The Offering (2022) Movie Script

It's not always easy
to look in the mirror,
to see the person that
you thought you were
versus the person
that you'd become.
It's not easy.
I'm sorry I couldn't
say goodbye in person,
but I feel I would prefer if
you saw me as you knew me.
Who knows, if this
actually works,
then it wouldn't be
goodbye after all.
I love you, Celine.
Remember, when the door
to one world closes,
another one becomes open to us.
How do we even know which
side is better for us?
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
Accept the offering.
We give and we take from
this world to the other,
humble in full view of
the old gods and the new.
It's open.
Take me!
Take me.
I'm sorry I couldn't
say goodbye in person,
but I feel I would prefer if
you saw me as you knew me.
Who know, if this
actually works,
then it won't be
goodbye after all.
Are you ready?
I'm happy to go without
you, if you'd prefer.
I was thinking maybe
it would be easier
if you didn't have
to see his things.
You can be honest with me.
I know how much he meant to you.
That's fine.
To be honest, I'm just
glad I get the chance
to clear out the place and, I
don't know, move on, I guess.
I appreciate you coming.
Really, it's a relief.
As long as you're sure.
I don't want you
feeling pressured.
I think perhaps
feeling a bit more normal
is what I need right now.
I don't want you guys acting
any different around me, okay?
Besides, this is
my new normal now.
This feeling.
He said...
He said that he didn't want
me to see him that way.
Did you know he was sick?
I just, I wish he'd
come to me, you know?
Maybe I could've helped.
That would be them.
I'll go.
How you doing, buddy?
- Good?
- Good.
How's she doing?
She's getting there.
Good, good.
Who's that, then?
She'll keep
you on your toes, I bet.
Oh yeah.
Who will?
Right, well, if you
girls are finished...
After you, my lady.
Yeah, they're always like that.
And what? You don't care?
You guys enjoy the show?
You're insane. It's like
having two kids in the car.
I mean, come on. There are
ladies present, right, April?
Oh yeah?
Ladies, huh?
Stop it.
Well, this isn't
terrifying at all.
Do you need to call someone?
No, don't be silly.
I am the gatekeeper.
Your dad was pretty insistent
about keeping out
trespassers, I see.
Mm-hm, you'd be with
a place like this.
My dad bought this place
when I was just a kid.
He wanted to have me
help him find somewhere
and I don't know, this
one just jumped out at me.
Hm, I'd be surprised
if it didn't.
Used to be a cemetery.
Oh, I'm going to go
around the back and check.
It's a dead rabbit.
One of the cats must
have brought it for me.
They know I have a soft
spot for rabbit pie.
I hope I didn't
frighten you, Celine.
No, no.
It's just...
Dead things, you know?
But we will all go
that way eventually.
Your father knew
what it all meant,
what the bigger picture was.
I guess that's something
I'm struggling with.
All in good time, my dear.
Oh, I've missed you.
Yeah, the cats thought
they would treat us.
How lovely.
Oh, sorry. Forgive me.
This is my partner, Rich
and Rich, meet Edda.
She's my um, was, my
father's housekeeper
for, god, I don't even
know how many years.
34 years.
Wow, that's a long time.
A lifetime, if it were
only a day.
You must be hungry.
I can imagine the upkeep
on this place is a nightmare.
I can tell you
you are correct, young man.
Your rooms are this way.
Go up, we'll be
back in a minute.
I just, I need a sec.
This was always
your happy place.
I had something made.
Not that I could ever forget.
I think he'd love that.
Why don't I give you a moment?
I'll be right over there.
Some cat.
Stay there.
I'm going to go upstairs
and freshen up, I think.
Okay. I'll be down here.
Trouble in paradise?
Yeah, something like that.
I don't know, man, she's great,
but she gets touchy sometimes.
You know, I want to
try and touch her.
She acts like I
make her skin crawl.
Anyway, what about
you and Celine?
She must have a
lot on her plate.
She does.
You used to go hunting
with your dad, right?
Yeah. Sometimes.
What do you think about this?
You keep a dead rabbit in
your girlfriend's luggage?
Are you insane?
I found it outside.
It's not the only one, either.
The grounds are full of them.
Look at the cuts.
That's from a knife, surely.
And not for nothing.
I haven't seen a cat
around here, either.
Could you do me a favor
and head out later
and pick up the rest?
I'm worried about
what Celine might do
if she sees evidence
that some lunatic
is going around
murdering rabbits.
Now that's a bit much.
I mean, I will do it,
but I've seen enough
dead chickens in my time to know
that a fox probably did this.
I mean, look, the
cut's not straight.
You just need to
relax, man, okay?
Come on.
Have a beer.
Some believe that our world
is just one dimension
of what's there
and that the old gods,
the real architects
of the universe,
reside in a parallel
plane to ours.
Legend says that they remain
powerful on the other side,
just waiting for
their opportunity
to move through the portal
into our reality.
It's bullshit, of course.
But it's interesting
to think about.
Took ourselves out
of the food chain,
and then these big
fuckers just came down
and well, you get the picture.
It seems like it would be
off putting at first, I know,
but I know of some who would
be grateful of their arrival
who would relish in the relief.
We shouldn't be scared, April.
Whatever pain, whatever ails us,
it wouldn't matter anymore.
Excuse me.
Oh, shit.
Oh, god.
Oh, this place is falling apart.
Hey, I've got some bad news.
Nick found your dad's pool.
Woo hoo!
Come on.
April, come on.
Grow up.
You should listen her.
Happy wife, happy life, mate.
- Standard.
- God, boring people.
Mm, no, I'm all right.
It'll help you
to loosen up a bit.
Yes, Celine, come on, loosen up.
Let's just relax now.
Unwind, have a couple of drinks
and then tomorrow
we can get packed up
and on the road before
it gets dark, okay?
I don't know.
I mean, how often do we get
to enjoy a private
pool, you know?
April, you want one?
If it makes him more
tolerable, then yeah.
Looks like we're the
last ones standing.
No, stop!
So how are you doing?
I mean, it must be
difficult coming back here.
Yeah, I mean, I mainly
have happy memories here, so,
I guess I'm just trying not to
find any bad ones, you know?
I'm glad you guys came, though.
Oh well, at your
service, my lady.
Is April all right?
Uh, April is April.
What about you and Richie Boy?
What about us?
Well I mean, you
make a cute couple,
but I don't really
know how you feel.
How I feel?
I'm uh, I'm not really
comfortable with this.
Why not?
We're friends, right?
Of course, if
something did happen...
I heard something.
I just wanted to see
if you were all right.
Yeah. I'm fine.
Do you need me to
call someone for you?
No, no, it's okay.
I've lived with it long enough.
Lived with what?
I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have asked that.
No, it's...
It's fine.
I'd be concerned, too.
I was in a car accident
when I was younger
and well, my forearm
got crushed, so,
I manage the pain
but it's not easy.
Does Nick know?
Oh, god, no.
I've tried telling guys
about it in the past
but they just look at
me like I'm broken.
It's a scar and
well, that's that.
I'm sorry.
If you ever need anyone
to talk to, I'm here.
Thank you.
Is everything all right
with you and Nick? I mean...
What did he say?
Did he try it on with you?
For fuck's sake.
You think we should
do something?
Feel free.
Jesus, what got into him?
Did I miss something?
I think we should just focus
on getting everything packed
up and getting us out of here.
How long do you reckon
until probate kicks in
and you can sell it?
I'm not sure.
It normally takes a while,
so I guess it's a good thing
we're getting a head start.
Something wrong?
I don't know, it's just talking
about selling this place.
It meant a lot to him.
To me.
I know.
But we talked about this.
The upkeep, paying for
Edda, the gardeners.
We're not in a position
to take that on right now.
Hey, don't get me wrong.
This place is beautiful,
but we haven't even outgrown
our two bed flat yet,
let alone have the need
for a place like this.
Just because you're moving on,
it doesn't mean anything
about how you feel about him.
He'll always obviously
be important to you.
I know.
What's going on?
What could this book
be trying to tell me?
No, no!
Can't sleep?
I'm not surprised,
everything that's happened.
Have you seen Nick? I
just, I saw him out here...
No. No one else
has been out here.
I was watering the
plants just now.
Maybe that's what you saw.
Shadows can be deceiving,
to say the least.
I did see your boy, though,
left awhile ago now,
maybe an hour or two.
No. No, I know
what I saw, Edda.
Is that right?
Been seeing clearly
recently, have you?
Grief manifests itself to us
in individually unique ways.
Now, I'm not saying yours
was such a manifestation,
but what I am saying is
that I have been out here
on my own and that I saw
Nick leave over an hour ago.
I'm sorry.
There's no reason
to be sorry, dear.
It's good that you understand
that I'm here for you,
like I was your father.
He said...
He said in his message
that he didn't want me
to remember him like that.
Was he sick?
Your father, he
was not in a good way
when he passed, Celine.
He had cancer.
Stomach cancer.
But I need to tell you,
he went out on his terms
for a cause he believed in.
I found the book in my room.
Did you read it?
Your father and I believe that
there is a dimension
adjacent to ours.
The other world.
Janus is the keeper
of this world.
He can turn pain into happiness,
oppression can become freedom.
He understands all you
went through, your father,
your pill-popping
friend, even Nick.
Oh yes.
Those who struggle
with boundaries
often have those
broken by others.
It's cyclical.
Understandable, as
pathetic as that is.
Janus can take it
all away, though.
All you have to do is
walk through the doorway.
You know, Peter's not dead.
He's just on the
other side, waiting.
Made you coffee.
Mm, you're sweet. Thank you.
I missed you.
In your sleep?
Yeah, I barely
feel like I got any.
You're kidding, right?
It's almost one o'clock.
Oh, really? I'm sorry.
I know you wanted
to get going and-
- Relax.
It's okay.
I've already cleared out like
three of the rooms already.
You are amazing.
I know.
So has Nick been helping you?
Nick took off.
He texted me saying that
he and April had a bust up
and he wanted to head back.
He left me his car, so I'm
going to drive it home.
Is April still
here? Where is she?
She's just about
to leave. Why?
What's up?
Didn't feel like saying goodbye?
I guess I just don't
wanna offend you.
Did Rich tell you?
Listen, April I don't suppose
you know exactly
where Nick went?
Home, I guess.
Fuck him.
I wish I'd never even met him.
Yeah, it's just, I
thought I saw him last night
and Edda said it couldn't
have been him, but...
Don't waste your time
worrying about Nick, all right?
I'm better off without him.
What if he's in trouble?
I don't know, I just feel
like something's wrong here.
Look, Celine, I know
it's none of my business,
but you've been through a lot.
Rich told me that your dad
meant everything to you.
So I wouldn't be surprised
if that affected you.
Affected me how exactly?
I don't want to get into
a fight with you about it.
All I'm saying is...
I get it.
You have a lovely home.
Really. Thanks for inviting me.
Good luck with everything.
Call me, yeah? If you
ever want to chat.
Won't be a minute, love.
Move out the way
so I can crack up-
- Shit.
Where are you?
I'm in here.
Did you find the deed?
I think you should read it.
Why? What's wrong?
Well, you said you
thought he would leave
the manor to you, right?
Is this some kind of joke?
I think you should ask her.
I don't understand.
Or maybe it's just so
you won't get buggered
on the inheritance tax,
unless she
legitimately bought it.
No, the woman's
been a housekeeper
as long as I've known her.
Well maybe...
That's not fair.
You think they were
having an affair?
No, that's not possible.
I mean, Edda was
married for 40 years
and my dad hasn't been
with anyone since my mom.
I don't know.
I don't know your
family like you.
He loved my mom
more than anything.
I don't think he'd ever move on.
I just need a second.
How much stuff is left?
Um, not much.
I don't know.
Celine, you don't need
to pretend to be strong.
Everything that's happened...
And what exactly has happened?
My dad killed himself, Rich.
Has that ever happened to you?
Then how could you
possibly understand?
I saw Nick, I saw him
last night. I know I did.
He was covered in blood and
being dragged into the woods
and ever since then,
everybody's telling me
that I couldn't possibly
have seen it, but...
You don't believe
me either, do you?
Celine, no one's
saying you didn't see...
Just watch this.
No, that can't be.
No one's blaming you.
And yeah, whatever's going
on with the house, Edda,
you're not being
paranoid about that.
But I am about this.
You just need a break.
It's called burnout.
It is not called
fucking burnout, Rich.
I am fine. Okay?
- Look, Celine-
- You do that.
Don't you try and make me out
to be some kind of crazy bitch
because that is not
what is happening.
Of course. I didn't...
Why did you even
bother coming? Hm?
You knew what this
was going to be.
Look, maybe, maybe I should
just finish on my own.
Get the train back.
No one likes to be told
that they're mad, Rich,
especially not by
their own boyfriend.
You're alive.
Just about.
But how?
Listen to me.
There's a way to bring me
back, the writing in the book.
But you have to come
and get me, okay?
I had it translated, but,
I don't remember, though.
That's okay.
Repeat after me.
We give and we take from
this world to the other.
We give and we take from
this world to the other.
- Humble in full view-
- Humble in full view-
- Of the old gods and the new.
- Of the old gods and the new.
It's okay.
Take my hand.
I've been waiting for this.
I regret not saying
goodbye properly.
And it's not easy to explain.
This place, what it means.
- Sit down, darling.
- I'm just plating up.
Don't fuss, darling. Come on.
Is that...
I don't understand.
It's not to understand.
It's just something
we have to accept.
This world is more
complicated than we think it is.
There's a divide.
Two halves making up a whole
and we only have
access to one half.
I've been watching you, Celine.
I know you struggled
when your mom died.
And when I...
When I left.
What happened to you?
I thought you killed yourself.
Like I said, this
world is more complicated
than we think it is.
Truth is, I did leave my body.
I was very sick, Celine.
The city did no good for me,
but there was another way.
He's the guardian
between both worlds,
and he gave me the
chance to start again.
In return for
giving away my body,
I could live here with my Lisa.
Is that why you gave
up the house, too?
This is a very special place,
one that gives him the
freedom to move around freely.
Well, almost.
I thought you could
cope without me.
I am.
That's why our
grief took you over,
became an obsession for you.
Rich was right.
But, he doesn't...
Why are you saying this?
I loved you. Love you.
That doesn't mean you
should go chasing the dead.
I didn't.
You came here.
Just like I thought you would.
You're not...
You are not...
I tried to give him my body,
but he realized that my
actions were selfish.
I needed freedom from
my disease-riddled body.
I needed to be free
of my flesh, but he,
he needed purity,
simplicity of agency.
He needed you.
His world, his children,
they're stuck in a prison
and they need to be set free.
You see now?
Your world is not
all that exists.
It's time for me
to rejoin myself.
Put the two halves together.
Your world and the other.
But don't worry.
I promise you
won't miss a thing.
Did I scare you?
- No, I was-
- You were just leaving.
Such a shame.
I got the feeling you
wanted Celine to yourself.
Far from it.
It's important you see
what Peter gave himself to.
This place.
It's a monument to him.
You have something to say?
Celine wouldn't want
me to get involved.
With family business?
Peter was a great man.
He understood how
complex our world is,
what it would take to fix it.
And that includes taking
the house away from Celine?
She's his family.
He would have wanted
her to have it.
Interesting you would profess
to know what Peter wanted.
He had no idea you even existed.
I was just asking
Edda about the house.
What was that?
I don't care about that anymore
and neither should you.
It's all too taxing,
emotionally speaking,
But it's important...
I want you to consider
your life in two parts:
before today
and after.
Jesus, Celine.
And now you will bow to me, too.
She's suffering.
Soon, my dear.
We give and we take
from our world to the other,
humble in full view of
the old gods and the new.
I think perhaps this time
we give the poor
rabbits a break.
You see, I have two faces,
the first of which
you see before you
and the other, you
will meet tonight.
Then you will become
gifts fit for my children,
the old gods and the new.
Our gifts are ready
to be presented.
How comes the beast from
the world of not our own,
a door between planes
of dimensions, a hole,
between beasts we falter
through fingers and thumbs
and come the morning we crumble
from the new gods that come.
You will fail to
protect her, Richard,
just as you failed to save
Celine from her obsession,
but we will succeed in
taking your pain away
the only way the gods know how.
Children of Janus,
accept our offering.
The offering has been accepted!
Get them back!
The offering has been accepted.
Rich. Is this real?
What is that?
I don't know.
Oh, my arm.
My arm.
I'm gonna get you
out of here, okay?
Richard, we've
gotta get out of here.
Where the hell is that mirror?
- What is it?
- April!
Look at me.
Get this thing off of me!
It's on me!
Hold on!
It's on me.
I know you feel some
sadness at the thought
of parting with your flesh.
Perhaps in your position
I could almost understand.
As you can see,
there are complications
with reality
that overwhelm the very
nature of existence.
You're fortunate to be
a part of this, Richard.
I am free now, as
is my favorite son,
Cthulhu, god of the sea.
Believers, the time has come.
It is time for me to bring
my two faces together.
I give and I take from
this world to the other.
Our children will
rule this domain.