The Pickup Game (2019) Movie Script

Thanks, guys.
Have a seat, make
yourself comfortable.
Today, I'm gonna teach
you, I'm gonna talk about,
and I'm gonna share some
experiences with you,
about everything you
need to know about game.
So after this, you'll be
able to approach women,
talk to girls, have
a great conversation,
end up having sex with them.
You're gonna have all that
knowledge after today.
What's your name?
Do you remember mine?
Yes, Maximilian.
I know this is
totally random but
I was going over there, right?
I saw you walking
with the shake.
You have this very
kind of artsy vibe.
I'm sorry, I'm Justin,
sorry to be rude.
Playing it safe is something
a bad-ass motherfucker
does not know, okay?
Fuck playing it safe.
I'm gonna fuck this girl
or I burn it to the ground.
Wait with me two seconds.
You're scary.
You're crazy, you know
you're crazy, right?
A lot of men have gone
through a lot of pain barriers
to hire someone like us and to
put their life in our hands.
You're just using me.
I'm using you for what?
I don't know, for
company or something.
So, here's the thing...
For a business venture.
No, no,
hold on, hold on.
It's a system.
If other guys can make it
work, it's down to you.
Remember, she's got her system.
It's called lots of fucking
makeup, push-up bras, lipstick.
All the things that
enhance what she is not.
Most people don't even
know what pickup is.
Most people don't even know
that there is an industry.
But actually, this is a
multi-million dollar industry
that's global, that has
entire communities online.
And it's a world that's
hidden from women.
If people call
this manipulation,
then I just say,
Which hotel?
Let's go to my room.
I understand that the
idea that there's a system
when it comes to meeting a woman
and attracting women,
that can just like,
completely get a girl
anytime, it's a scary thing.
And not only that, society could
look at it in a bad way but
guess what?
We're not the mainstream
nor do we care to
be the mainstream.
You know, I mean, the less
people that know about it,
the better it is, right?
I don't like the thought
that a girl can be tricked
and manipulated
into bed, at all.
But the evidence is
there, that actually,
they can be.
This is all earned.
Okay, I spent a lotta time
and a lotta sweat and tears
figuring out how to do this.
Hold on, say hello
for one second.
Come here, come here.
I'm on the phone with my mom.
Let me say hi to your
mom, real quick, real quick.
Oh no, it's okay.
No, no, no, no, I'm
good with mothers.
- I'm good with mothers.
- No, it's okay.
This idea that if you
learn this programming,
you can get this girl to react
in this certain
way, is horrifying.
I just ran into him on
the corner of the street.
We were looking at each other.
We thought each
other were cute.
Most men have
this inner desire
to want to sleep with women
or have sex with women.
So, when they read things like,
"You would have a girl
begging to suck your dick."
Whilst they might
logically think to themself
that they would not like to
associate themselves with that.
Deep down, that
appeals to most guys.
And that's what gets them
to buy pickup products.
And if you didn't get them
to buy pickup products,
you don't have pickup companies
making $100 million a year.
You guys are all ready?
Okay, why don't you
go ahead, Tracy?
Please describe to me briefly
how you're self-employed.
Well, I started out,
I have my own cleaning service
and I've been in it
for about three years.
For most men dating
is a form of gambling.
They're rolling the dice hoping
that they're gonna get lucky.
If you were getting
on an airplane
and stuck your head in the
cockpit and said to the pilot,
"How are you gonna make
sure we get to Dubai?"
And he quite seriously said,
"I don't know, maybe we'll
get lucky," and he meant it,
you'd get the fuck
off the plane.
How many of you have
ever even had a woman,
you just didn't care
and she liked you?
Raise your hand.
Now, how many women have you
ever had a real crush on them
and no matter what you did,
they just didn't like you?
There's a reason for it and
it's got to do with energy.
Talking to women was one
of my biggest fears in life.
Before I couldn't even
go up to an old lady
and ask her for directions.
And I find out, oh, hey,
there's this whole community
actually trying to
get better with women
that have my same problem.
When I first started
teaching, I had no idea
that when a guy came to
talk to you in a bar,
that had taken courage
to come to do that.
It wasn't uncommon to meet
someone who was sort of 25
and had never been with a girl.
And I'd think,
wouldn't it be nice
if everybody had the confidence,
if they see someone
attractive, and you're single,
to go over and start
a conversation?
I wanted to help guys have the
confidence to talk to girls.
But then when you start teaching
you see this other side of it.
There's a dark side.
There really is.
I don't think that a
lot of people understand
that there is this
real subculture,
and what their teachings are,
and what the beliefs are.
When she tells me, "I
have a boyfriend," right?
Still fucking dead in her
face, I don't give a shit.
Ignore that, push it over there,
let's get back to
the conversation.
Is that a yoga mat?
Where can we do
yoga around here?
You're the first
person I saw with...
I do it in the Rec Center.
Charming a girl in 60 seconds.
That became my hallmark.
Literally in a session I
would get like, 30 numbers
from very attractive women.
No, talk for a second.
I don't know, 'cause you're
cute, you have good energy.
Afterwards I coached.
Sleeping with a woman is
stacking many subtle behaviors
end to end.
They would pay me $1,000
and at the end $2,000
for an afternoon.
And then we'd go out and
some of them were like,
"What the fuck?"
I mean, because I was a machine.
A lot of confidence,
and alpha male behavior
and proactivity is
knowing that it's my right
to go after this girl.
There was no emotional register.
I was an executor.
There were hundreds of women.
I would sometimes have
three dates a night.
I mean, it was like full on man.
Now, I'm settled
down and married.
I closed that chapter of my life
and then you guys showed
up with all your equipment
wanting to like, pry that open.
I feel like a war criminal and
you're some nosy journalist
who's coming wanting
to expose me.
It still really surprises
me how many people
have absolutely no idea
this industry even exists.
I don't know how it's managed
to stay so underground.
We're talking about a
multi-million dollar industry
that's all over the world
with loads and loads
of people teaching.
And loads and loads of students.
Entire online
communities of people.
I guess, because there's
not really an incentive
for it to come out.
But it all started back in the
'80s with just this one guy.
Meet Ross Jeffries.
Ross teaches other men
how to get women into bed.
I was a very,
very, I would say,
ungainly teenager and young man.
I was 6'2 and
weighed 127 pounds.
I was emaciated and
very low self-esteem,
and couldn't get a girlfriend.
I was always the guy
who was the big brother,
or the best friend.
I actually used to keep a
scrapbook of the rejection notes.
And, it was very painful.
I remember walking
on Bruin Walk at UCLA
after like, the fifth or
sixth date cancellation
and yelling, when am
I gonna solve this?
Then around 1987 I stumbled
on my first NLP book.
I wanna talk about
programming or NLP
as conversational hypnosis.
Some of the ways that
we use hypnosis in NLP
include anchoring.
Anchoring is an NLP technique
you can use to anchor
a person to you
to believe that you
have certain attributes.
Motivated, for example.
Honest, loving, or powerful.
We can anchor people to
have rapport with us.
There are all sorts
of uses for anchors.
Now, my understanding
is that you're not going
to use this technology
for anything that you shouldn't.
I thought, ah,
this is good stuff.
I can use this to get
over my own shyness.
My own difficulty.
And there's also
some techniques there
for influence and persuasion.
But no one had ever applied
it towards seduction.
I thought, I'm gonna be
the person who did it.
Ross, what do
women really want?
I don't care what they want.
I only care what
they respond to.
There's what women
say they want,
there's what women
think they want,
and then there's what
they actually respond to.
I'm interested in what
works on the street
when it's time to date and mate.
And what women
actually respond to
is not what they say they want.
So, what
do they respond to?
They really respond to
a guy who's a challenge.
A guy that's a question mark,
a guy who keeps them guessing.
In 1988 I self-published
a book called,
"How To Get The Women
You Desire Into Bed."
It got me on all
sorts of talk shows.
It's the subtitle that
really got people.
"A Down And Dirty Guide
To Dating And Seduction."
"For The Man Who's Fed Up
With Being Mr. Nice Guy."
It talked about how
to use self-hypnosis
and how to use hypnotic
techniques to get women all excited.
I'm talking for the
little guy out there
who gets his head kicked
in and always winds up
being the buddy, the
big brother and hears,
"Let's be friends."
You want a friend, lady?
Get a dog.
And here's the thing.
I think you're gonna end
up a very lonely man.
When I started this,
there were no cellphones.
There was no
Twitter, no internet.
No Facebook.
Tapes, we had cassette tapes.
There was no digital nothing.
Our "Speed Seduction" catalog
was literally mailed to you.
We mailed it.
We got on the internet in 1991.
Then I got in 1994.
Back then they had
one search engine.
You pretty much had to
know the URL of the site
you wanted to go to.
I was 19 when I got into it.
I was sitting in a pub called.
The Round Table in
Leicester Square,
and a friend said to me,
"Hey, you should read Ross
Jeffries newsletters."
And then later on he gave me
the cassette to listen to.
My only idea of
how to meet people
would be go to
loud, horrible clubs
and try to dance near people
and hope they notice me.
And, yeah, as we all know,
that doesn't really
work that well.
My name is Erik Von Markovik,
commonly known to
the world as Mystery.
And we're gonna do
a little experiment.
Hey Siri,
show me a picture
of a pickup artist.
Here are some
images of a pickup artist
I found on the web.
They're all of me.
There's one.
There was something
called newsgroups.
And Ross had created
his own newsgroup
This is before Facebook groups.
Fast Seduction was
his company name
and there were about 40 members.
When I first got online
and found about newsgroups
I stumbled upon
It was a niche, and I
found that fascinating.
Finding out that there was
small burgeoning community,
and I started growing it.
I started responding to
questions that I had answers to.
I had learnt by myself and
gotten a few girls in my life
over the course of a few years,
performing magic in night clubs.
I was actually paid to be there,
to be a point of
interest, right?
I taught other guys up in
Toronto that which I know,
specifically tactics
and strategies
and I did it for
shits and giggles.
That's mid-air appearance.
That's all I'm saying.
There's something to that.
If I say, here, come
join me for a second.
I look away while I do
it, and then look back,
they're more likely to
do it than if I say,
"Come join me for a sec."
If I eyeball her,
"Come join me."
They'll be like, "No."
But if I say, "Here,
come here for a sec."
See that body language?
They're more likely to come.
The old days of
discovering pickup material
were just like coming
across this secret treasure
that no one else knew about.
You would think, "Wow, I just
learned this secret language."
"I have this special
superpower now
"that none of my friends have."
I noticed I was more
arrogant with women.
I wasn't afraid to talk to them.
That was a big thing for me.
And, I was no longer
intimidated by other men,
because I felt I had a
superpower, in a way.
At least that's what it
was like at the beginning.
I was up in Toronto and I'd
wanted to live in Hollywood.
So, I created Project Hollywood.
That's a nice town, filled
with beautiful women.
I wanted to meet them.
I had some Hollywood aspirations
that I wanted to pursue.
Project Hollywood
was a collaboration.
I wanted to live in
a nice, big place
and I wanted to
share it with others.
And so, we had five guys
all move in together.
Everyone that lived in that
house was a pickup artist.
We had Papa, we had Owen,
also known as Tyler Durden,
or just TD.
Myself, Herbal T, and Neil
Strauss, A.K.A. Style.
What's with your picture
in Rolling Stone?
Neil was a writer and
went and done interviews
with Courtney Love and
they got on very well.
So, she was invited
to stay with us.
We had a rockstar secretly
living in our house
surrounded by pickup artists.
One of you guys
- can have that bed.
- I use that bed.
- Hey Neil!
- Yes.
Don't let me
give anything else
but that bed, alright?
'Cause I'll end up giving
away too much shit, okay?
We lived just two minutes
from Sunset Boulevard.
It's the Hollywood dream.
Beautiful house right by all
the night clubs, restaurants,
lots of social environments
with which to
interact with people.
Project Hollywood became
the focus of the pickup world.
Everybody who was into
pickup followed it.
You had this whole online forum
of thousands and thousands,
all following what these
guys were doing in Hollywood
and then doing the same thing
in their own towns or cities
and sharing their experiences.
It was essentially a
laboratory for guys to go out
and try different
tactics and techniques.
If you went out and
tried something,
you would write a field
report with the details.
And then, if you got laid,
you'd write what they
called a Lay Report.
They invited me
to be in that house.
I said, I'm not gonna
live in a frat house.
I'm not a college boy.
They stayed out to all
hours of the night,
they lived a drunken lifestyle,
they were living like bums.
I always loved living
in a theatrical family,
creating an extended
family with friends.
Project Hollywood worked
for the longest time.
At least up until a point where
a roommate of mine, Herbal T,
ended up having sex with
a girlfriend of mine
that we had just
broken up that day.
I heard it.
It was a room near the kitchen.
It really affected
me emotionally,
and I've never felt jealousy
with that much weight.
I didn't have tools
to handle that.
I was talking about suicide.
Neil took that seriously, as
he would as a good friend,
and he took me to a hospital.
He wrote about that.
That very thing.
But I remember all of it, yeah.
It's interesting,
really, because you've got
an underground industry
and then you've got
an undercover journalist
exposing this industry.
Well, when they do an article
on the great fucking
author Neil Strauss,
then I'll fucking have
them do my picture.
Even then I'd have
them do a caricature.
When Neil wrote
The Game, he knew.
When he was living
among those guys,
he was secretly
writing about them
all the while pretending
to be their friends.
It's a very sociopathic
thing to do, isn't it?
We're going to do a topic
that Andrea wants to discuss
today 'cause she found
this very interesting book.
It's called
"The Game" by Neil Strauss.
This is a
man's bible, right?
It's got gold pages
and it's even got
a ribbon bookmark here.
The subtitle is.
"Penetrating The Secret
Society Of Pickup Artists."
When the teachers
at the time realized
that this was gonna be a book,
they were quite nervous about
the industry being exposed.
Disarm the obstacles.
I wanna know what...
Disarming the obstacles?
This sounds like a frigging
FBI tactical sorta thing.
What's this one?
"Isolate the target."
Like, give me a break.
There is the target, I
must disarm the obstacles.
"The Game" was really the
book that put pickup on the map.
Before "The Game" came out,
pickup companies were
quite underground.
There were maybe three
or four companies.
And, if you were
outside the industry,
you wouldn't even
know it existed.
In fact what "The Game"
did was create this industry
that just boomed.
And these people shot to fame
and everybody wanted them
to teach them.
And I was like, this is
gonna change everything.
Oh, no.
But it didn't, it just opened
up people wanting to hire me.
What's up?
Bruce Wayne with
Justin Wayne Dating.
What's up?
It's Justin Wayne, and
I have another Q&A.
My name's Shaun Michael.
For those that know
me, A.K.A. Discovery.
I'm Paul Janka, this
is "Beyond The Digits."
You had dozens of
companies forming,
trying to capitalize on the
popularity of that book.
Any company which had any
association with pickup
or "The Game," was successful.
Are we all ready to settle in?
Where's Beckster?
I'm here.
You've met, Danny.
Yeah, oh yeah, I met 'em all.
Okay, very good then.
Take a seat guys.
Yep, let's all settle in.
I created a company
called Social Dynamics.
And then, my lead coach,
Tyler Durden, and Papa
decided to take my mailing list,
find out who those people were,
and without telling me,
create their own sales letter.
And they sold to the very people
that were on my customer list.
And the company's name was
RSD, Real Social Dynamics.
Mystery originally called
his stuff Social Dynamics.
Tyler came along and
with his partner, Papa,
created their own business,
Real Social Dynamics.
They stole it from right
out from under him.
Forgiven, it was
a long time ago.
They were studious,
they were industrious.
and gentlemen,
welcome to tonight's
wonderful RSD free tour.
Your speaker this evening
comes from a faraway land
in the middle of the alps.
The 5,000 person cow
town he grew up in
didn't offer much opportunity,
so he chose to get out,
learn to become a man,
and master the skill
of getting with women
who some might call
out of his league.
Now, he's touring the world,
teaching thousands
of men to get laid.
If you want an amazing sex life,
if you want to get your
shit together and thrive,
then please give a warm applause
and welcome RSD Maximilian!
Thanks so much for this
warm, very, very warm welcome.
Thanks for so much for all
of these familiar faces.
Thanks a ton for
all these new faces.
Who would've thought,
who would've thought?
Being good with girls is a
skill just like any other skill.
If you say like,
"Okay, I'm teaching guys
how to get good with women."
People are like,
"Why do you have to put
in some strategies now?"
"That's weird, I don't
like that, that's creepy."
I think Arnold
Schwarzenegger said,
"If everybody likes you,
you're doing something wrong."
You don't wanna be
liked by everybody,
you wanna be loved
by a lot of people,
and hated by a lot of
people, you know what I mean?
Gentlemen, if you wanna
switch your phones off now?
I mean really properly
off, and no recording.
Look, we have to take
this gentlemen right here
and turn him into a
master pickup artist.
And I'm gonna tell you
the three biggest concerns
from my point, and hands
up if you agree with that.
Number one, I'm afraid.
Approach anxiety.
That's what it's called.
AA, Approach Anxiety.
You need to learn
how to handle it
or you need to get rid of it.
I'm sure we can all relate
to the hot girl walking by,
I'm stationary,
and I'm thinking,
"Second one, second
two, second three."
Obey the three second rule.
You see the girl, three seconds,
you must be approaching.
You might not know what to say.
Your stomach is
eating your testicles
for a bit of encouragement
and nourishment,
but at least you're moving over.
You need to go out to bars,
you need to go
out to nightclubs,
you need to go out to the
grocery store and talk to women.
Just have fun.
You see, the best way for
me to really be myself
is to do silly things and do
things that make me have fun.
And sometimes, you get
rejected and that's okay.
Hi, how are you?
And then you do silly
stuff like that.
You can re-approach too.
Sorry for weirding you out.
That's okay.
I'm Andrew, by the way.
I promise I'm...
Where are you guys from?
Okay, okay, I'm not that
annoying guy that always...
I don't know why I
wanna talk to you.
I think, I don't know.
Oh okay, whatever.
And then, if you re-approach
and you suck anyways,
it doesn't matter.
Who here has
ever been rejected?
Say "I".
Oh my God, so loud.
I actually have got a
really unusual perspective
on the industry.
Mostly, because I'm a girl.
What drew me to be a part of
this was the fascination of it.
I was fresh out of
a psychology degree.
I was really interested
in human interaction
and human behavior.
All of the guys teaching
were really only interested
in what works.
I was more interested
in why it worked.
Why are men shit with women?
One of the basic ones is 'cause
you're boring to listen to.
But, you can work on it,
it's not about looks,
it's about identity.
You create that, I guarantee
you will have choice,
and that choice is
very, very rewarding.
A lot of the industry works,
and this is how the stuff
in "The Game" works,
by creating a persona
and teaching somebody
how to be that person.
This is Max from
Real Social Dynamics.
Today, I'm gonna
talk to you about
how to be a badass motherfucker.
We're going to be getting
the girls chasing us.
In all our way of being
we'll be conveying to them
that we're accustomed
to beauty, right?
So they're gonna need a lot
more that their looks alone
in order to win us over.
'Cause beauty is their
financial value initially.
Do you see how I've instantly
become the prize
in that statement?
But it has a shelf life.
From the age of 30 plus,
it starts to depreciate.
That's the game plan.
That's the narrative
for all pickups.
You need to choose the target.
But to get to the hot one, you
gotta win over her friends.
Engage everyone in the group.
The little ugly one, the fat
one, everyone gets engaged,
'cause the hot one is used
to getting more interest.
Do the opposite, it's
gonna confuse her, hold on.
She's gonna then want to
interject a little bit more,
then you get to
tease and challenge.
It does work,
I wish it didn't.
It works because it's not
what girls are used to.
Lock-in within one
to three minutes.
I wanna lean back against a
wall, or a table, or a bar,
looks like they're gaming me
as opposed to me being
the guy leaning in.
Your lock-in was like this,
but it shoulda been like this.
Or better, if that's
your target, like this,
where they have to
earn you turning
and showing more interest.
It makes the girl realize
that you've got high value.
It's a high value of
male behavior to do that.
80% of attraction is
Demonstrating Higher Value.
That's what DHVing is.
The art of storytelling and
bragging without bragging.
When people hear
the term pickup
they often think about some
sort of really smooth guy
walking into a bar,
delivering a one liner,
but actually, it's more
of a process, really.
You got Attraction,
Comfort, and Seduction.
People say.
"Just be yourself and say
whatever comes to mind."
If be yourself was working,
you wouldn't fucking be
here in the first place.
There is a structure
to solid pickup,
a narrative arc
from meeting a girl
to beginning a
sexual relationship.
That arc follows a
series of phases.
As complex as it might sound,
this is what happens
in normal courtship.
Each phase has an objective,
I'm gonna name them now.
A1, open.
I've gotta
be able to open
and I've gotta be able
to stimulate fast.
An opener is essentially
a conversation starter.
Something silly like,
"You look like a teacher."
But, that's good enough
to start a conversation.
Hat girl, can I
ask you a question?
You're fun, is this Ed Hardy?
- No.
- No, it's Wass.
Wow, you got good style.
Ask her.
Do you do
anything creative?
You look like you
do something creative.
Get off the
phone, get off the phone now.
And introduce yourself to me.
- I'm not on my phone.
- Introduce yourself to me.
- I'm Maximilian.
- I'm Natalie,
- nice to meet you.
- Maximilian, hi.
We've got, what's
known as, the FTC,
False Time Constraint.
If, for instance, I were to
stand up and kick my chair out
as if I was about to go,
that's a false time constraint.
It's not verbal, it's a
non-verbal false time constraint.
I can only stay a second,
I have my friends here.
May I?
Ask for permission to sit down.
And I'm back, right?
It looks like I'm about to
go and then I can come back,
and, "Oh, okay, get this."
By the way, I just
noticed before I head off
you have this kind of like
really artistic, creative vibe.
Something you might say,
something that the pickup
companies might teach you
are these things called negs.
Negs are negative comments
or backhanded compliments
you might say to a girl, like...
Apart from the sweaty
hands you're pretty cool.
Oh my God!
I'm just kidding, I'm just
kidding, I'm just kidding.
It's so
mean, it's so mean.
Like you could
say, "Nice shoes."
And where do you go from there?
That's the compliment.
"Nice shoes."
"Thanks, my boyfriend
bought them for me."
And she shuts you down.
- Girls, girls, come here,
- What's your name?
Come here, come here.
Hi, hi, hi.
Hi, hi.
Welcome to the
party, my name's Max.
Max, Gisele.
I love how you smell.
It reminds
me of my grandma.
'Cause when you
first approach a girl,
you're doing most
of the talking.
Now, at some point, you really
have to get it equalized
and get her to invest in you.
Qualification is a tool
you're gonna use here.
I want to get her to
try to prove herself
worthy to me in
different ways, okay?
Challenge her a little bit.
That's called qualifying.
You get to reward her.
Wow, you do that? Check you.
Guys that don't do
that are the guys
who are not getting laid
because they're just
trying to impress.
How old are you by the way?
You shouldn't
ask a lady her age.
- It's fine, it's fine.
- I'm not judging you.
You're 37?
Game works best on
people with insecurities.
It plays on insecurities.
That's why it works.
If you were
a little taller
I would totally
make out with you.
It works on girls who are
putting on an act themselves
of being more confident
than they really are.
When a guy cuts through
that to her vulnerable self,
that's where it works
and the power shifts.
You know when a women really
knows that she wants you,
when she recognizes that
another women likes you too.
That's called a
jealousy plot line.
I used to leave a Gucci
shoe, an old spare Gucci shoe
at the door, and girls
all said, "Whose is that?"
"I don't know, some
girl left it sometime."
Comfort is a natural phase.
I'm not gonna go into
loads of details.
Build an emotional
connection, then a physical.
When you feel that
emotional connection,
that is the moment that
kissing should occur.
If you don't do some sort
of physical escalation then,
you will pay the price later on.
ABC, always be closing.
What do I mean by
closing though?
What is a close?
It's not just a number.
It's a future plan.
It's bouncing to another bar.
It's many stages.
But always have to be
moving forward and closing.
Isolating, exactly.
And the next
phase is seduction.
S1 is called foreplay.
Just the natural phases.
The next phase is LMR,
Last Minute Resistance.
The point of no return
before sex occurs.
This is that emotional
wiring that says,
"Oh fuck, if I fuck this
guy, I might get pregnant,
"I might get in trouble."
It's an emotional thing,
it's not rational.
She really wanted to fuck you,
but she's gonna get that sting.
The worst thing you could
do is be Mr. Over Reactive,
Mr. "Okay No Worries,"
and "I thought it was on,"
and make it a big drama.
Sometimes, they might
just do it to see
if your emotional circuitry
is a bit mis-wired.
You have to know
the difference
between real resistance
and unreal resistance,
A.K.A. token resistance.
They might literally,
"Oh, slow this down."
"Yeah, it's not big deal."
"Come on, tell me
about yourself."
Pull her in, create tension.
You grab her and then
push her away gently,
just being playful.
Build that sexual tension
and then escalate again.
Her logical mind has to
give at least some objections
even though she's
really aroused already
and she actually
wants you to lead her.
But expect that there is
this last minute resistance.
If you have enough openers,
you have enough false
time constraints,
you have enough negs,
enough qualifier questions,
and you have enough
comfort building material,
you learn the structure,
anybody can do this.
Open, neg, qualify,
move, comfort.
Meet the objectives
of each phase
and you get the girl, that's
how that works, right?
A lot of what these
people are teaching you,
it's almost like the
rat brain experiments
where if the rat goes down one
pathway, you give it a treat,
if it goes down the other,
they give it a shock.
They're treating women
as if they're stimulus
response machines,
using reward and punishment.
Oh, now I'm gonna neg her,
now I'm gonna reward her.
We're going out with some
friends for dinner now, good.
So, they're busy.
This is how they think about
people, as lab experiments.
Try to think outside the box.
Don't just try to use this
tactic or that tactic.
Think, "Okay, what can
I do to fuck this girl?"
"What can I do to learn?"
"What can I do to push the
situation a little bit more?"
"What can I do to win
over the whole club?"
"What can I do to
be fucking awesome?"
"What can I do to have fun?"
I was at university.
I had an interest in
learning about women
or learning to be
better with women,
and I had this knowledge
on what people did
in online businesses.
So, I had this idea
that what if I contacted
some pickup companies and in
exchange for learning more
about how to be
better with women,
I gave them some
help with marketing.
With those first clients,
it was like working
with your heroes.
I wanted to be like
them, I wanted to have
that level of confidence.
I even changed the way I spoke
to sound a bit more like them.
I was so grateful to be learning
about how to pick up
women or just be better,
even just get a girlfriend.
I thought, if I can learn from
these guys how to do that,
it will all be worth
it, and I will help them
as much as they want.
Hey! Was geht ab?
This is Max from
Real Social Dynamics
and today, we're in
Cologne, Germany.
In this video, I want to talk
about the three easy steps
that you need to do in order
to get from opening the girl,
all the way to engaging in
sexual activities with the girl.
And first and foremost,
most important point here,
is comfort.
You have to be
comfortable with yourself.
If the girl is like,
"I know I'm not."
Figuring out how to get
customers in an industry
that isn't socially
accepted is very difficult.
You can't just take out
a magazine ad saying,
"Hey, let's teach you
how to pick up women."
Before, you had "The Game",
and lot of people found out
about pickup through that.
Now, what tends to
happen is someone
will be sitting
at their computer
watching some random
YouTube video,
and in the related videos,
you'll see a
thumbnail which says,
"How to get a girl to like you?"
And you will just click it
because, what guy isn't
interested in that?
And you're then presented
with this 20 minute speech
by some pickup instructor,
and you watch it, and you go,
"This is interesting."
And you click on another
video, and it's like,
"How to get laid."
Every pickup seminar you went
to or every pickup company
you saw online would have
infield videos of them
actually using the stuff
that they were teaching.
And you would see them talking
to women in nightclubs.
I love you.
You would see
them kissing them,
or taking them home, or even
just flirting with them.
And you would think like,
"Wow, I want to be
able to do that."
And when you saw
someone do that,
that was all the proof you
needed that their stuff worked.
I saw you walking, you
had this really sexy,
but, artistic vibe going on.
Sorry, I'm Justin,
what's your name?
All right, so, we've already
had over 200 million views
from recording what you call
hidden camera pickup videos.
You just press a simple
button like this.
And the light comes on.
You can see the light here.
And then, I put
this across here.
And yeah, it's actually
recording right now.
Hey guys, it's Mystery.
And Beckster.
And we are here
to tell you about
the Golden Ticket
Pickup Artist event.
Three days, two nights,
August 4th, 5th, and 6th.
This bootcamp will kick you
in the ass and get you going,
will get you started.
A bootcamp
is where a student
will pay $1,000 to even $3,000
to spend an allotted
amount of time
with a pickup instructor.
The pickup instructor will
typically take you infield,
where they will instruct
you to approach women.
But, a bootcamp is
essentially, you pay some money
for two days with an instructor
to learn how to pickup women.
So, we're gonna
meet the boys now.
I'm gonna take them
infield, get them in set,
get them warmed up,
and then critique them,
and then the real
game can start.
All good?
Yeah, fuck yeah.
You look good.
Hey man, you good?
- Remember to smile.
- Of course, how are you?
Approach anxiety is beating
you now, just start walking.
Walk, walk, walk
with me, walk, walk.
Put your hands on down.
Walk, where are you gonna go?
Pick a set.
Come on.
Don't be an excuse artist,
be a pickup artist.
Two set coming.
Guys, open immediately.
Guys, open immediately.
Can I take a piss first?
- I'm absolutely bursting.
- Yeah, yeah, of course.
And then I will open.
Set, set, set.
Set, set, set.
Set, set, set, set, set.
Set, set, set.
Two set. Bang!
"You have the second best
shoes I've seen today."
And then say, "What
are they, leopard?"
"Who are your friends,
are they cool?"
Is a good opener.
"Hey Eric, who are your
friends, are they cool?"
Go, go, don't
think, don't think.
You're thinking, don't think.
All right, you come with me.
At the bar,
say to her, "Don't get me
one, I can get my own."
Be larger than life.
Stand up. Smile.
Put your arm out, take her.
Right outside, where
that canopy is,
that's where a load of the
boys have bounced two sets
two groups of women.
Get your own group, merge it in.
Now we merge all three sets.
We start becoming the
life of the party.
Okay, let's open this two set
- here on the right.
- Go.
From what I saw, it looked
like you were chasing them,
and they knew it, and
then they peeled away.
Did you leave the set?
Because I
have a lot of fear.
No, go back in.
Remember, always stay
in as long as you can.
Stay in as long as you can.
Doesn't matter.
Why do you wanna
leave on a good note
when you could win the game?
Go back.
Say, "Guess what?"
"How rude of me."
"I shouldn't have left
you straight away."
A lot of guys leave set
when they're still
in the friend zone,
and they're like, "Oh,
I'd like to feed my ego
"by leaving on a nice note
knowing that people like me."
And then, go home alone.
What's the point in that?
Go back in.
Show them you got some balls.
That's what they respect.
Someone with some
courage, conviction,
and does what they
wanna do in life.
how was last night?
That's what we're
gonna talk about.
Did it look like I was
gaming, or did it look like
I was just enjoying my moments
hanging out with the girls?
They were slowly
warming up to me,
but not really quick enough,
so I actually left them there.
I went, opened another set,
sat down with them,
chatted them up.
And then, I could see the
previous set start to warm up.
I kissed one and then the other.
And then, the third friend
was watching from the side,
and I said,
"You're feeling jealous
and left out, aren't you?"
We were kissing.
We were kissing.
They were French.
They were French girls.
We just started fooling
about a little bit.
And then, opened a
nice two German set.
Who was with me?
I think it was Michael,
and Eric was there.
'Cause that's the one, I'm
not giving up on this one.
Exactly, but it's
just to invite them out
to something you're
already doing.
Like, "I'm at the W
Hotel, come get some sun."
When do you call them?
Do you wait the
obligatory two days?
No, no,
As soon as possible.
While it's hot.
Show your interest.
You're allowed to,
especially since you got her
contact information, right?
You can show interest.
Did you kiss?
No, I didn't.
No, but
they shared a cigarette,
and that was an intimate thing,
back and forth-ing
the cigarette.
And they were handholding
and arm-in-arm.
Now, you can't
often sell someone a bootcamp
straight off the bat, right?
To try and demand
$1,000 or $3,000
from someone who has just heard
about you is very difficult.
So, what you do in business
is you ease people in slowly.
You start with free content.
Then, you sell them
something that's maybe $10.
You might charge $10 for a
seven-page guide on text messages
to send a girl.
Then, you sell them
something that's maybe
between $50 to $100 because
that is a small investment.
Now, they're more likely to
spend more money with you.
So, then, you pitch them
a $200 to $500 product.
That might be a live event
that costs that much.
That might be a more
in-depth video course.
Once they've spent that
much money with you,
they will again feel
more comfortable spending
even more money with you.
So, then, you can sell them
a $1,000 to $3,000 bootcamp
because they've been
through the video course.
They're still not meeting women,
but they know what
they need to do.
So, they come on the bootcamp
to get practical experience.
Welcome to Daygame.
Talking to girls,
during the day.
Day game is different
than night game.
Here, during the day,
people have shit to do.
Many guys do like they
try to do the hard stop
like some girls walking
past, "Hey, excuse me."
And the girl is like,
"Whoa," freaking out like,
"What's happening?
"I can't," "I can't," right?
You guys got that?
Like, "No, no, no, no, no."
So, what I would do much
rather is walking with.
And when I'm walking with,
there's a big
difference, as well.
What does the newer guy do?
If the girl walks like this,
he's like, "Oh, excuse me."
She'll see you like totally
creepy, right, behind her.
And she gets to feel like,
"Oh, this guy's following me."
"What's up?"
What I would do is I would walk
one to two steps ahead of her,
and I chat over
the shoulder like,
"Oh, yeah, blah,
blah, blah, blah."
That takes all the
pressure off her.
You're walking your way.
She's walking her way.
You look very nicely
dressed for Miami Beach.
Are you from here?
Hi, I'm Andrew,
nice to meet you.
I thought you were cute.
I guess, I wanted to
come talk to you, but...
I'm actually on
my way back to work,
- sorry.
- Yeah, I know.
I'm sorry.
It takes a lotta
guts to do this.
It really does.
Let's be honest, and it
takes desperate measures.
I had to be really desperate
to get good with girls
to find the one in order
for me to come out here.
Excuse me.
I think you're very cute.
You have to talk
to me for a minute.
No, I don't.
No, you don't, you're right.
When I was 18-years-old,
I went through a
really bad breakup.
My girlfriend, she
found someone else.
It was easy, she was
a very beautiful girl.
And then, when I
wanted her back,
she said, "No, I already
have someone else."
And that crushed me.
It crushed my ego, it
crushed me as a person.
I had a lot of social anxiety.
And, for some reason, I
didn't do well with it.
I started looking up how
to get good with girls.
I had heard some guy
mention a book about it,
and I researched it on YouTube.
And it really resonated with me.
Hey, these guys
were kind of nerdy
just like me, and they did it.
Why can't I do it?
What I like to do, sometimes,
is to just do silly things
and be like, hi.
What's up, what are you up to?
Heading to tacos.
Mm, tacos.
- I like tacos.
- You like them?
- Yeah.
- Barbara.
where are you from?
I'm Colombian.
I really
like your energy.
Thank you.
Yeah, you would think
that if some random guy
went up to you like this,
you'd be weirded out.
It was weird.
How long
are you guys here for?
I'm leaving in four days,
she's leaving in April.
you coming or what?
You're inviting me?
Yeah, sure, why not?
Okay, let's do it.
Honestly, that was
such a poor approach
that I didn't think
it was gonna work out.
That, sometimes,
I'm just like, what?
Sometimes, it's just going up
and just being
there and saying hi.
And, literally,
that's all it is.
To be honest, I
only get about 5%
of the numbers of the
girls that I go up to.
It's rare when it
actually works out.
It's very rare when I
actually meet a girl,
and she likes me,
and I like her.
But whenever that
happens, oh my God.
Honestly, there's no
other better feeling.
Spending time with a girl
that you connect with.
I love it, honestly.
This is where I originally
started in Union Square.
A few years ago,
way back in the day
in the dark ages of the
seduction community.
A lot of times, when you start
talking about dating advice
and things of this nature,
a lot of women will kind of,
will have this idea
that it's easy,
or it just comes natural,
or just be yourself.
But, in reality, for women,
it does come a lot easier.
Because, culturally, they've
kind of been brought up,
and, every single day,
guys approach the woman.
The guys go after the woman.
The guys pursue the women.
The guys tell them that
they're attractive.
The guys hit on the girls.
Girls don't usually
go out of their way
to approach guys
and hit on guys.
So, generally, one way that
you can kind of realize
if somebody's out here
practicing or not,
is most guys aren't out
here getting as physical
with strangers as we will,
as quickly as we will.
When you're not physically
escalating on that stranger,
you're emphasizing the fact
that you are a stranger.
- You're actually.
- Hi.
Really fucking cute.
- Where you going?
- Thank you.
Where you going?
- Don't turn me away.
- I'm going to go.
Two seconds,
dance with me here.
Dance with me here,
fuck Barnes & Noble.
Generally, you wanna
get physical right away,
make little playful taps
on the arm or whatnot,
or a little light handhold
where you objectively,
you wanna hold that as
long as she'll allow it
and get her used to
your physicality.
You know why I'm this
fast with you right now?
Do you know why?
You're always touching the girl.
You're always doing things
as if you're their boyfriend.
If you saw us a mile away,
you would think that we
were already a couple
in the certain
phase of the pickup.
Maybe 15 minutes in
or 10 minutes in.
Sometimes, even
sooner than that.
I don't know if
you've ever heard of...
we get a coffee?
Ah, we're going
to get coffee, yeah.
Boom, boom, boom.
What are we men attracted to?
What do people say?
Looks, right?
That's the basic gist.
Now, of course,
you can have an emotional
connection with a girl,
but the first thing that pops up
when we find a female
attractive is looks.
For a girl, she's searching
for something different
because thousands of years ago,
what kind of male would be the
best male for her offspring,
the alpha male.
This is the strongest guy,
this is the leader guy.
He knows what's up.
He's not gonna be
some beta male,
who will give me weak offspring.
It's a known fact
that women respond to
dominance from men.
If you read some of
these romance novels
that are in the apex
of a female's mind.
The darkest secrets, the
dirtiest, darkest secrets,
it's always the guy being
dominant, being the alpha male,
making her do things
she doesn't want to do.
It's always that way.
The following
presentation is controversial
and may be offensive
to some audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Today, we show an epic
pickup video that shows
the full process of
approaching two friends.
Taking them on dates
at two separate times,
and, eventually,
taking each girl home.
These girls were perfect
strangers that we just met.
You will see how to
deal with the girls
who are not fully
into you right away.
These type of girls are called
the "Maybe" to "No" girls.
So, now, we'll talk about
the date with the target.
As soon as she comes, she starts
talking about her boyfriend
and all this nonsense,
which made me wonder,
why the fuck did you even come?
Lots of times, a girl's gonna
say all kind of shit to you,
tell you you're a
player, all this stuff.
Your objective is not to
listen to women at all. Okay?
Fuck what women say.
They don't know what
the fuck they want.
You have to show
them what they want.
Some of these guys, they've
had it the other way around
for so long, so, suddenly,
when they're in a position
where they can sort of take
a girl down a peg or two,
and it's them that's got
the power for once, I think,
sometimes, they can
see it as payback time.
It's a small time window
to get the girl interested,
but after that point, man,
my game changes completely.
It's all about
structuring opportunities
for her to chase me.
The funny thing is when a woman
has more power in
a relationship,
she doesn't know what
the fuck she wants to do.
And she ends up fucking
cheating on him, breaking up
for no fucking reason
'cause she's confused,
- and all kind of nonsense.
- That's true.
Hey, my relationships
are very fucking dominant.
Forget all the glitz and
glamor with the initial pickup
that you see.
Obviously, I'm being
nice to kind of,
for my style, it works for me,
but that's only
the initial pickup.
But, as long as
they do what I say,
I treat them really good.
And then, when they don't,
I will punish their ass
in multiple ways.
They fucking
love that shit.
Of course.
Sometimes, you see this real
anger come out of these guys.
Do not reward bad behavior.
She stayed out, and then
you were waiting up for her.
Said you'd come and collect
her, she'll didn't phone you.
That's like the puppy dog
pissing all over your kitchen,
shitting, chewing your cushions.
And you walk in and go, "Have
a little treat, doggie."
"Women deserve this."
"They deserve to be taken down
"because they've had the
power all this time."
Because that's their
perception of it.
In their world, the
women have had the power,
and they've had nothing.
They've been the worthless one.
Your thought of girl
is always girl and
men are not equal,
that is the big problem.
I can see other girls while
she can't see other guys.
Yeah, we are equal.
If you do it, I do it.
No, you don't.
That's what I'm saying.
Like I said, she's talking
big for the camera right now,
but those were the terms,
obviously, that you agreed to
in the relationship.
And at any time, obviously,
you do have your rights,
and you don't have
to, obviously.
And if you do wanna see
other people, you can,
but, then, obviously
you know what happens.
I do fuck other girls
besides Asian girls too.
I just like them 'cause
they're obedient.
Good little dogs.
It can become,
for some of them,
more about the respect of their
male peers in the industry
than about getting girls.
And that's a very dangerous
place for it to go, as well,
because that's when they'll
happily start degrading women
to sort of show off.
Yo, Was geht ab?
This is Max and Julien
from Real Social Dynamics.
Welcome to special edition
"Mid weeks with Mad Max"
where you can ask
us three questions
that as they are lifestyle,
game, and random.
At least in Tokyo,
if you're a white male,
you can do what you want,
and that's what I realized.
Real Social Dynamics
got in trouble
because one of the
instructors, Julien Blanc,
uploaded a video on YouTube,
which had some clips of
him teaching some students.
In the video, he made some
derogatory comments about women.
And I pull her in, and she
kinda laughs and giggles.
All you have to say to
kinda take the pressure off
is just yell, "Pikachu,"
or, "Pokemon,"
or, "Tamagotchi," or something.
So, that was my opener, I went.
"Pikachu, Pikachu,
Pikachu," like that.
And there were some clips
of him grabbing women's heads
and putting them on his crotch.
I'm romping through the
streets just grabbing girls.
And my opener's like
head, pff, on dick.
Head on dick, yelling
Pikachu with a Pikachu shirt.
And it was ridiculous.
I have the infield of
this, it's awesome.
And then, even going up
to groups and one by one,
two at the time, and it's
the happiest I've ever been.
And that video went online,
and it spiraled out of control.
Gossip blogs picked
up on the video.
And after the gossip
blogs picked up on it
the news channels
picked up on it.
And his suggestion that
men should pick up women
by going and grabbing
them by the throats
or forcing their heads places
we can't even talk about
on breakfast television.
Well, yes,
the suggestion of that
is clearly, the line
has been crossed.
There is no doubt
that he is an incredibly,
morally reprehensible man.
Not only is he
offensive to women,
and has a very
negative view on women,
but he's offensive
to men, as well.
Suggesting men want the
same things he wants.
I just couldn't
believe that this guy
was videotaping himself
assaulting women
and getting away with
it without impunity.
And then, passing these
disgusting views and methods
on to other men.
RSD is not, I knew
that I could not
go to them for accountability,
and that the only way to
take someone like him down,
is public shaming.
It is to show that anybody
associated with a person
and an organization like this
is tarnishing their own name.
I just started Tweeting
away and a fucking hashtag,
I didn't know if I was gonna
be able to do anything,
but I was like, fuck it, I'm
just gonna try it, anyway.
I was running an event,
and there were people
protesting in Australia
because of my colleague, Julien
Blanc, oh, shit, actually,
I'm not allowed to
talk about Julien.
Maybe I could frame it in a way
where I don't mention Julien.
I mean, I could just
say, I don't know,
I was outside a venue.
And I was standing there,
and I was running that event.
And I was actually
talking about meditation.
assault is not okay.
You're assaulting
him, you fucking idiots.
assault is not okay.
And this woman runs through
the crowd, and she slaps me.
The slap was filmed, as
well, so that went viral.
Fuck you, fuck...
I always try to hold eye contact
with people in the crowd.
I pan from left to
right. Hold eye contact.
I saw on every single
guy's face, fear.
assault is not okay.
Sexual assault is not okay.
- Sexual assault is not okay.
- You guys get in.
You guys get in.
They just wanted
to go to a seminar,
learning how to be confident.
Yes, how to pick
up chicks, as well.
I'm not gonna be like, "I'm
just a meditation guy."
Yes, we were about to talk,
also talk about how to pick
up chicks and stuff like that.
'Cause I was afraid as hell.
I was afraid as
hell at that moment.
I'm like, what's
gonna happen to me?
What are
we supposed to do?
We've got
plenty of police...
We've been assaulted
once already, earlier on.
Yeah, guys, be cool
guys, stay calm, stay calm.
Be cool guys, there
is no way to any ego.
You're above this.
Be a really chill
person, be very adult.
Just don't be reactive.
Remember, be assertive, and
react, not reactive, be cool.
What's happening,
what's happening?
What's happening?
Let's go.
Walk of
shame, you scumbag!
You fucking cunts!
Julien was
kicked out of Australia.
He got banned from
other countries.
There were protests.
There were petitions and
hundreds of thousands of people
signing those petitions.
I have friends, friends
that didn't know
I was working in
the pickup industry,
who signed those petitions.
The emotional outrage, the
emotional reaction people had
to it was insane.
We live in a culture
that is constantly battling
to teach men how to
treat women with respect.
We have problems with
it everywhere we look,
and, then, you do this.
It was a horrible,
horrible attempt at humor.
They were also taken out of
context, in a way, where...
How could they be
taken out of content?
Give me the good use
of choke a woman.
You can make anything
look bad in a picture.
This is
an abuse hotline,
a woman's protection pallet
where you're supposed to see
different signs of things
that are being done to you
that you should be
careful about as a woman.
You used it into an
empowerment model
for some pathetic
man group, right?
It just got
everyone hating him
without even knowing
the background,
just seeing the clips of
however they've been edited.
And then, they're like, "Oh,
because it was on the news,
"it was true."
Which we know is the
opposite, normally.
It's the opposite.
I think you're backing
away from what you teach
because it's getting
you in trouble.
I'm not, again, I apologize.
And I take
responsibility for it.
It was something that I never
should have posted online,
but I do just wanna clarify
that's not what I teach.
None of my clients do this,
and I don't make my
clients do this, either.
The life of anyone's
attention span is a week or two.
So, after a week or two, it's
likely to fade away again,
and there'll be someone
else to pick on.
Russell Brand or
whatever, I don't know.
What the
media did with Julien,
they would have done with any
of the pickup instructors.
Just the fact that
someone would record
themselves picking up women
and sleeping with them is
questionable in itself.
A woman doesn't know
that she's being filmed.
A woman doesn't know that
the person picking her up
is doing it to prove
something to some students.
You think it's fair to me
when you have a girl here
and you want to
hang out with her?
She believes that
she's sleeping with this guy
because this guys
generally likes her
and he wants to
have a relationship,
or wants to have sex with her,
but on a consensual basis.
She has absolutely no idea
that this is for a business.
Up until that point,
if you look at my brand,
I was the like the new guy,
I was like funny,
like, "Hey guys!"
And then people were
like, "Holy shit,
"There's this young dude
and he just got slapped,"
"and he's standing there,
and he's not freaking out."
"He's like cool."
I got like thousands
of messages,
like literally
thousands of messages,
like, "Hey dude, respect."
I think if you
take a young guy
and you couple
camaraderie, hero worship,
and like the power of the
orgasm, and sexual conquest
and how much having a
beautiful girl on one's arm
is like socially validating
in our society and all that,
put that all together and
it's like an intoxicating brew
for a young guy to
get caught up in.
It's so potent.
The real gold dust is
when you build a business
like some of these other
guys you've interviewed,
and not only are you
getting the validation,
and you're getting a physical
pleasure of conquest,
but you're also getting paid
thousands of dollars to do this,
it's like the perfect storm.
Who here likes to
play video games?
Hands up, yeah, yeah.
It was a $1-$2 million
business for a several years,
but I got off the
merry-go-round in my mid 30s.
I actually had, prior
to getting married,
probably six long-term
So, I never was
a guy who thought
this was the only way to live.
As I approached marriage,
there was a lot of people
who felt I had let them down.
How could you, man?
What a betrayal.
I thought you were gonna like,
you were my hero and
now you've given up.
But man, yeah, they got
pissed, they didn't like it.
But it begs the question, like
what they did want me to do?
Just like ride off on my
horse into the horizon?
This isn't a good
look at 70, man.
Well a lot of the unspoken
stuff, or unheralded,
is the sense of male
community in these places.
Some of these guys who
are socially isolated
actually have found
a brotherhood,
and it's even, it's not
even really about the women.
It's more about the other men
and the sense of acceptance,
and joining, and belonging.
at these bad boys.
One year ago, do
you know that feeling
when everything is good
but you don't feel
good with yourself?
You know what I mean?
That's kind of hard to say, but,
I really needed to find
some meaning to my life.
Something I really wanted
to do, and pursue, and grow.
You have helped me so much.
My life has really grown.
Sorry about that.
Yeah, that's what I wanted to
say, just thank you everyone,
and, that's it.
Who's up next?
When you think about
how much students
idolize their instructors,
it's hard not to see
pickup companies as cults.
Because the instructors
have so much power
over the students.
So, if you all stand
up for a moment.
All right, so, I want you
to stretch out for a second.
Who's seen the film "300"?
Remember the war of
cry the Spartans do?
I'm gonna do that.
So I'll do that first.
And then we all do
it together, yeah?
So Spartans!
So now we do it
altogether, are you ready?
You cannot question them,
you know, you have
to just follow it.
These guys build a cult of
personality around themselves,
and like, there
are some followers
who might be casual followers,
but then there are
also like vapid fanboys
who like, really
believe in this stuff.
And if anything, like contrary
to what these guys are saying.
It's like, "Oh well, then
you're not a true believer."
It's like it's so
weird, and very toxic
you really can't be a
reasonable human being at all
without getting loads of
hate from that community.
The message that I wanna send
to the whole pickup community
is RSD is like a church
it's like a Catholic church
or like a Buddhist church.
People treat RSD
like a religion.
It helps them to
define who they are,
it helps them to
form their future,
it helps them to give
them belief systems,
it gives them like faith in
times of trial and trust,
it truly is like a
church, almost a cult.
One of the appeal, one of
the appeals of the PUA thing,
is to take disenfranchised men
and teach them a skill set
that they can get back and
get a piece of their own.
It's a new way of thinking.
A new way of thinking is
basically not conforming
to what everyone else is doing.
The students
feel like the instructors
are their saviors
because the students
started as someone
very unhappy with their life.
So they feel like the instructor
came in and saved them.
They provided them with
a cure to their problem
and that's why the instructor
becomes their hero,
and when you have someone
you respect that much,
that person can tell
you to do anything
and there's very few things
that you wouldn't do.
Well, while you're in
a subway she would say
she doesn't want to
come to your house.
Yeah, she said, "I'm
not coming to your place."
How do you get
her to your home?
I basically, forcefully,
but playfully pushed
her into the train.
This is what you
call risky eagerness.
I like to talk about
it, risky eagerness.
If you didn't do this,
I don't think it would have
led to sex or anything.
- Go ahead.
- Yeah, yeah.
When I first came
into this industry,
I was just there to be a girl
for guys to practice
conversation on.
So they would learn
some conversation skills
and then they would come
and practice them on me.
I actually really
despise game, pickup.
I don't like anything
that uses lies
or manipulation
to attract women.
And I feel like there are
aspects of this industry
that definitely do that.
And I never wanted to be
anything to do with that.
And so I stopped
teaching for awhile
while I get my head
around all this stuff.
Quick question,
quick question, can I,
are those technically galoshes?
The most success I
ever had with women
was when I was the
most pathological
and the absolutely least caring.
It's a common thing
that men feel,
what we call it
approach anxiety,
they get nervous around women.
So a guy can go up and
he can flub the line,
or he can stutter, or stammer,
or just get blushed cheeks,
these are all normal things.
I just parked in and I don't
know, how does this work?
What makes someone good and
able to teach in this field
is through doing this
again, and again, and again,
you kill that nervousness.
Which is, I think, a
part of our humanity,
the excitement and trepidation
of talking to an
object of our desire.
What happens when you become
a good player or whatever
is that all that stuff is muted.
So you feel nothing
talking to the girl
but the thing is then
when you get her,
it's just slightly satisfying.
There's no emotional resonance.
It's a penetrating loneliness.
I think part of my
getting out of that world
was realizing part of
myself was dying and that...
And the more I did that,
the I better I became,
the more I died inside.
That youthful exuberant, over
excited boy, that 7-year-old
who was excited about the girl,
and wanted to give her the
flower, as he died and I said,
but it all doesn't matter
if you lose that part of
you life is overall flat.
And I've recovered
that in my marriage
and in my connection with my
wife, without talking too much.
But I'm able to
re-find my humanity.
The really good guys
in the pickup space have
killed part of themselves off
in the name of duty.
They have a hard time moving
their emotional needle.
The better they get, the
more they've gotta give
until they've given
all of their humanity
in the pursuit of this
thing, but what's left?
It can become empty,
and unfeeling.
And the longer someone does
that and the deeper they go,
I think the more
damage they can do.
Hey guys, Bruce Wayne.
And today I'm going to
interview Justin Wayne.
And we're gonna talk
about how to keep
multiple hot women in your life.
But first, we're gonna show
you hidden camera footage
where Justin picks up women
from the streets of New York,
makes them his girlfriends,
gets them to tattoo his name
to show their devoted love,
brings them all together
and then finally reveals they
were on camera all along.
And believe it or not, they
all stick around afterwards.
What did
I lie to you about?
Tell me what I
lied to you about?
You told me that it's us now.
Yes, yes.
So why are you loving her?
feels uncomfortable.
You said you feel uncomfortable
being around her too?
You both feel uncomfortable
being around each other?
I don't feel
uncomfortable with her.
I just feel
uncomfortable with...
The situation.
doesn't like it,
you can just walk
away, that's it.
I'm not forcing anyone to do
anything they don't wanna do.
That's all I'm gonna say.
These girls seriously
hated each other.
You can see it in their
eyes there's fury,
like, "How come this other
girl has his name tattooed?"
"I want him all for myself."
Justin puts them to
like, puts them like.
"Yo, you guys can't do this,
you have to be friends."
He's like their
dad or something.
If you hit the
momentum going up,
that's when you
learn the quickest
and that's why we do a seven
day, seven night residential,
living with us, live
and breathe with us.
We should talk
about San Tropez.
Project Hollywood but in
San Tropez on a beach.
We've got a six-bedroom mansion,
we've sold three of 'em,
we've got three bedrooms left.
Your fucking game's good,
man, I think you're ready.
Almost with
every company I worked with
it gets to a point where the
numbers become really enticing
to the pickup company.
If we knocked
a grand off the mentorship,
for anyone that signs up today.
- That's 9,000.
- That's pretty hefty, dude.
Once you guys
get the ball rolling, man,
you're gonna get some
guys that'll drop
25 grand to work with
you for two weeks.
When this
happens, the instructors,
or the people who started the
company, the pickup company,
they start seeing their
customers as figures and numbers.
Some of the humanity is lost.
So what you can do
is make a payment plan.
So you can pay 50 euros now,
and 50 euros the next month,
and the next month,
and the next month,
and so on, you also
get the bonuses today.
With any product
in the pickup business,
everything is just a case
of how much profit was made.
What can you spend to
still be profitable?
This is for the Lay
Reports, they're the bonus.
"50 Shades of Max."
I hate to talk about this
but there have been pickup
companies that will hire escorts
at a bootcamp just so that the
men have a good experience,
and buy another bootcamp,
or buy more training.
Let's say it's $1500
for the bootcamp,
the instructor is paid $700,
you hire an escort for $200,
you still have $600 remaining.
None of the companies I've
worked with have ever done that,
but I'm aware of all
the companies that have.
If you're involved
in the business,
instructors will
speak openly about it.
When we looked
deeper into RSD,
they were saying like
when you go into the field
to practice on girls,
they actually hire
some of those girls.
I mean, some of them are
just poor women at the bar
that they're practicing on.
But in terms of
their field footage,
it's like they hire people
to do that, it's not real.
This happens a lot.
This happens a lot, even with
the companies I worked with.
The instructor would hire
actors for the infield videos.
And that is clearly unethical.
That is clearly unethical.
Things have been become
completely corrupt.
If that company is saying,
"Oh, we're offering 9 out
of 10 success with women."
This company's
gonna have to offer
10 out of 10 success with women.
Then where do you draw the line?
I'll tell you with Neil, his
first six months were harsh.
But the next six
months, he had 70 girls.
in six months.
It's like, "He kisses
a girl on the street,
"must have been an actress!"
Yes, I've heard some
people use actresses.
I never heard escorts though.
"Of course those are just
actresses, yeah, thank God."
"Now I don't have to
take action myself."
If they were actresses
I would have paid good
better looking actresses.
So no, we don't entertain
any of that stuff.
What the customers believe
is going on is they think
any time a pickup instructor
goes and speaks to women,
it goes incredibly well.
That's the myth.
You're the best, I love you!
- I will not kiss you though.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Kiss you on the cheek.
- Rejection! Rejection!
- Flirty boy, oh my God.
The reality is, these
pickup instructors
spend an entire day filming
themselves approaching women
and speaking to them, and
98% of those interactions
would not go well.
So what they will do, they
will take just the shots
that went well and what you see
while you are at the seminar
is just success, after
success, after success.
You just make the assumption
that's just how it
goes every time.
You have no concept that
there were 95 other shots
that they are not showing you.
And I would never
have known that
had I not worked with them.
They are no longer my heroes.
That was a very
strange experience
because you go from putting
these people on a pedestal,
and thinking they have
their entire lives together,
and they are the way
they are on stage.
But that's just a performance.
Yeah, they want me to
do another Hot Seat there.
Really? Sick.
Well, it's money.
The rest of the time
they spend stressing out
about the business,
about videos,
how they're gonna
do a live event.
But the students don't
see that side of it.
The students aspire
to be something
that isn't actually real.
When teachers
are charging people
thousands to come
and do their course,
and they're guaranteeing
them results,
well, there's a huge
incentive for them
to push to get those results.
Come with us!
What are you doing?
Oh my God.
You're going with Jens and us.
You're partying with us.
Jens, we're gonna make her
fuck you tonight, how's that?
We're gonna get
you laid tonight.
She's like, "I
gonna... ".
Fuck you, Jens.
Fuck you, Jens, man!
You know what?
Jamba Juice basically has
the best juices in New York
it's right over there.
Let's take them there
quickly, we have to go now.
But let me show you where
it is, let's go, tour guide.
Hey Bruce, Jamba
Juice is over there.
Yeah, yeah, we're
at Jamba Juice.
When you're
walking a girl home,
she's going to maybe start
putting up all these defenses.
Particularly if someone's
had a few drinks or something
let their inhibitions
go a little bit,
and maybe they find
themselves going home
with a guy that
they've just met.
Oh, yeah,
rooftop here, boom.
It's a public
place, you will see.
Let's go.
It's a public place.
They might start
to sober up a bit
and think, "Hang on a
minute, what am I doing?
"I don't do this."
Game will teach a guy how to
handle that sort of situation
but not with the girl's
best intentions, of course.
With pickup advice it
would get very specific too
to a single line.
Lines like, "Oh, don't worry,
"we're just gonna go
back to an after party."
But there is no after party.
It's just a line to get that
girl back to your house.
You don't believe us?
There's a door man right there.
There's a door man right
there who works here.
All right?
Let's talk to the door man.
The girls stopped and they
were looking at us like,
"Wait, the juice
place is in there?"
I tried to bullshit, like, yeah,
of course, it's right here.
And then my
target was just like.
"No, I'm not going in there."
She's playing hard to get.
So they won't say to
the girl in the club,
"Do you wanna come
home with me?"
They'll say, "Do you wanna
go and get an ice cream?"
Or something like that,
and then they will just
walk her to their house.
A lot of guys will say, "You're
just creating a situation
"in which she feels
more comfortable."
"It's what she
wants to do anyway."
"You're just helping
her to do that"
"because she's got so
many mental blocks"
"that are gonna get in the way."
So, it's your... uh...?
This is my bedroom.
Yeah, this is my bedroom,
come inside, let's go.
Let's make love in my bedroom.
This is your?
Hey, come on.
It's okay, it's okay,
everything's fine.
This is not a bedroom, okay?
But then they'll maybe
keep pushing to a point
where she's not
comfortable with it.
And then she'll feel
like she's gone so far,
and she's not
comfortable anymore,
but, it's too late to go back,
or a situation like that.
And I think, then, you're
in a situation where
it's up to the guy's
morals to do what's right.
In that situation where
he's got a girl in his house
with the best will in the world,
I think some guys will just
not do the right thing.
My name is Jackie Speier,
I'm a congresswoman
from California.
I have been in Congress
now about 10 years.
And I focus in on issues
around violence against women.
I'm always amazed at how
we don't know everything.
And that something like this
pickup industry is going on
without our knowledge.
When you start to
evaluate the products,
whether it's books, or
classes, or training.
All the
fucking mistakes.
You begin to realize
that it's a very predatory
industry against women.
Whether or not
you're gonna fuck her.
I think that
it's very important
to raise everyone's
awareness about this.
It's astonishing to me that
this industry is as widespread
as it appears to be.
The subculture that is being
created and this industry,
let's face it, it's
all about money,
is this expectation that this
woman is mine for the taking.
And I just need to
use these techniques
and I will conquer her.
But, in the process of doing
that if there is not consent,
you have a rape.
You have a sexual assault.
9-1-1, who is this?
Hi, I'm calling
because my friend has just been.
I can't
hear you, your friend what?
Has been raped.
Are you
guys together right now?
Where at?
We're downtown,
I don't know what
apartment building.
Okay, is
the suspect still there?
I really need to know
where you guys are at.
Let me know when you
have the address, okay,
so we can send
somebody right away.
Do you
know this guy's name?
Do you know
what his name was?
I don't
know his name.
In the fall of 2013,
a couple of young men moved into
one of the properties I manage.
And I noticed all of a sudden
a lot of early morning traffic
coming and going, the tempo
of the building changed,
the vibe in the
building changed.
And usually that signaled
like some kinda crime spree,
like car breaks or something.
Then, I saw an incident
where two young women
were walking out and
one of the young women
was just walking out like this
and I just had a
really sinking feeling
that something bad had happened.
I checked the video
and I did have the
young woman on camera.
And I started watching,
and then I saw a report
of rape in the area.
So I contacted the police
department and asked
please have a detective call me
so we can check the video,
and if there's any evidence
turn it over to the police.
Two young women went
out for a fun girl's night
in the Gaslamp District.
At bar time closing
around 2:00 in the morning
while waiting for their Uber
they were approached by two men.
The men appeared to be
nice looking, friendly.
And they invited 'em back
to an after party
at their apartment.
Just a few blocks
from where they
were waiting for the Uber.
Once they got to the apartment
one of the women was led
to a bedroom with one male.
She recalls taking
a sip of something.
Next thing she knows is
everything was kinda hazy.
Ultimately, the friend
and the second male
entered the apartment
where the friend saw a third
male lying on the couch.
The friend and the second male
went into another bedroom.
Where they proceeded
to have a beer
and engage in conversation.
At some point, the victim's
friend got a little nervous.
She didn't understand
where her friend was.
She wanted to check up on her.
She walked through apartment,
opened up the other bedroom door
and saw her friend
lying face down,
unconscious, in a pool of vomit
with her dress off. She saw the
first male that they had met
on the street along
with a third male,
the one who had been
observed on the couch,
standing there naked,
erect and laughing.
We get a lot of cases that
involve alcohol, unfortunately.
When someone is so intoxicated
that they cannot consent it's
called rape by intoxication.
They are extremely
difficult cases to prove
because a lot of times the
only people who have evidence
are the victim
and the defendant.
Because of the
victim's intoxication,
the defendant can
write the story.
The victim in this case had
no idea who these males were.
The only information she
had was from her friend
who had seen one of the
male's driver's license.
When the victim's friend
and one of the perpetrators
were in the bedroom
she asked his name
and he told her that
his name was Jonas Dick.
And she did not believe
that his name was Dick.
And he showed her
his driver's license.
The victim went online,
through a lot of her
own investigation
was able to locate a
Jonas Dick from Kansas
on this website
called RSD Nation.
The victim did some
further computer research
where she found that Jonas
Dick was also an instructor
on a website called
There was another male,
also on
as an instructor, and
that was Alexander Smith.
The victim recognized
Alexander Smith
to be one of the perpetrators,
one of the individuals who
assaulted her on that evening.
The victim then read
through a lot of these blogs
that were a part of and one of the blogs
that she came across
was a blog by Alex Smith
and it was titled
"LR, Lay Report."
"Run a Train With
Bootcamp Student."
She located further a
blog by Jason Berlin
who was a bootcamp student.
Mr. Berlin went
into great detail
about what happened
in that room.
So they, yeah, kinda
put it out there.
Wrote a confession
and put it online
for the whole world to see.
This incident
occurred at a time
where I was questioning my
life and was very confused.
I did not have many friendships
or romantic relationships.
I became impatient and
embarrassed when I was unsuccessful
in developing friendships
and relationships with women.
I then made the biggest
mistake of my life
and began paying
thousands of dollars
for what I naively
believed was a mentorship.
I don't know how new this is.
Apparently, the
pickup artist industry
has been around for a long time.
But the callousness
of these individuals,
especially Mr. Smith
and Mr. Dick,
who were creating this company
and teaching people how to
essentially overcome obstacles,
taking advantage of
women and raping them,
is something that
I had never seen.
I mean, the fact that
they have this vocabulary
and this mindset, and that
they're teaching it to people.
And then they brag about it.
That's what's so
disturbing to me.
Is that they find it funny.
I mean, if you saw the victim
and the friend talked about how
when she was leaving
in her pool of vomit
they were laughing at her.
And then went onto a
website, bragging about it.
And saying, "This is
fucking hilarious."
They think it's hilarious.
The majority of
teachers are teaching
some form of process
that's quite unemotional.
You know, put in this input,
you'll get this output.
And in the process
of dehumanizing women
they are also
dehumanizing themselves
by becoming unemotional
and treating people badly.
And not feeling any remorse
or guilt about that.
Not having any empathy.
It dehumanizes everybody in the
process, not just the girls,
but also the student too.
That's why I do want
to be a part of this.
Because I think it does need
to be shown for what it is.
As a warning to potential
students and to girls.
I think what has been lost
is that men don't have
real mentors anymore.
We have school teachers,
and we have parents
who often have such
busy schedules,
they don't have
time for their kids.
And what we're left with
are books and the internet
just to learn how life works.
We don't have the
strong father figures
we used to have 50
or 100 years ago.
Growing up, I had a
lack of that in my life.
My friends too,
growing up they had the
lack of that in their lives.
Not only friends from
the pickup industry,
but friends in general.
That's my personal opinion.
Some instructors, I
feel like they're unhappy.
I don't feel like
they're really happy.
I looked at them inside.
Like, I look at their actions
and they're not really,
they're not really there.
And so, I need to pause,
relax and ask myself.
Why am I here?
What game or pickup
can do for some people
is to create this way
of having physical
closeness with a girl,
but without having to
actually be intimate
or put any feelings at risk.
Without actually
having to feel at all.
But, if you don't allow
yourself to feel pain,
then you're not gonna
be allowing yourself
to feel love either.
And I think if you really
look at these people
is there any love in their life?
There's lots of women,
but is there any love?
The dating game as
practiced nowadays,
which is quite aggressive, I
think, it's a loveless pursuit.
People are out for themselves.
People are trying to get laid
or they're evaluating people.
It's quite a
mercenary environment.
And now that I'm married I
have a lot of love in my life.
My whole life is infused
and surrounded by love.
Having dated all these women,
many of 'em cosmetically
very sexy and stunning like.
The thing that's rare
is not good looks.
The thing that's
rare is character.
How do they show
discipline and boundaries?
How do they respond
to disappointment?
How reliable are they?
How do they handle money?
And actually, when you
think of people lasting
you see old people,
they're just skeletal.
You know, their skin's sagging,
they're hobbling along.
What determines success in
the long run is character
and not cosmetics.
Young guys often get
distracted by cosmetics
to the detriment of their lives.
Guys want you to given
them this magic wand
that will make girls
find them attractive.
Because they don't realize
that it's an option for girls
to find them attractive
for who they really are.
And actually, the girl
who finds them attractive
for who they really are is
going to be the right person
for them as well.
We're so conditioned to feel
that we should be
something different.
And I feel like this is sort
of perpetuating that and going,
"Actually, you're
not good enough."
"You need to be like
this alpha character"
"that can get any
girls he wants."
If you've created
a false personality
you're only gonna ever
have a false love.
And maybe you don't care.
Maybe at the moment,
you don't care.
And, you're not
bothered about love.
You're bothered about getting
lots of girl's numbers.
But one day, you will.
It's a human instinct.
That's why you interviewed me.
You said, "You're the one guy
"you've met who's
made the leap."
I'm fascinated in 10
years how all these like,
hard-hitting PUA gurus resolve.
How do they bridge to
the next stage of life?
You know, Ross Jeffries
would be interesting
'cause I think he whimpered
into middle and late age,
and I think that's a lesson.
Someone once said
to me, "Ross Jeffries,
"I thought you were
an urban myth."
Fucking funny huh?
Ross Jeffries is a character.
And frankly, I'm
tired of playing him.
It's one thing to do
it when you're 30, 40.
But, when you're 58 years
old, it gets draining.
Do you understand?
So, over here is my bookshelf.
And this is the clunky
little piece of shit book
I self-published back in 1988.
It's pretty shameful.
Well, there's a lot of humor,
but there's a lot
of anger in it too.
I was misogynistic back then.
I had a lot of anger.
A lot of frustration.
Not anymore, I've grown too
old to have those attitudes.
No, I've matured out of it.
This is the most
embarrassing memento.
This was taken
sometime in 1988 or so.
You can see, I look a
little different nowadays.
I actually think
I'm better looking.
I like to think of how
my life woulda been
if, knowing what I know now,
I could go back in
time and implant it
in that young guy's head.
I think my life would be
tremendously different.
But those kinda what-ifs
don't do any good.
The what-ifs are
what-ifs in the future,
and in the immediate present.
Those are the ones that do good.
Girls, what are you doing?
I started a subculture
and an industry.
I am not responsible for
where people have taken it.
They've taken it in their
own perverted direction.
Anyone with the advent of
YouTube and Facebook can pop up
and claim to be a guru.
And I think there's a
lot of cruelty in it,
and misogyny, and all
the things I grew out of.
And I think there's,
a lot of it lacks compassion.
A lot of these guys are just
out to shark and consume
the people who they're teaching.
They're vultures, I
call them vultures.
Devourers of hope, they
devour the hope of men,
and, take their money, and
leave them empty shells.
And there are many people.
Believe me, I could have a
million or so in my pocket
that I could sorely
use right now
had I been willing to play
ball with the major companies.
They all came to
me, except for one.
Except for Real Social Dynamics,
they all came to me at one
time or another and said,
"Would you endorse
our seminars?"
"We'll give you 50% commission."
I said, "No, go fuck yourself."
And, I have a
conscience, I have to
express my passion,
and I can't do that
if I'm endorsing something
I don't believe in.
Here's what I would add.
Caveat Emptor.
Let the buyer beware.
Let the buyer beware.
That's what I'd add.
Let the buyer beware.
What's the matter?
Come here baby, it's okay.
She doesn't like the camera.
Come here, Tazzle,
come here kitty.
You're gonna have some
chow, what are you gonna do?
Come on.
Yes, she's my little cutie.
Isn't she a beauty?
Tell me you don't think
that's a beautiful cat.
Are you recording sound?
So, this is Tazzleberry.
Taz is a Maine coon cat.
I've had her 16 years,
she's an old lady.
Maine coon cats tend
to be very large.
They're like one of the
larger breeds of cats.
But Taz was the
runt of the litter.
She's seen daddy through a
lot of interesting times.
Pernilla Jones, come here.
My other kitty.
Come here Pernilla.
Pernilla is a tortoiseshell cat.
You're a naughty no-no.
Tell you that.
So Pernilla is quite jealous
when I talk to my
lady on the phone.
Pernilla is not happy about it.
She tries to knock the
phone out of my hand.
Come up here, get some brushies.
I've had, or rather, Pernilla's
had me about three years.
She's my cat wife.
I think she thinks
we're married.
She's extremely jealous,
doesn't like women to come over.
I am a huge cat lover,
I think cats are
miraculous creatures.
They're beautiful
and mysterious.
They don't listen unless
they feel like it.
Bye Taz.
See you later kiddo.
She doesn't care.
Yeah, what were
we talking about?