The Office Mix-Up (2020) Movie Script

Oh, can I help
you find something?
Hi, yeah, please, I'm
looking for an engagement ring.
Well, what kind of
ring does she like?
I'm not too sure,
I was kinda hoping
you could help me with that.
I can do that.
So why don't we start
with, oh, whoopsies.
All right, let's
just start simple.
- Start with the diamonds.
- The diamonds.
So what were you
thinking, like, princess,
asscher, cushion, round
cut, emerald cut, radiant?
I didn't know there were
that many options actually.
Oh yeah, there's a lot,
there's a lot of options
besides it's sort
of nice sometimes
when you have an
idea what she likes
'cause then you
know exactly what.
Why don't you just tell me
about how you're proposing?
You know what?
I think I'm gonna come back.
I'm gonna think about
it, I'll come back.
Oh but, you know what, actually.
Thank you for your
help, thank you.
I just want you to know
that there's insurance.
Yeah, appreciate it, bye.
Thank you for shopping with us.
And I love your dog.
Oh, please tell me you
didn't just see that.
See what?
Oh, you turned the
most exciting moment
in a young man's life, into
a full blown panic attack?
Yeah, I saw that.
Okay, I'm sorry, it's
just a big decision.
Yeah and it's your job
to help navigate that.
But you cannot do it if you're
second guessing yourself.
Right, I know, it's
really tough, you know?
I mean, how do you
do this everyday?
It's so much pressure.
I could pick a ring
and he could like it
and then she could hate it
and I could be the one that
turns their happily ever after
into a happily never after.
Oh my God Lacey.
You've got a great eye for this.
You have the motivation to
be really amazing at it.
But you can't if you
don't trust yourself.
You just need some
self confidence.
Yeah, I can, you
know, I can do that.
Look how great you've gotten
at your night custodian job.
Night security.
- You always get that wrong.
- Security?
Yeah, security.
But that's not like a job,
it's just what I'm doing
to get rid of my debt.
- Right.
- It doesn't really count.
How's it going hanging
out at your mum's house?
It's tough, you remember,
she was so proud when she
finally got that house
and now that she's gone,
I can't just, you
know, get rid of it.
No, you can't.
But I'm sure she'd already
be disappointed enough in me
as it is, right?
Working random jobs and living
alone, single, no boyfriend.
Okay, first of all, you're
not alone, you have Brutus.
Brutus is a fish.
A great fish.
And secondly, you put
your whole life on hold
to take care of her
while she was sick.
I mean, it only makes
sense that you're playing
a little bit of
catch-up right now.
You know, you're
figuring things out,
figuring out who you are.
And I know for a fact that
she'd be so proud of you.
Why don't you clock out,
get some rest before
your night shift.
Are you sure, I can stay.
Nah, it's okay,
plus I know I can chase
off customers on my own.
Oh, that's very funny.
Okay Brutus, what've we got?
Bill, ooh, credit
card offer, bill.
You're gonna need to start
paying rent little buddy.
And reminding me when I'm late.
And I got you
And I got you
And I got you
Keller, you're late.
I know, sorry Bertie,
I lost track of time.
You know who never
loses track of time?
Yeah, thought you
were gonna say that.
You see shenanigans is
the reason why we exist.
But you gotta be extra vigilant,
they can take any form.
A fake fire alarm, an
unexpected raccoon,
some kid with a bottle
of shaving cream
and a sob story about
forgetting his sandwich
in the bathroom.
Believe me, that's not a trick
you fall for a third time.
I'm gonna take your word for it.
All right, make sure
you do your patrols.
You got it.
Don't touch any
buttons, all right?
Okay, bye Bertie.
We have already heard six
versions of get your vacay on,
the next person who pitches
me get your vacay on,
is going to be on
permanent vacay on.
- Oh!
- Oh, oh my God, oh.
I'm so sorry.
That's okay.
Where've you been?
- Me?
- Yeah.
Oh, I was just
picking up a sandwich
and then I threw
it on the floor.
Oh, we need you in here.
Erin go to Bruisers and
get another roast turkey.
Oh, they close in five minutes.
Well you'd better run then.
Oh, no mayo!
Yeah sure, sure.
Okay, what've we got?
How about, how about this?
Get your vacay on, huh?
And I didn't think my
day could get any worse.
Ugh, God.
Oh, what's going on in here?
Bertie, I thought
I heard something.
Yep, shenanigans, except no.
'Cause clearly the
room is empty, so.
Yeah, I once thought
a room was empty.
Turns out, it was
full of teenagers
dressed up like mannequins.
Right, well shall we?
All right Bertie, it
was a quiet night.
Yeah, except for the
conference room incident.
Wasn't really an incident.
That's how incidents
always begin.
Right, well I'm off to help
Joan with some inventory,
so I'll see you tomorrow Bertie.
See you tomorrow.
Just add...
Oh no, no, no, no, no!
Lacey, back so soon?
Okay, Bertie yeah, I just,
I forgot I have to
go to the bathroom.
I've been there, sister.
Look, I know we're all
exhausted at this point
but we don't have it,
we gotta keep pushing.
Take a seat.
We gotta come up
with something good.
We've got some good ideas
but nothing solid, you know?
I don't know.
- I know it's hard
- Excuse me.
But we just gotta push through.
Thank you, no, no.
I don't know, do
you need something?
Me, nope, I think
you said it all.
Really, just working hard and
yeah I think that's it, so.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
All right guys well...
Who do you want to Empress?
Empress yourself, no
ordinary vacation.
This is what you guys
have been working on?
Well it's not everything.
There's a couple of
other really good ideas,
well this is a strong one.
Get your vacay on.
Get my what?
It's a terrible idea, I
don't like that one either.
Yeah, I don't like that
one either, that's bad.
Bad, let's cross that one off.
What's all this stuff?
You know what...
Empress, all inclusive resorts.
Is this yours?
So why is this in here?
Right, I was just
actually, I was just leaving.
And not up on the
wall with the others?
Wait, what?
This is great, just
add you, I like that.
It's clever, it stimulates
the imagination,
it's guest centric,
it's everything
we've been talking
about, right Greg?
Yeah, yeah.
I like it, I want
mock-ups on my desk
by tomorrow afternoon,
good work everybody.
You heard the man,
let's get working on that.
Excuse me.
Excuse me?
Hello, hey, wait up, hi!
I'm Greg.
- Hi.
- Excuse me.
Do I know you, do you work here?
Yes, bye.
Valerie Staken, right?
Mikey said he'd
made you an offer
but I thought you went
to Wolf and Waldren?
Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea,
I'm gonna do that.
Oh no, no, no, no, no, not
with that idea you're not.
I've seen my brother
smile at about six pitches
in his entire life and the
other five were his, so.
Cynthia, meet Miss
Valerie Staken.
I thought you went
to Wolf and Waldren.
Well I...
She's staying here with us, now.
How nice you came
in to save the day for us.
Erin, I'm gonna set her
up in Chuck's old office
and we need to get her
down with Mary Kate ASAP,
she needs to work on this
mock-ups, you'll love her.
Wait, I think you're...
- Mistaken?
- Yes!
Miss Taken I'll just need
you to stop by my desk
this afternoon to fill
out some paperwork.
There's been a mix-up.
I know, I know and I'm
gonna fix that, okay?
I don't know who told me
you were supposed to
go to Wolf and Waldren,
but I'm fixing that right now.
She's nice.
I already work here.
Yeah, you should get back to it.
I know, we'll get you a
bigger office as soon as we can.
No this is amazing.
It's just I...
Is it the bonus?
Because you deserve it.
No, bonus, what bonus?
The sales bonus,
if Empress hires us,
you get a $5,000 bonus.
Hey, are you all right?
Yeah, it's in your contract.
I didn't see that.
Yeah, who reads
those things anyway.
So you'll let me know if
you need anything, right?
Yeah, I think I'm all set.
- Great.
- Okay.
So happy you're here.
You took the job?
Well, yes.
I've known you my whole life
so I might have missed this part
but when exactly did
you lose your mind?
Okay, look, Joanie,
I love working with you
at the jewelry store.
No you don't.
No, I don't actually, I don't.
I kinda suck at it.
You're not great.
It's not where
I'm supposed to be.
And where you're supposed to be
is at a job you've never done
taking another woman's identity
at a place you already
work, makes sense!
Look, at the end of the week,
they're pitching
Empress Resorts,
they choose my
idea, I get a bonus
and that's it, bada boom,
bada bing, I'm outta there.
And it's enough
money for me to get
caught up on my mortgage.
Wow, what about
your security job?
What about it, I keep it.
So you're gonna work all
night and then work all day?
Well, I mean I get off at five
and the security job
doesn't start until 11
so I'll run home and I'll sleep
for a few hours in between,
it'll be fine.
I mean, the only real
problem would be that
I'll have to dodge
Bertie's daily patrol but...
And everyone else
while you're in uniform.
No, no, no, no one else
knows I even exist there,
trust me, they're way too busy.
But I can do it.
One week.
One week, that's it.
Yeah, it'll be a piece of cake.
Walkie check one-two.
Walkie check, come back.
Hey Lacey.
Oh hey Bertie.
What are you working on there?
This, oh, just writing a letter.
Oh yeah, to who?
To myself, to my future self.
Oh, well tell you I said hi.
I will do that.
Everything okay Lacey?
Are you sure?
Yep, yeah, I was just doing
some training exercises,
like you told me
because, you know,
you can never be too careful.
I hear you sister.
Physical fitness is
of chief importance.
Lacey, forgot your book.
What've we got?
Did you hear that?
I'm on it.
Apple shenanigans.
Oh yeah, yeah for
sure, I mean, looks good.
Thank you, I appreciate that.
I'm so, I'm so
sorry, are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
- You're not bleeding.
No, I'm fine.
Don't worry you're not bleeding.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- I was just so excited
- I'm fine.
To get to work.
That's what we like to see here.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, excitement.
Yeah, settling in okay?
Yeah, couldn't be smoother.
Okay, if you'll excuse me,
I gotta go talk to Mikey.
Oh, his head!
How're the mock-ups
coming along?
- Huh?
- The mock-ups.
Oh, great, yeah, really good,
I came up with a few
new ideas last night
that I'm really excited about.
Yeah, do you think
you could tell me
where Mary Kate's office is?
Oh yeah, it's, you know what?
Why don't you get some coffee
and I'll bring the
mock-ups to Mary Kate?
Oh, are you sure?
Yes, it's no problem.
That's very nice of you Cynthia.
Really use that cup
of coffee too, right?
I get it, it's no problem.
Okay, thanks, bye.
Hey bro.
Hey, I hear you've
been looking for me?
I have, so.
How great is the campaign?
I mean, I think Empress
is gonna love it.
Actually, I've been thinking.
Uh-oh, you've been thinking?
Yeah, I wanna run this campaign.
You wanna run the campaign?
You think you're ready
to run the campaign?
I've been working
on it for months now,
and you saw what I did
with the Martley and
Mitchel campaigns.
Greg, Empress Resorts
is a big job buddy.
I mean, it's a dozen
properties in eight countries.
I know, I can do it
bro, I'm ready for this.
Look you're always telling me,
you want me to assume some
more responsibility, right?
Gimme a shot.
All right, I'll tell you what,
if you nail it and we get the
account, the job is yours.
All right, you won't
regret it, thanks buddy.
Don't thank me
yet, it's a big if.
I'd better get
back to work then.
Yeah, you better
get back to work.
And I'm gonna give
you your office back.
Thanks, bro.
Good morning Miss Staken.
Oh please, you can
call me La, Valerie.
How about just Val?
Val it is, so I
stocked your desk,
we have Post-its,
pens, paperclips,
but let me know if there's
anything else you need.
Oh, and you're meeting with
Greg got pushed to noon
so I will get you some
lunch from Bruisers.
Oh, okay.
Oh gosh, any recommendations?
Oh, I never get lunch.
Oh, is this place bad?
No, no, I'm just
not normally included
in the lunch orders,
it's execs only.
Oh, well what would you get?
People love the roast turkey.
Perfect, roast turkey
it is and espresso.
You got it La-Valerie.
Oh, Erin.
- Oh!
- Ah!
- Hi.
- Hi, can I come in?
Yes, please, sorry, I
wasn't expecting you.
It's okay, I kinda feel a
little nervous about this,
so I wanna go over
the mock-ups once more
before the meeting,
is that okay?
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.
All right, good, we're all
set up the conference room.
Okay, oh no, wait, why
don't we just do it in here?
Because we're all set
up in the conference room.
Yeah but who wants to be
in a huge conference room
when we can be
here, in my office?
You know, here, with the
blinds closed, or open.
Okay, yeah, I'll
go get everything.
Wait no.
No you're right,
let's just do it in
the conference room.
So, how'd the
brainstorm go last night?
Oh, great yeah, I came up
with some new ideas actually,
but I gave them to Cynthia
to take down to Mary Kate
this morning, so,
otherwise I'd show you.
Oh you can just
talk me through 'em.
- Oh.
- Oh!
Is everything okay?
Yeah, yeah, everything's
fine, why'd you ask?
Because you're
standing on my foot.
Oh, sorry.
It's okay, are you
sure you're all right?
'Cause you seem a
little distracted.
Wow, oh, this is amazing.
Oh my gosh, yesterday
these were just sketches
and today they're
here, they're real.
Seems like you've never
seen one of your ideas
turned into a mock-up before.
No, I have, of course I have.
I just, these are just,
Mary Kate's images are just
exactly what I had in mind.
Oh yeah, she's the best.
Oh, speaking of the
best, for photography.
Jane Carr, ever worked with her?
'Cause she's got
such an amazing eye.
I think she'd be
perfect for this.
I mean it's up to
you, of course,
but I think she'd
be perfect for this.
Yeah, I do too, I
think that sounds...
Yeah, yes totally.
No, I think it's
actually really good,
it hits the family
angle for them.
Yeah, I think it's perfect.
Yeah, I do too.
It's like, and you can
have a different, you know,
like twins or you
know, just two...
Twins are always good.
Yes, always, right?
Double the trouble,
double the fun.
Oh, Cynthia, what do
you think about this?
Two kids maybe on a beach
somewhere, in the air,
possibly piggybacking
Piggybacking, yeah.
And we do, just add
you for the parents.
Clever, yeah.
Val just came up with that.
Well no, we came
up with it together.
Like a joint effort, right.
Yes, it was, it was
totally joint effort.
Brilliant and
modest, how lovely.
Mary Kate made copies,
the mock-ups will be ready
in time for the meeting.
Oh, yes, thank you Cynthia.
Oh, could you tell Erin
to move my 3 o' clock?
Yeah, wait, I'm your 3 o' clock.
Oh you're my 3 o' clock?
Well, that's okay,
you don't mind right?
I mean, I wanna personally take
Val down to meet Mary Kate.
We really need to talk about
Flemming's new produce line.
We will, we will, we will...
Oh Erin, can you
move our 3 o' clock
to sometime next week?
Just push it off.
You are an angel, right.
Oh wait, wait, wait,
don't go away, here.
Oh, no, I can't take your lunch.
How can you recommend
the roast turkey sandwich
if you're never tried it?
You have to, it's for work.
Thank you.
What, seriously, thank you.
You're the one
that got us lunch.
Thank you Erin.
Thank you Erin.
So should we get
started or should we have?
Oh yeah, no we should
get right into it actually.
Okay, what you got
for us Cynthia?
We have four mock-ups so far,
I dropped three more
sketches off to Mary Kate
and she's working on them now.
Well let's focus on
two or three of those
for the first pitch, okay?
Absolutely, that's
what we should do.
Well done man, well done.
I think these are gonna work
across print, TV and digital.
Empress is gonna
be very very happy.
It's new girl Val, I'm
telling you man, she's a genius.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Well why don't you and the
genius keep working on it?
What'd you mean, I thought
you said you liked the ideas.
I do, I love 'em, now
let's see if you can beat 'em
and we will pick the
finalists tomorrow.
You're very difficult to
work with, you know that?
I do know that.
Great job Greg,
way to step it up.
You have got to stop
lurking outside of my door!
You have to stop opening
the door before I knock.
What're you doing?
It's 5 o' clock, I'm going
home, what do you mean?
You can't go home now.
But I...
I talked to Mikey
and he loves everything
but he wants at least a few
more ideas for tomorrow, so.
It's gonna be a late night.
Erin, can you take
dinner orders please?
Gonna be a late night.
I have somewhere to be, so.
What, you got a side
hustle to pay the bills?
No seriously, look,
Empress is priority
right now, all right?
So, cancel it, and remember,
smile, it's gonna be fun.
Do you know what you'd
like for dinner Val?
We have Mexican,
Chinese, Italian...
Does he do this a lot?
Work late, every week.
And you have to
stay with him, right?
The thing about Greg is
he's not inconsiderate,
he's just completely oblivious.
He's passionate
about what he does,
you know it's a lot of pressure
following in the
family footsteps
and sometimes I think
that's all he can see.
Lucky for us.
Why don't I get
you another espresso?
Make it a double.
All right, do we have
enough about the pool cabana?
We've got the pool cabana.
Okay, and do
we have the swim-up bar?
We've got the swim-up bar.
We have the swim-up bar,
we've got the stand-up bar,
we have the poolside cabana
drink service, we've got it all.
Am I over doing it?
Maybe a little.
I'm sorry, I knew it, I just,
you know, this is my
first major solo account
and I just wanna
prove it to Mikey.
His approval means a
lot to you, doesn't it?
Well, you know, he was
the older brother, so,
you know, he was always
the first, the favorite,
the most muscular, I
don't know, I just.
You just want
something of your own.
You know honestly,
it's not even about him,
I just wanna prove it to myself.
Yeah, I get that.
You got siblings?
No, I just I get it
and I know what it's like
to wanna prove
yourself to yourself.
Really, I mean, you're
doing such great work,
I don't know how you
have room for self doubt.
Well thank you but you are
not doing so bad yourself boss.
Well how 'bout we prove
ourselves to ourselves together?
Yes, yes, I like
that, that's good, yes.
Well we don't have to?
No, no, I just mean, it's 11,
it's after 11 Yes, this is late.
So I'm going to double
check everything tonight
and I will drop everything off
to the printer in
the morning, okay?
Well, how about I walk you out?
No, someone is
waiting for me, so.
Oh, oh, you have a someone.
No, no no, I don't, I have,
not like a someone, someone.
Just like a someone
but do you have?
Oh no, I don't have
a someone, no someone.
Oh, good, I mean not like,
I don't mean like, good.
- I just mean like, you know.
- I get it.
No but it's good.
- Good?
- Good.
Yeah, so.
Okay, so, goodnight Greg.
All right, good night.
Good night.
Get home safe.
This is private property.
punishable by arrest.
Something about this stairwell.
Stairwell clear.
Lacey, I didn't see you come in.
Oh, well I did otherwise
I wouldn't be here, right?
Are you already doing
the rounds, it's early.
Yeah, just doing a quick
check of the parameter.
You know, you can never
be too careful, right?
All right.
It's getting late,
you should get home.
- Yeah, I gotta feed my cat.
- Right.
Hey, you ever hear any
funny noises in the hallways
or in the stairwell?
Forget it, nothing,
I'll see you tomorrow.
Good night Bertie.
Okay, let's see.
All right, so they're
not, I mean, perfect but...
They're sketches, I get that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wow, Lacey.
I'm so glad you came and
brought this, thank you,
you're seriously,
you're a lifesaver.
Well you know.
How did you know?
I went by your
place this afternoon,
you weren't there so I
figured you got stuck at work.
Yeah, you figured right.
So, how's it going?
Well, aside from
the sleep deprivation
and the unremitting
anxiety, pretty great.
Yeah, that sounds great.
Oh and Greg.
The cute one.
He's so cute, he's
just so, I don't know,
he's just so dreamy.
He's great and he
loves all of my ideas,
we've been working
together a ton
and they turned some
of my sketches into full sized artwork.
Can you believe that?
That's incredible.
I know, it's amazing, it
feels like, I don't know,
for the first time, it
feels like I might actually
be really good at this.
Anyway, they have this new
client coming in next month,
it's for this, like,
this restaurant.
Wait, next month?
I thought this was only
supposed to be for a week?
I mean, I know.
Whoa, Lacey.
I know.
Look, I'm so happy that
you've found something
that you love, I really am, but
don't you remember the plan?
Get in, get the
bonus, get out before...
Before I get too
attached, I know.
I was gonna say
arrested but yeah.
Arrested, arrested?
You're committing fraud.
Joan, come on.
You have a plan.
I'm not, that's...
Stick to the plan.
You don't have to make me
feel bad about it, I have...
Stick to the plan.
Okay, I know, you're right.
You're right, you're
right, you're right.
It's gonna be okay.
Oh good, you're here early.
Cynthia wants to meet with
us, conference room in five?
Okay, bring the final version
of the ads for the printer.
You got it.
Okay, let's wrap this up.
Lacey are those
the final versions?
Actually I was thinking
about the idea of just add you,
and it's fine but I think
it's missing something.
I was thinking maybe we could
just open it up a little bit?
A couple meets at a
bar, just add romance.
A rock climbers climbing off
of a wall, just add adventure.
A family is walking down
a beach, just add fun.
These are really good Cynthia
but I think we
should stick with the
just add you tagline
for this pitch, okay?
I think that this expands
the world of the ad.
It could also muddy the water.
Just add you, it's clean,
invites the audience
into the ad, you know?
Also our presentation
is in a few hours,
so I think we should
stick with what we got.
I disagree actually, I think
that this shows the client
that we can expand
beyond the initial idea.
Val what do you think?
I don't know.
It's your creative,
what'd you think
about Cynthia's ideas?
Well I mean, I think
they're good ideas.
But should we include
them in the pitch?
I, um, ooh.
You know what, I'll
make the call on this one.
Sorry Cynthia, it's good
but we'll table them
for maybe later on
in the campaign.
Okay, anything else?
No, we good?
Yes, I triple checked
everything last night,
so we're good, we're all set.
All right, get those to
the printer immediately
and I'll see you
guys in a few hours.
- Okay, this is it?
- Yeah.
Big day, game time.
Hey Cynthia, I really, I
did think it was a good idea.
Yeah, don't worry about it.
Wait, maybe Greg's right,
maybe later in the campaign?
I've gotta get
these to the printer.
Okay, yeah, 10 minute nap.
Valerie, Valerie?
Hey Val.
Oh yes, yes, Val, that's me,
I was just heading to my office.
Yeah, do you have a second?
Oh, sure what's up?
I just put together a
little supporting material
for your pitch, I thought maybe
you might wanna take a look?
Oh, thank you Erin, wow.
Oh my gosh, this is great.
No, it's nothing.
This is not nothing,
are you kidding me?
Market research, competitive
analysis, growth potential,
you did all this?
Can I show you one more thing?
Yeah sure, is something wrong?
You tell me, it looks like
you haven't slept in a week.
Oh, I'm just tired.
No need to explain,
I have been chronically
sleep deprived myself.
I've actually been taking night
classes the last few years
and with the tests and
the homework, it's been...
What, what are you studying?
Marketing, I was, graduation's
actually this weekend.
My God, congratulations!
Thanks, it's been a long
few years, working all day,
class at night but it's been
a dream of mine forever.
And now it's finally happening.
I can't believe no
one said anything.
I didn't tell 'em.
What, why?
Well you know Greg and Cynthia
are so busy with
Empress and they...
Erin, I'm sure they
would wanna know.
Look, I love my job
but Greg and Cynthia
don't worry to much
about what I'm up to
as long as their
calendars are updated
and their lunch
orders are right.
Still, you need to celebrate.
- I am celebrating.
- Good!
Tonight, my entire family's
coming in from North Dakota,
I'm actually picking
them up right after work.
But right now,
I'm sharing my secret nap room.
No one ever comes in here,
so sometimes I grab a quick
nap on my lunch break.
This is the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.
But I really shouldn't.
You really should, you
don't wanna be falling asleep
during the Empress
meeting this afternoon.
I've got you covered.
Well maybe, just
for a little bit.
I'll wake you for lunch.
Erin, congratulations.
You should be so
proud of yourself.
Thank you, Val.
Where's Val?
She had an
important appointment,
she'll be back in
time for the pitch.
Well, tell her I got
the conference room
set up for her so
she is good to go.
That was nice of you.
I'm a really nice person.
Val, Valerie!
Secure one.
- What?
- What?
Val, the meeting is starting
soon, time to get up.
You might wanna double
check the conference room.
Okay, here we go.
You ready for this?
Yes, I can't wait.
Neither can I.
Right this way, right this way,
take a seat over here
if you wouldn't mind,
we're excited to show
you what we have,
take a seat here,
we're very excited to
present this campaign to you.
Look forward to your
thoughts, thank you.
Take a seat.
- Ready?
- Yeah, here we go.
Hi everyone.
Empress Resorts, it's
an all inclusive resort,
it offers your guests
fun, food and activities
and all just steps away
from your hotel room.
And, all included in
that one final price.
But there is one thing
that isn't included.
And that's what this
campaign is about.
Your guests, right?
We are gonna show your guests
everything that Empress
has to offer, right?
And a dream vacation doesn't
have to just be a dream.
In fact, it's as easy
as just showing up.
Just add you.
So, we got, fun, family
and fish, just add you.
- Dinner, dancing and drinks.
- Greg.
Just add you.
- Sun, sand and sea.
- Greg.
Just add you.
And all at Impress.
All at...
You know what,
well it looks like we
aren't quite as prepared
as I thought we were,
if you wouldn't mind just
stepping back down to my office
while we sort this out, I
would appreciate that, okay?
Sorry about that.
Just right this way.
Just give us a moment, okay?
All right, just
give us a moment.
Just a moment, please.
- Greg?
- Yeah?
- Come with me.
- Oh wait Greg...
Not now.
Is it over already?
Yeah, we had a
problem with the artwork.
Who was in charge
of proofing it?
I was but I checked it,
I mean, I know I did, I
checked it like hundred times.
I just, I don't.
I checked it.
No, yep, I get it, thank you.
Thank you so much Larry.
All right, I appreciate
it, I owe you one, bye.
What'd they say?
They think we're idiots.
I know that part.
You're lucky I play poker
with his head of marketing,
he thinks he can get
us a second chance.
Oh, thanks Mikey, oh my gosh,
I'll give you all the
files so you can just...
Give me the files?
I don't want the files.
No, no, no, pal,
this is all you.
You've gotta go out
there and save it.
They're angry.
Yeah, they're angry.
Well, you know, we couldn't
even remember the client's name,
so, I mean really, when we can't
remember the client's name,
how much attention are we
actually paying to the campaign?
This is because you rely
too much on your people.
This is up to you, don't
rely on your people.
I know, I know, it's my fault.
I should have double
checked everything.
Absolutely and now you know.
So, get on it, go
make this right.
I don't understand.
I mean, I checked it, I
know that I checked it,
I checked it a thousand times.
I talked to Mary Kate
and she said she doesn't
even have the originals
so Cynthia, did you?
I dropped them off
at the art department.
I don't know what
happened after that.
Did we lose the account?
They're giving
us a second chance.
Oh, that's great.
Okay, all right, I'm gonna
talk to Mary Kate and I...
You know, I don't think
we're gonna need you
on this one anymore, Val.
What, what'd you mean?
Cynthia and I can take
it from here, thanks.
You should get back to work.
Yeah okay.
Is everything okay?
What, what, yeah, what're
you still doing here?
I'm leaving now, I just
wanna make sure you're okay.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
Are you sure you're all right?
Yes, I'm good, you should
get outta here though.
Tonight's your big
night, go celebrate,
yeah congratulations.
Erin can you take dinner orders,
it's gonna be
another late night.
I actually can't stay...
Erin, we almost just
lost the Empress campaign,
I need all hands on deck.
I know but I actually...
Just take the orders now please.
Everything okay, ma'am?
Emotional shenanigans.
Wow, Impress Resorts?
So I'm guessing they
were not impressed?
No, they just walked
out and Greg, oh my God.
The cute one?
Yeah, well, he's not
that cute when he's angry.
What am I saying, yes he is
and that makes it so
much worse, oh God.
Maybe it was a printing error?
Could be, who knows?
Yeah, I don't know.
But I guess that is the
end of Valerie Staken.
Well, least she last longer
than I thought she would.
Whoa, what's that
supposed to mean?
No, you just, you know.
Wait, no, what?
I mean this isn't like
it's out of the ordinary.
- What?
- You try,
and then there's like a
little hiccup and you bail.
Little hiccup, this
was not a little...
A little, a big, a
big ginormous loud one.
I'm just saying that, you
know, you go to a certain point
and then it gets too
hard and you're out.
That is not true.
I don't do that.
The coffee shop.
Oh come on, those beans
were not locally sourced.
The pet store.
I was allergic to the
rabbits, I mean that's...
The bead shop, the library.
Okay, all right, Joan,
you've made your point.
That's not my point.
Look, okay, my point is, and
I love you like a sister,
my point is that you can do
anything you put your mind to.
I just hope that you set
your mind to something
before it's too late.
What you think,
any advice Brutus?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
I can't believe
I didn't check it
before it went to the printer.
No, it's not your
fault, I mean none of us
would have thought Val would
make such an obvious mistake.
Well, from now on,
everything comes through me,
I wanna go in there with the
right material this time.
You think it's enough?
What'd you mean?
I mean, we just
offended our clients
and then chased
them outta the room.
We the just add you
campaign, you know?
It's gonna be associated
in their heads now
with the Impress Resorts.
What'd you suggest?
Bring a new idea to the
table, something different.
Maybe my idea of expanding
the just add you tag.
I don't know, I mean,
they were pretty specific
with us what they wanted.
Well we bring something
different to the table,
something that helps them
forget about that pitch.
Okay, let's give
it another look.
Nothing gets by old Bertie.
Erin, what are you
still doing here?
Aren't you supposed to
be with your family?
Greg asked me to stay.
Erin, don't take
this the wrong way
but if you are not out of here
and on your way to the airport
in the next 60
seconds, you're fired.
I gotta get these ordered.
59, 58.
Are you sure that you can?
50 seconds.
Thank you Val.
Erin, will
you bring my portfolio?
Some coffee.
Erin's leaving.
I sent her home.
Excuse me?
No, excuse me, Greg.
Did you even know why
she needed the night off?
I didn't think...
Know you didn't think about it,
because you never
ever think about Erin.
She's graduating, this
weekend, and her entire family
is in town right
now, waiting for her.
Well she didn't say
anything about that.
You never even
gave her the chance.
And what about you?
You barely even acknowledge her,
I've only been here for
what, a week, a week,
and I can already see
that Erin is the glue
that holds this
entire place together.
Didn't I send you home?
Yeah, you did Greg and
that's another thing,
I'm not going home.
This is my creative and
it's a damn good one.
So we're gonna stick with it
and here's what
you're gonna do next.
You're gonna call a florist
and you're gonna order
the most beautiful
bouquet of flowers
to be sitting on Erin's desk
by the time she arrives
tomorrow morning.
And then, we're gonna get
some coffee for ourselves,
this time, and then we're
gonna fix this mess.
Any questions?
No, good, let's move.
What was that about?
I don't know but
I kinda liked it.
What are you doing?
Oh, I'm ordering
flowers for Erin.
Can you get me a
hazelnut, two sugars.
Yes, hello, hi, I need a big
beautiful bouquet of flowers.
I called the
right place, that's good.
Okay, it's a business, yes.
Wants me to get him a coffee.
Yeah, what am I, an assistant,
one of your interns?
Yeah, I'll get a coffee for
you and your little girlfriend.
Still got it.
Sleeping shenanigans.
I mean, we all feel
like it's a great idea,
so it just takes some finesse.
Yeah, okay, well let's
go over all the options.
I agree, okay, I'm
gonna get my portfolio.
You okay?
I think I'm having a new idea.
Are you?
Nope, false alarm.
You know what, it's past 11
so let's just pick
this up tomorrow.
- It's kinda late so,
- But we just got
okay, great.
The ball rolling.
She just gets to leave.
It's just the way she
works, it's her method.
Method to the madness.
To catch a rat, you
must become a cat.
We got one!
Boo, what's going on in here?
Bertie, I...
Wait a minute, you
decided to get in
the phantom sleeper's bed?
To get in the phantom
sleeper's head.
Oh, that's the name I'm
trying it, what'd you think?
Phantom sleeper.
Yes, that's exactly
what I've been doing.
Okay, so what did we learn.
Well, I'll tell
ya, Bertie, nothing.
There's no way to get
inside the head of
a maniac like this.
All we can do is wait.
Come on back to the
desk, I brought donuts.
Aww, you know actually,
I'm just gonna stay here
for a few more minutes.
Can't let go of the case.
No, I get it.
These look great,
what did Empress say?
They're coming back on
Monday for another meeting.
I mean, I think we might
be able to pull this off.
Good, now onto more
important things.
You got a date
tonight for the gala?
Everyone's busy.
Well, you know there's
no harm in going stag.
I was thinking about
maybe asking Valerie.
Valerie who almost
lost us a major account
in her first week Valerie?
I know, yeah yeah, I
mean she made a mistake
but since then, or
even before then,
her work's been
pretty darn good.
I remember when I
really liked Gwen's work.
And we've been
married what, 10 years now?
Whoa, hey, yeah,
don't use that word,
it's just a date not a proposal.
What're you waiting for, hmm?
Hey, I was looking for you.
Hi, here I am.
Are you free tonight?
I have the day off, so.
The night, I have the night off.
Why, why'd you ask?
Well the Marketing Awards
Gala is this evening
and I was wondering
if you'd like to go.
As my date.
Unless you got?
No, I would.
- You don't have to.
- No, I want to.
Unless you don't.
No, I do, I definitely do.
Yeah okay, so, then I do too.
Well it's a date.
Okay, great, it's a date.
Letting myself down
- Great.
- Okay.
Oh, and I got you
And I got you on my mind
And I got you in my head
Joan, we have an emergency.
What was I thinking?
I mean, I can't go
to the gala, right?
- I mean,
- Why?
I, you know, I'm gonna
need shoes and a bag
and hair and make-up and jewelry
and it's just, it's too much.
You would let
me borrow something?
Well you're gonna give it back.
No, I can't, I can't do it.
I mean, what if I go there and
I see somebody that I know,
or worse, what if Greg
sees that I know no one
and then he gets suspicious
and then the whole thing.
Oh, oh, you're hurting my head.
Are you worried about
the gala part of the date
or the date part of the gala?
You're crushing hard.
What, no I'm not.
So hard Lacey.
No, I am not, no, it's
not a, no, that's not.
That's, it's, that's, I'm not.
It's a professional.
Crush, it's a
crush, it's a crush!
It is.
God, you're right,
I can't but still, it's not,
Val can't like Greg,
I mean that's crazy.
Does Lacey know that?
No, how am I supposed to
go out on a date with a guy
that I have been lying
to since we first met.
That's how most my
relationships start.
Joan, be serious.
I know, I just think you
know what you need to do.
No, no, don't say that I
have to tell him the truth,
please don't say that.
Oh, I'm so glad I
didn't have to say it.
I can't, there's no
way, I can't do it.
He would hate me, I can't.
Lacey, nothing good
comes without risks.
Besides, who could resist
that beautiful face?
Not that face, don't do
the lip thing, on the date.
Just, that one, unresistable.
Or irresistible, I
don't know what I'm doing.
I own a jewelry store
or not a library.
Okay, okay, what'd I wear?
Knock knock.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You look great.
Thank you, you ready?
Almost, yeah,
just waiting on Val.
Oh, Val, she's coming?
Yeah, I invited her.
These awards are for
the work we did last year
and she wasn't here, so.
I know, she's coming as my date.
Oh, that's her now.
Hey Val.
Hey, I'm downstairs.
Everything okay?
Yeah, yeah, everything's
good, just enjoying the weather.
Okay, we'll be right down.
All right, let's go.
Gosh, this is so exciting.
And you look beautiful Cynthia.
Oh, thank you,
you look stunning.
What's wrong, are
you okay, what's wrong?
I don't have the tickets.
Oh no, do I
have them, I don't...
Did I put 'em...
I don't think you,
- I don't have 'em.
- Where'd I put 'em?
Oh no, shoot.
I must have left
them at the office.
Well you know what, maybe you
could just talk to security?
No, no, they won't let
you in without a ticket.
You know what, I'm just
gonna run back and grab 'em.
Okay, well I'll go with you.
- Sure?
- Yeah.
No, no, no, you can't because
by the time you come back,
they show's gonna
be halfway over, so.
I don't think we
have any options here.
Well, I have a plus one so,
Greg, you can come with me?
Val, you don't mind do you?
No, no, I, yeah, no that's...
No no, no, I mind,
I'm not leaving my date.
- No, no, no, it's okay.
- No, no, no.
Yeah, well, we have
to, you're nominated so.
Mikey's nominated, we're
just there to clap for him,
really, Cynthia, it's okay,
you can go in, we'll be fine.
- We'll be fine, really.
- Okay.
I insist, okay.
Bye, have fun!
Yeah, you too.
I mean come on, we're in the
city, we're all dressed up.
What are you thinking about
going to get some food?
Yeah, yeah, I'd love that.
Good, I'm starving.
I'm sorry about that.
I'm actually relieved.
Thank you, oh this is so lovely.
- It's great.
- Yeah, it's perfect.
- Perfect.
- Yeah, nice.
Yeah, should we sit here?
Yeah, for sure, we can sit here.
Want me to take your jacket?
Yes, thank you.
There you go.
Oh gosh.
Oh, oh.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, no, that's okay, I
can just, you can just.
I'll just put it.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Over here?
That's fine, that's fine.
- So, here we are.
- This is great, yeah.
Do you come here a lot?
A couple times a week.
Oh cool.
Yeah, oh, here we go.
- Hello.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- That's great.
Do you like cabernet?
Yeah, yeah, whatever, if
it says wine on the label,
it's good with me, so you pick.
Oh, we'll do the
2004, thank you.
That was a really
good year for me.
Was it, oh not for me.
I had bangs that year,
not a good year for me.
It really wasn't.
That's cute, I guess.
So I didn't get a
chance to say it
when I was throwing
your coat on the floor,
but you look beautiful.
Thank you, that's very sweet.
You look great as
well, I like your.
Oh yeah, bow tie?
Your bow tie, yeah, looks great.
Thought I'd go with it.
Looks good, you
look very sharp, boss.
Oh, you know what,
there's no boss tonight.
It's just Greg and Valerie,
two real people on a date.
So, tell me about yourself.
Well you know really all
there is to know, so, you know.
I know you have hidden depths.
Sorry about that,
that was embarrassing.
What were you saying?
You know, I've been
trying tell you that
I know we've only been working
for what, like a week, now?
And I already feel like
I know you, is that weird?
No, I feel that way too.
Good, I mean advertising
can be so cutthroat, you know?
But you, it's like you're
from a different world.
I like it, I really like it,
'cause I get to be
myself around you.
And I just hope you can
be yourself around me.
Greg, I need to tell you.
That I think that
we should order.
Great idea.
And I am going to
have the chicken parm.
Come on, two of those please.
Oh were you gonna?
That's exactly what
I was gonna order.
See, it's like we're already
on the same wavelength.
Yeah, it's kinda like that.
Amazing, hey, cheers.
Really, sugarade,
now with less lemon.
- Yeah, I'm serious.
- Wow.
I mean Mikey hates that story
but I mean, I actually think
that was like the first sign
of his advertising
genius, right?
10 years old and
he knew that kids
just wanted more sugar
in their lemonade.
I gotta say, you really
really admire your brother.
Well, you know, he's the
best at what he does, so.
Yeah, what about you?
Me, what about me?
You know, what have you
always wanted to be the best at?
Is it advertising?
Yeah, I mean, yeah,
Best of Best is, you know,
was my grandfather's, then my
grandfather's and my dad's,
then my dad's and Mikey's
and now Mikey's and mine.
So, it's family
business, you know.
Yeah, it's where
I'm supposed to be.
What about you?
What about me?
When did you get
into advertising?
You know, pretty
recently actually.
Wow, you've sure got a
knack at it, my goodness,
I mean, I don't know
what we would've done
without you on the
Empress campaign, so.
Oh, fine.
No, I'm serious, I'm
actually really looking forward
to see what you do
with the next one.
I really think you
have a future here.
You know, if that's
what you want.
Greg, I need to
tell you something.
I have to go.
I have to go, thank
you for everything.
Everything all right Mr Best?
Hey Bertie, I'm not too sure.
So you didn't tell him?
No, I didn't tell him.
I mean, you don't get
it, he was sitting there
and he was opening up to me
and I felt like a fraud.
I felt like a complete fraud
and I just, I mean, you
were right about me, Joan,
this is what I do, right?
I get close to something
and I put my all
and then I just bail
and now I can't tell him
because it's gonna be even
worse than before, so.
Lacey, if you
don't tell him now,
it's only gonna
keep getting worse.
You think he'll be happier
to hear it in a month?
Or imagine a year from now?
I don't know, you think
I could wait that long?
Why is the right
thing do to, so hard?
I'm gonna tell him tomorrow.
I'm gonna tell him
first thing tomorrow.
All right men, we've got
terrorists on the rooftop.
I want a sniper team
in the courtyard,
a sniper team in the parking lot
and I wanna take the tank,
I wanna ram it right
through the lobby.
That'll get 'em.
Hi, can you help me?
Sure ma'am, what
can I do for ya?
I think I locked
my keys in my office.
Okay, just tell me which one.
101, Valerie Staken.
All right, right this way.
You know, I thought I left my
sandwich in an office once,
turns it was in my back
pocket the whole time.
It was my soup that
I left in the office.
Oh, wow.
I know, I told my
wife it was a good thing
it wasn't the other way round.
What a story.
You hear that?
Hear what?
I think I heard something,
it's coming from
the supply closet.
All right, stay here ma'am,
no matter how many
shenanigans you hear.
There's no sign of...
Do you know this woman?
Yeah, that's my right hand
lady at the security desk.
When does she work next?
Tomorrow morning, why?
I know when
shenanigans are afoot.
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
Oh, pick up.
Hello this is Greg Best,
leave a message.
Hey Greg, it's me, Val,
from your date last night,
in case you don't remember.
Which you would, obviously,
because it was
only 12 hours ago,
so anyway, just calling
'cause I wanted to talk to you
about something, so if you
could give me a call back,
whenever you have a minute
today, that would be awesome.
Okay, hope you're
having a good day
and call me 'cause
it's important, thanks.
Oh Lacey.
What is so important,
you had to drag me
here on the weekend?
Oh trust me Greg,
you'll understand.
Do you have to move so fast?
Come on!
It's my one day not
to hurry and you're hurrying.
Time for a shenanigans sweep.
Can you stop running?
What are you doing?
Come on Greg.
Come on.
Cynthia, what is it
that we're looking for?
I don't understand I...
You know, whatever it is,
it can wait 'til Monday.
No, no, no, no, no.
Greg, hi, do you have a minute?
Yeah, I'm actually
at the office.
- Greg?
- Valerie?
Valerie, what's going on?
Oh no, that's not Valerie,
her name is Lacey Keller,
building security.
I don't understand.
Listen, there's been...
She lied to us about who she is,
what she does, everything.
No, I didn't lie
about everything.
Is this true?
Okay, so, I tried to
tell you this before.
It's not something you
try to tell someone,
you just tell them.
I never ever meant to...
You lied to us.
You lied to Empress,
you don't know anything
about marketing.
They liked my idea,
You lied about
I didn't lie about everything,
everything they want.
Greg, I'm really sorry, okay?
We almost lost an account.
It's not what you think, okay.
It's just a whole...
Please, please don't.
No, no, no, Greg listen,
- I can explain if you just...
- Don't.
But I didn't mean to hurt you.
Good job.
Greg, I.
Oh, there you are,
did you hear everything?
Is it true?
Bertie, I...
Are you the phantom sleeper?
Okay, it's not what it
seems like, I promise.
The whole time the shenanigans
has been right under my nose.
No, I was.
Lacey I gotta let you go.
But Bertie, I can honestly.
No, you lied to me,
you lied to the company,
I'm sorry, I have no choice.
Honest I can, I
can really explain it
if you just give
me a few minutes.
I'm gonna have
to take your badge.
No, I, okay.
Yeah, I get that.
I get that, I just.
I worked for years
building up my reputation
and you think you're
just gonna step in here?
And take it?
Goodbye Lacey.
I'm really sorry Bertie.
Easy there tiger.
Why Joan?
It's not like I have
anywhere to be tomorrow
now that I've lost all my jobs
and, you know, I'm probably
gonna lose my mom's house too,
so what's the point?
You know, you could come work
with me at the store again?
Joan, I don't wanna
come back to the store.
I don't wanna work
at the jewelry store,
I mean, I wanna have
a purpose, a direction
and I did and then I
just screwed it up,
you know, like I
do with everything.
I don't know what's
wrong with me.
And Greg, oh my
God, Greg, those eyes.
Those big brown
heartbroken eyes,
I mean he, he's probably
never gonna forgive me.
You know what,
just give it time.
I'm sure he'll calm down.
I'm not calming down.
Come on man, she lied
to me about everything.
Her name, her job, her name.
That's two things.
Two's enough.
All right, look, what did
she say when you talked to her?
She didn't say anything.
I didn't really give he an
opportunity to say anything
and I don't plan on it either.
Okay, listen to me,
you are my brother
and I love you, okay?
So take this with
a grain of salt,
but you're being an idiot.
Thanks for your support.
I mean it, look, at least,
what she did was
wrong, okay, but...
But what?
What but, there's
no buts, what but?
But you need to hear
what she has to say
otherwise you're not gonna
be able to let it go.
What about the Empress campaign?
What about it?
It's all hers!
How I'm supposed to pitch it?
She's a security guard, man.
So what, she's a security guard,
it's still a great campaign.
Is it really?
I don't know because
I'm really starting
to question myself right now.
Okay, take a deep
breath, you know why?
'Cause I trust you
and I trust that
you're gonna make a
great decision, about everything, okay?
Cynthia, you still
got those ideas
you were working on for
the Empress campaign?
Get 'em ready.
Yes, I'll get them to
the printer right away.
Get these to a printer ASAP.
I need them for a
meeting this afternoon.
I'll be right with you, oh.
Oh, it's you.
Wait, wait, wait,
listen, I'm Lacey,
no more scary saleswoman,
I promise just a woman
who'd really like to help
you find the perfect ring.
You know, why don't
you start by telling me
a little bit about your fiancee?
She's everything.
Yeah, I mean, is she pretty?
She's beautiful, she has
the most striking blue eyes.
They sparkle when she laughs.
What else?
Well, she's
independent, supportive,
way smarter than I am.
She says the simple things
are what matter most.
She's perfect.
It's gorgeous, the single
stone setting speaks for itself,
sparkling blue to match
her eyes and it's unique,
just like...
But, what if it's not the one,
what if she's not the one?
Listen, I know we don't
know each other very well,
but in this last week
I've learned a lot,
and the most important
thing I learned,
is that you don't
wait to say the thing
that you need to say,
you don't wait to do the
thing that you need to do,
you just do it.
So, do you love her?
Do you wanna spend the
rest of your life with her?
Then you have to take that risk,
otherwise you're
just gonna miss out
on the best thing that
ever happened to you.
All right, I'll take it.
Ah, I have to go.
Joan will be back really soon.
Oh, she's totally gonna say yes.
What kinda jewelry
store is this?
Hey Erin, did you
take Cynthia's work over to the printer?
I put it on her desk,
should I bring it to
the conference room?
Oh no, thanks, I'll
grab it, thank you Erin.
And when we're done
with the pitch today,
I wanna talk to you
about your future here.
Someone recently brought
it to my attention
that we've been
overlooking your potential.
I'd like to change that.
Thank you.
Ah, you got the new prints,
everyone's in the
conference room ready to go.
You sabotaged the presentation?
Wait, what're you talking about?
You changed them?
You changed all of them,
I don't understand,
you'd risk everything
just to mess with Lacey?
Oh Greg, enough
about Lacey okay?
I've worked with you for years,
I've earned my position
and all of a sudden
some security guard comes in
here and she's some genius?
That's ridiculous.
A security guard who's
been better at her job
than any of us.
You're so insecure, you
would risk my account
just to make her look bad.
We're going with her.
We can't, we're all
ready to pitch my work.
Not anymore.
Erin, I wanna go with
the other mock-ups,
I wanna go with
Lacey's, thank you.
Sorry, Bertie, I
can't talk right now,
I have to do something.
Romantic shenanigans.
Thanks Erin, right this way.
Great job.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
I wanna talk to you today
about an incredible campaign,
that we've all been working
on for Empress Resorts.
I hope this time around
it will impress you.
Empress Resorts
offers its guests,
an unforgettable experience.
The only thing is you and
the people that you love.
Because, at the end of the day,
that's really all
that matters, right?
It's you and the people
that you love because.
Because, without you,
nothing else matters.
And that is what's so
beautiful about this campaign.
It's not just about
your wonderful resort,
it's about you living
your best life.
And without you, it's empty.
Well, it looks like
the Empress account is in good hands.
I'll have business affairs
start drawing up the contracts.
Thank you, thank you really.
Thank you!
Nice work.
Nice work to you, we did it.
We did!
And we did it together.
What're you doing here?
How did you get in?
Ah, blue shirt guy?
Can you get her?
You're used to keep trespassers
out, thank you.
Grab her.
She's right, we don't allow
trespassers in this building,
Cynthia, you're fired.
But, I.
You jeopardized our presentation
and you sabotaged her
work, you're done here.
But you can't handle
this project by yourself.
Yes, I can, Erin
you're promoted.
I am?
She is?
She is.
I need to go tell my parents.
I'll take out the trash for you.
Come on ma'am, let's go.
One foot after
the other, let's go.
Wow, okay.
So you came back?
I came back, yeah, I
just couldn't leave things
the way that they were.
Look Greg I know
that I lied to you
and I'm really sorry
but I never lied to you
about how I felt about you,
how I still feel about you.
And I don't expect
you to forgive me,
I just wanted to tell you that.
Lacey, wait.
I realized why it hurt so
bad when you lied to me.
Because I wanted to believe
there was someone out there
for me as beautiful and
talented and as amazing as you.
And now I know that's true.
I guess, what I'm
trying to say is,
do you know any brilliant
advertising minds
with a little overnight
security experience?