The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues (1955) Movie Script

Don't touch that!
"William S. Grant,
Special Investigator."
"Department of
Defense, Washington."
- Well, I guess that makes it pretty official.
- Yes, I guess it does.
His body is rigid with burns.
The boat's charred, too.
Yet there's no sign of fire.
- We'd better get him out of the water.
- I'll take care of him myself.
Just thought I'd
give you some help.
Well, now that you've
got all my vital statistics,
let's have yours.
Name, address,
occupation, things like that.
The name's Baxter, Ted Baxter.
The address, local hotel.
Occupation, beachcomber and tourist.
Length of stay, indefinite.
Will that do?
Tell me, how did you happen
to pick this particular place?
- Know anybody in town?
- No.
I have a letter of introduction to the
head of the College of Oceanography here.
Professor King?
Which explains why I'm
here at this particular minute.
I was on my way to see him at his
home when I stumbled in onto this.
Come out of there!
I met you at the College of
Oceanography yesterday, didn't I?
That's right. I'm George Thomas,
Professor King's assistant.
You seemed a little
anxious not to be seen.
Well, I saw two strangers
standing over a corpse.
Not being the hero type, I
decided this was no place for me.
You planning to do a little diving,
Mr. Thomas, this late at night?
I'm an oceanographer. The
ocean's my business, day or night.
Anything particularly
interesting around here?
You keep out of this.
You'd better not do any
diving around here for a while.
I want you to forget that you were
even here tonight, understand?
You're soaking wet.
So I am.
I saw a wonderful marine
specimen, I went in after it.
With the college on vacation,
you're spending more
time there than ever.
I hardly see you anymore.
I've never seen you this
detached from me, from reality.
I'm working on breathtaking
things, Lois. Great things.
- And you still won't tell me What it is?
- Not yet.
You've got your own staff
consumed with curiosity.
Even your secretary has asked
me if I know what it is you're doing
behind that tightly
locked lab of yours.
She's a sneaking, prying
female. I should fire her.
And I suppose George
is quizzing you, too.
A little.
I think he feels a
deep resentment
because you've cut him
off from your work so.
He's an opportunist,
not a scientist.
I don't trust him, nor Ethel.
They're both spying on me.
I'm not here. I'm in bed.
I've been in bed an hour.
An hour, do you understand?
Oh, won't you come in?
Thank you.
Is Professor King here?
I'm sorry, he's asleep. He
went to bed an hour ago.
Oh, I see.
Are you sure the
Professor's asleep?
Tell him that Ted
Baxter's here. It's urgent.
- Well, what do you want him for?
- Please tell him.
My friend, the beachcomber.
Supposing you tell me what
your great interest in this thing is,
Dr. Stevens.
You work fast, don't you?
Oh, I've learned quite
a lot about you, Doctor.
You'd be surprised how
well Washington knows you.
Care to hear how famous you are?
"Dr. Stevens, oceanographer.
One of the leaders in his field."
"Author of two highly
controversial books,"
"Biological Effects of
Radiation on Marine Life,"
"and Nature's Own Death Ray."
You have been busy, Mr. Grant.
There's more.
"Dr. Stevens, in a
laboratory experiment,"
"successfully activated the
hydrogen isotopes in heavy water"
"to form an atomic
chain reaction."
"He called this development
the first workable death ray."
Suppose you tell me what you're
doing with that Geiger counter.
Well, I told you I thought the
boat showed radiation burns.
I wanted to verify it. I did.
Scientific curiosity,
you might say.
And using a phony
name, what's that for?
That's for reasons of my own.
I watched you yesterday,
the way you looked out there,
as if you expected something
like this was going to happen.
Am I to consider
myself a suspect?
What happened out there seems to tie in
pretty closely with your own experiments.
The evidence, if you can call it
that, was highly circumstantial.
Washington tell you
anything else about me?
Enough to make me
keep my eyes on you.
You know, if you leave me alone, I
might be able to help you with this.
And then again, maybe not.
- Morning, Miss Ethel.
- Morning, Andy.
They found Willy
Harrison's boat this morning.
Burned, like the others.
They ain't found his body. That
makes three the Phantom's got.
You know what
they're saying in town?
That nothing like this ever happened
until they opened this school here.
I can't say that I blame them.
The way the Professor's been
acting, locking himself up in his room...
He won't even let
me in there to clean it.
And all those noises
coming from that room.
I've got work to do, Andy.
- And that young one, George.
- What about George?
He's following the
professor around.
Follows him
everywhere. I seen him.
Hiding behind trees,
watches him all the time.
It ain't normal,
this carrying on.
What's not normal, Andy?
I'm not to be disturbed,
you understand?
Yes, sir.
- What have you got there, Ethel?
- Nothing, just a piece of scrap.
"H.E.F. increase,
point 56, dash 24."
"Point 64, dash 32."
"Point 70, dash 18."
Keeping right up with the
professor, aren't you, George?
I'm one step ahead of him.
I've got to get into his lab, Ethel.
You've got to help me get in there.
It's worth a lot of money to me,
to you, too.
I could tell him
what you're up to.
You could.
But you won't.
Hi there.
Tell me, how did you
leave your house?
Through the door,
or through the open window,
like your father did last night?
Through the door. I leave
the window exits to Dad.
- Join me in a swim?
- No, I'm a little winded.
How about you
joining me in a rest?
Maybe I can pick up
some of that color you have.
- Care for a cigarette?
- Oh, no, thanks.
- Is something the matter?
- No. No.
You seem a little
nervous, Mr. Baxter.
Why don't you call me Ted?
Mr. Baxter sounds so formal,
especially here at the beach.
All right, Ted.
Oh, it's too nice
just to sit around.
If you're not coming in for a
swim, then I think I'll go in alone.
Now, look, you
can't go swimming.
I don't like being
told what to do.
Well, its not a case of
my telling you what to do,
it's just that it
isn't safe out there.
I think you're being
a little ridiculous.
Look, I've spent all
my life near the water.
- I can handle myself under any situation.
- But I'm afraid you can't in this one.
I'm going to insist that you stay
out of the water, at least for a while.
- Insist?
- Yes. You must trust me.
- You really mean that, don't you?
- I really do.
Let's just say that I'd feel better knowing
that you were safe here on the beach,
for personal reasons.
You ought to do that more often.
- Do what?
- Smile. I like it.
Well, all I need is
enough encouragement,
and you've given that to me.
Will you go down to the supply room
and get some ocean current charts?
Yes, sir.
Professor King?
I wonder if I might have a
few words with you alone.
Ethel, I believe you were on
your way down to the supply room.
I called on you at
your home last night,
but you'd gone out for a
walk, through an open window.
Yes, my daughter Lois told
me that a Mr. Baxter had called.
I got a terrible scolding
on your account.
I'm afraid you ruined my favorite
device for getting out of the house
when I can't sleep.
Professor, I saw a fisherman's body
washed up on the shore last night.
These men get very careless.
They think they rule the
sea, but it's just the opposite.
The sea rules us, Mr. Baxter.
But this man wasn't
killed by a natural force.
His body was rigid
with radiation burns.
I think whatever killed
him was man-made.
Indeed? Very interesting.
Although not within my
scope as an oceanographer.
Just what is it you
want of me, Mr. Baxter?
Well, I'd like a detailed study
of the ocean in this vicinity,
the depth and the
composition of the floor,
anything that you might have.
- It'll take a little time to gather them.
- I'd like them as soon as possible.
Well, I told my daughter I
wouldn't work this afternoon.
Why don't you come to
the house about 3:00?
Say, if you get there before I do
and Lois is out, just go on right in.
The house is generally unlocked.
That'll be fine.
And by the way, I take it you are working
with Mr. Grant, the federal investigator?
You might say so.
You can come in now, miss.
I hope you found the
conversation interesting.
You're an inquisitive
woman, aren't you, Ethel?
Well, at least you
might have knocked.
Well, I did.
And your father told me to
open the door and come in.
He would.
Would you mind handing
me those things there?
- Is Father expecting you?
- Yes.
Would you mind helping
me with this zipper?
Why, of course.
You're an awful
long time with that.
Mission completed, sorry to say.
Hello, I'm sorry I'm late.
Well, now that Dad's
here, will you excuse me?
Oh, surely.
I hope these are what
you wanted, Dr. Stevens.
I've read your books
very thoroughly, Doctor,
on which, incidentally,
your photograph appears.
Well, maybe it's just as
well you know who I am.
Have you chartered the
area around Baker's Cove?
The area where the
accidents occurred?
No, I don't think we
got around to that.
We've only been here
two years, you know.
Well, you've mapped
other areas in this vicinity.
A few years ago, a submerged deposit
of uranium ore was found along this coast.
Is there any evidence of a
similar deposit along here?
No, not to my knowledge. Why?
Why, this morning, I made
a test dive over the area
where the accidents
have taken place.
They weren't accidents.
There's a shaft of light
coming up out of the ocean.
I have reason to believe
that it's nuclear in character.
Now, any object coming
in contact with this light
would be subject
to extreme radiation.
I believe this light
killed three men.
You say you made a close
examination of this light?
Not as close as I
would have liked to.
It was being guarded
by a sea serpent,
a hideous beast that
defies description.
Oh, Doctor, if I didn't know that
you were a scientist of high standards,
I'd say that you were the victim
of the ridiculous Phantom stories
that are running wild
around the village.
Professor, you say
you've read my stories?
Indeed, I have.
Much of my work is
based on your findings.
Well, then you must
remember my experiments
on activating the hydrogen
isotopes in heavy water.
Oh, but that was on a miniature scale
in a laboratory with a lot of equipment.
But on the ocean floor...
I proved it could be done.
I used artificial means
to start the reaction.
Then you think that with a
submerged deposit of uranium ore,
you can get the same
reaction on a much larger scale?
A weapon like this could destroy
anything coming in contact with it.
Oh, fantastic.
Once the chain reaction had
started, it could continue indefinitely,
as a matter of fact,
keep growing larger.
And what about the beast down
there? Was he man-made, too?
I believe so.
Since marine life lives in a
constant flow of heavy water,
the effect of radiation on it would be
completely different than it is on humans.
Well, that's your theory on
mutations, isn't it, Doctor?
And if what I believe is true,
this monster that I saw in the ocean
was a mutation of some sea creature.
You see, it draws its energy
from the nuclear light itself,
just as plant life needs
the sun to grow on.
Well, have you any evidence
to support this fantastic theory?
I created such a mutant
in my own laboratory.
Oh, come now, Doctor.
I destroyed it, just as this
creature must be destroyed,
and the knowledge
that went into creating it.
And you think that that knowledge
might have come out of my college?
Since I am head of
that college, obviously...
Professor, in science we look
for one thing and find another.
We split an atom and the
hydrogen bomb is evolved.
We set up a simple experiment
or study on underwater life,
something new and
horrible is created.
I feel as if I and my
experiments are suspect.
Well, I haven't
overlooked that possibility.
If it were a matter of
pure science alone,
I'd be inclined to
examine you most closely.
- However, there's another element.
- Another element?
The person responsible
for this terrible weapon
has offered it for sale
to the highest bidder.
For sale? I don't believe it.
Yes, Mr. Grant.
We'll have them ready
for you in the morning.
That's right. Goodbye.
Grant's going to make
a dive in the morning.
He's borrowing some
equipment from us.
- We can't let him go down there.
- Why not?
Well, in view of what
you told me, I thought...
Well, it's not safe for
him to go down there.
Why are you staring
at me, Doctor?
You seemed so skeptical when I
told you the results of my test dive,
yet you show a genuine
concern for Mr. Grant's safety.
Good day, Professor.
Did I startle you? I'm sorry.
I didn't hear you come out.
I forgot to tell you,
a Mr. Grant wants to pick up a full
set of diving equipment tomorrow.
- Have it ready for him.
- Yes, sir.
And tell George and the night
watchman, in case you're not here.
Yes, sir.
Ethel, I consider you
an intelligent woman,
a bit bitter perhaps, no
great lover of mankind,
but still intelligent.
I'd like your opinion.
What would you consider a just
punishment for a man or a woman
who would betray his
fellow man for money?
One who would take a scientific
discovery of monumental scope
and use it to line
his or her pockets?
I don't know.
Would you consider death just?
No matter.
You can tell me some other time.
Hello. Get me Mr. Grant, please.
You shouldn't have come
here. I may have been followed.
There was a time when you would have
welcomed me under any circumstances.
They've got federal men investigating.
They must know something.
They're planning on
making a dive tomorrow.
A dive? They've
got to be stopped.
- How?
- That's your problem.
You shouldn't have come here.
I had to. I got a cable from
Antwerp. I'm to fly there in two days.
They're expecting me to bring
some vital information from you.
I'm not ready.
You were ready enough
to accept a considerable sum of
money in advance, weren't you?
I won't know anything
until I can get into King's lab.
Then get in. Butt your way in.
I tried that with his
secretary. It didn't work.
You're facing some
serious problems, George.
You have two days in
which to find the answers.
I'll be leaving for Europe
the day after tomorrow.
Where will I find you?
I'll be spending most of my
time soaking up a little sun
at Colby's Point.
That's where we used
to meet, remember?
I remember.
For quite a while, we were just
a man and a woman, weren't we?
I didn't know then they
could put beauty and poison
so cleverly together
in one package.
Colby's Point, remember.
- Is it all right to talk here?
- Go ahead.
- I can tell you what you want to know.
- All right.
- My, you look lovely.
- Thank you.
I hope my caller feels
the same way about it.
I'm sure he will.
Dr. Stevens is very observing.
He's a bright young man.
- Sometimes I think he's too bright.
- Too bright?
- I don't understand what you mean.
- Oh, just an old coot thinking out loud.
You know, science is
a devouring mistress.
She devours all who seek
to fathom her mysteries.
And for every secret she
reveals, she demands a price,
a price that a scientist
must be prepared to pay,
even at the cost of his life,
or the life of others who
stand in the way of his search.
You say that almost as
though you were threatening me.
You? What nonsense.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Evening. I daresay you two
won't mind being left alone.
- You're beautiful.
- Which is a good opening line for any date.
Oh, I've got more, but they
require an entirely different setting.
How about a nice
walk along the ocean?
He may fool the rest of you
with his soft voice, but not me.
He's a killer.
You can't accuse King of
treason just because you hate him.
I'll accuse him of anything.
He sent my only son out in a squall
to get his filthy ocean specimens.
Proof, Ethel. I need proof.
He works behind those
locked doors of his.
If I could just get in there, I could
give you all the proof you want.
We may be able to figure out
something along those lines.
If I could show you how to make
a wax impression of those locks,
- could you do it sometime tomorrow?
- I'm sure I could.
Come on.
I'd better be getting
home. It's late.
It's been a lovely evening.
Yes, it was pleasant,
and it did go fast.
Mostly in talk about my father
and the college, now that I think of it.
You've learned a
great deal about him.
It was natural curiosity
about a fellow scientist.
There were some very
pleasant moments of silence, too.
We really should go.
All right.
Now, look, you go
home and call Bill Grant.
You'll find him at the hotel.
Tell him I'll wait here
for his instructions.
Hurry, please.
They're burned worse
than the fisherman was.
I think it's about time we
did something about this.
We? Am I off your
list of suspects?
Earlier today, I had along
talk with Washington.
You were the topic
of conversation.
- Am I to be shot at sunrise?
- They told me to cooperate with you.
You could have floored me.
They put you on this case, too,
and didn't even tell me about it.
I thought they would eventually.
Apparently, they wanted two completely
indifferent investigations of this,
one from a scientific point
of view, and one from a...
A gumshoe, government style.
"Pacific College
of Oceanography."
You know, this spear
may be our first real break.
Kind of narrows the
field down, doesn't it?
Yes, it seems so.
I think I'll take it down to the crime
lab and have them dust it for prints.
How about you going down to the college
and picking up some diving equipment?
I checked with Professor King,
and he said that the night
watchman would give it to us.
What do you say we make
our dive about 6:00 a.m.?
Bill, I made a test
dive yesterday.
It's pretty grim.
There's a shaft of
radioactive light down there.
Touch it, and you're dead.
And if that isn't enough, there's some
kind of an animal standing guard over it.
Then there really is a basis
for these Phantom stories?
I'm afraid there is.
This will take care
of it, and I won't miss.
Now, my principal
interest is the light ray.
Now, you will have to draw
whatever it is down there away,
so I can get a good
look at that light.
And, Bill, now, it isn't going
to be easy, or pleasant.
Neither is this.
Hey, Bill, what happened?
- Still wanna go in?
- Yes.
Feel all right?
- I'm picking up King and his assistant.
- What for?
The poison in that mask
came from the college,
and so did the spear
that was fired at you.
So, we can prove a
charge of attempted murder.
That's not what we're after.
We want to know who created
that thing, and how to destroy it.
Don't you understand, Bill?
It's the knowledge, the know-how,
that went into making that ray.
- That's the real danger.
- Now it all ties together.
We were getting too nosy, so
King tried to get rid of both of us.
Maybe it was George.
Maybe both of them.
The secretary could be
tied into it for all we know.
No, rule her out. We
were, well, talking.
She tells me she can prove that
King's behind this whole thing.
Prove it? How?
I rigged up a set of keys for
her to get into his laboratory.
She tells me all the proof
I need is right in that room.
- I hope she's right.
- We'll know tonight.
- One of the spear guns is missing.
- I saw King take one out yesterday.
That's odd, I thought I saw you
carrying one when you left last night.
You see too much, Ethel.
You should wear blinkers.
- Is he in yet?
- No.
- I've got to get in there today.
- Break the door down.
He mustn't know, Ethel.
This is important to me, as
important as staying alive.
I can't help you.
This is serious. I'm in trouble.
You like that, don't you?
I've too much trouble of
my own to worry about yours.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Dad told me that you
and Mr. Grant made a dive.
I'm glad I learned about
it after it was allover.
I phoned the college, they
told me your father was at home.
He was terribly upset
when he heard the news.
The boy, the one in the boat,
he was one of his students.
Oh, that's a shame.
I'd like to talk to your father.
You wished to speak to me?
Why, yes, I thought
you might be interested
in the results of the dive
we made this morning.
The very fact that you're
here now tells me that
your Phantom, as well as
your light ray, is a myth, a hoax.
They both exist.
The light ray, as you call it, is
very definitely atomic, and deadly.
The only reason I'm alive
ls because I made sure
I didn't come in
contact with it myself.
It's all too preposterous
for serious thought.
Phantom marine mutations,
death rays, utter nonsense.
I'm afraid, Doctor, that you are the
victim of an overwhelming imagination.
Good day, Dr. Stevens.
You don't look well, George.
Or is it just that I don't
find you attractive anymore?
Nothing's going right, Wanda.
- I don't know if I can get what they want.
- They won't like it.
And when they
don't like something,
they're liable to be a
little extreme in showing it.
They might even come to the same
conclusion that I came to last night,
that you're of no use to us.
Last night?
Ethel, King's secretary, was
crying her little heart out to Mr. Grant.
- I saw them.
- The government man?
I couldn't hear what they were saying,
but I'm pretty sure I caught your name.
She knows enough about me to...
Evidently she hasn't told
him what she knows yet.
What do I do, Wanda?
I know what I'd do.
I'll be here tomorrow, too.
But don't come unless
you have something for me.
You're working very late
tonight, aren't you, Ethel?
I had some work to
clean up. Good night.
I believe you were
looking for these.
Dad, what's wrong?
I feel so old, so
tired and defeated.
Dr. Stevens, I want to apologize to
you for my rudeness this afternoon.
- I've had a few very trying days.
- Of course, I understand.
Maybe I'd better leave.
Come in.
- Professor King?
- That's right.
- Were you at the college tonight?
- Yes, for a while.
- Mind telling me when you left?
- About an hour ago, I think.
What's this all about?
Your secretary, Miss Hall, was
found murdered a short while ago.
She left the college, a few
minutes later you followed.
That it?
I don't grasp the
significance of that fact.
Do you think that I would take a
human life willfully, deliberately?
She just as well as told
me you were gonna kill her.
She was killed with one
of the college's spear guns.
Am I being formally charged
with this horrible thing?
Not yet.
But it's just a matter of time.
Come on.
We just gonna sit here all day?
There isn't much else we can do till
the sheriff gets here with his report.
Oh, it's just like I
killed Ethel myself.
I rigged the keys for her
to get into King's laboratory.
That's it. That's
what we ought to do.
Get into that room of his.
Well, assuming that it was King,
which is something I'm not ready to do,
he could have destroyed everything in
his laboratory if he found Ethel in there,
his equipment, his notes.
Don't you see, Bill?
It's what's in his mind, or
George's, that's important.
Notes? Wait a minute.
Ethel gave me this at the
restaurant. She copied it from King.
Mean anything to you?
Well, we solved your
murder for you, Mr. Grant.
Same spear gun
fired both shafts,
the one that tried to kill Doc
here, and the one that got Miss Hall.
Same fingerprints
over both of them.
They were George
Thomas', King's assistant.
The dumbest killer I ever saw.
Left the spear gun in his
car, same prints all over it.
And to clinch it, he didn't
come home last night.
I guess I'd better
put in for retirement.
I sure had this
one figured wrong.
I called the college to tell the old man
he was in the clear, but no one answered.
He's probably at home. I
think I'd better go tell him.
Tell the old man I'm sorry.
I kind of have an idea
where we can get George.
Wanna come along? Might
be able to use some help.
Come on.
I'd forgotten how pleasant
it could be, just walking.
You see, it's not so hard to
take a day off. We'll do it again.
- I doubt whether the trap would permit it.
- The trap?
Knowledge sometimes
has steel jaws, like a trap,
and it can either destroy
the hunter or the hunted.
- You frighten me when you talk like that.
- Then I promise not to.
Oh, here comes your Dr. Stevens.
I have some news that
I think will interest you.
About Ethel's murder?
- The sheriff has proof it was George.
- I knew it wasn't you!
- Why would he want her dead?
- It's possible that Ethel found out that...
Well, he had to silence her.
Why the gloom?
Dad's just been
acquitted of murder.
Lois, I'd like to talk
to your father alone.
It will only take a
few minutes, dear.
You'd better run on
home. I'll follow you there.
- You'd better go.
- Please.
Ethel gave this to Mr. Grant. She
said she copied it from your notes.
Intensity increase readings of
the light shaft. You call it H.E.F.
Hydro Energy Force.
You're quite right.
There is a uranium
deposit on the ocean floor.
How did you activate it?
That, Dr. Stevens, is my
knowledge, and mine alone.
But it must be destroyed.
It started with a simple animal
experiment, one of yours, Doctor.
I thought so.
And I advanced it way beyond the
scope of your imagination, didn't I?
Don't tell me how you create
it, tell me how to destroy it.
I don't know that I want to.
But, Doctor, you're not
free to do as you wish.
Five people have died
as a result of that thing.
You're quite right.
But just give me one
hour to think about it.
It's a decision that's
not easy to make.
I have no other choice.
Thank you.
I'll meet you here.
And, Doctor, stay with Lois.
She'll need you.
I know Dad's in some kind of
trouble and needs me, I know it.
- But your father asked you to wait here.
- I can't. We've got to find him.
Do you know where he might be?
Well, he possibly could
have gone to the lab.
- Well, then I'm going there.
- No, no, now, wait a minute.
Do I have to go alone, or
are you coming with me?
Perhaps you're right.
We can't do any good
here, just waiting. Let's go.
Ted, what happened?
That ship, it just exploded.
Lois, I've got to
find your father.
You can't mean that Dad
had anything to do with this.
- I haven't got time to talk.
- Ted!
Professor King.
Professor King.
- You may come in and clean up now, Andy.
- It's about time.
What in the world is that?
Do you mean to say that's one
of God's creatures, Professor?
No, Andy, that's
one of man's follies,
and I pray God there
will never be another one.
Goodbye, Andy.
On your feet.
Figured you'd show
up here sooner or later.
- What do you want of me?
- Just a confession to Ethel Hall's murder.
We found a spear
gun in your car.
Ballistic tests and fingerprints
pretty well tie you into it, mister.
- You weren't very clever about it.
- Neither was your girlfriend Wanda.
No, I guess I wasn't.
I should have learned
more from my teacher.
- He killed in wholesale lots.
- What are you talking about?
Professor King, he planted
that thing out in the ocean.
What does he mean, Bill?
I think I know. Can you
handle him yourself, Sheriff?
- What happened? Where's Dad?
- He left a few minutes ago, Miss King.
Did he say where he was going?
No, he just busted up the
place and left in a hurry.
But why destroy all this, his
experiments, his life's work?
I'm afraid only your
father can explain that.
But I still don't understand.
Do you know why he did this?
I think I do.
- What a mess. King?
- Yeah. Left a few minutes ago.
Probably headed for the beach.
We're on our way there now.
Let's take my car. Come
on, we'd better hurry.
If I'd only known in time,
perhaps I could have stopped him.
I know he meant this power to be
used to help humanity, not destroy it.
I'm sure he did.
And he paid for his mistake.
Nature has many secrets
that man mustn't disturb,
and this was one of them.
I know.
If only he, too, could
have understood...
I'm sure he does, Lois.
That's why he took
his secret with him.