The Perfect Find (2023) Movie Script

["You Can't Lose a Broken Heart" playing]
[woman] Don't lose your head
Then lose your guy
You can't lose a broken heart
If you ever break up
Then try to make up
It's tough to make a brand-new start
Take a walk
Think it over
While strolling 'neath the moon
Don't say things
In December
You'll regret in June
Weigh your remarks
Before you speak
Or you may be sorry soon
Don't be erratic
Be diplomatic
To keep your hearts in tune
Cruel, harsh words
Often spoken
Will upset your apple cob
So don't lose your head
Then lose your guy
'Cause you can't lose a broken heart
[man] Look out
Don't lose your head
And lose your gal
You can't lose a broken heart
If you ever break up
Then try to
[woman] Jenna, get up!
It's tough to make a brand-new start
[woman] Jenna!
Don't you think it's time
for you to get back at it?
[Jenna] I don't know
who'd hire me at this point.
Everybody's, like, half my age.
You've been locked up
in that room for a year.
I know.
[woman] They say it's harder
for a woman to get a job
when she's been
out of the workforce too long.
[Jenna] I know all of that, Mom.
[woman] You are not gonna
wake up one day and be over Brian.
You were with him for ten years.
That's damn near divorce!
It's a process, and part of the healing
is getting back to living,
your friends, your job,
and the city you love.
Mom, wha wha what's going on?
Your father won't touch me
while you're here.
He's afraid you'll hear us.
You have got to go back to New York.
You will land on your feet.
So I'm gonna have to ask you to
- No.
- get out of my house.
[woman] I love you, sweetheart, I do,
but you're a grown-ass woman!
You're gonna land on your feet.
["Leave the Door Open" plays]
Said baby, said baby, said baby
- What you doing?
- What you doing?
- Where you at?
- Where you at?
- Oh, you got plans
- You got plans
- Don't say that
- Shut your trap
- I'm sipping wine
- Sip, sip
- In a robe
- Drip, drip
- I look too good
- Look too good
- To be alone
- Whoo-hoo
- My house clean
- House clean
- My pool warm
- Pool warm
- Just shaved
- Smooth like a newborn
We should be dancing, romancing
In the east wing and the west wing
Of this mansion
What happening?
I ain't playing no games
Every word that I say
Is coming straight from the heart
So if you trying to
Hey, guys. Be careful.
That's vintage Cavalli.
Thank you!
I'm gonna leave the door open
I'm gonna leave the door open, girl
I'm gonna leave the door open
That you feel the way I feel
And you want me
Like I want you tonight, baby
Tell me that you're coming through
Ooh, you're so sweet
- So sweet
- So tight
- [woman] Oh shit. Is my eye drooping?
- [woman 2] What?
Darcy's gonna stick me in a closet again
if it looks like I've been out all night.
What time did you get in?
Let's just say the sun came up,
but Idrank a Red Bull and did eye stones.
[both] Oh my gosh.
Rose petals in the bathtub
Girl, let's jump in, it's bubbling
[both] You're Jenna Jones.
Yes, I am,
and I have a 10:00 a.m. with Darcy.
Yes. Hi, I'm Terry, her admin,
slash editorial assistant,
slash social media captions editor.
[sighs] And I'm Jinx,
vice executive of her support team.
Nice to meet you.
- Can I get you coffee?
- That would be awesome.
Uh, black, right?
I saw it in one of your interviews.
[Terry] Darcy should be here
at any moment. Please have a seat.
[Jenna] Thanks.
She can stay standing.
Tell me that you're coming through
Jenna Jones.
To what do I owe this pleasure?
Come on, girl
Hold my calls. Jen and I will be in Pinky.
I need you, baby
La, la, la
La, la, la, la
I got to see you, baby
La, la, la
La, la, la, la
Girl, I'm trying to give you this
La, la, la
- La, la, la, la
- I'm waiting, waiting
How long have you been off the grid?
Uh, like, six months, you know,
give or take. Scant time.
- More like a year though.
- Was it?
Oh my goodness.
Missed your birthday. Forty-five?
How was it? Did you do anything?
I didn't get an invite.
- Forty.
- Oh.
And I didn't have a party.
Divorce finalized?
We were never married.
[chuckles] Right. Right, I knew that.
I'm sorry, 'cause, you know,
you can't take half.
Mm, thankfully, I don't mind
working for my own.
Now I'm just back
and ready to jump right into things, so
You can be real with me.
You were devastated.
I can see it.
I mean, it wasn't easy.
You were humiliated.
I mean, it was heartbreaking.
And those headlines.
- At least they were talking about me.
- Oh, yeah, they were!
What are you gonna do?
That's the kind of talking you need.
I don't need a therapist, Darcy.
You know the Darzine Gala is bigger
and more exclusive than the Met's now?
I need a job.
[chuckles] Come on now.
You stole every job I ever wanted,
and you fucked my boyfriend.
- No.
- Mm.
I just happened to get
all the jobs you ever wanted.
And I will say this one last time.
Darnell said he didn't have a girlfriend!
Oh. [chuckles]
Okay. You know what?
All those years
of me not getting those jobs
that were rightfully mine
inspired me to build this.
And now I call all the shots,
and I can't even remember
what it's like not to.
- Yeah.
- Right?
But it's a shame
your subscription model failed to launch
when you shuttered print though, right?
I'm sure you're aware that a strictly
advertising model is unsustainable.
But I'm preaching to the choir.
You know that.
Okay. Okay.
I admit we failed to hit one goalpost.
Just one. Just
I need a job, and you, Darcy,
you need a me, so
Ask me.
I can't say yes
if you don't ask.
May I please come work for you?
You have 90 days
to make meaningful change.
- I'll do it in 60.
- Don't overpromise.
- Don't underestimate me.
- Don't underperform.
Is that an offer?
Handshakes are prohibited,
but your signature on the paperwork
will do just fine.
And you'll have to make an office
out of the zoo showroom.
Welcome toDarzine.
Oh, and you're welcome.
What am I supposed to do with these?
- Keep 'em.
- Burn it.
I heard he's dating a broke-dick me
with a snaggletooth and bad credit.
He couldn't keep up with the real thing
so he got a knockoff of a knockoff.
Clearance rack.
Yeah, well, I'll just be over here dead.
- Dead to the bed.
- Mm-mm. You will not be dying over Brian.
Now working at Darzine, though,
that shit might get you in a casket.
Yeah, what was that about?
Some keep-your-enemies-closer thing?
- I didn't see this plot twist coming.
- [woman] Me either.
Y'all already know that Darcy
is never gonna help any woman
unless it benefits her.
So I just presented myself
as part of the winning formula,
and she bit, you know.
I know the game.
You definitely know the game.
["Walk" plays]
[distant car horns blaring]
- [beep]
- Check, I think we need that one
Bitch, let me see you walk
Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk
- Ooh.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Hold up.
- [Jenna] Yes.
Cheers. Shots to Darzine.
To Darzine.
To surviving Darzine.
Walk, walk, walk
- Mm.
- Mm.
- Thank you.
- To your new job.
- That was good.
- Yes.
- Yes, and some new dick.
- There's that.
[woman] And there might be some in here
for you tonight.
[Jenna] Oh, I love when you guys
think about my pussy.
[woman 2] That's what friends are for.
We are voices for the vagina.
Always. Look over there.
I know you like climbing trees.
And he's taken. Mr. Top Hat is taken.
Here comes somebody.
All right. All right.
I know you heard of a mnage trois.
One, two, three, four,mnage quoi.
My nightmare. Strike two.
Did this man
just try to bite me on my shoulder?
- [woman 2] Yes, ma'am.
- [woman] What is wrong
It is a sexy shoulder, in all fairness.
Well, thank you.
Jenna? Jenna Jo... It is you!
Girl, how have you been?
It's me, Cassidy! I have not seen you
for, like, the past five fashion weeks.
Girl, where have you been?
Girl, you are so...
I wanna let you know you are so brave
for showing your face after all that.
Like, honestly, that was the biggest L
I have seen anybody take,
and you literally are back at it, girl.
You're an inspiration
to all of us women, like...
- Girl...
- No, we're not doing no pictures now.
- You cannot take any pictures.
- Where's she going? Jenna! Girl!
Where'd she go? Hey!
- Whatever you want
- I told her
The devil is a lie
Them other girls
Can't compete with mine
You do it so good you fuck my mind
You pull it out, then you open wide
You make me wanna tap out and retire
Your pretty lips leave me so inspired
I think I got a winner
Could be a keeper
'Cause she's such a good kisser
You good, Sleeping Beauty?
["Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup" plays]
Yeah, I'm okay.
You sure?
I mean, you was over here knocked.
Do you think you're witnessing
a medical emergency, or
I mean, you were asleep.
Just resting my eyes.
Je ne sais pas what to do
You wanna sit down?
You know you've completely
You'll catch vertigo.
Stolen my heart
- After you.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Morning, noon, and nighttime too
How did I end up here?
I love your dimples, a lot.
You are naturally stunning, honestly.
Out of this world.
I'm serious.
- Could you be any cuter?
- [laughs]
You also look like a college student.
I'll have you know
I have a master's in film from USC.
- [Jenna] Of course you do.
- Yeah.
I wanted to be a film historian,
but my mom said that wasn't a real job.
- I mean, it's definitely a real job.
- Yeah.
Right? Can you survive on it though?
That's the question.
In this economy? Hell no.
It's questionable, right? [laughs]
You think I'm cute?
Come on now. You don't know that?
I just assumed someone of your generation
prefers, you know, the BBL aesthetic.
- That's not my thing. No.
- What you think? Looknatural?
- No? That's not your vibe?
- Nah.
I like something a little more real.
- What? More seasoned?
- Mm-hmm.
I'm like Lawry's.
I'd tell you so much more
But I hope
That you compris
Oh my God.
You mean to me
Darling, je vous aime
I think I love you.
- I love you
- Come here. I know I love you.
Yes, I do
Darling, I love you
Yes, I do
Oh! Oh!
- Oh! Yeah! Oh shit!
- Whoa, whoa.
All right. I'm slipping.
I lost my footing. All right.
Ooh! [chuckles]
- Shouldn't be making out in public.
- Give...
Oh, no, I need my weed.
Thank you for your service.
You are so kind.
No, wait! Can I get your name?
Number? Instagram?
Myspace? Mys... Goddamn!
Such a good time
[overlapping chatter]
- We gotta go. We gotta go.
- What happened?
I slipped, making out with a fetus.
It's fine. It's fine, but we should go.
We should go.
Well, mission accomplished.
Guess who won't be
taking pictures anymore.
Night's looking up.
There is a God!
[horns honking]
- [footsteps approaching]
- Mm.
I love what you've done with the place.
Oh, thank you.
You're not sick. Are you sick?
No. Nope. Nope.
Oh. [chuckles]
Thank God.
Good, 'cause you just look sick.
But we work from home when we're sick.
- Okay?
- Yes. Yes. I feel great.
Okay. Um
[speaking Spanish]
[Darcy] There you are!
- [laughing]
- [Darcy speaking Spanish]
Hey, um, Jenna, I'd like to introduce you
to our new videographer.
Although, he prefers to refer to it
as filmmaking.
It's my son.
- Eric.
- Your what?
Yeah. Look, I don't want you to think
there's some company nepotism going on.
He graduated
with his master's degree from USC.
Who has a master's? Who?
Who has master's? Is it you?
- It's me, yeah. Yeah.
- [indistinct baby talk]
- So nice.
- And a very vigorous vetting process.
I'm also exceptionally talented, so
I'm sure you are.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong
with Black nepotism, so
Right? Right? That's what I'm saying.
Well, Eric is going to help you create
content for our subscriptions relaunch.
So I want you to think original.
I want you to think fresh,
sassy, exclusive, all right?
Content is king, and as you like to say,
"Community is queen."
- We got it, Mom.
- [mumbles]
No "Mom."
Nada de "Mom." Aqu, Darcy. Okay?
Darcy, at work.
We got it, Darcy.
All right. Well, you two got it.
I'll welcome him. Take good care of him.
I love you so much.
You're such a good boy.
- Thank you.
- Okay, go on. Don't fuck this up.
[Darcy] All right, vmonos.
[Darcy speaking Spanish]
You gotta admit.
You gotta admit it's funny.
- This isn't funny!
- [laughs] I mean, it's kind of hilarious.
- Mm-mm.
- I mean, it is funny, right?
- No. No, it's not.
- You still love me?
I'll have you know
that I barely remember anything
that happened between us last night.
Hmm. Cool, so why you trippin'?
Because your mom,
your mommy, she's my boss.
You think I'm gonna tell her?
I don't know what the fuck
you're gonna do! I don't know you!
Okay, yo, take a breath, all right?
We were drunk. We made out at a party.
The world will continue to turn.
Everything's good. It's cool.
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Mm. I can't lie.
I'm happy to see you again.
No. No, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That That That thing you're doing,
don't do that.
This is my career! You have to stop!
I'm just here to keep my head down
so I can get the hell out of here.
So you ain't gotta worry about me, okay?
I read about this, about your generation.
You guys are spoiled
and ungrateful and entitled.
Yeah, okay, I know what this is.
And I read about 40-plus-year-old
professional, single, Black women
being bitter and mean,
but I always thought it was a stereotype.
- No, those are Tyler Perry movies.
- You'd fit in perfectly.
Have a good one, ma'am. [laughs]
Eric got him some vintage pussy.
- Some throwback!
- [both laugh]
Some AARP pussy. Yeah.
You know she got some skills.
She probably got all kinds of new tricks.
She 'bout to school you, boy!
Nah, I don't care though. She fine.
That's all I gotta say. She is fine.
- Yo, don't shit where you eat.
- Uh-huh.
Like me? I don't fuck niggas at the club.
You see me fucking niggas at the club?
What? You met Tim at the club.
- But we ain't fucked till we got home.
- Exactly.
That's why I love you so much.
Come here. Classy.
- [laughing]
- Yeah, all right.
[horns honking]
Yo, yo!
Is that what passes
for a greeting these days?
- Hello. How may I help you?
- Eric, I don't wanna fight with you.
- Okay?
- And I don't wanna fight with you.
Grab your things. We have to be
at Greta Blumen's in 20 minutes,
and it's all the way across town.
So you know Greta Blumen
doesn't have a YouTube, Instagram, nada.
Of course she doesn't.
It's part of the allure. She's private.
Yeah. Well, this is gonna be a wreck.
Says the guy who probably rode
his skateboard to work.
What's the make and model
of the broom you rode in on today?
[orchestral music plays]
Hey. Yes, just stand right here.
Let's get a drop before she comes out.
- [Eric] All right.
- I look all right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, you look good.
- [Jenna] Okay.
- [camera beeps]
- And rolling.
Hi, I'm Jenna Jones,
the new creative director for Darzine.
- Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Cut. Cut.
- [camera beeps]
- Whose voice is that?
- Mine.
You sound like Candace Owens.
I don't sound like Candace Owens.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Yo, yo, yo, what's up?
It's your girl,Jenna Jones, here.
Darzine magazine. That's what's up.
What? What?
- What?
- [woman] Jenna!
[Jenna] Hi!
Oh, Jenna, my love.
- Darling.
- What happened?
I was chasing Taraji P. Henson,
and I slipped on my meditation marbles.
Yeah, I'm I'm sorry.
You were chasing Taraji?
Yes. Taraji P. Henson.
My peacock.
She's one bad bitch,
but sadly, she perished in the fall.
- Right.
- Come on. Come. Come. This way.
I have the perfect spot. [groans]
We'll do it here. Right here.
Next to my poor, beautiful baby, Taraji.
Oh, I miss you.
Well, this is it.
Let's Let's get started, shall we?
Can you tell us a little bit
about your design process?
I miss you.
I'm so sorry!
Okay, yeah. Um
Your new collection.
- We'd love to hear about it.
- [sobs]
How was I supposed to know
her damn pet peacock died?
I thought it would be epic.
Oh, nah, it was epic. It was an epic fail.
- Why didn't you stop me?
- Are you serious?
As if you consulted me at any point
during this entire process.
This was your struggle idea. Own it.
It's my fault, okay?
It's all my fault.
My whole life is riding on this job,
and I keep fucking it up.
Jenna, believe it or not,
I know what I'm doing, all right?
Why won't you just let me
help you, collaborate? It'd be easier.
[phone chimes]
You can answer that.
I'm good.
Is that your girlfriend?
Ex-girlfriend. Very recent ex.
No. Oh my God.
Tell me you didn't break up
because of what happened between us.
Oh God, please.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
- Oh my God. Are you kidding?
- Yo. Hey, someone let me out this cab.
- What?
- No. I mean, if I caused harm
Like, I am not that girl.
I'm a girl's girl. Had I known
Yo, your ego is crazy.
First of all, nothing happened between us.
Well, nah, something happened.
That was, like, level one.
That was mild. Come on, now.
Mild! That was, at least, medium sauce.
Second, she and I were already broken up,
so you're good.
"Girl's girl." Oh my goodness.
It's cool.
What's her name?
What does she do? How old is she?
Her name is Madison.
She's a ballerina. She's 22.
Of course she is.
Yo, okay, what's up? What's the deal?
Like, you got a man? What's going on?
I'm in between relationships.
Mainly because men my age
want women Madison's age.
Mm. Mm.
I don't know. Maybe they're not interested
in dating women who are complicated.
- Oh.
- [Eric] Yeah.
So Madison's simple.
Madison is sweet.
So that's why you broke up.
You gotbored of your sweet, simple girl.
- That's not what I said.
- That's what you meant.
You know, this whole bitter
and jaded thing you got going on,
it's a really bad lookon you.
It's like some bad energy happening
all right here. Yeah.
Okay, got it. Got it.
- You know, I can't I can't stand you.
- [chuckles]
- [Jenna] Oh my God!
- Yeah. The feeling is incredibly mutual.
- Oh, you're gonna go?
- Yeah, I'm out.
- Yeah.
- All right.
[horns honking]
[Jenna] There's something about that guy.
He drives me crazy.
And he just knows how to irk me.
Well, he's Darcy Hale's son.
He's probably half demon.
I can't even I can't even trip off at him
because I don't feel like myself now.
I don't I don't feel like I have it.
I feel rusty. I'm struggling.
I've researched
and pitched out this whole concept.
And now I'm like, "Can I even deliver?"
I don't feel like I can.
Of course you can.
Everybody has imposter syndrome,
but you just gotta dig deep.
Find what excites you, Jenna.
You got this.
- Problem is he excites me.
- There's that.
- That's the problem.
- You gotta find what else excites ya.
- Yeah, what else?
- Excites you more.
["Apache Dance" plays]
Hi. Is it really you?
Oh my God.
Your pieces are stunning.
Thank you so much.
This is one of my favorite pieces.
- Superb work.
- [woman] Thank you.
- What What's your name?
- Becca Jay.
Becca Jay.
Here's my card.
I'm here every week, so come see me.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Oh, what you got there?
- Find anything?
- Right?
- That's cute.
- That looks good.
- Super cute.
I love that.
That'd be nice for date night.
Well, I'd have to get a date
for date night. That part.
Well, I may have a guy
that I wanna introduce you to.
- No!
- What guy?
- Don't say no so fast.
- Hello?
This guy is solid.
He He owns the wine shop.
Bubbles and Brew? He's 50 years old.
- He can spell. He can write.
- He can spell!
- He can spell.
- Okay.
- Might be a eater of pussies.
- That's all you had to say.
- Okay, sold.
- [woman] Sold.
And I can't be turning down dates,
not when they doing all that.
- There you go.
- Yeah.
Jenna, this came for you.
Oh. Thank you, guys.
[both] You're welcome.
"I hear a welcome back is in order.
Would love to catch up."
"Until then, coffee on me."
Brian. Asshole.
Wanna talk about it?
Absolutely not,
but I did wanna speak with you.
Yeah, I want to apologize
for upsetting you last Friday.
I'm not upset.
- You were upset.
- Nah, I'm good.
I just think maybe we shouldn't
talk about our personal lives at work.
Uh, and I would appreciate it
if you would stop making references
to me being old and bitter.
Nah. Nah, I hear you.
Um, I mean, you kind of started it with
the whole being spoiled, being a brat,
talking 'bout my generation,
that whole spiel.
It's kind of corny, but
Yeah, yep. No, I hear you.
- Truce?
- Truce.
Hey, the other day in the cab, um,
you were talking about how,
you know, your career is riding on this.
Yeah, 'cause it is.
This is super lame Lame!
but I Googled you,
and you're kind of a big deal.
You know, I don't get any of this.
Shit. You saw that I went through
a terrible breakup, got fired from my job,
and have been enduring
painful, vicious memes of myself
for over a year.
- That was all on the first page.
- It was my rock bottom.
- Is that from Rock Bottom?
- No more personal questions. Okay.
Why you got a picture of your grandma?
She kind of fine. That's all I'm sayin'.
- [Jenna] Stop.
- [Eric] Ah.
Nah. Nah, I'm just kidding. Gotcha.
That's Nina Mae McKinney,
star of Hallelujah,
first all-Black film in 1929.
- They called her the Black Garbo.
- Black Garbo.
Yeah. She does kind of favor you though.
You think?
Yeah, same cheeks.
Thank you.
I'm kind of obsessed with her.
I mean, she was such a trailblazer, and
I don't know.
I just love old Hollywood movies.
It's like time traveling
to a version of humanity.
I could have never imagined this.
Look at you.
Seriously, I've I've never met anyone
who knows anything about Nina Mae.
Master's in film from USC, remember?
Put to good use.
Jenna, your dress came in.
Oh, yeah. You can put it right over there.
Thank you.
- Ha! Perks of the gig.
- [Eric] Hmm.
Yes, a showroom sent over this sample.
- What do you think?
- It's nice. Special occasion?
Yeah, I'm throwing a little dinner party.
My friends are setting me up with someone.
Oh. Okay, so you out here?
You should come.
You want me to come?
You should come to my dinner party.
Bring your friends. More the merrier.
Okay, so now you trippin'.
My friends? You sure?
Yeah, I mean, now that we're friends,
you know,
your friends are my friends, right?
It'll take the pressure off. I promise.
All right. We'll come through.
- [laughing]
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, I miss these Jenna parties,
and it's the perfect way
for you to meet the guy.
Yes, and we're all about to get real good
and saucy real soon.
All right.
- This is needed for the occasion.
- Okay.
All right. Billie, here. Little shot.
- [clears throat]
- What?
- It's good.
- Okay.
But But what'd you put in it?
Don't worry about it. Just keep drinking.
I gotta pace myself.
- [doorbell rings]
- [woman] Mmm. Mmm.
- So we gotta turn up.
- Yep, just turn up.
- All right, let's go.
- "Milly Rock." Ding-dong!
- Come on up!
- Okay. Okay, we got this.
[woman] All right.
- [Jenna] Hey!
- Yo. What up?
[Jenna] How are you?
[both chuckle]
Uh, this is my boy, Tim,
and his girl, Carlita.
- Hey, nice to meet you.
- Pleasure.
- You look gorgeous. I love your hair.
- Thanks. I love your dress.
Come on in. Full taco bar, enchiladas.
We got cocktails. Make yourself at home.
So, uh, when's the lucky guy coming?
I think soon. Soon, I think, yeah.
- You look nervous.
- What?
Just chill. Calm down. You got it.
I'm chill. Like, I'm super chill.
I don't look chill? Do I look pressed?
No, seriously.
- Oh, for me.
- Mm-hmm.
Okay. Stop it! Stop it! Come on.
[woman] That nigga fine.
So, Eric, I've heard so much about you.
[Eric] Really?
From work. So much
Good things about your work.
[doorbell rings]
That's him. That's him.
Okay. Um
Act normal. Right? Yeah. Just
- Regular.
- Be yourselves.
His name is Jimmy.
- All right?
- Okay.
- Jimmy.
- Okay. Come on in.
[door opens, closes]
Get the fuck out
Bitch, you still in my Delt'
You full of shit
And I'm feeling myself
I'm independent and I'm feeling myself
[all ] Hi, Jimmy.
[upbeat rap music plays]
- [woman] You like it?
- [Carlita] Mm-hmm.
[woman] Cheers to me.
You made a drink drink.
Like, I'm feeling it.
And I'm feeling you.
I need to know your sign.
I'm a Cancer. Body built like a dancer.
So we've decided to use the basement area
for the Artfe from the Brooklyn artists.
Artfe? What is that?
It's the intersection of art and coffee.
And check this out.
All the paintings are with coffee beans.
- I swear to God! It's incredible.
- That is incredible.
- Genius.
- Oh my goodness.
- Coffee beans!
- And I love coffee.
Oh! What's your drink?
A caramel mocha latte.
- Latte!
- Yes!
That's me, but I have oat milk,
'cause lactose intolerant.
Ass is beatboxing.
[mimics farting]
- Oh God!
- Oops, don't tell anybody.
- Yeah.
- [laughs]
[Jenna] Wow.
Oh, Eric! Just found out that
you and Jimmy are both Guyanese-American.
- Oh, word?
- Yeah.
Have you been back to the motherland, son?
Nah, nah, my family's been in Brooklyn
for a minute.
Oh man.
That's too bad, man,
'cause you never really know
about yourself
until you've laid down
on the ground in the homeland.
- Ah.
- Mmm.
- Check it out.
- Got it.
- Bam.
- [Eric] Wow.
- Oh.
- Huh?
- The whole continent.
- Africa.
- Nice. Right.
- Who's Black in this table?
- You.
- Wakanda. [laughs]
- Touch it, man.
- [Tim] Turn it up. Turn it up.
- Here we go.
- [Carlita] This party 'bout to get lit.
- [Jimmy] Why not?
- Mmm.
- One for you?
- Okay.
- Come on. My guy!
- Look what you done made me do.
- One won't hurt, right?
- Yeah.
- It might. See you later, okay?
- [woman] Jenna!
Here it goes.
Oh, it's like The Matrix.
- Ever see The Matrix?
- Of course.
The blue pill, red pill, right?
Keanu takes it.
- Oh.
- [mouthing] What the fuck?
Whoa. [laughs]
["You Got It All" plays]
I was a game he would play
He brought the clouds to my day
Then like a ray of light
You came my way one night
Just one look and I knew
You would make everything clear
Make all the clouds disappear
Put all your fears to rest
Who do I love the best?
Don't you know? Don't you know?
You got it all over him
You got me over him
Honey, it's true
There's just you
You must've been heaven-sent
Hearing me call
You went out on a limb
And you're all that he's not
Just look what I got
'Cause you got it all
Over him
you ever been, uh, married?
Engaged? Divorced?
Not quite, unless you count
a ten-year relationship.
What about you?
No engagement, no marriages,
no divorce, no nothing, so
No kids?
Oh, no. As far as I know. [chuckles]
"Hmm" what?
Oh. Oh, you one of those?
I'm sorry?
No, I know you looking at me, like,
"Yeah, he's 50, you know, not married."
"Something must be wrong with him."
No, I was just making conversation.
You You brought it up.
No, it's fine. I mean,
it was just your tone, you know?
I mean, but it's, uh, so clich, so
Are you being serious right now?
Come on, you talking about startingArtfe,
and she the clich? Come on, man.
We have a problem, son?
You got one more time to "son" me.
Okay. Okay, everybody,
let's just calm down.
[speaking Spanish]
[speaking Spanish]
- See? This dude is a clown.
- We can take this shit outside, asshole.
Ay, yo, my nigga,
we not finna take no disrespect
from a nigga dressed like
a baby GAP model, all right?
- Yeah.
- Okay, you feel me?
Your ass Hawaii Five-O
wearing-ass mother...
Goddamn! What's wrong with your lip?
Your lip is, like, swollen, bro.
You got an allergy, man.
It's not good.
Was there seafood in something?
Oh gosh. There was fish oil
in the salad dressing.
Oh, no, no, no. You gotta lay down.
I have anEpiPen in my purse for Mae Mae.
- [Eric] Lay down.
- Carlita will know what to do.
Where's Carlita? Carlita! Carlita!
- You get...
- [Jenna] Carlita!
- Oh my God.
- You good?
My heart racing.
That's what your lip would've looked like
if I'd fought you.
[Carlita] You want some, boo?
Elodie! Elodie!
- Can I have some privacy, please?
- No!
Carlita, your boyfriend? Remember him?
He's out here having
a very severe allergic reaction.
- Might wanna get on that.
- Now? [scoffs]
Yo, Jimmy is the type of dude
that you'd you'd end up murdering,
but you get off because the jury is like,
"Well, he probably had it coming."
- Whoa, that's dark.
- Oh my God.
But you're right. [laughs]
That dude was a cornball.
Listen, once I heard he had
dental and vision, he was an option.
You know, it's all fun and games
till you lose a tooth.
Yeah. Yeah.
I mean,
what do you want?
Like, in life?
You know what I mean.
What do you want?
You know that Greta Garbo movie
when she, um, plays the seductress?
[Eric] Flesh and the Devil, 1926.
[Jenna] You know that scene
in the church, during communion?
[Eric] Of course.
And she takes the chalice
that he just drank from,
and she caresses it.
And then she sucks from the same spot.
- It's profane!
- [Eric] It's profane as fuck.
It is.
- [Jenna] But it's pure, you know?
- [Eric] Yeah.
I wanna love so desperately
it's obscene.
- You know?
- Hmm.
I wanna love so intense
it makes people uncomfortable
to be around us.
- Hmm.
- That's what I want.
- [chuckles]
- What?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
No, I hear you.
[sighs] I hear you.
[exhales] Wow, it's, um
[clicks tongue] It's late.
I think I'm gonna head out.
- I don't think so.
- You don't think so?
No, I don't think so.
- You wanna play Parcheesi?
- Mmm.
- I don't know what it is
- [Jenna] Scrabble?
That you've done to me
That's what you call it? [chuckles]
But it's caused me to act
In such a crazy way
Whatever it is that you do
When you do what you're doing
- It's a feeling that I want to stay
- Can I borrow this?
- Oh, that's how you feel?
- [Jenna] Yeah.
- [chuckles]
- Oh!
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Okay. That's how you feel?
That's exactly how I feel.
I can't figure out just what to do
When the cause and cure is you
Oh. Oh, look at you.
I get so weak in the knees
- Oh shit.
- I can hardly speak
I lose all control
Then something takes over me
In a daze, feeling so amazing
It's not a phase
I want you to stay with me
By my side, I swallow my pride
Your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
Good morning.
Hey, I, um, wanted to talk to you about...
Eric, I'm about to save Darzine.
Oh, do tell.
Yeah, so I was staring at the poster,
thinking about last night,
you know,
and our mutual love of old movies.
- Oh, that's what you were thinking about?
- Yes, Eric. Movies.
- Okay, Jenna, what hit you?
- Nostalgia. Right?
Every time I watch an old movie,
there's always going to be one garment
that I'm like, "I would kill for that."
Like a bathrobe
or a spectacularly tailored dress
or a gold belt or a fur muff.
Then you're always left thinking...
"They don't make things
like they used to."
But what if they did? What if they did?
Last weekend, I met a designer who makes
the most fabulously constructed items,
and they're all reclaimed vintage.
Her craftsmanship is couture-level.
- Okay, no, I like where this is going.
- Okay.
[Eric] But we need a hook.
You know, what's the cool factor,
the influencer, the it-girl viral goal?
- Like, who is that?
- Right. Um
[Eric] Oh shit. That's Remy Ma.
Mama, thank you. Thank you.
Of course. Anything for you.
You know that.
- And thank you, Becca.
- Of course.
Okay, I like this. This is good.
- Let's make it happen.
- Ready?
Let's get started.
- Yeah? All right.
- Yeah.
["Thou Swell" plays]
- Stop.
- Thou swell
- Just lift your leg up.
- Thou witty
Thou sweet
Thou grand
- Wouldst kiss me pretty?
- [Jenna] Yes.
- Wouldst hold my hand?
- [Jenna] That's it.
This is your lover.
Give us a little like that.
What they do to me
Hear me holler
I choose a sweet lollapalooza in thee
- I'd feel so rich
- [Jenna] Here we go.
- They're not ready for it.
- In a hut for two
[Jenna] Yes.
Two rooms and kitchen
I'm sure would do
Give me just a plot of
- [Jenna] She's a chess master.
- Not a lot of land
- And thou sweet
- [laughing]
- Thou witty
- [Jenna] There she goes.
Thou grand
[machine beeps]
[man] Hey, you.
I see you still got
that answering machine.
So, can we please get
that coffee date on the books?
I just wanna talk, Jenna. That's all.
[machine beeps]
[Eric] Yo, Jenna!
Jenna! Jenna!
Jenna, come outside!
Ah! There she is. How you doing?
Let's celebrate!
What are you doing?
I got champagne. Come on! Get outside.
Let's celebrate.
[Jenna laughs]What are you doing?
I'm outside. I wanna celebrate. Come on.
Follow me. Let's do it.
Okay, you're right. This is epic.
I got the champagne
Ah! that I borrowed momentarily.
That's why it tastes so good.
[Eric sighs]
We make a great team.
[Jenna] Yeah, I really think
we're on to something here.
Me too.
Oh, yo! Did I tell you about Becca?
She agreed to make limited edition pieces
of everything that we shot.
And you're welcome.
I personally lined up a dozen influencers
to post and be a part of the series.
I really think this is gonna land.
I'm not just talking about the work,
Yeah, um
About that. About the other night
- Don't say it was a mistake.
- No. No. It wasn't.
Mistakes don't sound like that.
Okay, you weren't so quiet either, mister.
You know, for obvious reasons,
I think we should just leave it behind us.
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Five letters. Starts with a D.
Come on, now. My mom doesn't run us.
Like, honestly,
we can start our own thing.
We could take over this whole film
and fashion scene. These are our ideas.
Yes, they may be our ideas,
but they will go nowhere without
a real, legit company to put them into.
Look, your mom may be a raving narcissist,
but it has put her at the top of the game.
Wow! I never thought
I'd hear you defend her.
- No, I'm not defending her.
- Wow.
But I'm saying my future
is now attached to hers.
And what future is that?
A future of respect
and making a name for myself
and having more than four walls
to come home to. That future.
- I respect you and all your walls.
- [chuckles]
Why are you like this?
- Why are you like this?
- I'm just saying.
I know a good thing when I see one.
And I think you do too.
I am inclined to recognize
when positive action
leads to positive results.
All right, I hear you. I hear you.
Put it behind us. That's it.
- 'Cause we're professionals.
- Completely.
- We do our jobs.
- Do our jobs.
- Not each other.
- Not each other.
There you go.
But tonight, I wanna ruin you.
You wanna destroy me?
Utterly demolish.
You'll have to catch me first.
Sometimes I wish you knew
But I disguise the truth
I say I'm happy
But I'm still stuck on us
Mm, mm, mm
Does your mind play this game too?
Think 'bout me and you
I guess I'll just pretend
Until it all makes sense
Mm, mm, hmm
Hmm, hmm
See you face-to-face
I'm thinking 'bout the days
We used to be
But I can't make a scene
[Eric] First of all, the Brazilian.
That was nice.
I I didn't know
older women, you know, got the Brazilians.
Why would you think I would have, like,
a '70s bush? How old do you think I am?
[Eric] I thought, after a while, you
just like, "It is what it is." You know?
That you give up? You're just like, "Meh."
Not necessarily give up.
It's just like, it is what it is.
[laughing] Born in the '70s
is not the same thing as, like,
embracing the aesthetic.
I noticed the screaming eagle or whatever
is in the middle of your chest.
Screaming eagle.
What is that?
- I couldn't identify what type of bird.
- [laughs]
It's a, um It's a dove, actually.
So, who's Otis?
[Eric] Uh
Otis is, um
- It's my dad.
- [Jenna] Hmm.
Yep, my faja.
I never heard you talk about your dad.
Yeah, um, he, uh He died, so
I'm sorry.
Yeah, nah. Nah.
He was killed when I was two.
My God.
This is just getting worse.
What What happened?
Well, I mean, of course,
I don't remember much,
but he was, uh
He was mixed up in some mess.
He was in the streets, so
That must've been hard
for you and your mom.
Yeah. I mean,I wouldn't know.
She isn't exactly anopen book about it.
You know, I caught her crying once,
but then, like, never again.
And I don't wanna upset her,
so it's really just been about me
trying to piece things together,
figure it out myself.
You know, I keep my distance,
especially when it comes to,
you know, my dad.
But yeah.
That's a lot.
It is a lot.
But, you know, I don't know. I mean
Maybe she's just missing
that parenting chip, you know?
I probably am too.
- No.
- [chuckles]
Nah, really. My movies will be my kids.
Yeah, I definitely see that.
Oh man.
Seriously, though, I'm I'm thinking about
doing a film about my pops.
About his life, though, not his death.
I wanna just celebrate who he was
and, you know, his life. Yeah.
That sounds incredible.
Thank you.
[both sigh]
I like you.
[Eric] Oh, you like me?
- I like your ass.
- [laughs]
I like your ass.
But I like you. I like you.
Oh man.
What happened with Mr. Rock Bottom?
Well, we met in college.
We were both crazy overachievers.
And we were dating and
It was so good and great,
and then we became,
like, this, like, thing, you know?
This power couple.
And we're moving and grooving,
and the next thing I know,
ten years have gone by,
and I'm like, "Wait, hold up."
"This fool has been stringing me along."
I just wanted more.
What more?
A family.
You know?
Something to show for it all.
Like, you know,
when it's all said and done,
you have this amazing family.
I've pretty much just
given up on my dream.
I mean, you can have new dreams.
- I can have new dreams.
- Mm-hmm.
That ten years brought you to me.
You're cute, you know that?
- Oh my God.
- What?
Ten years ago, you had a lab partner.
- Oh my God.
- And a locker.
[Eric] What matters now is I'm a man.
I'm your man.
Oh, you're my man?
You think you're my man?
Hold on. I'm not?
I would have probably said something
more along the lines of, like,
forbidden fruit.
You know, like a naughty kiwi.
Like a mysterious blueberry.
- [Eric] Forbidden fruit. Wow.
- [Jenna] Yeah.
What happens between us stays between us.
[Eric] Your secret is safe with me.
["Old Times' Sake" plays]
[no audible dialogue]
Oh, oh, yeah
I know a place where we could go
Outside and have some fun
Just you and me
Together we are one-on-one
I know you
You remember
When we used to chill back when
Smoking the blunt
And sipping on the Heineken
Long time, no see
What you been doing?
This time don't leave me
Hanging around
I want you to love me down
Just you and me
[camera whirring]
["Be Alone Tonight" plays]
This makes me wish I went to an HBCU.
Pshh. Who you telling?
We can live vicariously
through them though.
Then I wouldn't have met Brian
Oh, we're saying his name now?
- No, I'm saying his name.
- Wow!
- No, you're not.
- [mocking] Brian.
- No.
- Brian.
- Shut up!
- Brian.
No. Stop.
- [knocking]
- Oh shit.
Hey, girl!
- Jenna Jones!
- Hey, girl!
I've been trying to get in contact
with you for weeks.
Have you, really?
And E, you shady motherfucker.
I've been blowing up your DMs too.
Yeah, Suki and I
went to high school together,
back before she became a fancy top model.
- Weird.
- You can't be serious.
Do you not know that Jenna,
like, totally discovered me?
Oh, no, I didn't know.
Yeah. Yeah. In a beauty closet
at Darling magazine.
- Right?
- [Jenna] Yeah.
Oh shit.
Oh my God. This is so hot.
- No!
- I ship this.
- No! No!
- Nah! Nah!
- No.
- No way. Nah!
- This is research for the...
- Research.
- Research? Right.
- [Eric] For the Darzine
Cute. Research?
Cute. Okay.
It's cute though. I ship it.
This isn't good.
Not at all.
She knows
So I'm sure you've seen this already.
"The king."
We took the liberty
of reading it on your behalf.
Would you like the highlights?
Hurry. Bad news first.
- There is no bad news.
- There is no bad news.
It's really all how you look at it.
"My proudest achievement, this place."
"Not the property,
but the life I made here
with the woman who made it home."
[both] Aw.
I mean, it sounds like
somebody misses somebody.
I was gone for over a year
and did not hear from him once.
- Yikes.
- I gotta go.
- Mm-hmm. With the magazine, though, huh?
- Shut up.
- [chuckles]
- Skip to the last paragraph, girl.
[footsteps approaching]
[phone rings]
Hey, Darcy, how are you?
I want you to guess
what my brilliance has conjured up.
- Go on.
- No idea.
A call from the New York Times.
They wanna profile me
as a a publishing mastermind,
a media mogul.
Darcy, that's that's huge.
That's awesome.
They wanted details on Perfect Find.
I told them that was your brainchild.
Well, mine and Eric's, yes.
Yes, the two of you.
You've been doing brilliant work together.
Yeah, no, thank you for giving me
this shot and for pairing me with him.
Thank you.
Yes, I did that, didn't I?
I combined the two of you.
You did. You have amazing instincts.
I do. I do.
Yeah, he's he's really talented.
You should be very proud.
Oh, I am. Very. Are you?
- Am I what?
- Are you proud of my son?
Yeah. Yeah. Proud of the work
that we do together.
- Sure. Yeah.
- He does seem motivated.
Well, that's just post-grad excitement.
You know.
And pleasing you.
You must know that Eric has a small crush.
- Really?
- [laughs]
Okay. Well, I've never seen him
so focused and dedicated.
Girl, that's you.
That ain't nothing but good home training
and a quality education.
I mean, yes, clearly.
Clearly, working so closely
with a powerful woman
that echoes his mother is a factor,
but let's just cut the shit, Jenna.
Getting the job well done is great.
But we don't need this moving any further
into some kind of
Darcy, I promise you.
There is no distraction.
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain of fools
For five long years
So The New York Times will be here
tomorrow for the photo shoot.
Stay on point with the message,
which is, under my direct guidance,
Darzine is dominating
the fashion subscription space.
In your chain
Got it.
You got me where you want me
- I ain't nothing but your fool
- [camera clicking]
You treated me mean
Oh, you treated me cruel
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain of fools
Every chain
Has got a weak link
I might be weak, child
But I'll give you strength
Oh, hey
Ooh, ooh
You told me to leave you alone
My father said, "Come on home"
My doctor said, "Take it easy"
Oh, but your lovin' is much too strong
I'm added to your chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain of fools
Oh, chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
- Chain, chain, chain
- Chain, chain, chain
Chain of fools
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
Chain, chain, chain
- Yes!
- [cheering]
[noisemakers blowing]
- Yeah!
- [laughing]
[Eric chuckles]
Good job.
Very good.
Thanks, Ma. I mean, thanks, Darcy.
Let's not think that we can rest
on our laurels, though, okay?
- There's still a lot of work to be done.
- Absolutely.
After the free trials,
we can assess our churn rate.
Very well.
Back to work!
[curious music plays]
- [Jenna] This is a disaster.
- [Eric] Come on.
We are in The Times.
- Yeah.
- In print.
- Yeah.
- Aren't you happy?
We look a little too damn happy.
That's the problem. This is reckless.
Our friends, they already know.
Like, why don't we just
come all the way out with it?
All right, I'm ready.
Oh, no, no. No, no, no.
Wait. Uh, did you say you were ready?
Yes, I'm ready.
What What exactly are you ready for?
Why are you making it so complicated?
[Jenna] This affects my career.
Do you understand that?
How I pay my bills.
How I move through the world.
How I'm respected. How I'm regarded.
- All I have is a reputa...
- I love you.
God. What are we doing?
[chuckles] I love you.
I love you too.
Ring around the rosy
Pocket full of posy
Ashes, ashes
It's so good to see you two out and about!
And, Eric, I appreciate you being
such a good sport.
- This costume is everything.
- [chuckles]
Happy birthday, Mae Mae!
Hi, Auntie Jen.
I want you to meet my friend, Eric.
- Hi, Zorro.
- Hey, Black Swan.
Can I play with your camera?
Oh, no, Mae Mae.
That's not a camera you play...
Oh, no, no. It's cool.
How about we take
some cool birthday pictures?
Wanna do that? Let's do it.Let's go.
- Come on.
- I mean, can you even? I can't.
Oh, that's Mae Mae's ballet teacher.
- [chuckles] Hey, how you doing?
- [Madison] How are you?
[Eric] Good. I've been chilling.
I did not think I was gonna see you here.
- [Madison] I know. Surprise, surprise.
- [Eric ] It's crazy. I know, right?
Everybody go to the bar.
- Five, six, seven, eight.
- [girls] Oh
[Madison chuckles] Oh my God!
That was actually really impressive.
Oh my gosh.
One more time. Five, six, seven, eight.
Whoo! High as you can go.
[Madison] All right, girls,
that was so good.
I'll see you later. Take five.
- [girl] Bye!
- Bye!
- They're so cute. I can't even stand it.
- They're amazing.
- [Madison] They're so good.
- [Eric] You do really well with them too.
- Gotta tell you that. Doing your thing.
- [Madison] Thanks. Oh my God.
- Did you get any good photos?
- Hi! I don't think we've met.
I'm Madison.
Hi. Jenna.
Which girl is yours?
I'm not one of the moms.
I'm one of Billie's friends.
- Jenna and I work together.
- Yeah.
Small world!
I have to get going. I have rehearsal.
So good to see you though.
- Good to see you.
- Ha! Hmm.
[Madison chuckles]
[Jenna] Well!
Small world!
Did you get enough pictures of her?
We can call her back.
Maybe do a wardrobe change.
I obviously didn't know
she'd be here.
- [chuckles] Clearly.
- What are you talking about?
"Jenna and I work together."
Couldn't have thought of something better?
- What was I supposed to say?
- Anything. 1,000 things.
"Oh. Look, meet Jenna,
the love of my life."
- What do you want me to say?
- That's a start!
We need to be more careful, remember?
You said that.
Okay, don't use my words against me.
Don't do that. Don't do that.
I mean, that was a lot
A lot of affection.
That was nothing.
I saw, like, three hugs, at least.
And I'm right there?
You can't have it both ways.
You can't.
- Kiss me right now. How about that?
- No... Okay. Com... Okay.
- Kiss me.
- That's not fair.
It's not fair. That's what I thought.
- Wait, you're leaving?
- Yeah.
Fighting at a kids' party?
It's all bad. Not a good look.
Eric, answer the phone.
Answer the damn phone.
Are you drunk?
If I didn't know you so well,
I'd be scared.
Should I be scared?
It's about my mom, Jenna.
She, uh
She died last night.
Oh my God. Hey, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Oh my God.
["The Rain" plays]
Let's get you home. Come on. I'll drive.
- I saw you
- And him, and him
Walking in the rain
You were holding hands
And I'll never be the same
All right. You had a nice little nap
You can finish up upstairs.
You know you were her favorite, right?
Well, I hope so.
I mean, how many
other ten-year relationships did you have?
Come up.
- Brian, no.
- Come up. Watch a movie with me.
- You don't like movies!
- I don't care! I just
I don't wanna be alone tonight.
I don't.
Ironic. Neither did I.
Here we are.
You do know that I've been trying
to reach out to you, right?
Nice Forbes article.
Well, there were the calls,
the voice messages, and gourmet coffees.
I mean, but none of that seemed
to be working.
- Yeah, so how did you get my address?
- A little birdie told me.
Five letters, starts with a D?
- D-E-V-I-L. Yeah.
- [Jenna chuckles]
She told me she didn't wanna see
gifts showing up that weren't for her.
Yeah, Darcy is a special bird.
But I love the work that I'm doing there.
I saw you in The New York Times.
Looks like you have
a reason to love it, yeah?
And that's my cue to leave.
Back to that crappy apartment in Brooklyn?
You hate Brooklyn.
No! Brian, you hate Brooklyn!
- You've always hated Brooklyn.
- No, you hate Brooklyn, Brian.
I love it.
And it may be crappy to you,
but it's it's home.
And there's love there.
With Darcy's son?
Listen, I thought my midlife crisis
was bad, but that?
- Jenna
- You're lashing out.
I'm not. I'm not.
You're lashing out,
and I don't have to stay for it.
I promise you, I'm not.
I'm just being honest.
I know you better than anyone else.
No, you don't, Brian. No, you don't.
And And honestly, I
I don't think you ever did.
Be well.
Here is your morning coffee, black.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, hey. Have you seen Eric today?
Did he not tell you?
He is working at home
on the new edits today.
Oh, duh. Right. Yeah, I know.
You... I just forgot. Yeah.
[Jenna] Thanks.
[curious music plays]
[Jenna] I know this is nuts,
so thank you guys for doing this with me.
[Elodie] That's what friends are for.
So, like, how we actually get in though?
Listen, I told you not to worry.
I trust my reinforcement.
- There she goes!
- Ooh.
Oh, did she...
- [Elodie] And here she comes. Mm-hmm.
- Success?
I would say you owe me,
but I believe in love or whatever.
Just press PH for penthouse.
Go get your boo! Go get him!
- Am I doing this?
- [Elodie] You're doing it.
- I'm doing this. Oh Jesus.
- Deep breaths. Go. You got this!
[elevator dings]
I'm a creeper?
You're bold.
Breaking into the Darcy's den. Wow.
So, you're just gonna hide up here forever
and never talk to me again?
I thought you liked me hidden.
I'm sorry.
Seeing you with Madison, it just
it just threw me.
Then you and her and the kids. It j...
I I couldn't take it. [sighs]
Come on now.
Having fun with kids and wanting them
are two different things. You know that.
Yeah. Noted.
You forgot
the running-back-to-your-ex part.
I saw you and him walking in the rain.
I was actually coming to see you,
but that's beside the point.
That wasn't what you thought.
I'm not interested
in competing with your past.
- Especially...
- I don't want him.
- You don't.
- [Jenna] I don't! I don't.
- Okay.
- I don't want that world.
What world do you want? Tell me,
'cause I'm trying to figure it out!
The one I'm in right now.
Me hiding in the shadows?
This the world you want?
No! This one right here,
where I'm doing the work that I love
with the m
man that I love.
With the man that you love.
Your lip is trembling.
Why do you have to call me out
on everything?
Can you just
Can you just let me live a little bit?
[gentle music plays]
[Jenna] You might know me a little bit.
A little bit.
- Wee little bit?
- [Jenna] Little bit.
[Jenna moans]
[Darcy] How long have the two of you
been fucking in my house?
[breathes deeply]
So, was it before or after
I asked you to stay away from my son?
- You did what?
- Oh, yes. Yes, Eric.
Grown women had a conversation about you,
and now grown women are talking,
so I suggest you either be quiet
or you go to your room.
You wanna know how I knew?
I felt it.
And I came to you as a courtesy,
and you promised.
I promised there would be no distractions.
Hold up, wait. So, it's true?
You talked to her
and didn't run that by me?
I said stay out of this.
Jenna, are you serious right now?
I promised you there'd be no distractions
or problems, and there aren't.
We work great together.
And the numbers, they don't lie!
You lie.
You lie, and you sneak, and you cheat,
and you've always been this way.
I don't know why I'm surprised.
You're sick.
There's something seriously wrong with you
that I run out of boyfriends to fuck,
and you go after my son.
- No.
- No?
We fell in love.
Por Dios!
If it's not obvious to you
in this little sex haze that you're in,
um, you're fired.
No, don't fire her, because I quit.
No, you don't get to quit.
You don't get to squander
every sacrifice I've ever made for you.
You didn't do shit for me!
[Darcy] Don't you raise your voice to me.
You don't go back to the office.
Your things will be shipped to you.
- Darcy.
- Get out.
Get the fuck out of my house!
["Time (Is)" plays]
Oh no
[muttering in Spanish]
No, no
[Darcy] The walk of shame, bitch.
No, no
[elevator dings]
[Darcy] Out of all the people.
She is not special.
No, no
I was getting to feel
All the way
- By the way you comb your hair
- Keeping it real
Give your all
You would say to me
Only way to
Your heart
["Miss You Most (At Christmas Time)"
The fire is burning
The room's all aglow
Outside, the December wind blows
Away in the distance
The carolers sing
In the snow
Everybody's laughing
The world is celebrating
And everyone's so happy
Except for me tonight
- Because I miss you
- Ready?
- This good?
- Most at Christmastime
- [Eric] Yeah.
- Finding Otis, take one.
Get you off my mind
Every other season
Come along and I'm all right
But then I miss you
[Jenna] Hey, E. It's, um It's Jenna.
Happy New Year!
You know, I was
I was just thinking if you're open to it,
you know, we could reconnect.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Hey, stranger.
It's been a minute.
- Yeah.
- [Eric chuckles]
You look amazing.
I love your hair.
Thank you.
New hair. New you. I see you. [laughs]
You look good too.
I heard you left Darzine.
Yeah. Yeah, I left.
I got a little spot in Harlem now.
And I just found out I got a grant
to work on the documentary
for my pops, so
- Oh my God, Eric.
- [Eric] Yeah.
- Congratulations. That's amazing.
- Thank you. Mm-hmm.
I know your mom's probably not thrilled,
but I'm really happy for you.
Yeah, well, it's not up to her.
So I hear you teaching now.
I landed a fashion and film course
at Columbia.
I honestly think I found my calling.
Wow, that's a good look.
Okay, Professor Jenna.
- [chuckles]
- Yeah.
So I wanted to talk to you.
Spoiler alert.
This you?
It's us. It's It's ours.
Please say something.
Whoa. Okay.
Did my mom send you here?
What? No. Eric, no. No.
You sure y'all didn't have
a grown-woman conversation?
She doesn't know.
Eric, I I came to tell you.
I'm just as surprised as you are.
What do you mean, really?
We didn't exactly plan this.
No, yeah. We most certainly didn't.
Okay, look, I don't even need anything
from you at all.
I know you don't want kids,
so it's all good.
I I need you to not tell me
what I want right now.
Please. Please don't do that.
Okay, well, tell me something,
'cause what I remember is you saying,
"I don't have the parenting gene."
"My movies are gonna be my kids."
Do you remember that?
Were you wearing a wire? Did you rehearse
this verbatim before you got here?
No, Eric, I didn't rehearse it.
I remembered it because it mattered to me.
Yo, you're springing a lot on me now.
Like, right now.
Would you rather I not tell you anything?
No, that's not what I said.
Please stop putting words in my mouth.
Well, your reaction isn't
It's not comforting.
I haven't seen you in a long time.
And the whole time we were together,
you wanted to hide what we had going on.
Now you come here. You invited me here.
I'm not expecting this.
I'm thinking we gonna chill
and talk about things. Talk things out.
You tell me I'm gonna be a dad, really?
And I have no say-so.
You already made your decision.
Now you're trying to control my response.
I'm not trying to control.
I'm not. I'm not trying to control you.
I'm trying to control me.
And, no, that's not a choice
you get to make at all.
I need a fucking minute. I'm sorry.
You took your time,
and now I'm taking mine, all right?
I don't wanna sit here
and yell at a pregnant lady,
so I'm gonna excuse myself, okay?
[somber music playing]
[woman] Sweetheart, let me tell you.
Don't worry about gaining weight
because, honey, Mother weighed 250 pounds,
and you only weighed
eight pounds, eight ounces.
Your father would take me
to the restaurant,
and I would not only have
one dinner, I had six.
And when it was time to have you, mm,
I had to wear your daddy's shoes,
'cause my feet swelled up so big.
So, listen,
I can come out there and help you.
You're gonna need help, honey.
Oh, I'd like that, Mom. Thanks.
Have you heard from the father?
No. Not since I told him, no.
You know, I'm just gonna give him space.
I kind of caught him off guard.
Sweetheart, don't make excuses
for that man, okay?
- Yeah.
- It takes two to tango, right?
- You didn't do this by yourself.
- Mom, don't go there.
You didn't get yourself pregnant.
- [doorbell rings]
- That might be the pillow that I sent you.
Oh, okay. Hold on.
I had to sleep on a full-body pillow
when I was having you.
Only time I could get
any kind of shut-eye,
because you just rocked and rolled
in my damn stomach.
All night long, it was like, "Oh Lord!"
[indistinct chatter over phone]
[curious music plays]
Good morning, Jenna.
Sorry to drop in on you like this,
but drastic circumstances
call for drastic measures.
[Jenna's mom] I sat on a washing machine
to try to get you going into labor.
Uh, it's not the pillow, Mom.
Can I call you back?
Okay. Love you.
Okay, bye.
Darcy, what do you want?
You've really outdone yourself, Jenna.
Making me a grandmother.
Can't say that I was thinking
about you in that moment, but
There's a profile
for women who self-sabotage.
Yeah, I I think there's also
a profile on maternal narcissists,
but who's counting?
Hmm. Nose job?
Do you plan to live here?
Raise my grandchild in this?
- Can we just stop? Can we just stop?
- Okay. Fine.
I'm not playing
this game with you anymore.
This This documentary
that Eric is filming, was that you?
No. This is something
he wants to do for himself.
- It's his story. He has a right to know.
- Yeah, and I have a right not to tell him.
Maybe now that you're a mother,
you might understand.
Maybe I will.
You know,
I was in a very different position
than you are when I had Eric.
Ooh, my parents hated his father.
Everything about him.
Hated the crowd he ran with.
Thought I was
too young,
which I was.
Oh, but I loved that man.
And I wanted our son.
[heartfelt music playing]
[speaking Spanish]
Oh, and Eric was the most beautiful baby.
And when his father was killed
my parents didn't come to the funeral.
So it's it's just been
the two of us ever since.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't you dare feel sorry for me.
Made me stronger.
My fierceness as a mother
became my fierceness professionally,
because I had him to fight for.
I had a son to raise.
My son.
Now, I don't know whose karma this is,
but your trajectory is impressive.
But I won't do to you
what my parents did to me.
That cycle ends here with me.
Like it or not, we're family now.
[Eric] Yo.
How sway?
You know, I got my ears to the streets.
I figured this out.
Who told you?
[Eric] Take a guess.
Oh, and it's a boy.
You're carrying in your ass.
What the hell?
We're having a baby.
[Eric] You know I'm not ready for this.
I'm young, yeah, but my mom
was way younger when she had me,
and you still mean the world to me.
I don't wanna miss this.
[woman] Jenna Jones.
Looks like you won't have to.
[sighs] All right.
Ooh. [chuckles]
Look's good in here.
I believe this right here indicates
a healthy baby boy is on the way.
- [Jenna] Oh my goodness.
- Yo.
- I'll give you two a moment.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- [door opens, closes]
- Ah! [laughs]
Yo. That's crazy.
- Can you believe it?
- [laughs]
Wow, we did that.
We definitely did.
So, um
what do you think about the name Otis?
You know, I didn't know much about my dad,
but my son will know everything about me.
He will.
But, you know,
Otis is gonna have my last name too.
Deal. I like that.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Otis Jones Hill. Two last names.
- Sounds like a rock star.
- Yeah. I'm the pappy.
- [laughs]
- I love it. All right.
Ooh, I almost forgot. Almost forgot.
- Oh, what's this?
- It's a paternity test.
Yeah. It's for my mom.
Mm-hmm. From Darcy.
Nah, I'm just messing with you. [chuckles]
You almost died.
You almost You almost died just then.
It's two tickets to her gala.
Be my date?
Of course.
- I can't wait to upstage your mom.
- [Eric chuckles]
- [cheering]
- [fireworks bursting]
["Hook It Up" playing]
[cameras clicking]
Hook it up
Hook it up, hot, go
Hook it up
Hook it up, hot, go
Hook it up
Hook it up, hot, go
- Hook it up
- [fireworks bursting]
Hook it up, hot, go
Hook it up
You look so happy.
I know.
Oh. [chuckles]
- Oh gosh.
- [trumpets playing]
- [cheering]
- [fireworks bursting]
[cameras clicking]
Welcome to the Darzine Gala.
Raise your glasses, everyone,
to another year of excellence.
This is the eighth annual Darzine Gala
and your best year ever.
How does it feel?
Methinks the queen
is pleased.
[woman] Jenna Jones.
We've seen you make a glorious comeback
full of excitement.
- [chuckles]
- Care to comment?
You know, I wouldn't call it a comeback.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [cameras clicking]
I'd call it a a perfect find.
[cheering and applause]
[heartfelt music playing]
[heartfelt music plays]