The Paragon (2023) Movie Script

[breathing deeply]
[breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
[man's voice]
Six minutes.
That's how long they
reckon my heart stopped for.
You know, they talk about
a white light...
life flashing before your eyes.
Well, I didn't get
any of that shit.
The only reason I'm alive
is because that shop owner
down the road
had one of those
heart-zapper machine things,
zaps me back to life.
[tires screeching]
He told the cops that
the car that hit me,
it just drove off.
It was a silver
Toyota Corolla.
He didn't get
the number plate.
[soundtrack music playing]
Come on, hey.
I'm Dutch Nordstrom,
ex-professional tennis player
and entrepreneur,
and I have a new program
for you.
See, in my long career,
I've beaten
some of the best players
in the world.
You know
how I did that?
If you don't win
the mental game,
you do not win the game,
and that's why I've
developed my new program--
Knife Fight Tennis.
I've designed
Knife Fight Tennis
for pros, semi-pros, amateurs
with something to prove.
But in this program,
I'm not gonna teach you
how to backhand
or to use spin.
I'm gonna teach you
the art
of the backhanded compliment,
of how to spin the facts
in your favor to win...
Knife Fight Tennis.
How to pick up little details
from your opponent's childhood
that you can drop
into conversation like,
"Hey, Danny, that's
a great serve
for someone that wet the bed
till they were 15."
[man's voice]
So, they get
my heart going again,
but my leg is smashed
in four places.
I mean, that's the end
of me and tennis. Done.
Everything that came before
feels like a kind of dream.
[tires screeching]
[man grunts]
She's got
a cold heart, baby...
Everything that came after
feels like a sick joke.
[alarm clock beeping]
Hey, I've gotta get to work,
but don't you think
we should just have a chat
about that email?
I didn't get an email.
Okay, well, if you'd
read the email, it would have
moved this conversation on
about Tony a lot faster.
Who's Tony?
Tony is a colleague at work
with whom I've been having sex.
What the hell, Emily?
How many times?
I've been trying
to engage with you
on this issue
for a while now,
but honestly,
it's been a challenge.
So, I figured this was
just an easier way
to bring you up to speed with
where things are at with us.
There's a bullet-point
list here.
Yeah, yeah, just
to highlight the areas
of our relationship that aren't
currently meeting expectations.
Our sex life, like..
What's wrong
with our sex life?
Did you like the dinner?
The bolognese.
Can we concentrate?
I added Marmite.
That's the secret.
That's why
it's so delicious.
Dutch, I don't wanna talk
about fucking dinner, okay?
I'm concentrating.
Just stop. Just wait.
Yeah, yeah.
Do you like that?
That's good.
You love it,
don't you? Yeah.
It brings out
the umami.
Well, you see,
this says that I'm angry
all the time.
I'm not angry all the time.
The other day, you went
on a 40-minute rant
about how much
you hate unicyclists.
I don't have a problem
with unicyclists,
as long as they're
at the circus.
But when you see a guy
riding a unicycle
to work
in the bike lane,
oh, come on, mate.
Like, that's how you
wanna get to work.
[door closes]
You wanna get
on your unicycle
and just toddle off,
toddle off to work.
It takes twice as long.
And all you're doing is saying,
"Hey, look,
I have balance."
Oh, why don't you
fucking juggle?
Why don't you start juggling
on the way?
"Oh, I need to juggle,
because I need to
work out my arms on my way
to work because this is how--"
I was hit by a car.
Be that as it may,
I just don't see
how we can effectively
move forward,
given the current
state of affairs.
What current state
of affairs?
You're not the same man
I married.
Okay, fine, fine.
You go.
But everyone is gonna say
that you left me
because I have a limp.
Be that as it may.
And...and they're gonna say
that you're a terrible person,
and they'll be right!
Because you are!
You are a terrible person!
[door slams]
[Dutch's voice]
Emily's not a terrible person.
It's not her fault.
She didn't sign up
for any of this.
And it's not my fault.
What did I do?
I was just walking
down the street,
minding my own business.
You know who I do
blame, though?
I blame the guy
who hit me with his car
and left me there
for dead.
Yeah, I blame him
for all of it.
[soundtrack music playing]
So, where are the cops at
with everything?
Do you know how many
silver Toyota Corollas
there are in this town?
A holy fuck-ton,
that's how many.
The cops threw in the towel
after looking at about 500.
So, this guy just basically
got away with it all.
Oh, yeah,
I lost my job,
I lost my house,
I lost my wife.
He's just out there
right now,
living his life,
happy as Larry.
He's probably laughing
at me right now.
Probably not even
thinking about you, bro.
Yeah, well,
he fucking should be!
I think about him
all the time,
every time
my hip aches.
A pool. Wow. Me casa
is your casa, big bro.
You can stay in that caravan
as long as you need,
because the way
I see it,
this is our chance
to follow our dreams.
See, my dream is
to build my business
into a multinational,
vertically integrated,
blockchain-boosted beast.
Are you dealing
drugs again?
You went to jail
for that already, Oates.
Home detention
is not jail.
Anyway, this is a whole
different ball of wax.
I only accept
Bitcoin now.
It's untraceable.
You want to get in
on the ground floor
on this bad boy.
I don't want to deal
drugs with you, Oates.
Okay, but you've
got to remember
that you only get
one go-around.
See, you always gotta be
thinking about number one.
You've gotta think,
hey, what do I want?
What do I want?
What do I want, bro?
What do you want?
Revenge is cool.
On who?
Who do you think?
On the prick
that did this to me.
But if the cops
can't find him,
then how the hell are you
going to find him?
No idea.
[soundtrack music playing]
have you seen a silver
Toyota Corolla around here?
Hey, I'm looking
for a, uh...
Toyota Corolla.
You wanna buy one?
Bro, that's
a really common car.
Of course, I've seen
a silver Toyota Corolla.
There's hundreds of them.
Well, there's
no need to be--
I've seen one around
those things sometimes.
Don't talk
to my kids.
Toyota Corolla?
Yes. Have you seen
one around here
That's a very reliable car.
It is a reliable
car, yes.
Can't help you.
[bottle shatters]
[telephone ringing]
[Woman's voice]
I know what you
search for, Dutch.
Oh, yeah?
Where is it, then?
Go to the Lyndale
Athletic Hall.
There you will find
what you are seeking.
Is this
some sort of scam?
Go now.
I will meet you
there soon.
[dial tone beeping]
[cane tapping]
Here to see the unseen.
[voice echoes]
[loud thud]
Oh, we've booked the hall
for volleyball.
We have this booked
every Tuesday and Thursday.
Yeah, yeah. Sorry.
Just look
on the website...
[soundtrack music playing]
That's a scam, bro.
She's trying to steal
your money obviously.
You know, she probably found
your name from the internet.
You know, from your
tennis videos.
But I don't have
any money.
Oh, look, you're naive
about this sort of shit.
People are running
scams all the time.
That's basically how
the economy works these days.
Yeah, but if I could become
psychic, then I could
just, like, sense the car,
you know, and then just...
[snaps fingers]
Bam, just find the guy.
Come on, bro.
You're more smarter
than this, Dutch.
We're related to Stephen
Hawking, for fuck's sake.
He's like a second cousin,
thrice removed.
Yeah, but he's
on the family tree.
So, that means
we are related to--
Well, no,
I'm related to him.
You're adopted.
No. Fuck you, bro.
Come on, man.
You've known that
since you were eight.
Yeah, you mean
the age you told me?
Well, I had to.
Mum and Dad weren't
gonna say anything.
I would've been fine
with that, Dutch.
Did that ever
occur to you?
Yeah, it occurred to me,
but I was kind of like--
Shut up.
[door slams]
Stephen Hawking.
[soundtrack music playing]
[knock on door]
[louder knock]
Are you the one who seeks
psionic power?
Who are you?
My name's Lyra.
Well, I just about
shat an organ, Lyra.
It's middle
of the fucking night.
May I enter?
I will now ask you
to see if you're suitable
for the protocol.
that I am psychic
and I already know
the answers to all of them.
Okay, then.
How tall are you?
Um...almost six foot.
Yeah. Well...5'11",
if you want exactly.
Why did you not just say
your actual height?
Because it's easier
to round up.
What do you see
in this picture?
A...cute little
bunny rabbit.
How about this one?
Robot, laser eyes.
How many sheep
in this picture?
How often
do you masturbate?
It was seven,
wasn't it?
"Daily masturbator."
No, not
daily masturbator.
During your daily
masturbation sessions,
do you fantasize about
anything involving whips,
snakes, ropes, spaghetti?
No, especially
not spaghetti.
That's disgusting.
to spaghetti."
Hey, I don't have
an aversion to spaghetti.
I just don't think
that it's sexy, okay?
Hold out your hands,
palms down.
Ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha!
The protocol
is not for you.
Why not?
Mastering psionic power
requires discipline,
and patience.
I have all that shit.
But you have
no psionic potential.
How would you know?
I can prove it
to you.
Go ahead.
[machine whirring]
[whirring stops]
Have you ever died,
Mr. Norstrom?
Yeah, once, a bit.
We'll start first thing
tomorrow morning.
I'll need you
to sign this.
It says I'm not
responsible for anything
that happens to you
as a result of the protocol.
That includes death,
mental breakdown,
things like that.
Cool, cool, cool.
Oh, much
is this gonna cost?
Then how do you
make money?
I'm psychic,
Mr. Norstrom.
Money, really,
is not an issue.
[soundtrack music playing]
[soundtrack music stops]
Where's everyone else?
You are the only student.
Okay. Well, I thought
that there were gonna be
other people here.
Please take off
your watch.
You need to break free of
the illusion of linear time.
I'll also need
your phone
and any other digital devices
you may have on your person.
Change into this.
What's wrong
with my clothes?
I will return them
at the end of the protocol.
It's not my job
to explain the protocol.
You'll also need to stop
consuming all stimulants.
This includes cigarettes,
coffee, and any form of sugar.
You'll also have to stop
masturbating quite so much.
I don't.
Here is a bag with
ablution implements,
toothpaste, soap,
and so forth.
There is a shower
and toilet here.
You won't be able
to leave
for the duration
of the protocol.
Well, how long is that?
14 days,
but the first 7
are just fasting
and meditation.
Okay. Look.
I'm not staying here
for 14 days.
I'll give you 5 days.
If you can't make me
a psychic in five days,
then that's your problem.
It's not possible
to complete
the protocol
in that time.
Ah, come on.
Must be an easier way.
There is no easy way.
There is a faster way,
but it's not recommended.
Okay. So, what's
the faster way?
There is a compound,
but it's--
Cool. Compound.
No. Wait.
So, what's next?
We will begin
the orientation.
Bring on the orientation.
In order to master
psionic power,
you must acknowledge
that everything you know
about reality is wrong.
Everything's wrong.
Got it.
You must understand
that you are
a hyperdimensional being.
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Hyperdimensional being.
There are five pillars
to psionic power.
Pre-cognition, the ability
to know your future.
Telelocation, the power
to locate objects.
the power to move objects
with your mind.
Yeah, I only need
the telelocation one.
The others are just--
Most people think that
there are four dimensions,
but there are
in fact 10.
The first dimension
beyond time is known
as the Openhauser-Kleinman
named after the two scientists
that came up with it.
The sixth dimension
beyond time is known as the
because all three
came up with it
and then Smith
wrote it down.
After that, they decided
to keep things simple
and name new ones
after fruits.
So, you have
the lemon dimension,
the rockmelon dimension,
the avocado dimension,
so on and so forth.
[rumbling sounds]
The evacuation
will begin soon.
I'm actually feeling
Oh, my God!
You did this to me!
You did this to me,
you witch!
I recommended you
follow the protocol.
You chose
the fast way instead.
Oh, my God.
What is in my ear?
That is ear toxin.
Oh! Oh, God!
Am I gonna die?
It is possible.
Oh, my God!
What's happening to me?
Oh...Oh, God.
How long was I out?
Your dreams are portals
to other dimensions
and parallel universes.
As soon as you wake,
you need to write down
what you've dreamt about.
Use your left hand.
I'm right-handed.
Just do it
without thinking.
Look. See?
It's just gibberish.
Are you sure?
Oh, boy.
You're going to begin
a color diet.
Monday, blue food.
Tuesday, green food.
Wednesday, red food.
Thursday, yellow food.
Friday, white food.
And Saturday, black food.
Stop asking that question.
Today you will learn
Ah, I'm actually
a trained athlete
in the most difficult
sport on Earth,
which is,
of course, tennis.
In fact, I was ranked 347th
at one point.
So, I'm pretty au fait
with concentration
All right, then, go ahead.
[neck cracks]
Are you doing it?
Can you shut up
for a moment? Thanks.
[Dutch's voice]
Concentrating, mm-hmm.
Easy to me...
because I am naturally,
mentally, very strengthy.
Hmm. Is that a word?
No, that's not a word.
It was my tennis training
that allowed me to--
I am saying
The trick is just
to tune it all out.
Just tune it all out.
All of it.
See? It's easy.
No internal
chatter at all.
Just blank mind.
Blank, blankety-blank,
blank blank. Easy.
[Lyra's voice]
You must shut down the inputs
coming in
from your senses...
No. Fuck off. you can open
the doors of perception.
You can't come in here.
This is my head.
Focus on the space
between the thoughts.
You're the one that's getting
in between those spaces!
I am nowhere.
Are you using
to get into my fucking head
right now?
Stop thinking and focus
on the space
between your thoughts.
[man's voice]
This was not as easy
as he thought.
The main problem was that Dutch
had an incredibly itchy nose.
[scratching sounds]
[Emily's voice]
You know your problem, Dutch?
Oh, fuck's sake, please,
not now, Emily.
Stop thinking
about thoughts
and begin to no-think
about the gaps
between your thoughts.
When you really
analyze it,
Dutch had wasted
the last 20 years of his life.
[Dutch's voice]
Don't listen to Emily.
Your thoughts
are not real.
They're just
an illusion
that clouds
a higher reality.
[man's voice]
And it all boiled down
to a series
of half-baked plans,
failed attempts,
a scrambled knot
of fumbling discontent.
Emily was right,
of course.
I often did have a running
commentary in my head
that sounded a bit like
a voiceover in a movie.
Okay, this isn't
going very well.
Is there a, um...
a faster way?
Yes, but it is
not recommended.
[whirring sounds]
How do you feel?
[speaking gibberish]
Come with me.
[speaking gibberish]
Smell this.
[bell dings]
This is a waypoint.
This is a moment
in space-time
that you can revisit
if you accidentally
get lost in a parallel
How would I know if I was
lost in a parallel universe?
There's no way
of telling for sure.
[distorted sounds]
Huh! Oh.
[breathing heavily]
Today we will be exercising
your psychic glands.
We would normally space
these exercises over five days,
but we'll do them
all today.
First, let's start
with psychic breathing.
[breathing rapidly]
Hold until your consciousness
falls into a singularity.
Three wavy lines.
[electrical buzzing]
The cheap perfume
of a happy hooker.
Three wavy lines.
A hug of a man
that is not your father
yet not not your father.
[electrical buzzing]
Keep holding.
[electrical buzzing]
And again.
[electrical crackling]
Keep holding.
[electrical crackling]
My grandfather's belt.
[electrical crackling]
Mother slamming her fingers
in a door.
[electrical crackling]
[electrical crackling]
Where are you going?
Because I didn't believe
in any of this woo-woo bullshit!
Let us go
for a drive.
[soundtrack music playing]
I envy them in a way...
their straightforward lives,
their basic concerns.
They have no idea
of the true shape of reality.
How are you
doing this?
You know
how I'm doing it.
Can you, like...
move anything
using your mind?
I can move objects
within my vicinity,
I'm familiar with.
Could you
use it to, like,
change the channel
on a TV?
That is what
a remote control does.
Could you use it to get
something out of the fridge
without standing up, like beer
or...or a packet of chips?
Why do you seek
psionic power, Dutch?
Please tell me
that it's not
so that you can sit on a couch
feeding yourself potato.
I wanna find
the car that hit me.
I wanna meet the prick
that did this to me.
Is that
the day you died?
Did you ever thank
the man that saved you?
Yes. I sent him
a text.
Perhaps that day was
the greatest of your existence.
Yeah, well, it fucking
hurt, okay? Still does.
Physical pain is nothing.
If you master even the basic
precepts of psionic power
without going insane,
you will face dilemmas
that will shake
the very foundations
of your consciousness.
And then you will
cosmic pain.
The time has come to attempt
your first telelocation.
Hold the object
in your hand.
Take note
of its weight,
its temperature,
its shape.
Close your eyes
and visualize the object.
This is called
phase locking.
You have to tune your mind
into an object-specific
You can phase lock off an object
or off something
that has touched
the object.
Once you have phase locked
successfully onto something,
it is much easier
to telelocate it.
Close your eyes,
visualize the object,
and begin
your breath work.
[Dutch breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
Hold. Hold it out.
Hold as long as you can.
You will come to
the point of singularity.
At that point, you will
experience the object directly.
Did you sense
I can taste strawberry.
What color
is strawberry?
That's what
the color diet is for.
Let us try again.
[thunder rumbling]
[distorted sounds]
[Emily's voice]
Be that as it may.
[voice echoing]
[cane tapping]
[Dutch breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
Thank you.
You have done well.
How'd you get
into all this?
My father was
a parapsychologist.
He created the protocol
by experimenting
on my brother and I.
We're both
psionic prodigies.
My dad wanted me
to be a prodigy, too,
but then...
it didn't work out.
Now we don't talk.
Well, we talk, but we just
don't talk-talk, you know?
My father is dead.
Sorry to hear that.
your brother like?
He abducts people
and brainwashes them
into becoming
his psychic slaves.
And is that part
of the course?
Maybe you
could add it,
as, like, an elective
or something.
If you use psionic powers
for selfish means,
you will develop
emotional blocks.
Then you will
have to do more evil
in order to overcome
those blocks,
and then you'll become trapped
in a spiral of cosmic evil...
just like my brother.
My brother's adopted.
It's weird, you know?
I don't get why my dad
likes him more.
Anyway...this is nice.
Yeah, like, it's good
to share with someone,
like a couple
of buddies, you know?
I'm here to teach you
psychic telelocation.
That is all.
[bird chirping]
[engine revving]
Get off!
[neck cracks]
[breathing deeply]
[breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
[soundtrack music playing]
Oates. Yeah. Hey, um...
yeah, it's Dutchie, mate.
Can you come pick me up?
Oates: Dutch.
Where the fuck
have you been, bro?
And what the fuck
are you wearing, mate?
Lyra gave them to me.
Well, who's Lyra?
My psychic coach.
Bro, I told you that shit
was a scam, man.
Listen, I found it.
Found what?
The car that hit me.
Yeah? Well, how?
It doesn't matter.
I just need you
to take me there
Okay, fine.
[tires screech
and engine revs]
Where are you?
[man's voice laughing]
Who is that?
Ha ha ha ha!
Be gone, Haxan!
You are not welcome here.
What are you doing, Lyra?
Why are you hiding from me?
I'm not hiding.
I'm not scared of you.
You shouldn't fear me.
We're family.
You and I are the same.
I am nothing like you.
I will find
the Paragon, Lyra,
and you will help me.
[soundtrack music playing]
So, you sensed there was
a mid-range Japanese car
at the car wreckers,
did you?
That makes you a psychic,
does it?
I'm a hyperdimensional
being now, Oates.
Yeah, this is a cult.
You've joined
a cult, bro.
Bitcoin's a cult.
Did you sleep
with Emily?
Sorry. What?
my wife?
You're crazy?
Did...did someone
say something?
Did Emily say that?
So, you did, then?
She was upset that
her marriage was breaking up.
I was just comforting her.
That's all I was doing,
just comforting her.
[whirring sounds]
[Dutch's voice]
Believe me, believe me...
What...What are you...
What are you doing, bro?
How are you doing that, bro?
Oh, fuck. Is this
ventriloquy or something?
You're a big dick.
So, leave.
Did you learn this shit
in the cult, bro?
Oh, my god!
What the fuck? Ah!
[soundtrack music playing]
[horn honking]
You won't be able to telelocate
the car that hit you.
Why not?
Because every time you
try to locate the object,
your mind will be clouded
with emotion,
and thoughts will block you
from phase locking on it.
I want my money back.
You did not pay
any money.
Just let me get
this straight so I'm clear.
Even though the only reason
I did your stupid protocol
was to find the car
that hit me,
it is now literally
the only thing I can't find.
No, you can't...
but I can.
So, you could find
the silver Toyota for me?
Yes, but first,
you must find
something for me.
Okay. What?
It is called
the Paragon.
What the fuck
is that?
It's a hyper-dimensional
What the fuck
is that?
Most adepts can only
affect things
that they have
a direct link to,
something they can see,
something they can feel,
something that links them
The Paragon allows an adept
to access anything
anywhere in space-time.
My father first learned of the
existence of the Paragon
from studying
the ancient texts.
The sages spoke
of a crystal
that could access
all the dimensions
but could only be found
in the Well of Unknowing.
He realized the only way
to search for it
was to know that he
would one day find it.
Then when he did,
he could use its power
to transmit the place
it was hidden
back in time to himself.
No, say that again.
So, he would...what?
Look, the point is,
as soon as my father
actually held the Paragon,
he realized that it was
far too powerful
for any human to possess.
So, he decided to hide it
from the world again.
He returned
to the Well of Unknowing
to place a decoy to confuse
anyone who would seek it.
But there he found
my brother, Haxan.
Where is it, father?
Where is it?
Father and Haxan had
an epic psionic battle.
Open your mind to me.
I'm more powerful.
My father paid
with his life.
The secret of where
the Paragon is hidden
died with him, but...
But you've both been emotionally
from finding
the magic rock.
That about it?
We will do an exchange.
You will telelocate
the Paragon,
and then I will telelocate
the car that hit you.
Other way around,
I'm not doing diddly
until we do my thing first.
Very well.
did it hit you?
The corner of Nikau
and St. Mary's Ave.
No. Whereabouts
on your body?
Oh, like, around there.
Allow me to touch it.
I have to phase lock
with the car.
[breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
I know where it is.
[soundtrack music playing]
[soundtrack music stops]
Ha ha ha!
This is it.
This is the...
This is the car.
Of course it is.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, yeah, I can do this.
Yep, I can do this.
What are you doing?
I am gonna serve up
some justice, yeah.
I'm gonna grand-slam
this motherfucker.
It is gonna be
game, set, match.
This was not the agreement.
This is exactly
the agreement.
I told you, you cannot use
the powers for evil.
This isn't evil.
Know what is evil?
Evil is driving
your car into someone
and leaving them
for dead.
This is justice.
Now, either you help me
deliver the justice,
or you can forget about
your precious Paragon.
So, we deliver justice,
you find the Paragon.
This is the final
agreement now, final, final.
Yep, okay, cool.
So, do you want the Ripper
or the High-beam?
[radio playing softly]
Who are you?
Is that your car
out the back?
Yes. Why?
Right, and long
have you owned it?
It's all paid off.
Mm-hmm, and you the only one
that drives it?
What is this about?
Were you driving it on
the 13th of March last year?
Who are you?
You don't remember me?
You hit me
with your car.
You almost killed me.
You did kill him,
but he came back to life.
Yeah, exactly, so...
have anything to say
for yourself?
That's irrelevant.
Are we going to do
the justice or not?
Mum, I'm starving.
Hey, Vinnie, I'm just
cooking you some lunch.
Are we gonna play
tennis or something?
Can you just give me
10 more minutes, Vinnie?
I'm just cooking her
some lunch.
Would you like
something to eat?
We are hungry
for justice.
I'm hungry for food,
Okay, okay.
What color
is the food?
It's just
spaghetti bolognese.
I actually do a pretty good
spag bol myself.
Yeah, um, trick is you
want to use Marmite,
brings out the umami.
[piano playing] that man
going to be all right?
Yeah. Yeah,
he's gonna be fine.
Yeah, he's, um...
he's just
having a liedown.
Someone's helping him.
[shifting transmission lever]
[tires screech]
This is really good, Mum,
much better
than the usual stuff.
What's this?
Oh, it's the book
of rides.
Oh, yeah?
I've had a ride
in all of these.
It's pretty comprehensive.
I've been
on a 787 Dreamliner.
Have you?
Yeah, maybe.
I don't normally pay attention
to the model number.
Have you ever been
on a motorbike?
Have you ever been
on a motor trike?
I bet I've been in more vehicles
than you have.
Have you ever been
on a submarine?
-I have.
-No, you haven't.
-How would you know?
You know how I know.
Why would you mislead the child?
There was a tour of submarines
at Auckland Harbor in 1991,
and I went to it, so...
You're trying
to make yourself
seem more impressive
than you are.
-What's this one?
-Oh, that's mum's car.
It's got a dent
in it because
some moron walked
in front of her once.
A moron?
Yeah, moron.
Okay, hey, Vinnie,
why don't you go and play
outside, out front?
I was drunk...
when I hit you.
I was about
six beers down.
That's your excuse?
Look, Vinnie's dad was trying
to take her to Australia,
and I...I just had this feeling
in the pit of my stomach,
like, all the time,
and the booze just took
the edge off,
you know, helped me get
through the day.
I don't know
what happened.
I didn't even see you.
I just knew that if I stopped,
then I would lose my license.
You know,
I'd lose my job.
I'd lose Vinnie and...
Yeah, so I ran.
I was selfish.
I tried
to forget about it,
but I actually ended up
thinking about it every day.
And, um...
Well, I stopped drinking,
and I managed to convince
Vinnie's dad
to leave without her.
I kind of got
my shit together.
Well, I'm glad
that ruining my life was
such a transformative
experience for you.
I'm sorry. I'm...
I'm really sorry.
Okay. Do you think that's
good enough, honestly?
What do you want?
Yeah,, ah...
So, I'm just gonna
hit you once,
you know,
to make my point.
Great. Um...
So, do you wanna pick
a body part or...
God, no,
not the collarbone.
That's awful.
Elbow then.
It's a joint.
I mean, what's wrong
with you?
Fine. Leg, then.
Okay, very nice.
I've gotta use
my left.
It's not as strong
as my right.
I don't wanna...
Oh, Vinnie, Vinnie,
can you go back inside, please?
-Mum, Lucky's gone!
-Who's Lucky?
-My dog.
The gate's open,
and he's run away again!
Dutch left
the gate open.
No, I didn't.
Oh, no. Yeah,
I did, I did.
If he's wandering
around outside, he might
get hit by a car!
Dutch, I do not
understand what we're doing.
We're looking
for Lucky the dog.
This woman crippled
you for life,
and you came
to get justice,
but you've cooked her
a delicious pasta dish,
and now we're searching
for her missing dog.
Can you stop
bugging me, please?
He's been gone
for an hour now.
He could be anywhere.
Hey, give me
the leash for a sec.
Thanks, squirt.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna telelocate
the stupid pooch, aren't I?
No, Dutch, don't.
That could be
very dangerous.
Dangerous how?
I'm not sure.
It could be a trap.
Give me me hood.
Lyra, give me
the hood.
It's the kid's dog.
Give me the hood.
[breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
[soundtrack music playing]
Vinnie: Lucky!
How did you know
where she was going to be?
Oh, I'm just...psychic,
I guess.
Hmm. Thank you.
Thanks very much.
Oh, no, it's fine.
Thank you. What?
Oh, no.
What the hell
is going on?
[thunder rumbling]
[evil laughter]
It is my brother.
Oh, great.
[evil laughter]
I am Haxan.
[Lyra groans]
So, this is
your prize acolyte?
Look at him.
A lowly cripple.
What the hell
are you laughing at?
You look like you're
real sweaty under there.
No, don't look at him.
Yes, I see
into your mind.
Wait a minute.
How does this mush-minded fool
have so much psionic power?
He died once already.
Did you kill him?
No, of course not.
Look into my eyes.
-I am a control.
-Let him go.
You will find
the Paragon...
for me.
Let him go!
Obey me.
Obey me.
Obey me.
Obey me.
Ah! Ah! Ow!
Stop! Ah!
[soundtrack music playing]
What happened?
Haxan tried to make you
his psychic slave.
He wants to use
your psionic ability
to find the Paragon.
So, just
like you, then?
No, nothing like me.
He does not care
what he destroys
to get what he wants.
What's he want
to do with it?
The Paragon will allow him
to read the minds
of people who have
not yet been born,
to control the minds
of people in the past,
to project his consciousness
anywhere or any-when.
He'll be able to move
objects in the past
to change the present.
If Haxan possesses
the Paragon,
he will become
an Archon.
What's an Archron?
An Archon is
a kind of demigod.
Mmm, no, you don't
want him to become
a demigod.
That guy's such
a dick, right?
My father came to this place
to hide the Paragon.
He sent me this
just before he died.
He would have held it
with the same hands
as he used
to hold the Paragon.
You should be able
to phase lock from it.
The only things I've
telelocated so far
have been a china figurine
and a dog.
It's the same process.
Just begin with the techniques
I've taught you.
[breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
Dutch, where are you?
[voice echoing]
[voice echoing]
Yeah, I know
where it is.
[soundtrack music playing]
Is that it?
Nothing, nothing.
Just surprised
you didn't think to go
and look in the motel,
that's all.
I told you, I had
an emotional block.
Yeah, but he
sent you the key.
So, it was, like,
super straightforward.
I do not see the point
in discussing this.
I know, but you spend
a week teaching me
how to be psychic.
And then it was just
in the drawer.
Like, you know,
he left behind
his phone charger
or something.
This is not
over yet, Dutch.
We still need
to destroy it.
[soundtrack music playing]
Oh, no.
Oh, come on,
not these guys again.
Well done, sister.
You found your way
around the block.
But now it is time
to give me my due.
Take your slimy hands
off me!
You hurt her,
I'll smash your precious
Paragon to pieces.
Hmm. I don't think
you will.
Don't worry,
little sister.
I'll fix all this mess.
I'll fix
all your mistakes.
So, it was in the motel
all along.
Even a dingbat could have
worked that out,
and, in a sense,
one did.
Still, at least
you'll have the honor
of being the first mind
that I crush,
like a ripe tomato.
[scream fades]
What are you doing?
Seriously, what is
wrong with you?
There's literally
nothing wrong with me.
Did you ever have a dream
that felt more like a memory?
I had this dream
last night, right?
And there was
this woman,
and she's dressed
all in black.
And she was teaching me
how to be psychic.
She was really mean.
I quite liked it.
Well, you went out
with Oates last night.
You probably hit it
pretty hard.
Yeah. I'm...
I'm gonna go
for a run.
[soundtrack music playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
Oh, hey, Oates.
Yeah, man?
Hey, man, what did we do
last night?
We had
an absolute banger.
Yeah, because I feel spacey,
like, I don't know,
like I woke up in a different
world or something.
Bro, just have a spliff,
and you'll be all good.
Now remember, I need you to
bring that shit today, bro.
What shit?
Ha ha. Funny guy.
Don't piss around.
If we're gonna be in
the business together,
you have to be reliable.
It's about trust.
Emily: Dutch, hurry up.
We're gonna be late.
Yep, yep, yep.
[soundtrack music playing]
God, I'm starving.
I don't wanna wait.
Can we just order?
Cool. What did you
have last time?
We've never
been here before.
Yeah, we have.
No, we haven't, Dutch.
Wake up.
Yeah, we have.
I was sitting...
Well, you were sitting there.
I think I was--
That woman
is staring at you.
She's dressed
all in black.
Is that the woman
from your dreams?
She get inside
your head, did she?
The one
you've been fucking.
Sorry. What?
Oh, my god,
it's so pathetic.
Your whole dream story.
Just own it.
Um...own what?
[laughs softly]
This is actually such
a relief, if I'm honest.
While we're
confessing things...
yes, I have been
seeing Oates.
What do you mean
"seeing Oates?"
Have you been fucking
my brother?
Well, he's adopted.
Are you serious?
I have been trying to
engage with you on this.
You're not present
with me.
You haven't been present
with me for a long time.
Even--Look, I'm gonna
put this in an email.
Do not put this
in an email!
I'll do bullet points.
Number one,
your anger issues.
Oates: Hey boo-boo,
what's good?
Hey, where you going, bro?
I don't wanna
talk to you, man.
Cool. Yeah.
I just need the shit
that you brought
for me, yeah?
Oh, the shit
that I brought for you.
Yeah, yeah, cool, man.
No worries. No worries.
Sorry. Just, almost forgot,
for a second about...
No, bro, are you
fucking serious?
That's a quarter mill
right there!
Bro, that shit's not
even paid for yet, bro!
You fuck my wife,
and I fuck your life.
Do you understand
what you've just done?
The people I owe, they're
gonna want answers, man.
They're gonna
want blood, bro.
I have to shoot you
right here, bro.
-Is that a real gun?
Wow. So, you would shoot
your own brother?
I'm adopted, remember?
My god, why does Dad
like you more?
I'm happy, bro.
Okay, okay.
Do it, then!
Okay, choose
a body part.
You're actually
gonna do it?
Choose a body part!
No, too easy. Arm...
No, tennis.
Okay, um...leg.
Okay, leg. I'm gonna
shoot you in the leg.
Honestly, who are you?
At exactly 4:33
on Wednesday,
13th of March last year,
you were walking home
from a shop near your house.
You crossed the road,
and a car nearly hit you.
It was a silver Toyota.
It missed you
by only a heartbeat.
Wait. So, how do you
know about that?
Because in a parallel universe,
it did hit you.
It hit you
and almost killed you.
You were crippled
for life.
You came to me to try
and find the car,
to find the driver.
I taught you
hyperdimensional consciousness.
Okay, okay.
Let me just set you
straight here.
I don't believe in that
woo-woo bullshit, okay?
Come with me.
I can prove it to you.
[soundtrack music playing]
Yeah, all right,
one sec.
So, I don't see
a car.
Let us go inside.
[music playing on radio]
Who are you?
We are seekers,
from another plane
of existence.
Oh, that's cool.
Um, do you want
a drink?
I'm having
a bit of a party.
Do you have a silver
Toyota Corolla?
Uh, yeah...
Yep. Why?
Where's the car now?
I don't know.
I don't drive anymore.
I'm not allowed.
Hey, no,
don't touch that.
What are you doing?
Who drew all
these pictures?
Put that down!
Wait. Who are you?
You have a daughter
named Vinnie, right?
Where's Vinnie?
Get out.
Where's Vinnie?
Get out!
Just get out!
Just get out!
Get out!
[tires screech]
You almost hit that guy!
Did I?
He should watch
where he's going.
Why do I feel
like I know the kid?
Because you do.
You met in a parallel
But here,
Beth missed you.
So, she kept
driving drunk.
She drove
through a red light.
Vinnie was killed
So, how is that
my problem?
It's not your problem.
This has nothing
to do with me.
No, it doesn't.
So, why do I feel
like shit about it, then?
What you're feeling
is called cosmic sorrow.
It's the sorrow
for the loss of someone
you have never met.
Can we change it?
If you change one thing,
you change everything.
What does that mean?
It means we must
find the Paragon...
Who the fuck
is driving the car?!
Smell this.
Ugh! What is that?
[bell dings]
This is a waypoint.
I'm having a deja-vu
thing right now.
This is a moment
in space time
that you can revisit
if you accidentally
get lost--
Lost in a parallel
Do you remember
the Paragon?
Did we find it?
Yes, but Haxan
took it from us.
He killed you.
That fuck killed me.
Yes, but then he must
have used the Paragon
to reach into the past
to move Beth's car.
So, you never
searched for her,
you never met me,
and you never found
the Paragon.
But if I never
found it,
then how did he
find it?
He has access to higher
dimensions, as do you.
Do I, though? Ha.
You have phase locked
with the Paragon before.
So, you want me
to find it again?
My brother has it.
I know where he is,
and I know
what he will do.
What I don't know
is...what you will do.
[soundtrack music playing]
[door handle turning]
I've been expecting you.
I saved you
a place here.
Give me the Paragon.
You know exactly
how this ends.
It's futile.
No, I don't,
and neither do you.
Can't you see?
I'm trying to fix
all the mistakes.
You killed Father.
And I brought him
back again.
Hello, Lyra.
But how?
Can't you see, Lyra?
I have the power
to fix everything,
to change everything.
You killed Father
to find the Paragon.
To bring him
back to life,
that makes no sense.
Your puny mind can't
conceive of my vision.
you always said
that the Paragon
was too powerful
for any man to possess.
Haxan possesses
the Paragon.
His power reaches through
all of the dimensions.
Bow down
to Haxan, Lyra.
Bow down to his power.
[Haxan chuckling]
Haxan, Haxan...
[echoing stops]
Cool, cool, cool.
So, you're, like, a...
like, a demigod now?
I am Haxan.
What about Vinnie?
Why do you worry
for a little girl?
She lives in her dimension
as you do in yours.
Here, I am the Archon.
Here, you exist
because of me.
Here, you bow down
in gratitude.
Yeah, but for what?
It's, like...
Well, my career
is still pretty shit,
and my wife's still
banging my adopted brother,
and now I feel bad
about this little kid
that I've never met.
So, like, all respect,
but it's still pretty fucked.
I gave you exactly
what you wanted--
someone to blame.
Right. So, is it
possible to, like,
shift things around
again, maybe?
Like what?
Australian Open Champ
has a nice ring to it.
I could give you
All you have to do
is bow down
and worship me
for all eternity.
It's pretty simple,
And what if I, uh...
want to choose
my own fate?
Then you choose oblivion.
Mum, mum, watch out!
[Dutch's voice]
So, yeah, I ended up
in the Lemon Dimension.
Or was it Avocado?
Whatever it was,
this story didn't have
a beginning,
a middle, or an end.
I just saw it
all at once.
None of it made any sense,
but that's okay.
Kind of like cosmic joy.
Dutch, where are you?
But in amongst all of that,
in every time,
every place,
I could see
something powerful,
something I could move around.
So, I decided to put it
where it belongs.
[breathing rapidly]
[exhales deeply]
It worked.
How the fuck
did that work?
The Paragon is
a hyperdimensional crystal,
and you are
a hyperdimensional being.
So, what do we do now?
Now we must hide it.
Then this will just happen
all over again.
No, we will hide it
in the past,
where my father
can never discover it.
We will combine
our psionic powers.
You will telelocate
the Paragon in the past,
and then
I will move it
so that it can
never be found.
But if it's never
discovered, then...
you're never gonna
search for it.
We're never gonna meet.
I'm sorry.
There is no other way.
That's fine.
I'm fine, honestly.
I just...I don't know.
I've just got this...
got a weird feeling,
you know?
That feeling is called
cosmic loneliness.
It's the feeling
of missing friends
you've never met.
Well, no matter
what happens,
you'll always be
my cosmic buddy.
And you will be
my cosmic buddy, too.
Okay. [Ahem]
Let's fuck this puppy.
[both breathing rapidly]
[both exhaling deeply]
[loud thud]
Oh, we have booked
a hall for volleyball.
We have this booked
every Tuesday and Thursday.
Yeah, yeah. Sorry.
Just look
on the website, mate.
[dog whines]
Lucky! Lucky!
[soundtrack music playing]