing around here.
I mean, you're pretty,
-you can sing, can you act?
-[laughing] What was that?
I don't care what anybody
around here thinks of me, okay?
I don't want, I don't want
to sing to these people.
Well, come on.
Come on. Come on. I know,
I know what you can do.
-You can go to Nashville...
-What? Okay, tell me.
-...or you can go to Hollywood.
Nashville. Really?
That's what Nashville needs.
An alcoholic 30-year-old...
[laughing] singer.
Well, you'd be
outta here, right?
You're forgetting
about one very important thing.
-Okay, yeah. Uh, so,
uh, so, that too.
But uh, right, my horses.
Oh, yeah, right,
that's kind of important.
-Yeah, that is
kind of a problem.
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-Uh, okay, okay, here's,
-here's a wild idea. I know.
Ideas, yeah. Go ahead.
-You could get a job.
-I have a job.
-No, no, no.
-Taking care of my horses.
-That's not a job.
-Oh-- i--
-I mean, a real job.
A job that pays you something.
-Mm. Yeah, I tried that.
-A real job.
-I didn't like it.
-I'm serious, Reyna.
Oh, my God, Annie,
I know what my problem is.
I need to stop drinking
so I can get a job
and, like, get some money
and get a life.
But because
I'm so fucking miserable here,
I drink!
I drink. I drink.
So, therefore what?
I'm stuck here.
[gentle music playing on radio]
[crickets chirping]
-Oh, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no...
-It's okay. It's okay., no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no--
-It's okay.
[laughs and squeals]
[laughing] Stop!
What are you doing?
-Stop it!
-[laughing] You're funny--
-[Annie] Jesus, Roger!
You have to be quiet.
-Tell him Rina says "Hi."
-[shushes] Stop it. [shushes]
-[laughing] Okay, I'll be good,
I'll be good.
-Okay. [shushes]
-H-- hey, baby.
-[Roger] Hi, darling.
What're you doing?
-[Reyna giggling]
Just working.
I, I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.
No. Not at all.
Yeah? Uh, how's that going?
Good! You know, just,
uh, putting stuff together.
What did Brady think about
your idea with Carlock?
Oh, he thinks I'm crazy,
but, you know,
he's gonna put some stuff
together for me.
I know, it's, like,
it's-- it's a one
in a million shot, right?
Hey, if, if you feel good
about it, I feel good about it.
-How's work going?
-It's good.
-I should be
out of here on time.
[Reyna laughs]
Great. I love you.
Mm-hmm. I love you too, babe.
-That's my girl.
-It's great.
You don't like it
when I'm gone, do you?
All right, I've gotta run.
Good night, babe.
[softly] Good night. Bye.
"I'll see you soon,
okay? I love you."
-[laughing] Shut up!
You're such a jerk.
Your husband, you see him,
like, a thousand times.
[both laughing]
That you love so much--
Here. Yeah. There you go.
There you go. You're good.
[suspenseful music]
[crickets chirping]
[birds chirping]
[phone ringing]
-Hey, Sam.
-[Brady] There you are.
I've been trying
to reach you all day.
Sorry, I,
I couldn't find my phone.
-What? The last two weeks?
-What are you talking about?
I mean, you call
every other day for two months
-and then all of a sudden--
-[chuckles] I'm sorry,
-I've just been
a little bit busy.
What the hell do you think
this is, little lady?
-Okay, I said I'm sorry, Sam.
-Fine. All right.
You're busy.
So, on my free time,
I found this Mandy girl
you were looking for.
Really? Y-- you found her?
Yeah, I found her.
-That's awesome, Sam.
-She's Mandy Foster now.
living over in Shortpole.
Um, can you just text me
her number and address?
Jesus Christ, Annie. Just--
-grab a fucking pen, will you?
-Okay, just hold on a second.
All right, I'm ready.
[engine rumbling]
Uh, Sam,
I'll call you right back.
Greetings, my lady!
-Wow! You're home early!
No, I'm right on time.
And you're not ready.
Oh, so-- sorry, I--
I know I said
not to be in a rush.
[sighs] I was gonna wait
until after dinner, but...
...thought you might wanna
open it now, hmm?
Wha-- what?
[suspenseful music]
Oh, G-- oh, God.
I-- it's our anniversary?
-Next Wednesday is
the 17th, right?
-No, baby.
Baby, today is the 17th.
Oh, God, I can't believe this.
-It's all right,
it's not a problem.
-I'm, I'm sorry, Roger. I just--
the days are getting all jumbled
and I'm stuck inside
writing all day, I'm sorry.
Please, forgive me.
There's nothing to forgive.
[melancholic music]
-Mm. I missed you.
-[Annie chuckles]
Babe, wait a second.
You have to swear on my life
to answer me honestly.
-What are you talking about?
-Just swear to me.
Okay, sure, of course.
-Have, have you been drinking?
-Drinking? God, no.
-Why are you-- why would you--
-You swore on my life.
No! God, no. Why,
why are you even asking that?
-Just smelled something.
-I don't know
what you smell, okay?
I, I just ate,
I brushed, I'm not--
Honey, okay, relax. I trust you.
Mm, otherwise
I'd be dead, right?
I haven't been drinking, Roger.
[softly] All right. Okay.
That's how I trust you.
[country music playing]
Oh, man, so you forgot
your fucking anniversary.
Yes, I'm a horrible person.
-Oh, come on. Stop it.
-A horrible wife.
I'm serious. This is
the wake up call that I needed.
Stop! Annie!
You're being too hard
on yourself, all right, girl?
-Shit happens.
-No. I've gotta stop drinking.
Oh, yeah, me too.
No, I'm serious.
This is my last night.
It has to be.
Then this will be
our last night.
-To our last night.
-No, Reyna.
Now come on, I told you.
We're in this together.
Oh, um, I forgot to tell you,
I found Mandy Giblin.
-That name sounds so familiar.
-Yeah, it should.
[gasps] The girl!
-The girl that Carlock
tried to kidnap.
-Mm-hmm. Yeah.
-Oh, Mandy Giblin, fuck!
-Yeah, she's married now.
[Reyna] And she's okay
with being interviewed
after all this time?
Well, she wasn't at first,
but after I convinced her
about the possible link
to Finster, she was all in.
Dude. Well,
this should be interesting.
-You need an assistant?
-No, it's usually easier
on them one-on-one.
Yeah. I get it.
[chuckles] Good luck.
Oh, speaking of, um,
any luck with your mom?
Yeah, a bit.
In fact, we're supposed
to go get lunch tomorrow.
I told her I was thinking
about going back to school
and that got her all excited.
You're gonna go back to school?
-[sighing] Oh, Jesus!
-Peekaboo. I see you.
[indistinct chatter]
Here to drink. [sighs]
Well, well, well.
I guess I didn't get the memo
that our meetings are here now.
-Hi, Frank.
-We would appreciate it
if this didn't get back
to the group.
You no speaky, me no speaky.
-What are we speaking
about anyhow?
Actually, we're
kind of in the middle
of something here, okay?
Oh, come on.
Just one drink
with our new friend here.
Maybe another time.
-No, I think this is
the perfect time.
-Oh, my God! Frank,
will you please
just leave us the fuck alone?
You know, you're starting
to piss me off.
She is starting to piss me off.
Frank, this is actually
a private conversation.
Maybe another time. All right?
All right.
-Well, fuck you all.
-Yeah, great.
-See you on Saturday, Frank.
-[Frank] Whatever.
-[whispers] Such an asshole.
[somber music]
[birds chirping]
I haven't been back here since.
Never thought I would.
Thank you for doing this.
This is it.
This is where it all happened.
-[deeply exhales]
-Did you come here often?
Oh, yeah, all the time.
I came here to get high.
All sorts of shit.
I, uh, got into a fight
with my boyfriend.
He accused me
of taking his drugs,
which I did.
And as usual,
I got angry and stormed off
and ended up here.
[sighs] It was weird,
I didn't hear or see anything.
All I remember is just feeling
him breathing
on the back of my neck.
And the knife to my throat.
[light ominous music]
Violence wasn't new to me.
I've been beaten,
This was--
this was so different.
[sniffles] He was different.
This is real evil.
You thought
he was gonna rape you?
Yeah, sure,
and probably kill me.
[deeply inhales and exhales]
It's weird,
I just had this feeling
that he just
wanted to see me suffer.
Do you remember
what he said to you?
He said I was worthless,
that I didn't deserved
to be alive,
and that I'm lucky
that he came...
[shakily breathes]
and crossed my path
so he could end my misery.
[chuckles and sniffles]
That's horrible.
[music continues]
[crying] And at the time... the time, I thought
he was right, because I was...
[sharply inhales]
I would do anything
to get my fix.
[sobbing] I didn't like me.
Look at you now.
Look at me now.
I think you're an inspiration.
Thank you.
-[girl] Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!
-[knocking on door]
-Mommy! Mommy!
-[knocking continues]
[indistinct mumbling]
Nicky, stop.
-[Nicky shouts] Mama! Mama!
-[banging door]
Open the door!
Open the door, please!
-[door rattling]
-[indistinct mumbling]
Nicky, quiet!
I'll be out in a minute.
-[rattling continues]
-[screaming] Mommy!
[shouting] Mommy! Mommy!
-[crying] Listen to me--
-[banging on door]
-Nicky, shut up!
-[muffled crying]
Mama! Mom!
[crying] Mama! Mama!
-[banging on door]
-[banging continues]
-[muffled crying]
-Nicky, stop it!
[ominous music]
[Nicky sobbing]
I'll be out.
[dramatic music]
Hello, Detective Brady.
I wish to report a run-in
with another young lady.
-Katie Lamar was living
a difficult life.
-[indistinct shouting]
-...for ten minutes already.
-Already the mother
of four illegitimate children,
two already removed
for her lack of parental skills.
Where is your lazy,
no good, Mama?
-[indistinct chatter]
-She was devastated
with the news
of another unwanted pregnancy.
This news left her
desperately inconsolable,
-literally on the edge.
[shouts] Katie!
So I simply helped her
step off of that edge.
[music increases]
[crying] Katie? Oh!
The world sees me as a monster.
But I wonder
if you feel the same.
I believe, deep down,
you relate to my struggle.
Yes, my methods are harsh
and brutal.
But I'm confident
that you understand
the disease
that I'm fighting against.
The unfit, the undesirables.
I imagine that you've had
your own fantasies
of simply stopping the cycle
with a simple bullet
to the brain.
But you are constrained
by the societal norms
of the weak.
Luckily, those two
don't apply to me,
the notorious Finster.
[birds chirping]
[engine rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
Jesus! What the heck
are you doing here?
Uh, waiting for you
for, like, an hour.
You really shouldn't be here.
Roger's coming home today.
It's kind of important.
I need you to give me a ride
into the city to drop this off.
It's not a good time, Reyna.
There's been another murder.
You haven't asked me
who this is for.
[engines rumbling]
[horns honking]
[Mrs. Carlock]
Your mother is
such a sweet lady.
She remembered!
These are my favorite.
[chuckling] Yeah, very sweet.
Um, and she told me you're
up here looking at universities.
-Oh, I think that's great.
I knew you'd
figure it out eventually.
You're gonna make
your mom very proud.
Yeah, well,
I just wanna make her proud.
-And I'm sorry, Annie? Is it?
And are you up looking
at universities as well?
-No, I'm just
Reyna's ride today.
Oh, that's so kind of you
to drive her
all the way up here.
Actually, I wanted to come.
Uh, Reyna mentioned
who you were and I thought
maybe it would give us
a chance to speak.
Speak? [chuckles]
I don't understand.
Well, I hope that this doesn't
come off as much of a surprise,
but I was wondering
if I could talk to you
about your son Vincent.
What about my son?
Well, I know
that he was involved
with a pretty serious incident
a few years ago
and I thought that maybe
it would give us a chance
to talk about that.
That was so long ago.
There is nothing else to say.
I understand, but I was hoping
maybe you can just give me
a better understanding.
Maybe he--
-[alarm beeping]
-Oh! I'm sorry.
-I have to get that.
-[beeping continues]
She didn't seem too happy
about that, did she?
She's probably
calling my mom right now.
I think it's time
for you two ladies to leave.
Please, Mrs. Carlock,
People are dying
and your son may know
something about it.
-[cocks gun]
-I am not asking again.
[ominous music]
[bell chiming]
This is what we call...
[deeply inhales] a relapse.
[gentle music playing]
We'll be good.
Starting tomorrow.
-I'm sorry I put you
in the middle of this.
I put myself
in the middle of this, remember?
Besides, it's...
[sighs] probably a blessing.
Every girl wants a relationship
with her mom but,
at some point,
you just have to realize
when something just doesn't fit.
[reporter on TV]
Police have not provided
any additional information.
The victim, Katie Lamar,
a mother of four young children,
is being mourned tonight
with a candlelight vigil
by her family, friends,
and the local community
of West Andale.
Our Brian Shaw is reporting
live from the ceremony
that just finished up
and had a chance to speak
with Katie's sister.
-[Brian] Thanks, Debra.
Well, tonight was not only
a time for healing,
but a time
for reflection of a young...
Well, well, our pretty
little comrades in arms.
I heard you went
on a little adventure.
Oh, yeah, talking
to your mom is an adventure.
I was just asking her
some questions.
You wanna fuck with me?
Fine. You got the cops
knocking at my door.
You can ask any one
of these morons
anything you want.
You start messing
with my family,
that's when this shit gets real.
-What are you
so afraid of, Carlock?
-I'm not worried about you,
-you're a worthless
piece of shit.
-Jus-- okay, just leave her
-out of it.
I'm just doing my work.
-[Reyna mumbles]
But you, Little Miss Writer,
let me give you a little advice.
You fuck with someone's family,
they will fuck you back.
-Do you understand?
-Did Mandy's family
fuck you back?
-No one's talking to you, cunt.
-[Annie] Listen,
I'm just doing my job!
Well, if your job is bullshit
and you're wading
into my mother's home,
then your job is bullshit!
-Leave us alone, Carlock.
-[Annie] What are you
so afraid of, huh?
I'm not the one
who should be afraid.
Oh, yeah,
big fucking man over here.
-Threatening two women alone--
-I said shut the fuck up!
You shut the fuck up!
Listen to me.
This is a big country.
-People go missing every day.
-[Reyna] Leave us alone,
-I promise this much, I smell
in the air shit is brewing
-and you'll regret the moment--
-I said get the s--
fuck away from her!
-You want--
-Stop it!
-The only difference is
-no one will give a shit
if you disappear.
-[Annie shouts]
Get off of her! Get off of her!
-Hey! Get your hands off of her!
-Hey, get your hands
off of her, man.
-[Annie] Get off of her! Get o--
-[Reyna gasping]
-Get off her, man!
Get out of here, man.
-Cool it, man.
What are you doing?
-[glass clinking]
-[Reyna panting]
-Check your fucking cameras!
-Bitch threw a drink in my face.
-[Reyna] Fuck you!
Fuck you, you fucking psycho!
-Call the cops!
[crickets chirping]
How long have you been
drinking again?
The truth, this time.
For the love of God, the truth!
Two, maybe three weeks.
It's because of her, isn't it?
I told you. No, I,
I b-- I begged you
not to hang out with her.
No. It's not just her.
Then what?
Are you not happy here?
Are you not happy with me?
You know that's not it.
Then what is it?
I'm tired, Annie!
I'm tired of trying to help you,
and everything I do,
it's like it, it doesn't matter.
It... [sighs] matters
more than you know.
Does it really?
Because I'm not seeing it.
You're not to hang out
with her again.
Do you understand?
And you are not
to play detective again.
Do you understand?
You're a writer,
a damn good writer,
but you're not a cop!
You do your job
and let them do theirs.
[Roger sighs]
[bangs table]
[somber music]
[birds chirping]
[crickets chirping]
[Reyna muffled]
[grunts] Annie!
-[soft clatter]
[slurred] Annie.
-[grunts] Oh, fuck.
-[soft clatter]
[crickets chirping]
-[soft clatter]
-Help me, Annie!
Annie! [grunts]
[light tense music]
-[soft clatter]
[muffled shout] Annie!
-[door creaking]
-Jesus! What are you doing?
-Come here.
-What happened to you?
I fell out of a tree.
-Oh, my God!
-And I hit, I hit my head.
What were you doing in a tree?
-[laughing] I climbed it.
-Just-- Oh, Jesus! Sit down!
-Okay, why were you
climbing a tree?
-I'm sit.
I... [laughing] I was spying
on our little friend.
-Tell me he didn't see you.
-No! God, I don't think so.
what the hell is going on?
-[Annie] Oh, Jesus!
It's like two o'clock
in the morning.
-[gasps] The cable man.
-Reyna, this is--
-What happened to her?
She fell out of a tree
and hit her head.
-[Reyna moans]
-Let me see. Just--
-Reyna, this is Roger,
my husband.
Oh, you hate me.
-I don't hate you.
She is wasted.
-I know.
-[whispers] Okay.
[in normal voice] Hold still.
-This doesn't look good.
-Why do you hate me so much?
I don't hate you. Hey, hey,
did you lose consciousness?
-Mm, for sure. [laughs]
-She needs to go
to the hospital.
-I'm gonna call an ambulance.
-[groans] We-- No, no, no, no,
no. I don't have insu--
-I don't have insurance.
I don't have--
-It's okay, it's okay,
-we'll take care of it.
It's okay.
-No I'm fine!
It's okay.
Let me take care of it.
Let me take her.
-Let me take her--
-You have
your conference tomorrow.
-Look, this is my problem,
let me handle it.
-Okay. I'll, I'll,
I'll grab a towel.
-[deeply inhales] He's mad.
-It's okay.
[birds chirping]
[engine rumbling]
I want you to come stay with me
for a couple of days.
I just need to get home.
You have a serious concussion.
You need to be around someone.
[sighs] I said I'm fine.
Apparently, I have
an unusually hard head.
-Roger is gone,
I'll feel a lot better--
-Annie, I'm fine.
My parents are gonna
look in on me. I'll be fine.
Plus, I have to get back
to my horses.
You put those goddamn horses
above everything else.
They're all I've got.
[melancholic music]
Call me if you need anything.
-And no riding.
-Yes, mother.
[engine rumbling]
[birds chirping]
[ominous music]
[blinkers clicking]
[dialing phone]
[phone ringing]
-[ringing continues]
-[phone ringing]
-[call ends]
[blinkers clicking]
[music continues]
[phone ringing]
I was just calling you--
-Sam, I think this is--
We hit the jackpot, little lady.
We got DNA, kid.
We got DNA
from our little mark, girl.
-Oh, my God.
-Son of a bitch got sloppy.
-That's incredible.
-Son of a bitch got sloppy!
-How long is it gonna take?
-They're running
everything right now.
How long is it gonna take,
Sam, for them to match it?
Hours. Maybe a day at most.
I'll let you know
as soon as I hear something.
[hangs up]
[crickets chirping]
[deeply sighs]
[soft clicking]
[phone ringing]
-[Reyna] Hey.
-Hey, you!
Just checking in on you.
I'm good.
I could use a little pick-me-up.
-[chuckles] Reyna, please.
-I know. I, um, I'll make do.
[deeply inhales]
Plus, they gave me
some pretty sweet painkillers.
-So that's helping a bit.
-Great, that's all you need.
What the hell am I
gonna do with you?
I thought you were
through with me.
-Reyna, please don't.
-I'm sorry.
-I didn't mean that.
I know that it's my fault
and sorry for last night
and sorry I made this
your problem.
Listen, you need
to stay away from him, okay?
I don't want you
to stress anymore,
but I think he was following me
when I dropped you off
this morning.
No fucking shit!
[deeply exhales]
Yeah, I, I can't say anymore.
I just think things
are about to explode,
so you've gotta just stay away.
-[whispers] Wait.
-[cow mooing]
-[in normal voice]
Hold on a second.
That's weird. I thought
I heard someone at the door,
-but no one's there.
-Rey-- Reyna, God damn it,
if you're messing with me--
No, I'm-- in fact, you're
freaking the shit out of me.
I'm grabbing my gun.
[ominous music]
-Jesus, what are
you doing here--
[Reyna gasps]
Okay, okay, just,
just stay right there.
-I'm about to get to you, okay?
-[yells] God, no!
-Annie! [choking]
-[shouts] Reyna? Reyna?
-[phone dialing]
911, what is your emergency?
Send someone
to 802 Manford Road!
-He's killing my friend!
Send someone
to 802 Manford Road now!
All right, ma'am,
we have someone en route.
Stay on the phone with me.
[dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
[engine rumbling]
[shouting] Reyna! [panting]
Fu-- Reyna, where are you?
God damn it!
Where are you? [panting]
Reyna! Reyna! Reyna!
[fire crackling]
[crying and sobbing]
[sirens wailing distantly]
[loudly sobbing]
[sirens increase]
[indistinct chatter on radio]
Holy fucking shit.
[siren wailing]
[radio chatter continues]
[crickets chirping]
-Detective, glad you're here.
-Where is she?
She's in the back
of the unit over here.
Here. She's a little worked up.
-[shouting] Where were you?
-I got here as soon as I could.
-Where were you? Get off of me!
Get off of me!
-Hey, Annie!
I'm sorry about your friend,
Annie. Let her go, let her go!
-No, where were you?
-I'm sorry about your friend.
-No! I told you!
-I told you and nobody listened!
-I know.
Not you, not the police, nobody!
[crying] Nobody listened
except Reyna and now she's dead!
[sobbing] She's dead, Sam.
She's dead.
He'd cut her head off
and put it in the fire
for me to see.
[melancholic music]
I will never
be able to unsee that.
Do you know what that means?
Do you know what that's like?
[softly] Yeah, I do.
-I do.
-[whispers] I'm sorry.
So sorry, kid.
I'm so sorry.
[echoing sobbing]
[music continues]
[crickets chirping]
I want you to know something,
young lady.
I'm so very sorry
for the loss of your friend.
I can't imagine after all
this journey you've been on,
it had to end this way for you.
Although I know
it matters little right now,
I want you to know
from the bottom of my heart,
none of this would've
been possible if not for you.
It's because of your focus,
your work, your...
[softly chuckles] badgering,
that this is finally over.
You will forever have my respect
and admiration, Annie.
Thank you, Detective.
Good night, Detective.
[door creaks shut]
[softly] Listen.
I want you to take these tonight
and they'll help you sleep.
But, hey, they're,
they're really strong,
so I'm, I'm gonna ask,
for your own safety,
you haven't had
anything to drink, have you?
Not that you'd be wrong
if you did.
Good girl.
I'm just gonna clean up a bit
and I'll take you upstairs,
[faucet running]
[soft clattering]
Hey, babe, uh,
I'm really sorry about Reyna.
[sighs] I know
I was pretty tough on her
and I stand by that, but...
...I don't think
she was helping you--
Roger, please, not now.
[crickets chirping]
Yeah, you're right.
I, I'm sorry.
[somber music]
You understand I feel helpless.
I don't know what to say or do.
There's nothing left to say.
It's over.
And Brady was right,
though, you did this.
Look, I, I was so caught up
in everything else
that was going on,
I moved my job and...
...then you started
drinking again and...
...I was worried
about her influence on you
and all the while,
you were closing in
on this monster.
And you felt it. You,
you felt it from day one
and I should've
trusted your intuition and--
And Brady was right.
You did this.
And, and you got your man.
You put that rope
around his neck.
How did you know
that he hung himself?
[glass clinking]
Brady told me.
Roger, Sam doesn't tell
anybody anything
that's not officially released.
Well, he, he told you.
That took five long years,
to earn that trust.
[chuckles] Uh,
he must have slipped up.
Sam doesn't slip up.
Well, what do you
want me to say, Annie?
I-- I'm just trying
to understand how you knew
he hung himself.
And I'm telling you,
someone must have told me.
Uh, maybe when he called me
to come pick you up.
I don't know. This,
this day hasn't exactly been
easy on anyone, babe.
[music increases]
Why did Reyna call you
"the cable man"?
When she came over
after falling out of the tree,
she called you "the cable man."
[scoffs] I've no idea.
Maybe because she was drunk
and she'd just fallen
on her fucking head.
No, I, I asked her
about it the next morning
and she swears that she saw you
dressed as the cable man,
walking towards Carlock's house.
Yeah, maybe she was drunk then.
She wasn't drunk.
-How can you possibly know that?
-Because she told me.
Yeah, drunks never lie.
Not to each other.
So what are you trying to say?
You tell me.
You know how Carlock died.
Reyna said she saw you
at Carlock's.
I, I just don't understand.
How did you know?
How did you know?
[music continues]
[crying] Answer me.
[grunts] Roger!
[softly chuckles]
[sharply exhales]
[sighs] Carlock wasn't Finster.
[ominous music]
No, that's not possible.
No, you're not Roger!
[sobbing] Who are you?
Who are you?
-No! No! No!
-[indistinct mumbles]
[echoing birds chirping]
It wasn't supposed
to go like this.
Carlock was going to take
the fall for everything.
[light ominous music]
It was going to be okay
for us again.
[shakily breathing]
I brought you Carlock, didn't I?
And put him right in your lap.
He's dead because of me.
How can you care
about that piece of shit?
-He deserved to die.
-And how is that your decision?
I made it my decision,
just as I did for all of them.
How many have you killed?
How many, Roger?
[softly] How many, Roger?
How many have you killed?
[crying] How many?
You know them all.
All but one.
How did, how did you do it?
How d-- how did you get
his DNA on the scene?
Just as you said...
[chuckles] you gave him to me.
[music continues]
I patched into his cable line.
Let's me into his world.
As expected,
he was in true shit-zone.
Trolling, hardcore porn,
sending dick pics.
A serious fucking piece of work.
Perfect to catfish.
Had him convinced
he was going to meet
the girl of his dreams.
So while Finster
was putting his DNA
at the Lamar girl's place,
he was sitting in his car
two blocks away,
waiting for his imaginary whore.
-[dog barking]
-It was almost perfect.
I went back the next day
to get my equipment.
That's when Reyna
must've seen me.
I didn't realize
she was spying for you.
When she called me
the cable man,
I knew she had to go.
In case you haven't
figured it out, that was me
following you home
from the hospital.
[engine rumbling]
[music continues]
What if Reyna
had come home with me?
But she didn't.
For what it's worth,
I didn't know you'd be
on the phone with her.
-[bird cawing]
-And I didn't want you to see
what did happened to her.
[echoing door opening]
That was not for you to see.
-[cable whooshing]
-[echoing gasps]
I knew they would be
at Carlock's doorstep
after they found her.
But I got to him first.
[noose creaking]
[music continues]
-[crickets chirping]
-[birds cawing]
[soft clicks].
Good girl.
[deeply inhales and exhales]
Who's the one?
The one I don't know about.
Just a girl.
Wrong place, wrong time.
Who was she, Roger?
[light somber music]
He was always there.
He's always been there
i-- in my head.
I, I was a child,
he was there, always,
making me think
about this stuff.
Hurting people.
I remember asking my mom if,
if I was normal.
I told her I,
I had these bad thoughts.
She told me bad thoughts
are the devil.
Don't let the devil win.
So I didn't.
I fought him.
I fought him for years.
In a weird way,
my struggle to control him
kept me focused.
And before I knew it,
I'd actually made
something of myself.
[music continues]
That life wasn't everything
I dreamed, but it was good.
For a while...
...I beat the devil.
But then you never really beat
the devil now, do you?
It was summertime.
Hot sticky summer,
I-- I don't know
why that sticks in my head.
I'd been in what I thought
was a good relationship,
only to find that the girl
that I thought loved me,
decided I wasn't good enough
for her anymore.
But, why her? I, I mean,
I've been hurt many times.
Why did she make me weak?
It was the crack he needed.
In a matter of days,
I went from,
from planning my life with her
to driving the streets
endlessly looking for someone.
[music continues]
Eventually, I found it.
It's this young, innocent girl.
She was carrying a backpack
in her arms
like she was coming home
from the library or something.
I pulled up next to her
and asked her
if she'd seen my dog.
And she said...
"What's he look like?"
[scoffs] I didn't even have
an answer ready for that.
I just started talking.
[ominous music]
She got closer...
...and closer...
...and close enough.
It was like watching
someone else inside my body
as he attacked her.
He attacked with such anger,
such hate.
I could barely keep from turning
the knife on myself,
but it was too late,
it was done.
I crossed the line of no return.
[softly] It was disgusting.
[somber music]
No words.
And I, I knew, uh, that I had
to have been seen, right? Th--
that they'd be coming for me.
So I waited and I waited.
[softly] No one came.
No one ever came.
But I knew then it could
never be like that again.
I'd allowed him to destroy
an innocent young girl
and it nearly killed me.
So I knew
if I couldn't control him,
then I had to work with him.
If there was to be a next one,
it would be someone
who completely deserved it.
Nobody deserved
to die like that.
Oh, a lot of us deserve
exactly that and more.
But I made their deaths quick.
I didn't wanna hear 'em scream.
[music continues]
It's only a show.
A show
for the whole world to see.
Exactly what the world wants.
A spectacle.
That's all anyone
ever listens to.
Blood, death, evil.
So that's what I gave 'em.
But why women?
Why humiliate
these women like that?
For everyone, for,
for their families to see?
Was it a sexual thing?
God, no!
[deeply inhales]
I was disgusted by the way
they lived their lives.
I chose women
not because they're weak,
but because they're strong.
Men need strong, smart women.
Women are the nurturers,
the creators of life.
Men are already
simple and stupid,
but these whores,
these drug addicts,
these soulless creatures,
they're destroying our world.
-But you can't see that!
Because I choose to see
the good and the hope.
-Even for people
who are messed up,
maybe even more for them.
Mm, compassion.
That is a dirty little word.
It blinds us
from seeing the truth.
It makes us weak
and ineffective.
What about for me, your wife?
What are you gonna do with me?
I'm trying not to be blind.
[birds chirping]
[crickets chirping]
Hey, Annie.
-You gotta wake up.
-[softly grunts]
-[Roger] Annie.
Wake up.
Brady's called,
like, three times.
You gotta call him back.
[Annie sighs]
What should I say?
What would you say?
I would ask what is going on
with the investigation,
-with Carlock.
-Well, then that's what you say.
Be smart.
-[Brady] There you are.
For crying out loud,
I was getting worried about you.
I was just about to head over
and find out what the hell
was going on.
Uh, I'm sorry. Just trying
to get through all of this.
Oh, no worries.
Look, they've been asking
for you to come down
and do another interview,
but I put them off.
I think you've given enough
on this whole thing for now.
Yeah, I guess that's good.
It's over, little lady.
Is it really, Sam?
Yeah. I'm really pissed off
he took the easy way, though.
Wanted to see
the son of a bitch's face
when I was putting
the cuffs on him.
I-- it's definitely him, right?
Yes, Annie.
It's him.
We found a ton of stuff
in his basement.
[laughing] Seriously.
What are the odds
you moved down the street
from the killer himself?
[scoffs] Impossible, right?
As you always said,
things happen for a reason.
Take care of yourself, kid.
-I'll be in touch.
-I hope so.
[light ominous music]
You did good.
[door creaks shut]
[lock clicking]
[birds chirping]
[somber music]
[crickets chirping]
Did you plan all of this?
Us meeting and getting married.
-Because of my book?
Not at all. Uh,
I mean, yeah,
I wanted to meet you
because of your book, yeah.
You had written so much
about Finster's crimes.
[chuckles] You knew so much,
but you, you knew so little.
I, I was intrigued.
I was this close
to writing to you as Finster.
But then, by chance,
I saw that you were going
to Bernie Richard's
New Year's Eve party.
I had no idea
we had mutual friends.
-I thought
it would be interesting
meeting someone
who was writing about...
[music continues]
...well, me.
And t-- but then
I saw you and we met
and I don't know,
uh, something changed.
[sighs] For a while, uh...
...I had control again.
[pills rattling]
[music continues]
[loudly swallows]
Is that why you stopped killing?
Because of me?
Yes, I stopped killing
because of you, Annie.
[loudly swallows]
Why did you start again?
It's because
of my drinking, wasn't it?
It just wasn't going to be
happily ever after for us.
[handcuffs jingles]
[handcuffs clicking]
Are you going to kill me?
I don't wanna kill you.
You didn't answer the question.
I'm not sure either of us
are ready to hear the answer.
[breathes deeply]
Carlock is Finster, remember?
They all think he was Finster
and now Finster is dead.
But now you know
about the first one.
[footsteps receding]
[door creaking]
[door closes]
[lock clicks]
[crickets chirping]
[shakily breathing]
[suspenseful music]
[gagging and coughing]
[spitting and moaning]
[groaning and panting]
[retching and coughing]
[music increases]
[groaning and panting]
[moaning and panting]
[loudly swallows and pants]
[crickets chirping]
[birds chirping]
[engine starts]
[engine rumbling]
[tense music]
[grunts and pants]
[chickens clucking]
[ominous music]
[engine rumbling]
[Annie panting]
[muffled shouting]
[echoing crying]
[chickens clucking]
[birds chirping]
[crickets chirping]
[handcuffs clicking]
[engine distantly rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct chatter]
[softly grunting]
[door closes]
[footsteps approaching]
[keys jingling]
[lock clicks]
-[sharply breathes]
-[door creaks]
[whispers] Do you still love me?
[belt unbuckling]
Prove it.
[melancholic music]
[breathing heavily]
[whimpering and moaning]
-[whispers] I love you.
-Look at me.
[grunting and moaning]
[crickets chirping]
[footsteps approaching]
-[lock clicks]
-[door creaking]
[sniffles] Sorry.
[ominous music]
[opens zipper]
[music increases]
-[glass breaking]
[Annie grunts]
[Roger groans]
[keys jingling]
[Annie loudly groans]
[shouts] You were supposed
to die in your sleep!
[crying] Please don't!
I-- I love you.
I love you, Roger.
I'm your wife.
[softly] Now we do it his way.
[dramatic music]
[glass shattering]
[moaning and panting]
[door bangs]
-Stop fighting me!
[music increases]
[gasping and coughing]
Obviously, Roger was
a very disturbed man.
And maybe I don't even
really know how disturbed.
[gentle music]
Even after
our last week together.
But, as strange
as it sounds to hear,
I still think that there was
someone inside that was good.
[chuckling] And please,
don't misunderstand.
I, I'm not trying
to make an excuse
for anything he did.
But it's not as easy as saying
that he's a monster
and I hate him for what he did.
I hate what he did.
But I wasn't going to hold
my son accountable
for his father's actions.
He was clearly
living a double life.
Do you feel like you even knew
the real Roger?
I don't know.
Maybe we never
really know each other.
Maybe everyone is
just playing a part
and we never really know
the other person.
I hope that that isn't true.
But I can't help but think
that that might be
the real lesson
through all of this.
At least for me.
You think you know someone...
...until you don't.
[ominous music]
["Like A Good Girl Should"
by Barbara Nesbitt]
Maybe my baby called
Maybe he's changed his mind
I'd better get back inside
Maybe my baby's here
Maybe he's coming down
the drive
I'd better get this one back
I'll work it so carefully
Ooh, ooh, ooh
'Till he can't live
Without me
-Maybe, maybe there's time
to turn around
-Lord knows
Lord knows I would
if I could
-Shut my mouth
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Put the bottle down
And behave
Like a good girl should
Maybe he's at the door
Maybe the sun
will shine again
Lord knows
how dark it's been
I'll work it so carefully
Ooh, ooh, ooh
'Till he can't live
Without me
-Maybe, maybe there's time
to turn around
And behave
Like a good girl...