The Pope Drops In (2023) Movie Script

I won't give up
Sure can't give in
Know where I'm going
See where I've been
Damned if I don't
Damned if I do
I really thought I could
make it without you
Can't make it without you now
Can't make it, can't make it
I really thought I could
make it without you
Can't make it without you now
I really thought I could
make it without you
Can't make it without you now
If there is anyone
here that can give cause
as to why these two people
should not be united
in holy matrimony, speak now
or forever hold your peace.
I can.
And who might you be, sir?
Beth's husband in the eyes of God.
Michael, why are you doing this?
Buzz off, loser.
You do follow the Bible,
don't you, minister?
Of course.
The Bible is our sole authority.
Then you know that the
Bible says that a believer
can't divorce another believer
and then marry someone else
and she's married to a believer, me.
Are you a Catholic?
Yeah, so?
You pagan, heathen Catholics
aren't real Christians.
Oh, horsepooey, we are so.
- Are not.
- Are so.
- Uh-uh.
- Uh-huh.
This is stupid.
Well, yeah.
Oh, hey.
Aren't any of you gonna stand up?
You're on your own, weedhopper.
Who cares, it's an open bar.
Beth, don't do this!
That's my wife up there!
There, go gnash your teeth, Bible man.
Maybe life's one big mystery
We only see what we wanna see
You tell me so loud and clear
I tell myself what I wanna hear
May have learned these last few years
How to face your greatest fears
Time has come and we both know
You won't stay and I can't let you go
You won't stay and I can't let you go
You won't stay and I can't let you go
More art, just what we need.
Will you be careful?
This could be worth a lot of
money someday, if it survives.
Then put it somewhere
where I won't trip over it.
The living room is an
artistic obstacle course.
It's great, isn't it?
What are you?
I thought the house next door was vacant.
Must be critters.
With flashlights?
Swamp gas.
You're not even paying attention, look.
You're right, there's some lights.
Should I call the cops?
I don't wanna sound foolish.
Too late.
Wanna play spaceman?
Oh, now you wanna play spaceman?
Anything to get out of these masks.
Did you take the trash can
and the recycling out to the street?
Yes, princess.
Is that a point for me?
Offsetting, back to zero.
Rub my back and maybe we'll see.
Can we talk for a minute, please?
If you don't come out here,
I'm gonna strangle this dog.
We don't have a dog.
Well, you just saved his life.
Nice car.
Yeah, I'm leaving it to you.
Oh good, I'll trade it
for a villa in Tuscany.
What do you want?
I'm just getting my house in order.
Are you going somewhere?
Good, then maybe you'll
finally leave us alone.
And then you can
contract a legal marriage
with the Church.
You just won't let that die, will you?
No, but before I head off
to that big island resort
in the sky, just tell me one thing.
Why did you leave me?
Oh, I've told you a thousand times.
You know very well why.
Beth, as God as my
witness, I don't know why.
Last I checked, they still
don't let cheaters into heaven.
I never cheated on you.
Sure you did with that bimbo buyer.
Bimbo buyer?
The one you met at the base.
Wait a minute, you mean
that purchasing agent
at the air base?
It was David having the affair with her.
Then when I wouldn't lie
for him and his girlfriend
at the time found out and dumped him,
he said I'd violated the guy code,
but he still got what he wanted.
That bimbo, I mean purchasing agent,
let him put his name on our bid,
then she awarded it to him personally.
After that, he go it alone
and didn't need me anymore.
You're lying.
Oh yeah, I just made that up.
But that's not all.
The agent got caught and
David rolled over on her.
Pardon the pun.
Then she went to jail while
David was never prosecuted.
Then he stole you, the big prize.
Why couldn't you tell
me all this years ago?
I couldn't.
Even if you weren't lying and you are,
you didn't have to hassle
and harangue us forever
and we could have dispelled this years ago
and you wouldn't have had
to make my life miserable.
Has anyone in the world
ever been happy to see you?
He's all yours, David.
What do you want?
The same thing I always want,
for my wife's soul to be safe and holy.
Holy matrimony, Batman, what a surprise.
Yeah, easy killer.
But just think, if I wasn't around,
you could marry her in the Church
and maybe become a Catholic yourself.
The only way that I would
ever become a Catholic
is if Jesus Christ himself came down,
knocked on my door and
said, "Oh, I want you."
By the time He came back,
it'd be too late for ya.
Okay then, if the Pope asks
me, then I'll become Catholic.
Yeah, the Pope, that's a ticket.
Tell him drop in anytime.
Well, at least you still love me.
Did you steal the company?
I had to take over.
He destroyed the company's integrity.
It was a matter of survival.
And what about me?
Someone's gonna
take care of you, so I did.
David Paul Sheba, if you are lying.
David, how come we never pray together?
You knew I wasn't a praying
man when you married me.
at least you weren't praying
with me at the same time
you were cheating on me.
Please, sit, sit.
I am so happy and blessed
to see you all here today.
There are so many people
from different countries
here in Cleveland for the World Youth Day.
It is an amazing sign of
unity to see all the people
of different sizes and shapes and colors
sharing our beloved Catholic
faith with each other.
It is, it is like a little bit of heaven
right here on the lake.
Tell us, Your Holiness,
how does it feel being
the first African Pope?
Well, I would not know.
That happened in the first
century of the Church.
I am the fourth African Pope.
In the first 300 years of the Church,
each Pope was guaranteed to
be martyred for the faith.
I do not think that the pool
of applicants was very large.
It used to be that when people
wanted to state the obvious,
they would say, "Is the Pope Catholic?"
It's okay, you can laugh.
And many years later, it
became, "Is the Pope Polish?"
Still, it's okay, you can laugh.
Then sent John Paul II effectively
killed off all Polish Popes.
How many Poles does it take
to defeat the Soviet Union?
No one?
Just one.
Now the latest joke is,
"Is the Pope Black?"
Do you know any good ones?
It's been a long trip and the
Holy Father is a very tired.
Tomorrow he will be at
various World Youth Day venues
to smell the sheep, as it were.
And then two days from now,
the Pope will celebrate
a large outdoor Mass
at Lakefront Airport.
We're expecting more than 2
million people for the Mass.
I understand that's more
than when the Calves
won the NBA Championship in 2016.
That's right.
If it's big, it's happening in Cleveland.
Eat your hear out, Cincinnati.
You got any threes?
No, Cardinal Cariott, go fish.
Oh, ha!
A bishop and do you have any trays?
What's a tray?
Oh, well then, no.
Monsignor, do you have any sixes?
Hmm, do you?
Oh, Monsignor.
I have.
No worries.
Wouldn't it be great if Revelation
had a key to the numbers?
Come, on play.
Cariott's losing again.
- What?
- He always loses, always.
It's terrible, it's the easiest game.
I win at swimming.
When was the last
time you went swimming?
I'm a master backstroker.
You're going to go out to the Lake Erie
and do a little bit of
that while we're in town.
I float very well.
That's wonderful.
I can stay floating for hours.
I'm like a upside down whale.
Dear Lord, I know this World Youth Day
was scheduled before I was elected,
but why did You choose me?
I am no good at this glad-handy.
I don't even know why you made
me a bishop and a cardinal,
let alone the Pope.
I fear that I will be a lousy shepherd
and the wolves will ravage Your flock.
take this cup from me,
even if it means I have to die.
Commence Operation Pope Drops In.
They don't have any coffee inside?
Describing what they
have in there as coffee
would be a sin against
the eighth commandment.
I like this car.
It's a nice color.
I got stuck with a
whole fleet of these Fiats
because my predecessor did not
want to offend the Italians,
so I had them painted Church colors.
Mary Blue, Martha Red, Ordinary
Green and Latarra Pink.
Latarra Pink.
Yes, we only take those out
a couple of Sundays a year.
What, no Prince of Peace Purple?
No, apparently some rock star's estate
owns everything purple.
Can I ask you a special favor?
Go on, my son.
I need you to go with
me to visit someone
who needs to come back to the faith.
I don't think I have time.
Not have time to save a soul?
You know, I have many commitments.
I do, and I only have one,
but it's a very important one.
In fact, there's none
more important than this.
And if I won't go?
Then I will have to insist.
So, you are kidnapping me, eh?
If that's what you wanna call it.
Know you can go to jail for this?
You know when Jesus says
to Peter, "When you are old,
you will stretch out your
hands and others will dress you
and take you where you don't want to go"?
Yes, I know the passage.
Well, now is that time, Peter.
I don't think this particular time
is what he was referring to.
Probably not, but it'll have to do.
Is that gun?
It's my finger.
Did you cry at the end
of "Field of Dreams?"
Yeah, of course.
Me too.
All right, how long will this take?
They'll hardly miss you.
Here you go.
Who are you?
I am the Pope.
I know who you are.
Nice color, this car, Mary Blue.
We're riding in Mary's
Fiat, how appropriate.
How old are you?
Old enough to go on an adventure.
I am sure this violates
some sort of child protection protocol.
No, it doesn't.
Let the little children come to me.
Kids need adults around.
So where are we headed, Michael?
South and West, Cincinnati.
Wait, he can't go.
Sure he can, it'll be fun.
Are you nuts?
I'm kidnapping the Pope, of course I am.
This better be life or death.
Oh, it's more than that.
So you are in cahoots.
You might say that.
Hey, there are only four holes.
Carrying charges.
Funny guy.
Here, you want one?
Rock and roll makes me speed
Driving my car like a trusty steed
Crossing the river deep and wide
Headed outta town on Riverside Drive
Riverside Drive is calling
Makes me feel so young and alive
Riverside Drive is calling
Heaven must be something
like Riverside Drive
Heaven must be something
like Riverside Drive
Heaven must be something
like Riverside Drive
I really appreciate this.
Let's just get it over with.
Who are we going to see?
Some people you have
a natural affinity for,
a divorced and remarried,
non-practicing Catholic
and her not-anything spouse who
broke up her first marriage.
And how are you connected?
The guy's my ex-business
partner who stole the business.
The woman is my wife.
He stole her too.
I don't think it's very wise for me
to become involved in
a domestic disturbance.
Oh you mean husband pummels Pope
who was visiting wife, film at 11.
I don't want to be pummeled.
Are you sure you should be doing this?
Giving your love to
someone who betrays you
is the story of Jesus.
He is right, you know.
So, what do you do in your spare time?
Spare time.
You mean when I am not
being Vicar of Christ,
head of the Universal Church,
and Servant of all servants to God?
Yeah, that.
Love to bowl.
Play a little bowling ball.
It's so exciting, I love it.
You know any good jokes?
Spiro, he's not the Church jester.
No, no, no, no, no,
no, he's okay, he's okay.
Ah, everyone listening?
Aah, okay, okay, okay.
Why did the theologian cross the road?
To observe the good Samaritan.
So you have heard this one before.
Okay, so why did the Good
Samaritan cross the road?
Ah, to help the guy who was beaten up.
Eh, wrong.
To get away from the theologian.
How is that funny?
You gotta work on your standup.
Dying is easy, but
comedy, comedy is hard.
The banyo, please.
I need to go next stop, please.
Bishop, it appears the
Pope is headed out of town.
Why, I don't know, and where
he's going, I can't tell.
How do you know that?
Ah, I have a new and improved
Pope tracker on my phone.
As long as he has his smartphone
on him, we can find him.
Now then, do you have any men
you can put on this, tough ones?
Let me think.
Well, there's always
the Kamaraza brothers.
The the Karamaza brothers.
No, the Kamaraza brothers.
That's what I said, Karamaza brothers.
The K brothers, but can you
assure me, are they discreet?
My name is Dimitri
Leoni Disputin Kamarazo.
This is my brother, Alioso
Theodore Pavlonavich Kamarazo.
We call him Vepos.
Gentlemen, sit.
Make yourself comfortable.
Now then, I have a mission for you.
It is nothing less than saving the Church.
I need you to find the Pope.
The Pope is missing?
Either that or he has been kidnapped.
We will find him, Your Eminence,
and we will bring him back safely.
I swear.
Do not swear, we are in mixed company.
Gentlemen, allow me
to confer for a moment
with Monsignor Riacco.
Okay, so Monsignor, I was going
to pay these two yodel heads
to make sure the Pope never returned,
but now I think they are more
likely to accomplish that
by trying to save him.
What do you think?
Right, we can send
them on a perilous quest
wherein they will die,
along with the Pope,
and then you'll be a
shoo-in to be the Pope
at the next conclave.
They know we're here, right?
They understand we
are two feet from them.
I'm sure they know that they are doing.
I'm sure.
They're a very organized religion.
This is very true.
What shall we have them do?
Zip lining with loose connections?
Too obvious.
Bungee jumping with too long of a cord.
Too much fun.
Sabotage the tire swing over the lake.
We're not sending him to summer camp.
Look at their face.
We could tell them that
he needs to survive
a snake bite in his sleep.
And then we let them have one
that they let loose in the room.
It's very biblical, very Sherlock.
Too Pentecostal.
What's his kryptonite?
We cart, ooh, we could make
him run 'till he drops.
For what reason?
You're right.
Wait a minute.
He's got seasonal allergies.
So we tell the boys
he has to be locked away
in the dungeon of a
castle until he completes
substitutional penance for all
the scandals of the Church.
And no one can interrupt him
or he has to start all over again,
one day for every bad priest
in the last 100 years.
What will that do?
He'll like that.
No food.
We tell these honyocks only
angels can come and feed him.
They'll lock him away 'till nobody's there
and that moldy old castle
will kill him in no time.
- Brilliant.
- I know.
Now we just need a castle.
Let's search, castles near me.
Ah, here we are.
White Castle.
Oh, that's not right.
That's a chain that sells onion burgers.
- Burgers.
- No, onion burgers.
We're trying to starve him
to death, not torture him.
Me know castle.
It is in Loveland.
Gentlemen, you're about
to embark on a quest.
You need to capture the
Pope and take him to the...
White Castle.
The one you said.
- Loveland.
- Loveland, the castle.
And have him do penance
for the Universal Church.
It's tough love, my brothers, tough love.
The future of the Church depends on you.
Here, take this phone.
It's set to track the Pope's location.
And gentlemen, I gave up anger for Lent,
so don't piss me off.
Aye aye, sir.
You have no problem.
Yes, now you understand.
Good, good.
- We will do fine.
- We'll do fine.
We have to do this.
You have to leave.
Must find, find Pope.
Get out!
- Go, nice to meet you.
- Bye-bye.
Au revoir.
They are very nice, I think.
Do you think it will work?
Let's just say my miter size is a 7 1/2.
Hello, Mary.
Welcome, would you like
to try a tasting flight?
Not for me, I'm driving.
But how about a glass
of wine for our friend?
- Okay.
- And I'll take a grape juice.
All right.
In that case I'll have what he's having.
Oh, wine for your friend
and grape juice for you.
You know, your friend
there looks familiar.
Oh yeah, lots of people
say he looks like the Pope.
No, that's not it.
We ordered you a glass of wine.
Thank you.
Blood of the Grape.
What is the significance of that name?
My late husband and I
thought it would be an honor
to make the wine that
turns into the actual blood
of Christ at Mass, so
the blood of the grape
becomes the blood of the Lamb.
Good for you.
May I purchase a case?
This is all I have left
of the sacramental wine.
We had Jesuits in last week
and they cleaned me out.
Well, let's just hope they
don't turn it back into water.
Nobody move.
Follow my lead.
Oh, I love squirrel.
What is squirrel?
Oh, where'd they go?
Don't mess with the
Mike, wherever you are.
And you're out!
Nice shot, but let's see
what the judges have to say.
It was just war theory.
Proportional response.
The judges will accept that.
The judges will accept that.
Good, now let's get out of here.
The wine!
Hurry, hurry!
Come on, come
on, come on, come on, hurry.
Bless you, my son.
Get in.
- What are you doing?
- All right.
I always stop for hitchhikers.
And he gives them 20s.
Why you think they pick up bottle guy?
Because he obviously
want second hostage.
Oh, he's very smart.
Oh, you're very smart.
My calf, my leg, my back leg is hurt.
I get Charles horse.
Hi, I'm Jesse.
This is Michael and that's Papa.
The real thing.
Yep, but nobody believes it.
Well, he doesn't seem very Pope-ish.
He's a little timid yet,
but we're working on it.
Hey guys, I am right here.
See, he's just getting
better at asserting himself.
Just give him some time.
Oh, this trip will be good for him.
Hey, no touching, no touching.
What are you guys, shrinks?
So what's the mission?
Tell him, Papa.
You can tell him.
I can't even believe
that I am doing this.
Okay, so, Michael is
trying to save his wife
who divorced him and married
his ex-business partner
who stole the company and
his wife some 20 years ago.
Why? Because Michael would not
lie for him to his girlfriend
about his infidelities many years before.
Now this same said ex-business
partner has told Michael
that he will become a
Christian and join the Church
only if the Pope drops
in and ask him personally
and we are on our way to
Cincinnati to do just that.
What if David reneges?
How do we know his name?
I wouldn't mind some
help around here sometimes.
I help, I make the money.
Oh sure.
Porsche is nothing but Brutus' harlot.
This isn't a business,
this is a marriage.
Where's this coming from?
Do you know what day it is?
Seven chances and six don't count.
I know it's not "don't
hassle your husband day."
It's our anniversary.
So tell me more about this situation
before I go and get my head blown off.
You're in no danger.
David knows the truth
even if Beth doesn't.
So you think this is
partially your fault?
Not that I know of.
I loved my wife dearly.
There's lots of innocent
spouses out there.
Nobody's perfect, but a
marriage without forgiveness
will always end badly.
You know, the Lord says
that if we even look
at another woman with lust in our heart,
then we have committed adultery with her.
Look, I certainly appreciate
the finer attributes
of feminine pulchritude,
but I never acted on it.
I think she just decided
she didn't love me anymore
and wanted out.
And why didn't you ask for an annulment?
I had no grounds.
I kept my vow.
Plus David's divorced,
too, so even if she asked,
it wouldn't have been enough.
He'd never accept Church authority.
I'm sure he'd say he didn't need it.
The more you tell me
about the situation,
the more I doubt it will do any good.
Perhaps, but what are you afraid of?
I am not afraid.
I am being prudent.
No, you're being a coward.
Stop this car.
Pull over.
Pull over now.
It was a dumb idea all the way around.
It's the same thing Jesus did for us.
To who else can we go?
I said I would help and I will.
Michael, I am sorry.
All this wine and running
has given me heartburn.
The Pope has ajathu.
What is that?
A Sicilian heartburn.
Oh, I get that a lot in Rome.
Hey, I know that guy,
that's Gums and Roses.
- Me too.
- Yeah.
All right, now you go to the bathroom
and I'll get you some antacid.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, bathroom.
Bathroom, oh.
Hop right in.
Bathroom, bathroom, you stay there.
Step here.
Think I could pass for a cowboy?
No partner, you're
all hat and no cattle.
But I have sheep.
That's true.
Here, try these on.
You'll be less conspicuous.
The dude
He's the dude
Sometimes it feels
like a ball and chain
Pinned ultimate penance
for winning the game
You're no volunteer
They all step back
Surprised your a
pontiff, you're a trap
Always be lonely, but never alone
Can't step out for pizza
or talk on the phone
So why does this kid
feel like you're free
Maybe never go back
to see what you see
The dude
He's the dude
He thinks these clothes
are less conspicuous
Hate to see what he
thinks is ridiculous
Car ride full of itinerary pilgrims
The smell of these sheep is
the smell of these humans
So now you're traveling incognito
In a Mary Blue Fiat 5-0-0
The dude
You're the dude
He's the dude
Where's the fire up on those threads?
The dude
Oh, Gums is down for ride-a-long.
The more the merrier.
He's the dude
All this chocolate cake
Had enough sugar to make you shake
Caramel icing tasted great
On all this chocolate cake
Well, all my aunts
and uncles have died
They all went to the other side
When they got to the pearly gates
Saint Peter handed them chocolate cake
All this chocolate cake
Had enough sugar to make you shake
Caramel icing tasted great
This way.
This is Dimitri Leoni Dispuk Kamarazo.
We are trapped in a field
on a farm with two peacocks.
These two dead batteries
are afraid of a couple of peacocks.
Where are there peacocks in Ohio?
Your Eminence, there
are peacocks displaying
all over Ohio, it's the mating season.
Yeah, here, yes, Your Eminence.
Tell him something smart.
Here, it's Webus.
- Who?
- The other brother.
Webus, why are you in a field,
a farm in the middle of
nowhere with peacocks?
We had to pee.
Yeah, yeah, yes.
Drive through the birds
and catch up to the Pope.
Dimitri, did you ever
play capture the flag?
Well, yes, just last week.
Well, this is capture the Pope.
Now get moving.
So why doesn't the
Church put its full weight
behind making divorce illegal?
That is absurd.
No country would pass it.
Well, not with that attitude.
That is temporal, we are spiritual.
It is not our job to politic.
Unless the temporal is
destroying the spiritual.
Unless you show some fortitude,
there'll be no one to hide
our priests in their basement
when the persecution comes.
You're being a little bit
dramatic, don't you think?
Well, just think about it.
All right, I will.
Now, can we stop?
Fine, no more discussion.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I have to go again.
Oh, okay.
We're almost there.
I'll be in the gift shop
looking for a ball and chain.
I will be in the bathroom.
Hello, gentleman.
I know this man.
This is from.
Pope in castle.
Pope in castle.
Cardinal Cariott.
This is Dimitri Leoni Disputin Kamarazo.
I know it's you, how are we doing?
We just see Pope, we
are at Loveland Castle.
The Pope just to go inside.
Crush any resistance.
It is imperative that you
secure the Pope in the dungeon.
All of Christendom is counting on you.
Yes, Your Eminence.
Let me know when you've succeeded.
Yes, Your Eminence, we go inside now.
Yeah, good.
You go that way.
I go this other way.
But the Pope went straight.
This is too easy, could be trap.
Oh, Dimitri, this is why
you are bigger brother.
Do you know that we are on a mission
to actually save someone?
Actually two.
We are on mission to
save all the Christendom.
Who told you that?
Cardinal Cariott sent us.
You have to stay here in
dungeon and pray reparations,
one day for every bad
priest in last 100 years.
He said that?
Yes, Your Popalness.
Do you know that I am
deathly allergic to mold?
How long do you think I would live
if locked away in a moldy dungeon?
One day for every bad
priest in last 100 years.
Six months.
Lower yet.
Six days?
And Cardinal Cariott put you up to this?
But he never told us you would die.
This would be evil.
My son, there are enemies both outside
and inside the Church.
This is one of those times.
When was the last time
you went to confession?
Oh, I don't remember.
The last time Mama made us go.
You are such a bright boy.
Come, sit down here
and tell me.
Where is my brother?
The Pope's hearing his confession.
Well, I must get in.
We have mission.
Oh yeah, well, so do I.
You're not gonna stop mine.
But Cardinal Cariott say
we have to save Church.
The Church always needs renewal
and the Holy Spirit is
taking care of that.
From now on, your
name is no longer Webus.
It is Aloysius, your Christian name.
Thank you.
I never liked Webus.
Nobody liked Webus, everyone hated it.
Now, are you ready to have some fun?
Oh yes.
Now play along with me, huh?
- Ready?
- Yes.
You did what?
Stay right here.
Now, quickly, go and get
your brother and bring him in.
I am going to ask you the same thing.
When was the last time
you went to confession?
I do not remember.
That is correct, you do not remember.
Whisper in my ear what
you wish to confess.
I like "Die Hard 2"
better than "Die Hard 1."
Very well.
Do you have a firm
purpose of making amends?
Oh yes, Your Holiness, yes.
Then I absolve you from your sins.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
But Your Holiness,
should I not have penance?
Dimitri, your penance is
to call Cardinal Cariott
and tell him that everything
is well here in the castle.
Watch this.
This is going to be good.
Your Eminence, this is Dimitri
Leoni Dispuk Kamarazo again.
I know who it is.
I wish to report that Pope
is secure in Loveland Castle.
You both get a gold star.
Now, lay low, make yourself scarce.
Don't call me.
If you have any trouble,
I will disavow all knowledge
of your actions, capeesh?
Yes, Your Eminence.
Excellent, excellent.
How do you feel about
becoming my bodyguards?
It would be honor of Dimitri life.
I love it when a plan comes together.
I wonder what name I should pick.
Oh, Senor, birds of
a feather fly together.
One down and two to go.
Ah, and here they are.
These two gentlemen are my new bodyguards.
Michael, where can they go to wait for us?
Well, if they like ice cream,
there's a Whippy Dip down by the freeway.
Whippy Dip?
No matter.
You two brothers go down
there and wait for us
and we'll pick you up on the way back.
Shall we do what we came here for?
Yes, let's do it.
I am anxious to meet these two.
You're him?
Yes, my dear.
Oh my.
I'm not worthy to have
you enter under my roof.
Just say the word and I will.
David, there's someone here to see you.
Did mail come?
No, somebody else showed up.
Oh crap.
Are you kidding me?
A celebrity look-a-like.
This is Michael's doing, isn't it?
You know that can't be.
Oh, contrar.
Michael drove me here and
told me the whole story.
- He what?
- He what?
He drove us all the way from Cleveland,
me and Michael, Spiro,
Jesse, and Gums and Roses.
And we had a couple of close
calls along the way too.
Now I'm sure he's an imposter.
I assure you I am the Pope.
I think he is.
No way.
Why would the Pope come
alone to Cincinnati?
In fact, how could he come alone?
Doesn't he always have an
entourage with him or something?
Really, David, I am the Pope.
Non illegitimi carborundum.
Come again?
I am still the Pope and you are not.
No, I am not and neither are you.
I'm David.
I don't know who you,
do you have a picture
or resume or something.
Eh, eh, eh, eh.
I am telling you the truth.
Michael kidnapped me
and drove me here today.
That's really impossible.
Oh, a Pope who's into the Talking Heads.
Michael died six months ago.
Now I found him kneeling
in front of our mailbox,
stalker 'till the end.
Stalkers don't have candles and a rosary
in their hands, David.
Then who drove me?
Call your agent, ask him.
Wait a minute.
I can prove I am telling the truth.
Michael told me something that
only a husband would know.
How did you know that?
Michael told me so you would believe.
Okay, suppose you are the
real Pope, why are you here?
I am here to invite
you to join the Church.
Isn't that what you said it would take?
Yes, don't lie to the Pope.
Actually, I'm here for you too, my dear.
My predecessors made a big
effort to invite people
who have been divorced and
remarried with no annulment
to come back to Communion
in certain circumstances.
Why didn't you?
I couldn't.
Because no matter what anyone says,
I knew it was wrong because
we didn't get an annulment.
Okay buddy, you are outta here.
Okay, fine, do whatever
you want with this imposter.
Would you like for me to
take your confession, my dear?
Yes, I would.
Oh my God.
Bless me, Father.
Go on, my dear.
I forgot.
Tell me your sins and
we'll go from there.
Is there anything else you
need to tell me about all this?
Nothing at all since Michael died?
You never told me how we
managed to pay off all the bills
and the mortgage and then go on vacation.
One day you were on a ledge and the next
you were whistling Dixie.
He left me money, didn't he?
Oh, he left us a little, you a little.
How much?
Actually it was $1,206,856 to be exact,
plus house next door.
He owned the house next
door with all the lights
and you didn't tell me.
I was trying to protect you.
Protect me?
David Paul Sheba, I swear I am going to-
- Beth, Beth.
At times like this, it is
best to do something normal.
Bad dinosaur, bad dinosaur.
It's okay, it's just his CPAP.
He has to clean it.
What are you guys watching?
Come, it's funny, bring your mask.
I've seen it, it is funny.
Sweetheart, how long
are you guys gonna be?
Now I'm a sweetheart.
I better go.
No, don't go, it's early.
Yes, you two have
some things to work out.
Thanks for coming,
best practical joke ever.
Is that more
beer? Great, more beer.
I never knew you could
get them in cherry.
This chocolate is money.
You want a dip top?
What is a dip top?
What he's got.
Soft ice cream, hard shell top.
I'd start with the classic
chocolate on vanilla.
Ah, the Whippy Dip.
I'll have chocolate on
chocolate with sprinkles.
Jessie, Gums.
Yeah, we'll both have the classic.
Well, I'll be.
It's getting too late
to drive back tonight
so you guys sack out in the cars.
The Pope and I have a
quick run in the morning
before we head back.
We do?
Yeah, we do.
Are you the Archangel?
You don't see any wings, do ya?
I'm just a trainee.
Second class.
I'm going over
there in the morning.
Good, you can find out
what he was doing back there in the trees.
So you did know what
those lights were that I saw?
No, I didn't.
I knew he was up to something back there.
Oh, this just
gets better and better.
The birth mark on my thigh.
Your what?
Michael told the Pope.
The Pope told me.
Even when he's
dead, he's in our bed.
How'd I not know you were this close
those last few months?
How could I let you die all alone?
Michael, I thought you were gone.
How do you know that
you won't save your spouse
with your steadfast example
of faith, hope and love?
Thinking of your tender touch
Must have loved you far too much
And I, I keep hoping that some day
You'll walk the path that leads my way
You'll walk the path that leads my way
Oh, magnificent.
Michael, you built this for me.
Why do you love me so much?
I've never felt closer to
you than I do right now.
Michael, I am sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Amazing, isn't it?
Statue, aah.
It's always the men who resent her.
But the women get it.
Well, I don't.
So she had a kid.
I don't think you can
make this journey with me.
Michael didn't cheat on me, did he?
Then it was you, just like he said.
He wouldn't lie for you,
so you came after me to get even.
I came after you 'cause I wanted you
more than anything in my life.
And don't get on your high
horse about what I did.
You wanted to leave him.
You turned so easily.
Don't blame me.
You got what you wanted.
I want my soul back.
And I want a husband who
wants his soul back too.
Babe, you are so not getting that.
You want something that I never promised.
You changed, not me.
Then go.
Look, Beth, I.
I'm no good at, you know, religious stuff.
Forgive me if I would do
anything to have you for myself.
It was wrong.
He broke the guy code.
The one where you lie and cheat for men
who lie and cheat on their wives?
Sounded better in my head.
There's a thin line
between love and hate
and right now you're on
the wrong side of it.
What do you want?
To keep your word.
The Pope came.
Oh my God, the flippin'
Pope came to our house
to offer you a personal invitation.
Get an annulment, marry me in the Church,
and don't be such a prick.
All right.
I'll try.
And there it is.
I'm crushed,
like Jesus.
Loving your enemies is never easy.
They were never my enemies.
I spy something blue.
Ha, the dashboard.
He got it the first try.
Too bad it's not at night.
We could play padiddle.
Oh, yeah.
Let's sing.
Well I went to Cincinnati
and I walked around the block
And I walked right into a bakery shop
And I picked up a donut
hot out of the grease
And I handed the baker
off five cent piece
Well he looked at the
nickel and he looked at me
And he said, Young
man, it is plain to see
There was a hole in the nickel
and it goes right through
Said I, There's a
hole in your donut too
Thanks for a donut tap, tap
So where do donut holes come from?
Donut holes.
Papa, how are you enjoying your trip?
Well, it was unbelievable.
And by that I mean no
one will ever believe me.
Don't even try.
You know, I understand why
Michael has kidnapped me.
I don't understand what
you guys are doing here.
We need you to right the ship.
He wants you to call a council.
Three months in and you are asking me
to do something that only
happens every 300 years?
I'll die before it's even over.
It ain't over 'till we say it's over!
Nicely said.
Oh, I cannot lead something that big.
I would lose control.
And the Church, the
Church would be destroyed.
Call it.
You just had to ask.
We gotta go.
Catch you when I come back.
Hit me.
Just hit me.
It's okay.
I was hoping it was a dream,
but clearly I'm awake.
Well, you did get a nice nap in
from Chillicothe to Wooster.
Hey, thank you.
Two down, eight billion to go.
Just doing my job.
Oh and about Beth and David.
With enemies like you, who needs friends?
where I'm going, I won't
need these anymore.
Dimitri, Aloysius, get my things.
I carry.
No, no, no, you drop too much, I carry.
I am bigger brother, carry hat.
Ooh, camera, camera.
Here, you take picture.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I go that way, you go this way.
Why don't we just go straight in?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
He's too easy, could be trap.
Getting good, my brother.
You did.
Did you miss me?
Sit, sit, sit, sit.
Were you kidnapped?
I know you would like
to know where I was
and what I was doing, et
cetera, et cetera, et cetera,
but all I can really tell
you is that everything
that I was doing is under
the seal of confession.
So how do you say I scuffed some wine
to take back to the Vatican?
Yes, Ohio wine is a very good wine, no?
Ah, he knows.
And sometimes I feel like I'm
the only cowboy in Ohio today.
Comedy is easy, dying is hard.
Why won't the Church get with the times?
Why want the times get with the Church?
Your Holiness, what are you doing
about the scandals within the Church?
There will always be
scandals in the Church.
The Institution is divine,
but the people in it are not.
We must do everything we
can to heal the victims
of our sins.
The real scandal is the
hierarchy protecting itself
while the sheep are slaughtered,
which is precisely why the
Church has real standards for us
to be judged objectively by when we sin.
The devil, the devil loves
to turn a priest, why?
Because he knows he can take
so many others with him.
But there are hundreds
and thousands of priests
who have given their lives to
the sheep and have not fallen.
We must say thank you to them every day,
every time we see them.
But what are you going to do yourself?
Believe in our Lord Savior Jesus Christ.
Serve God in truth.
Pray and love each and everyone
as God has loved us Himself.
For in the end, that is the
only thing that one man can do.
And since the Church is
always in need of renewal,
I will call the Third Vatican Council
to put the permanence of marriage
back into the center of our faith again
and declare spiritual
warfare against divorce.
Other than that, nothing.
Thank you, thank you for coming.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for coming.
What's he doing calling a council?
He's just a temp, a caretaker.
Don't worry about it, Cardinal.
This could play right into our hands.
And just how could that be, horn blower?
If we could be sure that he dies
while we're at the council,
all the cardinals would already
be in Rome for the vote.
If, I don't like that word, if.
Pontiff Cariott.
Yes, Your Holiness.
May I have a word?
Nice suits, matching.
Eyebrows as well.
Holy Father, I'm so glad
to see you home safely,
but you must prepare us
for this type of thing
in the future so we do not worry so much.
So nice of you to express
such sentiment, Cardinal.
Would you like me to
hear your confession now?
But Your Holiness, I
have nothing to confess.
I see.
Then are you prepared to
go to the ends of the earth
to proclaim the gospel?
Most certainly, Your holiness.
I have a new assignment for you
where you can put such
commitment into practice.
You are now the Cardinal
Archbishop in Sheberghen
in Northern Afghanistan.
Well the harvest is few,
but the workers are small.
Afghanistan, the sandy, rocky one?
Shall we pray?
Lord, let me get some sleep tonight.
That's not a prayer.
Well, sure it is.
For other people.
Then teach me.
All right.
But once you know how, you have to lead.
By the way,
happy anniversary.
I promise next year I'll remember.
Wanna play spaceman?
This is one small step for man
One giant leap for man freakin' kind.
Oh, you're so full of
it, he never said that.
Oh, sure he did.
See, he was on a delay and
he fell down the first time
and had to do it again so
we only saw the second take.
We need a second take, not Neil.
Okay, take two.
We're lost in space!
The stone soup's almost
ready, Your Eminence.
We can play fish later if you like.
Oh, shut up.
Yes, Your eminence.
You ask me for a reason why I love you
Darned if I can tell you why I do
You set your smile on
me and how you hold me
Mostly I just love
you 'cause you're you
The sun upon my face is so much warmer
The moon, it looms
much larger in my view
The stars are in my eyes
and they're much brighter
All because I love you like I do
Together or apart
You were always in my heart
All I really know is you make me happy
So you ask me for a
reason why I love you
Darned if I know why,
but still it's true
Even God may have no better answer
Than mostly I just love
you 'cause you're you
Mostly I just love
you 'cause you're you
And I will always love you
'Cause you're you