The Path (2024) Movie Script

(orchestral strings
build to an evil chaos)
- Hey tough-guy,
what's the hold up?
what are you waiting for?
Come on. Paul?
Let's get back in
the car please.
- You guys wanna help me out?
Need like three hands for
this thing?
What an idiot.
More like three inches.
(more laughs)
What's the matter, Biff?
Witch giving you stage fright?
Is your turtle afraid
to come out of its shell?
She may not be pissed off.
She definitely got pissed on.
Wow. Clever. So surprising
you're not going to college.
Well, with looks like these.
I mean...
Oh my God.
- What the fu...
- Haha, very f...
- He, he's just messing with us.
You don't have to get out of the
- Come on Paul, stop
playing around.
[Larry] Let's go Paul. [Soko]
Yeah, come
on Paul. [Larry] This is not
Hey, jerk off. I don't
have time for this.
All right Paul, you got us.
- Come on, Paul.
Yo, dickhead, we're
not impressed.
Hey, 2.0. Let's go.
I, I got a math test
in the morning.
Dude, I need to eat.
- I'm really starting to get
Alright, you scared us.
Are you happy now?
[Larry] Come on. We're trying
to get outta here, man.
- Oh, oh my God.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What is it?
- Rrrroahhhrr!
(girls scream)
- Assholes.
I can't believe you.
(guys laugh)
- I told you guys.
- Got it, man!
- That was too easy.
(laughing and moaning)
- Let's get out of here,
I'm hungry.
I can't believe you
fell for that.
Anybody else gotta take a leak?
Yeah. On your head.
(indistinct chatter
and chuckling)
(foreboding music darkens)
(car doors slam)
- Ahhhh... Witch's house.
- Pfft.
(ignition starts)
(music jolts)
(music whines like
tortured souls)
- Look, if you're having
trouble with this thing --
(bell rings)
- - come and see me now.
Don't come crying to
me later when it's due.
(indistinct chatter of students)
- Okay.
Uh, Caitlin.
- Hey.
Can I talk to you for a second?
- Look, I haven't really
talked to you, since...
(Caitlin exhales)
You know, you've, you've
always been a great student.
You know, your sister
was one of my favorites,
but your latest test scores
and papers, it hasn't been
your best work.
- I know. I just,
- You don't even have to say it.
And I don't think your
GPA should have to suffer
because of your loss.
I just want you to know
I'm not gonna average them
into your grade for the term.
- Okay, thanks.
- I just need to know
that you have an overall handle
on everything we've covered so
and then we can sort of
start fresh in the new year.
- I appreciate it.
- Great.
- When you're ready,
let's spend an
afternoon or evening going
over the major points
of the syllabus together.
No pen, no paper. We
do it orally.
Just two mature people
having a discussion.
Couple hours at best.
And then when we're done,
I'll know, that you know
what you should know.
- I guess.
- Yeah?
Great. It's a date.
You let me know when
you're ready. It'll be fun.
Hey, I gotta get going.
- Yeah, of course.
See you Monday.
(threatening music swirls)
(crows caw from afar)
(a clock tics)
(puffing sound)
(puffs louder)
(iron puffs, again)
(single musical note
holds indefinitely)
(music darkens)
(someone sniffs)
(clock continues to tic)
(iron puffs)
(mysterious music)
(heartfelt music)
(music darkens)
(dog barks in distance)
- This is really good. Yeah?
I'm getting better I guess.
Don't you cook for yourself
while you're at school?
Yeah, not really. More
like, order a pizza.
Boil water for ramen noodles
or microwave a burrito.
Love noodles.
- Who doesn't?
Mom would've killed you
if she knew you were
eating like that.
That's what going away
to school is all about.
Getting away with stuff
you couldn't do at home.
Well, I guess I don't
have to go away for that.
Don't be so sure of that.
You know how old
fashioned dad can be.
He's probably watching us
right now making sure we finish
everything on our plates.
May I be excused?
(Abby chuckles)
(ominous music)
- What?
(evil strings play)
Daddy? Is that you?
You're breaking up.
(creepy giggling)
I'm excused.
(footsteps on wood)
(emotional music)
(Dog barks in the distance)
(Ominous music fades up)
(Heavy footsteps
crunching leaves)
(Twigs snapping)
(Ominous music fades down)
- I don't know what
you're complaining about.
Do you ever cook for her?
- I'm not supposed to cook.
Why do you think I got married?
(both laugh)
- I don't know why I bother.
- Easy Kat.
That constitutes
battery nowadays.
- Nowadays? Oh please.
Ed doesn't even know
which century it is.
So I think I'm good. You
running behind today Ryan?
I almost called the police.
- Ha ha. I actually had to
do some work this morning.
Anything newsworthy? No.
Just a bunch of teenagers
causing trouble last night.
There's this long standing
tradition in this area
where a bunch of kids
cram into a car, ride
around past all the creepy
places, you know, drinking,
telling scary ghost stories.
This guy Rod Stahley start
the whole thing, years ago.
Called it going on a ghost run.
I actually used to do it
when I was in high school.
- Holy shit. Well I'm
surprised the FBI
isn't swooping in the
take this one.
(Kat laughs)
- Yeah. I gotta give it
to these kids.
They do a lot better
job with it than I did.
I mean, some of this
stuff is pretty authentic.
- They place fake satanic
objects, dead animals,
anything they can find
to scare the hell out
of the people along
for the ride.
Oh, creepy (laughs).
- How do you know they're not?
- How do I know
they're not what?
- Um, authentic?
- What are you talking about?
- Well, this Rod guy who,
who started these ghost runs?
Where'd he get his stories
I don't know. I'm thinking old
guys who like to start trouble?
(Kat laughs)
I don't know Ed.
I'm sure they were all
just made up.
- No, don't be so sure. I know
where these stories came from.
And remember not too long ago,
this area was not
quite so suburban.
Shit does not go away, sheriff.
Just 'cause you landscape
it nicely. Have a good day.
- You too Ed?
- O...K... then.
(Kat giggles to herself)
(Creepy music begins to simmer)
(puffing can be heard
from an iron)
(an unsettling tone
hangs in the air)
(metal clinking sounds)
(unsettling score continues)
(unsettling score continues)
(unsettling score
transitions to peaceful)
- Hi.
- How's my favorite student?
- Uhhh-ah.
- OH, I hope you don't mind.
I just wanted to say hi.
It's so cold out there.
- Uh, no. It's fine
- What are you up to?
- Uh, I just had to run
into the pharmacy.
- Huh?
- So how are you Mr. Delaney?
- I'd be a whole lot better
if you called me Tim.
Abby -
You're an adult now. Last
time I checked, so was I.
I think we can address each
other by our first names
and not get in trouble.
How are you Abigail?
- I'm all right.
- Yeah.
- Yeah? I mean, as
much as I can be.
- I know there are things
we think will never change.
- Yeah, I just thought, I
guess I never thought. I just...
- I know. You're not supposed
to think about things
like that at your age.
That's what makes it so tough.
- Life is... It just got
so different so fast.
- Anyway, if you need
anything, let me know.
- All right. (chuckles)
- Here.
(tense music rises)
Now you have my number.
(Tim's phone rings)
- And I have yours.
- Right.
(tense music continues)
(Tim exhales with satisfaction)
- I'm here if you and
Caitlin need anything, okay?
- Yeah. Okay. I have to go.
- Under Tim.
- Huh?
- In your contacts
- Under Tim.
(tense music carries
off in waves)
(clock chimes ring in
the distance)
(wicked music whirls)
(papers rustle)
(wind howls in the distance)
(door creaks, ever so slightly)
(another creak)
(high picthed musical
note carries)
(door slowly creaks more)
- Oh, hey! Otis, No!
- Bad boy
(wind wooshed in)
(door claps)
(door claps)
(door claps)
(door claps)
(door claps)
(door claps)
(eerie music plays)
(door clicks and latches)
(wind howls)
- What the hell are you doing?
(Abby yelps)
- Uh, What am I doing?
I am, ah, I am cleaning
up the mess Otis made
because you left his treats out.
Oops. Sorry.
Yeah, I couldn't sleep
so I was working
and then Otis scared the
hell out of me.
Then the door, you, ah,
- What's, what's all this?
- I'm thinking about selling.
Selling, selling what?
The house.
No. Why?
When were you gonna... when
were you gonna tell me this?
I was just weighing out
our options. Okay?
Wh-- Why would you do this?
All right, look, I'm not trying
to take you away from your
school or your friends,
but we live on a farm
and last I checked, neither
one of us are farmers.
How long did you think
this would last?
So what are you saying?
I'm saying, unless you wanna
old McDonald overnight
and start plowing fields
at 5:00 AM we need
to be realistic about this.
This place can make us
broke or it can make us rich.
- You know, you think you know
something about dealing with
but all you know is how
to not deal with it.
And instead of thinking about
how to get away from here,
why don't you spend five
minutes thinking about this home
that our family has had
for generations.
Our parents who, who
gave us everything
and all the great
people in this town
who you left in the dust
when you went away
to your fucking school?
You do what you want,
I'm not going with you.
(sad music plays)
(footsteps stomp away)
(bedroom door slams)
(music transitions to
evil sounding)
(music builds threateningly)
- Oops. That doesn't count.
It's only considered the
blood of Christ
where it makes it
into your mouth.
Otherwise it's just cheap wine.
(crowd laughs)
Thank you Father.
You sent
your son to die for our sins
so that we may enter
your kingdom.
Our father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy holy name;
Thy kingdom come; Thy
will be done
on earth as it is in
heaven (prayer fades)
[Priest] You're welcome, always
a pleasure. You know that.
[Girl 1] Thank you Father.
Awesome, awesome. You.
- Thank you.
You're so sweet.
[Priest] Hey-hey, Abigail...
[Abigail] Hi.
[Priest] I wanna talk to you for
a second.
Oh, okay.
Thank you Father.
Have a great day.
[Girl 2] Thank you.
[Priest] God bless you.
[Woman] Thank you Father.
[Priest] God bless you. Sweetie.
[Woman] Take care.
- That was a lovely mass Father.
- How are you dear?
- I'm good.
- You know, it's a sin
to lie, especially to me.
- No, really. I'm fine.
- And where's Caitlin this
- Well, we had a rough
night last night,
so I let her sleep in.
- You know I'm here for
the rough nights too.
If you need anything,
let me know.
- Okay? I will.
- Listen.
Here's my card. It has
the rectory number
and it has my mobile as well.
- Yes. Father,
- Give us a hug.
(Abby laughs)
- Thank you. See you
- Next week.
(a crow caws)
(ominous music rises)
(flies buzz)
(buzzing increases)
(crow continues)
- What do you make of it?
- Somebody sure killed
- Like what?
- I dunno, cat?
Something bigger, maybe?
- Gross man.
Stupid fucking kids.
- Yeah. I'm just not a hundred
percent sure it was the kids.
- Of course it was the
kids. It's always the kids.
Hey Ry, the woman
who called in the complaint
said there were men
right behind her house.
- Yeah.
- But the edge
of her development's
way the heck that way.
And there are like
dozens of these
little trails back around here.
But you need to come
straight here.
How'd you stumble
onto this place?
- Actually, I was riding
my bike with my friends.
- You, you bike ride. Sorry.
Excuse me. You have friends?
- I did. I was in junior
high school when I
found this place.
(music shifts to mysterious)
(crow calls out)
(mysterious music continues)
(dog barks)
- So besides these four women,
can anyone tell me the only
other woman to be nominated
to the United States
Supreme Court?
Caitlin, are you still with us?
- Yes. Mrs. Reese.
- Elizabeth.
- Meyer?
- Anyone else? Agree, disagree?
- Hi. Where are you coming from?
(Abby sighs)
(mysterious music grows
darker and fades)
(dog barks in the distance)
(wind howls like a
tortured soul)
(silence in the house)
(evil music begins)
(the sound of wind rises)
What the hell?
(the wind is gone)
(strange metallic squeak)
(more metallic sounds)
(like a swingset)
(sounds continue)
(rusty creaking)
(ominous music rises)
(metal scrapes)
(more metal scrapes)
(metal sound)
(pitched music builds)
(door ratchets)
(Heavy breathing)
(slow creaking)
(Abby struggles for breath)
- What do you want?
(wicked musics crescendos)
(door slowly squawks)
(door emits painful creaking)
(frightened breaths)
Please leave us alone.
(breathy cries)
[Caitlin] What are you doing?
[Abigail] There's somebody
in that room. We have to go.
[Abigail] We have to go.
- What? Are you insane?
- Caitlin, don't!
- Caitlin No!
(Abby breathes heavy)
- Abbs, there's nothing here.
(creepy music hovers)
(knob jiggles)
(Abby whispers)
He must be in Mom & Dad's room.
We need
to call the police.
[Caitlin] Abby...
I'm checking Mom and Dad's room.
[Abigail] Caitlin. Caitlin.
[Abigail] Cait! I'm not
imagining this.
There's someone in there.
Okay, don't move.
(evil music continues to whirl)
(to self) Oh my God...
(evil music turns darker)
[Abigail] Hi. It's Abigail
There's someone in our house.
Yes, I saw him!
Please hurry.
Sheriff's gonna be here
in a few minutes.
Caitlin, did you see something?
We're gonna go down to the
And we're gonna wait
for the Sheriff.
(sinister music rings on)
[Abigail] Okay. Come'on,
come'on, come'on.
(twisted strings play out)
(heavy footsteps approach)
- So what do you think boss?
- Well, there's flooring up
It does lead to some
of the access
panels in the other rooms.
- So, it's possible
someone could have
ran off while she was
freaking out?
- Possible. Yeah, but I
mean, a guy crawls up here
and goes down through one of the
other rooms and gets
passed all of us?
- Yeah. So you're
saying she's crazy?
The hot ones are always crazy.
(Ronny laughs)
- You're crazy, Ronny.
And, you're not that hot.
- We all know that's not true,
(slight laughter)
- You saw something?
I know you saw something.
No, I, I just got scared.
I'm fine.
It was nothing.
You just freaked me out.
That's all.
(eerie music rises)
- Well?
Nothing. So you
don't believe me?
- No, no. We definitely believe
something's going on here.
Your sister said you
saw something.
- No, I, I didn't.
- Well what about the dog?
Where does he stand in all this?
- Um, I don't know. I haven't
seen him.
Oh my God.
Otis. Otis.
- Otis. Otis. Otis.
Come here boy.
Otis. Otis. Otis.
(tense music)
- Otis?
(more clapping)
- Hi buddy.
(Otis whimpers)
(soft whine)
Hey, it's okay. You
can come on out.
(slight yelp)
It's alright buddy.
It's okay. Come on baby.
(footsteps moving off)
[Sheriff] Where was he?
[Caitlin] Where was he?
Uh, He...
- He was behind dad's chair
in the den. In the corner.
- Is that normal for him?
- It's not like
he's never been back there.
It's not like I'm about
to come when we call
either. Plus he seems scared.
(Ronny] He still seems scared.
What, I'm just saying.
Look girls.
I don't know what's
going on here.
It's possible there was a man
up there who slipped past us
but we will figure it out.
So for tonight, Ronny
and I will camp out down
here and keep watch.
You're good with that, right
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
What else would I be
doing on a Saturday night?
(silly music)
(gun drops)
(radio static)
- This is dispatch. Any mobile
in the vicinity of Hullmetta
- This is unit one over.
- Oh hey Ryan. We have an auto
accident involving a single
vehicle off Hullmetta Boulevard.
Who do you want there?
- I'm practically there
right now. I'll take it.
- Copy
- Ambulance?
- There's one en route.
- Copy that, on my way.
- Thanks Ry.
- Alright kid.
Looks like it's all
yours. Hold down the fort.
- I'll keep it warm for you,
- Ry, uh, be careful out there.
Do the same here.
- Got it.
(dog barks in the distance)
(sinister music rises)
(more barking)
(Ronny moans)
(wind blows outside)
(evil violin bellows)
(musical dissonance builds)
Don't be scared.
- Huh?
Ow. Fuck!
(Caitlin laughs)
- Oh, hey.
- I said don't be scared.
Oh no, I, I wasn't scared.
[Caitlin] Are you okay?
[Ronny] Yeah. Yeah, it's
nothing. It's just a scratch.
(beeping from truck)
(diesel truck backing up)
- Hey, what's up Ryan?
- What's up Stan?
Thanks for coming out.
Saw the paramedics leave.
Anyone get hurt?
- Yeah.
- Ah, shit.
- Yeah, it's weird too
'cause there's no skid marks
anywhere in the road here.
It's just kind of like he just
drove himself into that tree.
- Well, he coulda' just fallen
asleep behind the wheel.
- Yeah, I guess so. Maybe.
- Anyways, I'm gonna back her
up and get her outta here.
Unless you got
something else to do?
- Uh, yeah, sorry. Go for it.
- All right, Ry.
See you later, man.
- Thanks bud.
(footsteps on broken glass)
(mysterious music plays)
- How do you feel
about double Ds?
- Excuse me?
(Caitlin chuckles)
- As a nickname?
Deputy Dylan.
(both chuckle)
- Oh (chuckling)
- Yeah, right.
Deputy Di.
That's double... DD. That's
really, you're super funny.
But um- you can just
call me Ron.
- I will.
- Cool.
- I just came in for a drink.
- Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. Me too.
(witchy music swirls)
(Caitlin exhales, slowly)
(exhales with satisfaction)
(inhales deeply)
- Well...
Good night.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
(Caitlin giggles)
- Sanctus satanas sanctus.
- Sanctus satanas sanctus.
- Dominus Diabolis Sabbath.
- Dominus Diabolis Sabbath.
- Ave Satanas.
Ave Satanas.
Darkest father,
we offer you a thousand
thanks for your vigilance.
We are all your slaves.
(evil music smolders)
- Kneel, child.
- We give to you...
And in return, you see to it
that our cups runeth over.
(sinister music bellows)
(Girl's voice muffled)
- Wait...
- --I, I don't want to.
- Please?
- I changed my mind, stop.
(distant cries)
(faint moaning)
(sensual moaning]
(sensual moaning)
(sensual moaning continues)
(sensual moaning continues)
- Ronny!
(sensual moaning)
(sensual moaning continues)
(sensual moaning heightens)
Hey Dillon!
(Caitlin screams with ecstasy)
Deputy Dillon, come back.
(wicked strings carry on)
Ronnie, are you awake?
- Screw it.
Glad somebody's
getting some rest.
(moaning continues)
(Moaning builds to a pitch)
(evil music
scratches feverishly)
(heavy breaths)
(evil music devolves)
threatening music rises)
(car engine revs away)
(chaotic, threatening
music plays)
(diner sounds. door chimes)
(big exhale)
- Don't usually see you
here on Sundays.
- Actually, I was waiting
to talk to you.
- About?
- What we were speaking about
last time.
The Satanic stuff. Tell me
a little more about that?
- Haven't you heard all
these stories?
- Yeah, I guess I just never
really strung them all together.
- Oh, okay. Well, back in
the fifties, well, maybe even
before these folks used
to come out from the city
to practice their devil worship.
- Yeah, I've heard that.
But, how do you know?
- My dad.
He would see them firsthand.
He'd, he'd walk the dogs in
the woods up by Port and
and he'd see them back then.
Um,These folks, they'd pull
up in their limousines,
these really rich folks and,
and they'd come at all
hours of the day and night
and they'd trek up
into the woods
and they'd spend the weekend
here hidden from everybody.
- Okay. That doesn't make
them devil worshipers.
They would just be
enjoying a country getaway.
- Country getaway? There's no
streams, there's no meadows,
there's no rolling hills,
there's no views back there.
My goodness. You, you could
find beautiful land right
outside the city back then.
Why did those people come all
the way out here?
Those woods, they are
dark and they're dense.
This is the northern most
extension of the pine barrens.
- Alright, but I'm, I'm
still not hearing any facts.
Facts? The remains of
that village,
that secret village is
still up there.
Never on the county
records, yet there it is.
Concrete foundations and
all. Can you explain that?
That's a fact, Sheriff.
A hundred feet from the road
and yet no one could see it.
But my dad, he saw it.
He saw it really often.
He, he would hear them chanting
and then he would see them in
their gowns, in their costumes
as they marched
through the woods.
And he's not the only one.
I know many people,
many good people
who saw strange things up there.
Actually, I was one of them,
I I, I saw it too when,
when I was a kid.
I, it was one of their
big celebrations.
And I, I, I snuck up
there to peak.
My dad was, he was always
saying to me, just leave him be.
But I was like, I said, I
was a kid and I was curious
and I, I snuck out there and,
and I peeked through the slats
on one of their structures.
(Eds breathing becomes labored)
They had a, they had a a,
a girl in there
and she was naked and bound
and they were gonna do
something to her.
I, I don't, I don't, I I,
I don't know what they
were gonna do.
And I got really scared
and I, I felt like I was
being watched.
I I had to get outta there.
I, I, I just, I, I just,
I I ran away that,
that's what I did.
I ran away.
(piercing music rings)
You do remember when
you were a kid
that they found a girl's
body out by the edge
of the road in a trash bag?
- Yeah. That, that
doesn't mean it's related.
- No, no. It definitely doesn't.
But it also doesn't mean
that it's not related.
There are a million really
strange things that have
around here that aren't
necessarily related.
Yeah, I, I, I guess if I think
about it, I can remember more
and more stories that it
just seems so unlikely,
so odd that anyone could
possibly believe
that in today's day and age.
- Son, it's a religion.
It's a religion as old
as time itself.
Who are you to question that?
Every day, millions of people
ask the
same question about the beliefs
of the person sitting
directly across from them.
Yet it still goes on. Right?
I mean, has Christianity gone
anywhere in the past 50 years?
(Ed laughs)
People still believe in God.
You can't have one without the
other, my friend.
(food bell chimes)
Thanks, Ed.
Sheriff, have you ever
heard the name Anton Lavey?
He's the founder of the
Church of Satan.
Do you know where the
official world headquarters
for the Church of Satan
was in the seventies?
Potterswood, New Jersey. Two
minutes away.
Google it.
- I will.
Google it?
You're funny Ed.
- Take care, Sheriff.
(metal door squeaks open)
- Good morning.
- Hey!
Hey, listen-
- What the
hell's going on here?!
Take it easy, Tim. All right.
The girls had a scare
last night, all right?
(cell phone rings)
What's going on?
- That's what I wanna know.
Everybody just quiet. All right,
hang on.
(Cell phone rings)
Lemme take this.
Yeah. Ry?
Yeah, of course, I'll tell her.
All right. Yeah. Bye.
Your realtor got into a
car accident last night on
Hullmetta Blvd.
He died. Sorry.
I'm late for church.
Were they close?
It's not that.
Then what?
Their parents died on
Hullmetta Boulevard.
There were no visible
signs of the crash.
(sinister music treads)
(church bells toll)
- If evil is to blame for
the cause of our actions,
can we not then say that our
actions are the cause of evil?
If you let evil into your
heart, you give it a place
to live, to grow,
to thrive, to destroy,
to fester,
to beat you down.
To break you.
- Abby.
- Oh! (nervous laugh)
Oh, Mr. MacLaughlin, I didn't
see you there. How are you?
- I'm just fine.
How are you?
- I'm okay.
- You sure you don't seem okay?
- Huh? Oh, uh, I just found out
my realtor passed away.
So just a little distracted,
I guess.
[Allistor] Oh wow.
That's sad.
Oh, that's right.
I did see you had the
place up for sale.
You know, I've been
meaning to stop in
and check on you girls...
The place.
I mean, you know, we're
practically family.
- Uhhh...
I guess... I, I never really
thought of it like that.
- Are you kidding? Your
family and my family.
They go way back.
Farming families like ours are a
thing around here these days.
Sacred thing.
Plus, if you guys hadn't gone
off on your own and you
and Billy had gotten married,
then you'd be my daughter-in-law
right about now.
(Abby sighs)
Anyway, maybe you should
reconsider selling the place.
I think your dad would've
wanted you to keep it as is.
- I know, but we can't farm it.
And if we can't keep it farmed,
the taxes will bankrupt
us by the end of the year.
- Well, I could help
you with that.
You should have come to
me if you were having
trouble keeping the place up.
- I didn't wanna bother
anyone with our problems
- It's worth fighting for.
That is hallowed ground
as far as I'm concerned.
As far as a lot of us
are concerned.
Hey, don't you think it's
a sign your realtor dying,
that you're supposed to
keep the place?
- I don't really...
- Good!
It's settled, then.
Look, you guys keep the place.
We'll work out a business
arrangement where I farm it
for you.
- I, Uh, I don't know. It's
more complicated than that.
I have to talk it over
with my sister,
but I'll let you know.
It was great to see you, Mr.
- Same here. Abby. You come
by anytime. We'll work it out.
The whole family would
love to see you.
(dark, sinister music moans)
(heavy footsteps walk off)
(music threatens)
(dark music holds)
(birds chirp)
(dark music melts away)
(a woodpecker hammers away)
(pretty tones takes over)
(birds sing with hope)
- I thought we promised no limo?
You said no limo. Okay.
I had my fingers crossed.
(Abigail laughs)
- You can't afford this.
- How often do I get to take
the best girl in the world
to her prom?
(she laughs)
Besides we have the
rest of our lives together
to worry about spending money.
- MmHmm.
- All right?
It's also only one way, 'cause,
I left my shit box parked
at the school.
(Abby laughs hard)
(Billy laughs with her)
(woodpecker hammers away
(music darkens)
(train howls in the distance)
(the wind whips, angrily)
(music hums, with bad intention)
(Grandfather clock rings out)
(loud thump)
(strange metal sounds)
(distant thump)
(distant thump)
(metal scrapes)
(muffled thud)
(tense music rises)
(staircase creaks)
(musical pitch rises)
(door creaks)
(switch clicks)
(music twists darkly)
(man's voice)
- Hello?
(bulb shatters)
(Abby screams)
(door slams)
(thunderous tumbling, crashing)
(Abby gasps in pain)
(exaggerated breathing)
(trying to catch her breath)
- Oh my God...
- My phone.
(cries in pain)
(rapid tugging at light string)
- Ohhh!
- Uh-ah...
(matches rattling)
- Eeyuh...
(labored breaths)
- Who are you?
(cries out)
(matches rattle)
(match strike)
(rapid heavy breaths)
(Man's twisted voice)
- Hello.
- Who's there?
(demonic voice) - I...
What do you want from me?
(demonic voice) - I,
I want you...
- Tell me what you want?
(Abby screams)
(crashing noises)
(things breaking)
(sinister music laughs away)
- Check this out.
Swipe right. Swipe left.
Hey, weren't the lights
on in the house a minute ago?
On the porch, yeah, for sure!
She's not gonna turn off
all the lights before
little sis' gets home.
No, she's not.
(Abby screams in the distance)
(screen door slams)
(Abby grunts & cries)
(footsteps running)
- Oh shit. Here we go.
(throbbing music pounds)
(footsteps pounding the gravel)
(Abby cries out)
- Ronny! The house. Go, go, go
- On it on it.
(gasping for breath)
- He, he's in there.
He's in there.
- You're alright -
you're alright!
Here. Put this on.
- He's in the basement.
He-- he--did-- he touched me.
He, he's real... I'm,
I'm not crazy.
(Abby gasps for breath)
- Ronny, anything?
You alright? You're okay...
What happened?
It's black in here,
but nothing yet.
- He knocked me down the stairs,
I'm okay.
(coughs) I'm, I'm okay.
(car tires over gravel)
Here comes my sister.
- Ronny, What do you
see in there?
- Caitlin. The man in the
white mask. He's back.
He's in the basement.
He touched me.
(tense music playing)
- Caitlin, he's in the house.
- What's going on in
there? Talk to me, Ronny.
(walkie talkie sounds)
- Hey Ry, there's no one
here. He musta slipped away.
(walkie talkie sounds)
Looks like someone flipped
the main circuit breaker.
(sinister music)
- Uh, so I was right here
and then I turned around
and he was right there.
Wait, that means someone else
had to be in the house, right?
I mean, if I was looking
right at him, there had
to be someone else
upstairs to flip the power.
- Doesn't explain these
lights being blown out.
(ominous footsteps stomp above)
- What's going on?
[Sheriff] You tell me Tim?
How is it you keep showing up
after something's happened here?
- Because I have a
police scanner.
- Of course you do.
- What is, is
that against the law
or something?
- Actually, I don't know.
Uh, Abby had another scare.
- Intruder!
[Tim] What happened?
It was the
same man with a white face.
He came up from behind
- What is it?
That wasn't there before?
(mysterious music swirls)
- The mannequin?
No, the dress.
That was my prom dress.
(mysterious music simmers)
(wind moans)
- When Tim and I were in high
school, the kids used to drive
around here in cars
scaring each other,
telling old stories
about the area.
- Ghost runs.
That's what we called it.
- So what? Kids do that
in every town.
- Yeah. But in most towns the
stories are bullshit. And here,
- Here, they're true.
Anyway, these ghost runs,
they were big.
They were organized. The kids
running them would go through
elaborate measures to make
sure the passengers encountered
some very scary things
along the way.
They took it pretty far.
- And?
(dark music plays)
- And, well,
I'm pretty sure the torch
has been passed
because they're active again.
- So you're saying some
high school pranksters
are the ones scaring me.
- It's a possibility.
The kids have been very active
with the ghost runs as of late.
And they are very into it.
- I'm not buying that,
Ryan. Ghost runs were meant
to scare the people
along for the ride.
Not some girl at home
minding her own business.
- And, why Abby?
- Uh, I don't know...
Maybe it's not Abby
they're trying to scare her.
Maybe it's
Caitlin. She's the one
in high school.
- Why would anyone
wanna terrorize Caitlin?
Especially after everything
we've been through.
- High school's a weird place.
Could be some jealous
girls, or a guy she snubbed?
- But you don't really
believe that, do you Ryan?
(Ryan takes a deep breath)
(he lets out a nervous chuckle)
- I shoulda had Ronny pick up
another bottle of a bourbon.
Where's he at, anyway?
(creepy music twists)
(moaning rises)
- Ohhhh!
- Huahhh!!
- Oh-AHhhhhh...
(heavy breathing)
(sinister strings spiral)
(match strikes)
(dog barks in the distance)
(pensive music)
(dog barking intently)
(more barking)
(music stresses)
(footsteps on gravel)
(music chomps)
(music threatens)
(music whines)
(door rickets)
(music shifts)
(heavy footsteps)
(chain clicks repeatedly)
(bulb jiggles)
(distant laughter of children)
(more children laughing)
(girl's voice, muffled)
- Billy...
What we're doing...
I don't know, I...
- I...
(music builds intensely)
- It just feels wrong.
(spooky music whines)
- You are just gonna have
to trust me.
She left me.
She left you. Your parents.
The only thing wrong
here is her.
She's always been wrong.
This house, it belongs to you.
It belongs to us.
(dark strings moan)
(footsteps crunching leaves)
[Tim] When I was about
25, I had a girlfriend
who was deathly
afraid of ghosts.
I used to make fun of her,
she was a scaredy cat.
And then one day she tells me
a story that was so, so scary
and so compelling.
I knew--
It had to be true.
And I wanted to share it.
So I told my parents at dinner.
That's when my mom --
- - casually tells me,
"We had ghosts".
It's a long story,
but it only tormented my mom,
not my dad.
And apparently it messed
with me too, not my sister.
They said they walked
into my room
and they would find me screaming
and pointing at something
that they couldn't see.
I don't remember any of it,
but I do remember
being very scared
as a kid in that house.
(somber music plays)
(footsteps approach)
(loud unlatching)
Yes. Sheriff Smith?
- I, I
- I, uh.
(clears his throat)
- Is this appropriate
behavior for the sheriff?
I thought I heard something,
so I came to check on you.
- Oh, do you need to
come in and have a look?
- No, I've seen enough.
- You go to bed.
(witchy tones carry off)
- Why do you think it
chose your mom and you?
- I don't. I think some
people are just more
open to these things.
My mom's mom said she saw
things and between my sister
and I, I take after my mom.
It's like channels on a radio.
There are some people
that are just more in tune
to letting spirits in.
- What did they do,
your parents?
- They moved to a new house, but
after a while it happened again.
New house, new spirit.
After that I did more and
more research on the subject,
and I came to learn that
once the channel
or the path is open,
it tends to stay open.
Keeping you in touch with
the other side.
- So you think I'm in touch,
and Caitlin's not. Like
you and your sister.
- I do.
(dark music holds)
(footsteps beat the floor)
[Sheriff] Ronny come back
[Abigail] No, not that we've
[Tim] What's up?
[Sheriff] Nothing. No,
I'll be right back.
(leaves crunching)
(voices chant in distance)
- Sanctus satanas sanctus.
- Sanctus satanas sanctus.
- Dominus
diabolis sabbath.
- Dominus diabolis sabbath.
- Ave satanas.
- Ave satanas.
- Ave satanas. Ave satanas.
- Sanctus satanas sanctus.
- Sanctus satanas sanctus.
- Dominus diabolis sabbath.
- Dominus diabolis sabbath.
- Ave Satanas. Ave Satanas.
- Ave Satanas, Ave Satanas.
(leaves crunch)
(twig snaps)
- Uuhh!
(ominous music flares)
(footsteps on gravel)
(dog barks)
(mysterious music hums)
(wind howls)
(walkie talkie static)
- Hey Ronny, you there?
Ronny, it's Ryan. You there?
Deputy Dillon, come back.
[Tim] Anything?
You said you studied the
subject in depth.
- The paranormal.
- Can they, you know the,
I mean--
- The ghosts? I
still call them that.
- Can ghosts kill people?
- I don't know. I mean,
would we ever know?
If an old person dies
in their sleep
or if someone falls off a roof,
would we know if there was a
ghost there to help them along?
(thunderous crashing)
(clock chimes echo out)
(sinister music unravels)
(footsteps crunching leaves)
(music darkens)
(digging noises)
- Hey.
(sinister music
twists frantically)
Aah fuck!
Ohhh, no...
- Call Ryan.
- My cell phone
broke in the basement.
His card is on my nightstand.
I can call from the house phone.
Jesus Christ!
- Caitlin!
No, I know, I know. I'll go!
Call 9 1 1.
Okay. Upstairs to the right...
...alright. Uh! Oh my God...
(frightened breathing)
(telephone rings)
(telephone rings)
(phone continues to ring
in the distance)
(light switch clicking)
(phone rings loudly)
(music pounds tensely)
Caitlin, come on honey!
(knob jiggles)
(demonic voice)
- Hel-lo...
(Abby crying)
What do you want?
(twisted, man's voice)
You know - what I want...
No, I don't.
You can save her--
I don't know what you're
talking about!
- You can --
can save--
- What? What, what'do
you-- wh,wh'do..
You can save her...
(dial tone)
(dial tone)
(frantic clicking)
(threatening music spirals)
(Tim screams)
(heavy crashing, thumping)
(Tim groans in pain)
(screams in agony)
- Oh my God! Oh my--
Where's Caitlin?
No! I don't know. She's
not up there. Aarrr...
(grunting in pain)
I have to get her.
(running footsteps)
Nooo Abby!
(heavy breathing)
(diabolical music)
(running footsteps)
(labored breathing & crying)
- Okay...
(heavy breathing)
(evil music swirls)
(Abby grunts & sobs)
- Where are you going?
- God...
- Where's my sister?
(evil music groans)
(footsteps approach)
- Shit. Ronny?
- My head. What the hell?
You tell me. I just found
you here. You all right?
My head...
Looks like this branch
might have come
down and clocked you good?
- No, no. It was them boss.
They were worshiping the
devil over there.
- Yeah, I believe it. I just
saw two of them back there.
They killed the goat and
buried it. But I, I lost them.
- They killed a goat?
- Oh, hey, come on.
Let's get you up.
(Ronny grunts)
You good?
Yeah boss, I'll be all right.
All right...
We'll head for the road. It's
a lot closer than the house.
We're gonna get a car, to
come get you. Take a look
at your head.
... Yeah.
(leaves & twigs crunch)
(witchy strings play)
(heavy breaths)
(leaves rustle)
That'd be cool if we get
him right there. You know?
Mmhm. It'd be perfect timing.
(distant whispering)
[Sheriff] Now, now, now!
(music swirls with chaos)
[Sheriff] Hey!
[Sheriff] Sheriff's department!
[Ronny] Hands, Hands, hands!
[Sheriff] Don't move!
[Ronny] On your knees!
[Ronny] Hands in the air!
[Boy 1] Okay, okay, okay.
[Boy 2] Calm down, dude.
What the fu...
[Ronny] Don't tell me
to calm down!
[Sheriff] Let me see
those masks?
(tense music)
- We were just tryin'
to scare some friends.
all we were trying to do.
- Yeah, that's not illegal.
(tense music rings)
Get up...
(hypnotic strings summon)
- What is this!
(Abby breathes heavy)
What do you want?
(to herself)
- - What do you want?
(heavy breaths)
(twigs snap)
(sounds of the road)
- Call the parents on the way
in, that way they can meet us.
At the very least we got 'em
open containers in the car.
- Yeah. And for animal cruelty
and criminal trespassing
and assaulting an officer.
- Hey, Ronny, calm down.
We don't even know it was them.
[Ronny] What do you mean
we don't know it was them?
Of course we know it was them.
It's the kids. It's
always the kids!
- Hey. Ronny... Calm.
Go get your head looked at,
all right?
(gravel footsteps)
(car door closes)
(sinister music rises)
(shivering breaths)
(mutters indistinctly)
I'm here.
(door slams)
- You know I'm here.
What do you want?
(twisted voice)
- Come...
- Where's my sister?
What do you want?
(demonic voice)
- I told you what I want.
(Abby cries)
(stutters) What is this?
You die.
She lives.
(music twists darkly)
(metal dragging noise)
Do it for Caitlin, Abby...
Do it for Caitlin
(heavy breaths)
(demonic laughing)
- Why?
(chaotic evil music)
(Abby cries)
Oh, Abigail
(heaving breaths)
I remember you...
(echoing) I remember you.
(evil music spirals)
Why are you doing this?
(mocking demonic voice)
"Why are you doing this?"
(twisted laughter)
Why are you doing this?
- You know why.
(Abby crying) No...
- You....
- You don't want her
to end up like your parents?
If you love her...
(Abby cries)
Do it.
(blasting) Do it!
(terrified scream)
(dark music pounds)
(Abby crying)
(Demonic) Do it for Caitlin,
(more human) Do it for Caitlin,
(intense breaths)
(music builds to insane chaos)
(Abby grunts)
(electric buzzing)
(chaotic music diffuses)
(sad music rises)
(sad music continues)
(heavy footsteps)
(door latch)
[Tim] Abby!
[Caitlin] What happened?
[Sheriff] She's all
right. She's just stunned.
I had a tase her.
You did what?
[Caitlin] Wh--Why?
What the hell happened?
- I found her in one of
the old horse barns trying
to stab herself.
I tased her right before
she could do it.
[Caitlin] Oh my God. Why?
- I don't know. She
was hysterical.
She was screaming. She
was talking to herself.
I got there without a
second to spare.
She was not talking to herself.
- Ryan, this is Father
Taylor. Abby's priest.
- What's going on?
- I called him while you were
out there.
We had an encounter. We are
not dealing with people.
We are dealing with a presence.
- What? You mean like a...
Look, Father, no disrespect,
[Abigail] It wanted me
to kill myself.
He wanted you to... what?
It says it wants my life
for Caitlin's.
No, no, no, no, no.
- Caitlin, dear.
- Uhhh..
It was me!
There is no demon or
presence. We did this.
Caitlin, what are you
talking about?
I can't believe he would...
- Eh, I, this isn't how
it was supposed to be.
- Caitlin...
Who's we?
[Caitlin] Billy and me.
I'm sorry, Abby.
We were only supposed
to scare you.
Make you look crazy so
I could keep the farm.
Wait, I don't know...
When you say Billy...
Billy who?
Billy McLaughlin.
I've been seeing him, Abby.
I'm sorry. I, I
didn't mean to...
- Cate...
- Shhh, sh,sh,sh...
Hey, listen to me.
You're just, you're just
not thinking straight, okay?
- Um, we'll, we'll keep the farm
and I'll, I'll go to
law school around here.
All right? But you and Billy
didn't do anything together.
You need to know that.
But we did.
I'm sorry.
I, he, he came and he...
[Abigail] No...
He didn't.
- But he did!
(eerie music hangs)
- Caitlin, Billy McLaughlin
died eight years ago.
(music rings)
- Honey, you remember,
(club music thumps in distance)
- Hmm. Woo-oo!
- This is the best night ever.
- Billy, you've had too
much already.
- What you talking about?
All right.
This party's just
getting started.
(tense, mysterious music)
- Hey, come here.
Uh, uh.
- Baby?
Baby, this is the first
night of the rest
of our lives together.
I mean, think about it...
[Abigail] Stop saying that.
[Billy] What? Stop saying what?
- The forever talk. I
start school this fall.
- Yeah. So?
- This is it for us.
I don't mean to be cruel
and I'll, I'll always have
a place for you in my heart.
but, but we're not
going any further.
(mysterious music tenses)
(awkward laughter)
- I-uh, huh.
- I'm, I'm sorry.
Um-- I, uh...
I, I, I didn't know,
- You know, I, I, I didn't know
that this wasn't a future.
And, and, hey, if you say so.
No, no, no. Hey. Hey.
It's all good. It's all good.
Uh, huh.
Hey. I still get the
consolation prize, right?
Always have a place in your
heart. That's great!
Billy, I'm sorry.
- It's great.
- Billy... Billy?
(engine starts)
Billy, you can't drive.
Where are you gonna go? Billy?
(engine revs)
(tires peel-out)
(screeching tires)
(more screeching)
(truck horn blares)
(tires skidding)
(thunderous metal crashing)
(glass shattering)
(metal crunching)
(distant sirens wale)
(fire truck engines roar)
(tense music rings)
(birds sing)
[Caitlin] Okay. It's
right through here.
[Priest] Thank you. [Caitlin]
you are seated right over there.
[Priest] Thank you, Caitlin.
- You know Mr. Delaney?
- Tim?
[Priest] Of course. Hello
- Hey. Nice to see you.
[Priest] Good to see you as
- Father, this is my
boyfriend Felix.
- It's a pleasure, Father.
- The pleasure's all mine.
[Priest] Hey Abigail!
[Abigail] Oh, father you made
Thank you for coming.
- There was no way I
wasn't gonna be here.
Thank you so much for having me.
So, how's the arrangement
Mr. MacLaughlin working out?
- Oh, Um. It's good. He's
up his end of the deal.
The farm is up and running and
everything else is...
is fine.
- Okay. Okay. We'll talk
some more later.
Let's go eat. Please?
[Abigail] Okay.
[Priest] Alright.
(dinner conversation)
[Allistor] Your family and my
family, they go way back.
(evil music carries)
[Allistor] Farming families like
ours are a rare thing
around here these days.
(crow cries)
Sacred thing. Plus, if you guys
hadn't gone off on your own
and you
and Billy had gotten married...
Then, you'd be my
daughter-in-Law right about now.
- It's worth fightin' for.
Dear Dark Father,
we preserve this sacred
place for you.
We offer you flesh to
prove our worthiness
and in return you
provide for our families.
And for that, we are
your slaves.
That is hallowed ground
as far as I'm concerned.
As far as a lot of us
are concerned.
(sounds of car speeding)
(upbeat song plays)
(car noises)
(sinister growl emerges)
(lyrics) 'Looking back,
I always wonder --'
(demonic growling)
(chaotic noises)
(loud static)
[Ronny] You hear that? That's
my stomach. Sorry Ry...
It's angry with me. It's yellin'
- Okay. Ronny, I could
eat too. Let me guess,
[Ronny] Now we're talking. But,
we gotta
hurry, they close in 10.
- Copy that. I'll double
time it, bud.
See you there.
(engine driving)
(song lyrics) 'I don't
know what else to say..'
'just trying to read my mind'
'looking through the
rear view mirror'
(evil music flares)
(sheriff screams)
- EEYAAAAhhhhh!
(tires screech)
(metal crashing)
(glass & metal shatter)
(car horn blares)
(upbeat music returns)
(lyrics) 'Letting go
will make it clearer...'
(lyrics) 'I wish there was
some other way'
(car horn continues)
(evil dissonant strings
mimic the horn)
(music darkens)
(evil tones continue onward)