The Plot to Kill My Mother (2023) Movie Script

(mysterious music)
(heavy breathing)
(dark music)
- Federal agents, freeze!
Don't touch that gun,
Don't touch it!
(woman): What is this,
what's going on?
- Federal agents, freeze!
(man): Do you see me moving?
- Cuff him.
- Lorenzo, lorenzo!
- Cuff him.
(eerie music)
- What's this?
- Your new life.
- Teresa matheson.
- Sign here.
- You really think
you can protect me?
- Haven't lost one yet.
(soft music)
- Well...
It's not much,
elena, but it's home.
- Hello?
Teresa, is that you?
- We got this, right?
Hey, just you and me.
(soft music)
- Mom, I'm home.
- Elena, I didn't
hear you come in.
- Are we going somewhere?
- Uh... Actually,
I need to talk to you.
Let's go sit, dinner
should be ready soon.
- You said you wanted to talk.
- I have to go away
for a few days.
You'll be alright
on your own, won't you?
- Sure but what's going on?
Where are you going?
- I have to go home,
Back where I grew up.
Your grandmother
in the hospital.
- Wait, what?
- She's very sick
And may not have much longer.
- You mean grandma sofia,
did she die like a long time ago
Before I was born?
- That's what I told you.
- So my grandmother's
still alive.
- I thought I was doing
the right thing at the time.
- What, why?
- I'm sorry I lied,
but I wanted to protect you.
- To protect me from
my own grandmother?
- It's more
complicated than that.
- Complicated how?
Okay, well, why can't you
explain it to me?
Just tell me the truth.
- You have a right to know
the truth, but not now, not yet.
- Why?
- I need to finish packing.
- When do you leave?
- Early tomorrow.
I'll be gone and back
before you know it.
(soft music)
- Have a good trip, I guess.
- Bye, baby.
- Bye, mom.
(suitcase rolling)
- Bye.
(sinister music)
(man): I have to remind you,
this trip goes against
The advice of the federal
marshall service.
- I am well aware.
- Do you know that we can't
guarantee your protection once
You leave here, you'll
be giving up your cover.
- I know the risks.
They play in my head on a loop.
You know, there's some things
in life you just have to do.
I owe this to my mother.
- Your mother wouldn't want you
To risk your life to see her.
Teresa, don't do this.
- If anything
should happen to me...
- Your daughter
will be taken care of.
(doors closing)
(suspenseful music)
(distant yelling)
(dog barking)
(eerie music)
(distant sirens)
(door closing)
(engine starting)
(car beeping)
(keys jingling)
(distant scream)
(sinister music)
(phone): Hi, you've reached
teresa, please leave a message
And I'll get right back to you.
(voice mail tone)
- Mom, it's me.
I haven't heard from you
And I'm starting
to get really worried,
Please call me back.
(suspenseful music)
Who are you?
- Grant carter, us marshals
service, can I come in?
- I saw you before.
What do you want with my mom?
Is she in trouble?
- I'm actually
here to talk to you.
It's about your mother
but it would be better
If I could come inside.
You can keep
The door open if you want.
- Okay.
I was about to make some coffee,
do you want some?
- Sure. Thanks.
- So, you said you're
a us marshal?
- That's right.
- So what is it?
- It's about your mother.
- Yeah, you already said that.
Did something happen?
- She was found last night.
Authorities are saying
it's a homicide.
- What?
- I'm sorry.
- She's dead?
- Someone found
her at the hospital
After she had visited
your grandmother.
She had asphyxiated.
- How could someone
do that to her?
- Look, I know this is a shock,
do you want to sit?
I don't know how much
she told you about her past
And her involvement
with the marshal's office.
- Her what?
I can't.
I don't want
to hear this right now.
- This affects you too.
- My mom is gone.
I don't care
about anything else.
- For when you're ready to talk.
- Please just go.
Get out.
(soft music)
How could you leave me like
this, mom?
I still need you.
(heavy breathing)
Russo? What is this?
Four valley plain teens were
involved in a two-car accident
On Friday leaving one passenger
dead and another paralyzed.
Track star teresa russo was
hospitalized with several broken
Bones while her friend
jacqueline armstrong
was admitted
With a concussion and severe
facial lacerations.
Teresa russo?
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
Look, if you don't leave,
I'm gonna call the cops.
(man): Elena?
- Someone's outside of my door
trying to break into my house.
- Find a place
to stay out of sight,
I'll be there in less than ten.
- Okay.
- It's carter!
- Did you see them?
- I checked
the whole neighbourhood.
- Well, someone was here.
- I believe you and I take all
Potential threats seriously.
We'll see what your neighbour's
cameras can tell us.
- It's weird, right?
The timing.
- Could be a regular robbery
Attempt or it could have
Something to do with your mom.
- How?
- I guess teresa didn't mention
the witness protection program.
- Mom was in the witness
protection program?
- She was. So were you,
by default. Until now.
- Until she died you mean.
- Someone very dangerous
has been after your mom
For the past 21 years.
Last week when she went
to her hometown...
- They found her
and they killed her.
- So... So, you know who did it,
you can arrest them.
- Possible leads, but we need
something concrete to be able
To bring our case
to the us attorney.
Elena, I'm concerned about
your safety, especially after
Everything that happened today.
I think we should find
A place for you to move to.
- What?
What? No.
I just lost my mom, this place
Is the only thing I have left.
- Please consider this.
When you're ready,
We can set you up
with a new identity.
- Like you did for my mom?
Didn't work out so well for her.
- Alright, keep the door bolted
shut, make sure the windows
Are all locked,
don't let anyone in.
- You're leaving?
- I have to. I'm sorry.
- But I have more questions.
- Do you know arbor park?
Why don't you
meet me there at noon tomorrow?
I'll bring your mother's file
and I'll post a car out front
To watch the house tonight.
- I'll be there.
(suspenseful music)
- Uh, you got ketchup
on your tie.
- Ah, shoot.
As promised,
Copy of your mother's witness
protection file.
- There's not much here.
- Yeah.
Because her case is still open,
Some of the files
are classified.
- What about my dad?
Is he in here?
Lorenzo bruno.
This is him?
- Yes.
- Is there a photo?
Is that him with my mom?
Wait, are you telling me
that my mom entered
Witness protection because
she testified against my father?
- They were dating at the time.
By all accounts,
he was volatile.
Your mom did a brave
thing by testifying against him.
Not a good guy,
at least back then.
He was caught up with
a lot of dangerous people.
- And now?
- He's allegedly cleaned himself
Up over the last several years.
Who knows, maybe he's finally
straightened out his life.
- So he's out of prison?
Do you think he's the one
that killed my mom?
- He's on the suspect list.
- Along with who?
- The other defendant.
Here's a photo.
Frank stefano,
Notorious kingpin
of the criminal operation
He and lorenzo
were running back then.
- He looks mean.
- Your mom helped
put him away too.
- Damn, mom.
- Yeah, he's still doing time,
but he has other that'll
Do his dirty work for him.
- Have you talked
to any of them?
- Like I said before,
we're working all leads.
It's not always straight
forward, my team faces
a lot of red tape.
Have you given any
more thought to my offer?
- Sorry.
I can't do this right now.
- I put a form in there.
Take a look at it whenever
you're ready.
All you'd have to do
is just sign if you decide
You want to take the offer.
(suspenseful music)
(phone ringing)
- Carter.
(elena): You have to come.
- Are you okay?
- Someone was here.
- Don't touch anything,
I'm on my way.
How you holding up?
You've reconsidered my offer?
I think you'll realize
it's the right decision.
This is teresa's signature.
- Yeah.
She signed it
And look where it got her.
I'm not gonna
make the same mistake.
- The program works.
Now, what happened to teresa
shouldn't have happened,
But it was because she left
the witness protection program
To return to her old life.
- One time.
She left once to visit her own
mother after 21 years.
You should've found
a way to keep her safe.
- You're right.
- I do agree
with you on one thing:
Whoever was after my mom
seems to be coming after me.
I can't stay here.
- So what's your plan?
- Visit my grandmother
before it's too late.
- You're going to new jersey?
- Tomorrow.
I bought a plane ticket.
- I can't stress to you how bad
of an idea that is.
You'll be walking straight
into the lion's den.
- I've already
thought it through.
No one there knows me.
And besides, nobody is going
To expect teresa
russo's daughter to suddenly
Show up in town.
- Clearly somebody knows you
Well enough to be targeting you.
I can't keep you safe,
do you understand that?
- I just...
(suspenseful music)
I have to do this.
I need to know who my mother
was and while I'm there,
I'm gonna find her killer.
I'm not bound
by red tape like you.
- Are your people almost done?
I need to pack.
- Will you let me drive you
to the airport tomorrow?
(mysterious music)
(woman): Hello?
Look, I don't need no perverts
calling my...
- Hi.
Is this jacqueline armstrong?
- Who's asking?
- My name is elena matheson,
I'm the daughter of an old
Friend of yours, teresa russo.
- Teresa?
I haven't heard
from her in ages.
I didn't know
she had a daughter.
How is she?
- That's actually
why I'm calling you.
I'm sorry to tell you that
She passed away last week.
- Oh.
Now that's a shame.
I wish we could have
gotten together again,
For old time's sake.
- Do you still live
in valley plain?
- At this point,
I'm never getting out.
- I'm flying there tomorrow.
- Oh!
Well, you should come by for
a visit,
Where are you staying?
- I'll probably
just get a rental place.
- Ah, nonsense.
You can stay here.
I mean, it's nothing fancy,
But I've got a room to spare.
- That's really
nice of you, jacqueline.
- Well, teresa was
my best friend.
It's the least I can do.
And please, call me jackie.
(soft music)
- Here, let me help you.
- Oh, I'm good.
- You sure about this?
- Yes. I'm sure.
- Elena, please understand
that my hands are tied.
I wish it could be different
But my boss won't allow me to be
Your handler once you leave.
I won't be able
To guarantee your safety.
- You couldn't
guarantee it anyway.
- Wait.
Where will you be staying?
- With my mom's old friend,
jacqueline armstrong.
- Will you at least check in
with me when you get there?
Just a text to let me know
you're safe.
- Fine.
- And the address
Of where you're staying.
And her licence plate number.
Actually, if you could text me
once a day, that would be great.
- We're gonna be late.
- Ah.
(mysterious music)
(city hubbub)
(eerie music)
- Elena!
Is that you?
- Yeah, hi.
- Hi. I'm jackie.
Come on, come on.
Oh my gosh, look at you!
- Oh...
- Here let me take that...
- Oh, it's really...
- Oh, no, I insist.
- Oh.
- Okay, thanks.
Okay, well...
Okay, come on, let's go.
Ooh, you got a lot of stuff.
Sit, sit, sit.
You must be starving.
- Oh, well...
- I made my famous meatloaf,
Everyone loves it.
Oh, it's nice and hot.
Okay, here we are...
There it is.
Okay, you've got hot,
you've got cold, you're all set.
- Thank you.
- I couldn't believe
it when you called.
Yeah... But now that you're
here, you have to tell me
Everything about teresa.
I mean, god rest her.
We were inseparable growing up.
Always had big plans
to get out of this town but...
Of course, teresa was
the one to finally do it.
I often wondered where she went,
I felt like she fell off
the face of the earth.
- Oh...
We've been in ohio.
- Ohio?
Why would she go there?
- I don't think
she had much of a choice.
Mom was in witness
protection because of something
That happened before I was born.
I didn't even know about
any of this until she...
- Wait a sec, is this because of
that trial where she testified?
- Yeah.
- That's crazy!
You mean you didn't know
anything about your family
Or your mother's last name
or any stuff like that?
- I've never even met
my grandmother...
- Oh.
- And...
I hear she's not doing too well.
- Sweet sofia.
I heard she's over
at greenpoint hospital.
We can go visit
her if you'd like.
(clears throat)
What's the matter?
- I...
It just hit me all of
a sudden that she's so close.
- I get it,
it's a lot to take in.
I'll tell you what,
why don't you finish eating
And then I'll show you to your
room, you can get some rest,
And we can talk
more in the morning.
- Thank you for everything,
- Are you kidding?
There's nothing I wouldn't
do for teresa.
Eat, it's good.
It'll make you feel good.
It makes me feel good.
(soft music)
(shaky breathing)
You okay?
- I'm just starting to
realize that to my grandmother,
I'm a complete stranger. And I
know she's really sick but...
What if my going in there
just gives her a shock so bad
That it'll kill her?
- Oh, honey,
sofia's a tough one.
I think she'll be overjoyed
to see you.
- No.
No, I can't do this.
- That's okay.
If you're not ready now, we can
come back another time, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay, let's go, come on.
It's okay.
- I'm sorry.
It's okay, we'll come back
another time.
- Where are we?
- It's your grandmother's house,
It's where your mom grew up.
- Aw... There's that picture
of you and my mom standing
On the lawn as teenagers.
- Mm-hmm.
- So who lives there now?
- Oh, sofia still owns
it, but I don't think anyone's
Staying there while
she's in the hospital.
Come on.
- Where are you going?
What? Uh...
- Ah.
- I don't think
we should be here.
- Don't worry,
Sofia used to keep
a spare key hidden out here.
- Are you crazy?
- Relax.
I think if you could inside
the house it would help you
Get to know your grandmother.
Then you might feel more
comfortable visiting her, okay?
Key's gotta be here somewhere.
- Oh.
Hey there, kitty.
- What?
Someone's been feeding the cat.
- It's fine,
don't worry so much.
- Jackie...
- You're right, we should leave.
Let's go!
(eerie music)
- I'm trying to avoid breaking
And entering here,
can't you help?
- I'm not sure
what you want me to do.
- There's gotta be a way
to remotely access someone's
Recorded video footage.
I figured you feds
must know how to do that.
- Elena, you need to stay
away from that house.
- I know, that's why I'm trying
to do this remotely.
- Forget about that for
a minute, this is dangerous.
Anyone could be waiting
for you there.
- No one has a clue I'm here.
- Don't be naive, elena,
someone broke into your house.
It is possible, even likely,
they know where you are.
- Look, if you're telling
me that there's not a way
To remotely access those
cameras, then I'll just have
To go in there
to see for myself.
- No, that's
not what I'm saying.
- Don't you get it?
This is my mom's childhood home,
For all we know, she went there
That last day and that footage
Could tell us if anyone
one was with her.
- I hear what you're saying,
but there's an official way
These things should be done.
- You and your red tape.
- Elena...
- Come in.
- You doing okay?
- Yeah.
- That was a great day.
We ditched our last class
and went to the movies.
We snuck into dangerous minds
and ate our weight in candy.
- Can I ask you something?
- Shoot.
- I was thinking and,
you were right, it would be good
For me to get inside
of my grandmother's house.
I do want to try
to get to know who she is.
Is there any way you might know
of another way in?
- I don't know.
I didn't realize before
that there would be cameras.
- Yeah, but the cameras
could be a lot of help to us.
Maybe they picked up something
that could show me what happened
To my mom, like someone
following her.
- I do know of one other way
through a basement window...
At least that's what we used
to use back in the day.
- It isn't locked?
- The latch
was busted back then.
I used to help teresa sneak
through there whenever
We'd be out past curfew.
Could be worth a shot.
- Can I borrow your car?
- Ugh, keys
are hanging by the door,
Don't tell me when you leave,
I don't need
to know anything about it.
(car door closing)
(suspenseful music)
(alarm sounding)
(suspenseful music)
- Come on...
(sirens blaring)
(tires screeching)
(distant dog barking)
I can't believe you're here.
Thanks for bailing me out.
Aren't you going
to say something?
For god's sake, can you
just say something already?
- Do you need me
to tell you how reckless
That stunt was that you pulled?
- I wouldn't call that a stunt.
- How it cost you whatever
anonymity you had and revealed
Your blatant lack of concern
not only for yourself but also
For your friend jacqueline
and for me.
- I'm sorry.
- You're not my only case,
you know?
But you're the only one
I have to drop everything
For and get on a flight
to new jersey!
- I'm not your case at all.
I left the program, remember?
- I remember.
(distant sirens)
I made a promise to your mother,
to always look out for you.
So here I am
I'm driving you back
to jacqueline's for the night.
- What?
(suspenseful music)
Is that hair...
Is that my mom's hair?
- Change of plans.
You're leaving with me.
We'll get the next flight home.
- But... I'm not leaving.
- There's been two obvious
threats made against you,
Three if you count that person
lurking around your front door.
You just got arrested
and you're staying
With a woman you barely know.
- My mom knew her,
That's enough for me.
- Your mother also knew killers!
I'm sorry.
I'm just worried about you.
I want you
to come back with me now
So we can arrange a fresh start.
- And I want to go back inside.
(suspenseful music)
- Sorry, I tried to quit,
but I just get so nervous
With these things.
- The house is clear.
- Now will you
tell me what's going on?
- Show her the note.
- What note?
- It's confidential evidence.
I'd still feel better
If you'd come with me.
- Oh, no, no, no.
Elena's on her own journey,
she needs answers.
- I'm sorry for what happened
today and I apologize
For bringing you
all the way out here.
I realized I haven't been
going about things the right
Way but I do need more time.
- What about tonight?
- We'll lock all
the doors and the windows
And won't let anybody in.
- Good plan.
Do you have a couch
I can crash on?
- Sure.
- You're gonna sleep here?
- You need a toothbrush
or anything?
- I have what I need.
You got me out here, now I have
To make sure you stay safe.
- I'll make us dinner.
- Sounds great.
- I'll help you.
- Okay, why don't
you go get settled?
- Jackie...
With everything that's going on,
I completely understand if you
don't want me staying here.
I'll leave any time.
- Absolutely not. I meant it
When I said I wanted to help.
Anything for teresa's daughter.
- When I went
to my grandmother's house,
I found something
that I want to show you.
Do you know who this is?
(dramatic music)
- That's lorenzo bruno, your...
- My father.
- He and my mom had a
confrontation the day she died.
I think he had something
to do with her death.
I think that he's wanted revenge
Ever since my mom testified
against him.
What do you know
about the trial?
- Oh, well, I was there.
Your mother was the star witness
for the prosecution.
The jury found her sympathetic
because she was emotional
And visibly pregnant.
Hey, you know what?
Technically, you were there too.
- Carter says that maybe lorenzo
Changed after all these years.
Do you think that could be true?
- Honestly?
I think you can change
the suit but not the man.
(mysterious music)
- Freeze!
Stand up, slowly.
- Which is it,
freeze or stand up?
- I'm sorry.
I was sleeping pretty hard.
I thought someone broke in.
Let me have one of those.
- So, I was doing some
research online and came
across lorenzo's company.
They're real estate developers
And it looks
like they're hiring.
So I thought I'd apply,
See if I can get an interview
And guess what?
- You did.
- Interview's tomorrow.
- Are you nuts?
- I thought you might want
to give me a ride.
- No! This is a terrible plan,
It invites trouble to find you!
Look, I'm doing
what I can to keep you safe,
But every minute
you're out of the program,
Your life is on the line!
- Look.
- Is that lorenzo?
- Yeah. He was at my
grandmother's house harassing
My mom the day she was killed.
You need evidence, right?
Something to prove it was him?
Well, all I'd have to do
is gain access to his office,
Take a peek at his schedule,
Maybe his location history
on his phone.
That way we could at least prove
Whether or not he was at
the hospital during that time.
Stop shaking your head.
I wish I could get past
this but I can't.
My mom was all I had.
After she died I found out that
everything I knew was a lie.
I need to find out the truth.
- Maybe we can work together,
but you have to be careful.
Don't take any
unnecessary risks.
Can you promise me that?
- Yes.
- That feeling in your gut...
Trust it.
And I'll give you a ride.
(mysterious music)
- Are you looking
for the receptionist?
- Yeah.
- She should be right back.
- Thanks.
- Here you go, have a good one.
Do you want to order
a coffee while you wait?
- I shouldn't,
I'm here for a job interview
And I'm already nervous enough.
- Okay, let me guess...
Administrative assistant?
- No.
- Engineer?
- No.
- Uh...
Marketing department?
- Mailroom.
- Okay, mailroom's the best.
Seriously, there's a great group
of people down there.
And hey, we all got to get our
foot in the door somehow, hm?
I'm allie by the way.
- Elena.
How long have
you been working here?
- Just a few months.
Only part-time, though.
The rest of the time I take
classes over at the college.
- Oh, she's back.
Good luck.
- Are you gonna wish me luck?
- I'm gonna remind
you of your promise.
Now remember to call me...
- If I feel threatened.
Got it.
- Alright.
Go on.
(mysterious music)
- Seventh floor...
(suspenseful music)
I have mail for mr. Bruno.
- No one enters mr. Bruno's
office without an appointment.
Especially not someone
from the mail room.
Is that it?
- Here's that file.
Tell allison to double-check
the numbers.
(indistinct chatter)
(suspenseful music)
- Oh, you idiot.
Get it together.
You've been quiet
the whole drive.
How'd it go?
- I saw him today...
I thought I was prepared
but it was just so sudden
And he was just...
There and...
I probably drew too much
attention to myself staring
At him like an idiot.
- No.
Probably feels worse than
It was because you've been
Playing it over in your head.
Did he recognize you?
- No.
No, at least there's that.
- But his assistant is going to
be a major road block for us,
She's like a guard dog.
- Then you'll have to get into
his office when she's not there.
(suspenseful music)
You know, you don't have
to do this right now?
Especially not after
the day you've had.
- I'm okay.
- Hi!
Do you remember me from work?
- Of course, gosh, hey!
Congrats on getting the job.
- Thanks.
Do you work here too?
- Yeah, I intern here part time
For school credit. And some
day, I'll be a nurse.
- That's great.
- Are you, um, visiting someone?
- Yeah, kind of.
My grandmother is sick
but I've never actually met her
But I really want
to go and visit her.
I'm just afraid that
the shock might be too much.
- Hm.
You want some friendly advice?
- Yeah, please.
- Go see her.
People are
stronger than you think.
Look, I mean, if you're not
feeling ready for it,
I can check in
on your grandmother
The next time I come in.
I can text you and let
you know how she's doing.
- You would do that?
- Sure, it's no problem.
Give me your phone.
Alright, there.
You have my number
and now I have yours.
I can't thank
you enough for this.
- Any time.
I'll see you at work, okay?
- Yeah.
Don't start.
(glass breaking)
(eerie music)
- What the...
Let me.
- What is that?
(heavy breathing)
"don't make the same mistake
your mom made."
- I saw him, I saw him!
I was taking the trash and...
I... I saw the bastard
That threw it and I chased him
down the street but he jumped
The fence and I lost him!
- Well, did you see his face?
- No, he had a hoodie pulled up.
What's that?
- "you're a smash
at your new job but that
Disguise isn't fooling anyone."
- Time to move.
We need to leave.
- Leave, what?
No, what about jackie?
- Don't worry about me.
- Gut check, you made a promise.
- Jackie, I really...
- No, the most important thing
Is your safety, just go,
I'll be fine.
- Grab what you need for work
tomorrow, we'll come back for
The rest of your stuff later.
- Go.
- Things are getting worse.
That brick is the last straw.
We'll get rooms at this motel
for now but we don't have
a lot of time.
I need to identify this threat
and take it out.
- Don't you think if
this person wanted to kill me,
They would have done it already?
- That the theory you're
Willing to stake your life on?
- Well, I'm...
- Psychopaths are like cats,
Some like to play
with their prey before
they make their kill.
- Now it's a psychopath?
- I'm no profiler,
but just look at the facts.
Those little notes?
Pure egocentrism,
Aggressive arrogance,
- It's obviously lorenzo.
- We don't know that for sure!
- I just...
I just hate that I have
to leave jackie like that.
- Jackie will be fine,
you're the one they're after.
With you out of the house,
Jackie won't be
in danger anymore.
Maybe this will
finally convince you not
To let your guard
down with new people.
- Let my guard down?
- Giving your number
to strangers like
That girl at the hospital?
- She wasn't a stranger,
I met her at work.
- You didn't think to mention
that coincidence before?
A girl from lorenzo's office
Just happened to be at the
hospital the same time as you?
- You really think they could
both be involved?
- Yes!
In order for me to keep you
safe, I need you to not tell
Anyone, not jackie, not that
girl from work, where you'll be
Staying, do you understand that?
- Yes.
- I need you to cut off contact
with both of them, completely.
Only until we figure out
who's behind this.
- Fine.
- Now come on,
let's go get some rooms.
(mysterious music)
(suspenseful music)
- 7:40!
Come on.
4:15 train to new jersey,
- And if you get in a bind,
you can call me.
- Don't worry, I can handle it.
- Just doing my rounds.
- You're new here, aren't you?
- Uh...
This elena, she started
in the mailroom last week.
- I try to make a point
of meeting all new hires,
I like to know who I have
working for me.
- How nice.
- I usually ask my assistant
To schedule new employees
For a meet-and-great with me.
I apologize that we have seemed
To have overlooked that,
But we'll correct that now.
Portia, will you block out some
Time this week for me
To meet with elena, here.
- You can do Thursday.
- Thursday it is.
See you then.
- See you.
- Hey, what's up?
I texted you earlier.
- Sorry, I've been really busy.
(suspenseful music)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I just wasn't
expecting that.
- I should've warned you about
the meet-and-great.
Many have tried but I'm afraid
there's no getting out of it.
Is that why you were in there?
- Me? Uh... No, I'm...
I'm helping lorenzo
with his side project.
I could really use
the extra cash.
- What is it?
- I can't really talk about it,
He made me sign an nda
That's a really pretty scarf.
It reminds me of one my mom
used to have.
- It's nice, isn't it?
I actually just picked it up.
You can borrow it sometime
if you'd like.
- Thanks.
- Going down?
- No, I better finish up here.
- See you later.
(suspenseful music)
- You have your meeting
with lorenzo today, right?
- Unfortunately.
- No, this is good.
What you found in his schedule
Proves that he was trying
To cover up the fact
That he was in town
When your mom was killed.
- Yeah, but how am I just
Supposed to ask him about that?
- You can't, not outright,
but having a one-on-one
Conversation is a good start.
See if you can get him
to talk about allie.
- Allie?
- Yeah, you said they had
A private meeting.
- Yeah, one she claimed to have
Signed an nda for.
- See if he'll say anything else
about it.
- Find out what their
relationship is.
- Okay.
(mysterious music)
- Come in!
Come on in.
Close the door, please.
Have a seat, elena.
Do you want something to drink?
- I'm fine.
Thank you. For doing this,
I mean.
- It's important to me that my
Employees feel
like they know me.
That they can come to me
at any time for any reason.
- People seem to enjoy
working for you.
Like allie, for example.
I mean, I'm guessing she's been
working for you for a while
If you trust her enough
with an important side project.
- Loyalty.
You can't buy that.
Well, actually, you can.
So, never mind.
What about you,
where'd you grow up?
- Uh... I grew up in the
midwest, but most of my family
Lives on the east coast,
that's why I moved out here.
- Your parents?
- My mother passed away
and I never knew my father.
- You're like me.
My mother died when I was young,
My father was never
in the picture.
It's hard in life
without having someone
To guide you to the right path.
- You seem to have done pretty
well for yourself.
- Yeah, I'm doing well now.
But it's been a long road
to get here, a lot of bumps,
Lot of dead ends.
- How'd you turn it around?
- First, I had to figure out
who I was, but once I did that,
I realized that
I was good at something:
If I could put that to work
for me in the right way,
I knew that I could
be successful.
- You seem to have
it all figured out.
- Not quite.
What about you, elena?
I'm getting the sense
that you don't like
Talking about yourself.
- I'm not that interesting.
- What is it you want?
What are you doing here?
Why work at l.B. Corp?
- It's a great company
with lots of opportunities.
- I know that,
But what do you want?
- What do I want from you?
- Be honest.
- You really want
to know about me?
- My name is elena russo.
My mother was teresa russo,
she was murdered the day that
She came to visit my grandmother
After hiding from
you for 21 years.
You are my father
and I think you killed her.
- Elena!
- You can't run in here!
- Elena, stop!
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
(suspenseful music)
- Come on... Answer!
(tires screeching)
- Freeze, drop your weapon!
Are you alright?
- I'm okay.
What just happened?
- We got her.
Can you stand?
- Come on.
Come on.
Damn it!
- Is that blood?
- Uh, huh.
- Oh god, where is she?
- She's gone.
- That's her phone.
- It's evidence now.
Come on, let's get you
some place safe.
Stay close.
- I can't believe
you were right about her.
- You're in shock,
you should rest.
- Do you think
she's acting for lorenzo?
- We can't say until there's
a thorough investigation.
We need to get her in custody.
Until that's done, I'm afraid
You'll have to keep laying low.
- I...
That might be tough after what
happened today at work.
- What happened?
- You know how I was meeting
with lorenzo?
Well, he kept asking me
questions, prying and eventually
I just snapped
and I told him everything.
- What's everything?
- I told him who I am and
that I think he killed my mom.
- Holy...
- I know.
I know I shouldn't have let my
emotions get the better of me
But you should have seen him.
He paints himself out
to be some nice guy then he acts
Like he wants to help everyone
but I know he's a killer and...
She's probably working for him.
And I was their special project.
- We don't have proof
of that yet.
- You have allie's phone,
There's probably
something on there.
- Yes, you're right.
I'll have to get to the lab
for processing but it'll take
Time, which we don't have.
- I'm so sorry.
I screwed everything up today.
- No, you did the opposite, you
brought us a break in the case.
We have a lot for
our team to go on.
- What if we turn
the tables on lorenzo?
- What do you mean?
- Well...
What if we asked
him for another meeting?
One we could record.
- It could work.
We could play the allie's phone
card, make it sound like
We found something on it,
something incriminating to him.
- We'll do it at jackie's place,
I'll set it up.
- Wait.
If we do this, we have to think
It through, every detail.
The last thing I want to do
is put you in even more danger,
Especially with allie
still on the loose.
- We have to do this,
it's our only shot.
Look, you saved my life today.
I won't be reckless.
- Good.
- So is that a yes?
- Ready?
- I'm nervous.
- Oh...
Hey, is that thing live?
- Yeah.
- Wow, big brother
in my own house.
- I really appreciate
you doing this, jackie.
- For you and teresa?
- Is that clock right?
Because he was supposed
To be here at seven o'clock.
What if he's not coming?
- There are a million reasons
why he could be late.
Here, drink this.
Go on,
Bottoms up.
- Easy on the wine.
(elena): Do you think he's late
Because of traffic?
(jackie): Definitely,
It's always traffic.
(phone ringing)
There's construction,
Have you been on the turnpike?
- Carter.
(elena): I don't know,
Have you taken me there yet?
- Yes. (jackie): I have.
(elena): Is traffic bad
in new jersey?
- What's that?
(jackie): Construction,
people, cars.
Everyone's got two cars now,
(suspenseful music)
Traffic after seven.
- Have you id'd the victim?
Is he dead?
I'll meet you there.
(engine starting)
- What's up?
- He's not coming.
I was stupid to think
that this could work.
- You're not stupid.
You can't control chaos
and lorenzo's nothing but chaos.
- Um, no.
I wouldn't describe him as that.
He's more calculated.
- Trust me.
- How do you know
so much about lorenzo anyway?
- I used to know him quite well,
Better than anyone.
And he knew me too,
Like, really knew me.
What we had was special.
Until teresa
had to come and ruin it!
- What... What are you doing?
- You wanted answers, right?
I mean, that's why we're here.
Ooh, are you feeling
a little foggy?
- Mm-hmm.
- 'cause I gave you my special
vintage, I put a little
Something extra in it for you.
Lorenzo had an annoying soft
spot for teresa,
But not even she could compete
with what we had.
I guess that's why she had
to go get herself knocked up.
Listen to me!
This is important!
I was loyal to him,
even after what she did!
I gave him everything,
even a daughter of our own!
- A daughter?
- I wanted him to know how much
I loved him but he was always
Fixated on what
he couldn't have:
Teresa and you.
He became obsessed.
He started visiting sofia
with the hope that the bitch
Would come and visit one day.
To be fair, she finally did.
Wake up!
- You and my mom weren't
- Oh, we were at a certain
point, but after the accident,
I mean, things could
never be the same.
We both moved on.
We just moved on
with the same guy.
- Where's your daughter now?
- Oh, you met her.
My beautiful, allie.
Oh, no, no, no.
I can't let you call carter.
I'll take care of him next.
(laboured breathing)
The same way I dealt
with lorenzo and teresa.
- You killed my mom?
- She got what
was coming to her.
Like mother, like daughter.
- Seems like
a lover's spat to me.
- How do you figure?
- Final text on his phone
Says it all.
- Did you run a trace
on the number?
- Unregistered,
it's a burner phone,
But there is something else.
Excuse me.
Vape pen, we found
this under the passenger seat,
Must have fallen
between the cracks.
We swabbed it for dna,
The lab's working on it now.
- Call me with the result,
Keep me posted on
the victim's status.
- Will do.
(mysterious music)
(tires screeching)
- Why do all this?
- Teresa put lorenzo
away for years.
That was years away
from my daughter's life!
Why did he think
that barista job
Would make up for everything...
- You and your mother
ruined our lives!
(phone ringing)
What was that?
It's your little
rent-a-cop friend,
Looks like he's on his way back.
Do you want me to respond?
(mysterious music)
(suspenseful music)
(engine starting)
(tires screeching)
- Elena, are you alright?
- Uh-huh.
Is she...
- She's dead.
- No...
- Allison armstrong, you have
the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be used against
You in a court of law.
You alright?
- Yeah.
Any news about my dad?
- Looks like he's gonna
pull through.
- Well, I have to head out,
new case assignment.
- They'll be lucky to have you.
- I wish you'd consider joining
the program but...
You'll keep in touch?
Text me, let me know
How you're doing.
- I will, I promise.
- Oh, and elena, if you ever
need anything...
(soft music)
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Do you mind if I join you?
Alright, thanks.
I want to say I'm sorry,
for everything that's happened,
Especially with allie.
I knew jackie had been feeding
her lies for years but I didn't
Realize how bad things
had gotten.
- Maybe, serving time will do
Her some good
like it did for you.
It changed your life.
- I hope so.
(soft music)
- What is it?
- You look so much like teresa.
- I saw a video
of you harassing her at sofia's
House and that was
the last day she was alive.
- I went there
to feed sofia's cat.
I've been taking care
of her ever since sofia
Went into the hospital.
I never expected
to see teresa there.
I just wanted
to talk to her, but...
I know it's my
fault because of who I was
And how I treated
teresa back then.
I didn't deserve
anything from her.
I don't deserve
anything from you either.
(laboured breathing)
- Is this a dream?
- It's all real.
I'm right here, grandma.
- Pretty girl, tell me...
Tell me everything.
- Well, my name is elena.
Elena sofia, actually.
I was born October 14, 2001.
Mom and I lived in cincinnati,
It was always
just the two of us.
And she really was the best.