The One (2022) Movie Script

- Are you flying to Moscow?
- No.
I could give you a ride!
We're flying West, via Blagoveshchensk,
Irkutsk, and Novosibirsk.
The view from the cockpit
is breathtaking.
I've been there. Tried entering
Moscow State University.
- Did you succeed?
- No.
Now I'm flying
to Blagoveshchensk.
My name is Innokenty, by the way.
It means 'Innocent', in Latin.
- And yours?
- Larisa.
This means Seagull in Greek.
A good name for a pilot's girlfriend.
Did you know that in ancient Greece
to honour the nymph Larisa
they built a whole city
on the Pineios river?
Of course,
I dreamed as a little girl
that a pilot would come to me
or a sea captain
and ask me to follow him
to the ends of the Earth,
and then name a city,
or an island, in my honour.
But, alas... Childhood is gone,
and so are the myths.
And there's my steersman,
buying caviar for me again,
because he thinks
that I'm hungry.
Our flight is delayed.
Would you like me
to introduce you?
Hello, Mikhalych.
How was your night?
Quiet. As usual.
Good morning.
- Coffee?
- No, thank you.
And I wouldn't mind
a cup of strong coffee.
My night was great!
Did 811 fly out
to Blagoveshchensk?
No, 811 is delayed
in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
Weather conditions.
See the papers on the desk.
Why always talk about work?
Can't a man drink his coffee in peace?
So? Shall I declare our trip
officially finished?
Wait. Were not home yet.
You can submit your complaints now.
It's so tight.
My finger is stiff.
Some newlywed you are!
What does it feel like?
Ah... So tight.
Like that thing on the coffee lid.
We got some instant coffee
at the base. A-ha!
Instant coffee,
instantly gone.
Phew! This is pure luck!
The plane waited just for me!
The taxi driver said: "It's probably
already in Blagoveshchensk!"
And I told him - no, drive on:
what if it's delayed?
When you fly
Buryatia Chegdomyn
you will cross paths
with military airplanes
flying out from the Zavitinsk airfield.
Then I'll catch a connecting flight.
By night. To Moscow.
My wife and son are at home.
Haven't seen them in a month.
You can relax now, comrade.
You made it!
We waited for 4 hours.
You should have hurried!
I told you, the turbine wouldn't start!
At altitudes
of 4 200 4 500 meters
at 9.00 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Moscow time.
Have you told them
that 811 was delayed?
- Mikhalych?!
- He has already left.
Take your seat, please.
- Mother...
- Yes?
When you flew for the first time,
were you also scared?
Of course I was scared.
Take your teddy bear.
It won't be scary for you together.
You can move along.
Im helping an old lady here.
- Thank you, son.
- Any time.
Take your seats.
Larisa, our seats are there...
Let's sit here...
Too much noise over there.
Dear passengers,
this is your captain speaking...
Comrades, fasten
your seatbelts please.
As we will meet the headwind,
turbulence is possible.
- Fasten your seatbelt.
- I don't want to.
I can't sleep like this.
Then I will hold you.
- But you'll hold me tight.
- Very tight.
- There you are...
- Thank you.
Arkhara, region 46 653,
good afternoon.
I'm in your zone at 5 400.
46 653 proceed to 5 400,
Arkhara region.
46 653, I stay at 5 400.
46 653,
I confirm your place.
Offset 225 km with an azimuth of 42.
Fly to 5400.
Report crossing air route
Khabarovsk - Moscow.
Arkhara region,
46 653 turbulence at 5 400.
Allow descent to 5 100.
46 653, your distance is 162 km
with an azimuth of 37.
Descent to 5 100.
Calm down, comrades,
everything is OK.
Hold onto me!
Hold on tight!
Flight 12133 from Moscow has landed.
Vladimir! What a surprise!
I thought you had forgotten me.
All this year
I thought only of you.
- Is this your car?
- Yes, mine.
Did you deal in smuggling
while I was gone?
Ah, you guessed it! Of course not.
It's my mother's gift.
I see.
How's Moscow?
It doesn't matter.
Don't ask.
I'm glad you're back.
I don't want to go home.
Let's go to our place!
- Ouch...
- Watch your head...
Yes... I remember...
So, did you bring girls here
while I was away?
Be honest!
And you told them
about Chinese music?
By the way, China
announced a couple of days ago
they would build a city called Heihe
there, over the river.
What do we care?
We aren't allowed to go there anyway.
We aren't.
But we can look from here.
Will you go buy me some cigarettes?
"Flight attendant's delight"?
- You remember what I like!
- I do.
- Someone's birthday party?
- A date.
You're spending a lot!
Are you getting married or what?
Curiosity... killed a cat!
What are you doing?
What's this? Larisa!
Vladimir, I failed pathetically.
Oh, come on.
Stop this now.
You're a fighter or what?
Larisa, listen to me!
Remember how we went hiking
with our friends?
- Do you remember?
- Yes, yes of course.
Do you remember how scared
everyone was to cross the swamp?
You were the only one to follow me.
Forgive me
for not having come with you.
Together, we would have made it.
There, Raisa. Like I promised you
safe and sound.
Why did you take so long?
We were worried.
- Mom, the flight...
- Flat tire.
It's all clear.
They kissed!
I'm off.
Larisa, my girl,
you shouldn't worry.
Next month our pedagogical university
holds entrance exams.
- Mom...
- What?
Perhaps this whole idea with Moscow
was a mistake?
Well, everyone makes mistakes.
It's not the end of the world.
Sometimes it's for the better.
My first marriage to your father
was a mistake.
But thanks to this mistake
I have you.
And then I met Ivan.
And then I had Dmitriy,
your little brother.
And now
I'm the happiest person in the world.
So we are
the results of your mistakes?
And what did you think?
Nothing in this life
happens without a reason.
Mom, where's my belt?
What kind of man are you!
Can't find your belt!
You're getting married soon.
How are you going to marry
without a belt?
You know what?
I have something to say.
Look at yourself and look at her.
Stand next to her and compare.
No. Don't look away.
It's genetics.
You're a handsome boy.
Stately and all that. And she...
These things, you know...
You can't ignore them.
Just look.
She's so small and pale.
- Mom!
- Mom, what?!
Your Mom is tall,
stately and decorative.
All women in our family
are this way.
Look at us all. Look at me,
look at my sister, your aunt Rimma.
- All gorgeous.
- Mom! I've had enough of this.
I've got plans for you.
Great plans.
Guess where you're going
for student practice?
First Cardiological hospital!
I arranged it all.
Look. Stop making decisions for me.
And yes, I'm getting married.
- Very well. Do as you wish...
- Galya!
- You know... Oh, what's wrong?
- Oh!
- I don't know... Oh...
- Sit down. Let him do what he wants.
- Of course, Victor.
- He...
If you always did
what you wanted,
we would still be selling eggplants
by the train station.
- Spare your nerves.
- Do what he wants...
Mom! I have a right to decide.
It's my life. It's my decision.
Very well,
take your decisions,
but without my car
and my money.
Thank you very much.
And, finally,
the most important thing
in Plato's description of senses
is the teaching of causality.
- Thus, we have...
- Look, your boyfriend is here.
2 can emerge by way of adding
one whole being to another,
or dividing
a whole being in 2...
Wait, Vladimir.
Larisa, will you give me a son?
Vladimir, what are you talking about?
We aren't married yet!
We will be married.
What about our studies?
How will we manage?
Where will we live?
We will live in the flat
that I inherited
from my Grandmother.
We will study during the daytime.
I will work night shifts.
It won't be easy at first.
But then...
I don't want to use
Mother's money or her car.
So you'll have no money
and no car?
Why didn't you tell me at once?
Ha, ha!
I got you tricked!
You should have seen your face
just now!
Let's go, Van Gogh.
- More for me.
- You always want more.
Great job. You made this place
so comfortable!
- Yes...
- It's all Vladimir.
He runs the house,
works and studies.
Larisa and I
have done it all together.
- Let's drink to this, then!
- Well done!
He's reaching too,
look at him!
Vladimir, how's your Mom?
I don't know.
We aren't in touch.
Vladimir, this won't do!
Of course!
She's concerned about you.
She called us
and asked how you were.
Raisa, she has our address.
By the way, I'm taking Dmitriy
to the Crimea in August.
And I thought... You've been having
some money problems these days.
We don't have money problems.
We have enough money. Thank you.
Well, we just wanted
to buy you a trip.
You have been putting off
your honeymoon...
We have already planned it.
- Really?
- After student practice,
we're flying to
For wild camping...
An amazing place
for a honeymoon.
To feed mosquitoes in the taiga!
- Dad...
- Do what you like.
Thank you. I'm full.
She looks a lot like you!
Lets go see it.
This is fiction.
Such things don't happen in real life.
I don't know. It says on the poster,
"Based on real events."
That's how they fill their seats.
It's for naive people like you.
- I'm choosing the movie next time!
- Shsh!
And I like it.
I'm going to the ladies' room.
I will be waiting in the cafe
across the street.
- I'll find it
- Do you promise... Julianna?
I promise.
Yes, comrade general!
Yes sir!
Trial runs in Irkutsk have gone well.
Going home tomorrow.
Not so hasty.
I have a task for you.
A weather probing airplane
collided with a passenger plane.
A ballistic missile launch
was disrupted.
We need to find a culprit.
As soon as possible.
Or all of our shoulder straps
will fly.
I see. I will sort it out.
Fly to Zavitinsk at once
and deal with it personally.
Will do.
Are you alive?
Anyone alive here?!
- Good afternoon!
- Greetings.
Greetings, comrades.
First, present the cases
of operational checks
of the flight crew.
Arrange personal meetings for me
with everyone involved.
The task is simple:
identify the perpetrators.
After midnight, send officers
to cut off the intercity connection.
- Cut off?
- Yes.
Climb onto the pole and cut the wires.
- Have you prepared the lists?
- Yes.
These are our men.
These are the civilians.
- I need a car and an all-areas pass.
- I'll give you my pass and my driver.
I don't need this.
I'll drive myself.
Bring a tractor to the platform,
some sort of loader.
Pile up some boards,
bags of cement.
We have a wagon with sand.
- Then make a mountain of sand here.
- Understood...
- Don't break up the platform.
- Understood.
Report the accident.
Have you had aphthous fever
in the area?
Not for a while, luckily.
- Announce an epidemic.
- It's not within my competence.
Now it is.
Send urgent telegrams to the relatives
of the deceased before midnight.
Here's the list.
- Before midnight?
- Brief telegrams.
A road accident.
Do not discuss this with anyone.
- But I...
- Get to work.
Where will the operational
headquarters be?
2 adjacent rooms.
On the ground floor.
That's fine.
I'm not going to stay here forever.
Ground floor will do.
Gather everyone.
When the chairman comes,
I will report to him,
and he will bring everyone.
I am your chairman now,
and also the General Secretary
Is this clear? Gather everyone
who is not in the forest.
- The taiga.
- Very well. The taiga. Go.
Comrade Knyazev,
good evening.
Comrade General,
thank you for coming.
Follow me.
Wreckage is scattered
over 7 kilometers.
Will you provide a helicopter
with an experienced crew?
I'll give you mine.
Well, not yours,
but the state's.
- And more fuel.
- We'll send it in the morning.
There will be anyone fuel.
Set up checkpoints
on the roads to the city.
Here. Aphthous fever epidemic.
Make copies.
- Will do.
- Keep in touch by radio.
Bring all the flying machines
back today before midnight.
- Bad weather promised tomorrow.
- It's understood.
Who are you?
Deputy Director
of Zavitinsk secondary school #2.
- And where is the director?
- In the taiga. I didn't go, I was sick.
You told me to bring everyone.
Go home and get better.
Thank you.
Should I go too?
Follow me, comrades.
Today we have
a really interesting program.
We're walking by
one of the beautiful alleys
of the Nikitsky Garden.
Immediately after Yalta
was liberated in April 1944,
restoration works began.
The director of the garden,
Anatoly Koverga
accomplished a real feat.
He drove thousands of kilometers
through Poland and Germany.
And near Berlin
he found the lost herbarium.
I beg your pardon.
Uh... Who is Raisa Kugai?
- Me!
- An urgent telegram for you.
Not only did Anatoly Koverga
find this herbarium near Berlin,
he also managed to retrieve it...
And now...
I repeat.
While I'm in the camp
fly around the crash site.
Mark the spots with debris
on the map.
But don't land. It's an order.
Comrade Knyazev,
will you be with us long?
You have a talkative flight mechanic.
The border with China isn't far.
I'm here!
Guys, I think
I've just seen something.
I think it's a young woman.
That's strange.
Why would a young woman be there?
Maybe she's the cook from the camp.
What if she's a survivor?
Perhaps we should check,
comrade Knyazev.
They flew at 5 000 meters.
We aren't looking for survivors.
I found the pilot's hat!
And the pilot...
What is it, son? They're dead.
Don't be scared.
- He can't do anything to you.
- I'm sick...
- What? Sick?
- Yes, sick...
Go there. Quickly.
Drink some alcohol with salt.
Only a little.
Go, go. This should help.
- Good evening, Comrade Knyazev.
- Good evening.
- How was your flight?
- We made it.
Will you stay?
Come, I will show you
how we work.
Thats why Im here.
So, Comrades,
let me repeat.
We will fortify the chains
change the squares
for the rescue groups
and do the same again.
And gradually expand
the search square.
The border guards will give us guides
who know the area.
Yes sir.
Don't touch anything
that belongs to the military.
Leave a man
by each piece of the debris,
send a liaison to the chief lieutenant,
the chief lieutenant - to me. At once.
All of this must be kept secret.
This is your main task.
And my main task is to find the dead
and bury them with dignity.
- Perhaps, let's go back and check?
- Did you hear what he said?
The devil only knows
what's going on in his head.
Well. You will have a wife and
children, you will understand.
I have a telegram.
This is official.
It's not in my competence.
You have to see the airport attendant.
Wait in the line.
But the telegram explains everything.
Something happened to my daughter.
It's very important.
Go right, then turn.
Darling, it doesn't say anywhere here
that she has died...
From the rector, yes.
A car accident.
- But my daughter was flying.
- Mom, do planes fall?
In our country, they don't.
You have nothing to worry about.
I'm giving you 2 tickets.
For the day after tomorrow.
Via Moscow.
- For the day after tomorrow?
- Vacationers are going home.
Take what's available.
No one will come for us.
We would have made it together.
I will hold you.
We'll fly directly to the west
through Blagoveshchensk,
Irkutsk, Novosibirsk.
We flew directly to the west...
We will meet the headwind.
You fell earlier...
The East...
Where's the East?
So, dear TV viewers
and now I will show you
how to make a compass
using very simple tools.
You will need a needle.
Put a lead into the water
and rub the needle at your sweater.
Okay... Come on...
Magnetize it really well
and put it on the leaf.
Its tip points sharp North.
Come on.
Vladimir is a genius.
Well, comrades.
The situation is very difficult.
We reported to the military
that 811 was at 5 400.
I have applications
where it's clearly written,
that your altitudes
were 4 200 4 500.
You weren't monitoring
military aircraft on the radar.
We were sure
that they were at different altitudes.
Zavitinsk flight control
didn't report a change of altitude.
According to our instructions,
it's not our duty to monitor
military aircraft.
Don't you know that?
According to my instructions,
I have to name the culprits.
Don't you know that?
Hold onto me!
Lets go!
It was a good machine.
Absolutely reliable.
Not like people, right?
It was scattered
over 7 kilometers around.
And the Tupolev hit on the spot.
Only 3 of our guys have been found.
We will continue searching tomorrow.
This is the chief
of the Tupolev-16 group.
What happened there?
I saw a lightning flash
on the screen.
I informed our ground control.
We began to ascend.
We made it.
But my comrades didn't.
I dont know
how it happened.
Forgive me.
Why was the maneuver
not reported to the civil sector?
Comrade Knyazev,
according to the instructions
they only report to us.
There's something off
with the instructions.
Attention to persons
flying to Blagoveshchensk.
Your flight is delayed indefinitely
due to weather conditions.
I also have a connecting flight,
by night. To Moscow.
I have my wife and son at home.
Haven't seen them for a month.
What are you drawing there
all the time?
It's a secret.
I will show you later.
Vladimir, it's getting cold.
I'll bring more firewood.
- Don't look. Promise?
- Alright.
I'll be right back...
Are you sleeping?
Larisa, it's alright.
- You're crazy.
- Larisa, you were worried?
- What?
- I wasn't worried!
I'm not your governess!
My man must know
how to deal with hardships.
So you don't care
that wolves could eat me there?
Vladimir, you're wet!
Wolves could eat me...
Let me go!
It's cold!
So you're cold? You think
I felt warm there in the forest?
- I'll show you now!
- Let me go!
- You're cold, of course.
- Vladimir!
Vladimir, stop!
When we're back,
we'll have a baby.
Would you like this?
Okay, bye...
Awful weather, eh?
Did you collect all you wanted?
Yes, we collected
what we needed.
And the culprits,
are they already?
This is more complex...
has made a mistake here.
It's unclear whose error was greater.
It's always easier to find an error
than the truth.
It's not me.
Goethe wrote this.
Just wait for me.
You wouldn't hesitate a moment.
- Hi Dad.
- Hello son.
Go and take your luggage
to the room.
So, what happened?
What happened?
- Something with the plane.
- Where?
Near Zavitinsk.
My friend Ivanych
is the head of the district.
But I can't get a hold of him
on the phone.
- Let's drive there.
- Raisa, the city is closed.
- They won't let us through.
- Let's go anyway.
You need to rest.
For a couple hours at least.
- Yes. You need rest.
- No. We must go.
- We will go after you rest.
- We must go now!
I must know
what happened to my daughter.
You don't have a right
to close off a common road.
Let me pass.
I told you, it's an aphthous fever
epidemic. No one can pass.
- Hello Galya.
- No one can pass,
and they explain nothing.
We need to see
the Head of the District.
He knows me,
we were college mates.
Even if you were Brezhnev's
college mate. I have an order.
Call him.
Let him issue a pass for you.
- Telephone connection is down.
- Wait until it resumes work.
Goodness me...
What will we do?
We must get him
on the phone.
- Let's go...
- Yes, let's go.
- Galya!
- Stop!
Are you crazy?
Dmitriy, I couldn't get you
on the phone.
Detain them!
Our daughter was on board.
Hello, Ivan.
What's this?
Let them go. They need to see me.
- They almost hit us, Dmitriy.
- Almost, but not quite.
I will sort this out.
You may go back to your post.
You may go as well.
What happened to the airplane?
I am not allowed to speak
about this.
- It's forbidden.
- I know it's forbidden.
Dmitriy, just be human.
Our children
were on that plane.
If you like, we will sign
all those non-disclosure papers?
Stop! You can't come in here!
Comrade Knyazev,
may I talk to you in person
for a couple of minutes?
- What are the civilians doing here?
- Under my responsibility.
They will sign
a non-disclosure agreement.
Comrade general...
I'm listening.
I'm asking
for your permission to tell...
- Tell what?
- The truth.
So you know the truth?
Stop tormenting us.
My son was on that plane.
He's 19 years old.
Galya... Our children were returning
from their honeymoon.
What happened to the aircraft?
It fell.
Then show me my son's body.
The Savitskys, do I
- understand correctly?
- Yes...
Their bodies
haven't been found yet.
So they...
They can still be alive?
I'm afraid this isn't impossible.
The plane fell from a 5-km height.
How do you know?
Perhaps, a miracle happened.
Maybe my son is still alive!
He needs help right now
and you cannot find them.
Let me go there.
I'll find my son myself.
I understand you, but continuing
the search makes no sense.
In 3 days we have not found
a single survivor.
You didn't look well enough!
Let me go there! I will find my child!
- Galya...
- Let me go there!
- Galya...
- Look. Well... Take it!
Take a good look at them,
and remember their faces, please.
They were planning to build a house,
to have children.
Vladimir wanted to become a doctor.
He will be a brilliant surgeon!
I understand that the chances
are slim, but what if?
What if they are still alive,
and you're saying
that the search is pointless?
Do you even...
- Listen, do you have children?
- A son.
What if you were in our place?
And you were told
that the search was pointless,
would you continue
looking for your child?
I thought I could find you. What a fool!
Came all this way.
You would have found me.
You always knew what to do.
Its freezing here.
Come on! Dont fail me.
Come on! Please.
Thats it.
Thats it.
This guy Ivan
was a college friend of mine.
He fell in love with Raisa
at the time.
And she already had
a little daughter named Larisa.
When you were flying
over the crash site,
did you notice anything strange?
Not really.
Only the cook...
What cook?
She was near the camp,
The flight mechanic saw her.
Comrade Knyazev,
I know everyone in the camp.
There's no cook there.
Just wait for me.
Do you remember the place
where you saw the girl?
Yes, Comrade Knyazev.
- We must fly there right now.
- It won't be possible now.
- Why?
- Well, because it will get dark soon.
Showers and high winds
are forecasted.
- Semyon...
- No way.
We need to check.
It's not about the instruction.
It's human.
I have been searching for you
so long.
My little war machine.
I've always admired
your courage.
You are a real fighter
you are even stronger than me.
You just don't know it yourself.
Forgive me.
It's my fault.
If only...
If only we could start again,
I'd never...
I would never change a day with you
for a lifetime without you.
But I've done so little for you.
Did you find my backpack?
Have you seen my drawings?
Yes. Sorry.
Ruined the surprise.
I wanted to surprise you
so much.
Let me sleep and forget.
And you will show me everything
as if I hadn't seen anything.
Why didn't you descend
when you saw her?
We had an order
not to descend.
Orders aren't always correct, right?
They saw her down there!
- Descend!
- Okay.
I love you.
I'm here!
Hey! Anyone there?
Anyone alive?!
I'm here!
Just hold on.
Easy, easy.
My dear girl.
Do you know that you were close
to the Chinese border?
We, the Soviet people,
can't go to China.
We won't tell anyone.
We are here!
This was, of course,
the main question.
Why? Why did it happen to me?
And it remained unanswered.
But it kept ringing in my head.
That is...
Not for months - for years.
That's how it was.
After what had happened.
And no answer either.
Vladimir and I were going
to go to the Crimea
on a package tour, but we didnt,
because we got married,
thus I joined a different family.
I could get a tour discount from
the trade union
only as a member
of my parents family,
who I was not anymore.
And without a discount getting
from Vladivostok to Crimea
was too expensive.
We were just students after all...
Its not like we had money.
So my mom and Dmitriy
went to Crimea,
and we went to Vladivostok
to see my relatives there,
then his relatives
in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
Vladimir went to get the tickets
without me.
He asked me about the date,
I suggested the 25th of August.
He came back and said
were going on the 24th.
I got upset, even though
it was just one day.
They had no tickets for the 25th, so...
Hes been courting me for six months.
I dont know why.
It was how these things
were done then.
All romantic...
I didnt think about it too much.
We got married very early.
A person can have premonitions.
I don't know, well...
This was his idea for us
to get married.
He wanted children very much.
And I kept telling him - no.
I need to study. Yes.
That's how it was.
And then,
before we flew back,
I somehow told him:
okay, you have convinced me.
When we get back,
we'll have a baby.
Yes... And he started crying.
He sobbed.
Like all men sob.
Out loud.
So that's how it was.
And I told him - hush, hush.
Why are you crying?
We were in different
student brigades.
He was in the north of our region,
and I, in the south.
We wrote letters
to each other.
He missed me so much, yes.
In all of his letters he wrote
how bad he had it without me.
And in one of his letters
he tells me
I'd give half my lifetime
only to see you.
Then he says
another half of my lifetime, too.
And then he'd borrow
more days from God
only to be with me.
So... He made all those plans
for our life ahead, together...
So it happens that plans
don't always work out.
I think Vladimir's last wish
was for me to survive.
I saw him in a dream only once.
A month after it happened.
I missed him so bad.
In my dream
he was very real. So.
I asked him "where are you?"
There was that little house...
In a forest or something.
And he told me "I'm here now."
I asked him:
Why don't you come back?
And he told me: I can't.
I was filled with joy
from seeing him in my dream.
I even jumped up from my bed
Happy that we were alive.
But this happened only once.
Thats it, Im done telling you
about love.